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Former NFL MVP embodies Christian values, The Northern Iowan, February 10, 2009

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This Document is brought to you for free and open access by the Noteworthy People of UNI at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Noteworthy People of UNI Documents by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPORTS Tuesday, February 10, 2009 18 The Northern Iowan - northern-iowan. org Former NFL MVP-embodies Christian values brings teachings with him on the field and in personal life By OWEN SIEBRING er great game through: the suicide of one stereotyped in today's soci­ Robertson, the idiot protes­ Sports Writer and how grateful he was to of his c hildren. Throughout ety as clo e-minded, igno­ tors at the Obama inaugura­ The University of even get to that level. But he the grieving process, he con­ rant and hateful. · tion or even UNI's very own Northern Iowa's very own stressed that even though he tinually stated that the only What people s hould real­ fountain preacher, but what Kurt Warner has proven wasn't a winner on the field, thing that kept him going ize is that Christ's teach­ His mes age is really about with another stellar Super he wanted to go home and be was his faith in God, and the ings weren't about that i compassion, forgiveness Bowl performance, that he a champion as a father and a knowledge that hi s son was baloney you hear from Pat and love. is one of the elite player a husband. waiting for him in Heaven. in today's FL. ot only This has been a great Josh Hamilton has become that, but after the game wa example of the fact that one of the all-time greate t over, he proved yet again you don't necessarily need comeback storie in Major · that Christians are actually to always be talking about League Ba eball, as he recov­ normal people. Christ to be a Christian. He ered from evere drug addic­ And this can be seen in shows it in the way he acts tion to become one of the every one of his pregame and presents himself that elite players in today's game. and po tgame news confer­ the be t way to be a true And he' happy to hare that ences, not just in what he Christian is to humble your­ fact with anyone who's will­ ay , but in what he doesn't self and love others. ing to ask. At la t year' say. It' always great to hear And Warner i n't the borne run derby at the All­ omeone not praise their only example of thi in the Star game, the fir t thing own abilities, and actually sports world. Tony Dungy he told an obviou ly flu - give the glory to God, but ha been very outspoken on tered was how Warner goe beyond that. hi faith. on many occa ions. hi faith in Jesu Chri t had He doe all that he can to And he ha shown that not saved him from an almost include his Savior in every every trong Christian has certain untimely death. ingle answer, and when hi to be a right-wing conser­ Hamilton wants to make wife told him that he really vative, as he strongly sup­ absolutely certain that he didn't need to do that, he ported in this get Chri t' mes age acros ju t told her that if he didn't, previous election. in every story he is a part of. then the media would cut all Dungy ha also hown In an interview for ESP the that "God stuff" out of his the loving pirit of a true Magazine, Hamilton joking­ ound bite . Christian, as he proved that ly told reporter Chri Jone But beyond that, Warner you could be a succes ful that if God wasn't included remains humble, and tries to coach in the NFL and at the in the article about him, that tay positive in every situ­ same time be kind and soft­ Hamilton would be coming ation, even after his most spoken with your player . after him. recent heartbreaking uper He also stayed strong I thi1 k what in pire Bowl lo . Most of hi quotes in his faith when he expe­ the e three men and many MARK C0RNELLS0N/Lexington t,ald·Leader= were about how honored he rienced one of the tough­ others like them, i the fact Kurt Warner walks off the field at Raymond James StaaW1 surrou was to play in yet anoth- e t thing ·a parent can go that Chri tian have become by confetti celebrating the Steelers record sixth Super Bowl 'VIC\Ofll.