Political Awareness, Microtargeting of Voters, and Negative Electoral Campaigning∗
Political Awareness, Microtargeting of Voters, and Negative Electoral Campaigning∗ Burkhard C. Schippery Hee Yeul Wooz May 2, 2017 Abstract We study the informational effectiveness of electoral campaigns. Voters may not think about all political issues and have incomplete information with regard to political positions of candidates. Nevertheless, we show that if candidates are allowed to microtarget voters with messages then election outcomes are as if voters have full awareness of political issues and complete information about candidate's political positions. Political competition is paramount for overcoming the voter's limited awareness of political issues but unnecessary for overcoming just uncertainty about candidates' political positions. Our positive results break down if microtargeting is not allowed or voters lack political reasoning abilities. Yet, in such cases, negative campaigning comes to rescue. Keywords: Electoral competition, campaign advertising, multidimensional policy space, microtargeting, dog-whistle politics, negative campaigning, persuasion games, unawareness. JEL-Classifications: C72, D72, D82, P16. ∗We thank the editors of QJPS as well as Pierpaolo Battigalli, Oliver Board, Giacomo Bonanno, Jon Eguia, Ignacio Esponda, Boyan Jovanovic, Jean-Fran¸coisLaslier, Alessandro Lizzeri, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Joaquim Silvestre, Walter Stone, Thomas Tenerelli and seminar participants at NYU Stern and participants at WEAI 2012 for helpful comments. Burkhard is grateful for financial support through NSF SES-0647811. An earlier version was circulated 2011 under the title \Political Awareness and Microtargeting of Voters in Electoral Competition". yDepartment of Economics, University of California, Davis. Email: bcschipper@ucdavis.edu zDepartment of Economics, University of California, Davis. Email: hywoo@ucdavis.edu \You are not allowed to lie but you don't have to tell everything to the people, must not tell them the entire truth.
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