Use this form for Skiers

Sugarloaf Children’s and School

Child’s Name:______Age:______Date of Birth:______

Cell Phone: ______Email: ______Zip Code:______

Please circle the level that most applies to your skier

•Kids Lesson & Program times may include organization time, rest periods, cold weather breaks, and/or play time, depending on the needs of the group. If a child refuses to participate in the program, the child will be brought indoors and a parent will be contacted.

•Please evaluate your child's or skills realistically, and remember that Sugarloaf offers many terrain challenges. If your child is unable to perform at his/her lesson or program level, Sugarloaf Team Members reserves the right to move your child to the more appropriate group.

Red/ Orange: For kids who have never skied, or who are not yet stopping reliably without the help of a person or device. Working on stopping and turning on our learning terrain.

Yellow: For kids who can turn and stop, but still need practice. Working on confidence and control with linked wedge turns.

Green: For kids comfortable using linked wedged turns and who can stop with confidence on green terrain at Sugarloaf. Working on going from wedge to parallel.

Purple: For kids who can control speed with turns and who are beginning to match on intermediate terrain at Sugarloaf. Working on parallel turns.

Blue: For kids who can ski on more difficult terrain at Sugarloaf and use a variety of turn sizes. They are making parallel turns on easier terrain. They have good control and confidence. Working on consistent parallel skiing on all Blue terrain at Sugarloaf.

Grey: For kids who can ski comfortably and confidently on most black terrain at Sugarloaf, using a well-

rounded parallel turn. Working on refining skills and exploring the mountain

Is there anything special that we should know about your child? (Special dietary needs, medications, learning differences, etc)




To whom can this child be released at the end of the day? ______

Please sign liability on the back