All profits go towards the maintenance of the churchyard. 60p 2 St Margaret’s Church Celebrating, sharing and growing in God's love

Officers of the Parish Church of St Margaret’s, Betley ....

VICAR OF BETLEY AND OF MADELEY Vacancy The Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Madeley, CW3 9PQ 01782 750205 ASSISTANT PRIEST Revd. Pamela Lane, 01270 820258 Brandon, Main Road, Betley, CW3 9BH ORDAINED LOCAL MINISTER Revd. Alan Bailey 01270 820043 CURATE Revd. John Beswick Pallister ([email protected]) 07428 342801 CHURCH WARDENS Mrs. Jennifer Walton, 01270 820051 6 Court Walk, Betley, CW3 9DP

Mr. Kevin Hamer, 01270 820704 Shade House, Main Road. Betley, CW3 9AA READERS Mr. Kevin Hamer, 01270 820704 Mrs. Jennifer Walton 01270 820051 Mrs. Jean Ainsworth 01270 820532 READER EMERITUS Mr. Michael Darlington 01270 820582 CHOIRMASTER Mr. Kevin Hamer 01270 820704 ORGANIST Mrs Alison Hendricken ([email protected]) 01270 820078 CAPTAIN OF THE BELFRY Mr. Robert Bailey 01270 820522 CHURCH CLERK Mr. Bernard Swift 01270 821760 PCC TREASURER & PCC CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY Mr. Michael Smith, ([email protected]) 01270 821099 3, Court, Balterley, CW2 5SB SAFEGUARDING COORDINATOR Mrs. Jennifer Walton 01270 820051 MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION QUERIES Mrs. Sue Cheetham 01270 820463 MAGAZINE EDITORS Sadie & Ken Blankley 01270 829128

Please email all items by the 15th of the preceding month to [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook! 3 A MESSAGE FROM REVD. PAMELA LANE A Season to Remember those who meant so much to us. “Remember me!” shouted the war- The Lord never forgets us, and in weary airman as he approached the fact we are loved more than we can WVS lady who was serving tea at ever imagine. Words from the Bible railway station. The airman had assure us of this. We are not returned safely from the conflicts of forgotten. “The Lord will never leave WW2 unlike many of his comrades. The you or forsake you”. “I am with you surprised and overjoyed lady was his always”. That sounds like a promise mother – my great aunt – and there to me. were more tears in that cup of tea than Remember those pre-pandemic milk. days when we could meet up with a At the last supper with his friends, friend, sit near each other, share a Jesus told them to remember him. “Do pot of tea, chat or just enjoy each this in remembrance of me” he said and other’s company? Communication broke the bread into pieces and poured with the Lord is a bit like that out the wine. “Remember me Jesus, in experience. The Lord is always, that kingdom of yours”, said the thief always more ready to listen than we who was hanging on the cross next to are to speak, or to spend time with his. him. We are never forgotten, but we November, more than any other month, do forget him. Wherever we are, seems to be a time for remembering. heaven’s communications channel Remembrance services help us to is always open and we are never remember those who died as a result of put on hold, so keep in touch: war. Most of those who were killed or “Dear Lord, injured in battle joined the armed forces So far today, I am doing alright. I because they wanted to defend their have not gossiped, lost my temper, country, their families and loved ones. been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish We remember the sacrifice of so many or self-indulgent. I have not whined, in the World Wars and many other complained, cursed, or eaten any conflicts. So much to remember, to chocolate. I have charged nothing to learn from, and to build for the future in my credit card….But I’ll be getting the light of the past. out of bed in a minute, and I think All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ are times that then I will really need your in the church calendar for more help.” remembering. We remember in May God bless you as your journey particular our loved ones who have died through this season of either recently or during the past years. remembering. We miss them and will never forget

4 IN THIS MONTH’S BETLEY PARISH NEWS ... It’s November and time for Bonfire Night and Remembrance Sunday. But along with many traditional events, the Betley Bonfire will not take place this year. It will be much missed, not least by those local organisations that usually receive generous donations afterwards. See page 17 for information about how the proceeds were distributed from last year’s event Given their loss of income, please support these essential village groups when you can. Remembrance Sunday will also be different in 2020. Covid-19 restrictions mean there cannot be the usual gatherings to remember those who gave their lives in past and recent conflicts, but the Parish Council and St. Margaret’s Church are asking residents to stand outside our homes so we can mark the two minute’s silence together on Sunday 8th November. Full details of arrangements are on pages 10 and 11. Another focus this month is the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan. The plan will be key in determining how Betley, Balterley and develop in the years to come. The consultation period continues until 27th November and it’s time to have your say. On page 7, you can read about how to review the plan and give feedback. Have you been able to enjoy some good local walks this year? See page 20 for a lovely look back over a year of discovery and exploration in the beautiful surroundings of Wrinehill.

As we go to print the number of cases of Covid-19 in the area have been increasing quite significantly in recent days and you will have received a letter from the Borough Council asking everyone to continue actively to follow the rules. Cheshire East and Stoke-on-Trent are designated as Tier 2 with even stricter measures in place. Please stay up to date with what you should do, stay two metres away from others where possible, cover your nose and mouth in shops and on public transport, and wash your hands regularly .

St. Margaret’s continues to be open for individual private prayer between 9.00am and 5.00pm daily You are welcome to enter but please adhere to the guidelines posted on the church door. Please close the door when you leave!

Follow us on Facebook! 5 ST MARGARET’S BETLEY… SERVICES IN NOVEMBER 9.30am Sunday Services are now weekly at St Margaret’s Social distancing and other safety measures in place. Face coverings are required.

Sunday 1st November 9:30am Family Worship All Saints’ Day Matthew 5.1-12 Tuesday 3rd November 9:15am Holy Communion (BCP) Sunday 8th November 9:30am Remembrance Service rd 3 Sunday before 10:50am Remembrance Service (Zoom) Advent Remembrance Sunday 6:30pm Remembrance Service Tuesday 10th November 9:15am Morning Prayers Sunday 15th November 9:30am Family Worship 2nd Sunday before Matthew 25. 14-30 Advent

Tuesday 17th November 9:15am Morning Prayers Sunday 22nd November 9:30am Holy Communion (CW) Sunday before Advent Matthew 25.31-46 6:30pm Evensong (BCP) Tuesday 24th November 9:15am Morning Prayers Sunday 29th November 9:30am Special Advent Service Advent Sunday

Unable to get to Church? Joint Zoom Services continue every Sunday at 11.00am Details are issued each week by email with advice on how to participate for more information contact Revd. John Pallister (Curate) or Jennifer Walton or Kevin Hamer (Churchwardens) There will also be a live streaming of our more informal Living Streams service at 6.30pm on 1st November


Thank you Betley

for 80kgs in September

Much appreciated at the warehouse! Current shortages are: Any non-perishable food, especially long-life fruit juices Particular non-food items needed are: Washing up liquid, personal toiletries Collection boxes in the porches of the Reading Room and the Church are frequently monitored. Your contributions are being secured and safely transferred to the warehouse. More information is available from Kevin Hamer 820704

'Swimathon' for Marie Curie and Cancer Research Charities Jane Hamer completed her 3km swim on September 11th (£250) and Sam Ashton completed his 2km swim on September 18th (£150). By the time you read this the charities will have received your donations. Our thanks to all of you for sponsoring us.

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Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill Neighbourhood Plan An important message

Consultation on the Neighbourhood Development Plan opened in early October, and within days a number of questions and comments were submitted to the Group co-ordinating the plan. Consultation will continue until Friday 27th November. The Plan will be available to view during the consultation period, online at, or a paper copy can be obtained (by prior arrangement) at the Pool Farm vet’s surgery. Feedback can be made via an online response form, by e-mail to [email protected], or in writing to the Clerk to the Parish Council Gwyn Griffiths on [email protected]. The Neighbourhood Development Plan will be an important document which will shape the control of development in our community between now and 2033. Crucially it has been drawn up locally with feedback from the questionnaire circulated in 2017 and comments made by local residents during ongoing consultation. Supporting the Plan will mean that our area can be shaped by local needs and views rather than ideas from Newcastle, Stafford or central government in London. Please have a look at the Plan and let us have your views via the various forms of feedback available. Richard Head .

8 BETLEY, BALTERLEY & WRINEHILL PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council meetings The Council has continued to meet remotely using Zoom and this has proved to be an effective way of conducting business such as responding to planning applications, dealing with the Council’s financial affairs and other matters as they have arisen. Sadly it looks as though Covid-19 will continue to blight our lives until at least the end of the year and therefore the Council will continue to meet virtually for the foreseeable future. The unequivocal advice from the National Association of Local Councils is that wherever possible Parish and Town Councils should hold all meetings using ‘remote’ technology and not attempt to make arrangements to meet physically. The next meeting on Thursday 26th November will again be held via Zoom. The Parish Council does not normally meet in December. Arrangements can be made for members of the public to view meetings live, by prior arrangement with the Clerk and limited public participation is still available. This facility has already been used and proved to be quite effective. Ideally members of the public wishing to join meetings should notify the Clerk at least 48 hours, but no later than 24 hours, before the meeting to enable arrangements to be made. Autumn Events Please note the following information regarding the events which form a traditional part of this time of year for our community. Remembrance Sunday (8th November) arrangements for remembering those who gave their lives will be different this year, see pages 10 and 11 for details of Parish and Church events. Armistice Day (Wednesday 11th November) the annual event will be held on the Memorial Garden at 11.00am, with the details to be advised nearer to the event (in the light of Covid-19 restrictions). Currently we expect to hold a short service, starting at 10.45am, which will involve some of the pupils from the school. Should circumstances dictate, at minimum it will be the intention of the Chairman to lay a wreath, in conjunction with the Curate, who will also conduct a short Service of Remembrance. Please note the following regarding Christmas arrangements on the Memorial Garden this year: Message for children The Chief Elf has advised the Parish Council that the elves are busy getting the children's presents ready for Christmas and, like the school, the elves are working in 'bubbles'. Santa Claus is very pleased with the arrangements, which are necessary for disease control during the present Covid-19 outbreak across our country. Santa has asked that all children follow the guidelines provided by teachers and parents, and also respect their 'bubbles', so we can all safely look forward to and then enjoy Christmas.

Follow us on Facebook! 9 The Parish Council have had a long discussion with the Chief Elf about the Christmas lights and have been advised that Santa would prefer not to turn the lights on as usual on the Friday before Advent Sunday (Friday 27th November). However, Santa is very concerned that we should still have lights and he has, therefore, instructed the Chief Elf not only to ensure there are lights on the Memorial Garden but also to try and do something special in the current circumstances. Sandy Croft Sadly, on the night of 11th October one of the picnic tables on Sandy Croft was vandalised and some of the bolts, nuts and washers that hold the table top to the base were stolen. The table has been repaired and the bolts replaced. Residents of the Parish are asked to report to the police any such behaviour they observe, on Sandy Croft or elsewhere. Any information concerning the vandalism in October leading to the identification of those responsible would be very welcome and should be provided to the Clerk. See also page 22 for an appeal for information from Staffs Police. Members of the public are reminded of the opening hours for Sandy Croft (30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset) and are asked to report immediately any activity outside those hours to any member of the Parish Council. On the subject of Sandy Croft, it has been noted lately that we are getting something of a problem with litter, most notably dog fouling. Dog owners are asked to please behave responsibly and to pick up after their animals. There is a dog waste bin some 50m below Sandy Croft at the bridge so it really isn’t difficult! All users are also reminded to take other litter home with them please; with Covid-19 you are placing others at risk if they have to clear up after you. Next Meeting The next scheduled meeting will be on Thursday 26th November and will be a ‘virtual’ meeting on Zoom. For details of how to view the meeting please contact the Clerk (as below). Details will be posted on the local notice- boards and on the Council’s website. Go to and enter Betley, Balterley or Wrinehill into the search facility.

Clerk [email protected] 01270 663832

BOROUGH COUNCILLORS Cllr Simon White Cllr Gary White Simon.white@newcastle- Gary.white@newcastle Tel 07834 090 747 Tel 07561 340 899

10 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY has to be somewhat different this year… At 11am on Sunday 8th of November the Parish Council and St. Margaret's church would like to invite you to stand in your front garden to mark the national observance of two minutes’ silence. We will still stand to remember those who have fallen, the hardships and the sadness that previous generations endured, and we will stand for Peace. A small group, acting in line with Covid-19 guidelines, and including the Chairman of the Parish Council, will observe the two minutes’ silence at the Memorial Garden. However, we must ask other members of the community to not gather there this year. See opposite for details of Remembrance Sunday services.

FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS … Funeral Thursday 10th September Neil John Deakin (died 26th August aged 74) May He Rest In Peace

Thought for the Week If you like to take a few minutes to pause and reflect, join us on Wednesdays for a Thought for the Week. These are live videos on the All Saints Madeley page on Facebook,, but you can see them later on Facebook or on this link:

ST. MARGARET’S CHURCH - HOW TO ARRANGE… Baptisms - Please contact the Parish Office 01782 750205. Confirmations - Adults and young people who would like to prepare to begin receiving communion are encouraged to speak to one of the clergy about being confirmed. Weddings - Please contact the Parish Office 01782 750205. Funerals - Arrangements are made through the funeral director Visiting - Please let the clergy know of anyone who is ill and who would appreciate a call.

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Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn

Remembrance Sunday 2020 November 8th Services to remember those who have fallen in conflict in St. Margaret’s Church 9.30am and 6.30pm Please book in advance for either of these identical services as space may be limited - online if you can: or phone Jean Ainsworth on 07774 714363 On Zoom: 10.50am to include the national observance of two minutes’ silence The link for this service can be e-mailed to you. Please contact Revd. John Beswick Pallister [email protected] All services will include the traditional Act of Remembrance We will remember them


Thank God for the Harvest! What a joy it was to be able to celebrate Harvest Festival in three different ways this year: outdoors on the cricket field, at home on Zoom and in St. Margaret’s Church at a special evening Thanksgiving Service. The weather was perfect in the morning for a large number of folk of all ages to gather at the Cricket Club (grateful thanks to them) for worship, activities and thanksgiving in a lively service led by Revd. John. In the evening worshippers were able to enjoy Harvest music and beautiful decorations in Church highlighted by St. Margaret’s new lighting. Thanks also to the pupils of Betley Primary School for exhibiting their Harvest paintings and collages. Harvest offerings at both services have been sent to one of our special charities – Sanctus at St. Mark’s Shelton (see below).

Sanctus, St Mark’s Supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees Sanitary products and toiletries can be deemed a luxury that is unaffordable for many. Sanctus relies on the generosity of supporters to collect these items for them, through collection boxes in local churches.

St Margaret’s is one such church. If you would like to donate, please leave your contribution in the church porch.

Follow us on Facebook! 13 AN UPDATE FROM JIM CARTLIDGE In case you didn’t know, Jim Cartlidge who with Andrea Cartlidge previously edited the Betley Parish News, is training to be a vicar. Here’s an update on how it’s going: “I can't believe it’s my final year, and that I'm already half way through my last autumn term! The training itself is going very well, if slightly differently this year, with all courses being online. Denomination Ministry is this term’s focus, with a dash of Christian Theology, and Ritual and Pastoral Care thrown into the mix. Learning about Thomas Cranmer, Richard Hooker, and Anglicanism together with aspects of Sociology and Psychology ensures I sleep well at night!. My link church placement continues to go well, I’m preaching at St. Marks, Basford, and St. Margaret's, Wolstanton. For those of you who haven't heard, my Curacy will be based at St Michael and St Wulfad, Stone, with Aston St Saviour. If the name sounds familiar, it was where Revd Barry Wilson did his curacy. Take care and God Bless,”

CHURCH FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Praise and Play The toddler group is online-only which is certainly better than not meeting! Please see our Facebook page for news. Early Birds/Kid's Church On Sunday mornings, there’s Kid's Church which you can join online and do at home. School assemblies School assemblies will be recorded videos until it is safe to meet again. Youth Group Our youth group will continue on Zoom for the time being. Please pass the message around about this group, and let John know of anyone who might like to join. The Youth Group will be meeting on 8th and 22nd November For information about any of these activities, contact John, as below.

[email protected] (07428 342808)


Coming back to school This year when we came back to school the routines have changed, such as you have to sanitise hands whenever you go out of the classroom, and each class has their own playtime at all different times. At lunch time we all have to eat in our classroom because we can’t eat in the hall. If any other class need the toilet and they’re not in our bubble we have to wait outside the toilets until they come out. When we came back to school it felt a bit strange with the new rules. We also felt apprehensive about what things would be like. However, it is fun to be back learning and with our friends. Maths In Maths this term we have been learning about: place value, square and cube numbers (either multiplying the number by itself for square numbers, or multiplying the number by itself three times for cube numbers), prime numbers (these are numbers that only have one and itself as a factor), addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and the last one we have done so far is BODMAS which stands for Brackets, Order, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. This helps us to remember in which order to solve problems if it has more than one operation in it. English In English we have been reading a book called ‘Journey to the River Sea’ which is about a girl called Maia whose parents died when she was younger and she lived in an orphanage. But her guardian (Mr Murray) found some relatives that live the rainforest. So, she left the orphanage with a mistress called Miss Minton and they travelled on a boat. She met a young boy called Clovis who had left his own family in to work for a theatre company. When she finally reached the rainforest, she got a smaller boat to the Carter family. When she got to their house, the Carters weren’t what she was expecting they would be because they were rude and they didn’t want anything to do with the rainforest. We have just found out that the Carters moved to the rainforest to try and find their fortune by producing oil; this wasn’t successful for them as they didn’t treat the native people who worked for them with respect so now that business has failed. They agreed to have Maia come live with them as they know she also came with a lot of money. We are excited to find out what happens next and how Maia’s story develops. Whilst reading the book, we have been writing informal and formal letters, diary entries, narratives, information texts and biographies.

(Year 6)

Follow us on Facebook! 15 Nursery admissions We have a few spaces left in our fabulous Nursery Class. For more information please see the link below. Please note that all applications for Nursery go through school not the Local Authority. http:// If you would like to come and visit please contact the school office for an appointment: 01270 820286. In the meantime, if you would like to book a place for your child to start in Nursery in September 2021 please email me on [email protected]

Executive Headteacher



16 BETLEY CRICKET CLUB A review of the 2020 season Back in March, we were fearful for the future of the cricket club. We depend on the summer season to sustain the club through the winter months. However, with measures easing, and the support of the ECB we were able to play matches from July to mid-September. Our Saturday side has had one of its most successful playing seasons. With just one match abandoned, we won all ten of the other fixtures and so secured the Divisional Championship. We used 24 players for these games, ensuring that everyone was given a chance to play in a limited season. To our delight, we have been able to host junior matches, a County Ability side, ladies’ games, and Sunday fixtures. We were able to offer coaching sessions for junior players with our coaches. It’s been fantastic to see all age groups and abilities use the ground under these limited circumstances. Our highlight has been the fantastic support from the village throughout the summer, and we'd like to thank everyone who came to see us. We were also proud to recognise the support and loyalty of two of our longstanding fans, Mike Tuttle and Dave Austin, by adding a name plaque on their favourite bench. We are in good shape for 2021, and all being well, look forward to welcoming everyone to the club next year.


MADELEY AND DISTRICT U3A Good news! Some groups are meeting again including Amblers, Tree planting and Photography. We are just beginning indoor socially distanced/ risk assessed/Covid-19 compliant groups. U3A is counted as education, so we can have up to 30, but each co-ordinator sets the limit for the appropriate room and booking is required prior to attending any group. For more information go to the website: or contact Chris Hawksley on 07771 755307

BETLEY AND WRINEHILL W.I. Sadly, our meetings are still postponed. We will just have to be patient and stay safe.

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Betley Bonfire Community Awards 2019 The Betley Bonfire is one of the biggest in the country and as well as providing an evening of fun and thrills at the fun fair and a spectacular firework display it also raises money for local charities. The amount given following last year’s event was £17,380 and the local groups who received awards were:

Madeley Scouts Betley Methodist Church Coffee and Silverdale Scouts Chat Westlands Scouts St Margaret’s Church Betley Outdoor Bowling Club Betley Village Hall Betley Cricket Club Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill Parish Betley Local History Society Council Friends of Betley school Betley Trust Betley and Wrinehill WI Betley Toddler Group

Information provided by: Dawn Udall, Treasurer, Betley Bonfire Committee BETLEY VILLAGE HALL The Hall is starting to return to normal within current Government guidelines. Thank you to all our long-term hirers for your patience. Please check the Village Hall website for details. It’s great to see the play area being used again, and the Bowls and Tennis Clubs were very active over the summer. Booking Secretary The Village Hall is still looking to appoint a trustee to act as the Booking Secretary. The role involves liaising with potential hirers and longer-term users, and organising the booking system. Full training will be given for this vital role. It comes about as Diana Woods is stepping down in the New Year after many years’ sterling service. She will, of course, be around to help with transition and training. The role is central to the successful operation of the Village Hall and would suit someone who wants to be actively involved in the life of the village. If you are interested, please talk to Richard Head on 07801813831.

18 BETLEY METHODIST CHURCH On 11th November we shall, once again, be remembering the millions of lives lost in two World Wars. In this year of 2020 we think of 45,000+ deaths owing to the Coronavirus pandemic. We grieve for those who died alone and pray for those who were unable to visit a parent or spouse. We think of so many who could not have the Church Service that they would have liked to have had for a loved one. It is good that St. Margaret’s is gradually opening up again on Sundays and Tuesdays. Whilst one or two Chapels in our Circuit are attempting limited openings, we four Chapels in the Shavington area will probably remain closed until the end of the year. Meanwhile Services and Prayers are continuing on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays on 0330 366 0036 (PIN number from Rhoda on 01270 820022).

God bless.

Hello SCoFfers! Well it's been such a while since we were all together and I would imagine there has been much baking and reinventing of recipes over the last few months – well when you could get the ingredients of course! Could SCoF go to Zoom? There’s a question – it’s soulless delivering a cookery topic without being able to smell, taste or feel the food – and of course not being able to spray fermented lemonade everywhere or make you all honk by opening a tin of fermented herring (who saw the first of the new series of Top Gear?) is no fun! Has anyone done an online cookery session? They seem to be all the rage – with Rick Stein, Gordon Ramsey and Charlie Bingham all getting in on the act – there are masterclasses, charity cook-offs, Instagramers and You Tubers galore. What shall we do? Copy the trend and have a go? – perhaps just doing a SCoF get together first on Zoom will be enough and as always, we can take it from there. So, Thursday November 5th 2020 at 2pm we will go live for a 45 minute catch up. Bring a cup of tea and your favourite Bonfire cake. Email me if you would like an invitation to join me not talking about anything important.

[email protected]

Follow us on Facebook! 19 BETLEY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY We were delighted with the response to Rhoda’s request in last month’s Betley Parish News. The information supplied by a resident will enlarge our archive section on Education as part of Life in Betley in Victorian England. Many thanks. The continuing pandemic prevents our monthly meetings, but we are still working behind the scenes. We are happy to try to answer any questions you may have, and to receive further facts, stories or photographs of artefacts from the village’s past. Shirley Kennerley (01270 820213) is our archivist and she has a great deal of information, well-filed and indexed. If you have any query, you are very welcome to give her a ring. Any contributions from your own memories or records can be passed to Rhoda Farrington (Secretary 01270 820022) or any Committee member. Mavis E Smith @BetleyHistory (Chair and Newsletter Editor)


A review of the 2020 season Betley Croquet Club have now finished their 2020 season which, although truncated due to you-know-what, has proved to be very successful. We welcomed several new faces and have a couple of expressions of interest for next year in the pipeline already! The new members have been pleasantly surprised to find the game definitely does not fit the music hall image of genteel English folk, tea in China cups and cucumber sandwiches, but has a very competitive edge to it and, most importantly, is great fun. We play in the very pleasant surroundings of Betley Cricket Club on the cricket outfield and would welcome expressions of interest for next year. All tuition and equipment is provided and the first (taster) session is free. Games are held on each Tuesday between 2.00 - 4.00pm. and annual subscription is £25. Look out for our start of season advertisement in the Parish News in Spring 2021.

20 Wandering Around Wrinehill I moved to Wrinehill because I thought here was a place that I could explore and walk around without jumping into the car first. And so it has turned out to be. I just didn’t think I would be doing so much wandering, lockdown having provided the greatest of opportunities. My first year has taught me quite a lot. First of all to note and appreciate the changing seasons which are more noticeable here - although I didn’t take too much notice of winter in 2019; I was too busy moving in and getting the house sorted. It didn’t snow but it didn’t feel like winter because the house was so cosy. But I did notice my neighbours’ overhanging trees dropping all their leaves into my garden. It seemed to rain a lot. Then Spring arrived: buds popping, birds singing and farmers ploughing. I didn’t realise that farmers worked at night. One afternoon I was walking through a ploughed field all brown and sandy like a compacted sand dune, the next morning I was tramping through the same field, rough-iced and inches thick in crunchy manure. That was fun. The ducks on the pond at the edge of the field came out to say, ‘Hi’. Soon the brown fields seen from my bedroom and kitchen windows began to turn green, helped by lots of early hot sunshine. The bulbs I had planted in the non-existent garden in December (a bit late I know) began to shoot up and what’s more to flower. Whilst this did not transmogrify that space behind the house into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon it did help to disguise a long bare wooden fence. And the veggies loved Moira’s compost - Thanks mainly to Poppy, whom I can also see through my window. It rained a lot and then the wind blew and proceeded to move my shed. Wrinehill, such a wild place! But this did not deter the runner beans, peas, courgettes and spinach I had planted. I walked down Den Lane and found the Crown Inn, just before it closed for lockdown - although it did provide delicious takeaway meals until it opened again. I walked along Checkley Lane following some of the public footpath signs. One took me into what looked like a neighbour’s garden (the same happened at the end of Mill Lane), yet another to a dead-end so I had to crawl though a neighbour’s wire fence. Sorry. And then I discovered a perfect route for me. Circular, over a stile, across the field, over a bridge so I could train-spot and count the number of containers on freight trains, if I wished, until I got boss-eyed, then down a windy path beside a farmhouse and on to Checkley Lane. This trot lasted less than 40 minutes with some really deep, splashy puddles after rain at the end. Perfect. An added bonus was that these lanes provided me with a wealth of wild flowering plants – I knew the names of few. In January and February it rained a lot, the main road flooded, and the wind moved the shed - again. Some of the puddles

Follow us on Facebook! 21 were more than ankle deep. Then in March and April the sky turned blue, the sun shone and I turned brown. By July the field crop had grown to knee height. I had no idea what it was, but it did have ears and it began to turn from green to gold. It bent in the wind. The blackberries were almost ready and two trees dripped with edible cherries. Fortunately some of the branches overhung the grass verge. The maize also began to gain height. By September it was above my head and cobs began to appear along the stems. I found the doggy spa and the nursery, and the school for well-behaved dogs. I also found a crop of wild garlic. I discovered, too, the ambient wildlife. Rabbit-holes on the side of footpaths through the fields - or were they rats, mice, foxes or badgers? What about snakes? I found a shed snakeskin on Checkley Lane which dampened my enthusiasm for tramping through overgrown footpaths in anything less than wellington boots. A mole appeared in my garden and proceeded to dig an underground trail from front to back – clearly an alternative route for the HS2 trains (and much cheaper!). I bought a sonic mole thingy which seemed to work. Then came the small holes in the beans and lettuce and the chewed ends of the courgettes not to mention the teeth marks in the hosepipe which promptly sprung a leak and soaked me. How farmers manage to produce the flawless fruits and vegetables that we buy in shops and supermarkets is truly amazing. I learned that the tramline intervals in planted fields were to accommodate watering and fertilizing machinery. I spent until October guiding spiders, flies, mosquitoes, midges, bees, wasps, butterflies and moths out of doors and windows and back into the wild. In late September the blackberries had all but disappeared. In their place, a row of trees along one of the paths began to produce a glut of sloes. Meanwhile, some of the paths began to hide themselves with nettles and ferns. A huge bank of tall, pink orchid like-flowers sprang up along Checkley Lane. Our communal allotment gave up some of the biggest potatoes, some very tasty beetroot, and I have been warned that the carrots will be huge. My tramping field had now turned golden, the stalks bowed under the weight of the ears. Then one night, like magic, it disappeared. The field was brown once more, for a while. More muck-spreading and within weeks, and after more rain, I noted that it was turning green again. Full circle. I’m loving the continuity, and probably the certainty in somewhat uncertain times. The sunsets are another story.


Criminal Damage in Betley

Sometime between 5pm on the 10/10/20 and 3pm on the 11/10/20 there has been damage caused to seating belonging to Betley Parish council, on the open space off Sandy Croft. If you saw anything or have any information on this crime please call 101 and quote VDU 120 OF 12/10/2020. Thanks.

Romance Scam Advice Be aware of people contacting you on the internet or via dating apps that then start to ask you to send them money.

Gemma Crank (Police Community Support Officer, Staffordshire)

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Based in Wrinehill


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Members of the Association of Master Upholsterers

◊ Re-Upholstery ◊ ◊ Soft Furnishings ◊ ◊ Repairs ◊ ◊ Antique Upholstery ◊ ◊ Replacement Cushions ◊ [email protected] 01782 712155 Monument Lodge, Manor Rd, Madeley, Crewe. CW3 9PS


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Chartered Health & Safety Practitioners CMIOSH & Acoustic Consultants MIOA

Free initial consultation Health and Safety Law – requirements

Environmental Noise Assessments (Planning / Industrial). Sound Insulation Testing Part E. Noise at Work. Health and Safety Policies. Risk Assessments. On line Safety Training e.g. Fire Safety. Tel / Fax: 01270 820 533 2 Betley Hall Gardens, Betley, Crewe, CW39BB



Visit our website to see the great range of facilities:

A lovely hall with party ambient lighting, audio, stage, bar facilities, catering, kitchen, separate ‘break-out’ room. Large car park and play area.

Email: [email protected] to arrange a visit or booking

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‘ Crewe’s Liners ’ Line-Dance Class Tuesday nights Betley Village Hall Beginners Hour 7.15pm - 8.15pm £4.00 Or 2 hours 7.15pm - 9.15pm £5.00 Have fun, keep fit and make new friends No partner required - Dancing to all genres of music For more info and details call Sue on 07761 350527 or email [email protected] Qualified Line-Dance Instructor

36 Betley Tots Group

Betley Village Hall Every Tuesday 9:45 - 11:45

Songs, activities and a good chat.

Call Katie 07508 150392

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Dog Training and behaviour Introduction to working dog training One to one or Group sessions available

Contact: Hannah Tel: 07760 999 694 [email protected]

Chimney Sweeping 01630 658947 [email protected]

Member of the National Association of Chimney Sweeps

Peter Buckley BSc. Env. (Hons) 14 Derwent Drive Loggerheads


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Betley Court Farm, Betley, CW3 9BH Closed Mondays Tuesdays – Fridays & Sundays Open 10am-4pm Saturdays Open 9am-4pm

Please call 01270 820229 for booking enquires. Private events catered for also.

Digital x-ray, ultrasound & endoscopy, same day results for blood tests from our in house lab

Friendly and professional service Vaccinations & boosters Microchipping & health checks Fully equipped operating theatre & hospitalisation facilities Laparoscopic / keyhole surgery Airway surgery Advanced soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery Fully equipped mobile service for horses Acupuncture RCVS accredited small animal and equine practice