Road Running Technical Council Minutes USATF 2013 Annual Meeting – Indianapolis IN RRTC Meeting – Saturday, December 7, 2013

Attending: Bob Baumel, Andy Carr, Greg Evans, Jim Gerweck, Jim Gilmer, Peter Hawley, Irene Herman, Todd Hierlmaier, Tom Konieczny, Karren Krsak, Justin F. Kuo, Carol McLatchie, Matt Merrill, Mark Neal, Gene Newman, Dave Oja, Jane Parks, Ron Pate, Rick Recker, Duane Russell, Monica Sencio, Thomas Shinnick, Steve Vaitones, Mike Wickiser, Jay Wight, Jim Wilhelm, Toni Youngman

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by RRTC Chairperson Gene Newman. The RRTC Officers were introduced and it was noted that we have a new Education and Training Chair (Toni Youngman). We also noted that we are going to appoint a couple of Members at Large positions. These positions will be used for discussions on various topics. Officers’ reports were not presented because they had all been posted online in the Document Library of the USATF website under 2013 Annual Meeting.

Agenda Items discussed:

1. Mike Wickiser showed a vest and sign that he produced. These items make for better safety when measuring a course. The vests are unique as they have flashing LED lights. The cost for these items is: Vests for $25. Signs 2 for $5 (the signs say “Official Race Course Measurement”). Mike said he will get the information to Gene, and it will be posted on the RRTC website.

2. Certificate font size: The type of font will be changed from Courier to Helvetica. This will help by allowing more text per line. A couple of the lines will also be adjusted to allow more information to be placed there.

3. An Award to recognize individuals: We will look into this and if it can be done, we will call it the “Ted Corbitt Award.” This would be a Merit award for outstanding service with the RRTC. There is a question whether we can do it technically. Gene will check with Bill Roe to find exactly what has to be done. If it can be done, a committee will be established.

4. Should we remove the course configuration description from certificate? We felt there was no harm keeping it. However, it was decided that we will work on simplifying it after looking at the IAAF form.

5. Allowable difference between tapings of a calibration course. We decided 0.01% of the course length will be the acceptable limit, matching IAAF’s requirement. This will be sent out to the Certifiers and also placed in our Manual with examples.

6. Certifiers as USATF members: We agreed that we represent USATF and all must be members. We now have all our Certifiers belonging to USATF.


7. Should we require measurers to be USATF members. This created much discussion and we concluded the following: There is a mechanism in place for measurers to be officials, which would require them to be USATF Members. This will be further investigated by Gene and Justin.

8. Rule 265 change. Bob Baumel and David Katz have been working to amend the USATF rules on conditions for road records, to achieve consistency with IAAF. David reported that the changes have been approved by the Rules Committee. As a result, the previous contents of Rules 265.3, 265.5 and 265.8 are all being consolidated in a new Rule 265.4 which will read as follows: For road records: (a) The course must not have a net decrease in elevation from start to finish exceeding 1 part per thousand (i.e., 1m per km). (b) The start and finish of the race must lay no more than 50% of the race distance apart as measured along the straight line between them. (c) For World and National Open Records, the course, measurement and verification shall comply with the provision of IAAF Rule 260.28. (d) For all other records re-measurement may be required if the original measurement has not met criteria established by the RRTC validation chair, approved by the executive committee of the RRTC, and publicly available on the USATF website. Since this is no longer self-contained, but refers to IAAF Rule 260.28, the current relevant portions of that Rule (sections a–f) are as follows: IAAF Rule 260.28: (a) The course must be measured by one or more “A” or “B” grade IAAF/AIMS approved measurers. (b) The start and finish points of a course, measured along a theoretical straight line between them, shall not be further apart than 50% of the race distance. (c) The overall decrease in elevation between the start and finish shall not exceed 1:1000, i.e. 1m per km (0.1%). (d) Any course measurer who originally measured the course or another “A” or “B” grade measurer in possession of the complete measurement data and maps must validate that the course measured was the course run, normally by riding in the lead vehicle. (e) The course must be verified (i.e. re-measured) as late as possible before the race, on the day of the race or as soon as practical after the race, preferably by a different “A” grade measurer from any of those who did the original measurement. Note: If the course was originally measured by at least two “A” grade or one “A” and one “B” grade measurers, and at least one of them is present at the race to validate the course as per Rule 260.28(d), no verification (re-measurement) under this Rule 260.28(e) will be required. (f) World Records in Road Running Events set at intermediate distances within a race must comply with the conditions set under Rule 260. The intermediate distances must have been measured and marked during the course measurement and must have been verified in accordance with Rule 260.28(e).

9. Units of measure on certificates & database. We will use metric for metric courses for distance, separation and elevations on the certificate. However, when a course is imperial,


the distance will be imperial, the separation may be imperial or metric, but the elevations will always be metric on the certificate.

10. High & Low elevation on certificate. There was discussion to remove these. However, we decided it best to keep them.

11. How we get new certifiers: People ask this lots of times so it was pointed out that new certifiers are assigned by the RRTC Chair. The decision is based on measuring experience, a recommendation from an experienced Certifier and a need in a particular area. It was also explained that new certifiers will need expertise for electronic scanning and submission.

12. Will there be charge if a change is requested to a posted Certified Course? It was pointed out that it takes a lot of work to change it in all databases & backups. We decided we will issue a new certificate with a new number if this happens after a month. The old course would be marked as unusable (U). This will be treated as a new course; hence all that applies there will apply here. The Certifiers will be notified of this change.

13. Modify application for certification to allow the option to enter cert # of cal course instead of mailing cert and map for cal course? All agreed this should be done and Bob Baumel will make the change.

14. Jim Gerweck opened a discussion on Ted Corbitt’s documents/possessions. There are 17 legal cases of certification docs that NYRRC is still storing. This material is of considerable historical importance and needs to be preserved electronically. There is a Ted Corbitt website, produced by Ted’s son Gary, but it doesn’t include any of this material yet . Jim Gerweck will scan documents and may find help from other volunteers as needed. This will save important history.

15. Measurement Contest: Duane Russell did another outstanding job (but promises that in the future, materials will always be in the Internet Café/business office). The final results for all will be posted later, but here are a few. First place, Ron Pate. Second place, Jane Parks. Booby prize (cow w udders): Irene Herman.

16. Olympic Trials: Will be in either LA or Houston, but nothing has been announced yet.

17. Toni Youngman felt we should make our Application for Certification compatible with IAAF. There are only one or 2 extra questions. Bob will take a look at this and make those changes.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Minutes prepared by Bob Baumel, RRTC Secretary


National Officials Committee 2013 Annual Meeting December 6-7, 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana Minutes Chair Krsak called the meeting to order at 9:04 am. Secretary Hott announced a quorum is present. Motion and second to make adjustment to the agenda as necessary. Motion carried. Secretary Hott announced the minutes from the 2013 NOC annual meeting are posted on line. Motion and second to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer Polansky presented the 2013 financial report and the 2014 budget. Motion and second to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Track Town USA spoke thanking the officials committee and the officials for their support of the events sponsored by Track Town USA. Track Town USA also reminded the officials of the events to be sponsored by Track Town USA—2014 USATF Jr. meet, 2014 IAAF World Jr. meet, 2015 USATF Jr./Sr. Outdoor championships, the 2016 Olympic Trials, and the 2016 IAAF Indoor World championship. Old Business Christina Corl, outside legal counsel for USATF, reported on some legal items that USATF is aligning with best practices, specifically the volunteer agreement all officers must sign. Don Berry presented proposed changes to Section 9.B.1 of the NOC Operating Procedures. Motion and second to approve the changes. Motion carried. See Exhibit A for language of change Don Berry presented proposed changes to Section 12 A and 12D of the NOC Operating Procedures. Motion and second to approve the changes. Motion carried. See Exhibit B for language of change. Motion and second to approve the NOC Operating Procedures as amended. Motion carried Vice Chair Bocock and Hall of Fame committee chair Polansky presented plaques to the finalists for the Lori Maynard Award, the James Gray Award, the John Davis Award, the Charles Ruter Award, the Horace Crowe Award, and the Andy Bajian Award and announced the members of the Hall of Fame class of 2013. Chair Polansky also reminded the officials of the Hall of fame Banquet to be held the evening of December 6, 2013. New Business Malinda Wheatley thanked the officials who took the Para Officials training and test. The number of officials certified as Para Officials increased greatly in 2013. Connor Sports reported on the Traction Track surface Connor Sports is representing.


John Bahakel provided an update on the Law and Legislation committee. He is still working with the committee to gain approval of the amendments to USATF Bylaws and will provide an update at the next session of the meeting. Chair Krsak reported on the USATF Volunteer Committee which is composed of the chairs of each USATF committee. These chairs have met three times in 2013 to discuss items concerning the committees and USATF as a whole. Chair Krsak reported that background checks on all officials who work with youth will probably be required in the near future. Vice Chair of Training Rob Buzaitis reported on Ready Reference Cards used by the officials in Great Britain. These are small cards summarizing the rules which are easily carried by officials. The content of these cards will be posted on line so that officials can print them if desired. David Katz reported that John Blackburn, Bob Podkaminer, and Eric Zemper have been named ITO’s for the next Olympiad. He also reminded the officials of the IAAF Jr. Meet to be held in 2014 in Eugene, OR. USATF Treasurer Ken Taylor reported that USATF had a very good financial year in 2013. He also reported that USATF increased their contribution to the NOC by almost $2000. Officer’s Reports Chair Len Krsak highlighted his report. He has attended three officials’ clinics across the country in 2013. He also reported the Official Selection Committee’s work for 2013 is finished. He thanked the members of the committee. 475 applications for the 2014 meets were received. 21 of these were incomplete and discarded. Approximately 200 officials were selected to officiate the 2014 meets with 20+% of these officials being first time selectees. Chair Krsak’s entire report is on line as a portion of the 2013 Annual Report. Vice Chair of Certification Jimmy Stuart reported there are 6300 certified officials at this time. This is more than the number at this time in the previous Olympiad. There are presently approximately 2000 new officials certified. Vice Chair Stuart’s entire report is on line as a portion of the 2013 Annual Report. Vice Chair of Training Rob Buzaitis recognized those who have helped write the new training materials which are now posted on line. Vice Chair Buzaitis’s entire report is on line as a portion of the 2013 Annual Report. Vice Chair of Rules Mark Kostek reported there are few rule changes this year. He highlighted a few of the changes. He asked Bob Podkaminer to speak on the NCAA rule change regarding requiring Pole Vault box collars. Vice Chair Kostek’s entire report is on line as a portion of the 2013 Annual Report. Vice Chair of Awards Gordon Bocock reminded those who have not purchased tickets for the Hall of Fame banquet to do so immediately. Vice Chair Bocock’s entire report is on line as a portion of the 2013 Annual Report. Motion and second to recess until 2:00 pm December 7, 2013. Motion carried. Motion and second to come out of adjournment at 2:00 pm December 7, 2013. Motion carried.


Bob Podkaminer reported on the agreement to partner with the NCAA for the USATF Officials Committee to provide central resources for all officials, to provide on line registration and training platforms for officials, and to provide consistent messaging and delivery of materials to officials. Jeff Jarnecke, NCAA director of championships reported that the NCAA championships in 2015 will select officials from the list of registered officials only. Dave Yeast, representative of ABIROR, explained ABITOR’s role in this process to be the computer system that hosts all the materials, registration, etc. The registration page will be on line February 1, 2014. This partnership still has some issues to be finalized, but this system will definitely move forward at this time. Laurie Boemker reported 40 new NTO’s have been appointed for the current Olympiad. Those appointed are: Douglas Allen, Michael Armstrong, Tiffany Banks, Gordon Bocock, Randy Brown, Joseph Bullock, Nicole Bullock, Roger Burbage, William Buttermore, Rob Buzaitis, Lloyd Cornelius, Kim Cross-Boyce, Leslie (Kim) Dismuke, Larry Dixon, Paula Everdell-Brown, James Flanik, Robert Gidari, Lloyd Garcia, Theodore Hayes, William Hickman, Thomas Hott, Sue Humphrey, Karen Krsak, Len Krsak, Justin Kuo, Kathleen McLymond, Richard Messenger, Charles Murphy, John Murray, Dennis Olafson, Mary Onken, Fred Newhouse, Raymond Pierre, Susan Polansky, Dan Reynolds, Patricia Rouse, Stanley Scott, Robert Springer, Paul Stelly, Anthony Wayne. Bruce Leasure reported on an on line concussion training. The web site for this training is: cdc.gov/concussion/headsup/online_training.html Sub Committee Reports John Bahakel, chair of the NOC L&L subcommittee, reported on the three issues approved by the USATF L&L committee. Item 14 Approved as submitted, Item 15-Tabled, Item 16-Approved as amended Unfinished Business Keith Mitchell, chair of Uniforms and Equipment subcommittee, reported on items available from the web site. Val Foss, chair of the Nominations subcommittee, announced that 2014 is an election year with the offices of Treasurer, Vice Chair of Awards, and Vice Chair of Certification positions open. She will communicate this information and deadline dates via the Officials’ Newsletter. George Kleeman, chair of the Level 3 Referee subcommittee, announced the number of Level 3 Referees in each discipline. Rich Schorenstein, chair of the Best Practices subcommittee, reported on the new Best Practices documents available on the web site and also thanked those who worked on the documents. John Murray, NOC Representative At Large, reported on the on line evaluation system being developed by the three NOC Representatives At Large. The on line system will be in use for the summer national championships. Delores Murray, chair of the Appeals subcommittee, reported on the appeals made by officials who were not selected for the 2013 national championship meets.


Barb Palma, representative to Women’s LDR committee, reported that Women’s LDR is sending an official representative to the Para Athletes committee and suggested the Officials Committee do the same. A representative from the Active Athletes Committee asked what the athletes could do to help the officials. She suggested the pre event instructions. Rich Schorenstein pointed out that that information is included in the Best Practices section of the official’s web site. The officials also asked the athletes to share what they needed from the officials. John Murray, representative to Men’s Track and Field committee, reported no information from that committee that affects officials. Linda Melzer, representative to Operational Services, reported on the associations that will have their voting rights suspended in 2014 if not in compliance with all USATF criteria. Laurie Boemker, representative to Women’s Track and Field committee, reported on her attending the Women’s’ Leadership Clinic in Birmingham, England. There is a decline in participation by women coaching and participating in track and field internationally. She also reported there are discussions about having a similar clinic in the United States. Officials’ Coordinators representing various 2014 meets mentioned the meets and made application forms available. A Q & A session covering items that could be addressed by the Executive Committee was held. Motion and second to adjourn at 4:15 pm. Motion carried. Exhibit A SECTION 9 BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVE A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPRESENTATIVE: The NOC shall vote for three (3) candidates from whom the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be submitted to the Nominating and Governance Committee for selection as the NOC Board of Directors Representative.

B. Elections: 1. Schedule of Elections: The general election of nominees for consideration as the NOC Board of Directors Representative shall take place every four years at the Annual Convention during the year prior to ((of)) the Summer Olympics (4th year of the Olympiad)

Exhibit B SECTION 12 MEETINGS A. Annual Meetings: ((Regular Meetings of the NOC shall be held at the Annual Meeting of USATF.)) The committee shall hold its annual meeting in conjunction with the USATF Annual Meeting. The committee may hold special meetings if called by the Chair, at his or her own initiative or by

8 twenty percent (20%) of the committee's membership, upon thirty (30) days written notice. There will be a published agenda available at least 24 hours prior to the committee's first scheduled session. Additional items added to the agenda shall not include any item where action of the committee is necessary, unless 75% of the members of the group then present agree. All meetings of the committee and its executive committee shall be open to all USATF individual members. No part of any meeting shall be closed unless seventy-five percent (75%) of the members of the committee or the executive board, at its sessions, present agree to close the session. B Authority: Any business of the NOC may be transacted at regular meetings. C. Special Meetings: Special meetings of The NOC may be called by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee. Notice of said meetings and the reason(s) for it shall be transmitted to the members of the NOC by the Secretary at least fifteen (15) days (except at a Convention) prior to any such meeting. No business, except that for which the meeting was convened, may be transacted. D. Quorum: (( For the official transaction of any NOC business at any regular meeting of the NOC, fifteen (15) members (including three (3) officers shall be present to constitute a quorum. )) A quorum for any committee meeting shall consist of twenty-five percent (25%) of its members (including three (3) officers of the committee shall be present.

USATF RULES COMMITTEE SCORECARD Committee Actions as of ____ Final Report______

Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Action Item Action

1 T 21 A 41 A 61 A 81 A

2 W 22 A 42 T 62 A 82 A

3 W 23 W 43 A 63 A 83 AA

4 W 24 T 44 A 64 T 84 A

5 A 25 AA 45 A 65 R 85 A

6 A 26 A 46 A 66 T 86 A

7 R 27 A 47 R 67 A 87 A

8 W 28 A 48 A 68 A 88 A

9 R 29 A 49 A 69 A 89 AA

10 AA 30 W 50 A 70 A 90 A

11 R 31 A 51 A 71 A 91 A

12 R 32 A 52 A 72 W 92 W

13 A 33 W 53 A 73 A 93 A

14 R 34 A 54 A 74 A 94 A


15 R 35 A 55 A 75 A 95 AA

16 A 36 T 56 A 76 A 96 AA

17 A 37 A 57 A 77 A 97 AA

18 T 38 A 58 W 78 A 98

19 A 39 A 59 A 79 A 99

20 A 40 W 60 A 80 A 100

Final Action:

A=Approved as Submitted AA=Approved as Amended T=Tabled R=Rejected W=Withdrawn

Item 10 – Replace submission with:

Amend Rule 320.3 as follows:

(a) There shall be the following age divisions (five-year age groups) for relay events which are contested at WMA World Championships (4x100 relay and 4x400 relay outdoor, 4x200 indoor).


30+ M30 W30

35+ M35 W35

40+ M40 W40

… … …


85+ M85 M85

90+ M90 M90

(b) There shall be the following age divisions for team and all other relays competition (ten-year age groups):


30+ M30 W30

40+ M40 W40

50+ M50 W50

… … …

80+ M80 W80

90+ M90 W90

Item 25 – Amend Rule 144.9 as follows:

(a) In races of 5000 Meters through 10,000 Meters, ((During hot weather)) the meet organizers may furnish competitors with water and sponging stations ((in races of 5000 Meters an longer)) on the track and in off-track events.

(b) In Track Events longer than 10,000m water shall be provided and sponging stations may be provided. Refreshments may be provided either by the Games Committee or the athlete and shall be placed so that they are easily accessible to, or may be put by authorized persons into the hands of the athletes. Refreshments provided by the athletes shall be kept under the supervision of officials designated by the Games Committee from the time that the refreshments are lodged by the athletes or their representatives.

See Rules 232 and 241.

Item 83 – Amend Rule 241.2 as follows:

(((a) Drinking/Sponging and Refreshment Stations:

i. Water and, optionally, other suitable refreshments should be provided at appropriate locations every 5km or more frequently if deemed necessary.

ii. Race management may provide refreshments (other than water) and/or sponging and/or misting 11


(b) Personal refreshments, which may be provided either by the Organizing Committee or the athlete, may be made available at the stations designated by the athlete. They shall be placed so that they are easily accessible to, or may be put by authorized persons, standing one meter or less from the table, into the hands of, the athletes. Personal refreshments provided by the athletes shall be kept under the supervision of officials designated by the Organizing Committee from the time that the refreshments are lodged by the athletes or their representatives. In National Championships, the Organizing Committee shall make provisions for the collection and distribution of personal refreshments for those competing for the championship, as determined by the Games Committee.

(c) A competitor who collects refreshment from a place other than a refreshment station is liable to disqualification by the Referee. An athlete may carry liquid or solid refreshments on his/her person from the start.))

Drinking / Sponging and Refreshment Stations

(a) Water and other suitable refreshments shall be available at the start and finish of all races.

(b) For all events, water shall be available at suitable intervals of approximately 5km. For events longer than 10km, refreshments other than water may be made available at these points.

NOTE 1: Where conditions warrant, taking into account the nature of the event, the weather conditions and the state of fitness of the majority of the competitors, water and/or refreshments may be placed at more regular intervals along the route.

NOTE 2: Mist stations may also be arranged, when considered appropriate under certain organizational and/or climatic conditions.

(c) Refreshments may include drinks, energy supplements or foodstuffs. The Organizing Committee will determine which refreshments it will provide based on prevailing conditions.

(d) The Organizing Committee may permit athletes to provide their own refreshments, in which case the athlete shall nominate at which stations they shall be made available to the athlete. Refreshments provided by the athletes shall be kept under the supervision of officials designated by the Organizing Committee from the time that the refreshments are lodged by the athletes or their representatives. Those officials shall ensure that the refreshments are not altered or tampered with in any way. In National Championships of 20k and longer, the Organizing Committee shall make provisions for the collection and distribution of personal refreshments for those competing for the championship, as determined by the Games Committee.

(e) The Organizing Committee shall delineate, by barriers, tables or markings on the ground, the area from which refreshments can be received or collected. It should not be directly in the line of the measured route. Refreshments shall be placed so that they are easily accessible to, or may be put by


authorized persons into the hands of, the athletes. Such persons shall remain inside the designated area and not enter the course nor obstruct any athlete. No official shall, under any circumstances, run beside an athlete while he is taking refreshment or water.

(f) An athlete may at any time carry water or refreshment by hand or attached to his body provided it was carried from the start or collected or received at an official station.

(g) A competitor who collects refreshment from a place other than a refreshment station is liable to disqualification by the Referee.

Item 89 – Add Rule 252 as follows:


1. Course:

(a) Mountain Races take place on terrain that is mainly off-road, unless there is significant elevation gain on the route in which case a macadamized surface is acceptable;

(b) Competitors shall not use supplementary aid(s) to assist their progress on course;

(c) The profile of the course involves either considerable amounts of ascent (for mainly uphill races), or ascent/descent (for up and down races with start and finish at the same level);

(d) The average incline should include a minimum of 5% (or 50 meters per kilometer) and not exceed 20% (or 200 meters per kilometer);

(e) The highest point on the course should not exceed 3,000 meters altitude;

(f) The entire course shall be clearly marked and include kilometer marks;

(g) Natural obstacles or challenging points along the course should be additionally marked;

(h) A detailed course map must be provided along with a profile using the following scales:

Altitude: 1/10.000 (1cm = 100m) Distance: 1/50.000 (1cm = 500m)

2. Race Types: 13

(a) Classic mountain races:

For Championships, the recommended distances and total amount of ascent should be approximately:

Mainly Uphill Up & down races Distance Distance Ascent Distance Ascent Senior Men 12km 1200m 12km 600m/750m Senior Women 8km 800m 8km 400m/500m Junior Men 8km 800m 8km 400m/500m Junior Women 4km 400m 4km 200m/250m Boys (Youth age group) 5km 500m 5km 250m/300m Girls (Youth age group) 3km 300m 3km 150m/200m

(b) Long Distance mountain races:

Long distance mountain race courses include distances of approximately 20km to 42km, with a maximum elevation of 4,000m. Participants under the age of 18 should not compete at distances exceeding 25km.

(c) Relay Mountain Races:

(d) Time Trial Mountain Races:

Mountain races with individual start times at various intervals are considered time trials. The results are ordered by the individual finish times.

Item 95 – Delete Rule 265.3 and 265.8 and renumber

Item 96 – Amend Rule 265.5 as follows:

For road records:

(a) The course must not have a net decrease in elevation from start to finish exceeding 1 part per thousand (i.e., 1m per km).

(b) The start and finish of the race must lay no more than 50% of the race distance apart as measured along the straight line between them.

(c) The course must be verified (i.e. re-measured) as late as possible before the race, on the day of the race or as soon as practical after the race, in accordance with Rule 240.3.))

(c) For World and National Open Records, the course, measurement and verification shall comply with


the provision of IAAF Rule 260.28.

(d) For all other records re-measurement may be required if the original measurement has not met criteria established by the RRTC validation chair, approved by the executive committee of the RRTC, and publicly available on the USATF website.

Item 97 –

Amend Rule 300.4 to

Move South Carolina and Georgia to Region 4.

Replace Rule 305.3(d) as follows:

Advancement to the National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship shall be by Association Championship to Regional Championship to National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship, except a region, for a good cause and by a majority vote of the Associations in the region, may provide for advancement directly from the Association Championship to the National Championship. Qualifiers for the National Championship shall be as follows: 1) Region: The top five teams and the top 30 individuals; 2) Association: The top two teams and the top 15 individuals.

Organizational Services General Meeting 1

USATF Annual Meeting December 5, 2013 10:00 a.m.

Room 308, JW Marriott, Indianapolis, IN

Meeting called to order by Herb Nicholls, Chair of Accreditations Subcommittee. Members present: Ed Koch, Chair attending by phone; Herb Nicholls, Ginger Mulanax, Katherine Branch, Frances Brown, Rob Buzaitis, Wayne Roberts, Ruth White (all At Large); Win Eggers (Women’s Track & Field); Dan Pierce (RW); Linda Bommicino (Association); Ron Pate (Masters LDR); Harold Martin (Coaches Advisory); Linda Melzer (Officials); Barb Palma (Women’s LDR); Leo Lines, Lloyd Garcia (subcommittee members) plus 16 guests. Quorum present.

CREDENTIALS: As of the credentials meeting just completed:


32 Association delegations met all requirements

4 Associations are suspended – Alaska, Michigan, West Virginia, Wyoming

21 Association have deficiencies in their delegations that they must correct by

Noon, Friday, December 6. Those associations are:

Arkansas Inland Northwest San Diego-Imperial

Border Mid-Atlantic Southern

Colorado Missouri Valley South Carolina

Gulf Nevada Southwestern

Hawaii New York Tennessee

Illinois Niagara West Texas

Indiana Pacific Wyoming

Lloyd Garcia raised question to clarify voting eligibility on this committee if a member’s association of residence was one of the ineligible association. Explanation is that this committee is not made up of representatives of associations, but appointments by the USATF Presidential and USATF committee.

Rob Burzaitis moved to accept the report, seconded by Win Eggers. Motion passed.

ELECTIONS: Ruth White is chair of the subcommittee. She reported this would be a light year for elections. Currently, there are only three (3) – Coaches Advisory (Thursday p.m.); AAC (Friday a.m.); Youth Zone Elections (Saturday p.m.). She asked for volunteers to help with each. After securing volunteers, she stated that the Organizational Services representatives are the ones who do the actual committee vote count. Usually committees are prepared for their elections, but it might be good to have supplies in case.

Ruth also discussed the scenario of a contested election on Sunday morning. She stressed to just be aware that the prospect exists and for members to be prepared to help. General discussion theorized various possible voting procedures.

PETITIONS: No activity for the Petitions Subcommittee this year. This subcommittee reviews the petitions of candidates for national elections. 16

SITE SELECTION: Site selection subcommittee will meet Friday afternoon, 3:00 p.m. Room 301. Only Annual Meeting year up for discussion is 2017. Ed Koch reported he had sent a memo to Board and National Office about Annual Meeting planning, but had not heard back. The plan formulated previously stated the year following the Olympics, Indianapolis would be the site of the Annual Meeting. A recommendation might be made to the body on Sunday to have the 2017 Annual Meeting in Indianapolis without listing a hotel site. However, the CEO and Board might be planning to take that responsibility even though our bylaws lay out a different procedure.

ACCREDITATION: Herb Nicholls, Chair of Subcommittee, reported that this was an active year. The Subcommittee had to evaluate two sets of standards – old and new. Also the Subcommittee evaluation cycle moved from a two year to a one year cycle. Therefore, the Subcommittee has also been formulating processes that will hopefully make it easier for Associations to keep up to date with their levels. In general the procedure is as follows:

1. Establish a schedule of when data is to be collected and how.

2. Notify every association of that schedule and the expectations.

3. Allow time for the National Office and Associations to review the collected data

and make necessary corrections.

4. Automate more the data reporting – anything with just numbers.

Herb also reported that a hearing will be held at on Saturday 8:30 to listen to sides in a New York/New Jersey issue and another hearing at 10:45 to discuss Wyoming with Mike Hinz, Association West Region Coordinator, and the associations surrounding Wyoming.

CHAIR’S REVIEW OF ADDITIONAL TOPICS: Chair, Ed Koch, reported he had two Law and Legislation proposals. The first adds to the bylaws, the Board adopted policy of the twenty-one (21) Championships. The task force proposal for new standards was approved by the Board after the 2012 Annual Meeting. This L & L proposal would just bring USATF Regulation 7-E into compliance with Board- adopted policy. The second L & L proposals would provide additional changes to the process of handling National and Committee elections. Essentially, it would require that a centralized voting room be used by all committees following an established schedule on a first come basis. Ed reported that he would be arriving Friday


One question came from the guests. It was asked why 21 association delegations were not in compliance. Answer provided: In most cases, the deficiency was in how the association identified the athlete and coach delegates which is an easy fix.

Meeting recessed until second general meeting at 12:00 a.m. Saturday in Room 209.

Organizational Services General Meeting 2

USATF Annual Meeting December 6, 2013 12:00 p.m.

Room 209, JW Marriott, Indianapolis, IN

Ed Koch, Chair, called the meeting back in session.

Committee members present: Ed Koch, Ginger Mulanax, Leo Lines, Rob Buzaitis, Barb Palma, Michael Murphy (Men’s Track and Field), Herb Nicholls, Ruth White, Linda Bommicino, Linda Melzer, Win Eggers, Harold Martin, Frances Brown, Katherine Branch, Ron Pate, Barbara Smith (Youth Track & Field) and 18

Darlene Hickman (Board of Directors). Guests – 8. Quorum present.

CREDENTIALS REPORT: All credentials issues have been resolved. Only Alaska and Wyoming suspended from voting. Motion made to accept by Barb Palma, seconded by Rob Burzaitis. Motion unanimously approved.

I. Accreditation Report: Subcommittee finalized review of statistics.

Besides Alaska and Wyoming, five (5) associations will receive letters immediately after Annual Meeting indicating suspension until appropriate PFIs are received. Those associations are Arkansas, Florida, Nevada, Snake River, and Tennessee. A total of seven (7) associations will be suspended as of 1-1l14.

Additionally we have 13 provisionally accredited associations, who will be asked to turn in new PFIs based on the new data that will be collected in January, 2014. Those associations are:

Border Central California

Dakotas Hawaii

Iowa Kentucky

Lake Erie Michigan

Oklahoma Montana

South Texas West Texas

West Virginia

All other associations (37) are fully accredited. Rob Burzaitis made a motion to accept report, seconded by Barb Palma. Motion unanimously passed.

II. Herb then reported on the Accreditation issues meetings. The territorial dispute NJ/NY meeting was resolved. An agreement has been reached and is in the process of being formalized and signed by both sides. Copies will be provided to National Office and Organizational Services. At the Wyoming meeting, all neighboring associations except Utah were present and expressed their willingness to help Wyoming with paperwork and organizational issues, but none wanted a formal transfer of any part of Wyoming into their

19 associations. Suggestion was to request the National Office Pilot (Virtual Office) program identify people in Wyoming to work with.

III. New accreditation schedule presented.

Date Action Responsibility 12/13/2013 Communicate accreditation schedule to Associations by email National Office 1/4/2014 Online portal for uploading is available to Associations National Office 1/4/2014 Reminder by email to all Associations National Office 1/10/2014 Reminder by email to all Associations National Office Reminder by email to all Associations and calls to Associations with 1/24/2014 items still outstanding National Office 1/31/2014 Items from Associations due to National Office Associations Accreditation statistics submitted to Accreditation Subcommittee for 2/7/2014 review National Office All changes/questions from subcommittee addressed by 2/21/2014 email/conference call Accred SC 2/21-26/2014 Changes and updates made to stats and preliminary book completed National Office Preliminary 2013 statistics book sent electronically to all Associations 2/28/2014 for review National Office All questions/changes from Associations should be submitted by 3/28/2014 electronic form NO/Accred SC 3/31-4/3/2014 Any necessary changes made to stats book National Office Official 2013 Stats book and Accreditation letters sent to all Associations and Regional Reps electronically. Notice needs to be given at this point that association might be suspended from voting at that 4/4/2014 year’s Annual Meeting. National Office 7/1/2014 All required PFIs due to National Office Associations 7/1-31/2014 Accred subcommittee reviews PFIs Accred SC Association Workshop - review status of all deficiencies. Associations not complying with submission requirement will be notified they are 8/14-17/2014 suspended from voting at upcoming Annual Meeting. Accred SC Final 2013 Accreditation status issued based on corrections made. Associations not complying with submission requirement will be 9/1/2014 notified they are suspended from voting at upcoming Annual Meeting. NO/Accred SC 9/1/2014 Annual Meeting registration opens National Office 9/1/2014 Delegate forms available for completion online National Office

1/1/2014 Delegate information due Associations 2014 Annual Meeting – Association who did not submit data or PFIs as requested during the year are suspended from voting at the Annual Meeting. The Association’s accreditation level will be recommended 12/2-6/2014 following Annual Meeting.


IV. Ed had submitted a rewrite to Regulation 7-E based on the Task Force Report approved by the Board of Directors as well as the Associations and Organizational Services committees at the 2012 Annual Meeting. However, in Law and Legislation, the proposal was amended so that only twenty (20) championships are required to meet the new standard. The election room proposal was recommended for passage.

New Business: Dave Shrock, guest from Pacific, asked about electronic voting for associations. Rob reported that was tabled. It was also noted that no membership expiration date was printed on the new permanent membership number cards.

No additional business.

Meeting adjourned.

Note: The Credentials Subcommittee will meet at 5:00 p.m. in Room 308 to prepare the seating chart and delegate badges for the closing session.

Respectfully submitted,

Ginger Mulanax, secretary


2013 USA Track & Field Annual Meeting


Indianapolis, Indiana

Men’s Long Distance Running

Executive Committee

December 5, 2013

Attendees: Executive Committee Members: Edwardo Torres (Chair), Phillip Greenwald (Treasurer), Tomy Sitton (Acting Secretary), Allan Steinfeld, Teddy Mitchell

Guests: Bill Roe (LDR Division Chair), Bob Latham (Championships Subcommittee Chair), McLin Anderson, Archie Ard, Tony Boston, John Carlson, Ray Lapinski, Teddy Mitchell, Gene Mullin, Gene Newman, Ben Phenix, Monica Sencio

1. Call to Order: Men’s LDR Chair Ed Torres convened the meeting.

2. Introductions: The Chair introduced the Men’s LDR Executive Committee, team selectors, and LDR athletes on the Executive Committee.

3. Men’s LDR Primary Mission and Goals (2014-2016): The Chair discussed the continued commitment towards USATF Men’s LDR’s primary mission: He mentioned providing the best opportunities for U.S. athletes at the Olympic Marathon Trials so they could represent the U.S. well at the Olympic Games. Houston and Los Angeles are the two sites that are in the running to host the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials. The Chair emphasized that he wants to work closely with the USATF Women’s LDR Chair to do whatever they can to support U.S. athletes.

4. 2013 Men’s LDR Committee Awards: The Chair announced the four Men’s LDR award winners that were selected by the Men’s LDR Committee:


Robert E. DeCelle Award (Outstanding Male Athlete):

Matt Tegenkamp

H.Browning Ross Award (National Level Contributor):

Glenn Latimer

Scott Hamilton Award (Association Level Contributor):

Philip Greenwald (New York Association)

Allan Steinfeld Award (Contributor within a Road Race Organization):

Richard Fannin (Gate River Run 15K)

5. The Chair made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2012 Men’s LDR Executive Committee’s meeting at the 2012 USATF Annual Meeting in Daytona Beach, FL and Tomy Sitton seconded the motion. Motion to approve 2012 minutes passed.

6. Team USA Opportunities and Selection Criteria in 2014: Bill Roe discussed the selection criteria for the NACAC Cross Country Championships team. He commented that Jamaica did a great job of hosting this year’s Championships where Canada dominated the various competitions. Team USA’s Senior Men’s squad, however, took home the gold in front of Canada’s runner-up finish.

The Chair explained that the U.S. men’s selection standard for the marathon at the 2015 IAAF World Championships in Athletics (Beijing, China) is 2:17 or better. He also explained that selection priorities for the 2014 IAAF World Championships (March 29, Copenhagen, Denmark) will be based on who finished in the top ten at the 2013 USA 20K Championships or 2013 USA 12K Championships providing (a) that performances are a sub-1:04:00 half marathon equivalent per the Mercier Scoring Tables, and (b) the athlete demonstrates fitness between January 1, 2014 and March 1, 2014.

Bob Latham discussed the course and potential entrant numbers for the upcoming 2013 USATF National Club Cross Country Championships (December 14, Bend, OR). 23

The Chair spoke about the course for the 2014 USA Cross Country Championships (February 15, 2014, Boulder, CO ) and the urgency to encourage club teams to participate in the meet.

Bill Roe detailed the U.S. men’s team selection process for the 2014 Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country meet (January 11, 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland).

7. 2014 Men’s LDR Championships Schedule: Bob Latham (Championships Subcommittee Chair) presented the USATF Men’s LDR National Championships for 2014 (and beyond). The championship schedule (which includes championships that were finalized after the Annual Meeting) is shown below.

1/19/14 1/2 Marathon: Houston Half-Marathon, $41,500+

(also 1/18/15)

3/15/14 15K: Gate River Run, Jacksonville, FL, $26,500+

(also 3/7/15 and 3/12/16)

4/6/14 10 Mile: Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 mile, Washington, D.C., $20,500

4/22/14 Road Mile: Grand Blue (Des Moine Street) Mile, Des Moine, IA, $12,500

5/10/14 25K: Fifth Third River Bank Run, Grand Rapids, MI, $15,100

(also 5/9/15)

7/4/14 10K: AJC Peachtree 10K, ). GA, $30,000

7/26/14 7 Mile: Bix 7 Mile, Davenport, IA, $25,000


9/1/14 20K: Stratton-Faxon 20K, New Haven, CT, $21,500

9/21/14 5K: CVS Caremark Downtown 5K, Providence, RI, $15,000

10/5/14 Marathon: Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, Minneapolis, MN, $72,500

11/16/14 12K: .US 12K, Alexandria, VA, 50,000

(also 2015)

2014 Championships (total): Eleven Championships, $330,100+ prize money

Additional future Championships:

2015 and 2016: Twin Cities Street 1 Mile, Minneapolis, MN, $12,500

2016 and 2017: Columbus Half-Marathon, Columbus, OH, $42,300

8. USATF Rules Amendment Proposals: Phil Greenwald (MLDR Rules Committee rep) discussed the proposed USATF rules amendments that are relevant to LDR. The principal items that were discussed were:

Item 25, a proposed change to Rule 144.9 concerning refreshments for track events. MLDR’s concern was the events over 10,000 meters (Rule 144.9b). The committee decided to recommend that water shall be provided while other refreshments and/or sponging stations may be provided.

Item 83, a rewrite of Rule 241.2 based on the new IAAF rule. There were two issues:

• The requirement that there must be a provision for personal fluids at National Championships was taken out in the rewrite. The MLDR Executive Committee decided to ask that the requirement be restored for championships of 20K and longer.

• The IAAF has a new process for DQs of athletes taking water or refreshments at other than official stations: The athletes are to be warned on the first violation (by the Referee showing them a yellow card) and then DQed after a second offense (by the Referee showing a red card and the athlete dropping out). The process is similar to a DQ for improper race walking. The MLDR Executive Committee voted that the old language (that a athlete is liable to be disqualified) be retained.

Motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by: Tomy Sitton, Acting Secretary

Edited by: Mark Winitz, Secretary


ASSOCIATIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING THURS, 12/05/2013 Karen passed out the Volunteer Registration Form and Ethics Items for Volunteer Checklist and the Volunteer Handbook. The form needs to be completed and returned; all forms turned in were submitted to Desiree. Richard presented the proposed budget for 2014 for $25k. $11k of the budget is for the Association Visits by the Region Reps. Background Screenings – Some people have up to 5 background checks in one year and this is costly. Karen asked Willie to discuss with the Board the possibility of using some of these other background screenings if a person already had a current one done. Accreditation Standards – much of the process will be automated for 2014 and should be much more accurate. The timeline is changing, going from a two-year process to a one-year process. The process will start in January with the subcommittee making a first pass, and then sending the results to the Associations for review so that any identified errors may be fixed. Then the Accreditation subcommittee will do a final review and notify the Associations of any PFIs needed. Any PFIs will be due back in mid July and then the subcommittee will review them at the Workshop. There will be another review in November. Associations will also be told ahead of time if their voting rights are in jeopardy of being suspended, instead of learning that at the Annual Meeting. For 2013, 2 Associations were suspended – Alaska and Wyoming. There will be a meeting at the Convention to determine what is to be done with Wyoming, since they have been dysfunction for years. There are also 8 Associations who will need to provide all organic documents. The National Office will also provide specifics as to what exactly is lacking, if anything, in any of the standards. Also, going forward, the events will be pulled from the calendar system, so it will not be necessary to send this in manually any longer. Change and Communication team – Karen, Dave Shrock, Monique White and Randy Hopkins. Max will poll this group for any proposed changes. Once all questions are answered, they will determine how the communication will go out. The change will be very specific so the Associations will no longer be surprised when something is changed. National Office Update – Permanent membership numbers are now in place and the Youth Committee is satisfied with how it will work. The Association identifier was removed since it was not completely accurate. Most Associations are not using physical cards for any reason. This has led to a green option, where you can elect to not receive a card at all. There was an issue with the cards not having an expiration date. This issue will be sent to the Change and Communication team for discussion. Legacy emails (president, secretary, etc.) should be implemented in the Associations so there is continuity. This would be done through the National Office email system. The Club Management section will not allow a coach to use the

26 address info for all members. The Organizational Members will also be separated from the Clubs so that it is not as confusing. Process for determining 10-year athletes and issues found – this has been a manual process using a spreadsheet up until now. The list will now be given to us from the High Performance Team and will be pulled from all International teams. Law & Legislation – The package is on the website in the document area. L&L will put together a template to send to all Associations to ensure the grievance language is properly covered. The NABR panel is also discussing putting their names forward as panel members for the Associations. There is a proposed legislation to allow on-line voting and our position is in favor of it, but there will need to be a caveat in place that requires a secured mechanism. Pacific has been doing it for 8 years and has never had an election dispute. At a meeting of the Pacific Association, they have additional nominations from the floor and then close the nominations. They have a 30 day time frame to vote electronically; for those who cannot vote electronically, they may send in their vote via mail. A committee of 3 validates and counts the ballots. Workshop – Two workshops are slated for this Annual Meeting – Ethics and LDR championship requirements. The summer workshop received good reviews. Discussion followed on whether or not to move the August Workshop to right before the Annual Meeting, just like the Youth Workshop. Straw vote indicated the executive committee to be in favor of this idea and Karen will bring it to the body at the General Session. Karen introduced Maria Johnson as our new representative from Sports Science. Maria is a registered nurse and asked us to bring her any issues we may have. Maria will give a more detailed presentation at a later meeting. Regional Reps – we have rolled out volunteer recognition awards (a deserving volunteer from each of their Associations that will be recognized at the Annual Meeting). There is also a Regional Rep page on the National Website. Currently it’s called Regional Newsletters. Gene Newman – Road Race Technical committee will come out to any Association for free to train people to do course certification. They will also present at next year’s Association Workshop in Sacramento. Coaches Ed – They want to do 50 Level 1 schools in 2014, but only 6 are scheduled so far. A lot of Coaches Registry background screenings will expire this year. The Level 1 instructors will now have to do an apprentice year and will have to pass a new 25 question test to recertify. Level 2 will have a rewrite by Aug, 2014. A minimum 25 question test must be passed with an 80% minimum grade.


General Session – Friday, Dec 6, 2013 Change and Communication Team – newly formed committee that will meet for the first time this convention. This year we had many challenges because of a lack of communication and this new committee hopes to improve all communication so that it is timely. Organizational Services – there will be a meeting to determine what will be done with Wyoming since none of the bordering Associations wants the territory. The number of Championships required for the Accreditation Standard increased this year, and due to complaints, we will look at it again. However, L&L already approved a reduction from 21 to 20. Permanent Membership Numbers – members will no longer get a new number every year. The number they get for 2014 will be their number for life. When you renew in subsequent years, you will no longer receive a new card. You can also ‘go green’ and select not to receive any membership card the first time. You can also print your membership card from the ‘myusatf’ portal. If a membership lapses, it will still get the same number when it is renewed. USATF is trying to find ways to save money so it can be better used to find ways to increase membership. 65% of the membership has opted to go green. It costs about $2.50 to send out the card. The National Office will now send out a renewal reminder notice. The renewal rate is about 50% and the goal for 2014 is to get the rate to 70%. Also, the membership application now requires an email address for anyone under 50. This will be discussed further due to youth concerns. On-line Sanctions – has been well received from the Event Directors. There are no major changes planned, but the National Office is in the constant mode of looking for improvements. A communication will be sent to Associations explaining how to list their championships correctly on the calendar so they can be pulled from that database for the Accreditation Standard for number of championships held. Club Memberships On-line – one of the biggest issues with clubs is the entering of the coaches addressing info for all athletes. This will no longer be allowed. Also, all adults working with the children in the club need to be a member and background screened. 2014 membership goal is to get to 160,000 members, which would be the largest membership increase ever. We will be targeting new members, especially the long distance running community, by creating better benefits and sustaining programs at the Association level. L&L – Lionel talked about the proposed L&L changes regarding the Youth Championship meets. The original legislation has been pulled and a new document submitted after both parties came together and worked out an agreement to avoid a floor fight on Sunday. The Electronic Voting issue has been tabled until next year. Scott will also be available if anyone has question regarding Association by-laws. Chair Awards – Scott Erwin, Dave Shrock and Patti Petesch were presented with the Chair Awards for 2013.


Workshop – the two sessions for this meeting are Drafting an Ethics Plan and How to Meet the Championship Requirements. The August Workshop will be Aug 15-17 in Sacramento. However, we are proposing incorporating the Workshop into the day before the Annual Meeting starting in 2015. This would offer a cost and time savings to all. Board of Directors Update – Willie reminded us that it is his last year being on the Board and he is looking to find people interested in filling his position. This position represents Masters as well as Associations. Masters and Associations will submit 3 names and the Board will then vote on the person to sit on the Board. However, if you hold any position in your Association, and are elected to the National Board of Directors, you must resign the Association position. Coaches Ed – Many Associations are concerned with Level 1 schools being conducted in their Associations without their being aware of them. There will now be a form to complete if you want to put on your own Level 1 schools or if you want the National committee to conduct it. Starting in 2014, all Level 1 coaches will need to be recertified by purchasing an on-line eBook and taking a test. At this time, if you are a Level 2 coach, you would not need to recertify at for Level 1.


Associations General Session 2 Horace Crowe winner for 2013 is (Sharon Preece, West Texas). RRTC – They are actively seeking new course measurers as they are an aging group. RRTC.net will give you access to the course manual. There is a list of state certifiers, as well as a list of the resources required. However, you really need a mentor to get started, and they are willing to put on a workshop for free for your Association. There is no set charge for what a course certifier would earn; ballpark is $400 for a 5k course. A marathon is $2,000. Generally speaking, $100 per mile. Grants – The Board has approved the additional $5,000 for grants for 2014, taking us back to the full $20,000. L&L – requirement that each Association have a dispute coordinator has passed. Electronic voting has been tabled. Reg 10 was modified and passed. A few other minor amendments were passed and a couple more tabled. Coaches Ed – Planning on 50 Level 1 schools for 2014. After Aug, 2014, Level 1 coaches will have 5 years to take the test; otherwise they will be retired. Level 2 format will be changed slightly and you will have to pass all the sections. Level 3 must be completed in 6 years. There will also be an essay portion to complete. Scholarships are available to attend the training sessions. Question was raised if Associations can put on a Level 2 school themselves. It would be a viable solution, but you would have to come up with the numbers to justify the cost, which is at least 40. You also need 4 or 5 instructors. [email protected] is the contact person. Level 2 is about 3.5 days, but there is discussion on allowing some work done ahead of time to shorten the length of the school. Dave Shrock [email protected] and Matt Lydum are the contact people for Level 2. The National High School Federation also has an on-line course that is a good introductory program. In some states it is a required course. USATF members get a discount. Jack Wickens, ([email protected]) Vice Chair of USATF Foundation discussed that they have created a video game called Run With Us. It is designed for a teacher to start the game, watch an elite athlete, and the kids get up and do the exercise they just saw. Ashton Eaton, Lolo Jones, Brian Clay, Joanna Hayes, to name a few. 15 athletes. Hundreds of thousands of kids are learning our events through the simulated game. They expect there will be 500,000 kids playing this game every day. We need to promote this to the schools in our areas. There will also be a home version in the future. It is available to every teacher in the country for free. www.runwithus.org where you will be switched to gonoodle, where the runwithus game is the favorite. The game is compliant with all the standards and is approved by the Dept of Ed, as well as other organizations. USATF is also raising funds all over the country to fund actual athlete visits. They are also doing live events with the elite athletes in attendance. The attendees at the meeting were in agreement that the Association should be at least notified when one of these events is being held in their Association.


Wyoming Association – the bordering Associations met to discuss what can be done to help get Wyoming back up and running. The bottom line is that the Wyoming athletes are welcome to participate in the bordering Associations. Wyoming did have 13 sanctioned races and has about 165 members. They will continue to baby step Wyoming along and keep progressing toward getting more done. If we figure out how to help Wyoming, perhaps we can figure out how to help Alaska. Championship standards – we need to really look at revising this standard to use other championship events to reach the 21 championships rather than just the specific events listed. Also, neighboring Associations can co-host events to put on a viable championship. We need to change for the better for everybody. Operating Procedures – A motion was made and seconded to accept the revisions to our Operating Procedures, which was unanimously approved. Submitted by, Linda Bommicino, Secretary


Cross Country Council Committee Meeting Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 9:30am – 11:30am

The meeting was called to order at 9:31am

Report on 2013 Events 1. The 2012 Club Championships in Lexington Kentucky had over 1100 entries and over 1000 competitors. Successful event. 2. Highlight from the 2013 Bupa Great Edinburgh Meet was Team USA was 3rd overall and Bobby Mack won the Open Men’s race. 3. The 2013 USA Championships in St. Louis was a great success and being that it was the second year of this event at St. Louis the organizers learned a lot from their first year experience and produced a quality event. 4. Highlight from the 2013 NACAC XC Championships in Jamaica was Craig Fury won the senior race and Erin Finn the junior’s race. 5. IAAF World Championships was an extremely successful event for Team USA. The Open Men earned a second place silver team medal and this is the highest finish for our men’s open team since 1984. Our open women earned a third place bronze team medal from these Championships. The junior women team finished 6th and Junior Men’s team finished 4th.

Report on Upcoming Events 1. There are over 1100 entries at this year’s 2013 Club Championships in Bend, Oregon on December 14th. Mike Scott will be arriving on Wednesday of that week to work with the organizers in the event weather dictates changes to the course. 2. Selection for the 2014 Bupa Great Edinburgh Meet slated for January 11th will include 9 Open Men and Women and 6 Junior Women and Men. The selection process is posted on the www.usatf.org website. 3. The 2014 USA Championships return to Boulder, CO on February 15th and the course is basically the same as it was in 2007 which was the last time Boulder hosted these Championships. 4. The first 5 from this year’s Club Championships will be selected to represent team USA at the 2014 NACAC Cross Country Championships slated to be held in Tobago on February 22nd. 5. The 2014 Club Championships is slated for December 13th in Bethlehem, PA and will be at historic Lehigh University. 6. The Pacific Association presented a report regarding the 2015 Club Championships which will be held on December 12th that year at Golden Gate Park. The course will consist of 50% grass, 40% trails and it’s a fast and spectator friendly course. 7. The IAAF World Championships is slated to be held in Guiyang, China in 2015.

IAAF Report Bob Hersh reported there is a meeting in Europe led by Sebastian Coe to discuss the status of World Cross Country and Craig Virgin is represented us at this meeting.

Report from Joint Subcommittee for Club XC Site Selection


Bill Quinlisk reported the Cross Country Executive Council is looking for 2016 bids and the bid applications are due by May 31, 2014.

Masters Report The two Masters Cross Country National Championships in 2013 were the two highest attended events from all of the 11 total Masters Championships events offered this year. This year’s Masters 5K Championships received a record 500 entries.

National Team Coaches Selection Report Mike Scott reported the Cross Country Executive Council are looking for staff nominations and are looking for diversity of coaches to represent future teams. The nomination form can be found on the www.usatf.org website and Men Nominations are to be sent to Thom Hunt and Mike Scott. All Women Nominations are to be sent to Francie Larrieu-Smith and Mike Scott.

Association Cross Country Championships and Series Best Practices A best practices guide assisting Associations within our organization will be created and drafted before next year’s USATF Annual Meeting in Anaheim. The purpose of this document is to provide the necessary information to teach our respective associations on how to host their Cross Country Championships and provide a Cross Country series within their region. Executive Cross Country Council member Paul Greer will lead this effort and will present this guide at next year’s meeting for review.

New Business Athletes must declare by midnight on the day of Footlocker if they are planning on competing at the 2014 Bupa or NACAC Meets.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.


Coaches Advisory General Session

Meeting Minutes

1:00 – 2:50 PM Thursday, December 5, 2013

Indianapolis, IN

I. Welcome- Cliff Rovelto II. Review & Introductions of the Executive Committee- Cliff Rovelto III. Review of CAC Committee Structure and members-Cliff Rovelto IV. Approval of Minutes, 2012 Coaches Advisory General Season – Kathleen Raske a. Motion by Beth Sullivan to approve the minutes, seconded by Carla Coffee. Passed unanimously. V. CAC Representatives to USATF Standing Committees – Cliff Rovelto VI. Coaches Advisory Committee Sub Committee Report a. Strategic Planning Committee – Chair Rick McGuire b. Awards Committee – Chair Jack Hazen a. Awarding the inaugural “Legends” award this summer in Sacramento to Ed Temple. This is “our baby” from the CAC and a great example of the work we can do in recognizing, developing, and informing our coaches. Terry Crawford also spoke about this special recognition and how important it is that this committee do this type of work. c. Grant Committee – Skip Stolley gave report on endurance events “shadow” coach

VII. CAC Focus Groups – Cliff Rovelto a. USATF Coaching Matrix – Terry Crawford b. Coaches Compensation – Bob Larsen a. Coaches that are working with professional/post College athletes need a framework on how to handle financial exchange, setting up a contract, etc. b. Looking to develop a temple of average compensations


VIII. USATF Volunteer Handbook – Skip Stolley a. USATF Volunteer Acknowledgement Form b. USATF Code of Ethics c. USATF Emergency Response Plan d. USATF Privacy Statement

IX. USATF Coaching Grants (2013 and 2014) – Terry Crawford a. Spread the word about the grants b. Shadow coach / mentor coach program incredible c. PEP program d. 3 grants awarded to IAAF Academy e. USOC supports in dollars as part of our high performance program

X. Coaches Education Report- Pat Pretty a. New 2014- 5yr. certification Level I b. Level II- undergoing rewrite and testing protocol. $450 fee/$400 R&B

XI. CAC Oversight Committee for USATF Coaches Registry – Terry Crawford a. Coaches Registry renewal due 2014. USATF is going to a permanent membership structure in future. b. Must be a member in order to get a credential, receive grants, have access at international meets, etc… c. Added a rewards program d. Benefit of coaches hospitality e. Establishment of a professional pathway of coaching f. Recognizes a coaches body of work g. Establishes the standards and ethics involved

XII. Strategic Planning Committee – Cliff Rovelto a. Developing a mission statement with 3-5 goals during tomorrow’s breakout session. We need input and work done to complete this task that was started with Rick McGuire.

XIII. Women’s Commission Report- Kathleen Raske

XIV. Nominations Committee CAC Officers – Bob Larsen a. Chair – Cliff Rovelto b. Vice Chair- Kathleen Raske c. Secretary- Skip Stolley


i. Motion was made by John McNichols to accept by acclimation, seconded by Lori Shepherd. ii. Approved unanimously. XV. Closing Remarks- Cliff Rovelto a. Coaches Advisory Break Out Session 8:00 – 8:50 AM, Friday, December 6

Minutes 2013 USATF Annual Meeting Indianapolis, IN Women's Long Distance Running Executive Committee

December 5th, 2013, 1pm Eastern

Attendees, Executive Committee: Kim Keenan-Kirkpatrick (Chair), Kathy Nary (Vice-Chair- International Competition), Mickey Piscitelli (Vice-Chair- Awards and National Championships), Camille Herron (Secretary/Athlete), Amy Yoder-Begley (Athlete), Lesley Higgins (Athlete), Nina Kuscsik (Law & Legislation), Julie McKinney (Development Chair), Darren De Reuck (National Championships Chair)

Guests: Greg Evans (IL), Monica Sencio (OH), Lacey O'Neal (Potomac Valley), Elinor S. Tootle (OH), Gene Newman (RRTC Chair/AZ), Beth Price (Pacific), Bill McKee (Rules and Regulations/OK), Ed Torres (Men's LDR Chair)

Call to Order: Women's LDR Chair, Kim Keenan-Kirkpatrick, convened the meeting at 1:15pm Eastern.

I. Introductions: At the Chair's request, everyone in attendance introduced themselves and explained their role within Women's LDR or their Association.

II. Review and Approval of Minutes: Secretary, Camille Herron, mentioned that the 2012 Executive Committee meeting minutes had been available for review in the USATF document library. Vice- Chair Mickey Piscitelli made a motion to approve the minutes and Vice-Chair Kathy Nary seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.

III. Agenda Additions/Amendments: No additions or amendments were made.


IV. 2013 International Teams: Vice-Chair for International Teams, Kathy Nary, spoke about the Chiba Ekiden Relay, which is an international relay race in Japan that combines both men and women. The team finished in 5th place. 1st leg was Will Lear, 2nd leg was Katie Kellner, 3rd leg was German Mecheso, Kellyn Johnson was the 4th leg, Sean Quigley was the 5th leg, and Laura Thweatt was the 6th leg.

She mentioned that we've done better in past years, but it's very difficult getting a team together during this time of year (November 23rd), since it's at the end of everyone's season. This is the only International Ekiden right now, as there used to be several more. They've gone by the wayside, as fewer countries are sponsoring teams.

V. 2014 International Opportunities: Kim talked about how in 2014, we'll have the World Half Marathon Championship in Copenhagen, Denmark, potentially the Chiba Ekiden Relay in Japan in November, and a few XC Team opportunities.

The selection procedures to make the World Half Marathon Team are three selections from the Houston Half and two at-large selections, taken from the timeframe of the 20K Championships up to the Houston Half, with preference given to those who have competed at US Championships. Athletes who have had solid performances outside the US Championships will be considered, but we'd like to encourage athletes to compete at the US Championships for best consideration.

We are working jointly with the men to see that selection procedures are posted by the National Office, and until the procedures are posted, we are trying to spread them via word of mouth to coaches and athletes.

Also, selecting for the Chiba Ekiden Team has been a challenge, as it's a last minute event at the end of the season, must travel to Japan, not a huge pay day, and it's tough to get good athletes. However, it does serve as a good opportunity/stepping stone for up and coming athletes (ex. Laura Thweatt- has had a great year and got the international opportunity).

VI. Awards Process: Vice-Chair for Awards, Mickey Piscitelli, mentioned the two awards our Women's LDR Committee gives, which will be presented at the Awards Breakfast on Saturday at 7:30am.

Runner of the Year- Molly Huddle (objectively given to the person who scores the most points in the USARC series).

Bob Latham and Darren De Reuck coordinate selections of the US Championships, with points earned throughout the year that accumulate as part of the USA Road Circuit. At the US Marathon Championship, the points are doubled. This year, the US 12K Championship at the end of the season was a new event, and the points were tripled. Going into the 12K, Molly wasn't the leading point scorer, but her 12K victory scored her enough points to win the USARC series (45 points, and 60 points total).

Marja Bakker Contributor of the Year- Scott Keenan (subjectively given to an individual or group who has made significant contributions to the sport).

Scott recently stepped down after 37 years of serving as the Race Director for the Garry Bjorklund Half and Grandma's Marathon. He's hosted US Championships a number of years and was inducted into the MN Hall of Fame. 37

Mickey will give a more detailed speech on our Awards recipients at the Awards Breakfast.

VII. Rules and Regulations Update: Bill McKee from Rules and Regulations made an appearance and asked us if we have any problems or issues with the proposed amendment changes to the Bylaws and Regulations (this is a year for making changes to the USATF Bylaws and Regulations).

VIII. Future Championships: Darren De Reuck gave a brief review of the 2013 Championships. We started off the year with XC in February, 15K Champs (March), 10 miler (April- Cherry Blossom, new event; 4 women went under the previous women's-only American Record), Mile Champs (Des Moines at the end of April), 25K Champs (May), HM Champs (Duluth- June), 10K Champs (Peachtree- coordinated with the men), 20K Champs (New Haven) and 5K Champs (Providence) in Sept., Marathon Champs in Twin Cities (Oct.), 10K Team Championship (new event in Oct. at Tufts), and finally the 12K Championship in Nov..

WLDR Executive Committee/National Championships member, LeeAnn Meyer, who couldn’t attend the meeting this year, provided a liaison report from the US Half Marathon Championship back in June, which I’m including as an Addendum at the end of the minutes.

For 2014, the Championships will consist of the Houston Half in Jan. (will serve as the Champs for the next 2 yrs), XC in Feb., 10 mile Champs at Cherry Blossom in April, a bid from the Bix 7 Miler in July (they coordinate it with their anniversary every 5 yrs- 40th year of the event), working on a new 5K site venue, and the rest of the Championships are the same as in 2013. Darren needs to work with Tufts on re-hosting the 10K Team Championships again. Tufts plans to host the Women's Individual 10K Championship in 2015 and 2016.

Kim said if anyone in the room knows of an event that could host a Championship, let us know. We want to be able to spread the Championships throughout the year- the more choices, the better the opportunities. There is a USATF page that lists the future races, how much prize money is typically offered, explains the bid process, and there's an application: http://www.usatf.org/groups/EventDirectors/bids/openBids.aspx

Greg Evans asked the question, “How many years would a race need to exist in order to be able to host a Championship and the number of runners (minimum) needed?” Kim said it's important to know the history of the race directors- and to give a bid to somebody who has experience (~amenities, experience with race/event management). The race/race director needs to have some proven track record and the right people behind it.

IX. ADP Review: Our ADP Chair, Linda Barnhart, couldn't attend the meeting, so Kim explained the program. ADP is the Athlete Development Program. The program is intended to help athletes who are likely not supported by a Club/Sponsor, in their mid-20s, and provides support to get them to National Championships (~room, travel, entry, stipend). The program helps athletes experience the next level.

For 2013, there were 3 ADP-supported athletes for the 25K Champ, 5 for the HM, and 3 for the Marathon (although 1 was hurt and 2 others received elite support from the race). There's been several success stories from the ADP- Mickey mentioned Laura Thweatt was an ADP-supported athlete who ran the Twin Cities 10 miler 2 years ago, finished top 10, got the experience, and now made the Chiba Ekiden Team. Additional information about ADP can be found at the following link: 38


X. Code of Ethics Review: Christina Corl, Associate General Counsel to the USATF Board of Directors (“USATF Lawyer”), made an appearance to give a Code of Ethics Review. As Kim mentioned, this is important to making sure we're doing the most we can as volunteers for USATF, doing things the right way, don't have ulterior motives, don't have conflicts of interest, and how to represent ourselves in an appropriate way.

Christina talked about our role as “subject matter experts”. We need to make sure we're handling governance matters appropriately. She talked about the umbrella of the organization- the Board of Directors sets the “rules of play”. Then, there's a reporting system, which consists of us as volunteers for our ~Associations and Executive Committees. We give feedback up the chain to the Board of Directors.

There's a Volunteer Handbook that's online (see link below)- talks about things that need to be done annually by Committees and Committee Chairs. http://www.usatf.org/usatf/files/0d/0d77d3d7-3fad-4a18-87f8-c1019e394782.pdf

As an example, they (Christina and Committee Chairs) went through updating every Committee's Operating Regulations. They found out about ½ the committees didn't have operating regulations, so Christina went through creating operating regulations from scratch. There's a Code of Ethics and a Conflict of Interest Policy that we should all look at. For instance, if there's a vendor that's referred by a committee member, and that member has some financial interest, we should consider this a potential conflict of interest. Every year, the committee members must fill out the Volunteer Acknowledgment Form. Christina talked about, “What if the USOC questioned USATF if the committees had operating regulations? Have they done background checks on volunteers working with minors?” It's important to have governance policies for these issues.

Greg Evans (IL) asked Christina, “What if a race had a USATF sanctioned event, you had an incident with a claim, and the claim is denied because you didn't have volunteers who signed a waiver. Could this truly happen?” Christina said it's important to get waivers for volunteers. There are also different State laws-- whether waivers are valid or not, depends on the State where the incident occurred. Greg brought up about numerous events popping up around the country by unqualified people, which may or may not be sanctioned- there should be more scrutiny of whether these races are qualified to receive a sanction, in case there's a medical emergency (~have the appropriate procedures in place).

XI. Other Business: Nina Kuscsik (Law and Legislation) brought up the proposal changes for Regulation 7.E, which mentions Associations must have at least 21 Championships or lose accreditation. Kim mentioned that it collectively combines ~Youth, Master's, Men's and Women's LDR Championships, etc., which should be manageable for Associations. Mickey asked if there was a prior minimum? No one is aware of a prior minimum rule.

Gene Newman (RRTC) brought up about pre-certification for races, where the course is pre-verified in case records are set. This should be part of the Bid proposal, which is an added cost of up to $500. This is an assurance that races that are bidding have an additional ~$500 to cover this step. We don't want to go out after the fact and find out the distance isn't correct, and the record doesn't stand. Gene can verify whether a bidding race has a course that has been validated.


Mickey asked the question for Gene to clarify the difference between Certification vs. Verification. Certification- make sure the distance is correct. Verification- if a race hasn't been measured, a race is approved for a Championship, send 2 people out who are IAAF-certified A/B measurers, they will both certify and verify this distance meets the IAAF standards. Validate (which now means to verify) means after the record is set, validate that the course has been run. All of this was asked in reference to the “World Best” by Molly Huddle at the new 12K Championship, which we hope to be an ongoing Championship and have it continue to grow.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:02pm Eastern.

Respectfully submitted,

Camille Herron, WLDR Secretary


LeeAnn Meyers: Liaison Report 2013 Grandma’s Half Marathon National Championship

The Championship was extremely well handled. The athletes had individual attention from the time they were recruited. Athletes were provided with single rooms in a variety of hotels around town – all within walking distance from the Convention Center where the press conference, media lunch, and Technical meetings were held. Race numbers were given at the technical meeting as well as a special Championship zip light weight sweatshirt. In compliance with the heightened security, athletes were given clear bags for their gear – they were told that no backpacks would be allowed.

Athletes were transported from each hotel to the start in comfortable coach busses (citizen runners have school busses). There were monitors at each hotel checking that the athletes had their race number and brought only the clear bags. Most of the athletes were very understanding and compliant- some that had “forgotten” did empty the backpack into the clear bag and bring the backpack back in to the hotel.

The women started @ 6:25 am – 10 minutes after the men. It was 55 degrees with an east (tail) wind, overcast with some fog. The field was loaded with strong National caliber athletes. The first woman was Adriana Nelson @ 1:11:19 ($12,000 for 1st – awards through # 12 – total of $38,750). There were 55 finishers, with 19 women under 1:15! (Additional results are available on the Grandma’s Marathon web site.) 40

The National Championship had a separate secure area at the finish – where there was seating - both indoor and outdoor, changing tents, and a massage tent where there was food, fluids, towels, medals, and t-shirts. This area was close to the media room and drug testing area in the adjacent hotel. It worked well that interviews could be conducted either inside or outside depending on the condition of the athletes.

The athletes were celebrated at the awards ceremony during dinner at the historic Train Depot.

We were able to thank Scott Keenan. He has hosted WLDR championships in the marathon and half- marathon many times. He retired after this year’s event from his 35 year position as Race Director/Executve Director. In recognition of his long-term support of American women’s long distance running, capped by this year’s successful Half-Marathon Championship he was presented the Contributor of the Year 2013 Award from USATF/ WLDR .



Date: Thursday, December 5, 2013

Time: 1:00 PM


Ron Daniel Loretta McGovern-A *Steve Vaitones


Dave McGovern John Nunn Vince Peters

Ed Richardson Ray Funkhouser Bill Pollinger

Jo Burrows Ginger Mulanax Tim Seaman-A

Solomiya Login Maryanne Daniel Gary Westerfield

Philip Dunn-A Dan Pierce Dave Gwyn(Parliamentarian)

A = absent from Annual Meeting

* Attending a separate sub committee meeting at the convention scheduled at the same time


 Ron thanked the Executive Committee for their cooperation, assistance and patience in his first year as Chairman.

 Ron advised that minimum performance standards were established for the 2014 World Cup Team. He reviewed the process that he used: Ron took the finish times from the previous 4 IAAF sea level World Cup competitions and determined what time was needed to finish ahead of 30% and 20% of the finishers. The Executive Committee quickly dispensed with the 30% recommendation in favor of the 20% recommendation. For the 50k this would be a 4:25.00 After some discussion, this was dropped to 4:35 (which is the same as the previous World Cup Trail standard). The change would have required athletes to improve by 10 minutes in less than one year so after discussion with the executive committee the time will be phased in over several years. The Standards for the 2014 World Cup are: Men’s 50k – 4:35:00 Women’s 20k – 1:43:30 Junior Men’s 10k – 47:45

Men’s 20k – 1:32:00 Junior Women’s 10k – 53:15

Ron stated that he wanted March 9th to remain the cut off for the 50 K trials. John made a motion to extend the qualification period to March 30th. Gary Westerfield seconded. The motion failed to pass.

 Ron reviewed what the circumstances were that led to the late season extension of the Open Grand Prix (GP) and accepted the responsibility for the confusion. In early 2013, Dave Talcott had called Ron describing the GP and its schedule. It was to have run from Jan1, 2013 until mid Oct 2013. Ron approved that schedule. What Ron had failed to do was get concurrence with RW Exec


Comm. As the end of the year approached, it was discovered that the National 50k would not be included. What was remiss was any description in the Grand Prix procedure specifically stating that the GP would end mid Oct, the only evidence of that was by looking at the race schedule. The GP procedure said the GP was a yearly event encompassing all National events. Ron quickly contacted the RW Exec Comm and they agreed that the 50k must be included. Since the 50k was to be included so was the Open Indoor 5000m. Ron then noted that a sub committee had been formed to come up with new GP procedures. Ray Funkhouser was the sub-committee chair.

 Solomiya requested that within the new subcommittee for the Grand Prix must keep the awards within the National Annual Meeting presentation date so that athletes could be properly recognized during the Annual Meeting and more athletes could potentially attend because they would feel that they had a roll. Ray advised that the masters resolved the problem of dates by setting October 15th as the final race day. All other races would be considered for the next year’s Grand Prix. The final decision for the members of the sub committee for Grand Prix members are: Ray Funkhouser (sub-committee Chair) Mike Roth, Solomiya Login, Maria Michta, Ray Sharp, Vince Peters

 Ron stated that he wanted March 9th to remain the cut off for the 50 K trials. John Nunn made a motion to extend the qualification period to March 30th. Gary Westerfield seconded. The motion failed to pass.

 Gary Westerfield brought up the issue that the IAAF Walking Committee has an open position. Dave Gwyn asked for an endorsement process for the IAAF Walking Committee given that more than one candidate may apply.

 Bill inquired as to who was interested in being the US candidate. Both Gary and Ron raised their hands.

 Ron replied that he had written to Stephanie Hightower and Max Siegel about a month before the Annual Meeting inquiring if USATF would be acting on Article 17.D of the USATF Governance Handbook, ‘Early IAAF nominations’ (meaning that any IAAF Committee that didn’t have a US member, then USATF may move up nominations by one full year). Ms. Hightower’s reply was that there wasn’t enough time at this year’s Annual Meeting to conduct interviews. She referred Ron’s inquiry to Darlene Hickman, USATF Board of Dir., Secretary and Bob Hersh, IAAF VP. Darlene’s reply was to have all those interested forward to her their RW Resume and a letter explaining why he or she would be a good candidate. And this information would be forwarded to the Board before the next Board meeting; date not yet set.

 Ron, also stated that there wasn’t enough time in our current meeting for candidates to present their reason why they feel that they are a good candidate. And, we didn’t know who all the candidates might be.


 Gary Westerfield said he felt the Race Walk Executive Committee should endorse one candidate to the USATF Board of Directors for the IAAF Walking Committee position. This would happen after the application period closes and would allow the Executive Committee to possibly have an IAAF member from Race Walk Community. After discussion Gary made a motion that at the appropriate time the executive committee discuss and vote on a candidate and possible endorsement for the IAAF RW committee as per article 17 of the governance manual. Bill Pollinger seconded. Motion passed and was approved by the committee.

 Ron made a short comment about the 2014 budget. He stated that USATF had given him two days to put together a budget plan. Among items in the budget plan was a request for funding a video of a Youth walkers. The goal of the video is to show youth walkers displaying legal technique and illegal technique. The video would be available to youth coaches as well a judges who judge the youth at their regional events. During the budget review with USATF, it was agree that USATF would fund the video.  Ron also stated that he was going to speak before the Youth Committee at the Annual Meeting.

Jo Burrows provided the current budget available for RW.

Total for 2014 was 50,200.00. Of that the breakdown was:

Race Walk Committee 5,700

Championship races 9,500

International Competitions 30,000

Competitive Opportunities 5,000

Jo also advised that all receipts for reimbursement needed to be returned to her by the end of December 31st.

Bill made a motion to adjourn the executive committee meeting. Motion passed


USATF – MUT Council – 2013 Meeting Minutes – Indianapolis, IN

Final 12/12/13

Meeting minutes below reflect the following meeting times:

Friday, December 6, 2013 - morning session - 10:00 AM to 12:50 PM; afternoon session 4:00 PM to 4:50 PM; Saturday, December 7, 2013 – morning session 9:30AM to 10:45 AM, afternoon session, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM

*Attendance: George Leaf, Ron McCrae, Carl Grossbard, Bob Latham, Nancy Hobbs, Howard Nippert, Roy Pirrung, Richard Bolt, Joe Jurczyk, Tania Pacev, Sam Rush, Jason Bryant, Mike Spinnler, Steve Taylor, Mark Elmore, Rich Sayer, Robin Jefferis, Ben Phoenix, Bill Roe, Fred Finke, , Thomas Shinnick, Monica Sencio, Roy Grutchmaker, Lisa Ducett, Ed Robbins, Patrick Linsky, Ray Lapinski, Kenny Emrick, Ryan Martin, Gary Morgan, Amanda Boston, Amanda Heidecker, Jon Drummond, Joe Sarver, Ed Whetham, Craig Yotter, George Regan, Larry Alsende, Edwin Roberts, Stephanie Hightower, Norm Waine, Mickey Piscatelli, Jim Estes, Lawrence Watson, Aretha Thurmond, Jim Peterson, Stephen Peckiconis

* The aforementioned came to all or part of the meetings.

Review and approval of minutes from ‘12 meeting (Daytona Beach, FL): Roy Pirrung motioned to approve, second by Ron McCrae. Unanimous approval.

Make up of Council: Mountain Ultra Trail Council includes association reps, elected chair and vice chair, appointees from men’s, women’s, and master’s LDR, AAC athletes, and executive committee. The executive committee meets by phone 3-4 times per year to discuss any issues throughout the year between conference meetings. The executive committee also reviews and approves various items to include team staffs, selection criteria for teams, etc. The full list of members of the committee is available at www.usatf.org under committees.

Collegiate Running Association: Steve Taylor introduced the new association. Goals are to develop championships and provide top finishers prize money. Ray Lipinski asked about NCAA supporting and rulings. Taylor explained where the association is positioned. Ray Lipinski asked about the benefit to people in this room – the association is designed to assist athletes and the interest of growing the sport. The association is meant to entice collegiate athletes to continue in LDR, mountain, ultra, trail. Who can participate in said championships? College students taking as few as one college credit…and any age – ie: 40-year-old in one credit class. Taylor says, “We want athletes to have opportunities. If their eligibility is gone, the association provides such opportunities. For the elite level athletes, the national champs are doing fine, but there is this group which is underserved. Also provides an opportunity for prize money for this group. Bridging the gap from finishing college eligibility, and then going out in the world to compete, or raise family, etc.” Tania Pacev asked - When you say trail, what are the distances? Taylor: Anything under 45

½ marathon. Pacev asked about eligibility – US Students, international students? Taylor: for US and foreign. Want to be inclusive, not exclusive. The youth involvement/participation is addressed with the new association, according to Richard Bolt.

Social Media/Marketing Update: Richard Bolt provide a history/overview of our social media. Using Twitter @usmrt and @usaultrarunning – liaisons tweet prior to, during, and after event to our various audiences. A go-to resource in our larger trail and ultra community. At USMRT.com, there, a lot of our international friends watch us to see what is happening in world mountain running. There has been increased activity on Facebook throughout the year. We need to be part of the overall conversation. USMRT.com and usaultrarunning.com, Google+ has been posting since platform launched two years ago. The USMRT is Richard mostly posting, the ultra is Howard and now Michael Wardian posting on Facebook. We have 1650 followers on Facebook, over 800 on ultrarunning. Google+ has a reach of 50,000 for the U.S. Mountain Running Team One week ahead of national championships, Howard as liaison will send out tweets to try to build audience prior to the race. Build excitement in advance. Give the race a “face.” Richard discussed Google Hangouts – video conferencing for up to 10 people – free. Started using with mountain team having discussions before going to World Champs. Connect team members with each other, parents, team staff. We have hosted online press conferences which are broadcast live on You Tube and saved there so can be used/seen in future. We have tried to do some live conferences from World Champs – sometimes difficult with connections/internet. Parents, followers, and fans of the sport are much of the audience. Collection of video interviews of the course and with athletes – promo to share. Steve Taylor said, “Parents can’t always travel (with the athletes/youth), and they get a comfort level seeing that their son and daughter are safe. These provide a remarkable connection to be able to follow along and to have a resource.” One of Bolt’s goals is to broadcast live from a race. Working on internet connections. It was mentioned that we need some more input from ultrarunners.

Finances – budget for 2014: Not sure what funding for our council is at this point, but understand it may be similar to 2013.

Championships overview: Reviewed all awarded and those that are bidding. 2014

100 Mile Trail Rocky Raccoon 2/1/2014 Huntsville, TX

100K Trail Bandera 1/11/2014 Bandera, TX

50 Mile Trail Cayuga Trails 50 6/1/2014 Ithaca, NY

100k Road Mad City 100K 4/12/2014 Madison, WI

10K Trail Champs Laurel Springs, NC 8/23/2014 Laurel Springs


24 Hours North Coast September Cleveland, OH 20-21, 2014

50k road Caumsett 50K Road 3/2/2014 Long Island, NY


50k road Caumsett 50K Road 3/1/2015 Long Island, NY

24 Hours North Coast September Cleveland, OH 19-20, 2015

Bids updated anticipated 12/5/13 2014 and 2015

Half Marathon Lake Padden Half 10/18/2014 Bellingham, WA Trail

50K trail Flagline, Bend 9/21/2014 Bend, OR

Marathon Trail Moab 11/8/2014 Moab, UT

Mountain Loon 7/6/2014 Lincoln, NH

50M Road Tussey Mountainback 10/19/2014 Boalsburg, PA

50M Road Door County, WI 10/25/2014 Door County, WI

50M Road Door County, WI 10/24/2015 Door County, WI

50M Trail Cayuga Trails 50M 5/31/15 or Ithaca, NY 5/30/15

24 Hours 2016 and 24 The Hard Way 2017

24 Hours 2016 North Coast

10km Trail Biltmore Estates 2014


10km Trail Continental Divide 2014

100km Trail Bandera 2015 and 2016

100 Mile trail Rocky Raccoon 2015 and 2016

Runners of the Year: Recipients named – awards announced at annual breakfast on Saturday. Our council will recognize the gold medal achievements of Jon Olsen and Mandy Ortiz as well as the gold medal performances of our 24 Hour men’s and women’s teams. Also will recognize our contributor of the year Brian Metzler. Discuss process for 2014 awards and criteria. Someone to tabulate and take charge of this topic. Richard Bolt and Tania Pacev will lead the nomination/vote collection for 2014. Discussed awards and criteria. How to judge who is the top in each category. Tania Pacev asked about adding another award category – to distinguish ultra trail and sub ultra trail. Discussed, but not added. For 2013, the criteria was discussed with the window of consideration for nominations. Jason Bryant made a motion to have the athlete’s competitions from November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014, considered for 2014 runner of the year voting. Roy Pirrung made a friendly amendment to cover a 13 month window for 2014 awards since we missed one month of results in 2013 (October), thus the window would cover October 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014, and seconded Bryant’s motion with aforementioned friendly amendment. For future years, the window would be November 1, through October 31.Bryant agreed, no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Trail Series Awards for 2013: Four of our sub-ultra championship races – USA Mountain, USA 10km, USA Half Marathon Trail, USA Marathon Trail. Dave Dunham tabulated results. Press release issued on November 8, Joe Gray and Stevie Kremer were the series winners.

Snow Running discussion: Richard Bolt as facilitator. Background info from Mark Elmore, US Snowshoe Association Founder and Director, distributed on Friday afternoon a packet of materials about the sport and association for review. On Saturday’s morning session, Bolt led discussion and talked about participation in snowshoe racing – clubs, individuals, growth. Rich has outlined benefits and risks which are listed below. In the MN association, a lot of members compete in snowshoeing. USSSA is a small org focused on other things like winter safety and outdoor education. The competitive snowshoe racing program is literally just one person – Mark Elmore – talk about taking what Elmore has built, continue to run the program, grown the program and provide opportunities to our membership. Completely a volunteer organization. Elmore, “We’re seeing a lot of crossover with trail and mountain runners. We see a lot of the same faces. A lot of these athletes compete in our regional competitions as well as our national competition.” Another aspect of the sport of running. Elmore, “We’re serving a lot of the same athletes. Help continue to support.” Ed McRae – what if no snow? Elmore: It can turn into a “trail race.” Elmore, “We can’t control Mother Nature or Old Man Winter. Sometimes we award an event and there is not enough snow…as long as safe to run a 48 trail or mountain race, have that type of event.” Measurement question from George Leaf – courses are still GPSd or measured with an ATV. IF you are running a 10k, it should be a 10k. Bolt – benefits – additional members of USATF. The USSSA membership cost is $30/year – right now there are athletes that have to get a membership in both. It eliminates one of the membership purchases. Sanction and insurance for race directors – it cost $1000 to insure for 150 people at the snowshoe nationals in Bend in 2013 as example. Costs would be reduced under the umbrella. The addition of snow running makes our sport a year-round endeavor. Extend reach to all four seasons. USSSA has membership in 38 states and DC. Elmore, “We have members in Florida who train on the beach.” Snowshoes have developed – Elmore, “If you can run, you can run on snowshoes. You definitely work harder. You don’t have to be from snow country to compete on snowshoes.” The national championship program from USSSA is fantastic with benefits – manufacturer product, really phenomenal, entry fees are $35 – very accessible. Participation has a ready-made audience. In OR there were 150 participants, in Vermont for 2014 expecting 400 people. There are 30-40 qualifiers regionally. There is always an open race, often times a kids run and relay – doesn’t require USSSA Membership (in the open categories). Distribution of athletes participating in the open vs national champs – majority run national champs. Depends on the snowshoe culture in the region. For instance in New England, majority are members. Resources, and don’t want it to be a burden. Stimulate new memberships. USSSA Has BORAD – board of regional directors. 3 reps from each region, technical panel of three and athlete panel of three. Mark’s email: [email protected] and website is www.snowshoeracing.com. Snowshoe Nationals are February 28 – March 2, 2014, Prospect Mountain Ski Center, Woodford, VT, www.ussnowshoechampionships.com. (Tentative meeting scheduled at USSSA on Saturday, March 1, at 5PM to discuss outcomes from USATF meetings)

Addendum: Proposal to add snowshoe racing & snow running to the MUT Council Snowshoe is - a small but fast growing winter running sport. Strong participation in New England, NY, upper mid-west, . Lot’s of cross over between trail runners and snowshoe runners. Many snowshoe race directors are also trail race directors. USATF clubs are participating in snowshoe team competition (Acidotic Racing, Central Mass Striders, etc).

Current competitive snowshoe NGB is United States Snowshoe Association (USSSA) - Executive Director Mark Elmore. Mark supports folding USSSA competitive programs into USATF MUT Council.

MUT Council members are generally supportive of the addition of snowshoe / snow running as a new discipline. Considerations that will continue to be discussed by MUT Council: Benefits: - Gain additional members ($30 USSSA vs. $30 USATF). - Provide sanction / Insurance for race directors. - Create 4 season opportunities for our constituents. - The addition of a very well resourced existing national championship (snowshoe). - Snowshoe specific brands providing generous support to races (don’t conflict with USATF national sponsors). Risks: - Resource impact on the national office - Resource impact on existing MUT teams & championship programs - Finding or integrating new or existing council members to lead/participate - Insurance / liability considerations - USATF legal council stated that he thought USATF's current 49 insurance program should be able to cover snowshoe races.

Jon Drummond came in as a guest, AAC, any issues for AAC can go to Roy Pirrung who is a designee to AAC.

Team Staffs: Executive Committee selected the following staff: Mountain – Richard Bolt, Ellen Miller, Paul Kirsch; 100km – Lin Gentling, Tim Yanacheck, Dr. Lion Caldwell; 24 Hours – Howard Nippert, Mike Spinnler, and Dr. Lovy. For the non-funded teams, Jason Bryant will assist with the Long Distance Challenge Team and NACAC along with Richard Bolt.

President’s Award: Congratulations to Dave Dunham, who received a USATF President’s award at the opening session.

Caumsett 50km: Carl Grossbard/GLIRC has hosted for nine years as our USA 50km Road Champs – Grossbard contacted the BAA to see how he could get his event as a qualifier. For 2015, it will be a Boston Marathon qualifier at the measured 26.2 miles. You have to finish the 50km in order to use the 26.2 as a qualifier. The course is a 5km loop course with two aid stations each loop.

Safety Runners for 100 milers. Companion/pacer. Discussion about runners out a long time/safety in remote areas. Instead of calling these individuals pacers, it is a safety runner. Designated, identified, or used in – behind someone by 10 seconds, or 10 meters. Rule 144 is assistance. We did our best to split the difference to provide safety/aid, and not assistance. Representative from this year’s 100 miler (Rocky Raccoon) said they would publish the rule as it reads and in fairness, educate and include. Rule is not open to interpretation. At what point of the race can a pacer be included, up to race director discretion.

10km trail champs: Jason Bryant. Continental Divide Trail Race hosted in 2013, was going to be at Beech Mountain, but moved back to original site in Laurel Springs. August 23, 2014 for next year’s race. Bryant wants to do more with clubs this year for open and age group. Bryant says, “We’re getting more clubs to participate.” Also has a junior category for athletes 19 and under in the year of competition.

24 Hours: For 2014 and 2015. Joe Jurczyk has a spring and fall 24 hours race (North Coast). The fall will host the championships based on the calendar of the world championships. Not wanting to dilute the field of

50 either the national champs or world champs which is the reason to alter the timeframe of the national champs.

Andy Carr, LDR Record Keeper: Our council doesn’t approve, rather the LDR division does. Of the 129 LDR pending records, 29 are ultra of which 25 or 26 are masters. Andy has been to men’s and women’s LDR meetings to provide record performance updates. For ultra, Jon Olsen’s 100 miler and Sabrina Little’s 24 hours are being set for ratification. One record has been declined, it is a 6-day race from 2009…never received application or lap sheets. Last year, we had two 50km records on hold because of a sanctioning issue. In order to have an American Record, must have a current USATF sanction. Both were age group records. Carr can’t do anything with a record before receiving an application. If you are doing a race longer than 50km, you use the ultra form – 5 pages long. It is actually very simple to use. Forms are located at www.usatfne.org/records -- first forms are the LDR forms. Race directors should be prepared and look at the forms and fill them out in advance. Make sure the event is sanctioned and certified course. You don’t have to be a USATF member to set a record.

Mountain: Report from the 2013 World Mountain Championships – Poland – in our annual meeting report. 2014 Selection Criteria – champs in Italy September 2014. Bid from Loon. Mexico to host 2014 NACAC. Jalisco, Mexico.

WMRA World Long Distance Challenge: USA Team report 2013 – in the annual meeting report. Jason Bryant is working on the selection criteria for 2014 team (Pikes Peak Ascent in August will host August 16, 2014) and will present to the executive committee. Hoping to have selection races. Two automatic spots selected at Pikes Peak this past year – Eric Blake and Kim Dobson. Team includes 5 men and 5 women.

NACAC Mountain Championships (10th in USA – Cranmore 2013; Mexico 2014) – selection 2014 team is typically the top four men and top four women from prior year’s World Championship, then two years prior World Championships, then NACAC Championships results from prior year, then two years prior.

USATF board members visit: Fred Finke helped explain the distribution of funds and budget audit for teams. Finke spoke about earmarked and budgeted amounts. Discussed national office staff and its relationship with our council. Every Monday there is an all-staff meeting for four hours. All report and share what everyone is doing in these meetings. Now, even if you are trying to get a hold of someone in the office and they aren’t available, another person in the office can help because everyone keeps up to speed with what all areas/staff are doing. USATF Board Member Deena Kastor visited as well, “We see value in every piece of our organization. We see the passion running deeply through you. And a huge potential we haven’t tapped into.” Finke, :I’m not an infomercial (in supporting Max as CEO), I’m a convert.” Kastor said that a recent meeting function at the Disney Institute was very beneficial (for staff and board). “We build lifelong connections in sport.” Kastor says this has helped change the tone in the national office. When working with

51 customer service (Disney is the best at this), it was empowering to see everyone come to a different place after. Everything trickles. Only building a better relationship. “And have a magical Day,” said Kastor.

Ultra: National Team Report – 100 km - no World Championships held in 2013. 24 Hours and 100km, Howard updates the criteria and has details posted on the USATF website, AU 100 km World Championships (28th) will be held in Latvia August 31, 2014, website is http://www.iau-ultramarathon.org/. IAU (international) Meeting 2014 – every other year – Gibraltar hosted on November, 2010; Italy 2012. Next one in 2014. Updates from Lin Gentling, IAU Americas Rep in annual report. 24 Hour Team – IAU 24 Hour World Championships will be held in May/June 2014, with date TBA.

Timing Systems for events, specifically 24 hours. There was discussion of a mandate of additional timing system for any race that wants to host 24- Hour National Championship and a broader discussion on rules regarding timing, etc., for our national championships. Nippert says you have tens of thousands of laps by the end of the race. Nippert has experience running a finishlynx for 20 years – the only way you can assure no problems is redundancy on redundancy. Have a completely second timing system. Personnel required. One for each system. And different power circuits – fuse tripping, back up power source. Joe Jurczyk – it’s intense the whole way (for ultras). Add to duties of liaison to ensure that the RD takes care of the timing – what is initial timing and what is backup timing. We need to be sure the guidelines make it to bid forms. Liaison form goes to liaison with medals and patches – checklist. Managing the pile of data at 24 Hours is overwhelming. Jason Bryant, Sam Rush, Joe Jurcyzk and Howard Nippert will work on rules for mountain, ultra, trail events.

Impact and importance of having IAU Label designation as many races in US: Roy Pirrung discussed the importance of the labeling. If athletes run a labeled event, and does well, they may get additional funding from IAU to participate in an international event. Good to have U.S. events apply for this. The IAU wants to make sure the marks for qualification purposes and funding meets standards. Must verify that the times and marks are legitimate. Disbursement of funds – according to Nippert, at the 24 Hours, the staff takes the number of athletes who qualify for certain level of funding, the pot divided out amongst the team based on qualifying performances. When people get qualifiers at 50M or trail for 100km, or some other type race as qualifying race, those races don’t necessarily mean anything to the IAU. We can select team however we decide, not determined by IAU. Good to have race sanctioned so records count. Howard made some of these comments. The form is on the IAU page. Lin Gentling is the IAU representative from the Americas. Lin will help any race director who wants to apply for this designation.

IAU Trail Championships and WMRA Long Distance: Recap from Jason Bryant. Wales hosted July 6-7, 2013 – the fourth edition; Bryant reported that Ben Nephew now on IAU Trail Commission. The event will be every other year. Next race 2015. World Long Distance Challenge. Eric Blake and Kim Dobson automatics, add 4 other men/women – athletes that place well in prior year champs, then resumes. Mention the uniforms with Deena in the room. Get standards for team selection better communicated to athletes. Easy way to have a platform to announce via USMRT and Usaultrarunning. Email blasts to reach the wider net to inform of the opportunities. Bill Roe – look at numbers we lose from high school xc to collegiate xc. Massive hole from the 20-29 age group. Brainstorm about what we need to do to get to these people – Jason Bryant says it starts with clubs – this is a good area of recruitment. It’s about education. Run a club championship. The World Mountain Running Association (WMRA) meets in January and one of the

52 agenda items is to upgrade the World Long Distance Challenge to “championships” as well as the Youth International Cup to “championships.”

At the start of Saturday morning’s session, the agenda for the day’s meetings was addressed by chairperson Hobbs. The day would begin with 50M road bids/contested with Tussey Mountain, PA, and Door County, WI; snowshoe/snow running – 15-20 minute conversation; 10km bids from Laurel Springs and Asheville; then list of bids that have hosted before; afternoon 24 Hour Bids from 24 the Hard Way and North Coast, and then other business, and finally, open discussion time;

Nippert opened the discussion on championships with an overview of the program and the items in bids the council should consider when awarding a bid.

Presentation of Tussey MountainBack 50M – Robin Jefferis on behalf of Mike Casper presented to host 2014 and 2015. Near State College, PA. Course is on crushed gravel majority. Relay and solo event.

Presentation of Door County 50M– Sean Ryan to host 2014 and 2015. The “Cape Cod” of the Midwest. Ninth year of the race. 99% road – a little under ½ mile on crushed limestone path. Point to point. Solo and relay event. Total elevation variance is 600-800 feet. Not completely flat. Some interesting climbs during the course. 180 feet climb at 40 miles. Vote on 50Mile – 9(Door County) to 7 (Tussey Mountain). Door County received the majority of votes and was awarded the 50 Mile for 2014 and 2015.

Stephanie Hightower visited meeting. Some concerns and challenges from the international side of our council. Hightower asked us to come back with a proposal – what we would need to go above and beyond, especially on an international level. Hightower hopes to get to a competition before her tenure expires. Send to Jim Estes and copy Hightower – make sure there is follow up. Hightower, “The reality is, we have a lot of change going on the National Office, some of the leadership not as dialed into our events and competition. Max (Siegel) is about solving problems first, rather than saying no. Wants to make sure our voices are heard. Tom Derderian had a question for Hightower – Is there any impediment to us sanctioning Snowshoe racing? Stephanie says we’ll (USATF) do some research – through legal department. Norm Waine (General Counsel/Chief of Business Affairs).”

Hightower left our meeting and in came Norm Waine who Hightower saw in the hallway and asked to join our meeting. Waine discussed the insurance question regarding snow running. Some parameters could need to be in place. Sanction, not such an issue, more so the insurance question. If our (USATF) risk management provider, based on history says there are a lot of claims, probably wouldn’t insure/sanction, but if not, could be fine. The issue stems for the overall insurability. Waine, “We’ll double check and find out claims history and proceed from there.”

Uniforms Discussion for international teams: Aretha Thurmond, newly appointed as Associate Director 53 of International Teams is a four-time U.S. Olympic Team member – “I know what it is like to be underpacked. My personal mission…I met with our Nike representative for uniforms…we are all athletes and we’ll all be treated as such. We don’t do the ordering, the federation manager from Nike does the ordering. I don’t want to do what they have done in the past. There is a spreadsheet with the number of pieces that people are to get. The only area where they don’t produce as many pieces is the national competition piece. Competition shirt is one.” Hobbs will draft and send a request for all Mountain Ultra Trail national teams (100km, 24 Hours, Mountain, NACAC Mountain, Trail Challenge, IAU Trail Challenge (Every other year), Youth International Challenge (youth 16-17 years old).

Championships: Bid presented for 100km Trail (second weekend January 2015 and 2016) at Bandera, TX, and 100 Mile Trail (first weekend February 2015 and 2016) Rocky Raccoon, Huntsville, TX, pending signature of Association president and park permit secured (The municipality only provides permits in year of competition). Roy Pirrung motioned to approve both bids for two years, Joe Jurczyk second, unanimous.

Bid for 2014 Marathon Trail Championships pending signature of association president – Moab Trail Marathon, Moab, UT, November 8, 2014 – Jim Peterson motion to approve, Roy Pirrung second. Unanimous.

Bid for 2015 50M Trail Championships – Cayuga Trails in Ithaca, NY, May 31, 2015, pending association president signature, Jason Bryant motion to approve, Tania Pacev second. Unanimous.

Bid for Half Marathon Trail Championships – Lake Padden Half Marathon – October 18, 2014 – Bellingham, WA, pending signature of association president, motion to approve Tania Pacev, second Jason Bryant. Unanimous.

Bid for USA Mountain Championships – Loon Mountain, Lincoln, NH – 8K for women; 11k for men, July 6, 2014. Pending association president signature, motion to approve Jason Bryant, Second Roy Pirrung, unanimous approval.

Motion for Loon Mountain as the sole USA Mountain Team Selection race (Top 6 men; Top 4 women – must be current USATF members and eligible to compete internationally for the United States), motion by Jason Bryant, Second by Sam Rush, unanimous approval.

Two 24 Hour Bids – North Coast 24 Hours for 9/17-9/18/2016; 24 Hard Way 10/16-10/17/16 (bid for two years) October 2017. Presented by Joe Jurczyk for North Coast, Chisholm Dupree for 24 the Hard Way. Motion to vote as presented by Roy Pirrung, Second by Stephen Peckiconis, one abstention Tania Pacev, motion carried. Outcome of the vote, which was by secret ballot (motion for secret ballot by Roy Pirrung, second by Carl Grossbard, unanimous approval) 10 for North Coast 2016; 8 for 24 the Hard Way 2016/2017.

Two 10km Trail Bids – Continental Divide 10km in Laurel Springs, NC – either August 22, 2015 or August 29, 2015 with date contingent on World Mountain Running Championships date for 2015 in Wales. Biltmore 10k trail on September 13, 2015. Presentations by Jason Bryant, Continental Divide 10k, Biltmore 10k presented by Howard Nippert with document in hand. Discussion whether to vote to accept a 10k trail

54 bid in 2013 for 2015, or to defer to 2014 conference. Motion to vote today for 10km Trail championships made by Ed Roberts, second by Ben Phoenix, discussion ensued related to the World Mountain Championships date 2015. After discussion Roberts took his motion off the table and a new motion was made by George Leaf to defer the 10km trail bids until 2014 USATF meetings, second by Richard Bolt, one abstention (Jason Bryant), motion carried.

approval 2014 Championships

12/5/2012 100 Mile Trail Rocky Racoon 2/1/2014

12/5/2012 100K Trail Bandera 1/11/2014

12/5/2012 50 Mile Trail Cayuga Trails 50 6/1/2014

12/5/2012 100k Road Mad City 100K 4/12/2014

12/5/2012 10K Trail Champs Laurel Springs, NC 8/23/2014

12/5/2012 24 Hours North Coast September 20-21, 2014

12/5/2012 50k road Caumsett 50K Road 3/2/2014

12/7/2013 Half Marathon Lake Padden Half 10/18/2014 Trail

12/7/2013 50K trail Flagline, Bend 9/21/2014

12/7/2013 Marathon Trail Moab 11/8/2014

12/7/2013 Mountain and Loon 7/6/2014 sole selection race for the 2014 U.S. Mountain Running Team.

12/7/2013 50M Road Door County, WI 10/25/2014 2015

12/5/2012 50k road Caumsett 50K Road 3/1/2015

12/5/2012 24 Hours North Coast September 19-20, 2015

12/7/2013 100km Trail Bandera date 1/10/2015


12/7/2013 100 Mile trail Rocky Raccoon February 6 in 2015

12/7/2013 50M Road Door County, WI 10/24/2015

12/7/2013 50M Trail Cayuga Trails 50M 5/31/2015 2016

12/7/2013 24 Hours north coast 24 9/17-9/18/2016

12/7/2013 100km Trail Bandera January 9. 2016

12/7/2013 100 Mile trail Rocky Raccoon February 6 in 2016

Records: Andy Carr provided an update on masters records which were discussed at Masters LDR meeting. Those at the ultra distance. His report is provided in full on the USATF documents library.

Sam Rush has been representative for athlete services/education. Needs more information on insurance and medical coverage. World Championships – if an athlete gets a medal, he/she should be provided this insurance. A disconnect with USOC and World Championships. Rush will investigate and get back to the council.

Roy Pirrung provided a handout he was given by John Blackburn regarding some potential rule additions related to long distance mountain race, relay mountain races, and time trial mountain races. We’ll revisit these in 2014 meeting. Jason Bryant says, “If we don’t make, or provide rules, someone else will make them for us.” Best to have input. How to score championships – various rules need to be included under mountain ultra trail.

Adjourned 3:51PM Saturday, December 7, 2013