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5-29-2003 Spectator 2003-05-29 Editors of The pS ectator

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///r/<'.v ASSU 12 I B M News 2-5 Classifieds 13 P Wr Ml. W Sports 6-7 Personals 138 jM W Features 8-9 Opinion 14-15 1 |^^^ Jk jm A&E 10-11 Campus Voice Ift^^^MHßJ jj^^^ 2 News Gnats present a nuisance on SU campus J.C. Santos walk right through it," said Chris- ofprotein,"Chatburnsaid.Still,he Even Opinion Editor tina Capacci, a senior chemistry warns, "Don't walk around with with the Shrinkyourselfdown toa gnat's major. your mouthsopen. You'dbecom- constant size for a minute. Fly afew feet in For students whohave already peting withourfeedingbirdpopu- gripes their wings. As you flutter your nibbled their fair share of gnats, lation." and tiny limbs,imagine the terrorthese there's no need to induce vomit- ChatburnandMurphyaren't too gmmbhngs flies face whengianthumans start concernedwiththecrowds ofgnats buzzing flailing their arms and forget to "terrorizing" the campus. The around close their mouths, inadvertently swarms are very natural andhap- campus, swallowing UncleGnedandAunt peneveryyearforseveral weeksin the gnats Gnancy. Theyiive ahard life,fly- mid-spring. They alsohavepluses haven't ing incloudsaroundcampus,bug- other than protein.Their presence pestered gingthe hell out of astudent who isasignof abundantorganic mate- people .vr.nders aimlessly into their daily rialin the soil,Chatburn said. enoughto grind.Feel any sympathy yet? Plantsfeedonthenutrientsinthe file any Swarms ofstudents suredon't. decomposed matter that 'comes com- 'They'rekind of gross and an- fromthegnats.Thefliesdon tharm plaints noying," said Jessica Mitchell, a plant life, and Murphy says that with kind of biblical plague, the cam- junior communications major. "I they don'tbite or sting humans. Grounds and Landscaping. puscommunity can expect to run alwayscover my drink or put my Currently, the gnats are mating. Some students eventake the fly intognatnebulaseachspring.And straw. soil, hand over my Then Irun After theylay theireggsinthe phenomenon witha-grainofsalt. if youreally don't want to brush through the swarm." ing. These bugs generally don't theydierelatively fast,leavingstu- "It's not that bad it'sjustsea- wings with these filthy flies, do sonal," Castro, A number of students have de- carry diseases. In fact, Grounds dents atpeace until nextspring. said Jason asenior whatone student did-use an um- veloped survival tactics when Manager Craig Chatburn and But why are there somany? humanities and computer science brellaasashieldand bolt through swimming through theseflocks. Grounds andLandscape gardener "Right now, they're just in a major. the swarm. "You just gotta deal with it or Janice Murphy point out a few frenzy," said Murphy."It willdie Soaslongasthe gnatscontinue Students and faculty can take youmightgetamouth fullofgnats. upsides to ingesting theseinsects. downafterthemating season.This beingharmless' to plants and stu- comfort in the fact the year is al- Closeyourmouth andeyesandjust "They'reactuallyagoodsource will beover soon." dents,anddon tdevelopintosome mostover. SU makes rank with Princeton Review Micah McElravy ams, hasexpandedits operation to lete picture of life ata particular Some choice quotes from SU's McKeon wasinstrumental in the StaffReporter includehelpforhighschoolthrough college. spreadinclude, "professors tend to process togetSUrecognizedinthe Congratulations,SeattleUniver- graduate exams,assistance tomatch Thecompany considersstudent's rivalgods,""there havebeen times "BestColleges" series. sity. You'vemadeittothe top351. a student toaschool andevenhelp answers as expert opinions, since whenI'velookedaroundwhileina Over the years he continuously Some out there may beawareof toacquire financial aid. students ateach school know best crowd and realized Iwas the only made the argument that SU com- the"BestCollege" series,released 'The Princeton Review is very what aschool is like. straight, white person there," and pared almost exactly with many each yearby thePrincetonReview. highly respected," said Susan The surveyis over 70 questions the comically accurate, "youneed others in the book. SU has a place inthe 2004 edi- Seeker,VicePresidentofPlanning/ long,in order tocover a student's toget used to therain." Not only didSU compare with tion,tit\ed"TheBest351Cotteges" AssistantProvost. background,academicexperiences, Michael McKeon, Dean of Ad- the other schools, McKeon pointed (RandomHouse/PrincetonReview) Tomake a"BestColleges"book, fellow students, and campus life. missions at SU, said, "I'm really out that SU's ethnic diversity is due out August thisyear. The Princeton Review selects col- Answers to the survey are used in stunned that we got the write-up muchhigher than any schoolinthe The Princeton Review, a com- legesit deems academically excel- 60 different rankings, as well as that wegot," noting that, "they re- Northwest(about 40 percentof SU pany foundedin 1981tohelphigh lentandthensurveysthestudentsin quotesforhalfofatwopagespread ally go for the jugular at a lot of school students on their SAT ex- order to put together a more comp- oneach school. schools." SeePrinceton,page4 Features Editor tffhegirCs aCC WHITWOKTHAM HEART EDUCATION OF MIND AND SchoolofGlobal Commerce AndManagement want to date n^jMi Rated #5 isthe West -us News& World fiim. The Soys aCC Report - mm¥ Rated #1 Christian College Christianity today want to be him. mtjt/K^9 &fck Master of International Management 'the (MIM) Cife ofafea- HhH&MhHI 15 Month Completion ture editor is aCamourous andsin- Study and InternshipsAbroad Multi-National Student Body(50%International) Financial Aid, Grants,and Scholarships Available fuf." —Ifjxndom Co-ed. IHHHBBIhI^^HHHK The MMprogramat — Whitworth brings students \^M« fik togetherfrom throughoutthe Bmß I United"' States and the world Bjf^AA fKal^^pß I"a M'>' diverse and Bkf k: V ■ \M collaborative' ""'" learning HOW TO APPLY: QUESTIONS? Bu T^t « B I env ron t Call(206) 296-6476 or e-mail P^nf f " Joe Amadu.Rio deJaneiro, Brazil Sendacover letter,resume, any Nicole Retana [email protected]. <4H *^^^| RafiellJones,Chicago, 11. clips,,andtwo references to: BfiVlK^. -«HBHfcir » Linda It./.huhai. China _. _ DEADLINEISFRIDAY, ITSNOTTOOLATE!! A newclass is forming for Fall 2003. EricaTerence 7 Calltoday at (509) 7774280 [email protected] The Spectator MAY 30! Please deliver to: CaseyBldg.Room232

TheSpectator"May 29, 2003 News 3 Graduation approaches rapidly for SU seniors Kristin Johansing StaffReporter As the quarter nearsan end and finalsarejustaround the corner,the classof 2003 anticipates theend of their undergraduate experience at SU. Formany,graduationday seemed to be an eternity away; but soon enough the commencement song will beplaying intheir ears as they walk in front of their family and friends wearing caps, gowns, and tasselsswayingbackandforth with every step. One of those tassels in the pro- cession ofgraduates will belong to MariaElenaTeresaAbellera,many know her as Tess. She has been Photo Courtesyof the albers Schoolof business andEconomics website chosen andhonored withrepresent- Paststudentspose camerasandrelish in theirgraduatedstate. ingthe class of 2003 as the under- for photobygtonngalhar graduate commencement student chance tospeakat commencement. thoseattendingthecommencement speaker. Selections werebaseduponthecon- ceremony, proudly taking snap "Bench presses charges after molestation." Chosen by a selection commit- tent anddelivery ofthe applicant's shots, no doubt, as she represents tee, Beat thisphotocaptionbyTheSpectator andyouget two tickets to themovie Abellera wasamong a number speech. After hearing that she had herclass onthe podium withcapti- of students auditioned year's of yourchoice. Sendinyour [email protected]. who for the been selected to be this vating words. speaker,Abellera welcomed theop- "I feel honored to share space portunity. withabout500 to600 ofmy hard- "I am always surprised and working, admirable, and amazing amazedby blessings of such mag- peersplus theirfamilies andadmin- nitude," istrators, and my incredible sup- Abe 1 1e ra cairf Abellera willbegradu- "I honored to share space ating after feel four years at withabout 500 to 600 ofmy SU with a Bachelor of hard-working, admirable,and Arts Degree peers..." in History amazing and a minor MariaElena Teresa Abellera, inEnglish.In senior, historymajor August, she willbe head- ingto Portland,Oregon to work as portive family," Abellera said CONGRATULATIONS a Co-Curricular Programmers As- The 2003 CommencementCer- Residence sistant and Teaching Aid with the emonyis scheduledtobeheld at the Office of Life & Jesuit Volunteer Corps at St. An- Washington State Convention and Housing would like to congratulate drew Nativity School. But until Trade Center in Ballroom 4E,at 9 August, she said she just wants to am on June 15. Admission is by and welcome the 2003-2004 relax and do some traveling. ticketsonly.Parkingat theConven- With an exciting future ahead, tionCenteris locatedat9th Avenue Resident Assistant Staff! We know Abellera does admit that she will andPikeStreet. miss the sense of community she Immediately after theceremony you'll be a great asset to our has found inher yearsat SU. there will be aCommencement Re- "Places like the Writing Center, ception in Ballroom4F. This pro- department! St. Ignatius Chapel, the Union vides family and friends anoppor- Green, the Quad, and the former tunity to take lots of photos and Baha Alsamau/i Tiffciny Durr Kerry McLaughlin SUB are all spaces that have felt enjoy somerefreshments. fThe morelike hometomethanevenmy Events prior to the graduation Annen Stephqnle Ellis Robert Miracle Zach ownapartmentsometimes.I'llalso ceremonyincludeacommencement Jarett Antoque JoeEvans Erin Mulvenon miss the safe and comfortable cli- brunchonJune 14at 11a.m. inthe Brandon Baumgartner Laurel Fairbanh Katie Olson mate for engaging in a dialogue Campion Ballroom. Followingthe Stephanie Berger jL. AshleyFernandez Phillips aboutsocialjustice,learning,think- brunch, theBaccalaureateMasswill v- ing,and writing,"Abellerareflected. be held at 2:30 St. James AntoniettaBertucdp» 4 Teresa Fillce "\ \krtt Riendeau Abellera's family willbe among Cathedrallocatedat 904 9th Aye. StaciaBraate^^ Brian Flaherty \jbRogers PattyCab^S f*- Leah Gillette Maipia Sanders Liz Caro^ k Adrlqn Anglp Schiano Hilary Case j^k PatreaKdh John Seaman The Spectator online is connecting you to Amelia Doty "** Ryan Littleton * iSfctph Whaley Soonja Doyle StacleLousberg » Oystal Willoughby f\IbTVi\ Seattle University! LOG ON TODAY

TheSpectator "May 29, 2003 4 News Security Report Austin L.Burton & E.Columbia parkinglot.A wit- gaging in suspicious activity out- Co-ManagingEditor nesssaid the driverhitaparked and side of the Lynn Building at 8:15 unoccupied vehicle, then quickly p.m. The female said she was just Sodoeshe get to comeback lefttheparkinglotwithoutsomuch changing clothes, but one of the to work tomorrow? as a note. The witness got the li- menadmittedhehaddrugsanddrug cense plate number and said they paraphernalia inhis bag. (Way to Monday,5-19-03 would report the incident to the stay strong, yo.) Acontractor workingintheun- police. The victim's vehicle sus- WhenSPDarriveditwasdiscov- finishedStudentPavilionreported tained a dent on the driver's side ered that theman withthe baghad hislaptopcomputerstolen.Cam- door. anoutstandingwarrantandthedrug pus Public Safety searched the inquestion washeroin.Hewas taken area and spotted aman leaving Maybe they justforgot where into custody and the others were 'heconstruction sitecarryinggar- theyparked given a criminal trespass warning. bagebags withan electricalcord hanging out of oneof the bags. Tuesday, 5-20-03 Every28 days... When CPScaughtup to the man, A student reported to CPS and who was a temporary worker at SPD that their vehicle was stolen Wednesday, 5-21-03 thesite,hehad the computer(val- fromthe 1lth&E.Cherry parking Sanitary napkins, toilet paper, ued at $3,400) and other stolen garage. The student said they last cigarette buttsand other trash was property on him. Seattle Police saw the vehicle that past Sunday found scattered all overoneof the Departmentofficers tookthe man nightinthegarage.Whentheycame women's bathrooms in the Engi- into custody. togetitat7p.m.onTuesday,itwas neeringBuilding.Atoiletpaperdis- gone. About anhour later, police penser wasalso broken. no forced entry. fromthe 1lth&E.Cherrypark- That's whyyouleavea note foundthe vehicleafewblocksfrom Two blankets, arain jacket and ing garage when a University onthe windshieldsaying, campus,and it wasreturned to the Survivalist thug roadside emergency kit were sto- employee saw a car with abro- "I'mjust writingthis because owner. len.Theitemswerevaluedataround ken window and notified CPS. someone might be watching," Friday,5-23-03 $100. After the owner was contacted because younever know That's whyyou do that stuff Avehicleownerreportedan auto and checked the vehicle, they who's watching INSIDE prowlfromthe toplevelofthe 1lth Iwonderifthat Viper reportedacarstereofaceplateas &Broadwayparkinggarage. security thing works? the onlystolenitem. Monday,5-19-03 Tuesday,5-20-03 The victim went to their vehicle Infooncarbreak-ins? At ac- A p.m. 8:30p.m., ahit-and-run female and twomalesnotasso- around 8:15 andfound it had Sunday,5-25-03 [email protected] cidentwasreportedfromthe 10th ciated withtheUniversity were en- beenenteredinto,thoughthere was Another autoprowl wasreported Term minority causes tension at ASSU vote MarissaCruz goes unnoticedwhenitpopsup in meaning.When it comes to race manyconcurredwithO'Neill'sde- easily replacethe titleof Minority StaffReporter conversation,because itis socom- and ethnicity, the word 'minority' cision, as well as opposed it. The Representative, but O'Neill feels On May7 currentMinorityRep- monplacetohear.Itisanallencom- refers to a member of socially op- controversywasfound notsomuch that"multicultural"is too specific. resentative of ASSU, Beverly passing termforpeopleofdifferent pressedgroups," Wong said. in the words themselves,butin the "In thepush for 'multicultural' [as Wong, proposedthat the titleofthe ethnicbackgrounds.However,itdid 'These groupshave historically meaning of the words. They be- the titlechange]itis somewhatlim- ASSUrepresentativebechangedto not go unnoticed in recent ASSU been deniedpowerin this country, lieved thatifthey were tocometoa iting. The OMSA office defines the more positive title, meetings. but society is now trying to com- decisiononwhatthefinaltitlewould 'multicultural'as 'peopleofcolor,' "MulticulturalRepresentative." When the motion was first con- pensate for the power imbalance. be, theyneededaclearerdefinition and whendiscussingthisas agroup, Thischangewouldcoincide with sidered, themembersat the May7 Yet, in my view, if the genuine ofthedifferencesbetweenthewords Idon't think that was our original the recentname changeof the Of- meetingpassedit,even though not desire toembrace equityand diver- "minority"and"multicultural." intent," O'Neill said. After much fice of Minority Student Affairs,to every member was present. The sity is not present, then the true Currently, the ASSU Constitu- deliberation, the Representative the Office ofMulticultural Student votingwasacountof fivemembers purposeforaccommodatingminori- tionalBylaws state that the Minor- Assembly decided that "minority" Affairs. "Minority" is a wordev- in favor, one member against and ties is defeated. The title should ityRepresentativemustbea"United was a more all-encompassing title eryoneknows, andit'sa wordused twomembers abstaining. Since the refer to what aperson can bring to States Minority" (SectionI,a, 6.) for not only ethnic diversity, but toclassify afairnumberofstudents quorum was met at the meeting, the table, not to what heor she has Moreover, the Election Bylaws sexualdiversity,and other diversi- on SeattleUniversity's campus. Article 11, Section I, A (x) of the been denied,"Wong said. state,that "theMinority Represen- tiesas well. When thinking of the word "mi- UniversityBylawswouldhavebeen On May 15, ASSU President, tative: must have identified him/ The motion was passed with a nority," some argue it has a nega- amended to read "Multicultural Scan O'Neill vetoed the amend- herself as a member of a United unanimousdecision toconcur with tive connotation, such that people Representative,"insteadofMinor- ment, believing that the matter States ethnic minority group at the the veto of the amendment. How- of minority status are not only a ity Representative. needed to be further discussed in timeofclassregistration," (Section evera smallcommittee wasformed smaller group, but also a group "The reason Ihave proposed to front of the entire Representative V, D, 7). With this description, to continue deliberations on what which is ethnically different from change the Minority Representa- Assembly. In light of this, it was Multicultural Representativecould the definition should be. thecommonmajorityofCaucasians. tive title to that of Multicultural brought to the entire Representa- But the word"minority" generally Representative is to change its tive Assembly on May 21, where Princeton: SUis honored as one of America's best colleges, university Need100 & 200LevelCredits?? From page2 However, everyoneinterviewed by way of student narratives, Save TIME and MONEY for this storyagreedthat future stu- rather thanrelyingonpurestatis- students come from minority dents should not just rely on one tics, tohelp prospectivestudents Take ThemThis Summer orFall at populations) and SU is the only source for alltheirinfo. decide ifa school feelsright. truly urban schoolin theregion. McKeonadmittedhe doesn't put Overall, the administrationat North Seattle Some benefits to being in the muchfaithinanyoftheguides,but SUis very happy tobe inthe top CommunityCollege "BestColleges"guide area greater that SU needs to be in as many as 351. possibility thatSUwillmakeitinto possible. Robert J. Frank, Editorial Di- "best Dullea, rectorat Princeton Review, other of guides, a degree Similarly, Bob Assistant The Great Teachers Affordable Tuition Easy Access from SUwill bemore valuable and Provostfor Academic Administra- wroteto Dean McKeon,"Imust theschool will haveimprovedvis- tion,said thatallguidesareincom- say that it was a great pleasure SummerQuarterBegins June 30th ibility and credibility. plete,sinceitisimpossible toquan- reviewing your school's creden- Fall QuarterBegins September30th McKeon said,"you want valida- tify an education. However, each tials;youhavemuchtobragabout! /Jflßfiti tion ofyourdecision." guidegives astudent somethingof Congratulations." CHECK US OUT! visible, a SU willcertainlybemore value. Theedition will beavailable at asroughlyhalf ofallcollegebound John Eshelman, Provost, noted bookstores acrossthecountry,and 206-527-3600 studentsrely onThePrincetonRe- that the "BestColleges"seriescon- canbepurchusedon amazonlater North S..ttloCommunity I* rt °* th> S»»ttl« Community Collcg* District view as asourceof information. veysa different kindofinformation in the summer. Colics* P« " The Spectator May29. 2003 News 5 Thursday 5/29 SIFF gives cheap tickets I CEO talk MichaelQuiroz toa smallvillage town.Brats will 5 films BW||lH I Feature Editor <&-'X,%hy*-?J.?>- Come toPigottAudi- also be shown in the Broadway priced In hopes of allowingtoday's stu- PerformanceHall,June 4 at 2p.m. $8.50 or evening torium this dents to appreciate a finer movie- The last film originates from less for from5:30p.m. to 6:30 goingexperience,theSeattleInterna- France.The GirlFromParis tells only$30. p.m. to hear Kerry tional Film Festival has several pro- the storyof ayoung city girl who Whilethe HH Killinger, CEO of grams takingplace to makeit easier runs off to the hills to become a pass will Washington Mutual, for students to attend the movies. farmer.It will be show for free on not get The programcalled,"Screen- June 11, thePacificPlace you in to Students, first |B speak. faculty ings for Students" allows students to Cinemas. anyofthe '■;^^^-T.^4!'^: and staff are invited to attend selected movies on Wednes- Students willget more thanjust gala f - I ■ ram&HffiSral » s ree event No daynight for free.Allthatisneededis a film at these screenings. After events, %^^^W:p MI RSVP required. a current studentID.Themovies be- each screening, a moderateddis- students ingshownat thesespecialscreenings cussion about the film will take will get more than their moneys S|« Ip i include: place, truly making it a unique worth with the30 dollar pass.The .(Imj^fe. Friday 5/30 EverSince the WorldEnded,afic- opportunitytolearn aboutcinema. pass is only valid for one person, H tionaldocumentary that shows how Thefilms willberelatedtocurrent per show. These shows will be conversation, shows, Shoot your gun the human race would possibly re- events to spark and normalfestival and not in- builditself afteradevastatingplague all willbe invitedto participate. clude the moderatedconversation 1 ndßhfl ip, Annie wipedout most of the world's popu- It is recommended that you ar- at the end. While the festival is a EverSince to shows very early with lot of glitz and showmenship.the ! No experience re- lation. the World Ended rive the I "-^M'L^m i?S' your student ID, is ex- planners sure to : quiredfor thisshoot out plays free for students in the Broad- because it have also made »^^ \M^f Ml wayPerformance Hall at 2pm. May pectedthat theseshows willfillup makeitalearningexperience.With PUSH ;:-vJ withthemarksmanship 28. fast. the Screenings for Students and ■' club. Guns and .22 ThesecondfilmBratscomes from Students willalsobeabletobuy the Reel Deal for students, SU ] ammo are Prov'dedby theCzechRepublic andtellsthe story astudent passforthefestival called studentsshould have noexcuse to H -^ml^i J^M -it ' of family the Student Reel Deal. The tnec llt)- Theeventwill fromPrague,andthe preju- Reel not check out what is some very slf i%sll!B"^Hillt wHi\ - - dice they must face when they move Deal will allowstudentstosee any fine cinema. i| Wm take Place fr° m P-m |I BLfl "7 - F° unt P-m r more justice "HI I \ ■ |^^ details on the club or Bistro byMegan Myers JE WM wnere to mcct> contact Dena Burke fflt- |^^^^B| 9ra| at J$ L 4^L ranP «i [email protected]. H W& Sunday 5/31 f Jesuit Jubilee H fifl Today,six SUJesuits ?i B^^nPaiWs%' '^P willbe honored.Come ' - :^f^L^ I'-'''^ ?S| J°' n as Ff William : Leßoux andFr.James I Reichmann celebrate 50 years as priests, Fr. $$$ ; Make T/?e Spectator Michael Kelliher and BiJMftJ Fr.BertOttencelebrate I We are looking for a tena- 50yearsas Jesuits,and ' -" Fr.RogerGillis andFr. responsible appli- f'^l : cious and «^_J Phil Boroughs eel- : jH'^pH; ebrate 25 years as cant who thinks they, and I w1Mm priests.Mass at 3 p.m. only THEY, can serve as 4 fj J^^ 1 Monday 6/1 The Spectator Advertising Jwf Manager. We want someone k^^l^m,; Master of Soft- X WtM wareEngineering who will do "cold calls" and j|p V^^«J project Night seek out businesses eager to ■/'■"""^^^L^B'" Teams will demon- j * B M stratetheresultsoftheir serve SU students. SHniffi^H year-longprojects at 6 I B^^^_J p.m. in Barman 402. HOW TO APPLY: QUESTIONS? Call (206) 296-6476 or e-mail I ■ Wednesday 6/2 Send acover letter,resume,any NicoleRetana at [email protected]. Hi clips, and tworeferences to: ' ■ DEADLINEISFRIDAY, IAI Science and cEricaTerence Engineering TheSpectator MAY30!

HH Celebration Pleasedeliver to: CaseyBldg.Room 232 Celebrate the IE * achievementsofthere- l^^^^^s h^^^VD cipients of thetheSci- ence and Engineering awardsataDeanhosted lunch honoring the graduatingscienceand engineering students. NoonintheQuad. " TheSpectator May29, 2003 Sports 6 2003 SU sports recruiting class publicized Women's basketball played with Payne in high school Greenwasa four-timeall-league in 6-foot-9 Travis Welt of Spo- this year.AttheUSA WesternZones Comingoff ofa 9-18 season,SU and is transferring from Washing- selection at Kentwood. Conte was kane. Welt averaged16 points and Championship meet last summer, head coachDave Cox hassigned a ton State University (where she namedKingCo3AMVPas asenior 11 rebounds pergameinhis senior Thompsonwassecondinthe1,500- freshmanclasstoaddress shortcom- wasn't on thebasketball team)av- and was a second team all-state year. meter freestyle, fourth in the 500- ings allover the court. eraged10points,5.3 assistsand2.6 selection after winning the league Rounding out the class thus far meter freestyle and seventh in the WingplayersDanicaDougherty steals at Port Angeles. Dougherty scoring titleand leadingtheIsland- are twotalentedguards frompow- 400-meter freestyle. (Skyline High School)and Ashley ledSkyline with13 pointspergame. ers totheleaguechampionship.She erhouse schoolsin California. The The SU women's team will be Payne(Port AngelesHS) willlook finished her career as Mercer first is TrevanteNelson,a 5-foot- adding Lindsey Gall (WF West point guard HS), (Central tocontributenextyear,whileguards Women'somen soccer Island's career leader in goals 11 from Mater Dei HS Erin Mathhew Pruitt wasa Ana, wasontwostate KitsapHS) (Mount JennyIverson (BigBendCommu- In six years as SU head coach, scored. two-sport star inSanta who andKristieRice forMountRainierin championship teams in prep Rainier HS)nextyear. nity College)and LindsaySather JulieWoodwardhas createda fam- basketball and his soccer. toaleague career. Gallplacedsecondinthe50-yard (Port AngelesHS) willadd depthin ily atmosphere throughoutthepro- SheledtheRams and named to the 100-yard the backcourt.But the mostimpor- gram.So it shouldn'tbe surprising titlelastyear was Also joining SU's squad is 6- freestyle and third in the foot-3 fromMission butterflyat the statemeet this year. tant acquisitionsmightbe Chelsey that twooftheteam'sfiveincoming all-state team. Jacob Collins Viejo averaged 16.9 She holds several Hollowayand NikkiPewitt,a pair freshmenhave strong familial ties HS. Collins school records pointsand7.3reboundspergamein alongwiththedistrictrecordforthe of 6-foot-3 forwards from Everett to the Redhawks. Men's basketball senioryear.Hewasnamed 100-yardbutterfly. wasa CC whowillgivethe Redhawksan Defender Ana Gutierrez Giving the 2003 men's basket- his South Matthew Coast League MVP and his team memberof a400-yard freestylere- increased presencein the paint. (Inglemoor HS) and midfielder ball recruiting class a ranking of — finishedbehindMater for lay team placed "Nikki and Chelsey give us the Julie Martiniello (Kennedy HS) sevenoutof 10 with thepotential twice Dei that second in the — the OrangeCounty championship. state this year. Rice also placed scoringandreboundingin thepaint are the younger sisters of sopho- for the class to get better head "They're good players and highly Washingtonstatemeet, we have beenmissing," Cox said. more AndreaGutierrezandgradu- coach Joe Callero confirmed five all atthe good students," Callero said. "But finishing sixth inthe200-yardindi- "These two will give us a lot of ating senior DeeDeeMartiniello. new membersof the team. most importantly they bring win- vidual medleyand 10th in the 100- options offensively.Nikki is a ver- "Ana is a tenacious, intelligent Thebigscore sofar is 6-foot-10 ning traditions to SU. All their yardbreaststroke. satile player who can be physical defender. Her athleticismand lead- Scott Rainey of Astoria, Ore. qualified state champi- inside and step out to shoot the ership willmakea huge impact on Raineyis aredshirt freshman trans- team's for onshipplay. three.Chelsey is very mobile,fast this teamfromthe verybeginning," fer fromUC-Santa Barbara. Inhis Softball and an outstandingshot blocker." Woodward said. two years with the team, UCSB Thesoftball team willbelooking Pewitt averaged 19.6 points and Gutierrez was a three-time wontheBigWesttournament,went Swimming to improve on lastseason's 13-24 11.6 reboundslast seasonand was KingCo4Aall-league selectionand tothe NCAATournament,and this CoachCraigMalleryhas fivein- record,and havesigned twofresh- named Northwest Athletic Asso- earned herteam'sMVPawardas a year was a part of the postseason coming freshmen signed and, he men to add to an already young ciation of Community Colleges junior. Martinello led Kennedy to NITTournament. says,moreon the way. lineup: infielder Katie Ledbetter NorthDivisionMVP.Hollowayput theclass 3A statetitle this pastfall. Another big threat comes with The men'steam will be welcom- (Kamiakin HS) and catcher up 14.3 pointsand 9.9 rebounds. She was a two-timeAll-Seamount the signing of 6-foot-8 forward ing Patrick Naleway from South AmandaNilles (NorthCentralHS). Dougherty, Payne, Iverson and Leagueselection. KevinHarrison ofMarist (Ore.) Eugene(Ore.)HS and I)wightTh- Ledbetterholdstheschoolrecord Sather should alsohelp bolster the "Julie's quickness and skill will HS.Harrison was named MVP of ompson from Shorecrest (Wash.) for hits and RBIs.She canplayall SU offense, which rankedninth in begreatassets tothe team," Wood- the state tournament inhis sopho- HS. infieldpositions,butexcelsatshort- the 10-team GNAC at just 61.3 wardsaid. "She loves to takeplay- more year,first teamall-state inhis Nalewayspecialized in the 100- stop. Nilles was also a two-time pointspergame. ers onand has an incredible willto junioryearandledthestateinthree- yardbutterflyand500-yardfreestyle first team All-Greater Spokane Iverson was named NWAACC win.Sheis a very versatileplayer." point percentageinhis senior year. atSouthEugene,andwasamember League selection. EastDivisionMVP,averaging15.2 Woodward also signed Kate AccordingtoCallero,Harrisonwill threerelay teams thatfinishedin of Nate Zell, Austin Burton and pointsand6.7 assists.Payne\edhey Green (Kentwood HS), Rebecca addbalancedscoringfromthe post second place at the Oregon state team in scoring last season with Nicole Retana compiled this Conte (Mercer Island HS) and positionand theperimeter. meet. Thompson finished fifth in report. 17.3 points per game. Sather, who AshliePruitt (MountRainier HS). Callero added another big body this state in the 500-yard freestyle Baseball season Apply Now for The Spectator] ends at Districts X^Oh...My...Gawd!N. /Whois it this time?Is it\ BirchBlair SU wastakendownbadlyagainst / Troy? Tell himhelooked \ Staff Reporter Western WashingtonUniversityin I soooo smokinhot at the ""* As the year comes to a close, theirfinal game, falling 13-5 to the \ party lastnight.Ungh! fl W y """""v. Seattle University baseball tallied Vikings. \Tell whoeverit is they \. can^H Calm down Jesse' up another seasonin theirquest to "Itreallyis arough waytoend an \ring me up anytime! W \ \^^^"^^_^ V it'sjust the \ becomeanestablishedclub.Though overallgood season,losingour fi- fw Spectator,letting theseasonmaynot haveendedona nal games.Butit wasallgoodfun," A me know Igot the I high note, under a new coaching Frittssaid."It signifiedtheend ofa job.800-YAH! / staff they posted a 9-13 record. prettygoodseason thatcouldhave Afteranup-and-downseason,the beenbetter." membersofSU'sclubbaseballteam The continuation of baseball at came together for one last tourna- SU falls on a modest number of ment with the hopes of creating a returning players next year. With name for themselves. The district biglosses inall areas,especiallythe tournament, held in Bellingham, pitching staff,maintainingaclimb- Wash., onMay 10-11 wouldprove ing reputation isgoing to take a lot agoodvenuetoshowcasetheirskills ofhard work.Inlight of this,play- '03-'O4 Paid ;

AustinL.Burton backofmy mind,butIdidn'tsee it reallydeepwithmidfielders soI'm ai ship lastyearafter two yearsas a SU's 1997NAIA nationalchampi- Co-ManagingEditor as a reality," Hulen said. "Ididn't just waitingfor my shot. walk-on, Hulen turned it down so onship' squad, was drafted by the Last fall, as his collegiate soccer know if the opportunity was there "Everythingisfasteratthislevel. Fewing could use it for someone MLS KansasCity Wizardsbut had careercame toa close and gradua- untilIstartedtraining withsomeof I'm gettingused to the mental as- else. "He told me, 'Just make the his career cut short by injuries. tion loomed, Seattle University the [Sounders] in the offseason. pect of the game, trying to think teambetter,'"Fewingrecalled."I'm Fewinghimselfplayedprofession- alumnusMattHulenfiguredhisnext Eventually Ijust decided that I three or four passes ahead," he not sure his Dad appreciatedit that ally in the mid-1980s. Hulen be- move would mirror that of any woulddoit." added."Thementality ofthe play- much,but Isure did." lieves the 2003 Redhawks have a freshly mintedcollegegrad.Hope- Around graduation time, Hulen ers is different too.It's a business AccordingtoHulen,anotherhigh- handful ofpotentialpro-levelplay- fully,he thought,he'dusehis new broached theidea toSUsoccercoach now.Either you'regoing toearn a lightofhisgame is hisintelligence. erson the roster, specifically nam- BA in Marketing to get a regular Pete Fewing, a former teammate living or you'renot." He was an All-GNAC Academic ingsophomore-to-be AlexChursky job. Hulen is one of four first-year All-Starat SU, "I'ma smartplayer, (forward),and seniors-to-be Bran- Six months after pickingup that playerson the23-mansquad,which whichhelpsme out," the5-foot- 10, don Sewell (goalkeeper), James all-importantpieceofpaper,though, includes A-Leagueall-star Andrew 155-poundersaid."I'mnot thebig- Vert(midfielder)andJustin Miller Hulen hasajobthat'sfar fromregu- Gregor and 2002 league MVP gestplayeroutthere,soI'mgoing to (defender). lar. And while this job may not LeightonO'Brien, both of whom getknocked around." While he doesn't expectto get a require the marketing skills he play the sameposition as Hulen. On March 25, Hulen visited his whole lot of playing timethis year, learned in the classroom, it does After an accomplishedcareerat old home turf when the Sounders Hulenis alreadylookingforward to requireHulen toutilizeanother set Woodinville High School, Hulen played an exhibition gameagainst nextseasonwhen moretimeshould ofskillshedevelopedovertheyears: cametoSUafterplaying at Shore- SU at Championship Field."It was becomeavailable. speed,strength,agility...everything lineCommunity College. In three fun," said Hulen, who played the "Mygoalis tomake theSounders aprofessional athlete needs. yearswiththeRedhawks,hescored entire45-minutesecondhalfof that [nextyear],thenseehow farIwant Hulen, 23, is currently playing 13 goalsand made 11 assists. game. "It's cool to watch [former to take it," Hulen said. "MaybeI'll for theSeattle Sounderspro soccer "Matthas goal-scoring abilities, teammates] play from a different go for the MLS, or maybe I'll just team. TheSounders play in the A- goodpassing,good work ethic,and perspective,notbeinginvolvedwith do this for a few years." League, part of Major League he can tackle when he needs to the team. It was also fun to play Soccer's minor leagues.The team tackle. He plays pretty quick," against familiar faces." TheSounders are4-1-2 this sea- is the equivalent of an AAA base- and goodfriendof Sounders coach Fewing said."I think ifhe can get "He lookedcomfortable.Iknow son, firstplace in the A-League's ball team, with ties to the San Jose Brian Schmetzer. Fewingmade a playing timeand can adjust to that hewasnervous,butheplayedwell," PacificDivision,andhave20games Earthquakesand Los AngelesGal- phone call and arranged a tryout levelhecanhaveanicecareer with Fewingsaid."Ijust likedwatching left toplayfromnow untilAug.31. axyoftheMLS, whileservingwhat and Hulen didhispartbyearninga the Sounders." him warm up, thinking, 'Here's a Their next home gameis June 7at he calls an "apprenticeship" as a roster spot. This year he is on a Hulen says his biggest asset is young man that played in ourpro- SeahawksStadium.The teamplays tojkie midfielder,Hulen has yet to game-by-game contract; he gets his work ethic, something Fewing gram that's now playing withsome allofitshome gamesat Seahawks see actioninthe team'ssevenregu- paid for any game he plays.If he confirms."He'sadedicatedsoccer eliteplayers and is fitting inwell.'" Stadium, and most of them are lar season games. However, the doesn't play, he doesn't get paid, player and a hard-working guy," Hulenis thefourthSUplayerdur- broadcast onKKNW IISOAMand Woodinville,Wash.,nativeislearn- whichisn't easyconsideringHulen thecoachsaid. "Mattis thekind of ingFewing's 15-year term as head ontheInternetthrough the team's ingfromveteranplayersandcoaches is still trying to find a regular job guy that's willing to do what it coach to play professionally.Billy website, www, in hopes of getting playing time that agrees withhis soccer sched- takes tobe on a teamandbe a team Colello(c/o'92),currentlyanassis- Tickets rangefrom $10-$22and when theopportunityarises. ule. guy" tant coach at SU, and Wade areavailablethroughTicketmaster "Ialwaysknew[playingpro]was "I'm basically volunteeringmy Such a team guy, in fact, that Fontenelle(c/o '93) bothplayed in at (206) 622-3415 or www, something thatIwanted todoin the time," Hulen said. "The team is whenFewingofferedhima schol- the A-League.TomHardy,MVPof Fullerton finishes ninth at track Nationals JEAN WAHLBORG causeit pushedhertodoherbest.In Fullerton was slightly disap- junior Matt Blame. Blainc placed StaffReporter fact, Fullertonran a personal best pointed that she finished less than fifth in the 800-meter dash at the Finishingforthe firsttimein un- timeinThursday'spreliminaryrun. one second behind eighth place, GNAC championships earlier this der 11minutes,seniorKellyFuller- "I was really happy about my which wouldhave grantedher Ail- month and has earneda 3.77 GPA. tonranthe3000-metersteeplechase time," Fullertonsaid. Americanhonors.She wasalso just Michael Hughes,a Biologymajor, in 10:51.69 on Saturday, earning Her coaches, Paula and Brian earned a GPA of 3.57and finished ninth place in tne NCAA Division Montgomery,werehappy too.Ful- seventh in the 10,000-meter run at IItrack and fieldchampionships.It lerton said they both came to Illi- the GNAC championships. The was Fullerton's final run as a nois to watch her run and were thirdSUmaletoearn thehonor was kedhawk. proudthat shemadeit allthewayto Steve Manos, an English and Fi- "It wasreallygreat.There werea nationals and that shebeather per- nance double major witha GPA of lot of really fast girls," Fullerton sonal best.Fullerton'sparents and 3.46. At the GNAC meet, Manos saidofherexperience.She saidshe grandmother also came along to wasSU's topmalefinisher,placing likedthecompetitionpresentedbe- watchherbig meet. secondin the 5,000-meter run. TheSU female track and fielders on the All-Academic team were Theresa Mangahas and Emily Ferguson.Mangahashada GPA of 3.68and finished fifthintheGNAC \^&/j Make your voice heard! j FULLERTON in the pole vault. Ferguson,with a — foursecondsaway fromfinishingin GPAof3.52,=alsocompetedinthe I Improveyour education . the top three. But the tight race 800-meters whereshe placed 12th. didn'tfaze her at all. Though Fullerton. Carlos andenterto winlunch q[ "No matter how Iran, Iwas just Siqueiros and David Neilsen are J Stlldeilt I ■ foryouand afriend! excited to be there. It was really graduating in June,the future looks fun,"Fullerton said. good for the Redhawks track and SUUndergraduates will receive ijllIJaljt/IlluilI Fullertonisn'tonly a fast runner, field team with three new triple- anemail in the next week with butagoodstudentas welIRecently jumpers committedso far. H more details and instructions for . shewasoneofsixßedhawks named According toco-captainManos, -mpietingthe survey. I The Survey will takeless than I to theGreatNorthwestAthletic Con- morerunnersarelooking tocometo We arecollectinginformation j_s minutes. ference track and field Academic SU tofill inthe spotsof graduating about your experiencesat SUin All-Conference Team. To be eli- seniors.Hishopes arehigh that the order to improvethe education gible for this honor, athletes must team willcontinue to grow. you receive. Individualresponses For moreinformation contact Jamie Balducci in M have aminimum GPA of3.20, bein Over the summer the team will the Office of theProvost at: H | will remain confidential. at leasttheir second yearof compe- takea breakbefore training begins Phone: 206-296-6144 titionat theirschool andhavequali- for cross-countryin August.Many mmt^^^^^^^^^ Email: [email protected] fied for the conference champion- runners from track and field com- ship meet. pete in cross-country as well, so Other SU track athletes to earn they will have a busy year again GNAC Academic honors included nextseason. The Spectator "May 29, 2003 8 Features

The Spectator's Cheap Travel Guide

Though we've all heard of the want to talk to the person next to teries. They cost more up front pastthisproblem,youcanusually ' $20-30 putup rest Wahlborg friendofacousin sroommatewho you,don't.Noone willforce you (usually about for four the foot andslouch in Jean acharger),butyou your seat a bit,sliding your feet Reporter was felt up orrobbedon a Grey- to talk AA's and can Staff houndbus,thisoccurrence issim- Speakingof time, when travel- recharge them about 1000 times underneath the seat in front of ply not common.Itook some20 ingon Greyhoundyouoftenhave so it willsaveyou tons ofmoney you.Thiswillallowyou tostretch Perhaps you fly everywhere. different buses and never had a lotsofit.Dependingon whereyou inthe longrun. Simplycharge all out your legs alittle. Your other Perhaps you drive. Perhaps you single problem.More often than are traveling to,youcanbeon the four batteries before you leave, option is to sit in a seat on the take the train. Allof these can be not the person you sit next to on bus for afew hours toafew days. since most only use two at a aisle. Though you will have no rather costly methods of travel. yourjourney willbe friendly and Youcan fillthis time doingmany time, headrest,youcanstretchyourlegs Haveyoueverconsidered thecol- normal. ManyGreyhoundtravel- things, depending on out much more comfortably and legestudent'sbest friendforcheap ers are not ex-consor drunks,but effectively.It willalsobe toyour US travel,Greyhound? aresimplycash- __ advantage to buy a neck pillow, Last summerIbought a30-day which is a pillow shaped like a passfor GreyhoundBusLinesand "U" that youcanrestyourheadon traveled to theeastcoast andback, when not againstasupport. so Ihavealot ofexperiencewith Here are some additional tips tnu system.Iwould like to offer for bussing it: you some insights into taking 1. Wear pants, no matter Greyhound, including dispelling how hot it is outside. The Grey- myths, tvps for passing, the time, hound buses are very air-condi- andimportant things toknowwhen tionedandyou willgetrathershiv- bussin' it. ery if you have shorts on. Here are my top five reasons to 2. Don'ttravelovernighton choose Greyhound for your next Greyhoundif youcan helpit. It trip. seems like a good idea because 1. It's cheap. (See chart.) that'sonenight youdon'thave to Think of whatyou could do with pay for a hotel, but every single all that extra money. time Iwent on the bus overnight 2. Youcan meet lots of in- we stopped in the middleof the terestingpeople. night for abus cleaning. Thisre- 3. You'llhavetimetocatch quireseveryone to getoff thebus uponthatbookyou'yebeenmean- atabout 3 am and shuffle into the ing toread. Greyhound station for about an 4. Youcan seethe spacious hour while they change bus driv- skies,amberwavesofgrain,purple ers and clean the bus, inside and mountain's majesties, and the out.Meanwhileyouarelefttrying fruitedplains. not to fall asleep in the lobby.It 5. Youget to eat at funky sucks. restaurants with cheap food and 3. Sit alone wheneverpos- cashiers with southern twangs. sible. This is rather obvious. It Though 1 survived the Grey- greatly increases your traveling hound experience,Iknow lotsof strappedindividualslike you. You yourinterests. Ifyou like to read, and you'll be set for hours of comfort, especially if you're try- peopleskipitfor various reasons. may even meet another fine col- bringbooks.Motionsicknessisn't listeningpleasure.Youcancharge ing to sleep. Before you get visions of scary legestudenttoshare smokebreaks reallyan issue. batteries at your destination for 4. Use bathrooms at rest guys with scraggly beards that with. Since the average Grey- Ifyoudon'tlike toread,bringa the trip home. stops (which occur every two smelllikeurineas your seat com- hound trip is longer than several CDplayer,headphones,andplenty Another greatway topasstime hoursor so)so you won't have to panions, let me dispeloneof the flights, you will even get the of batteries. SinceCD players go on the Greyhoundbus is tocatch go on a moving bus. It's rather majormyths aroundtakingGrey- chance to practice flirting if you throughbatteries soquickly,Irec- up on some much-needed sleep. difficult. Imagine peeing during hound. so desire.Ifyou don't think you ommend buyingrechargeablebat- Youcan sleepaslittleorasmuch an earthquake.If you do have to as you want, gobeforeyou reachabreak stop, though be try to go during the five minutes careful where or so when the bus ispicking up Greyhound: By the numbers youchoose to passengers at some spot in the sit. If you sit middleofnowhere. At least then Taveling from Seattle to Airplane Cost1 AmtrakCost2 GreyhoundCost3 Savings next to the the bus will not beinmotion. 'ortland,OR $134 $26 $21.15 $4.85-$112.84 window you 5. Be sure to bring the fol- can lean on it, lowing (in $254 $81.90 $172.10 items on board addi- Jillings,MT Not serviced butifyouhave tion to those alreadymentioned): .os Angeles, CA $216 $101 $85.50 $15.50-$130.51 long legs they snack food(therearemealstops), Chicago,IL $182 $217 $117.90 , $64.10-$99.10 will get very moist towelettes, camera, jacket It.Louis,MO $229 $245 $156.60 $72.40-$88.40 cramped by orsweatshirt,cellphone,cashand 'hoenix,AZ $211 Not serviced $94.50 $116.50 being water. scrunched Greyhound is not scary; and if 1Lowestone-way fare accordingto 2 againstthe seat you follow thesuggestions Ipre- Lowest one-way fare according to infrontofyou. sented, you will have apeaceful 3 One-wayfare from To help get and prosperous trip.Enjoy! The Spectator " May29, 2003 Features 9 Bunking with Religion J.C. Santos teries allaroundEurope offer day, hitting Opinion Editor a hotel-like setting at a very up tourist at- decent rate. Some of these tractions and Backpacking Europe is a places have exotic views gettinglostin daringwaytospend yoursum- (think Venetian sunsets), mer. As you breathe in the simple yet satisfying break- you'll be ex- culture, the art and the fastsandthespiritedpresence hausted way lifestyle,don't forget, you'll ofhuge-heartednuns. before 10 need a place to sleep. If you Several conventsandmon- o'clock rolls wantto avoid the coldnights asteriescan befoundinItaly, around. in the train station that are acountryofreligiousconcen- Sincewe're often the result of "winging trate. In fact, a book called on the down- it," better start making some Bed and Blessings by June sides,it takes reservations. and Anne Walshisdedicated a little work Hotelsinbigcities havein- totheseholyaccommodations to find these satiable appetites when it complete with descriptions, well dis- comes to wallets;andhostels, prices,directions andcurfew guised bless- despite theirdirt-cheapprices, information. ings. If you don't always offer the pri- Oops. Forgot to mention get on the vacy and cleanliness ofa ho- that.As withallearthly things, web and tel. So what's it gonna be? this seemingly immaculate search for Perhapsacompromiseisun- dealisn't withoutdrawbacks. convents and necessary. With a little re- Most conventsandmonaster- monasteries search, youcould windup in ies in Europe have curfews in Europe, you'lllikely find teryandConventGuesthouses enough left over for a small aplace rightsmack inthecity rangingfrom 10p.m.to11:30 something. Some of these by Kevin J. Wright explores donation to leave behind at - with a friendly staff, divine p.m. Some are flexible and a abodes have websites and/or options in20countriesinEu- the conventor monastery a rooms and better yet, private few don't evenhave curfews. e-mail addresses. There are rope. commonpracticeamongtrav- - bathrooms all for about 30 So if you want to party all also a handful of books that Butthelegwork is worthit. elers. With the money you bucks a night! Sounds like a night,the holyoptionmay not have listings. In addition to Themoney yousavecouldgo save and the quality of the gift from God,huh? be for you. But if you're go- Bed and Blessings, another towards souvenirs,attractions accommodations, they cer- It is. Convents and monas- ing to be walking around all book titledEurope's Monas- andfood. Youmayevenhave tainly deserve it! The correct use of the thumb on the road Michael Quiroz cause Iam gonna teach you you're not telling the cars the ride,how should you act you actually have read this Features Editor the in-and-outs ofhitchhik- speeding past you... GOOD inthecar?Well forone,never far into this article... thank Yeah, buses and convents ing! JOB! You are begging for a use yourownname.Irecom- you. You are a true friend. are both great cheap alterna- For one, inorder to getthe ride. You are pleading and mend using Scan Reid, that However,do not reveal true tives for the money pinching carsattentionwear something are on your hands andknees name's reputation is harm- information about yourself. traveler.Theystillcost agood sexy,and show a littleof that asking thedrivers for a ride, less and shouldn't get youin Do not tell this person your chunk of change. However pale Seattle skin. Butnot too because youare so desperate any trouble the world over. whole life story. This is not thereis way to getacross the much, youdon't want to at- that you are willing to take Now many rumors persist of for safetyreasons,butsimply nation with very little cost to tract the wrong kind of ride. rides from complete strang- inappropriate action taking becauseofthefact who wants your self. That's right folks, Anotherclassicelement is the tohearthat? "Certainly notI" get those thumbs ready be- thumb. If the thumb is not said the Fox. ight, you'll be You don't want tofreak out thekids in Some of the best rides for walking on that a as on hitchhikerscome inthe form Monesome high- the back seat of car thefamily is of truckers.Face it,ridingin ftivay for some- their way to see the windmills of a 16 wheeler semi-truck is V time.Thehitch- Maine. just cool. Not only can you \ hikers thumb look down on all cars, espe- L is not just a cially thosepeskySUV's; but thumbs up, your truck would demolish ers. But you hold it in,and place in return for the ride. them if any accident were to express all of that with your Thisis simply not true.Most happen on the road. Also the thumb! Just don't over do it people whopick uphitchhik- wonderment andamazement folks. Youdon't wanttolook ers are lonely and need of a that you feel as you pull on like a weirdo out there. conversation, much like a the string above your head Doublejointedpeoplebesure baby stuck in a crib with a and the proceeding honk to keep your thumb ina nor- boring toy. Talk about the soundslike a Greek siren. mal position too. You don't weather, sports and nuclear The myths of hitchhiking want to freak out the kidsin physics. are just those myths. Serial the back seat of a car as the If you want a really good killers rarely pick up hitch- family isontheirwaytosee conversation...makestuffup. hikers. They usually go for the windmillsofMaine. Tell them you are a reporter people who won't be missed Now onceyougot fortheLondonTimesdoinga and have little connection story on hitchhiking or the with the main stream world. American Dream. Say you So you should be fine. But are a test pilot whocrashed a keepinmindthathitchhiking new experimental plane and is not as fun as this article, that you need to get back to and should only be used as a the base. Have fun with it. If last resort.

The Spectator" May 29, 2003 10 Arts andEntertainment Mark Wahlberg's career chatter Radiohead's Meghan Smith Q: What attractedyou to The possible from these guys. Thief Staff Reporter Italian Job specifically? Q: You talkedabouthow you The Italian Job the film with Mark Walhberg: A number of admire these directors, andyou applause same title from the 1969 film, things.Iwas actually attached to seem to respect them a lot. Do steals staringMichaelCame,NoelCow- anotherFilm and met with Gary you have any personal aspira- Iberle Incontrast, ard and Benny Hill. The 2003 (director).Unfortunately,theother tions to direct amovie? Chris chunky guitar riffs. Spectator versionis aremake that starts out film didn'thave adirector yet.All MW:Ido inthefuture. There's Columnist acoustic or piano driven tracks of in album, inmodern day Venice, withan all ofmy filmsI'vedoneupuntil this acouplestories thatIhold dear to Radiohead is one those (occurring later the change as Will") seem even star cast playir.g first rate crimi- point have been basedon the di- myheart thatIwouldlike to tellin bands who can their such "I toalbum,yet human nals working on a heist to steal rector, then the script is second the future. Like everything else soundfromalbum more and heartfelt than distinctively uniquely millions of dollarsin gold. andthecharacteris third.But with that I've done, Ilike to be pre- stay and ever. to the Thief, Many the on The movie begins on the side this Igot an opportunity to do paredinall aspects.So gettingan "Radiohead". Hail of tracks Hail to out 10, streets of Venice with a gang of something that Ihadn't done, opportunity to work with such thenew albumdue June the Thief ace guitar-based, but notbethe some criminalsled by CharlieCrocker which was also kind of a chal- greatfilmmakers— andallofthese may reinvention most of the album has a wide might expect, most synthesizers,piano,gui- (Mark Wahlberg). Crocker and lengebecause Ihad toconstantly guys are so different in the way butitis defi- mixof tar, computer programs, his crew (Edward Norton, Mos worryifmy character wasgoing they workandthey way thatthey nitely Radiohead doing what and — they making Def, Donald Sutherland, Jason to belikeable enough.So the fact see these worlds it's been a do best: wonder- otheroddinstruments.Eachone con- Slathamand SethGreen)pull off that it was Gary Gray, that the blessing for me. But yes, Idefi- fully intricate music and adds a new level of interest to cept stays true to what seems tobetheperfectcrime material wasdifferent, thatit was nitely hopeto in thefuture. albums. Thief every eerie track. This is not Radiohead, withoutasinglehitch andprepare a bigmovie,but it was certainly thattradition,adetailedandcom- new to andissome- plex spark tohead back home withmillions character-driven as opposedto a Doyouevermiss themain- album that is sure to thing they do extremely well. Q: maybe a of dollars in gold to split among bigpopcorn movie. streammusic scene, anddo you interest and littlecon- Buttheentireconceptandtheme troversy. of Brother (or W. them. But being the Hollywood everseeyourselfgettingbackinto Big George Hail to the areference Bush) punctuated by special movie that itis,it wouldn'tquite What attracted you to musicin some capacity? Thief is Q: to non-mili- work if something didn't go as Charlie 's character? MW: No.Imissthe freedomof George W.Bush's effects or synthesizers,compel- House, planned. Steve Frezelli (Norton) MW: Well, that'sthe role they being in the music world, but I tary coup of the White lingyou to watchyourback and will achordin who wonder hereally playedappropriately by Norton, wantedmetoplay.Imean,Iliked needthediscipline thatgoesalong strike those if is watching. pay to message. decides to keep all the gold for the villain. I'm alwayskind of a withmaking films because Iwas attention the Thief as a whole stands as a Going work, himself by shooting and killing fanof the villain,but that was the just being too irresponsible. You beyond simple Bush very good piece of bashing, John Bridger (Sutherland), the role they offered me, and it was alwayskindofshow up whenyou leadsingerThornYorke Radiohead-wise. It is true, brings haunting safecrackerofthegroup,andleav- something that Ihadn't done be- want, and withmovies there's so his voice and though, that comparing to an ingthe othersfor dead. One year fore really. much riding on it,and it takes so lyrics album that refer- Radiohead albums is tough to later,thecrew wantstheirdeserved much people to make a film. I ences George Orwell's 1984 do. In comparison to other al- throughout, beginning gold andready for payback. You'yedoneother remakes miss itevery once in a while but with the bums by other artists coming Q: very first track, As fantastic, With thehelpofStella(Charlize such as The Truth About I'm much better off having the "2+2=5". outrightnow,itis and Theron), thesafe-crackingdaugh- Charlie andPlanet of the Apes. discipline that goes along with drawing comparisons between Imostdefinitelyrecommend it. Big lyrics meta- ter of Bridger, Crocker and the Were you a these movies making a film. theBushadministration and Yorke's are as fan of Brother phorical always, with rest ofhiscrewarrangetheirmost you made them? become easier and as each before easier, boys are song one asa elaborateheist yet to retrieve the MW: Ofthose twomovies,no I Q: What do you do in your Yorke and the serving reminder addinga suitably daunting and toresist a gold from the double-crossing wasn't abig fanofeitherof those sparetimewhenyou'renotmak- becoming mechanical Sieve. WiiVi the he\p of severa\ movies,bul1wasahugefanofthe ingmovies? ominous soundtrack. being,ruledby theforces thatbe Hail to the follows speedy little Mini Coopers and filmmakers that weredirecting the MW: When I'm not making Thief through various avenues. He computerhackerLyle(Green),the remakes,TimBurtonandJonathan moviesI'musuallywatchingmov- Radiohead's earlier Ok Com- asks us to re-evaluate every- puter us, gang manipulates Los Angeles Demme. That was my reason for ies or playing sports. I'm very, initsdigitally influenced thing around including the Adding value system with traffic and subway systems to choosing those films. I'm not a very serious about whatIdo,but andenhancedsound. just very which enoughnuance, blip evade androb Steveof his gold. big Cary Grant fan, and sci- fi is I've always dreamt of being a a hereand a we judge the world.Hail to the bleep there, helps This is alaid-backcrimemovie not reallymy worldeither. Ilove professional athlete, and Istill add to the Thiefisanother wonderful con- whole"computerization so- album oneofthemost withlimitedviolenceandishardly todothings that arereality based. messaroundonthe weekends with of cept from ciety" addition, any bloodshed,but a lot of stunts, If Ihave an opportunity to work myfriends, and wehave our little theme. In it forward thinking bands of our tweaksand everytrack time, stars action, twistsandcheaplaughs to with a great filmmaker, and(be- hoopdreamsandfantasy football infiltrates andgets2+2=5 inmy (most on Down, keep the audience entertained. cause)I'm still very muchin the games. notably "Sit book. Inaninterview witha varietyof process of learning, then I'lldo This(acting)however,iswhatI StandUp")addingacomplexity only helps accentuate a freshman collegestudents,Mark Walhberg somethingthat is not necessarily do. Thisis whatIwant tod0...It's that Christ Iberle is Yorke's soaring vocals journalismmajor. answereda few questions: my tasteto try tolearn as muchas pretty much, it's life. and the Carrey delivers heavenly Derformance RyannCooper else but Morgan Freeman to play StaffReporter theall powerfulandknowing.The "What if God was one on man inthe whitesuit willinglyturns us?" WellJimCarreyprovides his powers over to Bruce, leaving— the endless possibilitiesin the him in control of the universe hilariousanddivinelyinspired wellactuallyonlyBuffalo,because Bruce Almighty. the universe wouldhaverequireda Your prayers are answered sequel.Andonceagaineverything inthis filmasCarreyonceagain thatcould go wrong,does. Not Ready for deliversanexcellent comicper- Self-absorbed in remedying his the formance. own pains he neglects the needs LSAT? Carrey playsBruce Nolanan andprayersofotherssendingBruce I'm Steven Klein, LSAT spe^ cialist. Fourteen years and aspiring anchormanon a Buf- onadownward spiralandtheaudi- 3000 students later. Idon't faloTV station.Allthat cango ence ona laughter high.But being think anyone knows more wrong does go wrong as he Godinvolves morethanjust walk- about this test, or how to teach it, than Ido. Thai's whyIstjll loses a promotion to his big- ing on water (although that's very Courtesy Ralph teach my own classes. That's gest rival co-worker, beatup cool)and partinga trafficjam lil-e Photo nelson whyyou should call me. 'imCarreyplays Godinlast weekend'sboxoffice hit, Bruce Almighty. My nine weekcourse features after helpinga homeless man, the Red Sea. As with most films 36 hours of class time with andunabletotrainhisdogwho there is a lesson involvedand we man. andengaging humor that is uplift- weekly help sessions and five seems ona liquiddiet. It'sthe get itfirsthand fromGod,Himself. Jennifer Aniston plays Bruce's ing.After seeing this film,it'shard mock exams for the reasonable — price of $895. storyof agoodguy whocan't Freeman has a warm quality girlfriend Grace whom despite toimagineanyonebutCarrey with 1cananswer anyLSAT ques- catch a and always him you role in The GoodGirl which if theyseem tion - break fin- about that makes think her God'spowers, anything letme proveIt.Call now mundane, for afree seminar: ishes last. But this Bruce is not alone in this butat the makes you think Anniston— should to enhance hiscomedic abilities. 524-4915 over-told story has a blessed same time there's that occasional stick to television she graces the Bruce almighty has a slightly twist that makes everyone a underlying sarcasm giving Goda screen in this film, bringing bal- sappy ending, but is an all around believerinthischarmingfilm. wry sense of humor. Carrey and ance to Carrey's wackiness and feel good film, and don't be sur- Angryat his life andsearch- Freeman are a match made in standsout insteadofbeingaside- prised if everythingturns out pic- ingfor somethingbetterBruce heavenin this film as the comedic kick tofuel Carrey's humor. tureperfect,butthenagain,thisis a takes his frustrations out on timingof Carreycomplementsthe Carreyisbrilliant,bycombining story centered around the powers (who else?) God. And who absolutepresencegivenoffbyFree- his boyish charm, devilish tricks ofGod. The Spectator " May 29, 2003 Arts and Entertainment 11 Glengarry GlenRoss pro- Hollywood Burger: duction bowls audience over Less than star quality J.C. Santos put theirbeefy buddiestoshame is Scan Reid where they all collide to- Opinion Editor intheir adequate cut ofbreast meat. Co-ManagingEditor getherin the wakeof a petty Iftherereallywasa PlanetHolly- HBC's bread and butter just "No one's gonna know! Let's crime.Soontheheatis build- wood,theHollywoodBurgerCo- doesn'tstack up.Theydescribe their talk," a salesman tells a potential ing to find the perpetrator, mpany (HBC) would be one of its burgersas "the bestonthe planet." client/victim. which goes on to dramati- orbiting moons. HBC may not at- That's a littletooambitious. Don't Such is the pervading mood in cally affect the closingabili- tractbig starslikeitpopularlook-a- get yourhopes up after you spend Glengarry Glen Ross, a play by tiesofthesalesmen.Thegoal like,butit'sstill soakedincelebrity fouror five dollars on aburger and David Mamet that shows the is always tosell enough and with its unautographedpictures of see a monstrosity wrapped in or- crookedneedytakingadvantageof acquire the metaphor of se- movie stars and burger names like angepaper sittingonyourtray.It's thegullibleneedy.Theproduction, curity,thefreeCadillacprize "The Marilyn" and "BeverlyHill- just the buns - they're huge. The closingthis weekendat theCapitol forthesalesmanwiththemost billy." meat, on the other hand, is a little Hill Arts Center, showsus charac- contracts. What theplay pro- Youcanpinpointthefour-month- modestfor the bread.Maybethat's ters that scheme and cajole them- poses, though, is who and old eateryonthe burgerjoint spec- why they "pile 'em high" with selves into favor; begging almost howmany willsufferforyou trum betweenKid Valleyand Red veggies. While the most important as much as they swear. They're to get it? Robin. While it has the ordering ingredient isn't tooexciting. HBC savvy salesmen whoalways seem JohnFarrageis thestandout style of a fast foodjoint, the menu offersalmost15 waystomakeyour tobe "lookingout for you"as they as Roma, a man at the top selection is wide enough to chal- burgerinteresting.Forthe Teenage steer yourpen to thecheck. who's confident enough to lengetheRobin.Itmaytakea while Mutant NinjaTurtleinyou, there's GlengarryGlenRoss, whichwas know whathe wantsand be- tofigureout whatyouwant toeat as "The King's Peanut Butter also made into a popular 1992 little his superior. Thomas othercustomers waitbehind you. Cheeser." No joke. A quarter- movie, focuses onthe livesof em- Ryan alsogets major points Most burger descriptions ramble pounder with cheese and peanut ployeesatarealestateoffice.Think for his turn asMoss,andhe's CAPITOLHILL ARTS CENTER on for a paragraph packed with butter.Theyadmitit's a littleodd. aboutthe fast-paced,morallybank- principallyinvolvedinrefo- Glengarry Glen Ross runsfor it's last aphorisms and superfluous adjec- but swearit tastes good. ruptworldofWallStreetandyou'll cusing the audience's atten- weekendat the CapitolHill Arts Center. tives. While the varietyis in good taste have adecent idea of what to ex- tionduringthefirst act, when When you'reordering,don't for- and the atmosphere is pleasantly pect. hereveals the mainscheme. John going backand forth betweenthe get to take a good look at your retro (19505), HBC doesn't have Here are characters that follow Kobasic and John Abramson, as characters. Aboutone fourthofthe options.A few ofthe burgers come celebrity status.If youfeel like giv- thepopular maximof "Always Be Levene and Williamson respec- way in, we start to get it and settle with yourchoiceofcheese andside ing it an audition, here are a few Closing" as they do anything to tively, are a little subdued in the into the story, but it would have dressings, but the people at the more crumbs of information you keepraising their sales recordand openingscenes,butreally openup beennice if this happenedsooner. counterwon'toffer these options. may want toknow: commission. At the center of duringtheclimaxofthesecondact. Still, with lines like "Someone After you order, be prepared to "Ifyouorder aburger,all youget Mamet'splay arethemesofexploi- Peruse the play's information won the Cadillac?— Oh, Bulls— t! waitawhiletoo.Despitetheresem- is a burger.Friessold separately. tation and greed, but most impor- packetand you'llsee in smallital- Two people gotf !" there's just blance, this ain't fast food.It takes "Like Red Robin, you get free tantly,how weloseourselvesinthe ics,There willbeabitofprofanity no way theproduction's for faults agood7-10minutesforyourburger drinkrefills.UnlikeRedRobin,you rush tosucceed. intonight's performance.It'sprob- tolinger.Onegets socaught upin ways grill. to part with the don't getrefills on your fries. inthis mostrecent versionof the ablythenight's greatestunderstate- theenergyandferocityofthisshow, your finally arrives, When food it "They say their "Two Thumbs play,directorAimeeBruneaucom- ment.Bruneauletsheractorsloose, wherethe actingmakes allthe dif- canbe worthit,dependingonwhat UpMushrooms" arebeerbattered. mands a cast that at first glance and as a result, the audiencegets a ference. And the actingis good. youorder.The chickensandwiches They more a might seem likea decent troupe of play so jam-packed with visceral Check out GlengarryGlenRoss arequitefillingand tasty.Thetradi- aren't it's of seasoned breading. actors, that is,until the play really energythatasthecharactersonstage in the Capitol Hill Arts Center at tional "Rodeo Drive" ($4.99) fea- starts topick up and they allbegin ripeach otheranewonefor screw- 162112th Avenue.Lastshow plays tures a flavorful flame-broiled "Theyhavesevenkinds ofveggie tobowl youover. ing up a sale wefeel it too.Ouch. Saturday, May 31, with a closing chicken breast with fresh veggies burgersmade withbrownrice, veg- The play is comprised of two Not all's perfect in Glengarry night party afterfeaturing livemu- and a choice of three cheeses. The etables,grains,rolledoatsand"other acts: one in a Chinese Restaurant Glen Ross. The play does take a sic and dancing. Call (206) 325- other five chicken burgers, which good for youstuff." that introduces each set ofcharac- while to get goingin the first act, 6500 or go to cost between five and six dollars, Overall,you'llmost likelyspend ters andtheirrelationshipsand the due mostly in part to the pace and www.capitolhillarts.comfor more conjure up of variety of flavors. less than $10 here, but there's just second in the office workplace the hurdle of the salesmen jargon details. Where these chicken sandwiches notenoughbeefinthisburgerjoint. Space Twins: album misses, still better than Nelson Trautman Ininterviews,Bell wouldallude cialism. Staff Reporter to his old songs and hint that After the brilliant, TheSpaceTwinsare a fantastic progress on an album was being yetalmost ska-esque band, adequately described as a made. The Internet fan-base be- song, "Trudy True- bit of Weezermixed with thelikes came even more anxious when love", the disc is in- FoldsFive. Bell made claims that the album terrupted once more Dn September 14. 1993,Space wascompletedandonlyneededa by "Birds in the «Benins front man was goodstereomixing.Six yearslater, Street",whichis sim- calledtoserviceby Weezer'sRiv- wefinallyhavearecord.Thehype, ply a badsong. Cuomo, and on that day, the whilenot expansive, was intense The melody itself taceTwins died. where itexisted. is fine,butBell can't ButFinally,afteradecadeofthe Thealbumstartsoffstrong,with singit. Twins' absence.Bellhasreformed thepreviouslyreleased"RustCol- Apparently he de- the group with Mike Elliot and oredSun". If thereis a hit single cided to write a song Glenn andTimMaloof.Their de- on thealbum,it isthissong. "Rust withnotesthathejust butLP,TheEndofImagining,was ColoredSun"alreadyhasa chorus barelycannot hit,an released thisweek. Thealbumis a of singers-along at Space Twins theresult is the slow decentrelease,showcasingBell's concerts,andthe album versionis awkward, piano talents andprovingthatheismore afantastic improvement. driven,"Bird'sinth thanjust Weezer's rhythm guitar, The album continues through Street". but it falls short of this fan's ex- thenextfew songs without losing The rest of thea - pectations. its energy,butitquicklybecomes bum is fine,but ther PhotocourtesyBighassle records The Space Twins have built a apparentthatit isnot the concept are no more gem considerable followingon theIn- album it could and should have and the final track BrianBell,ofWeezer, returnsafter10yearstoserveas TheSpace Twins'front man. Mike ElliotandbrothersGlenn and the ternet in the past six been when"Yellow Camaro",for- simply odd.The f TimMalooffill out restofthe roster. years. Although three EPs were merly a Weezer demo, rears its nal hodgepodge in Many fans are, no doubt, ex- atitsbest,andTheEndofImagin- released before Bell originally uglyhead. Thereisnothing wrong this mismatched collection of pecting Weezer from the Space ing is certainly better than any- abandoned the group, they were with "Yellow Camaro" by itself, songs is "Nico",a "piratesong"if Twins; and while they certainly thing Weezer hasput out this cen- exclusively limited pressing vi- but lyrically and musically itdis- you will, about the SpaceTwins' do smack of resemblance, the tury.Itis far fromtheperfect work nyl,making themhard tocomeby rupts the flow of the album.The life on a boat. When the album is SpaceTwinsare unique.Theyare Bellpromised,but just take com- inmp3 form. When theydid sur- song takes the record down from over, the effect is more puzzle- far more eclectic,and,dareIsay, fort inimagining theday when we face, the songs were amazingly melodicromanceinouterspaceto ment than the astonishment Ihad evenpoppier than Weezer. hear a truly great Space Twins catchy,but incomplete. a crass protest against commer- hoped for. TheSpaceTwinsarepowerpop release. TheSpectator "May 29,2003 ~ -*?&ja3^-MXJI^, 0^jasl MS3^j^ .«^* 31I^~£S^^.

12 Check us out on the web:

$52,000 was appropriated to student organizationsat their winter meeting. ASSUNEWS All student organizations have come together to propose new funding, 1 programatic or currently underfundedproposals. Thisprocess hasbeen con- ductedinthe StudentMoneyAllocation Committee which representsASSU, Athletics,GraduateStudent Council, KSUB, RHA, SEAC and Spectator. The Associated Students of There are hearings this week and the student organizations will be seeking Seattle University invites you to the this new funding. Hearings will be conducted this Friday, May 30 from 2-5 p.m. in STCN 2003-2004 officer induction ceremony 210.

Student MoneyAllocation HearingsBudget Proposals andDecisions.

Please joinus from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Student Organization Proposed Decided Leroux Room on the first Conference ASSU $25,000 floor of the Student Center. Athletics/Rat Pack $24,900 GSC $6,730 KSUB $9,600 RHA $5,950 Drinks and snacks willbe provided! SEAC $33,784 Spectator $10,000

We will be swearing into office, Total: $115,964 $0

Executives Representatives These figures will be updated when the amount is decided. Currently the committee will have to fund only $52,000 out of the $115,964. Cisco Smith Heather Hutson If youhave questions regarding this process or comments,please e-mail the Chair Scan O'Neill. o'[email protected] x6046 Analisa Castaneda ArlynDean Laura Norman EricaEschbach Are you interested in being apart of Kirn Silva Robert Vargas ASSU? Kelly Stewart AliciaKephart Then apply for one of the YosefFufa appointed positions that are avaliable. BahaAlsamawi Sherman Greeley 2003-2004 applications are coming! Check out the ASSU office or online at include, Positions to be filled at a later date, on Monday Freshman Representative June 2 for early applications. Transfer Representative Secterary of At-Large Representative Positions include Elections,ElectionCommission and Commuter Representative others. CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS Interestedin supportinglife?\ S~ Tennis Club /Get Involved! Then joinStudents for Life! Practices are from 4-6 p.m.Tuesday, Take ACTION! „ , Come to ourmeetings: —. . . o LJ i«^.i c t a ,nn ".uc* a FndayJ andSunday.J So much to do, so little time.... Every Tuesday at 7:30p.m. in the Student. Center Allare welcome. ContactTashm van Hattum for upcoming opportunities. Issues we are against: No experience needed. volunteer TheDeathPenalty E-mail Taslimat: [email protected] AbortionAoomon Contactr- »^CarliBergquistn at: Euthanasia [email protected] J J ACTION!AmrtMt ACTION!a^ti^ki, , ClnnincCloning y/V\ with..7 anyquestions. //\\ Check us out on the web: TheSpectator"May 29,2003 Marketplace 13

100. For Sale 400. Services 200. Help Wanted 500. For Rent 300. Volunteers Classifieds 600. Misc.

200.Help Wanted package.Please email,fax,or 525-5520OR888-400-7765. mail resume to: ASTHMA, Inc. is located The Spectator SUMMER CAMP JOBS [email protected], nearU-Village. Callfor more men and women. Hidden (206)583-8500,PerkinsCoie information! Valley Camp (Granite Falls, LLP, attn: Personnel Re- WA) needs resident staff (6/ cruiter, 1201 Third Avenue, 500.ForRent 14/03-8/22/03). Room/ 48th Floor, Seattle, WA APT. RENT Board/Salary. Positions in- 98101-3099 FOR 1 BR $625, 2 BR $750 1 clude: Counselors, life- Equal Opportunity Employer block from SU, corner 13th guards, drivers,kitchen staff M/F/D/V Ave/ERemington Ct. andmore. Spend your sum- Utilities included. Phone: (206) 296-6474 mer in a beautiful setting COMMENCEMENT while in worthwhile employ- TICKETSWANTED Call 206 232-9865 extra ment.Interviews availableon Ifyou have any tickets to SU's undergrad com- Tastefully restored studio in campus. Pleasecall: classic brick; quiet, upper (425) 844-8896 mencement ceremony, I'd love tohavethem! Ican'tof- floor,huge walk-in-incloset, or e-mail us at: leaded windows original [email protected] fer money, just my many for moldings, 2 1/2blocks from more information. thanks. Please call 206-324-1836 S.U., 1422 E. Union, no Great entry level opportuni- smoking or pets $645,(206) Fax: (206) 296-6477 ties for recent graduates! DOES EXERCISE make 323-4329. Perkins Coie,aleadinginter- your ASTHMA ACT UP?? national law firm has full- Do youneedalbuterolduring 2BATHROOM, 2BED- time positions available as or after physical activity ROOMBeautifulapartmenta Records Specialist andPara- (walking across campus, available for sublease. W/D legalAssistant. For more in- working our)? ASTHMA, inunit, DW, TWO secureun- formation, please visit our conductingaresearch derground parking places, Web site at http:// study for asthma that is sen- balcony, black appliances. sitive toexercise. 6 visits in 1,000 sq. ft.1block from SU E-mail: Perkins Coie offers a chal- aslittleas 2weeks,upto$600 campus! 914 E. Terrace ST. [email protected] lenging work environment reimbursement for time and $1250/month. and acomprehensive benefit travel. ASTHMA, Inc. 206- Please call 206-229-2634 Personals

CongratsCisco. You'llbe a want to go home. Please let greatpres! me east. Dear Matthew, PERSONALS Irevolve. Youare the sweetestboyagirl Spinning, turning, twisting, DROP couldask for. I'mglad wecan wheeling,whirling exploding spendsunny days summer to- BOX IS with the blazing gleam of a gether. gooseeggs. muse thousand I Love,Jean AVAILABLE of the days down the mean- dering trail,to coalesceupon C2HandGC: AT it heedless feathers once spirit Don't let the die this THE CAC more. summer!

To:Rabbitbrush Kari, The owl once overshot the Lancastercan survive without g I gobblewhencehesailed forth you. Idon't thinkIcan! from camp two spotted spi- Roomie dermite. A sweaterthecolor ofTyrianpurple istypical of DB DROP ONE IN HappyB-day. many more Barbary Sheep. Right now To yearsofeverything. TODAY! we must allhope for the est CS and callout for thefunctional THEY ARE FREE submersible. For Ifear a helped Thanks to all who AND sword ofDamocles. SUPS. We appreciate it. Selectioninjustice GoodLuck totheclassof'o3. APPEARINEVERY HappyBirthdaySara!Iknow Justin, its earlybut by thetime you It'slessthanamonthnow and read thisitshouldbe ISSUE. perfect! thenyou'llbeboundtous for- Love, yoursister! ever... Can you handle the TRYIT! Momma mia, pressure?! (Mwuah-ha-ha) It's been a long night and I Dr.Evil andMini-Me TheSpectator" May 29, 2003 14 OPINIONS Editorial Scandals are individuals' work, notprofessions

Scandal. Itrides thenews wave likeaprosurfer.The publicity of professional tragedies is inescapable. And when one profession gets the limelight, it never seems to end. The investigative team at The Seattle Timesrevealed scandal in the medical profession in 2001 with their expose on the Fred Hutchinson Medical Center. The report sizzled in the news for several months. More recently, the Catholic church came under fire for its sex scandals constantly appearingacross the nation. News organiza- tions across the country have run thousands of stories on this scandal,and the headlines are still popping up. But now the tableshave turnedand the mediahas beenforced to take agood,investigativelook in the mirror.In the lastmonth, the name JaysonBlair has been plasteredin the bold print of newspa- pers everywhere,making journalism the next profession to fall victim to internal scandal. Butit'snot justTheNew YorkTimes,andit'snotjustJaysonBlair. ItisMikeBarnicle andPatricia Smithof theBoston Globe in1998. It is StephenGlass of the NewRepublic in the sameyear. It isBob Patterson of the San Francisco Examinerin 1972.It hashappened throughouttheentire centuryinmany facets of theprofession.Ithas even happenedat TheSpectator,believe itor not. Inlightof these scandals,itis important to remember that these individualsrepresentamicroscopicpercentageof theentireprofes- A bad time to use a slur sion.For every journalist whofabricates a story,everypriest who ' t didn'tneed N-wordas aracist. He usedit as a molests a child,and every doctor who abuses his orher patients, Heshouldn haveand tosay"nigger"orany typeofslur to teacher trying toconvey theharm- thousands ofother journalists,priests,anddoctorshonestlydo their — make his pomt something ful effects ofdemeaninglanguage work in adignified way. Emanuels nowpublicly recognizes that depicts groups of people in a Inother words,don'tloseyourfaithin aprofessionbecause afew in retrospect.There aresafesubsti- negativelight.Hisintentions were less-than-respectable people made some detrimental decisions. tutes— his point could have been good,buthe failed in notknowing It's the human element. We allknow that nobody's perfect.But made cleanly if he said "the N- wheretodrawtheline.That's where tosome extent, weare called andexpectedto strive for perfection word" in place of the actual N- goodintentionslose some of their evenifitisoutside ourreach. Because all humans are imperfect,it word.The word"nigger"carries so worth. much history. Ievenfeel went is fair to assume that anyone in any professionis vulnerable to the negative Both Emanuels and Mack temptation of making baddecisions. J.C. Santos apprehensive typing it out. It is a overboard. Opinion Editor word intent on degrading an All Emanuels wanted to do was Wemust acceptthis,learnfrom it,andmoveon.Asforthose who indi- It's a tale ofhyperbole. vidualbased onhis orherrace.You teach a his students a lesson. In- make these bad decisions, they need our support more than our — BrianEmanuels wasacomputer- don'tuse it especially if you'rea stead,he puthis footdownhisthroat Obviously something heads, tearing scorn. went wrongintheir and programming teacher atCleveland white teacher saying it to ablack andendedupresigningfromCleve- these peopledown is theopposite of what shouldbe done. Instead, High School's Infotech Academy. student. land amidst the yin and yang of as the offenders work their wayback intoa workinglifestyle, they As he was assigning public outcry. needguidanceandsupervision toensure that ascandalcanneverbe homework one after- Mack wanted to attached to their names again. noon,astudentprotested was show everyone So whichever professionis nextin the lineof scandals,focus on the assignment, refer- I'dcall Emanuels a racist I at Emanuels was the individual—there are millions of workers out there whomake ring to it as "gay." if "ong and should be offense, mlyreprimanded.He an honest living. Emanuels took some truthin that pulledthestudentout of found it his wish, only it TheSpectatorEditorial Board consists of Nicole Retana, the classroom and judgment.Butfortunately,he's tA.llcamein amuch smaller Scan Reid, Austin L. Burton and JC Santos. Signed scoldedhimforthe word box. See, COMMENTARIES REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS AND NOT choice. Then the first not. He's just a rookie teacher Emanuels was year a wrong,butnot wrongin NECESSARILY OF THE SPECTATOR, SEATTLE UNIVERSITY OR ITS teacher made bad wordchoiceofhisown. who tried to teach a lesson and the way Mack thinks. STUDENT BODY. Emanuels, who is too a Andallthis fervorseems white, asked the teen, used strong tactic. to hide what everyone who is black, "How should have learned would you like it if from this: using the — someone called you a word "gay"in a nega- Seattle ♥— uoiversity nigger?" While Emanuels said the word tivecontextis wrong.SayingtheN- KeepingwatchSince 1933 And withthat,controversyclam- multiple timesinthe classroom,his wordorany other racialslur, even Mack, with agoodcontext, risky NicoleRetana, AbbyLaxa, Photographer ored. Carl the president of casehad a context.Rightafter say- is educa- Editor-in-Chief Staff N-word, he askedhis stu- tion at and an act ofracism at AustinL.Burton,Co-Managing SethCooper,EditorialArtist theNAACP's localchapterechoed ing the best dents, Editor,CopyEditor MeganMyers, Cartoonist outrage;and when the school dis- "Is it OK for me to use that worst. Staff are tools.Think ScanReid,Co-ManagingEditor, BonnieLav,Business Manager trict disciplined, but didn't fire term? Of course not. It's a highly Words powerful Emanuels, own a can tap a OnlineEditor MariaVilla,AdvertisingManager Mack called it "one of offensive word." Besides his of sculptor. You small clarification, Jamila Johnson,News Editor GregBoudreau,Distribution the most racist decisions of recent attemptat redemptive hammer on a small pick to make at was precise changes toyour sculpture. Nate Zell, Sports Editor Manager times." look whereEmanuels teach- Use a bigger anda bigger JC Santos, OpinionEditor TomisGuillen,Advisor Over-teaching meets overreac- ing. Cleveland is one of Seattle's hammer racially — not pick to make larger changes. MichaelQuiroz,FeaturesEditor Staffwriters:RyannCooper, tion. most diverse schools You Christina Soghomonian,A& E KimburlyErvin,MarissaCruz, I'd call Emanuels a racist if I aplace where mostKlansmenwould do this with the intent to create Editor Jean Wahlborg. found sometruth in thatjudgment. care to teach. somethingbeautiful. MarkBonicillo,CopyEditor But fortunately,he's not. Mack doesn't seem torecognize Emanuelsusedtoobigahammer AmyHowell,PhotoEditor He's just a rookie teacher who this context. Calling the Seattle and pounded a little too hard to tried to teach a lesson andused too SchoolDistrict'sverbalwarningone sculpt his message.— TheSpectator is the official studentnewspaper ofSeattleUniversity. strongatactic.He wanted to teach of the most racist decisions of re- Theresult everythingcrumbled Itis published everyThursday,exceptduringholidays and examination students thaiusing the word"gay" cent times is overthe top.Racism topieces. periods, for a total of 28 issuesduring the2002-2003 academicyear. as an insult is wrong. When he was not the reason why Emanuels venturedintothe worldof slurs,he didn't receive any discipline. He J.C.Santosisaseniorjournalism POSTMASTER:Send address changes to: The Spectator,Seattle must have missed that fine line got introuble forhis lack of judge- andhumanities major. Contact University,900Broadway,Seattle,WA 98122. U.S.P.S.No.2783 people shouldn't cross. ment. Emanuels wasn't using the himatjc©spectator-online, com The Spectator" May 29, 2003 Opinions 15 America should be 'one nation under God' field who instinctively pour their bers of the legal profession today doctrine,thejudicialbranch isprop- it willserveas animportantstep for subjective, personal feelings into seethemselvesasheroes andcham- erlyunderstoodasundemocratic by those who would seek to expunge their interpretations of objective pions of oppressed victims every- nature, and lawyers are entrusted any and all references to a Higher constitutional provisions. With a where. Empoweredbyanexagger- with a special duty to see that the Power from the public square view that the worst thing thatany- atedsense ofself-righteousnessand rights of individuals are properly through appeals to judicial tribu- one cando inthis day andage is to self-importance,these members—of respectedunder thelaw. However, nals. AlthoughNewdow's targetin offend apersonoragroup,theFirst thelegalcommunity seeitasduty law-making is entrusted to mem- this case was the pledge, he can- Amendmentandallofourconstitu- and theirs alone— to protect the bers of the legislative branch, who didly admitted thathe wouldlike to tionjurisprudencebecomesdirected rights of minority members who swear oaths to uphold and defend remove "In God We Trust" from toward protecting a fundamental have been victimized by the op- theverysameConstitution.Despite U.S.currencyandlikewisetoelimi- SethCooper right to be notoffended. pressive majority. all of that, theNewdow debate and nate other references toGodin the Spectator Columnist Onemight thinkagenerationthat The near-universal disapproval thequestionand answersessionthat public square. With myworkatSU' slawschool listens to Eminem and watches of the NinthCircuit'sPledge deci- followed made it clear that heand When people pledge their alle- all finished,Iventured over to the South Park would be numbed to sions that has been enunciated by his supporterstook for grantedthat giancetotheflag,they arepledging other law school in townlast week. offensive material and be the last electedofficialsandthepublicdoes courts existnotprimarily for seek- themselves to a symbol that pre- The occasion was a debate over personstobeoffendedbyanything. notdetertheanti-Pledgecrowd,but ing just resolutions todisputes be- existedourConstitutionand stands recent decisionsby the Ninth Cir- This is not the case. Many legal insteademboldens them. Suchper- tween parties in individual cases, for the principlesoflibertyandjus- cuit Court of Appeals, resultingin academics, lawyers and law stu- sons do not view overwhelming butinsteadforthepurposeofchang- tice.AsindicatedintheDeclaration the words"onenation,underGod" dents arehighly offended byincur- publicdisapproval asevidence that ingandimplementing socialpolicy ofIndependence,the Founders be- beingheld anunconstitutional "es- sions into their uncompromising, their own legal position may be for everyone.Indeed,Newdow re- lieved theseprinciplesare transcen- tablishment of religion" under the absoluteright toasecularenviron- clearly erroneous, lacking prece- fused tospeakabout the particulars dent, derivingfrom a HigherLaw. First Amendment whenincludedin ment that is free of any sort of dent, out-of-touch or nonsensical. of the case he brought, saying he PresidentAbrahamLincolnwasalso a voluntaryrecitation of thePledge traditional beliefs in God or tran- Instead, discontent by the general wouldnotspeakabout thedaughter inspiredbythesetranscendentprin- of Allegiance in a public school scendent understandingsofmoral- public iscited asproving theexist- he brought suit onher behalf. It is ciples,andeloquentlyspokeofthem classroom.There wasa largeaudi- ity. ence of a small minority who are understandable that he would not in The Gettysburg Address, from encefor thedebate,largelybecause Eventhosein thelegalfield who oppressedand offended by the dif- want tobringhis childinto the dis- which the words "underGod"were ofihepresenceofMichaelNewdow. do not find themselves directly of- feringviewsofthe majority. Thus, pute, but his refusal underscored taken and included in the Pledge. thenow-famousatheist whobrought fendedbyany mentionofthe word alongand arduousdemocratic pro- thatNewdowis seekingtocreatea Many "liberals" and "conserva- thecase tocourt. "God"inapublicsettingmaintain a cess that ischaracterizedbychecks nation-wide, constitutionally-pro- tives" todaystillbelievethatliberty The crowd was a typical law seriousconcernforpersonswhoare andbalances is short-Circuitedbya tected standardfor everyoneelse's andjusticearetranscendentandpre- school audience, and thus clearly orare perceivedto beoffended by tribunal of life-tenured jurists. children. existgovernment.Suchbeliefs may on Newdow's side. The language references toa Supreme Being.In Should theU.S.SupremeCourtfail Although the specifics of offend certainpeople,but such be- thatpermeated muchof thediscus- the eyesof Newdow and his sup- to overrule' the Ninth Circuit, Newdow's legal arguments would liefshave alsohelped toensure the sionsbetween the debaters and the porters,such hyper-sensitive indi- Newdow scase wouldfurtherserve require another article, some seri- freedom of the offended to hold audience included termssuch as "I vidualsarevictims.And,inmodern toestablish aheckler's vetofor the ous socialconcerns are worthmen- otherwise. feel" or "Iwasoffended"andeven understandings of constitutional hyper-sensitive who claim to be tion. The danger here is not that "I'dbe pissed off!" Such displays law, victims occupy a position of offendedbylong-standingandgen- such adecision,ifit stands, would Seth Cooperis athirdyearlaw ofrawfeelingsarecharacteristicof moral superiority over everyone erally acceptedpublic practices. itself cause atheism to flourish in student. Contact him at many inlaw school andinthe legal else. Members and aspiring mem- Under the separation of powers America. Rather, thedanger is that [email protected] Involvement at SU shouldn't be passed up

startedhere at SU. After transfer- offer.There are many things such our soccer and basketball teams. I asked him how his transition from ring over from a community col- as clubs andorganizations that ap- attended SU's play The GlassMe- highschool tocollege was.He said lege,my time here has been well peal toeveryone.It is justa matter nagerie,even though Iam usually it's been an easytransitionbecause spent.In my twoquick yearsatSU, of goingout and experiencing the not much for plays. Iwent on the oftheactivities atSU.Theseactivi- Ican say that Iwill go away a differentthings thatcanmake your SeniorCruise,attendedQuadstock, ties that he was becominginvolved completely different person. college experience even more dy- went to some Thirsty Thursday's, with were allowing him to enjoy AsIreflectback onwhatcaused namic. joinedintramurals,and evenspent SU.Ifelt like his big brother as I thechange,Ican-honestly attribute Being my last year, Iwas not some late night hours at Kelly's encouragedhimtoenjoyhis timeat it to one thing getting involved going toletit go to waste.Iwanted Pizzeriahanging here at SU by with the many activities SU has to togetinvolvedand feel the full SU out withthe SU gettinginvolved AlbertJaimes offer. Ihave toadmit, Ireally got experience. Iwas part of the SU crowd.Believeit and meeting as Spectator Columnist involvedonly this year,but what I baseball team again this year(what ornot,Ienjoyed manypeopleas Thisis it.My timehere atSeattle realized is that it doesn't matter a greattime wehad inCheney,huh everyday that I 7 wanted to get possible. Itold University is coming to an end. whenyougetinvolved,butthatyou fellas!), wasoneof the sportsguys went toclassbe- involved and him by doing Only threeweeksawayfromgradu- do get involved in one way or an- on KSUB's news hour and wrote cause Iknew I feel this, his time at ation.And it'shard tobelieve. other. That you take advantage of some articles for TheSpectator. I was surrounded the SU SU would be Itfeels like only yesterdaythat I the unique venues that SU has to finally got around to cheering on by many differ- full enriched, even ent things and experience. ifhe didnot re- people.Myonly alize it at this regretis that this moment. — point of MAIL: iii A PHONE: isit Iwon'tbe The |3 /^ able to do these thingsagain as a all this rambling is to give you a collegestudent.If Ionly had one perspective of how valuable col- more year,it wouldbeeven better. legecanbe.Putasidewhat welearn Collegeissupposed— tobe thebest in the classroom for now, the real yearsofourlives andfor me,they learning comes from the experi- The SpectatorLettersto theEditor (206)296-6471 g / /gJgV |^ were.BecauseIgotinvolvedin the ences that we encounter while in SeattleUniversity C. / mjffiwylk many different things thatSU had college. These experiences come 900Broadway Advertising: Ift, WA^oyfflf J tooffer, itmade collegemore than only from gettinginvolved,meet- Seattle,WA 98122 (206) 296-6474 *»[ a place tostudy and gain informa- ingnewpeopleanddiscoveringnew tion.ItmadeitaplacethatIenjoyed thingsabout yourself.MySUexpe- coming to because of the experi- riencewillbedifferentthananyone ences Ireceived. Through my in- else's,but what we will allhave in *NEW* WORLD WIDEWEB : volvementImetmany people from commonbesidesbeingcollegeSU different majors,backgrounds,and graduates is that we will have the fu new perspectives that were quite chance to experiencecollege and different from my own. All these all the wonderful things it has to collectively contributedtothis won- offer ifyou allowit tobe a part of Lettersto theEditor: 0 W fifes derful experience that Iam taking yourexperienceat SU. \^^% 'Jl^^1 [email protected]^^^KjV,^ / vr^ / away fromcollege. EarlierthisyearIran intoafresh- AlbertJaimesisaseniorpublic Storyideas: Tr manthatIwent to Contact [email protected] highschool with relations major. himat in front of the Student Center. I [email protected] TheSpectator " May 29, 2003 Footnotes Campus NothingHappened Last Week PUSHUPS handed his or her Get Outof Jail statedayafterday,theycanalways Tim Sikes became Tennessee's Free card. turn to Michael Jackson for fresh prideandjoylastMonday,May19 material. What did he do this time Wouldyouattenda whenhebrokethe GuinnessBook REALITYSHOWS you might ask? Ahh, ofWorldRecordsformostpushups Speakingof idiotic ideas for re- Michael...Seems the King ofPop multiculturalclubmeeting? performed in anhour. At akarate ality TVshows, lastSaturday,May and Skeletor noses recently sur- studiointhetownofMurfreesboro, 24 brought the latest copy of prised his local Congressman in Sikes dropped down and gave the Newsweek into this reporter's Solvang, California with an odd Guinnessjudges 3,416. hands, which featured the 9 most visit. j jfl "...If youhangin there,you can terrible ideas TV creators have According to London's Daily break through the pain,"Sikes told heard for realityseries. Mirror on Wednesday, May 21, the Associated Press. 1) I'veGot aMonkeyonMy Jackson bursted into the office of The28-year-olddida staggering Back! Herecontestantscompetein Rep. Elton Gallegly wearing a 75pushups at atime,breakingev- a cross-countryrelay,passingoffa Spiderman mask and asked why ery so often for 15 seconds, and monkey insteadofa baton. the townhad no fast food restau- thenpushingon.Theactivity proved 2) Will You Adopt Me? A rants other than a sandwich shop. tobetheperfectmethodforturning truly disturbing concept that lets Jackson then removed his mask, Sikes' arms beatred withahealthy preteenorphansandpotential fami- expressedhisdevoutlovefor Taco amount ofperspiration. Why inall liesinterview eachother on televi- Bell,andapologizedfor disturbing thatis holy would anyone do this? sion, andAmericapicks whogoes thepeacebefore speedingoffinhis Sikes told reportersit allbegan with whom! black Bentley to a taco joint.The after his father whooped him at 3) HumanAutopsy.Abroad- Neverlandranchofthebeyond-all- "I U diversity, so pushups when he was 12. After cast like the alien autopsy,except hope pop starliesnearbySolvang. wow/rf go. Seattle is all about signing therecordsdocumentat the substitute "alien" with "actualreal "It's veryhard to top that visit," itdoesn't really me." event, the proceeds of which go deadhuman." Rep. Gallegly"said, according to faze towardsbenefitingUnitedWay and 4) Who Wants to Donate, My first week in BELLAMASOLINI,SOPHOMORE,NURSING BoyScoutsof America,Sikesmost Their Sperm? One Woman, tril- theoffice andIget the most famous likelywenthome tocelebratewith lions ofXV chromosomes.The fe- persononthe planet."Buddy,he's his girlfriend in some very male chooses her mate's Georgia also the weirdest. unmissionary sex. joyjuiceandthenninemonthslater, gives birth onLiveTV.GodBless ERECTION PRISONIDOL America. It brings this reporterunfettered Thereare lotsof talentedpeople 5) Untitledßachelorette Rip- joy to share this next news bit,in out there,fromswankyHollywood Off. Justlikethe Bachelorette,ex- part becauseithas to due with the to the urban streets of Detroit to ceptthe winnerfinds outatthe end type ofmaterial whichhas caused America'sBible Belt totheglitter- thatthe womanhas a wang. close relativestoquestionthemoral ing lightsofNew York.But for the 6) Strip Search. Combining integrityof this newspaper.Mom, creator's ofRussia's next soon to thepowersofABC'sAre YouHot? dad,grandma,grandpa...probably bebigrealityTV show,there'salso andCBS'sStar Search,thisimpec- better foldup thepapernow.Other- another arenatomine talent:prison. cablymoralshow attempts to find wise, this one's for you: According to a Thursday,May 22 thenation' shotteststripperbyjudg- According toanarticlepostedon reporton,Russia is ingareassuchasrackandlapdance the ever-reliable Ananova.comon currently inthe process of filming ability. Friday,May 23, a prolonged erec- its own version of Pop Idol in the 7) Mail Order Brides. tionofaRomanianhospitalpatient '7 would. The activities on campus seem all- country's 748 high-security insti- ....Why?!Ashowaboutmenchoos- mayhavegone alongwaytowards encompassing. Idon't excluded tutionsforitscrazedmurderersand ing between brides from far off savinghis life. Afterbeing rushed feel" from inhumanrapists.Theprize?Acushy cornersofthe world,likeThailand infor aconcussionand severalfrac- anything. recorddeal,andtheir freedom. and Ethiopia. tures from a roadaccident,Mihai While the prison wardens were 8) ConvictIsland.Aprogram Tancau's crotch caught the atten- Sarahhollis,junior,communication asked to filter out those guilty of where whena real convict escapes tionof his treatingdoctors. STUDIES truly grotesque crimes from the from a real prison, their victims' The medics were puzzled by competition, a select few of those families get the prize cash. Tancau's persistent penis elonga- convictedofhomicide managed to 9) Pimp House.Sorry, there tion,untiltheyrealizeditwasbeing squeeze into the competition. In are no challenges,contestsor vot- caused by a critical spinal injury. addition to roamingfree amongst ing each other off the island. This Doctorssaid the erection,by alert- the public that watched them get realityseries just filmsa six entre- ingthemtoasurely fatalproblemif put away for 10 to life,prisoners preneursrunning theirbusiness out goneundiagnosed,almostcertainly will also be legally obligated to ofthesamehouse.Andtherewould savedhislife.Thisreporter'sundy- perform a set number of concerts have been fur coats, bling-bling, ing gratitude goes out to Ananova, andproduce a record. feathers inhats andeverything. for the remarkable story, and of Most of the 1,000 final entries course,to the best organ ever,the have been reported to be female JACKO penis. inmates. The finals willbe broad- IfCalifornianseverbecomepaci- ScanReid compilesstrangestories hall, castfrom theMoscowconcert fied by the shocking news con- for Vanilla's big comeback.Sendhim and the winner will soon after be stantly ringing out of their sunny anyoddnewsat [email protected]

Jblj^^Jm ±^L 5J " It'dbeinteresting." TVSWENSON,JUNIOR, SOCIOLOGY (LEFT)


"Yeah." Ronnie house,senior, sociology(right)

Photos by Nicole Retana/ Editor-in-Chief TheSpectator " May 29, 2003