•• • It's Marshalltown vs. E. Wafe"rloo, "Calumet vs. Whealland , Iowa basket.baU fans ar in for by fonner Iowa IU:thalI ars, l real battle on the boards, but Todays Games ...y ............Mt.... In nt scoring leader Delmer Dau win. East Waterloo* * 41,* a Ibrill-packed night tonight as East Waterloo' . turra), Wier and missed free throws in the 1 bill .,...., East W................ and Gordon Odom lead.in( tbe '!be game promises to be coo- Finest tries Sioux Center 38 Wheatland chali ng d fending tarshaUtown' E,' Cochrane. Wi r kept the Warriors from ach'anc1ng COHSOLATIOH Whether w .........r '"'" tpMtI sur e. siderabJy closer .than eJlber ol Cia B c ... ft.....:An Calumet and was gr duated from low in 1 inlo (he final round. Clau B .,.., UII rutdt .... Wile U nd .ilI ha"e a Sllgbt ....~da y's Class B oontests. !lion." Pre-tourriament Class A favorlt >;! ............ 1:. ,"'....... 11 (22-6) ya. H..... eut......... _ MarsbaUtown mixe with East and Cochrane fini<JIed up in 1952. farsballtoll-n dumped bol- (22.') 0 T ......• ....... ~ r-* heicht edge O\'er CalU1'1'1d with 6-4 I" .. a- It. c.nMf.... Melt- gen· East Waterloo m~e a furious I • Waterloo in lhe Class A final . Eas( Waterloo displayed their shooting IontIcello by matc:hln: .. be -. center Art .. !oose" Pet rsen, 6-J Heelle Iedn '-- with ..... Coin 'oes to ond half comeback Friday after· B _L_ t L. clutch performance bilily they the Black PanthBs fine 0Il1 boot- CI_ It. Much the same situation occur forward Larry Al and fH) guard C.....,.. n. w....,.,... HIr. M.. o An· noon to snuff out Sioux Center' o I" .,ames -pe up 0 _. o\'ercame an lI-Jioinl haUtime d ft. mg and dominating their otren. 2:4s-sieux c.n.,. (2S-l, yt. in the Cl B fllUlh. CaJI.Ifl1e('$ W)1\ Mowry a top rebounders. .....__ ."..... hrIo ... IIIUdI undry hopes of repeating their 1959 title, study In bosbtball COIItrasta- cit to ou. I t ye r's CJ A iv bo rd with 6-6 0 v Col and ~ .. J6.11 run and shoot squad f a Wheat. 'J1Ie Wildcats move the ball well ...", IfIUi.1h fw Moe.1 .Ie. 41 ·38. IjIOflI .nd "-ting by CAlumot ch mpion, Sioux Cent r 41-38. Trail- 64 Don Il n. CHAMP IOHSHI P land team that feat1.lte a delilx-r· and pick up their shot carefully. Monticello, however. ahould Tho ,.me WII • lov ..e re­ and M""'allf_n ...inst ,... ing 27-16 t the half, Ih Trojan Their "crippJe" sh from und r CI_ B ate ollense in a 7 p.Ol. cootest. Coach Bob Sendek's team now has bounce back wkh a hot pme after bounding cll5h from .... openinl iMlundi", and "-fOIl.. Ity Wheat. tightened their rock·nbbed defense the buck t r tedly towed the 7:--.WN.tt1lllt (25-1) YI. Catv- The Indians, Rek1ng to repeat 1 a 22·game winning. reak :oing. hitting "only" S7 per cent 1ft the whistlo. Sioux Conter'l defanding land .,.., Ea.t W..... ,... to limit \he ex~hamps 10 fhe ~tonUcello threats. mot (25-3) lheir 1958 title, have 1 rebound- The CI B consolation f1nw al semifmals. '!be Bladt Panthers bad c .. ampions beat Ellt Waterl ..'s The Class A final, scheduled to point in lhe third quarter and siI I The... il little quntIM ift .... CI ... It. in( rength than 1 t yearf's squad 1:30 finds Moorhead meeting Hud· a season aVer'lle of better than 50 vaulted ,..~rs on .... bo.rds get under way at 8: IS p.m .• matcb- , in the final period minds of ~ feoIlowon I: lS-Eoet W• ..,. (22.1) "'" but IICIPCIr 10 be better balanced son. Both t ams ladt a ~'big" man per cent they rolled 10 a 71.5 ol. In tho first INIf and hold w.... es a pair of AA powers coached Sioux Center ,ave lh Trojan ttl.t ManhaoIIfowft eaNIOf ........ Manhaltt.wn (n-2) offel\!lvely with all~ime .tourna. and depend on good outshootlug to femive average. ..mod lib .n insurmountabl. --------- --------------~----------~----~------~~------------------~--------~---------- load of 21.1 ••t h.lftime. The Warriors went stone-cold in Weather forecast the second half though and scored only five points in the third period P.rtly cltudy, Ifttfo warmer tMay. HitM In tho and six in the crucial linal quarter. - •• Little dI.nto In .....,.............. Tho Coach Murray Wier's Trojans, outlotlc fer Sunday~y deWy .... .... who hit only 6 of 32 attempts from sllthtly warmor --..ratwH with a dwwa of the field in the first half, warm· 1I.11t ....w w r.l", ed up slighUy in the last half with 01 owon 11 of 31 to finish the game with a Sertiing The State University 0/ Iowa and the People of Iowa City .270 average. ERahllshed in leGS Sioux Center jumped to a 7~ Associated Press Leased Wire ADd Wirephoto - Herald TribuIIe Newt Servb Leued "'Ire Iowa City, lowa, SalUrday, March I., 1110 lead before John Kincaid broke thc scoring ice for the TrOjan I with a short jumper. Bill Perkins then hit a pair from long range and the Trojan moved up to with· in two points at 9-7. Sioux Conter camo ri,ht bock Downer wit" a flurry .. Dou, Zistr• "Brockman, • nd Arlin Buyort counterod from short r~tn.. to ,0 ahead 18·' and then utondod t"oir lo.d to 27·16 at tho h.lf, East Waterloo lost the services of John Kincaid with 2:23 remain­ ing in the first half as he came Explain " Platfor~s down from a rebound attempt reo injuring his troublesome knee which had kept him out of the greater part of the Trojans' sea· I Give Opinions son. 'Mad' Grad Despite scoring only one field goal in the third period the Warriors held a 32·25 lead goIng in· Student Puts On Council's to the finnl quarter. The Trolans kept plu"in, away .nd moved into the lo.d at 37·36 as Emmit Hoosm.n Hat in Ring Clause Action dropped in a pair of frH throws By JOE TABAK By KAY LUND with 3:21 left aftor "e ...d be.n St.H Wnt-r Staff Writw the victim of .n offenllva foul "r rc:pr!'. enl aymbol of dl by Buy.rt. gust," aid Howard Kaplan, C, Before an obviously antagonistic Hoosman followed up with a audlcnce FrIday the two Bronx. N. Y., In announcing hb allernoon, layup with 1:<10 remaining to candldatcs for the presidency ol platform as write-In candldate for clinch the decision for the Tro· th sur Student Council fired jans. Stud nl Council presld nt Friday I answ rs on !.be subjects or clIllpUS at lh coHee hour ponsor d by l!I\ST i ues nd thctr campaign plat. WATERLOO 110 FT Pt' .t th United Stud nt Fellow hip t (orlJl8. Perkins ., . G 2- 3 3 the Con relallonai Church. Kincaid ....... I 1- 1 2 Ronald Brockman. A2, Westgate, Koo.mon '" ., S 3- 8 4 "When you vol for me," KapJan Thompson. I 0- 0 2 and Robert Downer, -'3, Newton, b.69' Wllllamson . I 1- 3 2 conUnued, "you vott' a/lllinst a lot ar th announced candidates for Porter ..... .. .. 2 0- 0 I that i going on In thi place," (He Venter ." .. 0 0- 0 0 Council president who will be B. Kincaid • . 3 0- I 5 refcrred to the UniverSIty and not ------- to Ih Congre atJonaJ Church' "Of ""rac:y .".Inlt mo," he said, it w.aa "Ih.me.ful and ludicnKIl cl ted In alloQIJIPUS elect.iona To ... I, 17 7·14 19 41 Bevy 01 Beauties ttlat ....y ".ad cIorta nothing." Wednesday. 810 X cour , th r l! no po Ibility of ".t:o aucllonc:e la",hod. .. C .NTER FO tT PI' TI' my obtaining the po IUon," he . ald. I I have been c:aUcd mad, Kap. "t'm .ure ....y pl.1WItCI It that Gradu.... ttvcItntI cempri.... Verme:er ..•••.• 0 o· 1 3 0 Reignint over the MECCA Ball Fridoy night w.s d.y ov.nin,. H.r .ttondants ere (from loft,: an Id, "and I am. 1 am mad al way," ho HId, Ollcrimina..... tf\o ma/ontv e.f .... audionee '" BUYf'rt .,. I. 1 • 2- 5 I 10 Mary Ann Sh,.tlln, Ox, Highland P.rte, III. A "'eney Murray, Al, DanllpOf1 ; 8amtI. ThNft.. Tho pUI"'pOM of .... coffoo hour Ih thmJ: thal go on at thl Uni. about 51 pel'llM. 4I~ ZylMro ., . , 5-8 2 JJ will ,..~In II long os tt­ __ .... INurn. was .,..,. S.ndbult~ • , .• 3 1- 5 3 7 member of Pi Bet. P .. i sorority, sho wos selected N3, Konselt; Joyce Olson, A2, Codar R.plds, and wa. to Ilw. ItvcIont5 ""' oppor. ver Ily, and I am mad lIP her ." ".l1Iy people" raprHt"t you, ho Drulnsm. .. 3 2- 4 2 , by SUI ongin"ring studenh .t a smoker Thurs. 8eth K.stor50n, AI, Des Moines. tunlty ...... oequM"," wlttt tho <He pointed to hls head,' wid. aor.d by .... Ullltocl StvcIent '.1. TOIllI. ... -------. 14 10·21 II 3! two .MOUMod c.ndldates fw Whe slcacl ho ho would con. Kaplan said that he IIlld prc­ IowthIp e.f .... Cofttrot~1 Seorlnlr by Quarter., S~ Covncll pruidant, R.... n a w Ea . ! Wate rloo ... .. 1 9 9 I~I .Id Brockman MCI R*" Down. duct hlm..1f If ho we,.. .Iected to vlou xperlellCt' in public: o(flcc. Chvrch In order ttw.t SUI stv­ SIoux Cenler .
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