brand, 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:46%. Al- bemarle, Mattle Clafk : and Instrument TERRY CLAIMS tit GARLETON TEAM OUT ONLY ONE FAVORITE ran. CHARLIE FERGUSON HERRMANN DELAYS ENTRIES FOR TODAY. DUNBAR CONTINUES Track Men Training Hard for Wil! Decide Gotham IS STILL CHAMPION WINS AT ORLEANS At Inglepide. TO COACH GOPHERS Baseball Spring Campaign. First race. Futurity course, selling-— Next BONSPIEL LEADER Ruvia. 98; Polonious.^lo2; Lamoral. Dis- War Week. tributor, 90; Flyer, 10S; Brennus. 119- The McGovern Is About Ready for Hildreth Runs Lorillard's Logis- Jew. 93; Quiz, 108; Adnor, El Pilar 113- St. Paul Pitcher May Be Signed Special to The Globe. Candidate, 108; Standard. 96. St. Winning Second race, three and a half furlongs CHICAGO, Feb. 12.—The national base- Paul Curler All off Another Beating by Young NORTHFIELD, Minn., Feb. 12.—Carle- tela purse—My Order, Rogan. track begun training tosl,ooo and Buys 1087 Bob Only by Uniyersity of Min- ball commission, which has been in ses- ton's team has for Jinimie, 108; Edge Cliff, 105; George P. His the campaign the spring. Capt. E. L. sion here for the past two days, adjourned Games In the Winnipeg in McNear, 112. today without reaching any in Corbett. Roney has the men exercising every day Her In. Third race, six furlongs, selling—l nesota. agreement gymnasium. 101; Fair Lady 103; the controversy between the Brooklyn Play. in the Know. Anna. Hain- club and the New The for a strong team is very ault. 109; Celebrant, 95; Sir Tom York American league outlook Tiddler club over Sunday games Ridgewood, good, all but two or three of last year's 114; Letola. 89. at BOSTON. Mass.. Feb. 12.—Terry Mc- men being NEW ORLEANS. La.. Feb. 12.—Zyra Fourth race, one and one-eighth miles. Charles Chester Ferguson is to coach Long Island, this season. The commis- the Terry," who few in school again, besides- a large was the only winning favorite and after Hotel handicap—Jockey sion adjourned Special to Govern. "Terrible a number of men from the high schools Palace Club. 106; the University baseball to meet at the call of The Globe. years ago surprised the sporting world her race was run up to $900 and bought Eonic, 99; Horatius, 103; Divina. Falcon- of Minnesota Chairman Herrmann. WINNIPEG, Man., Feb. who competed in the lnterscholastic meet in. bridge. 107; The Don, 96; \u2666Proper. 126; squad. 12—Bob "with his hurricane fighting, is in Bos- held at Laird field last spring. S. C. '"The matter has been passed until some Dunbar is still the unbeaten of starring Hildreth ran S. Lorillard's Logl- \u2666Arcade, 112; \u2666Nigrette, 96; "Also, 104; put time, ton, and with his wife is in a The most promising stela up to $1,000 and bought her at that Modicum, 110; Kenilworth, Anxious to a fast ball team into future so that the case can be the bonspiel and is in the for company of these men are Fossil. 113; given thought," sixteens theatrical at a local theater. Payne, of the high, in the price. \u2666\u2666OHagren, 90: \u2666•Lord 100; the field this season, the athletic board of a little more said Herr- the Grand Challenge. won two longing Northfield Melbourne. games He McGovern still has a for the jumps; Sorum and Little, of Kasson Weather clear; track slow and lumpy. Claude, 123. "Jennings' entry. \u2666\u2666Bender's control of the state university has been mann, after the commission had ad- this morning and played at championship, and, ac- Summaries: entry. journed. "I took it for granted that I high; Home, of Stillwater, and Stenward, engineering a still hunt for a suitable midnight against Geliiespie, of Bal- cording to his own statements, would of First race, selling, six furlongs—Lobby- Fifth race, one and one-fourth miles, \u25a0would have to cast the deciding vote in gonie, in sixteens of challenge. fight be in a melo- Faribault. ist, 99, Stille, 8 to 1, won; Our Lillie, 95, selling—Expedient, 99; Byronerdado. 96; coach and several offers have been made the case and I rather than the hero The intercollegiate meet will be held on Livingston would like a little more The International will be played in drama. even, second; Phillida, 92, Mr. Dingle, Chickadee, 101; Col Smith to the St. Paul pitcher. Ferguson had time to satisfy myself on one or two 114. has the morning. Bob Dunbar and three "I want just one more chance at several conferences with university points, and so we will meet again in a Dakota Corbett," said Terry last night. Sixth race, one mile and fifty yards the week rinks playing Brandon, of the Young selling—Golden Light, Diderot. Mas- managers and yesterday submitted hia or ten days." Winnipeg Thistles; "He has beaten me twice, but each time Bill" No definite time was set for the final Hope, of the Car- DAVID S. ROSE, sie, 107; Axminster, Horton, 110. Raining terms. The matter will be finally decided berrys: Maeßochon, of Fort William, I was greatly handicapped in weight. and sloppy. session and no place was named, but the I his and Scott, of Toronto. The latter is Even at that I still consider am New Dunbar's master. If he will only agree to meet At Orleans. opponent. weighs and A big smoking concert was me again 1 will fight him if he a First race, five a half furiongs— the held in ton." Filly Deck, 97; Irene Mac, 102; Onyx, Our armory tonight, 2,000 people being Brooklynite was to Nugget, Four Leaf C. 106; Sir Kingston. present. The bonspiel will not be over The little asked as 108; Icicle, Ring Dove, 110; '. till his future and he replied that he was Censor 111; the middle of next week. Tristesse, 112. In the morning played ready to match with any of the feather- race, five furlongs, Dunbar at Second purse—Aggie Granite in the Brunswick against weights, and second to Corbett he would Lewis, Agnes Brennan-. Dallas, Cyullica, Kenzie, Me- prefer to meet Ben Jordan, the English Lora J, Lelia, Yo San, Julia M. Lady of Indian Head. Dunbar main- champion. Wheelock, Lady Free Kinght, Komomho, tained his winning streak, winning out "While all this talk is being made Cognomen, 112. I —14-8. At the sixth end the store 5 championship, Third race, mile, * purse—Plautus, 82; to 3 in Dunbar's favor, on about the featherweight Satot, but the and everybody claiming the title, I Fort Plain, 91; C4; St. Tammany, tenth he got five, and it was all off for S9; Favonious, Lev Dors'ey, 102. MacKenzie. evening \u25a0would like to know why I am not still Foiirth race, three-yviai ters mile, Later on in the 122 of a he defeated Woodhull, champion. I beat George Dixon at De Boto handicap. * $1,000 added—Roue, of Alamedu— pounds and no one has ever beaten me Clangor. 9H; Vestry, t>7; Parisienne, 98; 16-3—in the Tetley. at that weight. When I boxed Corbett Monastic, 99; HarmaKls, 100; New York, we weighed 127 pounds—that is not at 116; Scorpio, 119; Big Ben. 112. the featherweight limit. Fifth race. mMc and v sixteenth, handi- SIR THOMAS MAYHAVE cap—iluzzah. 09; Ethics. ln6; Tangible, "If Corbett insists he is the champion Tribeahill, of the , why am I not 110; 114; Hands Across. 118. ANOTHER GRAB AT CUP lightweight champion? When Frank Sixth race, mile and a quarter. selling- the Royal Pirate, 94; Mis;* West. 95- was the premier lightweight I beat M, Class Leader, 96; Santa Teresa, Past, him at 128 pounds. Then I also defeated 99; Free Admission, 311 i; 106, Lipton claimed Tancred. Anxious That Yachts of Some Joe Gan?. But then I never the Mauser. 105; Vetos, 310; McWilliams, Other lightweight championship, because Erne Thorr.eycroft, 113. Type Contend for Cup. fight the limit and myself did not at of At Ascot Park. that class any more than did Corbett and First race. Slauson, course, NKVV YORK. Feb. 12.-A letter from myself." selling—Lady »ir lnomas Lipton has been by Fonse, Annie Robinson, 96: Japalak 91; the received McGovern thinks that Jimmy Britt has iNanon, Thisbe, Skirmish. Geheimniss, Miss officials of the New York Yacht club p fine chance to beat Young Corbett if with reference to a fourth challenge for Nettie. 101; Agnes Mack. 102: Galanthus, GARRY HERRMANN, the cup. they meet, as the Californian is a clever, 103; Celebration. Little Margaret, Zem America's This fact was brought boy, and able take a punch. The \u25a0Kg- :>>sf^^H fe, .: £i-i'i-3S§J out at the annual meeting of the to- strong to Zem, Pilot. 106; Maresa. 108. Chairman of National Commission, night, although club ex-champlon is undergoing a light sys- Second race, five furlongs, purs» —An- Has Vote the presiding officer de- Whu That Will Decide clined to say whether the latter was a tem of training and hopes to soon get a nie Marie, Eva D, Alma Dufour, 99; Got- Brooklyn-New York Fight. iormal challenge tlieben, Strife. Columbia 102; Dick or the preliminary to a match on with some of the good men in Girl. challenge. It was general opinion of class, notably Jordan, Turpin, Carlisle, Klelnwood. Felipe Luego, the his Ben Bairinpton. the members that Sir Thomas signi- George Dixon. McGovern is willing 104; Rodolfo, 107; Pat Bulger fied had or to 117; Bill Curtis. 119. cemmis-sion undoubtedly will be con- his desire to issue a challenge, but meet any men at 122 pounds. ' was that yachts of of these Third race, one mile, selling—Phyz 98- * i iMriitf^ii111 SUI vened in Cincinnati, its headquarters. anximis some other Sherry. 100; Chemist, Marta, 103; Jingler, Manager Griffith, of the New York type should contend for the cup. 108; The letter was referred to a commit- All About. Tommy Hill. Honduran, American le-agne team, tonight denied tee of five, which Dr. Short, 105; Emshee, Frank McKee, that he Hermis will be appointed later had sold McFarland to by the chairman. The committee will 108. the Grand Rapids club to act as manager correspond Fourth race. A=cot handicap, one mile with Sir Thomas and when ANSONS ARE FIRST there the coming season. have arranged satisfac- and a quarter— Diaxnehte, 90; Grail 92; torilymatters been Glen Nevis. 93; John IVlcGurk, 95: Nitrate, the correspondence will be given 100; Haviiand, 112; Oarsman, 118; Oars- out. * man, 118. FARIBAULT WILL A resolution of thanks to the syndi- Chicago Five-Man Bowling Fifth race, handicap, six furlongs—Car- HAVE cate which owned the Reliance was pass- nival. 98; Dolly Hayraan, 100; Best Man, ed, and the members of the syndicate and [ 104; Giorioso. Sais. Rag Tag, 105; Glen FAST BASEBALL TEAM those who commanded the yacht were pre- Team Wins First Money. mSBSuKtSHk Nevis, 108; Bragg, 108. sented with clocks which carried on it* Sixth race, one mile—Blue Ridge, 103; face a representation of the America's Dolly Weithoff. Jim Hale, Sir Hugh Pi- cup. Frederick E. Bourne was elected CLEVELAND, Ohio, Feb. 12.—1n the lot, 105; Rio Chjeo, 107; Labor, Moor, Management Has Secured Good Men and commodore. five-men team contests, Ansons, Chi- Buccleuth, Ultruda, 11j0. Prepared Long Schedule. of Clear, cago, won first prize, $350; Centrals, of fast. CHARLIE FERGUSON, Nonpareils, Erie, Pa., second, $275; of Special 10 The Globe. Barberton, Ohio, $225; Stars, Detroit, St. Paul Pitcher, Who Is to Coach FAUIHAT I/r. Minn., Feb. 12.—The COMMERCIAL LEAGUE fourth, $175; Spartans, New York, $150. Mayor of Milwaukee, Elected President of American Bowling Minnesota Ball Team. prospects for a winning baseball team to The highest score of the Drug Clerks' League represent this city the coming season are for an individual in a is That Is to Meet in Cream City Next Year. very good, and Faribault will turn out On Alleys. team contest as good, if not a better, team this year Doris now by Strahl, of the team, at the meeting of the board of control held Erie Tuesday, than it did last year. There are six of Great Northerns No. 1 •who toppled over 258 pins in the first The Tincture team of the Drug and, as Ferguson's figures are last year's team in the city who are anx- Elenchard ISX — 201 Laird field May 23, and Carleton, Hamline, Jenkins. 15 to J, third. Time, 1:18%. league Clerks' reasonable, it is more than 185 contest today in the national bowling Sparrow Cop. took the big end of the series considered ious to commence the season, they are: Elwood 211 183 MS Shattuck and St. Olaf will enter teams. Albertola. Shaitan, Colin- rolled with Spirits on the Pflster al- probable that the pitcher will be signed Manning, catcher; Olson, left field; Dil- Hokunson 186 158 tournament. This was done in the first george Maldred L, St. Carlo and Chanley the 1M game of two-man There is some talk also of sending a team ran. leys last night and still have a chance to to coach the Minnesota team. lon, right field; Sanders, third base, and liusin MS lfiO 166 the events. Kalten- escape paying Giduret iy4 20] partner, to the world's fair at St. Louis picked Second race, seven furlongs, for the wine supper that is Ferguson, since his first Western sea- McCarthy, first base. 175 bach, Btrahl'a failed to show up selling— to follow the end of the thirty-game Last year the team played seventeen In the required form and from the stars of the Minnesota Confer- Zyra, 116, W. Hicks, even, won; Exapo, son with the Minneapolis ball team, has hence the team 115, Minder, 12 to 1, series. The Spirits now have fifteen been generally recognized as games, iifteen of which they won. Later Totals 896 861 913 score did not shatter records. The team ence league. second; Inspector games to the Tinctures' 12, and the trail- one of the in the season they played the same teams Finch, Young & McConvflle Shea, 118. F. Smith, 30 to 1, third. Time, shrewdest ball tossers of the minor league. — score was 1,096. Two-man team results of The interscholastic meet was inaugur- 1:32. Russell Garth, ing team must win the next three games that won and administered to them a O'Brien 149 136 141 1,000 The Gatto. Cater- to tie the Spirits. If they do this, three The big pitcher while in St. Paul and severe defeat. Several these games Tyler 144 266 or better: ated two years ago by Athletic Union pillar, John Coulter, Meistersinejer, Bar- of 201 Thomas and the nacle, and extra games will be rolled to decide the Minneapolis played practically every posi- were played with the fast amateur teams Morgan 1M 146 149 Pausch. Columbus 1 163 college. Choice Cathedral ran. tournament. including Sohmidt Kern and Leffingwell. St. Louis 1.118 of Carleton It is held on the Third race, selling, two-year-olds, half- The scores follow: tion on the diamond, and his head work of the Twin Cities, the Pills- 83 129 107 and laird field in the spring and all the high Tinctures— on the as one bury, Palace, Mengelkochs and Blue Winquist 114 152 150 Jaokson Smith. New York 1 118 mile—Logistela, 99, Huston, 6 to 1, won; Lemon .147 slab marked him of the few Labels teams. Sutton and Sullivan. Youngstown 1,117 schools of rank in this section are invited Truffle Hunter, 102, Calvit. 2 to 1, sec- 169 174 players who do not confine themselves Ameling and Schmidt, Louis ond; Esterjoy. 102; Cochran, Goltz liil 181 160 It is understood that the management Totals 646 769 749 St. 1,112 to send teams. The contests are held un- 12 to 1, Thompson 123 to main strength in playing the game. of. the Faribault team has prepared a Fritcher and Norton, Omaha 1,098 third. Time, :50 4-5. Miss Galore Dixie 178 163 Ferguson one of the Strahl, der the eligibilityrules of the Northwest- Lad, The Doctress, Lillas 91 Vi\ 73 is wisest of the minor strong schedule of games for the coming She Knew Her. Kaltenbach and Erie 1,096 Niberad and Golden Landon league knowledge also it been Pasdeloup and Chicago 1 095 ern High association, and Flower ran. 173 181 201 men and his of the season and that has able to Girl Thurman. School Athletic game should by university secure the services of McCleary, the fast First Sweet You should make Hartman and Borden, Chicago Fourth race, selling, mile—Alcomr, 87, be used the in George sign the pledge— before you marry Bartsch Huntington, l!o9l a banner is presented to the school win- Jenkins, 6 to 1, won; Dr. Totals .7695 830 ~771 giving Minnesota a winningball team. Waseca pitcher. The management will and Omaha 1,083 Carrick, 100, W Spirits— secure for the coming season an inclosed him, dear. Kroll and Huber, Cleveland 1 079 ning the greatest number of points by Hennessy. 6 to 5. second; Marco, 98. Rob- Second Sweet Girl But he doesn't and Paris Carleton college. Faribault won the first bins, 12 to third. Muessel 121 167 ball park in which to play the games. — Hennig 1*064 1. Time. 1:45. Haven ;146 147 Roblson Releases Two. drink. Gerdes and Eglehoff, York 059 contest two years ago, and Kasson won Run, Decoration, Midshipman, Blaze, Wathne 131 147 First Sweet dear; he prob- Taylor New !l Lady Blue Bodsgard 143 ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. imagine you Girl—No. but and Swager, Warren 1|044 the meet last year. Venks Victri, Matchless, Neither 145 168 12.—James Hack- Don't know all the news ably will afterward. —Ally Sloper in Half- Collins and Black, Cleveland 1 042 One and Lovable ran. Mjerke 163 106 154 ett. who alternated at pitching and play- in the paper until you've Holiday. The athletes who take part in this meet Fifth Colberg 133 144 111 ing first base, and Demontreville. who read "The Libby and Briggs, Cleveland 1,022 are very likely to be attracted to Carle- race, selling, six furlongs—Over- Globe's Paying Wants." hand. 105, A. Robbing, 20 to 1, won- Jim acted as substitute infielder for the St. The players have made more ton when they see the beautiful field, and Ferrin, Totals 719 693 757 Louis National league club last year, has A Question, but No Answer. than 1,100 in the 106, Romanelli, 16 to 1, second; More Delay at two-men series: athletic advantages there, and this is one Trossachs, 100, Crimmins, 3 to 1 been unconditionally released by Frank Kalamazoo. Singleton—Our doctor Is a grafting spe- \Voodbury why third Haas Robison. and Stron 1.140 of the main reasons Carleton has the Time, 1:17. Triple Ailvar, Arthur, Clare- de KALAMAZOO, Mich., Feb. 12.—The in- cialist. Voorheis and Starr, New York 15> meet, is to try and get the best high mont, Buglehorn, The Bronze Victorias Win Three. Secretary Muckenfuss received notifica- ternational ice yacht races today were Doubleton—Skin or money?— Cleveland Rogan and Schmidt, Chicago !l Monarch. tion of the release of men today. postponed, owing to lack wind. 1,107 school material for her track team. Sama and Miss Rittie also ran. team the of Leader. Bryson and Knox, Indianapolis 1.101 Sixth race, selling, mile The Victoria "won three games .. and seventy from the Five Point team on Court There were eight two-men teams roll- yards—Frank Rice, 96, Livingston, 20 to the ing in today's games and sixteen indi- Amateur Racquet Championship on. 1 won; Reckoner. 101%. H. Michaels, alleys last night. The scores follow: vidual games with ten each. PARK, N. V., 8 to 1, second; Bummerer 11, 102 W Hen- Five Points— entries To- TUXEDO Feb. 12.—The nessy, 9 night winds up the two-men games of the amateur racquet championship games for to 2, third. Time, 1:49 2-5 Erbe Patchowski ..IS3 174 224 tournament. There are sixty prizes for Count 'Em Out; Lampoon, Ecclec, Sin- Schultz 193 143 150 the two-men teams, ranging the gold racquet began here today on the netic, Baron and Sir Paul ran .138 from $175 of the Tuxedo Tennis and Racquet Esch 181 162 for the first to $10 each for the last six- courts Wagner 165 192 209 teen. The individual games end club. There were two matches decided to- ;166 row tomor- day in Results at Ascot Park. Nelson 208 188 evening. the preliminary round. Milton S. mmjajSj i 4f"5 X\V jy^ The two-men contests ended tonight. Berger, the racquet champion of New LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 12.—Follow- York, defeated Erskine in three ing are the summaries at Totals 845 898 933 The following are the first six teams, the Hewitt Weather Ascot Park Victorias— amount they straight sets, and E. Edwards, of New clear;"track fast: received and their scores: York, won from William B. Dinsmore, of ,„First race, one mile, selling—Lustig, Keefe 146 155 172 Krauss and Sties, Washington, $175..1,184 Tuxedo. 105, Lewis, 3 to 1, won; Iras, Heatherington 364 222 Jones and Stoike, Milwaukee, 110, Prior 205 $125..1172 In the afternoon match between Barger 5 to 1, second; Flea, 102, Buxton, 4% to Lund 151 136 182 Elwert and Fournier, Belleville 111., and Hewitt, Hewitt was outplayed, show- 1. third. Time, 1:43%. Louise 1,170 El Corteza, Meining, Schmidt 177 163 189 KellerSJOO .' ing want of practice, while Barger took Gray Morn, Lou Welsea Jin- Bell 223 215 and Fournier, Cleveland, $95..1.163 to the court at once. Following are the gler and Ping also ran. 223 Thomas and Pousch, Columbus, $90...1,163 summaries: Second race, four furlongs, two-year- Totals 899 Voorheis and Starr, New York, $85...1,152 Preliminary Round— olds— Carroll, 98, Lewis, 15 to 1 867 973 E. Edwards, New York, defeated Wil- won; Capitanzo, 98, Feicht, 6 to 1, second- Cuban Loan Is Floated. liam B. Dinsmore Jr., Tuxedo, 15-8 9-15 Airship, 113. Redfern, l to 3, third. Time' 15-2. 11-15. 15-9. :45%. Pirelia and Brown Study ran HAVANA, Feb. 12.—Speyer & Co., of Third race, mile New York, have contracted Milton S. Barger defeated Erskine and a quarter, hurdle to take the Hewitt, 15-8, 15-0, 15-11. handicap—Poor Lands, 170, Moonev even NORTH STAR LEAGUE $35,000,000 Cuban loan. The price to be E. L. Irvin defeated Robert Cassatt by won; Olinthus. 125. Archibald. 10 to l' paid for the bonds is 90%, which is % default. second; Gold One, 125, Otis, 6 to 1 third' of 1 per cent above the minimum rate. Quidado also Steidl & Galvin— The Colonial Company of Trust Bos- Billy Mellody Loses Decision. aria•bS^**'race, J. Bianchard 169 172 12»» ton is associated with the handling of Fourth mile and a sixteenth, hand- T. Galvin 138 138 122 icap— 108, Lewis. 4 to 5 won- M F Gauthier 154 152 the bonds, but the contract is solely in CHICAGO, Feb. 12.—"Buddy" Ryan, of Tarpey, 100, Sinnot, 102 the name of Chicago, was given 4 to 1, second'- For- Connolly 157 160 179 Speyer & Co. The g-overn- the decision over Billy tunate 102, Feicht. 2% 1, 131 157 money Mellody, of Boston, after six Cap to third. 'Time Leitner 168 ment has been assured that the fast rounds of l:4iVi- and Gown also ran. \u25a0will be forthcoming fighting tonight. Mellody outpointed Fifth race, one mile, selling— in June. It will Ryan in every round, the Laocoon. Totals 749 779 691 Friends Fast require three months prepare giving and decision 497 Lewis, 2 to 1. won; Elle, j^*^^^j^akes to the the fight to Ryan caused an up- 7 99. Anderson Raskobs — bonds and attend to the other details. roar. to 1. second; Rain, 102. Redfern. 4 to 5' Muggiey 1555 150 154 " third. Time, 1:41%. Hallie Beach. Fox Brandt 167 161 168 Lake also ran. Knauff 151 126 157 \u25a0 . anc* Fast Friends ' \u25a0- .-- . .-_ Sixth raPe, one Raskob .165 127 \u25a0^ selling—Montana mile and seventy yards m Peeress, 97, Fltzpatrick Ryan -\u25a0 ... 170 3 to 1, won; Cloche d'Or. 92. Anderson, 6 Toensing .141 184 165 to 1 second; Tffxman, 108, Lewis. 8 to 5 Rheumatism third. Time, 1:46%. Farmer Totals 758 748 814 ran. Jim also DR. RADWAY & CO.: Browns Take Straight Set. I have been a sufferer from for Rheumatism The Brown team took three games In more than six months. I could not Results at Ingleside. a row from the Western Supply No. 1 raise my hands to my head or put my SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. 12 team on the Brown alleys last night. The hands behind me, or Weather rainy; track sloppy. scores follow: even take off my race, Summaries:— First five and Browns— own shirt. Before I had finished three- selling—Sir one-half furlongs I fourthg of Tom Tiddler, 110, J. Daly 6 McCarthy ...„ 149 151 186 a bottle of Radway's Ready to 5 won; Sir Preston, 162 ef could 102. Hildebrand, Lorberter 175 183 R, v use ray arms as well aa econd: Bard Burns, 110, See, Clung ...lfffi 145 ell. can see why nave I1, t0«?fthird.f Time, 3to . 169 ?«uh i your l such great 1:09%. Amassa, John Fitzpatrick 147 160 157 faith in Relief. Yours truly W C Boggs and Quiz II ran. BAKER, 939 Julia Lundquist 148 179 176 street New Orleans Ce> l rlong3 selling—Hul- via I*^^^ ir AITnattav 4-» »\u25a0 «"t