
A. ALTER ORIENT ...... 2




E. ISLAMISCHER VORDERER ORIENT:...... 13 E.1 Allgemeines – Geschichte und Politik...... 13 E.2 Religion und Philosophie...... 17 E.3 Sprache und Literatur...... 18 E.4 Kunst und Archäologie ...... 21 E.5 Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte ...... 22 E.6 Iran ...... 27


G. INDIEN – INDISCHER SUBKONTINENT...... 30 G.1 Allgemeines – Geschichte und Politik...... 30 G.2 Religion und Philosophie...... 31 G.3 Sprache und Literatur...... 32 G.4 Kunst und Archäologie ...... 33 G.5 Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte ...... 34

H. BUDDHISMUS ...... 36



K. OSTASIEN ...... 42 K.1 Japan...... 42 K.2 Korea...... 45 K.3 China ...... 45

L. AFRIKA:...... 50 L.1 Allgemeines – Geschichte und Politik...... 50 L.2 Religion...... 52 L. 3 Sprache und Literatur...... 53 L.4 Kunst und Archäologie ...... 54 L.5 Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte ...... 55

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1. Akkermans,M.M.G.: The Archaeology of Syria. From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (ca.16000-300 BC). Cambridge 2004. 486 p., 79 ill., 112 diagr., 13 maps. Hardback Camrbridge World Archaeology € 129,50 2. Boiy,T.: Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylon. Leuven 2004. XVI, 402 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 136 € 96,50 3. Bourneau,J. and J.Phillips (eds.): Învention and Innovation. The Social Context of Technological Change 2: Egypt, Aegean and the Near East, 1650-1150 B.C. Oxford 2004. 200 p., 110 ill..Paperback € 45,50 4. Byrd,B.: Early Village Life at Beidha, Jordan: Neolithic spatial Organization and Vernacular Architecture. The Excavations of Mrs Diana Kirkbride-Helbæk. Oxford 2005. 458 p., 297 ill., 159 drawings, 13 foldouts == British Academy Monographs in Archaeology,14 € 187,00 5. Callot,O.: Catalogue des Monnaies du Musée de Sharjah (Émirats arabes unis). Essai sur les monnayages arabes préislamique de la peninsule d'. Essay on the Preislamic Arabian Coinages of the Pan Peninsule. Maison Archéologique Française de Sharjah. Paris 2004. XI CMO,3 € 39,00 6. The Capital of Kush 2: Meroë Excavations 1973-1984. With chapters by N.B.Millet a.o. Wiesbaden 2004. XXXIII, 429 p., 316 ill., 15 folded tab. Cloth Meroitica, 20 € 128,00 7. Casabonne,O.: La Cilicie à l'époque achémenide. Paris 2004. 332 p., 31 fig., 5 pl, 5 cartes. == Persika, 3 € 85,00 8. Cawkwell,G.: Greek Wars. The Failure of Persia. Oxford 2005. 320 p. Hardback € 126,50 9. Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World: Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project. Held in Innsbruck, Austria, October 3rd - 8th 2002. == Oriens et Occidens,6 € 60,00 10. Crawford,H.E.W.: Sumer and the Sumerians. 2nd ed. Cambridge 2004. 250 p. 5 ill., 82 diagr., 9 maps- Hardback ca. € 73,00 11. Csató,Johanson,E.A. a.o.: Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion. Case Studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic. 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 89,00 12. Dijk,J.A. van and M.J.Geller: Ur III Incantatios from the frau Professor Hilprecht-Collection, Jena. With the collaboration of J.Oelsner. Wiesbaden 2003. X, 157 p., 49 tab. Cloth Texte und Materialien der Frau Professor Hilprecht-Collection of babylonian Antiquities, 6 € 68,00 13. Fleming,D.E.: Democracy's Ancient Ancestors. Mari and Early Collective Governance. Cambridge 2004. 390 p., 10 tables, 3 maps. Hardback € 106,00 14. Das Gilgamesch-Epos: Neu übersetztund kommentiert von St.M.Maul. München 2005. Ca. 192 S., ca. 12 Strichzeichnungen. Geb. ca. € 19,90 15. Hermann,G. a.o.: The Published Ivories from Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud. Oxford 2004. 181 p., many ill., accompanying CD. Paperback € 29,00 16. Houston,St.D. (ed.): The First Writing. Script Invention as History and Process. Cambridge 2004. 410 p., 25 ill., 80 diagr., 7 tables, 3 maps. Hardback € 97,00 17. Kaltner,J. and L.Stulman (eds.): Inspired Speech. Prophecy in the Ancient Near East. Essays in Honor of Herbert V.B.Huffmon. London 2004. 440 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testamentm, Suppl. 378 € 147,00 18. Magdalu / Madala: Tall Sêh Hamad von der post-assyrischen Zeit bis zur römischen Kaiserzeit. Mit Beiträgen v. R.Bernbeck u.a. Textband: ca.430 S. mit Tabellen und Diagrammen; Bildband: ca,100 S.. mit ca.825 (ca.25 farb.) Abb. , 4 Faltbeilagen. Gbd. == Berichte zur Ausgrabung Tall Sêh Hamad / Dûr Kalimmu,2 € 189,00 19. Magness,J.: Debating Qumran. Collected Essays on the Archaeology. Leuven 2004. X, 210 p. == Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion, 4 € 55,50 20. Miller,J.L.: Studies in the Origins, Development and Interpretation of the Kizzuwatna Rituals. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. 492 p. Bound Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten, 46 ca. € 98,00 - 2 -

21. Nützel,W.: Einführung in die Geo-Archäologie des Vorderen Orients. Wiesbaden 2004. 324 S., 116 Abb. € 29,90 22. Otten,H. u.a.: Textfunde von Büyükkale aus den Jahren 1955-1959. Berlin 2004(?) XVIII,S., 1Abb., 50 S. Autogr. Brosch. == Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi, Heft 46 € 27,00 23. Payne,A.: Hieroglyphic Luwian. Ed. By R.G.Lehmann. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. XIV, 212 p. Paperback Elementa Linguarum Orientis, 3 € 29,80 24. Penner,S.: Die Keramik der Spätbronzezeit. Tempelanlagen T3 bis T1, Palastanlagen P5 bis P1/2. Königsgrab 8 (Schatzhaus) und Königliche Werkstatt. Bonn 2003. ca.520 S. 30 Taf. Kart. == Kamid el-Loz, 19 == Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 63 in Vorbereitung 25. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Band 10, Lieferung 5/6. Berlin 2004. 160 S. Brosch. € 78,00 26. Rochberg,F.: The Heavenly Writing. Divination and Horoscopy and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture. Cambridge 2004. 340 p., 2 diagrams. Hardback ca. € 77,00 27. Semitic and Assyriological Studies: Presented to Pelio Fronzaroli by Pupils and Colleagues. Wiesbaden 2003. XXIII, 697 p. Bound € 98,00 28. Tetlow,E.M.: Women,Crime and Punishmen in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 1: The Ancient Near East. London 2004, 320 p.; Vol, 2: Ancient Greece, London 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 86,50 29. Veldhuis,N.: Religion, Literature and Scholarship. The Sumerian Composition Nanse and the Birds. With a Catalogue of Sumerian Bird Names. Leiden 2004. XII,408 p. Cloth == Cuneiform Monographs,22 € 166,00 30. Weeks,N.: Admonition and Curse. The Ancient Near Eastern Treaty/Convenant Form as a Problem in Inter-Cultural Relationsships. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl. 407 € 104,00 31. Wittke,A.M.: Musiker und Phryger. Wiesbaden 2004. 280 S., 2 Karten. == Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Beiheft B 99 € 45,00 32. Yoffee,N.: Myths of the Archaic State. Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States and Civilizations. Cambridge 2004. 250 p., 70 diagr., 6 tables, 2 graphs, 1 map. Hardback ca. € 97,00 33. Zehntausend (10 000) Jahre Kunst und Kultur aus Jordanien: Gesichter des Orients. Beiträge zahrlreicher Autoren, bearb.v. B.Dalje u..a. Katalog-Handbuch. Mainz 2005. XVI,280 S., 236 (203 farb.) Abb. Gbd. in Vorbereitung


34. L'Acqua nell'Antico Egitto: Vita, rigenerazione, incantesimo, medicamento. Roma 2005. 448 p., 80 ill. b/n. Paperback € 230,00 35. Armour,R.A.: Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt. Cairo 2001. 224 p., 50 ill. Paperback € 19,00 36. Bietak,M. and E.Czerny (eds.): Scarabs of the 2nd Millennium B.C. from Egypt, Nubia, Crete and the Levant. Chronological and Historical Implications. Papers of a Symposium, Vienna, 10th-13th January 2002. Wien 2004. 244 p. Paper == Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean, 8 € 70,50 37. Bourneau,J. and J.Phillips (eds.): Învention and Innovation. The Social Context of Technological Change 2: Egypt, Aegean and the Near East, 1650-1150 B.C. Oxford 2004. 200 p., 110 ill..Paperback € 45,50 38. Breyer,F.: Tanutamani. Die Traumstele und ihr Umfeld. Wiesbaden 2003. 545 S., 112 Abb. Gebunden == Ägypten und Altes Testament, 57 € 118,00 39. Burkard,G.: Das Klagelied des Papyrus Berlin P. 23040a-c. Ein Dokument des priesterlichen Widerstandes gegen Fremdherrschaft. Wiesbaden 2003. VII, 137 S., 8 Falttaf. Brosch. == Ägypten und Altes Testament, 58 € 58,00

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40. Burkhard,G. u.a. (Hrsg.): Kon-Texte. Akten des Symposiums "Spurensuche - Altägypten im Spiegel seiner Texte", München 2. bis 4. Mai 2003. Unter Mitarbeit v. B.Magen. Wiesbaden 2004. 113 S. Brosch. == Ägypten und Altes Testament,60 € 48,00 41. Cauville,S.: Dendara V-VI. Traduction. Les cryptes du temple d'Hathor. Vol. 1. Leuven 2004. X, 558 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 131 € 112,50 42. Cauville,S.: Dendara V-VI. Index phraséologique. Les cryptes du temple d'Hathor. Vol. 2. Leuven 2004. VI, 556 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 132 € 100,00 43. Christiansen,E.: Coínage in Roman Eypt. The Hoard Evidence. Aarhus 2004. 208 p., ill. Paperback € 34,50 44. Çilingiroglu,A. a.o.: Ulucak Höyük. Excavations conducted between 1995 and 2002. Leuven 2004. XII, 162 p. == Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Supplement Series, 15 € 81,50 45. Cline,E.H. and D.O'Connor (eds.): Thutmose III. A New Biography. Ann Arbor 2005. 604 p., 41 photographs, 20 drawings, 4 maps, 4 charts. Cloth € 84,00 46. De Garis Davies,N.: The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna. Parts I and II. (Part 1: The Tomb of Meryra and Part 2 : The Tomb of Panechesy and Meyra II). Oxford 22004. 120 p. 88 pl. Paperback € 65,00 47. Dieleman,J.: Priests, Tongues and Rites. The London-Leiden Magical Manuscriptsand Translation in Egyptian Ritual (100-300 CE). Leiden 2004. *** p. Hardback == Religions in the Graeco-Roman World,153´ € 80,00 48. Dodson,A. and D.Hilton: The Complete Royal Families in Ancient Egypt. London 2004. 320 p., 300 (100 col.) ill. Bound. € 48,50 49. Dodson,A.: Monarchs of the Nile. Cairo 2000. 256 p., 73 ill. Paperback € 21,00 50. Dunand,F. and Chr.Zivie-Coche: Gods and Men in Egypt 3000 BCE to BCE 39. Transl. from the French by D.Lorton. Ithaca 2004. 400 p., 23 drawings, 1 tabl. Cloth € 73,00 51. El Masry.I.: Die Sociogenese des altägyptischen Staates in komparativer Perspektive. Ein Beitrag zur politischen Ökonomie gesellschaftllicher Herrschaft. Bern 2004. 517 S., 4 Abb., 4 Tab. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, 31: Politikwissenschaft, 492 € 79,50 52. Elsner,P.: Die Typologie der Felsgräber. Strukturanalytische Untersuchung altägyptischer Grabarchitektur. Bern 2004. 258 S., zahlr. Abb. und Tab., Brosch. € 45,50 53. Faulkner,R.O., incorporating his corrections.: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts. Oxford 2004. 816 p. Hardback € 73,00 54. Fowles Morris,E.: The Architecture of Imperialism. Military Bases and the Evolution of Foreign Policy in Egypt's New Kingdom. Leiden 2005. XVIII,880 p. Hardback == Probleme der Ägyptologie,22 € 282,00 55. GeisenCh.: Die Totentexte des verschollenen Sarges der Königin Mentuhotep aus der 13. Dynastie. Ein Textzeuge aus der Übergangszeit von den Sargtexten zum Totenbuch. Wiesbaden 2004. XII, 172 S., 4 Farbtaf. Brosch. Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch, 8 € 78,00 56. Goedicke,H.: The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut and related Discussions. Oxford 2004. 160 p., fig., 1 pull-out inscription. Paperback € 44,00 57. Gundlach,R. und A.Klug (Hrsg.): Das ägyptische Königtum im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innen- und Außenpolitik im 2. Jahrtausend v.Chr. Wiesbaden 2004. XII, 432 S., 56 Abb. Geb. Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen, 1 € 98,00 58. Harris,W.V. and G.Ruffini (eds.): Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece. Leiden 2004. XVIII, 286 p. Hardback == Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 26 € 92,50 59. Hawass,Z. and L.Pincj Brock (eds.): Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000. 3 vols. Cairo 2003. 1693 p., more than 600 ill. Hardbound € 122,00 60. Hawass,Z.: The Golden Age of Tutankhamun. Cairo 2004. 172 p., 120 col.ill. Hardbound € 39,00 61. Hawass,Z.: The Mysteries of Abu Simbel: Ramesses II and the Temples of the Rising Sun. With a foreword by H.E.Farouk Hosni. Cairo 2001. 120 p., 75 col. Ill. Paperback € 15,50

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62. Hein,I. und P.Jánosi: Tell el-Dab'a XI. Areal A/V. Siedlungsrelikte der späten Hyksoszeit. Mit Beiträgen von K.Kopetzky u.a. Wien 2004. 492 S., 230 Abb., 40 Taf., 4 Faltpläne. Brosch. == Untersuchuhgen der Zweigstelle Kairo des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, XXI Z €159,00 63. Hoffmann,F. und F.Thissen (Hrsg.): Res severa verum gaudium Festschrift für Karl-Theodor auzich zum 65. Geburtstag am 8. Juni 2004. Leuven 2004. XII, 744 S. == Studia Demotica, 6 € 125,00 64. Hofmann,T.: Zur sozialen Relevanz zweier Begriffe für "Diener": b'k und hm. Basel 2004. ca. 302 S., 21 Abb. Geb. == Aegyptiaca Helvetica, 18 € 40,40 65. Höveler-Müller,M.: Am Anfang war Ägypten. Die Geschichte der pharaonischen Hochkultur von der Frühzeit bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches ca, ca. 4000-1070 v.Chr. Mainz 2005. ca.300S., 120 Abb. Gbd. == Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt,101 ca. € 39,90 66. Ikram,S. (ed.): Divine Creatures. Animal Mummies in Sncient Egypt. Cairo 2004. 264 p., 100 (60 col.) ill. Paperback € 30,50 67. Jacquet-Gordon,H.J.: Temple of Khonsu. Vol. 3: The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak. A Manifestation of Personal Piety. Oxford 2004. 150 p., 5 fig., 126 pl. Hardback == Oriental Institute Publications,123 € 113,00 68. Jasnow,R. and K.-Th.Zauzich: The Ancien t Egyptian Book of Thoth. A Demotic Discourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica. First Edition and Commentary. 2 parts. Wiesbaden 2005. (I: Text. ca. 512 p.; II: Figures: 73 plates. Cloth ca. € 148,00 69. Jasnow,R, und K.Th.Zauzich.: The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth. A Demotic Discourse on Knowledge and Pendant to the Classical Hermetica. First Edition and Commentary, 2 parts. Wiesbaden 2005. ca.512 p. Clcoth; 73 pl. Cloth. ca. € 148,00 70. Kaplony-Heckel,U.: and und Leute am Nil nach demotischen Ostraka. Verstreute Schriften. Hrsg. V. J.Hengstl und O.Wittuhn. Wiesbaden 2004. Ca. 500 S., zahlr. Abb. Geb. == Philippika. Marburger Altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, 1 € 124,00 71. Kurth,D.: The Temple of Edfu: A Guide by and Ancient Egyptian Priest. Transl. By A.Alcock. Cairo 2004. 104 p., 43 ill. Paperback € 21,00 72. Kurth,D.: Edfou VII. Unter Mitarbeit v. A.Behrmann u.a. Wiesbaden 2004. XVIII, 865 S., 1 Abb., 1 CD- ROM. Ln. Die Inschriften des Tempels von Edfu. Abt. I: Übersetzungen, 2 € 128,00 73. Lippert,S.L.: Ein demotisches juristisches Lehrbuch. Untersuchungen zu Papyrus Berlinb P 23757 rto. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.ÍV,255 S., 13 Abb. Lwd. == Ägyptologische Abhandlungen,66 ca. € 58,00 74. Luft,U.: Urkunden zur Chronologie der späten 12. Dynastie. Briefe aus Illahun. Wien 2004. Ca. 140 S. == Contributions to the Chronology of Eastern Mediterranean, 7 ca. € 59,00 75. McConchie,M.: Archaeology at the North-East Anatolian Frontier, V. Iron Technology and Iron- Making Communities of the First Millennium BC. Leuven 2004. XXIV, 405 p. == Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Supplement Series, 13 € 118,50 76. Mediengesellschaft Antike?: Information und Kommunikation vom Alten Ägypten bis Byzanz. Berlin 2004. ca.240 p. Gbd. == Berichte und Abhamdlungen, Sonderband, 10 ca. € 34,80 77. Molen,R, van der: An Analytical Concordance of the Verb, the Negation and the Syntax in Egyptian Coffin Texts. 2 vols. Leiden 2005. IV,1940 p. Cloth == Probleme der Ägyptologie,23 € 614,00 78. Morkot,R.: The Egyptians. London 2005. 208 p. , 12 íll., 20 photos. Hardback € 73,00 79. Munro,I.: Ein Ritualbuch für Goldamulette und Totenbuch des Month-em-hat. Mit Beiträgen von R.Fuchs und K.Janis. Wiesbaden 2003. X, 78 S., 16 Abb., 13 Taf., 1 Photo-CD. Brosch. Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch, 7 € 58,00 80. Gordon,A.H. and C.W.Schwabe: The Quick and the Dead in Ancient Egypt. Leiden 2004. 324 p. Hardback == Egyptological Memoirs,4 € 92,50 81. Rice,M.: Egypt's Legacy. The Archetypes of Western Civilization 3000-30 BC. London 2ßß3. 256 p. Hardback € 93,00 82. Rochholz,M.: Schöpfung, Feindvernichtung, Regeneration. Untersuchung zum Symbolgehalt der machtgeladenen Zahl 7 im alten Ägypten. Wiesbaden 2002. XLII, 279 S., 48 Abb. Brosch. € 70,00 83. Rossi,C.: Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt. Cambridge 2004. 394 p., 102 diagr., 9 tables. Hardback € 125,00

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84. Shalev,S.´´: Swords and Daggers in Late Bronze Age Canaan. Stuttgart 2004. XI,7´97 S., 1 Abb., 27 Taf. Lwd. == Prähistorische Bronzefunde, IV,13 € 54,00 85. Stevens,C.J. The Egyptian Revival. London 2005. 608 p., ill. and col. photos. Hardback € 129,00 86. Stockfisch,D.: Untersuchungen zum Totenkult des ägyptischen Königs im Alten Reich. Die Dekoration der königlichen Totenkultanlagen. 2 Bände. Hamburg 2003. 810 S. Brosch. € 148,00 87. De Garies Davies,N.: The Rock Tombs of el-Amarna, Part III and IV (part 3: TheTombs of Huya and Ahmes and part 4: The Tombs of Penthu Mahu and others). Oxford 2004. 96 p., 84 plates. Paperback € 65,00 88. Van der Molen,R.: An Analytical Concordance of the Verb, the Negation and the Syntax in Egyptian Coffin Texts. Leiden 3004. Deel 1: XVI,952 p: Deel 2: 992 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section I: The Near and ,77 € 614,00 89. Vernus,P. and J.Yovotte: The Book of the Pharaos. Transl. from the French b D.Lorton. Ithaca 2004. 256 p., 5 ill., 5 drawings, 3 maps. Cloth € 61,00 90. Verhoogt,A.: Regaling Officials in Ptolemaic Egypt. A Dramatic Reading of Official Accounts from the Menches Papers. Leiden 2004. 224 p., ill. Hardback Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava, 32 € 135,50 91. Vomberg,P.: Das Erscheinungsfenster innerhalb der amarnazeitlichen Palastarchitektur. Herkunbft - Entwicklung - Fortleben. Wiesbaden 2004. Ca. XIII, 379 S., 4 Abb., 4 Klapptaf. Geb. Philippika. Marburger Altertumskundliche Abhandlungen, 4 € 98,00 92. Weeks,K.R. (ed.): A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of the Sons of Ramsesses II in the Valley of the Kings. Cairo 2000. 192 p., 90 ill., 90 half-tone drawings. Hardbound € 35,50 93. Wenke,R.: Ancient Eyptian Civilization. Cambridge 2004. 262 p., 50 ill. Hardback ca. € 73,00 94. Wiebach-Koepke,S.: Phänomenologie der Bewegungsabläufe im Jenseitskonzept der Unterweltbücher Amduat und Pfortenbuch und der liturgischen "Sonnenlitanei". 2 Teile (I: Untersuchungen; II: Annotierte Transkription und Übersetzung). Wiesbaden 2003. XXIII, 852 S., 54 Schautafeln. == Ägypten und Altes Testament, 55 € 148,00 95. Willems,H., F.Coppens and M. de Meyer: The Temple of Shanhûr. Vol. 1: The Sanctuary, the Wabet, and the Gates of the Central Hall and the Great Vestibule (1-98). Leuven 2003. XVI, 288 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 124 € 125,00


96. Abadi,J.: Israel's Quest for Recognition and Acceptance in Asia. Garrison State and Diplomacy. London 2005. 224 p. Hardback == Israeli History, Politics and Society € 95,00 97. Abrahams,I. a.o.: A Reader of Early Liberal Judaism. Selected, edieted and introduced by E.Kessler. Edgware 2004. 200 p. Cloth € 68,50 98. Abramson,G. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture. London 2004. 1000 p. Hardback € 170,00 99. Abramson,G. and H.Kilptarick (eds.): Religion and Religiosíty in Muslim and Jewish Literatures. Ed. b G.Abramson and H.Kilpatrick. London 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Studies in Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures € 65,00 100. Abramson,G. and H.Kilpatrick (eds.): Religious Perspectives in Modern Muslim and Jewish Literatures. London 2005. 272 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures € 97,00 101. Ajzensztejn,A.: Die jüdische Gemeinschaft in Königsberg. Von der Niederlassung bis zur rechtlichen Gleichstellung. Hamburg 2004. 378 S. == Hamburger Beiträge zur Geschichte des Östlichen Europa, 10 € 98,00

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102. Alkier,St. und M.Witte (Hrsg.): Die Griechen und das antike Israel. Interdisziplinärte Studien rur Relligions- und Kulturgeschichte des Heiligen Landes. Freiburg 2004. X,214 S. Gbd. == Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis,201 € 104,00 103. Aridan,N.: Britain, Israel and Anglo-Jewry 1949-57. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 105,00 104. Avery-Peck,A.J. (ed.): Review of Rabbinic Judaism. Vol. 7 (2004). Leiden 2004. VI,330 p. Paperback == Review of Rabbinic Judaism,7 € 97,00 105. Bakhos,C. (ed.): Ancient Judaism in Hellenistic Context. Leiden 32004. VIII,248 p. Cloth == Journal for the Study of Judaism, Suppl.,95 € 102,00 106. Barari,H.A.: Israeli Politics nd the Middle East Process, 19898-2002. 208 p. Hardback € 97,00 107. Barclay,J.G. (ed.): Negotiating Diaspora.Jewish Strategies in the Roman Empire. London 2004. 172 p. Paperback. == Library of the Second Temple Studies,45 € 52,00 108. Batsch,Chr.: La guerre et les rites de guerre dans le judaïsme du deuxième Temple. Leiden 2005. 518 p. Toile == Journal for trhe Study of Judaism,93 € 208,00 109. Becking,B.: Between Fear and Freedom. Essays on the Interpretation of Jeremiah 30-31. Leiden 2005. 350 p. Cloth. == Oudtestamentische Studien,51 € 118,00 110. Benbasse,E. and J.-Chr.Attias: The Jew and the Other. Transl. from the French by G.M.Coshgarian. Ithaca 2004. 176 p. Cloth € 53,00 111. Ben-Zvi,A.: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Politics of Arms Sales to Israel. In the Shadow of the Hawk. London 2004. 152 p. Hardback € 97,00 112. Berkovitz,J.R.: Rites and Passages. The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in , 1650-1860. Philadelphia 2004. 328 p. Cloth Jewish Culture and Context € 52,50 113. Biger,G.: The Boundaries of Modern Palestine, 1840-1947. London 2004. 320 p., 10 photos, 18 maps. Hardback == Studies in Middle Eastern History € 105,00 114. Black,F.C.: The Artifice of Love. Grotesque Bodies and the Song of Songs. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl. 392 € 112,50 115. Block,A.A.: Talmud, Curriculum and the Practical. Joseph Schwab and the Rabbis. Bern 2004. IX,233 p. , num. ill. Paperback. == Complicated Conservation. A Book Series of Curriculum € 26,80 116. Bos,P.: German-Jewish Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust. Grete Weil, Ruth Kluger and the Politics of Address. Basingstoke 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Studies in European Culture and History € 65,00 117. Coffin,E.A. and Sh.Bolozky.: A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew. A Student's Guide. Cambridge 2005. 400 p. Paperback ca. € 35,50 118. Cohen,M.R.: Unter Kreuz und Halbmond. Die Juden im Mittelalter. München 2005. Ca. 240 S. Geb. ca. € 24,90 119. Cohen-Almagor,R. (ed.): Israeli Democracy at the Crossroads. 2 vols. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback Israel History, Politics and Society € 208,00 120. Davidson,H.A.: Moses Maimonides. The Man and His Works. Oxford 2005. 592 p. Hardback € 57,00 121. Davies,G. assisted by J.K.Aitken a.o.: Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions. Corpus and Concordance. Vol. 2. Cambridge 2004. 290 p. Hardback € 105,00 122. Day,J. (ed.): In Search of Pre-exilic Israel. London 2004. 400 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl. 406 € 147,00 123. Destro,A. and M.Pesce (eds,): Rituals and Ethics. Patterns of Repentance - Judaism, Christianity, . Second International Conference of "Mediterraneum". Leuven 2004. XII, 168 p. == Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives, 31 € 81,50 124. Dmitrieva,M. und H.Petersen (Hrsg.): Jüdische Kultur(en) im Neuen Europa. Wilna 1918-1939. Wiesbaden 2004. VI, 214 S., 18 S. Taf. Mit 27 Abb. Geb. == Jüdische Kultur. Studien zur Geistesgeschichte, Religion und Literatur, 13 € 54,00 125. Doldberg,D. and E.Kessler (eds.): Aspects of Liberal Judaism. Essays in Honour of John D. Rayner. Edgware 2004. 264 p. Cloth € 65,00

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126. Draper,J.A. (ed.): Orality, Literacy and Colonialism in Antiquity. Leiden 2004. Leiden 2004. VIII,240 p. Cloth == SBL - Semeia Studies,47 € 97,50 127. Ehrlich,U.: The Nonverbal Language of Prayer. A New Approach to Jewish Liturgy. Transl. By D.Ordan. Tübingen 2004. ca. 320 p. Cloth == Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 105 ca. € 90,00 128. Elsen,R.: The Book of Job in Medieval Jewish Philosophy. Oxfrod 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 66,00 129. Neusner,J. a.o. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Midrash. Biblical Interpretation in Formative Judaism. 2 vols. Leiden 2004. 1050 p. Hardback Neusner,J. a.o. (Eds.) € 368,00 130. Engel Tuten,E.: Between Capital and Land. The Jewish National Fund's Finances and Land Purchase Priorities in Palestine, 1939-1945. London 2004. 224 p., 10 drawings, 20 tables. Hardback == Israeli History , Politics and Society € 105,00 131. Epp,E.J.: Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism. Collected Essays, 1962-2004. Leiden 2004. 800 p. Hardback Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 116 € 219,00 132. Evans,C. (ed.): Of Scribes and Sages. Early Jewish Interpretation and Transmission of Scripture. Vol. 1: Ancient Versions and Traditions. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Library of the Second Temple Studies,50 € 112,50 133. Faier,E.: Organizations, Gender and the Culture of Palestinian Activism in Haifa, Israel. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Middle East Studies: History, Poltitics and Law € 89,00 134. Flavius Josephus - Begg,Chr.T. and P.Spilsbury: Flavius Josephus. Translation and Commentary. Vol. 4: Judean Antiquities Books 5-7. Leiden 2004. *** p. € 141,50 Vol. 5: Judean Antiquities, Books 8-10. Translsation and Commentary. Leiden 2004. XIV,360 p. , with Greek and Hebrew Texts € 154,00 135. Florentin,M.: Late Samaritan Hebrew. A Linguistic Analysis of the ´Different Types. Leiden 2005. 416 p. Cloth == Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics,41 € 176,00 136. Frank,D.: Search Scripture Well. Karaite Exegetes and the Origins of the Jewish Bible Commentary in the Islamic East. Leiden 2004. XVI,376 p. Hardback Études sur le Judaïsme Médiéval,29 € 133,00 137. Fraisse,O.: Moses ibn Tibbons Kommentar zum Hohe Lied und sein poetisch-philosophisches Programm. Synoptische Edition , Übersetzungund Analyse. Berlin 2004. IX,6 S. Lwd. == Studia Judaica,25 € 148,00 138. Frakes,J.C.: Early Yiddishs Texts 1100-1750. With an introduction and a commentary. Oxford 2004. 500 p., 1 frontisp. Hardback € 178,00 139. Garb,L. (ed.): Bussiness Laws of Israel. Ed. by L.Garb. Leiden 2004. II,200 p. Loose-Leaf. == Business Laws of Israel,2l € 246,00 140. Gavish,D.: The Survey of Palestine under the British Mandate, 1920-1948. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Studies in Middle Eastern History € 105,00 141. Gelhard,D.: Spuren des Sagens. Studien zur jüdichen Hermeneutik in der Literatur. Bern 2004. VII,146 S. Brosch. == Begegnung - Jüdische Studien,1 € 34,00 142. Gil,M.: Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages. Leiden 2004. XXVIII,836 p. Hardback == Études sur le Judaïsme Médiéval,28 € 265,00 143. Gilbert,M.: The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 8th edition. London 2005. 192 p., 167 maps. Hardback Routledge Historical Atlases. € 73,00 144. Gilders,W.K.: Blood Ritual in the Hebrew Bible. Meaning and Power. Baltimore 2004. 304 p. Hardback € 62,00 145. Glinert,L.: Modern Hebrew. An Essential Grammar. London 2004. 240 p. 13 tables. Hardback == Essential Grammars € 81,00 146. Goddard,H.: A History of Middle Eastern Theologies. London 2005. 240 p. Hardback == Culture and Civilization in the Middle East € 89,00 147. Goodman,M. a.o.(eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies. Oxford 2005. 1056 p. Paperback € 61,00 148. Grabbe,L.L. and A.Ogdon Bellis (eds.): The Priests in the Prophets. The Portrayal of Priests, Prophts and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament,Suppl. 408 € 104,00

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149. Graeme Auld,A.: Joshua. Jesus Son of Nauê in Codex Vaticanus. Leiden 2004. XXX,242 p. Clcoth == Septuagint Commentary Series,1 € 106,00 150. Grant,J.A.: The King as Exemplar. The Function of Deuteronomy's Kingship in the Shaping of the Book of Psalms. Leiden 2005. XVIII,336 p. Cloth == SBL - Academia Biblica,17 € 122,00 151. Grözinger,K.E. (Hrsg.): Klesmer, Klassik, jiddisches Lied. Jüdische Musikkultur in Osteuropa. Wiesbaden 2004. 242 S., 9 Abb., 32 Notenbeispiele. Geb. == Jüdische Musik. Studien und Quellen zur jüdischen Musikkultur, 1 € 48,00 152. Guggenheimer,H.W. (ed.): The Jerusalem Talmud. Translation and Commentary. Third Order: Nasim. Tractate Yebamot. Berlin 2004. XII, 671 p. Cloth Studia Judaica, 29 € 148,00 153. Hachili,R.: Jewish Funery Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period. Leiden 2005. 650 p. Cloth == Journal for the Study of Judaism, Suppl. 94 € 220,50 154. Hayman,A.P.: Sefer Yesira. Edition, Translation and Text-Critical Commentary. Tübingen 2004. X, 206 p. Cloth == Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 104 € 80,00 155. Hendel,R.S.: Remembering Abraham. Culture, Memory and History in the Hebrew Bible, Oxford 2005. 192 p., 1 ill. Hardback € 50,00 156. Heschel,A.J.: Heavenly Torah. As Refracted through the Generations. Transl, by M.M.Leifman. Introd. by E.K.Kaplan. London 2004. 8ßß p. Hardback ca. € 104,00 157. Heuberger,R.:: Aron Freimann und die Wissenschaft des Judentums. Tübingen 2004. ca.X,418 S. Kart. == Conditio Judaica,51 ca. € 98,00 158. Hödl,V.K. (Hrsg.): Historisches Bewußtsein von Juden. Strategien - Aspekte - Diskurse. Innsbruck 2004. 278 S. Geb. € 30,00 159. Hollander,I.: Jews and Muslims in Lower Yemen. A Study in Protection and Restraint, 1918-1949. Leiden 2005. 552 p. Cloth == Social, Economic and Politcal Studies of the Middle East and Asia,96 € 175,00 160. Hoyt,T.: Military Industry and Regional Defence Policy. India, and Israel. London 2904,. 256 p. Hardback Contemporary Security Studies € 112,50 161. Hughes,A.: Jewish Philosophy A-Z. Edinburg 2005. 192 p. Hardback € 56,50 162. Jackson,D.R.: Enochic Judaism. Three Defining Paradigm Exemplars.London 2004. 328 p. Paperback == Library of the Second Temple Studies,49 € 61,00 163. Jacobs,L.: Their Heads in Heaven. Unfamiliar Aspects of Hasidism. Edgware 2004. 200 p. Cloth == Collected Essays of Louis Jacobs, 2 € 75,00 164. Janthial,D.: L'oracle de Nathan et l'unité du livre d'Isaie. Berlin 2004. XIV, 353 p. Relié Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 343 € 98,00 165. Joseph,S. (ed.): Family, Law and Politics. Leiden 2004. 690 p. Hardback == Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures,2 € 195,00 166. Rosenkranz,S.: Die jüdisch-christliche Auseinandersetzung unter islamischer Herrschaft, 7.--10 Jahrhundert. Bern 2004. 472 S. Brosch. Judaica et Christiana,21 € 66,90 167. Kajon,I.: Contemporary Jewish Philosophy. An Introduction. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback Jewish Studies € 97,00 168. Kaminski,C.M.: From Noah to Israel, Realisation of the Primaeval Blessing After the Flood. London 2994, 224 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl.413 € 104,00 169. Kamp,A.: Inner Worlds. A Cognitive Linguistic Appproach to the Book of Jonah. Transl. by D.Orton. Leiden 2004. VIII,280 p. Hardback == Biblical Interpretation Series, 68. ca. € 129,00 170. Kaplan,M.A. (ed.): Jewish Daily Life in Germany, 1618-1945. Oxford 2005. 592 p., 20 ill. Hardback € 57,00 171. Karsh,E. (ed.): Israel in the International Arena. Vol. IV: Israel in the International Arena. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Israel: The First Hundred Years € 95,00 172. Katzov,R. and S.Schaps (eds.): Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert. Leiden 2005. 250 p. Cloth == Journal for the Sdtudy of Judaism, Suppl. 96 € 109,50

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173. Keulen,P.S.F van: Two Versions of the Salomon Narrative. An Inquriry into the Relationship between MT 1Kga. 2-11 and LXX 3 Reg. 2-11. Leiden 2004. == Vetus Testamentum,Suppl. 104 € 122,00 174. Khan,G.: The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Sulemaniyya and Halaja. Leiden 2004. XXII,626 p. Cloth == Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics,44 € 183,50 175. Klatzkin,J.: Thesaurus philosophicus linguae Hebraicae et veteris et recentioris. 4 Bände. Leipzig 1928-30 und Berlin 1933. Nachdruck Hildesheim 2004. 1193 S. Ln. pro Band € 62.00 176. Koehler,L. u.a.: Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament. 2 Bände. Leiden 2004. 1: CXVIII,858 S; 2: VII, 952 S. - (Text in Hebr.I Aram./ Deuetsch) € 183,50 177. Kogman.Appel,K.: Jewish Book Art Between Islam and Christianity. The Decoration of Hebrew Bibles in Medieval Spain. Leiden 2004. XXVI,374 p., 151 ill. Hardback The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World,19 € 117,00 178. Krauter,St.: Bürgerrecht und Kultteilnahme- Politische und kultische Rechte und Pfllcihten in griechischen Poleis, Rom und antikem Judentum. Berlin 2004. XIII,505 S. Lwd. == Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, Beiheft 172 € 118,00 179. Kunin,S.: We Think What We Eat. Structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and other Mythological and Cultural Domains. == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl. 412 € 112,50 180. Lévy,T. and R.Rashed (eds.): Maimonide. Philosophe et savant (1138-1204). Leuven 2004. XII, 477 p. == Ancient and Classical Sciences and Philosophy € 72,00 181. Liebreich,F.: Britain's Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1949. London 2004. 336 p. Hardback € 105,00 182. Maccoby,H.: Antisemitism and Modernity. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Jewish Studies € 97,00 183. Maier,J.: Studien zur jüdischen Bibel und ihrer Geschichte. Berlin 2004. XII,512 S. Lwd. == Studia Judaica, 28 € 128,00 184. Mandel,D.: H.V.Evatt and the Establishment of Israel. The Undercover Zionist. London 2004. 344 p, 5 drawings, 14 photos Hardback == Israeli History,, Politics and Society € 113,00 185. Manor,D.: Art in Zion. The Genesis of National Art in Jewish Palestine. London 2004. 224 p., 61 (16 col,) Photos. Hardback == Jewish Studies Series € 97,00 186. Marcus,I.G.: The Jewish Life Cycle. Rites of Passage from Biblical to Modern Times. Seattle 2004. 376 p., 10 ill. Cloth == Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies € 73,00 187. Martin,S.: Jewish Life in Cracow 1918-1939. Building our own Home. Edgware 2004. 296 p. Cloth € 78,00 188. Marx,A.: Les systèmes sacrificiels de l'Ancient Testament. Formes et fonctions du culte sacrifiel à Yhwh. Leiden 2005. 260 p. Toile == Vetus Testamentum, Suppl. 105 € 105,00 189. Massil,St.W. (ed.): Jewish Year Book 2005. With introductory essays by B.Klug a.o. Edgware 2005. 432 p. Cloth € 51,00 190. Meir-Glitzenstein,E.: Zionism in an Arab Country. Jews in Iraq in the 1940. London 2004. 304 p., 14 photos. Hardback € 105,00 191. Meister,P. (ed.): German Literature between Faiths. Jews and Christians at Odds and in Harmony. Bern 2004. 262p. Paperback. == Studies in German Jewish History,6 € 45,80 192. Mekkenkamp,J.and Y.Sherwood (eds.): Sanctified Aggression, Legacies of Biblical and Post-Biblical Vocabularies of Violence. London 2004. 264 p. Paperback == The Bible in the 21st Century,3 == The Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Suippl. 400 € 52,00 193. Miletto,G.: Glauben und Wissen im Zeitalter der Reformation. Der salomonische Tempel bei Abraham ben David Portaleone (1542-1612). Berlin 2004. XIV,356 S. Lwd. Studia Judaica,27 € 98,00 194. Munro-Hay,St.: The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant. The True History of the Tablets of Moses. London 2004. 304 p., 10 pl.. 1 map. Hardback € 31,50 195. Mykytiuk,L.J.: Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200-539 B.C.E. Leiden 2004. XX,328 p. Cloth == SBL - Academia Biblica,12 € 122,00 196. Nasser,R.M.: Palestinian Ídentity in Jordan and Israel. The Necessary 'Others' in the Making of a Nation. London 2004. *** p. Hardback == Middle East Studies. History, Politcs and Law € 97,00

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197. Nemtsov,J.: Die Neue Jüdische Schule in der Musik. Wiesbaden 2004. 267 S., 41 Abb. Geb. == Jüdische Musik. Studien und Quellen zur jüdischen Musikkultur, 2 € 58,00 198. Neusner,J. and A.J.Pek (eds.): Encyclopedia of Midrash. Biblical Interpretation in Formative Judaism. Consulting editors: W.Scott Green and G.Stemberger. 2 vols. Leiden 2004. 1350 p. Hardback € 368,00 199. Noy,D. and D.Ben-Amos (eds): Jewish Folklore. An Encyclopedia. London 2004. 624 p., 125 photos. Hardback € 225,00 200. Palaestina exploranda: Studien zur Erforschung Palästinas im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert anläßlich des 125jährigen Bestehens des Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästinas. Wiesbaden 200- in Vorbereitung 201. Pappe,I.: A History of Modern Palestine. One Land , Two Peoples.Cambridge 2004. 356 p., 14 ill., 6 maps € 73,00 202. Parfitt,T. and E.Trevisan Semi: The Jews of Ethiopia. The Birth of an Elite. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Jewish Studies € 97,00 203. Patterson,D.: Hebrew Language and Jewish Thought. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Jewish Studies Series € 97,00 204. Peursen,W.Th.van: Verbal System in the Hebrew Text of Ben Sira. Leiden 2004. XX,468p. Cloth == Studies in Semitic Languages and Liguistics,41 € 156,50 205. Phillips,D.: Hebrew-English Paleo Exodus - Scripture at the End of the Iron II Period. Lewiston 2004. 349 p. Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Studies,14 € 140,50 206. Pollack,M. (ed.): Karaite Judaism. A Guide to the History and Literary Sources. Leiden 2004. XXXII,984 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1: The Near and Middle East,73 € 261,00 207. Pomeroy,H. and M.Alpert (eds.): Proceedings of the Twelfth British Conference on Judeo.Spanish Studies (2001). Sephardic Lanbguage, Literature and History. Leiden 2004. XVI,200 p. Hardback == US Studies in Judaica,3.. € 102,00 208. Prosic.T.: The Development and Symbolism of Passover . London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Suipspl. 414 € 95,00 209. Rejwan,N.: The Last Jews in Baghdad. Remembéring a Lost Homeland. Foreword by J.Beinin. Austin 2004. 272 p, Hardcover € 33,00 210. Reventlow,H. and Y.Hoffmann (eds.): The Problem of Evil and Its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition. London 2004. 248 p, Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl. 366 € 112,50 211. Reymond,E.D.: Innovations in Hebrew Poetry. Parallelism and the Poems of Sirach. Leiden 2004. XIV,170 p. Cloth == SBL - Studies in Biblical Literature,9 € 81,50 212. Richardson,P.: Building Jewish in the Roman East. Leiden 2005. 4 p., XXII,414 p., 32 p. ill. Cloth Journal for the Study of Judaism, Suppl. 92 € 166,00 213. Sandler,S., M.Ben Mollov and J.Rynhold (eds.): Israel at the Polls 2003. London 2005. 256 p., 20 drawings, 40 tables. Hardback == Israeli History, Politics and Society € 97,00 214. Schneider,T.J.: Sarah. Mother of Nations. London 2004. 144 p. Hardback € 86,50 215. Schulz,A.: Die Zeichen des Körpers und der Liebe. "Paris und Vienna" in der jiddischen Fassung des Elia Levita. Hamburg 2000. 104 S. Brosch. € 49,95 216. Schwartz,D.: Studies on Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought. Transl. by D.Louvish and B.Stein. Leiden 2005. 272 p. Hardback == The Brill Reference Library of Judaism,20 € 122,00 217. Schwartz,H.: Tree of Souls. The Mythology of Judaim. Oxford 2004. 592 p., 10 ill. Hardback € 66,00 218. Sharon,M.: Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae. Vol. 3: D - F. Leiden 2004. 312 p., 83 ill. Cloth Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, 30/3 € 159,00 219. Simonsohn,Sh.: The Jews in Sicily 6: 1458-1477. Leiden 2004. ***p- Cloth ==Studia Post Biblica. Documentary Histgry of the Jews in Italy,48 € 369,00 220. Stanislawski,M.: Autobiographical Jews. Essays in Jewish Self-Fashioning. Seattle 2004. 224 p. Cloth. Samuel and Althea StroumLectures in Jewish Studies € 47,00

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221. Staudacher,A.L.: Jüdisch-protestantische Konvertiten in Wien 1782-1914. 2 Teile. Bern 2004. 1: 495 S., 2: 838 S. , zahlr. Abb. und Tab. Brosch. € 140,00 222. Survey of Arab-Israeli Relations: London 2004. 450 p. Hardback € 194,00 223. Swetschinslki,D.M.: Reluctant Cosmopolitans . Ther Portuguese Jews of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam, Oxford 2004. 394 p. Paper == Littman Library of Jewish Civilization € 32,00 224. Tal,D.: War in Palestine, 1948. Israeli and Arab Strategy and Diplomacy. London 2003. 496 p., 10 drawings, 19 maps. Hardback == Israeli History, Politics and Society € 74,00 225. Taub,M.: An Anthology of Israeli Drama for the New Millennium. Lewiston 2004. 460 p. Studies in Theatre Arts,28 € 150,00 226. Taylor,J.: Pythagoreans and Essenes: Structural Parallels. Leuven 2004. XII, 118 p. == Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives, 32 € 81,50 227. Tobi,Y.: Promixity and Distance. Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Poetry. Leiden 2004. XII,412 p. Hardback == Études sur le Judïsme Médiécval,27 € 151,50 228. Triebel,L.: Jenseitshoffnung in Wort und Stein. Nefesch und pyramidales Grabmal als Phänomene antiken jüdischen Bestattungswesen im Kontext der Nachbarkulturen. Brill 2004. XXII,402 S., 213 Abb. in Deutsch, Hebräisch und Altgriechisch. Gbd. == Arbeiten zur Geschiche des Antiken Juden´und des Urchristentums,56 € 192,00 229. Vance. D.: Introduction to Classical Hebrew. Leiden 2004. 448 p with Hebrew texts. Paperback € 62,00 230. Vetri,G. and G.Necker (eds.): Gottes Sprache in der philologischen Werkstatt. Hebraistik vom 15. bis 19. Jahrhhundert. Leiden 2005. 340 p. Hardback Studies in European Judaism,11 € 122,00 231. Watson,W.G.E.: Classical Hebrew Poetry. A Guide to ist Technuiques. London 2004. 480 p. Paperback € 52,00 232. Weeks,N.: Admonition and Curse. The Ancient Near Eastern Treaty/Convenant Form as a Problem in Inter-Cultural Relationships. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Journal for the Study of the Old Testament,407 € 104,00 233. Weeks,S. a.o. (eds.): The Book of Tobit. Texts from the Principal Ancient and Medieval Traditions. With Synopsis,Concordance and Annotated Texts in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Syriac. Berlin 2004. XI,792 p. Cloth == Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam Pertinentes,3 € 178,00 234. Wells,B.: The Law of Testimony in the Pentateuchal Codes. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.226 p. Bound. == Zeitschrift für die Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte,Beiheft 4 ca. € 64,00 235. Westenholz,J.G. (ed.): Let there be Light. Oil Lamps from the Holy Land. Jerusalem 2005. 90 p., col. Ill. And photographs. Softcover € 35,00 236. Wiese,Chr.: Challenging Colonial Discourse. Jewish Studies and Protestant Theology in Wilhelmine Germany. Transl. from German by B.Harshav and Chr.Wíese. Leiden 2004. 580 p. Hardback == Studies in European Judaism,10 € 183,50 237. Wolfthal,D.: Picturing Yiddish. Gender, Identity and Memory in the Illustrated Yiddish Books of Renaissance Italy. Leiden 2004. XXXIV;406 p., 188 ill. Hardback. == Brill's Series in Jewish Studies,36 € 132,00


238. Aethiopica 7 (2004): International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies. Ed. in the Asien-Afrika- Institut, Abteilung für Afrikanistik und Aethiopistik der Universität Hamburg by S.Uhlig in coop. with B.Tafla and H.Meyer-Bahlburg. Wiesbaden 2004 ca. € 39,00 239. Brune,K.H.: Die koptischen Textilien im museum kunst palast Düsseldorf. Teil 1: Wirkereien mit figürlichen Motiven. Wiesbaden 2004. 312 S. , 46 (12 farb.) Abb. Gbd. mit Bild-CD == Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orient, 13 € 98,00

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240. Bruns,K.H.: Wirkereien mit figürlichen Motiven. Wiesbaden 2004, 312 S., 66 (32 farb.) Abb. Gbd. == Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients, 13: Die koptischen Textilien im museu kunst´palaca. € 98,00 241. Davis,St.J.: Early Coptic Papacy. The Egyptian Church and ist Leadership in Late Antiquity. Cairo 2004. 224 p., 15 il.. Hardbound == The Popes of Egypt, 1 € 28,00 242. Grypeou,E.: "Das vollkommene Pascha". Gnostische Bíbelexegese und gnostische Ethik. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.360 S. Lwd. "Das vollkommene Pascha" ca. € 58,00 243. Kaufhold,H. und M.Kropp (Hrsg.): Oriens Christianus 88 (2004). Hefte für die Kunde des christlichen Orients. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.304 S., 24 Abb. Brosch. € 72,00 244. Zaborowski,J.R.: The Coptic Martyrdom of John of Phanijôt. Assimilation and Conversation to Islam in Thirteenth-Century Egypt. Leiden 2004. 192 p. with Eglish, Coptic Texts. Hardback == The History of Christian-Muslim Relations,3 € 92,50


E.1 Allgemeines – Geschichte und Politik

245. Abisaab,R.: Converting Persia. Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 73,00 246. Agha,H. a.o.: Track-II Diplomacy. Lessons from the Middle East. Cambridge 2004. 224 p. Cloth == BCSIA Studies in International Security € 57,00 247. Alexander,Chr.: Tunisia. London 2005. 192 p. Hardback Contemporary Middle East € 97,00 248. L'Algérie en héritage: Art et histoire. Catalogue d'exposition. Paris 2003. 348 p Relié € 89,00 249. al-Rasheed,M. (ed.): Transnational Connection and the Arab Gulf. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Research in Transnationalism € 105,00 250. Ansati,A..: Iran. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback == Contemporary Middle East € 89,00 251. Atabaki,T: Iran and the First World War. The Emergence of the Modern State. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback Library of Modern Middle East Studies,43 € 40,50 252. Awali, In Pursuit of Legitimacy. The Muslim Brothers and Mubarak, 1982-2000. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Midde East Studies,46 € 68,00 253. Awde,N. and L.Chabert.: The Iraqis. 2005. 224 p., 290 ill. and maps. Hardback € 78,00 254. Badakhchani,S.J. (ed.): The Paradise of Susbmission. A Medieval Treatise on Ismaili Thought. London 2004. 456 p. Hardback´ == Ismaili Texts and Translations € 56,50 255. Beshara,A.: Lebanon. Politics of Frustration - theFailed Coup of 1961. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == History and Society in the Islamic World € 97,00 256. Bilgin,P.: Regional Security in the Middle East. London 2004. 224 p., 13 draswings. Hardback == Advances in the Middle East and Islamic Studies € 97,00 257. Bleaney,C.H. a.o. (comp.): Iraq. A Bibliographical Guide. Léíden 2004. XXXIV,526 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1: The Near ad Middle East, 75 € 215,50 258. Bonner,M. a.o. (eds.): Islam, Democracy and the State in Algeria. Lesson for the Western Mediterranean and Beyond. Lodnon 2004. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 105,00 259. Bougherira,R.M.: Algeria in Transition. Reforms and Development. Ed. by A.Aghrout. With a foreword by J.Keiger. London 2004. 288 p., 5 fig., 13 diagrams, 39 tables. Hardback. == Studies in Middle Eastern Politics € 105,00 260. Brandes,J.-D.: Geschichte der Berber. Von den Berberdynastien des Mittelalters zum Maghreb der Neuzeit. Gernsbach 2004. 232 S., Herrscherlisten, Zeittafel, Karten, Register. Gbd. € 24,80 261. Brenchley,F.: Britain, the Six-Day War and its Aftermath. London 2005. ***p. Hardback == International Library of Twentieth Century History,3 € 64,00 - 13 -

262. Brünnow,R.E. und A.V.Domaszewski: Provincia Arabia aufgrund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Berichte früherer Reisender beschrieben. 3 Bände. Straßburg 1904, 1905 und 1909. Nachdruck Hildesheim 2004. L, 1426 S., zahlr. Abb., Tafeln unf Karten. Ln. == Documenta Arabica in Vorbereitung 263. Çetinsaya,G.: The Ottoman Administration of Iraq, 1890-1908. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback Studies in the Middle East € 97,00 264. Chehabi,H. and H.I.Mneeimneh: Distant Relations. Iran and Lebanon in the Last 500 Years. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 64,00 265. Cohen,M.: Strategy and Politics in the Middle East, 1954-1960. Defending the Northern Tier. Lodon 2004, 320 p., 4 drawings. Hardback == Cass Military Studies € 112,50 266. Crahan,M. (ed.): The Wars on Terrorism and Iraq. Human Righrts, Unilaterism and US Foreign Policy. . Ed. by +M.Crahan a.o.London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 105,00 267. Delcourt,B., D,Duez et E.Remacle (dir.): La guerre d'Irak. Prélude d'un nouvel ordre international? Bern 2004. 239 p. Broché. == Regards sur l'International, 5 € 32,00 268. Dodge,T.: Iraq. London 2005. 192 p. Hardback == Contemporary Middle East € 89,00 269. Drory,Z.: Israeli Defence Forces and the Foundation of Israel. Utopia in Uniform. London 2005. 240 p. Hardback € 121,00 270. Ebies,R.Y. and D.Thomas (eds.): Muslim-Christian Polemic during the Crusades. The Letter from the People of Cyprus and Ibn Tâlib al-Dimasqî's R.Esponse. Leiden 2004. 376 p. with Arabic texts. Hardback == The History of Christian -Muslim Relations.2 € 122,00 271. Ecker,H.: Caliphs and Kings. The Art of Islamic Spain. Washington 2004. 178 p. 120 (100 col.) ill., Paper. € 44,00 272. Eini,R.I.M. el-: Mandated Landscape. British Imperial Rule in Palestine 1920-1948. London 2004. 672 p. Hardback € 130,00 273. Enayat,H.: Modern Islamic Political Thought. Foreword by R.Mottahedeh. London 2005. 224 p. Hardback € 56,50 274. Ewans,M.: Conflict in Afghanistan. Studies in Asymetric Warfare. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 81,00 275. Feldman,I.: Governing Gaza. Bureaucratic Service and the Work of Rule (1917-1967). Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 73,00 276. Fieldhouse,D.K.: Britain, France and the Fertile Crescent. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine as Mandates. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Library of Middle East History,8 € 56,50 277. Fortna,B. a.o. (eds.): The Modern Middle East. A Documentary History- Oxford 2005. 800 p. Hardback € 144,00 278. Franz,K.: Kompilation in arabischen Chroniken. Die Überlieferung vom Aufstand der Zang zwischen Geschichtlichkeit und Intertextualität vom 9. Bis ins 15. Jahrhundert. Berlin 2004. XX, 344 S. Gbd. Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients, 15 € 98,00 279. Ganim,J.M.: Medievalism and Orientalism. Basingstoke 2005. 208 p. Hardback == The New Middle Ages € 56,50 280. Gelvin,J.: The Modern Middle East. A History. Oxford 2004. 336 p., 11 map. Hardback € 74,00 281. Glatzer,B.: Afghanistan. London 2004. 192 p-. 1 map. Hardback == Contemporary Middle East € 89,00 282. Gruendler,B. and L.Marlow (eds.): Writers and Rulers. Perspectives from Abbasid to Safavid Times. Wiesbaden 2004. 260 S. Gbd. == literaturen im kontext,16 € 59,00 283. Gunter,A.C. amd St.R.Hauser (eds.): Ernst Herzfeld and the Development of Near Eastern Studies 1900-1950. Leiden 2005. 688 p. Hardback € 122,00 284. Guo,L.: Commerce, Culture and Community in a Red Sea Port in the Thirteenth Century. The Arabic Documents from Quseir. Leiden 2004. XXII,138 p. Cloth == Islamic History and Civilization,52 € 134,00 285. Haji,H.: Founding the Fatimid State. An Early Muslim Historian and the Birth of an Islamic Empire. London 2995. 350 p. Hardback. € 48,00

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286. Halliday,F.: The Politics and International Relations of the Middle East. Cambridge 2004. 280 p. Hardback == The Contemporary Middle East,4 ca. € 65,00 287. Halliday,F.: The Middle East in International Relations. Power, Politics and Ideology.Cambridge 2004. 320 p., 6 tables, 5 maps. Hardback == The Contemporary MiddleEast,4 € 65,00 288. Hamdani,S.A.: Between Revolution and State. Al-Nu'man and the Construction of Fatimid Legitimacy. London 2005. 230 p. Hardback == Ismaili Heritage Series,11 € 40,50 289. Hawting,G.R.: Muslims, Mongols and Crusaders. London 2004. 350 p. Hardback € 97,00 290. Hopkins,N. and R.Saad (eds.): Upper Egypt. Identity and Change. Cairo 2004. 272 p. Paperback € 23,50 291. Iraq: Reconstruction and Future Role. Ed. by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. London 2004. 198 p., 8 ill. Hardback € 31,50 292. Islamoglu,H. (ed.): Constituting Modernity. Private Property in the East and West. London 2004, 288 p. Hardback == Islamic Mediterranean Series, 5 € 73,00 293. Joffé,G.: Algeria. The Failed Revolution. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback € 97,00 294. Jones,C. and A.Pedazhur (eds.): Between Terrorism and Civil War. The al-Aqsa Intifada. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 97,00 295. Kepel,G.: The War for Muslim Minds. Islam and the West. London 2004. 256 p. € 28,00 296. Khan,M.H. a.o. (eds.): State Formation in Palestine. Viability and Governance During a Social Transformation. Londnn 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Political Economy of the Middle East € 105,00 297. Knowles,W.: Jordan since 1989. A Study in Political Economy. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,47 € 73,00 298. Lahoud,N. and A.H.Johns (eds.): Islam in World Politics. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies € 97,00 299. Low,C.W.R.: British Pro-Consuls in Egypt, 1914-1929. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback € 97,00 300. Lukens-Bull,R.: A Peaceful Jihad. Negotiating Identity and Modernity in Muslim Java. Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback ca. june 2005 € 81,00 301. Mazrui,A.A.: Islam between Globalization & Counter-Terrorism. Oxford 2005. 352 p. Paperback € 24,00 302. Milton-Edwards,B.: Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945. London 2004. 160 p., 2 drawings. Hardback == Making of the Contemporary World € 73,00 303. Morewood,St.: The British Defence of Egypt 1935-1940. Coflict and Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean. London 2004. 352 p. Hardback € 112,50 304. Morris,B.: The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. 2nd edition. Cambridge 2004. 664 p., 3 maps. Hardback == Cambridge Middle East Studies,18 € 113,00 305. Mostashari,F.: On the Religious Frontier. Tsarist Russia and Islam in the Cáucasus. London 2005. 240 p. Hardback € 73,00 306. Müller,J.H.: Verrat in schwarzen Zelten. Von letzten Stammeskriegen in Arabiens Wüsten. Zürich 1977. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. IV,302 S. Lwd. € 29,80 307. Najem,T.P.: Lebanon.The Politics of a Penetrated Society. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback € 89,00 308. Niblock,T.: . London 2004.192 p. Hardback € 89,00 309. Nicolini,B.: Makran, Oman and Zansibar. Three-Terminal Cultural Corridor in the Western Indian Ocean,17991850. Transl,. from the Italian b P.-J.Watson. Leiden 2004. XXVIII,180 p. Hardback. == Islam in Africa,3 € 91,00 310. Nonnemann,G. (ed.): Analysing Middle Eastern Foreign Policies. The Relationship with Europe. London 2004. 208 p. Hardback € 112,50 311. O'Callaghan,J.F.: Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain. Philadelphia 2004. 322 p., 8 ill. Paper The Middle Ages Series ca. € 27,00

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312. O'Shea,M.Th.: Trapped Between the Map and Reality. Geography and Perceptions of Kurdistan.London 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Middle East Studies : History , Politics and Law € 89,00 313. Owtram,F.: A Modern History of Oman. Formation of the State since 1920. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback Library of Modern Middle East Studies,30 € 56,50 314. Palmer Harik,J.: Hezbollah. The Changing Face of Terrorism. London 2004. 328 p.,10 ill. Hardback in preparation 315. Panaspornprasit,Ch.: US-Kuwaiti Relations, 1061-1992. An Uneasy Rlationshsip. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback € 105,00 316. Panzac,D.: The Barbary Corsairs. The End of a Legend 1800-1820. Transl. from the French by V.Hobson and completed bx J.E.Hawkes. Leiden 2005. 320 p. Cloth == The and its Heritage,29 € 118,00 317. Parsons,N.C.: From Oslo to al-Aqsa. The Politics of the Palestinian Authority. London 2004. 222 p. Hardback € 89,00 318. Perkins,K.: A History of Modern Tunesia. Cambridge 2004. 280 p., 16 ill., 5 maps. Hardback € 65,00 319. A Political and Economic Dictionary of the Middle East: A definitive guide to the economic and politics of the Middle East. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback == Poltical and Economic Dictionaries Series € 194,00 320. Potz,R. and W.Wieshaider (eds.): Islam and the European Union. Leuven 2004. XI, 263 p. € 61,50 321. Presston,M.: Ending Civil War. Rhodesia and Lebanon in Perspective. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == International Library of War Studies,2 € 68,00 322. Raafat,S.W.: Cairo, theGlory Years. Who built what, when, why and for whom... Cairo 2004. 331 p., 20 photographs, 6 maps. Paperback € 23,50 323. Rasanayagam,A.: Afghanistan. A Modern History. London 2005. 336 p. Hardback € 31,00 324. Robins,Ph.: A .. Cambridge 2004. 264 p., 15 ill. , 6 maps. Hardback € 73,00 325. Rohlfs,G.: Three Months in the Libyan Desert. Transl. by H.Wöcherl, introd. by C.V.Haynes. Cairo 2005. 272 p., 16 photographs, 28 line drawings. Paperback € 25,00 326. Ruthven,M. with N.Azim: Historical Atlas of Islam. London 2005. 70 col. map, 65 (50 col.) ill. € 61,00 327. Rutledge,I.: Addicted to Oil. America's Relentless Drive for Energy Security. London 2005. 336 p. Hardback € 40,00 328. Saikal,A.: Modern Afghanistan. A History of Struggle and Survival. London 2ßß4. 352 p. Hardback € 48,00 329. Salman al-Saud,F. b.: Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Power Politics in Transition. London 2004. 200 p. Hardback € 73,00 330. Sanders,Th. a.o.: Russian-Muslim Confrontation in the Caucasus. Alternative Visions of the Conflict between Shamlil and the Russians, 1830-1859. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 81,00 331. Sidahmed,A.S. and A.Sidahmed: . London 2004. 192 p., 1 map. Hardback. € 89,00 332. Slugett,P.: Britain in Iraq. Contriving King and Country. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 73,00 333. Smith,S.: Allah's Mountains. The Battle of Chéchnya. London 2005. 320 p. Paperback € 30,50 334. Smith,S.C.: Britain's Revival and Fall in the Gulf. Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States, 1950- 71. London 2004 208 p. Hardback == Studies in the Modern History of the Middle East € 97,00 335. Socin,A.: Diwan aus Centralarabien. Gesammelt, übersetzt und erläutert von A.Socin. Hrsg. V. H.Stumme. Leipzig 1900-01- Nachdruck Hildesheim 2004. XX, 804 S. Ln. == Documenta Arabica € 178,00 336. Srhir,Kh.B.: Britain and Morocco During the Embassy of John Drummond Hay. London 2004, 288 p. Hardback. € 113,00 337. Suleiman,Y.: A War of Words. Language and Conflict in the Middle East- Cambridge 2004. 288 p., 18 ill., 1 fig., 13 tables. Hardback Cambridge Middle East Studies,19 € 73,00

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338. Trimbur,D. (ed.): Des Européens au Levant - Entre politique, science et religion (XIXe - XXe siècles). Europäer in der Levante - Zwischen Politik, Wisssenschaft und Religion (19.- 20. Jahrhundert). München 2004. ca.200 S. Gbd. == Pariser Historische Studien, 53 ca. € 34,80 339. Tvedt,T.: The River Nile in the Age of the British. Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power. London 2004. 528 p. Hardback € 80,00 340. Warde,I.: The Financial War on Terror. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 40,00 341. Whinney,E,Mc.: The Septembeer 11 Terrorist Attacks and the Incvasion of Iraq in Contemporary International Law. Opinions on the Emerging New World Order System. Leiden 2004. 100 p. Paperback == Nijhoff Law Specials.61 € 55,50 342. Yamani,M.: Cradle of Islam. The Hijaz nd the Quest for an Arabian Identity. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback € 48,00 343. Yesilbursa,B.K.: The Baghdad Pact. Anglo-American Defence Policies in the Middle East, 1950-59. London 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Military History and Policy € 112,50

E.2 ISLAMISCHER VORDERER ORIENT: Religion und Philosophie

344. Adamson,P. and R.Taylor (eds.): The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy. Cambridge 2004. 350 p. Hardback == Cambridge Companions to Philosophy ca. € 73,00 345. Ahmed,A.S.: Postmodernism and Islam. Predictment and Promise. London 2004. 312 p. Hardback € 105,00 346. Almond.I.: Sufiism and Deconstruction. A Comparative Study of Derrida and Ibn 'Arabi. London 2994.176 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 347. Arnzen,R. And J.Thielmann (eds.): Words, Texts and Concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea. Studies on the Sources, Contents and Influences of Islamic Civilization and Arabic Philosophy and Science dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 139 € 106,00 348. Avery.K.: A Psychology of Early Sufi Samâ- Listening and Altered States. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 349. Bhatnagar,R.S.: Mythical Vision and Thought in Medieval Sufism. Lewiston 2004.271 p. Hardback == Studies in Asian Thoight and Religion.29 € 129,00 350. Bianchi,R.R.: Guests of God. Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World. Oxford 2004. 352 p. Hardback € 47,00 351. Brunner, R.: Islamic Ecumenism in the 20th Century. The Azhar and Shiism Rapproachement and Restraint. Transl. from the German by J.Greenman. Revised and updated by the Author. Leiden 2004. 328 p. Cloth == Social, Economic amd Political Studies of the Midde East and Asia,91 € 111,00 352. Dammen McAuliffe,J.: Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an. .5 vols. Leiden 2001-2005 € 1262,00 353. Dutton,Y.: Imam Malik and the Primacy of the School of Madina. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Culture and Civilization in the Middle East. € 89,00 354. Dutton,Y.: Original Islam-Malilk and the Madhab of Medina. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 89,00 355. Goldziher,I.: Muhammedanische Studien. 2 in 1 Band. Halle 1888. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XX,7600 S. Lwd. ==Documenta Arabica € 99,80 356. Hallaq,W.B.: The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law. Cambridge 2004. 280 p., 2 maps. Hardback ==Themes in Islamic Law,1 ca. € 65,00 357. Islamic Perspectives on Wealth Creation: Ed. By M.Iqbal and R.Wilson. Edinburgh 2005. 320 p. Hardback € 89,00 358. Landolf,H. (ed.): Creation and Resurrection. An Early Muslim Perspective on Divine Unity and Cosmology. London 2005. 175 p. Hardback € 64,00

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359. Matroudi,A.H.I. al-: The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah. Conflict of Concilation. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Culture and Civilization € 89,00 360. McGinnis,J.N. with ass. Of D.C.Reisman (eds.): Interpreting Avicenna: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group. Leiden 2004. 288 p. Cloth == Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies,56 € 111,00 361. Meier,F.: Nachgelassene Schriften, Band 1: Bemerkungen zur Mohammedverehrung. Teil II: Die Tasliya in Sûfischen´Zusammenhängen. Hrsg.v. B.Radtke. Leiden 2005. XII,272 S. Gbd. == Fritz Meier, Nachgelassene Schriften, I/II € 111,00 362. Müller,F.A..: Der Islam im Morgen- und Abendland, 2 Bände. Berlin 1885 und 1887. Hrsg.v.W.Oncken. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XII,1332 S., 50 Abb. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 236,00 363. Reynolds,A.S.: A Muslim Theologian in the Sectarian Milieu. 'Abd al-Jabbâr and the Critiqueof Christian Origins. Leiden 2005. 320 p. Cloth == Islamic History and Civilization,56 € 138,00 364. Riddgeon,L.: Castigator of Sufism. Ahmad Kasravi and the Iranian Mystical Tradition. London 2005. 240 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 365. Sedgwick,M.: Saints and Sons. The Making and Remaking of the Rashîdi Ahmadi Sufi Order, 1799- 2000. Leiden 2004. 232 p. Cloth == Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia. 97 € 100,00 366. Sajoo,A.B.: Muslim Ethics Emerging Vistas. London 2004. 160 p. Hardback € 40,50 367. Scot Aghaie,K.: The Martyrs of Karbala. Shi'i Symbolss and Rituals in Modern Iran. Seattle 2004. 248 p., 40 col. ill. Cloth € 74,50 368. Shanahan,R.: The Shi'a of Lebanon. Clans, Parties and Clerics. London 2005. 272 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,49 € 69,00 369. Sherwani,M.K.: Qur'an and Modern Jurisprudence. Lucknow 2004. XVI, 430 p. € 34,50 370. Taji-Farouki,S. and B.N.Nafi (eds.): Islamic Thought in the 20th Century. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 73,00 371. Twardella,J.: Moderner Islam. Fallstudien zur islamischen Religiösität in Deutschland. Hildesheim 2004. 166 S.. == Religionswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, 11 € 24,80 372. Varisco,D.M.: Islam Obscured. Basingstoke 2005. 256 p. Hardback Contemporary Anthropolgy of Religion € 65,00 373. Ward Gwynne,R.: Logic, Rhetoric and Legal Reasoning in the Qur'an. . God's Arguments. London 2004. 256 p., 3 tables. Hardback == Studies in the Qur'an € 81,00 374. Weismann,I.: The Naqshbandiyya. Orthodoxy and Activism in a Worldwide Sufi Tradition. London ´2005. 256 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 375. Westerlund,D. (ed.): Sufism in Europe and North America. London 2004. 176 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 73,00


376. Abou-bakr,R.: The Conflict of Voices in the Poetry of Dennis Butrus and Mahmud Darwish. Wiesbaden 2004. 224 S. Gbd. == literaturen im kontext. - arabisch-persisch-türkisch € 49,00 377. Alosh,M.: Using Arabic. A Guide to Contemporary Usage. Cambridge 2005. 300 p. Paperback ca. € 29,00 378. Ambros,A.A. with collab.of St.Procházka.: A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic. Wiesbaden 2004. 392 S. Gbd. € 49,00 379. Badrawi,M.: al-Azhar and the Arab World. Moulding the Political and Ideological Concionsness. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 89,00

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380. Bauden,F. (ed.): Ultra Mare. Mélanges de langue arabe et d'islamologie offerts à Aubert Martin (Mémoires 3). Leuven 2004. 300 p. == Association pour la Promotion de l'Histoire et de l'Archéologie Orientales, 4 € 53,00 381. Borg,A.: A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic-English) with an introductory essay. Leiden 2004. XXVIII, 492 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 1: The Near and Middle East, 70 € 134,00 382. Brustad,K. a.o.: al-Kitaab fii Ta 'allum al-'Arabiyya with DVDs. A Textbook for Beginning Arabic: . 2nd edition. Washington 2004. 544 p. Paper. € 95,00 383. Brustad,K. a.o.: Alif Baa with DVDs. Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sound. 2nd ed. Washington 2004. 224 p., 2 DVDs. Paper. € 69,00 384. Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in Aligarh Muslim University in India: Prepared by M.Y.Mazhar Siddiqui and ed. By London 2002. 642 p. Hardcover - in Arabic language- € 63,50 385. Cilardo,A.: The Qur'anic Term Kalâla. Studies in Arabic Language and Poetry, Hadit, Tafsir, and Fiqh. Notes on the Origins of Islamic Law. Edinburgh 2005. 160 p. Hardback € 48,50 386. Csató Johanson,E.A a.o.: Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion. Routledge 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 89,00 387. Daftary,F.: Ismaili Literature. A Bibliography of Sources and Studies. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 56,50 388. Diem,W.: Eine arabische Kaufurkunde von 1024 n.Chr. Aus Ägypten. Aus der Sammlung der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung. Wiesbaden 2004. 59 S., 1 Abb. Brosch. == Studien der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung, 16 € 20,00 389. Elgibali,A. (ed.): Investigating Arabic. Current Parameters in Analysis and Learning. Leiden 2004. 288 p. Cloth == Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics,42 € 106,00 390. Fleischhammer,M.: Die Quellen des Kitâb al-Agânî. Wisbaden 2004. ca.281 S. Brosch. ca. € 60,00 391. Gelder,G.J.van: Close Relationships. Incest and Inbreeding in Classical Arabic Literature. London 2005. 288p. Hardback € 64,00 392. Goldmann,I.: Lernwortschatz Arabisch. 3.überarb. Aufl. Wiesbaden 2004. 316 S. Kart. € 29,00 393. Gruendler,B. and L.Marlow (eds.): Writers and Rulers. Perspectives from Abbasid to Safavid Times. Wiesbaden 2004. 260 S. Gbd. == literature im kontext. arabisch-persisch-türkisch € 59,00 394. Guppy,Sh.: The Secret of Laughter. Classic Fairytales and Folk Tales from Persia. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 31,00 395. Hammer-Purgstall, J. Frhr. von:: Rosenöl. Erstes Fläschen und Zweytes Fläschen. Oder Sagen und Kunden des Morgenlandes aus arabischen, persischen und trürkischen Quellen gesammelt. Stuttgart und Tübingern 1813. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XXXII,659 S. Lwd. ==Documenta Arabica € 88,00 396. Heath,J.: Hassaniya Arabic (Mali) - English - French Dictionary. Wiesbaden 2004. XVIII,338 p. Paperback == Semitica Viva,33 € 68,00 397. Herzog,Th.: Geschichte und Imaginaire. Entstehung, Überflieferung und Bedeutung der Sirat Baibars in ihrem sozio-politischen Kontexts. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.880 S. Gb. Diskurse der Arabistik,8 ca. € 148,00 398. Hilla, M.Habib el- (ed.): Kitab Nayl al-Muna bi Dhayl Bulugh al-Qira li Takmilat Ithaf al-Wara / The History of Makkah. Jar Allah ibn al-'Iz b. al-Najm b. Fahd al-Makki. ,London 2002. 1025 p. Hardcover - in Arabic language- € 72,00 399. Holes,C.: Modern Arabic. Structures, Functions and Varieties. Revised editon. Washington 2004. 400 p. Paper == Georgetown Classics in Arabic Language and Linguistics Series € 67,00 400. Jayyusi,S.K. (ed.): Beyond the Dunes. An Anthology of Modern Saudi Literature. London 2005. 500 p. Hardback € 73,00 401. Kadhim,H.N.: The Poetics of Anti-Colonialism in the Arabic Qasîdah. Badr Shâkir al-Sayyâb and 'Abd al-Wahhâb al-Bayâtî. Leiden 2004. XIV,290 p. Hardback == Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures,29 € 109,50

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402. Kennedy,Ph,F.: Recognition in Arabic Islamic Literature. A Study of Theme, Structure and Narrative, London 2005. 240 p. Hardback. == Studies in Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures € 89,00 403. Khairallah,A.E.: Modern Arabic Poetry. Prophecy, Metapoetry, Snapshots. London 2005. 240 p.. Hardback == Culture and Civilization in the Middle East € 89,00 404. Khâlidî, Q.-A.: An Islamic Bíographical Dictionary of the Eastern Kazakh Steppe: 1770-1012. Ed. by A.Frank and M.A.Usmanov. Leiden 2004. 192 p. with Turkish texts == Brills Inner Asian Library, 12 € 97,50 405. Krahl,G. u.a.: Modernes Hocharabisch. Lehrbuch für Fortgeschrittene, Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. Übersetzen, Dolmetschen, Konversation, Fachwortschatz. Durchgesehen und überarbeitet v. E.Schulz. Wiesbaden 2004. 464 S. Gbd. € 49,00 406. Karimi-Hakkah,A. and K.Talattof (eds.): Essays on Nima Yushij. Animating Modernism in Persian Poetry. Leiden 2004. 288 p. Hardback == Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures,32 € 118,00 407. Littmann,E.: Arabische Beduinenerzählungen. Straßburg 1908. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XXIV,116 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 25,80 408. Loloi.P.: Hafiz, Master of Persian Poetry. A Critical Bibliography in English. London 2004. 400 p. Hardback € 73,00 409. Lucas,Sc.L.: Constructicve Critics, Hadîth Literature and the Articulation of Sunnî Islam. The Legacy of the Generation of the Sa'd, Ibn Ma'in and Ibn Hanbal. Leiden 2004.XVI,4214 p. Cloth == Islamic History and Civilization,51 € 146,50 410. Maltzan,H.Frhr. von: Reise nach Südarabien und geographische Forschungen im und über den südwesstlichen Teil Arabiens. Braunschweig 1873. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XIV,422 S., 1 Faltkarte. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 47,80 411. McKinney,R.C.: The Case of Rhyme versus Reason. Ibn al-Rûmî and his Poetics in Context. Leiden 2004. 648 p. Hardback == Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures,28 € 202,00 412. Montgomery,J. (ed.): 'Abbasid Studies. Ocasional Papers of the School of 'Abbasid Studies, Cambridge, 6-10 July 2002. Leuven 2004. VI, 348 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 135 € 94,00 413. Neuwirth,A. u,a.: »Arabische Literatur, postmodern« München 2004. 350 S. Gbd. € 35,00 414. Popp,St.: Iqbal's Romanticism of Power. Wiesbaden 2004. 224 S., 10 Abb. Kart. == literaturen im kontext. arabisch-persisch-türkisch € 59,00 415. Qazînî, Abû Hâtim Mahmûd Ibn al-Hasan al-: Das kitâb al-hilal fil-fiqh (Buch der Rechtskniffe). Mit Übersetzungen und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von J.Schacht. Hannover 1924. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. VI,142 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 49,80 416. Roper,G. (ed.): World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts. 4 vols. London 1992-1994. Hardcover per volume € 115.00 417. Ryding,K.C.: A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. Cambridge 2005. 550 p. Paperback ca. € 35,00 418. Samarrai, Q. al- (ed. and annot.): Wafa' al-Wafa bi Akhbar Dar al-Mustafa, al-Samhudi. London 2001. 2630 p. Hardcover - in Arabic language. € 150,00 419. al-Sattar al-Halwaji,A. and H.A.Azimi (ed.): Catalogue of Islamic Manuscripts in the National Library of Albania, Tirana. London 1997. 346 p. Hardcover - in Arabic language- € 36,50 420. Schulz,E.: Modernes Hocharabisch. Grammatik. Wiesbaden 2004. 268 S. Gbd. € 49,00 421. Selim,S.: Novel and the Rural Imaginary in Egypt, 1880-1985. London 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Studies in Arabic and Middle Eastern Literatures € 89,00 422. Shoshan,B.: Poetics of Islamic Historiography. Deconstructing Tabarî's History. Leiden 2004. 299 p. Clcoth == Islamic History and Civilization.53 € 122,00 423. Stehli-Werbeck,U. und Th.Bauer (Hrsg.): Alltagsleben und materielle Kultur in der arabischen Sprache und Literatur. Festschrift für Heinz Grotzfeld zum 70. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. 352 S., 2 Abb. Geb. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 55:1 ca. € 68,00 424. Stock,K.: Arabische Stilistik. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.130 S. Gbd. € 39,00

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425. Toorawa,Sh,M.: Ibn Abi Tahir Tayfur and Aabic Writerly Cultture. A Ninth Century Bóokman in Baghdad. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Studies in Arabian and Middle Eastern Liteatures € 89,00 426. A Treatise on Mystical Love: Abu l-Hasan Ali b. Muhammad al-Daylami. Transl. With an introduction and annotations by J.Norment Bell and H.M.A.Latif Al Shafie. Edinburgh 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 48,50 427. Waley,M.I. (ed.): Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in SS Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia, Bulgaria, Hadith Sciences. Compiled by St.Kenderova.. London 1995. 459 p. Hardback Arabic/English- € 45,00 428. Wer, Variation and Change in Jordanian Arabic. Women, the Vernacular and Linguistic Inovations. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback Arabic Lihguistic Series € 89,00 429. Wightwick,J. and M.Gaafar: Mastering Arabic. The Complete Course for Beginners. Basingstoke 2005. 384 p., ill. Book and 2 CD's € 48,50 430. Wightwick,J. and M.Gaafar: Masterin Arabic Grammar. Basingstoke 2005. 160 p., ill. Paperback € 16,00 431. Wightwick,J. and M.Gaafar: Mastering Arabic Script: A Guide to Handwriting. Basingstoke 2005. 128 p., calligraphy, realia and photos. Paperback € 16,00 432. Windfuhr,G. (ed.): Iranian Languages. London 2004, 704 p. Hardback == Routledge Language Family Series € 250,00 433. Wörterbuch der Klassischen Arabischen Sprache: Arabisch - Deutsch - Englisch. Unter Mitwirkung der Akademien der Wissenschaften in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Mainz und München. Bearb. V. M.Ullmann. Wiesbaden 2001-Lfg. 1: 2001. 64 S. Brosch. in Vorbereitung 434. Yamanka,Y. and T.Nishio (eds.): The Arabian Nights and Orientalism in Resonance. London 2005. 240 p., 72 ill. Hardback € 68,00


435. Ali,W.: The Arab Contribution to Islamic Art. From the Seventh to the Fifteenth Centuries. Cairo 2000. 176 p., 235 (64 col.) ill. Hardbound € 43,50 436. Allan,J.: Persian Steel.. Masterpieces of Iranian Art. London 2004. 140 p. Hardback € 57,00 437. Cruikshank Dodd,E.: Medieval Painting in the Lebanon. Wiesbaden 2004. 450 S., 465 (95 farb.) Abb. Gbd. == Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients,8 € 248,00 438. Dobrowolski,J.: The Living Stones of Cairo. Cairo 2001. 120 p., 51 line drawings. Paperback € 32,50 439. Flood,F.B.: Great Mosque of Damacus. Studies on the Making of an Umayyad Visual Culture. Leiden 2004. XXIV,400 p. Cloth == Islamic History and Civilization,33 € 161,00 440. Goldstein,S.M.: Glass. From Sasanian Antecedents to European Imitations. London 2004. 352 p. , illustrated. Hardback € 218,00 441. The Grand Museum of Egypt: International Architecture Competition. Cairo 2003. 646 p., 2300 col.ill. Hardbound € 220,00 442. The Iconography of Islamic Art: Studies in Honour of Robert Hillenbrand. Ed. by B.O'Kane. Edinburgh 2005. 352 p. Hardback € 153,00 443. Irwin,R.: The Alhambra. London 2005, 224 p., 28 ill. € 35,00 444. Karnouk,L.: Modern Egyptian Art 1910-2003. New rev. Ed. Cairo 2004. 256 p., 288 (250 col.) ill. Hardbound € 41,00 445. Lau,A. (ed.): Islamic Art. 2004. 208 p., richly ill. Paperback € 57,00

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446. Myntti,C.: Paris along the Nile. Architecture in Cairo from the Belle Epoque. Cairo 2003. 112 p., 200 vanished duotone ill. Paperback € 54,50 447. Shalem,A.: The Oliphant. Islamic Objects in Historical Context. Leiden 2004. XX,244 p., 107 ill. Cloth == Islam,c History and Civilization,54 € 106,00 448. Sourdel-Thomine,J.: Le Minaret Ghouride de Jâm. Un Chef d'Oeuvre du XIIe Siècle. Paris 2004. 174 p., 80 fig. == Mémoires, Nouvelle Série, XXIX € 69,00 449. Talgam,R.: The Stylistic Origins of Umayyad Sculpture and Architectural Decoration. Part I: Text; Part II: Figures. Wiesbaden 2004. 140, 97 p., 153 ill. Bound € 78,00 450. van der Steen,E.J.: Tribes and territories in Transition. The Central East Jordan Valley in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages: A Study of the Sources. Leuven 2004. VI, 332 p. == Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 130 € 81,50 451. Wassef,H. and N.Wassef: Daughters of the Nile. Photographs of Egyptian Women's Movements, 1900-1960. Foreword by M.Assaad, A.Guindy and A.Hussein. Cairo 2001. 188 p., 250 ill. Paperback € 32,50 452. Willey,P.: The Eagle's Nest. Ismaili Castles in Iran and Syria. London 2004. 256 p., illustrated. Hardback € 40,50 453. Zuhur,Sh. (ed.): Colors of Enchantment. Theater, Dance, Music, and the Visual Arts of the Middle East. Cairo 2001. 448 p., 65 ill. Paperback € 27,00

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454. Abdelrahman,M.M.: Civil Society Exposed. The Politics of NGOs in Egypt. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,49 € 68,00 455. Abu-Lughod,L.: Dramas of Nationhood. The Politics of Television in Egypt. With a Foreword by A.T.Carter. Chicago 2004. ca.324 p., 16 ill. Cloth Lewis Henry Mogrgan Lectures Series € 67,00 456. Ahmed,A.S.: Postmodernism and Islam. Predicament and Promise. London 2004. 2000 p. Hardback € 105,00 457. Ahmed.A.S.: Resistance and Control in . London 2004. 206 p. Hardback € 105,00 458. Ammon,K.W.: Nachrichten von der Pferdezucht der Araber und den arabischen Pferden. Nebst einem Anhange über die Pferdezucht in Persien, Turkomanien und der Berberei. Nürnberg 1834. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XVI,410 S., 1 Faltkarte. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 44,80 459. Aperghis,G.G.: The Seleukid Royal Economy. The Finances and Financial Administration of the Selecid Empire. Cambridge 2004. 300 p., 5 tables, 9 graphs, 1 map. ca. € 81,00 460. Arabia: Revue de Sabéologie . Rivista di sabeologia. Directeeurs: Maigrat et Chr. J. Robin. Vol. I (1923). Paris 2004. 344 p., 64 pl. 6 ill. € 83,00 461. Atabaki,T. and J.Zürcher (eds.): Men of Order. Authoritarian Modernization under Atatürk and Reza Shah. Londobn 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 64,00 462. Atosoy,Y.: Turkey, Islamists and Democracy. Transition and Globalisation in a Muslim State. London 2005. *** p. Hardback € 73,00 463. Auch,E.M.: Muslim - Untertan - Bürger. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.600 S., 30 Abb. Gbd. == Caucasian Studies, 6 € 69,00 464. Balantine,W.M. and K.Garratt (eds.): Register of Laws of the Arabian Gulf. Vol. 2. Leiden 2004. IV,136 p. Loose-leaf. ´´ € 580,00 465. Beck,L.and G.Nashat (eds.): Women in Iran from 1800 to the Islamic Republic. Champain 2004. 304 p. Cloth € 55,50 466. Bennett,Cl.: Muslims and Modernity. Current Debates. London 2005. 320 p., 2 ill. Hardback € 121,00

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467. Bouillon,M.: The Peace Businesss. Money and Power in the Palestine-Israel Conflict. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback. == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,37 € 73,00 468. Burckhardt,J.L.: Bemerkungen über die Beduinen und Wahaby, gesammelt während einer Reise im Morgenlande. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Entdeckung des inneren Afrika. Aus dem Englischen. Weimar 1831. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. IV,XII,608 S. , 1 Faltk == Neue Bibliothek der wichtigsten Reisebeschreibungen zur Erweiterung der Erd- und Völkerkunde,57 € 88,00 469. Burns,R.: Damascus. A History. London 2005. 368 p., 19 drawings, 34 ill., 42 maps. Hardback € 97,00 470. Campbell,C.: Abolition and its Aftermath in the Indian Ocean a, Africa and Asia. The Historical Contest, 1790-1916. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback Studies in Slave and Post-Slave Societies and Cultures € 95,00 471. Catlos,B.A.: The Victors and the Vanquished. Christians and Muslim of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050- 1300. Cambridge 2004. 484 p., 4 fig., 7 maps. Hardback == Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, South Series,9 ca. € 89,00 472. Chevaux et cavaliers arabes dans les arts d'Orient et d'Occident: Catalogue d'exposition. Paris 2002. 300 p. Relié € 89,00 473. Clauss,L.F.: Als Beduine unter Beduinen. Miterlebtes. 3. neu bearbeitete Aufl. Freiburg 1954. Reprint Hildeheim 2004. 182 S.., 43 Abb. auf 32 Taf. nach Aufnahmen des Verfassers. == Documenta Arabica € 29,80 474. Cobham,D. and N.Kanafari (eds.): The Economics of Palestine- Economic Policy and Institutional Reform for a Viabnle Palestine State. London 2004. 328 p. Hardback == Studies in Development Economics. € 129,00 475. Concise Biographical Companion to Index Islamicus: Bio-Bibliographical Supplement to Index Islamicus 1665-1980. Vol. 3. Leiden 2004. 700 p. Hardback Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, 76/3 € 215,50 476. Cotran,E. and M.Lau (eds.): Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law. Vol. 9 (2002-2003). Leiden 2004. 540 p. Hardback € 308,00 477. The Date of Palm: From Traditional Resource to Green Wealth. The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. London 2004. 433 p. Hardback € 80,00 478. Daun,H. and G.Walford (eds.): Educational Strategies among Muslims in the Cocntext of Globalization. Some National Case Studies. Leiden 2004. VIII,288 p. Hardback == Muslim Minorities,3 € 97,50 479. Delong-Bas,N.J.: Wahhabi Islam. Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. London 2004. 200 p. Hardback € 31,50 480. Dostal,W. and W.Kraus (eds.): Shattering Tradition. Custom, Law and the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Islamic Mediterranean Series,8 € 68,00 481. Dupret,B. (ed.): Standing Trial. Law and the Person in the Middle East. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback == Islamic Mediterranean Series,6 € 68,00 482. Ebert,H.-G.: Das Erbrecht arabischer Länder. Bern 2004. 209 S. Brosch. == Leipziger Beiträge zur Orientforschung,14 € 39,00 483. Ebrahimnejad,H.: Medicine, Public Health and the Qajar State. Patterns of Medical Modernization in Nineteenth-Century Iran. Leiden 2004. XIV,274 p. Hardback == Sir Henry Wlelcome Asian Series,4 € 90,00 484. Elsheshtawy,A. (ed.): Planning Middle Eastern Capital Cities.A Twentieth-Century Urban Kaleidoskope. London 2004. 272 p., 80 drawings and photos. Hardback == Planing, History and the Invironment € 89,00 485. Enany,R. el-: Arab Representation of the Occident, Western Encounters. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 89,00 486. Euting,J.: Tagebuch einer Reise in Inner-Arabien. 2 in 1 Band, Leiden 1896 und 1914. Teil 2 (1914) herausgegeben von E.Littmann. Hildesheim 2004. XVIII,562 S. mit ca. 200 Strichabb., 12 Rasterabb, 1 Übersichtskarte. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 78,00

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487. Faroqhi,S, and R.Deguilhem: Crafts and Craftsmen of the Middle East. Fashioning the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback ==Islamic Mediterranean Series € 64,00 488. Farsakh,L.: Labour Migration and the Palestinian State. The Political Economy of Palestinían Labour Flows to Israel, 1967-2003. London 2005. 256 p., 31 drawings, 45 tables. Hardback == Routledg/Curzon Political Economy of Middle East and North Afrika € 97,00 489. Fetzer,J.S. and J.Chr. Soper.: Muslims and the State in Britain, France and Germany. Cambridge 2004. 365 p., 2 tables. Hardback ca. € 69,00 490. Frühe Saihi- und Bâbi-Theologie: Die Darlegung der Beweise für beosnderes Prorphetentum (ar-Risala fî i Itbât an-Nuûwa al-Hâssa). Einleitung, Edition und Erläurterungen v. A.Eschraghi. Leiden 2004. XII,420 p. Cloth € 171,00 491. Grafton,D.: The Christians of Lebanon. Political Rights in Islamic Law. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback 88 € 73,00 492. Grotzfeld,H. -: Alltagsleben und materielle Kultur in der arabischen Sprache und Literatur. Festschrift für Heinz Grotzfeld zum 70. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit v. G.Schneiders hrsg.v. U.Stehl-Werbeck und Th.Bauer. Wiesbaden p., 2 Abb. Gbd. == Abhandlungen für die Kundes des Morgenlandes,55,1 € 68,00 493. Hackländer,F.W.: Reise in den Orient. 2 in 1 Band. Neudruck der 2. verbesserten Auflage der "Daguerrotypen" Stuttgart 1846. Hildesheim 2004. VIII 459 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 24,80 494. Hallaq,W.B.: The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law. Cambridge 2004. 280 p., 2 maps. Hardback == Themes in Islamic Law € 65,00 495. Hammer,J.: Palestinians Born in Exile. Diaspora and the Seacch for a Homeland. Austin 2005. 304 p. Hardback € 73,00 496. Hassan,H.: Contracts in Islamic Law. London 2005. 150 p. Hardback € 61,00 497. Hirsch,L.: Reisen in Süd-Arabien, Mahra-Land und Hadramut. Leiden 1897. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. IV/XII/334 S., 1 Karte, Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 47,80 498. Hogendijk,J.P. and A.I.Sabra (eds.): The Enterprise of Science in Islam. New Perspectives. Cambridge 2003. 416 p., 65 ill. == Dibner Institute Studies in the history of Science and Technology € 59,00 499. Hottinger,A.: Islamische Welt. Der Nahe Osten. Erfahrungen, Begegnungen, Analysen. Paderborn 2004. 750 S. Lwd. . € 49,90 500. Howarth,T.M.: The Twelver Shi'a as a Muslim Minority in India. Pulpit of Tears. London 2005. 240 p. Hardback € 97,00 501. Incesu,F.: Die Stellung der Frauen in der kurdischen Gesellschaft. Bern 2004. 136 S., 2 Tab. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 31: Politikwissenschaft € 27,50 502. Irbouh,H.: Art in the Service of Colonialism. French Art Education in Morocco 1912-1956. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback ==Tauris Academic Studies € 68,00 503. Islamic Movements: Impact on Political Stability in the Arab World. Ed. by The Emirate Center for Strategic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi. London 2004. 261 p. Hardback € 64,00 504. Ismael,T.: The Communist Movement in the Arab World. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback. == Durham Middle East and Islamic World € 97,00 505. Jacob,G.: Altarabisches Beduinenleben. Nach den Quellen geschildert. Berlin 1897. Reprint 2004. XXXV,278 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 49,80 506. Jayyusi,S.K.: Human Rights in Arab Thought. London 2005. 512 p. Hardback € 73,00 507. Kaufmann,A.: Reviving Phoenicia. The Search for Identity in Lebanon. London 2004. 255 p. Hardback € 73,00 508. Keenan,J. (ed.): The Lesser Gods of the Sahara. Social Change and Indigenous Rights. London 2005. 220 p. Hardback € 104,00 509. Khafaji,I. al-: Tormented Births. Passages to Modernity in Europe and the Middle East. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,39 € 73,00 510. Khalidi,M.A. (ed.): Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings. Cambridge 2004. 220 p. Hardback == Cambridge Studies in the History of Philosophy € 65,00

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511. Khorshid,A.: Islamic Insurance. A Modern Approach to Islamic Banking. London 2004. 248 p., 31 tables. Hardback Islamic Stúdy Series € 89,00 512. Korn,A. and C.Jahani (eds.): The Baloch and their Neighbours-Ethnic and Linguistic Contact in Balochistan in Historical and Modern Times. Wiesbaden 2004. 380 S., 10 Abb. Gbd. € 59,00 513. Lahoud,N.: Political Thought in Islam. A Study in Intellectual Boundaries. Londn 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies € 89,00 514. Lalor,P.: Writing on the Wall. Culture, Society and Politics in the Middle East. London 2005. 176 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,23 € 56,50 515. Langmesser,A.: Eine moderne Orientreise. Tagebuchblätter. Basel 1900. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. 180 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 35,80 516. Layish,A.. with a Linguistic Essay by A.Borg: Sharî'a and Custom in Libyan Tribal Society. An Annotated Translation of Decisions from the Sharî'a of Courts of Adjâbiya and Kufra. Leiden 2005. 320 p. Cloth == Studies in Islamic Law and Society,24 € 122,00 517. The Living and the Dead in Islam: Studies in Arabic Epitaphs. Vol. 1: Epitaphs as Texts by W.´Diem.; Vol. 2 : Epitaphs in contexts by M.Schöller; Vol.3: Indices. Wiesbaden 2004. 1. ca.XXIV,633 S. Cloth;. 2. ca.XX,681 p. Cloth; 3. ca.VII,204 p. .Slipcase ca. € 138,00 518. Maghen,Z.: Virtues of the Flesh - Purity and Passion in Early Islamic Jurisprudence. Leiden 2004. X,302 p. Cloth == Studies in Islamic Law and Society,23 € 113,00 519. Makdisi,S.: The Lessons of Lebanon. The Economics of War and Development. London 2004. 2546 p. Hardback Library of Modern Middle East Studies,38 € 73,00 520. Malekpour,J.: The Islamic Drama. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 112,50 521. MaltzanmH.Frhr.von:: Meine Wallfahrt nach Mekka. Reise in der Küstengegend und im Innern von Hedschaa. 2 Bände. Leipzig 1865. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. VIII,752 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 58,00 522. The Middle East and Central Asia Economic Databook: London 2004. 504 p. Hardback € 404,00 523. Moghissi,H. (ed.): Women and Islam. Critical Concepts in Sociology. 3 vols. London 2004. 1408 p. ==Critical Concepts in Sociology € 684,00 524. Moore,P.W.: Doing Business in the Middle East. Politics and Ecomic Crisis in Jordan and Kuwait. Cambridge 2004. 240 p. 10 tables. Hardback ==Cambridge Middle East Studies,20 ca. € 65,00 525. Nash,G.: From Empire to Orient. Travellers to the Middle East 1830-1924. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 40,00 526. Netton,I.R. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization. London 2004. 852 p. Hardback == Routledge Encyclopedia of Religion € 250,00 527. Nezir-Akmese,H.: The Birth of Modern Turkey. The Ottoman Military and the March to WWI. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 63,00 528. Nolde,E.: Reise nach Innerarabien, Kurdistan und Armenien 1892. Mit den Bildnissen der Reisenden und einer Karte. Braunschweig 1892. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. VI, XV,272 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 35,80 529. Oppenheim, Max Frh.von: Vom Mittelmeer zum persischen Golf durch den Hauran, die syrische Wüste und Mesopotamien. 2 Bände, Berlin 1899. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XXX,768 S., zahlr. Abb., 5 (4 farb.) Karten. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 58,00 530. Palgrave,.W.G.: Reise in Arabien. 3 in 1 Band. Mit einem Portät des Verfassers, 1 Karte, 3 Pläne. Leipzig 1867/68. Reprint. Hildesheim 2004. XII,646 S., 1 farb. Faltkarte, Lwd. == Docuemta Arabica € 88,00 531. Pannewick,F. (ed.): Martyrdom in Literature. Visions of Death and Meaningful Suffering in Europe and the Middle East from Antiquity to Modernity. Wiesbaden 2004. 284 p. Bound == literaturen im kontext. arfabisch-persischs-türkisch,17 € 59,00 532. Pramar,V.S.: A Social History of Indian Architecture. Oxford 2005. 352 p Hardback € 66,00 533. Price,R. and E. al-Tamimi: Court of Cassation Judgements 1998-2003. Leiden 2004. *** p. Hardback == Arab and Islamic Laws Series,27 € 43,00

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534. Rabo,A.: A Shop of One's Own. Independence, Trust and Reputation among Traders in Aleppo. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Culture and Society in Western and Central Asia € 68,00 535. Racy,A.J.: Making Music in the Arab World. The Culture and Artistry of Tarab. Cambridge 2003. 264 p., 9 ill., 2 fig. Hardback. Cambridge Middle East Studies,17 € 73,00 536. Rashed,R et C.Houzel: Recherches et enseignement des mathématiques au Ixe siècle. Le recueil de propositions géométrique de Na'im ibn Musa. Leuven 2004. IV, 158 p. == Les Cahiers du MIDEO, 2 € 69,50 537. Reese,S.S. (ed.): The Transmission of Learning in Islamic Africa. Leiden 2004. XIV,314 p. Hardback == Islam in Africa,2 € 111,00 538. Robinson,D.: Muslim Societies in African History. Cambridge 2004. 240 p., 15 ill. Hardback == New Approaches to African History € 56,50 539. Ronfard,B. (ed.): Margo Veillon: Egyptian Festivals. Essay by J.Rodenbeck. Cairo 2002. 168 p., 102 (83 col.) ill. Paperback € 32,50 540. Sakr,N. (ed.): Women and Media in the Middle East. Power through Self-Expression. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Library of Modern Middle East Studies,41 € 73,00 541. Salam,N.A. (ed.): Options for Lebanon. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback. € 64,00 542. Salamandra,Chr.: A New Old Damascus. Autentictity and Distinction in Urban Syria. Bloomington 2004. 176 p., 20 ill., map. Cloth. € 57,00 543. Salvatore,A. and D.Eickleman (eds.): Public Islam and the Common Good. Leiden 2004. XXVI,262 p. == Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia, 95 € 110,00 544. Sarroub.L.K.: All American Yemeni Girls. Being Muslim in a Public School. Philadelphia 2004. 192 p., 4 ill. Cloth € 52,50 545. Sartre-Fauriat,A.: Les Voyages dans le Hawân (Syrie du Suds) de William John Bankes (1816 et 1818). Paris 2004. 331 p. , 116 fig., XX pl. couleurs h.t. Relié. == Mémoires,11 € 96,50 546. Sato,T. (ed.): Symbiosis and Conflict in Muslim Societies. Historical and Comparative Perspectives. London 2004. 222 p. Hardback == New Horizons in Islamic Studies € 97,00 547. Saunders,D.: Dubai. The Arabian Dream. London 2004. 208 p., illustr. Hardback € 48,50 548. al-Shahi,A. and R.Lavless (eds.): Middle East and North African Immigrants in Europe. Cúrrent Impact. Local and National Responses. London 29´004. 240 p. Hardback € 105,00 549. Shehadi,F.: Philosophies of Music in Medieval Islam. Leiden 2004. VIII,176 p. Cloth Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 67 € 109,50 550. Simonsen,J.B. (ed.): Youth and Youth Culture in the Contemporary Middle East. Aarhus 2005. ca. 208 p., ill. Hardbound Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus, 3 € 47,00 551. Thomas,A.: Interest in Islamic Economics. The Book of Riba. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback == Islamic Studies Series € 89,00 552. Tirri,A.: Islamic Weapons. Maghrib ro Moghul. Paris 2004. 484 p. 820 col. ill. . € 121,00 553. Vom Bruck,G.: Islam, Memory and Morality in Yemen. Ruling Families in Transition. Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback ca. april 2005 € 65,00 554. Weismann,I.: Taste of Modernity. Sufism, Salafiyya and Arabism in Late Ottoman Damascus. Leiden 2004. XII,346 p. Cloth == Islamic History and Civilization,34 € 109,50 555. Yanagihashi,H.: A History of the Early Islamic Law of Property. Reconstruction of Legal Development, 7th - 9th Centuries, Leiden 2004. VIII,336 pI. Cloth == Studies in Islamic Law and Society,20 € 129,00 556. Zaalouk,M.: The Pedagogy of Empowerment. Community Schools as a Social Movement in Egypt. Cairo 2004. 192 p. Hardbound € 28,00 557. Zubaida,S.: Law ad Power in the Islamic World. London 2004. 360 p. Paperback € 64,00

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558. Abrahams,S.: Modern Persian. A Course Book. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback. Casette € 73,00 559. Alam,M. and S.Subrahmanyam.: Yoyagers' Verities, Traveller's Tales. The World of the Indo-Persian Travel Account, 1400-1800. Cambridge 2005. 300 p., 15 ill. Hardback ca. € 73,00 560. Ansari,A.: Iran. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback == Contemporary Middle East € 89,00 561. Blois,F. de: Persian Literature - A Bio-Bibliographical Survey. Vol. V: Poetry of the Pre-Mongolian Period. London 2005. 544 p. Hardback == Royal Asiatic Society Books € 145,50 562. Brend,B.: Shahnamah of Mohammed Juki. London 2005. 160 p.28 (16 col.) photos. Hardback == Royal Asiatic Society Books € 89,00 563. Davati,M.T.: The Political Thought of Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahhari. An Iranian Theoretician of the Islamic State. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback == BIPS Persian Studies Series € 105,00 564. Ebrahimnejad,H.: Medicine, Public health and the Qajar State. Patterns of Medical Modernization in Nineteenth-Century State. Leiden 2004. XIV, 274 p. Hardback == Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, 4 € 90,00 565. Geave,R.I. (ed.): Religion and Society in Qajar Iran. London 2004. 336 p-. 20 photos. Hardback == BIPS Persian Studies Series € 97,00 566. Hinnels,J.R.: The Zoroastrian Diaspora. Religion and Migration. Oxford 2005. 500 p., 4 maps. Hardback € 144,00 567. Korn,A. and C.Jahhani (eds.): The Baloch and their Neighbours. Wiesbaden 2004. 180 p., 10 ill. Bound. € 59,00 568. Perry,J.R.: A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar. Leiden 2005. 544 p., with Persian, Tajik, Russian texts. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section & Uralic & Central Asian Studies,11 € 117,00 569. Ridgeon,L.: Castigator of Sufism. Ahmad Kasravi and the Iraian Mystical Tradition. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 570. Shahnavaz,Sh.: The Britain and South-West Persia 1880-1914. A Study in Imperialism and Economic Dependence. London 2004. 288 p., 5 fig., 27 tables, 2 maps. Hardback € 89,00 571. Siebertz,I.: Die Briefmarken Irans als Mittel der politischen Bildpropaganda. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. 300 S., zahlr. Abb. Gbd. in Vorbereitung 572. Stilo,D.L.: Vafsi Folk Tales. Ed. by U.Marzolph, Wiesbaden 2994. ca.300 p., Audio-CD == Beiträge zu Iranistik,25 € 88,00 573. Taghavi,M.A.: The Flourishing of Islamic Reformism in Iran. Political Islamic Groups in Iran (1941- 1961). London 2004. 192 p. Hardback Studies in Political Islam € 97,00


574. Andrews,W.G. and M.Kalpakli.: The Age of Beloveds. Love and the Beloved in Early Modern Ottoman and European Culture and Society. Durham 2005. 424 p., 14 ill. Cloth € 126,50 575. Agoston.G.: Guns for the Sultan. Military Power and the Weapons Industry in the Ottoman Empíre. Cambridge 2004. 320 p. Hardback. == Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization ca. € 65,00 576. Agiuçenoglu,H.: Die Turko-Tartarische Presse der Dobrudscha 1897-1940. Annotierter Katalog unter Verwendung der Vorarbeiten von V.Adam. Bern 2004. VI,252 S., zahlr. Abb., 2 Tab. Brosch. == Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Modernen Vorderen Orients,31 == Heidelberger Studien € 45,50

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577. Altinay,A.G.: The Myth of the Military Nation. Militarism, Gender, and Education in Turkey. Basingstoke 2005. 176 p. Hardback € 65,00 578. Altunisik,M.B. and Ö.T.Kavli: Turkey. Themes and Challenges. London 2004. 192 p., 1 map. Hardback € 89,00 579. Amital,R. and MN.Biran (eds.): Mongols, Turks and Others. Eurasian Reuven and the Sedentary World. Leiden 2004. 576 p. with Chinese texts. Hardback == Brill's Inner Asian Library,11 € 134,00 580. Anagnostopoulou,S.: The Passage from the Ottoman Empire to the Nation-States. A Long and Difficiult Process: the Greek Case. Istanbul 2004. 226 p. == Analecta Isisiiana,73 € 29,00 581. Aydin,M. and K.Ifantis (eds.): Turkish-Greek Relations- The Security Dilemma in the Aegean. London 2005. 376 p. Hardback € 105,00 582. Aydin,M. and E.Erhan (eds.): Turkish-American Relations. Past, Present and Future. With a foreword by N.Stone. London 2005. 304 p. Hardback € 105,00 583. Cagman, a.o. (eds.): Turks. A Journey of aThousand Years 600-1600. London 2005. 512 p., ca.465 ill. Cloth € 81,00 584. Carkoglu,A. and B.Rubin: Greek-Turkish Relations in an Era of Détente. London 2004. 256 p.Hardback € 113,00 585. Clogg,R.: I Kath'imas Anatoli: Studies in Ottoman Greek History. Istanbul 2004. 412 p. ==Analecta Isisiana, 77 € 53,00 586. Cohen,A.: The Guilds to Ottoman Jerusalem. Leiden 2004. VI,314 p. Cloth == The Ottoman Empire and ist Hertitage,21 € 112,00 587. Dankoff,R.: An Ottoman Mentality. The World of Evliya Çelebi. With a Afterword by G.Hagen. Leiden 2004. XXII,282 p. Cloth == The Ottoman Empire and ist Heritage,31 € 105,00 588. Denny,W.R.: Osmanische Keramik aus Iznik, München 2005. ca.240 S., ca. 220 farb. Abb. Lwd. ca. € 59,00 589. Deusen,,Kira van.: Singing Story, Healing Drum, Shamans and Storytellers of Turkic Siberia. Seattle 2004. 224 p., 20 ill. Paper € 40,50 590. Dinçal,N.,: Istanbul und dasWasser. Zur Geschichte der Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung von der Mitte des 19.Jahrhunderts bis 1966. München 2004. ca.325 S. Lwd. == Südosteuropäische Arbeiten, 120 ca. € 49,60 591. Edgar,A.L.: Tribal Nation. The Making of Soviet Turkmenistan. Princeton 2004. XIII, 296 p.15. figs. Hardback € 42,00 592. Erdal,M.: A Grammar of Old Turkic. Leiden 2004. XII, 580 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 8: Uralic & Central Asian Studies, 3 € 122,00 593. Faroqhi,S.: The Ottoman Empire and the World around it. London 2004. 304 p., 8 ill. Hardback The Library of Ottoman Studies,7 € 48,50 594. Faroqhi,S.: Subjects of the Sultan. Culture and Daily Life in the Osman Empire. London 2005. 368 p. Hardback € 40,50 595. Findley,C.V.: TheTurks in World History. Oxford 2005. 272 p., 23 ill., 5 maps. Hardback € 97,00 596. Furrer,P.: Sehnsucht nach Sinn. Literarische Semantisierung von Geschichte im zeitgenössischen türkischen Roman. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.400 S. Gbd. == literaturen im kontext. arabisch - persisch - türkisch, 9 ca. € 39,00 597. Gradeva,R.: Rumeli under the Ottomans, 15th - 18th Centuries. Institutions and Communities. Isfranbul 2004. 370 p == Analecta Isisiana,76 € 48,00 598. Göksel,A. and C.Kerslake: Turkish. A Comprehensive Grammar. London 2005. 496 p. Hardback == Comprehensive Grammars € 81,00 599. Heinzelmann,T.: Heiliger Kampf oder Landesverteidigung- Die Diskussion um die Einführung der allgemeinen Militärpflicht im Osmanischen Reich 1826-1956. Bern 2004. 411 S., zahlr. Tab., 1 Karte. Brosch. == Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Modernen Vorderen Orients,32 € 62,00 600. Imber,C., K.Kiyotaki and Rh.Murphy (eds.): Frontiers of Ottoman Studies. 2 vols. London 2004. 304 p, ill.; 272 p., ill. Hardback Library of Ottoman Studies,5-6 € 146,00

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601. Kolodziejczyk,D.: The Ottoman Survey Register of Podolia (ca,1681). Defter-Mufassal-i Eyalet-i Kamaniçe. London 2005. 1075 p. 1075 p., 7 maps. Ottoman Studies Pertaining to Ukraine and the Black Sea Countries ca. € 85,00 602. Kürsat,E.: Der Verwestlichungsprozeß des Osmanischen Reiches im 18. Und 19. Jahrhundert. Zur Komplementarität von Staatenbildungs- und Intellektualisierungsprozessen. 2 Bände. Frankfurt 2003. 540, 668 S. Zwischen Welten, 7:1-2 € 68,00 603. Lewis,R.: Rethinking Orientalism. Women, Travel and the Ottoman Harem. London 2004. 254 p. Hardback == Library of Ottoman Studies,4 € 64,00 604. Lusignan, L.M. de: Vie Latine de l'Empire Ottoman (Les Latins d'Orient). Istanbul 2004. 164 p. == Analecta Isisiana,74 € 24,00 605. Martin,L.G. and D.Keridis (eds.): The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy. Cambridge 2004. 300 p. Cloth == BCSIA Studies in International Security € 60,50 606. Mc.Auliffe,J.D. (ed .): Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ân. Vol. Four (P-Sh). Leiden 2005. XXIV,638 p., 30 ill. Hardback € 281,00 607. Mendelsohn Rood,J.: Sacred Law in the Holy City. The Khedival Challenge to the Ottomans as seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841. Leiden 2004. XIV,266 p. Cloth == The Ottoman Empire and ist Heritage,32 € 101,00 608. Minkov,A.: Conversion to Islam in the Balkan. Kisve Bahasi Petitions and Ottoman Social Life,1670- 1780. Leiden 2004. XVI,280 p. Cloth == The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage,10 € 105,00 609. Müller,H.-G.: Reduplikationen im Türkischen. Morphophonologische Untersuchungen. Wiesbaden 2004. XIII, 364 S. Geb. Turkologica, 56 € 98,00 610. Ozbilgin,M. and D.Woodward: Banking and Gender. Sex Equality in the Financial Services in Britain and Turkey. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 73,00 611. Özdalga,E.: Late Ottoman Society. The Intellectual Legacyy. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback Studies on the Middle East € 105,00 612. Pahlitzsch,J. and L.Korn (eds.): Governing the Holy City. The Interaction of Social Groups in Jerusalem between the Fatimid and the Ottoman Period. Wiesbaden 2004. 168 p., 34 ill. Bound € 39,00 613. Rubin,B. and A.Carcoglu (eds.): Religion and Politics in Turkey. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback € 105,00 614. SirriyaeE.: Visionary Ottoman Damascus. The Sufism of Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641-1731). London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Sufi Series € 89,00 615. Takao,M.: Die Geschichte des uigurischen Manichäismus an der Seidenstraße. Forschungen zu einigen manichäischen Quellen und ihren geschichtlichen Hintergrund. Übersetzt v. Chr.Steineck. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. 312 S. Gbd. == Studies in Oriental Religions,50 ca. € 48,00 616. Tapinar,O.: Kurdish Nationalism and Political Islam in Turkey. London 2004. *** p. Hardback == Middle East Studies: History, Politics and Law € 73,00 617. Ugur,M. and N.Canefe (eds.): Turkey and the European Integration. Prospects and Issues in the Post- Helsinki Ery. London 2004. 272 p., 11 tables. Hardback € 105,00 618. Unal,H.: Ottoman Foreign Policy During the Bosnian Annexication Crisis, 1908-1909. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 113,00 619. Ursinus,M.: Grievance Administration ´(Sikayet) in an Ottoman Province. The Kaymakam of Rûmelis's 'Record Book of Complaints' of 1781-1783. London 2005. 208 p. Hardback == Royal Asiatic Society Books: Ibrahim Pasha Fund of Egypt Series € 97,00 620. Watenpaugh,H.Z.: The Image of an Ottoman City. Imperial Architecture and Urban Experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Leiden 2004. +XII,326 p.., 57 ill. Cloth == The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage,33 € 128,00 621. Weissmann,I. and F.Zachs (eds.): Ottoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration. Ed. by I.Weissmann and F.Zachs. London 2005. 288 p., 3 ill., Hardback == The Library of Ottoman Studies,8 € 73,00 622. Wittek,P. and C.Heywood.: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire. Studies in the , 13th - 15th Centuries. London 2004. 260 p., maps. Hardback == Royal Asiatic Society Books € 113,00

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623. Zürcher,E.J.: Turkey. A Modern History- London 2004. 432 p. Hardback € 68,00


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624. Aggarwal,R.: Beyond Lines of Control. Performance and Politics of the Disputed Borders of Ladakh, India. Durham 2004. 312 p., 30 ill. Cloth € 119,50 625. Ali,D.: Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India. Cambridge 2004. 322 p., 15 ill., 5 diagr., 1 table. Hardback == Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society, 10 ca. € 73,00 626. Aruni,K.: Surapura samsthana. Historical and Archaeological Study of a Poligar State in South India. Delhi 2004. XVI, 228 p., 54 ill., 88 (40 col.) pl., 20 maps € 63,00 627. Basu,S.: Does Class Matter: Colonial? Capital and Worker's Resistance in Bengal, 1890-1937. Oxford 2004. 326p. Hardback € 54,50 628. Bhaskaran,S.: Made in India. Decolonization, Queer Sexualities, Trans/national Projects. Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Comparative Feminist Studies € 81,00 629. Bhatt,S.C. a.o. .(eds.). Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories 36 vols. Delhi 2005. 14 600 p. € 1 170.oo 630. Buettner,E.: Empire Families. Britons and Late Imperial India. Oxford 2004. 324 p. various plates. Hardback € 60,00 631. Chakma,Bh.: Strategic Dynamics and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation in South Asia. A Historical Analysis. Bern 2004. XIII,309 p. Paperback == European University Studies, Series 31: Political Science,489 € 57,90 632. Cooper,R.G.S.: The Anglo-Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India- The Struggle for Control of the South Asian Military Economy. Cambridge 2004. 456 p., 11 maps. Hardback . € 89,00 633. Draguhn,W. (Hrsg.): Indien 2004 - Politik . Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft. Hamburg 2004. 478 S. == Jahrbuch des Instituts für Asienkunde € 30,00 634. Dube,S.: Postcolonial Passages. Contemporary History-writing on India. Oxford 2004. 285 p. Hardback € 63,00 635. Gould,W.: Hindu Nationalism and the Language of Politics in Late Colonial India. Cambridge 2004. 320 p. Hardback == Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society,11 € 81,00 636. Grewal,J.S.: The State and Society in Medieval India. Oxford 2004. 496 p. Hardback € 134,00 637. Hasan,F.: State and Locality in Mughul India. Power Relations in Western India, ca. 1572-1730. Cambridge 2004. 200 p. Hardback == Univeristy of Cambridge Oriental Publications,61 ca. € 81,00 638. Inden,R.: Text and Practice. Essays on South Asian History. Oxford 2005. 336 p. Hardback € 52,00 639. Islam,Sh.U. a.o.: Hunting Dangerous Game with the maharajas in the Indian Sub-Continent. New Delhi 2004. XVI, 312 p., 190 ill., 40 col. Plates € 33,00 640. Jaffrelot,Chr.: The Sangh Palvar. A Reader. Oxford 2005. 424 p. Hardback € 57,00 641. Kagzi,M.C.J.: The Constitution of India, with very exhaustive commentary. 2 vols. 6th, rev. ed. New Delhi 2004. CCCLXVIII, 1914, 240 p. € 85,00 642. Khan,I.A.: Gunpowder and Firearms. Warfare in Medieval India. Oxford 2004. 278 p. Hardback € 53,00 643. Low,D.A.: Congress and the Raj. Facets of the Indian Struggle 1917-47. 2nd ed. Oxford 2005. 532 p. Hardback € 57,00 644. McGetchin,D.T. a.o. (eds.): Sanskrit and "Orientalism". Indology and Comparative Linguistics in Germany, 1750-1958. New Delhi 2004. 386 p., 14 pl. € 32,00

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645. McMillian.A.: Standing at the Margins. Representation and Electoral Reservations in India. Oxford 2005. 320 p. Hardback € 50,00 646. McPherson,K. a.o.: Maritime India. Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800. Ed. by Subrahmanyam. Oxford 2004. 1074 p., numerous íll. , maps. Hardback € 55,50 647. Metcalf,Th.R.,and S.Kallath: Forging the Raj. Essays on British India in the Heyday of Empire. Oxford 2004. 336 p. Hardback € 56,50 648. Muir,W.: The Caliphate. Its Rise, Decline, and Fall. From Original Sources. 2 vols. Rev. ed. by T.H.Weir. New Delhi 2004. XXIV, 634 p. € 42,00 649. Nanda,K.K.: The War, Worry and the Way out. Operations of 161 Infantry Brigade in Kashmir Valley, during Indo-Pak War, 1971. New Delhi 2004. 382 p., 21 maps € 24,50 650. Panigrahi,B.N.: India's Partition. The Story of Imperialism in Retreat. London 2004. 384 p. Hardback == British Foreign and Colonial Policy € 105,00 651. Patton,L.L. and E.Vryant (eds.): The Indo-Aryan Controversy. Evidence and Inference in Indian History. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 49,00 652. Punjab Politics, 1936-1939: The Start of Provincial Autonomy. Governors' Fortnightly Reports and other Key Documents, compiled and ed. by L,Carter. New Delhi 2004. 444 p. € 36,00 653. Ray,A.: National Human Rights Commission of India. Formation, Functioning and Future Prospects. 2 vols. 2nd rev. Ed. New Delhi 2004. 710 p. € 43,00 654. Rout,K.Ch.: History of Modern Orissa, 1936-2000. New Delhi 2004. XII, 310 p. € 32,00 655. Shah,G.: Paramilitary Forces of India. 2 vols. New Delhi 2004. XXII, 464 p. == Encyclopaedia of Crime, Police and Judicial System Series € 98,00 656. Singh,M.P. (ed.): Coalition Politics in India. Problems and Prospects. Foreword by B.Prasad. New Delhi 2004. 338 p. € 29,00 657. Syed,M.H.: History of the Glorious: Mughal Empire. 3 vols. New Delhi 2004. XXVI, 1262 p. € 230,00 658. Virkus,F.: Politische Strukturen im Guptareich (330 - 550 n.Chr.). Wiesbaden 2004. X,319 S. Gbd. == Asien- und Afrikastudien der Humboldt-Univertität zu Berlin,18 ca. € 78,00 659. Weber,Th.:: Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor. Cambridge 2004. 360 p. Hardback ca. € 81,00 660. Wolpert,St.: A New . 7th ed. Oxford 2004. 542 p. numerous ill. and maps. Hardback € 78,50 661. Zupanov,I.G.: Missionary Tropics. The Catholic Frontier in India (18th-17th Centuries). Ann Arbor 2005. 384 p., 21 photos, 2 maps. Cloth € 74,50

G.2 INDIEN – INDISCHER SUBKONTINENT: Religion und Philosophie

662. Bartley,Ch.: Indian Philosophy A-Z. Edinburgh 2005. 160 p. Hardback € 56,50 663. Clooney,F,X.: Divine Mother, Blessed Mother. Hindu Goddesses and the Virgin Mary. Oxford 2004. 272 p. Hardback € 52,00 664. Jeyaraj,D.: Geneaology of the South Indian Deities. An English Translation of Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg's Original German Manuscript with a Textual Analysis and Glossary. London 2004. 400 p. Hardback. == Studies in Asian Religion € 105,00 665. Jog,K.P.: Asvin. The Twin Gods in Indian Mythology, Literature and Art. Delhi 2005. XVIII, 404 p. € 75,50 666. Khan,D.-S.: Crossing the Threshold. Understanding Religious Identities in South Asia. London 2994, 160 p. Hardback € 40,50 667. Malik,A.: Nectar Gaze and Poison Breath. An Analysis and Translation of the Rajasthani Oral Narrative of Devnarayan. Oxford 2004. 640 p. Hardback == South Asia Research € 105,00

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668. McDaniel,J.:: Offering Flowers, Feedings Skulls Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal. Oxford 2004. 352 p. Hardback € 83,00 669. Sarma,D.: Epistemology and the Limitations of Philosophical Inquiry. Doctrine und Mâdha Vedanta. With a Foreword by F.X.Clooney. Routledge 2004, 112 p. Hardback Hindu Studies Series € 73,00 670. Sharma,A. (ed.): Goddesses and Women in the Indic Religious Tradition. Leiden 2004. 200 p. Hardback == Brill's Indological Library, 24 € 84,00 671. Swennen,Ph.: D'Indraa Tistrya. Portrait et évolution du cheval sacré dans les mythes indo-iraniens anciens. Paris 2004. XII,424 p. == Institut de Civiliation Indienne,71 € 94,00 672. Van der Falk,J.: Satyagraha. The Ghandian Faith of Non-Violence. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback == Indian Philosophy and Religion € 89,00 673. Wagborne,J.P.: Diaspora of the Gods. Modern Hindu Temples in an Urban Middle-Class World. Oxford 2004. 304 p. , 60 ill. Hardback. € 74,50 674. Warrier,M.: Hindu Selves in a Modern World. Guru Faith in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback South Asian Religion Series € 89,00 675. Whelpton,J.: A . Cambridge 2005. 280 p., 20 ill., 10 maps. Hardback ca. € 65,00


676. Bhanja,Dh.: Rasagangadhara. (Sanskrit) Text with English translation and critical study. Delhi 2004. XXII, 404 p. € 23,00 677. Franco,E. (ed.): The Spitzer Manuscript. The Oldest Philosophical Manuscript in Sanskrit. 2 vols. Wien 2004. 510 p. Paper == Beiträge zur Kultur- und geistesgeschichte Asiens, 43 == Denkschriften der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse, 323 € 139,00 678. Goel,A.: Ancient Sanskrit Wisdom. 2 parts (I: Modern Science and beyond; II: Current Problems and Solutions). New Delhi 2005. XX, 628 p. € 63,00 679. Jayawardena-Moser,P.: Grundwortschatz Singhalesisch-Deutsch. Mit grammatischer Übersicht. 3.überarb. Aufl. Wiesbaden 2004. XIV,216 S. Brosch. € 34,00 680. Olicvella,P. (ed.): Manu's Code of Law. A Critical Edition and Traslation of the Manava- Dharmasastra. Oxford 2004. 1056 p. Hardback == South Asia Research € 92,00 681. Pingree,D.: Catalogue of Jyotisa Manuscripts in the Wellcome Library. Sanskrit Astral and Mathematical Literature. Leiden 2004. XX, 476 p. with Sanskrit texts. Hardback == Sir henry Wellcome Asian Series, 2 € 109,50 682. Snow Wadley,S.: Raja Nal and the Goddess. The North Indian Epic Dhola ín Peformance. Bloomington 2004. 216 p., 12 ill. Cloth € 61,50 683. Southworth,F.C.: Linguistic Archaeology of South Asia. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 89,00 684. The Taittiriya Upanisad: With the commentaries of Sankaracarya and Suresvaracarya, transl. From the original Sanskrit into English by A.Mahadeva Sastry. Mysore 1903. Reprint Delhi 2004. XL, 624 p. € 30,00 685. Warder,A.K.: Indian kavya Literature. Vol. 7: The Wheel of Time. 2 parts. Delhi 2004. XX, 1114 p. € 69,00 686. Weston,Chr. a.o.: Four Raj Novels. Oxford 2004. 1200 p. Hardback € 56,50

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687. Aitken,M.E.: When Gold Blossoms. Jewelry for Gods and Goddesses. The Susan Beningson Collection- London 2004. 128 p.. 140 col. ill. . Hardback. € 40,50 688. Ali,R.: Buddhist Remains of Ujjain Region. Excavations at Sodanga. Delhi 2004. 124 p., 35 ill. € 26,00 689. Ali,R.: Chalcolithic Site of Ujjain Region. Mahipur (Excavation Report). Delhi 2004. 128 p., 53 pl. € 37,50 690. Bandyopadhyay,B.: Buddhist Centres of orissa. Lalitagiri, Ratnagiri and Udayagiri. New Delhi 2004. XII, 100 p., 61 (13 col., 2 fold.) ill., 1 map € 49,00 691. Bhandari,V.: Costume, Textiles and Jewellery of India. Traditions in Rajasthan. New Delhi 2004. 216 p., coll. Ill., explanatory notes € 70,00 692. Bhattacharyya,A.K.: Early and Buddhist Stone Sculpture of Japan. New Delhi 2004. 90 p., 66 ill., 22 col. Plates € 37,50 693. Chandra,R. (ed.): Temples of India. New Delhi 2004. VIII, 206 p. € 32,00 694. Chandramouli,C.: Census of India 2001. Temples of Tamil Nadu: Kancheepuram District. New Delhi 2003. 324 p., 11 col. Ill., 11 col. Maps, several col. Plates € 49,00 695. Dimitrova,D.: Western Tradition and Naturalistc Hindi Theatre. Bern 2004. XI,129 p. Hardback == Asian Thought ad Culture, 58 € 48,20 696. Edward,W.: Edward's Sketches in Scinde. Lithographed by Ch.Haghe. 1846. Reprint Delhi 2004. Various pagings, 11 col. Pl., 1 map € 77,00 697. Elgood,R.: Hindu Arms and Ritual: Arms and Armour from India 1400-1865. Ahmedabad 2004. 312 p., several col. and b&w ill. With explanatory notes, 1 map € 105,00 698. Gourishankar,D.: Chandraketugarh: A Lost Civilization. Vol. 1. Kolkata 2004. Various pagings, 31 pl., 1 map € 33,00 699. Indian Architecture: Islamic Period 1192-1857. Text and photographs by S.Sahai. New Delhi 2004. 164 p., col. Ill., explanatory notes € 34,50 700. Jauhari,N. et al. (eds.): Art Treasures of Rajasthan. Vol. 1. Jaipur 2004. XL, 320 p., 96 (24 col.) pl. € 85,00 701. Jayashanker,S.: Census of India, Special Studies: Kerala. Temples of Malappuram District. Delhi 2004. XVI, 648 p., 68 pp. Of col. pl., 6 maps € 37,50 702. Joshi,N.P.: Mathura Sculptures. An Illustrated Handbook to appreciate Sculptures in the Government Museum, Mathura. New Delhi 2004. XXII, 82 p., 75 ill., 101 pl. € 49,00 703. Kamalakar,G.: Temples of Andhradesa. Art, Architecture and Iconography, with special Reference to Renandu (Cuddapah) Region. Delhi 2004. XII, 266 p., 40 ill., 101 pl., 2 maps € 61,50 704. Lalitha,M.: Violin Techniques in Western and South Indian Classical Music. A Comparative Study. New Delhi 2004. XXXIV, 292 p. € 40,00 705. Lau,A. (ed.): Indian Art. 2004. 208 p., richy ill. Paperback € 57,00 706. Mehta,N.: Vidyadharas in Ancient Indian Art. New Delhi 2004. XXX, 128 p., 31 ill., 80 pl. € 40,00 707. Mohanty,B.Ch.: Ikat Fabrics of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. 2nd rev. ed. Ahmedabad 2003. IV, 212 p., 175 (several col.) ill == Studies in Contemporary Textile Crafts of India € 63,00 708. Ropsfield,A. (ed.): In the Realm of Gods and Kings. Arts of India. London 2004. 440 p., 250 col. ill. Hardback. € 56,50 709. Verma,S,P.: Painting the Mughal Experience. Oford 2005. 320 p. Hardback € 125,00

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710. Aggarwal,S.Ch a.o. (eds.): Indian Economic Development and Business. Emerging Issues and Outlook. Essays in Honour of Lallan Prasad. New Delhi 2005. XXII, 296 p., 12 ill. € 25,50 711. Ali,D.: Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India. Cambridge 2004. 322 p. , 15 ill., 5diagr., 1 table.Hadback == Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society,10 ca. € 73,00 712. Arnold,D. and St.Blackburn (eds.): Telling Lives in India. Biography, Autography and Life History. Bloomington 2004. 288 p., 2 ill. Cloth € 74,00 713. Basu,K. (ed.): India's Emerging Economy. Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and beyond. Cambridge 2004. 328 p., 17 ill. € 59,00 714. Bhattacharya,T.: The Sentinels of Culture. Class, Education and the Colonnial Intellectual Bengal. Oxford 2005. 272 p. Hardback € 48,50 715. Bhowmick,P.K.: Tribal and Sustainable Development. Delhi 2005. 300 p. € 28,50 716. Capila,A.: Traditional Health Practices of Kumaoni Women. Continuity and Change. New Delhi 2004. XXIV, 370 p., ill., 24 col. pl. == Concept's Discovering Himalayas Series, 8 € 26,00 717. Carlton,Ch. and C.Carlton.: The Significance of Gardening in British India. Lewiston 2004. 210 p. Hardback == Studies in British History,75 € 129,00 718. Das,I.: Staat und Religion in Indien. Eine rechtswissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Tübingen 2004. XX, 257 S. Ln. == Jus Ecclesiasticum, 76 € 59,00 719. Deol,G.: Gender Gap in Himachal Pradesh. A Case Study of Solan District. New Delhi 2005. XVI, 282 p., 3 maps € 24,50 720. Durani,M. and G.Boocock: Venture Capital, Islamic Finance and SMEs. Valuation, Structuring and Monitoring Practices in India. Basingstoke 2005. 224 p. Hardback € 81,00 721. Duyne,J.E.: Local Initiatives. Collective Water management in Rural Bangladesh. New Delhi 2004. XXII, 290 p., 40 col. Pl. == People, Forests and natural Resources, 11 € 26,00 722. Elgood,R..: Hindu Arms and Ritual. Arms and Armour from India 1400-1865. Chicago 2004. 304 p., 110 ill., 210 col. pl. Cloth € 118,00 723. Encyclopaedia of Dalits in India: Chief ed. M.Rajawat. 7 vols. New Delhi 2004. LXX, 2637 p. € 450,00 724. Fleming,L. (ed.): Last Children of the Raj. Introduction by M.Tully. 2 vols. London 2004. 488 p., illustrated. Hardback € 81,00 725. Ganachari,A.: Nationalism and Social Reform in Colonial Situation. Delhi 2005. 254 p. € 26,00 726. Ganguly,D.: Caste, Colonialism and Counter-Modernity. London 2005. 304 p.. Hardback € 89,00 727. Hardgrave,R.: A Portrait of the Hindus. Balthazar Salvyns and the European Image of India, 1760- 1824. Oxford 2004. 568 Various ill, partly coloured. Hardback € 134,00 728. Hasan,M.: Living Together Separately. Qasbas in Colonial Awadh. Oxford 2004. 352 p. Hardback € 62,00 729. Hoque,S.: Global Trade Liberalization. Impact on the Readymade Garments Industry in Bangladesh. Bern 2004. 261 p., 10 fig., 65 tables. Paperback == Work - Technology- Organization- Society, 26 € 45,50 730. Hust,E.: Women's Political Representation and Empowerment in India. A Million Indiras now? New Delhi 2004. 304 p. € 31,50 731. Kalla,A.K. (ed.): Tribal Health and Medicines. New Delhi 2004. XXII, 448 p. € 29,00 732. Kalpagam,U. a.o. (eds.): Labour and Poverty. Studies on Uttar Pradesh. New Delhi 2004. XII, 552 p. € 56,00 733. Kapur,D. and P.Bh.Maehta.: Public Institutions in India. Performance and Design. Oxford 2005. 384 p. Hardback € 57,00 734. Kumar,A.: Tribal Development and Planning. 2 vols. New Delhi 2004. VIII, 208 p. € 91,00

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735. Lehmann,N.M. und A.Luithle: Selbstopfer und Entsagung im Westen Indiens. Ethnologische Studien zum sati-Ritual und zu den Shvetambara Jaina. Hamburg 2003. 452 S. € 117,00 736. Maharatna,A.M.: Demographic Perspectives on India's Tribes. Oxford 2005. 336 p. Hardback € 50,00 737. Mitra,S. (ed.): A Political and Economic Dictionary of South Asia. London 2005. 400 p. Hardback == Political and Economic Dictionaries Series € 194,00 738. Mohan,T.T.Ram: Privatisation in India. London 2004. 256 p., 16 drawings, 15 tables. Hardback == India in the Modern World € 97,00 739. Nabar,Sh.M.: Konkan Economy and Society in Transition, 1818-1920 (with special reference to Ratnagiri, Malvan and Vengurla). Delhi 2005. XXVI, 386 p., col. ill. and maps € 34,50 740. Nigam,Sh.: Consumerism, Medicine and the law. Emerging Voices from India. New Delhi 2004. XVI, 392 p. € 36,00 741. Parasher-Sen,A.: Subordinate and Marginal Groups in Early India. Oxford 2004. 450 p. Hardback ==Themes in Indian History € 55,50 742. Patel,A.: Building Communities in Gujarât. Architecture and Society during theTwelfth´through Fourteenth Centuries.Leiden 2004. XX,292 p., 76 p. of ill. Hardback ==Brill's Indological Library,22 € 134,00 743. Rajadhyaksha,R.: Encyclopaedia of Social Problems and Social Change: Social Dynamics. 5 vols. Delhi 2004. LII, 1780 p. € 130,00 744. Ramachandrudu,G. (ed.): Census 2001 and Human Development in India. New Delhi 2004. XXVI, 502 p. € 43,00 745. Reddy,G.: With Respect to Sex. Negotiating Hijra Identity in South India. Chicago 2005. ca.312 p., 11 ill. , 1 drawing, 1 tab le, 1 map. Cloth Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series of Sexuality, Gender and Culture € 29,50 746. Roy,T.: Rethinking Economic Change in India. Labour and Livelyhood. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Exploration in Economic History € 105,00 747. Sagade,J.: Child Marriage in India. Socio-Legal and Humnan Rights Dimension.Oxford 2005. 250 p. Hardback € 48,50 748. Saikia,Y.: Fragmented Memories. Struggling to be Tai Ahom in India. Durham 2004. 336 p,.4 ill Cloth. € 119,50 749. Sarma,A.: Folk Culture of the Misings of Assam. Tradition and Change. New Delhi 2004. XX, 228 p., 38 ill., 77 col. pl. € 37,50 750. Sauer,St.: Eigentumsschutz und Verfassungsstruktur in Indien. Bern 2004. XXI,275 S. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 2: Rechtswissesnchaft,,3961 ca. € 51,50 751. Seizer,S.: Stigmas of the Tamil Stage. An Ethnography of Special Drama Artists in South India. Durham 2005 . 432 p. 64 (10 col.) ill. Paperback € 126,50 752. Shulman,D. and D.Thiagarajan (eds.): Behind the Mask. Dance, Ritual, and Possession. Ann Arbor 2005. ca. 350 p., 25 photos. Cloth € 64,00 753. Subrahmanyam,S. (ed.): Land, Politics and Trade in South Asia. Oxford 2004. 334 p. n numerous fig. and tabl. Hardback. € 64,00 754. Titley,N.M.: The Ni'matnama Manuscript of the Sultans of Mandu. The Sultan's Book of Delights. London 2004. 242 p., 197 photos, 1 plate section. Hardback == Studies in South Asia € 105,00 755. Trivedy,R.K.: Handbook of Environmental Laws, Acts, Guidelines, Compliances, and Standards. 2 vols. 2nd rev. Ed. Hyderabad 2004. Various pagings € 83,00 756. Vaidyanathan,A. a.o. (eds.): Managing Water Scarcity. Experiences and Prospects. New Delhi 2004. 434 p. € 31,00 757. Verma,S.B.: Rural Development through Women's Participation and Electronic Media. Jaipur 2004. XVIII, 364 p. € 33,00 758. Wilkinson,St.: Voting and Violence. Electoral Competition and Ethnic Conflict ín India. Cambridge 2004. 350 p. , 6 ill., 5 maps. Hardback == Cambridge Studies in Contemporary Politics ca. € 77,00

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759. Ali,R. et al: Buddhist Remains of Ujjain Region. Excavations at Sodanga. Delhi 2004. 124 p., 35 ill. € 26,00 760. Berkwitz,St.C.: Buddhist History in the Vernacular. The Power of the Past in Late Medieval Sri Lanka. Leidenm 2004. XII,356p. Hardback == Brill's Indological Library,23 € 109,50 761. DeCaroli,R.: Haunting the Buddha. Indian Popular Religion and the Formation of Buddhism.Oxford 2004. 240 p., 40 ill- Hardback € 61,50 762. Deeg,M.: Das Gaoseng-Faxian-zhuan als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle. Mit Übersetzung der Texte. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.VII,768 S., 6 Abb. Gbd. ==Studies in Oriental Religions,52 ca. € 68,00 763. Fuller,P.: The Notion of ditthi in Theravada Buddhismus. The Point of View. London 2005. 288p. Hardback == Routldge/Curzon Critical Studies in Buddhism € 105,00 764. Gutschow,K.: Being a Buddhist Nun. The Struggle for Enlightenment in the Himalaya. London 2004. *** p., 20 ill., 2 tables, 3 maps. Cloth € 35,00 765. Handa,D.: Buddhist Remains from Haryana. New Delhi 2004. XVI, 98 p., 51 ill., 1 map € 49,00 766. Hirst,J.: Samkara's AdvaitaVedanta. A Way of Teaching. London 2005. 272 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Hindu Studies Series € 113,00 767. Lau,A. (ed.): Buddhist Art. 2004. 208 p., richly ill. Paperback € 57,00 768. Phuntsho,K.: Mipham's Dialectics and the Debates on Emptiness. To be, not to be or neither. London 2005. *** p- Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Critical Studies on Buddhism € 105,00 769. Ronkin.N.: Early Buddhist Metaphysics. The Making of a Philosophical Tradition. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Critical Studies in Buddhism € 105,00 770. Shendge,M.J. (ed.): Satsahasrika-Hevajra-tika. A critical edition. Delhi 2004. XII, 376 p. € 49,00 771. Taber,J. and F.X.Clooney: A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology. Kumarila on Perception' chapter of Kumarilabhatta's Slokavarttika. Translation and Commentary. London 2005. 272 p. Hardback Routledge/Curzon Hindu Studies Serie € 97,00 772. Webster,D.: The Philosophy of Desire in Buddhist Pali Canon. London 2005. 288 p., 1 drawing. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Critical Studies in Buddhism € 105,00 773. Xing,G.: The Concept of the Buddha. Its Evolution from´Early Buddhism to the Trikaya Theory. London 2004. 256 p., 7 tables. Hardback == Critical Studies in Buddhism € 105,00


774. Anderson,D.L.: The Vietnam War. Basingstoke 2005. 176 p., map. Hardback Twentieth Century Wars € 77,00 775. Beresford,M. and A.Ngoc (eds.): Reaching for the Dream. Challenges of Sustainable Development in Vietnam. Kopenhagen 2004.104 p., ill. Hardback € 78,00 776. Blackburn,S.: Women and State in Modern Indonesia. Cambridge 2004. 320 p. Hardback ca. € 73,00 777. Boudreau,V.: Resisting Dictatorship. Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia. Cambridge 2004. 280 p., 1 map. Hardback ca. € 65,00 778. Brown,I.: A Colonial Economy in Crisis. Burma's Rice Delta and the World Depression of the 1930s. London 2004. 192 p. Hardback € 89,00

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779. Charney,M.: Southeast Asian Warfare, 1300-1900. Leiden 2004. 350 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 3: Southeast Asia, 16 € 92,50 780. Chio.V.C.M.: Malaysia and the Development Process. Globalization, Knowledge, Transfers and Postcolonial Dilemmas. London 2004.***p. Hardback == Studies in International Relations € 89,00 781. Clymer,K.: The and Cambodia, 1969-2000. A Troubled Relationship. London 2005. 24o p., 1 drawing. Hardback Routledge/Curzon Studies in theModern Histotry of Asia € 97,00 782. Cribb,R.: Digital Atlas of Indonesian History. Kopenhagen 2005. CD with 64 p., user guide including maps. Paperback € 35,00 783. Daniels,T.P.: Building Cultural Nartionalism in Malaysia. Identity, Representation and Citizenshisp. London 2004. .272 p. Hardback == East Asia: History, Politics, Sociology, Culture € 89,00 784. De Romanis,A.: Rediscovering Indonesia. Roma 2004, 144 p., 200 ill. a colori, Hardcover € 50,00 785. Dhanhani,Sh. and I.Islam (eds.): Industry and Labour in Indonesia. London 2005. 304 p. Hardback == Studies in the Growth Economics of Asia € 105,00 786. Dillier,A. (ed.): The Tai-Kadai Languages. London 2004. 500 p. Hardback == Routledge Language Family Series € 216,50 787. Drummond,N. and H.Rydstrom (eds.): Gender Prcatices in Contemporary Viertnam. Kopenhagen 2004. 286 p., ill. Paperback € 29,50 788. Dumarcay,J.: Construction Techniques in South and Southeast Asia. A History. Transl. By B.Silverstone and R. Dedourge. Leiden 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 3: Southeast Asia, 15 € 109,50 789. Easter,D.: Britain and the Confrontation with Indonesia, 1960-66. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback NEUE REIHE == International Library of Twentieth Century History,1 € 65,00 790. Eaton,P.: Land Tenure, Conservation and Development in Southeast Asia. London 2004. 184 p., 7 drawings, 6 tables. Hardback == Contemporary Southeast Asia Series € 97,00 791. (Einhundert) 100 Vietnamese Painters and Sculptors in the Highland of Vietnam: 2004. 234 p., 200 col. plates. Hardback € 78,00 792. Eklöf,St.: Pirates in Paradise. A Modern History of Southeast Asia Maritime Marauders. Kopenhagen 2004. 160 p., maps. and ill. Hardback € 57,00 793. Elmhirst,B. and R.Saptari (eds.): Labour in Southeast Asia. Local Processes in a Globalized World. London 2004. 416 p., 7 drawings, 33 tables. Hardback == Changing Labour Relations in Asia € 113,00 794. Erb,M., P.Sulistiyanto and C.Faucher (eds.): Regionalism in Post-Suharto Indonesia. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback. Routledge/Curzon Contemporary Southeast Asian Series € 105,00 795. Forrer.M.: Surimono in the Prentenkabinet, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Leiden 2005. 320 p., 600 (partly col.) ill. Paperback € 75,50 796. Giebel,Ch.: Imagined Ancestries of Vietnamese Communism, Ton Duc Thang and the Politics of History and Memory. Seattle 2004. 289 p., 4 ill. Cloth € 49,50 797. Gomez,E.T. (ed.): The State of Malaysia. Ethnicity, Equity and Reform. London 2004. 272 p., 3 drawings, 14 tables. Hardback == Malaysian Studies Series € 105,00 798. Guan,L.H. (ed.): Civil Society in Southeast Asia. Kopenhagen 2005. 270 S. Paperback € 31,00 799. Hassan,R. (ed.): Local and Global: Social Transformation in Southeast Asia. Essays in Honour of Professor Sved Hussein Alatas. Leiden 2004. 300 p. Paperback == Social Sciences in Asia,3 € 73,00 800. Hellman,J.: Performing the Nation. Cultural Politics in New Order Indonesia. Kopenhagen 2004. 210 p., ill. Hardback € 69,00 801. Heppell,M.: Iban Art of Borneo. Sexual Selection and Severed Heads. Amsterdam 2004. 304 p., over 200 col. ill. Hardback € 64,00 802. Hussin,N.: Trade and Society in the Straits of f Melaka. Dutch Melaka and English Penang, 1780-1830. Kopenhagen 2005. 320 p., ill. Hardback € 69,00

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803. Iwanaga,K. and M.Suriyamongkoi (eds.): Women and Politics in Thailand. Kopenhagen 2005. 250 p. Hardback € 69,50 804. Iwasaki,Sh. and P.Ingkaphiron: A Reference Grammar of Thai. Cambridge 2005. 424 p., 37 tables, 10 diagr., 1 map. Hardback ca. € 81,00 805. James,H.: Governance and Civil Society in Myammar. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 97,00 806. Kakizaki,I.: Laying the Tracks. The Impact of Railways on the Thai Economy 1885-1935. 2004. 300 p. Hardback € 83,00 807. Kermel-Torrès,D.: Hmong(Miao in Aia. Ed. by N.Tapp a.o. Seattle 2004. 520 p. .Paper € 37,00 808. King,V.T.: The Sociology of South-East Asia. Transformations in a Developing Region. Kopenhagen 2005.. 320 p., ill. Hardback. € 86,50 809. Kovsted,J. a.o.: From Monobank to Commercial Banking. Financial Sector Reforms in Vietnam. Kopenhagen 2004. 320 p., charts, tables. Hardback € 69,00 810. Krartoska,P. (ed.): TheThailand-Burma Railway,1942-1946. Documents and Selected Writings. 6 volumes. London 2004. 2000p. == Library of modern South-East Asia € 1082,00 811. Lindberg Falk,M.: Making Fields of Merit. Buddhist Nuns and Gendered Orders in Thailand. Kopenhagen 2005. 320 p. ill.- Hardback € 78,00 812. LeBreton,H.: Le Vieux an-Tinh. La Préhistoire. Les Lieux et Monuments Historique ou Légendaires Remarquables. Réimpresion de l'édition Paris 2001. IV,236 p., 122, 1 carte. € 41,50 813. Leider,J.P.: Le Royaume d'Arakan, Birmanie. Son Histoire Politique entre le Début Xve et la Fin du XVIIe Siècle. Paris 2004. 571 p. == École Française d'Extrëme-Orient, 190 € 75,50 814. Lija,M.: Power, Resistance and Women Politicians in Cambodia. Discourses of Emancipation. Kopenhagen 2005. 224 p., ill. Hardback € 69,00 815. Liow, J.Ch.Liow: The Politics of Indonesia. Malaysia Relations. One Kin, Two Nations. London 2004. 240 p. G.Hardback == Contemporary Southeast Asia. € 97,00 816. Loh Kok Wah,F. and M.Ojendal (eds.): Southeast Asian Responses to Globalization, Restructuring Governance and Deepening Democvracy. Kopenhagen 2005. 240 p. Hardback € 69,00 817. Lusignan, Familles Latines de l'Empire Ottoman. Istanbul 2004. 164 p. == Analecta Isisiana,72 € 24,00 818. Martyn,E.: The Women's Movement in Postcolonial Indonesia. Gender and Nation in a New Democracy. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback ==ASAA Women in Asia Series € 97,00 819. Masina,P.: Vietnam's Developemt Strategies. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback € 97,00 820. Metraux,D.A. and K.Oo.: Burma's Modern Tragedy. Lewiston 2004. 276 p. Hardback == Studies in Asian History and Development,7 € 121,00 821. Middelborg,J. (ed.): Trinh Tuan. Lacquer Paintings. 2004. 53 p., 23 col. pl. Hardback € 52,00 822. Nagel,J.G.: Der Schlüssel zu den Molukken. Makassar und die Handelsstrukturen des Malaiischen Archipels im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert - eine exemplarische Studie. Hamburg 2003. 884 S. == Schriften zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 3 € 189,00 823. O'Rourke,D.: Community-Driven Regulation. Balancing Development and the Environment in Vietnam. Cambridge 2004. 288 p., 19 ill. Paperback == Urban and Industrial Environments Series € 34,00 824. Owen,R.: State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East. London 2004. 304 p. 1 drawing, 5 tables. Hardback € 105,00 825. Pasveer,J.M.: The Djief Hunters. 26,000 Years of Rainforest Exploitation on the Bird's Head of Papua, Indonesia. Lisse 2004. 390 p. Hardback == Modern Quaternary Reseaarch of Southeast Asia,17 € 95,00 826. Pettifor,St.: Flavours. Thai Contemporary Art. 2004. 130 p., 81 col. pl. Hardback € 64,00 827. Phatharathananunth,S.: Civil Society and Democratization- Social Movements in Northeast Thailand. Kopenhagen 2004. 272 p., ill. Hardback € 73,00 828. Phongpaichit,P. and Chr.Baker: Thaksin. The Business of Politics in Thailand. Kopenhagen 2004. 104 p. Paperback € 28,00

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829. Poids et Mesures en Asie du Sud-East: Systèmes métrologique et sociétés. Weights and Mesures in Southeast Asia. Métrological Systems and Sociéties. Sous la direction de P.Le Roux, Préface de A.Testart. Vol. I.: L'Asie du Sud-Est Austronésienne et ses Marches. Paris 2004. 423 p., 57 il == Etudes Thématiques, 13/1 € 48,50 830. A Political and Economic Dictionary and South-East Asia: London 2005. 400 p. Hardback. == Political and Economic Dictionaries Series € 194,00 831. Reynolds.E.B.: Thailand's Secret War. OSS, SOE and the Free Thai Underground during World War II. Cambridge 2004.370 p. 22, ill., 4 maps. Hardback ?? Cambridge Military Histories ca. € 73,00 832. Rigg,J.: Living with Transition in Laos. London 2005. 224 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Southeast Asian Studies and Economics € 105,00 833. Roveda,V.: Images of the Gods. London 2004. 640 p., 1500 col. ill. - Free CD-ROM containing 1000 further images. € 81,00 834. Sjöholm,F. and J.Tongzon (eds.): Institutional Change in Southeast Asia. London 2004. 208 p. 13 drawingss, 39 tables. Hardback ==East Asian Economics and Bussiness Series € 97,00 835. Skidmore,M.: Karaoke Fascism. Burma and the Political of Fear. Philadelphia 2004. 264 p., 22 ill. Cloth == Ethnography of Political Violence € 67,00 836. Slocomb,M.: The People's Republic of Kampuchea, 1979-1989. The Revolution after Pol Pot. Seattle 2004. 387 p., map. Paper. € 283,00 837. Suryadinata,L. (ed.): Ethnic Relations and Nation Building in Southeast Asia. The Case of the Ethnic Chinese. Kopenhagen 2005. 3260 p., ill. Hardback. € 28,00 838. Tarling,N.: Nationalism in Soutth-East Asia. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Studies in the Modern € 97,00 839. Van Oenen,I.D.: Thai Ceramic Art. 2004. 320 p. richly col. ill. Hardback € 121,00 840. Vincent,B.: The Excavations of Khok Phanom Di. A Prehistroric Site in Central Thailand. Vol. VI: The Pottery: -´The Material Culture. Part II). Oxford 2004. 918 p. Hardback == Reports of theCommittee of the Society of Antiquaries of London,LXX € 202,00 841. Warr,P.: Thailand Beyond the Crisis. London 2004. 304 p., 41 drawings, 63 tables.Hardback == Research in South East Asia € 105,00 842. Wee,V. (ed.): Political Fragmentation in Southeast Asia. Alternative Nations in the Making. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback Ssoutheast Asia Series € 105,00 843. Woodward,H.: The Art and Architecture of Thailand from Prehistoric Times through the Thirteenth Century. Leiden 2005. XX,374 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 3: Southeast Asia,14 € 130,50 844. Wyatt,D.K.: Reading Thai Murals. Washington 2004. 92 p., col. ill. ´Paper € 33,00


845. Achard,J.-L.: Bon Po Hidden Treasures. A Catalogue of gTer ston bDe chen gling pa's Collected Relations. Leiden 2004. XXXII,296 p. Hardback == Brill's Tibetan Studies Library,6 € 106,00 846. Arabische Quellenbeiträge zur Geschichte der Kreuzzüge. Band 1 (mehr nicht erschienen): Zur Geschichte Salâh ad-dîns. Übersetzt und hrsg. v. E.P.Georgens. Berlin 1879. Reprint Hildesheim 2004. XXIII,296 S. Lwd. == Documenta Arabica € 39,80 847. Aripova,B.: Uzbekisch. Übungsbuch. Wiesbaden 2005. ca.200 S. Gbd. in Vorbereitung 848. Awde,N. and F.J.Hill (eds.): The Azerbaijanis. People, Culture and History. 2004. 224 p., over 110 ill. and maps. Hardback € 78,00 849. Baldauf,I.: Uzbekisch. Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden 2005. ca.200 S. Gbd. in Vorbereitung

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850. Bliss,F.: Social and Economic Changes in the Pamirs, Tajkistan. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 97,00 851. Boyd,H.R.: The Future of Tibet. The Goverment-in-Exile Meets the Challenge of Democratization. Bern 2004. XII,121 p. Hardback == Asian Thought and Culture,55 € 48,20 852. Dale,St.F.: The Garden of Eight Paradises. Bâbur and the Culture of Empire in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India (1483-1530). Leiden 2004. XIX,546 p. Hardback == Brill's Inner Asien Library,10 € 122,00 853. De la Vassière,É.: Sogdian Traders. A History. Transl. by J.Ward. Leiden 2005. 350 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies: Uralic & Central Asian Studies,10 € 146,50 854. Die das Rentier tanzen ...: Korjaken und Evenen im Fernen Osten Russlands, DVD mit 16 S.Booklet und 11 (10 farb,) Abb. - Untertitel wahlweise in Deutsch / Englisch / Russisch == Siberian Studies € 25,00 855. Doerfer,G.: Etymologisch-ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei). Unter Mitwirkung von M.Knüppel. Hildesheim 2004. II, 932 S. Ln. € 138,00 856. Dorj,E.: Die denominalen und deverbalen Nominalbildungen des Khalkha-Mongolischen und ihre deutschen Entsprechungen. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. XVI, 149 S. Brosch. Tunguso-Sibitica, 14 ca. € 48,00 857. Drompp,M.R.: Tang China and the Collapse of the Uighur Empire. A Documentary History. Leiden 2004. 350 p. Hardback == Brill's Inner Asian Library,13 € 122,00 858. Dschingis Khan und seine Erben: Das Weltreich der Mongolen. Hrsg. v. d. Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bonn. München 2005. ca.400 S., ca. 236 farb.Abb. Brosch. ca. € 39,90 859. Durkin-Meisterernst,D. u.a. (eds.): Turfan Revisited - The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Sik Road. Berlin 2004. 471 S., 235 (59 farb.) Fotos, 56 Zeichnungen, 8 Karten und Pläne. Gbd. == Monographien zur Indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philosophie,17 € 269,00 860. Erhard,F.K.: Die Statue und der Tempel des Arya Va-tibzang-po. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Geographie des tibetanischen Buddhismus. Wiesbaden 2004. 656 S., 65 Abb., 1 Faltkarte. Lwd. == Contributions to Tibetan Studies,2 ca. € 98,00 861. Fischer,A.M.: State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet. Challenges of Recent Economic Growth. Kopenhagenv 2005. 160 p., ill., charts, tables. Hardback € 77,50 862. Die Geschichte von Kasna Chan: Ein mongolischer Erzählzyklus. Nach einer verschollenen Handschrift übersetzt v. H.Conon von der Gabelentz. Aus dem Manuskript hrsg. v. H.Walravens. Wiesbaden 2004. 198 S. Brosch. == Sinologica Coloniensia, 22 € 49,00 863. Heisler,B.: Relative Tense and Aspectual Values in Tibetan Languages. A Comparative Study. Berlin 2004. XXV,896 p., 75 fig. Cloth == Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 150 € 148,00 864. Horlemann,B.: Ausfstieg und Niedergang der Tsong-kha-Stammeskonfödertion im 11.(12.Jahrhundert an der Schnittstelle von Tibet, China und Zentralasien. Bern 2004. 317 S., 3 Tab., 7 Graf., 1 Faltblatt. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 3: Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenchaften, 1002, € 51,50 865. Jagou,F.: Le 9e Panchen Lama (1883.1037). Enjeu des relations sino-tibétaines. Paris 2004. 431 p. == École Française d'Extrême-Orient,191 € 55,50 866. Jonson,L.: Vladimir Putin and Central Asia. The Shaping of Russian Foreign Policy. London 2004. 304 p. Hardback ==Culture and Society in Western and Central Asia € 68,00 867. Kasten,E. (ed.): Properties of Culture . Culture as Property.Pahways to Reform in Post.Soviet-Siberia. Berlin 2004, 330 S., 18 Abb. Brosch. € 39,00 868. Kasten,E. (ed.): Rebuilding Identities, Pathways to Reform in Post-Soviet.Siberia. Berlin 1´2004/5. ca.250 p., 20 ill. Brosch. € 35,00 869. Kauz,R.: Politik und Handel zwischen Ming und Tinuriden, China, Iran und Zentralsasien im Spätmittelalter. Wiesbaden 2004, ca.290 S. Gbd. in Vorbereitung 870. Kemper,M.: Islam und Herrschaft in Daghestan. Khanate - Gemeindebünde - Imamat. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.472 S. Gbd. in Vorbereitung

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871. Kolbas,J.G.: The Mongols in Iran. Chingis Khan to Uljaytu, 1220-1309. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Central Asia Research Forum € 97,00 872. Marshall,J.G. (ed.): Britain and Tibet 1765-1947. A select annotated bibliography of British Relations with Tibet and the Himalayan States including Nepal, Sikim and Bhutan revised and updated to 2003. With a foreword by A.Lamb. London 2005. 656 p. Hardba Routledge/Curzon Contemporary China Series € 105,00 873. Opgenort.R.: Grammar of Wambule. Grammer, Lexicon. Texts and Cuitural Survey of a Kiranti Tribe of Eastern Nepal. Leiden 2004. XXXII,904 p., 16 ill. Hardback == Brill' Tibetan Studies Library, Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, 5,2 € 146,50 874. Palace,W.: The and Tibet 1900-1922. London 2004. 224 p., 2 drawings, 1 photo. Hardback == Studies in the Modern History of Asia € 105,00 875. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Manchu-Tungus Studies: (Bonn, august 28 - september 1, 2000). Vol. 2: Trends in Tungusic and Siberian Linguistics. Wiesbaden 2004. 192 p. Paperback Tunguso-Sibirica, 9 € 54,00 876. Russell-Smith,L.: Uygur Patronage in Dunhuang. Regional Art Centres on the Northern Silk Road in the Tenth Century. Leiden 2004. 225 p., 64 pp. Ill. Hardback Brill`s Inner Asian Library, 14 € 134,00 877. Schatz,E.: Modern Clan Politics.The Power of"Blood" in Kazakhstan and Beyond. Washington 2004. 2546 p., 5 ill., map, Cloth € 61,50 878. Schindlbeck,I.: Verwandtschaft, Religion und Geschlecht in Aserbaidschan. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.224 S. Gbd in Vorbereitung 879. Seidelmann,R. and E.Giese (eds.): Cooperation and Conflict Management in Central Asia. Bern 2004. XVIII,272 p, num. fig. and tables. Paperback == Schriften zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung,10 € 51,50 880. Skrine,F.H. and E.D.Ross: The Heart of Asia. A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the Earliest Times. London 1899. Reprint Abingdon 2004. XI, 444 p., 2 folded maps. Cloth € 102,00 881. SujataV.: Tibetan Songs of Realization. Echoes from a Seventhéenth-Century Scholar and Siddha Amdo. Leiden 2004. 450 p. with Tibetan Texts and CD-ROM. Hardback == Brill's Tibetan Studies Library, 7 € 135,50 882. Takao,M.: Die Geschichte des uigurischen Manichäismus an der Seidenstraße. Forschungen zu einigen manichäischen Quellen und ihrem geschichtlichen Hintergrund. Übersetzt v. Ch.Steineck. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. 312 p. Bound Studies in Oriental Religions, 50 ca. € 48,00 883. Thrower,J.: The Religious History of Central Asia from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Lewiston 2004. 291 p. == Studies in Asian Thought and Religiom,27 € 129,00 884. Unkrig,W.A.: Unkrig,W.A. (1883-1956) Korrespondenz mit Hans Findeisen, der Britischen Bibelgesellschaft und anderen über Sibirien und den Lamaismus. Hrsg v. H.Walravens. Wiesbaden 2004. 204 S., 1 Abb. Brosch. == Asien-und Afrikastudiern der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,17 ca. € 58,00 885. Vaisiere,.É. de la.: Sogdian Traders. Transl. by J.Ward. Leiden 2004. 350 p. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 8: Uralic and Central Asian Studies,10 € 146,50 886. Walravens,H. (Hrsg.): Die Geschichte von Kasna Chan. Ein mongolischer Erzählzyklus. Wiesbaden 2004. 198 S. Brosch. Sinologica Coloniensia, 22 € 49,00 887. Walravens,H. (Hrsg.): W.A.Unkrig (1883-1956). Korrespondenz mit Hans Findeisen, der Britischen Bibelgesellschaft und anderen über Sibirien und den Lamaismus. Wiesbaden 2004. 204 S., 1 Abb. Brosch. Asien- und Afrikastudien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 17 ca. € 58,00 888. Whitfield,S.: The Silk Road. Trade, Travel, War and Faith. London 2004. 400 p., over 300 col. ill. Hardback € 73,00 889. Williams,P..: Songs of Love, Poems of Sadness, The Erotic Verse of the Sixth Dalai Lama. London 2004. 200 p. Hardback € 25,00

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K.1 Japan

890. Allen,L -: Collected Writings of Louis Allen. London 2005. *** p. Hardback == Collected Writings of Modern Western Scholars on Japan € 216,00 891. Archer.B.: The Internment of Western Civilians under the Japanese 1941-1945. A Patchwork of Internment. London 2004. 304 p. Hardback == Studies in the Modern History of Asia € 105,00 892. Arnold-Kanamori,H.: Klassisches Japanisch Teil III: Manyôshû. Hamburg 2001. 186 S. Brosch. == Ulmer Sprachstudien, 7 € 49,95 Teil IV: Kokinwakashû. Alte und neue japanische Liefer - Eine Auswahl. Hamburg 2002. 260 S. == Ulmer Sprachstudien, 9 € 85,00 Teil V:- Makuranososhi II. Die "Kopfkissenhefte" der Sei Shônagon – Aufzeichnungen einer japanischen Hofdame um das Jahr 1000. Teil 2. Hamburg 2002. 232 S. == Ulmer Sprachstudien, 10 € 85,00 Teil VI: Taketorimonogatari. Die Erzählung vom Bambussammler. Hamburg 2003. 250 S. Brosch. == Ulmer Sprachstudien, 12 € 85,00 893. Augustine,J.M.: Buddhist Hagiography in Early Japan. Images of Compassion in the Gyôki Tradition. London 2004. 208 p., 3 drawings, 3 tables. == Stúdies in Asian Religion € 105,00 894. Auslin,M.R.: Negotiating with Imperialism. The Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy. London 2004. 256 p. 5 ill., 3 maps. € 52,00 895. Barrett,B.: Ecological Modernization and Japan. London 2005. 208 p., 14 drawings and 13 tables. Hardback € 105,00 896. Bashô, Matsuo.: Bashô's Haiku. Selected Poems of Matsuo Bashô-Tansl. with an intróduction by D.Kanid Barnhill. New York 2004. 352 p. Hardback € 124,00 897. Beckwith,Ch.I.: Koguryo: The Language of Japan's Continental Relatives. An Introduction to the Historical-Comparative Study of the Japanese-Koguryoic Languages, with a Preliminary Description of Archaic Northeastern Middle Chinese. Leiden 2004. XXII, 274 p. Hardback == Brill's Japanese Studies Library, 21 € 101,00 898. Bernstein,G.K. A.o. (ed.): Public Spheres. Private Lives in Modern Japan, 1600-1950. Essay in Honor of Albert Graig. London 2004. 450 p. Harvard East Asian Monographs € 57,00 899. Bradshaw,G. and T.Kishi: Shakespeare in Japan. London 2005. 224 p. Hardback € 104,00 900. Brown,K.H.: Visions of Japan. Kawase Hassui's Masterpieces. Amsterdam 2004. 152 p., 100 col. ill. Paperback € 24,00 901. Bruschke-Johnson,L.: Dismissed as Elegant Fossils. Konoe Nobutada and the Role of Aristocrates in Early Modern Japan. Leiden 2004. 272 p., 30 ill. Hardback Japonica Neerlandica,9 € 54,00 902. Burns,C.: Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback. == ASAA Women in Asia Series € 97,00 903. Carpenter,J.T. (ed.): Hokusai and His Age. Leiden 2004.300p., 225 (partly col.) ill. Hardback € 70,00 904. Cieslik,H.: Publikationen über das Christentum in Japan. Veröffentlichungen in europäischen Sprachen. Hrsg, v. M.Dietrich und A,Schwade. Bern 2004. 670 S., zahlr. Abb. Brosch. € 97,50 905. Coldiron,M.: Trance and Transformation of the Actor in Japanese Noh and Balinese Masked Dance- Drama. Lewiston 2004. 360 p. Studies in Theater Arts,30 € 140,50 906. Conlan,Th.D.: State of War. The Violent Order of Fourteentt-Century Japan. 2004. 300 p., ill. (some col.´). Hardback € 76,00 907. Cox,R. (ed.): Japan and the Culture of Copying. Critical and Historical Perspectives. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Japan Anthropological Workshop Series € 89,00 908. Daniels,G. -: Danikes,G, - Collected Writings of Gordon Daniels. London 2005. ***p. Hardback == Collcted Writings of Modern Western Scholars on Japan € 234,00 - 42 -

909. Dekle,R.: Understanding Japanese Savings. London 2004. 112 p. Hardback ==Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia. € 129,00 910. Eikels van,K.: Das Denken der Hand. Japanische Techniken. Bern 2004. 278 S. Brosch. == Deutsch- Ostasiatische Studien zur Interkulturellen Literaturwisseenchaft,1 € 47,60 911. Dodd,St.: Writing Home, Representation of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature. London 2004. 275 p. Harvard East Asian Monographs € 42,00 912. Ellenberger,H.: Wirtschaftsrelevante Kollisionsnormen im Japanischen Internationalen Privatrecht. Bern 2004. 267 S. Brosch. == Internationales Privatrecht,33 € 45,50 913. Formanek,S. (ed.): Written Texts - Visual Texts. Woodblock Printed Mass Media in Early Modern Japan. Leiden 2005. 176 p., ill. Hardback € 54,00 914. Fuhrt,V.: Erzwungene Reue. Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Kriegsschulddiskussion in Japan 1952- 1998. Hamburg 2002. 246 S. == Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, 24 € 84,00 915. Gottlieb,N.: Language and Society in Japan. Cambridge 2005. 190 p., 3 fig. Hardback == Contemporary Japanese Society ca. € 65,00 916. Gow,I.: Military Intervention in Pre-War Japanese Politics. Admiral Kato Kanji and the Washington System. London 2005. 368 p. Hardback. € 97,00 917. Graham,F.: A Japanese Company in Crisis. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Contemporary Japan € 105,00 918. Habu,J.: Ancient Jomon of Japan. Cambridge 2004. 226 p., 35 ill., 49 diagr., 15 tables, 30 maps. Hardback == Case Studies in Early Societies,4 ca. € 81,00 919. Hagström,L.: Japan's China Policy. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == European Institute of Japanese Studies East Asian Economics and Business Series € 97,00 920. Hasegawa,K.: Constructing Civil Society in Japan. Voices of Envvironmental Movement. 2004. 100 p. Hardback. € 83,00 921. Hein,C. and Ph.Pelletier (eds.): Cities, Autonomy and Decentralization in Japan. London 2005. 224 p., 50 drawings. Hardback € 97,00 922. Herbert,W.: Japan nach Sonnenuntergang, Unter Gangstern, Illegalen und Tagelöhnern. 2.durchges. und erw. Aufl. Berlin 2004. 259 S., 28 Abb. Brosch. € 29,00 923. Herwig , Arendie and Henk Herwig: Heroes of the Kabuki Stage. An Introduction to the World of Kabuki with Retelling of Famous Plays. Illustrated with Woodblock Prints. Leiden 2005. 350 p., 200 col. ill. Hardback € 54,00 924. Hook,G.D. a.o. (ed.): Japan's International Relations. London 2005. 216 p. Hardback € 113,00 925. Hughes,Chr.W.: Japan's Security Policy and Ballistic Missile Defence. London 2005. 216 p. Hardback € 97,00 926. Hughes,D.W.: Japanese Music. History, Performance, Research. Ed. by A.McQueen Tokita. Cambridge 2005. 384 p., 20 ill., 10 tables, 45 music examples. Hardback € 81,00 927. Japanese Horror Cinema: Ed. By N.Rombes. Edinburgh 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Traditions in World Cinema € 73,00 928. Johnson,H.: Western Influence o Japanese Art. The Akita Ranga Art School. Leiden 2004. 176 p., 57 (some col.) ill. Hardback € 49,00 929. Jones,Chr.: The Political Philosophy of Japan. London 2004. 240 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon/Leiden Series on Modern East Asian History and Politics € 97,00 930. Kersteen,R. and D.Williams (eds.): The Left in Japanese Politics. London 2004.240 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon/Leiden Series on Modern East Asian History and Politics € 105,00 931. Kiju,J. and K.Hirano.: Ozu's Anti Cinema.. Ann Arbor 2004. 198 p., ill. Hardback € 66,00 932. Kreutzer,J.:: Systematik der Ellipse. Lückenhafte Satzstrukturen im Japanischen. Bern 2004. 224 S. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 21: Linguistik,21 € 39,00 933. Marceau,L.E.: Takebe Ayatari. A Bunjin Bohemian in Early Modern Japan. Ann Arbor 2004. 251 p., partly col. ill. Hardback € 78,00

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934. Macnaughtan,H.: Women, Work and the Japanese Economic Miracle. The Case of the Cotton Textile´le Industry, 1955-75. London 2004. 240 p., 25 tables. Hardback € 97,00 935. Maraini,F. -: Collected Writings of Fosco Maraini. London 2005. ***p. Hardback == Collected Writings of Modern Western Scholars on Japan € 216,00 936. Miwa,Y.: State Competence and Economic Growth in Japan. London 2004. 400 p., 13 drawings, 6 tables. Hardback == Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia € 129,00 937. Morinaga,M.: Secrecy of the Japanese Arts. Operation, Logic, and Modern Survival of Esotersicm in Japanese Arts. Basingstoke 2005. 240 p. Hardback € 65,00 938. Mouer,R. and H.Kawanishi.: A Sociology of Work in Japan. Cambridge 2005. 328 p., 7 fig., 56 tables. Hardback Contemporary Japanese Society € 65,00 939. Mouer,Z, and H.Kawanishi.: Work and Econimc Organisation in Contemporary Japan. Cambridge 2004. 360 p., 7 fig., 56 tables. Hardback == Contemporary Japanese Society € 73,00 940. Nagata,M.L.: Labor Contracts and Labor Relations in Early Modern Central Japan. London 2005. 208 p., 6 drawings, 19 tables. Hardback == Changing Labor Relations in Asia € 97,00 941. Nakayama,Sh. (ed.): A Social History of Science and Technology in Contemporary Japan,Vol.2, 1952- 1959. 2005. 750 p. Hardback € 104,00 942. Newland,A. (ed.): Printed to Perfection. Twentieth Century Japanese Prints from the Robert.O.Muller Collection. With essays by J.Ulak and J.Mirviss. Leiden 2005. 128 p., 125 col.ill. Paperback € 25,00 943. Nute,K.: Place, Time and Being in Japanese Achitecture. London 2004 .16ß p., 130 col .pl., 8 photos, 31 drawings. Hardback € 65,00 944. Osam,H. a.o.: Japan. A Self-Portrait. Pais 2004. 216 p., 150 duotone ill. Hardcover. € 97,00 945. Rath,E.C.: The Ethos of Noh. Actors and Their Art. London 2004. 350 p., 18 (9 col.) ill. Cloth == Harvard East Asian Monographs,232 € 55,50 946. Repp,M.: Hônens religiöses Denken. Eine Untersuchung zu Strukturen religiöser Erneuerung. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.XII, 592 S., 2 Abb. Gbd. ca. € 68,00 947. Ridgeway,W.N.: A Critical Study of the Novels of Natsume Sôkeki (1867-1916). Lewiston 2004. 255 p. Hardback == Japanese Studies, 22 € 129,00 948. Röhl,W. (ed.): History of Law in Japan since 1868. . Leiden 2004. 850 p. Hardback == Handbook of Orietnal Studies, Sectin 5: Japan, 12 € 245,00 949. Rokkum,A.: Nature, Ritual and Society in Japan's Ryukyu Islands, London 2004. *** p. Hardback Japan Anthropology Workshsop Series € 113,00 950. Schmitt-Weigand,J.: Das Nara ehon "Hômyô dôjI" (17. Jh.). Eine illustrierte Handschrift im Besitz des Museums für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main. Edition, Übersetzung und entstehungsgeschichtliche Studien. Wiesbaden 2004. 261 S., 68 Abb. Brosch. == Bunken, Studien und Materialien zur Japanischen Literatur, 10 € 48,00 951. Shimojo,M.: Argument Encoding in Japanese Conversation. Basingstoke 2005. 272 p. Hardback € 89,00 952. Sohn,Y. (ed.): Japanese Industrial Governance. Protectionism and the Licensing State. London 2994. 208 p. 12 tables. Hardback == Studies in Asia's Transformations € 97,00 953. Stockwin,J.A.A. -: Collected Writings of J.A.A. Stockwin. Part 2. London 2004. ***p. Hardback == Collected Writings of Modern Western Scholars on Japan € 216,00 954. Stockwin,J.A.A. -: Collected Writings of J.A.A.Stockwin. Part 1. London 2005. 520 p. Hardback == Collected Writings of Modern Westgern Scholars on Japan € 234,00 955. Sugita,Y.: Gesprächserwartungen. Eine kontrastive Studie über die Gesprächsführung in deutschen und japanischen Telefonaten. Bern 2004. XIV,217 S., zahlr. Tab. und Graf. Brosch. == Duisbug Arbeiten zur Sprach-- und Kulturwissenschaft, 54 € 42,50 956. Thal,S.: Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods. The Politics of a Pilgrimage Site in Japan,1573- 1912. Chicago 2005. 344 p. . ca.344 p., 33 ill., 4 drawings. 5 maps. Cloth € 68,50 957. Titsingh,I.: Private Memoirs of the Shoguns. I.Tsingh's Travels in Japan. Ed. by T.Screech. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 97,00

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958. Togo,K.: Japan's Foreign Policy, 1945-2003. The Quest for a Proactive Policy. Leiden 2004. 480 p. Paperback € 60,50 959. Ueda,M.: Dew on the Grass. The Life and Poetry of Kobayashi Issa. Leiden 2004. XII, 196 p. Hardback == Brill's Japanese Studies Library, 20 € 77,50 960. Weston,V.: A Guide to Japanese Painting and National Identity. Okakura Tenshin and His Circle. Ann Arbor 2004. 339 p., partly col. ill. Hardback == University of Michigan Manographs in Japanese Studies,45 € 76,00 961. Wilkening,K.E.: Acid Rain Science and Politics in Japan. A History of Knowledge and Action toward Sustainability. Cambridge 2004. 328 p., 12 ill. Cloth == Politics, Science, and the Environment Series € 76,00 962. Yamamoto.B.A.: The Sexual Behaviour of Japanese Youth. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 89,00


963. Carpenter,T.G.: The Korean Conundrum. America's Troubled Relations with North and South Korea. Basingstoke 2005. 208 p. Hardback € 32,50 964. Kyung Moon Hwang: Beyond Birth. Social Status in the Emergence of Modern Korea. London 2005. 400 p. 25 ill. , 30 tables == Harvard East Asian Monographs € 57,00 965. Park,J.-S.: Arbeitnehmer und arbeitnehmerähnliche Personen. Rechtliche Erfassung der Arbeit- nehmerähnlichkeit im geltenden Recht einschließlich eines Beitrags für die rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des Arbeitnehmerbegriffs im koreanischen Arbeitsrecht. Bern 2004. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 2: Rechtswissenschaft, 3953 € 56,50 966. Smith,H.: Hungry for Peace. International Security, Humanitarian Assistance, and Social Change in North Korea. Herndon 2005. 288 p. Cloth € 44,50 967. Stevenson,J.: Japanese Kite Prints. Selections from the Skinner Collection. Seattle 2004. 200 p., 115 (100 col.,) ill. , 14 foldauts. Cloth € 66,00


968. Amsden,A.H. and Wan-wen Chu: Beyond Late Development. Upgrading Policies in Taiwan. Cambridge 2003. 248 p. € 45,50 969. Au,H.: Das Wettbewerbsrecht der VR China. Wirtschaftpolitische Ziele und Gesetzvollzug. Hamburg 2004. 315 S. == Instit f. Asienkunde Hamburg, Monographien,375 € 32,00 970. Bello,D.A.: Opium and the Limits of Empire. The Opium Problem in the Chinese Interíor, 1720-1850. London 2005. 375 p Harvard East Asian Monographs € 86,50 971. Benn,Ch.: China's Golden Age. Everyday Life in the Tang Dynasty. Oxford 2004. 344 p., 40 ill. Paperback € 48,50 972. Brook,T.: The Chinese State in Ming Society. London 2005. 272 p., 3 drawings, 10 tables. Hardback == Asia'sa Transformation == Critical Asian Scbolarship € 113,00 973. Brown,D. and A.MacBean: Challenge and Change in China's Development. An Enterprise Perspectivr. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Routledge /Curzon Contemporary China Series € 105,00 974. Callahan,W.A.: Contingent States. Greater China and Transnational Relations. Minnesota 2004. 312 p., 3 maps. Cloth Borderline Series € 84,00

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975. Cao, T.Y. (ed.): The Chinese Model of Modern Development. London 2005. 320 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Studies on the Chinese Economy € 121,00 976. Chang,H-Ch.: Chinesische und deutsche sprichwörtliche Redensarten. Eine kontrastive Betrachtung unter sprachlichen, funktionellen und kulturhistorischen Aspekten am Beispiel von Tierbildern. Hamburg 2003. 382 S. == Philologia, 56 € 98,00 977. Chen Ch.-J. Jay: Transforming Rural China. How Local Institutions Shape Property Rights in China. London 2994, 208 p., 2 drawings12 plate sections, 26 tables. Hardback == Studies on China in Transition € 97,00 978. Chen,W. and Y.Zhong (eds.): Leadership in a Changing China. Leadership Change, Institution Building, and New Policy Orientations. Basingstoke 2005. 208 p. Hardback € 56,50 979. Chiang,S.-Ch.L:: Collecting the Sellf. Body and Identity in Strange Tale Collections of Late Imperial China. Leiden 2004. 320 p. ´Hardback Sinica Leidensia,67 € 117,00 980. Chu,S.C. (ed,): Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Her China. Ed. by S.C.Chu. 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 38,00 981. Chu Yun-han a.o.(ed.): The New Chinese Leadership. Challenges and Opportunities after the 16th Party Congress. Cambridge 2004. 264 p. Paperback. == The China Quarterly Special Issues ca. € 27,50 982. Chukov,V.I.: Mission to China. Memoirs of the Soviet Military Advisers to Chiang Kaishek. Transl. and introd. by D.Barrett. 2005. 200p. maps. Hardback € 43,50 983. Csikszentmihaly,M.: Material Virtue. Ethics and the Body in Early China. Leiden 2004. 450 p. Hardback == Sinica Leidensia,66 € 146,50 984. Deeg,M.: Das Gaoseng-Faxian-zhuan als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle. Mit Übersetzung der Texte. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. VII, 768 S., 6 Abb. Geb. == Studies in Oriental Religions, 52 ca. € 68,00 985. Do Cosmo,N.: Ancient China and its Enemies. The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History. 384 p. Paperback - also available in Hardback € 77.00 / € 31,00 986. Dooling,A: Women's Literary Feminism in Twentieth Century China. Basingstoke 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 56,50 987. Dott,B.R.: Identity Reflections. Pilgrimage to Mount Tai in Late Imperial China. London 2005. 375 S, 10 ill., 4 tables. Harvard East Asian Monographs € 57,00 988. Dutton,M.: Policing Chinese Politics.A History. Durham 2005. 392 p., 8 ill,. Ckoth € 102,00 989. Eckfeld,T.: Imperial Tombs in Tang China, 618-907. The Politics of Paradise. London 2004. 264 p, 66 drawings. Hardback. == Studiies on the Early History of Asia. € 105,00 990. Eggert,M.: Vom Sinn des Reisen. Chinesische Reiseschriften vom 16.bis zum frühen 19. Jahr- hundert. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.XII,454 S. Gbd. == Sinologica Coloniensia,23 ca. € 98,00 991. Farrer,A.: Chinese Printmaking Today. Woodblock Printing in China 1980-2000. London 2004. 224 p., 200 col. ill. Paperback € 32,50 992. Finnane,A.: Speaking of Yangzhou. A Chinese City 1550-1850. London 2004, 450 p., 25 ill. 7 maps. Cloth == Harvard East Asian Monographs,236 == Harvard East Asian Monographs,236 € 55,50 993. Fu,J.: Die haipai-Erzähllitertur. Wiesbaden 2004. VII, 221 S. Brosch. == Lun Wen, Studien zur Geistesgeschichte und Literatur in China, 4 ca. € 54,00 994. Gabriel,S.: Chinese Capitalism. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Studies in the Growth Economics of Asia € 105,00 995. Goh,E.: Constructing the U.S.Raproachement with China, 1961-1974. From 'Red Menace' to 'Tacit Ally'. Cambridge 2005. 2320 p. Hardback € 73,00 996. Guangdong: Archaeology and Early Texts. Archäologie und frühe Texte (Zhou-Tang). Ed. by Sh.Müller a.o. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.X,267 p., 24 fig. Bound. == South China and Maritime Asia,13 ca. € 68,00 997. Gutowski,A.: Standortqualitäten und ausländische Direktinvestitionen. Ein Vergleich zwischen der VR China und Indien. Hamburg 2004. 402 S. Brosch. == Studienreihe Volkswirtschaften der Welt, 17 € 110,00

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998. Hagestrom,V.V. and H.S.Brunnert.: Present Day Political Organization of China. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback € 97,00 999. Hamilton,G.: Commerce and Capitalism in Chinese Societies. The Organization of Chinese Economics. London 2005. 272 p. Hardback € 113,00 1000. Harris,R.: Singing the Village. Music, Memory and Ritual among the Sibe of Xinjiang. Oxford 2004. 250 p., 13 ill., 35 musical notations. Hardback == British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs € 106,00 1001. Jiang W.Sh.: Health Insurance Demand and Health Risk Manangement in Rural China. Bern 2004. XX,205 p. num, fig. and tables. Paperback. == Development Economics and Policy,41 € 42,50 1002. Ho,E.: Times of Change. Leiden 2004. ***p. Paperback == Social Sciences in Asia € 73,00 1003. Ho,P.: Institutions in Transition. Land Ownership, Property Rights amd Social Conflict in China. Oxford 2005. 256 p., 40 ill. Hardback == Studies on Contemporary China. € 109,00 1004. Huang,N.: Women, War, Domesticity. Shanghai Literature and PopularCulture of the 1940s. Leiden 2004. 288 p. Hardback China Studies, 6 € 109,50 1005. Huang Sh.-Zh.: Universal Quantification with Slolemization as Evidenced from Chinese and English. Lewiston 2004. l73 p. Hardback == Studies in Lingusitics and Semiotics,21 € 120,00 1006. Hughes,Chr.R.: Chinese Nationalism in a Global Era. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == Politics in Asia € 105,00 1007. Hung Wu and R.Tsiang (eds.): Body and Face in Chinese Visual Culture. London 2004. 525 p. 181 ill. . == Harvard East Asian Monographs € 130,00 1008. Huntington,R.: Alien Kind. Foxes and Late Imperial Narrative. London 2004. 384 p., 3 drawings. Cloth == Harvard East Asian Monographs,222 € 52,00 1009. Idema,W. and B.Grant.: The Red Brush. Writing Women of Imperial China. London 2004. 800 p., 4 ill. Paper == Harvard East Asian Monographs, 231 € 35,00 1010. Ip,H.Y.: Communist Intellectuals in China, 1.921-1949. Leaders, Heroes and Sophisticates. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback ==Chinese Worlds € 105,00 1011. Jeffrerys,E.: China, Sex and Prostitution. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Studies on China in Transition € 97,00 1012. Jiang Y.-L.: The Great Ming Code. Da Ming lü. Transl. and introd. by Jian Y.L. Seattle 2004. 416 p. Cloth € 81,00 1013. Jiang Yuan-Sheng: Health Insurance Demand and Health Risk Mangement in Rural China.. Bern 2004. XVII,205 p,, num fig, and tables. Paperback = Development Economics and Policy.41 € 42,50 1014. Jun,N.: From Yan'an to the World. The Origins and Development of Chinese Communist Foreign Policy. 2005. 204 p. Hardback == Voices of Asia Series € 52,00 1015. Kampen,Th.: Chinese Communists and the West. A Concise Biographical Handbook of Chinese Communists and Western Supporters. Kopenhagen 2005. 264 p. Hardback ==Voices of Asia Series € 47,00 1016. Karlson,K.: Luo Ping. The Life, Carreer and Art of an Eighteenth-Century Chinese Painter. Bern 2004. 323 p., 61 ill. Paperback == Schweizer Asiatische Stúdien. Monographien,48 € 37,20 1017. Keith,R.C. (ed.): China as a Rising World Power and its Response to 'Globalization'. Ed. by R.C.Keith. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 105,00 1018. Kim,Ch.-Sh.: Deutscher Kulturimperialismus in China. Deutsches Kolonialschulwesen im Kiautschou (China) 1898-1914. Stuttgart 2004. 272 S., 23 Abb. Geb. == Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv, 8 € 45,00 1019. Kirchberger,S.: Informelle Regeln der Politik in China und Taiwan. Hamburg 2004. 302 S. Brosch. == Politica, 61 € 89,00 1020. Knechtges,D.R. and E.Vance (eds.): Rhetoric and the Discourse of Power in Court Culture. China, Europe nd Japan. Seattle 2004. 352 p., 10 ill. Cloth € 47,00 1021. Knight,J.: Towards a Labour Market in China. Oxford 2005. 320 p. Hardback == Studies in Contemporary China € 109,00

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1022. Krug,B.: China's Rational Entrepreneurs. The Development of the New Private Sector. London 2004. 224 p., 8 drawings, 17 tables. Hardback == Studies on China in Transition € 97,00 1023. Lau,A. (ed.): Chinese Ceramics. 2004. 208 p., richly ill. Paperback € 57,00 1024. Laughlin,Ch.: Contested Modernities in Chinese Literature. Basingstoke 2005. 208 p. Hardback € 65,00 1025. Lehnert,M.: Partitur des Lebens. Die Liaofan si xun von Yuan Huang (1533-1606). Bern 2004. 299 S. Gbd. == Welten Ostasiens,1 € 52,40 1026. Li,Sh. And H.Sato (eds.): Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China. London 2004. 336 p., 30 drawings, 110 tables. Hardback == Studies on the Chinese Economy € 121,00 1027. Liu,L: The Chinese Neolithic. Trajectories to Early States. Cambridge. 240 p., 175 diagr. Hardback == New Studies in Archaeology ca. € 81,00 1028. Liu,H. and Wong S.-K.: Singapore Chinese Society in Transititon. Business, Politics and Socio- Ecomomic Change,1945-1965. Bern 2004. VIII,299 p., 1 fig., num. tables. Hardback € 64,20 1029. Liu.L.: China's Industrial Policies and the Global Business Revolution. The Case of the Domestic Appliance Industry .. London 2005. 224 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Studies on the Chinese Economy € 105,00 1030. Lloyd,G.: Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections. Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture. Oxford 2004, 234 p. Hardback € 60,00 1031. Lo,V. and Ch.Cullen (eds.): Medieval Chinese Medicine. The Dunhuang Medical Manuscripts. Ed. by V.Lo and Chr.Cullen. London 2004.448 p. 50 (20 col. ) photos. Hardback == Needham Research Institute Series € 113,00 1032. Lo V.L. and Tian X.W-: Law and Investment in China. The Legal and Business Environment after China's WTO Accession-. London 2004. 320 p. Hardback € 105,00 1033. Loewe,M.: The Men who Governed Han China. Companion to a Biographical Dictionary of the Qin, Former Han and Xin Periods. Leiden 2004. XVI, 672 p. with Chinese texts. Hardback == Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 4: China, 17 € 134,00 1034. Ma,L.I.C. and Wu F.L.: Restructuring the Chinese City. Changing Sociey, Ecnomy and Space. London 2006. 352 p., 20 drawings, 15 phtos, 20 tables. Hardback == Studies on Chinese Transsition € 121,00 1035. Madancy,J.A.: TheTroublesome Legacy of Commissioner Lin. The Opoium Trade and Opium in Fujian Province, 1820s-1920s. London 2004. 430 p., 17 ill., 4 tables, 4 maps. Cloth ==Harvard East Asian Monographs,7 € 57,00 1036. Mengin,F. (ed.): Cyber China. Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information. Basingstoke 2005. 384 p. Hardback == The CERI Series in International Relations and Political Economy € 65,00 1037. Mitcham,Ch.I.: China's Ecomomic Relations with the West and Japan, 1040-1979. Grain, Trade and Diplomacy. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Studies in the Chinese Economics € 97,00 1038. Mitter,R.: A Bitter Revolution. China's Struggle with the Modern World. Oxford 2005. 376 p., numerous ill.. Hardback € 49,00 1039. Moore,O.J.: Rituals of Recruitment in Tang China. Reading an Annual Programme in the Collected Statements by Wang Dingbao (870-940). Leiden 2004. X,414 p. Hardback == Sinica Leidensia,65 € 134,00 1040. Müller,Sh. Th.O.Höllmann and P.Gui (eds.): Guangdong. Archaeology and Early Texts. Archäologie und frühe Texte. Wiesbaden 2004. ca. X, 267 p., 54 figs. Bound == South China and Maritime Asia, 13 ca. € 68,00 1041. Naeher,C. (ed.): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Manchu-Tungus Studies. (Bonn, August 28- September 1, 2000). Vol. 2: Trends in Tungusic and Siberian Linguistics. == Tunguso-Sibirica,9 € 54,00 1042. Nagel,E.: Zum Finanzwesen der Qing-Dynastie (17.-19. Jh.). Hamburg 2004. 220 S. == Schriften zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 5 € 98,00 1043. Naughton,B. and D.Yang (eds.): Holding China Together. Diversity and Nattioal Integration in the Post-Deng Era. Cambridge 2004. 275 p., 35 tables, 10 diagr. 1 map. Hardback ca. € 89,00

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1044. Needham.J.: Science and Civilization in China. Ed. by K.Girdwood Robinson. Vol.7: Science and Chinese Society. Part 2: Reflections and Conclusions. Cambridge 2004. 300 p., 21 ill. Hardback ca. € 89,00 1045. Ng, K.P.: Interpreting China's Military Power. Doctrine makes Readdiness. London 2004. 288 p. Hardback Cass Military Studies € 112,50 1046. Nolan,P. (ed.): China and the Global Business Revolution 2. Basingstoke 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 81,00 1047. Pfister,L.F.: Striving for 'The Whole Duty of Man'. James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China Assessing Confluences in Scottish Nonconformism, Chinese Missionary Scholarshisp, Victorian Sinology and Chinese Protestantism. Vol. I and II. Bern 2004. XL Scottish Studies € 115,00 1048. Puett,MJ.: To Become a God. Cosmology Sacrifice and Self-Divinization in Early China. 384 p. Cloth == Harvard Yenching Institute Monographs,57 € 55,50 1049. Qi,X.: Zivilrechtlicher Ehrenschutz in Deutschland und China. Eine Untersuchung über den Hintergrund der Unterschiede. Hamburg 2005. 284 p. == Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft,159 - in Vorbereitung 1050. Qing,D.: Tiananmen Follies. Prison Mémoirs and Other Writings. Ed., by N Yang Liu a.o. 2005. 192 p. Hardback == Voices of Asia Series € 52,00 1051. Reilly,Th.H.: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Rebellion and the Blasphemy of Empire. Setttle 2004. 232 p., 8 ill., map. Cloth € 56,00 1052. Remick,E.: Building Local States. China during the Republican and Post-Mao Era. London 2004. 350 p. 14fig., 6 ill., 46 tables, 2 maps. Cloth == Harvard East Asian Monographs,233 € 55,50 1053. Rüsen,J, a,o. (eds,): Historical Truth, Historical Criticism, and Ideology. New Approaches to Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture from a Comparative Perspective. Vol. 2. Leiden 2004. 400 p. Hardback Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography € 122,00 1054. Schipper,K. and F.Verellen (eds.): The Taoist Canon. A Historical Cpmpanion to the Daozang. 3 vols. Chicago 2004. ca.1800 p., 123 drawings. Slipcased. Cloth € 103,00 1055. Science and Civilization in China: Vol. 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part 12: Kerr,R. and N.Wood: Ceramic Technology. Cambridge 2004. 600 p., 55 tables, 75 diagr. Hardback ca. € 162,00 1056. Selover.Th.W. and Tu Wie-ming: Hsieh Lian-Tso and the Analects of Confucius. Human Learning as a Religious Quest. Oxford 2004. 192 p. Hardback € 61,50 1057. Shen Grant C,R.: Elite Theatre in Ming China. 1368-1644. London 2005. 240 p., 18 photos. Hardback == Routledge/Curzon Studies on the Early History of Asia € 105,00 1058. Shen,V.: Origins of Leftwing Cinema in China, 1932-37. London 2004.*** p. Hardback == East Asia: History, Policitcs,Sociology, Culture € 73,00 1059. Shi Li and H.Sato (eds.): Unemployment, Ineqality and Poverty in Urban China. London 2994, 336 p., 30 drawings, 110 tab1es. Hardback ==Studies on the Chinese Economy € 121,00 1060. Smith,T.-J.: Demokratie und Demokratisierung in Ostasien. Die politische Konsolidierun in (post- )konfuzianischen Staaten. Hamburg 2003. 400 S. Brosch. == Politica, 56 € 107,00 1061. Smyth,R. and Ch.Thu (eds.): China's Business Reforms, Institutional Challenges in a Globalized Economy. London 2005. 288 p., 15 drawings, 5 tables. Hardback == Contemporary Chcina € 97,00 1062. Storm,C.: Von Tätern und Opfern. Rechtsmentalität in chinesischen Kriminalerzählungen zwischen 1600 und 1900. Wiesbaden 2004. 417 S. Gbd. == Opera Sinologica,16 € 98,00 1063. Struve,L.A. (eds.): The Qing Formation in World-Historical Time. London 2004. 425 p., 3 ill., 12 fig., 3 maps. Cloth Harvard East Asian Monographs,234 € 55,50 1064. Sun,J.: Rechtsschutz bei der Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge in China und Deutschland. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung. Hamburg 2002. 240 S. Brosch. == Studienreihe Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse, 32 € 82,00 1065. Sun,Y.: Corruption and Market in Contemporary China. Ithaca 2004. 272 p., 1 graph, 13 tables. Cloth € 86,50

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1066. Tang, Li: A Study of the History of Nestorian Christianity in China and its Literature in Chinese together with a New English Translation of the Dunhuang Nestorian Documents. Sedond revised edition. Bern 2004. 230 p. Paperback == European University Studies, Series 27: Asian and African Studies,87 € 42,50 1067. Taylor,K.: Chinese Medicine in Early Communist China, 1945-53. Medicine in Revolution. London 2004. 272 p. 7 drawings, 3 tables, 2 plate sections. Hardback € 105,00 1068. Teng,E.J.: Taiwan's Imagined Geography. Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Picture, 1683-1895. London 2004. 400 p., 43 (15 col. ) ill. Cloth Harvard East Asian Monographs,230 € 55,50 1069. Tsang,St.: The Cold War's Odd Couple. The Unintended Partnership between the Republic of China and the UK, 1950-1969. London 2005. 256 p. Hardback The Library of International Relations.23 € 73,00 1070. Unger,U.: Einführung in das Klasssische Chinesisch. Teil 1: Allgemeines. Chinesische Texte. Indices. 2. verb. Aufl. Wiesbaden 2004. ca.100 S.. Brosch. ca. € 30.00 Teil 2: Erläuterungen. 2. verb. Aufl. Wiesbaden 200- . ca.XIII,297 S., 26 Abb. Brosch. in Vorbereitung 1071. Wang Gungwu and Ng Chin-keong (eds.): Maritime China in Transition 1750-1850. Wiesbaden 2004. X, 397 S., 2 Abb., 8 Karten. Geb. == South China and Maritime Asia, 12 € 98,00 1072. Wang,Y.P.: Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China. London 2004. 208 p., 22 drawings, 9 photos, 35 tables. Hardback Housing and Society Series € 73,00 1073. Wanning,S.: Media and the Chinese Diaspora, London 2005. 256 p. Hardback == Media, Culture and Society Change in Asia € 97,00 1074. Wing,N.: Making a Market Economy. The Institutionalizational Transformation of a Freshwater Fishery in a Chinese Community. London 2004. 176 p. Hardback. East Asia: History, Politcs, Sociology, Culture € 89,00 1075. Die WTO und das neue Ausländerinvestitions- und Außenhandelsrecht der VR China: Hamburg 2004. 315 S. == Institut für Asienkunde Monographien,376 € 46,00 1076. Xian,Biao.: Transcending Boundaries. Zheijangcun. The Story of Migrant Village in Beijing. Trasnl. by J.Weldon. Leiden 2004. 200 p., with Chinese texts. Hardback == China Studies.5 € 85,00 1077. Xu Guo-Qi.: China and the Great War. China's Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization. Cambridge 2005. 332 p., 7 ill. Hardback == Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare € 73,00 1078. Yao Sh.J.: Economic Growth , Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction in Contemporary China. London 2005. 288 p. Hardback == Studies on the Chinese Economy € 89,00 1079. Yip,J.: Envisioning Taiwan. Fiction, Cinema and the Nation in the Cultural Imaginary. Durham 2004. 368 p., 19 photos.Cloth - € 126,50 1080. Zhang,J.: Catch-Up and Competitiveness in China. The Case of Large Firms in the Oil Industry. London 2004. 256 p., 16 drawings, 15 tables. Hardback Studies on the Chinese Economy € 105,00 1081. Zhu,Ch.: Human Resource Management in China. London 2004. 224 p. Hardback == Advances in the Asia-Pacific Business € 97,00 1082. Zhu,Y.: Rechtsvergleich der Inhaltskontrolle von AGB in Deutschland und Formularklauseln in China. Weiterentwicklung des chinesischen Formularklausel-Rechts unter Heranziehung des deutschen AGB-Rechts. Bern 2004. 384´5 S., 18 Tab. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 2: Rechtswissenschaft, 4001 € 56,50


L.1 Allgemeines – Geschichte und Politik

1083. Abraham,K.: Somalia Calling. The Crisis odf Statehood and the Quest for Peace. Addis Ababa 2002. 537 p. € 62,00

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1084. Adu Boahen,A.A.: Yaa Asantewaa and the Ashanti-British War of 1900-1901. Accra 2003. 183 p., ill., pl., maps € 58,50 1085. Akyeampong,E. (ed.): Themes in West Africa's History. Oxford 2005. ca. 288 p., 4 photos, 2 maps. Cloth ca. october 2005 == Western African Studies € 81,00 1086. Anwioduokit,E.A.: Revenue Allocation for a Stable Democracy in Nigeria. Options & Challenges. Accra 2002/03. 163 p. € 38,50 1087. Asihene,E.V.: Brief History of Art with Special Reference to West Africa. Accra 2003. 152 p., iil., plates € 37,00 1088. Ayittey,G.B.N. (ed.): Africa Unchained. The Blueprint for Africa's Future. Basingstoke 2005. 544 p. Hardback € 32,50 1089. Bothway,K.: Understanding "Development" Intervention in Northern Ghana - The Need to Consider Political and Social Forces Necessary for Transformation. Lewiston 2004. 253 p. Hardback == Studies in African Economic and Social Development,25 € 129,00 1090. Chami,F. and G.Pwiti (eds.): Southern Africa and the Swahili World. Dar es Salaam 2002. 144 p., col. pl., maps == Studies in the African Past Series, 2 € 40,00 1091. Chibundu,V.N.: Foreign Policy wirh Particular Reference to Nigeria (1961-2002). Ibadan 2003. 167 p. € 38,50 1092. Dako,K.: Ghanaianism. A Glossary. Accra 2003. 234 p. € 38,00 1093. Engel,U. and G.Reye.: Africa in Global Politics. London 2004. 256 p. Hardback == New International Relations € 105,00 1094. Falola,T. and D.M.Childs (eds.): The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World. Bloomington 2004. 464 p., 11 ill., maps. Cloth € 73,00 1095. Fawole,W.A.: Nigeria's External Relations and Foreign Policy under Military Rule (1966-1999). Ile Ife 2003/04. 266 p. € 42,00 1096. Gberie,L.: Sierra Leone. Destruction and Resurgence. London 2005. ca. 288 p. Hardback € 78,00 1097. George,T.: Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991. From Che Guevara to Cuito Euanavale. Londón 2004. 320 p. Hardback == Cass Military Studies. € 104,00 1098. Gifford,P.: Ghana's New Christianity. Pentecostalism in a Globalising African Econmy. Bloomington 2004. 230 p., map. Cloth in preparation 1099. Hammar,A., B.Raftopoulos and St.Jensen (eds.): Unfinished Business. Rethinking Land, State and Nation in Zimbabwe. Harare 2003. 340 p. € 46,00 1100. Hammond,LC.: This Place Will l Become Home. Refugee Repatriation to Ethiopia. Ithaca 2004. 256 p., 14 ill., 4 r´tables, 4 charts/graphs, 3 maps.Cloth € 78,00 1101. Hansen,Th.: Coast of Slaves. Transl. From the Danish by K.Dako. Illustrated by B.Lund. Accra 2002. 288 p., col.ill., plates € 49,50 1102. Harrison,G.: The World Bank and Afrika. The Construction of Governance States. London 2004. 176 p. Hardback == Advances in International Poilitical Economy € 97,00 1103. Hohmann,T- (ed.): San and the State. Contesting Land, Development, Identity and Representation. Köln 2003. VIII, 402 p., , 5 photographs, 4 diagr., 17 tab., 18 maps. Hardcover == History, Cultural Traditions and Innovations in Southern Africa, 18 € 64,00 1104. Ibrahim,I.: Democratic Transition in Anglophone West Africa. Dakar 2003. 79 p. € 34,50 1105. Inskeep,A.: Heinrich Vedder's "The Bergdama". An Annotated Translation of the German Original with additional ethnographic material. Ed. By M.Schladt. 2 vols. Köln 2003. XXII, 544 p.; XVI, pp. 545- 1081, 36 photographs, 11 drawings, 4 diagr., tabs., 7 (2 folded) maps. == History, Cultural Traditions and Innovations in Southern Africa, 19:1-2 € 198,00 1106. Lee,M.C. and K.Calvard (eds.): Unfinished Business. The Land Crisis in Southern Africa. Pretoria 2003/04. 437 p. € 62,00 1107. Lovejoy,P. and B.Lockhart (eds.): Hugh Clapperton into the Interior of Africa. Records of the Second Expedition, 1825-1827. Leiden 2004. Paperback Sources for African History, 2 € 65,00

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1108. Ludwig,F. and A.Adogame (eds.): European Traditions in the Study of Religion in Africa. Ed. in coop. with .U.Berner and Chr.Bochinger. Wiesbaden 2004. X,404 p. Bound. ca. € 78,00 1109. Müller,T.R.: The Making of Elite Women. Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea. Leiden 2005. XIV,306 p. Paperback == Afrika-Studiencntrum Series,4 € 47,00 1110. Makumbe,J. and D.Compagnon: Behind the Smokescreen. The Politics of Zimbabwe's 1995 General Elections. Harare 2000/03. 348 p. € 53,00 1111. Maundi,M.O. a.o.: Getting in. Mdiators' Entry into the Settlement of African Conflicts. Herndon 2005. 256 p. Paperback € 17,50 1112. Mojuetan,B.A. (ed.): Ibadan at Fifty (1948-1999). Nigeria's Premier University in Perspective. Ibadan 2000/03. 470 p. € 62,00 1113. Morgan,Ph.D. and S.Hawkins (eds.): Black Experience and the Empire. Oxford 2004. 432 p. 1 table, 1 maps. Hardback ==Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Seriess € 69,00 1114. Ohaegbulam.E.U.: U.S.Policy in Postcolonial Africa. Four Case Studies in Conflict Resolution. Bern 2004. Bern 2004. XVI,280 p., 1 ill. 2 tables, 5 maps. Paperback € 29,40 1115. Olaniyan,R.A. (ed.): The Amalgamation and ist Enemies. An Interpretive History of Modern Nigeria. Ile Ife 2003. 265 p. € 42,00 1116. Omopariola,O.: Government Budgeting in Nigeria. Principles, Policies and Practices. Ile Ife 2003. 227 p. € 42,00 1117. Percox,D.: Britain, Kenya and the Cold War. Imperial Defence, Colonial Security and Decolonisation. London 2004. 200 p. Hardback. == Internatioal Library of African Studies,13 € 68,00 1118. Pétré-Grenouilleau,O. and A.G.Hopkins (eds.): From Slave Trade to Empire. European Colonisation of Black Africa, 1780s-1880s. London 2004. 272 p. Hardback == Routledge Studies in Modern History € 81,00 1119. Prunier,G.: From Genocide to Continental War. The Congolese Conflict and the Crisis of Contemporary Africa. London 2005-c.450 p. Hardback € 61,00 1120. Shillington,K. (ed.): Encyclopedia of African History. London 2004. 2052 p., 120 ill., 60 maps. Hardback € 460,00 1121. Thompson,G.: Governing Uganda. British Colonial Rule and ist Legacy. Kampala 2003. 376 p., maps € 49,00 1122. Tvedt,T.: Southern Sudan. An Annotated Bibliography. London 2004. 2 vols. Hardback € 234,00 1123. Van der Veen,R.: What Went Wrong with Africa? Amsterdam 2004. 398 p. Paperback € 35,00 1124. Vansina,J.: Antecedents to Modern Rwanda. The Nyiginya Kingdom. Oxford 2005. 320 p., 11 maps. Paperback € 26,00 1125. Wolf,F.: Entwicklungsland im Globalisierungswettlauf. Hrsg. v. H. Strunz. Bern 2004. 382 S., 5 Karten, zahlr. Tab. und Graf. Brosch. Internationale Märkte, 10 € 82,00 1126. Wolf,F.: Senegal. Entwicklungsland im Globalierungswettlauf. Bern 2004. 382 S., 5 Karten, zahlr.Tab. und Graf. Brosch. == Internationale Märkte,10 € 56,50 1127. Wolmer,W.: From Wilderness Vision to Farm Invasions. Conservation & Development in Zimbabwe's South-East Lowveld. Oxford 2006. ca. 320 p., 8 fig., 6 maps. Paperback ca. january 2006, ca. € 28,00 1128. Zewde,B. (ed.): Land, Gender and the Periphery. Themes in the History of Eastern and Southern Africa. Addis Ababa 2003. 170 p. € 38,00

L.2 AFRIKA: Religion

1129. Amanze,J.N.: African Christianity in Botswana. The Case of African Independent Churches. Gweru 1998/2003. 280 p. € 42,00

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1130. Ellis,St. and G.ter Haar.: Worlds of Power. Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa. London 2004. VIII,262 p. Hardback € 78,00 1131. Gifford,P.: Chana's New Christianity. Pentecostalism in a Globalising African Econmy. Bloomington 2004. 230 p., map. Cloth € 102,00 1132. Kastfelt,N.: Role of Religion in African Civil Wars. Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 73,00 1133. Khoza,A.E.: Memorial History of Mulanje Mission. Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi. Blantyre 2002. 76 p., ill., pl., maps € 27,00 1134. Ludwig,F. and A.Adogame (eds.): European Traditions in the Study of Religion in Africa. In cooperation with UlBerner and Ch.Bochinger. Wiesbaden 2004. X, 404 p. Bound ca. € 78,00

L. 3 AFRIKA: Sprache und Literatur

1135. Ahmad,S.B.: Narrator as Interpreter. Stability & Variation in Hausa Tales. Ibadan 2002. 249 p. € 34,50 1136. Alio,K.: Sússúnà. Contes Bidiya (Guèra, Tschad) Köln 2004. 303 S. Brosch. == Westafrikanische Studien,30 € 34,80 1137. Bodomo,A.: A Dagaare-Cantonese-English Lexikon for Lexicogrpahical Field Research Training. Köln 2004. 194 p., 10 tab. Paper. == Afrikawisssenschaftliche Lehrbücher,14 € 34,80 1138. Boyeldieu,P. et P.Nougayrol (eds.): Langues et cultures: Terrains d'Afrique. Hommage à France Cloarec-Heiss. Leuven 2004. 284 p. == Afrique et Langage, 7 € 41,50 1139. Diawara,M.: L'empire du verbe et l'éloquence du silence. Vers une anthropologie du discours dans les groupes dits dominés au Sahel. Köln 2003. 462 p., 5 tab., 9 photographs, 2 diagr., 1 map. Bound == Studien zur Kulturkunde, 120 € 64,00 1140. Ekwe-Ekwe,H.: African Literature in Defence of History. An Essay on Chinua Achebe. Dakar 2001/03. 193 p. € 34,50 1141. Fissaha Adafre,S.: Adding Amharic to a Unification Based Maschine Translation System. An Experiment. Bern 2004. XXII, 208 p. Paperback Sahest. Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Sprach- und Translationswissenchaft,5 € 42,50 1142. Geider,Th.: Motivforschungen in Volkserzählungender Kanuri (Tschadsee-Region). Ein Beitrag zu Methodenentwicklung in der Afrikanistik. Köln 2003. 424 S., 2 Abb., zahlr. Tab. Und Übersichten, 1 Karte. Brosch. == Wortkunst und Dokumentartexte in afrikanischen Sprachen, 17 € 49,80 1143. Harjula,L.: The Ha Language of Tanzania. Grammar, Texts and Vocabulary. Köln 2004. XIV,220 p. 5 Darstellungen, 21Tab., 1 Karte. Brosch. Anhänge:'Kiha Texts, Kiha-English Vocabulary == East- African Languages and Dialects, 13 € 34,80 1144. Heywood,Chr.: History of South African Literature. Cambridge 2005. 310 p., 1 map. Hardback ca. € 73,00 1145. Höftmann,H.: Dictionnaire Fon-Français, avec une esquisse grammaticale. En coll. Avec M.Ahohounkpanzon. Köln 2003. 424 p., 1 diagr. Broché == Westafrikanische Studien, 27 € 49,80 1146. Ibriszimow,D. et G.Segerer (eds.): Systèmes de marques personnelles en Afrique. Leuven 204. 216 p. == Afrique et Langage, 8 € 54,00 1147. Indaba 2002: The Impact of African Writing on World Literature. Ed. By Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust. Harare 2003. 199 p. € 35,00 1148. Kari,E.E.: A Reference Grammar of Degema. Köln 2004. XIV, 430 p. Paperback == Grammatical Analyses of African Languages, 22 € 44,80 1149. Kießling,R. and M.Mous: The Lexical Reconstruction of West-Rift Southern Cushitic. Köln 2003. X, 358 p., 21 tab. Paperback == Cushitic Language Studies, 21 € 42,00

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1150. Kilian-Hatz,Ch.: Khwe Dictionary. With a Supplement on Khwe Place Names of West Caprivi by M.Brenzinger. Köln 2003. X, 431 p., 1 map. Brosch. - Anhang: Ethnonyme, Clan-, Familien- und Eigennamen == Namibian African Studies, 7 € 49,80 1151. Kirmani,M.H. and S.Kirmani: Oral Literature of the Asians in . Nairobi 2002/03. 138 p. == Oral Literature Titles, 4 € 34,50 1152. Lipski,J.: A History of Afro-Hispanic Language. Five Centuriesr,Five Continents. Cambridge 2004. 350 p. Hardback. ca. € 81,00 1153. Mchómbo,S.A.: The Grammar of Chichewa. Cambridge 2004. 200 p., 8 diagr., 1 table. Hardback == Cambridge Syntax Guides ca. € 65,00 1154. Mills,R.: Dictionnaire Sénoufo - Français. Sénanri - paerler tyébara (Côte d'Ivoire). Avec un index français-tyébara. 2 vols. Köln 2003. XVIII, pp. 1-743; V, pp. 744-1503, 261 ill., 1 plan. Relié == Gur Monographs, 5:1-2 € 148,00 1155. Mous,M.: A Sketch of Mbugwe. Bantu F34, Tanzania. Köln 2004. VIII, 70 p., 12 tab. Paperback == Grammatical Analyses of African Languages, 23 € 23,80 1156. Nanfah,G.: Analyse contrastive des parlers Yemba du département de la Menoua de l'Ouest- Cameroun. Köln 2003. XVI, 271 p., 2 photos, 2 plans. Broché == Grammatische Analysen in afrikanischen Sprachen, 21 € 39,80 1157. Nicolaï,R.: La force des choses ou l'épreuve "nilo-saharienne". Questions sur les reconstructions archéologiques et l'évolution des langues. Köln 2003. XVI, 577 p., 2 plans, 2 facs. , tab. Relié == SUGIA-Beiheft 13 € 64,00 1158. Nzegwu,F.: Love, Motherhood and the African Heritage. The Legacy of Flora Nwapa. Dakar 2001/03. 256 p. € 38,00 1159. Palayer,P.: Dictionnaire Kenga (Tchad). Leuven 2004. 215 p. == Arique et Langage, 6 € 39,00 1160. Reintges,C.H.: Coptic Egpytian (Sahidic Dialect). A Learner's Grammar. Köln 2004. XXIV, 616 p., 69 tab. Paperback == Afrikawissenschaftliche Lehrbücher, 15 € 64,00 1161. Rothmaler,E.: Ortsnamen in Borno (Nordnigeria). Köln 2003. XII, 247 S., zahlr. Tab. Und Übersichten, 13 Karten. Brosch. == Westafrikanische Studien, 29 € 34,80 1162. Sander,R. and B.Lindfors (eds.): Ngugi Wa Thong'o Speaks. Interviews with the Kenyan Writer. Oxford 2005. ca. 376 p. Paperback € 27,50 1163. Takács,G.: Comparative Dictionary of the Angas-Sura Languages. Berlin 2004. XLI,445 p., 3 ill. Cloth == Sprache und Oralität in Afrika,25 € 78,00 1164. Voort,H. van der: A Grammer of Kwaza. Berlin 2004. XXXV,II, 1026 p., 11 photos, 39 tables, 3 maps. Cloth == Mouton Grammar Library, 29 € 148,00

L.4 AFRIKA: Kunst und Archäologie

1165. Connah,G.: Forgotten Africa. An Introduction to its Archaeology. London 2004. 192 p., 25 drawings, 28 photos. Hardback € 89,00 1166. Le Quellec,J.-L: African Cave Art, Transl,. by P.Bahn. Paris 2004. 250 p., 216 (partly col.) ill. Hardcover € 97,00 1167. Marschall,S.: Community Mural Art in South Africa. Pretoria 2002/03. 298 p., col.plates. Cased € 81,00 1168. Marschall,S. and B.Kearney: Opportunities for Relevance. Architecture in the New South Africa. Pretoria 2000/03. 234 p., ill., col.plates € 71,50

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L.5 AFRIKA: Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte

1169. Abbink,J. and I. van Kessel (eds.): Vanguard or Vandals. Youth, Politics and Conflict in Africa. Leiden 2005.X,302 p. Paperback == African Dynamics,4 € 40,00 1170. Ahwireng-Obeng,F. and G.Akussa: The Impact of HIV-AIDS on African Economies. Pretoria 2003. 83 p. € 29,00 1171. Amulets and Dreams: War Youth and Change in Africa. Photographs by G.Timmim and O.Badsha. Pretoria 2002/03. 161 p. Cased € 71,50 1172. Andrewes,J.: Bodywork.´Dress as Cultural Tool. Dress and Demeanour in the South of Senegal. Leiden 2004. 335 p. Paperback == African Social Studies Series,7 € 76,50 1173. Anin,T.E.: An Economic Blueprint for Ghana. Accra 2003. 159 p., ill., plates € 40,00 1174. Ashforth,A.: Witchcraft, Violence and Demcracy in South Africa. Chicago 2005. ca.376 p., 8 ill., 1 map. Cloth € 76,00 1175. Baah-Nuakoh,A.: Environment, Informal Sector and Factor Markets. Accra 2003. 322 p. == Studies on the Ghanaian Economy Series, 2 € 42,00 1176. Baah-Nuakoh,A.: The Industrial Sector. Accra 2003. 257 p. == Studies on the Ghanaian Economy, 3 € 53,00 1177. Bowman,C.G. and A.Kuenyehia: Women and Law in Sub-Saharan Africa. Accra 2003. 672 p.€ 62,00 1178. Bratton,M. a.o.: Learning about Reform in Africa. Public Opinion, Democracy and Markets. Cambridge 2004. 336 p., 46 tables. Hardback ca. € 77,00 1179. Campbell,G.: An Economic History of Imperial Madagascar, 1740-1895. The Rise and Fall of an Island Empire. Cambridge 2004. 200 p., 10 ill., 27 diagr., 38 tables, 10 maps. Hardback African Studies, 106 ca. € 77,00 1180. Dada,I.O.: The Nigerian Capital Market: Developments, Issues and Policies. Ibadan 2003/04. 215 p. € 53,00 1181. Dafinger,A.: Anthropologie des Raumes. Untersuchungen zur Beziehung räumlicher und sozialer Ordnung im Süden Burkina Fasos. Köln 2004. 207 S., 5 Fotos, 4 Genalogien, 12 diagramme, 17 Skizzen, 1 Zeichnung, 5 Übersichten, 11 Karten-. Brosch. == Studien zur Kulturkunde, 122 € 34,80 1182. Dispossessing the Widow: Gender Based Vilence in Malawi. Women and Law in Southern Africa, Malawi. Zomba 2003. 112 p. € 25,50 1183. Djamba,V.K.: Sexual Behavior of Adolescents in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. Lewiston 2004. 311 p. Hardback € 138,50 1184. Ejituwu,N.C. and A.O.I.Gabriel (eds.): Women in Nigerian History. The Rivers and Bayelsa States Experience. Port Harcourt 2003. 382 p., ill., pl., maps € 40,00 1185. Epprecht,M.: Hungochani. The History of Dissident Sexuality in Southern Africa. Montreal 2004. 344 p., 10 photographs. Cloth. € 99,00 1186. Fafchamps,M.: Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Theory and Evidence. Cambridge 2004. 464 p., 10 ill. == Contemporary Institutional Analysis Series € 64,00 1187. Flynn,K.C.: Food, Culture and Survival in an African City. Basingstoke 2005. 256 p. Hardback € 65,00 1188. Frischauf,M.: Inkatha, Zulu Nationalism und Neuerfindung der Vergangenheit in Südafrika. Hamburg 2003. 88 S. Brosch. == Schriften zur Internationalen Politik, 5 € 55.00 1189. Gonzo,W. and I.E.Plattner: Unemployment in an African Country. A Psychological Perspective. Windhoek 2003. 110p. € 35,00 1190. Hardiman,M.: Konkonuru. Life in a West African Village. The Impact of Socio-Economic Change in Rural Communities. Accra 2003. 244 p., col.ill., pl., maps € 34,50 1191. Harrison,G.: The World Bank and Afrika. The Construction of Governance States. London 2004. 176 p. Hardback == Advances in International Poilitical Economy € 97,00

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1192. Harunah,H.B.: A Cultural History of the Uneme. From the Earliest Times to 1962. Lagos 2003. 658 p., ill., maps. Paperback € 62,00 1193. Howard,A.M. and R.M.Shain (eds.): The Spatial Factor in African History. The Relationship of the Social, Material and Perceptual. Leiden 2004. 300 p. Paperback == African Social Studies Series,8 € 73,00 1194. Ibrahim,I.: Democratic Transition in Anglophone West Africa. Dakar 2003. 79 p. € 34,50 1195. IliffeJ.: Honour in African History. Cambridge 2004. 470 p., 5 maps. Hardback == African Studies,107 ca. € 77,00 1196. Inskeep,A.: Heinrich Vedder's "The Bergdama". An Annotated Translation of the German Original with additional ethnographic material. Ed. By M.Schladt. 2 vols. Köln 2003. XXII, 544 p.; XVI, pp. 545-1081, 36 photographs, 11 drawings, 4 diagr., tabs., 7 (2 folded) maps. == History, Cultural Traditions and Innovations in Southern Africa, 19:1-2 € 198,00 1197. Kabutha Mugo,J.: Rehabilitation of Street Children in Kenya. Approaches, Quality and Challenges. Frankfurt 2004. 204 p. € 16,90 1198. Kasozi,A.B.K.: University Education in Uganda. Challenges and Opportunities for Reform. Kampala 2003. 208 p. € 42,00 1199. Kastfelt,N.: Role of Religion in African Civil Wars. Basingstoke 2005. 288 p. Hardback € 73,00 1200. Kimambo,I.N. (ed.): Humanities and Social Sciences in East and Central Africa. Theory and Practice. Dar es Salaam 2003. 382 p. € 51,00 1201. Kuenyehia,A. (ed.): Women & Law in West Africa. Situational Analysis of Some Key Issues Affecting Women. Accra 1998 (published 2004). 329 p. € 62,00 1202. Larsson,A., M.Matseliso and A.Schlyter (eds.): Gender and Urban Housing in Southern Africa. Emerging Issues. Roma 2003. 239 p., ill., plates == ISQAS Book Series € 44,00 1203. LeBeau,D. and R.J.Gordan (eds.): Challenges for Anthropology in the "African Renaissance". A Southern African Contribution. Windhoek 2002. 332 p., ill., pl., maps € 51,00 1204. Lee,M.C. and K.Calvard (eds.): Unfinished Business. The Land Crisis in Southern Africa. Pretoria 2003/04. 437 p. € 62,00 1205. Lipinge,Sch., K.Hofnie and St.Friedman: The Relationship between Gender Roles and HIV Infection in Namibia. Windhoek 2004. 281 p. € 42,00 1206. Lobola: Ist Implications for Women's Reproductive Rights. Women and Law in Southern Africa Research Trust. Harare 2002. 51 p., ill., plates € 31,00 1207. Luhanga,M.L. a.o. (eds.): Higher Education Reforms in Africa. The University of Dar es Salaam Experience. Dar es Salaam 2003. 221 p. € 42,00 1208. Luhanga,M.L. a.o. (eds.): Strategic Planning and Higer Education Management in Africa. The University of Dar es Salaam Experence. Dar es Salaam 2003. 237 p. € 42,00 1209. Macmillan,H.: An African Trading Empire. The Story of Susman Brothers & Wulfsohn, 1901-2003. London 2005. 320 p. Hardback International Library of African Studies,16 € 40,50 1210. Mahanga,M.M.: Urban Housing and Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam 2002. 260 p. € 42,00 1211. Müller,T.R.: The Making of Elite Women. Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea. Leiden 2005. XIV,306 p. Paperback == Afrika-Studiencntrum Series,4 € 47,00 1212. Mojuetan,B.A. (ed.): Ibadan at Fifty (1948-1999). Nigeria's Premier University in Perspective. Ibadan 2000/03. 470 p. € 62,00 1213. Mowoe,K.: Constitutional Law in Nigeria. Vol. 1. Lagos 2003. 242 p. € 38,00 1214. Moyana,H.V.: The Political Economy of Land in Zimbabwe. Rev. ed. Gweru 2002. 224 p. € 38,00 1215. Mulinge,M. and P.Mufune (eds.): Debt Relief Initiatives and Poverty Alleviation. Lessons from Africa. Pretoria 2004. 409 p. € 55,00 1216. Munoz,L.J.: A Living Tradition. Studies in Yoruba Civilization. Ibadan 2003. 271 p., ill., pl., maps € 38,00

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1217. Musengezi,Ch. and I.Staunton (eds.): A Tragedy of Lives. Women in Prison in Zimbabwe. Harare 2003. Ca. 240 p. € 38,00 1218. Mvungi,S.E.A. (ed.): The Draft Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community. A Critical review. Da es Salaam 2002. 117 p. € 34,50 1219. Nast ,H.J.:: Concubines and Power. Five Hundred Years in a Northern Nigerian Place. Foreword by A.A.Bayero. Minneapolis 2004 288 p., 8 ill., 16 maps. Cloth € 84,00 1220. Ndoye,A.K.: Factuers socio-économiques et réussite scolaire des filles en fin d'enseignement élémentaire: Cas des deux régions du Sénégal. Dakar 2002. 141 p. € 42,00 1221. Nnaemeka Oranekwu,G.: The Significant Role of Initiation in the Traditional Igbo Culture and Religion. An Inculturation Basis for Pastoral Catechesis of Christian Initiation. Frankfurt 2004. 268 p. Ezi Muoma - Afrika verstehen, 2 € 21,80 1222. Nwa,E.U.: History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control in Nigeria. Ibadan 2003. 229 p. € 40,00 1223. Offiong,D.: Secret Cults in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Enugu 2003. 173 p. € 34,50 1224. Ogwuche,A.S.: Compendium of Laws under the Nigerian Legal System. Lagos 2002/03. 510 p. € 71,50 1225. Omopariola,O.: Government Budgeting in Nigeria. Principles, Policies and Practices. Ile Ife 2003. 227 p. € 42,00 1226. Omorogwe,Y.: Oil and Gas Law in Nigeria. Lagos 2003. 222 p. € 34,50 1227. Osai-Akoto,I.: The Economics of Rural Health Insurance. The Effects of Formal and Informal Rist- Sharing Schemes in Ghana. Bern 2004, XVIII,158 p., 8 fig., num. tables. Paperback == Development Economics and Policy, 40 € 39,00 1228. Otaala,B. (ed.): HIV/AIDS. The Challenge for Tertiary Institutions in Namibia. Windhoek 2000. 209 p. € 46,00 1229. Paulme,D. (ed.): Women of Tropical Africa. London 2004. 328 p. Hardback == Anthropology and Ethnography € 137,50 1230. Peters,R.: Islamic Criminal Law in Nigeria. Ibadan 2003. 96 p. € 29,00 1231. Pilon,M. et Y.Yaro (eds.): La demande d'éducation en Afrique. Etat des connaissances et perspectives de recherche. Dakar 2001. 291 p. € 42,00 1232. Posner,D.N.: Institutions and Ethnic Politics in Africa. Cambridge 2004. 263 p., 36 diagr., 17 tables. Hardback Political Ecomomy of Institutions and Decisions ca. € 98,00 1233. Racine Sow,M.: Ist die Schule Schlüssel der Familienplanung in Westafrika? Das Beispiel Senegals. Bern 2004. 184 S., zahlr . Tab., 2 Graf. Brosch. == Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 11: Pädagogik,908 € 39,00 1234. Ranko,L. (comp.): Gender and Urban Housing in Southern Africa. Bibliography and Information Sources. Roma 2003. 240 p. € 44,00 1235. Rietdorf,U.: Minderheiten und ihre Bedeutung für endogene Entwicklungen in Afrika. Das beispiel Tansania. Hamburg 2003. 208 S. == ORBIS. Wissenschaftliche Schriften zur Landeskunde, 12 € 79,00 1236. Rout Biel, M.: African Kids. Between Warlords, Child Soldiers and Living on the Street. Causes, Eables, Effects and Solution: The Cases of Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Kenya. Bern 2004. 95 p., 17 fig., 2 tables. Paperback € 24,50 1237. Simelane,H.S.: Colonialism and Economic Change in Swaziland 1940-60. Mbabane 2003. 350 p., ill., pl., maps € 51,00 1238. Steinhart,E.I.: Black Poachers, White Hunters. A Social history of hunting in Colonial Kenya. Oxford 2005. ca. 320 p., 4 photos, 1 map. Cloth ca. november 2005 == Eastern African Studies € 73,00 1239. Thomas,J.M.C. et al. (eds.): Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka II. Dictionnaire ethnographique Aka- Français. Fasc. 6, S (TO50). Leuven 2004. 260 p. == Société d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de france, 410 € 100,00 1240. Tibenderana,P.K.: Education and Cultural Change in Northern Nigeria 1906-1966. Kampala 2003. 242 p. € 51,00

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1241. Tsanga,A.Sh.: Taking Law to the People. Gender, law Reform and Community Legal Education in Zimbabwe. Harare 2003. 304 p. € 62,00 1242. Uzoma Anyanwu,C,Ch.: The Rites óf Initiation in Christan Liturgy and in Igbo Traditional Society. Towards the Inculturation of Christian Liturgy in Igbo Land. Bern 2004. 401 p. Paperback == European University Studies, Series 23: Theology, 790 € 68,50 1243. Woherem,M. (ed.): Nigerian Information and Communications Technology Handbook. Lagos 2003. 367 p. € 238,00 1244. Wolf,F.: Entwicklungsland im Globalisierungswettlauf. Hrsg. v. H. Strunz. Bern 2004. 382 S., 5 Karten, zahlr. Tab. und Graf. Brosch. Internationale Märkte, 10 € 82,00 1245. Wolmer,W.: From Wilderness Vision to Farm Invasions. Conservation & Development in Zimbabwe's South-East Lowveld. Oxford 2006. ca. 320 p., 8 fig., 6 maps. Paperback ca. january 2006 ca. € 28,00 1246. Zawati,H.M. and Mahmoud,I.M.: A Selected Socio--Legal Bibliography on Ethnic Cleansing, Wartime Rape and Genocide in the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Lewiston 2004. 597 p. € 159,00

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