Jerónimos Building. Rooms A and B

Exhibition organised by the Museo Nacional del Prado and Accíon Cultural Española (AC/E)

Sponsored by:

Curator: Javier Barón, Head of the Department of 19th-century Painting

In conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the death of , the Museo Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 28014 Madrid. España Nacional del Prado, Accíon Cultural Española (AC/E) and Fundación BBVA are presenting El Greco and Modern Painting. This is the first exhibition to T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 F: +34 913 30 28 58 offer a comprehensive analysis of the artist’s influence on the development of [email protected] modern painting, with loans from around 70 institutions and private collections in Spain and elsewhere.

A group of twenty-six works by El Greco (of which only seven were to be seen in El Griego de Toledo, which closed recently) are shown alongside fifty-seven paintings and twenty-three drawings and prints by artists including Manet, Cézanne, Picasso, Chagall, Modigliani, Kokoschka, Pollock and Saura.


Together, these one hundred and five works, in addition to twelve books and a postcard, reveal how El Greco’s influence was particularly important for the evolution of painting in the last third of the 19th century and much of the 20th century.

Madrid, 24 June 2014. Opening at the tomorrow, 24 June, is the exhibition El Greco and Modern Painting, co-organised with Accíon Cultural Española (AC/E). It will be officially inaugurated this afternoon by Her Majesty the Queen. Sponsored by Fundación BBVA, it includes around 120 exhibits that reveal the decisive influence which El Greco had on the origins of modern painting. Among the works on display are the artist’s Laocoön and The Vision of Saint John, both loaned from the United States and not included in the recent exhibition in Toledo, Picasso’s The Burial of Casagemas and Cézanne’s interpretation of Lady in an Ermine Wrap, to be seen in Spain for the first time.

The exhibition’s eight sections reveal the complexity and range of El Greco’s influence, starting with the enormous interest that he aroused among the most innovative French painters such as Manet and Cézanne and among leading Spanish painters such as Rusiñol and Zuloaga, among others. The exhibition also analyses the artist’s ongoing influence on Pablo Picasso, the key figure in the creation of the numerous trends that revolutionised the visual arts in the 20th century. Also on display are works by other artists associated with Cubism who evolved towards other approaches, including André Derain, Robert Delaunay, Diego Rivera and Amedeo Modigliani.

The inclusion of books on El Greco that helped to extend knowledge of his work by

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 authors such as Manuel Bartolomé Cossío, August Mayer, Julius Meier-Graefe and 28014 Madrid. España Maurice Barrés will allow visitors to appreciate how the rediscovery of El Greco and

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 his oeuvre inspired modern painters. F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] Expressionists such as Beckmann, Macke and Kokoschka, Jewish artists of the School of Paris such as Soutine and Chagall and the poetic Surrealism of Masson and Domínguez are all represented in the exhibition through works that clearly reveal El Greco’s influence.

Another issue analysed in El Greco and Modern Painting is the artist’s particular importance for the development of modern painting in South America and the USA, where the most expressive facets of his work fascinated the Mexican artist José Clemente Orozco and the Americans Benton and Pollock.


Finally, the exhibition explores the role of El Greco in the angst-ridden, expressive figuration of the post-war era, as evident in the work of Alberto Giacometti, Francis Bacon and Antonio Saura, some of whom executed specific homages to the artist.

The exhibition’s structure

The modernisation of painting. From Manet to Cézanne The first section of the exhibition looks at 19th-century Spanish painters’ interest in the work of El Greco. Mariano Fortuny appreciated the freshness of his use of colour, capturing it in his watercolour The Trinity, which is displayed alongside El Greco’s original. Fortuny’s brother-in-law Ricardo de Madrazo also produced skilful copies of El Greco’s works such as Elderly Man. This fascination with the artist was also felt by American painters such as Chase and French ones including Manet. The latter may have known El Greco’s Annunciation exhibited in this section, at that date in the collection of Baron Taylor. Its transparent colours and luminosity influenced Manet’s Dead Christ with Angels.

This section concludes with an analysis of the connection between Cézanne and El Greco as the basis for one of the concepts underlying the origins of modern painting, given that both painters had a decisive influence on Cubism and Expressionism. Cézanne’s Bathers and Lady in an Ermine Wrap after El Greco are clear examples of this influence. Shown alongside them are copies of two publications that contributed to the dissemination of Lady in an Ermine Wrap: Annals of the Artists of Spain by William Stirling Maxwell, and Histoire des peintres de toutes les écoles. École espagnole by Charles Blanc.

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Picasso and Cubism 28014 Madrid. España This section analyses Picasso’s successive approaches to El Greco’s work. His th th T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 drawings of the late 19 and early 20 centuries reveal his interest in the artist, an F: +34 913 30 28 58 influence that would become extremely pronounced in works of the Blue Period such [email protected] as Evocation. The Burial of Casagemas, which looks to The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, and The Frugal Meal, which reflects the eloquent gesturalism of the hands in El Greco’s and .

Another focus of interest in this section is the way in which El Greco’s work played a key role in the origins and development of Cubism, given that some of the artists influenced by Picasso were in turn inspired by El Greco, including Derain in his Portrait of Iturrino, Modigliani in his portrait of his friend Paul Alexandre, and the Czech Cubists Emil Fila and Procházka.


Zuloaga and Picasso This section reveals the esteem in which El Greco was held by Spanish artists from the 1890s onwards, particularly by the Basque painter Zuloaga. In My Friends, Zuloaga portrayed a group of Spanish writers who appreciated El Greco’s work, depicted below that artist’s Vision of Saint John, a work that Zuloaga himself owned (now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). Zuloaga also painted Maurice Barrès, the author of the influential book El Greco or the Secret of Toledo, of which a copy is displayed in the exhibition alongside the portrait.

Also to be seen in this section are two portraits by Sorolla of two figures who were among the most important champions of El Greco: the Marquis of Vega Inclán, founder of the Casa Museo del Greco, and Manuel Bartolomé Cossío, author of the first major monograph on the artist, of which a copy is displayed here.

Rusiñol was another key figure in the rediscovery of El Greco, as evident in his friend Ramón Pichot’s portrait of him. Pichot depicts Rusiñol in the pose of the portrait by El Greco that most influenced modern painters, namely Man with his Hand on his Breast.

Orphism and its influence The exhibition moves on to focus on Orphism, one of the derivations of Cubism and the movement most closely associated with El Greco. Delaunay, its inventor, was inspired by Saint Sebastian for his painting Gypsy Man.

Rivera also reveals a perfect fusion between the legacy of El Greco and Cubism in his monumental Adoration of the Virgin and Child, on display in this section.

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Northern European Expressionism 28014 Madrid. España The exhibition includes copies of various publications that reflect El Greco’s role in

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 modern painting. One example on display in this section is The Spanish Journey by Julius F: +34 913 30 28 58 Meier-Graefe, a text that testifies to Expressionism’s rediscovery of El Greco in [email protected] Germany, Austria and elsewhere in northern Europe.

Austrian artists such as Schiele and Kokoschka and Germans such as Macke, Beckmann, Hofer and Steinhardt were influenced by an important version of in the collection of the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, and by the Laocoön. The Dutch artist Korteweg produced an exceptionally free version of El Greco’s original, exhibited in this section.


Views of Toledo and El Greco in other Expressionist art This section displays examples of the assimilation of El Greco’s work evident in paintings such as Soutine’s Praying Man. Its ascending composition, powerful colour and long, undulating brushstrokes reveal the influence of the former’s style, while Chagall’s Vision looks to El Greco’s Annunciation in its composition and subject matter.

Toledo and its surrounding landscape as interpreted by El Greco are also present in this section as the starting point for compositions by painters including Rivera, Zuloaga, Bomberg and Masson, the latter affiliated with Surrealism, as was Óscar Domínguez.

The United States and South America This section presents El Greco as the model and reference point for American artists of the 20th century, who saw him as a stimulating example due to the fact that he trained in different artistic cultures. In Mexico he inspired the great mural painters such as Diego Rivera and Orozco, the latter looking to El Greco for his Prometheus, as did the Chilean Matta in Psychological Morphologies.

Pollock’s interpretation of El Greco, which was influenced by his teacher Benton, is represented in this section with the copies that he made of illustrations in Maurice Legendre’s book on the artist, of which a copy is included in the exhibition.

Figuration after World War II The exhibition concludes with more recent interpretations of El Greco’s painting in the light of the devastation of World War II and focusing on an angst-ridden

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 expressionism. Works such as Bomberg’s Hear Oh Israel, which can be related to Christ 28014 Madrid. España embracing the Cross, the foreshortening in Bacon’s Reclining Woman, which derives from

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 the soldier in the foreground of The Resurrection, and copies and portraits by F: +34 913 30 28 58 Giacometti and Antonio Saura all communicate a spiritual energy characteristic of El [email protected] Greco.

The catalogue The catalogue that accompanies the exhibition contains three general essays: the first by the exhibition’s curator Javier Barón; another on the construction of El Greco as a painter by Leticia Ruiz, head of the department of Spanish Painting (up to 1700) at the Museo del Prado; and a third by Pedro José Martínez Plaza, assistant curator in the department of 19th-century painting at the Prado, which analyses the collecting of El Greco in Spain. There are also four texts that cover the principal sections into which


the exhibition is organised: Javier Barón on Manet and the dissemination of Cubism; Veronika Schroeder on Expressionism; Jeffrey Schrader on El Greco’s influence on 20th-century American painting; and Javier Portús on the evolution of El Greco’s influence, from Surrealism to the new figurative movements.

The catalogue is dedicated to José Álvarez Lopera, chief curator of Spanish Painting at the Prado from 2003 until his premature and unexpected death in 2008. It was he who first proposed an exhibition at the Museum that would reveal the influence of El Greco on the development of modern art. The catalogue is available from the Museum’s shop. Price: 25 Euros.

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 28014 Madrid. España

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected]


Exhibits List following the display in the galleries


1. The Trinity EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 300 x 179 cm 1577 - 1579 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

2. The Annunciation EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 91 x 66.5 cm c. 1600 - 1603 Budapest, Szépművészeti Múzeum

3. The Dead Christ with Angels Édouard MANET Oil on canvas, 179.4 x 149.9 cm 1864 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. H. O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, 1929

4. Untitled Mariano FORTUNY Watercolour on paper, 177 x 255 mm

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 1866 - 1867 28014 Madrid. España Private collection

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 F: +34 913 30 28 58 5. Copy after El Greco’s Trinity [email protected] Mariano FORTUNY Watercolour on paper, 255 x 165 mm 1866 – 1867 Havana, Cuba, Colección Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes


6. An Old Gentleman EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 46 x 43 cm 1587 - 1600 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

7. Copy after El Greco’s Old Gentleman Ricardo de MADRAZO Watercolour on paper, mounted on cardboard, 132 x 118 mm (watercolour) 1873 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

8. Jerónimo de Cevallos EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 64 x 54 cm 1613 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

9. Robert Blum William Merritt CHASE Oil on canvas, 53.3 x 43.2 cm 1888 New York, National Academy Museum

10. Adam as Epimetheus EL GRECO

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Carved and polychromed wood, 44 x 17 x 9 cm 28014 Madrid. España c. 1600 - 1610

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] 11. Bathers Paul CÉZANNE Oil on canvas, 60.5 x 82.5 cm c. 1890 Paris, Musée d'Orsay, don de la baronne Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud, 1965


12. The Resurrected Christ EL GRECO Polychrome wood, 47 x 24 x 12.5 cm between 1595 and 1598 Fundación Casa Ducal de Medinaceli

13. Lady in a Fur Wrap ¿EL GRECO? Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm ¿c. 1577 - 1579? Glasgow, Lent by Glasgow Life (Glasgow Museums) on behalf of Glasgow City Council. Stirling Maxwell Collection, gift 1967

14. Lady in a Fur Wrap, after El Greco Paul CÉZANNE Oil on canvas, 53 x 49 cm 1885 - 1886 London, Private Collection

15. Histoire des peintres de toutes les écoles. École espagnole. Paris, Vve Jules Renouard, libraire- éditeur, 1869 BLANC, Charles, BÜRGER, W., MANTZ, Paul, VIARDOT, L. y LEFORT, P. 36 x 27 x 3 cm Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca. Mad/259

16. Annals of the artists of Spain. Londres, John Ollivier, 1848 (printed by T. Brettell)

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 STIRLING MAXWELL, Sir William 28014 Madrid. España 23,5 x 14,8 x 1,5 cm

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] 17. Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress Paul CÉZANNE Oil on canvas, 116.5 x 89.5 cm 1888 - 1890 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ittleson Jr. Purchase Fund, 1962 (29.100.51)


18. Fray Hortensio Félix Paravicino EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 112.1 x 86.1 cm c. 1609 - 1613 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. Isaac Sweetser Fund


19. Manuel Bartolomé Cossío Joaquín SOROLLA Oil on canvas, 99 x 60 cm 1908 New York, On loan from the Hispanic Society of America

20. El Greco. Madrid, Victoriano Suárez COSSÍO, Manuel Bartolomé 21 x 13.5 x 5.5 cm 1908 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca

21. Benigno de la Vega Inclán y Flaquer, Marquis of Vega Inclán Joaquín SOROLLA Oil on canvas, 114.5 x 110 cm 1913 New York, On loan from the Hispanic Society of America

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 22. Maurice Barrès with Toledo in the Background 28014 Madrid. España Ignacio ZULOAGA

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Oil on canvas, 203 x 240 cm F: +34 913 30 28 58 1913 [email protected] Paris, Musée d’Orsay., don de Carlos de Bestegui, 1936

23. Le Greco. París, H.Floury BARRÈS, Maurice, LAFOND, Paul 26 x 21 x 2.5 cm 1911 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca


24. My Friends Ignacio ZULOAGA Pencil, charcoal and oil on canvas, 237 x 292 cm 1920 - 1932 Zumaya. Z, espacio cultural Ignacio Zuloaga

25. Saint Bernard of Siena EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 269 x 144 cm 1603 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. En depósito en Toledo, Museo del Greco

26. The Hermit Ignacio ZULOAGA Oil on canvas, 190 x 115 cm 1907 Paris, Musée d'Orsay, legs Paul Cosson, 1926

27. Meekness Santiago RUSIÑOL Oil on canvas, 199.4 x 88.6 cm 1897 Sitges, Museo del Cau Ferrat. Consorcio del Patrimonio de Sitges

28. Portrait of Santiago Rusiñol as the ‘Gentleman with his Hand on his Chest’ Ramón PICHOT

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Charcoal pencil and sprayed ink on paper, 51 x 32.5 cm 28014 Madrid. España 1897

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Sitges, Museo del Cau Ferrat. Consorcio del Patrimonio de Sitges F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] AREA 2

29. A Greco-like character Pablo PICASSO Conté pencil and wash on watermarked paper, 218 x 155 mm c. 1899 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970


30. I, El Greco Pablo PICASSO Sepia and black ink on paper, 315 x 218 mm c. 1899 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970

31. Two heads in the style of El Greco Pablo PICASSO Graphite on paper, 220 x 164 mm c. 1899 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970

32. Head of a Man in the style of El Greco and other sketches Pablo PICASSO Conté pencil on paper, 240 x 160 mm c. 1899 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970

33. El Greco-like characters and other sketches Pablo PICASSO Ink on en on paper, 315 x 215 mm 1899 Cortesía Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte

34. Portrait of an Unknown Man Pablo PICASSO

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Oil on canvas, 47.5 x 35.2 cm 28014 Madrid. España 1899

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970 F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] 35. Portrait of an Unknown Man in the Style of El Greco Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 34.7 x 31.2 cm 1899 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Pablo Picasso, 1970


36. Saint Peter and Saint Paul EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 116 x 91.8 cm c. 1597-1603 Barcelona, MNAC. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

37. The Frugal Meal Pablo PICASSO Etching and scraper on zinc, on laid paper, 613 x 440 mm (sheet) 1904 Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

38. Evocation. The Burial of Casagemas Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 150.5 x 90.5 cm 1901 Paris, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

39. Domenikos Theotokopulos "El Greco". Barcelona, [s.n., s.a.] (Imp. Thomas) UTRILLO, Miguel 16 x 12 x 0,5 cm 1905 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca

40. Catálogo ilustrado de la exposición de las obras de Domenico Theotocopuli llamado El Greco. Madrid, J. Lacoste (Imp. de J. Lastre y Cia.)

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 VINIEGRA, Salvador 28014 Madrid. España 16.5 x 11.5 x 0.5 cm

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 1902 F: +34 913 30 28 58 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca [email protected] 41. Postcard with the inferior fragment of the Burial of Count Orgaz c. 1900 Private collection,Viuda de Muñoz y sobrino


42. Saint Martin and the Beggar EL GRECO Oil on canvas with wooden strip added at bottom, 193.5 x 103 cm 1597 - 1599 Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Widener Collection, 1942.9.25

43. Nude Boy on a Horse Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 55 x 38 cm 1906 Private collection

44. Horse with a Youth in Blue Pablo PICASSO Watercolour and gouache on paper mounted on panel, 50 x 32 cm 1905 - 1906 London, Tate. Bequeathed by C. Frank Stoop 1933

45. Woman Seated on an Armchair Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 100 x 73 cm 1910 Paris, Centre Pompidou. Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle. Legs de M. Georges Salles en 1967

46. Woman on an Armchair

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Pablo PICASSO 28014 Madrid. España Oil on canvas, 64 x 75 cm

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 1910 F: +34 913 30 28 58 Prague, Národní Galerie v Praze. Acquired from the Vincenc Kramář Collection in [email protected] 1957

47. Reclining Nude with Figures Pablo PICASSO Oil on panel, 36 x 62 cm 1908 Paris, Musée Picasso. Dation en 1979


48. Portrait of Jaime Sabartés with a Ruff and a Hat Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 46 x 38 cm 1939 Barcelona, Museu Picasso. Donación Jaume Sabartés, 1962

49. A Gentleman with his Hand on his Chest EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 82 x 66 cm c. 1580 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

50. Paul Alexandre in front of a stained Window Amedeo MODIGLIANI Oil on canvas, 81 x 45.6 cm 1913 Ruan, Musée des Beaux-Arts. Don Blaise et Philippe Alexandre, 1988

51. Portrait of Iturrino André DERAIN Oil on canvas, 92 x 65 cm 1914 Paris, Centre Pompidou. Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle. Donation Mme Geneviève Gallibert en 1970

52. Salome (II)

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Emil FILLA 28014 Madrid. España Oil on canvas, 136.5 x 80 cm

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 1911 - 1912 F: +34 913 30 28 58 Prague, Národní Galerie v Praze. Acquired in 1963 [email protected] 53. Prometheus in Chains Antonín PROCHÁZKA Oil on canvas, 112 x 64 cm 1911 Brno, Moravská Galerie



54. The Adoration of the Virgin and Child Diego RIVERA Encaustic on canvas, 150 x 120 cm 1913 Colección María Rodríguez de Reyero

55. Saint Sebastian EL GRECO Oil on canvas, upper part 115 x 85 cm; lower part 91 x 115 cm 1610 - 1614 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

56. Saint John the Baptist EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 111.1 x 66 cm c. 1597 - 1603 San Francisco, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. Museum purchase, Funds from various donors

57. Gypsy Robert DELAUNAY Wax crayon on canvas, 100 x 73 cm 1915 Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 28014 Madrid. España 58.The Three Graces

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Robert DELAUNAY F: +34 913 30 28 58 Watercolour on paper, 642 x 498 mm [email protected] 1912 Ulm, Ulmer Museum. Loan of the country Baden-Württenberg

59. Women in front of Hat Shop August MACKE Oil on canvas, 110 x 76.5 cm 1913 Hagen, Osthaus Museum



60. An Unknown Gentleman EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 79.7 x 64.7 cm c. 1600 - 1607 Amiens, Musée de Picardie

61. Self-portrait (with raised Brush) Oskar KOKOSCHKA Oil on canvas, 108.5 x 70.5 cm 1913 - 1914 Dusseldorf, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen

62. Anton von Webern Oskar KOKOSCHKA Oil on canvas, 63.3 x 48.2 cm. 1914 Private Collection

63. Julius Meier-Graefe Lovis CORINTH Oil on canvas, 90.4 x 70.4 cm 1912 Paris, Musée d'Orsay, don d'E. J. Goeritz, 1936

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 64. Spanische Reise. Berlín, S. Fischer Verlag 28014 Madrid. España MEIER-GRAEFE, Julius

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 23 x 15.5 x 3 cm F: +34 913 30 28 58 1910 [email protected] Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca. 25/9175

65. El Greco. Múnich, Delphin MAYER, August L 23 x 15 x 1 cm 1911 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca. Lop/432


66. The Flag Bearers Karl HOFER Oil on canvas, 68 x 45 cm 1913 Chemnitz, Kunstsammlungen

67. Franz Hauer Egon SCHIELE Dry point on paper, 13 x 11 cm (plate) 1914 Vienna, Albertina

68. Cain Fleeing Jakob STEINHARDT Oil on canvas, 95 x 75 cm 1912 Frankfurt am Main, Jüdisches Museum

69. The Agony in the Garden EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 169 x 112 cm c. 1600 Andújar (Jaén), parroquia de Santa María

70. Composition (The Agony in the Garden) Adriaan KORTEWEG

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm 28014 Madrid. España 1913

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Munich, Städitsche Galerie im Lenbachhaus F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] 71. Study for Resurrection I Max BECKMANN Oil on canvas, 89 x 67.5 cm 1907 Private Collection


72. The Disrobing of Christ EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 165 x 98.8 cm c. 1580 - 1586 Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek

73. The Baptism of Christ EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 350 x 144 cm 1597 - 1600 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado


74. Laocoön EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 137.5 x 172.5 cm c. 1610 - 1614 Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Samuel H. Kress Collection. 1946.18.1.

75. Laocoön Adriaan KORTEWEG Oil on canvas, 95 x 125 cm 1914 Munich, Städitsche Galerie im Lenbachhaus

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 76. Man in prayer (The Old Man) 28014 Madrid. España Chaïm SOUTINE

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Oil on canvas, 135 x 67.5 cm F: +34 913 30 28 58 1921 [email protected] Avignon, Fondation Calvet

77. The Houses Chaïm SOUTINE Oil on canvas, 58 x 92 cm 1919 Paris, Musée de l’Orangerie – Collection Jean Walter et Paul Guillaume


78. Diego RIVERA Oil on canvas, 121 x 91 cm 1912 Puebla, Colección Museo Amparo

79. Toledo from the Virgen del Valle Ignacio ZULOAGA Oil on canvas, 91 x 120 cm c. 1911 - 1920 Madrid, Museo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

80. View of Toledo with the River Tagus David BOMBERG Oil on canvas, 58.4 x 76.2 cm 1929 Oldham, Gallery Oldham. Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1944

81. Die Kunst des Greco. Munich, Hugo Schmidt KEHRER, Hugo 26 x 20 x 2.5 cm 1914 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca. 77/377

82. Rabbi of Vitebsk Marc CHAGALL

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Oil on canvas, 104 x 84 cm 28014 Madrid. España c. 1914 - 1923

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Venice, Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna F: +34 913 30 28 58 di Ca'Pesaro [email protected] 83. The Annunciation EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 117 x 98 cm c. 1576 Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza


84. Vision (Self-portrait with Muse) Marc CHAGALL Oil on canvas, 152.8 x 134 cm 1917 - 1918 Museum of Avant-Garde of Europe (MAGMA of Europe)

85. Emblematic View of Toledo André MASSON Oil on canvas, 131 x 101 cm 1942 Private Collection

86. The Couple Óscar DOMÍNGUEZ Oil on canvas, 64 x 45 cm 1937 Lisbon, Museu Coleção Berardo

87. Homage to El Greco Henry MOORE Pencil, pen and ink, pastel (washed), charcoal (washed), wash on paper, 241 x 161 mm c. 1921 The Henry Moore Foundation, gift of the artist 1977

88. Domenico Theotocopouli dit el Greco. París, Hyperion LEGENDRE, Maurice y HARTMANN, Alfred (n-m)

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 25 x 17 x 5.5 cm 28014 Madrid. España 1937

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected] 89. The Vision of Saint John EL GRECO Oil on canvas (top truncated), 222.3 x 193 cm (224.8 x 199.4 cm with added strips) c. 1608 - 1622 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Rogers Fund, 1956. (56.48)



90. The Resurrection of Christ EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 113.6 x 52.7 cm c. 1600 , Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St Louis. University purchase, Parsons Fund, 1952

91. Christ driving the Traders from the Temple EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 106 x 104 cm c. 1610 - 1614 Madrid, Real Parroquia de San Ginés

92. A Sky after El Greco Charles DEMUTH Tempera on paper, 508 x 406.4 mm 1919 Tempe, Collection of the Arizona State University Art Museum; Gift of Olivier B. James

93. Chilmark Thomas Hart BENTON Oil on canvas, 76.2 x 61 cm c. 1923

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Private Collection 28014 Madrid. España

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 94. Study after El Greco’s Resurrection F: +34 913 30 28 58 Thomas Hart BENTON [email protected] Pencil, ink and pen on paper, 635 x 508 mm c. 1925 Kansas, UMB Bank. The Thomas P. Benton Trust and the Jessie Benton Trust


95. Untitled Jackson POLLOCK Coloured pencil and graphite on paper, 457 x 305 mm c. 1937 - 1939 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase, Anonymous Gift, 1990

96. Untitled Jackson POLLOCK Coloured pencils on paper, 457 x 305 mm c. 1937 - 1939 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase, Anonymous Gift, 1990

97. Untitled Jackson POLLOCK Colored pencils on paper, 457 x 305 mm c. 1937 - 1939 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase, Anonymous Gift, 1990

98. Untitled Jackson POLLOCK Graphite on paper, 457 x 305 mm c. 1937 - 1939 New York, Lent by The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Purchase, Anonymous Gift,

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 1990 28014 Madrid. España

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 99. Domenico Theotocopouli dit el Greco. París, Hyperion F: +34 913 30 28 58 LEGENDRE, Maurice y HARTMANN, Alfred [email protected] 25 x 17 x 5,5 cm 1937 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca

100. Untitled (Figure Kneeling before an Arch with Skulls) Jackson POLLOCK Oil on canvas, 68.58 x 53.66 cm c. 1934 - 1938 New York, Courtesy Washburn Gallery and The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc.


101. The Flame Jackson POLLOCK Oil on canvas mounted on fiberboard, 51.1 x 76.2 cm c. 1934 - 1938 New York, The Museum of Modern Art. Enid A. Haupt Fund, 1980

102. Naked Man with Knife Jackson POLLOCK Oil on canvas, 127 x 91.4 cm c. 1938 - 1940 Tate, Presented by Frank Lloyd 1981

103. Prometheus José Clemente OROZCO Oil on canvas, 73.5 x 93 cm 1944 Mexico, D. F. Colección Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil CONACULTA/INBA México

104. San Sebastián Catedral de Palencia, lám. 10. El Greco, El Arte en España COSSÍO, Manuel Bartolomé 15.5 x 11 x 0.5 cm Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Biblioteca. 77/595

105. Psychological Morphology Roberto MATTA Oil on canvas, 89 x 115.3 cm

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 1939 28014 Madrid. España Private Collection

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 F: +34 913 30 28 58 AREA 8 [email protected] 106. The Resurrection of Christ EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 275 x 127 cm 1597 - 1600 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado


107. Christ holding the Cross EL GRECO Oil on canvas, 108.2 x 87 cm c. 1600 - 1605 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado

108. Hear O’ Israel David BOMBERG Oil on wood. 90.2 x 69.9 cm 1955 New York, The Jewish Museum. Purchase: Oscar and Regina Gruss Charitable Foundation Fund, 1995-33

109. Reclining Woman Francis BACON Oil on canvas, 198.8 x 141.6 cm 1961 Tate. Purchased 1961

110. Gothic Jackson POLLOCK Oil on canvas, 215.5 x 142.1 cm 1944 New York, Museum of Modern Art. Bequest of Lee Krasner

111. Head of a Man III (Diego)

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 Alberto GIACOMETTI 28014 Madrid. España Oil on canvas, 65 x 55,4 cm

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 1964 F: +34 913 30 28 58 Zurich. Kunsthaus. Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung Zúrich [email protected] 112. El Greco’s Lady in a Fur Wrap after Cézanne (verso) Alberto GIACOMETTI n. d. Pen on paper, 210 x 156 mm Paris, Fondation Alberto et Annette Giacometti


113. Imaginary Portrait of Philip II 4.67 Antonio SAURA Oil on canvas, 130 x 96.7 cm 1967 Cuenca, Museo de Arte Abstracto Español. Fundación Juan March

114. Ancestor 3 Antonio SAURA Acrylic painting, gouache and Indian ink on a postcard laid on parchment, laid on black cardboard, 15,3 x 9,8 cm (postcard), 31 x 21,6 cm (sheet), 42,5 x 31,5 cm (cardboard) 1977 Geneva, Fundación Archivos Antonio Saura

115. Portrait-caricature of a crying character from The Burial of the Count of Orgaz (Suite 347) Pablo PICASSO Etching. 208 x 148 mm (print); 347 x 281 mm (sheet) 25 June 1968 Colección Fundación Bancaja

116. The Burial of the Count Orgaz, after Picasso (Suite 347) Pablo PICASSO Etching, sugar lift aquatint and scraper, 281 x 389 mm (print); 455 x 543 mm (sheet) 30 June 1968 Colección Fundación Bancaja

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 117. Man, 8 November 28014 Madrid. España Pablo PICASSO

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 Oil on plywood, 96.5 x 57.5 cm F: +34 913 30 28 58 1970 [email protected] Private Collection. Cortesía Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte

118. Musketeer with Sword and Cupid Pablo PICASSO Oil on canvas, 130 x 89 cm 1969 Oviedo, Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias. Colección Pedro Masaveu


119. The Adoration of the Name of Jesus EL GRECO c. 1577 - 1580 Patrimonio Nacional. Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23 28014 Madrid. España

T: +34 913 30 29 60 / 41 F: +34 913 30 28 58 [email protected]