ECM Analytics Help and Support Pg 9 - Drilling Down to Underlying Data Pg 38 - Calling the ECM Analytics Hotline Pg 9 - Copy a Ranking Into Excel

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ECM Analytics Help and Support Pg 9 - Drilling Down to Underlying Data Pg 38 - Calling the ECM Analytics Hotline Pg 9 - Copy a Ranking Into Excel ≥ User Guide superior solutions through better understanding ≥ Contents Getting Started Libraries pg 3 - Designer pg 21 - Search pg 3 - Portal pg 21 - Saving a Standard Search pg 3 - DealCal pg 22 - Saving a User-Defined Report/Ranking/ pg 3 - News&Alerts Matrix or Drill-down report pg 3 - Dealogic ScoreCard pg 23 - Report Wizard pg 3 - CapitalMap pg 24 - Steps to create a report using Report Wizard pg 4 - MyReports pg 25 - Sharing Reports pg 4 - LookUp Search Appendix A: Key Search Fields DealCal pg 5 pg 26 - Key Search Fields for ECM Analysis Deal Profile pg 6 Appendix B: Field Glossary News&Alerts pg 7 pg 27 - Field Glossary ScoreCard Help and Support pg 8 - Selecting parameters pg 38 - ECM Analytics Help and Support pg 9 - Drilling down to underlying data pg 38 - Calling the ECM Analytics Hotline pg 9 - Copy a ranking into Excel CapitalMap pg 10 MarketMatrix pg 11 LookUp pg 12 MyReports pg 13 Designer pg 14 - Launching through Portal via modify buttons pg 15 - Launching Designer as a standalone pg 15 - Standard Search pg 16 - Option 1: Tranche Report/User-Defined pg 17 - Option 2: Ranking Table pg 18 - Use Dates pg 18 - Customise Ranking Drill-Down pg 19 - Option 3: Matrix pg 20 - Exporting to Excel superior solutions through better understanding New York: (+1) 212 577 4400 email: London: (+44) 20 7379 5650 email: Hong Kong: (+852) 2804 1223 email: Tokyo: (+813) 5157 1527 email: ≥ ≥ Getting Started ECM Analytics is a competitive benchmarking system covering the Global Equity Capital Markets. Reporting packages include Bookrunner and company rankings by Industry and Region, deal lists and profiles of individual transactions. Custom reports can be saved in shared libraries set up specifically for defined user groups, which can be generated with up-to-date data from anywhere in the world using only a web browser. Output can be printed or copied/exported to Excel. The platform is comprised of two primary components, the Designer and the Portal. Designer Designer is a locally installed desktop application that enables a user to create, edit and save reports in personal libraries or to share to other users or groups. Designer is used to specify search parameters, including but not limited to: - Date ranges - Products and sub-products - Regions and countries - Industries and sectors - Deal value ranges - Specific manager involvement Portal The Portal is a password protected website with several primary pages: DealCal - Calendar of filed, expected, withdrawn/postponed and completed deals with drill-downs to individual profiles - Monthly, Weekly and Daily views - Filter preferences include dates, banks, deal status, deal type, deal execution, regions, deal size and target market News&Alerts - ECM Squawk of breaking market information - ECM Alerts of all deals that have been revised, filed, priced and withdrawn - Daily ECM NewsSheets topical to the activity of the market Dealogic ScoreCard - Rankings by time period for Bookrunner or Industry based on volume - Detail includes number of deals, aggregate deal volume, percentage share, aftermarket performance information - Yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and year-to-date views - Drill-down hyperlinks produce underlying deal lists for rankings - Modify buttons allow users to further customize queries using the Designer CapitalMap - Snapshot of ECM activity by geographical region/nation - Analysis selection includes deal type, volume, number of deals, year-to-date, last-year-to-date and last year - Modify buttons allow users to further customize queries using the Designer Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 3 ≥ Getting Started MyReports - Access to a library of saved reports that can be accessed on an individual, group or firm wide basis - Ability to share reports with designated individuals or groups - Reports created through the Designer can be easily posted to MyReports and executed on a recurring basis LookUp Search - Company: List all deals for a given company or company parent - Bank: ECM bank profile by deal type, recently completed deals and deals in the backlog - Industry: ECM industry profile by deal type, recently completed deals and deals in the backlog for any Dealogic General Industry Group (GIG) - Deal number: Go directly to full profile of deal with a specific deal number Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 4 ≥ DealCal When opening the ECM Analytics platform the first page you come to is DealCal. Showing the ticker, Deal Type and Bookrunner Parent Code for any deals on a global basis that have been filed/announced, expected to price, priced revised or withdrawn over the specified time period. It is possible to modify the time period to the specific dates or number of weeks that you require. You can choose to view the data on a Monthly, Weekly or Daily basis. There is also a ticker look-up function on every page in the Portal, by entering the ticker and clicking go you will be taken to a page with all the deals under that ticker. (Please see the LookUp page for more extensive searching features). You can also Filter the information that appears on your DealCal page by setting your preferences. Click on the preferences option and you will go to the Edit DealCal Preferences page. Here you can select what you would like to see on the calendar based on a Specific Bank and their role, Status, Deal Type, Deal Execution, Share Type, Region, Target Market, Deal Size and Industry. Once you have edited your Preferences you have the option to save them to a Library. These Libraries can then be accessed quickly by clicking on the Filter button on the main DealCal page. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 5 ≥ Deal Profile By clicking on any of the tickers on the DealCal page you can drill down to see the Deal Profile of the underlying deal. The Deal Profile provides an in-depth look at individual transactions, including structure, individual tranche details, pricing, syndicate group and disclosed gross fees. Click on the hyperlinked company to access detailed information on any transaction underlying a search. Also on the full profile you have access to source documentation via the EdgarDesk Link. The Ticker Search links into Yahoo Finance ticker information, and Web Search pulls up a Google search on the company name. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 6 ≥ News&Alerts The News&Alerts page consists of ECM Squawk – a brief statement on pertinent issues, ECM Alerts – Further information on deals that have filed/announced, priced or revised, providing further information than on the calendar, and the NewsSheet. A NewsSheet is posted daily, giving a brief synopsis topical to the market, and providing regular standardized tables and breakdowns. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 7 ≥ ScoreCard Illustrates Bookrunner or Industry volume rankings at ECM level or Deal Type level over pre-defined periods. Displays deal volume, number of deals, % market share, aftermarket performance for the selected time period. Tip: Dealogic’s Official Ranking Criteria is also available at the top of the ScoreCard page. Selecting Parameters Users can navigate between ECM deal types (ECM, Stock, IPO, Follow-on and Convertible) and time periods. The tables will automatically regenerate upon making a selection. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 8 ≥ ScoreCard Drilling down to underlying data To view a banks deal list and apportioned credit for each deal, click on the respective row to drill down to the underlying data, once you have the list of underlying deals it is then possible to drill down into the full profile. Copy a ranking into Excel Any ranking table on the ScoreCard (and any ranking or table within the Portal that has a copy button) can be copied into Excel by pressing the Copy button and then pasting the data into Excel. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 9 ≥ CapitalMap The CapitalMap gives a snapshot of the regional breakdown by volume and activity. The top deals across all regions are also shown. As with the previous pages it is possible to drill down and see the data underlying the tables. At the bottom of the page in the Analysis Selection it is possible to modify the data for the whole page to display the time period, deal type or the number of deals or volume as required. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 10 ≥ MarketMatrix The MarketMatrix shows the top three banks from the Global ECM Bookrunner Ranking table and shows a breakdown of their apportioned value across Region and Deal Type. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 11 ≥ LookUp LookUp The LookUp page is a quick reference page that allows you to search for a specific Issuer, Bank, Industry, Deal or Region. Dealogic ECM Analytics (v.5.06) User Guide 12 ≥ MyReports The MyReports page is where you can access a library of reports. These are either reports saved to your personal log-in or saved under a shared library. Reports created from the Designer can easily be posted to the MyReports page and executed on a recurring basis. It is also possible to share existing reports with other users under the same Client ID. To run the reports select the report from the list on the left, this displays the criteria for the selected report on the right. You then have the option to either Modify or run the report. Modifying the report (see the Designer Section) launches the Designer with the set criteria allowing you to modify the search or the report as required.
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