Christopher Moore | 352 pages | 03 Jul 2008 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781841497204 | English | London, United Kingdom Coyote Blue : A Novel

I am also getting into the authors' reuse of characters in his books and enjoyed the return of Minty Fresh who is my favorite character from . A great Shelves: tricksters-jesters-fools-thieves. Great book, though, and a must for any fan of comic fantasy. Refresh and try again. Perhaps he was meant to notice. Not only are some characters reused which I don't really have a Coyote Blue: A Novel with - nothing wrong with recurring characters! Far from being a simple plot device to generate laughs, Coyote is a good illustration of the principle that a kick in the backside is sometimes the only way get started on the road to Coyote Blue: A Novel better life. He causes damage. These comments leave out a lot of details and some other characters and situations, which are hilarious despite some tragedy. About Christopher Moore. The Lady in Blue: A Novel. Today he is Samuel Hunter, a successful Santa Barbara insurance salesman with a Mercedes, a condo, and a hollow, invented life. Then one day, destiny offers him the dangerous gift of love—in the exquisite form of Calliope Kincaid—and a curse in the unheralded appearance of an ancient god by the name of Coyote. About the Author. Sorry, Coyote Blue: A Novel we can't respond to individual comments. A rescue and finally a trip back to the reservation where his life started. It's still an amusing book and an entertaining read. But Coyote Blue: A Novel definitely wouldn't recommend it as a standalone book or even an introduction to Moore's work God I love Christopher Moore. But it is still good and a Moore fan will want to read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the writing was well done. Reading this book, however, makes you awesome. The Talisman : A Novel. Hard to believe that the only reason I read this book, and was introduced to Christopher Moore, is because I happen to be strolling by book store with an outside, sale table and Coyote Blue was sitting right on top. And as I've seen w I've been a fan of Christopher Moore's work for years now, and I thought I'd already read everything in his rather substantial backlist. If I could give the book more than 5 stars I would. Through his words, he creates such perfect pictures of his extremely bizarre characters, their personalities, and the story line Coyote Blue: A Novel combines them all together. Again starts off a little slow but then it's a whirlwind romp of fun from that point on. Just saying. Dec 13, Jennifer Cooper rated it really liked it. Samson Hunts Alone had to leave the Crow reservation because he killed a cop so now he goes by the name of Samuel Hunter and lives in Santa Barbara as a very successful insurance salesman. Coyote Blue

When El Salvadoran Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. But Josh is sure that he saw Santa take a shovel to the head, and now the seven-year-old has only one prayer: Please, Santa, come back from the dead. Maybe he was Coyote Blue: A Novel. What qualities of this character make them endearing to you? I know he is supposed to be a "trickster" spirit, but I found him more mean-spirited than anything. Date of Birth: August 5, I wasn't digging it. Our bumbling hero is Tucker Case, a hopeless geek trapped in a cool guy's body, Related Pages :. The ending is very satisfying from several points of view. I also Coyote Blue: A Novel the "indian legend" stories woven throughout the book. I am well on my way to reading every one of his books! January 28, Coyote, on the other hand, tends to play the role of the doofus, similar to Raziel in "The Stupidest Angel" and Biff in "Lamb". Graham Jones: Return From Darkness. Then one day, destiny offers him the dangerous gift of love—in the exquisite form of Calliope Kincaid—and a curse in the unheralded appearance of an ancient god by the name of Coyote. The Talisman : A Novel. He Coyote Blue: A Novel damage. Sam was originally known as Samson Hunts Alone, from the reservation in eastern Montana my home statespecifically Hardin, close to the larger well, largest in Montana, but I digress city Coyote Blue: A Novel Billings. But I definitely wouldn't recommend it as a standalone book or even an introduction to Moore's work for that I'd recommend Lamb every damn time. Sam realized that he was watching a shape-shifter: a kind and giving creature. Home 1 Books 2. Hidden categories: Articles lacking sources from April All articles lacking sources All stub articles. Having previously read A Dirty Job it was good to Coyote Blue: A Novel the back-story from a character featured in that novel and a cameo appearance of another from a few other of Moore's work. I just provide a service. Between Coyote and Calliope, Sam's life becomes much more interesting. This was only his second published book, after all. Coyote, the trickster, has arrived to reawaken the mystical storyteller within Sam Sam's life is quickly turned upside down by Coyote as he is forced to confront his heritage and reach out to another human being. I listened to this book on audio and the narrator was not the voice I would have chosen, yet I got past the narrator which proves this story is one that could not be kept from me. Who doesn't like an all-powerful trickster god in their fiction, mucking up the works for the straight-laced protagonist? But hold on! No, he's not on his deathbed; no, his dog hasn't run away from home. The ending was probably my least favorite part it's a little bit TOO neatbut even that is satisfying in a Coyote Blue: A Novel sort of way.

Moore takes on Native American mythology is much the same way he played with Christianity in Lamb. The Coyote Blue: A Novel jolted, and in a book about tricksters that Coyote Blue: A Novel hard to pull off. But I definitely wouldn't recommend it as a standalone book or even an introduction to Moore's work for that I'd recommend Lamb every damn time. It's not bad, but it makes the tale seem disjointed. The Lady in Blue: A Novel. As a boy, he was Samson Hunts Alone—until a deadly misunderstanding with the law forced him to flee the Crow reservation at age fifteen. And of course, the earnest if sometimes misguided main character. A better way to understand the journey is the mythical angle, suggested in the opening chapters by the visions of the old shaman Pokey, and clearly stated by the end in the confrontation between old gods and new challenges. You have plenty Coyote Blue: A Novel options I'm somewhat of a hippy myself and most of her ways of looking at things, that seemed so strange to Sam, seemed natural to me. Then Coyote Blue: A Novel day, destiny offers him the dangerous gift of love--in the exquisite form of Calliope Kincaid--and a curse in the unheralded appearance of an ancient god by the name of Coyote. Another amazing book by Christopher Moore Best for. However, as with all Christopher Moore novels, there is something… weird… afoot, and that comes in the form of Old Man Coyote, an Coyote Blue: A Novel Indian god famous for his abilities as a trickster, who leads Sam into more trouble than he can imagine, but also helps him find his way home. The novel is built on a series of tricksters all interacting with each other. Hard to believe that the only reason I read this book, and was introduced to Christopher Moore, is because I happen to be strolling by book Coyote Blue: A Novel with an outside, sale table and Coyote Blue was sitting right on top. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. The book is the story of Coyote Blue: A Novel Hunts-Alone who because of a crime he committed about 20 yrs ago, has changed his name to Sam Hunter and is now a smooth-talking insurance salesman who is well-off and full of Coyote Blue: A Novel. Perhaps my dissatisfaction came from Sam being kind of a limp noodle of a protagonist. Eve Bonhan: Dear Magpies. A tale based loosely in reality, this story traces the fortunes of the Ingles family in the West Riding coal fields around Wakefield. They were pretty funny. In Santa Barbara, where he had settled, Sam meets up with Calliope, a single mother, who is accompanied by a young Crow Coyote in disguise. While leaving his office he sees the most beautiful woman who stirs something he has never felt before. Lists with This Book. Quotes from Coyote Blue. : Moore mocking Shakespeare. Jun 14, Tracey rated it liked it. Confusion and chaos ensue but this is an aspect of the trickster that for me is different from the previous novels I've read. Fool: A Novel. But I definitely wouldn't recommend it as a standalone book or even an introduction to Moore's work God I love Christopher Moore. That doesn't happen very often. I have never read any of the tales that Mr. The story about the Great Spirit giving names out to the animals cracked me up, especially this paragraph: When the sun went down Coyote looked all over for a good espresso bar, but even in those days they were full of pretentious pseudointellectual animal people who sat around in open-toed moccasins and whined about how unfair the world was, which it wasn't. Sam, our leading man, is an insurance sales man with a past hiding from the law in Santa Barbara, CA. Add to Wishlist. What does his name represent? I know he is supposed to be a 'trickster' spirit, but I found him more mean-spirited than anything. This book was absolutely frickin' hilarious. Pricing policy About our prices.