SHEET Parish of Newcastle and With Calary

June 2010 Please send any items for inclusion in July PINS to: Rev. William Bennett mobile: 087 9480317 email: [email protected] Clodagh Jennings mobile: 086 8558886 email: [email protected]

Items need to be received by Wednesday 23rd June for publication on Sunday 27th For further information visit:, or If you lose your copy of PINS remember that service times and events can be checked on the parish website on the ‘Calendar of Events’.

If you would like a lift to anything happening in the parish, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the numbers above.

Rogation Sunday in Newcastle


Sunday 6th: S.S. & Crèche Calary 9.30am M.P. 1 Kings 17: 8 - 24 St. Matthew’s 10.45am M.P. S.S. & Crèche Newcastle 12 noon H.C. Galatians 1: 11 - 24

Sunday 13th: S.S. & Crèche Calary 9.30am M.P. 1 Kings 2: 1 - 10 St. Matthew’s 10.45am H.C. Galatians 2:15 - 21 Newcastle 3.30pm Confirmation Service

Sunday 20th: Calary 9.30am F.S. & Sunday S. Prize Giving St. Matthew’s 10.45am M.P. Galatians 3: 23 - 29 Newcastle 12 noon F.S. & Sunday S. Prize Giving

Sunday 27th: Calary 9.30 am H.C. 2Kings 2: 1-2, 6-14 St. Matthew’s 10.45am F.S. with Holy Baptism Crèche Newcastle 12 noon M.P. Galatians 5: 1, 13-25

M.P. (Morning Prayer) H.C. (Holy Communion) F.S. (Family Service)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, with prayer for the sick, at 10.30 am in St Matthew’s followed by a cup of tea and chat in the McLean Room. All welcome! Tea and coffee are available in the McLean Room after each service in St. Matthew’s.

Sunday School Sunday School Prize Giving will take place in Calary and Newcastle on Sunday 20th June. Teachers and children will then have a break for the summer months and start afresh in September. Many thanks to those who have put in so much time and effort with the children over the past year - Lorraine, Lisa, Ruth, Mary, Siobhan and Jane in Newcastle and Derek and Ethni in Calary.

Calary Select Vestry meeting Tuesday 1st June at 8.30pm in the Church Room. Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy Select Vestry meeting Wednesday 16th June at 8pm in the McLean Room.

FAMILY NOTICES Holy Baptism In Newcastle on Sunday 9th May; Lucas Dowdall, son of Jason Dowdall and Julie Bunworth, 20 Rossmore Park, Newtownmountkennedy and Kerry Mary, daughter of Sharon and Leighton Gray, Timore, Newcastle.

In Calary Church on Sunday 16th May; Malachy Oscar, son of Simon and Sorcha Groom, Flat 3, London St., Edinburgh, Scotland.

Congratulations to these parents and we pray that the little children will grow up to fulfil the promises made for them at baptism.

Tuesday Club 10 members embarked on the outing to Woollen Mills where we received a great welcome and were provided with tea and scones. Great hilarity ensued as garments were modelled, opinions sought and several purchases were made. It was no wonder we were warmly invited to make a return visit! It was a lovely drive with all the gorse in bloom – we really do live in a beautiful County.

It was decided not to have a meeting in June as several members are going to be away but we will have another outing in July and possibly visit a member’s garden. Details will be in next month’s magazine.

Parent and Toddler Group The Parent and Toddler Group will be heading to Glenroe Farm, for their last meeting before the summer holidays on Monday 28th June. Please let Wendy know if you would like to come along so we can have a rough idea of numbers. Happy holidays to all our little ones. We will be back in the cottage on Mondays in September (see date in PINS later on) and look forward to seeing some new faces. Wendy 086 8478415 Well done to all who took part in the Toddle for Barnardos and thanks to Lorraine for the use of her garden at the finish!

Coffee in the Cottage Anyone who is free on Tuesday morning between 10.30 and 12.30 is welcome to come to the Rectory Cottage for coffee and tea. Drop in for a few minutes or two hours, arrange to meet your friends for coffee - the cottage is open every Tuesday morning and all are welcome. (€2 per head) EXCEPT on Tuesday 15th June when Caroline Tindal will be holding the coffee morning at her home in Ballydonerea. More details elsewhere.

Leisurely Lunch Lunch in the cottage will be on Thursday 17th June from 12.30pm. €5 a head. All welcome - just let Karen or Clodagh know in advance if you hope to be there! Calary Notes


Summer 2010

Thursday July 8th: Fiachra Garvey (piano) from , RIAM and Paris in a recital by the National Concert Hall’s Rising Star of 2011.

Friday July 9th: Fiachra Garvey (piano) and Ruth Gibson (viola) from and London .

Sunday July 11th: Calary’s 3rd Showcase concert by young local pianists

Friday September 10th: Moya O’Grady (cello) David O’Doherty (violin) and Geraldine O’Doherty (harp).

All concerts start at 8.00pm Tickets €15, concessions €10, from 01-2818146 or email [email protected]

Music in Calary, which has arranged concerts of classical music in Calary Church since 1999, is preparing for the third annual showcase concert for young pianists of exceptional ability. The showcase concert will take place on Sunday July 11 and those pianists who are natives of Wicklow and are still at school can obtain an application form by contacting John Medlycott, Knockraheen, Roundwood, Co Wicklow at 01-2818146 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The closing date for applications from which a number of young pianists will be invited to perform is Friday June 11. Music in Calary acknowledges the support of Wicklow County Council and FBD Insurance.

Apologies to Charlotte O'Brien whose name was inadvertently left out of the list of Calary Vestry people last month. Sorry Charlotte!

Barbecue in aid of funds for stained glass windows Calary barbecue on Saturday 26th June at Calary Church from 6.30pm. Bring your own meat. Sausages, burgers and a glass of wine will be provided. Tickets €15 Children free. Available from; 2863890, 2866030 or 2818442. Please book by Sunday 20th June so that we know what numbers to cater for.

Parish Walk There will be a walk along part of the parish boundary on Sunday 6th June after the church service. Meet at Sugarloaf Farm at approximately 10.30am. Phone 2863890

Subscriptions for the Church Review magazine are now due to be paid to Ethni Seymour. Confirmation Service Sunday 13th June Please pray for all the candidates in the parish who are preparing to be confirmed by the Archbishop on Sunday 13th June.

Katie Nolan Emily Pike Sally Nolan Lauren Dempsey Ellen Massey Katie Noonan Grainne Allen Emily Thompson Zara Boxall Sophie O'Neill Sophie Reboul-Geraghty Francesca Behan

May God bless them and guide them as they take this important step in their lives.

Plant and Cake Sale and Coffee Morning Caroline Tindal has kindly offered to open her garden for a Plant and Cake Sale and Coffee morning on Tuesday 15th June from 10.30am. This will replace the usual coffee in the cottage for that Tuesday. You are all invited to come and inspect her garden while it is at its best. Contributions of cakes, bakes and plants would be very welcome. Car sharing on the day is encouraged as parking will be slightly limited. All proceeds to parish funds.

St. Francis’ National School Parents’ Association The Annual Cake and Plant Sale in aid of St. Francis’ School is on Friday June 11th from 1pm in the school gym! As usual if you have any plants to donate or feel like baking we would love it! Donations to the school on the morning or to any PA member prior to that.

Update for Parish Centre Full planning permission for both the new Rectory and the Parish Centre has now been received. The next step is to get tenders from builders. Further progress will be reported in PINS.

Newcastle Church With a lot of effort the work in Newcastle Church was completed in time for the wedding on the 15th May. Many thanks to all who contributed to this achievement. With insulation in the floor and some upgrading of the heating system the congregation should feel a lot warmer when the weather gets cold again. At the back of the church there is a collage of photographs taken by Peter Johnston showing the various stages of progress during the renovations. It makes interesting viewing! Work on the floor under the organ has been deferred as that will take some time to carry out as the organ will have to be dismantled temporarily. Further updates in future PINS!

Enclosed with PINS this month is a letter from Protestant Aid which we have been asked by the House of Bishops to distribute to all parishioners.


Social cycle to Hunter’s for breakfast Meet outside the Castle Inn at 08.45 on Saturday 5th June for a leisurely cycle to Hunter’s hotel (about 5 miles) where we will have breakfast at 09.30. Returning to Newcastle by around 11.15 am. Cost for breakfast is €15 payable on the day. Please confirm by Thursday June 3rd to John Geraghty or Christine Reboul Geraghty on 01 2810586 or 086 8144877.

DAD'S ARMY - Leopardstown Park Hospital Military vehicle and re-enactment show - Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June - Come along to an exhibition of military vehicles largely representatives of World War II but also up to and including the Gulf War, including jeeps, armoured personnel carriers, artillery tractors and hummers and humvees. This exhibition will take place in the grounds of Leopardstown Park Hospital, Dublin 18, which is still home to up to 60 World War 2 veterans. War re-enactors dressed as Romans, Vikings, Napoleonic, American Civil War and World War I and II soldiers will also pit their strength and wits against each other in a fight for supremacy in the woods surrounding the hospital as part of this ‘living history’ weekend. In addition military vehicle exhibitors will be on hand to answer questions from hungry history lovers on every era of history represented, war memorabilia will be on sale for avid collectors and war ration type food will be on offer. Members of the public are encouraged to really get into the spirit and add to the authenticity of the event by coming along to the event in 1940’s regalia. All funds raised with go to Leopardstown Park Hospital. Entry fees; two adults and two children: €25. One adult: €10. Children 10+ and OAP: € 5. For more information find us on Facebook on

Greystones Active Retirement Outing to Ardgillan and Skerries Mills on 30th June. Bus leaves Park and Ride at 10.30 am. Total cost €27. Booking on Tuesdays only from 10.30 to 11.30 in St. Kilians Family Centre. Watch out for our web site at

Roundwood Historical Society A guided tour of Avondale House, together with lunch, has been arranged for Sunday 27 June, departing from the Old School in Roundwood at 12.30. There is a special reduced price for this event of €20 per person and parking at Avondale is free. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Derek on (01) 2818118 or email [email protected] as booking is essential for this event.

Newcastle Tidy Towns The Tidy Towns committee are working in the village every Monday from 7 to 9pm. Anyone who wishes to help keep Newcastle and environs clean and tidy are welcome to help - just meet at the Castle Inn at 7pm.


1. What is the parish website address?

2. On what day are you invited to inspect Caroline Tindal’s garden?

3. To whom do you apply to take part in the Calary Showcase Concert

for young Wicklow Pianists?

4. For what purpose are the funds being raised at the Calary Barbecue?

5. To where are the Parent and Toddler Group going for their last

meeting before the summer break?

6. Name a Sunday School teacher from Calary.

7. What do the initials F.S. mean on the list of services?

8. For what purpose will the Archbishop be visiting the parish in June?

9. What is the date of publication of July PINS?

10. Give the full title of which PINS is a shortened form.

11. Where can you go to watch an historical re-enactment in June?

12. How much does it cost to have lunch in the Rectory Cottage?

13. Who is allowed to come to lunch in the Rectory Cottage?

14. How many babies were baptised in the parish in May 2010?

15. What colour is the new aisle carpet in Newcastle Church? Send your answers by email or post, or hand them to Clodagh before Sunday 20th June. All correct answers will go into a draw for a small prize! Open to all ages. All answers can be found in PINS.

Newcastle Church April 2010

Newcastle Church May 2010

Big Toddle for Barnardos

Rogation Sunday