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King’sHeath LOCAL ACTION PLAN A Future for King’s Heath January 2006 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION page 3 2. STATUS OF THE PLAN page 3 3. KING’S HEATH - THE PLACE page 4 AND ITS PEOPLE 4. POLICY CONTEXT page 4 5. VIBRANT URBAN VILLAGES/ page 5 LOCAL CENTRES STRATEGY 6. URBAN DESIGN PRINCIPLES page 5 7. SHOPPING/ECONOMY page 6 8. TRANSPORTATION AND page 7 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 9. ENVIRONMENT page 10 10. HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT page 12 11. HOUSING page 13 12. EDUCATION page 13 13. LEISURE page 14 14. THE WAY FORWARD page 15 15. APPENDICES page 16 Proposals Map page 16 Development Opportunities page 17 USEFUL DOCUMENTS page 18 CONTACT INFORMATION page 18 King’s Heath LOCAL ACTION PLAN 1 The King's Heath Local Action Plan was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) by the Cabinet of Birmingham City Council on the 9th January 2006 under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. King’s Heath LOCAL ACTION PLAN 2 INTRODUCTION STATUS OF THE PLAN 2.2 What can the Local Action 1 2 Plan achieve? 1.1 The purpose of this Plan is to 2.1 The Local Action Plan has The Local Action Plan is provide guidance for future been prepared by Birmingham fundamentally a land use and development in King’s Heath, City Council in consultation with transportation document which lies within the electoral local residents, residents’ providing planning guidance for wards of Moseley and King’s groups, schools, community future developers and it will be Heath and Brandwood. It is a groups and the traders’ group. used in the determination of residential suburb located The Plan has been prepared in future planning applications. The approximately 4 miles south of response to requests from local plan identifies potential sites for Birmingham city centre. The residents and ward members and redevelopment (see proposals Action Plan will be used to guide has been prepared within the map) and provides advice on land use and transport changes context of The Birmingham Plan, transportation issues in order to in the shopping area and the side the City Council’s Birmingham encourage inward investment. streets off High Street and Unitary Development Plan 2005. The plan also seeks to address Alcester Road South. The Local Action Plan was issues and concerns raised adopted by the Cabinet of the during the consultation exercise City Council on 9th January such as parking and traffic 2006. issues, and the overall environment of the area. The PLAN OF STUDY AREA plan can also act as a tool for bidding for other funds. 2.3 The Vision The aims of this Local Action Plan are: To maintain and strengthen the status of King’s Heath as the largest local centre in south Birmingham. To improve the local environment and to make King’s Heath more attractive and safer for all. To guide future investment and developments in the area in order to maintain its competitiveness. To combat the traffic congestion and its associated problems. King’s Heath LOCAL ACTION PLAN 3 KING’S HEATH - THE 3.2 The People POLICY CONTEXT 3 PLACE AND ITS PEOPLE The community living within 4 King’s Heath Local Action Plan 4.1 The Action Plan has been 3.1 The Place study area is mixed. The majority prepared in the context of The The area is characterised by a of residents come from White Birmingham Plan - Birmingham’s linear shopping centre along the backgrounds (78%). Those from Unitary Development Plan High Street and Alcester Road Asian backgrounds make up the (UDP), which was adopted in South (A435) with large second largest group (14%). July 1993 and is the sole statutory residential areas consisting Other ethnic groups make up the plan for the whole of the city and mainly of Victorian and other 8% of the population. The Birmingham Plan - The Edwardian terraced properties to These figures are based on the Birmingham Unitary either side of the shopping area. 2001 census results. Development Plan 2005. The High Street forms the focal point of the community The age structure of the local The Birmingham Plan guides providing a range of shops and population is slightly older than development in the city and sets services. The total retail that for the city as a whole. There out an overall strategy for floospace is over 24,000sqm are fewer people under the age of Birmingham. The following with only a 4% vacancy rate (see 16 (20% as opposed to the city objectives have been established para 7.3 for floorspace average of 23%). The percentage to achieve the strategy: breakdown). King’s Heath is of the population aged 60 or easily accessible by public over is lower than that for the Protect and enhance existing transport with the A435 being a rest of the city. The largest shopping centres as the focal frequent Bus Showcase route in proportion of the population is point of community life. and out of the City. There are two between 25 and 44 years (35.9% Protect and enhance what is major parks located in King’s compared with a city average of good in the environment and Heath; Highbury Park and King’s 28.3%). This reflects the inward improve what is less good. Heath Park, which provide trend to King’s Heath by young Provide good quality transport important recreation and visual professionals and first time infrastructure to support amenity value. Highbury Park is buyers. Unemployment in the economic revitalisation. considered to be of high area is below that in the city as a Provide a variety of good landscape value and as a result whole. The percentage of the quality housing to meet all along with Highbury Hall it has population with qualifications to needs. been listed in the National degree level or above is higher Maximise opportunities for Register of Parks and Gardens of than Birmingham as a whole. new economic activity. Special Historic Interest. King’s Promote sustainable Heath Park was awarded Green development and sustainable Flag status in 2005 by the Civic transport. Trust. The Selly Oak Constituency Statement within The Birmingham Plan recognises in paragraph 20.42 that King’s Heath is an important local centre for the southern suburbs and that its retail function has further scope for investment and improvement. King’s Heath LOCAL ACTION PLAN 4 VIBRANT URBAN URBAN DESIGN All new development should be 56VILLAGES/LOCAL PRINCIPLES sensitive and compatible with its CENTRES STRATEGY surroundings in terms of scale 6.1 King’s Heath is of mixed and design and should be 5.1 The City Council’s Cabinet character however there is a accessible to people with and Corporate Plan is committed strong Victorian influence with disabilities and should provide to developing a city of vibrant several Victorian properties natural surveillance to reduce urban villages. The City Council fronting the high street, some of opportunities for crime. recognises the importance of which are of particular local centres as the hub of architectural merit (see para Additional design policy community activity and their role 10.1). Any future developments guidance for new residential in promoting urban regeneration, affecting such buildings should development in mature suburbs sustainability and social seek to retain the existing with high quality environments is inclusion. The Corporate Plan Victorian character. The City provided in ‘Mature Suburbs - sets out priorities for improving Council has adopted urban Residential Development economic prosperity and creating design guidance ‘Places for All’ Guidance (interim thriving communities. In order to and, specifically for residential supplementary planning achieve this a Community development, ‘Places for Living’. guidance - draft February 2005). Strategy has been prepared. This All new developments will be sets out a long term vision for required to comply with this Birmingham and identifies the guidance. main issues and objectives that are essential to achieving that The Birmingham Plan identifies 5 vision. main urban design principles. These are as follows: 5.2 The ‘Vibrant Urban Villages’ strategy seeks to maintain a Encourage mixed use schemes. network of attractive and Provide and promote accessible local centres across convenient safe routes. the city, which not only provide Define the public and private shopping facilities but also a realm. variety of services, local Promote sustainability/ employment and an identity for encourage buildings for the the local community. This future. strategy addresses Build on local character. environmental, economic and social issues together. King’s Heath - existing Victorian character King’s Heath LOCAL ACTION PLAN 5 7 SHOPPING/ECONOMY 7.1 King’s Heath is the largest shopping centre in the south of the city and is ranked 3rd largest in the city in terms of retail floorspace, with only the city centre and Sutton Coldfield having greater. The shopping centre has benefited from a large King’s Heath High Street catchment area attracting people from all over south Birmingham. This is due to its range of convenience and comparison There is no significant vibrant shopping centre offering shops with several key retailers concentration of non-retail uses a range of goods and services to located within the centre. It along the High Street and the a wide catchment area. includes a sizeable proportion of City Council does not consider durable goods floorspace. There that a primary retail frontage 7.4 The Moseley Ward are several national retailers policy is necessary at this time. Development Plan (2001) located within the centre and a recognises the success of the market hall. However, local 7.3 A retail survey undertaken in farmers’ market in Moseley residents’ and traders’ 1998 identified that: 11% of Village and is encouraging perceptions are that the shops were convenience shops discussions between the City shopping centre is beginning to and 52% comparison shops; Council, King’s Heath Business suffer from competition from (63% of units in A1 use).