MATH41112/61112 Ergodic Theory Charles Walkden 4th January, 2018 MATH4/61112 Contents Contents 0 Preliminaries 2 1 An introduction to ergodic theory. Uniform distribution of real se- quences 4 2 More on uniform distribution mod 1. Measure spaces. 13 3 Lebesgue integration. Invariant measures 23 4 More examples of invariant measures 38 5 Ergodic measures: definition, criteria, and basic examples 43 6 Ergodic measures: Using the Hahn-Kolmogorov Extension Theorem to prove ergodicity 53 7 Continuous transformations on compact metric spaces 62 8 Ergodic measures for continuous transformations 72 9 Recurrence 83 10 Birkhoff’s Ergodic Theorem 89 11 Applications of Birkhoff’s Ergodic Theorem 99 12 Solutions to the Exercises 108 1 MATH4/61112 0. Preliminaries 0. Preliminaries 0.1 Contact details § The lecturer is Dr Charles Walkden, Room 2.241, Tel: 0161 275 5805, Email:
[email protected]. My office hour is: Monday 2pm-3pm. If you want to see me at another time then please email me first to arrange a mutually convenient time. 0.2 Course structure § This is a reading course, supported by one lecture per week. I have split the notes into weekly sections. You are expected to have read through the material before the lecture, and then go over it again afterwards in your own time. In the lectures I will highlight the most important parts, explain the statements of the theorems and what they mean in practice, and point out common misunderstandings. As a general rule, I will not normally go through the proofs in great detail (but they are examinable unless indicated otherwise).