December 2020

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December 2020 Foxtales December, 2020 Monthly Meetings are President’s Column usually held the fi rst & third Wednesday of the month at Nile's News THE BAR Wishing you essential, socially-distanced, unprecedented, happy 2435 W. Nordale Dr. and healthy holidays. Appleton. Upstairs in the Skybox Our plans for the upcoming ski season are changing again. Social 7 pm Membership is only $25. Please mail your membership form with your Meeting 7:30 pm check to: Sly Fox Ski Club, PO Box 1613, Appleton, WI 54912-1613 Meetings for the Remainder of the Emails will be sent to all members in lieu of regular in-person 2020 Year are member meetings through 2020 on same dates as regular meetings. Important updates are posted in emails. Cancelled Due to • Dec. 9, 2020 Christmas party has been cancelled. Covid 19 Dec. 8, 2021 Christmas party has already been scheduled. Check out our web site: • Telluride ski trip Plans for last week of March 2022 are developing. PLEASE JOIN US • Meribel France & Barcelona Spain ski trip Plans for late January 2023 are being considered. Christmas Party Refunds for Jan. 2021are being planned as payments returned. 2020 • Midwest ski trips – See sign-up page included. Cancelled Big Snow I – January 8-10 – $245 – Indianhead, Blackjack & Due to Covid-19 Powderhorn (great deal with 3 ski hills) (Drive-on-your-own. NO BUS, hence reduced price.) • Big Snow II – February 19-21 – $290 – Indianhead & Blackjack Still openings. Details are on pages 5 - 7 in this newsletter. Inside this issue: Sly Fox membership allows you to go on any Gelandesprung trips President's Column 1 also. See their details in our newsletter or on their website. Birthdays 2 Big Sky Ski Trip is Cancelled due to Covid. See the details on page 9. Friends of Foxes Rewards 2 Membership Form 3 Our in-person club meeting schedule will restart in January 2021 if Sly Fox Trip List 4 health concerns permit. They will be held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month running through March, 2021. Mask wearing may be Big Sno 1 & 2 I nfo/Sign-up 5, 6 &7 required. Gelandesprung Trip List 8 Spring Banquet is April 10, 2021, at the Hollander. GS Big Sky Postponement 9 Details in future newsletters. Sponsor Ads 10 Next board meeting is December 1, 2020, at 7:00 pm via zoom. Nile Meet up @ Happy Hour Start the weekend with the Sly Foxes FUN BEGINS at 5:30 Birthdays This is not an offi cial club function but rather just an informal gathering of members for Happy Hour at different locations throughout the month. • December 4 - Tanner's Sports Bar & Grill 730 S. Railroad Street, Kimberly DECEMBER 920-788-7275 • December 11 - Barrel 41 Brewing Company 7 - Tina Palma 15 - Bruce Kettner 1132 S. Commercial Street , Neenah 28 - Karen York 920-558-4021 Happy hours 31 - Dean Papendieck • December 18 - Appleton Beer Factory 603 W. Collegeare Avenue, cancelled Appleton 920-364-9931 until • December 25 - No HH (Merry Christmas!) • January 1 - FURTHERMilwaukee Burger NOTICECo. 421 N. Casaloma Drive, Appleton 920-202-3558 Do You have a Happy Hour location that you would like to see the Sly Foxes meet at? Please e-mail: [email protected] PLEASE JOIN US FRIENDS OF FOXES REWARDS 2020 - 2021 FRIENDS OF FOXES REWARDSWARDS proprogramgram bbeneenefi tsts thetht e existingexistiing membersmembers and buildsbuild the membership of our club with new members for the enjoymentoyment and benefi ts ooff oorganizedrgganizi ed groupgroup rate discount ski trips,tr other club sponsored functions and most of all the camaraderie.derie. “FRIENDS OF FOXES REWARDS”WARDS” aawardswaardr s prppresentesent SlSlyly FoFFoxx SkSSkii ClClububu MMemberseme bers with 10 popoints (or $10 towards Sly Fox Ski Club sponsored functions) for all NewNew MembersMembeb rss theythehey referred,referred, whenwhw en theythey joinjoin thethhe club. To receive FOX POINTS, the NewNeww MemberMemmber mustmusts documentdocumu ent theththe referringreferring membermembberr onon theirtheir MembershipMe Form when joining the club. The FOX POINTS can accumulatemulatte duringdud rir ngg thetheh oneone skiskii seasonseasoon that theytheey havehhave been earnedeaarnr ed andan can be used towards club trips, the renewal of their present membershipbersshih p dues,dud ess, SpringSpS ring andandn ChristmasChrisstmt as HolidayHolliddayy banquets.banquets. The FOX POINTS must be usedsed byb thethe endendn ofof thetht e seasonseeason onon or beforebeforre April 30th andandd cannotcannot be carried over to the following year. The New Member joining the clubclub maymaay notnot bee a pastpasst membermem mbm erer ofof thetht e clubclc ub within thethe lastlast 4 yearsyea or a renewing member. FOX POINTS are not transferablerable toto anotheranotht err member.memmber.r The new and present membersers mustmust bebe a minimummiiniimum off 2121 yearsyears ofo age.ageg . The FOX POINTS will be documentedcumenteed by thethe TreasurerTrer asa urerr whenwheen thetht e NewNeNew MembershipMeembberrshhipip FormForrm withwit payment is received. Membership Form 2020 -2021 Membership year is May 1 to April 30 & open to anyone 21 years old or older. Please complete the ENTIRE form CLEARLY and sign. Name: (1) ____________________________________________________Birth Month:_________ Day:______Yr.______ Name: (2) ____________________________________________________Birth Month:_________ Day:______Yr.______ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________ State:___________ Zip Code:_____________ Home Phone Number: _________________________ Cell Phone: (1) ____________________(2)___________________ E-mail address: (1) ______________________________________ (2)_________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, please contact: ______________________________________ Phone: _________________ New Member Referred by: (Enter Sly Fox member name) ____________________________________________________ “Foxtales” newsletter E-mailed. (Mailed ONLY if you do NOT have E-mail) Check for mailed____ Circle One Would you like to be considered for a Trip Leader position? Yes No For a Midwest Trip? Yes No For a WesternTrip? Yes No Would you like to be serve on a committee? Yes No Please recommend one ski destination you’d like to see the club take a trip to:____________________________________ MEMBERSHIP TYPE MEMBERSHIP YEAR IS MAY 1 TO APRIL 30 Single Member $25 Married Members (as defi ned by the IRS) $40 Please mail your check for dues made out to: Sly Fox Ski Club PO Box 1613 Appleton, WI 54912-1613 PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING I certify that I am at least 21 years of age and do hereby accept the policies and practices of the Sly Fox Ski Club. I understand that in my participation in club-sponsored events carries a degree of risk of injury or death. I hereby unconditionally waive and release the Sly Fox Ski Club, its offi cers, directors, agents, and members from any and all liabilities arising from any injury, property damage or loss I may suffer as a result of my actions. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all foregoing to use any photograph, videotape, motion pictures, recordings, or other record of any ski club event for any legitimate purpose. Please see the current Sly Fox Club policies or view them at the website listed below. Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ For current trip policies and other details, please see the website: 2020– 2021 SLY FOX TRIP LIST BIG SNOW MICHIGAN January 8 – 10, 2021 Price adjustment- $245 Initial deposit: $100 Indianhead/Blackjack & Powderhorn Mts. Trip transportation changed to carpool or drive on your own With implications of the coronavirus, safety concerns and the minimum participants not met to cover the cost of the bus, it has resulted in the cancellation of the bus. This Trip will continue to go forward. What’s included: 2 nights lodging Indianhead Lodge (4pm check in time available), Two breakfasts, with dinner Saturday night. 2 lift passes- Saturday-Indianhead/Blackjack & Sunday-Big Powderhorn. All info & sign up to follow in Newsletter & Website. Questions? Contact Trip Chair Sam Fontaine, [email protected] MERIBEL FRANCE & BARCELONA SPAIN January 22 thru February 2, 2021 COST - $2900 Sorry, this trip was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions Great news, we will be working on scheduling this trip in January 2023 Lamers coach Chicago O’Hare Airport. Round trip Swiss Air, Geneva (via Zurich). Motor coach Maribel. 7 nights lodging, 4-Star Hotel Arolles (Ski in-Ski out), daily breakfast & dinner nightly. Motor coach transfer to Geneva Airport with Swiss Air flight to Barcelona on Sat., Jan. 30th. Motor coach transportation to 4-Star Avenida Palace, Barcelona. 3 Nights Lodging with daily breakfast. Motor Coach transfer to Barcelona Airport & Swiss Air flight to Chicago, Tues., February 2, 2021. Trip Leader contact: Sam Fontaine, [email protected] BIG SNOW II MICHIGAN February 19 - 21, 2021 Indianhead & Blackjack Mts. COST - $290 Initial deposit: $100 Trip open for sign up Space Available Round trip Lamers Motor Coach to/from Wakefield, Michigan. 2 nights lodging Indianhead Resort Lodge (with hot tub & pool), 2 breakfasts with dinner Sat. night. 2 day lift pass for Indianhead/Blackjack Mts. Free shuttle available between Indianhead & Blackjack Mts. Green Bay loading 5pm – departs
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