CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Annual Report 2019 - 2020 25, Bhai Vir Singh Marg ( Gole Market) New Delhi - 110 001, India Ph.: 91-11-23345530, 23365541, 23366930 Fax:91-11-23346044 E.mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] http://www.cwds.ac.in C o n t e n t s From the Director’s Desk ii Introduction 1 Organisational Structure 3 Research Activities 6 Action Research 26 Teaching Women’s Studies 33 Policy Perspectives’/ Advocacy and Networking 38 Library and Information Services 41 Seminars/ Workshops/ Conferences 46 Publications and Faculty Participation 61 Financial Report 78 List of Life Members, Staff 79 i From the Director’s Desk TTThe annual report of CWDS for the year 2019-20, gives an overview of our activities during the academic year. As is evident from the report, CWDS activities during the period were diverse, though research remained our primary focus. Despite the small size of the faculty, we have taken up many research activities and have been able to contribute and intervene effectively. A few research projects were completed and the rest are ongoing, of which some were initiated in 2019-20. Efforts to build new collaborations and partnership continued, as these efforts have not only helped the centre to generate additional funds but also widen the areas and scope of research and other related activities. The action research project in parts of West Bengal which continued with the ongoing project on Tasar silk cultivation in Bankura supported by the Department of Sericulture came to an end in March 2020.