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Smw apgro^. CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1893. Transition in the Industrial Status of Woman . Katharine Coman 171 The Novel of the Future Alice W. Kellogg 178 A Night in the Cathedral Mary E. Dillingham 182 At Sunset Edith E. Tuxbury 184 Themes 184 Norse Fiction Martha G. McCaulley 188 The Dark Florence Converse. 193 Sketches Involving Prorlems.—A Settlement Study Caroline L. Williamson 193 Editorial 199 Free Press 204 Book Reviews 209 Exchanges 212 College Notes 217 Society Notes 217 College Bulletin 218 Alumnae Notes 219 Mabkiagks, Bibths, Deaths 220 Entered in the Post-oiiice at Wellesley, Mass., as second-class matter. tuno rftiNTina comfaky, «03icm. L. P. Hollander & Co., kadies' Jackets, Goats, Ulsters mi JSafitles. The Largest Assortment of Fine Goods in the Country. Our Selections for Fall and Winter comprise every variety of garments. Our chief aim has been to secure exclusive shapes and materials, and as few duplicates as possible. Our prices we guarantee to be as low as any in the city for similar qualities. ll&Aids ^ fpinpnjed MISh The Latest Parisian Shapes and Novelties in Trimmings. Also ENGLISH ROUND HATS, From Henry Heath of London. 202 Boylston Street, and Park Square, Boston, Also 290 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK. GENUINE ZRTXSIHITOISPS Light Cedar Boats and Canoes. EASY ROWING. SROES r ^?T~ -~r^ of evepg description. The latest in style, best in quality, at moderate prices. Gymnasium shoes of all kinds at low prices. Special discount to Wcllesley Students and Teachers. Tennis Goods, Racquets, etc. Skates, Dumb Bells, Indian Clubs. Fine French Opera Glasses. Leather Dogskin Walking and Exercising Jackets, for both ladies and gentlemen, soft as kid, used in riding, skating, etc.; impervious to cold.
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