Application No:

Date Registered: 1st. December 1997


Agent: Alexander Russell PLC, Tannochide Park, Uddingston G7 1 5PH.



Ward No: 66 Grid: 266920 - 668358 File Reference: MD Site History: TP/88/65: Reclamation of Colliery Site - RefUsed November 1988 for amenily reason. TP/89/77: Reclamation of Colliery Site - Approved September 1989. P/PPA/SL/84 1: ResidentiaVLight Industrial Development (Outline) - Approved on appeal April 1993. TP/94/268 (94/00420/PL): Construction of access road fiom Colliery Site to the M8O Crowwood Roundabout - Still being processed. TP/94/356: Formation of access onto Cardowan Road - Determination to grant in November 1994 subject to a Section 50 Legal Agreement requiring a Roads Bond. Agreement not signd - No Decision Notice issued. TP/95/207: Time Extension for reclamation works - Approved April 1995. TP/96/114: Time Extension for residentiflight industrial development (Outline) - Approved August 1996.

Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983: Zoned as Industrial Site (IND 4), Greenbelt @.PRO%)(part site), and unaffected by specific proposals (E.PR06) (part site) Northern Comdor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998: Housing development opportunity (HG 1/24).




Contrary to Development Plan: Yes


Objection: No Objection: City of Council, West of Water No Reply: Conditions: The Coal Authoriv, Director of Education, Director of Environmental Services, Kelvin Valley Countryside Project, Director of Leisure Services, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage.

REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: Seven Newspaper Advert: 169 plus Stepps and District Community Council and Cardowan Tenants and Residents Association.

COMMENTS: The application is for the erection of I36 dwellings, related dmnt&mtion and consolidation earthworks, and the inskation of dramage inhshcture at the former colliery site, Cardowan Road, Cardowan, Stepps. In addition, it is proposed to alter a number of the conditions attached to the outline planning permission granted by the Secretary of State on appeal in 1993. These seek approval for the details of the Cardowan Road access via the current application rather than via a separate application, to allow the use of the Cardowan Road access for additional construction traf€ic related to the adjacent residential development, to allow landscaping works to be phased after general earthworks and to delete the requirement for traffic lights on the M8O roundabout junction prior to the commencement of works.

A masterplan for future development on the former colliery site was submitted with the application. This indicates areas of residential, industrial and business use development, a limited leisurdretail site, a golf driving range, planting areas including the main bings, water courses including balancing ponds, details of decontamination/ consolidation works, details of dramage works and protection measures for important internal and adjacent areas of flora and fauna. Many of the master plan items cannot be included within the current planning application but give a useful overview of future development proposals for the full colliery site.

It should be noted that approximately 50% of the colliery site is within the city of Glasgow.

A considerable number of objections have been received. There is particular concern at the ability of Cardowan Road to cope with extra traffic. It should be noted however that the above outline planning permission gives approval for an access onto Cardowan Road. 13


It is considered that the application represents a first phase of exciting development proposals for what is currently a derelict and degraded site. There are no planning objections to the proposals and it is recommended that planning permission be granted.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to the following conditions

1) The development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this pennission.

Reason: To incorporate the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

2) That the residential phasing shall be as follows:-

a) Housebuilding at Phase 1 shall not start prior to the completion to adoptable standard of the road link from the site to the M8O Crowwood Roundabout. b) Housebuilding at Phase 2 shall not start prior to the first residential occupation of Phase 1 housing.

Reason: To ensure the early completion of the link road from the site to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout.

3) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts a land gas survey and railway noisehibration survey of the site shall be carried out and submitted with any required remedial measures to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required; approved remedial measures shall thereafter be implemented.

Reason: In the interests of public safety and amenity.

4) That before residential development on Phase 2 starts details of a car park area in the land shaded blue on the approved plan shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To offset car parking loss for adjacent land uses.

5) That before the first Phase 2 dwelling is occupied the car park area approved under the terms of condition 4 above shall be formed in accordance with the approved plans, to the satisfktion of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To offset car parking loss for adjacent land uses.

6 That/ 14


That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, fill details and/or samples of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, roofs, windows, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

7) That before the residential development hereby pemitted starts, full details of the design and location of all faces and walls (including railway security fencing) and entrance features to be erected on site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Pianning Authority, inciuding any modifications asmay berequired.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

8) That before any of the dwellinghouses hereby permitted, . situated on a site upon which a fence or wall is to be erected are occupied, the fence, or wall as approved under the terms of condition 7 above, shall be erected.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of future residents.

9) That notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992, integral garages shall not be altered for use as babitable rooms.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to retain effective control and to ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities within the plots.

10) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, a scheme of landscaping for all Cardowan land (within North ) under the control of the applicants including a habitat and species survey, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include:-

a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; 15

b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted.

c) an indication of all existing trees, hedgerows and other habitats and species plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development.

d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

11) That within one year of the completion of decontamination/ consolidation works all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting approved under the terms of condition 10 above shall be completed and any trees, shrubs or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged or become diseased shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species or such other scheme as is to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

12) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, a scheme, for the provision equipped play areas within Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, inciuding any modifications as may be required, and this shall include:-

a) details of the type and location of play equipment, seating and litter bins to be situated within the play areas;

b) details of the surface treatment of the play areas, including the location and type of safii surface to be installed,

c) details of the fences to be erected around the play areas,

d) details of the phasing of these works.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play area facilities within the site.

13. That/ 16

13) That before the occupation of the last 5 dwellinghouses within Phase 1 and the last 5 dwellinghouses within Phase 2 hereby permitted all the works required for the provision of the respective equipped play areas in Phases 1 and 2, included in the scheme approved under the terms of 12 above shall be completed.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site.

14) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, a management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of-

a) the proposed footpaths; b) the proposed parking areas; c) the proposed play areas; d) the proposed grassed planted and landscaped areas; e) the proposed fences to be erected along the boundaries; r) the proposed watercourse and ponds.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area.

15) That before the occupation of the last five dwellinghouses of the development hereby permitted, the management and maintenance scheme approved under the terms of condition 14 above shall be in operation.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of future residents.

16) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts, details of the design, location and construction of the proposed footpaths, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required.

Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail.

17) That before the development hereby permitted is completed or brought into use, all the footpath works shall be completed in accordance with the details approved under the terms of condition 16 above.

Reason/ 17


Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwellings.

18) AU accesses, roads and parking areas shall be designed and constructed to an adoptable standard to the satisfaction of Council as Planning and Roads Authority.

Reason: In the interest of public safety.

1 9) That no dwellinghouse shall be occupied until the access roads and footways leading from the existing public road to that dwellinghouse have been constructed to base course level.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory vehicular and pedestrian access facilities to the dwelling.

20) That before the last dwellinghouse within each Phase hereby permitted is occupied all roads and footways referred to within conditions 18 and 19 above shall be completed to final wearing course.

Reason: In the interests of traffic safety and to ensure satisfactory road circulation within the site.

21) That before commencement of decontaminatodconsolidation works hereby permitted the new vehicular access onto Cardowan Road shall be constructed with 10.5m corner radii leading to a 6m wide road.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.

That before commence of Phase 2 residential development hereby permitted a visibility splay of 9 metres by 9Om to Cardowan Road measured fiom the road channel, shall be provided on both sides of the vehicular access and before the development hereby permitted is completed, or brought into use, everything exceeding 1.05 metres in height above the road channel level shall be removed fiom the sight line areas and, thereafter, no- exceeding 1.05 metres in height above road channel level shall be planted, placed, erected, or allowed to grow, within these sight line areas.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.

23) That rights of way within the site shall be kept free from obstruction and shall be maintained in a manner suitable for pedestrian use unless diversions or temporary closure orders have been formally approved.

Reason/ 18

Reason: In order to protect the use of rights of way.

24) That before the development hereby permitted starts full details of decontamhtion and consolidation works for all Cardowan land (within North Lanarkshire) under the control of the applicants shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required; thereafter the approved works shall be implemented, prior to commencement of the residential development.

Reason: In the interests of public health and public safety.

25) That dramage works shall be to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, West of Scotland Water and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and public health.

26) That no earthworks shall take place within designated Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation other than on the bing areas, as identified in brown on the approved plans.

Reason: In the interests of amenity.

27) That before the residential development hereby permitted starts full details of works to the watercourse, including ponds shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required; no works shall take place which will alter the quality and quantity of the waterflow draining from the site.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and water quality.

28) That for the avoidance of doubt works not specifically covered by this planning permission shall require the separate approval of the Planning Authoriv: this shall include further housing phases, and industrial development.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt.

29) That any alterations to statutory undertakers apparatus shall be carried out to the satisfaction and requirements of the respective statutory undertakers.

Reason: To protect statutory undertakers apparatus.

30. That/ 19


30) That construction shall take place at a maximum rate of 60 dwellings per year.

Reason: In order to assist integration with Cardowan and Stepps.

3 1) That before the iirst Phase I dwelling is occupied the fwtpath link from Phase I to Lane shall be constructed.

Reason: In order to provide an acceptabIe pedestriau link from Phase I to Cardowan.

32) That the link road between Phases 1 and 2 shall be completed no later than three years from the occupation of the first dwelling at Phase 2.

Reason: In the interests of pedestrian and vehicular movement.

List of Background Papers:

Application form and plans, Masterplan details and plans Report on ground conditions and plans Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998 Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 Consultation Letters from City of Glasgow Council, Kelvin Valley Countryside Project, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage Consultation Memos from the Director of Education, Director of Environmental Services, Director of Leisure Services Letters of representation: See Appendix 1 Outline permission for residential and light industrial development on the Cardowan Colliery Site granted on appeal in April 1993 (ref. P/PPASL/841) and August 1996 (TPP/96/114).

Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Martin Dean on 0 1236-616459. 20



1.1 The application is for the erection of 136 dwellings in two phases of development at the former colliery site, Cardowan Road, Cardowan, Stepps. Also covered by the application are related decontamination and consolidation earthworks, and installation of drarnage inhstructure including the use of watercourses and ponds to accommodate subwater runoff. It is also proposed that there be alteration to a number of conditions attached to the outline permission for residential and industrial units. These are that:-

a) There no longer be a requirement for a separate planning application for the details of the Cardowan Road access. Although such a separate application was submitted in 1994 a Decision Notice has not been issued as a Legal Agreement requiring a Roads Bond has not been completed. Full revised details of the access have however been submitted with the current application and it is argued that planning permission can properly be granted through the residential planning permission.

b) There be a relaxation on the limits placed on construction traf€ic using the Cardowan Road access. The applicants are proposing to construct the link road from the M8O Crowwood Roundabout to the site as an initial phase of construction along with a major earthworks contract for ground remediation works. Both contracts will be implemented concurrently thus requiring some usage by construction vehicles of the use Cardowan Road access. It is however stated that the earthworks contract shall, as far as possible, be contained within the site and that no si@cant volumes of material shall be exported from or imported to the site. The Phase 2 section of residential development will require the Cardowan Road access for construction vehicles and subsequently for residents. In due course an internal link road within the site will be constructed which will allow maximum usage of the access onto the M8O Crowwood Roundabout.

c) There be a relaxation on the requirement for landscaping to be a first phase of development. Landscaping works cannot commence until the completion of the ground preparation works. It is necessary to programme the restoration of the bings and new landscaping in line with re- contouring of the site, the excavation and replacement of contaminated made ground and peat and the consolidation of the washed colliery discard.

d) There be a deletion of the requirement that works shall not commence until temporary trailic lights are installed at the point of access onto the M80 Crowwood Roundabout. The use of temporary traffk lights has been rejected by Scottish Office Roads Engineers and as such this condition is now inappropriate.

1.2 The residential development is on Phases 1 and 2 of the former colliery site which takes up approximately 4 hectares of the total 81 hectares size of the full colliery site. The site is derelict open ground with all the former colliery building having been demolished.

1.3 Although this application site is limited to only parts of the whole site which was granted outline consent, it is acceptable under planning regulations to impose conditions affecting other related land within the control of the applicants. As such it is recommended that approval be granted via this conditional permission for decontaminatiodconsolidation works and dramage works within the larger site.

These/ 21


These involve the working of extensive fill deposits and the excavation of the underlying peat to provide compacted ground and development platforms. Peat and inert raw material will be mixed with contamination materials in order to render them safe for the planned after use. Surface water drarnage will be led to existing water courses. Balancing ponds will be formed in order to control the quality and rate of discharge of the water courses onto the sensitive Garnkirk Moss.

1.4 In addition to the planning application described above a master plan has been submitted covering all the proposed works within the full colliery site. This follows the main thrust of the outline planning permission granted in 1993 and 1996 for residential and industrial development on the site. It is proposed that, that part of the site within North Lanarkshire be developed residentially with a substantial proportion of landscaping and one small section of industrial development. Development within Glasgow would mainly be industrial and landscaping with a golf driving range and a small area of housing. e 2. POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 Under the terms of the Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 the site is zoned for industrial purposes (IND 4) whereby there is a presumption in favour of creating new employment opportunities. The western section of the site is also zoned as being deedby specific proposals @.PRO 6) and the eastern section of site is additionally zoned as greenbelt @.PRO 2) where there is a presumption against new development unless required for agriculture, forestry or outdoor recreation.

2.2 Under the terms of the Northern Corridor Local Plan Consultative Draft 1998 the site is identified as a housing development opportunity (HG 1/24).

2.3 Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 promotes the suitable redevelopment of brownfield sites Policy RES I requires that preference be given to residential development on “brownfield” fill or redevelopment sites.

2.4 The application has been advertised in the Kirkintilloch Herald and the News under the Development Contrary to Development Plan procedure in view of the sites industridgreenbelt joining in the Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983.


3.1 Summaries of consultation responses are as follows:

The Coal Authority: The property is in an area where coal is believed to exist at or close to the surfsce that may have been worked at sometime in the past and is within the likely zone of the influence on the surface fiom one seam of shallow fire clay workings. There are four mine entries within 20 metres of the property. A prudent developer would seek appropriate technical advice before any works are undertaken on site. (The developers are aware of the mineral site conditions and the housing layout avoids the areas affected by shallow workings.)

City of Glasgow Council: No objections.

Kelvin/ 22 .


Kelvin Valley Countryside Project: Although the Cardowan overall master plan addresses some ecological issues the Project has some concern regarding the impact upon nearby Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation and also areas used for informal recreation within the proposed development. Of concern is the proposed golf driving range which will have a negative impact on the adjacent site.

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency: A meeting has been held with the developer at which issues including the disposal of foul and surface water, the inclusion of Best Management Practices with regard to surface water treatment and disposal, the possible impact on the Bishop Loch and Garnkirk Moss, earth movement during the construction phase including the re-contouring the existing bings and the disposal of waste fiom the site. Provided that the above issues are properly addressed there are no objections to the development proposal.

Scottish Natural Heritage: No objections subject to the addressing of matters relating to landscaping, requirement for a tree survey, the nondisturbance of Gadirk Moss, woodland management and appropriate footpath provision. 0

West of Scotland Water: Prehmary discussions have taken place with the developers’ engineers and the necessary dramage scheme is presently being designed and would be constructed to West of Scotland Water’s specihtion.

Director of Education: The number of additional school pupils likely to be generated will not be able to be accommodated in local schools. It is recommended that if planning consent is granted the developer should meet the capital cost of providing the additional school places resulting fiom the development. Existing road traffic problems at Stepps Primary School and St. Joseph’s Primary School are likely to be worsened.

Director of Environmental Services: Ground contamination works and proposed remedial action requires to be approved by the Department of Environmental Services. A railway noise/vibration assessment should be submitted for appraisal.

Director of Leisure Services: The site and existing landscape can only be improved by the development. The contouring, screen planting, avenue/street tree planting and the enhancement of existing drarnage ditches linked to public open space are all satisfktory as an indication of intentions with regard to 0 landscaping. Recommendations are provided conceming limits to earthmoving in the vicinity of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation, the best use of existing and potential wetland habitats, the need for satisfactory sediment traps in the dramage water course, the need for firther approval for watercourse details and appropriate planting. There is a need for play areas within the residential site.

Transportation Manager: No objections subject to conditions relating to the geometry and visibility splays of the access onto Cardowan Road and the requirement that the roads be designed and constructed to an adoptable standard.

3.2 Where appropriate planrung conditions have been imposed covering consultee recommendations.

3.3 177 letters of objection have been received including an objection fiom Cardowan Tenants and Residents Association. Stepps and District Community Council have written giving conditional support for the proposals but reserved their position on the Cardowan Road access due to lack of clarity on the plans.

Points/ 23


Points of objection are as follows:

- Access onto Cardowan Road should only be for initial construction works for the link road to the M80 roundabout as specified by the outline planning permission. The Phase 2 residential development should be served solely via the M80 roundabout. Excessive construction traftic will be a roads danger and cause loss of amenity on Cardowan Road. The Cardowan Road access may be heavily used due to traffic congestion on the M80 Crowwood Roundabout.

- Cardowan Road catl not safely take more traffic due to congestion and poor sightlines. There will be a particular danger to the many school children who use Cardowan Road. There is a roads danger due to the proximity of the proposed access with other accesses onto Cardowan Road.

- The proposed development will remove a parking area used by the local school and church and will also result in the loss of the adjacent public house car park.

- There is insufficient local school capacity for children associated with the new development.

- The planning conditions attached to the outline permission should be rigorously enforced. This includes only construction traffic associated with the M8O roundabout link road using the Cardowan Road access, an early start to landscaping and protection of rights of way.

- There are no proposals to improve existing facilities at Cardowan. This will make integration into Cardowan difficult and lack of fhilities may lead more youth crime.

- Certain plans are not clear. Garnkirk Lane has wrongly been indicated as a footpath. - The golf driving range along with other aspects of the proposed development will adversely affect wiIdIife and local habitats. Previous reclamation works have devastated local wildlife.

- The existing footpath from Drimnin Road to Cardowan Road via the application site should be retained.

- Decontamination should be the first phase of development.

- Building works should not cause a nuisance i.e. from dust or late night noise.

- Previous planning conditions on the reclamation permission were not complied with.

- There is no direct dramage to Frankfield Loch as stated in the master plan.


4.1 The principal of the residential development has been approved through the residential and industrial outline planning permission granted in 1993 and renewed in 1996. The outline approval directly covers residential development, an access onto Cardowan Road, landscaping, appropriate decontamination and drajnage which is compatible with the adjacent sensitive Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation.

4.2 It/ 24


4.2 It is accepted that, as pointed out by objectors, there will be some adverse effect on the amenity of local residents through construction works. This is however normal for building projects. Taking account of the outline planning permission it must be accepted thac not withstanding the many objections, Cardowan Road will be used by additional residential traffic and some early construction traffic, and that limitations of existing fhcilities such as available school places are not a hindrance to the proposed development. The outline permission gives no remit to require a contribution to improvements to local hilities, such as schools, outwith the application site.

4.3 The outline planning permission allowed only construction traffic associated with the link road to the M80 to use the Cardowan Road access. However, construction traffic in excess of the level approved through the outline permission, is now proposed via the Cardowan Road access. This is due to the decOntaminatiodconsolidation works taking place at an early stage in conjunction with the construction of, but prior to opening of, the link road to the M8O Crowwood Roundabout. Construction traffic for the Phase 2 residential development immediately adjacent to Cardowan Road will also require to use the Cardowan Road access as the internal spine road crossing the full colliery site will only be completed at a later date.

4.4 There are no objections to the use of the Cardowan Road access from the Transportation Manager. It is considered that a positive view must be taken of the redevelopment of this unsightly derelict colliery site. It should be noted that Cardowan Road is a public road with no prohibition on types of traffic and that it was previously the main access route to Cardowan colliery which closed in 1984. It is considered that the temporary extra construction traffic usage beyond the terms of the outline permission is acceptable. Planning conditions are attached which are designed to ensure that the link road to the MSO Crowwood Roundabout is constructed prior to housebuilding commencing on Phase 1 and that housebuilding should not commence on Phase 2 until one or more houses are occupied in Phase 1.

4.5 It is accepted that the appropriate time for landscaping works is after the decontamjnatiodconsolidation earthworks phase. A planning condition covers this point.

4.6 As pointed out in letters of objection parts of the colliery and application site are used for parkmg for the adjacent public house, parking and picking-up/dropping-off for the adjacent school and church and a footpath link from Drimnin Road to Cardowan Road. Although these uses are without the agreement of the landowner a planning condition requires that details be submitted of a substitute parking area for use in relation to the school and church. It may be appropriate to incorporate a footpath link to Drimnin Road when processing a residential application on immediately adjacent land.

4.7 The internal spine road crossing the full site will not be constructed until a later date, and as such the Phase 1 housing deveIopment will be relatively isolated in the meantime. Therefore a condition has been included which will require footpath links shown on the drawings between Phase 1 and Cardowan Road to be constructed prior to the house being occupied in Phase 1. This will provide pedestrian access to local facilities for residents of Phase 1.

4.8 The developers anticipate that the right of way adjacent to the railway line will require to be temporarily diverted or stopped up to allow the construction of the link road to the M80 Crowwood Roundabout. The acceptability or otherwise of such proposals will be determined at the time of promotion of any right of way order.

4.9 Thel 25


4.9 The proposed works will almost certainly aid local wildlife in the long term due to the large areas of proposed planting and ponding. Conditions require due care and attention to the adjacent Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. There is only a restricted range of existing flora and fauna due to the degraded condition of the site.

4.10 The outline planning permission maximum limit of 60 dwelling to be constructed per year is retained for Phases I and 2 as covered by this permission. The applicants have however stated that they may seek a relaxation of tlvs condition in subsequent residential planning applications, Improved plans have been submitted which amongst other matters show Gamkirk Lane as a vehicular route which will not be directly afkcted by the proposed development.

4.11 There are no objections to the layout details subject to the provision of appropriate play areas. A plammg condition covers this issue. There are no objections to the proposed development from consultees although certain details require fbrther assessment and approval. These matters are covered e by planning conditions. 4.12 The first two phases of residential development, the decontaminatodconsolidation groundworks, landscaping and early drrunage works are part of an exciting major brownfield development. The proposed works relate acceptably to the outline planning permission and any alterations from outline conditions reflect updated proposals for this major development.

4.13 Taking account of the above considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be granted. 26 . Appendix 1 Letters of Representation

Mr&MrsR 35 Alexander Avenue Glasgow, G33 6BP Campbell ~rsM 07~ria 24 Alexandra Avenue StePPS Glasgow, G33 6BP Janine Campbell 35 Alexandra Avenue StePPS G3 3 John H Pryce & 2 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AU Masarie Pryce Marie & John A 2 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan G3 3 Pryde Sadie Ward 3 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G33 MrdkMrsMaCKaY 6 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AU Mrs M Hunter 11 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G33 Mrs MNotman 11 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G33 Derek Notman 11 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G3 3 John & Elizabeth 12 Ardtoe Crescent StepPS G33 McKerron Mr & Mrs J Shaw 18 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan G33 6AU James & Agnes 24 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps G33 cartwright Glasgow, G33 Irene Coyle 30 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps * J & M Sullivan 38 Ardtoe Crescent StePPS G33 6AU Mrs Anne Thomson 41 Ardtoe Crescent Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 Linda & Gordon 43 Ardtoe Crescent StepPS G3 3 Yardley Gordon Russell 46 Ardtoe Crescent StePPS G3 3 occupant 48 Ardtoe Crescent StePPS G33 6AU Mrs J McCormick, 4 Ardtoe Place Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AX Mr & Mrs McVay 11 Ardtoe Place Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AX Margaret- he 13 Ardtoe Place Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AX shaw Margaret-he 13 Ardtoe Place Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AX shaw Margaret- he 13 Ardtoe Place Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AX shaw occupant 13 Ardtoe Place G33 I Kennedy 5 Ballaig Crescent Glasgow, G33 6NR Mr J Daly 44 Ballaig Crescent Glasgow, G33 Marie Miller 60 Ballaig Crescent Glasgow, G33 6NR e occupants 6 Blaneview G33 occupants 8 Blaneview G33 Mrs Maureen 18 Blaneview Glasgow, G33 6BX Bum& Ah& 21 Blaneview Glasgow, G33 6BH Ann shaw 23 Blaneview Glasgow, G33 6BH J & G Brogan 32 Blenheim Avenue Glasgow, G33 6DJ Alison M c/o St Joseph’s Cardowan Glasgow, G33 6AA McLaughl~n Primary School (2 letters) Board Kathleen Shields 9 Cardowan Drive Glasgow, G33 6HE Elaine Middleton c/o St. Joseph’s Cardowan Road Glasgow, G33 6AA School, Frank J Lynch Alvisdene Cardowan Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 6HL 30 Mr J & Mrs A P 35 Cardowan Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 6HJ Kirkpatrick Mr J Kirkpatrick 35 Cardowan Road Stems Glasgow, G33 6HJ 27 Appendix 1 Letters of Representation

Mrs P Kirkpatrick 35 Cardowan Road Glasgow, G33 6HJ Michele 37 Cardowan Road Glasgow, G33 6HJ MacDonald Mr & Mrs Hugh 74 Cardowan Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 McConnack Mrs Agnes Young 81 Cardowan Road G33 A Doran 93 Cardowan Road Glasgow, G33 6AW MrsPDeadman 95 Cardowan Road G33 Miss Annie 95 Cardowan Road G33 Deadman MrRDeadman 95 Cardowan Road StepPS G33 Margaret & Harold 2 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G3 3 Hunter KGoodwin 4 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 Mrs Catherine 6 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AN Neilson e MDaly 14 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 John Clark 16 Clayhouse Road Glasgow G33 6AN J & A Momson 18 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Mr&MrsR 20 Clayhouse Road StepPS G33 McKerron G Johnston 52 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 Lawrence & Moyra 56 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Toner Margaret & Archie 58 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33

Anne McCluskey 66 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 Mr & Mrs John 97 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Findlay MrL&MrsE 103 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 McCallum Mr S McCallum 103 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 Miss A. J. 103 Clayhouse Road Cardowan G33 McCallum e MrsRose 109 Clayhouse Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Callnehan Mr Russell Martin 121 Clayhouse Road Cardowan Glasgow, G33 6AG E Clyne 6 Comedie Road Cardowan G33 6AQ Jam= McVay 17 Comedie Road StepPS G33 A. F Cassidy 21 Comedie Road StepPS G33 6AH Mr&Mrs 27 Comedie Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AN McWilliam Carol Quinn 29 Comedie Road Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AH MrP McGrath 5 Coshneuk Road Glasgow, G33 6JG KathleenLarkin 61 Coshneuk Road Glasgow G33 61H Margaret McManus 11 Craigendmuir Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Lorna & George 12 Craigendmuir Road Cardowan G33 h4acMillan Mrs N Merty 5 Cumbernauld Road G33 6LT Margaret Marchetti 21 Cumbemauld Road Glasgow, G33 6LR Tracy Taylor 123 Cumbernauld Road Glasgow, G33 6LE P. M Laughlin 164 Cumbernauld Road Glasgow, G33 6HA Angela Clarke 1817 Cumbernauld Road Glasgow, G33 6JR Lyn Grant 3 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 28 . Appendix 1

Letters of Representation L

M hdrew 18 Dorlin Road G33 6AP Helen Stones 24 Dorlin Road Glasgow, G33 Thomas Stones 24 Dorlin Road Glasgow, G33 Thomas P Stones 24 Dorlin Road G33 Elaine Stone 24 Dorlin Road G33 Jack Shaw 30 Dorlin Road Glasgow, G33 6AP CardowanTenants & Residents Association Mrs Thomson 33 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Miss H Thomson 33 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Master D Thomson 33 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Mrs H Maxwell 34 Dorlin Road Cardowan G33 Irene Hughs 37 Dorlin Road Cardowan G33 Mr W Wdter 38 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AP Abbie Code 46 Dorlin Road Cardowan G33 occupants 48 Dorlin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 occupant 14 Drimnin Road Cardowan G33 Donald Ross 16 Drimnin Road Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AT David & Mary 18 Drimnin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Lyons George & Georgina 20 Drimnin Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 -Y Mr&MrsP 22 Drimnin Road Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AT McGoven Mrs Susan McVay 50 Drimnin Road Cardowan G33 6AT Martin McVay 50 Drimnin Road Cardowan G33 6AT Wm.McGoldrick 52 Drimnin Road Cardowan G33 Mr & Mrs Kelly 46 Dunalastair Drive StepPS Glasgow, G33 MrsMaryAnne 124 Dunalastair Drive Millerston G33 6NU Gallacher Alison McLaughI~n 3 Dunalistair Drive Glasgow G33 6LN Mrs M Stewart 30 Dunalistair Drive StepPS Glasgow, G33 occupant 34 Dunalistair Drive StePPS Glasgow, G33 J Byrne 77 Dunalistair Drive StepPS Glasgow, G33 6 LY M Clark 2 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 L Simpson 4 Frankfield Road StePPS G33 6AE Mrs P Coyle 7 Frankfield Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 D & P Coyle 7 Frankfield Road Cardowan G33 ERenuie 26 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Mrs MacKie 35 Frankfield Road Cardowan G33 M & F Birchall 41 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 Helen Barrons 43 Frankfield Road StePPS G33 J Mdjeachey 45 Frankfield Road Cardowan G33 Mr&MrsJ 50 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 McCallum James & Patricia 62 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AE McCabe Donna Lyons 69 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AY Elaine Middleton 73 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 G Fraser 78 Frankfield Road Cardowan G33 R&JGrant 79 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 h4rs E Smith 81 Frankfield Road Cardowan G33 B Barrons 82 Frankfield Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 29 Appendix 1 Letters of Representation

Mr Robin Hood 1 Garnkirk Lane StepPS Glasgow, G33 6BD Robin Hood Motors Mr Thomas Cole 1 Garnkirk Lane Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6BD C W Johnson & Inchgarvie, 1A Garnkirk Lane StepPS Glasgow, G33 6BD Mrs E Johnson Terence & he 3 Garnkirk Lane Cardowan Glasgow, G33 6BD Marie Cole Terence Cole 3 ~arnkiriLane Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6BD Terence Cole 3 Gamkirk Lane Cardowan, Stepps G33 6BD Mr william 5 Garnkirk Lane StePPS Glasgow, G33 6BD McElveen Mrs E Cole 7 Garnkirk Lane Glasgow, G33 6BD James Kennedy Cardowan Cottage Garnkirk Lane Glasgow, G33 6PX 9 Mrs B McDonald 2 Gash Path StepPS G3 3 Mrs A Screen 50 Ingleneuk Avenue Millerston Glasgow, G33 6PX Mr & Mrs John 4 Iona Way Craigendmuir Park, G33 6BQ Kormoski Cardowan Mr&MrsME 9 Iona Way craigendmuir Park, G33 6BQ Mallon StepPS I. F. Bumett 11 Iona Way Craigendmuir Park, G33 Cardowan Isobel Burnett 11 Iona Way Craigendmuir Park, G33 Cardowan W Clelland 11 Iona Way craigendmuir Park, G33 Cardowan Alex & Margaret 16 Iona Way, Caravan Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AF Milligan Site Eileen McHenery 1 Laurelbank Road Glasgow, G69 9BH K Tracey 36 Lednock Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 6LU Mrs P Woolfries 7 Road StePPS Glasgow, G33 6DY Angela McIntosh 27 Lochearnhead Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 6LQ Mrs C Fox 32 Lochview Crescent Glasgow G33 Mrs C. Fox 32 Lochview Crescent Hogganfield Glasgow, G33 1QW Mrs L. G. 30 Lochview Drive Hoggdeld Glasgow, G33 1QF Campbell MrsMBlair 173 Lochview Drive Hogganfield Glasgow, G33 E Magavau 1 Lomond Place Cardowan G33 J Fitzgerald & E 2 Lomond Place craigendmuir, G33 Roberts Cardowan

Mr&MrsE 22 Lomond Place StepPS G33 6AF Colgan Mr & Mrs S Tobin 3 Louden Road Millerston Glasgow, G33 6NJ U McCabe 11 Loudon Road Millerston Glasgow, G33 6NR Mrs Mary Barbour 99 Millersneuk Millerston Glasgow, G33 6PH Crescent Mr & Mrs Young 113 Millersneuk Millerston Glasgow, G33 6PA Crescent A. M. Thornson 13 1 Millersneuk Millerston Glasgow, G33 6PG Crescent Mrs Linda Reilly 163 Millersneuk Millerston Glasgow, G33 6PW Crescent OccUDant 7 Mossview Road Cardowan. S~DSG33 6AZ 30 . Appendix 1 Letters of Representation

Mr & Mrs A Taylor 8 Mossview Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AZ Eugene McClay 12 Mossview Road StepPS G33 Georgina Tait 35 Mossview Road Cardowan, Stepps G33 6AZ AM 0’Neil 33 Mossview Road, Cardowan, Stepps Glasgow, G33 6AZ Liz Ashmole clo stepps Primary School Road StepPS Glasgow, G33 School Board Mrs Isabelle M cl0 stepps Primary School Road G33 6HN Kennedy School Mr & Mrs Flood 15 Second Avenue Glasgow, G33 Jaqueline 14 St. Fillan’s Road Glasgow, G33 6LW McKendry Mrs C. J. Conway 30 Station Road MiUerston Glasgow, G33 6NG Faith Peacock & 2 Uist Crescent Craigendmuir Park, G33 Margaret Kenealy Cardowan, Stepps MrsFPeacock& 2 Uist Crescent Craigendmuir Park, G33 Mrs M Kenealy Cardowan Catherine 28 Uist Crescent Craigendmuir Park, Glasgow, G33 McCIuskey Cardowan Maria Celino 2 West Avenue StepPS Glasgow, G33 6ES Karm & Graham 7 West Avenue StepPS Glasgow, G33 Webster Mrs K McParland 25 West Avenue Glasgow, G33 6ES Paul Terrance 24 Whitehill Avenue Glasgow, G33 6BN Karm MacKay 45 Whitehill Avenue Glasgow, G33 6BN Stepps & District 57 Whitehill Avenue Glasgow, G33 6BN Community Council