Uillted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,315,973 1
' _ US005315973A UIllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,315,973 Hill et al. [45] Date of Patent: May 31, 1994 [54] IN'I'ENSIFIER-INJECI‘OR FOR GASEOUS 4,704,997 11/1987 EndO =1 a1. .................. .. 123/27 GE FUEL FOR POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT 4,742,801 5/1988 Kelgard . .. 123/526 ENGINES 4,831,982 5/1989 Baranescu ...... ..123/300 4,865,001 9/1989 Jensen ....... .. 123/27 GE [75] Inventors: Philip G. Hill, Vancouver; K. Bruce 4,922,862 5/1990 Casacci 123/575 Hodgins, Delta, both or Canada 5,067,467 11/1991 11111 et al. 123/497 , _ _ __ _ 5,136,986 8/1992 Jensen 123/27 GE [73] Ass1gnee= Umvemty 0f Brlhsh Columbm, 5,190,216 3/1993 Deneke ............................. .. 239/434 Van uver, Can 11 co I a a Primary Examiner-Noah P. Kamen [21] APPL No‘ 7974442 Assistant Examiner-Erick Solis [22] Filed: No“ 22, 1991 Attorney, Agent/or Finn-Seed and Berry [57] ABSTRACT Related U's' Apphcahon Data This invention relates to a novel device for compressing [63] Continuation-impart Of Ser- NO- 441,104, NOV. 27, and injecting gaseous fuel from a variable pressure gase 1989, Pat- N0~_5,067,467- ous fuel supply into a fuel receiving apparatus. More [51] I111. 01.5 ................... .. F02M 21/02; FOZM 61/00; particularly, this invention relates to an intensi?er-injec FQZB 3 /00 tor which compresses and injects gaseous fuel from a [52] US. Cl. .................................. .. 123/304; 123/299; Variable Press“re SOurce into the cylinder of a Positive 123/27 GE; 123/525; 239/533_12 displacement engine.
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