A service for

Sunday 5 September 2021 3.00 pm

1 Welcome to St Edmundsbury

This Climate Sunday in the Cathedral, there will be a representation of the earth which may not be familiar. Created in part by visitors and children over the summer, this is a world groaning in pain, tortured by our lack of care and crying out for our help.

Climate emergency is real, and of great concern, but Christians believe that in God, there is hope. During our climate Sunday service, we will be acknowledging what we as human beings have done to God's creation. Inviting people to make personal pledges to God to change the way we live our lives positively. To pray and encourage us to act more intentionally to tread lightly on God's creation and rejoice in God's power to renew the earth.

The music at today’s service will be led by Cantus Firmus and Musicians Director: Richard Hubbard Organ: Andrew Gosden

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Service order extracts from Common Worship Services, © The Central Board of Finance of The . Music reproduced with permission - CCL Licence No 317297

2 Order of Service

Music during procession: Spiegel im Spiegel Arvo Pärt, b. 1935

The gives The Welcome

Everyone stands for The Preparation

Leader In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep.

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

The Easter candle is lit.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

The Greeting

The light and peace of Jesus Christ be with you All and also with you.

The glory of the Lord has risen upon us. All Let us rejoice and sing God’s praise for ever.

The Opening Prayer

Creator God, send your Holy Spirit to renew this living world, that the whole creation in its groaning and striving may know your loving purpose and come to reflect your glory in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

3 Everyone remains standing to sing

All the wonder that surrounds us

Women All the wonder that surrounds us springs from God’s care: all that marvels or confounds us, raw, rich or rare; touch and texture, sight and voices, nature’s countless forms and choices, all for which the heart rejoices springs from God’s care.

Men Every creature, every human lives by God’s grace: every family, man and woman, culture and race; those whom fortune seems to favour, those exploited for their labour, those who need to know a neighbour live by God’s grace.

All How can we revere God’s goodness meant for all time? How ensure that each uniqueness keeps in its prime? How can we revere with pleasure all God gives for life and leisure, how preserve each earthly treasure meant for all time?

God has willed that peace and justice walk hand in hand. These, with love, shall build foundations on which we stand: love for lover, friend and stranger, love defying death and danger, love as first-born in a manger, heav’n close at hand.

Words: John L. Bell and Graham Maule, © WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland Tune: Ar Hyd Y Nos (Welsh traditional) This arrangement: Richard Hubbard and John L. Bell, © Richard Hubbard and WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland www.wildgoose.scot Used by permission.

4 The Prayers of Penitence

Leader Christ the light of the world has come to dispel the darkness of our hearts. In his light let us examine ourselves and confess our sins.

Everyone sits or kneels. Silence is kept.

All Creator God, maker of heaven and earth, we acknowledge our failure to live responsibly as part of your creation. We have taken what we want, without considering the consequences; we have wasted and discarded, without thought for the future. Open our hearts and minds to the signs of our times, to the groaning of creation, so that we may turn from our greed and lack of vision and see a world being made anew in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Leader The Lord enrich us with his grace and nourish us with his blessing; the Lord defend us in all trouble and keep us from all evil; the Lord accept our prayers and absolve us from our offences for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.


Leader Glorious God, the whole of creation proclaims your marvellous work: increase in us a capacity to wonder and delight in it, that heaven’s praise may echo in our hearts and our lives be spent as good stewards of the earth, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. All Amen.

5 Everyone stands to sing

Have mercy, Lord

Solo If the fields are parched and the trees are felled will the rocks cry aloud on their own? If the birds are starved and the beasts are killed will the bones in the dust lift a song?

Have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Lord. Forgive our broken ways. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Lord. Renew the world you made.

Women As the oceans rise and the wells run dry do we care if disaster is near? If our children starve will they cry to God? will they curse us for closing our ears?

All Have mercy, Lord…

All Still a day will come when the Lord returns and the earth will be perfect again. No more greed or war, no more tooth and claw, for the wolf and the lamb will be friends.

All Have mercy, Lord…

Words and music: Chris Juby, arranged by Richard Hubbard © 2020 Chris Juby / Resound Worship

6 ¶ The Liturgy of the Word

The New Testament Reading

Everyone sits as Julia Wakelam, Green Party Councillor reads

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.

John 1.1–14, NRSV

This is the word of the Lord. All Thanks be to God.

Everyone remains seated for The Talk

The Reverend Mark Haworth Diocesan Environmental Advisor

7 Everyone stands for

The Act of Commitment

Leader As the whole of creation looks with eager longing for the redemption of humankind, let us pledge ourselves anew to serve our Creator God, the Father who is the maker of all things, the Son through whom all things are made, and the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, who renews the face of the earth.

As an act of commitment to becoming more focussed on the needs of God’s creation, I invite you now to come and light a candle. To reflect God’s light in your heart and as a pledge to act in peace and love on God’s creation.

The congregation are invited to light candles if they wish.

Leader Let us stand to affirm our commitment to care actively for God’s creation.

All Lord of life and giver of hope, we pledge ourselves to care for creation, to reduce our waste, to live sustainably, and to value the rich diversity of life. May your wisdom guide us, that life in all its forms may flourish, and may be faithful in voicing creation’s praise. May the commitment we have made this day be matched by our faithful living. Amen. Amen. Amen.

8 Everyone remains standing to sing Creation sings the Father’s song

Creation sings the Father’s song; he calls the sun to wake the dawn and run the course of day, till evening comes in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, his breath upon this spinning globe, he charts the eagle’s flight, commands the new-born baby’s cry.

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing: “Hallelujah!” Fill the earth with songs of worship, tell the wonders of creation’s King.

Creation gazed upon his face; the ageless One in time’s embrace, unveiled the Father’s plan of reconciling God and man. A second Adam walked the earth, whose blameless life would break the curse, whose death would set us free to live with him eternally.

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing…

Creation longs for his return, when Christ shall reign upon the earth; the bitter wars that rage are birth pains of a coming age. When he renews the land and sky, all heaven will sing, and earth reply with one resplendent theme: the glory of our God and King.

Hallelujah! Let all creation stand and sing…

Music and words: Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend © 2008 Thankyou Music 9 Everyone sits or kneels for The Prayers of Intercession

Leader Let us pray to God the Almighty, the Lord of Creation

The choir sings Mayenziewe ‘ntando yakho (Your will be done on earth, O Lord), a song from South Africa throughout the prayers to reflect our connection to our Link Diocese.

God said, ‘let there be light’. Eternal God we thank you for your light and your truth. We praise you for your wisdom and power in creating this universe which proclaims your glory. Inspire us to worship you, the creator of all, and let you light shine upon our world. God of Life, All hear our prayer.

God said ‘let there be firmament in the midst of the heavens.’ We thank you for the vastness of the universe and the mysteries of space. We pray for all scientists and astronomer who extend the boundaries of our knowledge. As we contemplate the wonder of the heavens, confirm in us the truth that every human being is known and loved by you. God of Life, All hear our prayer.

God said, ‘Let the waters be gathered together, and let dry land appear.’ We thank you for the beauty of the earth, for the diversity of land and sea, for the resources of the earth. Give us the will to safeguard this planet and to use its riches for the good and welfare of all. God of Life, All hear our prayer.

All Your will be done on earth, O Lord (x4)

10 God said, ‘Let there be lights in the sky to separate day and night.’ We thank you for the warmth of the sun, the light of the moon, the glory of the stars. We praise you for the formations of clouds, the radiance of dawn and sunset. Forgive us wasting or abusing energy on which all life depends. Open our eyes to behold your beauty, and our lips to praise your name. God of life, All hear our prayer.

God said ‘Let us create human beings in our own image.’ We pray for the human family. We rejoice in its diversity, we repent of its divisions and violence. By the power of your spirit, restore your image in us, through Christ who came to remake us by his death and resurrection. God of life, All hear our prayer.

Creator God, giver of life, you sustain the earth and direct the nations. In this time of climate crisis grant us clarity to hear the groaning of creation and the cries of the poor; challenge us to change our lifestyles; guide our leaders to take courageous action; enable your church to be a beacon of hope; and foster within us a renewed vision of your purposes for your world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, by and for whom all things were made. All Amen.

All Your will be done on earth, O Lord (x4)

Dave Bookless

11 The Lord’s Prayer

Leader We say together, as a united people committed to change, words that Our Lord has taught us.

All Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

Final Prayer

All In darkness and in light, in trouble and in joy, help us, heavenly Father, to trust your love, to serve your purpose, and to praise your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

12 Everyone stands to sing All creatures of our God and King

All creatures of our God and king, lift up your voice and with us sing Alleluia, alleluia! Bright burning sun with golden beam, soft shining moon with silver gleam, O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Swift rushing wind so wild and strong, white clouds that sail in heaven along, O praise him, alleluia! New rising dawn in praise rejoice, your lights of evening find a voice; O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Women Cool flowing water, pure and clear, make music for your Lord to hear, Alleluia, alleluia! Men Fierce fire so masterful and bright giving to us both warmth and light, All O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Choir Earth ever fertile, day by day only bring forth your blessings on our way, O praise him, alleluia! All fruit and crops that richly grow, all trees and flowers God's glory show; O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

All Let all things their creator bless, and worship him in lowliness, Alleluia, alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Spirit, Three-in-One, O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Words after Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) by W. H. Draper (1855-1933) in this version Jubilate Hymns

13 Everyone remains standing as the Dean gives

The Blessing

Dean Lord, in you all things are made new; may we be witness to your new creation, to the knowledge that your hands are still actively at work in our world, and in your people. May God the Holy Spirit, who hovered over the waters of creation and formed the world from chaos, form you in the likeness of Christ and renew the face of the earth. All Amen.

Everyone remains standing as the procession departs and Andrew Gosden plays

The Organ Voluntary

Prelude in C, BWV 547 J.S Bach, 1685-1750

Resources from A service from New Patterns for Worship. Compilation copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2002.

The Archbishops’ Council. A Time for Creation: Liturgical resources for Creation and the Environment. (London: Church House Publishing, 2020)

Churches together, Climate Sunday Resources: 2021, available at: https://www.climatesunday.org/

The Dean: The Very Reverend The Canon Pastor & Sub Dean: The Reverend Canon Matthew Vernon The Canon : The Reverend Canon Philip Banks The Cathedral Curate: The Reverend Sarah Geileskey Director of Music: Timothy Parsons Assistant Director of Music: Richard Cook
