HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Pro · Tempore During the Absence of the OREGON , Speaker
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195'1 ·- CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD--HOUSE 6149 MONTANA Billy M . .Traylor, Hughes Springs, Tex., in We thank Thee for the insight, the Donaid· Cameron, Jr., Gardiner, Mont.; ln place of B. J. ·McMillan, retired. - vision, and dreams of prophet.ic spirits place of T. J. Somerville, Jr., resigned. · Lenard A. Yankie, Silsbee, Tex., in place of and the cow·age and faith of heroic souls Cecil C. Rhodes, Kalispell, Mont., in place W. J. Davis, retired. who are earnestly seeking the rule of jus of W. G. Kelly, resigned. UT~H tice and righteousness and peace upon William J. Dunn, Miles City, Mont., in Clarence W. Bauer, Eureka,. Utah, in place place of Thomas Butler, retired. earth. of Lyman Baker, resigned. May we also be eager to extend and NEBRASKA Verl A. Haws, Magna, Utah, in place of widen the horizon of our sympathy arid Herman R. Stanislav, Staplehurst, Nebr., P. W. Seay, resigned. in place of O. ·J. Reinmiller, transferred. understanding and have a larger share VERMONT in deepening the spirit of good will NEW HAMPSHIRE Stanley J . .Pekalski, Bennington, Vt., in among all mankind. place of W ~ L. Lyons,. retired. Maur"ice E. Kiestead," Hampton, Fill us with a longing to build a finer N. H., in place of V. D. Brayton, resigned. VIRGINIA social order and not merely to improve NEW JERSEY Cletus E. Bomgardner, Bumpass, Va., in our own position in it. May we belong place of F. 0. Caffrey. transferred. Robert J .. Butera, Parsippany, N. J., office to that glorious succession of men who Alice H. Fields, Castlewood, Va., in place of established September l, 1949. U. A. Amburgey, retired. have not lived for self and personal James P. O'Malley, Rocky Hill, N. J., in Frederick T. Given, Chase City, Va., in advantage, place of I, M. Lewis, deceased. place of J. S. Hutcheson, retired. · Help us to hasten the day when men NEW YORK WEST vmGINIA and nations everywhere shall engage in Harold E. Dickinson, Falconer, N. Y., in Carl T. Lee, Ethel, W. Va., in place of Doris the great· cooperative adventures an.d place of L. L. Rider, retired. Altizer, resigned. enterprises in which each member of Richard C. Gifio~d," Jamestown, N. Y., in Edward W. Fitzgerald, Glen Dale, W. Va., the human family . and the family of place of E. R. Ganey, deceased. · in place of .S. A. Cockayne, retired. nations shall have abundant"opportunity Prudence A. Davis, Little Genesee, N. Y., in Lillie M. Wintz, Lorado, W. Va., in place of place of D. P. Hall, retireq. for self-initiative and self-development. J. L. Cook, remov~d. ' Eugene F. Barton, Newark Valley, N. Y., Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. - WISCONSIN in place of W. F. Riordan, resigned. The Journal of the proceedings of ye~ Edwin H. Cole, New Baltimore, N. Y., in Emma V. Paris, Linden, Wis., in place of terday was read and approved. place of P. S. Wheat, retired. H. I. Hicks, retired. George H. Doyle, Ontario, N. Y., in place Howard E. Gaffney, OXford, Wis., in place MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE of G. E. DeVille, retired. of J. C. Mills, retired. Francis J. Burger, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 'in A message from the Senate, by Mr. Milton J. Potratz, Pardeeville, Wis., in Carreli, one of its clerks, announced that place of R. J. Decker, removed. place of R. W. Hughes, deceased. Anne Bruno, Selden, N. Y., in place of Harold G. Hoffman, Sparta, Wis., in place the Senate had passed a concurrent reso Belle. Ernes, resigned. of M. B. McCoy, retired. lution of the following title, in which the Howard C. Green, Sinclairville, N. Y., in concurrence of the House is requested_: WYOMING place of Devillo· Cobb, retired. S. Con. Res. 33. Concurrent resolution au NORTH CAROLINA Alexander M. Gilchrist, Kemmerar, Wyo., thorizing certain changes in the enrollment in place of Andrew Morrow, retired. Edmond J. Hudson, Connellys Springs, Ira B. Dickinson, Lance Creek, Wyo., in of Senate bill 435, to amend the Civil Aero nautics Act of 1938, as amended, and for N. C., in place of R. G. Goode, transferred.· place of I. E. Gentry, retired. Henry C. Kearney, Franklinton, N. C., in other purposes. place of J. O. Purnell, retired. ELECTION OF SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE NORTH DAKOTA CONFIRMATION Mr. PRIEST assumed the chair as Joseph K. Salwei, Crystal, N. Dak., in place Executive nomination confirmed by Speaker pro tempore. · of M. M. Hoesley, retired. 5 day the Senate June <legislative of I William A. Margach, Grandin, N. Dak., in May 17), 1951: Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, offer a place of G. W. Skinner, transferred. privileged resolution <H. ·Res. 242) an4 Malvern E. Thorson, McGregor, N. Dak., UNITED STATI:S ATTO!tNET . ask for its immediate consideration. in place of E. L. Stahl, retired. Powless W. Lanier, to be United States at The Clerk read the resolution, as fol OHIO torney for the dis~rict of North Dakota. lows: Gladys B. Shelton, Minford, Ohio, in place Resolved, That Hon. JoHN W. McCORMACK, of. C. E. Crawford, retired. a Representative from the State of Massachu Berten R. Keith. Wakeman, Ohio, in place setts, be, and he is hereby, elected Speaker of C. A. Conry, resiJ?ned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pro · tempore during the absence of the OREGON , Speaker. · Albert L. Burch; Powers, Oreg., .in place of TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1951 ' Resolved, That the President and the Sen ate be notified by the Clerk of the election of G, H. Stemmerman, removed. 12 Floyd V. Cavanaugh, Sea;side, Oreg., in The House met at o'clock noon, and Hon. JOHN W. McCORMACK as Speaker pro place of M. V. Sulll7an, deceased. was calied to order by the Speaker Pl'.O tempore during the absence of the Speakei:. tempore, Mr. McCORMACK. PENNSYLVANIA The. resolution was agreed to. Elmer E. Mower, Linwood, Pa., in place of · DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER A motion to reconsider was laid on the W. M. Rees, transferred. PRO TEMPORE table. John Kenneth Lapham, McSherrystown, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before Mr. McCORMACK resumed the chair Pa., in place of E .. F .. Poist, retired. the House the following communication as Speaker pro tempore. Eleonore C. Kirkland, Secane, Pa., in place of 0. M. Hardican, removed. from the Speaker: The oath of office as Speaker pro tem JUNE 5, 1951. - pore was administered to Mr. McCOR SOUTH CAROLINA I hereby designate the Honorable JOHN W. MACK by Mr. COOPER. Victoria B. Ford, Hardeeville, S. C., in place McCORMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore of L. M. Hutson, deceased. today. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APPROPRIATION SOUTH DAKOTA SAM RAYBURN, BILL, 1952 Harold B. Whitethorn, Ramona, S. Dak., in Speaker of the Ho11:se of Representatives. Mr. BATES of Kentucky, from the place of H.J. Werner, retired. PRAYER Committee on Appropriations, reported Margaret C. Martin, Tripp, S. Dak., in place the bill <H. R. 4329) making appropria.:. of C. J. Martin, retired. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras kamp, D. D.; offered the fol.lowing tions for the Government of the District TEN!iESSEE prayer: of Columbia and other activities charge Inez L. Hawks, Ralston, Tenn., in place of able in whole or in part against the J. G. Hawks, retired. Almighty God, may w~ begin each new revenues of such District for the fiscal TEXAS day with lofty aspirations to build a. year ending June 30, 1952, and for other us Vernon M. Gill, ~arden Ci~y. Tex., in place great nation but help to see more purposes <Rept. No. 539), which was read of E. L. Parker, retired. · clearly that we cannot achieve national a first and second time, and, with the Herbert s. Wilkes, Happy, Tex., fa place ot greatness apart from service to Thee acc9mpanying papers, referred to the J. G. Ponder, deceased. and needy humanity. · Committee of the Whole House on the '6150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 5 state of the Union and ordered to be PROPOSED TAX ON SALE OF ELECTRIC· I urge the members of the Committee printed. ITY BY MUNICIPALITIES on Ways and Means to reverse and ~e Mr. JENSEN reserved all points of Mr. EVINS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan scind their action in this instance which order on the bill. imous consent to address the House for is most unwise and improper. CALENDAR WEDNESDAY 1 minute and revise and extend my The SPEAKER pro tempore. The remarks. time .. of the gentleman from Tennessee Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I ask has' expired. unanimouz 'Consent that business in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there order on Calendar Wednesday of this objection to the request of the gentleman COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT VILLA week be dispensed with. from Tennessee? NOVA COLLEGE The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. Mc There was no objection. Mr. JAMES. Mr. Speaker, I ask CORMACK). Is there objection to the re Mr. EVINS. Mr. Speaker, the recent unanimous consent to address the House quest of the gentleman from Tennessee? action of the Comm~ttee on Ways and for 1 minute. There was no objection. Means in proposing a 3%-percent tax on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the sale of electricity by our municipali objection to the request of the gentle RAILROAD RETIREMENT ACT ties is a most unwarranted and danger man from Pennsylvania? Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask ous action. This action of the commit There was no objection. unanimous consent to extend my re tee violates an established principle that Mr. JAMES. Mr. Speaker, the _?reat marks at this point in the RECORD. one level or one arm of the Government Augustinian College of Villanova is lo The SPEAKER.