Supplies and Homework for Yarnover Retreat 2020

Dolce Counterpane Baby Blanket Supplies: Light to medium color (DK weight for baby size; worsted weight for adult size), approximately 2000 yards Double pointed needles (size US 7 for DK, US size 9 for worsted) Crochet hook, size G, US size 7 or 9 16” circular needles No homework

Build a Shawl Supplies: DK or worsted weight yarn for mini sampler shawl Crochet hook, size G or H Stitch markers Sticky notes No homework

Yarnover 2020 Homework

Ha! Fooled You! Supplies: Three homework swatches with the yarn still attached 50 yards each of dark, medium & light colored worsted in solid colors US 8 needles Cable needle or size 5 dpn 3 medium size safety pins Scissors Sticky notes Homework: Swatch 1: With a dark colored worsted weight yarn and size 8 needles, CO 25 stitches. Work K1P1 Rib for 1”. Slip stitches onto holder, keeping approximately 20 yards of yarn still attached. Swatch 2: With off-white or white worsted weight yarn and size 8 needles, CO 18 stitches. Work K1P1 Rib for 1”, slip stitches onto holder, keeping approximately 20 yards of yarn still attached. Swatch 3: Using any non-dark colored worsted weight yarn and size 8 needles, CO 28 stitches and work same as Swatch 2.

Yarnover 2020 Homework

Fair Isle Knitting Supplies: US size 7 16” circular needles Two colors of worsted weight yarn Homework With color of choice, cast on 100 stitches, place a marker and join in the round being careful not to twist stitches. Work in K2P2 rib for 2 inches. Leave stitches on needles.

Flawless Finishing Supplies: Darning Needle Scissors 2 colors of worsted weight yarn 1 pair of US size 7 or 8 needles Scrap Paper Pen Homework

Yarnover 2020 Homework

Swatch 1: (Please make two) With a light colored worsted weight yarn and US 7 or 8 , cast on 14 stitches and work in garter stitch for 4 inches. Bind off all stitches. Swatch 2: (Please make 2) With a light colored worsted weight yarn and US 7 or 8 knitting needle, cast on 16 stitches and work in stockinette stitch for 4 inches. Bind off all stitches.

No Fear Brioche Stitch Materials: 2 colors worsted weight yarn US 7 24” needles Darning Needle Scissors

Homework none

Yarnover 2020 Homework