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Stagger Lanayru79 05/01/2017 1:20 PM

Man, I am way too rusty w/ Plague Knight for these added challenges! For shovelry, err bombs away, um ... what will Spectre Knight say? Sporadically, in these comments, I'll dig in (nyuk nyuk) to the new Treasure Trove goodies.

I've been on an extended Miiverse hiatus, as there were some mammoth games of great merit on PS4 that absorbed me for a bit. Glad to be back, hope everyone has been well!

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Nintendoer 05/01/2017 1:30 PM Notifs!

While it doesn't have the complexity of Plague of Shadow, I found Specter of Torment to be an equally impressive game. Hope you enjoy!

And the Gender Swap mode is weird...although the new sprites are mildly entertaining. =P

E Yeah! e 2 D

Jayse 05/01/2017 1:31 PM Welcome back, Stagger! Miiverse isn't the same without you bro!

E Yeah! e 3 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 1:37 PM Still got it! They added these w/ the Trove right? As much as I want more stuff on the Switch, free beats the heck out of not free.

Aw Jayse ... the feels. :p Thanks man.

I can't resist checking out these challenges first, but then it's directly to the Yacht Club charm offensive of a new tale. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 1:47 PM The other four new PK challenges look pretty fun, but Nintendoer's ringing endorsement is too good to forestall. I will mark spoilers about story stuff when those come up ...

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:13 PM First mysterious thing to reach, unless I'm missing something in Spectre's mechanics, which are novel ... I'm happy he doesn't just fly around, heh. Interesting diminished sprite. The enemy slash through has a different feel from the shovel pogo for navigating gaps, and the limited wall run is a neat change to double jumping. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:14 PM *opens palm, inserts face*

E Yeah... e 2 D

Blake 05/01/2017 2:28 PM Welcome back! I second Jayse's comment.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:34 PM ·Spoilers Aw c'mon guys. I'm getting weepy. :p I missed y'all too.

I got really, really stuck trying to reach one of those red skulls, and then reusing the same scythe launching point dawned on me. Platforming brain, awaken! Anyway, Black Knight has a new arena? Ooh ... this is an interesting recruiting mission Spectre is on here. I guess it falls after Shield Knight's faux demise but before Shovelry?

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:36 PM ·Spoilers What? A “shelled steed” named after an LttP enemy? What is happening here?

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:44 PM ·Spoilers Donovan eh? I get the immediate impression that while Shovel and Plague Knights were on their quests for differing romantic motives, Spectre's tale will take on a more self-motivated tone. (I'm an unashamed Feat previewer btw.) E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 2:52 PM This is promising! Great evolutionary step in obtaining Curios from the previous two quests auxiliary items - rather than discovery in the stage, amassing those Red Skulls and then surviving a test for the trade. Kind of a hybrid of elements from each ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 3:03 PM Say what now? fairies? Let me try a few of these ...

They always pack the charm into these settlements, although to rival Plague's base of operations is going to be pretty tough. E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 05/01/2017 3:09 PM The game makes it sound like it supports multiple amiibo, but I couldn't get any of mine to work besides the hero himself. Perhaps Plague Knight and Specter Knight amiibo will come in the future...?

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 4:13 PM Possibly 'doer. I've seen a really cool fan-made Plague amiibo ... and a data-mined MM Link amiibo card, heh.

Had a meal, tried my hand at Horace's crazy climbing exercise w/out success, and am ready to check out this sustitute ... not sure how I feel about this exactly. We'll see. I do like the identity of the Lich Yard's occupant though. :) E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 4:21 PM Greedy greedy ... Pridemoor Keep is still under construction! Nifty. Plague of Shadows mainly featured added on sections to each stage rather than major restructuring, but it appears there will be plenty of wholesale changes here. Enemy alterations, modified music ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 5:08 PM Shovel Knight humor ...

Man, I backed out once because I was taking heavy gold losses and decided I should invest in the cloak and curio jars first. Then I found a couple of later portions that sapped my plunder instead on the second effort. All Red Skulls claimed at least ... let's see how his Highness plays against this foe. King has been the weakest before. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 5:23 PM This knave! Asking me for chicken service ... interesting changes to King's fighting style, but still kind of a ninny. So I can look forward to the lot of them joining the tower. Good, good. I'll also continue to spell Spectre that way.

I have some boring stuff to do before I can continue forward. I haven't decided if I'll go directly to the Lich Yard next or not.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Ed™ 05/01/2017 5:41 PM Stagger is back!


Stagger left?

Woah, are there Challenge stages for Plague and Specter now? I know what I'm doing next. Notify me, Captain! E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 5:49 PM Missed you too FFE. :p That climb is tough!

Okay, after the Explodatorium I'll do my grocery shopping. Couldn't quite put down the gamepad ...

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 6:04 PM ·Spoilers Ooh, Plague can triplicate. Still not tough, pretty easy to abuse that Will- generating Curio ... why is that silly amiibo fairy in the flashback? Down to one comment ... E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 05/01/2017 9:04 PM I became absolutely obsessed w/ reaching the top of Horace's climb, and put much time into finally succeeding. I have no idea if Curios that aren't available yet would be of assistance or not ... I'll save some screens and yammer some tomorrow before work.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Sciz 05/02/2017 6:42 AM There is one in particular that makes it significantly easier. I need to try to make it through without using it, at some point. My goal was just to get it done as quickly as possible first.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 9:55 AM I iron-manned it then eh Deano?

This was a very tricky find for an upgrade in this game. Finally discovered it on my fourth trip through the Explodatorium ... I went through a couple more recruitment stages after that, whichI'll detail presently.

@Ed: There aren't any Challenges for Spectre btw. They added five for Plague and that's all as far as I see ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:03 AM I'm pretty impressed by the redesigns for these stages. The Wrecked Ship's added rail system for scythe sliding was really cool, and some of the Red Skulls were downright devious to reach.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:07 AM This mini-boss ... awesome. Turning the shoveling platforming element into a swollen nemesis tickled me. I am finding Spectre's combat options, outside the Curios, fairly repetitive though. Plague spoiled me I guess, and the precision of shovelry was much greater. Conversely, platforming as Spectre seems the most challenging of the three, although I'm still undecided if elements like the wall grab

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 05/02/2017 10:08 AM Not really a spoiler, so I'll go ahead and say it...

Like the other two campaigns, the challenge mode is unlocked upon clearing the game for the first time.

E Yeah! e 3 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:10 AM perform consistently enough. It seems a little flukey to jump out of.

Polar Knight had the best updated fight I've encountered so far of the bosses. Reize being empowered by The Enchantress and taking the Dark Acolyte's place at the mirror was classic Yacht Club at this point. I'd assume this was prompted by progress, not selecting the Lich Yard. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:12 AM Thanks 'doer! I forgot there was an unlock.

Blight the earth! Summon thy scythe! Heh, home sweet home ... I'm a fan of the stage intro pauses. Spectre is so deep.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:13 AM Thanks 'doer! I forgot there was an unlock.

Blight the earth! Summon thy scythe! Heh, home sweet home ... I'm a fan of the stage intro pauses. Spectre is so deep. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:17 AM ·Spoilers The whole guarding of Spectre's room (followed by the same big goofy pile of bones pretending to be Phantom Striker back at the Tower) is priceless. Not quite as cool as Plague's - I mean, c'mon, there's a Ghost to harm him in here?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:24 AM ·Spoilers Ooh, burn ... the dialogue is so fun in these tales. I missed a Red Skull in the Lich Yard, which I can hopefully find before work this afternoon. As opposed to the sinister maneuvers required to reach them in the Wrecked Ship, here many were just downright well hidden. A sliver of ladder visible in the dark for the Wisp Chest, classy ... E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 9:13 PM Huh, so that Wisp Chest thing I spoiler tagged there was actually mislabeled, as I discovered going through the stage a couple more times before finding the Red Skull earlier.

Might have time for a couple before slumber ... I've got to say, while there is little chance Torment catches Shadow as a plot, they did much harder work adjusting stage construction and generating new enemies for Specty.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Jayse 05/02/2017 9:19 PM I played through most of Specter Knight's campaign today, and I love the amount of work they've put into reworking the stages. I really like how they changed up the boss fights as well. I do miss having an overworld map though. I haven't been following along with this post much, since I haven't finished the game yet, but I'll give this a good reading tomorrow when I finish the campaign.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 9:34 PM I tried marking anything remotely sensitive Jayse, just to be safe on your account, but you'll probably finish before I do anyway.

I can't figure out for the life of me how Spectre was intended to get back from this one. *shrug* It was all collapsing sand flooring getting across.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:06 PM ·Spoilers So Luan and Donovan reached the amulet before Shield and Shovel ... interesting. I loathe losing huge amounts of gold to the inevitable lone tricky spot in these flashback sequences. It's really annoying. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:13 PM ·Spoilers Post mortem win against Shield Knight, which was apt and weird - I've never seen a Shovel Knight boss defeated after running out of health. Quality scene there regardless. Donovan is not turning out to be a very likeable protagonist, heh, mistreating his partner like that ...

I'm guessing this is the Curio that guts some of the challenge out of Horace's climb?

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:19 PM ·Spoilers Chuckle and guffaw! A nice little bit of backstory to a dancer's enmity ... I keep forgetting to mention the alternate gamepad screen during the flashbacks. It's a nice little touch. Yacht Club's attentiveness to each platform is laudable. Now move on to a 16-bit Shovel Knight already. :p E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 10:51 PM ·Spoilers This is dangerously close to a puzzle element, rudimentary or otherwise.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 05/02/2017 11:29 PM Closing in, but I'm best to get a little shuteye ... might have time for a stage prior to work tomorrow. Like he was w/ Plague, Treasure Knight might once again be my target for the unscathed boss battle Feat. I liked the surfaced Iron Whale at least, heh. Not sure I really care that much for the remixed music in most cases though, just prefer the originals ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 05/03/2017 4:08 AM For the sand floor room in the Lost City, the idea is to refrain from jumping so you still have a path to travel back on.

I've had a couple post-defeat victories as Plague Knight.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Sciz 05/03/2017 8:17 AM I don't even have that curio. I used a different one.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 7:13 PM I'd have to go back and look at it 'doer, but I swear there was a sand block in the middle that was elevated and there was nothing for it but to jump ...

These are stingy new Challenges! Stagger approves! Knocked out two of them, leaving two more for later ... I wonder if I could manage the co-op ones solo akin to my TFH Friendly Token shenanigans. :p Back to Torment ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 05/03/2017 7:15 PM There is, and for that one, you simply slash it and keep going.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 7:18 PM ·Spoilers Right, but rather than just stacked on others, I thought it was built akimbo where if I slashed it I'd have to jump the rest of the way. Probably poor study on my part, as I tend to cannonball once I see a collectible in platforming games ...

Good grief. The Baz too?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 7:32 PM Yacht Club does some simply splendid 8-bit work. That's beautiful! I'm enjoying this musical remix more than a few of the others, but I guess I'm just so fond of the original compositions that it's hard to top them w/ these updated versions. Yet again, crafty new mechanics here for the scythe ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 7:57 PM ·Spoilers That stage ... wow. Simply one of the best I have played in the whole of SK, rivaling the original airship in my knee-jerk favorites list ... so many tricky portions and brief head scratches, packed w/ rough combat too! Great stuff.

I wonder what wrinkles Tinker has in store here. I wish he or mammoth polar had gotten their own campaigns.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 8:01 PM ·Spoilers Easy there tough guy! The old automotive lift was pretty sporty in the humor phase, much more dangerous than the wrench tossing stumblebum Tinker, but this is next level.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 8:09 PM ·Spoilers Outstanding boss fight. Now we come to the obvious crux of the tale, but I'm banking on some sort of twist down the line.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 8:10 PM Just to illustrate a point from earlier, for those who may be playing this on another platform - although I imagine the 3ds might have a similar split screen image. Deano? E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 9:20 PM That's some scythe! Meal break over ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 9:43 PM ·Spoilers All Red Skulls and Wisp Chests from the recruiting stages gathered! This was the only stage where there were skulls I looked at, deciphered the safe method to reach, and thought “forget it, I'm just taking a fall.” Heh.

Do your worst, Don Flemenco of the Shovel Knight world. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 9:46 PM ·Spoilers That was ... different.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 9:52 PM ·Spoilers Now wait just a cotton picking minute here ... I still have seven more of these to find! Judgement Rush might be the absolute ruin of Horace's climbing game. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 9:54 PM ·Spoilers ...


These Shovel Knight dance sequences are something else.

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 10:02 PM ·Spoilers Oh right, you didn't know Donovan. Terrorpin just busting in here wasn't what I expected. Nice!

The dance of red skeletons haunts me. Troupple King, Mona and Plague ... not sure how I'd rank them all, but I wouldn't want a Shovel Knight arc w/out at least one of those in it. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 10:20 PM I thought Plague had wild open air possibilities. Yeesh. Even w/ the cheap platforming insurance armor on, I'm sure to see this screen a few times as I hang my head down towards the gamepad in defeat during this pursuit of the endgame. There are some maddening and treacherous dash slash and wall climb sequences already, just two checkpoints in.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 10:38 PM ·Spoilers Drat! For only the second time, I've come up a Red Skull short. Not exactly the fun and carefree stage to come searching through either, heh ... oh well. The show, it goes on. E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:09 PM ·Spoilers Found it! I can believe I overlooked that spot in the magic book platforming section. Lot of high stress, demanding stuff to get Terrorpin out of the equation. 100 Red Skulls secure, it's finale time! I got the sense early on that filling this locket was not in the cards, but maybe I'll be proven wrong. Sacrifice for his friend maybe? Hrrm ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:18 PM ·Spoilers Blasted Enchantress fights! They are such a leech on gold to learn, w/ the disappearing doom under the floor and no way to retrieve the losses ... not that I have anything left to spend it on, but still. :p Took a third try to win there ...

This has gone a long way to explaining Reize's bizarre behavior in the other episodes. A mammoth on rails ... okay.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:21 PM ·Spoilers That ... can't be it, can it?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:26 PM ·Spoilers Boy, if Reize doesn't turn out to be this child of Luan that Donovan set out to help save in the first place, this is going to be an awfully melancholy installment of Shovel Knight indeed. To burn up the locket on this oddball ... E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:51 PM ·Spoilers Of course Reize was Luan's son. Still a grim conclusion, wholly different tone than the other two, yet it fits into the mythos quite well. Good stuff! Disappointing final boss, compared to the others, and no gauntlet of all of the Order either ... their endings are so great. Of course that's the Troupple Acolyte. Seeing things like payday on the Sunken Ship, the clearing out of settlements, and

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/03/2017 11:55 PM ·Spoilers most gratifying for me, Plague and Mona, was all enjoyable, while that grim final reverie and the postgame dialogue w/ Red were nails in the coffin.

I'm not sure if I'm fired up enough to pursue the other 9/20 Feats for this one right away. I'll goof off w/ the Challenges and see if it keeps me in the mood.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/04/2017 12:24 AM Aw yeah! That was a fun one. I've motored through the first three Spectre Challenges. The dirt clod one was slightly nuanced which made it satisfying to conquer. It's predictable how much easier these are for me right after finishing a run of the main game w/ that character, whereas getting back into shape w/ Plague is like pulling teeth w/out support from recently playing his chapter.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/04/2017 1:01 AM That was downright evil. Nintendoer or Ed, tell me you've done the Beetle juggling Challenge. Someone feel my pain here. The other four took about ten attempts between them. This one ... insidious.

I won't start on the boss rush ones tonight though. Maybe I'll try to get Plague's last two in order, but the pillow is looking pretty good to me. E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 05/04/2017 5:02 AM ·Spoilers I haven't done any of Specter Knights normal challenges; only the bosses. I'm saving those for last.

I agree, the final boss was pretty disappointing...nothing like the finale in what is now called Shovel of Hope. Still, I thought that was a great conclusion, and leaves me hoping for the final chapter in this saga of Shovely to be a quest to restore Donovan's humanity.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 05/04/2017 5:04 AM Although, King Knight's campaign may end up being nothing more than a quest for a real gold crown. =P That joke of a character has a tough act to follow...

E Yeah! e 2 D

Jayse 05/04/2017 8:05 AM ·Spoilers I'm planning on hitting up some of the challenges this evening. I'll feel your pain then.

I agree with your thoughts on the final boss, by the way.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D Ed™ 05/05/2017 4:27 AM ·Spoilers Bug juggling! Yes, I've tried that one.

"Tried." A treasure chest as an obstacle... As deviously creative as it is downright devious.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 5:04 PM I'm annoyed w/ myself for having such a hard time w/ Vats All Folks. Just one of Plague's to go ...

I started I Am Setsuna. Pretty underwhelming so far ... it's pretty to look at. It's mildly more intricate Chronotrigger from a combat standpoint, and perhaps a slight regression from that in storytelling heh. I expect a little more out of gaming a quarter century later. At a $40 pricepoint, I

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 5:07 PM also expect it will be relatively lengthy. If it doesn't get a lot more interesting in a hurry, that will not be a selling point. ;) Sadly there is just nothing else on Switch that remotely interests me just yet, and I wanted something to do on the darned thing.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 5:24 PM Hooty-hoo! I'm definitely trapped in a restless gaming moment, but I'm not sure Spectre Knight Feats are the cure.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Jayse 05/05/2017 5:34 PM I dunno Stagger, I kind of liked the beetle juggling challenge. :p

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 5:50 PM I didn't say I didn't like it. I said it was insidious. :p How many times did you get past the confounded point of no return w/ Beeto w/out success?

These ... are pathetic. By comparison to most of these Rematch Challenges for the other two Knights, kind of a joke ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 6:03 PM Nightmare Reize was the first one that took me more than two attempts w/ the exception of Propeller Knight. That one I'm finding difficult. I skipped Tinker Knight 'cuz I'ma skeered, but besides those two, these three I haven't attempted yet are all that's left.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Jayse 05/05/2017 6:07 PM Just once actually. I didnt find it to be entirely evil. :p I have a hard time with the boss rematches though. At least, I'm having a hard time with them as Shovel Knight. I haven't tried it for the other two knights yet, but I feel like I'm lacking in the combat department.

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 05/05/2017 6:22 PM Ah this won't be that bad, as I got relatively close on the first attempt. Enchantress was hard. She is in all three, heh. One-timed the other two, leaving just this and Propeller ... a big problem w/ Spectre's set is a bunch of them don't have a timer. That's bush league bros.

@Jayse: Shovel's are the most precise. I recall Mole Knight in particular requiring near perfection.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 6:42 PM Done. As the legendary Stevie Ray Vaughn once intoned, the thrill is gone. A lot less satisfying than previous Shovelry Challenges, mainly due to the feeble opposition in the Rematch category ... I'll try for some of the Feats that don't require a new file.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D Nintendoer 05/05/2017 6:50 PM Out of curiosity, have you read the description for new game+ yet? That may prompt an immediate replay, as it did for me. =P

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 7:19 PM I read it. I dunno, I barely noticed my resources during the playthrough, so it didn't jump off the screen at me ... I take it the merger is interesting in practice?

I think the Explodatorium is my best candidate for the Scythe Economy Feat of the three stages I checked out. The Plains don't count apparently. :p This dance is more fun though.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 7:45 PM Honestly, I had a pretty flavorless playthrough when it came to the Darkness stuff 'doer. I barely used the Curios outside of healing.

It took a second crack at Plague to get the Feat, heavier on just those elements. I almost got the twofer thanks to the sentry Curio, which saved me the sloppy scythe work, but came up two hits short of solely winning w/out it. E Yeah! e 0 D

Ed™ 05/05/2017 7:52 PM It's hard to notice the extent of NG+'s meter effects when you're breezing through the Plains refilling the meter with checkpoints, but when the description says "ever depleting," it means that. Try an Order of No Quarter stage and see how it works out...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 8:08 PM Oh, I didn't see that it said continually depleting! All I read was the two resources were merged. That is interesting ...

The Curio Conqueror Feat is really simple w/ that sentry thing. Poor Treasure Knight ... I did become obsessed w/ trying to perfect one part of his stage and lost a bunch of gold doing so, scouting for the damage free candidate. I dunno bros, Torment didn't generate the same E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/05/2017 8:13 PM fever for abuse in me that the previous two campaigns did. It's more likely me and what a spoiled gamer I've become rather than Spectre's action being of lesser quality.

I'll let my after dinner mood decide if I want more of this or if I want to let Setsuna put me to sleep instead.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Jayse 05/05/2017 9:01 PM The more I play it, the more Specter competes for becoming my favorite campaign. I really like it. That's too bad you're not quite liking it as much.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 05/06/2017 3:19 PM Just an example of the type of close calls you might have in this mode. By far the most interesting new game+...

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 05/06/2017 3:49 PM Sounds fun. Btw, I was made aware today that David Wise is half of the musical team on Yooka Laylee. That immediately joined my short Switch cartridge shopping list.

@Jayse: I enjoy shoveling the most of all. It's pure, simple perhaps, but exacting. Scythe work is just too loose for me. *shrug* Also, recent titles have really driven home how important story is to me, and I really loved Plague's.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Nintendoer 05/09/2017 1:06 PM This is madness.

...I love it.

By the way, how's Setsuna?

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/09/2017 6:47 PM I haven't gone back to it since that Saturday session. It's gorgeous, heh, just uninspired ... I've actually been playing Steamworld Heist on PS4 since I got the collection disc on Sunday.

My agenda is peculiar. Shadow of Morder, Witcher 3, and a surprise game are my next three to play, not necessarily in that order.

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 05/09/2017 6:52 PM *Mordor* even, yeesh ... I've been curious about that game for a long time, and w/ its sequel out in August, I wanted to get into it.

In Elzonire fashion, guesses as to the mystery identity of the WiiU game are welcome, but I will keep it a mystery until I start it. :)

E Yeah! e 0 D

Blake 05/09/2017 7:02 PM I'm going to guess Pikmin 3, unless you count VC.

Shadow of Mordor? I may comment on that log just to see if it does Tolkien's world justice.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 05/09/2017 7:06 PM Oh, for any prospective guesses, it is a WiiU disc, and exclusive to the console. That's all the hints/parameters I'll give out.

@Blake: That has been on my mind as well. It's not like Star Wars,where you can just do whatever you want. ;)

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 05/09/2017 7:06 PM Mystery game? That's exciting!

I'm guessing you're not counting VC, and if that's the case, I'm with Blake. If you are...perhaps you'll finally play Golden Sun: The Lost Age?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Blake 05/09/2017 7:34 PM I was actually expecting Fire Emblem if you counted VC. I expect you won't touch another turn-based RPG until you build up the strength to play FFX. But you're not playing a VC game.

BotW could be the "surprise" game, but that wouldn't be much of a surprise.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Jayse 05/10/2017 3:04 PM David Wise also composed the score for Snake Pass, Stagger. I can't speak for the game because I haven't played it, but that alone makes me somewhat interested in the game.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Brandon 05/11/2017 7:38 AM Expect some discrepancies when trying to fit SoM into Tolkiens world. If anything it's much more influenced by the Jackson films. The lore is there, especially if you 100% it, but things happen in the story that are incompatible with the world that Tolkien built. It's still a great game.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 05/11/2017 9:57 AM It seems to at least be paying lip service to the Simarillion (sp? been forever since I read it) w/ the discussion of Numenor and placement of lore concerning Mordor's history. I'm one of those Tolkien fans who loves what Jackson did w/ the films, including the liberties he took in both trilogies to make each tale more suited to the medium. This seems to fit in well so far - definitely not lacking

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 05/11/2017 10:01 AM for effort. I'm really interested to see how this Bright Master relates to the other Ring Wraiths, and fully expect it to be an original connection not drawn in Tolkien's writings. Interesting gameplay loop so far. The combat is well designed for these impossible Uruk horde scrums. I feel like Aragorn. That's cool. I haven't gotten into manipulating orc power struggles yet, but neat Sauron's Army

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 05/11/2017 10:05 AM intelligence gathering process ... very promising so far. It does remind me a little bit of going back to play Devil May Cry after and Bayonetta. The drop off/regression isn't nearly as severe, but games like Zero Dawn and BotW owe a debt to Shadow of Mordor. I assume Witcher will fit into the middle of that developmental mold.

Pikmin 3 is the only qualified guess?

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 05/11/2017 10:20 AM I can give a couple long shots that I don't actually except to see...

Star Fox Zero. I actually don't have a clue how you would react to this genre...but you would probably enjoy it.

LEGO City: Undercover. Actually, it's not a Wii U exclusive any more...but it does have a large, explorable world, and oodles of references you would appreciate. Although I doubt the game even crossed your mind.

E Yeah! e 0 D

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