Dr. R. Kartika Lestari

Updated 17/01/2019 HIGHLIGHTS  10+ experience in research and university teaching  Accomplished work in climate sciences (climate variability, change and impacts)  Experience in supervising students  International work experience  Multicultural work environment  Remote work experience

EDUCATION PhD in Geophysics (major: atmospheric science), Tohoku University, Japan 09/2007 MSc in Geophysics (major: atmospheric science), Tohoku University, Japan 09/2004 BSc in Mathematics, Institute of Technology (ITB), 10/1995

AFFILIATION/EXPERIENCE Research scholar 12/2017 to Current Ronin Institute, Japan/USA Accounting Management (developing accounting system) 01/2018 to Current Business Design, Japan Math Expert 11/2018 to Current Study.com (remote) Senior research scientist (tenured) 09/2016 to 08/2017 Centre for Climate Research Singapore, Meteorological Service Singapore Project researcher 04/2013 to 03/2016 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Japan Lecturer (tenured) 02/1997 to 12/2012 Study Programme of Meteorology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

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OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE Research abroad (3-months or more) Researcher 04/2011 to 12/2011 APEC Climate Center, South Korea Visiting researcher 06/2010 to 08/2010 Earth Observatory Singapore, Singapore Research fellow 05/2009 to 05/2010 Center of Climate System Research, the University of Tokyo, Japan Research fellow 10/2007 to 10/2008 School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Teaching Adjunct lecturer 08/1997 to 07/2000 Dept. of Mathematics, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia Core Courses, Telkom University, Indonesia Teaching assistant 10/1993 to 10/1995 Dept. of Mathematics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

MEMBERSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  Member, Asian and Oceania Geoscience Society, AOGS (2005 to Current)  Expert mentor, Climate Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia (2014 to Current)  Thesis Advisory Member (PhD student: Y.S. Djamil), Nanyang Technological University (2016 to Current)  Reviewer - Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA) - Climate Dynamics - Geophysical Research Letter - Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere  Selected invited talk - Dept. of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Indonesia, Sep. 2017. Title: Climate change in Indonesia (Overview, data analysis and challenges). - Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology, Germany, July 2015. Title: Increasing potential of biomass burning over Indonesia induced by anthropogenic warming.

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- APEC Climate Center (APCC), South Korea, May 2013. Title: Climate variability over the maritime continent region and possible acts to support the climate information for the maritime continent region. - Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusan National University, South Korea, May 2013. Title: An empirical study of the response of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon to the remote forcing. - Study Program of Product Design, Faculty of Art and design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Dec. 2012. Title: Climate-weather information and some cases of its application for design in some sectors.

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PUBLICATIONS LIST Dr. R. Kartika Lestari

Updated 17/01/2019

RESEARCH INTEREST  Climate variability, change and impacts  Climate extreme  Climate modelling  Climate change education

ONGOING/SUBMITTED 1. Latifah, A.L., R.K. Lestari, I. Syafarina and K. Yoshimura, 2019. The Sensitivity of Rainfall over the Maritime Continent to Auto-conversion and Relative Humidity in RegCM4.6 (submitted). 2. Lestari, R.K., B. Timbal and C. Gordon. Increased Chances of Dry Periods across the Western Maritime Continent during the Northeast Monsoon in a Warmer World (ongoing). 3. Lestari, R.K., B. Timbal and C. Gordon. Increased Extreme Rainfall across the Western Maritime Continent during the Southwest Monsoon in a Warmer Climate (ongoing).

PEER-REVIEWED 1. Hassim, M.E.E., R. Rahmat, R.K. Lestari and B. Timbal, 2016. Generating Climate Change Rainfall Scenarios for Singapore: A Tale of Scale. Cosmos, 12, 8 – 13. 2. Lestari, R.K. and T.-Y. Koh, 2016. Statistical Evidence for Asymmetry in ENSO-IOD interaction. Atmosphere-Ocean. doi: 10.1080/07055900.2016.1211084 3. Lestari, R.K., M. Watanabe, Y. Imada, H. Shiogama, R.D. Field, T. Takemura and M. Kimoto, 2014. Increasing Potential of Biomass Burning over Sumatra, Indonesia induced by Anthropogenic Warming, Environ. Res. Lett., 9, 104010. 4. Lestari, R.K. and T. Iwasaki, 2012. An Empirical Study of the Response of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon to the Remote Circulation. SOLA, 8, doi:10.2151/sola.2012-017, 65 – 68. 5. Lestari, R.K., M. Watanabe and M. Kimoto, 2011. Role of Air-Sea Coupling in the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Variability, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89A, 283-290.

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6. Lestari, R.K., T. Iwasaki and Y. Umekawa, 2006. Relationships among the Indian Monsoon, the South China Sea Monsoon and the Western North Pacific Precipitation. Proc. of SPIE, 6404, 64040U-1 – 64040U-8. 7. Lestari, R.K., and T. Iwasaki, 2006. A GCM Study on the Roles of the Seasonal Marches of the SST and Land-Sea Thermal Contrast in the Onset of the Asian Summer Monsoon. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84, 69-83. 8. Lestari, R.K. and Bayong T.H.K., 2002. Estimation of Drought Condition based on Rainfall Pentad Data. Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia, 13, 86 – 89 (in Indonesian). 9. Lestari, R.K. and Bayong T.H.K., 2000. Rainfall Probability over Island. J. Teknologi Mineral ITB, 7, 28 – 34 (in Indonesian).


1. Lestari, R.K., 2010. Mechanisms of Seasonal March of Precipitation over Maritime Continent (Observational and model studies). VDM Verlag, ISBN. 978-3-639-25569-0 (published MS thesis) 2. Lestari, R.K., 2010. Numerical Study on the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon. VDM Verlag, ISBN. 978-3-639-25930-8 (published PhD dissertation).

REPORT/PROCEEDING/EXTENDED ABSTRACT 1. Putriningrum, D.A., R. Amalia, K.T. Putri, N.A. Wicaksono and R.K. Lestari, 2013. Preliminary Study on the Potential of Wind Energy in Sukabumi. Extended abstract, Conference of Indonesian Students Association in South Korea (CISAK). 2. Lestari, R.K., 2012. The Skill of Multimodel Ensemble (MME) in Capturing the Precipitation Variability in Southeast Asia and Larger Scale Signals. APCC internal report. 3. Lestari, R.K., 2011. The Performance of Multimodel Ensemble in Identifying Interannual Variability of Precipitation in Maritime Continent. APCC internal report. 4. Lestari, R.K., and T. Iwasaki, 2004. Roles of the SST and Land-Sea Heat Contrast in the Summer Monsoon over the South Asia. Proc. 6th Int. Study Conf. on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, Dec, 2004, Kyoto, Japan, GAME CD-ROM Publ. No.11,T3RKL30Jul04115954. 5. Lestari, R.K. and Bayong T.H.K., 2000. Statistical Model for Weather Prediction. Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Prediksi Cuaca dan Iklim Nasional LAPAN, 19 – 26 (in Indonesian). 6. Lestari, R.K. and A. Susandi, 2000. Air Quality Model (Euler Multi-box Model) to Control Air Pollution in Jakarta City. ITB internal report (in Indonesian).

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MEDIA 1. Climate change set to boost Sumatran wildfires, 2014. (http://www.agrometeorology.org/ topics/climate-change/climate-change-set-to-boost- sumatran-wildfires)

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