י"ט אייר תשע"ח May 4, 2018

:שיחיו ,Dear Parents

we are glad ,בעזהי"ת ,As we are entering our 38th summer here in Morristown New Jersey It is our .אי"ה ,that your son will be a part of our program, and trust that he will greatly benefit hope that we will be able to assist in his preparation for higher learning in the he attends next year and give him an enjoyable time. We have carefully chosen our staff; most of them are currently working in Yeshivos as Mashpiim and Teachers. We have worked hard to prepare a great learning program, sports leagues, trips and more to ensure that your son has a most fulfilling summer.

As we constantly strive to enhance our program and maintain the highest standard of learning and Yiras Shmayim, we are pleased to announce that Laima Wilhelm, who is a veteran and Mechanech, will be joining our staff and will be the camp Mashpia. We are confident that your son will benefit tremendously from his Shiurim and .

,June 19, and ends on Wednesday / ו תמוז ,on Tuesday ,אי"ה The Kayitz begins August 8. The buses to Morristown will leave from Montgomery and Kingston at / כז אב 2:15 P.M. SHARP! Luggage will be loaded onto the truck starting at 1:30 P.M. No reservation or boarding pass is required.

Please note that on August 8, at the conclusion of the summer, buses will be departing Morristown to Crown Heights at 1:00 PM. Drop off will be at Montgomery and Kingston at approximately 2:45 P.M. For out-of-town boys who are traveling home by air or being picked up in Morristown, please try to make arrangements for your son to leave around that time or later. If you need to make arrangements for your son to leave earlier in the day, it is not a problem, however, please be in touch with our office to discuss the details.

July 8, from 2:00-8:00 P.M. We ask that / כה תמוז ,be on Sunday אי"ה Visiting Day will you visit your son on visiting day only.

Please send along sufficient clothing (appropriate for a Chasidishe Bochur), The Talmidim will be wearing white button down shirts during the time of learning and Davening. The Talmidim will be doing their own laundry at a local laundromat. This year, the costs of laundry will be covered by YSP, however your son will be responsible to bring laundry detergent. Detergent pods will also be available for purchase at the canteen. Please do not send along valuable items, as we cannot be responsible for their safety. Bicycles, firecrackers, A/C units (all rooms are A/C equipped), knives, skates, roller blades, skateboards, and water guns/balloons are NOT permitted. Do not send along music or books .שלא על טהרת הקודש

226 Sussex Avenue • P.O. BOX 1996 • Morristown, NJ 07962-1996 Tel. 973.267.9404 • fax 973.267.5208 • web www.yspmorristown.com • email [email protected] pg. 1

Please note that YSP strongly discourages that any type of appliances (i.e. sandwich makers, refrigerators, toaster ovens, popcorn machines etc.) be brought. The Fire/Safety Department of NJ have confiscated such items in the past, and we take no responsibility for them at all. If the use of any of these appliances causes the fire alarm to go off, the Talmid/parent will be responsible for all fines charged as a result of the fire department having to come.

Extremely Important:

1. No Cell Phones, No Exceptions. 2. No iPod Touch, Radios, PSP’s, DVD Players, Laptops or any internet accessible devices. 3. Music Players & iPods are permitted providing the following conditions are met: A. The video section must remain empty of ANY type of videos. No exceptions! B. The loaded Jewish artists (singers) are Aidel and appropriate for a Talmid. C. The “Student Letter & Music/Electronics form” is filled out completely and submitted before 4 Sivan/May 18, 2018. D. All music on the music players/iPods will be registered and are subject to counselor’s approval.

The YSP schedule involves a rigorous learning schedule which necessitates a strict adherence to the rules. Please emphasize to your son, that we expect his cooperation in learning and behavior. A Talmid not living up to the standards of our program may be sent home.

Below please find a suggested packing list, the learning schedule, and Seforim list. Please follow the link for the student Letter with Room Selection & Music/Electronics Form. The Student Letter & Music Player Registration form must be filled out completely and submitted before 4 Sivan/May 18, 2018.

If you have any questions concerning the rules or policies of our program, please call our office, and we will be happy to explain.

.אמת'ן חסידישן נחת Best wishes for a healthy summer and

ומלכנו משיחנו יולכנו קוממיות לארצנו תומ"י ממש


Rabbi Mendel Goldberg Rabbi Mendy Schapiro Director Assistant Director

226 Sussex Avenue • P.O. BOX 1996 • Morristown, NJ 07962-1996 Tel. 973.267.9404 • fax 973.267.5208 • web www.yspmorristown.com • email [email protected] pg. 2

Seforim Requirements

1. גמ' מסכת סוכה 2. ליקוטי הלכות (Available at Judaica World After Shavuos) 3. מאמרים מלוקטים א' )אדמו"ר הריי"צ( Pens, Pencils and Notebook .4

Seforim may be ordered online to be shipped directly to YSP. Links for stores online to purchase these Seforim can be found at: YSPMorristown.com/Registration/Sforim-List

226 Sussex Avenue • P.O. BOX 1996 • Morristown, NJ 07962-1996 Tel. 973.267.9404 • fax 973.267.5208 • web www.yspmorristown.com • email [email protected] pg. 3

Daily Schedule

7:15 Wake Up: Modeh Ani, Negel Vasser, get dressed, Birchas H’ashachar, Mikvah, Mezonos Faren Davenen etc. 7:40 (Optional) 8:00 Seder Chassidus 8:45 Korbanos and preparation for Davenning 9:00 In Tefillin ready for Hodu; Sheyibane Bais HaMikdash. . . - Breakfast 10:30 Seder Nigleh (Gemara, Halacha & Geulah U’moshiach) (with a 10 minute recess) 1:45 Mincha 2:00 Lunch - Rest Period 2:30 Shiur (Optional) 3:00 First Activity 4:05 Break 4:20 Second Activity 5:25 Break 5:40 Third Activity 6:45 Break 7:00 Supper 7:30 Rambam Shiur (Optional) 8:00 Seder Chasidus Erev (Maaseh ) 9:05 Snack 9:25 Ma’ariv, Krias Shema and video of the , Prepare for Bed: Showers, Negel Vasser etc. 10:30 Lights Out

226 Sussex Avenue • P.O. BOX 1996 • Morristown, NJ 07962-1996 Tel. 973.267.9404 • fax 973.267.5208 • web www.yspmorristown.com • email [email protected] pg. 4

Suggested Packing List

Please note that laundry is done approx. every 7-10 days. Please send adequate supplies. Please make sure to label all your son’s belongings.

 Shirts (provide enough white button down shirts, as T-shirts will not be allowed during Davening and Learning.)  Pants (Dark, No Jean material)  Underwear  Socks  Undershirts  Spare Yarmulka  Woolen -Tallis Katan - with a Bendel  Pajamas - long (no shorts)  Slippers/Crocs (no bright colored Crocs etc.)  Sneakers/Shoes  Terry Cloth Robe (extremely important.)  T-Shirts (No pictures, big letters, or emblems)  Laundry Bag  Toiletries: Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo, Soap, Deodorant.  Towels  Bathing Suit  Suntan Block  Plain Sweater (no pictures, big letters, or emblems)  Shabbos Suit  Shabbos Shoes  Pillow, Blanket, Sheets, Linen  Black Fedora and Jacket for Davening (No caps or Kaskets)  Teffillin & Chitas  Small Tzedakah Pushkah  Seforim for Learning (see attached list)  Baseball Glove  Flashlight  Backpack  Camera  Spending money  Wristwatch

All of our rooms are fully air conditioned. There is no need to bring a fan.

226 Sussex Avenue • P.O. BOX 1996 • Morristown, NJ 07962-1996 Tel. 973.267.9404 • fax 973.267.5208 • web www.yspmorristown.com • email [email protected] pg. 5