United Nations Juridical Yearbook, 1996
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Extract from: UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK 1996 Part Four. Bibliography Copyright (c) United Nations 2. United States District Court for thé Northern District of Cali- fornia Mark Steven Corrinet, (Plaintiff) vs. United Nations, Hon. Boutros Boutros, Ghali, Gillian Sorensen and Ron Ginns (Defendants). Judgement No. C-95-0426 SAW. Memo- randum and Order of 10 September 1996 Complaint against the Defendants' assertion of immunity from suite and failure to waive that immunity - Issue of "com- mercial activity exception" to immunity claim - Ques- tion whether the Secretary-General of the United Na- tions had a mandatory duty to waive immunity - Ques- tion whether Defendant Ginns was acting in his official capacity when he allegedly defamed the Plaintiff (a) Background 530 (b*) Discussion 531 Part Four. Bibliography LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND RELATED INTERGOVERNMEN- TAL ORGANIZATIONS A. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW IN GENERAL 1. General 538 2. Particular questions 540 B. UNITED NATIONS 1. General 543 2. Particular organs 543 General Assembly 543 International Court of Justice 543 xvn Secretariat 547 Security Council 547 United Nations Forces 548 3. Particular questions or activities 543 Collective security 548 Commercial arbitration 549 Definition of aggression 549 Diplomatic relations 549 Disarmament 550 Domestic jurisdiction 550 Environmental questions 551 Human rights 553 International administrative law 556 International criminal law 556 International economic law 559 International terrorism 559 International trade law 560 International waterways 561 Intervention 561 Law of the sea 562 Law of treaties 563 Law of war 564 Maintenance of peace 565 Membership and representation 566 Narcotic drugs 567 Natural resources 567 Non-governmental organizations 568 Outer space 568 Peaceful settlement of disputes 568 Political and security questions 570 Progressive development and codification of international law (in general) 571 Refugees 572 Right of asylum 572 Rule of law 572 Self-defence 573 Self-determination 573 State responsibility 574 State sovereignty 574 State succession , 576 Trade and development 576 Use offeree 576 C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades 577 International Civil Aviation Organization 577 International Labour Organization 578 International Maritime Organization 578 xix International Monetary Fund 579 International Telecommunication Union 579 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation 579 World Bank 579 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes 580 World Intellectual Property Organization 580 World Trade Organization 581 LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND RELATED INTER- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS A. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW IN GENERAL 1. General 2. Particular questions B. UNITED NATIONS 1. General 2. Particular organs 3. Particular questions or activities C. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS 537 A. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW IN GENERAL 1. General Abi-Saab, Georges. Cours général de droit international public. Recueil des cours (Hague Academy of International Law), vol. 207 1987:9-463. Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix. International law and the concept of law: why interna- tional law is law. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21" century: essays in honour of Krzytof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass., Kluwer Law International, 1966). p. 79-88. Includes bibliographical references. Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix. Principles of the institutional law of international or- ganizations (Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 1996). 519 p. Bib- liography: p. 483-503. Includes index. Bernhardt, Rudolf. Ultra vires activities of international organizations. In: Theory of in- ternational law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass., Kluwer Law International, 1996). p. 599- 609. Includes bibliographical references. Blackstone s international law documents. 3rd ed. (London, Blackstone Press Ltd., 1996). 479 p. Includes index. Bos, Maarteen. Droit international public et droit international privé: deux identities bien distinctes. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honor of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer law interna- tional, 1996). p. 89-98. Brownlie, Ian. International law at the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations: general course of public international law. Recueil des cours (Hague Academy of Interna- tional Law), vol. 255 (1995): 9-228. Includes bibliographical references. Burdeau, Geneviève. Les organisations internationales, entre gestion publique et gestion privée. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law Interna- tional, 1996). p. 611-624. Includes bibliographical references. Degan, Vladimir Duro. Some objective features in positive international law In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer law international, 1996). p. 123- 146. Includes bibliographical references. Dominicé, Christian. La personnalité juridique dans le système du droit des gens. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 27" century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass., Kluwer law international, 1996). p. 147-171. Includes bibliographical references. Elias, Olufemi. The relationship between general and particular customary international law. African journal of international and comparative law 8(1) March 1996: 67-88. Includes bibliographical references. 538 Grands textes de droit international public (Paris, Dalloz, 1996) 877 p. Korhonen, Outi. New international law: silence, defence or deliverance? European jour- nal of international law 7( 1 ) 1996: 1 -28. Includes bibliographical references. Lukashuk, Igor Ivanovich. Customary norms in contemporary international law. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21" century: essays in honour ofKrzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass., Kluwer Law International, 1996). p. 487- 508. Includes bibliographical references. Martin, Pierre-Marie. Les échecs du droit international, le éd. (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1996). 127p. Includes bibliographical references. McCaffrey, Stephen C. Developments in public international law. The international law- yer, vol. 30(2) summer 1996: 287-299. Includes bibliographical references. Monaco, Riccardo. Réflexions sur la théorie des sources du droit international. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour ofKrzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law International, 1996). p. 517- 529. Includes bibliographical references. Rigaux, Francois. Kelsen et le droit international. Revue belge de droit international. 29(2) 1996:381-408. Ruzie, David. Droit international public. 12e éd. (Paris; Dalloz, 1996). 253 p. Includes index. Sahovic, Milan. Le problème de l'efficacité du droit international. In: Theory of interna- tional law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.: Kluwer Law International, 1996). p. 275- 281. Schachter, Oscar. New custom: power, opinio juris and contrary practice., In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' century: essays in honour ofKrzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law International, 1996) p. 531- 540. Includes bibliographical references. Seyersted, Finn. Basic distinctions in the law of international organizations: practice ver- sus legal doctrine. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21s' cen- tury: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law International, 1996). p. 691-699. Includes bibliographical references. Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21" century: essays in honour ofKrzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law International, 1996) 1008 p. ill. Text in English or French. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Valticos, Nicolas. Pluralité des orders juridiques internationaux et unite du droit interna- tional. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 27" century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law Interna- tional, 1996)p.301-322. 539 Weil, Prosper. Le droit international en quête de son identitié: cours général de droit international public. Recueil des cours (Hague Academy of International Law), vol. 237(1992): 13-369. Bibliography: p. 21-22. White, Nigel D. The law of international organisations (Manchester, England, Manches- ter University Press, 1996). 285 p. Includes bibliographical references and index. Wolfke, Karol. Some reflections on kinds of rules and international law-making by prac- tice. In: Theory of international law at the threshold of the 21st century: essays in honour of Krzystof Skubiszewski (The Hague; Boston, Mass.; Kluwer Law Interna- tional, 1996). p. 587-595. Includes bibliographical references. The year in review in private international law. Proceedings (American Society of Inter- national Law, Meeting), 89th 1995: 128-145. 2. Particular questions Abi-Saab, Georges. De la sanction en droit international: