Shinrai Research Project: the 3/11 Accident and Its Social Consequences
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RAPPORT Faire avancer la sûreté nucléaire Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences Case studies from Fukushima prefecture Christine Fassert (IRSN) and Reiko Hasegawa (Sciences Po médialab) Rapport IRSN/2019/00178 Tokyo Institute of Technology Pôle sûreté des installations et des systèmes nucléaires Service homme organisation technologie Bâtiment 28 BP 17 92 262 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences Case studies from Fukushima prefecture Rapport n° IRSN/2019/00178 Ce document est la propriété de l’IRSN et ne peut pas être communiqué, reproduit ou utilisé sans son autorisation écrite préalable. This document is the property of IRSN and shall not be disseminated, copied or used without its prior formal approval Siège social : 31 av. de la division Leclerc – 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses - Standard +33 (0)1 58 35 88 88 - RCS Nanterre B 440 546 018 Rapport IRSN/2019/00178 Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences 3/165 Résumé Ce rapport constitue le rapport de synthèse du projet Shinrai, relatif aux conséquences sociales de l’accident de Fukushima. A partir de trois études de cas menées dans la préfecture de Fukushima, et d’un important travail d’enquête mené auprès de différents acteurs et d’habitants, il analyse la perte de confiance des citoyens envers les autorités Japonaises et les problématiques de retour et de non-retour dans les villages évacués, en offrant une catégorisation des habitants en fonction de leur décision. Il aborde également les dilemmes auxquels les responsables gouvernementaux, médecins, et experts en radioprotection ont été confrontés, et s’intéresse notamment au rôle des Maires. Le rapport conclut sur quelques pistes de réflexion sur le socle normatif des politiques post- accidentelles défini par les institutions en charge de leur gestion, et sa confrontation à l’expérience de l’accident nucléaire au Japon, ainsi qu’à la critique onusienne. Abstract This report summarizes the research result of the Shinrai project, which deals with social consequences of the Fukushima accident. Based on three case studies led in the Fukushima Prefecture, it analyses the loss of trust of citizens towards governmental authorities, and essential questions linked to return or non-return to the evacuated territories, offering a categorization of inhabitants according to their decisions. It also deals with the dilemma to which governmental officials, medical doctors and radioprotection experts have been confronted, and focus on the role of Mayors. The report concludes by making some reflections on the normative foundations of post accidental policies, as currently defined by the institutions in charge of managing nuclear accidents, and on their confrontation to the Fukushima experience and to the international criticism made by some of the UN institutions. Ce document est la propriété de l’IRSN et ne peut pas être communiqué, reproduit ou utilisé sans son autorisation écrite préalable. This document is the property of IRSN and shall not be disseminated, copied or used without its prior formal approval Rapport IRSN-2019/00178 Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences 4/176 RAPPORT Thanks (謝辞) Warm thanks to the residents and former residents of Fukushima, government and prefectural officials, mayors and municipal officials and employees, medical doctors, experts, … who accepted to be interviewed for the field work presented. And to Rina Kojima, PhD student, for her invaluable help for interviews. 本報告書は、東電原発事故に関して 100 名以上の方々に面談インタビューを行い、その結果を 分析しまとめたものである。面談を快諾していただき、仕事場や時には自宅、また喫茶店など で貴重な時間を私たちとのインタビューに費やしてくださった皆さんに心より感謝の気持ちを 述べたい。特に事故の大きな被害に合われ言葉にすることも苦難な状況の中、丁寧に当時の様 子また現在の心境を語ってくださった福島にお住まいの方々また避難された方々に、大きな感 謝と敬愛の念を表明したい。 Many thanks to Philippa Caine La Ganza and Agnès Dumas who helped skillfully for the English- proof and editing of this report. And to Hélène Faye for her kind last minute help. Ce document est la propriété de l’IRSN et ne peut pas être communiqué, reproduit ou utilisé sans son autorisation écrite préalable. This document is the property of IRSN and shall not be disseminated, copied or used without its prior formal approval Rapport IRSN/2019/00178 Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences 5/165 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 9 1.1 SCOPE ...........................................................................................9 1.2 OUTLINE OF THE REPORT .................................................................. 10 2 THE POST ACCIDENTAL POLICIES LED IN JAPAN AFTER 3/11 ............. 13 2.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 13 2.2 EVACUATION POLICIES ...................................................................... 13 2.2.1 Evacuation policy prior to the accident ............................................... 13 2.2.2 Evacuation policy following the accident ............................................. 14 2.2.3 NumberS and characteristics of nuclear evacuation ................................ 18 2.3 RETURN (LIFTING OF EVACUATION ORDERS) ............................................ 19 2.3.1 The government structures ............................................................. 19 2.3.2 Policy of lifting Evacuation Orders (EOs) ............................................. 19 2.4 DECONTAMINATION POLICY ................................................................ 23 2.5 COMPENSATION POLICY .................................................................... 24 2.5.1 Japanese nuclear liability regime ...................................................... 24 2.5.2 Institutional structure of Fukushima compensation scheme ....................... 25 2.5.3 Fukushima Compensation policy ....................................................... 25 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF POST ACCIDENTAL POLICIES ON THE GROUND: THREE CASE STUDIES ................................................................... 29 3.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 29 3.2 CHAPTER OUTLINE .......................................................................... 29 3.3 KAWAUCHI VILLAGE ......................................................................... 30 3.3.1 Geographical situation .................................................................. 30 3.3.2 Demographical and economic situation (before the catastrophe) ................ 30 3.3.3 the accident and the evacuation of Kawauchi ....................................... 30 3.3.4 Lifting the Evacuation Order ........................................................... 32 3.4 NARAHA TOWN .............................................................................. 35 3.4.1 Geographical situation .................................................................. 35 3.4.2 Demographical and economic situation (before the catastrophe) ................ 35 3.4.3 the accident and the evacuation of Naraha .......................................... 35 3.4.4 Lifting The Evacuation Orders .......................................................... 37 3.5 WATARI DISTRICT ........................................................................... 43 3.5.1 Geographical situation .................................................................. 43 3.5.2 Demographical and economic situation (before the accident) .................... 43 3.5.3 Consequences of the accident and non-evacuation ................................. 43 3.6 A FOCUS ON THE MAYORS’ DIFFICULTIES AND DILEMMAS (KAWAUCHI AND NARAHA) ................................................................................................ 49 Ce document est la propriété de l’IRSN et ne peut pas être communiqué, reproduit ou utilisé sans son autorisation écrite préalable. This document is the property of IRSN and shall not be disseminated, copied or used without its prior formal approval Rapport IRSN/2019/00178 Shinrai research Project: The 3/11 accident and its social consequences 6/165 3.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 49 3.6.2 Kawauchi mayor .......................................................................... 50 3.6.3 Naraha mayor ............................................................................. 54 3.6.4 Conclusion ................................................................................. 57 4 WHETHER TO RETURN OR NOT: A CATEGORISATION OF INHABITANTS’ DECISIONS ................................................................................. 61 4.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 61 4.2 RETURN AND “FORGET”/RESIST A CULTURE OF RADIOPROTECTION ................ 62 4.2.1 Trying to live “like before” (the accident) ........................................... 64 4.2.2 Forgetting radiation … or “resisting” practical radioprotection? .................. 64 4.2.3 A common sociological profile? ........................................................ 66 4.2.4 Returning in order to put an end to wandering (or the bad life conditions) .... 66 4.2.5 Hesitations before the return (or conditions for …) ................................. 66 4.3 RETURN AND COMPLYING/CONTROLLING ................................................ 68 4.3.1 “Getting informed”- a question of information and trust .......................... 72 4.3.2 Risk information strategies