Exploring the Impact of Systems Architecture and Systems Requirements on Systems Integration Complexity Dr. Rashmi Jaini, Anithashree Chandrasekaran, George Elias, Dr. Robert Cloutier Stevens Institute of Technology
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[email protected] Abstract development projects in the government The need to perform faster systems sector. integration of complex systems require the Keywords: System Architecture, System architect and design team understand how Integration, Integration Complexity, System the selected architecture and design Requirements components will impact the system Introduction integration processes complexity. System It is necessary to determine if integration process complexity is an integration of the defined physical elements outcome of the interaction between degree and interfaces in system architecture of feasibility and level of effort required to contributes to system integration process understand, describe, implement, manage complexity. Today’s systems are usually and document the system integration process expected to function independently and in for a given system development and cooperation with the existing systems operational environment. This paper (system of systems). The cooperating analyzes the cause and effect relationships systems undergo frequent changes and between the system requirements, interoperability becomes a key factor and a architecture and the system integration major contributor to system integration processes complexity. In order to address process complexity. Interoperability is based systems integration issues upfront in the on the existence of the conceptual view design phase it is necessary to determine if [Carney and Oberndoff, 2004]. The the architecture and design of components, conceptual view can be embodied in sub-systems, processes and interfaces requirements and architecture/design and the impacts (and to what extent) system system architecture determines the level of integration process complexity.