
Journal ofNeurology, , and Psychiatry 1991;54:633-638 633

Anterograde with damage J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from following removal of IIIrd ventricle colloid cyst

John R Hodges, Katherine Carpenter

Abstract was normal. A CT scan revealed a typical high Two patients developed anterograde density non-enhancing colloid cyst situated in amnesia following the apparently the anterior part of the IlIrd ventricle with a uncomplicated transcallosal-trans- mild degree of obstructive . ventricular removal of a colloid cyst. Surgery was performed in July 1985. A Damage to the fornical columns was transcallosal approach to the left lateral ven- demonstrated on CT and MRI scans, tricle was used. A 2 cm incision was made in whilst other memory related structures the corpus callosum. The pericallosal arteries were entirely normal. Longitudinal were identified and spared. A typical tense neuropsychological evaluation, over 12- colloid cyst was identified embedded in the 24 months, has revealed a very similar septum pellucidum which was opened. The pattern of deficit in the two cases: verbal cyst was then removed via the left foramen of memory has remained persistently Munro without apparent damage to the for- impaired whilst nonverbal anterograde nices. There were no operative complications memory has improved to some degree. and the patient's recovery in the immediate Formal tests of remote public (famous post-operative period was uneventful. faces and events) and personal Upon recovery, it was immediately autobiographical memory have suppor- apparent that she had developed an amnesic ted the clinical impression that neither syndrome with anterograde memory impair- patient has a temporally extensive ment so that she was unable to retain simple retrograde amnesia. These findings verbal material (for example, name and address the role of the fornix, and the address) for more than a few minutes and was dissociation of memory processes in disorientated in time. The retrograde amnesia humans. initially covered the last 12 months. For in- stance, she was unable to recall the operation, preceding illness or family events of the past The issues addressed in this paper are year. Over the next few months, however, the threefold. Firstly, the finding of a clinically retrograde amnesia gradually decreased to significant amnesic syndrome in two patients approximately four weeks in duration. following the apparently uncomplicated trans- Detailed and repeated informal assessment of callosal removal of colloid cysts from the remote memory, for both personal and public http://jnnp.bmj.com/ IlIrd ventricle has obvious practical implica- events, from the past two decades has shown tions for the management of such cases.'2 consistently excellent performance. Secondly, the site of pathology has relevance Although there has been no improvement in to the continuing controversy concerning the the degree of anterograde memory impair- role of the fornix in human memory.3 Thirdly, ment during the two years since her surgery the pattern of memory deficit, with partial she has adjusted well to the handicap by the recovery of non-verbal anterograde memory extensive use of mnemonic devices, and on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and the absence of appreciable retrograde retains good insight into her memory amnesia in either case, addresses the issue of capacities. In 1986 she returned to work at her the dissociation of memory processes, parti- former employment but in a sheltered part- cularly the relationship between anterograde time capacity. and retrograde memory loss in the amnesic Formal neuropsychological testing was syndrome.4 carried out at one, three, 14 and 24 months The University of post operatively (see below). A CT scan per- Cambridge Clinical Case reports formed following surgery showed an area of School, Cambridge Case one low attentuation in the region of the left J R Hodges column A obtained Department of A 45 year old right handed woman, presented fornical (fig la). recently Clinical in July 1985 with a 12 month history of severe MRI brain scan, with contiguous parasagittal Neuropsychology, The paroxysmal bursting , associated Ti weighted images, demonstrated severance Radcliffe Infirmary, of and of the fornices at the level of the IIIrd ven- Oxford latterly with brief episodes paraesthesia K Carpenter weakness affecting the left leg. She had no tricle directly beneath the deficit in the and had con- anterior corpus callosum (fig 2a). Both scans Correspondence to: complaints of memory loss, Dr Hodges, Department of tinued working as a clerk and running her failed to reveal any abnormalities in other Neurology, Addenbrooke's structures the Hospital, Cambridge CB2 house without difficulty. Her family had noted major memory-related (that is, 2QQ, UK no problems with her memory or other higher thalamus, the hippocampus and para- Received 12 February 1990 cognitive function. Physical examination hippocampal regions). Figure 3 illustrates the and in final revised form normal and course of the fornix in 6 March 1991. revealed no abnormalities. Bedside testing of appearance Accepted 8 March 1991 orientation, attention, memory and language a control subject for comparison. 634 Hodges, Carpenter

Figure 1 Axial CT scan J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from images in cases 1(la) and 2 (lb) at the level of the foramen of Munro showing an area of low attenuation in the region of the left fornical column (arrow).

Case Two high density non-enhancing cyst situated in the A 33 year old right handed man, presented in anterior part of the IIIrd ventricle, approx- May 1987 with a three month history of imately 1 cm in diameter. There was minimal paroxysmal headaches and a single episode of enlargement of the lateral ventricles. loss ofconsciousness. At this time he continued Surgery was performed in May 1987. The to work as a self-employed salesman without cyst was removed by a transcallosal approach to difficulty. His wife had not noticed any impair- the left lateral ventricle, a technique identical to ment in his memory. that used in case 1. A 1 cm incision was made in Physical examination revealed no abnor- the corpus callosum. The pericallosal arteries malities. Bedside testing of attention, orienta- and thalamo-striate vein were identified and tion, memory, visuospatial function and lan- spared. The septum pellucidum was then guage was normal. A CT scan revealed a typical opened and a typical colloid cyst was identified through the foramen of Munro. The cyst was incised and evacuated, the capsule was then Figure 2 Sagittal MRI dissected away from the forniceal columns and images in cases I (2a) completely removed via the left lateral ven- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ through the midline tricle. There were no complications in the showing interruption of the fornices (arrow) at the immediate post-operative period. level of theforamen of As soon as he had recovered from the Munro directly beneath procedure it was apparent that he had the surgical corpus callosum defect. In case 2 developed an amnesic syndrome with clinically (2b) the rightfornical obvious anterograde memory impairment but column was 2pparent on limited loss. temporally retrograde memory on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. contiguous parasagittal cuts, but in the other Initially the retrograde amnesia was of approx- patient neither column imately 18 months duration; he was unable to could be demonstrated. recall his operation, presenting complaints or

W;:-. ,._' Figure 3 Midline sagittal MRI image in a control subject showing the normal appearance and course of the fornixs .'ig (arrow) for comparison with the two patients. Anterograde amnesia with fornix damagefollowing removal of IIIrd ventricle colloid cyst 635

Table I Results ofgeneral intellectural and memory tests in case 1 foramen of Munro (fig 2b). No other lesions J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from were Aug 85 Oct 85 Sept 86 Aug 87 Expected shown. (I month) (3 months) (14 months) (24 months) Range* Results IQ Verbal 89 97 Performance 112 120 The formal neuropsychological test results on Full Scale 99 107 cases 1 and 2 are shown in tables 1 and NART' 101 103 2, Digits Forward 5 6 6 6 respectively. The patients' scores were com- Backward 4 5 5 5 pared with established normative data for tests Verbal Memory Paragraph Immed 4 75 3 5 3 5 3 0 8-10 in routine clinical usage. For the more Delayed (60 mins) 0 0 0 0 5-6 experimental tests, normative data were PALT2 Immed 5 0 7 0 7 5 8 0 14-18 Delayed Easy 4 5 6 5 6 derived from 20 neurologically normal controls Hard 0 0 0 0 3-4 subjects, mean 54-2 who Warrington RMT' (SD) age (8 6), Words (raw score) 43 43-46 represent a subgroup of the community-based Faces (raw score) 45 47-48 controls used in a previous Non-Verbal Memory study.6 Form A B A The results confirmed the presence of an Rey Figure Copy 34 29 34 >32 amnesic syndrome which initially affected Recall (45 mins) 6 17 5 19 > 22 Corsi block span 6 6 6 6 anterograde verbal and nonverbal memory to supraspan +2 trials >20 10 6 6-10 an equal degree. In Case 2 there was no Spatial memory test Items recalled 4 5 6-10 significant discrepancy between the estimated Mean displacement 9-1 8-2 5-11 level of pre-morbid IQ, as judged by perfor- mance on the National Adult Test Key: 1 National Adult Reading Test, 2 Paired Associate Learning Test, 3 Warrington Reading Recognition Memory Test, *based on age and IQ. (NART)7 and the post-operative WAIS IQ scores. Case 1 showed a discrepancy between Verbal and Performance IQ of 23 points in family events over this period. Over the next favour of the latter, implying a degree of verbal few months, however, the retrograde amnesia intellectual impairment. A number of gradually shrank to about four weeks. As in the additional tests of general cognitive ability former case, his recall of more remote personal (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices8), and public events has remained normal on frontal executive function (trail making,9 verbal detailed informal testing. fluency'0), problem solving" and naming'2 The degree of anterograde memory impair- revealed no evidence of impairment in either ment, apparent on clinical testing, had not patient (see table 3). Immediate (short-term) improved substantially when last reviewed 12 memory for verbal material (digit span) and months post-surgery. He does, however, retain non-verbal material (Corsi block tapping span) very good insight into his memory capacities was also normal. and by the use of extensive written and recor- Assessment of longer-term verbal memory ded notes has managed to return to work in an revealed substantial impairment which has office but with a substantial reduction in status persisted without significant improvement for and salary. 24 months in case 1, and for 12 months in case A CT scan performed post-operatively (fig 2: delayed recall of prose passages (logical Ib) revealed a lesion in the region of the left memory component of the Wechsler Memory anterior column of the fornix, and residual Scale WMS) has remained severely impaired as http://jnnp.bmj.com/ enlargement of the left lateral ventricle. A has the ability to learn word pairs on the paired recently obtained MRI scan, using the same associate learning (PALT) component of the techniques as above, showed interruption of WMS.1314 the left fornical column beneath the surgical On a modified version ofthe drilled word list deficit in the corpus callosum at the level of the learning test of Weintraub and Mesulam,6 using a standard eight word list, both patients

Table 2 Results ofgeneral intellectual and memory tests in case 2 required an abnormally large number of learn- on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ing trials to reach the criterion of three con- July 87 Dec 87 August 88 Expected secutively correct trials [(eight and nine trials, (8 weeks) (6 months) (12 months) Range* respectively; controls 4 8 (1 2)]. In addition, IQVerbal 112 they demonstrated a rapid rate of forgetting: at Performance 114 Full Scale 110 five minutes they retained 50% and at 15 NART' 110 minute only 25% of the word list (normal Digits Forward 9 Backward 5 controls retain virtually 100% throughout). Verbal Memory Recognition memory for verbal material Paragraph Immed 7 75 10 0 7-5 10-12 appeared to Delayed (60 mins) 0 0 5 0-25 6-7 be superior to free recall. On the PALT' Immed 7-5 4-0 10 0 16-19 Warrington Recognition Memory Test Delayed Easy 4 0 6 6 (WRMT),'6 case 1 obtained raw word Hard 0 0 0 3-4 recogni- Warrington RMT' tion scores at the 25th percentile level, whilst Words (raw score) 41 42 48 that ofcase 2 was just above the Faces (raw score) 34 41 46 10th percentile. Non-Verbal Memory In contrast to their performance on tests of Form A B A verbal memory, both patients showed im- Rey Figure Copy 33 33 33 > 34 Recall (45 mins) 7-5 10 11-5 > 27 provement on some measures of nonverbal Corsi block span 6 6 6 memory during the six to 12 months supraspan + 2 trials >20 7 6-10 following Spatial memory test surgery. On the supraspan block tapping test," items recalled *2 6-10 initially both failed to reach the criterion of two mean displacement 7-4 4-11 correct runs after 20 trials. By six months (case Key: see Table 1. 2) and 14 months (case 1) their performances 636 Hodges, Carpenter

Table 3 Results of the additional neuropsychological tests offrontal executivefunction 1970s (n = 17) and 1980s (n = 18), using their J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from and language in cases 1 and 2 spouses as controls; in case 1 the overall score (91-4%) was superior to that of her husband Case I Case 2 (82 8%) and in case 2 (82.8%) was virtually Ravens Advanced Progressive Matices (max = 12) 8 10 identical to that of his wife (80%). It can be Trail Making Test A secs 25 19 B secs 60 45 seen in table 3 that their performance was Verbal Fluency (Letters F, A, S; total) 35 45 equally good for items from both decades. Boston Naming Test (max = 60) 52 57 Remote memory for personal events was assessed using the Modified Crovitz Test,6 20 in which subjects are asked to generate personal were within the normal range, 82 (30).617 memories evoked by each of 10 nouns (for Their scores for delayed recall of the Rey- example, ship, flag, tree) and then to date the Osterrieth complex figure were initially in the memories produced. Each episode is scored for severely impaired range, 6&0 and 75.18 By 12- temporal specificity and richness of detail 24 months, however, case 1 had improved according to the criteria previously described. substantially whilst there was a less marked The patients had no difficulty producing improvement in the score ofcase 2. It should be detailed and specific memories, scores case 1:30, noted that a parallel form of the complex figure case 2:29; normal subjects 28-3 (1 9). The age was used for alternate test sessions. distribution of the episodes corresponded to The pattern of results on the incidental that of normal subjects, who very consistently spatial learning test of Smith and Milner620 produce 25% of the memory from the most revealed a dissociation between recall of item recent five years:620 cases 1 and 2, produced identity and recall of item location. In this test 30% and 40% from this era. Thus the results of subjects are asked to name 16 toys randomly the formal tests of remote memory support the arranged on a 60 cm board and to estimate the clinical impression that neither patient had price ofthe real item represented by the toy (for evidence of a temporally extensive retrograde example, washing machine, watch). The toys amnesia. are then removed from the board and after four minutes of distraction the subjects are asked to recall as many items as possible in one minute. Discussion They are then given the toys to replace on the The development of virtually identical neuro- board in their original positions. The number psychological deficits in two patients following of items correctly recalled after four minutes the trans-callosal removal of a colloid cyst was clearly impaired (four and two items res- from the IlIrd ventricle is clearly of practical pectively; controls 8-5 (1 8), whereas the mean importance. It is well recognised that patients item displacement was within normal limits, with colloid cysts in this site may present with a 9 1 and 7 4 cms; controls 7 9 (3 7) cms. variety ofbehavioural abnormalities, including Further evidence for the selective memory impairment.2122 Although the two improvement in case 2 comes from his perfor- patients in this study did not have formal mance on the WRMT. At eight weeks post- neuropsychological assessment pre-opera- surgery, his face recognition score was seven tively, there was no clinical evidence of points below that for word recognition; memory impairment, and both had continued http://jnnp.bmj.com/ however, by six months the face recognition to lead normal lives until the time of surgery. had improved by seven points without any Whereas, it became immediately apparent fol- substantial improvement in the word score. lowing the removal of the cysts that they had Remote memory for public faces and events developed a clinically significant amnesic syn- was assessed using a battery of tests previously drome. The conclusion that the memory deficit described in detail.6 Since both patients were arose as a complication of the surgical procedure rather than from the colloid cyst per younger than those for whom the tests were on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. developed, the famous faces and the famous se appears unavoidable. events tests were adapted so that cases 1 and 2 Furthermore, the diagnosis in both cases was were tested only for items from those decades made at a relatively early stage since neither since they reached adolescence (that is, case 1- had evidence of persistently raised intracranial late 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s; case 2-late 1960s pressure, nor marked ventricular enlargement. and 1970s). For both patients naming of Colloid cysts of the IIIrd ventricle are famous faces, recognition and dating of famous notoriously difficult to diagnose since the symp- events was within the normal range for all toms are usually intermittent and can be decades tested. In addition, they were assessed extremely varied. The advent of CT scanning on an ad hoc test of famous face naming, has revolutionised the ability to detect colloid consisting of 35 additional photographs of cysts at an early stage, as shown in our cases. people who had come to prominence in the The developments in diagnostic techniques together with advances in neurosurgical tech- nique, notably the use of the operating micro- Table 4 Performance of cases and controls (spouses) on scope, have also improved the prognosis.'2 It is an ad hoc test offamousfacesfrom the 1 970s and I 980s therefore important to note that despite these advances, the removal of lesions from the IIIrd n Case I Case 2 Controls ventricle is not without the risk of significant 1970s 17 15 14 14 sequelae. The statement by Nitta and Symon2" 1980s 18 17 15 14 5 that the excision of colloid cysts is now "a Total 35 32 (91-4%) 29 (82-8%) 28-5 (81-4%) relatively straightforward procedure with Anterograde amnesia withfornix damagefollowing removal of IIIrd ventricle colloid cyst 637

minimal morbidity" should be modified in this pathway connecting the hippocampus to the J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from light. other limbic and diencephalic structures- A full discussion of the surgical approaches which also play an essential role in human to the IIIrd ventricle is beyond the scope ofthis memory-it would be surprising if damage to article and has been recently reviewed in the fornix did not cause memory impairment. detail.2 Briefly summarised, dorsal approaches In our patients, it seems most likely that one (or are now generally favoured for the removal of both) fornical columns sustained direct or colloid cysts, either transcortically or trans- indirect (for example, vascular) injury at the callosally. The classic transcortical-transven- time of surgery. This conclusion is partly tricular approach to the foramen of Munro speculative since pathological confirmation of allows easy identification of the landmarks the site of damage is not available. In both within the lateral ventricle, but is unsuitable in patients, however, CT scans have demon- patients without hydrocephalus and carries the strated lesions corresponding to the left for- problems inherent in transecting the frontal nical column, and more recently obtained MRI cortex. The anterior transcallosal approach to images indicate severance of one or both for- the lateral ventricle, as used in our patients, nices. Furthermore, in neither case has damage allows good visualisation of both walls of the to other known memory-related structures IIIrd ventricle, is applicable in patients with- (that is, the hippocampus, and parahippo- out hydrocephalus, but may carry greater risk campal region, or the anterior and dorsomedial of forniceal damage. thalamic nuclei) been demonstrated. Damage This brings us to the controversy in the to these or other cerebral structures cannot be literature on the relationship of section of the totally excluded by presently available in vivo fornix to memory loss. Sweet et al, in 1959,24 methods. The discrepancy between Verbal and first drew attention to recent memory loss Performance IQ in case 1 suggests that she may following bilateral fornix section. Similarly, have sustained minor left hemisphere damage Cameron and Archibald25 reported selective in addition to the fornix injury. amnesia for verbal material after left fornix For our neuropsychological findings, in both section, and Carmel' included in a larger series cases verbal and nonverbal anterograde two patients with persistent memory impair- memory were initially affected to a similar ment in whom the right fornix was sectioned to degree. Over the next three to six months, achieve better exposure at the foramen of however, there was substantial improvement in Munro. The series by Geffen et al26 also some measures ofnonverbal memory without a included a patient with a persistent amnesic concomitant improvement in verbal memory. syndrome following the transcallosal removal Although the effects of practice may have of a IIIrd ventricular colloid cyst; this patient accounted for some of this increase, especially was the only one, of the four reported, to have on recall of the Rey-Osterrieth figure, the had bilateral fornical section. Further evidence considerably improved score in case 2 on the for the role ofthe fornix comes from the reports face recognition part ofthe WRMT and in both by Heilman and Sypert27 and by Tucker et al,28 patients' performance on the supraspan block of amnesic deficits resulting from the destruc- tapping test cannot easily be explained on this tion ofthe posterior fornix by invasive tumours basis. That unilateral damage to the right and in this area, and from the report by Grafman et left hippocampi selectively impair nonverbal http://jnnp.bmj.com/ al 9 of a patient with severe memory impair- and verbal memory processes is well estab- ment resulting from a penetrating shrapnel lished.' Given the site of pathology, the wound that transected the columns of the interesting possibility arises that the left fornix fornix bilaterally. carries pathways specialised for verbal memory On the other hand, a number of sur- from the hippocampus to the mammillary geons2'3 report sectioning the fornix without bodies. This conclusion is supported by two

causing clinically overt memory problems. previous studies: the case reported by Cameron on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Neoplastic destruction of the fornices without and Archibald25 in which left fornix section memory impairment has also been described.32 resulted in a selective verbal memory deficit, This apparently contradictory and confusing and the report by Tucker et al,28 of a modality literature was recently reviewed by Garcia- specific amnesia in a patient with destruction of Bengochea and Friedman3 who drew attention the left fornix by an invasive tumour. to the fact that in excess of 150 cases of The other suggested but less definite dis- sterotactic anterior fornicectomy have been sociation in both patients is between performed for the treatment of epilepsy with- anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Whereas out apparent memory loss. Although, as they both patients had a persistent and clinically also point out "the possibility cannot be ruled significant anterograde deficit, neither showed a out that memory deficits have gone unnoticed in remote memory deficit ofmore than a few weeks a number of epilepsy patients, particularly as duration either on detailed informal assess- most were also afflicted by psychiatric distur- ment. Furthermore formal tests of remote bances" which may well have precluded formal memory showed normal performance includ- memory testing. None ofthe studies claiming a ing an ad hoc test of famous faces from the lack of effect of fornix section has included 1970s and 1980s in which the patients' spouses formal neuropsychological assessment. were used as controls. The nature of these tests It is well established that damage to the is such that a very minor degree of retrograde amygdala and hippocampus result in marked amnesia may not be shown. There was, how- impairments in anterograde memory pro- ever, a clinically obvious discrepancy between cesses.33 Given that the fornix is a major efferent these two memory components in both cases. 638 Hodges, Carpenter

The relationship between these components torical review. Surg Neurol 1987;27:361-4. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.54.7.633 on 1 July 1991. Downloaded from in 4 Shimamura AP, Squire LR. Korsakofis syndrome: A study patients with the amnesic syndrome remains of the relation between anterograde amnesia and remote memory impairment. Behav Neurosci 1986;100: 165-70. controversial. Bilateral hippocampal ablation 5 ButtersN. AlcoholicKorsakoff's syndrome: someunresolved results in a profound degree of anterograde issues concerning aetiology, neuropathology, and cog- nitive deficits. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1985;7:181-210. amnesia without a temporally extensive 6 Hodges JR, Ward CD. Observations during transient global retrograde memory loss.33 By contrast, in dien- amnesia; A behavioural and neuropsychological study of five cases. Brain 1989;112:595-620. cephalic amnesia (as exemplified by Korsakoffis 7 Nelson HE. The National Adult Reading Test. 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