J. Exp. Zool. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 219-220, 2013 ISSN 0972-0030


Prem Kumari Gupta, Rohtash Chand Gupta* and Tirshem Kumar Kaushik** Department of Chemistry, Indira Gandhi National College Ladwa, Kurukshetra - 136 119, India. *Senior Visiting Faculty, Institute of Environment Studies, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra - 136 119, India. email:[email protected]; [email protected] (Accepted 25 July 2012)

ABSTRACT – are a common site in the Indian Scenario. Popularly seen Mynas include Indian Myna Acridotherus tristis, Brahminy Myna pagodarum, Greyheaded Myna Sturnus malabaricus, Bank Myna Acridotheres ginginianus, Jungle Myna Acridotheres fuscus, Hill Myna Gracula religiosa and Pied Myna Sturnus contra. In the present studies attention has been focused on Pied Myna and its nest lodging habits. Moreover, the present studies concern a marked shift in nest lodging patterns in the breeding season of 2010-11(April to June). It is pertinent to mention that Zoology Department of Kurukshetra University conducted detailed studies on Pied Myna during 1989-1995 and found that, amongst other nesting sites, electric poles were the most preferred ones. However, today there were no nests lodged on electric poles in Kurukshetra and its sub- urbs. There are atleast more than 6000 electric poles in Kurukshetra. There is a marked shift in the nest lodging sites and electric poles have been completely discarded in the present times. The present studies warrant investigations on this crucial issue. During 1989-1996 studies, it was concluded that Pied Myna was demonstrating evolution in action wherein it was found lodging nests on newer and funny sites like TV-ANTENNA of 1970s, 1980s. Today that conclusion is further corroborated by the chance discovering of no –nests were found on electric poles during the breeding season of 2010-11(April-June). As such, Pied Myna is a funny and amazing . Bank Myna has not at all deflected from its traditional habit of lodging its eggs in burrows/holes in abandoned brick houses and sand dunes. On the other hand, is certainly showing deflection in its predictions for lodging nests Key words : Pied Myna, shift in nest lodging sites, electric poles, evolution in action.

INTRODUCTION The study site also includes Thanesar town which is Pied Myna is an interesting bird to study its life style. a historical town attached with Kurukshetra. Study Although, it may not, be a beautiful bird to look at, yet it is Material refers to confirm or deny the presence of nests a fascinating in many respects. It has been studied by of Pied Myna on electric poles in an area of 100 Sq. several workers so far (Jerdon,1862; Hume,1889; KMs. The Photographs were taken with the help of a Baker,1926, Whistler,1928; Ali,1996; Kailey,1973; Narang Camera (Zenith 1986 Model with tele-len). Visits were et al.1980; Bajaj,1988; Gupta and Bajaj,1991). It has made at random in an array of casual manner. The also been studied in detail at Kurukshetra University revelations made in this paper came to mind in June, 2010 (Gupta and Bajaj, 1989, 1991a-b). Bajaj, (1992, 1995) has after constant vigil on electric poles in March, April, May also submitted PhD thesis on Pied Myna. In the present and June months of 2010 and hence this paper. studies it is being argued that, perhaps, Pied Myna is RESULTS AND DISCUSSION inclined to incorporate fast changes in its life style thus In this paper a chance observation in reference of presenting a case of evolution in action. nest lodging sites in case of Pied Myna is being discussed MATERIALS AND METHODS owing to its larger significance related with bird’s response The present studies have been carried out in to interference with environment coupled with if the shift Kurukshetra urban estate, Thanesar town and sub-urbs in lodging sites indicates evolution in action? The present including adjoining villages like Devi-Dass Pura, Kalal studies indicate that Pied Myna builds nests on trees like Majra, Ratgal, Dera Rampura, Pipli, Bir Pipli and Sirsama, Kikar Acacia nilotica, Beri tree Morus alba and Birmathana, Kishan Pura, Shadi Pur , Umri, Jirbari and Mulberry Melia azedarach. Further, it is pertinent to Samani. mention that Pied Myna also preferred Window AC 220 Prem Kumari Gupta et al installed on Govt. building for lodging nests. The nests of Precisely speaking, Pied Myna has a peculiar life style Pied Myna consisted of small plants, straws, chocolate and it does incorporate newer avenues on its domain at a wrappers, polythene bags, papers and small branches of small space in time thus depicting evolution in action. In plants. In the present investigation, approximately, 10 the breeding season of 2011(April, May, June), it was nests were observed from Window AC installed in Govt. observed that Pied Myna is now shooting its preference building in Kurukshetra sub-urbs. Also, 15 nests were seen various funny places of nest lodging Like Govt. Building in Kikar Acacia nilotica and Beri tree Morus alba. But AC, Coolers. Many of these were not sighted in 1992. no nests were observed on the electric poles in Hence Pied Myna is a bird which keeps on adapting newer Kurukshetra city and nearby villages. Our studies on Pied sites for lodging nests. It is quite to discard the, once Myna Sturnus contra indicated two important things. One, preferred sites, in a very short period of time (15-20 Pied Myna was using polythene bags, Polythene rough years). It seems, from the point of behavioural patterns, threads etc in nest construction indicating its fast pied is an ever evolving bird that too on a fast track. adaptability habits during 1980s and 1990s as Polythene ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS bags came into use in those years only and Two, its Authors are grateful for those who have helped preference for lodging nests in funny places like electric directly or indirectly in this endeavour. poles and T.V. Antenna of 1980s and 1990s. In the present scenario, T. V. Antennas are absent. However, electric REFERENCES poles have increased several folds due to expansion of Ali S (1996) The Book of Indian . 12th Edition (Revised and electric supply to villages and towns in fast developing enlarged): Oxford University Press, Mumbai . state like Haryana. It was shocking to observe that no Gupta R C and Bajaj R (1991a) Ecological and behavioural studies on Pied Myna, (Sturnus contra contra) Linnaeus. Jeevanti 9, 41- nests were found on electric poles. In contrast in 1980s 45. and 1990s every other pole was occupied by Pied Mynas Gupta R C and Bajaj R (1991b)On the nest lodging and its composition for lodging nests. This marked shift only shows visible in respect of Pied Myna, (Sturnus Contra Contra) Linnaeus. inclination of this bird to evolve fast, atleast in measures Geobios 18, 149-155. of its life style if not in context of taxonomic measures. Gupta R C and Bajaj R (1989) On the familiar role of male biod of Pied Gupta and Bajaj (1991) studied the nest lodging and its Myna (Sturnus contra contra) during incubation of eggs. Jeevanti composition in case of Pied Myna. They reported that a 7, 27-33. marked shift of nest lodging from Plants on the electric Bajaj R (1988) On the ecology and behavior of Pied Myna, Sturnus poles located in inhabited colonies designed on modern contra contra Linn. (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) in and around Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. M. Phil. dissertation, Kurukshetra civic sense. Also, nest is composed of plant material, University, Kurukshetra, India. material and rejected household rubbish. Bajaj R (1992) Ecological and Behavioural studies on Pied Myna, It is also conjectured herein, that these so invisible Sturnus contra contra Linn. in and around Kurukshetra, Haryana, interference with the environment which has driven away India. Ph. D Thesis, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India Pied Mynas from lodging nests on electric poles. However, Baker E C S (1926) The Fauna of British india including Ceylon and this invisible cause remains a mystery, as of today and Burma Birds.3 Taylor and Francis,London. requires further investigation. Narang et al. (1980) Hume AO (1989) Nests and eggs of Indian Birds. R-II Porter,London. reported that Pied Myna generally selected thin vertical Kailey J S (1973) Studies on the behavior of Indian Pied Myna (Sturnus holes in large trees like Mango Mangifera indica, Banyan contra contra). M.Sc. Thesis, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiyana. Ficus benghalensis, Peepal Ficus religiosa, Guava Psidium guajava etc. to place the nests. Nesting material Whistler H (1949) Popular Handbook of Indian Birds. Gurney and Jackson,London. consisted of thin, pliable twigs, Stems of small plants, rags, Narang M L, Tyagi A K and Laba B S (1980) A contribution to the pieces of papers and polythene bags. ecology of Indian Pied Myna, sturnus contra contra Linn. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 75(Suppl.), 1157-1177.