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Spring 4-1-1982 Maine Campus April 01 1982 Maine Campus Staff

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Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus April 01 1982" (1982). Maine Campus Archives. 1219.

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The University of Maine at Orono the daily student newspaper aine since i 8 -5 am us vol.90 no.42 I Thursday, April 1,1982 Disarmament group stages demonstration

by JoAnn Park, ork. I wish people would take the Staff Writer ideas and those people more seriously." Local marchers led by members of the World Peace arch staged a brief Jim Beaulieu. 21. a senior zoolog, demonstration on the steps of the major said he was disappointed in the Memorial Union yesterday after walk- number of people that showed up to ing from Indian Island in Old town. watch the demonstration. He said he The march. and others like it across hoped that the number was not the U.S.. was intended to call reflective of the general popularity of attention to the United Nations special the group. session on disarmament this summer. Lams Dansinger. state coordinator Caroline Curpino. 20, of the Men- of Clergy and Laity Concerned, a tally Retarded Adults of Orono said. nation-wide organization begun dur- "I'd like to walk with them. I admire ing the Vietnam War to organize what they are doing. I think more peace rallies, said the purpose of the people in this country should take march was to gain support for the notice of what they're doing and act on removal of nuclear weapons and to it .'• increase au areness of the U.N. special session June 7. Members of the World Peace March felt differently about the number of A group of 50-n0 students and students that were present at the faculty stopped to listen to the demonstration. Dansinger said the demonstration. Cheryl Spencer. 22. a number of people at a demonstration senior plants and soils major. said. "If is not most important: the commit- I didn't have a mortgage. I and my tment to disarmament is a growing Local demonstrators, led bv two Japanese Buddhist Monks, mark hid trum Old husband would be marching to New concern in the U.S. and the world. low n to he Mrrnorial l'nion to call attention to a U.N. special session on disarrnamunt this summer. I inscoit photo) Political analyst to speak on Reagan foreign policy by Ed Manzi upon the German nation," he said. Staff Writer "Most of my boyhood years were spent fleeing from Nazi terror. I have The Distinguished Lecture Series will always been haunted by the personality present John G. Stoessinger who will of Hitler and driven by a need to speak on "Crisis Areas in the Reagan understand his demon." Administration Foreign Policy" Commenting on the history of the tomorrow night at 8:oo p.m. in Hauck Vietnam war, Stoessinger said, "In no Auditorium. war did personalities play a greater role Dr. Stoessinger is an internationally than in Vietnam. 1 believe that in the recognized political analyst course of a single The Marshall I miser Band and Tom Chapin ;ill perform tonight in the and prize- generation, five winning author of ten American presidsents fieldhouset sponsored hi add ihi I Slam, F rairrnots in the leading books on based their Mine( ampui 11agaztne. world politics. policies in Indochina not on Asian John Philbrick, co-chairperson of realities but on their fears and, later, the Distinguished Lecture Series, said on their hopes.•' Marshall Tucker he feels students, faculty and local Band attendance will be good. "It's a big thing for those concerned to rock field house with the course of the Reagan administration," Philbrick said. do another on Greek "It's Weekend. The attractive not only to students ID) Rubin Stoutanier fraternity board but also was allotted money it should attract Staff Writer for a concert local politicians as last year (from student well." The Marshall Fucker Band will government) and it is using it for Philbrick said the lecture offers an perform in the fieldhouse tonight Marshall Tucker," he said. at 8 objective format and said he thinks p.m. with Tom Chapin. Green said the Marshall This will be Tucker Stoessinger will not take any Marshall concert cost side on Tucker's only Maine SEA and UMFB about Reagan's performance 828,000, on foreign appearance. 81,500 of which is coming policy. SEA has sold 2,300 of the 4,200 from UMFB. these funds will come "However, students should listen available concert tickets. out of SEA's 825,000 concert carefully for a position," he said. Joba C. Sioessiager The concert is co-sponsored by the allotment from student government. As a youth, Stoessinger led an Student Entertainment and Activities "the average cost of getting a bigger From 1967 to 1974 Dr. Stoessingser exciting life that Concert Committee a subcommittee of band to play is about 510-512,000," brought him halfway served as Acting Director of the around the world. On the eve of SEA and the University of Maine Green said. "the total cost Political Affairs Division of the of the World War II he fled Nazi-occupied Fraternity Board. This is SEAs fourth concert is almost doubled when Untitled Nations. Stoessinger is a the Austria to Czechoslovakia. Three major concert since November. costs for stage, university employees member of the Council for Foreign years later he traveled through Siberia Al Green, co-chairman of the SEA that are needed, sound catering Relations. He came to the United and to China, where he served with the concert committee, generator rentals are States in 1947, received his B.A. from said that the added." International Refugee Organization. fraternity board wanted to have He said that he and Doug Grinnel College in 1954, and then a Joseph, In a quote from one of his books concert with SEA on Greek Weekend, co-chairman of the concert committee, received a Ph.D. degree from Harvard entitled Why Nations Go to War April 19-24. try to determine what would be a in 1954. good Stoessinger recalled his childhood in "But, since we got Marshall Tucker act through feedback from students Stoessinger is a professor of political Austria: "I remember well the science at for now, we felt we couldn't afford to (see 'Marshall the City University of New Tucker' p.2) charismatic nature of Hitler's grip York. 2 '.fame Campus. Thur,da,. 4p,11 I. 14S2 ERA legal implications hard to assess say some UMaine Search f professors CAMPUS forestry by Satire Yallely changes in the pattern of American law. professor of political science and pre- CRIER Staff Writer It's hard to project how the ERA law advisor said, "My personal would change issues and laws because opinion is 1 favor it. It is extremely to begin Some UMO political science it would be subject to Supreme Court difficult to argue with the contents of professors agree that it is hard to assess interpretation which could be the proposed amendment: 'rights shall Actors, Actresses wanted for by Ellen York the legal implications the proposed interpretated either narrowly or not be abridged or denied by the summer Children's Theatre Staff Writer Equal Rights Amendment would have broadly." congress or the several states on the company. Audition April 5 and due to the broad power of Supreme Thomson said one of the difficulties account of sex.' The problem is the 6, 7:30 p.m., Jewish Community The process of tel Court interpretations. that the ERA has in gaining support is campaigners for ERA both the Center, 28 Somerset St., Bangor. the new College of . As the proposed Equal Rights that some people feel that the equal opponents and the proponents have Musical audition required. Paid will begin this week, Amendment nears its June 30 deadline protection clause and the due process gone to extremes to promote their positions. For information call C. Bowers, vice presic for ratification some L'MO professors clause of the 14th amendment of the causes often offending as well as 866-4103. affairs. discussed the legal implications the constitution has been providing confusing the public. It's interesting if proposed amendment will face both in Delis ery Miser wattled. Apply in Bowers said he wo protection of rights adequately for you look back in history to the women', terms of whether it is ratified or it's person. Napoli Pizza,()tont', 154 the position filled b; women. suffragette movement, the same sort defeated. Park Si. added it is "most imp Thomson stressed that it is of thing took place. The pro side Robert Thomson, professor of I-louse lot rent. Iwo mile. away. best person for the jo impossible to determine how ERA argued that women were needed to political science, said, "If ERA is Woodstose. June I. Mas 31. to rush it." would affect law because it hinges on purify politics after the mess that men defeated or passed it doesn't seem to 5600i mom It (5500-summer l. 827- how the amendment is interpreted. had made of and the con side areued there any revolutionary 7058. The search begins 'a me that will be Professor Eugene Mawhinney, (See 'ERA' p.3) Wanted: TREASURER and of a committee. Bo, Marshall ASSIStANI TREASURER for consist of a standii Student Entertainment & committee (composed Activities for the 82/83 avadermc members, one fron Tucker *Police Blotter* colleges plus himself year. Sala: red posit ions. (coal, from p. 1) Expetience preferred. members from the for Applications as ailable iii . the faculty members api and other people who are familar with by Richard Mulhern A university employee report- S.E.A. 1,11icc and are due April president and two stud music to see if there would be an Staff Writer eight 2. Ern further Infirm lal 1011 call interest in the band. ed the theft of an -pound President Paul Sil ham and a five-pound roast beef 581-7929. They then contact agents and find Robert F. Kelly. 18. of 315 select a chairperson w from the kitchen of the student out what bands are available and when Stodder Hall and Hingham. usually either anott union during spring break. The Summer house for rent June- the concert committee thinks it has a Mass., was summonsed by administrator. value of the stolen meat was Aug. 25 miles South of Bangor good show, it goes before the SEA university police Wednesday on estimated at S31.25. overlooking Penobscot Bay on One board for final approval, Green said. a charge of forgers, a class D of the studen 3/12 acres. 4 bedrooms, deck. will be a graduate sit The board, which is comprised of Police said Kelly admit- fireplace-all modern. $1000 per selected by the gradue members from the SEA committees ted in a written statement that month. $275 per week. Commute other which organize movies, concerts, the after finding a checkbook out- to campus and enjoy summer will be an under by student governmen film festival and special esents, will side his room, he wrote a check A Milford resident reported too! 401-941-5556 then decide if SEA will sponsor the for 5(42 in the name of a friend that the licence plates were The committee concert. and then used his friend's removed from his 1972 Chevro- Will person interested in old drawing up the job papers on business history of Mr. "SEA usually agrees but it has been telentifKation si ['how his know. let Impala Monday while it was qualifications for the Sawyer, paper mills and close a couple of ledge to cash parked in the Cumberland lot. times," Green said. the check March railroads. Contact 942-4958. with making a recomi - "Esers show we (concert committee) 1- at the bookstore. Kelly is The cost of replacing the Rhode president. has e wanted to pass this year has." scheduled to appear in Third Island license plates was put at District Court in Bangor on SI S. 'The length of tim April 5. process,from the selei s. committee to the tin steps into the positiot said Professor Fred B. of the forestry departr Sampson's He said it could ta longer bevause after Thursday. April, 1.1982 committee meeting of the Maine 3:30-5 p.m. Speech Peace Action Committee Communication Colloquium. (MPAC). Damn Yankee. All Coming On strong William Dr. Eric Skopec, persons interested in South Syracuse Unisersity: "The Africa, U.S. policy . and Appraisal Inters iew . A University of Maine corporate Perspective Rhetorical " Coe holdings in South Africa are Lounge, Union. insited to attend. Sampson: Coupon 5-7 p.m. Reception for Dr. 8 p.m. Distinguished Lecture Constance president of Carlson, Series. Dr. John G. Stoessinger, the University Maine at of political analyst and prize- $1.00 OFF Presque Isle and former member winning author: "Crisis Areas in of the UMO English WITH PURCHASE OF faculty the Reagan Administration's 510.00 OR MORI Carnegie Hall. Foreign Policy." Hauck. Excluding Beer Wine or Tobacco 9 MON le • 630 and p.m lErB 8 p.m. S.E.A. Concert. "Who'll Stop the Rain " 100 Good only at our Brewer and Marshall Tucker Band with Nutting. Stillwater stores ihru May 1, special guest Tom Chapin. 1982. Limit 1 per customer, This cryptic 7 p.m. South Africa Sub Fieldbouse. Admission. memos 1 led by local participan `IL t.18=11:8.1lorri-ruk-8,* 4 ,-_-..4-=-1,--- Today's Weather Graduate Student Dance featuring

(AP) - Windy today with BUFFALO CHIP TEA scattered showers or flurries High 40 to 45. Westerly wind I 5 to 30 mph. Partial clearing Sat. April 3 8:30 p.m. ,Nith tonight. Low 15 to 20. Partly all you sunny tomorrow High near 40. 'T at the Damn Yankee beer wine & soft drinks available ",!- serve( Free to graduate students and guests [ _Ir=1,1,=.1,__1,-_,.1,-1,-,-- I— • - • ' _• -,--ji The Maine Campus. Thursda,-„Aprif 1, 1982 3 Search for Scholarship awards ERA 'US forestry dean to highlight conference (cont. from p. 2) ER that women belonged in the home." Mawhinney said he feels that the to begin by Paul Tukey Floss it Got This Way." Staff proposed amendment will not be Writer At noon the student scholar- passed and congress will not extend the ships will be presented lot by Ellen York Two UMO students will be at a deadline but there will be strong luncheon featuring ieatre Staff Writer awarded free tuition for one Clark T. attempts to re-introduce it. Irwin. Jr.. Portland 5 and semester highlighting the Press Her- "If it is defeated it's not going to ald staff writer, minty The process of selecting a dean for Maine Press Association's an- and 1981 MPA mean that everything is lost. The laws journalist-of-the-year as ngor. the new College of Forest Resources nual Spring Conference in Port- speak- of congress and state legislatures have er. Paid will begin this week, said Dr. Richard land April 9. been moving in a very positive During the afternoon n call C. Bowers, vice president for academic Maine judges, lawyers, ed- panel direction and equal rights have discussion affairs. itors. reporters, and journalism concerning media historically been an evolutionary access to the courts students will attend the confer- and the process," Mawhinney said. irils in Bowers said he would "like to have conflict between the public's ence at the Holiday Inn-Down- He said that although the ill, 154 the position filled by July 1." But right to know and the town in Portland to discuss the indi- constitution is the strongest base, with added it is "most important to find the vidual's right of present relationship between privacy will be protection that legislation doesn't have assio best person for the job, rather than try the judicial system and the attended by several prominent is 31 to rush it." there are still limits on the Supreme media, and to present the Mainers including James Rus- Court. I. 827 awards. sell Wiggins, editor and pub- The search begins with the selection "The Supreme Court often MPA secretary Sue Rocha lisher of the Ellsworth Ameri- of a committee. Bowers said it will interprets amendments either narrowly air said the winners of the scholar- can, and Maine Supreme Court consist of a standing appointment or broadly and it is often the product :R ships were chosen Wednesday Justice WilliamMcCarthy, committee (composed of six faculty of legislative thinking. I think the it 2. based on their cumulative grade At 5 p.m. Governor Joseph E. members, one from each of the American conscious is working Wenn. point average and demonstrated Brennan, and Chief Justice 1,111. colleges plus himself.), two faculty towards the concept of justice, interest and performance in the Vincent McKusick are schedul- Mawhinney said. I I C members from the forestry school, two ed to attend a news-editorial area of journal- reception. Dinner Or, Margaret Gates, assistant Ii .IIIC faculty members appointed by the will be served ism. The winners will be at 6:30 p.m. professor of political science, said, April president and two students. featuring notified in writing on Thursday Dick Stewart of the "There are about 800 statutes in states 6 call Boston Globe President Paul Silverman will also by UMO journalism department as guest speaker. which discriminate on account of sex, Four UMO select a chairperson who Bowers said is chairman Arthur Guesman. faculty members by making ERA part of the usually either another dean or an from the journalism department June- The conference will begin at constitution these statutes would be administrator. including Arthur Giiesnian, langur 10:30 a.m. with Dean challenged. Most importantly, the Kinvin Brooks Hamilton, Robert Neal, ia) on Wroth. of the University ERA would simply guarantee that One of the student representatives of and Alan Miller along with deck, Maine Law School and women would be considered equal will be a graduate student and will be retired several students majoring in 30 per Maine Supreme Court Justice persons under the law." minute selected by the graduate board and the journalism will attend the other will be an undergraduate selected Sidney Wernick speaking on Gates said to fight ERA is to fight JRIMCf conference. by student government, said Bowers. "America's Judicial System: agatnq equality. The committee will begin by n old drawing up the job description and advertized and interviews are of Mr. and end and qualifications for the position conducted, the person selected may not with making a recommendation to the be available to assume his new position president. for a period of time. The length of time require for the Larry Dansinger, state coordinator process,from the selection of a search of Clergy and Laity Concerned, a committee to the time when someone nation-wide organization begun during steps into the position of dean varies, the Vietnam War to organize peace said Professor Fred B. Knight, director rallies, said the purpose of the march of the forestry department. was to gain support for the removal of nuclear weapons and to increase He said it could take up a year or awareness of the U.N. special session longer be,ause after the position is June 7.

Onlyone ofthese pens is thin enough to draw the line Delow. This s rs wit message came as part of sesierdas's disarmament demonstration led hr lot d part, tnants in the %%odd Peace %larch. 111mo:oil pholot f. ,Ks(,c rutj-c,ucx*-YaCCAMIQ.:-Ir I t Its the extra-fine rolling ball of Pilots remarkable new Precise Ball Liner Pen.(If you haven't guessed which one it is. look at the top photo again. Its the trim beauty on the bottom left.) LUMS 1 But unlike the others,the real beauty of Pilot's Precise Ball Liner is the extra-fine line it puts on paper. It glides smoothly across the page because its tiny tungsten carbide ball is held securely within a needle-like Dinner Special stainless steel collar. A collar that makes the Precise Ball Liner the most durable,trouble -free rolling ball pen you can buy. Its letter-writerspy. An artist's dream A scnbbler's delight. Sirloin Steak One more fine point. the Pilot Precise Ball Liner doesn't have a big,fat 7 with Garlic Bread Choice of Potato plus... pnce. It'sjust a skinny all you can eat at our Salad Bar $1.19. only 4.95 [-PILOT- served from 4p.m. til 10 p.m. daily precSe 643 Broadssay Bangor 13a11 Liner ,ILLtUclit.4.4 rA,A. *-1C7i, The rolling ball pen that revolutionizes thin writing 4 The Maine Campus. Thursday, April!, 1982 Opinion 'The fifth column A losing battle _PALL FILLMORE The UMaine faculty is losing its battle for higher decreasing and some university administrators salaries. When the Associated Faculties union settled and Just write it professors are beginning to see ghosts its contract four months ago, many members of the late Gov. James B. Longley. believed that Gov. Joseph Brennan would Journalists ate taught to savor Another reason that may have caused Brennan's recommend an additional $2.6 million appropriation the English language. We are S300,000 recommendation, besides his decreased to the legislature to increase faculty pay. told to respect it, know it and concern for quality education, is the lack of emphasis Brennan only recommended S500,000, but after wield it like a sword. from Chancellor Patrick McCarthy on the some work by AFUM members and the university Spelling, of course, plays a importance of increased faculty salaries and the administration, this sum has increased to $800,000 large part in this mastering original 52.6 million recommendation. of the and has a good chance of passage by the legislature. language. The dictionary, along During contract negotiations the $2.6 million However, this is still S1.8 million less than what with the stylebook, are the proposal was separate from the contract but it was AFUM needs and deserves. Journalists' Old and New discussed with negotiations and the union perceived Without the additional $1.8 million AFUM stays Testaments, to be used whenever the two issues as bound together. For many faculty it at the bottom of the national pay scale and will only any word is suspect. Words was the deciding factor for contract ratification. such receive about a $6 net increase in weekly pay. With it as Czechoslovakia and anomaly If McCarthy would have made these facts clear to they would have been ranked 38th in the country always come to mind when we Brennan, stressing their importance, then perhaps are which was acceptable to the union because the per searching for the correct the faculty would be one step closer to higher spelling capita income for the state of Maine also ranks 38th of words. salaries. Instead, the faculty will have to wait until in the nation. Yet there is one their present contract runs out on June 30, 1983, thing which Brennan and the legislature apparently do not print journalists have before they can once again renew their fight for over their recognize that the low salaries will not attract quality higher wages. ounterparts in the broadcast 5 educators and could cause good professors presently field; we don't have to pronounce at the university to leave for better, higher-paying the words we spell. J.M. Forei4 jobs. Their understanding of quality education is William Safire recently wrote a ,:olumn on the pronunciation of the word "Caribbean." It seems [hat Mr. Satire went to a briefing at the White House on the President's recovery plan for the ON area and noted a marked disparity between the way the about El State Department pronounced to belies [he word and the way their support .Jounterparts in Defense were pronouncing ii. According to Democra Satire, the Defense Department's and Arne! stress on the "rib" of the word or have was much preferred over State's emphasis on the "be" in Reagan's Caribbean. Those wh( Yet, as any student of English U.S. support well knows, Caribbean is not the latter camp. only commonly mispronounced Let's not k ord in this world. Many well with Hi student's of language seem to know, the c .:ome across one word that they demonstrati hear mispronounced so often that humanitariar JI often sends them into a rage Democratic r hear the same mistake over and with U.S. pol 0,,er again. Whether it is The preset "altruism" or "egregious," (it movement i: even some less obscure term, communism here seems to be one word that the people or will always pique the elocutionist The politic The University ofMaine at Orono's student newspaper since 1875_ To the near endless list, I add nevertheless one more word that has always should The Wow Campus as published daily at know the limiters.. of Mame at Orono bothered me. It is the westerr, Massachuseti Editorial and business offices are slate of "Oregon." Counties, Panama, on located at mute 'A Lord Hall, LIMO. times I have heard students. Orono. MAIM. 04469. telephone 120't Maine relevant. 581.7'531 At:Kenning and subscription newscasters and even facult, The spectr rates ratable upon request Printed ar members pronounce the state ultra-rightist, The Ellsworth Anserwww. Ellsworth, Campus Maine. with a particular emphasis on the responsible f 04605 Win [Aloes Sports Asoustaiii last syllable of "gon" Anyone virtually any Editor who Michael Davis Ken Waltz staff has traveled in the slat, the militant Paul E Fillmore Mary Ellen Mat as a knows full well the last syllable I, Cory Bennie an attempt ic pronounced "gun" rather Prodochoo Massagers Peter Weed that; existing oliga Managing Eaton the other way. Webster doe, The U.S. h Brenda Bic k ford Staff %Alien allow for both pronunciations in Joe McLaughlon Chrolatioa Managers the Christian Reese his dictionary, but the Kathy McLaughhn Naorr.. askes Bruce Clrietie Production Assam., Duarte, may Andy Paul Paulette MsLaughlin Connie McKenzie Oregonians are not nearly a, redistribute News Editors Peter William, Mold Walker Johanna Johnson kind. They never hesitate to doesn't own 1 Adverting Mergers Rick Suydam Ellen York Paul Wrnht Sean Bus:lock Naomi Laskey correct someone from "badh has no real cc Mary Nancy Knits Jo Clark Ton Rice Cartanaisb Quinn east" when they mispronounce A report t Al Green Robin Stoutamy Cr May Ellen Matas, the name of their state. American Scott Illaufuss Marshall Murphy Adverlidna Rearemalativm W amiss Mawr A.News lEtitoort Andy Paul Matthew Smith Oregonians are proud of their government, Kathy Sart, Wendy Barrett Anne 1 ondon state, and tend to dump Jo- Ann Parker questionable Nancy Auger Edward Mann Paul Pierce mercilessly on Claudia loco Sallie Valle those of u, systematic a( Janet Robbins unfortunate cast Amt. Onaloess Moaner Nam" Sv ores Photo Awrstauts Vance Gray coasters who for repressic Paul Tukes fail to fully annunciate the Mandy NIckileBrun against peas/ Kneen Scott "gun" in Intones Editor Gina Ferarrl the word, so be persecution Sports &Won Todd Collins Typesetters forewarned. According to David Ceichell Torn Roberge Better yet, stay out of the state John look Ellen York Mary Geraghts Advertising Production 16,376 perscr Nancs Storey Kavous /ailed Robin Callon pronouncing game and just write 1981. This fi, it. Arts Editors Glenn Pike th:blvie Ptriitipr PhIlltp Hodgkins One correctly spelled word or, With this Photo Editor Shaun Bresnahan Don I,inscort the page is worth Gres s hen Piston Don Lmwort Francie McLaughlin Robin Robinson two in early Fet David Hos d-Rees Andrea Saunders lane Bernard Sorn Larson mispronounced words in the bush. .MORE ite it

aught to savor age. We are know it and )rd. urse, plays a astering of the ionary, along iok, are the I and New used whenever :. Words such and anomaly id when we are orrect spelling

: thing which ave over their he broadcast t to pronounce Foreign affairs Photo by cloud ia tucci 'cently wrote a inundation of an." It seems A policy ofquestionable legitimacy it to a briefing ouse on the progress on human rights to qualify for continued U.S. aid. Salvadorans could y plan for the ONE POINT STANDS He was required to present evidence that "fully and begin again some form a marked CLEAR completely" explained his action. The President was about El Salvador, Some to of subsistence farming, and a the way the Americans want certify to Congress, as the law requires, that the government pronounced meaningful way of life. to believe in the ' military of El Salvador "is making good progress in implementing ie way The Reagan administration their support there for the "Christian" essential economic and political reforms, including the land 3efense were is of course worried that the Democratic party because reform program." According to it sounds nice According to the Washington Post (January 25,) the extreme right garnered more Department's and American. Others either are developing peasant organization, Union Communal Salsadorena, total votes than the Centrist ' of the word or have a deep designated by the governments of El Salvador and the U.S. Christian Democrats. Why? cl over State's distrust for anything to play a key role in the land reform program reported the Because now they will not be e "be" in Reagan's White House team is up to. reported the program was collapsing because of state- able to easily funnel money Those who marched in Bangor last Saturday to protest supported terrorism. The organization said that at least 90 of and military aid into a regime :nt of English U.S. support of the militaiy in its officials had been El Salvador were clearly of the murdered by government forces in 1981. with such nice, American- can is not the latter camp. Icy winds did nothing to quiet their America has supported an election anger. in El Salvador which sounding label. Senators and iispronounced Let's not kid ourselves. Reagan's idealism is meshing very has now found ultra-rightist retired Major Roberto ,r1d. Congressmen will not accept Many. well with Haig's paranoia over Soviet expansionism, (you D'Aubisson nearly in power. He has been associated with 'age seem to Reagan's proposal to aid a know, the communist tide?) Reagan's administration has terror campaigns and has been accused by the previous U.S. totalitarian ord that they demonstrated one motive behind their outwardly ambassador of being a "pathological killer." rightist 1 so often that humanitarian government that has no support of Jose Napoleon Duarte's Christian These elections were not supported by U.S. allies in into a rage to Democratic party: qualms making public its maintain a government that is compan'ole Europe, Canada or Mexico because the elections excluded ake over and with U.S. policies. terroristic those factions to the left of Duarte's Christian Democrates. means of hether it is The present administration is bent on stifling any political The countries which did not support the elections did maintaining power. tregious," or support movement in that region which reeks of socialism or negotiations which the leftists in El Salvador called The U.S. may eventually be bscure term, for. The communism even if it means fighting against true reform for point here is that the voters had no meaningful forced to pull out of El ine word that choice and the people or an end to violence. thus we have now seen the predictable come Salvador. Then :elocutionist. true: the the right The political situation in El Salvador is complicated but Christian Democrats, supported by the U.S. received ess list, I add 320,910 would lose S80 million in nevertheless there are basics every self-respecting American votes, or 41.3 percent, and the combined ultra it has always -rightist military aid. The tide of should know. First of all, the country is about the size of factions received a total of 456,027, according to preliminary ; the western political history would then Massachusetts and is somewhere below Mexico and above results stated by The Boston Globe. Count le,. Panama, reflect the reality of the social on the coast. That's not political, but is somewhat Leftist Salvadoran liberation forces characterize the A students, and economic distress which relevant. elections as a process "by the right for the right, by a minority even faculty the Salvadoran masses of The spectrum of political parties stretches from militant for a minority," according to the Guardian. The rightist poor the state must ultra-rightist, big-business backed factions which have been factions are supported by big business and military might, now endure, but may phasis on the responsible for the "white death squads" and which oppose that's not even disputed. The elections were overseen by the change. in" Anyone virtually any land redistribution for the Salvadoran poor to military which had a direct interest in seeing the military right But the real reason most in the state the militant Marxist leftist who would resort to any means in to win. The results of the election were (no doubt) good news marched in protest last ast syllable is an attempt to restructure the government, and stamp out the for the rich two to five percent in El Salvador who reap the Saturday, despite icy winds, in rather than oligarchy. existing profits from cash crops grown on fertile land while the rest of Bangor, Vebster does that they are sick of The U.S. has been funneling military and economic aid to the peasants of El Salvador starve. undations in living under a government the Christian Democrats' moderate rightist party. Its leader, What's more, it's illegal not to vote in El Salvador, and if but the which imposes its military Duarte, may very well desire some progressive measures to you're discovered as not having voted, the consequence could it nearly as might, imperialistically, all redistribute land so that five percent of the population very well be jail. Coercion by extreme rightist and leftist hesitate to over the world, contributing to doesn't own 80 percent of the land. Unfortunately, this party factions in the electoral process is rampant. This is why the 'rom "back violence and bloodshed for its has no real control over the military forces in the country. more moderate of the left wing factions, the Democratic tispronounce A report by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Revolutionary Front and the allied Farabundo Marti own seeming profit. A person te. Front American Watch Committee documents that the Salvadoran For National Liberation called for a negotiated settlement. who cares about such things -oud of their government, which has since lost its power in an election of They knew that presenting their own candidates for election naturally expresses it; that's to dump questionable legitimacy, may well be responsible for would be inviting rightist "death-squad" assasination the first step to change. lose of us systematic acts of murder and torture; for abritrary arrests; attempts. oasters who for repression directed against the Catholic Church and "Well-to-do Salvadorans" were interviewed by The Boston --David Walker unciate the against peasants, union and opposition leaders, and for the Globe after the election results were in. Residents of the 3rd, so be persecution of anyone who speaks out against repression. "fashionable" San Benito section of San Salvador, the According to the Human Rights Commission of El Salvador, Capital of El Salvador, "were pleased and in some cases . of the state- 16,376 persons were killed by government security forces in ecstatic" with the results, which indicate a possible rightist nd just write 1981. This figure has since risen to 20,000 people. coalition. And why shouldn't they be? The agrarian reforms lied word on With this known and public. Reagan certified to Congress which were supported by the Christian Democrats threatened torth two in early February that El Salvador had made sufficient moderate land redistribution so that the majority of El 3rds in the April Fools Day Fashion Roc When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping A FASHION that goes along with wearing TRENDS? THE 60S short dresses and skirts, unless held pantsuits and mini skirts, of course you happen to in the 70s SoI women lowered hemlines venture into Boston, to kick on skirts and wore this pia conservative outfits much up your heels at the hot new like the 40s. The punk club called the Spit. tonight. question one might ask is what Another rage taking place in does spring will be c and summer fashion for 1982 hold for the fashion world (which I ladies? think in Maine we shall find to but for be quite popular) is a new shouldn' On an investigative shopping excursion along Tremont fashion phenomenon, called Named afi Street, Boylston Street, and Washington Street in Boston. I prairie dresses. These dresses this band ha observed the spring and summer fashions for 1982. My look quite similar to square when it was f investigation took me to Saks, Bonwit Teller, dancing outfits and come in Filene's and the band, Jordan Marsh. That old saying "if you hold on to anything delicate floral prints. Some of started by gi long enough it will be fashionable" holds true once again for them are quite prettybutothers Southern bat this year. If you can manage to cop a pair of your Ma's are a wee bit too lacy and the Allman b bermuda shorts she probably wore during to 50s, you're sure frilly. thing about to be hip fashion-wise, with just a few minor alterations. On the whole, the fashions the band obli Knickers and long shorts both with a flare before the knee for the spring and summer of the rucke and with a narrow cut are the rage for the spring and summer. 1982 are fresh, creative, 300 days a ye Along with your knickers and long shorts, ladies, you will be exciting, and tasteful. It's a quite in vogue if you wear the new baggy sailor-type jerseys shame most of us are college and smocks (this style was popular during the roaring 20s) students and not too wealthy, that are quite chic this season. because I think one could These jerseys are big, baggy, and look to be quite really go nuts buying the comfortable with long sailor collars. These jerseys come in fashions. various patterns such as stripes, prints, and plain. The So, ladies, to quote a piece popular modes for colors this spring and summer seems to be of stationary I just received, lilac, mauve, aquas, whites, and pinks. and which has become my new. Pants for the warmer season aren't all that different from motto, and I recommend what we've been wearing during the winter months, except, of whenever economically course, in terms of fabrics and colors. Yes, that's right, you feasible as an excellent way to can breathe a deep sigh of relief, your 545 Calvins, Chics and cure your , as well as Jordaches are still very much the craze (except anyone who is make you look really dishy. truly cool knows Levis. Lees, and Wranglers are where it's "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping"; try it! Designers are still sporting pants with stove-topped bottoms and you will find those pants can look very stylish -Sallie 1. alley with a pair of low cowboy boots, clogs, or spiked heels. Buggies are still big as well as a new type of baggy pants that come with drawstrings; again, these look to be quite comfortable. For all you women jocks out there, hold on to your sweats-- re You: they're still very fashionable for casual spring and summer 7:( wear and designers are making them in an even greater variety of colors. Looking Designers are raising for hemlines an on skirts and dresses for spring and summer wear. A fashion representative I talked to at Bonwits claimed that shorter dresses and skirts will be current just for the warmer months, apartment? after which hemlines will to at or below the knee level by fall. The kngth of skirts and dresses for the most part is just being raised above the knee, which I found to look quite attractive. However, members of the new wave and punk Selling Your car? music entourage are wearing skirts and dresses just as short as Als( in mini days. I think in Maine though, ladies, we can probably escape the uncomfortable bending and stretching Looking for 1241 something you lost? Using the Maine Rosa LamE Campus Classifieds? Blanc RAMON DE LOS erotic than the clutch and roll school of modern Reyes and his troupe of choreography." eight dancers Let will be Ramon de los Reyes is from the Campus Crier FriE performing Friday Madrid and began dancing at evening, April 2 in Hauck seven years old, ten years later make Auditorium. to become internationally your life easier. Also: The company repertoire known as a dancer of outstanding consists of Flamenco, talent. The group electr is partially funded Call Al or Jo Spanish Classical, and other by National at 581-7531. regional dances from South Endowment for the Arts, and 1.20 for the first 15 words America, Spain, and Latin Spanish Dance enthusiasts America. should delight, Ole? 10'for a each additional word. They have been described in SPECIAL --Andrea Saunders WEEKLY RATES the Boston Globe as electric, 53.00/three darting, and "more truly days '5.00/ five days

April Fools Day should be a good ssarmup for and replayed by dozens ot Rock Preview the main event. other bands. Marshall Tucker blends Some of those other bands driving rock n' roll mellowed may have captured a small with a country softness slice of Marshall Tucker's (occasionally adding a hint of countrified rock sound, but rhythms) which results in there's only two ways to hear A songs like "Riding the Desert the originators. The first and Shy," "Running Like the most usual way is to put one of Wind," and "24 Hours at a the band's 12 on a Time." good stereo and turn it up. Eubanks soaring SOME OF THE BEST ROCK ON music. Led by the prolific intro But the best way by far is to songwriting of , and solos on "Heard It in a be at the fieldhouse in person this planet is coming to the Fieldhouse backed by George McCorkle's Love Song" still stand as one tonight. tonight. For , , Jerry Eubank's flute of 's high points it (ever), while "Can't You See" will be one more stop on a long and saxophone, all bolstered --Dave Getchell hard ride; by Paul Riddle's drums and has become a sort of national but for Tucker fans, it's a stop that 's vocals and anthem for the genre, played shouldn't be missed. percussion, Marshall Tucker's songs often epitomize that Named after the owner DIRECTWAY SERVICE of one of its early rehearsal halls, "travelin' feelin". this band has been winning converts STUDENTS since the early 1960s, Tom Chapin will open the when it was formed in Spartanburg, South "We're to Carolina. show at 8 o'clock. He is Harry here Sine ),uu monley" The band, most of whom went to high school together Chapin's brother, and is Rent-A-Bay or Rent-A-Lifi started by gradually working its way through the rigorous known for a folk and ballad Do Southern bar-band circuit. By your own auto repairs. 1973, they were touring with style, but is now touring with the Allman brothers, and the national Hours: Mon thru Fri:8 am crowds discovered one new band. He has a new - 5pm thing about Marshall Tucker Sat: --they wanted to hear more, and climbing rapidly with 9 am - 4pm the band obliged with a passion. the hit song "Jeanne", and Sun:94 Closed2-2782 The Tuckers are travelers, sometimes staying on the road promises to bring more of a 1216 Hammond Si.. Bangor 300 days a year, and this personality is well expressed in their rock n' roll sound with him. It

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April Fools Day the Clash's classical Sandinista album. Dread's distinguished lyrics bespeak the "cul-tu-ral-wahhs" on the title cut and on WMEB Top Ten "Warrior Style-e." 8)Small Change Prism REO Speedwagon and Journey fans should go nuts over this record; it is very accessible and laced throughout with I)English Settlement XTC hyperamplified harmonic vocals. Here is the pick of the litter, the best album released in a 9)Catherine Wheel Da‘id Byrne long time. With X TC's trademark quirky beat, but now more The strongest effort yet from any member of the Talking polished, this effort has the potential to "break" these Heads, it is a soundtrack from the dance production of the the Mame Camino musicians commercially. same name, choreographed by Twyla Tharp. It clearly 1,1e, (IOU words or Names will I 2)Bobby and the Midnights Bob Weir demonstrates that Byrne is the leading force of the Heads. Weir has long been the "speedy" influence on the Grateful 10) Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful? The Waitresses Dead, and this disc offers more of the same, but even more Here are the leading practitioners of sexist cheeseburger upbeat. Premier jazz drummer Billy Cobham's help doesn't. rock...the lead vocalist obviously knows what she's talking hurt, either. about; she's one step short of every man's carnal desire, 3) The Blue Mask Lou Reed especially on "I Know What Boys Like." This is Reed's biggest critical success since his early days. Mask is less introverted and. well, more musical than some of his recent releases; it's a return to his guitar-oriented realism tinged with humor. "The Gun" and•"Waves of Music Review Fear" are the standout cuts. 4) Secret Policemen's Other Ball Various Artists Featuring guitar greats (in a duet, no less) Eric Clapton and UMOplus UMA equals great music Jeff Beck, this collection also features some evocative acoustic songs from The Police lead vocalist Sting. Largely the other by Handel, which Scheidler "Sonata reggae-oriented, with appearances by Donovan and members ACA— in D In the k THIS featured some virtuoso major" was a joy to hear. of the Boomtown Rats, it's a guitarist's album from one end demic year has been playing from Hall, then Hall and to the other. Hoffman were Hoffman performed a assisted by 5)Hot Ash Wishbone Ash one of collaboration Dave Saucier on opportu segment of solo guitar pieces. drums and Les Richards Two sides of previously unreleased live material from an on between the music Hoffman's beautiful electric bass during old-time British act famous for its in-concert energy. The a Latin departments of the rendition of Villa Lobos' medley by Jobim keynote here is a unique twin-harmony guitar sound on songs which "Prelude in E minor" left the included the like "Blowin' Free" and "Bad Weather Blues." Universities of Maine familiar "Girl To the editor: large audience breathless. from Ipanema" 6) Another Gray Area Grattan Parker and "One at Orono and at Aug- This reviewer had no idea such Note Samba." Sauciers' Parker's great strength is his songwriting and indescribable beautiful sounds could come tasteful percussion guitar playing. This is a comeback album far stronger than usta. licks and Under a new program, from a guitar. Richards' smooth, solid bass his earlier Up Escalator. Jamie Bathras' students may complete a Hoffman is a study in good work helped meld 7) Beyond World War Ill Mikey Dread the medley Campus of Friday, Bachelor of Arts degree in stage presence, a true together well. Here is a disc of radical reggae from the man who produced not only did not music at UMA in two years, performer whose smile reflects The traditional charges of opportui then transfer here to spend the joy he feels while playing. "Londonderry Air". (known I brought against T two years pursuing the degree Most of the audience was to many as Foreign Film Rev ic% "Oh Danny Boy") it actually confirmei of Bachelor of Music in Music smiling too at the conclusion and the challenging Mr. Bathras' lette Education, and faculty of his humorous rendition of "Entr'acte" by Jacques lbert strongest when it members have been traveling "Canta de Musica",(Little brought the program to a argument that by ru here from UMA to teach part- Music Box) by Tarrega. close. Sex,graft and torture Democrat, Smith w time saxophone and guitar Although it's impossible to Standing ovations are rarely to get more votes lessons, conduct smile while playing an oboe, given in Lord He enjoys a mistress and and to Hall. I felt this ran independently. ensembles. Hall's technique and near- performance deserved one. TUESDAY then forces her to get an sarcastically asks ho This collaboration between perfect intonation (while night's foreign film, abortion, and he ultimately the vote Smith woul faculty members produced a playing on an oboe which -Gretchen Piston pis murdered while he 'ran as a Marxist' The Traitors, was a recital Tuesday evening, wasn't his) during the cdebrating his union election It would do on March 30, which shocking if net victory by another group of really ponder this horrifying view of the workers who have realized him demonstrated iust how much think it over an talent exists at the two schools. UNIVERSITY OF as a traitor to their cause. MAINE thoroughly familiar rise and fall of a trade Dr. The film could stand alone Louis Hall, UMO's AT would do one well b oboe professor, and Tom ORONO union leader in as a character study of a very argument--the b Foffman, professor at UMA SCHOOL OF Argentina, replete bad guy, or even as a slam at Bathras could mus unions. But vv,io also teaches guitar with all the graft, sex, what one is struck PERFORMING ARTS argument of opport with the most in this picture is here combined to present a excellence. TI program torture, and beatings the grime, and that is probably of numbers ranging electorate will r in could ever want directly attributable to the fact style from classical sonatas someone on the one and that this film had to be made and up-tempo Latin his/her good progri to See. medley clandestinely and never did to an original piece by will elect someone oi But it was also the portrayal seek to show the ennobling Hoffman titled "Pastels". that he/she is rum The of a lot of social, economic qualities of anything. program opened with candidate of one o two and political Argentine history sonatas for oboe and major (capitalist) pa from 1955 through 1973, and --Andrea Saunders guitar, one by Locatelli and this point we all agr an indictment of American this, the opportunist, labor unions, the CIA, and Steak ho Butehershop that the best strateg! multinational corporations as Democrats, since who have been accused of Frods U.S.D.A. Choice primarily concerr buying off union leaders in getting elected. Latin America for quite some WESTERN () \LY From the same time now. BONELESS Marxists conclude th The film is centered around 4 95 in dire need of Roberto Barrera, a union SIRLOIN' IM:1.1 tWit leader and a "peronista" (advocate of Juan Peron) in an 3,41b. %MAI/ ti NI( %MI MI 11.4.8 Ramon Argentine factory. His cause — Thai Sillintilsrel of Comparison— is left of center, but slowly in de los Reyes his "rise through union MURPHY'S bureaucracy" as is typical, he STEAK H(11 SPANISH DANCE THEATRE loses his concern for the workers and becomes more S•ww—MILINM Done 1110....arn FRIDAY APRIL 2 and more a pawn of the ...1 sr-troian Pnrat 0.5m* 1982 9.4..rw4 • womanly.* management and foreign ~leo... itZ3 II T 1 A B. I** a* HAUCK AUDITORIUM 8 P. M. BIZ 1 Moosto• t giu .er interests. Nap ,r,.9 starts payoffs Kw,. Mom He taking and Tickrais- UMO students 1.0. 13.50 resorting deceit. to He Bringing t he West to Maine Gyinerol public $6.00 arranges to have himself 989 1474 On sale as Memorial Union lobby kidnapped in an effort to ilerebr Brew., and box office March 29 -April 2 increase his popularity among Will ACCEPTING 5.5 MASTER01/111616 ii6EIKANEIMESS the workers, and he has t.,,,Ilershop we car0 large re. workers who are more militant Beer, Soda, and Lobsters packed to go. than he beat up and tortured. April Fools Day _

The Maine Campus. Thursday, April I. 1982 9 Response EQUAL TIME The Marne welC0111, letler, to the editor Letters should be brier (10) words Misinformed about dangers ofcannabis or less) and include a name and telephone nurn het Nantes out be withheld only under special circumstances. Anonymous" and open kuers. although welcome. editor: will non be publtshed. To the that had been smoking 2 to 4 of all common drugs. The .4furne Caorrput oz. per day for 7.4 years. Many licit drugs reserve, t hc Paul Cook (March 10th, can be Schaeffer, Andrysiak, and deadly and debilitating. night to The other side of drugs) has a edit letters Ungerleider reported that, good heart, but like the Nicotine, which is not classed "None of the as a drug, is said to be majority in this country, is neuropsychological test data responsible for 300,000 deaths misinformed about the relative indicated impairment of yearly. Prescription drugs dangers of cannabis. Mr. cognitive functioning. claim 156,000 lives each year Cook sights the works of a Dr. Language areas of function, and a strictly "hospital Nahas, whose book non-language areas of infection" takes half that "Marijuana: The Deceptive function, memory, complex many. Weed" was reviewed for the Alcohol's toll extends usic multimodal learning, and so widely that it Journal of the AMA by Dr. is hard to general level of intellectual measure. Barry Liskow. Dr. Liskow Cannabis never kills functioning were all and has been mata in D said in part, used as a prime In the long run, completely unimpaired. medicinal y to hear. herb for thousands compared with standardized- of years. offman were "To support his normative information [Nahas'sj essentially The inequities of our +e Saucier on available for each test. Scores opportunism brings moralistic viewpoint cannabis laws do more social, Richards on defeat [that obtained on all of the other marijuana is evil], examples of physical and financial damage iring a Latin psychometric tests were also biased selection than does the drug. The obim which and well within the normal range interpretation of studies and original cannabis laws were amiliar "Girl To the editor: for age. education. For Marxists, omission of facts unjustified. Current laws are ' and "One abound in As for Dr. Lehmann's anti- winning elections is every much of no better and waste resources, ' Sauciers' the motivational syndrome, a subordinate to political volume is distorted that one loses millions in taxes,harasses ion licks and closer look would have shown education. For opportunists, must know the marijuana citizens, and drive money out th, solid bass the problems to -be in the . of Jamie Bathras' letter to the political education is literature in state into the hands of Id the medley order to judge the individual personalities rather Campus of Friday. March 12, subordinate to winning accuracy of each statement." organized crime. This than the drug. Research by not only did not refute the elections. This is the nub of institutionalized hypocricy is :raditional others--National Clearing quite derisive and undermines charges of opportunism which the matter. At UCLA, S.C. White et al, Air", (known House for Drug Information the respect for authority I brought against Tom Smith, In the short run, and on a used an improved and Danny 1970, Schafer Commission all laws. Boy") it actually confirmed them. small scale, opportunism methodology (Science, April challenging 1972, Jamaican study 1972, Although people Mr. Bathras' letter was at its seems to be so much more 1975) that contradicted have been Jacques lbert American Journal of grossly mislead strongest when it made the reasonable than Marxism. Nahas's study. The about the -ogram to a Psychology 1973, Le Dain relative dangers of licit and argument that by running as a Political education is so slow, monumental Jamaican study Commission 1974, Army- illicit drugs, things are Democrat, Smith will be able and small "victories" are showed no difference in ons are rarely Harvard 1975, and National changing. Now the resistance to get more votes than if he possible now. However, on a infection histories between all. I felt th, Academy of Sciences 1982-- to cannabis law change comes ran independently. Bathras national scale, and in the long heavy users and controls. erved one. has shown no evidence to from an interplay of three sarcastically asks how much of run, opportunism brings Reports from college health support Lehmann's anti- factors. 1) misinformed moral the vote Smith would receive if defeat. By refusing to educate services, free clinics and other 1,en Piston motivational syndrome crusaders, 2) governing elite he 'ran as a Marxist'. the public on the point that the health facilities frequented by claims. not willing to admit serious It would do one Democratic Party is an cannabis users have not well to The National Academy of mistakes, and 3) actions of really ponder imperialist party just as indicated a higher incidence of this argument, much Sciences recently reported that powerful and vested interests. think it as the infections, which would 'oe over and become Republicans, there is no solid evidence for ill The official pot prohibitionist 1AINE opportunists expected if the immune system thoroughly familiar with it. It help to insure or long-term effects from position is based on political that the was disrupted. would do one well because this public continues to cannabis use. Yet, they rather than health, social or While it's true that [HC can argument—the best Mr. elect these imperialists. repeated the 17-year-old call economic considerations. cross the placenta (and I Bathras could muster--is the When the Democrats get the for more research. Since the Prohibition of a popular discourage all drug use by R T S argument of opportunists par U.S. into wars like WW I, first call, over 6000 research trade community has never pregnant females) no excellence. The U.S. WW II, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, papers have appeared and five worked. Many teenagers researcher has yet to find any electorate will not elect Dominican Republic, etc., major studies has e been report cannabis easier to evidence of birth defects; in someone on the basis of opportunists always complain commissioned; three in the procure than alcohol. State 1970 D. Dorrance et al found his/her good program, but it that the public is too U.S., one in Canada, and one controlled sales of Maine none, in 1971 the AMA and will elect someone on the basis apathetic, that they don't put in the United Kingdom. grown cannabis would close the Department of HEW that he/she is running enough energy into protesting Cannabis is now one of our the black market, reduce the as a found none, in 1972 the candidate of one these actions of the most researched drugs and the load on the police, court, and of the two Schafer Commission drew a major (capitalist) Democrats. They have no call for more is simply a "red taxpayers, increase parties. On blank, in 1974 the Canadian tax this point right to complain, for it was herring"; cover for political, revenues, keep money we all agree. From Le Dam n Commission found in these very Democrats that ideological, and financial Maine pockets, this, the opportunists conclude the no evidence, in 1975 W.W. reduce health opportunists urged interests. Long-term studies in risks and would that the best strategy is to run people to Nichols of Mutation Research control pot as vote for. No five foreign countries have well as alcohol and as Democrats, since they are wonder people found none, in 1982 the better than get tired of protesting! shown no significant cigarettes. primarily concerned with National Academy of Sciences getting elected. differences between heavy found no evidence of birth users and controls. Drug From the same premise. defects. 1.4 scholars agree that the Marxists conclude the public is Science, Vol. 213, 24 July iron-010 Peter R. Blum intrinsic harm potential of Sincerely, in dire need of political 1981, had a study of 10 people cannabis is one of the smallest R C Stuart


8 P. M. /

). S.3 SO 0 In lobby -April

IL 10 The Maine Campus 1 hursday, April!, 1982 World News Reagan stresses 'difficulties' of Salvadoran coalition Be. WASHINCiTON (AP) President turned assay from the r4orms that by John Toole Reagan said Wednesday night that "it have been instituted...'' Staff Writer would give us great difficulties•• if a Reagan then said all Americans The whiz kids new right-wing government took over shoud be inspired at the way the invaders are tryini in El Salvador and turned away from people of El Salvador turned out to but they haven't ye social reform. But he declined to say vote in the face of threats and violence still come out for what he would do about it. stemming from the conflict between ball on the pool the leftist guerillas and the U.S. At his first prime time White House Union. backed government. Ken Fournier is t news conference. Reagan put the Concerning his budget face-off with emphasis instead on the turnout in El game room. He s Congress, Reagan said he is not an play is "normal," Salvador's national elections on Sun- inflexible "great stone face" on his day. The divided outcome of that "years ago before high deficit federal budget, and is (the arcade games). balloting has raised the prospect of a willing to listen to proposals for right-wing coalition that might re- "I'd rather se, compromise. against other peop pudiate the policies of President Jose He said it is possible that some Napoleon Duarte. he said. reductions in the defense budget could Fournier has wi Were watching this very care- be achieved without endangering U.S. room for the past fully.' Reagan said. "It would give us security, but he offered no specific been sort of an uno great difficulties if the government compromise along those lines. the same time. organized pool to and taken some of the New England cl News Briefs Several tournarr campus throughout PEKING (AP) - China is said. Currently, threatening to downgrade rela- competing in the tions witht he United States LOOK GOOD IN tournament. while at the same time touting tournament. accord the possibility of lucrative bus- the university chat iness deals here for Americans. held in the fall. Western diplomats say the SOUTHP RT FOR LESS. Fournier recalls apparent contradiction may be a year ever for UMC Chinese attempt to get Ameri- that year, Willie can businessmen to persuade New England men' the Reagan administration to Southport Ouadro 4 Plete Sall 02d e Vested Soil third in the natio change its controversial Taiwan . • policy. Dorinda Perrin woi waer4 women's champi, competed in the nati WASHINGTON (API- After receiving 225 reports of axles separating on mid-sized General Motors cars, the government , announced an investigation Saillipart WON and longs En teStrik1 Wednesday into possible safety Sob. meeimaxe al rota.* defects in 5.3 million of the shout*, gyring usualf.y found automaker's vehicles. only el more erpenwe Suola Choose hanccrnervatwe gray$ dues nid trriess ansapres S119 Avallable r Regulars Shorts drx1 ' WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE N.M.(API- Inspection of the space shuttle has found at Grea least one more heat-resistant S99 tile was lost during the mission. and more than 1.000 will be Thirty-six removed and treated before the won the Um shuttle's fourth test mission in Polly had June, officials said today. She was nai "It'll be a challenge to meet team her sc the late June target date but we seasons, an haven't ruled it out yet,'' year. George Page. shuttle operations director, told a news conference MIMI Oren Shirts 1 Ti here today after the shuttle's a_ti 550 Fa,ous OSA' poryester resists Stars and wenkkog landing following the to keep your tot crisp and real eight Cr sale And VISA Oreathes 5r comfatoble yen days in space. rnond wear esper '^i? S'ii`nrre` BASE WASHINGTON (API- Ex- perts at the National Academy of Sciences cut in half Wednes- day their estimate of how much protective ozone is being strip- ped from the stratosphere by gases released from aerosol spray cans and other sources. At the same time, however, two committees of the acad- emy's National Research Coun- cil said the evidence is even Anderson-Little stronger now that depletion of WE MAKE WU LOOK GOOD.FOR I E..% the ozone by chlorofluorocar- bons will increase human skin cancers. The 'lame Campus Thursday, April 1, 1982 11 Sports Behind the eight by John look ball... Staff Writer "In those days they only took four The whiz kids and their space players in the nationals," said invaders are trying to bury the game, Fournier, who noted that since a beer but they haven't yet succeeded. People company began supporting the still come out for a little bit of eight- national competition, players from 15 ball on the pool tables at Memorial regions around the country have Union. competed. Ken Fournier is the supervisor at the Fournier said all competitions are game room. He said Wednesday the strictly for amateur pool players and play is "normal," but not like it was are sponsored by the Association of "years ago before we had these things College Unions International. He Irak (the arcade games). recalled one sad moment in UMO pool "I'd rather see people compete history when basketball standout Paul against other people than machines," WhoIley, UMO's entry in the New Kathy Prouls lines up a shot (Toole photo) he said. Englands, was eliminated by a player etiquette is good at the game Fournier has worked at the game who was found to be a professional. room and junior Physical Education major from room for the past 21 years The there is rarely any interference when a and has public perception of a pool Orono and a veteran of twelve years in been sort of an unofficial player is shooting. They said it pool coach at player, advanced by the 1960s Jackie the pool hall wars. "If you keep depends on the nature of the same time. He said he has Gleason-Paul Newman motion picture, the yourself set up and off the competition whether rail every organized pool tournaments at UMO The Hustler, may be somewhat off there will be shot is an easy shot." and taken some of much conversation. the students on to base. Grindle said the key to the game is to the New England championship. More typical is Kathy Proulx. Fournier said hustlers aren't a major from have the straight shots which are the Several tournaments presence at the game room. He said are held on Orono, a graduate student chasing a easiest shots. He said you have to campus master's usually kids that are "wet behind the throughout the year, Fournier degree in counseling at UMO. "Keep your eye on what you're hitting said. Currently, ears" will come in and challenge the 52 persons are Proulx has been playing about 10 years at." Too many people, according to house to find the best pool player. competing in the spring eight-ball because she said,"I like it." Grindle, look at the pocket and They quickly quiet not at tournament. The biggest This year Proulx finished fifth in the down though, the ball. according to Fournier, tournament. according to Fournier. is New Englands held at the University of because pool is Fournier and Proulx, who used to a game that you the university championship which is New Hampshire. She said the can't mouth off about spend about two to three hours a day at unless you're good. held in the fall. competition at Maine is "good" and the game, both said practice is a major "The name Fournier recalls 1%8-69 as the best the players are likeable and friendly. of the game is finesse factor in becoming a good pool player. and year ever for UMO pool players. In "Most of them are everyday hall control.— said Steven Grindlc. that year, Willie Maynard won the people," she said. New England men's title and finished Proulx said the men she plays third in the national competition. against don't like the fact that she's a Dorinda Perrin won the New England woman, "but they keep asking me to UNIVIECA women's championship and also play." competed in the nationals. Proulx and Fournier both said Bicycles

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Academics encouraged HHC awarded for service

by awards for excellence In 1977 the American College Ms. Arsenault's program and the Personnel Association established an program was without a doubt one of the most outstanding programs in the Excellence 1, a program Animal Medical Tech., Old award to recognize excellence and Upward to nation. designed to assist and encourage Greenwich, Conn. outstanding contributions in the field The Hilltop Health Club is a student students at the Hilltop in their --Junior: Jeff Andrews, Civil Engin- of student programs in Residence run program at the University of academic pursuits. Through eering, Lincoln, Maine. Halls. The University of Maine at Maine at Orono. It was initiated in competition and support programs we --Senior: Kim Annis, Education, Gales Orono is proud to announce that the September 1980 by Nancy Arsenault hope to create a positive atmosphere Ferry, Conn. Hilltop Health Club, under the and has grown from a simple facility. for groups and individuals to achieve leadership of Nancy Arsenault, providing weightlifting equipment to a at high levels. Resident Director, has won the 1981 General Alumni Association Award award. comprehensive program that focuses The GAA will be recognizing these on encouraging the PRESIDENT'S AWARD physical students who made the greatest grade To receive the award the program development of college students President Silverman's office will be by point average improvement from must demonstrate effective design, implementing a recognizing the following students with framework that Spring 81 to Fall 81: implementation and evaluation of a involves goal setting, assessment SI00 awards for their and --Sophomore: Dara Cagliuso-223 student residence program. The instruction. accomplishments: Somerset, Elementary Education, program must address a need or The Hilltop Health Club --Sophomore: Charles Siletti, Chemi- was created Marblehead, Mass. problem in student residences and must to encourage, support and cal Engineering, Owls Head, Maine. promote the --Junior: Lloyd Libby-425 Oxford, have direct impact or benefit to physical --Junior: Jeff Pitas, Mechanical Engi- development of resident Mechanical Engineering, Chester, students. students at Hilltop Complex through neering, Emery Mills, Maine. Maine. According to Tom Egan, a the following goals: --Senior: Jill Curran, Zoology, West- --Senior: Carla Curato-302 Oxford, representative of the American College --provide a field, Mass. greater understanding of Animal Science, Rumford, Maine. Personnel Association, this year's what constitutes physical health; awards had tremendous competition. --help identify HIGHEST SEMESTER CPA strategies resident Programs were submitted from students may use to develop The following students will be HIGHEST FLOOR CPA physical throughout the nation and the decision health. recognized at a special awards banquet FOR FALL SEMESTER was extremely difficult. He said the Congratulations to Nancy and have their name placed on a plaque Following are the highest floor GPA in Arsenault committee was very impressed with and the Hilltop Health displayed in Hilltop Commons: each building: Club! --Freshman: Eric Lund, Engineering 3rd Knox---2.7077 Physics, Jefferson, Maine. 4th Oxford---2.66633 POTTERY DEMONSTRATION/ --Sophomores: Nancy Arms, 2nd Somerset---2.6157 Computer Science, Augusta, Maine. Third floor Knox will receive a steak WORKSHOP Charles Siletti, Engineering Physics, dinner in the Bears Den and the other APRIL6 Owls Head, Maine. floors will receive an ice cream party Peter Wolfe. Forest Engineering, compliments of Hilltop Cafeteria. by Dorothea & Frank Stoke from the Maine Westbrooke, Maine. Please join with us in congratulating --2 Year Program: Carta Hayden, these students in their achievements. Kiln Works THE BEAR'S DEN JUKE BOX 3:00 p.m. Slab potteryDemonstration PRESENTS Workshop at the Hilltop Craft Center "MUSIC OF THE `60's" 6: 30 p.m. Wheel Pottery Demonstration orkshop at the Hilltop Craft Center April 1 9:00 p.m.Reception for Stokes'at Knox BANDS PLAYING AT THE DEN uest A • artment SAT.,APRIL 3: THE FOURTH ANNUAL "ONE LAST SWING' RESIDENT ASSISTANT TUES.& WED.,APRIL 6 & 7: CONFERENCE "LOWER EAST SIDE' "Expanding Your Horizons" TUES.& WED.,,APRIL 13&14 24 workshops "THE 0.D.'S' Keynote speaker: DR.RICHARD C.BOWERS Looking for a quiet place to study? Vice President of Academic The Wells Complex Affairs, UMO small dining room is 1 open from 7-11 p.m. Saturday,April 17,9-5 p.m. for the purpose of serious study. Sponsored by Residential Life Division ofStudent Affairs