Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton
LIFE o!' SIR THOMAS FOWELL BUXTON, BART. CHAPTER I. 1786-1802. NOTICES OF THE BUXTON FAMILY. -lIB. BUXTON OF EARL'S COLNE. - BmTH OF THOMAS FOWELL BUXTON. - CHILDHOOD. - SCHOOL DAYS -ms MOTHER'S lNFLUENCE.-ABRAlLUt PLASTOW.-BELL FIELD.-EABLHAlL-LETTERS FROH EARLHAM. THE family from which Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton was descended, resided, about the middle of the 16th century, at Sudbury in Suffolk, and subsequently at Coggeshall in Essex. At the latter place, William Buxton, his lineal ancestor, died in 1624. Thomas, the son of William Buxton, claimed and received from the Heralds' College, in 1634, the arms borne by the family of the same name settled before 1478 at Tybenham in Norfolk, and now represented by Sir Robert Jacob Buxton, Bart. Isaac Buxton, a, merchant, and the fifth in direct descent from William, married Sarah Fowell, an heiress; connected with the family of the Fowells, of Fowels combe in Devonshire. - From her was derived the name of Fowell, first borne by her eldest Bon, who married Anna, daughter of Osgood Hanbury, Esq., of Holfield Grange in Essex. The first Thomas Fowell Buxton • See Burke's Extinct Baronetage. B 2 BIRTH OF MR. THOMAS FOWELL BUXTON. CHAP. I. lived at Earl's Colne in the same county, but was re siding at Castle Hedingham, when his eldest son, Thomas Fowell, the subject of this memoir, was born, on the 1st of April, 1786. Mr. Buxton was a man of a gentle and kindly dis position, devoted to field sports, and highly popular in his neighbourhood, where he exercised hospitality on a liberal scale.
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