Foe Held Sa Ys Foch

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Foe Held Sa Ys Foch DAILY EVENING EDITION I DAILY EVENING EDITION ) Aumber eoplea printed of yeaterday'a Dally lMlitloa WEATHEB FORECAST 2,693 - 1 TbU paper 1 a number of and audited l daily AVWTJy T Tanlght and Sunday fair. by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. 'JlU6stSVit T COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER :T1 V 7 VOL. 30 JY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1918. NO. 9402 GERMANS RIDGE WITHIN SIGHT OF PARIS - AMIENS It ,(u To Speak At Happy HELIX FIRST TWO DRAMATIC FIGURES IN WAR ZONE Tl'ALLIES CAN Canyon On Tuesday ir FOE HELD OVER TOP IN HOLD ENEMY SA YS FOCH THFS COUNTY IS BELIEVED Germans Make Repeated and 'Desperate Quota of $20,000 Passed at Foch Plan is to Let Ilinden- - Attacks in Effort to Capture Important 10:45 This Morning; is Re- burg Wear Out His Army Railway; Began Hurling Masses For- port to chairman. Then Make Counter ward at 5:30 Today; Ranks Shatteied NO SOLICITING ON by British Guns; Outcome of Battle IN PENDLETON YET AMIENS RAILROAD Yet MUST BE PROTECTED in Doubt. Voluntary Subscribers Keep- r ' s ing Local Bankers Si ' I Washington Authorities As- (Henry Wood) Busy Today. ' sume Stratiic Point WITH THE BRITISH ARMY, April 6. "The German " is Safe. f'nrit.iln J.emtnr W. , offensive is now completely checked. The future will Helix, the banner town of Umatil- army, here;giVGUS victory have already la county In the last Liberty Loan the National will speak a full measure of the we at campaign ,4s the firm to go over the AVhito awaiting; a heavy relnforce- - at Happy Canyon next Tuesday aft- tained," General Foch declared confidently to the corres top in the Third Liberty Loan drive nifnt of big runs resuming ernoon, April 9. in company with Dr-W- . pondents. In thin county. At 10:45 this morn the Amicus drive, JIliidCTibtirtc'H infan J. Kerr who is bringing announce Injf County Chairman W. L-- Thomp- - try is battering' agnjiLst the Jirltish left ments from Washington, D. C. Cap- non received a telephone message center between the Somme and Ayette. tain Humphreys is a Portland man HEAVY FIGHTING EVERYWHERE from Curl Kupers of Helix that tb llaitf today reMrlcd heavy and won his commission at the first fihtiii? training- S&in subscriptions made at the Helix bank evrywliere along the 20 mil efront- - camp in Francisco. He LONDON, April 6. German attacks "in considerable had the f 10,000 quota and Tlie Germans plan the most vast ar- - a Spanish war veteran. strength" on a 20 mile front north of the Somme through- v.ere In. still coming tillrintr lefore driiiiitf at Amiens. to- The Pendleton banks, which closed , The Ieneh artillery concentration out yesterday and this morning, were repQlsed, Haig at noon today, were besieged atl lis tm'atest ever Keen. Henry WokI. day announces. mornlnfc by people eager to make press eorrcfrfJondent, rcixirts. E volunteer subscriptions. Such a rush MATCH There was heavy fighting everywhere north of the to make early applications for bonds WASHINGTON'. April 6. France Somme, until evening yesterday. South of the Somme, was unknown In the first two and Pritain at bay before Amiens will nine miles southeast of Amiens there was local fighting. turn the Boche back, American mili- Messages from over the county in- tary authorities believe. R Is assumed ONE GAS TANK We improved our positions by counter attacking." dicate that, while the actual solici- that the city is most strongly tation wllj not begin until Monday owing; to the delay In receiving sup- (William Phillips Simms.) plies, on all communities ar well V. MASON'.) way top' by (,r. T. IN SIGHT OF RAILWAY their to "over the the YORIC. April 6. ONE MAY DIE voluntary C. NEW Oenernl route. I Scharpf of in suc- WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES, .April .6. Fighting Pilot Hock this morning early wired Foch's confidence the ultimate cess of the combat's outcome does not speeded up last night. After important clashes the Ger-'ma-ns In for 450 more subscription blanks. necessarily mean an early resumption F. B- - Swayre of Hermiston made a occupy a wedge shaped ridge the confluence of - - of allied offensive. It is increasingly (Kat Oregonian Special.) at similar request last evening. F 8. - Paris-Amie- ns If ri-- - cvident Foch plans to lot Hinden- - 6. Lionel1 Moye and Avre, with mam line La sent In hurry-li- n that VMAJ'IXR Ore.. Anril the of the Grow of Athrna a bnri? himself against the call tot Tior .Liberty l,on but war tit croux. l, year old son f John Le railroad in plain sight. The Germans also hold a wedge - Jstoncwail, bofore counter attacking on iwua, i. jim jmit: was tons, declaring his supply- had al- any large scalp. between Avre and Luce, and ready been probably fatally burned last night another between Luce and exhausted. Protective operations may nccossi- - IVimmlttco Mccto Tomorrow. when ho lighted a match to see how the Somme. ' ' tate sh(rt drives. Tho allies must much gasoline there was left in his All precinct chairmen, team cap ,1 : ' X - push the Germans back from their At eight o'clock Friday morning southwest of Albert, tains and solicitors are asked and ' p rcseii t position menacing the Paris- - urged to be present at the Commer- year old companion of young alter two hours oi bombardment. 72.000 Germans at-- Amiens railroad for the traffic is un- Koujc. l cial Association tomorrow afternoon was :lls?L!yJZZi W2J!! t,,;i; der fire. It is highly desirable for the ins- to tempted to storm the railway embankment The fighting at 4- o'clock when district Chairman French morale the railroad be Hartman will give them instructions that destroyed the car. th garase and a is continuous. Ine uermans are trying to gam the high protected. small building" near by. and supplies so that they may start optimism is most ground they desperately need before the "kickoff." out early Monday morning Foch's The two boys had taken the L,e The color cards did not arrive from Ktmy c;ir to Walla Walla last even- German artillery was increasingly active here Friday, Portland until this morning and were ing and on their return were under- and heavier pieces are arriving. The Amiens cathedral is sent out at once over the county. The taking to refill the car with gas when Instructions to, solicitors went 'out GEORGE CREEL HAS tho accident hapened. suffering the same fate as Rheims. last night- - The greatest shortage Is In subscription blanks. None have (William Phillip Simms.) arrived at all from Portland nnd. in CALLED desperation, the local committee two NARROW ESCAPE IN 923 FROM SATURDAY, April 6. Heavy fighting is developing days ago. placets? an order with a lo- cal printing1 establishment. The for the possession of the Amiens railway embankment presses have been .running- day una E OREGON APRIL 26 near Albert in the Ancre valley, and astride the Somme. night but yet the supply does not Corbie, equal the demand. Just outside eight miles east of Amiens, particu- Very few arc tho romplulnts of the larly desperate assaults are being made. The Germans WASHINGTON". April . (Jeorse FROM THIS ratings aw" given Individuals. In fact 35 CO. are hurling their masses forward. 5:30 many subscriptions have been made t'reel ttf the pnidic Information com- At this morning much In excess of the assessments by mittee, and Lieutenant Itounds, an line enemy was seen advancing in waves west of Corbie. tho committee. "well be over the army aviator, narrowly escaped to- ' day when airpllntie hound for a , The fighting is continuing southward from the heights. top In no time,' said . Chairman their U.r - Washington landed hadly. The piano 1UUUj1L), AMU i 1 r i i - Thompson this morning. hundi-P- d ri- idm" " D""8n oayo- was demolished. Hoth clunir to the Nine and tuWv' being by v inets or battered British eruns. It is too earlv to ' v" KJl fUtlillMIlN Will NfJ: 1 ohstruc-'- , . il. .j, S l. machine tryinj; to avoid an j e, i TT x JJlVe ine Dattie CieilnlteIf'. l eSUICS SWEDISH SHIPS ARE n. Creel carried Secretary JIc. iUldltKU Jl'll iO. UlliailUa enemies have ruln-- many I.V mllll. Hull i,i . 1 I - rif i r t Vt Adoo s messaBi- to the Baltimore S DO (IIK.MIY WIM1.) j meter guns. Ttiursday I - IwiJ ', ' I . qUOta IS ' On the flret i erty meetinf? where the President is' April . 250 millimeter it u ns appeared. lililTISH ARMIIX ' IIcmv. to speak. The machine buried its This is rtnd clay there was a violent artillery duel, ,er cannon is comtn(r. SECURED BY AMERICA nose Arniascddon the forces in the earth. Nither was badly of li;ht must be purified in order that Iiresauiiia: an attack on the entire RAIXS CIEECK IICXS. hurt. t victory or - Ahove is shall he theirs. n,iit south the Somme- Yet the Ileavy ra,lls TliursUay. General Koch, command- s chocked. ;elow is lenerul I'ey-'- n .ornians apparently plan vastly b,innn er of the allied forces who Is counted art, unquestionably Imnwhw. the WASHINOTIIX, April 6 A hull- - c, T'nited greater artillery concentration before upon to hold the Hun urn! some day March. States chief drcd Hhlp-Ilri- the main at Amiens. thmixnnd tons of Kwedinh drive them hack from if stuff at Washinp.lon. He says the rklu: drle The (Continued on paff six) have been chartered to Unit- Krance. lie the ayn today that the 'oimtrv must "sti-i- f(,r action.
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