Office: Phone (07) 885 0340 Fax (07) 885 0718 Putaruru Office: Phone (07) 883 7189 Fax (07) 883 7215 Tirau Agency (Information Centre): Phone (07) 883 1202

Private Bag 7 (Torphin Crescent) Tokoroa 3444 ⬧ Website: ⬧ Email: [email protected]

Tīrau Community Board Meeting PUBLIC BUSINESS AGENDA

A Tīrau Community Board Meeting will be held in the Tīrau War Memorial Hall, Main Road, Tirau on Tuesday 23 March 2021 Commencing at 5.30pm


“Healthy people thriving in a safe, vibrant and sustainable community.”


the South … discover it … live it … love it … Tīrau Community Board - Functions

Reporting to

Council and Standing Committees, as appropriate.


Four elected members. Ward Councillor

Meeting Frequency

Six weekly


• Overview Council activities within the community (Tirau Ward) and consider and report on matters of concern to the community.

Scope of Activity

▪ To consider and report on all matters referred to it by Council. ▪ To consider and convey the concerns of community organisations and special interest groups within the community. ▪ Overview road work, water supply, sewerage, stormwater drainage, parks and recreational facilities, community activities and traffic management within the community. ▪ To provide community input to district planning and regulatory issues. ▪ To ensure community input to Council and Committee processes. ▪ To make annual submissions to Council on budgetary and annual planning process as they may impact on the community.

Power to Act

• Such matters as may from time to time be delegated by Council.

Management Responsibility:

Chief Executive


Members Chairperson K Purdy Deputy Chairperson C Brasell S Burling-Claridge K Slater

Council Representative P Schulte

Her Worship the Mayor J Shattock

Staff Chief Executive B Smit Executive Assistant J Parr

Agenda Confirmed by:

B Smit Chief Executive

RECOMMENDATIONS contained in Reports are NOT to be construed as COUNCIL DECISIONS. Refer to Council Minutes for RESOLUTIONS.

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Order of Business

1. Apologies ...... 4 2. Confirmation of Agenda ...... 4 3. Leave of Absence ...... 4 4. Conflicts of Interest ...... 4 5. Public Forum ...... 4 6. Confirmation of Minutes ...... 5 6.1 Confirmation of Minutes ...... 5 7. Reports ...... 13 7.1 Resource Management Report - 19 January to 10 March 2021 ...... 13 7.2 TCB - Discussion ...... 16 8. Members Information Requests ...... 19

1. Apologies

2. Confirmation of Agenda

3. Leave of Absence

4. Conflicts of Interest

5. Public Forum

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6. Confirmation of Minutes

6.1 Confirmation of Minutes

Document Information Report To: Tirau Community Board

Meeting Date: Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Author: K Purdy

Author Title: Chairperson

Report Date: Monday, 15 March 2021

Purpose of Report This report is for information purposes only.

The purpose of this report is to present past Minutes.

Recommendation Tīrau Community Board Meeting - Tuesday 9 February 2021 - Public Business 1. That the Minutes of the Public Business of the Tīrau Community Board Meeting held on Tuesday 9 February 2021 are confirmed as a true and accurate record and the Recommendations therein approved. 2. That the Action Sheet, as attached, be received.

Attachment Minutes - 9 February 2021 Action Sheet

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Tīrau Community Board Meeting PUBLIC BUSINESS MINUTES

A Tīrau Community Board Meeting was held in the Tīrau War Memorial Hall, Main Road, Tirau on Tuesday 9 February 2021 Commencing at 5.30pm


Members Chairperson K Purdy Deputy Chairperson C Brasell S Burling-Claridge K Slater

Council Representative P Schulte Councillors A Ngapo A Jansen Her Worship the Mayor J Shattock

Staff Chief Executive B Smit Executive Assistant J Parr

1. Apologies T21/01 Resolved C Brasell / K Slater That an apology from Cr Nelis be received and sustained.

2. Confirmation of Agenda T21/02 Resolved C Brasell / K Slater That the agenda, as circulated, be confirmed.

3. Leave of Absence There were no leave of absence requested.

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4. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest declared.

5. Public Forum There were five speakers at the Public Forum:

• Mr Kim Egerton – Raised concern that a letter he had sent through the Council info-box had not been responded to. A response to the first letter he sent had been received from the Group Manager Assets, Mr Ted Anderson regarding the Tīrau sewerage works, but he is still awaiting a response to a second letter he sent on 20 October. Action

• Mrs Barbara Bettridge, Mrs Shirley Kinnard and Mr Norm Kinnard spoke on the proposed industrial site in Tirau. Mrs Bettridge presented a statement on behalf of concerned Tīrau residents who are opposing the proposed industrial site.

• Residents are not against an industrial park but are strongly against the proposed location. • The community feel that not enough information has been provided to them about the development. • Concern was expressed about the timing around being able to put in submissions, which has fallen over the holiday period when a lot of people away. • There has been difficulty with being able to access and download the submission forms from the Council website. No PDF forms have been provided to enable handwritten submissions to be presented. • Although initially a lot of residents attended the first public meeting, they feel that are not being heard by Council and are unlikely to make a submission. • Residents have expressed concern about the traffic survey that was carried out last March. This did not reflect peak hour traffic and was done just prior to the Covid-19 lockdown period when there was considerably less traffic passing through Tīrau.

• Residents would like Council to arrange for a further traffic survey to be carried out. • Residents queried what the proposed industrial buildings would be used for. Her Worship and the Chief Executive, Mr Ben Smit advised residents that no decision has been made on the site as yet and explained that Council has to work through the legislative process of the Resource Management Act. If submissions are received, then there will be a hearing and the decision will be made following that.

Cr Ngapo left the meeting at 6.08pm.

• Mr Lindsay McQuarrid read a prepared statement regarding Council operations calling on elected members to take back leadership from staff. No specifics were given.

• Residents also expressed concerned about an abandoned property in Tīrau that has been inhabited by squatters, overhanging trees on the property are also causing concern. The Chief Executive advised that if Council is notified of such properties, they can be investigated by the Compliance Team before further action is taken.

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6. Confirmation of Minutes 6.1 Confirmation of Minutes

Matters of Fact There were no matters of fact.

Recommendation T21/03 Resolved Cr Schulte / Cr Burling-Claridge 1. That the Minutes of the Public Business of the Tīrau Community Board Meeting held on Tuesday 17 November 2020 are confirmed as a true and accurate record and the Recommendations therein approved. 2. That the Action Sheet, as attached, be received.

Matters Arising There were no matters arising.

7. Reports 7.1 Resource Management Report – 5 November 2020 to 18 January 2021

The Report was taken as read.

T21/04 Resolved Cr Schulte / C Brasell That Report No 2021-547729, Resource Management Report – 5 November 2020 to 18 January 2021 be received.

7.2 TCB Discussion

The Report was taken as read.

Responses from staff are in italics and any further points noted from the meeting follow.

1. The TCB would like to advise that they are with the community in regard to opposing the proposed industrial park, a fantastic idea, but we feel it’s in the wrong place. Submissions from potentially affected parties can include commentary and/or evidence from others. Please do not fill in an individual submission form as the TCB is not a submitter in its own right as it was not formally notified. Council is likely to call a pre-hearing meeting between submitters and the applicant to discuss matters and either narrow or resolve them if possible. The reporting planner will then write a report assessing both the application and submissions with the information they have to hand at the time. This will be provided to the applicant, decision makers and submitters prior to the hearing. Formal written evidence from any experts may be directed to be provided prior to the hearing, but this is at the discretion of the chair of the hearings panel. At the hearing each party will present its case, including both lay and expert evidence, with a right of reply for the applicant.

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This is where the TCB may be heard through the evidence of a submitter. The panel may ask for further information at the conclusion of the hearing before it makes its decision and the reporting planner will be asked if they have changed their view from their report.

2. CCTV update: could we have the date for installation please. Staff have received a new proposal from McKay/Smartcities which is within capex budget but needs to be assessed in terms of ongoing opex. The decision on how to proceed will be made in late February following evaluation. Still on track for delivery this financial year, ie by 30 June 2021.

3. Antennos: We are still not receiving any follow up or updates from Antennos, could this be looked into please. Every Antenno report is logged into the service request system (SR), the box for feedback is ticked. Some Antenno reports don't have contact details (no phone nor email), obviously no way of contacting people. But people who do provide details, should be called back from the person processing the SR. Two attempts to contact the person should be made as a minimum in order to close out the request.

The Chairperson reiterated that only one Antenno request she has made has been responded to despite selecting the tick box for feedback.

4. Water issues in Tirau township: has this been resolved? Properties adjacent to the Fairview reservoir, have low water pressure due to the small difference in elevation between the reservoir water level and the living area within these properties. Essentially height difference equates to water pressure. To combat this issue Council is upgrading the boost pump adjacent to the reservoir. Secondly the water network modelling has highlighted an undersized pipeline along Oxford Street which needs to be upgraded. Due to this pipe being undersized and delivering a significant volume of water through-it, the water pressure in this area is reduced. Thirdly Council has had water breaks on pipelines throughout the district including within Tīrau. While the water pipeline is being repaired parts of the reticulation are shutdown resulting in some properties receiving no water for a period of time and other properties receiving lower water pressure for a period of time. Overarching these three factors is the fourth factor, namely high water use. High water use reduces the water pressure further. Summer water use is high. High water use reduces the pressure in the pipelines and reduces the amount of water stored in the reservoirs. Less water stored in the reservoir results in a lower driving force and therefore lower water pressures.

Actions • Staff have fast tracked the upgrade of the water pipeline along Oxford Street, and this is expected to be completed in early March 2021. • Staff have upgraded the Fairview Boost pump. • Staff repair water breaks as quickly as possible to ensure that disruptions to individuals are minimised. Communication during these shutdowns is key and staff have a process to follow to ensure this occurs.

The Chairperson commented that the Board are really appreciative of the quick actions from The Group Manager, Mr Ted Anderson and his team.

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5. Tirau Domain: The blackberry needs spraying urgently with the latest growth, could this be followed up please. Parks staff are aware and are arranging for another round of spraying to be undertaken.

Cr Nelis has advised the Domain Action Group (DAG) that a spraying programme is underway.

The Senior Project Manager, Mr Walter Williams will be providing an update to DAG tomorrow.

6. Seating: Could seating/picnic tables be looked at please at the domain (Bridge Street end) after you pass the railway crossing, a lovely spot for locals to enjoy. A picnic table has been included into the Park Manager's Capex programming spreadsheet of sites for park furniture instalments.

7. Public toilets cleaning: still issues with cleaning, not very clean at all, with the men’s urinal especially at the information centre needing attention, complaints from public have been received. Please encourage residents to phone in service request so we can deal with issue at the time of the concern. Except for hand soap running low, staff had no issues in the Tīrau toilets prior to 1 December 2020. We had an exceptionally busy festive season, with large quantities of people moving through the i-SITE toilets. Service Requests raised were dealt with as soon as possible, as they generally fell between the periods of cleaning, which were undertaken three times a day. But all concerns were noted and attended to. In addition to complaints, staff have also received compliments regarding the Tīrau i-SITE toilets. Council really appreciates your support in keeping staff informed about issues and providing feedback from residents

The Board have been informed that there had been an issue with one of the chemicals that was being used by the contractors for cleaning of the urinal, unfortunately this had in fact made more of a mess and is no longer being used.

Mr Kevin Slater queried who had taken over the cleaning contract as the minutes from the Board meeting held in October stated that Spotless were looking after the cleaning process for a four- month period while the contract was re-tendered. The Chief Executive, Mr Ben Smit confirmed that Spotless were the successful tenderer and had held the cleaning contract for several months.

On further investigation it is noted that the paragraph referred to, was in response to a discussion point raised by the Board and was captured in the Confirmation of Minutes from the August meeting which is included in the October Agenda.

8. Lighting up Tirau: The TCB is asking for funds to light our Main Street up, to make our town even more of an attraction! We are asking for $20,000 for this coming financial year, then $10,000 each year following until completion. It is recommended that TCB make a submission to the draft LTP for the festival lighting in Tīrau.

The Board commented that the Christmas lighting in Tīrau was very uninspiring. It is hoped that local businesses may get on board with having permanent all year-round lighting in the town. It was suggested lighting which is able to alter colours to match various themes – breast cancer awareness, ANZAC Day, Christmas etc would be a good feature for the town.

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9. Thank you for the lids on the rubbish bins on Prospect Street, this has stopped household dumping of rubbish and has cleaned up the area. Thank you for the feedback.

10. The Prospect/Okororie Street park is looking great! Thank you for the water fountain to! Any news on seating for the park yet? Order has been issued to a contractor to modify and install the bench seat. This is planned to be installed in the first week of February.

Mrs Sharon Burling-Claridge advised that the seating has now been installed.

11. Tirau Community Party: when will this be held this year? After last year with COVID stopping these, it will be great to get them up and running again! The Community Programme Coordinator, Tracey Numanga, will contact the Tīrau Community Board Chairperson, Mrs K Purdy, to discuss what TCB would like to do and how it fits in with the other events planned.

T21/05 Resolved C Burling-Claridge / Cr Schulte That Report No 2021–548222, TCB Discussion, be received.

8. Members Information Requests There were no Members information requests.

The meeting closed at 7.04pm.


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No Meeting Action / Query Staff Member Due Date Action Taken / Response 1 09/02/2021 Mr Kim Egerton is Ted Anderson 23/03/2021 Original response sent 10 still awaiting a September 2020. Further response to a letter response sent 16 February he sent through the 2021. Matter is closed. Refer Council info box ECM - 550232 dated 20 October regarding the Tīrau sewerage works. A response has been received to his first letter.

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7. Reports

7.1 Resource Management Report - 19 January to 10 March 2021

Document Information

Report To: Tirau Community Board

Meeting Date: Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Author: Alan Moss

Author Title: Planning Manager

Report Date: Friday, 12 March 2021

Purpose of Report

This report is for information purposes only.

To inform the Tīrau Community Board of the progress of applications being processed in the Tīrau Ward by the planning team so that the Board is informed when dealing with the public.


That Report No 2021-551549, Resource Management Report – 19 January to 10 March 2021, be received.


The issue discussed in this report is aligned with the Council vision, community outcomes, Council policies and the Council Strategy.

All land use and subdivision activities are assessed under the Operative Plan. Where a resource consent is required, Council becomes involved with all non-notified applications being processed by Council officers acting under delegated authority.


Received and/or still processing – Resource Consent Applications

Applicant Location Proposal Zone

Ohaupo 43-49 Prospect Avenue To subdivide in three stages, three Rural Investment Ltd buildings into 12-unit titles. Tirau Land use application is sought as the RM200004 proposed three buildings breach performance standards for site coverage and building setback. Request for further information (S92) sent 4 March 2021.

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Applicant Location Proposal Zone

Finlay Park Horahora Road To authorise the Pokaiwhenua Stream Rural Adventure Camp Commercial tourism activities. RM200081 (Joint application). Further information requested 4/12/2020. Lake District Horahora Road To authorise the Pokaiwhenua Stream Rural Adventures Commercial tourism activities. Piarere RM200082 (Joint application). Further information requested 4/12/2020. The Boatshed Horahora Road To authorise the Pokaiwhenua Stream Rural Commercial tourism activities. RM200083 Piarere (Joint application). Further information requested 4/12/2020. Aotearoa Horahora Road To authorise the Pokaiwhenua Stream Rural Experience Ltd Commercial tourism activities. Piarere RM200084 (Joint application). Further information requested 4/12/2020. Grasslands Lane 196 Horahora Road To subdivide Lot 3 DP 517937 into two Rural Limited lots, Lot 1 of 2,930m2 and Lot 2 of 7.99ha. Tirau RM190089 (Written approval requests to affected parties & further information was requested on 18 December 2019). C Evan & 291 Horahora Road Construct a dwelling within Outstanding Rural L Bushell Natural Area (ONL10). Residential Tirau RM210009

Received and/or approved – Resource Consent Applications

Applicant Location Proposal Working days

Barbara & Craig 311 Horahora Road To construct a second dwelling and 12 Richardson new garage at subject property. Tirau RM210008 Golden 170 Hetherington Road To subdivide Lot 2 DP 327932 into two 30 Investments Ltd lots, Lot 1 of 47.84ha, and Lot 2 of Tirau (within 40 and ML and WE 47.94ha. day Gerring Also, to amalgamate the resulting Lot 2 timeframe) RM200089 with Lot 2 DP 17154 contained in RT SA383/229 to be held in one title. Duckpond Bend 60 Paparamu Rd To subdivide the subject property to 11 Limited establish two additional vacant Tirau residential sites in front of the property RM210006 under Rule 10.6.1 – Subdivisions of sites of 30ha or larger.

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Approved Survey Plans for Subdivision The following table demonstrates subdivisions certified to Section 223 requirements that were received or approved by Council since the last report.

Applicant Location Proposal Working days K Christie 282 Pakaraka Road To subdivide Part Lot 1 DPS 7110 into 5 3 lots - Lot 1 of 1.41ha, Lot 2 of 1.32ha RM200019 Tīrau and Lot 3 of 45.27ha. Honick Properties 170 Hetherington Road To subdivide Lot 3 DPS 426610 into 3 Ltd two lots, Lot 1 of 0.577ha and Lot 2 of Tirau 53.13ha. RM200028

224 Certificates Issued for Subdivision

The following table demonstrates subdivisions certified to Section 224 requirements that were received or approved by Council since the last report.

Applicant Location Proposal K Christie 282 Pakaraka Road To subdivide Part Lot 1 DPS 7110 into 3 lots - Lot 1 of 1.41ha, Lot 2 of 1.32ha and Lot 3 of 45.27ha. RM200019 Tīrau

Honick Properties 170 Hetherington Road To subdivide Lot 3 DPS 426610 into two lots, Lot 1 of Ltd 0.577ha and Lot 2 of 53.13ha. Tirau RM200028

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7.2 TCB - Discussion

Document Information Report To: Tīrau Community Board

Meeting Date: Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Author: Kerry Purdy

Author Title: Chairperson

Report Date: Monday, 15 March 2021

Purpose of Report

This report is for information purposes only.


That Report No 2021–551753, TCB Discussion, be received.


1) The TCB are asking if the /Prospect park could be named, it has no title as such and would be great if it could, also advising users it is dog friendly would be great, could this be looked into please? The Reserve is gazetted as “Prospect Reserve”, and known as Okoroire-Prospect Reserve under the RMP, (‘Prospect Reserve’ in the RMP refers to the leased Railway Land strip utilised as a reserve to avoid confusion), in line with the RMP “Naming” stipulations that reserves are generally named after the street or locality where they are sited, as found below. Name board signage, when planned to be installed would have been to state “Okoroire-Prospect Reserve” accordingly; to rename it otherwise would need to confirm that, as below, that name would have to be poorly related to its locality, purpose or nature of the reserve. The reserve is a neighbourhood reserve located on the corner of okoroire-Prospect Streets, which also contains skate items, fitness stations and a picnic area, so do not think we could for example, rename it the Tīrau Skate Park. In regards to the dog friendly aspect, consideration possibly needs to be given to making the skate area prohibited, as with play areas in other reserves now the skate area is much larger than the original timber half -pipe that was located there. The SWDC’s Reserves Management Plan in regard to naming of reserves states:

• All reserves vested in or administered by Council will be named through a formal resolution of Council following consultation with Tangata Whenua and interested parties

• Generally, a reserve will be named after the street or locality where it is sited. • Naming will generally be initiated at the time of vesting and will be publicly advertised with a one-month period for comment.

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• When new reserves are created or when existing reserves have names that are poorly related to the locality, purpose or nature of the reserve or to its community use it is desirable for the reserve to be named, or renamed, to ensure ease of identity and consistency.

The SWDC’s Reserves Management Plan in regard to naming of reserves states:

• All reserves vested in or administered by Council will be named through a formal resolution of Council following consultation with Tangata Whenua and interested parties

• Generally, a reserve will be named after the street or locality where it is sited. • Naming will generally be initiated at the time of vesting and will be publicly advertised with a one-month period for comment.

• When new reserves are created or when existing reserves have names that are poorly related to the locality, purpose or nature of the reserve or to its community use it is desirable for the reserve to be named, or renamed, to ensure ease of identity and consistency

2) The paths at the Tīrau Domain are overgrown and covered in grass, it’s actually hard to see there is a path there, could these please be sprayed, along with the blackberry. Parks and Reserves staff has followed up with the open species maintenance contractor to have them rectify immediately. Parks and Reserves staff will check the location of the blackberry, if it is located along the railway /Domain fence line that is for the open species maintenance contractor to keep sprayed out, otherwise it will be the DAG’s responsibility to control within the Lower Domain.

3) Tīrau Domain update (Dag report) * report to be presented by DAG chair, Susan Proven *

4) There is many broken curbs in Tirau, along Station/Bear and Rose streets especially, when will these be sorted? Some large chunks of broken concrete are posing a safety hazard.

• Station Street footpath and kerb repairs are due to start by the end of March 2021. • Bear and Rose repairs are programmed to start by the 30 April 2021.

5) CCTV/WIFI, Any further updates on how this is progressing? Staff have arranged for a verbal update on progress of project by the appointed Contractor at the TCB meeting on the 23 March 2021.

6) Bus Shelters for Tīrau, when are these being installed? The shelters have been ordered. The Project Manager, has advised that the bus shelter will be installed by the end of June 2021.

7) The old pedestrian crossing located outside BP/Tirau school still have the zebra poles etc at both ends, this still looks like a pedestrian crossing, could we have this decommissioned properly please. This work is due to be completed in the last week of March 2021.

8) The TCB would like the use of the Council’s speed counter machine to be used at both the north and south entrances from SH1, speed is an ongoing issue in our town and getting the data for it,

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to be passed onto the correct authorities would help with community safety and allow them to look into this issue. Staff have forwarded the request onto NZTA who are responsible for the management of the State Highways. Staff expect a response by mid-April 2021. Staff will advise TCB of the NZTA response at the next TCB meeting.

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8. Members Information Requests

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Council Outcomes

• Growth - Activities and strategies that facilitate sustainable economic growth and lift community pride.

• Resilience - A resilient district with good infrastructure, services, a sound financial position, rates affordability and a healthy environment that has the ability to anticipate, resist, respond to and recover from significant change or events.

• Relationships - Strong relationships with Iwi and Māori, Pacific Peoples and community and business groups that can achieve growth and a resilient community.

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