•• • It's Marshalltown vs. E. Wafe"rloo, "Calumet vs. Whealland , Iowa basket.baU fans ar in for by fonner Iowa IU:thalI ars, l real battle on the boards, but Todays Games ...y ...... Mt.... In nt scoring leader Delmer Dau win. East Waterloo* * 41,* a Ibrill-packed night tonight as East Waterloo' . turra), Wier and missed free throws in the 1 bill .,...., East W...... and Gordon Odom lead.in( tbe '!be game promises to be coo- Finest tries Sioux Center 38 Wheatland chali ng d fending tarshaUtown' E,' Cochrane. Wi r kept the Warriors from ach'anc1ng COHSOLATIOH Whether w ...... r '"'" tpMtI sur e. siderabJy closer .than eJlber ol Cia B c ... ft.....:An Calumet and was gr duated from low in 1 inlo (he final round. Clau B .,.., UII rutdt .... Wile U nd .ilI ha"e a Sllgbt ....~da y's Class B oontests. !lion." Pre-tourriament Class A favorlt >;! ...... 1:. ,"'...... 11 (22-6) ya. H..... eut...... _ MarsbaUtown mixe with East and Cochrane fini

j' TH. DAILY IOWAN-I ... CIty, I., Sli'owan Returns From Washington-": 1 Joyce Grenfell T,o Appear Eye Prof Invited ~ =ti=e~~ u: To Japanese Meet t«y, and Dr. RiclIard Richards, Feels Kennedy Will Win At SUI Union Wed. nesday I Dr_ P.J_ Leinf lder, professor of ~~re!$Ol' of ophthalmolo- "ophthalmology at the I Colle,~ Wlu1e In Japan, Dr _ Leinfelder By JOHN HANRAHAN I Massachusetts senator here on the for President Cl!j) memben to Joyce GrenleU, British comt'­ busines when she went to a pa~ of edidne. has been in~;ted by also "'ill be a guest at the Atom Staff WriNr I I SUI campus. Figenshaw reeeh'ed come over to our !de." 4AprU ,S dienne, wW pprar In the Main nd. deli\'ered a monologue which the Japan OphthalmoJo,ical ~ Bomb casuaIty Commissioo fa. James Figenshaw, A3. Jerfer­ I most of hi information from , lSd' thet' a!da~ or the) WlSCOnsln preS!- lAunge of the Iowa !emoriaJ so unpJ?szed a ~oducer that . he ciety to be th group' "Inter- iliti . ."asaki and Hiroshima. I son, head of the SUI and state • en I prunary. Union Wednesday. at II p.m .• pre- offered a part lD a productIon. . " c es lD ... Kennedy for President Club, was David Hackel!, national head of "W. met..... ef the Kennedy senting a program o[ so!1£s and ince th n she has been trying to nall~ Gue I , t the . annual Th eommissioo is a joint U.S.- an enthusiastic and optimistic the Students For Kenned)' organ- for P~ CluIJ ...... t comk:: mono1ocu . coordinat her career with her ori- meetlng of the lety April 6 to 8 Japanese croup which "as ere- I young man when he returned from ization, who told him that the SUI s.n.tw K.-..fy wwI4 mMte Born in London,.n GrenfeU ginal int oticn of being " an aw- 10 Naga ki. ated Lo cooduct medical studie yOU. his "Students' Week in Washing­ Kennedy Club could help K nnedy a geM .-.Went afMI ..... he recalled, "I went to a lot of sdloOli. fully good" Chel a housewife_ Dr, Leinf Id I th d d foil letims of the ton" trip recently. by gaining more members, by can ... the o.-rMic -m.- and had good At the sugg lion or Noel Cow- American to receh'e the honor in an O\\'-ups on ~' . publlcity and by raising money. tIen and win h electieft In No. time at all 0( The reason for his optimism was ard, a (rlend ince childhood. {j recent years, World War 11 atomIC bomblDg of what he termed the growing be­ "One way we hope to rai e v."""," FIpnIfI_ Mid. "The ll1t'rn. I Grenfell embark.ed upon a war- He wiu pre t a paper dealing the t~' o clUe . invite your goostS ... lief among people in Washington money is by selling cople of a cluIJ will • all it c.ft .. help graduated. 1 wa , time ENSA IBritain's equivalent \I,ilh his re arch on r diatioo In- The physician also will vi t uni­ .. that Sen. John Kennedy to-Mass.! record cut recently by Frank Sin- SaNtor Kennedy In .. _ Iat various stag . oC our USO J tour of hospitals in jure to the I ns of th \'e. The \'ersitj and medkal schools in will win the Democratic nomina­ atra," Figenshaw said. "This rec- p~n," a Bro nie, and AlgerIa, f Ita, Sicily, India, and studie h lie been cooducled in eol- Tokyo, Nagasaki. Ok.ayama and tion for President of the United ord is a pedal version oC 'High The Kennedy fOf President Club later a eirl many other countri s "to reassure laboration with Dr. Titu Evans Tokushima, tet Hopes' and has more or less be- wa organized a couple of monthli G u I de." Her States. BnUsh troops that the home front ~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~iii!!i~!ii!i!ii!i!ii!iiii!iiii!i!ii!i!ii!iiii!i~l l come Kennedy's campaign song_ 1 ago ai~er. Kennedy ConnaUy .lll-I greatest ingle in­ w muddlin throuih with i rr "Since the New Hampshire pri­ understand u's selling quite well nounced his candidacy. Thus r.r, trigue wa a a mary, people in Washington feel customary determination." At in WiscoMin." the club has held three meeting . l~y ar-old clo k - the books hop that Kennedy definitely can win war' end she returned to the Lan­ the nomination," Figenshaw said, In order to let the reconi, I neld meetin, will be Monday Iand d g r 0 ra- don stage in a Coward revu , and Fillenthew said, a ,..-- mlKt \' ning at 7:30 In the Ea Lobby ti\'e. "I w a James A. Crook 114 E. Washifttton Phone ..... "and they also feel tbat he can continued her work on fadio and make a _ dollar donation for Conference Room or the 10\'; member o( two ret I tie. win the presidential race in ;) later TV which he had be-gun wltid! he i. given a rec.ipt, The , moria! Union_ thai met in a n ig~rhood park . j. close battle with Nixon." during th war. Junior In Atfvertllh1t help you elect your in penon then .ends the receipt to They w re called 'The Brov,n eli Gr nf II writ her own FIII4N1lhaw said the KeMedy K.nnedy', natiorYJl l!udqUllrters ArnoH Added to Beans' and 'The Follo\\'l'r of material and also author: Crequ nt tatioru from the most cbm· MadqlHlrter, Impl'Hseci him and they will .-iI the recent to BGnnie Prince Charlie: 1 w tirical ys for women' quite favorably. "HI. hHcI­ the person, The club elso hopes D.·scuss.·on Group quite torn bet~ n ri\'al loyalli magazlne _ "Punch" has published 1 year term on SPI pJet and unusual stoc\C in qlHlrte ... took up nearly the whole to make money by .-fling Ken- inee they wer in compelllion." amples of her humorous wrse top floor of tile Esso Building nldv beclges, FigetKhew wid, Pett'r Arnott, assistant proCes- A performer on lage and in regularly In Washington alld waf a ~utar Iowa City, Figenshaw's "Week in Washing- sor of clas ics, has been added films (or the ~ ~ y ar .' flss Free ticke to this lecture will beeflive of activity," he .ald rr Ion" trip wa span ored by the as a permanent member 01 Union Grenrc!l peclabze 10 probmg th_ Figenshaw said he was especial­ bedenl$ distributed and taff toupon University pr ntation;: stu- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~======~==~ ly interested in getting informa­ Iowa Citizenship Clearing House, Board's Spotlight Series panel dis- mor ,,!Congruous a peel or hu­ the Republican and Democratic eus Ion group which meets bi- man ml behavior of their ID cards at the Ea Lobby tion from the Kennedy organiza­ parties of Iowa, Represenlative monthly_ he got her Desk of the Union Crom 9 a.Il\. to tion on how to best support the Fred Schwengel of Davenport and The second panel discussion wlll ------,- 5:30 p.rn. Tickets will also be Representative Leonard Wolf of be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. in availabl from 7 to II p.m. on Your 1st Choice Elkader. Th stud nts who 'l:lkl1 the Pentacrest Room oC the Iowa 2 Student Council { rch 23. UNIVERSITY for the trip arc cho en on the ba is Memorial Union . The topic of di.­ Any undi trlbuted ticket wllJ be of scholarship, leadership and In- cu ion will be "Are Coli ge En· Pres. Candidates avallabl to th ieneral pubUc on S.P.I. tCI'Cst in politics. trance Requirement Becoming Tu day t 9 un. STUDIO THEATRE FIgenshaw said thal at pre . .:ul Too Stiff?" On KWAD Radio the Kennedy Club has approxi- The other panel m mbers arc PAUL Radio KWAD will int(>ni~w SIu· Dental Conference mately 30 members. "We're hop- H. W. Saund rs, Pfofe sor of qQ, presents ing to get more members, though," ciology, John S. Harlow, a I tant d nl Council pre idenlial can-I W·.II Open Su nday PENNINGROTH he said. "Of course, after April 5 profe or of general busine s, and didates Robert Downer, AS , (,,,,. ton, and fum Brockman, A2, W ,I. .1ember or th 11dwe Gnatho- 1;i~~~~~Z;~=~~~.w~e~hopc~~t~o~g~e~t ~th~e~S~U1~H~ump~~hr~e~y Robert P. Boynlon, a islant pro- i fcssor of political science. gate, tomorrow from 10 to 11 p m latic Soel ty ~;II Itt nd are. Co[f will be rved prior to about theIr call'lpaian plaHol'm.,. I earch confer nee Sund y and the dj cu ion, CoIDnel Herbert W. 1an')firlrl I fond y at the SUI CoIICi' of proCe, sor of military ei ncr an·1 D nli try. The d ntal stell acting head of the UI Department TONIGHT Studio Theatre High School, which will open po tponed with no n w d te et. oC Crown and Bride and confer- 'i Sunday at Ul. CoordlOator (or the • progr m ence host. i - Mark Paul. El, Clayton. Mo. Th Y will also di u the health :1 Th me of lhe conference will be Saturday, March 19 , "Posilive Approaches to the Prc­ The eries I producl'd by KWAO's of bon and tI ue upporlln.: Old Armory: 8 p.m. vention of JuvenU Delinqucncy Department or pecl I Exenls, tceth in rei tion to such adju t­ " whose m mbers are: J n Gordon, m nt, caU d occlusal equilibration, I'" PIZZA and the Development or Good Student Tickets: 1.0, Card • ITALIAN CIllzenshlp." Toplcs of Sunday AI, C dar Rapid ; Su, an Ax, A2, Dr. Thayer added. afternooll discussions will be Ventura; Marcus Hauge, AI. Dc Dr. H tmuL .Zand r of the Eal>l­ Indi.lduel Tickets: 7Sc ,~ • SUBMARINES Moine , and Larry Mcnnlnga , A2, man Oe~lt I Dlspl.'nsary, Roehe tel', "Problem of thc School Prin­ UnlOft R... rvation Deale • SPAGHETTI cipal In Working with Students and Otley. .y " Will erve as chairman o( the ~ Agcncles" and "Problems oC KWAD I a clo ed'Clrcuit, tu- CCIO~nf~e~r~e~nc:e~. ___;" __ iiiii_~;:;:;;;~;;;~;;:~~~;;;~;;;~~~~~=;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;==;;;~;;;~~~g~~ ;1 Aacncies In Workh" with Delin­ Ii nt- taffed tallon with !>tudlo. • ~ quenl Youngsters." The group wiU in the Quadrangle II may be ijeard , Carry Out hear a talk on deUnqu ncy pre­ at 880 kc in Qundranele, urrler r. ventIon and contrQI by Profe or and Burge dormitorie . ~ ' Dial 7622 earvullo~ William C. Kvaraceus of Bo ton ; Burlington and Linn Dn Hwy. 6 E ..t University following a diM r Sun­ H.S. Speech Meet WELCOME HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : day evening. .,t To Be Held Here m,h school student Irom all oC Iowa will ,ather ul SUI [or to the 1960 l the annual All-State Forensic Fin· ·t als and th Ali-State Oral Inter­ ·• pretation Fe tival, Mnrch 30 to I --... April 2. t The peech mCt't is divided into BOYS' STATE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT' f two parts. The Iowa All-Stat Fin­ • • al in Coren ic vent. include d', I bating, ext mporaneou . peaking, 1 ; original ora lory. and speaking on men the move radio and television. ·l on The oral Int rprctalion festtv lt I Sia. : / consists of stud nts reading ell_'<:· Select YOUl~ ' 1 ,. Uons from the divisions of lhe j • , . erious essay, Bibl, humorous • prose, narrative poetry, orator­ • ical prose, erlou 'clrcUlln from a • play, and acting a part. take the right steps to To the hIghest rating state lin­ IOWA alists in foren ic activitie , sur launch their engineering career awards four-year cho!arshlp , Candidates­ Souvenirs (Contillueil froll! Page 1) ahould be Student Council'. IIr.at· at • ..aI_ ..t concern, Groups such e. tfIe.. • • could be more ,.."...... nt.tive If ...... y w.,. put under tfIe CDlHKil CONVAIR·POMONA ••• in Southern California IIocty wf\ich I. Itte most rep,.· senteti ve," offers NEW PROGRAMS with excell ent opportunities today for Engineers. Brockman's plal!orm is : (J I con­ tinuance of evaluation and thought­ Convair·Pomona, created the Army's newest weapon, REDEYE, Shoulder Firecl ful acUon in regard to the dis­ MISSILE and developed the Navy's ADVANCED TERRIER anci TARTAR MISSILES \ crimination i sues (2) creation of a and many other, still highly classified programs. Coromi ion of Human Relations to deal with the discrimination problem 43) reorganization of lhe SWEAT SHIRTS ZELAN TREATED pre eot Council 10 make it truly Adult Siz •• i-SHIRTS representatiVe oC Ule student opin­ ) 95 25 Positions are open for Bachelors, Masters and Doc;torate candidates tn the fields \ Ion. $2 to $4 FOf' Little F.II_, POPLIN JACKETS j, of Electronics, Aerona~tics, Mechanics and Physics. ( 4 ) con ideration of important SIz.s 1-16 With 1_. Inlitni. will commence ~ • issues, such a compulsory ROTC, S,55 p.m., respective- , by the legislative body (51 e tab­ throwing its full com­ lishmenl of an all-campus book Sm.1I Size. - 4 to 16 $100 .. $1 25 $650 ", t· (S ) sports reporters

P41gt 4-=-THE" D'AIL Y IOWAN-low41 City, la.-Saturday; M41,eh ", '''0 Tournament­ (COlllil/ II Cd from Page 1) Buckeyes Trample NYU 76·54, ••• Dinner is Served .• " ,1 WiSCCnl Coaches Think E. Waferloo, \ .- '.' all guns firing in the first period as they matched each other nearly Advance To NCAA Finals shot for shot. The Bobcats moved AT , rR to an early 8-3 lead, but the Black ' e SAN FRANCISCO L4'I - Ohio when it brought Dick Furry orf Calumet To Win State Titles Panthers fired back to pull ahead State's Buckeyes, paced by AII ­ 9-8 with 3:25 left in the first quar­ Lhe bench in Lhe second half and By JOHN HANRAHAN better games_ "I thought we did a Did Wier feel his bOys l1ad "had America and unsung he promptly scored 10 points. The ter. With six 'econds left in the , won their way StaH Writer real good job defensively. Monti­ it" when Sioux Center pullcd to somc period. Cole hit his second victory was the Buckeyes 24th cello bas a terrific shooting team Ca a nine-point advantage, 36-27, with straight jump shot to put the Bob­ When the smoke cleared after I", the other semifinal g41me against lhree losses and NYU's and you've got to be no your toes just six-and-a-half minutes remain­ cat ahead 18-17 at the clo e of • It~ semifinal round games in lhe all night agalnst them. I told my ing in the fourth Quarter? defending champion California fourth defeat in 26 games. Boy's State Baskelball Tournament the Quarter. '1' kids to hang all over Hall (Mi ke "No I" Wier said. "These boys After falling behind 24-19, the Itopped 77-69. at the Iowa Field House Friday ",1",'$ " Hall, fine Monticello outsbooting of mine are fighters. They ain't the general consensus of the Monticello club r41l1ied to come into the finals of the NCAA bas­ '\ forward,> in order to stop him. never goona give up_ We may get . c,oaches involved was that Calu­ Still, he hit those long ones. Gosh, back and momentarily pull ketball championship F rid a y A h.. rty beat, but it won't be because Vie Featuring \ met would repeat as Class B can that kid shoot!" ahead 25-24 41fter three minutes night with a convincing 76-54 lri­ threw in the towel before it W41S champions, with East Walerloo Cochrane said he was disap­ had elapsed in the second quar­ umph over New York University. "Hellol" winning the Class A title. pointd with his team's re­ over." ter_ With 2:44 left in the first A crowd of 14,5110 j41mmed the OUR FAMOUS GRILLED , After his charges h41d downed bounding. "We make better use Over ill one corner of the Water­ half, Cole hit ' two free thrDws Cow PaliICe and watched the I, the trademark of I_a Monticello .73-64 . in F rid a y of our speeci th41n Ei1St does, but loo dressing room sat John Yin­ for a 30-29 Marshalltown edge, Ohio State fast·break oHense grab City'. friendliest tavern. night's wrap-up g41me, Marshall­ giving the Bobcats the lead that we're going to have to rebound caid, the finll East forward who an '-0 lead in the first 2Vz min· You're right, town Coach Ev Cochrane indi­ 10 times better ag41inst East had injured his knee in the first they never lost. ute.. Only once were the Buck­ It's "Doc" Connell'll HAMBURGER STEAK cated his team wouldn't quite than we did tonight or else we Quarter of the Sioux Center match Marshalltown dropped in 24 eyes threatened - l41te in the be able to cope with East might as well forget it." and had becn forced to leave the points in the period to only 14 (!lr first hillf when the margin was SERVED WITH \ Waterloo's rugged rebounding Monticello Coach Dean Nelson game. Monticello. cut to two po ints. . GRILLED ONION RINGS, SALAD and hard-hitting defense. The Annex said he didn't believe Marshall­ "The doc said I won't be able The Bobcats hel d a 42-31 halftime But the 6-8 sophomore Lucas 26 E. Colleg. FRENCH FRIES, BREAD & BUTTER "East is just too lough for us town could take East, but added to play tomorrow night," Kincaid lead and Quickly magnified that paced Ohio State in a first-half on the boards and defensively," lhat it should be "a tremendous said. "Naturally, I'm disappOinted to SO-35 early in the third period. Cochrane said. "Then too, they spurt to a 37-28 halftime advant- ~~~~~~~~~~~~= ball game." . but I know I'll feel differently if From lhat point on there was no age . With 6'h minutes in the game I have the advantage because they Nelson said the chief reason for we win the tournament." stopping the Bobcats. Coach Ev left, the Violets of NYU were 19 played the afternoon game and NEW 1960 JUST his team's defeat was its inability Sioux Center C041ch P41ul Muys­ Cochran's team I>roke the game points behind. we had to play at night." to get back in lime to defend kens took his team's defeat gra­ open with (ast breaks and hot Lucas scored 19 points. His av­ Speakiog of his victory over Ilrage is 27. Siegfried, the play­ WONDERFUL against MarshaLltown's biItzkrieg ciously_ "W41terloo has a great shooting that the Conticcllo club RENAULT Monticello, Cochrane said he maker of the club, also had 19 . 4-DOOR SEDAN style fast break. te41m," Muyskens said. "Phy­ couldn't handle. FOOD thought it was one of his team's sically, they were the strongest MARSIIALL- New York's Tom Sanders, a 6-6 Friday afternoon's Class A TOWN FG FT PF TP jumping jack, kept Lucas check­ I game between East Waterloo team we've played all year. They Lawrence .... 4 0- I 2 8 $1496e42 were tough oH the boards and Zwemke ,.... 7 1- 3 1 L5 ed early in the game but the big and Sioux Center W41S, without Nelson .... 5 2- 2 2 12 sophomore was not to be denied. $299 $9.26 question, the best game of the tough on defense" SpeRO • . •. 0 0- I o 0 '. Wheatland's sharp-shooting Wild­ Cole ...... 8 0- 3 1 16 Leading scorer for the losers DOWN A WEEK '1 1 Students: day with East pulling it out in Ga.away ...... 3 4- 4 2 LO NEED MONEY FOR EASTER CLOTHES? cats opened the day's action with L2 was 5-8 Russ Cunningham, who the fourth quarter 41-38. After it Lowe 4. 4· 5 o a convincing 67-56 win over Moor­ Wedgewood 0 0- 0 o 0 hit 14. ALLEN IMPORTS was over, players on both teams McLeod .. .. 0 0- 0 2 0 USE DAILY IOWAN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS head. "It was one of our better Hall ...... 0 0- 0 o 0 Ohio State proved its strength 1024 lst Ave. NE were but - 41nd so were the games," said winning coach Bob PcteNohn ...... 0 0- 0 o 0 Cedar Rapids Mlllcr ...... 0 0- 0 o 0 coaches. Sendek. ------East coach Murray Wier, one­ Moorhead Coach '{val Outhouse Totals ...... 31 11-19 lO 73 time Iowa cage great, looked MONTrCEl.LO FG FT PF TP EnteredS~~II~aS~mm~~=iiii~ii~I In State AAU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i said his team hadn't played its II.liens .... 2 2- 5 3 6 ... where work more like a man facing the gas best game. "We were still tired Hall ...... 8 0- 1 4 16 chambers after his team's win over Wacker ...... 5 1- 2 3 11 The Iowa Senior AAU Indoor is guaranteed from our Sub-State game against StumOOugh .....• 4 0- 0 2 8 Swimming and Diving Champion­ last year's champ SiouX"" Center Allerton last Tuesday," Outhouse Matthlcssen ... 10 3- 4 I 23 '. State University of Iowa Concert Course tban one whose team had just ad· Goettsch 0 0- 0 1 0 ships will be held today' at Grin­ said. "Still, I don't want to take ------nell College in Grinnell: Entered vanced into lhe Class A champion­ any thing away from Wheatland - Tot.l. . ... 29 6-L2 64 in the meet are the Cedar Rapids presents ship game. Scorlni by quarters: they've got a fine team. No, I don't YMCA Swim Club and swimmers "That was the toughest game Mar>halltown ...... , .18 24 16 1S-73 see them winning the Class B Monticello ...... 17 14 15 18-64 from sur, Iowa State University we've played all year," said the title if they play Calumet." ~ and Grinnell College competing fiery redhead. "Sioux Center was "I didn't think we iooked good . Selling Quality watches for . unattached . MINNEAPOLIS rough - they really baWed us off at all in the first half," said Calumet 74, O'le Entered from SUI are varsity over 1'hird of a Centmy the boards. I thought we were big ! Calumet Coach Ray Knauer. "We Hudson 48 swimmers Bill Claerhout and Binky 205 E. W41shington Dial 3'75 Why some of their guys looked di~'t change our style of play Defending Class B champion Wading ton as well as freshmen down on my boys." any in the second half and things SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ' Calumet earned a chance to be­ swimmers Dan Suits, Mike McWil­ ==== wDrked out o.k. We just played come the sixth team in tournament our usual run-and-shoot style. liams and Cooper Weeks and history to win 2 titles in a row freshman diver Denny Vokolek. The c/wlmpionship game? All as it scored a 74-48 romp over I'll S41Y is I hope we can win." One of the officials for the meet Iowa Memorial Union Hudson Friday night. The win ad­ will be Orv Kersten, graduate stu­ Hudson Coach Jim Deyo said vanced the Indians to the finals Calumet wasn't the best team his dent manager for the Hawkeye Wednesday, March 30, 1960, 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. tonight against Wheatland. swimming learn. club had faced this season. "I'd Calumet utilized its speed and say Keystone was a better ball aggressiveness to present a well­ Free upon presentation of I.D. cards beginning Friday, club," Deyo said, "although they're balanced scoring attack with each Exhibition Baseball Student Tickets a Class A club. We had several March 25, 1960, 9:00 a.m. of its five sta .... ers hitting over INDIANS 11, REO 6 opportunities to Lake Calumet in sox ten points_ Godon Odom gained PHILS 1, REDS 0 Students and Staff ticket sales begin Friday, March 25, the first haif but we just couldn't 18 points for the winning Indians Reserved Seats 1960. come through. I thought our boy BRAVES 7, YANKEES 4 while Bob Rehder picked up 14. TIGERS 7, CARDINALS' Gener411 Public ticket sal.s begin Tuesday, March 2', 1960. Dick Sloan did a terrific defensive Bernie Witry led the losers with job 0 n Delmer Dau. Calumet 20. should win the Class B tille." Delrner Dau, Calumet star So, if the coaches are right the Basketba II Scores Reserved Seats Admission, Afternoon, $1.50 staLe champions in Iowa basket­ guard, notched 13 points for the ILLINOIS ST/,Tt! TOlJRNEY night to set a new aU-time Class B Decatur 53. East Proviso 52 Evening, 2.00 ball this year will be East Waterloo tournament scoring record. The 13 Marshall 55, Monmouth 35 and Calumet. pomts. gave D au a t 0 tal 0 f 174 t al - BridgeportWest Frankfort 6L, Ottawa66, Gtilesburg 55 63 Secure a II lie k ets at Iowa Memorial Un ion, East Lo bby, or pnoneL E>lI. 22 SO lies in four tournament appear- NBA PLAYOFFS for reservations.

Philadelphia LIS, Boston 110 165ances se tto b ybreak Dave lhe M a old her record0 f Iowa of _~(Best~~~E~ of seven':::.L~.r ~seriesn~DI~v~ I'~I.~n~tied 1-1l~ __]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~§~~~~~~~~ ~~ City St. Marys. After a slow start by both teams, Dau hit two free throws in the out to put the Indians ahead 6-4 , ~NGINEERS\ ' .AND 'SCIENTISTS McDonald) -with 2:56 left in the first quarter. The Calumet club held that lead REPRESENTATIVES OF I throughout the remainder of the game. I The first half remained a fairly ,NORTH, .AMERICAN· AVIA:.rION,:INCe even contest with Hudson closing • the gap at 22-21 after being behind \"TILL~ CONDU_C..!·ON-CAMPUS -IN'l'ERVIEW'S MARCH 21 by seven points at onr tI 'ime. How· ever the Indians pickeu up a buek- . Visit your placement office now: I. et on a layup by Bob Rehder and I I for all the facts about a future with North American-Aviation, Inc. I lDau iht two free throws in the : last two seconds to give Calumet j a 26-21 halftime lead. Nuclear Atomics International, located in the San Graphit~ Reactor for the Consumers Public 1 Starting the se<:and half the In­ • power Fernando Valley of Southern California, is a Power District of Nebraska and an Organic diMS took over where they left ,\ at the Atomics leader in the development and manufacture off, and quickly pulled to a 38-25 Power Reactor at Piqua, Ohio. AI also Is t International of nuclear reactors for power, research, and I bulge with only four minutes gone mobile systems. Two proven AI power reac­ engaged in extensive research activities to I , in the third period. Division develop improved materials for fuel ele­ , tor concepts are now under construction. !tl From that point on Calumet had IConogo Park , Collrornlol Atomics International is building a Sodium ments and reactor components. i the game on ice, with its largest i lead being 28 points midway in the third period. Autonetics, a leader in the field of electronics, matic landing system for supersonic missiles IIUD ON FG FT PF TP is engaged in research, development, and and aircraft; the first, general purpose, ~Il­ Meyer ...... 0 3- 3 2 3 ~ Electronics l transistor, digital computer. It is now at work ~ Wltry ...... 7 6- ? 1 20 manufacture of Computers, Inertial Guid­ Schmitt ...... 3 1- " 3 7 'fJt!J & electro­ ance, Armament Control and Flight Control on the inertial navigation system for the 1\r~t ~ Ubben ...... 4 2- 2 5 10 mechanics at the SLoan ...... •. 1 0- 0 Systems .. Autonetics designed and built the nuc!ear-pdwered Polaris-carrying subma­ ~ " 2 Bixby .. , ...... 0 0- 0 o 0 Autonetics Division inertial navigation system for the USS Nau­ rines and the guidance and control sy~tems Roiers ...... I 0- 0 2 2 IDow"." California I tilus and Skate; the first, completely auto- (or the Minuteman and GAM-77 missi1e~. i Yu.ka ...... 0 0- I) o 0 Boyd ...... I 0- 0 I 2 Wilson ... .. L 0- 0 2 2 ~" Lafrenz .... ------" 0 0- 0 o 0 Totals ...... 18 12-17 20 48 The Columbus Division, designed and built design studies now underway at the Colum­ CALUMET FG FT PF TP A the Navy's T2J Buckeye, America's most ver­ bus Division include undersea, land, and air () Odom ...... 8 2- 3 2 18 satile jet trainer which will train today's weapons systems for all Military Services. ~ Waggoner .. .. , .. 3 5- 6 3 1J ~tA Naval ' Rehder ...... 5 3- 3 2 13 aircraft jet cadets to command tomorrow's manned Current studies include ASW, missiles, ECM, ~\ Oau 4 5-10 2 13 ,. "'" & missiles at the weapons systems, and the Navy's supersonic, intercept aircraft, electronics systems,VTOL­ Rehder ...... , . . 6 2- 4 1 14 all-weather A3J Vigilante, today's most ver- . STOL, ground support equipment, and other •~ Dau ...... 0 .0- 1 0 0 Columbus Division I' Riebesel1 0 0- 0 0 0 satile manned weapons system. Advanced still confidential programs. Freed ...... ,. I 0- 0 0 2 lColumbul,Onlol Dau .. .. 1 l- 1 0 3 :' Menke ...... 0 0- 0 1 0 ·: TRY 'EM' TODAY Menke ...... ,. 0 0- 0 0 0 , Totats . •...... 28 18-29 1l 74 The Los Angeles Division is the home of the -production" of complete manned ' weapon ·II You've never tasted better ... you'll love IcDonald's Scoring by quarters: Deol,n& Calumet ...... t6 lO 19 29-74 ~ next-generation manned weapon system­ systems. Work encompasses the fields of rich, delicious Cheesebmgcrs, They're made with Hudson ...... , .... 13 8 1l 18-48 . development th"!! Mach 3 B-70 Valkyrie multi-purpose Electronics, Metallurgy, Structures, Aero­ ~ rich, creamy cheese, juicy l00~ pure beef hamburger of manned weapon bomber-and America's first manned space dynamics, Thermodynamics, Dynamics, systems at the vehicle, the X-15. Engineers in this division Mathematics, Physics, Human Factors and 011 a warm tasty bun . , . with all the trimmings, CHEESEBURGER. "ALL IN BY 9:00 A.M. Los A~geJes Division are engaged in research, development, and Industrial Engineering. and still only 19;. flo. Ang.I .., Collfornlol I, OUT BY 4:00 P.M. ,~ apleasure every family can afford! The Missile Division is the home of the GAM- missiles and space exploration vehiclel of a : "-~ MlaO. 77 "Hound Dog," an air-to-surface missile wide variety of range, speed and propulsion r You'll gct rich, ddicious Cheeseburgers, only 19¢ weapon for the Air Force's B-S2 bomber. The Mis­ methods. Scientists at the Aero-Space Lallo­ i .. , 100% pure beef Hamburgers, only 15; ... rich, system management sile Division has within its rank. some of the ratories, an organization within the Milsile nation's most experienced engineers and sci­ Division, are conducting creative research triple thick Milk Shakes, only 20¢ . , . crisp, deli­ & space research at CHEESEBURGER ••• SHAKE ••• the Missile Division entists in the fields of missiles and weapon well in advance of existing technology In the FRENCH FRIES ••• McDONALD'S cious French Fries, only 10;. You'll get fast, cheer­ systems. They are performln, research on space sciences. IDown ..... California) I I "ALL AMERICAN". A MEAL FOR ful, courteous service ... plenty of free parking, .. ONLY ~9c •.• FOR A FAMILY OF no car llOpS , .. no tipping ... plus the tastiest food 5 ONLY 52.45. Rocketdyne is engaged in ideas-to-hardware in town! -systems: the division is under contract for \ development of propulsion systems. Hi­ high energy solid propellant moton and . : thrust liquid propellant engines, built by "Aero•• from .,.. Propulsion unique accessory equipment. Solid propel­ PH,..."''' Rocketdyne, have powered most of the mis­ We use ·Kraft, Cheese Exclusively! .~ aysteltlJ , lant operations al'e io,~ated at McGregor, \ .ad concepts siles used for military and civilian space projects including Atlas, Jupiter, Thor, Red­ Texas. Other propulsion system concepti are Shirts and Dry at the Roeketdyne stone, ExploTer, Discoverer, Pioneer, Juno, actively under development err.ployln, the Division ~ and others. Under development .t prelrent principles of ion energy, nuckar ener,y, Cleaning 1C0.ogo Pork. Col:lo,.'al are two super performance liquid 5ystems. plasma jets, arc-thermodynamic nnd mall­ 1~a.'lIOr, T... ,' .While leading the nation in liquid propellant netohydrodynamic systems. I cDonald's Wash, Dry ., Fold 'Il AT WOIIK IN THI flllDS Of 'HI FU,un in with the arches:.. __ ___ Only J2' per pound 817 S. Riverside Drive NOllTl1 AMERICAN AVIA1.~ION, I~C .. , THE DAILY IOWAN-row. Cit" 1•• -6 ... ".." March " , 1960-P.,. S ;: Wisconsin Political Melee- famil} ' fiuancial ilualion. of po fial athletes to in5'itu· dcICb DOl lie ill dim n till UIe IJ{I d ". Minneapolis Seek Rules .To Stop-Raiding Th. boll..-d admitted the need tions ttlat e",.ge in the prac­ f dor. the r port continu d. bat fellture in the conference .:id tice ot "raiding." tt s.id losses rather in \\ rking out grce.nwill· Orch. Here plan had drawn the most criti. r.nged .5 high U 100 in WNn. "ith other canleren to prol f. Religious .Issue Athletes Signed by Big Ten cism and result" in the Sig yean. the Big Ten from being raide(l c1f March 30 Ten's suffering "seyert losses" Solution to t~ raiding probl m tudents who han' signed tenders. · · A.'\'N ARBOR. Ikh. ill - A I mendt.>d by the board. Th linn apolis Symphony Or- move to raidlllg 01 promi in I Undcr t Big Tn nder pro- Do Your laundry Causes Uprisl ng chestra will pre nt t \\0 conc rts I at UI .March 30 in the MaiD high school athle( who have ac- gram. financial aid i granted fo McDonald' 5 All American Meal • I I " By EARL ... ·ZO Lounge, Iowa Memorial nion. ce-pted tenders of fmanciaJ aid Ia pro pective Iud nl on, the. ba is While You .."... a pamphlet comp.rint Ken. The concfrl, pre nted under from B;d Ten schools was urged of need. u h need. wh. lch 15 de- Ronl. Trlboao N .... onl.. _ .....'s voti ..... recOrd ilt C...... r...... te "" bv an im~~ .. lal ag n h L 45-n L_'-' 15< "'_~W.AI An anli-Cath- ~:f;vor'abl~"" with that Df~Hum. the auspic of th Unl\' e~ilY COD- Friday by the Unh'e ity of lichi- r~~ted on th·ba. I o{·~ S Op Hy-Vee HamDu.... ,. - a _- sent anonymously phrey. c rt Course, will be pI yed at 2.30 gan's Board in Control of Intercol. Triple Thick Milk Shalc. _ 20c as yet und termined p.m. and 8 p.m. i 1 C't' F" at Golden Brown Idaho French Fries _ 10e \ or Wisconsin voter ,his Among other things it charges Free tickets 10 ludenls and lic· legiate Athletics. _ orca I Y' 1n FREE DELIVERY on purchase .. $hr __ It is inflaming sup))orters that Kennedy helped "Lyndon kels for sale to Unil'er ity Ian The board eel adoption of _ For e DIAL ..1_ SeRS. John F. I{ennedy aud HII- Johnson and the Southerners ... will be avail.able be~innlng FJ:iday. national rul 'oI-1\ich would prohibit - DELICIOUS Food 24 Hour COin rt Ii. Humphrey ill the Wiscon· weaken the Civil Rights Bill" of March 25. Tickets Will be avaIlable in Iitutions out ide the Big Ten _ M0 , Idl c n Democratic pre idenlial prj. ~~a; ;:~~~:~e:d!~u:~~ ~ ~~a~~ g~~eral public on Tuesday, from trying to lure away at~Iete I' at • Operated Laundry 0 on ry and threatening to cau 'e Dixie cohorts on this score. High school and l'unior high have agreed to accept (man· - ir surface and sub· urface bit· cull~ho aId under the conference ten _ REASONABLE Pr'lc-._ ' es to erupt iulo a public Another highlight accu ation school stud nts within a 2s-mile . • E.t .t ...... t deal with farm measures recom· radius of th S I campus ha\'e der system. - • lew od nybrook. hi I k mended by Secretary of Agricul· been invited to attend the or· The plan, cont.lnacI in the , - K 0 the drive-in with the 'Iehel on e tracts, w ch inc ude atlac s .. --~ nnu.I __ was ac • MAl DRITE. ir Sovth OIl 21. ture Ezra Taft BensQn between che tra's afternoon concert at a _ .... sa ...... ,. - an riesls and Catholic institutions pted Frida" by the .....tnts at _ K 'k KI 011 .... W'Y ...... AIrport 1953 and 1958. " Humphrey (voted) reduced rate of 50 cents. ~e , _." WI een OPEN TILL 11:. P.M. \ical to tho e circulated duro against Benson T1 times' Kennedy It is required that these students their ,...uI.r monthly I'IIHtine •. ,- OPEN TILL 12 ~ . P.M. ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY wh the Hoover·Smith campaign 32 (voted ) with Benson';' times." in a group be accomp!ln· .. board beJiev th t thl rs ago, were mailed through the states the pamphlet. which is en.' led~ome by an adult advlall~ or, accordmg po ~~.Iblbly hould be futly ~xplored Ii:. ..:======~~~~A;c;ros;;l~from;;~ H~V~'V;";;~G;r;DC;e;ry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ til. chlnson, Minn., po t office. W L Ad ( the bef d I ha d J/ N, 'lther s,'de has yet publicly titled "Let Ule Record Spe,/lk." to... amson. manager 0 . or a~y ra Ic.a c . n . I ma" ' UnlVer ity Concert Cour e. Orders m the Big Ten fmanclal aId plan. cused the other of responsibil. .The run.dow~ o( votes mostly fOI" such group should be mailed, aid the r port. which was igned y. But important figures in the With those cast m Congress several with a check for the amount in· by Athletic Director H. O. 'Fritz) amp.lgns of Kennedy, the firlt years a.go -. ~Core K-ennedy al- volved to William Adamson. Iowa Crisler and faculty repre ntative, D athollc to seek the prlsidency ~ered h~s poSItIOn ~n '!lany Carm Memorial Union, Iowa City. on farcus L. Plant inee New York Gov. Alfred E. Issu.es, I~ effect sWltchm.g from a or before March 25. Agreement among the various mith, and Humphrey, a Minne. ba~lc philosophy of fleXible farm The Minneapolis Symphony, ori- athletic conference 0 th3l th ir ot.n, are claiming privately price . support, an~ !ess . federal ginaled in 1903. mad its first con· member "would re peel Ih d m. h.t it is a conspiracy of some spendmg, to one oC ngld prtce sup- cert tour in 1906. It is currently onslrated intention" of tudent THES? "5orl agllinst their man. ports and more spending. heard by more than 300,000 peo- who have accepted awards at par- Sen. Kennedy's campaign man· Another document being sent pie annually. licular in litution wa r m. 12 Help Wanted, Men-Women '8 ager said he believes James R. out extensively in the Wisconsin Musical Director Antal Dorati RESULTS P PIlI HOUR AND UP poulbl" for Horfa and the Teamster Union camp.ign - this one by the K.n. will conduct the sur concerts. ------1-5:115 TEACHERS GET RAISE 1-2~ AN OR WOMAN to IIPP]Y ""oou', hierarchy, mortal political enemies nloy people - Is • letter to uni· Born in Blldape t, Dorati was the "aUon.lly adv.nl_ Wa,k ..,. ProctU II MOSCOW LfI - Th Communi t to custom.... In clly 01 low. City and' I 0 f Ule Ma sachusetts senator, v'rlity fac:ulty members and eg9' youngest graduate In the hi lory Ih Party Central Commillee and th Coralvme. P'uU or pan·urn• . E-IlI./ The Humphrey organization has tinguished educators. pe l. He was nam d direclor of per cent alary Increase< ix'gin· TI.T1tNI 111:0 chol"" .p,1Irtlnent. Coupl. WInona. Uno 3-1" angrily demanded that postal in· In it, Dr. Henry Steele Cornman· the Budapest Royal Opera House ning April 1 for teach rs and ad· 0' I Lodlt . Prlval. ".rklnl. 111 80. Dubuqu.. . _ IlIt.... ~ p.m. 3-1. Help Want.d, Men 60 Spectors trace the SOurce. Gerald ger. professor oC history. Amher t at the age of 18. mini trator of night and CorTI' . , Heaney, Democratic nalional College; Dr. Arthur H. Holcombe. ------Classified ~. pondence econdary. hools, ' th~ WANTED: Youn. man In~f'flI_ In ~ommilteeman from Minnesota. professor of histQry, and Dr. Mark P f B g'ln Study Soviet new ag ncy Ta. r ported playlnc mrnu ~1I . tu t be lhis reporter his headquarters De WolCe Howe, professor of law. Advertising Rates abl. to tumbh 110, and unltonn. ~i>l d ro e 5 today. The e schools are for work­ Call .'" "".nlnl" S·t3 \I,\as turned over to federal author i- at Harvard University; Dr. W. w. IfAG OS TV. GuaranlHd Tel...... lOll SUlIlNY. lu.,.,I..,Pd I room and bath Of l-Cell Animal ers and rural youth . ODe Da,. . _...... Sf a Word rvl Inl \)3' "'rll(tPd ~rvlt41 /'IUIn. ba nl e pa, ftll. 'Pnnl ~ntn.n"" . Business Opportunities 62 ~Ie a dozen of the numerous tracts Rostow, professor of economics, Any tim I-IOU or ..~ . a-l' '80110 with laundry f l~11I1I . \JUlill. =..:;.::;,;;,;.:.;;.:...;:;Jt;o=;..;...;;.;.;..;.;..;;.;..-____ ~ceived by Humphrey supporters. I\!assachusctt Institule of Tech. In an att mpt to under tand bPt· 4 Two Dayl ...... lOf a Word • paId . '120 11th live.. CorelI'm ... Phone LOOKING JI'OR INCOME' call 8)'1'on e. . :1-1. Ii So far as ttle Humphrey ItaH nology; and Drs. P. T. Ellsworth. ter the changes which occur in ONLY Three Days ...... 12# a Word Typing I D. 8H1~r for ~ II tnvHtmftll 01>- :lcoulct determine, pradically all professor of economics. and David body cells, SUl Zoology Profe . DAYS FOllr Day ._ ...... Word ~.:.:...... :..------TJlRD JlOOM tuml.hf'll _partin nl. porlunlUIH. .. 1101 or ennln" ..12 3-U 14#. I·I~ Phon. 4'. • 3.18 [:recipients haye be.n Catholicl, Fellman, professor of polilical sor N.B. Williams has be,un a Five Days ...... • 1~ • Word '!according to H.aney, a promin· science, or the University of Wis. study of a one-cell animal called type· ATJ"RACTlVE naif of dUIII x. Thl"H Work Wanteel Ten D8)'s ...... 20f • Word 4-IIR I rIO rooms, lull bath. $80 .00. Phone A lent Catholic layman who has consin. states: "As liberal mem- tetrahymena \'orax. ----~_..,...-_::_--~ 4141. ..10 WIINTJ:D - lronlnlL Dial I-SIIOII. 4-11 :been one of Humphrey's closest bers or the academic proCe sion The microorgani m which WiIll­ One Month ...... 19t. Word 'l)IIL ~m4-1.I ------WiLL Do IRONING. c;ua:lm:t:i . 1 It' h Se t r' we believe that the Democratic ams will study exhibit. more than (Mlnlmum Cbarie ~) f: IISS0C a es SInce ten. 0 • one body rorm in it· lifetim . In TYP---' -·0--- ..- 0-U-2,------u Homer. For, Sale 16 DESIGNING AND SEWINO wan\.ed. 'debut in politics 14 years ago. nominee for th presidency in 1900 addition to tudying the growth DISPLAY ADS I>«lalllln_ tn brldll wear. P.hone 4-IR HIRU- B OnOO!\!. ~mod.led hom. {O< I-C2U. • !I-n ·iI A {arm·to·farm survey by Hum- must be devo~ed to. the goals :md and . tructure of the animal, h will One Insertion: ..I II by own r. N~w k tuh.n, balhroom ~rey workers in the Mawston methods of hberahsm . and must attempt to control lh chang s in 4-IR . nd br .n.-ay, Wn~ Bo" :61, Kalon.. • ..., ».26 • Column Inch low. 3-11 .::A:..:u:..:.t:::.os:...:..F..:o.:..r..:::S:..:a:..:.l.:.e______~OO~ p.m. ¥ea, near Lacrosse, and in sec- profe s sllbs.tantl~I q,uahties o~ .in· body form. TYPING. 1-1737. ~-25 tions o[ Dane County, near Madi- tcllect and Imagmatlon. W tlunk Williams explain that such Five In ertlona. tonth: TYP--lN.....;.O-.-.-u-O-.------I-Ull 1851 OLJ)S.'1'OBlL!:. $15()00. CaIl·e=4h1. Each In on: 11 •• Column Inch ;. ~'~4 9 Friday, I, ~n, showed only Catholics had that S n, Joh~ F. Kenn dY "of 1change in cells in high r animal f l' gotten the tracts. said Heaney. MassachuseUs IS. ~uch a ,!,~n. such as men may be involved both Ten In rtlons a Month: TYPISO ,.jI43'7 4.IV """'"T'~~---;:---:-~---.:-;; I.» VOL.KSWIIGJ:N Compl te .".:vice ------..M;;..o:;b:;I;;..le:...:..H:..:i0~m:.:.e:...:..F-=o.;..r-=~-=a.;..I';:..-. __..;.I.=.B .....,on!. $USO or besl otter. Jim. win· , Hi s theory is that the mailing, Then, afler cltmg Speel~IC In· in normDI embryologIcal d velop- Eacb Inser OD: 90c • Column Inch Rooms For Rent 10 - oocklOw. 417V. • • ,.11 ;e(ninatin~ as it did [rom Minneso· stan~es oC Ken~edy's position ?n J ment and in cancer. March 25, 1I0UE IT tI .., for ..Ie . N .... and a, was aimed at blackening Hum- Corelgn, domestic and labor IS, The research proj ct Is tlPpo.rt. uM

THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS _ • AdcIed Fun • 1960 TOM & JERRY CARTOON n vehicle. of a TUESDAY, 22 MARCH "Jerry'l Cousin" and propulsion "Irish in Me" • Special. o-Space Labo­ In the Missile MAJOR R. O. DIETSCHE . \ atlve research Executive Officer LATE, LATE SHOW AFTER THE BALL GAME TONIGHTI hno!ogy in the BLONDIE Iy CHI C Winfred C. McCroskey NOW. THE YEAR'S YOUNG ., f · ["i] - , ,.] , BIG PICTUREI Persollnel Assistant .. ,ITS WHAT GOES UN Wnc" nte tiGHTS GO oi:F I er contract for nt motors and ROCK ISLAND DISTRICT it. Solid propel­ for ~ at McGregor, [cnl concept. are 4 INTERVIEWS WITH ENGINEER GRADUATES t cn:ployin, the rucltar energy, Opportunities for Career·Conditional mle and rna,- appOintments under Civil Service procedures SCHEDULE YOUR INTERVIEW WITH THE ENGINEERING PLACEMENT OFFICE I P.g. 6-THE DArlY IOWAN-I_. CIty, I •.-btu",.y, M.rch 1f, 1'60


Tod.y', D.U" 1_ tfIt ClmpUS c.", .ctivi,l., .nd plI1 your vot.. in .11.

o C h p w East Downs Dutchmen Larry Thompson of E.st W.t.rloo (No. 32) m.kes 55). His efforts ,eem.d to p.y off as W.t.rloo a charge for the basket past Sioux Center pillyers came from behind 1n the closing minutes to down Robert Bruinsma (No. 41), Jim Vermeer (No. Sioux Center, 41-38. Among His Souvenirs 23), and in the background, Doug Zylstra (No. Thi. high schooler, Ron Ba.th, 0' Moorhead, buys may not b. too pleasant though, because Moor· II souvenir to remind him of this year's state head lost its Friday afternoon game to Whe.t· basketball tournament at Iowa City. The memory land, 67 to 56.

' Arne Cuba

S-S-S-Boom Bah! HAVANA (,fI - said they captured Th.s. W.t.rloo cheerleaders get c.rried away in the excitement Monday piloted by of the E.,t Wat.rloo·Sloux C.nt.r g.me here Friday afternoon. trying to whisk a They h.v. good reason, beCillsa Waterloo came from behind in inal to refuge in the closing minutes to win the thriller. Relations betwe~m Havana are

Basketball Invades Iowa City High.school.ra, par.nts, and burgers espe!ielly - as anyone ing a woman. The wounded bask.tball fans in g.neral have who tried to get a meal in len than an hour can testify. invaded Iowa City for the Boys Stores and restaurants stock. State Basketball Tournamen'. ed up on extra merchandise, food, Scotch Ho Th. main' focus of their enthu· and harried help. siasm i, at the Fi.ld House, but Daily Iowan photographers Now On plenty is I.ft over to /lv.n up the Tom Hoffer, Bruno Torres, Boris Feature E. Waterloo Loses Kincaid rest 0' Iowa City. Yaro, and Jerry Dickinson at· Groups of students wandered 'empted to keep up with the Tickets [or the the streets looking for something peppy visitors and managed to All Noise on Western Court A referee looks over the prone figure of Wllterloo out for the r.st of the garnt. In the backgrouncl year's Spinster to do between g.m". Most of get the picture story that appears East player John Kincaid, who rein;urod his knee art Dave William50n (No. 34) of W.tuloo .nd This is just a small portion of the huge crowd resume today with Wheatland meeting Calumet on sale this week them 5tttled for eating - ~am· on . this page. Union Information in the second quarter of tfIt Waterloo-Sioux Cen­ Wilbur Sandbulte (No. 35) of Sioux Cent.r. that jammed the SUI Field House Friday as the and Marshalltown dueling Waterloo East for the ter game here Friday afternoon. He remaine.d stale high school boys tournamenl went into ils Class Band Clas5 A championships. Margie Ladd, fint round of activity. The tournament will dance committee the ticket price a Scottish cO~lslder~ $3.98 per couple. The Scotch Hop from 8 p.m. to 11 Main Lounge DC Richard Ma vide music for

{ PIZZA-Iowa City Style! Wheat(land) Shockers Pizza In lhe making caught the ey. of two rntmbtrs of tfIt Bridge· "A job w.1I done," may b. the thou9ht. of these two Whe.tland water·Fontanelle bashtb.II t •• m. Max Mill.,. .nd John Con.way, players, Gary Van Pelt (No. 24) and M1 unidentified team m.te, lIS both junior" stopped to watch George D._ich make the f.vorlte they walk off the Field HOUle floor aft.r deftatlng Moorhead, 67.56 'snack' of SUlowans. in • one.slded ball gam. her. Friday aft.rnoon. • j ., I.Side by Phil WikoH, Tom Crossett, Dtnny Morgen MId I,ll Nash, .11 hll h These boys .nd hundreds of others were in I~. City for tho Boys' sc'-l lunlor•• nd members .f tho Brltllton b.sk.tbt" te.m, spent St.te BlSk.tlNlI Tourn.ment. most 0' Fril,"y .ft.rnoon .c:qualntl", themselves with low. City. ..