Westfield, Nj
YtBB ;Vbl. 17, No. 29 Friday, July 19,2002 50 cents ate at own risk, boro says •yKIWMsVHOWEU. advised to keep it closed until it skate park, it decided to re-open re-open the park as scheduled; The park would hnve closed at 7 could provide adequate supervi- RESS the park and throw out the exist- however, the Horough Council tohi p.m. and the light overhead would sion to enforce the rules. ing rules. According to Borough it to reconsider its decision. have been turned off. Skaters FANWOOD — Since October, The commission drafted u pro- Clerk Eleanor MeC.overn. the park \A\S\ summer, there were aim- would have l>een required to regis- young skaters have rolled puss posal that included building n 12- will probably open early next plaints itlHuit youths using bicycles ter and purchase photo identifica- LnGrande Park looking at a tarp foot-high fence and providing week, on the rumps, not wearing helmets tion for $5. They would also be that covers the skate park ramps supervision funded by annual "This is much better with no and leaving trash in the urea. charged a $50 annual fee, or a $1 whore they used to do tricks hist usape fees. rules," said Kussell Wells, the com- To U'tter I'liforiv the rules, the daily lee. The revenue would pay summer. However, after being notified at mission I'hninnan. "It's just like the commission had planned to erect the wages of supervisors at $10 an Though the park was supposed last Wednesday's meeting that the tennis courts, they don't have an $8,000 fence that would serve hour.
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