Lung Cancer Screening with Sputum Cytologic Examination, Chest Radiography, and Computed Tomography: an Update for the U.S
Lung Cancer Screening with Sputum Cytologic Examination, Chest Radiography, and Computed Tomography: An Update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Linda L. Humphrey, MD, MPH; Steven Teutsch, MD, MPH; Mark S. Johnson, MD, MPH Screening for lung cancer is not currently increasing in epidemic proportions,3,4 with an recommended by any major medical professional estimated 1 million deaths in the year 2000.5 organization. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Although there are other important risk factors Force (USPSTF) gave lung cancer screening a “D” for lung cancer,3,6–10 cigarette smoking is the major recommendation in both 1985 and 1996, meaning risk factor; approximately 87% of all lung, that there were fair-quality data to recommend bronchial, and tracheal cancer are attributed to against screening for lung cancer1 based largely on 3 smoking.3 Consequently, the most important public negative trials conducted in the United States in the health intervention that could reduce lung cancer 1970s. Since the last Task Force review, several new incidence and deaths is changing smoking habits. studies of lung cancer screening have been reported, Unfortunately, although overall prevalence rates of and greater attention has been directed toward the smoking in the United States have decreased over limitations of existing literature. This review was the past 2 decades, the prevalence of current adult conducted to aid the current USPSTF in updating smokers remains high at 24%.10,11 In the clinical its lung cancer screening recommendation. setting,
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