The Pueblo Democratic Party Platform committee reviewed the various resolutions submitted by individual Democrats attending the precinct caucuses. Those resolutions which were passed by their respective caucuses were considered in creating more encompassing resolutions on major topics.

Although there may be many additional topics of interest to the Party, the committee elected to focus only on those issues raised at the caucuses. The committee recognizes that disparate views and specific ideas may have been omitted in the synthesis of these resolutions. We would note that the Democratic Party is known for its willingness to publicly discuss and debate the measures which may be carried forward as our party platform.

Accountability and transparency clause: in the interest of full disclosure we recommend accountability and transparency at all levels of the resolution process. To this end we have posted here the resolutions as written at precinct caucus, having combines like items for voting. ##############################################################################

RESOLUTION #1 (Pueblo Ballot measure 2A) 31 precincts submitting

WHEREAS: Black Hills Energy’s management of its electrical operations since 2008 has resulted in the highest electric rates among Colorado’s cities; harsh disconnect policies outside of industry standards; high demand charges and erratic rate structures for Pueblo County businesses; and resistance to an industry shift toward renewable energy; and

WHEREAS: Over $20 million is removed from the southern Colorado economy annually in Black Hills profits; money which could be recirculated in our communities to stimulate economic development if a public power utility were established to replace the Black Hills franchise agreement, and

WHEREAS: Current Pueblo County Black Hills customers outside the City of Pueblo would also be served by the new public power utility, with rates protected by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission; and

WHEREAS: On February 10, 2020 the Pueblo City Council voted unanimously to send to the eligible electors of the city of Pueblo, at the special municipal election to be held on May 5, 2020, proposed amendments to the charter of the City of Pueblo authorizing the Board of Water Works of Pueblo to operate a Water and Electric Works, and terminating the franchise of the City with Black Hills Colorado, and authorizing the purchase or condemnation of the electric system; and

WHEREAS: Passage of this ballot question will permit stable and declining electric rates for Pueblo County citizens; local control of our electrical system and the policies that govern it; policies or energy justice to lower-income rate payers; predictable and lower rates for Pueblo County businesses and the opportunity to transition toward renewable energy generation quickly when the prices are competitive.

Be it resolved that We, the people Of the Pueblo County Democratic Party (PCDP) support Ballot Question 2A establishing a Pueblo Water and Electric Works, terminating the franchise agreement with Black Hills Energy, and authorizing the purchase or condemnation of the electric distribution, transmission and generation systems within Pueblo County. Be it further resolved that the PCDP supports the transfer of all Black Hills Energy employees who wish to transfer to the new Pueblo Water and Electric Works utility or its operating contractor, along with all existing or comparable union contracts and employment. Be it further resolved that the PCDP supports the call to other communities, jurisdictions, and organizations within the Black Hills Colorado service territory to join with us by passing similar resolutions.

RESOLUTION #2 (Expand Ranked Choice Voting) 15 precincts submitting We support the expanded use of Ranked Choice Voting will give voters greater freedom. It will protect the integrity of elections by requiring a majority to win. RCV is a single voting system sometimes known as instant runoff voting in single-winner races and single transferable vote in multiple-winner races. RCV is a proven method used across America and 61 Colorado Counties already have the software to use it. Expanded use will allow voters to choose who they want to win, and not force them to vote for who they think will win, protect the Party from the ‘spoiler’ effect, and allow winners to take office in a stronger political position than as plurality winners.

RESOLUTION #3 (Teacher Evaluation System) 10 precincts submitting BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Pueblo County supports changing the evaluation system of educators who have been identified as "effective" or "highly effective" to once every 3 years.

RESOLUTION #4 (Ranked Choice Voting) 7 precincts submitting WE support vacancy Committee and internal Party voted using Ranked Choice Voting. This will give voters greater freedom, It will protect the integrity of elections by requiring a majority to win. RCV is a single voting system sometimes known as instant runoff voting in single-winner races and single transferable vote in multiple-winner races. RCV is a proven method used across America and 61 Colorado Counties already have the software to use it. This will support a healthy workplace culture by being fair to all involved and prepare party leaders and campaign managers for use of RCV best practices.

RESOLUTION #5 (Living Wage for Educators) 7 precincts submitting BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Pueblo County supports living wages for all educators, including at least $40,000 for salaried educators and at least $15 per hour for education support professionals.

RESOLUTION #6 (Fair and Equitable tax system) 4 precincts submitting BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Pueblo County supports improving state funding of public education through fair and equitable changes to our tax system.

RESOLUTION #7 (Eliminate Caucus System) 5 precincts submitting We support re-examining and studying the changes needed to the primary, and caucus process in Colorado for local, state and national elections; and instructing the DNC to eliminate the caucus process and replace it with clustered state primaries.

RESOLUTION #8 (Culturally Relevant Curriculum) 2 precincts submitting BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party of Pueblo County supports a curriculum that is engaging, culturally relevant, and challenging. Schools offer a robust selection of classes and after-school programs in the arts, languages, and ethnic studies, as well as Advanced Placement (AP), honors courses, services for English language Learners and special education students, GED preparation programs, and job training programs. Having culturally relevant and challenging programs are critical to engaging students.

RESOLUTION #9 (Prosecution of Violence Against Women) 2 precinct submitting Pueblo County Democrats support an increased commitment from the Tenth District of Colorado’s Attorney to vigorously investigate, charge and convict perpetrators of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence. For far too long these crimes have been viewed as too difficult to prosecute and inadvertently the justice system has enabled criminals to continue their acts of violence against women. The ’s office must root out practices that blame victims and prioritize staff training that will take on complicated cases and secure justice for victims. Reluctance to prosecute rape cases decreases public safety and tells abusers that such behavior is acceptable. Only fierce non-tolerance of victimization through aggressive prosecution of criminals will stop rape, sexual assault and domestic violence.

RESOLUTION #10 (Electoral College) 2 precinct submitting We support efforts to eliminate the Electoral College.

RESOLUTION #11 (In Support of Labor) 1 precinct submitting Whereas, the Labor Movement has been the heart and soul of the Democratic Party for most of a century, and Whereas the house of labor represents, at its heart, the values of the Party, including racial and gender equality, and Whereas, without Labor, there would be no Party, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: any candidate who wishes to seek nomination for office as a Democrat must sign an affidavit pledging to support the labor movement over the voices of business interests and the rich. This includes supporting the right to organize without interference, the repeal of private right-to- work laws, and support for public employee collective bargaining rights. It also includes support only for worker friendly trade agreements and other legislation.

RESOLUTION #12 (In Support of Labor) 1 precinct submitting Unions for all; Collective Bargaining for all workers.

RESOLUTION #13 (In Support of A New Jail) 1 precinct submitting To Support construction of a new jail in Pueblo to replace the existing facility.

RESOLUTION #14 (Licensing Long Term Vehicles) 1 precinct submitting Support requiring out of state corporations to license long term vehicles in Colorado.

RESOLUTION #15 (Support for Colorado’s National Parks) 1 precinct submitting We the Pueblo County Democratic Party support funding and protection of National Parks. We believe Colorado’s National Parks are a big economic draw for our state through tourism and whereas we support robust funding from federal government of Colorado’s National Parks and Monuments.

RESOLUTION #16 (Support for Colorado’s Public Lands) 1 precinct submitting Public lands in Colorado should continue to be maintained and not sold to private entities and corporations.

RESOLUTION #17 (support for democratic middle class) 1 precinct submitting WE declare that our Party is not completely a socialist party. We are a party that believes there should be regulations, checks and balances on the capitalistic and socialistic elements of our economic system, so all citizens have a fair and equal opportunity to join the middle class. What makes America great is that we built a middle class.

RESOLUTION #18 (Support for Candidates Staying in the Race) 1 precinct submitting We support requiring any candidate for president in the nomination race can only drop out after an election or primary, not three days before Super Tuesday.

RESOLUTION #19 (Eliminate Plastic) 1 precinct submitting No more plastic straws and plastic “grocery” bags.

RESOLUTION #20 (Support for Combining Primaries) 1 precinct submitting We support combining presidential primaries with other federal races.

RESOLUTION #21 (Support for stopping DST) 1 precinct submitting We support leaving the time alone. Choose standard or daylight savings and leave it one way or the other.

RESOLUTION #22 (Support for Term Limits) 1 precinct submitting We support term limits for politicians.

RESOLUTION #23 (Separation of Church and State) 1 precinct submitting We support ensuring the original framers’ intent and declaration that there is a wall of separation between church and state.

RESOLUTION #24 (Climate Change) 1 precinct submitting We support a U.S. commitment to rejoin the Paris Accord and pledge to reduce greenhouse gases to reverse the course of climate change and transform our energy sources to clean energy.

RESOLUTION #25 (Pueblo County Commission) 1 precinct submitting We support the election of a woman to the Board of County Commissioners.

RESOLUTION #26 (Columbus Day) 1 precinct submitting We support leaving Columbus Day as is. Do not change or dates. Respect the Italian Americans.

RESOLUTION #27 (Require Tax Returns for all public offices) 1 precinct submitting We support requiring all candidates for public office be required to provide tax returns.

RESOLUTION #28 (Pro-Choice) 1 precinct submitting We support and encourage the party to become a more assertive and vocal advocate in favor of a woman’s right to choose – Pro-Choice

RESOLUTION #29 (Gun Control) 1 precinct submitting We support enforcing current gun control laws, improving background checks, eliminating assault rifles and closing the gun show loophole.