PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

Q7. Please provide any other comments you wish to make on these proposals in the box below?

I think that while dogs should be banned from children's play areas that they should be allowed off the lead in other areas of parks, although I accept that this makes it more difficult to collect any dog waste, as some older people cannot walk into open countryside. I do not have a dog. As can be seen from my answers to the questions I support all of the proposals except one, the exclusion of dogs from open playing fields. Each facility needs to be addressed individually as a blanket ban is not suitable for all. Whilst I agree that dogs do not need to be walked on a running track such as the one at Wilson's Playing Fields, I do not agree that they should be excluded from open fields which happen to be marked out as sports' pitches for several months of the year eg. White Ash Playing Fields in Oswaldtwistle. As a regular user of the fields these are my reasons why. It would not 'best use of the land' as the football and rugby pitches are only used for a few hours a week for the purpose of these sports. Dog walkers use the fields at all times of the day and every day. Whilst some dog fouling does take place, the bins provided are always well used by the majority of the dog walkers. Excluding dogs will not solve the problem of irresponsible owners but will punish the responsible ones. Irresponsible owners never seem to get 'caught in the act' because I believe they tend to walk their dogs in the early mornings or late at night when there is nobody to see them. They will continue to do this even if the new proposals come into force. All the dog walkers I see pick up after their dogs have fouled. I personally pick up any dog mess I see (not from my own dog), which averages two lots per day. Not picking up after your dog has fouled is an offence so I would rather this law is enforced rather than bringing in a new one. It is also not going to prevent dog fouling in other public spaces such as on the pavements of our borough. Many of the dog walkers are quite elderly and have mobility problems and find access to the White Ash Playing Fields good. Having a dog is beneficial for the elderly as it provides them with a companion when many of them have lost their spouses. Having spoken to many of them they are very concerned about where they will take their dogs for exercise if they are excluded from the fields. Also most of the elderly people I spoke to do not have access to the internet and so would have to put extra effort into completing the survey or did not feel able to take part at all. Dogs need to socialise and have exercise to stay healthy and non-aggresive. It is lovely to see how the many different sizes and breeds of dog all play together each day. Although I could walk my dog around the pitch, he would have to be kept on a lead as he would not understand that he is not allowed over the white line demarcating the pitch. Dogs have to be kept on a lead in the Foxhill Nature Reserve so I would have to travel further to find somewhere to walk him. However my dog walking friends are not able to do this as their are not able to walk as far thus depriving me and my dog of company. I would not feel safe walking my dog in places which cannot be seen from a public road and I would certainly not allow my teenage daughters to take him somewhere off the beaten track. In fact, I do not even walk through the nature reserve on my own as it is too isolated and several muggings have taken place there. I believe that all users of the field should be able to share the facilities that Oswaldtwistle has to offer. Much money is spent on the preparation of the pitches for football purposes and indeed for clearing up the litter that is left behind after a match or training. The dog walkers ask for very little except for the space to let the dogs exercise and for the bins to be emptied once a week. Finally, I am only aware of this consultation because one of the dog walkers saw a poster in Gatty Park and informed me about it. I believe it has had a mention in the Observer though I do not read the local newspaper. I have spoken to many users of the field over the last week and not one of them was aware of the consultation. Posters should have been placed at all of the places which may be affected. As this was not the case, this has not been a proper consultation of the residents of the borough as their views have not been sought and taken into consideration.

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I think to exclude from social areas would be against equality and would effect people with disabilities and the vulnerable to effectively walk their dogs and get exercise in the areas I visit we have number of elderly people who love that they can walk on the flat and enjoy the social time that develops when you walk dogs. Often they are on their own or there carer for their spouse and this allows them a short period of time away. We also have number of people with walking difficulties who physically can't walk a long way so this is ideal. Finally at weekend you find loads of families enjoying the space either watching the football or playing games and as family this includes their dogs. We all pay the same to have access to spaces we should all be able to use equally. Maybe if we had known this was a possibility we would have objected last time there was consultation to improve. All dogs should be kept on leads in parks, I regularly see dog owners let their dogs off leads as soon as they come onto the park and if they are talking to other owners they become oblivious to their dogs fowling, hence fail to pick up and dispose of their foul. If a ban on playing fields goes ahead then in my opinion you will be allowing even more dogs to use the parks as a dog toilet. I can understand the issue with dogs on public land and unfortunately the issue with certain owners not cleaning up after their dogs. I have before offered people a dog bag to clean up their mess, but it is very rare you see this. The issue I have is that after matches have been played on Wilson's playing fields every week, the litter left by them afterwards is appalling. Is it one rule for dogs but another rule for people? Why should dogs suffer when people can't even put a drinks carton in a bin or take it away? dont punish the many for the few who are not responsible dog owners. enforce fines and make it visible in the papers this will help deter dog fouling. I take my two dogs in Cut Wood Park on most days unless the weather such as raining prevents me. I let the dogs off their leads in the park and sometimes they run onto the football pitches as I walk along the parks paths, if they have not already emptied their bowels before reach the park I watch them and pick up any dog mess, bagging it and placing the bags into the bins provided. I think that I am a good dog owner and always do the right thing to protect the public from dog mess. The dogs are friendly and are not a danger to the general public. I do not want to be prevented from using the park when out with my dogs. It's not the dogs fault , but the lazy owners. Don't prevent the dogs from having fun with their families. You will make everyone suffer because of a few lazy ignorant people would wouldn't take notice of new rules anyway. If you're going to prevent dogs from being on playing fields make it seasonal like they do with beaches. It shouldn't have to be all year surely? please do not decide to ban dogs from cemetries etc

Dog owners have used Memoryal Park field for decades without any problems. Owners pick up (dog bins always full) If they ban dogs it would cause friction between the public. Are footballers to be banned for causing litter and using foul language ? Leave thing's as they are in Great Harwood. People have always exercised their dogs on Memorial Park Public Land and responsible owners Pick up (dog waist bins are always full).It would be unfair to penalise dog owners,arter 100 years of public use of the field. Are footballers to be prosecuted for causing litter all over the place and using foul language!!! Baning dogs and owners would cause bad feelings among the public,where before there was none.

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Simple pick up the poo and drop bag on the pitch as a protest nobody gets done for litter in the area so no probs - facebook it Why ban dogs - the land was left to all of us. fine those who foul - why the whole field and not just the pitches. dogs on leads during matches may help - at least the owner will be aware the dog is going. Dear Sir or Madam,

I have just been made aware of your proposals regards banning dogs in and around . Recently there was an attempt to ban the Christian Cross from churches. Now there is a attempt to ban dogs from several different areas, all over Hyndburn. What next ? Are we about to see a ban for red headed people from public transport ? Do something that we can applaud, not some knee jerk ban that causes more harm than good.

I walk my dog on a lead in the Cemetery on Dill Hall Lane every day. I encounter dozens of other responsible dog owners, many of them elderly. We all carry poo bags and all use them. The bins in the cemetery are ample proof of this. I worked for 17 years for the local authority as a craftsman gardener. I also worked in cemeteries. It's calm and peaceful to walk one's dog there. I feel that the decent dog owners you strive to ban, are in fact, unofficial, unpaid custodians of the cemeteries. If I see a vandal, I deal with him or report him at once to the police. there was a dumped car there, last month. I reported that. Up near the small walled remembrance garden on the right is a wooden cross on an unmarked grave. I have no idea who's grave it is, but I've taken the trouble to paint that cross when required, for several years, having painted it again only last month. Others also care about the cemetery, so why ban us ? We act as wardens, keeping an eye on the place, putting fallen flowers back in their rightful places, reporting and stopping vandalism. You have rules already to cover the odd dog owner who lets his dog foul the pavements, no one is against that. I'm against a blanket ban of dogs in our local cemeteries. All you will end up banning is decent local folk. The ban you also wish to compliment, around bowling greens. That's wrong too. Part of my job was looking after bowling greens, again, for 17 years, a job I loved. I bowled too. I seldom saw dog dirt around the bowling greens. Many of the elderly club bowlers would bring their dogs with them when they played bowls. These ladies and gentlemen were old school and wouldn't dream of letting their dogs foul the paths or green. Again too, the bowlers would tell anyone off who transgressed. For pity's sakes, don't ban those ( dog owners ) who still have pride in the borough.

I would like to think that my grandchildren would be safe from the unpleasant effects of dog dirt, when my own children were young it was a real problem, parks and sports areas should be dog free. Bad owners should be ashamed and not allowed to have dogs. The questions seem heavily biased against dog owners. If the main concern is antisocial behaviour, what is to be done about the foul language used on the sports fields (by a minority user group) and the substantial amount of litter deliberately left following sporting events and training? I object strongly to dog owners being unable to use recreational land bequeathed to townspeople for the recreation of all. I am fortunate to have the ability and inclination to exercise my dog further afield, many do not. I have lived on Thorneyholme Road in Accrington for 15 years, I have 2 dogs that I exercise on Highams playing field. On of my dogs has 3 legs and is limited as to how far she can walk. as she is getting older she also struggles to get in/out of the car. It would be devastating for me and her if we could no longer us Highams park. most of the local people who use the park to exercise their dogs are responsible and pick up the mess after their dogs currently dogs must be controlled in public parks which I understand to mean dogs should be kept on a lead . however I use rhyddings park for walking through and I often see dog owners release their dogs when entering the park. i would therefore suggest the proposals (if imposed) in this form must be enforced to achieve the desired effect. Page 3 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

I think keeping dogs off playing fields is a positive move, but I think their should be some areas where dogs are able to run off the lead. For instance the memorial park, great Harwood. I would say it is a clean park now, and the dog walkers are generally vigilant at cleaning up after their dogs. The ones that don't pick up now will not pickup anytime, they are usually the ones that go out under cover of darkness! But There does seem to be a growing number of younger dog owners that seem to think it is acceptable to walk thief dogs around the main town without a lead, the dog fouls and they walk on. I regularly exercise my dogs off the lead on the Coppice. I also use Mercer Park during the week when I take my grandchild to school. Many elderly people use this park to walk their dogs and I don't think it would be fair to ask them to keep their well behaved dogs on the lead the parks should be there for all residents to use as long as everyone's respects the open spaces. I feel very strongly that all dogs should be kept under control in a public place and other public users personal space should be respected at all times. I don't think dogs should be kept on a leash if their recall is 100% but I feel very strongly that if any dog owner doesn't have a 100% recall in every circumstance then their dog should be kept on lead all the time. Myself and other responsible dog owners have put a lot of time, money and effort into training our dogs and I believe it would be wholly unjust to punish us for the few bad apples who share the public space with us. I think it should be made clear to everyone enjoying Hyndburns public spaces that unless their is a mutual agreement between yourself and other members of the public that they are happy to have your dog near them and or their, dog(s), children, or horses that under no circumstances is your dog to approach or get into that other individuals personal space ever. If these two simple rule were enforced then a lot of the issues between dogs, their owners and other members of the public would be resolved. Again I must stress I think it is wrong to punish the majority because of the inconsiderate unreasonable few. Dogs need to run free and walking them on a lead all the time is cruel and can cause behavioural problems in on themselves when their not getting their energies drained properly. If proper clear Signage was erected in public places and the two above rules were put on them and also the consequences for ignoring them clearly stated I think it is a good middle ground starting point between dog walkers and fellow users and the effectiveness of enforcing such rules can be monitored over time. Dogs should be under control Dog owners should cleaned up after dog toileting that does NOT mean on a lead that does NOT mean excluded This is NOT the way to handle a few nuisance cases This is further hurting the good owners and dogs who are the ones who are already affected most by bad owners These proposals do not address stray dogs and I doubt that stray dogs will comply all by themselves I do not want dogs to be banned from parks or recreational sports fields or cemeteries. Dog owners do need to be responsible for their animals I.e. No fouling. Being responsible dog owners. I'm a responsible dog owner...and the many people who also walk their dogs in these areas... unlike the many footballers who leave bottles and other rubbish after playing....many times I've reported this..its a disgrace...also burnt out scooters after idiots have ridden all the fields....its CCTV you need...catch the idiots. I would say that most dog owners who walk their dogs in public places are responsible and pick up after their dogs, their does seem to be a a lot of dog fouling on the streets and I feel this needs to be addressed rather than concentrating on open spaces. Responsible dog owners should not be penalised (by banning dogs off lead) by the minority who do not respect the parks or other people. Much the same could be said about the person, in the Memorial park, who was found, squatted on a memorial bench, defecating. If we follow this ethos, we should, therefore, ban those who in their mind find this totally acceptable behaviour but who, by the way, do not like dogs. Equally, no action is being taken against those users of sports pitches who find it completely normal to urinate against the trees in broad view of children and to throw litter everwhere. Of course, Hyndburn BC think it is absolutely fine to spend tax payers Page 4 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES money on cleaning up this mess, but they should be reminded that dog owners are also council tax payers and, provided they respect the open spaces and other users, they should not be penalised and should be allowed to exercise their dogs. i cannot understand the banning of dogs from playing fields! Cemetery's,playgrounds yes I agree with. Dog bins everywhere what as I can see are well used very rare that I see dirt not cleaned up on our local fields in oswaldtwiste and such a meeting point for the elderly people with dogs on the whiteash estate please consider the wider picture than the few that let there pets foul pavements that give all dog owners a bad name . Banning dogs would not help but insisting they be kept on a lead would - I regularly go up the Coppice and the dog mess between Avenue and the Car Park is incredible - also recently I became aware of dogs off lead attacking a deer with the result of its death and the owners apparently showed no concern (again on the Coppice). My concern is that an overall ban on dogs in public parks which do not have special areas for children. I would support more resources to stop dogs fouling anywhere and more bins to take dog poo. Foxhill and surrounding playing fields are In my opinion kept very clean by responsible dog owners,how full the dog bins are probably proves this, the irresponsible ones are the can't be bothered quick walk around the streets people,what your proposing will force more people on the streets,also the playing fields are a meeting place for a lot of older people to have a chat while the dogs exercise these people would probably not see anyone else during the day otherwise.i myself have been asked if I have seen a certain person that day and when I said no the other person said the same so we checked on them and they where I'll so the neighbourly element would be disrupted use the dog wardens to catch the street foulers and more damage and anti social behaviour comes from the use of quads and motor bikes on these fields but they are never policed for that? The parks are heavily used by many families with children and dogs so Mercer Oark is a valuable space to entertain both, many of the dog owners are responsible and clean there pets waste and use the bins provided. However there is still an issue that needs attention with stray dogs or owners refusing to clean their pets waste. Heavy fines should be installed for any dog owners who are walking their pets in the park that do not have the necessary bags to clean the waste, even if there pet has not deposited any wast on the floor. As a responsible owner I always ensure I have the bags in numerous jackets to over come this issue. The council should consider fencing off areas of the park from pets, should they wish to have area's free from pets. I would be most disheartened as a tax payer should my ability to walk my pet in the local park be taken away from me, as there are no other well lit areas to walk your pets in the dark of winter. Also this will only result in more pet waste being left on the surrounding roads and pathways etc. i actively use highhams playing field to walk my dog. I pick up after my dog and have also picked up other peoples dogs mess on the field because i want to be able to carry on using the field. It's a very sociable place in the morning and i meet several other dog walkers for some of which this is the only time to socialise with other people. Given how big the field was to start with and how many people use the sports facilities at the same time i don't know why both groups of sports users and dog walkers couldn't have been catered for. There is a long strip of grass at the bottom of the field near the pylons that isn't used for sport, i don't know if it could be fenced off in some way for dog walkers to use. i do think a bit more thought could of gone into the planning of the field. Most dog fouling occurs on the streets rather than in parks and other public spaces. Dog owner who frequent the parks are responsible and clean up waste as required - I see this regularly. I'm not a dog owner but regularly use the Memorial park in Great Harwood and parks in other areas of the Borough and most people I pass have dogs with them. I believe that use of the parks would reduce significantly if restrictions for dog owners are put in place. Resource instead should be put into monitoring fouling on the streets - there are many dog owners who aren't responsible and simply allow their animals to roam on their own. These irresponsible dog owners are the ones to target, not the people that clearly care for their dogs and care for the parks too. Page 5 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

Great Policies I am a dog owner, a responsible dog owner who recognises the need for my dog to be regularly exercised, off the lead in order for him to receive the exercise and stimulation he needs. I am able to balance this with also being a responsible citizen who recognises and respects the rights and needs of others. Unfortunately not all dog owners fall into this category. If other owners used common sense and courtesy then I would not necessarily have answered yes to all of these questions, particularly regarding sports pitches. I feel that areas to exercise one's dog need to be accessible to all and as someone who used to live near the hospital, I regularly used Higham's playing fields to exercise my dog when no sports were being played - this being the case for the majority of the time. I always stuck to the edges and cleaned up after my dog. If everyone did this, then I do not feel that dogs should be excluded from Higham's in particular. All the other sports pitches in the area seem to have a lot of green space around in which one can exercise their dog and so there is no need to use the sports pitches. This isn't the case really for that area and I do believe that areas need to be accessible to someone with a dog that is not able to walk too far nor has a vehicle. I do hope that as part of the PSPO decisions that vandalism, littering and cruelty to wildlife will also be considered. I regularly use the Coppice area to walk my dog and I am aware of many incidences of all of these. I am concerned that the dog owners of Great Harwood should be prevented from responsibly exercising their dogs on the public park recreation areas. I am the owner of two dogs and feel that it is only responsible to support the Councils proposals. Memorial Park Recreational area is NOT a public owned sports pitch. It should therefore not exclude part of the public from using it. It is unfortunate that a small number of dog owners do not respect the sport fields and do not pick up their dogs mess. The green spaces of Hynburn are well used by a large number of responsible dog owners across all day light hours everyday. Why should a small minority spoil acces for the majority. These open spaces create an opportunity for dog owners of all ages to meet and socialise regularly and creates community cohecion and wellbeing. Enforcement is the best solution not restriction. Public spaces should be open for all residents to enjoy throughout the year at all times rather than the minimal hours used for sport.Most breaches of fouling occurs during hours of darkness. I support dogs being kept on leads in most areas but I feel they should be able to play freely on public spaces such as the memorial. 2 of my children play football & we take our dog to spectate but wouldn't allow him off lead during matches. The playing fields are unoccupied during the week & we should be free to use it. We live in close proximity to highams playing fields on thorneyholme road. We walk our dogs on the fields every day, except for when there are football matches being played. We mostly walk early mornings and in the evenings after work so I can't see the need to put restrictions In place especially when the fields aren't used for sports most days and times of the week. Being a considerate dog owner we always pick up after them and always use the bins provided and it is clear that the majority of owners use the fields in the same way as the fields are always clean from mess! I think that the fields should be there for all to enjoy and they are working perfectly just the way that are.... Why should foul mouthed litter droppers who pay to kick a ball around for just over 1hour stop me from walking my dog on a designated public open space as defined in your official documentation. Nice to see you have suddenly found money to provide additional litter bins around the field! Now you just need a magician to levitate all the glass and plastic bottles left by the fotballers into them. These are the same bottles and litter currently picked up by the dog walkers. How many offenders have you fined for dog fouling in get harwood? How many people have been fined for dropping litter in get harwood? How many foot ballers fined for dropping litter on OUR field? Why are you banning us from all the field? Why does accrington only get a part ban on their pitches? Why are children playing on non sports pitches not given the same duty off care by the council as those who can afford to pay? Hit the poor once again. Fine the people Page 6 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES who dog foul. The council officers are brave souls hiding behind the computer but don't have the balls to challenge those who are causing the problem. Get out the office and fine the offenders. Ask any decent dog walker and they will tell you who are responsible for the fouling. Do you ever stop us and ask it we have more than one bag - not rocket science just being pro active rather than firing the bullets from the safety of your arm chair. You are dividing the community dog v footballers. We already have notices ripped down on both sides. Why not put up a polite notice if you must asking dog walkers not to walk their dogs on the pitches. We are being blamed for the crap left on the acc pitches. Will the ban be all year? The little darlings only have the strength to play a few months during the winter why ban us all year. Will the spectators who bring their dogs to watch be banned? Why does the council worker sat in the pavilion all day not issue fines to those fouling or literary dropping - he could even clean up when the game is over, this land was lest to all of us not just few foul mouthed pub teams who are frankly just rubbish at what they try to do. The parents of the playing youngsters are frustrated failures who try to succeed through their siblings. Leave well alone - we just need to enjoy a shared space without once again the council sticking their nose in it. for all of the ten years i have lived in the area dogs have allways played on highms fields and as long as we are responsible dog owners and clean up after them there is no problem . the dogs do not abuse the facilities in any way or shout abuse or swear at you like a lot of the youth of today do so why ban them . It would be impossible to police some of these proposals without adequate resources. I am really sorry that the council has to consider the exclusion of dogs from Memorial playing fields. I appreciate that there are a small number of people who do not clean up after their dogs and that this gets dogs and dog owners a bad name. On the other hand most of us are responsible pet owners and like nothing more than to exercise our dogs properly. I regularly go to the playing fields as I own a running dog and he needs plenty of open space. I am also a parent and my boys have regularly played football on the fields - I do regret the irresponsible owners. However why should the few spoil it for the many? They are our open spaces and we need them. Many times when I go there is no-one else in sight apart from a couple of other dog owner. - the amount of time that the fields are used for football is limited to Saturday/ Sunday mornings and after school in the school terms. What a waste of open space for us all to enjoy if we cannot take our dogs for a well needed run. Where else could they run like this - we are mindful of young children and elderly people on the parks. There are many responsible dog owners so I am sure my views are not unusual. Also how would it be policed? If we can identify and stop dog owners from going on the fields surely the same spotters could and should report the irresponsible owners who do not clean up after their dogs. This is already the law and should be enforced. Please use our open spaces judicially for everyone. Yes, dogs should also be kept on the lead in park areas, canal tow and railway paths and on farm land. Most dog walkers respect the walks and parks,not fair to be stopped because of a few bad dog owners prosecute people who allow fowling , do not blanket ban everyone I take my two dogs on White ash and Foxhill fields everyday. I as well as many others DO clean up after my dogs and have personally not witnessed anyone not doing. As frustrating as it is that people don't , it is those few who spoil it for others. My dogs love socialising and having good exercise on these fields and I feel safe on these fields on my own as they are open and quite a busy area. Dogs need spaces too! How about designated dog areas where they can be allowed off leads? Park land should be able to be used by everyone and their dogs in a responsible manor. I don't thing banning dogs from exercising on the playing fields will solve the problem of irresponsible dog owners. Banning dog from parks and public grass areas will affect lots of elderly people who their only companion is a dog and part of their social network Why should everyone be penalised for the sake of the ones letting the dog foul ? They will still let the dog do it regardless of where they walk

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What about family commitments ? Whatching your children play footy loads take the dog along (family time ) Recreational areas should be for everyone as they have been for years Ball throwing ,games and training where can people go ? Not everyone has a car to jump in and drive to a dog freindly place part of our council tax pays for these areas yet you consider stopping people use them! Get tougher on the culprits instead of genuine people who obey the rules or Hyndburn can not consider its self an Excellent Bourough to live as quoted in your posters Education will make the few bad dog owners behave better, not new rules. The blanket ban on dogs discriminates against the vast majority of responsible owners, the proper upholding of the regulations should be the way forward, we have a dog warden whose duty it is to undertake this. As one who worked in the public parks section for almost 40 years I can say if dogs are excluded from parks then you have removed the vast majority of people who use the facilities, and as tax payers, have the same rights as anyone else to use the facility. Banning dogs from the open playing fields will not solve the problem of people not picking up after their dogs. Irresponsible people who do not pick up dog mess are not going to start picking up just because they are no longer allowed on the playing fields. The problem will just be moved to the street. It is also worth mentioning that other wildlife has been spotted on those fields at night time and there is no solution to keeping their faeces off the field. That area has been used by dog walkers for years without any problems and it would be unfair to now bring in a dog ban in the area just because the football people are having their other fields taken away due to housing development. Great harwood used to have a football club tha somebody decided to knock down...why are dog owners being punished for this? The open field area at memorial park is plenty big enough to use half for football and half could be used as an area to exercise dogs. A bit of fencing would keep dogs out of the football area (as seen on many children's parks) and vice versa. The problem with taking away the main area for exercising dogs is not only unfair for dog walkers but may also cause an issue with less mobile people being unable to exercise their dogs adequately and could possibly lead to more aggressive dogs on the street due to pent up energy that they would not be able to run off due to areas having a dog ban in force. The majority of dog walkers are responsible and clean up after their dogs, don't tarnish us all with the same brush. Dogs need to be able to exercise off lead. The sports pitches are used at weekends only and at that only for a few hours. Dog walkers use the area every day of the week and every day of the year. Local green areas are for all Hyndburn Council Tax payers and residents. Please do not penalize the majority because of a few antisocial dog owners. I enjoy the exercise with my dog on thornyholm playing fields .now that they are draining properly . I do approve of these measures but who is going to police it? Highams playing fields would benefit from the addition of fencing round the playing pitches, entry by gate, to keep dogs out as the only real place for a dog to run free is up the Coppice. Some people are unable to make the climb up the Coppice so what do they do? The area behind Ribblesdale Avenue known locally as the "doggy loo" is not somewhere responsible dog owners would wish to walk their dogs as it is most unhealthy due to lack of "poo" bins if they would even be used at all. Please do not suggest people put their dogs on leads while going up the Coppice or even while on the top as this would cause an uproar. So many people walk their dogs up there and as I said previously it is the only safe area away from roads, cattle and sheep for a dog to run free. Dogs on leads should be allowed on parks, playing fields and open spaces but not on children's play areas.all dogs should be on lead in town centres. Most dog owners are highly responsible people. If we banned dogs from the recreation park in Belthorn it would cause uproar as this is the only place in Belthorn people can take there dogs i support these orders however I think the areas should be fenced off. dogs need somewhere to run and it would be irresponsible of the council not to protect these areas. dogs no longer roam the streets so responsible owners take their dogs out to exercise. not all dogs are sociable unfortunately but they do still need exercise, and open spaces. a back garden isn't enough, and not everyone has a car to take their dog into the countryside. pensioners especially rely on local areas for theirs and their pets recreation. Page 8 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES dogs should be kept on a lead in all public places not just the town (I do see quite a few dogs roaming around town with owners but no leads on). The council needs to make sure the rules are kept because people get away without picking up the poo!! I agree with the propsal to have dogs on leads within townships when on public roads but including all areas shown on the map which include many open spaces isn't a fair and reasonable proposal. I don't see any requirement for dog owners to carry waste bags at all times or for the council to be more effective at fining people who let their dogs foul without cleaning it up. Current enforcement is woeful. The council has many powers regarding dog control and fouling but does little to enforce it's powers. If the dog warden stood on memorial park great harwood for an hour for example he would witness half a dozen dog owners leaving their mess behind. He could intervene and fine them on the spot. If a member of the public complains the dog owners become abusive so it is essential that the council enforce the existing laws. I live in the Overton ward, your proposed changes would mean I would not be able to walk my dogs anywhere in my area! I agree that dogs should be kept on leads at ALL times in public areas. Punishing all responsible dog owners for the sake of a few irresponsible owners is not the correct way to go about things! My main concern is King George's Playing Field, however it is unclear from your maps whether dogs will be allowed around the outskirts of the football pitches here? I regularly walk my dog here in the evenings- especially in winter when I feel unsafe in the field next door which has now been made even more unsafe (in my opinion) with the planting of hundreds of trees. It will soon turn into another woodland field which will exclude myself and many other dog walkers during the dark nights. I never leave the house without the means to pick up my dog's mess and never let him off the lead if there is anyone using King Georges for training as I am sensible enough to know my dog will try to join in. I find it unacceptable that the majority of dog walkers will be punished under these new proposals for the sake of the minority that are leaving their mess behind. Particular to King Georges however, I must point out that I have never seen any rogue dog mess but am regularly picking up plastic drink bottles and bits of tape left behind by the younger footballers who use the field on Mondays and Thursdays. Perhaps these are the ones that need to be told how to behave on your football fields and not the dog walkers? It would help dog owners to avoid sports pitches if you would stop filling all the other open areas with trees making them dark and forbidding in winter - especially for workers who can only go out in the dark. For example King George's - the part between the allotments and sports ground . We used to be able to walk and ride horses there. The part between the sports field and Royds street - jam packed with trees, brambles and nettles. Now the other side (Hollins wood) has been planted , saplings at the moment but just look at the next field to se what it will be like.... It's hard to avoid the pitches in winter. Why can't the trees be in clumps with open spaces in between? They're dark, muddy, scary and slippery all winter . I take my dog every day on to Highams Playing Fields. It is a social occasion meeting the other dogs and their owners. This would be sorely missed if dogs were banned on this area as there is nowhere else where they can run free apart from climbing the coppice (which is not an option for some of the dogs or owners). I feel that the policing of 'picking up' should be more stringent but not let an odd one spoil the pleasure of so many people. I think we all have the sense to keep the dogs on a lead when the pitches are being used for sport. I live in gt Harwood, my partner lives on brantfell rd in gt Harwood. We have 3dogs between us which we exercise and walk 4/5 Times daily, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in the rain, hail, snow as well as the sunshine. We, like the majority of dog owners who use this space are responsible dog owners. We pick up after all 3 at all times and carry torches in the winter to enable us to see where our dogs have been. My partner has a young son who plays daily on the sports field and has never stepped in any dog mess at any time. My partner and I have been constantly aware of the litter left by the footballers on the days they have used the fields. Not to mention the total dis regard of parking of their cars, often blocking home owners drives and double parking making it near impossible to gain access to our house. The language of some of Page 9 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES the players as well as the spectators is nothing short of disgusting at times. At no time have we ever seen lines of people walking the fields picking up dog mess, as I said before we are out on them fields 4/5 a day. I think that banning the exercising of dogs on this field is both unfair and unrealistic. Our parks and fields are here for the enjoyment of all members of the public not just a few football teams on a weekend. I suggest maybe employing more dog wardens to police the said areas in order to catch the small minority who are spoiling it for the rest of us responsible dog owners!!!! Will the rules apply to the pitches on Lyndon avenue and the fields facing Windsor rd too? I believe not as the football teams don't pay to play on these fields. Don,t see many prosecutions of dirty dog owners: they should be heavily fined, named and shamed wherever in the borough they allow their dogs to foul and not pick up. the recreational ground on talbot is 90% used by responsible dog owners, I own bulldogs and they cannot walk very far so to take away the space they can be free on would no the fair as the only other people that use the recreation ground are teenagers trying to destroy the facilities that are there. In the press reports it appeared you were considering banning dogs from public parks? I do not agree that this should be done. It will exclude many families and elderly people from enjoying walking their dogs in the park, I believe most dog owners are responsible when walking their dogs in the parks and if they were to be excluded, this would be a backward step and lead to our parks being less used and enjoyed by people of the borough. I think the present exclusion of dogs from childrens play areas is sufficient. It's unfair to target dog owners, public space is for everyone to enjoy including people walking and getting exercise walking their dogs. The only place near us that is flat and can be accessed for those with difficulties walking uphills but find the newly mainly flattish area near highams ideal and has given wellbeing. Its not so long ago this area went through public consultation when requesting permission to close for 18month to renevate - the reason given to make more accesible to public if we were aware you were then propossing to close it to dog walkers I'm sure you would have received objection. What do you intend to do about the massive litter mess that incurs every time there are football practice and matches in the evening and weekends up to now water bottles and drinks bottles are just left for others to pick up but I don't see one word being mentioned about that. I strongly disagree with this proposal there must be an alternative. Looking at the other areas you propose can you suggest alternative venues for people that want to safely exercise dogs - I don't think so. I am a responsible dog owner who supports these proposals. I live 50 yards from the bottom of the Coppice, I am a responsible dog owner and I walk my dog off lead up the Coppice but on my way back down I only put him back on the lead before I get to Ave Parade he doesn't bother anybody and is certainly not aggressive so I don't see why I should have to put on the lead. By keeping dogs off the playing fields you will be taking away the human rights of many people to keep dog's. Highams playing fields as always been open to the public and their dogs, by not letting this continue you will be stopping a lot of old people in this area who cant walk far to exercise their pets. These old people may only have their dog for company and will in most cases have to have them destroyed which will not do the council any good in the next elections. Its always been mans best friend the dog don't spoil our English/ British heritage.... Dog owners should be able to exercise their dogs without leads. Reposible dogs owners clean up after their dogs unlike the footballers who play on the memorial playing fields and leave litter when done playing. I agree it is not pleasant if there is dog mess where children are playing but it is unfair to punish the dog owners who clean up after their dog. Dogs need to be able to exercise in a safe area maybe instead of employing more dog wardens the footballers can just check the fields before playing . It isn't just dogs fouling the fields there are a lot of foxes and other wild life that foul the fields. Except for 3 months of the year when the footballers play the only people using the fields are dog walkers. The fields are for ALL public use not just a selected few I do not think dogs should be banned from parks - they are for the whole community to enjoy, including dog owners and their dogs. A little common sense should be exercised (sorry for the pun!!) and dog owners like myself would not allow our dog onto a bowling green or a play area. Page 10 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

Even if the council were to introduce a ban, the irresponsible dog owners would just ignore it anyway!! NAME AND SHAME THOSE WHO LET THEIR DOGS FOUL PUBLIC AREAS Memorial Park was donated to Great Harwood people by benefactors in the early 1920s. This included both the park and fields, "for the enjoyment and free use of the people of Great Harwood". The use of the land for football pitches was not part of the original proposal. If you visit the area on any Monday in the soccer season, you will see lots of litter (mainly water bottles) left by the soccer teams and supporters. You will struggle to find any dog poo. I think you need to address the litter problem and also the countless mole hills rather than dog walkers I dont think dogs should be banned from these area's but agree they should be kept on leads and under control in all the named above areas I am a dog owner. I walk on or near Highams playing fields nearly every day. I am appalled at the amount of dog feces on the fields/streets in Accrington. I have personally watched owners not picking up after their dogs. All owners should be watching their dogs - especially if they are off leash. And most of them are. Additionally, even though an owner may pick up after their dog, there is always an amount of residue that remains on the field (especially in wet weather). This is unavoidable. I am in favour of closing it off to dogs, but I would like to see a designated area for dogs (like the American dog parks) where dogs can run free. This could be at Highams or any other area - I am not familiar with the other areas listed. Thank you for your consideration. I walk my dogs every day on the memorial park and fields and feel very strongly against your proposal for not allowing dogs on the pitches. This park was given to the people of Great Harwood not paying football teams!! These paying teams leave so much litter, bottles, glass, food, each time they play its a disgrace! The dog walkers you are trying to ban pick it up and put in the bin! i am shocked that these measures are not already in place. Long overdue! Maybe designated dog poop areas may help as people find it difficult to pick up after their dogs, and I'm fed up of walking in other dogs mess when I take my dogs out. I also believe that all dogs should be on leads at all times. There are too many owners who don't actually pay attention to where their dog is. With regard to Gt Harwood memorial park playing fields I understand this land was originally left for the use of the people of Gt Harwood. As a local, my observation is that the majority of users are local dog walkers and if they were banned then few people would use it. Most weekend football teams I suspect are not local and routinely leave touch lines of rubbish each weekend. I suspect a driver for banning dogs is the issue of dog excrement, my observation as a user of the playing fields is that this is much improved. As a society we don't ban car driving because some people drink and drive, we shouldn't ban dogs from playing fields because some owners are irresponsible or because some sections of society don't like them. Dogs play a big part in our cultural identity and are significant in our history, banning them from local public spaces alienates a significant section of society and significantly restricts the ability to exercise and give an animal a quality of life. The Memorial park fields were not left to the town just for footballers but for all people of the town.

A complete ban of dogs on Memorial Park playing field is a complete over-reaction. It would however be reasonable to introduce the same rules as apply to cemeteries, and require dogs to be restrained on a lead whilst on the playing areas particularly during the football season I am a responsible dog owner who regularly excercies my 2 dogs predominantly on highams or wilsons playing fields at quiet times when children are in school or very early in the morning.There are regular dog walkers so this is a social interaction too. All of us pick up after our dogs & I have picked up other fowling if in an area where children may walk. My dogs are kept on a lead if needs be but enjoy running free at quiet times. I am a middle aged women who pays her council tax to enjoy these facilities & should be allowed th continue walking my dogs. It is a shame that a minority of irresponsible dog owners affect the majority of responsible ones. May be a compromise -dog owners walk dogs off lead when fields are not in use for planned training Page 11 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

,football etc. & on lead when fields are in use. Many families bring their dogs to watch the children play matches too. Cannot support the ban on playing fields as for 95% of time the fields are a general publicly used space. A ban would drive dog owners into Memorial park. If existing bylaws regarding dog fouling were enforced, there would be no problem. Only see Sports teams occasionally at weekend using the pitches on Wilsons playing fields so it would seem unfair for the majority of time that dog walkers cannot make use of this space especially as the pathways have been improved leading to this area. Perhaps when organised events are on dogs should have to be kept on leads in this area. Council should maybe look into cracking down on irresponsible dog owners and tackle the dog fouling problem by installing more dog waste bins, free poo bags etc. My kids play football on memorial football fields and the pitches are always full of dog poo,it's disgusting, the lads who maintain the fields do a brilliant job of looking after the pitches and their work is being spoilt by inconsiderate dog owners

Let us keep them from the streets too! And while you akrep at, do more about the awful state of footpaths full of dog muck Existing laws and fines for dog owners (like myself) are sufficient yet they are not enforced. Try using people to enforce dog fouling fines on those who refuse to pick up mess before applying a blanket policy to the detriment of responsible dog owners. This field was left to all of us not footballers. How many of those complaining are from GH. They will be imports from Acc where their pitches are shit up. Catch those who foul including the footballers who piss in bushes and leave broken bottles. Money talks you will just give into them. Instead of banning dogs just ban the football soft git

Dogs should not be allowed on any sports field or other recreational facility. These areas are used by adults and children who should not have to contend with the health risks associated with dogs. no brained that dogs should be kept away from these places. Anyone who says different needs head reading

It is pure common sense that dogs should not be allowed in parks and all areas where children play. In our local paper this week there is a child who has been attacked by a dog. These incident seem to be on the rise. Also parks and playing fields etc would be more pleasant places to visit and walk in without having to dodge dog mess all the time. Let common sense prevail. I wait with baited breath but not much hope.

After moving here to Accrington from Clayton le Moors within the last 10 months dog fouling is the main reason I would like to move away again!!! It's a disgrace. Around the Avenue Parade area and Peel Park you need to keep your eyes on the foot paths at all times. That's how bad it is with dog dirt. My young grandson slipped on Thorneyholme Road due to an irresponsible dog owner letting their dog foul the foot path right next to the dog bin!!! THE COUNCIL OUGHT TO BE CONSIDERING APPROACHING THE GOVT REGARDING LICENSING OF ALL DOGS A special area on Milnshaw playing field for the use of dog walking. The possibility of a dogs agility course in the Borough. Let us follow the example of other councils and ban dogs from all parks completely then it will be safe and clean for children and adults alike. It would be quite wonderful if dogs were completely banned from ALL parks in the area. It would be wonderful to walk in the park without fear of your children being knocked over or attacked by dogs. It would be wonderful to be able to walk in the park and grassy areas without fear of walking in dog mess. At the end of the day it will be up to whether the "powers that be" like to walk dogs in public areas....let's hope that this is not the case. I am not a dog owner but see the need for somewhere for dogs to run off the lead, if there is

Page 12 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES money to spend on policing a policy of not allowing dogs off leads on playing fields why can't that money be spent on policing the dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs. I really feel that dogs should be. banned from all playing fields particularly sports fields. I am a football referee and am sick of inspecting pitches before a game and finding dog faeces particularly at Foxhill at Oswaldtwistle. It's absolutely disgusting and no matter how much you try you cannot pick it all up. This therefore creates a health risk for children playing on the pitches. Would anyone allow a dog to do its dirt on a rug in there house . Try and pick it up with a plastic bag and then allow your child to roll around on the rug? Well this is exactly the same. Can't believe In this day and age we are still wondering if it's OK to let dogs on an area where children will be playing. I would presume that walks with your dog on a lead would be available to us to walk around the outer edge of the football pitches for eg White Ash on each side of Harvey st although we are in baxenden, i speak mainly given our experiences using memorial park & foxhill sports pitches regularly. We are forever removing other peoples dog mess prior to starting games particularly at these two venues. I have been a dog owner for nearly ten years and use lots of these area's mentioned in the survey, it is down to us to tidy up after our dogs, which most people I know do !! As always it's the few who don't and spoil these amenities for others. A dog is part of a persons family especially the elderly, who need these flat areas to walk ie. Cemeteries flat playing land ...most of the bins provided for our dogs are always full ( check with disposal ) which shows the majority of people do clean up. Please do not spoil things for a group of inconsiderate minded people ....who in my view don't deserve a dog anyway .... I have been involved with junior football clubs for many years and in our kit bags we have to take dog bags to pick up any mess on the sports pitches prior to the teams get there. I fully understand that most dog owners are responsible and do pick up after their dog. But unfortunately it's a weekly occurrence that sports coarches face, picking up at least one dog feces from sports pitches. I am fed up of asking dog owners not to exercise their dogs on Hyndburn football pitches. Dog owners think it is a given right to leave their dog mess, sticks or for their dogs off leads to go chasing about after footballs. I've been insulted and given verbal abuse by dog owners and something has to be done to protect football pitches. I even saw one owner allow his dog to dig a big hole in the middle of a penalty area and have approached numerous owners who allow their dogs to poo on football pitches and their owners have left them behind. I am a dog owner myself but would like to see a law passed stating all dogs should be kept on their leads in public parks and playing fields . I get so angry when I see dog owners in Memorial Park allowing their dogs to run around whilst they are chatting and the dogs are fouling and nobody bothers . I also think that whoever manages the football teams on the playing field on Brantfell Rd should ensure the players remove all their bottles & cans . Responsible dog owners should not be punished or banned from places Aslong as dogs are under control there are no issues As a responsible dog owner I welcome these proposals, as I think most dog owners will. It is the irresponsible owners who give the rest of us a bad name, and they will probably just ignore the notices. special areas fenced off in parks to exercise dogs this would be safer for dogs children etc. dogs should be kept on a lead in all other areas so that dog poo can be picked up. dogs off leads do their poo and owners havent seen it. In the Oaklee area we only have access to sports area if you remove them we wouldn't be able to exercise dogs anywhere, yes they should be under control especially in built up and public areas and yes when there are specific sporting events on but this is not all the time,and this would be unfair. i've seen lots of families more recently using the fields near us which is good and lots of the time as families they have their pets with them this would hinder those too. I think there needs to be more stringent fines if the aim is to reduce dog mess, the problem is not just on the grass areas, although the increase in bins has helped reduce, maybe increase fines to

Page 13 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES help fund even more. I agree with most but not sports pitches as what constitutes a sports pitch? Does a field count that has one rugby goal but is just really a field Having previously been a dog owner I appreciate that they need exercise and am not against them being off a lead if they are under control. However, as a user of the outdoor spaces around Accrington for fell running, mountain biking and walking, I regularly experience angry, uncontrolled dogs being followed by ignorant, feckless owners. I find this appalling and I'm sure at some point it will result in me being physically assaulted either by the dog; or by the owner, for my remonstrations. Anything that can be done to control these dogs and their owners would be welcomed by me. They give reasonable dog owners a bad name and are a threat to anyone wishing to enjoy the outdoor areas of the borough. The council should supply more dog bins because in West end Oswaldtwistle we have lost may bin because of the new bus stops so they need replacing Dogs are becoming more of a nuisance. Owners seem to think it's acceptable to allow them to jump up at you, or snarl and growl and run around unrestrained. I would welcome anything that means owners have to have more control over their animals. Please dont punish responsable dog owners that clean up after there dogs and keep them well trained There's plenty if places to walk dogs safely and on a lead away from where children play . Think there shud be well behaved dogs in places if on leads and owners clean up after there dogs but to ban from parks not enuf places for dogs to have a run around in accrington im full time carer and my poor fog only gets walked round block Dogs need to be able to run free and exercise Any place dogs are excluded, should have signs up telling were they can be exercised off lead, as it is vital dogs have opportunity to run and sniff and explore, dogs don't belong on leads all the time. Foxhill bank and surrounding area is an ideal place for walking dogs. No one should stop this. There is more mess on the sports fields from motorbikes being ridden round on marked out pitches. Responsible dog owners collect up dog mess and stop their dogs from being a nuisance. So why should we be penalised for the wrongdoing of the few who don't care.

There is a reduced number of places where owners can let their dogs off the lead. Playing fields are the only open space accessible without going a car ride into the country. I live near King George's and people mainly walk around the edge but obviously dogs chase balls and birds in any direction. Dog mess is not an issue up there but I realise it is the same rules for all. If you ban dogs from highams there will be nowhere else in the area to walk the dogs. Responsible dog owners clean up after their dogs. It would be better if you banned the motorbikes from tearing up the brand new sports pitches you have put down as long as you only do mean sports pitches and not round the edges of these spots grounds

There is limited accesible greenland as it is i pay my council taxes like everyone else and shouldnt be discriminated against just because my sport is walking. Those fields are for everyone to enjoy and im sure were donated as that. If this is full consultation there should be signs up not if your lucky to see in paper. I agree totally about keeping away from swing etc and if there are major sports games as responsible person i would keep dog on lead but when not on should be allowed to roam. There must be alternative and i would strongly object The Coppice has been ruined since concessionary bridle paths was brought. There is horse shit EVERYWHERE. Whilst most dog owners are responsible people, unfortunately a few are not, and they see nothing wrong in allowing their dogs to foul public areas and run out of control. As always, the majority have to suffer because of the actions of the minority. I would support monitoring and fining of irresponsible dog owners rather than penalising all dog Page 14 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES owners because of the actions of a few.

I have been taking my dogs on this place all my life 50 years and I always pick up poo I go on every day of the year footballers go on maybe 2 times a week in the season Although I agree with these proposals people need to be aware that Assistance Dogs are allowed anywhere, including areas that exclude dogs. Unless these areas are very visually signposted for Assistance Dogs then any proposals will cause problems. Excluding dogs in memorial football pitches due to one or two irresponsible owners is not treating the responsible owners with the respect that they show the park. I have witnessed with my own eyes during the holidays the parents who cannot be bothered to pick up after they have been playing with their CHILDREN and they dogs on the football pitches. I have three dogs and they are looked after 150% and I clean up after them. PUT camera's in the area if necessary BUT if the dogs are banned everywhere and put on leads where is the dogs right to have a free run and socialise with other dogs. I live a stones throw from Whiteash playing field and have done so for the last 30 yrs and regularly exercise my dog on there making sure i pick up after him as do most of dog owners who exercise their pets there. I pay my council tax regularly and feel very aggrieved that there is a chance i might not be able to continue to do this. In the past few years i have noticed that after football matches on Saturday and Sundays the field is littered with rubbish....bottles,crisp packets, bottle tops etc not to mention the fact that some sad person has dug up a 6ft by 6ft piece of the turf, are we to ban these irresponsible people who are littering our green areas and possibly endangering any wildlife thats in the area, and secondly i would have thought it will be nigh on impossible to police not to mention the cost to us the tax payer. I do agree that dogs should be banned from childrens play areas but to ban them totally from Whiteash and Foxhill is a disgrace !!! Stop stealing land from the community and fencing it off for sports use. Children have nowhere to play, to go sledging in winter, to exercise, people struggle to find areas to walk their dogs, and all so that men can play football. . Would be a sad day if dogs were not allowed on playing fields because off the minority of dog owners who do not clear up after there dogs. I take my dog on the paying fields on Thoneyholme rd every morning. and meet up with other dog owners, dogs run around together burning off energy, while the owners enjoy passing the time of day. socialising Dogs and people, I have even seen some dog walkers pick up other dogs mess. responsible people. Why should we be penalised for the minority. For Some of the old people that may be the only time they get to talk to someone all day.

Please employ a Dog Warden that does what they are paid to do. Find and prosecute irresponsible dog owners. Several reports by different people have been made to the council about specific dog owners in my area who allow their dogs to foul the neighbourhood and NOTHING has been done. If dogs are excluded from all parks and green areas where are people meant to exercise their dogs? There should be more policing with Un responsible dog owners who don't pick up their dogs mess I do live in Oswaldtwistle but I spend a lot of my time in Accrington with friends and we meet up and walk our dogs on Higham's Park, It would be a shame if you was to close this off. Would definitely like to see a ban on dogs at sports pitches. My sons play matches on Higham Playing Field and it's a shame that the work done in upgrading this recently is already ruined when you have to check pitches for dog dirt before setting up for a match! Although you cannot stop dog owners walking their dogs on the public playing fields or letting them run off lead on the fields, I feel the council should look at implementing fines to dog owners who either dig up the football pitches to bury their dogs balls to for them to dig up find or those that allow their dogs to dig holes in the fields. I see this all over the borough where the grounds

Page 15 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES men have to start filling in these holes on a Saturday and Sunday morning.

I am a past dog owner and kept my dog on a lead in areas where children were playing and adults were participating in sports activities. I have no objection whatsoever to dogs being loose in cemetries,or waste land not frequented by children or adults. Provide more dog poo bins a lot are overflowing!!! resulting in dog poo being thrown or left on paths and pavements.

I am a responsible dog owner who picks up after my dog and if we are being penalised by having to have our dogs on leads due to irresponsible dog owners then I find that disgraceful Dogs should be able to be walked in parks, it is dog owners not dogs that are the problem and I am a dog owner I am a dog owner, but very responsible. I do appreciate there are the minority that are not quite as responsible and they spoil it for the others. I think dogs should be on leads on main roads and if not the owners should be made to put them on leads. I walk my dog on Wilsons and go round the woods and I would hate that to be taken away. The Dog Warden needs to go into Mercer Park early morning to catch these that don't pick up. Think dogs should be kept on leads in all public areas of hyndburn. Fed up of irresponsible dog owners. I regulary take my two young children onto memorial park in Gt Harwood and there are always dogs running around on the fields off their leads seemingly unsupervised by their owners who are nowhere to be seen. These dogs run up to my children scaring the life out of them. In addition I am a keen runner and have lost count of the times i have been out running and dogs off their leads have jumped up at me. Often their owners will say he/she is just being friendly and is harmless but i would rather not have dogs jumping up at me whilst out running. I have been bit by dogs on the ankle whilst down Martholme lane by a "harmless" dog as the owner put it. Please Hyndburn BC do something about this The questions are a bit black or white format as Highams for example,I sometimes walk my dog there but like many walk round the pitches not actually on them & bowling greens...what if someone was out & wanted to go & watch the bowlers but couldn't as they had there dog with them so couldn't have that enjoyment even if the dog was on a lead. Dogs should also be kept on leads in parks .Owners just let them run wild not watching where they go or watch what they are doing. Responsible owners are fed up being lumped with irresponsible owners I am fed up of having to clean dog dirt off my children's shoes and having to tell them constantly to watch where they are stepping when they are trying to play. I should be able to take my children to a playing field and let them play without worrying they are going to stand or fall in dog dirt. If dog owners want a field for their dogs to run around they should be fenced off. If dogs are banned from certain public areas, it will be the responsible dog owners that are punished for the irresponsible actions of the minority of bad owners,it won't affect these people as they will ignore it because these are the sort of people that seem to think rules don't apply to them. On townships the map is not clear so I could not make a decision on what is included in townships. The reality is dogs should be understand control and if not then on a lead. Whichever, dog owners should clean up after their dogs. Also, why not cats who do pooh wherever? who would police the proposals if implemented (especially the sports pitches) and how would any extra resources required be funded? It would always be the sensible owners who comply, as with current legislation. The field was given to everyone in Great Harwood not just footballers. Why are you banning us from the whole of the field – Accrington, Accrington , boring Accrington win again only loosing a part of theirs? You will drive all the dogs into the park and cause even more problems. Footballers leave broken glass which is more dangerous that dog dirt. Why ban us during the summer – there are no pitches marked or football matches during the summer? If you have to ban why not just the from pitches when the goal posts are up in winter. I can take my dog on the beaches at Blackpool in winter why not then on our playing fields in summer? When are you going to fine the people who foul. Your dog warden is rubbish – he could not even catch a cold.

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All driven by money – the ones who pay calls the tune and the Council grovel to them to keep them sweet. How about my son kicking a ball around on Lower fold Park – it’s just full of dog dirt and you do nothing about it and yet you are pretending you care about young people - hypocrites. Get your act together and sort out the people who are causing the trouble – the dog owners who don’t clean up after their dog and the footballers who litter the place and pee everywhere – get real and leave the rest of us to just get on with our life’s without trying to justify your flexitime jobs! As a responsible dog owner, I feel that excluding dogs from park and playing field areas in our borough would be a step too far and I think it would be the thin end of the wedge, and then where would they be banned from next. As far as dog fouling goes, it is a small minority off dog owners who give the rest of us a bad name. We do police the problem to a certain extent ourselves and we ask people that we see not picking up after their dog to pick up. The footballers say it is a problem but they also leave quite a lot of rubbish behind including plastic and glass bottles.. Let dogs off lead everywhere as a responsible dog owner i fully support the need to control your dog in certain areas of the towns however i feel that dogs should not be excluded from green areas and cemeteries as these areas should be for everyone to enjoy, unfortunately a large proportion of the town does not have gardens and the dogs need to be exercised in a safe environment for everyone. The enforcement of a ban is a disproportionate restriction. Under the Guise of the public Spaces Protection Order the council is proposing to ban dogs from public land specifically the recreational area in Great Harwood. The recommendation however is to exclude dogs from sports pitches not all recreational areas. The area where sports are permitted to be played is an area given for the recreation of the people of Great Harwood, not exclusively for football. Dog owners use this area as a training area for dogs off their leads. Mr Tony Akrigg says “there is plenty of space for owners to exercise their dogs in areas of much lower risk.” Where are these areas where dogs can be trained off the lead? It is virtually the whole of the recreational area which is being considered not just the area where football is played as is the case at Foxhill and Bullough Park. List the other nearby areas within this area where off lead training can be undertaken. Considerable importance is made of the risk of contracting Toxoplasmosis’ Mr Askrig refers to work done in 1973 regarding the ingestion of toxocara canis eggs in the human. He found that 1.6% of dog faeces contained Toxocara eggs. Worming by dog owners is now regularly widely practiced and so contamination today will be below 1.6% He does not include toxocara from other species, cats, foxes, for example which are less likely to be wormed. If dogs are to be excluded from all area where humans contact the ground and may swallow some of the contaminated soil the ban would be pointless. The parents of footballers watch the matches with their dogs by their sides. I would enquire of Mr Harabin if Memorial Recreational area was an area highlighted to him as being seriously contaminated, If not why is it being included in this ban? The contamination of the Memorial Recreational Area is minimal and Not heavily contaminated as claimed. The responsible ownership and training of dogs should be encouraged by the council because of the considerable benefits to community. The children of families who are responsible for the feeding exercise and welfare of an animal for its lifetime benefit considerably from the responsibility. Dog visits to care homes have unbelievable beneficial effects on some house bound residents. The advice from the Department for Environment and Rural Affairs is that when a prospective PSPO will affect dog owners, the local authority should consult them. The opportunity to discuss the proposed ban was offered to Mr Harabin and Mr Askrig at the recent quarterly meeting of Friends of Memorial Park , But unfortunately neither was available to present the councils point of view. In consideration of these points I am of the opinion that there is no justification in imposing further restrictions on Memorial Park Recreational Ground.

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Dogs being walked on extending leads on main roads and in public areas should be walked with the leads at a safe and sensible length. I have seen dogs run into on coming traffic trying to get to another dog across a road as the owners can't control them on these leads. 1. Lots of older people have dogs for company and like to take them for a walk in the park to meet other people. This is good for mental and physical health. Mercer all ready has designed areas for children to play, this could be extended to cover one green part for football and picnics.

2. If dog owners did not frequent parks and woods there would be the potential for more antisocial behaviour.

3. The new dog warden appears to be addressing the problem of the small amout of irresponsible dog owners-I am in full agreement with fines being issued.

4. Do clubs etc using sports fields pay for the pleasure if so this money could and should be used to make sure the facilities are fit for purpose.

Lastly Mr Tony Ackrigg I challenge you to get out of the office and ask people what they want from our council, a lot of older people do not use the internet or indeed read small notices, so get out there and ask! As usual the few spoil it for the many consciencious dog walkers by not picking up their dog,s waste Please ask the dog warden to be more vigilant in using his powers to address this problem . The memorial sports field was left to the town for recreational use which includes exercising Dogs. The litter left by responsible dog walkers is far exceeded bu the rubbish left by footballers. Maybe you should address this issue. My next point is footballers use the Memorial playing fields when the changing facilities are closed. On numerous occasions I have seen them urinating and dedicating in the bushes at the entrance to Memorial Park. This issue should also be addressed. I regularly walk my dog around the park and playing fields and must point out that the vast majority of dog owners treat the area with pride and clean up after their dogs, I have even seen people picking up dog waste not belonging to their dog, such is the sense of pride. W.r.t bowling greens, there are numerous old people with small dogs who use the parks. It does seem a shame that they are not allowed to sit on a form with their dogs on a lead to watch the bowling and socialise with other old people. Most of them have a small dog for company, yet they are restricted in socialising because of it. One last point I have never seen a dog warden in Great Harwood. We have little enough green land to walk as it is if you remove those mentioned there will be no where to walk dogs that's in safe environment. Increase sign posting try use more hard hitting ones maybe like those used in the recent aim to reduce speed on motorways use children sign posting maybe price people's conscious if the aim is reduce dogs mess. We are supposed to be encouraging fitness and people use dog walking to do this, there must be another way. preventing families including dogs from using the parks is ludicrous, irresponsible dog owners who let their animals foul are ruining it for families who enjoy the beautiful parks and a blanket rule would not solve the problem at all. I live near the memorial park and I think the problem is with the footballers who leave their bottles and other litter for others to clear up, the foul language which could make even adults blush and the casual urination that seems to be acceptable to them. I would support the control and exclusion of dogs in mugas/actual fenced play areas however not in the park itself. It is a communal space where a dog owner can responsibly teach their dog to behave and socialise with others. If your dog escapes and only knows to be on a lead they would not know how to behave at all I find dog owners in our town to be very responsible the signage and dog waste disposal bins provided by the council are excellent. Additional legislation not required. Page 18 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

Improvement funds available I would prefer to be spent installing safe cycle paths to allow children and adults safe and healthy travel to school, around the borough and to reduce congestion and traffic pollution. Dogs on leads in parks and recreation areas should be accepted - not on a lead should be prohibited Banning dogs from public parks would have adverse effects on families spending time together. In GT Harwood, children, parents and family dogs walk and play together on the memorial fields. Parents watch their children playing football and training for football whilst exercising their dogs. The vast majority of dog walkers clean up after their dogs. This is in contrast to many members of the community who think that using the bushes as public toilets is acceptable. This is also in contrast to many footballers who decide to leave their empty drinks bottles thrown over the fields. Are they to be banned and fined too? What will the cost be to the council to provide and empty the additional dog waste bins that will need to be provided around ALL areas of the town if the park cannot be utilised? This is a meeting place for fellow dog walkers, an area where issues of dog fouling can be policed much more easily than covering all areas of towns. This area was given to the people of GT Harwood for their use. Let them use it! Responsible dog owners act responsibly. Too often we are all tarred with the same brush as the irresponsible few. The memorial playing field is too often littered with drinks bottles and snack wrappers esp. after Sunday football. I am a responsible dog owner, who cleans up their mess (and others if I have a spare bag). Please have wardens who work outside office hours to catch the culprits. Even if dogs are banned, the guilty ones will carry on and get away with it anyway so what is the point? PLEASE PLEASE don't penalize the good ones, catch the dirty b*****s (throw the book at them) and sort them out, leave us alone! It makes me so angry....I have had many an argument with offenders! I feel that these proposals are primarily as a result of a vocal, influential minority who are against dogs in public places all together and anti - dogs in general. It is necessary to consider the many positive effects of dog ownership, particularly for those persons living alone. If responsible dog owners and their much loved companions are going to be treated so poorly, then this labour controlled council needs to consider the hard working voters like myself who helped to put them in power. This situation can easily be changed at forthcoming elections. Dogs should be allowed in all parks but only on leads and not running free. But all dogs do need a designated area to run free, a lot of the areas they can run they have to compete with quad bikes, cyclists (who think the canal path is just for them),even though we keep our dogs on leads we do get abuse from cyclists, and motor bikes which also seem to think the canal path and the new paths in Woodlands (which are now very good) can be used for racing. If dog owners allow their dogs to foul public and council areas, then it would be better to impose greater fines or the current rules need to be enforced. Please do not penalise all dog owners, because of the minority. Responsible dog owners should be allowed on Higham's playing fields with their dogs when there are'nt any games in progress - provided that they remopve any mess that their dog has left. Perhaps this could be monitored by the dog warden. However, what is the attitude of the council to cat owners who let their pets wander at will, especially at night, to leave their mess in peoples gardens in the Laneside area. Whilst I agree dogs should be restricted from sports fields I hope this will not be the same for the parks, ie Memorial and Lowerfold in Gt Harwood. A restriction of dogs on the school playing field of Gt Harwood Primary on Waverledge has not stopped dog owners from exercising their dogs on this area. If restrictions do come in it will have to be policed by dog wardens or it will just be ignored. I am a dog owner and regularly see dogs on this school field. But dog owners do need areas to exercise their dogs but must be encouraged/forced to pick up after their dogs. The minority of those that don't spoil it for the rest of us responsible dog owners.

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I live near the Memorial Park. I walk my dog regularly and all responsible dog owners clear up after their dogs. It's a great meeting place for families and our dogs who are part of our family. The dog walkers also "police" the area by clearing up the huge amount of litter left by the footballers every week. The irresponsible dog owners who let their animal foul the area will have little respect for adhering to the councils policy anyway and without the other dog walkers the area will become a cluttered filthy area. To exclude dogs from parks and recreational areas would penalise anyone who is a dog owner from enjoying hyndburns public places. This in my view would be an infringement of my right as a human being to allow ALL of my family to quality days out and spend valuable time together. Spending time with Dogs has been well documented to have therapeutic qualities, and many older people who own them for companionship have no other option but to take them to their local park as they are unable to travel much further without assistance. If that park happens to be one of the areas some bureaucrat decides dogs shouldn't be allowed not only does the dog suffer from lack of exercise so would the owner which could in course lead to their premature demise through either physical or mental trauma brought on by the wrongful decision to ban dogs. Dogs in the community are not a problem. Irresponsible owners are.Why should the majority be penalised when the problem is the failure of the council to apprehend the perpetrators and serve them with severe fines. The same penalties should be implemented to footballers and spectators who leave plastic bottles and other litter after matches. We are told that we should all exercise more so as many people cannot partake in sports what better way than walking ones dog. This amounts to discrimination. In my opinion the idea of not allowing me to exercise my dog on the local field is not only a form of mistreatment against animals but also an infringement of my human rights.Whilst I agree animal mess can be a problem it's not just dogs but cats etc so are the council going to ban cats as well and let's not forget dirty humans either dropping litter and causing damage why not tackle that first instead of penalising the majority of responsible dog owners because of a few bad ones. Who is going to control this system ? Where is the money coming from ? Hope it will not come from cutting other services I strongly oppose the proposal to ban dogs from being walked on Memorial Park playing fields and other open spaces within the Hynburn area which are also used as sports pitches. We regularly exercise our dog on and off lead on Memorial playing field, like many other people in Great Harwood. I also have a son who plays football on these pitches. I do not see that there is an issue with dog fouling on these fields. The overwhelming majority of dog owners I see are responsible and clean up after their dog. It is the very small majority that do not. Why should the majority be penalised by the irresponsible few? You suggest that you will employ more staff to 'police' the dog ban on these fields. Rather than do this why don't you employ the same people to penalise those irresponsible owners so that the majority of responsible owners can continue to exercise our dogs on the fields as has been the case for many years? dog owners are ratepayers to and should be able to enjoy what we pay for/bad dog owners who foul public sites should be fined but we should all not have green areas removed from us Though not a dog owner I have friends who are and they comment about increasing restrictions on where they can let their dogs off the lead. I believe that in Canada there are special areas where dogs can be exercised. I know that Hyndburn Borough Council doesn't have the money to create special facilities but I would ask the Council to give thought to the needs of responsible dog owners. Often these people are retired and therefore dog walking is a good way of taking moderate exercise and keeping fit. For older people living alone, the companionship of a dog is very important. Also, when out dog walking they meet other dog owners, so there is also a social benefit, helping to promote physical and mental wellbeing. I think it is a ridiculous proposal to ban dogs from the memorial park area of great Harwood, this area was given to the people of great Harwood for communal use. Most dog owners are very good at picking up{if this is the concern} in fact the amount of rubbish left lying on the field by the footballers is much greater ,including glass and plastic bottles. The dog waste bins are well useds Page 20 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES and always full on collection days, this action is a discrimination against dog owners. there is a proposal for new football pitches by Nightingales garage how much space do the footballers need! I am just hoping dog owners don't get Band from parks and playing fields. good dog owners shound no suffer . thouse are the ones who pick ther mess up after ther dog . Brookside View kiddies playground dog fouling, epidemic level. Brookside Lane dog fouling all day, bags hung on railings & thrown in trees. Stanhill Village green regular dog fouling.

No justified reason to change in gt. Hardwood, dog muck is religiously picked (as you well know you empty the bins which can be overflowing).there has never been any incidents with dogs or damage. The facilities at the memorial area were left for the use of ALL recreational activities for ALL the people of gt. Harwood, if you do your history homework this will be apparent.for god sake leave things alone and put your time money and energy into a worth while needy cause. I must also comment the world does not revolve around a handful of football players, although I have to say manage to leave rubbish after each match, educate myself to varied foul language, and use the bushed area of the park as a lavatory. Get a grip on reality . If it is not broken why fix it I go to Memorial Park and the playing fields everyday' and most people who go there are responsible Dog owners' there is more dog fowling on the park than on the playing fields' people go there most days and the footballers only use it Saturday and Sunday mornings' and there's no people go on there with there Dogs when they are playing Most dog owners are responsible people who keep their dogs under control and clean up after their dogs. Why should these dog owners be penalised for the few. Highams playing fields were closed for many months whist being upgraded and dog walkers in the area were very limited where to walk their dogs which was flat and secure. Please don't take this one area away from the people who use it the most. I think an overall ban on dogs on football pitches is ridiculous. There are many dog owners that use these spaces all day, everyday. To ban these people from having a convenient place to walk their dogs, and let them run would be a huge shame for the local dog owners, especially ones with limited mobility/no cars to get into the countryside. I believe when the big football meets happen, obviously dogs should be kept on leads as to not interfere with games. At all times dog owners should be responsible and pick up after their dogs, no exceptions. When in public spaces ie high streets, dogs should be kept on leads as there are always people who are frightened of dogs, and also for the safety of the dogs with traffic and footfall. I am a dog owner, who abides by these rules already, however, many people with dogs are irresponsible and will probably continue to be so. I wonder how the council will police this when they are making and having to make more cuts. As well as indicating areas where dogs can not go and where they must be on leads. I do think that the council should highlight areas where people can dog walk and let their dogs off the lead, to allow them to run, play, fetch ball etc. Banning people from walking dogs on sports fields would be greatly detrimental to their health and wellbeing it provides good exercise for people which should be encouraged. There would be no other spaces for exercising dogs properly as they can't be exersised on the lead . people would be put off having a dog because they couldn't be exercised properly and that would lead to more obesity and heart disease and then more strain on the health, social and community services and cost the council more in the future The memorial park playing field was left to Great Harwood for use by all of its residents and so must include dog owners. I use this field regularly with my dog and, like the majority of owners clean up after my dog. This cannot be said for the football teams and their supporters who ALWAYS leave the field covered in litter and leftover food. Why should a group of people who look after their environment be banned from using an area so that others who clearly do not care how they leave it, leaving bottles, cans which can cause injury to animals and other users, can stay.

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I feel very strongly about this and wonder how you can go against the wishes of those who were generous enough to give their land to the town, not to the borough to use as a money making commodity. The majority of people who use HIghams playing field are responsible and we have very few people that are giving the majority bad name and this intention is affecting those responsible people. The only other parts of green land in this area is the coppice and walking during the dark mornings and nights does not feel safe as a women but I would have no choice if you band dogs from the fields. Not only do lots of us dog walkers pick our dogs mess up but what about all the litter that's left especially during the summer months but there's no talk about banning them.I've personally come off those fields with 2 carrier bags full of empty wine bottles cans and takeaway packets. The land is supposed to be enjoyed by all so my suggestion would be to increase patrols and increase the fines for those that let their dogs mess anywhere without picking it up. If you remove you should at least find a substitute. The new Public Space Protection Orders when they are agreed should be widely published and strictly enforced. Some dog owners are still very neglectful, even cavalier towards their responsibilities. Many claim ignorance of current rules because they are not plainly and prominently publicised. The new orders should make things very very clear about where dogs are banned, where they should be on a short lead and where owners must pick up after their dogs. Most dog owners including myself are responsible and clean up after their pets. It is the minority who let everyone else down. More should be done to patrol areas looking for offenders as not enough people are being caught whose dogs foul. Also higher fines should be imposed too to deter people. A lot of dog walkers use playing fields to walk their dogs as in some parts of the borough there are not many nearby green spaces. The public sport pitches in the majority of Hyndburn were given to the people of Hyndburn as recreational areas for and by the use of local residents, not specifically to be utilised as sports pitches by footballers. As such these should remain as free open spaces for the use of all residents including dog walkers. There's a real problem with dog fouling on the canal If dogs are excluded from the sports pitches on Wilson's Playing Fields, the woodlands surrounding the pitches will become dog toilets as some dog owners will be even less inclined to pick up the dog mess from long grass. And this would spoil all the hard work that has been put into the new paths and regeneration of the woodland trails. I personally own 3 working dogs and exercise my dogs every day on Wilson's and religiously pick up my own dogs mess and dispose it in the bins provided. However, not all dog owners do so and often leave the dog mess in a plastic bag on the fields. I exercise the dogs on winter evenings but can still pick up the mess as the lights from the carpark and running track allow this. Maybe more dog poo bins would be helpful or notices. Bad dog owners give the good ones a bad name, some of us are very careful dog owners and care about our environment and health of children, the footballers and atheletes using the facilities. I would just like to say that it is the Minority that let their dogs foul not just on playing fields but up and down the pavements of Great Harwood. Maybe more dog Bins ? Memorial playing fields in Gt Harwood were left to the town for all recreation purposes not just football so as long as dog owners are responsible they should be allowed access. I am a dog owner myself and have witnessed what free roaming dogs can do in parks etc. Many of these seem like common sense, although I acknowledge that a legal obligation doesn't exist at present it would be great if these areas had some legal protection from issues caused by irresponsible dog owners, thanks for raising this! As a dog owner I enjoy walking my dog in the park,I also can let him run off the lead, I always pick up after my dog and use the dog bins provided,I know other dog owners can spoil this for responsible dog owners, I don't have any answers but I think it's unfair for those of us that are responsible dog owners whom like to let dogs of the lead to run. It is important that the council provides green areas where dogs can be exercised (I don't mean toiletted), and allowed to play with balls and other toys. It is also important that dogs are allowed

Page 22 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES to mix and socialise and play with other dogs, as long as they are adequately supervised by their owners. By all means continue to impose penalties on irresponsible pet owners who allow their dogs to foul public places. I have a dog and there are dogs that go up Arden Hall and let off their leads and run to my dog on 3 occasions to attack her, the owners have no control over their dogs. I think all dogs in public places and where children play should be kept on their leads I regularly use the Memorial (Gt Harwood) and Cut Wood (Rishton) playing fields to exercise my dogs. Without this space, I do not know where I would take my dog to be off lead. I avoid many other areas ie canals, Tottleworth etc due to people with uncontrolled dogs using such places. I can understand the issue re dog fouling in such places but I do clean up behind my dogs. Sack the dog warden - waste of time. Need to fine those who foul not ban everyone else. This survey is biased towards footballers who can use multiple devices to vote whilst watching the match Ban the footballers who leave their bottles and rubbish. Why ban us from the whole field. We are even allowed on sections of the beaches with our dogs at the seaside. We can take our dogs on the beach during the winter why not let dogs on the pitches during the summer? Memorial park playing fields was given to all the people of our town not just footballers - fine the people who don't clean up i think dogs under control should be allowed around bowling greens There are many potentially dangerous dogs around the Rishton area, such as pitbull terrier types, mastiffs, stafforshire terriers, etc and these dogs are often off lead and not under sufficient owner supervision or control. We have been attacked and threatened on many occasions, the most serious recently was by a very large mastiff this summer whilst we were walking with our family greyhound and two infant children on the path behind Gr Harwood cemetery. this incident was very frightening and could easily have resulted in tragedy. To make matters worse the owner was abusive and unconcerned about the incident and seemed proud that it was capable of killing, saying 'If my dog would have wanted your kid he would have had it.' A few weeks ago we were on the train fromRishton to Blackburn and overheard a conversation from an owner of a pitbull cross who was bragging to another passenger about how his 18 month old dog had taken a bite out of his finger before going on to say how good it is with his 6 week old baby. He also explained that his dog had attacked other dogs on numerous occasions and was very proud of this. These are not isloated incidents and unless there are stricter controls and enforcement on owners this will continue. I have spoken to a number of my neighbours who are responsible dog owners who all have similar stories and difficulties on a regular basis. We are all strongly in support of requiring dogs to be on leads on all public footpaths including the canal and the path behind Rishton cemetery, with being allow off lead restricted to certain areas, and still requiring the owner to be in charge of the animal. We live on an end terrace near a playing field and many people walk their dogs past our house daily - often several times a day we overhear responsible owners remonstrating with peopel who refuse to have their dogs on lead and under control. There is a frail elderly lady who walks with a frame and takes her dog out at least twice daily on the canal in Rishton - one attack from an out of control dog could seriously destroy her quality of life. We need clear and effective controls in our area coupled with visible and regular enforcement in order to get this situaiton under controla nd prevent it from deteriorating further to the point where we do not feel safe walking our dog here any more. It is also the people who let their dogs run off the lead out of control who are generally responsible for most of the fouling, rather than those who keep their dogs on a lead responsibly. This issue is extremely important to me, my family and my neighbours and if this consultation does not result in effective and enforced policy I will continue to campaign for change. Please contact me to dicsuss further if you would like more information about the incidents we have witnessed or heard about. I currently live across from a childrens play area which my child regularly uses and in a few instances he has come home with dog faeces on his shoes or pants i feel this is a risk to my child's health and therefore I am in full support of excluding dogs from childrens play areas and even though I have owned dogs in the past I think this is a step forward in the right direction Page 23 of 24 PSPO Consultation Comments 30 October 2015 ALL RESPONSES

It is good that dogs are allowed to be walked in the park as there are limited dog walking areas in Oswaldtwistle. I DEFINETLY DO NOT support the proposed exclusion of dogs from the memorial field in Great Harwood. This field was given to the people of Great Harwood for their free use as a recreation area this is not a designated football field. I have exercised my dogs on this area for many years and do not want this option removed from me. I do not see a large amount of dog faeces on the field BUT at the weekends the field is covered with discarded bottles and cans after the football matches have taken place. The field looks terrible surely this is unacceptable . It is unclear what you mean by 'within Hyndburn's main townships - shown in blue'. The map referred to shows only the towncentre shopping areas in blue. If that's the intention then my answer would be YES but if you mean anywhere within Hyndburn's towns then my answer would be NO. How about dealing with the quad bikers and mini motors chewing up the Coppice and Highhams fields every day. There are also reports of people driving 4X4s up the Coppice in the evening badger baiting and shooting the deer. There is a dire need for proper fencing at the top of Avenue Parade at the park entrance.

Can dogs actually be banned from certain parks, eg Haworth Art Gallery & Park. There is Oak Hill park a short distance down the road which dog walkers could still use Such is the case in Burnley with Thompson Park when no dogs are allowed and makes for a pleasant environment. Nothing worst than a bride turning up at the HAG for their wedding and having to avoid dog dirt on the pathways! Whilst hard to enforce could it not be piloted at this park to see the response, as dog walkers are the minority and many feel its fine to let their dogs off the lead in the park and mess everywhere. There are enough restrictions for responsible dog owners and the proposed further restrictions will not affect the ones that do not follow the rules already. There should be more covert patrols by the dog warden and enforcement officers when they suspect that the rules are being broken. I would welcome more resources being spent on preventing stray dogs and dog fouling, especially at weekends at a cost to other services eg flower beds or mowing. More fines and more patrols, I have never, ever seen a dog warden and I spend hours on football pitches and playgrounds. Why were the metal railings ever removed around Lowerfold Park as now dogs are on the play area all the time, I would imagine the sale of the scrap metal would have been spent elsewhere. Terrible, naive and dangerous decision. As a responsible dog owner, i am incensed that the council would ban me and my pet from going for walks in the parks! Try and ban the foxes at night! lots of fouling made by these creatures! I think there are plenty of open spaces within the Borough for people to walk dogs. Parents need areas where children can play without the worry of disease from dog mess. As for cemeteries, I would like to think people would not allow their dogs to foul such places but unfortunately this is not always the case so there as to be by-laws. I do not agree to only let dogs out on leads but If the council decide to only allow dogs on leads you will need to provide designated dog parks across the borough so we can still let our dogs run free. I live outside the borough however my son plays cricket on some of the boroughs cricket pitches hence the interest in the consultation.

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