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V05 I05 11091966.Pdf (8.867Mb) - DOCTRINE "LET EACH BECOME ALL HE IS CAPABLE OF BEING' Vol. 5 November 9, 1966 No. 5 Mrs. Wesfon, Assistant to President "Long Day's Board of Trustees Meets Journey into Night" On October 27, 1966, the Board of Trustees of Monroe Community Good, Receives Distinction At Theatre East College, met in President Good's office for their monthly meeting. At the recent meeting of the State University of New Rochester's professional reper- Doctor Stabins, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. tory Theatre East will open its in- York Public Relations Council held at the Maritime College augural season with "Long Day's Committees were announced as such: at Fort Schuyler, Bronx, New York, Mrs. Kathleen G. Journey Into Night" by Eugene COMMITTEES Weston, Administrative Assistant to the President at Mon- O'Neill, Nov. 10, at 8:30 p.m., on the Monroe County Fair- PERMANENT SITE FINANCIAL roe Community College, was elected Secretary of the group. grounds, E. Henrietta and Cal- Vincent S. Jones, Chairman E. Kent Damon, Chairman Other officers include: Marvin Behr, Broome Technical kins Roads. E. Kent Damon Marion B. Folsom Community College, President; Robert Hesse, State Uni- Admittedly autobiographical, Michael J. Crino, M.D. James W. Gray versity College at Fredonia, Vice-president; Rod Cochran, the play explores the tragic cir- Carl S. Hallauer Carl S. Hallauer cumstances of the youth of one Alfred M. Hallenbeck State University College of Forestry at Syracuse, Treasurer. of the greatest playwrights PERSONAL SCHOLARSHIP The directors are: Donald Garrant, Thomas North, Westley American theatre has ever Rowland, H. David VanDyck, Nancy Slane, Charles Lang known. The plot concerns a day Mrs. James T. Young, Chairman Michael J. Crino, M.D., Chairman in the life of an ill-starred fam- Marion B. Folsom James W. Gray and Charles Albert. ily. It is a day in which tensions, Alfred M. Hallenbeck The DOCTRINE would like to extend its congratula- grudges and neglected affections CURRICULUM come to light, and each family Marion B. Folsom, Chairman tions to Mr. Weston. We are sure that the office of secretary member makes his long voyage Thomas H. Miller, Chairman, Curriculum Advisory Committee has been filled by an extremely capable person. into the black depths of night. At the end of torment is under- Following a series of resolutions, a report was given on the standing and calm; the family Scholarship Fund for Monroe Community College and was as fol- Faculty Forum: "Rochester's Revelations" is still together. lows : Making their Theatre East de On October 28, Mrs. Ruth Forsyth, a member of the MCC So- buts are five members of the SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT ciology Department, addressed a mixed group of faculty members resident company, all of whom Contributions received during month: and students on different phases of Rochester life. have had extensive experience on other stages. They are: Fred Theta Upsilon Sorority - $ 75.00 General Fund Mrs. Forsyth noted that Roch- Miller as James Tyrone, Sr., Gerber Baby Foods, Inc. 200.00 ester had been considered a fair previously lived in Rochester Robert Blackburn as Jomes Ty- were an incentive to friends who Xerox Corporation 4000.00 " place to live and a dull place rone and Martha Miller as Catfr had no where to move to. In leen. The production is under the Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Goldman In in which to visit until 1962. She Rochester, the welfare policy is Memory of Mrs. Gikas Criticos 7.50 " Total S4282.50 direction of Miss Dorothy Cher- said that until that time, it was comparable to other cities, but nuck. In memory of Howard M. Woods: " the snowballing effect of "being stated in the NEW YORKER Performances at Theatre East Kathleen G. Weston that when night fell in Rochester, near ones' friends" has had a great influence. are every evening except Mon- Elmer B. Milliman " the traveling salesman moved on day, open matinees on Wednes- Grace L. Murray " to Buffalo. What changed the Despite the fact that our un- days and special student mati- Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Goldman employment rate is low, twenty- nees on Thursdays. "Long Day's image? Journey Into Night" will run Board of Trustees—Genesee Co. " five per cent of the young male Negro population is without through Nov. 26, to be followed Community College " In 1962, Midtown Plaza opened. Attention was focused on this jobs. One third of the non-whites' by "Life with Father," Dec. 1. Central Trust Company 1000.00 Season subscriptions and indi- new concept of shopping. The annual income is less than three- Mrs. James M. Weil thousand dollars. vidual show tickets may be pur- plaza gained a local and national Mr. & Mrs. E. Kent Damon chased at the theatre box office reputation. Rochester was begin- Our housing is not sufficient For reservations and informa- Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Hallauer " ning to grow up. We were quoted for these people. The Hanover tion, call ED 4-9500. Theatre East Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Stabins " - as having a "bold, adventure- development is a "catastrophe." is a non-profit project of Roch- Dr. & Mrs. LeRoy V. Good " Total $1195.50 some, progressive and moving" It was built at the wrong time, ester Performing Arts Founda- In memory of James M. Weil: " city. wrong place and the wrong de- tion, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Stabins sign. Dr. & Mrs. LeRoy V. Good " Total $25.00 Then in the summer of 1964, It has been said by many that MCC Represented Rochester received not only na- In memory of James Paul Brennan: tional, but international head- the Negro is no worse off than At N.Y.5.T.A. M. Adelaide Brennan " lines. The reason . the race any other minority group who James P. Walsh, Dean of Fac- Miss Martha J. Holihan riots. We were then called the has suffered in American history. ulty; Eugene E. DuBois, Assis- Mrs. Rosemary Frumusa and "Selma of the North" and "Little These people say that assimila- tant to the President; and Mrs. Miss Kathleen Croce Congo." In the newspaper in Ni- tion will come when the Negroes Elizabeth B. Gennarino, Assis- geria, we were pictured as the prove that they are responsible. tant Professor, were among sev- Miss Grace L. Murray " Total $30.00 eral hundred college educators Kathleen G. Weston most bigoted and abusive city on However, there are reasons why the face of the earth, as headlines this "logic" is unsuitable. First, attending a conference on higher GRAND TOTAL $5533.00 announced that a thousand Ne- the color of their skin proves to education sponsored by the New groes had been murdered. York State Teachers Association It was announced that Alfred M. Hallenbeck will fill the vacancy be a definite handicap from the in Syracuse on November 3, 4, on the Board left by the death of former Board member, Howard M. Mrs. Forsyth continued to tell start. Other immigrants to our and 5. Woods. other facts of Rochester. Roch- country were not black; they Theme of the conference was ester is considered to be a boom were not always identifiable. "Decision Making: A Faculty Doctor Alice Rines of Columbia University addressed the Board town ... we have the highest Secondly, the family structure Concern." In addition to talks concerning the nursing program at MCC and the lack of nurses and medium income population in which was so vital to other im- by authorities from New York, nursing teachers on the local and national level. A report was given the state, the lowest unemploy- migrants, has been shattered in Washington, Wisconsin, Califor- on the grades of the State Boards taken by MCC nursing students ment percentage in the state, the case of the American Negro. nia, and Massachusetts, the highest percentage of scientists three-day meeting featured panel last year. The strength and power which with the exception of Wilmington, an immigrant family received discussions and enabled the par- Doctor Stabins commented on the fine Leadership Conference Delaware and the leading city came from the inner ranks of ticipants to meet in study ses- for photography and optical ob- the family as a solid structure. sions. Topics included academic which was held by Monroe Community College students, and com- jects. This is our good side. freedom, faculty evaluation, the plimented all those who attended. He said that he felt a good deal The Negro has as his heritage, a fractured slavery background disadvantaged student, the ed- was accomplished by the leaders of the school who donated their The Monroe County Peneten- ucation and re-education of col- tiary was erected in pre-Civil which has destroyed this bond lege faculty, teacher education, time and efforts to spend a day attending conferences and exchanging War days. It has been quoted as of unity. ideas for the betterment of Monroe Community College. Doctor inter-institutional cooperative being "unfit for animals." Our programs, and student climate Stabins continued by extending his congratulations to those students jail has been a "dungeon" for the Mrs. Forsyth stated that un- less current trends reverse, the on the college campus. who attended. last twenty-five years. Gladys E. Newell, vice-presi- city will be surrounded by a Speaking of Rochester's peo- dent of the 100,000-member State Before closing the meeting, it was noted that the meeting had "black belt" with "lily-white Teachers Association, referred been taped on television. Mr. Gene Edwards of the Audio-Visual De- ple, we have a "mixed popula- tion." In 1964, there were over suburbs" surrounding it. to the conference as "an oppor- partment of MCC had recorded the activities and played the proceed- tunity for all higher education thirty-two thousand "non-whites" Mrs.
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