Adult Must Keep Debt, Dad At
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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2019 ENTERPRISE-RECORD+MERCURY-REGISTER | YOUR DAILY BREAK C | 5 Horoscope NEA Crossword Adult must keep By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, NOV. 8 debt, dad at bay Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — An interesting life- DEAR AMY » I’m 23 years things. But this has got style change should be on old and currently in a lot to stop. I’m not giving your mind. Consider ways of debt. I’ve been doing you any more money. I to lower your overhead and my best to pay it off. wish you wouldn’t ask decrease stress. A smart For the last year, I’ve for it, but even if you do, maneuver will pay off. held a well-paying job. I’m going to say no. I’m Sagittarius (Nov. 23- However, my dad is con- not going to discuss my Dec. 21) — An improvement stantly curious about how finances with you. I’m on to your home can be made. much money I have. my own now. I’m respon- Ease your stress by avoid- I loaned him $1,200 sible for my own bills. ing people who tend to nine months ago. He said This behavior of yours is meddle in your affairs. Keep that he just needed a little hurting our relationship. your life and plans simple. help with some bills. Do you understand?” Capricorn (Dec. 22- How Repeat this as many Jan. 19) — Stop being so my parents times as it takes. Expect hard on yourself. You’ve got handle their him to attempt to ma- more going for you than you bills is none nipulate you further. realize. If there is some- of my busi- Your father seems to thing you don’t like, change ness. I’ve have gotten himself into it and keep moving forward. Amy talked to my a major jam. Your mother Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. Dickinson mom about should investigate and/or 19) — A change to the way Ask Amy it and she force him to disclose why you handle your money thinks it’s he is insolvent. But you needs to be looked at care- wrong of him to be asking are not the solution to his fully before you commit. A his youngest daughter problems. fast-cash scheme someone to pay his bills. She is A great rule to follow offers to you will end up also lending him a lot of when repeatedly “lend- being a disappointment. money. Amy, I just gave ing” people money is to Pisces (Feb. 20-March him another $400 to pay convey to them, “When 20) — Minimize your intake his cellphone bill. you repay the money I’ve and maximize the time A couple of days ago I already lent to you, I will you spend living a healthy was on the phone, telling consider lending you lifestyle. Walk away from him about a situation I more.” This neatly spells anyone who tries to pres- was in. He interrupted out the arrangement, sure you into something me, asking me to put lending credibility and that isn’t good for you. more money into his transparency to further Aries (March 21-April account. transactions. 19) — Emotional matters He has never paid will surface if someone me back anything, even DEAR AMY » “Distraught you do business with tries though he says he will. Dad” didn’t notify grand- to bully you. Protect your I don’t even want to parents right away when rights, integrity and money. answer his calls anymore his child was born. You Don’t sit back when you because all he wants from don’t seem to realize that should take action. me is money. many grandparents are Taurus (April 20-May I love both my par- horrible, pushy and in- 20) — Before you decide ents very much. Any trusive during a birth. My to take part in a joint suggestions? own mother burst into venture or someone else’s — Daughter in Debt the delivery room and dream, consider the con- DEAR DAUGHTER » I do would not leave. sequences. Make partner- have suggestions. Unfor- — Upset ships a priority. tunately, all of my sugges- DEAR UPSET » I am quite Gemini (May 21-June tions involve doing one familiar with this phe- 20) — Talk about your of the toughest things a nomenon, and so are hos- intentions, plans and feel- young-adult daughter can pital staff. They should ings, and find out where do, which is to be more of do their utmost to protect you stand. It’s easier to a grown-up than her dad. parents. move forward if you know Welcome to adulthood. that you have the approval We have T-shirts. of a loved one. You need to initiate Cancer (June 21-July You can contact Amy 22) — Be reasonable. If this conversation. Here Dickinson via email: is some sample word- you overreact or become askamy@amydickinson. the problem instead of the Celebrity Cipher By Luis Campos ing: “Dad, I love you. I’m com and follow her on grateful to you for many solution, little will get done. Twitter @askingamy. Think matters through and Instructions: Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, offer positive suggestions. past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Sudoku — Find out what it will cost to make a personal improvement you’ve been considering. Honing your skills and romancing a loved one should be priorities. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Take part in some- thing that will bring about positive change. Making a difference will bring you in touch with beneficial people. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Spending time with someone who brings out the best in you or signing up for a day of pampering will give you the boost you need. Friday Evening November 8, 2019 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 News (N) KCRA 3 Access Extra (N) Blacklist "Dr. Lewis Dateline NBC Investigative features are KCRA 3 (:35) KCRA (3) News (N) H. (N) Powell" (N) 'TV14' covered. 'TV14' News (N) Tonight Answer to Previous Puzzle PBS NewsHour (N) Wash. Studio Antiques Roadshow Songwriting With Great Performances "Rodgers & KVIE (6) 'TVG' Week (N) 'TVG' Soldiers 'TVPG' Hammerstein's The King and I" (N) 'TVG' Instructions: News (N) News 7 ET (N) DailyMail HS Musical (N) 20/20 Interviews and hard-hitting News (N) (:35) J. The object is KRCR (7) (N) (N) 'TVPG' investigative reports. 'TVPG' Kimmel PBS NewsHour (N) KIXE Holiday Auction to place the KIXE numbers 1 to 9 (9) 'TVG' ABC 10 ABC 10 Jeopar- Wheel HS Musical (N) 20/20 Interviews and hard-hitting News (N) (:35) J. in the empty KXTV (10) squares so that News (N) News dy! (N) (N) 'TVPG' investigative reports. 'TVPG' Kimmel Action Evening From the Ashes (N) Hawaii Five-0 "Ka Magnum P.I. (N) Blue Bloods (N) Action (:35) each row, each KHSL (12) News News (N) ‘i’o" (N) 'TV14' 'TV14' 'TV14' News (N) Colbert column and CBS 13 ET (N) Hawaii Five-0 "Ka Magnum P.I. (N) Blue Bloods (N) CBS 13 News at CBS 13 (:35) each 3x3 box KOVR (13) News (N) ‘i’o" (N) 'TV14' 'TV14' 'TV14' 10:00 p.m. (N) 'TVG' News (N) Colbert contains the KCVU (20) BigBang BigBang Modern Modern WWE Smackdown! (N) 'TV14' News (N) TMZ (N) Extra (N) Funny number only once. KZVU (22) Judy (N) Judy (N) Last Man Last Man CSI: Miami CSI "In the Wind" Mother Mother Jokers Dish KNVN (24) News (N) News (N) Wheel Jeop. (N) The Blacklist (N) Dateline NBC 'TV14' News (N) Tonight KUCO (27) Noticiero Noticiero Amor eterno Rosa Guadalupe Cuna de Lobos El Dragon Noticiero Noticie. A&E (5:00) Live PD 'TV14' Live PD /Live PD Live PD (N) 'TV14' AMC 4: The Bourne S... +++ Safe House (‘12, Act) 'TV14' +++ The Bourne Ultimatum (‘07, Act) 'TV14' ANPL It's the Irwins It's the Irwins It's the Irwins The Zoo Secret Life-Zoo (N) Secret Life of-Zoo CNN Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight COM SouthPk (:50) South Park SouthPk SouthPk (:35) CHIPS (‘17, Act) Dax Shepard. 'TVMA' Stand-Up Stand-Up CSNBA (5:00) NBA Basketball (L) 'TVG' Postgame Headstrong (N) Warriors Warriors Headstrong Warriors Warriors CW BobBrg BobBrg Fam.Guy Fam.Guy Charmed (N) Dynasty (N) News (N) Seinfeld Black-ish Black-ish Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses DISC To Be Announced Gold Rush Gold Rush: Dirt (N) Gold Rush (N) 'TV14' Escobar's (N) represent the number of letters in each solution. Each letter DISN (:15) Zombies (‘18, Mus) 'TVG' HSMusic. (:35) ++ High School Musical 'TVG' (:25) High School Musical 2 combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations E! The Kardashians E! News (N) +++ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 'TVPG' :15 Harry Potte... will be necessary to complete the puzzle. ESPN 4: Basket. NCAA Basketball Armed Forces Classic (L) 'TVG' SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) CLUES SOLUTIONS FNC Hannity Ingraham Angle Fox News @ Night Tucker Carlson Hannity Ingraham Angle FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners 1 threw cold water on (11) ___________ FREE (5:30) +++ Zootopia (‘16, Ani) 'TVPG' HS Musical (N) +++ Finding Dory (‘16, Ani) 'TVPG' The 700 Club The Amazing Spider-Man (‘12, Act) 'TVPG' The Mummy (‘17, Act) Tom Cruise.