L‘età ittita 1650-1150

Bronzo Tardo II (1370-1200) „Hittite Religion“ is a blend of religious beliefs and practices emanating from the many distinct cltural traditions that fell within the range of Hittite political influence frm the 18th to the early 12th centuries BCE. These include the ndo-European Hittites, the indigenous Hattians; the Louwians, who settled in western and southern Anatolia; and the , whose impact on Hittite religious and political life would escalate with the passing centuries.

B.J. Collins, 5. Anatolia, in B. stanley Spaeth (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Mediterranean Religions, Cambridge 2013, pp. 95-116 Inandik

Vaso di Inandik (datato 16 sec. a.C.), in base al contesto archeologico

5 Hüseyndede

6 Ierogamia • Connessa al mito di Illuyanka – Unione divinità/uomo mortale • Inara e Hupashiya • Dio della tempesta e figlia del povero – Ripetizione/messa in scena dell‘atto nel corso di rituali annuali • Assicurare l‘unione di uomini e divinità contro carestie (drago)

7 8 Bogaz KöyGli ittiti /Hattusha

9 10 Boghaz Köy –HattushaGli ittiti Yazilikaya

11 Boghaz Köy –HattushaGli ittiti Yazilikaya

12 13 14 15 16 Processione


17 Sirkeli

Muwatalli (1295–1272) Great King, the Hero, (son of) Mursili, Great King, the Hero 18 19 20 21 YazilikayaGli ittiti



22 23 YazilikayaGli ittiti

24 YazilikayaGli ittiti

Ninatta kulitta e Sausga

Kumarbi 25 26 27 28 Gli ittiti

29 Gli ittiti

82 81

30 31 Liste der hethitischen Götter Name Alternativnamen Aufgabenbereich Ursprung Tarḫunna hatt. Taru, hurr. Teššup, sum. Iškur Wettergott, oberster Gott hethitisch/hattisch/hurritisch Šarruma -- YazilikayaGli Sohnittiti der Ḫepat syrisch Fruchtbarkeits- und Telipinu Telipuna, Talipinu hattisch Vegetationsgott Ellil -- Gott der Lüfte babylonisch Kumarbi -- Korngott, 3. König des Himmels hurritisch Arma Umbu; hurr. Kušuḫ, hatt. Kašku[3] Mondgott hethitisch Sonnengott des Himmels; hurr. Šiu Sonnengott hethitisch Šimige Aranzaḫ Flussgott hurritisch -- 1. König des Himmels hurritisch/syrisch Ea Gott der Weisheit und Wassertiefe babylonisch hurr. Tašmišu; "Bruder des Šuwalijat Sohn von Kumarbi hurritisch Wettergottes" Jarri Pestgott ev. babylonisch

32 I Luoghi del culto