Annual Report 2018 A YEAR OF SOLIDARITY COOPI is a Participatory Foundation, listed in the Registry Contents of Legal Entities of the Prefecture of Milan. Editorial 4 It is an NGO registered in the List Letter of the Director 5 of the Civil Society Organisations Who is COOPI? 6 according to Article 26 of the Italian COOPI and the Italian International Cooperation 8 law 11.08.2014 n. 125. Governance and organization 10 Human Resources 12 It is an ONLUS, according A networking organization 14 to the Italian Law D. Lgs. 4.12.1997 Policy and guidelines 16 n. 460. Regional approach, innovation, effectiveness: the COOPI Strategy 17 COOPI’s imprint: activities and results 20 West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin crisis 22 Central Africa 24 Eastern and Southern Africa 26 Middle East and the Syrian crisis 28 Latin America and the Caribbean 30 Main sectors of intervention in 2018 32 Food distribution to people in need in Italy 34 The resources of COOPI 35 Institutional donors 35 The balance sheet in brief 36 Strategic partners 38 Fundraising from private donors 39 COOPI communicates 41 Methodological note 43 Publishing project and COOPI can receive funds for projects, donations from firms and methodological support: individuals as well as legacies. Info:
[email protected] - Studio Sherpa di Satia Marchese Daelli Coordination: HOW TO DONATE : COOPI Institutional communication • Post office current account 990200 “COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale ONG Onlus” Graphic design: Gruppo Egeo Srl • Current account Banca Popolare Etica IBAN IT89A0501801600000011023694