Newsletter Issue 11 Winter 2007 Cover Photos Top WF512 (44 Squadron) at dispersal, RAF Coningsby ( Ernest Howlett ) Bottom The Queen inspects the massed ranks of aircraft at the Coronation review. See page 20 for an alternative perspective on the Royal review by Douglas Cook who, by then, had swapped his Washington for a Shackleton. ( John (Buster) Crabbe ) This Page Bottom left Shot of the Control Tower, summer 1953.Note how close the Fire bay was to the Tower. Upper right: John Moore talking down a recalcitrant, American Major, in his Auster. At that stage Coningsby was in the throes of converting from B29s to Jets with the Jet Conversion unit in residence as shown on the board behind John. The other boards show 57, 15 and 44 Sqdns. Presumably 149 is on the hidden board! Note the old G.C.A still in use! ( Both photos John Moore ) . Chris Howlett The Barn Isle Abbotts Taunton Somerset TA3 6RS e-mail:
[email protected] 1 Letters John Crabbe wrote : Thinking of your latest “Times” and just for laughs, thought I'd send you this shot taken with my wife's tiny camera - I think - in 1953 when my Mum and Dad visited us at Marham (In front of 'My' B29 – unfortunately the quality is not very good!) By now I'd left 207 via 35 and was now a Flt/Sgt Crew Chief on 115 Sqn. I actually flew back to the States with this A/C to its final resting place at Davis Monthan- The Captain on that occasion was one F/O Joe Locharane (May be miss-spelled) The rest of the crew as I remember were - Flt ? 'Goose neck' Nav.