SPECIAL SITUATIONS/ DISTRESSED DEBT October call, with its European principal TURNAROUND FIRM FIRM OF THE YEAR funds generating a 24 percent return over OF THE YEAR IN EUROPE IN EUROPE the previous 12 months.

1. Sun European Partners 1. Oaktree Capital Management FIRM OF THE YEAR Endless IN AFRICA 3. Rutland Partners 3. Cerberus Capital Management 1. Helios Investment Partners It was a tight race in a category where On an earnings call in the middle of 2015, The Abraaj Group investment opportunities have been thin US-based Oaktree Capital Group chief 3. Actis on the ground, but Sun European Part- executive Jay Wintrob noted that the firm ners’ team seized the crown from last year’s continued “to take advantage of opportuni- Africa saw a surge of investment in 2015, winner Endless thanks to its acquisition ties arising from the prolonged dislocation with figures from African record and on-the-ground expansion. in the European lending markets stemming and Association’s PE Data The European arm of Sun Capital Part- from the global financial crisis”. Tracker showing $4.3 billion was raised for ners reached into the homes of millions The firm promptly launched two the region last year, compared with $1.9 of Britons with its acquisition of one of Europe-focused funds. Oaktree European billion a year earlier. the largest exporters of fresh produce and Principal Fund IV (EPF IV) will target It was in this booming environment that flowers from Africa into the EU, Finlays control investments “where dislocation pan-African giant Helios Investment Horticulture, which supplies the likes of or distress creates attractive investment Partners knocked Actis off the top spot UK retailers Tesco and Marks & Spencer. propositions”, Wintrob said. it had held for three consecutive years. After Tim Stubbs’s promotion to senior MD Oaktree European Capital Solutions closing its third fund on its $1.1 billion responsible for operations and overseeing Fund (ECS) will lend to mid-market com- hard-cap, making it the largest ever fund European portfolio performance means panies. The firm has been coy about fund dedicated to African private equity, Helios those acquisitions are in a safe pair of hands. sizes, but EPF IV is likely to be ambitious also made its first-ever Egyptian invest- Stamping its footprint in the Nordics, given its predecessor raised €3.2 billion. ment, backing electronic and payments the firm opened its first office in Stock- The earlier fund in the ECS series tapped platform Fawry. holm, hiring Michael Palm as managing a noteworthy €675 million. Other notable investments included director to head its third European out- And there was good reason for the acquiring a 12.4 percent stake in Canadian post. In Frankfurt, the addition of Andreas firm’s continued commitment to Europe. oil and gas company Africa Oil Corp for Bosenberg as managing director bolstered Its European assets generally outperformed $100 million and backing Crown Agents, the team. the US markets in Q3, Wintrob noted in an specialist providers of financial solutions in emerging markets. The firm followed this up with the exit of outdoor advertising company Continen- tal Outdoor Media, as well as offloading its shares in Equity Bank to NSSF Uganda.


1. Waterland Private Equity Investments Gilde Buy Out Partners 3. H2 Equity Partners

It’s a first-time win for Netherlands- Sun European Partners: flowering in Europe headquartered Waterland Private ››
