
— [ 3 5 0 6 , / 2 5 / 9 J I K A L V /if C O SP ' A : 1127 ■W 2 3 2 0 S m LAKE CITY UT 34 j f a ' i n n n a . ✓ |^ ^ “ “" ^ “ !“ ^ “ ““ “ T “

G k ^ d ml c o r n i n g ] H o u Sielists i n ro :B o f c Jf i e e R jwrite:j r s _ _ i Tdda^rforecastTsti ^ 'nibune A high wind watchtch is in cffect'foV ^ today, calling for stronix)ng winds reaching ■■ I ■ : PPanel accepttts Stallings’ J C om plete list8 t - A 4 40 to 50 m iles on hourur withi showers and _'-WASHINGTON — Thee HouseF ethics ’ p r o t e s t com m ittM dropped a political, thun-dershowen. Hig?lighs in the middle Bil depth chargc u j Aissocistedm Press - , now' against a multi-countunty landfill near Hansen Butte. ; P a g e B I M _• but theyneeta to be betetter jnid^sdu} iqq 1JL_; ^DrewDeSUver Timcs-News w riter ]may be I f Winds ruin score*res. • TWIN FALllS - IdahoQ schoolsS( need to changc the way they opcraUrate in the future, Lee Trevino mayy bet challenging even though they’re not)t tbad compared' ByDrewDcSilvcrB; JTiTimes-Now»4witef— ——

weather let it be an>inyone’s tourney The reason, Bell said, is ithat "noTbad^^'^^^^l " TW IN f a l l s ’- SchoffIr district di; ofTicials ^ Thursday. isn’t good enough, especial:ially when other are thinking about startinglg ana alternative ' P a o e A ? states are moving forward fo with middle school to complemcnnent the existing restructuring their public sobschools: ~ MapcrValley Alternative Higla ig h S chool Celtics back on to —- -*‘If-you drift along-compinpIocentlyHdaho-'-^^^l Dale Thomsberry, principa:ip al o f O ’L c j ^ ‘op - w ill b e lefl behind,” he said. Junior High School, saidd hehi and Roger The B oston Celtics,, behindbe an unlikely Bell, who served as U.SJ.S. secretary o f GlGolden, counselor at Ae altjalternative high "^leadcffBre^Bcle-m'theip'i eilQCBiion 'durin^*RvTnihl*fd'Rcspnr*s~fiTst™ '^^^^H at the top o fth e N BA’s A/ tlantic Division iterm as president, now is3 a school-reform schools throughout'the MagicMt Valley, —ctan/cofl8ulUntr4le>hetped>wri(eri(e>4he>iiSehoolB-°^^^H Aalsis&Aiilii:tliu.aiuat«iui for 2000 and Beyond” reforiform plan that i s ' school-is needed. thet subject of public hearinirings thipu^Eout~^^^H —ThDmsbcrry-snid-hc-Dlsoiso-pla^s^(^visit ------the sUite. Pocatello’s alternative middleIdle school to see Bell, a graduate of the old Albion howhe it works. '' NormalJ SchooJ, spokc_at__at_ajead_ership An altemative middle school,sch like the - V-' confcrencc Sponsored byY tlthe tw in Falls altemative high school, wouwould serve “at- : CSI pi^ents playg y V — ' '^Area C ham ber o f Com m crccTCC.:.;' nn: sk" students, such as Uibscsc'who u have been In 1989, the, last year for)r vw hich Bell had exexpelled from regular schoohool or who arc the College of-SoutIjuthem Idaho will Ifigures,^Idaho’s high-schoiihool graduation pregnant or parAits. present “As You Like * J -- II . I .1 I 11II ■ ke It” Wednesday irate was 78.8 percent, makirikins it I4th best ■ Wiley Dobbs, the alterItcrnaiive high : . .. uuuug^April 25.. g-y /a r ; Z 7 i r ; ,P a g e B6, _ i r ^—plMcd^ninthjn_scorcs qnjmj:hc Amcrjcan^ - a Ineed for£^cor^pondingg ai n i ^ school. -^ollegc-Tesirh«aidr-^^^^^^^— Evelo-iF-enrQ llm ent wer'e-'ffe-'limi'ted-tQ the-- -r - - Native Americanin dances< At the same.^me, thoug>ugh, Idaho was Twin Falls.district, he said,I, twtvv o classroom s near the bottd'm'in term:rms of teacher w(would be needed. A N ative A m encan da I dance troupe from jsalaries, dollars spent perr studentst and the' Thomsberry agreed that the need exists. ! ----- :7-FoFt-Hall-will-pcrformirm-in-Burlcy^nd— _____ j •ratio .of teachcrs.toistudciUsrts . : ■ “The enrtier wg • - Twin Falls to'raise mon noncy for a trip to ' *’I wonder how you do it onc the am ount;>.^^^^| lntervention"ln'the formlo ol f alternative :. T Russia,, of money you spend per student,”s Bell -’^ ^ ^ H education, the. better our)ur chances of ' P a g tB S , sa ‘ id .. ./ k'ekeeping (at-risk students).iis).in the school ..Bell noted.'however, t:that nearly a : syisystem," he said;, quarter of Idaho studentsi don’.ld< «ra-to!e,X ^^M But even if the responsiinsc from area He sai3 Montana and Wyoryoming students " fd5Cho6ls'is~positive, ‘ he said,"ad,"ah"altcmaUvc ' both score higher on the ACIiC T .- mtniddle school probably woulcould be a couple “A re they sm arter than IdahoIdi kids?” he-t oj f years away. Wliat will Andrusus do? said. 3 “ Don’t be so' dam compm placcnt.” “^ ^ t ndw we have no' funding fiii and no , | | Beirdiscussed several, oftheof “Schools'^^^^H facilities,” h e said, adding thatthai detailed site ' A report promptedd bby the death of fo f r 2 0 0 0 ” p la n ’s k e y reconcommendations: p>.jians would also be needed. Twin Falls youngsterr putspi the issue of early c childhood cducati^ ttie^Idem Seeillve^g o b lets in a n e n l ^ e nitor-a.tc^8t~ t c ~ 1— prograrn.. ______— ^ W e s t:...... S— Ciaa:iassKied;T:7;1-6— • ~ —® ______its«notional taUature.j(udietiied3tig.X^ G e n ^ t o m e m b e rs o f thIh e tt g r o u p w h o a r e d e c e aBsed s ____ ------—:------JU.S. intelligence o fficJs.say l^ they Dick Knobhblock, chairman .of the raidiliderB’-. - - ’ " ■‘TeMijres:..:6^ ir— ~ ' I ■ ...... ~ 7 Tiave“9 isiCovere

n G r o ui ] p s W e a t h^ i e r Lib;)ya blasts$ sanctions - TRIPOLI.LI. Libya (A?) ^ bea« allowed to send a plane to pi L i b y a , sho\towing no signs of upIp L ib y a n le a d e r M oam m H | backing dowriwn in the face o f U.N. Gad:jadhafl and fly him lo Egypt.- challe ' P M B l [enge was The Accu-Wea9ather*forecastforn■noon, Friday. April 1717. sanctions,-o.•on T h u rsd a y began TJThe purpose of such a tnp w ordering ththe expulsions of unkinknown, but it seemed like d ip lo m a ts rc]representing countries Gadiadhafi wants to meet wl □ n ■ ■ 9 Z M I - : —thai-aupporrorted-the measurys^EgyIgyptian—'President. Hos| : . g a g n ru le ____ \ 'l ______-1 0 8 -0909 0 9 1 0 s 2 0 s 30fl 40« 4( 50« 60s 70s SOs■ 90si 100s 110s against it. . • ^ Ml u ut barak, so ld th e source, wl ------Bartds’separate hlgh1«Ttamperature-zofvoaloriheda;rday^------J — - T h e s o nic c itio n s , w R lch to o k spoilpoke o n '^ n d ltio n o t anonymitnity-' WASHlNGTOlTi)1 T T ^ ) —; F a m ily ...... cffcci Wcdncdnesday, are. meant w ' In Cairo, a foreign minist planning organi;anizations ^filed ‘ pressure Libjibya into tuming over ofncfficial denied Ihe report. . , . law suits Thursdayty toj)lock tc the Bush su sp c cts inithe th 1988 bombing of TlThe Libyan Foreign Minististry administration omfrom enforcing a new , 'A ^ K S — Pan AmPlighighl 103. - ...... saa id ld 'a r least-six- heads, of- rule that allows's doctors'butd not M e a n w hhile, il Arab nations, embmbassies had been orderedd lo nurses to counselisel women about while largelysly com plying with the cutut staffi in retaliation for simllnilar abortion in fcdcriderally financed ll* M ------sanctions.-cr>criticlzed4he-United—acticction by-thcir-govcmments— ' States andI itils allies for lack of TlThe United States hos inp The lawsuits; cocontcnd that the • -statesmanshiphip. dipl(iplomatic relations with Tripopoii. g u id e lin e s issuedcd last month are T h e s a nnotions c i prohibit all But:lut as host o f the United Natior>ons, in v a lid b e c a u se>e theyt were not, flights to anand from Libya, ban it; w;w as expelling three o f thes >2 p ro m u lg a te ’d ththrough r formal arms sales:s and call for the dipliplomats at Libya’s U.lJ.N.* rulemaking procedcedures under the expulsionI iof most - Libyan misslission. Adm inistrative Procctocedures Act." diplomats abrabroad. InItaly said Thursday that sixX of The Bush admin!ninistration issued ...... A t th e UnilJnited Nations in New its:s eenvoy.s had been orderedd 10 the new giiidelinesines'lasi mOnth'to ...... * ' Y o rk ; sourccsCCS .said Thureday that - Icavi:ave Libyarand-Belgium, whiihich m o d ify a broadercr “gag ‘ rule"nhat Egypt inquirelired whether it would'' lookw ks after U.S. interests. barred doctors oss wellw as nurses in I the clinics from’gin'giving abortion counseling. : FRONTS: T he new rules sailsaid doctors.could------• . Proteest — refer women patieiiticnts to abortion : y t -A-A.A - ^ clinics for mcdicaiical but n ot social .. reasons,. COLD ' WABMIM STATJONAPY 0 1992 Accu-WealhBr, Inc. ContinuedTrorfOftTAI' Jan.in.-4, 1991, was counted a •bank In separate suitsts fifiled here and in - TT Republican Sen.:n. Steve Symms, ovverdraft er Only because the t ;o“i, ,0 Denver. Plannedd PParenthood and V;The r e p o rrt t fro m th e E th ics credixdited Stallings’ cuH er depos other organizations'ns' rrepresenting the _ Committee cocovcrs 39 months cove3ver that chcck to another acco S t 4,000 health cijnics cl sought m an. io w j • jom ns n.utWEssNotrrfCE'^^^ VNfrr~tn:ct^^ ■ th ro tig h Ia.?f O>ct:3. c r ...... ThThe-ioial of SlfllJing.s‘ e - r ------ressman, -facing-- a~ovenk-erdrafts-was jusr under-$7,(7 600 — iij>t'ehjorc'^'em i ]of“ J ...... ------VtiAsacdMMSPmt------vhich they charge (.political newcor:omer to Idaho in the andid he said in October thatat the , w ere issued in violatielation o fth e law. ry,' had originally probi■oblem resulted from chccks b p c Si. Louis BO 64.05 & primary, H H Temperatures eared at the end of the m'."Ftollb'iibw m g’his*fcqciwf‘f« r ”ttf'ii- D allas 80 65 review, the Ethichies Committee found saylttying Ihey apparently occui:urred ------— J Oenvor 52 “7-1547. Max Mi Pep il had counted1 oneo check twice and durirjring a two-month period in late , < Des Moines 50 45. ^ I Coouf O'Alono JM ' ~| ‘*5 •‘*3 Yesiorday 71 41-V 4 agreed wilh S ta llin g s that h is 1988)88. But he has provided no dcdetails C o n tin u e d from kAl \ Dolrolt 71 40 Last year 53 31 g;;;;; Si.309.92 homene mortgage chcck on on1 thoseth chccks.- of reading to their w MONr r^~0>I Honolulu' 83 6 69, 9 ..... Normal SG 31 teir preschoolers. \ Houston 83 664. 4 ...... letting them expic2.‘l.-..JcL3hn.g/lllfl>____ ZQ.3^ r the rcuuesicd Sl 1..... ^ S b BI rrof^my*CTew'for^O"*wherhcTt'ihB"whi"ciiiJcdr^liirty’t1 '"o Phoenix 37 66,6 6 ..... Lewislon 71 5:« Sr'"’ *"lTtie>raideF»<4iavtt>reunited>flo ____~ '‘~PoH Si7d!l?aTrT6’l•56t.",“^ P bm ifo"'------T OrP.’3F " t r ‘“" ■'7w r4te'-Ttns\virrTm ”*'pre5cm‘^ f o T ^ a d r " - ’Th' fi“ riy -'5 T o » iy r— — ______C.-Cl I I —ur*H. 'ery-year-slnce-194-57-ln-3 6 j,.„ Sun Valioy 60 24 2' tr. n e v er m ade it bacback. . P.'“«aces during the years, Nexi ycyear s j,ui you come backick and1 Iry again."_ ' :e has not been selected. O & CCtamtr events beingg held throughout . ollows discouraged too quid[uickly." e set of silver goblets to everyc\ ■ FoForecasts Columbia Ihis ll week ,0 union; waiting to bc 0 {Kncd u commemoratelc the anniversary. c lastj. two surviving raiders!m£ n C orrectioro n Twin Falls, Buricy.y, R upert, Jerom e and Gooding; W e a tHlier e sum m ary 5= ■ ■ Dooliiile.'ihcnI a lieutenant colonel.— c fin al.to asL ' “ ...... "■ ' High wind walchI loitoday calling for strong winds “I* me. Ills pilols.fci.for the first time at C.V. Glincs. an honorary raiderra . A siory in Tliursdarsday’s newspaper ; A strong colJ frontIt tl< dcvalv])itj^ along the WestI CoasiC show ers ju id thundcrshirrshowcrs. VYestcrly winds incrccrcasins , Columbia Army Air whoho has'w ritten several book:>ks on omitted the first namenai of Dolores ...... ththrjthrti:amr=5aK!^e^b trtc^ 5 ______artly cloudy wilh a chanc^of "ev “ '" e D o n ...... nndnd his men took-off- Dooliaolittle-who he-thought-woultuid-be -hus'filed a-tort elain:laim Qver-the-way------r--A high-w ind-watdr haslias h fe n-isCTcd-fornoday-ncross•QSSlhC ^hfiwrrc l.own in ihp li li(« lnw<»r tn mid-.^Os. SuturduV-|y.panl» ------from-lhc-USS-f rlasM wo survivors:------shc-was treatedI bl b y -p o lic e -w h o —r r ------.siBcTSrisiattVcUlvIirwinds’.tin u mph wiin gusts to i 5 -H om ct'in-16-B --25—the-la hs in Ihe lower IO mid-50.<. in h e r h o m e in <)0 m pli a re po ssib le.e. 1This -system will also prod bo m b e rs , eachI wwith a crew of five. D Do o o little ’s re p o n sc : “ 'I don’t d( arrested a man in I Wood R iver Valley: show ers and iliunJcrshiiwhiiwcrs os il'tnoycs across Idaho. Their surprise raid ra over Tokyo was knowlow, who do you think the 0other December. on tjic prairie today, calling for • "On TliurstJiiy. ii few^ sisho\ver^ fell'around IDaho,'D, with ^'6^ ' featJierline ^ 10*25 m ph. Friday nightight m ostly cloudy und tum ing ci For vla n lu IDAHO Jao- -sim p le in struluetions.-- — -r-- S how ers'and ihuridersio:rsiorms likely mainly evening f »-• P l ^ s H e a tln tf f t »1l^"5DFraXQnx>'*"IDAHi 3 6 ; w/illow il vgrass-,; d A irrA SnC five om nlm caD ' N orthw est winds 15-255-25 m ph but d e crea sln g 'durin•ing Ihe _ ^ ______Air ConditiOTliig I'IWl ______- —~-^»ghtv L‘OW 5-mid'-nrTuTi^pef^bsrSaiin-day-vain lent line _ cloudincss. S p o r t s Tj H i = = H * B lostly cloudy today' w ith a chanuncc of liclimcs^jnvB I Elka County - MosilI w inds 15 10 30 m ph. Partly cl V enus, M ars,■ Morning: , show ers north. Westliglil. wi Mostly sunny breezy unddcoolcr c , Satiirn:n; M ercury '5 and locally winily loniglioday, mid-60s to mid>70s. I!H ighs Saturday. Highs lodaQ mid-M s. LQWiLLatlislTim.";i!bUIv in the I ing: Ju p it^ ------______Sniurttav UDPerSOs lo mi Circ irt u la tio h 33-0931 between tO’OO a.m. and1 5:305 S36.40 for 13 weeks: SSunc un^y only. 51.50 ■ I 30s. .m. weekdays. To report laie new■sand t, per w eek. S19.50 for foi 13 weeks: _ l ^ Allen Wilwn.cl1. circulation director x>ns resulis after 5:30 and on weckeikcnds. Studenl/mllitary scrvicc,delc,delivery S2.30 ____ - Spring rainin splashes acrc )w for New YorlI IV ' C irculationI pphone lines arc open . .^111733-0931. 7 w eek. $29T90'ior l iI w'feklifw?( S a T ^ tax ross n a tio n ; sno'n bclwccn7and 10 10, a.m. only. Ifyou do not included in all above priccprices. ^ charge The Associnied Press tcred from southern Wisconsinvin und receive your poppoper by 7 a.m.. call ihe $15.00 w ill be levied;d ( fcoj all returned Showers were scattcre: Carolinas. ihc central Allanlicc CCoast number for your ar Advertising checki. Jerome-Wendelldell-Goodina;HBgennan , _ p^, - Springiimc min splashcishcd parts of the Pacific Nonhw northern Illinois to thek Ca: stale. Three inches of snow Peler-Yorki odvenising-dircdof------.536-2535 If you wish to place an odvertlMm<:ment. T he Tim es-New s (UPS (UP 631-080) Alluiilic coast. Midwestst orand South on Thursday, und:hwesi, sr region and N ew YorkIc. stN.Y. n-Paul-Oakley Durlcy-Rupen-P lit 733-0931. Classified adi. call1733- 7 published doily at 132 ThirdThli St. W.. Twin '•fell in upsiulc New York.rk. IM orc than a dozen mobile 1hor snow reported near Boonvillc,s pans ^ of Washington. Oregonon and 67K-2552 0931?3l Monday Ihrough Friday from 7 ia.m. Foils, idahp. 83301., by Magic Valley ^wcrc dum uged by high wirwinds in suburban Detroit. homes Show ers fcU acrosjtStrong ps winds behind the coldd I from Ouhl-Cuilerordo™ ' untilntil 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 7 a.m,a Newspapers Inc. Second-cliul-classMstaoe paid...... — ___ T hundersiom )s wcrc: wiwidely, scattered from wcstnh. managing editor ...be pa e only address form to; P.O. Box)ox 548.2 Twin Falls. I. city editor whenhere carrier delivery is not mainlainaincd; Idaho 83303. 'caiher southeastern quaitcr o fwinds ihc led cold air into Ihc u;upper Sli.cCr»m|,.cii Iforccuslcrs said they' dit d id n ’t k n o w if ihc siorm wa If you have ancI news tip or wiih to talk 10 dailylily and Sunday. S3.25 per week.»M2.25 : CMyriehtcritCIMJ It'oniaao. was a , Strong noriherly. win someone In ttie! cdedlioriat depanmeni. colt for)r 13 weeks; daily only. S2.B0 per w«week, • • «. M idwest.



' W E SPECmUZ ; E N G L I S H ( 1 N G ( 7 3 3 - 0 5 G5 0 6 In t h e LYNWOlicy will allow use of _womon!s_rea■ca5ons_{Mticnis and womenjv:njvho.havc.liad sc;:______ed Aulo Workers union>n whow defied a the implants onl;)nly through controlled -fo r chocloosing rious trauma to a breast brei or a disease ' com pany ultimaium to0 endc a strike clinical studies;s designed to answer breast implanimts." or congenital disordsorder that causcs m APfMio safety.questions,ns, including the health and return lo work. f a '. .. ! .. )nitori- breast abnormality. . T he company said il It had deter- Grade sch(:hool students at Dlerulff HHigh School inAllentow w n , P a ., effectsplant leakage o f implai and rup- K ' e s s le r ^ jn be: liftedi The third stage willwill be more inten- — ’ *’ ju re. m ined ii no jongcr needs:ds 1.350 of its m eet PresIssldent Bush after he madeade a speoch Thursday: in1 threethi stages. Kessler said. sive research studiesies thaitl will be open union workcre, but ihaihat it will not "The centrol'til'aim o f FDA'i; deci- The Th first stage will go into effect e to a limited number>cr ofc women, both follow through on its threat ih: to trim ^ ^ 1 * ^. sion is to significificanily limit the use o f next:xt week and will make the impInplants those who want he the implants i for re- the ranks of the groupp t by up w 15 I - 1 1 1 ^ ^ . . silicone gel breoscost implants while vig- avoili/ailabk JO.w om en who need1 tihcm construction and ihose-w the ho worrt percem. Instead of not recrecalling some V -X J11.Jinton finres jab s " ^ l l orously pursuingiing;ihc neces-sary re -' thele mostr - those whose reconsinstruc- them for cosmetic purposes.puq ; of. the workers workersrs nnow thal ihe > search aboul theiiieirsflfety.’‘FDACom- strike is over. Caierpiil;pillar will cut ' m issioner Davieivid Kessler lold re- jobs through attrition andUld an early rc* ■ ^ l l ^ W\XT InOLCO . . tircm cnt offer, the corcompany said.-. ish over• econon11V was “highly conscious" said. J thal some wbmeimcn who have lost a C • "W c arc taking theset actionsnc out o f PHILADE . , breast 10-cancer;r cor traumatic injury or VSpring Intelmmnjm I e - - DELPHIA CAP) - Demo- "Our pa-sident docs not Jt have a who have a breasKisi deformity need im ­ genuine conccm for the well-being crai Bill Clinton Cli atlackcd President sitsimtegy." Clinion said. "His p la n ts. - T h is pol of our employees and the com pany's Bush’s recon policy is meant to bc :ord on the economy Thur%* isis do nothing, Tlic only lime i he compa.ssionalc long-term need to rema ! toward these pa- :main globally , day as the worstwi in 50 years and said chchanges is when ihe polls c cl h a n s e o r h e sa iJ. com petitive." said CateiTteipillor Group his own candidacy car offers ihe best tinthe pressures mount." President Jerry Rahcnyyin it a news re- hope fora dodomestic revival. Clinton .said nush’s'"singled e d r i.i n g r cautioned, “No one ^ P A I ^ ------lease; ...... " ...... ■ BushrulsoIso'iouchiiig-'down'ih-lHis'. "sirs-liaiegy" has R xn kVw“ iaji;cseron”cort"'1 '''“' ' ' ''c’re resuming business U A W spokesman JimIim O ’Connor potential batbattleground state in next poporations and upper-incomelin ii d iv id u - said the company had no choicc and fall's campaipaign. renewed his support alsals and keeping goveninient:nt out o f Kessler's annimnounccmeni lifts a lA L E E N D S thal the rccaU was a “cla;classic case of for allowinging Amerioans to borrow thithe way. moratorium onI u-seu; of the implants in 4/30/92 giving us something thatVlat’.s already on against futureure earnings to pay for col- >n,-v h-,c since Ja nm. . ,6..The new policy the tabic.” Bush's presidcn ...... lege and job)b training.I • ------p'rodiiced slower economic ecommcndations of a Tho. world's leadinglg builder o f Whether b' . m w tr^'T r'''' Regal W all Satin* R e g a l A ql u a: g l o * g r by coincidence or design, slower job growth and slowerer incomJ °L«pc.rts;ns that concluded -in R ( . „ earth-moving ^cciuipjieppejij_ said il Push and CliClinlon spoke jusi minutes j... inplants should/em ain /LALAfEX INTERIOR.FLAT.______iAiejCSEMtGLS —: =SSiC???=IfiRJIi56SM25iB3lZ *ineui^ression - ii agffififfssasgs lionship with the UAW/ arand therefore Bush unveile (umiture and wallswall: Jiled a plan to :iid the for- biggest bj, deficits ... o f any adii ■ sSell priming on most surfacos will offer jobs lo all striktrikers in good mer Soviet ■ Soaulilul somi-gloii-gloss stieen et republics ju sf as" the tion ,jo in hisiory," Clinton said.. 1 Cole, head o f the • standing. Arkansas go^governor was about to de- ' ■ Americ;^^ociet)iety o f Pla.stic and Rc- | l "It is not a Republican or a O n Tuesday, at thee cend o f two liver a forcigi;ign policy address in New r a ppmo- co n sln i^ Surgjrgeons. welcomed the ^ days o f talks in the officcficcs o f federal York, crilic issue.” he said, "ll'si America/ FD A ’s decisionn Ito allow use o f the againsi ilie rest of the world D49 m ^ iato rs, officials announounccd UAW Clinton, hishij voicc clear and fimi af- ^''•••0' implants for womomen with breast can- other advanced nation is gove had agreed to end the strstrike wiihout ier almosta a week’s rest ordered by ° v^ e d by .cer^^ddeformiliclities. And, be said, the 1 1 4 S L i l JQ gal__ i'l ... .'jmny'Ti^tn—iKy.rroc^ imeneand-rcsearch and dc-— '• •FiriHtmdingTjf-Hcattstanan.-an ap- - oge for breast reccfconsiro'ciion.- - ...... - - - w hether they were neededded or not. velopmcnl to lo full funding for Head pnpreniiceship program for higligh school "This is the firfirst sign that science. O n April I. Caterpillarliar had issued Stan. They:y included blueprints to stustudents who don’t go on 10 lo college logic and compa:ipassion arc being rc- an ultimatum-that s^trikcrikers;_retum-io cnsr ihc-tiansinsition away.from defcnsc—aiii-and-allowing-tollege-slildenrs nfs-lo-puy—•y^cdionlftrrcvlj SVlewprSSess-for ifiesc^H jil w'ork starting April 6 oro r risk losing production. backbai iheir education costs latiatef in in- i^vices," he said. their jobs. It added that: illil had siream*. Elsewhere:re: coicome or sen ice. >Bul he said that tha by restricting u.se H i l lined its operations durinjring the strike, . Democracral Jeny Brown visited a • An investmeni tax creditlit as well ^Ujind..toigbU.iMe.cUnic-in eliminate up to 15 percetrcenl o f union burgh .wd saidsaii pressure from business resresearch and devetopmeni: acaccelerat- I -j = = F 1 - F F # — nr. jobs.,...... ; ...... Lcon£r(^iwuUoaciioiu}(U^..»UuOilY4iQ]ku£ilU'»^(UUK ______liiiUiaiionaLIiUiealih_c^cJssuc._niie------•: Ati-or):anizcd_iransition fi 5 5 1 lobbyists, thff:h(?1it8fii?$\17E c5inpfaceii- • TcMMntrnvnian^oUuclion. ici iii Pentagon ss ^ cy. Ihe ineni;rnia - it'.s ovcrcomc ihcir early eai reiircnienls, rciraining-aiandrelo-^ “ ” T%T o m i s n f Iw'icrjudgnicment." Brown .said. He re- cation cat of workers, a National11 Scicnce } Iraqi-moveiC l l l C l l l newcd his cnllcni for a govemmeni-paid Foundation Fo fund lo help didisplaced f ■ a t ^ r es's ’ A r t GI a llery r y . system similalihir 10 the onc in Canada. scientists sci and engineers nia.stiister criii- ‘should ceaiQ C p ’ • Republic;lican challenger Patrick cal civilian tedinology andJ cpnvcr- E x p i o r e 1K im be rly y Buchanan addressed adi about f)00 sup- sion sio loans lo small dcfensc •business---bi ...... ^ W ASHINGTON (AP) P)- - Tlie radar P°ners in hethe nonhem Califomia tim- cs. Hgwsigyg'-/-j' ’ tracking of allied aircralcraft by Iraqi communijnity of Hayfork and said Clinion ( said Bush has beer iaking~ > • --

------••provocativeand-shouldiild cease." ih^^^"i« ITownTsli'uws the Bush ild-- LiintiJrotriXiinTpn:hIm^j iim PtnragDn's spokesman"an— said— cm— n?uusiEU>on-[n-has lost touch.-"l-think--IhJXhucsdaylsranarks-on-alucali •itinn - Thursday. ' they've forgorgoticn about us in places He I said ihe president’s advo T he Iraqi mililary haslias been lolil 'jte Hayforfork." Buchanan said, memeasures lo help pay for ed "in no unceniiin terms'*i” of c the U.S. "They re too)o busyI building up foreign ancand job training has long repr: presented : "displeasure'over ihe ikpF no f rnrp.-t ntC— aid 10 tiOttte-|itilinfcToum ry:" ~a~T:eni<;rpiL^(n)rhis~crwir a~i c a quisition radur al the mimissile silct t-ainpaignii;ning in advtTnce ol this arii rirdmiiiis- ■ Pete W illiams told reportejrtcrs. “ = s Aptilil . 28 presidential primary, iraitration has waged "an all-oul ------i Pilots-in-allicd-aircraft-afuarfr-armed— livercd his economic mes- .on_ctillege_aid_iQ_middle-.cla on : with defensive mcchanisrlism s that te ll' ^3^ >he: Universiiy U of Pcnnsylva- dents." dei ionilorc_d_:ipr_f’ia^s Whwtbr “Tliey say.I’m slick?" lie sai ___:_therTLihey.hayeJ«enjnon " ‘ P "painted” - by such radard’ars, o r that a IrainmgB {ground for Ihe nalioh'’s Tling nm applimse a n d 'Ia u g h T fi^iiiTiE^a'ir ' missile has been targetedcd in their di- corporaieandnd financial elite. dii • rection. ^ Iraq's culture nnd information it 1“^ minister. Hamed Yusscf;cf Ham m adi, mM p.. ; .said in a statement issuissued in Ihe H 8 m ’ ~ |M : i | ;• Iraqi capital that the missilissiles'are in- •dofen»»— .h— DEPmMEm- • Iraq h a s " a llrichis” to use them .

statem ent that it would notnoi move the - : anti-aircrjift missiles, as demanded : by the United States., FranceF and ^ ta in . The countries ha’have warned % B a g i ; that Iraq risks.a military,ry.confronta- tion by keeping them theretcre.

: P ero t drop;p s H . 450sq.ft.; : fro m his n£l a m e “ P i i t e t r ; DALLAS (AP) - Forgetgel the “ H" - | ' he^d-rather-be-known-as-■as*jusl^lain * ■— • Ross Perot. ; Aides lo Henry Ross PeiPerot say the 1^ . I I H ; T exas billionaire has gro'grown .accus- m r 3.75n.:: ; tomed to people rcfcningng to him as 5 .0 0 tt j : "H . R oss Perot,” but prefirefers to skip H | ; the first initial. Perot, who is thinkinglg > of waging - r \ - n n independent bid for^ ith^c W h itc_ ^WHousc—grew up using->-Ris-miildic R - ^------M. i \ name. In person and on the tele- | | . , , i : - ■ ; phone, he introduces him.sclnsclf as Ross. CAN : , H e iraccs the "H, Ross"s" Im oniker to 1 : a 1968 Fortune magazinee piprofile. The | H LOOK reporter learned his firstst name i wns | J GREAT, ■ J-tcp ■ Henry and abbreviated it. h TOO! j •: Conversations with Perot:rot would in- I ;■ dicate he's more concencemed aboiit spetting. w nen caiimg reponers, rep lie ~ ___i..oftcaJ)cgins»J!Ihis.is_Ross:osi.PjaDL-E:... -— LEVI!S-E)OGl^ftS-PA>ANTSPieTUREB--- : E-R'.O-T." ■ ; R l ast minute Easter s/iopping/orfor Sport Ccwts .& Slacks, Easter Sni ■ i S l i i v e u v i u i ... ' ! Jeans, C osiw I P ants, or T’slif'sliirts is ottr s/)cdfl[f)‘.- r 10% off _ / y ^ _ /pgy — -Hour*:------ddlsonAve. E. ~-F||l"------Tftc-St'we'- ^ - A d d ^ g & - M o n - S a t 8:00 aRv6:001‘•OORm . - ^ - - - . _ - TwinI FallaF; * 733-_27l7 — -fflosed^BstarSundam d ay -...... f '• *------~ ~ r r — W nyteninJi

^bv/SB^mR^ M Yta r i ' ■i I U ^ r s . ^ ‘s TWIN FALLS •BURLEY* C^RSE^ . . .— s s s . A-4 I Tlmo8-NBWs. Twinrt FaFalls, Idaho Friday, April 17.1{.1992 ^NatioiT ------{--- H o u ss e la w rmakerss r a c k u p theo u s a n cd s o f o»verdr£affts J

1' V a SHINOTON (AP),P) - Here is a Tom EwinA'ing, R. none. Howard Wolpe. D. 8, rctirinring, ■ David E. Price,ice. D. 8. R p obin Tallon, D, 2. VER!■ERMONT i . Iisl bf currcnj House mermembers and the • Harris FnwFnwell, R .none. M IN NESOTAI Charles R ose.e, ID. none. SOUTH D A KO TAk Bernard Sanders.ni. 1:Independent. 5. __ rjumbcr o f o v e rd raft for foi each,at the -Dcnni\HaHxsten.R.44. James L Oberstor, D, 2...... aarlesH.Toyroylof.R^none.^ TinilT Johnson. D , none.- .. . VIRGINIA------icludes the names Charles, A. HAYES. D. 716. defeated Timothy J. Penny, D . 7. Tim Valentine.n e .D .5 . T EN N ESSEE vmc Hdusc bank. The listjnclu George Allen., R. none. gov. candi* fied by the House in primary. Collin C. Peterson. D, none.ic...... - -NOR’3R1H DAKOTA Bob B Clement, D, I. o f th e “abuscni" identified ------d a te.------—- E ih its Com m iticc on Ap:April 1. and the Henry J.I.’Hyde. II R. 2. Jim Ramstod, R, 5. Byron L. Dorjlorgan. D. 98. sen. candi* JiJim Cooper. D, 7. hcrt>ert B atem an.m. PR.none. , othlcrs w ith ovcrdrafisIS whose' names WilliamiO 0 . Lipinski.D.2. Monin Olav Sabo. D, none.e. date. ^ John J( J. Duncan. R. none. / Tliomas J. Bliley.ey. R.none.I w ere released on Thursdaysday. Abiiscrs are Roben H. M ichel. R. none. Gerry Sikorskt. D. 697. O H IO Harold il E. FORD. D . 388. Rick Boucher. D. I.I in all cups. Following; thelh( nam e is the John Edwjiw ard Poner. R. 1, Brpcc F. Vcnto. D .3 . Douglas Applepicgate. D, none. Ban B Gordon, D. 6. . Jam es P. M oran.n .D D .3 . jiany, the number o of f checks, and Glenn Posi’oshard. D. noiie. Vin Weber. R. 125. retiring.lg. John A. Boehniihner. R. none. Marilyn N Lloyd. D, 8. JimOlin.D. I.retiretiring. whether the member is5 retiringreJ or seek- Dan Rostc•stcnkowski. D, none. MISSISSIPPI1 Dennis E. Eeksckart. D.nonc. retiring. James Ji 11, Quillen. R. none, Lewis F. Payne. D. none. . ; Many Rus^usso. D. 4. defeated in prima- __ Mikc Espy. D. 191. Edwanl F. FEIGHAN, FE: D. 397. retir- ___ CDon Sundquist. R. 2. - ______^mg^igherj)fncej,_ _ ------Owcn-B>Fickctt.-C '■‘ALABAM; ry. G;V.”“Sonny" MorTlgomcry.ry. D. none, ingl ' ~!5}HS5rTan7ia7D.'i; ...... SM k Norman Sisisky.y .D D .'i i i i i i r ' ^ ^ “ George E. Sangmeistcr. D, none, Mikc Parker. D. 13, Paul E. GillmoiTior. R . none. •TEXAS -Tom Bevill. D. 4. Frank R. W olf.-R.rR . none.i ■ Glen Browder. D. none.me. Gus Sava;vage. D. 4. defeated in prim a- Gene Taylor. D. 14. W illis D. Gmdl-udison, R. I. M N ichael A'. Andrews. D . 121. ; ^ 5Jnny Callahan. R. 9.I ry. Jamie L. Whitten. D. none.:. Tony P. Hall.1. ED. none. Bill B Archer. R .l. V IR GilN IN ISLANDS1 R o b e r t E. Cram er, D.M 11 l . Sidney R. Yates. D. 4. M ISSO UR I David L Hobsi•bson. R. nope. Richard R K .A m ie y .R . 19. Ron Dc Lugo. D. 106.I INDIANA William L CLAY. D. 328.!. Marcy Kaptur.ur. D. none. Joe Ji Banon. R, none. '.■William L Dickinson.-I)n.-R. none, retir- W ASHSHINGTON I Dan Burtom on. R. none. E. Thomas Colem an, R . nonone. John R. Kusichich, R . none. , Jack Ji Brooks. D. none. Rod Chandler. R. l.sc1 n . candidaie. ie. Lee H. Ha;Hamilton. D. none. Bill Emerson. R, 6. QariesJ. Luktuken.'D , none. John Ji Bry.int. D. 55. •pen Erdrcich, D. none. Nonnan Dicks., 0D.. . 3 ...... /Ja co b s. D. 1. RichaniA. Gephardt. D, 28.!8. B obM cEw en.::n, R .1 6 6 . A lben Bustamante.' D . 30. X 3audc Harris. D. none.me. retiring. Andrew Ja Tliomas S, Foley.;y .D I .2 . > : ALASKAIKA Jim Jont/.11/.D.4. • ' Mel D. Honcock, R. none. Clarence E. MMi iller, R. none. Jim Ji Chapman. D. none. 'Jilfi A. McDermott,u nit. D. none. -P on Young. R. 57. Jill Long. I Joan Kelly Hom , D. 1. ' Mary R oseODAKAR. A D. 213. “ Ronald R COLEMAN. D. 673. lg. D .2 I. John Miller. R. 58. retiring. ;•< AMERICANS/I SAM OA Frank Mc(vlcCloskey. D. 65. Ike Skelton. D ,9. Michael G. 0x1O xiey. R. 6. Larry L Combest. R. none. , Sid Morrison. R.R . none. gov. candi- , Myers. R .61, Harold L Volkmer. D. 1. Donald J. Peas<:asc, D. none, retiring. E. E (Kika) De la G arza. D . 284. ; ^ i F.H. Falcomavaega.:ga. D. 63. John T. M *. . d a t. A R E O)NA N / Tim Roemjerner. D, none. Alan Wheal. D. 86. Ralph Regulu.!u.R I . 14. T T om D elay. R. II. - AISwifi.D.nunc- ■?im Kolbe. R. none. ■ - Phillip R.;R. Sharp. D. 120. M O N TAN A ------_Thom as C. Saw>awycr. D. n o n e .------•'C Chet Edwards.' D. none. Jolene Unsocld.I .D. D j ’ -W n L. Kyi. R . none. ,, Peter J.. ViVisclosky, D.mmc. . Ron Marlcnee,R,20...... Louis.Stokcs,.i;s .p .5 5 1 . , . ..JackFicld.s.R.22. J; . E d Pastor. D. none. IOWA Pat William.s, D. 66. James A.Trafiiaficant,D. none. Martin\ Frosi. D. none. ■ W E ST T V V IR G IN L \ JohnJ. Rhodes, R.32.2. Fred Granirandy. R. none, NEB R A SK A Chalmcrri P. WWylic,R,5l5.rctiring. Pete P Geren. D. 3. • Alan B. M ollohan.ian. D. 12. •- B ob Stum p. R . none. Jim Lciichach. R. none. Bill Barrett. R. none. OKOKLA H O M A H enry B. G on/iilc/. D. none. Nick Joe Rahall.l.D D, . none, • . ARKANSA'7SA5 Jim Light!ihtfoot.R . 105. . Doug Bercuter.R. 39. Bill Brewster.;r. ID, 2. R R alph M. Hall. D. 18. Hariey O. Staggers,ccrs. D. none. - Bill ALEXANDER. D.487.D .‘ • David R.tR. Nagle. D. 4. Peter Hoagland. D. none. Mickcy EDWAVARDS.R.386. ' Sam S; Johnson. R .none. Robert E. W ise.■ DD. . none. N E V A D A Glenn English.sh .D , 1. Grcg G Laughlin. D. 9. • Beryl A nthony. D. 109.09. Jim Nussl-nQpcKipft------James A.\. I ------0tfiMopiiw4USmitivRrmH jckas "R.none.'...... ■7“~“ tic______...a y d c Cliin .I llnw.iy.R,H) ------BflbcfiG. Torricelli. D. 27..,L______Wj|lii.mFlGQ(iO O PL IN G . R. 430. inmcsiii'.js.’r.iiv.i.sJdisrajBa; KODcn N. U om an. K,.nunc. noi Williumi. . David Dreier. R. none.e. Bob LiviniKingston. R. none. Bill Richardson. D. 6. Peier H. Kostm;imiiyer. D. 50. : H ervyn M. D ym ally., D. I. Jim McCnCrcry. R. none.______Steven Schiff. R. I.______■ Josenh M. McDIcDade.^iione. S k - — i— ...... - - - - WXluuiiilUziii.bTS:^ - JoTSCccinCnonel - - ...... Austin J. Murplirphy. D. 6...... Vic H. Fazio. D. none, IklAINE . NEW Y O R K John P. M unha,iha..D. lO: • E j x a m p l e : EltonCallegly. R.S. Thom as> H. Andrews. D, none. GaryL.Ackcmian. B. 111.i. Tliom as J. RidgiJgc.R-S- ■ , .$10,000.00 .$ Loan Amouni- liH I Wally Herger. R. none.le. Olympiaa JJ. . Snow e. R. I. Sherwood L. Boehlen. R, 1. Don Ritter. RI : nnone. $207.10 ^ Monthly paymei - D uncan Hunter. R. 399. MARYLAND Thomas J. Downey. D . 15 1.I. Richard JohniSantorum. S: R.none. * lent for 60 months » j|'r| J J c la U 3 J 3 ___jaioLUEnsdJCUL.^ ___------B i t t o c O J i b ; Tom Lantos. D, none. Beverly’ BB.. Byron. D. 6. defeated in Hamilion Fish. R .n o n e , Bud Shusler., R;R. 32. —------r m iam“ A S E S “ I\------Richard H. Lehman. D. 1 10. primaiy. n o y d H, Flake. D. 3. . .. Robert S. Walk!alkcr. R.none. |- '?srernai^rai& r’‘"^''-iJenjaiiiiiii '■••“ 'BStijiiiiiRTrciTffla'rtnrffiffim(T.— ^•'-'-‘XflrTwemom'R ^B & T£ED EaaALSAM JNG&fijtBANK., — ------Jcnylxv-isTR TTtonc:—------W ay n rTTrGilchresrRmone: ^ ------:------BilH jrccnrRrlO .------— GirmtrMTir ------»»umcOmccT».r.Kmn rfllli I D.49.' PUE M3 .SliMhonr Sl. Nonhh*T33-4^ • * .... Bill Lowery. R . 300. retiring.retii Sleny H.I. HHoyer. D. 3. Cjftrge J. H ochbnjcckner, D UERTOWCoi I 'Tw in KallaII. Matthew G. Miinincz.:. D.D, 19. C. Thomasnos McMillen. D. none. m n k Flonon. R .3 . Jiiime B. Fusicr,.icr. D. 3. ■ S T ■'Ki«]l1u<>[jiVrrrtt Curios J. M oorhead. R.R.none. n Brian J.DDonnelly, c D. 70. retiring. Thomas J. Manion. D . 17. / ’■f-'tBuilerDen-ick.;k. D. none. ■ 4.1i!.0.WS EllMbeth J, PallPaiicrson. D. 2. • g • nuhl Abn Packard. R.4, Joseph D. EARLY.1 D. 140. DavidO’B.M anin.R.8. IW North Hn>.dwoy*(W:•M3.'»(WII Leon E. Panetia. D.I2.2. Barney FraFrank. D. none. Raymond J. M cGrath. R. 4.I. Arthur Ravenel,ncl. R.none, • Nnncv Peln-Ji.D. 2H. P. Krnnptlv. D. nnna______^ Royd Spcncc. F ■ ■ I ag D?16r-— — .. D ana Rohrabacher. R,,8 8...... Nicholas s^ M avroules. D. I. ■' SusanMoliriari;R.5. ------Edwa’rd RrRoybalrDrMTllTrettrlng; Jofin'Jbsepseph'Moak!cyrDf90.=— •--Bob'MRAZEK.D. ' 920. rctrrtmng;-"- .. Fortney Pete Siark. D,>, 64.64 RichardIE. E. Neal. D. 87. Henry J. Nowak. D. none. W illiam M. Tliomas.-R.R, 119.1 JohnO lverver. D . none. Major R. Owens. D .4 8 . ------Bsieban^dwurd-Torrc!i.-Ie3.'Dri|»ile7~^— Gerry-ErSl ------Bill-f^axonrRr^fr------M axine W aters. D. 5. M ICfflGAN Charles D. Rangel. D. 64...... " H e n ry A. Waxman7D.'43•.■434; ' “ David Bonlonior. D.76. James H.'Schcucr. D . 133. I r ^ f CO LO RAMX) W Williams.iS.Broomfield.-R. none. Charles E. Sehumer. D . none■nc. _ W ayne Allard. R. none.I£.______Dave _ Cami ------.J o s c £ ^ e m in o . D.-7.______Ben Nighlhors'c Campb0...... ban Schaefer. R.6. Robert WA-. .:DAVIS. R, 878. Edolphus TOW NS. D . 408“ P atricia Schroeder. D., 5. John D. DiiDingell. D.48. Jomes T. Walsh. R. 34. D avid E. Skaggs. D, 57.i7. W illiam, D.D. Ford. D. 6. Ted Weiss. D. 3. C O N N E CTCUT n a Paul B. HeiHenry. R. 20. ' NORTH C A R O U NNA - M. H cnel. D. 547. retiring. Cass Ballenger. R. none. ^ 'JM ' R osa L, Delauro, D. noneone. Dennis M. G ary A. Franks. R. 7. Dale E. KilK ildec.D , 100. Howard Coble. R. none. ' ‘' ^ 1 1 - Sam G ejdenson. D. 51.1. SanderM.VI, ILevin, D. none. • W.G. Hefner. D.Tlonc. NancytrJohnson; Rv2."2 . — - ...... Cart D; PurPuTTicll. R. I7.retirinp.------W a lttrB rJonesrD r63rrctiriiinng:------^ -■ ------^ r b u raU . K.ennelly'lDDTiSO: r t ------TJoTTraxIeixli:r;T ).-20 r ------H. Murifri LancasidrrO rS. ~ ChristophciLihavsJl^.JS,______FredericksJLSJIpjan^uL ______J. Alex McMillan. R .4 . ______------DELAWAREy ^ g ,------o n y v a nn d de e r J n g r ^ n o n e 7 ^ '’^*^''^3=rrr==i Thom as R. C arper, D.>. 3,3. gov.-candj.- ' dale. , D IS TR IC T O P COLIO LUM BL^ Eleanor Holmes Norton.in. [D. none. FLORIDA Jim Bacchus. D . 3. Charles E. Bennett. D, 4. j Michael Bilirakis. R. nomI ^ Dame B. Fasccll.'Dili' 'i ~ W * Sam Gibbons, D. none. ^tbW l97r^=-~ =- - l»oncrJ.'Goss. R. none.s. El ssoaatipns , > '7 Earl Hutto, D. I. B A ndy Ireland. R. 38, retirietiring. TjopFemolaJcVocaL tAwordmotot c C raig T. Jam es, R , none. \ . _ — U S Ijaiue.fia^fanngs.a^rr ^ ■oruil-fullof------Harry Johnston. D, 1. \ c o u nIh t } m u icf^old to th e Ga]Gala Show'-- ■ William Lehman, D. nonelone. retiring. Tom Lewis, R; 8. \ r o oom You 11 enfoy chart-rt lopping J B ill M cCollum , R , none. P V *o n g Ujci. X)Qn:.iy^orryS.y ’Boutlfe ^ Douglas “Pete” Peterson,on, D, none, meT^Holdz;— - — Ilcana Ros-Lchiinen, R,t . mnone. TfBjibv; I ll J0ii^^jneo0. : E. Cloy Shaw, R. none. ONE TIMI4E0NLY 'fm e When J Cry It AtnAt t Easy ' ' f - L aw rence J. Sm ith, D. 161 ^ B j/ij £(i^;man«ny„many, . ^ 3 'I CliffSteams,R.9. - c;w. Bill Young. R. noneone. . ' GEOROIAIA RSALIE..: !lbr21-26— :::— orid^ass./- 5- : ■ D oug Jr. B am ard. D. 30,10, rretiring. VUPEE - : Qtorge Darden, 0 ,35. T h e AAssociation s created thehe-mellow pop sound— d i e s ^ i t h ■ ‘ t^w t Gingrich, R, 22. B u y a p a i r o f ^ e'edasses/iiam g es of our to e . ,'n\eir mstenlanfly rwpgn^ble^d^ ic l.jicross.-i-.Uu -;--d.«rlcs HATCHER, D.1.819 81 _____ - : ; Ed Jenkins, D. none, rctirii:tiring. a n a l e n s K ,id ^ s a v e 5 0 % . h its iminclude C/iensftT^/NHy;lyyAtm'g'Cmefliimy an i ; Ben Jones, D, 7. Neverir Mj y Love, With numcm erous gold rec^ords a ■ ; • John Lewis, D. 125. Start;art the new year with a newMook lo —andgetitfor half ofi hmy Award nomihatiations, the Associatibion is a ' ■ - : r Richard Ray. D, 1. -______rh ; Gramr , ■ J.'R o y R o w la iiJrD , none. icai institution-of pr«cred'SisA '-flSfm Sfty-Snd-i-h 'ap p y '------; ■ Li'ndsay Thom as, D, 6. reliretiring. ' • ' , _ desig^rstir styles. ------^ .{ n e i nior4es4hft^au€}ience9-m o i -neve^g^ow -tired-o^r-— ------~ U D » M ----- •■ : • Ben Blaz, R. 36. (Offer good through May'Sth. Sti So come In todayl- r r - - ■ ------______HAWAn1______. ■ : — — iiT itoinetryloatEdTiext door." i ; Patsy T. Mink, D, none. 'fndcpendenH3ocfonjfCptoii Eye exam not Included. NooNootherdlscounts apply, IDAHO Di«ount does not apply to tinu, coicoaiinp or progrtssive lenses. . ^ --L a rry L flR o c co .D .n o n:e.,'^__; e,.. _____’______l l B :! Richard H. Stallings, D,), 8, s ^ . coridi-' Idate...... ILLINOISs - _ !S -Frank Annunzio, D. none.nc. iretiring. I V b j B g W^iNO>')Acia^ ____ ' 2 -— ^■ ••■P enyT rB hiccrD .-2; defeJefeated In pri. : ^ Royal 0Iplical m aiy.'...... ------Cardiss C ollins^D , 18.— m low rareat 6-pahrahd-eocktailiH-showmtUpja- ~ -- Jerry Costello. D, I. " 3 N on*n(•refundable m m alions are:ue required on Friday and Sat>aturday for diimer and cocktaldetail B h o w s . ^ ^ ^ John W. Cox, D. none. —i ’ s A n o -s•show h cancellatlon'fee w ill1 beb( d u ^ l ^ Resen'aHbns heileld only 1/2 hour beyond resaeserved time, '• P hilip M . Crane, R . none.le. * . tte Gala Showroom is dosed^ PMondayi Some shows JO* be limUed (o cocktail servtc^ ce only/ J' RichardJ. Durbin. D, 12.2. DDowntown o TWIn Falls. 7 3 3•6 ^ 6 6 6 >151 M ain AV0 .W . ------c f li r- 8^80(K8n-110Jri)r 0 ( A t^ a liois^for^HoK ^ ' ...... ' ------LaneEvftn9,-D,'9...... ------^ ...... , ...... OpenMon.»Fri.91-9H X ^5;30------— . « . I _ ' ------Friday, j sJwin.Fflila-lclahQ ' ■ / World1 L e a d e ii^asjkslU .S . t o mI o n ito ir u n ifier s a tio il B r ie f Kl y SEOUL, South Korea The United The North denies its nuderlcar pro- U.S. Uw>ps is "eff•effcctivc. logical aa(l NATO headad retires to teaclichatUSMA South Korean President States has' gram gn is aimed at m aking weaiapons. economical.” woo said Thursday that L I 39.000 troops in “For the maintenance of ppeace in Asked if he cx;cxpccts North Kofba BIjijSSELS, Beiglelgium — U.S. Gen. Johnihn R. Galvin, who led should remain in Korea i Ihe Asian region, I believe UieUi pres- to stage new attaiattacks against Soi)th NATO milithty forceirces during the tumultuousiperiod.w p< hen the alliance ithe leuniflcation of the 1 cncc and role o f the U.S. millilitoiy is Korean targets,ts, Roh post since June 1987. In1 sistepping down, he will ■sary to pressure the NorthIh to accept ^ A senior offi ■ until North Ko- he bci said Uie long-term presescnce of am quite certainin N orth Korea coujd _____1 __also.relinquish-his-ds~dutics-as-chicf-of-thc-scvectionsr • Ministry of "A rea resolves nu- — U.S. soldiers in Euro]irope. ns issues. vie Roh’s commeiits on U .S. forces Jung Sung, toi C om e have sharply differed from thele views of that intematiiofficial at North Korea's he Taiwanesei 1lawmakers, opipponents fight North | Korea, which bitterlrrly opposes North Korew‘-Atomic-Energy,~C:hoc~~ “Breakfe'a st In G alileese” . a the American presence inn iUie ^ u t h . could start ariytold reporters this week with the Discipleles a s they reminisce:e eabout 9 TAIPEI. Taiwann —- Fistfights broke out Friday Fri in parliament be- ] lational inspection of Both Koreas are committetted in prin- May. Jesus's ' days on Earth. tween lawmakers fromfro the governing Nationalilalist Party and the oppo- ciple < to reunification, butI hhave yet to The Commucan nuclear facilities silion. Two deputiesies were injured, includingpi’ one who was hit with a dccidc, how, it.m ight occur or lay in acceptinuiy tim e af^cr the end o f Friday, AApril 17, 7:00 p.m . portable phone. w1 hether U.S. troops w ouldId leave. ' to.stispicions it Saturday,, iApril 18,7:00 p.m.1. , ...... The'm elee started':cd”whCT~deputies~fromthe”(e~opposition Democratic On Wednesday, NortIrth Korean trying to buymunist North’s long dc- Sunday, April 199 ,8 :3 0 a .m .& 11:0030 a.m. / g a Progressive Party accu^dacc the Nationalists off tryingti to block political |leader Kim 11 Sung declarered that for* velopment Iting of inspections, has led reforms. The iawiualnakers pushed over the podii•dium, stamped on chairs eign , “imperialists,” a rcfeference to Westem intells in the South that it was FU ST CHDRCHloftiuH i U IBEM I and shouted fvr dirccirect presidential elections, the1 Unilcd States, were, stistill.schem- suggested thatly time to complete de- 401 &TH Ave. N.* Twn Palis — -• ------Nationalists thenn titacklcd their opponents; ancand the lawmakers rolled ' ing j to dominate the Koreaiumpeninsu- capable of prcof nuclear weapons. N I imsEny Provideo ' For More Information CAa 7; in the aisles, pummelneling each other. .------—^ ...... "la1 . • ...... ~ hynextyear.telligencc reports have J • The parties havd5 comcc e to blows on several ococcasions. ’ • - iatNorthKorcacould.be f producing nuclear arrns p Israel asks1 IEgypt for citizen;n’s release JERUSi^EM—j—_Ismcl_|yis appealed to ^ grypt y p to freeJ)y.thc.star1.of____=. Passovcrori-Fridayy aan Jsracli'Susjnessm an hcl(jcid on suspicion of spy-...... ing for the Jewish staistate, the government said ThThursday. The appeal was coicontained in a message sentnt ISunday by Israeli For- eign Minister D a v■id id Levy : to his Egyptian courDunterpart. A m r M oussa, Foreign Ministiy offii>fficials said. i - Ismcl is seekingg tlthe rele^e of David Ovit:vitz, who has been held ' since Januaiy, the miministiy raid. Ovitz is onec ofo four Israelis held by m ^______nn y ii^ in o n ol nts fff! —^—l^liament^it'votes~Russia as new name----- MOSCOW — TheFTie Russian parliament votei)ted Thursday to change iw the name of the couxountiy from the Russian Fed'edcrgtion to Russia, the third name change sinsince August. President Boris Yeltsin Ye and some top aidess hhad proposed retaining ______the nanie R u«ian FcFederation, as Ihe countryy hast Ji£ffaJa«iffluiD£s_____ bj w the Soviet collapse I STE 5 last year. Before then, the! counuycc had been called the Russian Soviet Fc il« ^ i) e r 2 5 minutess oio f debate and a series o f straitraw votes, the Congress oM **(jle’s Deputiesies voted 871 to 30, with 30)0 abstentions, lo amend — ------m ake the cohslimtiohnome Russia,'“ tom Ross aossiya"in'Russ!an:------Japanese edjditor pays for hiharassment TOKYO — A courtCOI on Thursday for thee ffirst time penalized a

ployees, a relativelyy newn concept in male-dominninated Japan. tUog,nauliiaJ2£L-£ouitiin.fiukui ------said-a-64.ycar-old-^vl“Woman~had"becn" harassedwl-by-hcr-boss-arKyff ------Kikoku, a publishing'hg'company. She said the editor,edi Hidenori Hirotsu, m T h e p l a c e! \Will b e | 4 0. spread rumors-the,the woman was having illiciticit afTairs. depriving her o f dignity and drivinging h er to quit in 1988. i: j u m p -The court ordereded the company and Hirotsi)tsu to pay 1.65 m illion' Ding w itji, b aa i r g a i n s i yen, about S13,000,), irin damages. Compnailed fiom wire reports I t h r o u g h SSaturday, theh e 1 8 t h ; j t H f f i -S im i l l ■ n nifM l iitfi; = ^ R irmcmAPRJP ~ ~ i ^ 9 ^ODOlINTHLYIRAYIBIB IWMOI =HIS“ S I ! [411 f lASTER'S © - - — ' - V 14.2 cu. ft. nt>-Jrosr«refrigerator-...... CH0ICE4 — ■freezer-wHhautomatlcJcJcemaker ______=3BtKHEY« '. p - ■ ' * 7 ’ ■Tn5!allga'»ftIPWatt1'Ve p a n • e n e rg y -sav d r svyrw«ch*Just 2 8 'w ide* M odel C TXX14AP-AD -V WAU.LCOfiR i V ' Sale priced $549.95 ...... ’" K P soqas 30'* Free-standing ' Now Just YOURS Electric R ange JIFF 8 * Ing. Two fi* and two 6" plug- 6 8 * * | = fOlfc= face heating units...... ■ M n .------Upsweptivable black glass oven SUGGESl3TED RCTAIL W m o . d ea n lfj,FuII-wkiUi storage drawer. J U l l H d liHiORLl ...... In surfao14:3B115GL In while only. 3riced $339.95 fi ■ 4t S ale pric . stMftnMIE : | -rr:=: Built-In DishwasherDis ; | IR OUIGK ^ I g n f n 4 cycles and16 6 options.( . ' H ■ Normal. Light,It, FR inse & Hold » H H lllliil and Plate Wanrarmer cycles. j Sub*Conipact; (RM-UPS I I Heated dry on/c)n/off option.,2:-’ | . Microwave Overi. nnraRip. ■ 1 III level w ash sy sttam. Rinse a k t-1 ------.4cu.ftovencavfty.- ■ Jl dispenser. ModiCe!PSD 465M - I E a s y to u s e electronk; 5279.95 •; I totiCTOTnlrolswiUi Just l l i *1®9 8 * * * jjg^YouPayW j B t i l available a t'Bxtra costS t ...... ‘W iBaeriiEM o^sa PyM o. S a le priced $ 1 3 9 .9 5 ____ J S a l e d aii t e s A p r i l 13 - M a y ^ PaNlllB. ■■ J — BBASCUb ; ] I “ *24 M onths-18.25%. _ ^aMonths^a.25% g — M B j e r o im i e B SB ■ LOW N-8■STORE ; -Twin FiFalls G(tooding F R S D ^ B ICING ;

' ■/ __ 4-6 -nmaa-Nows. Twinvin Falla.I Idaho Friday. April17.17.1992______/ World Afghaim presidd en tstrijip p ed of p o w e r a f t e r ^ r y^ing i t o il Chenrnobyl I— TAJIKISTAN" U ■ KABULTAfghariistah-pTAP)7Tres“ p ''^ Ml g ^ - . l Bul some fcBcI W a k illa ia ih c current hcaicad of the , TURKMENIS1 idem Najibullah .tried lo tc flee thc H ki groups declared sccrct see iwlicc, Ghulam A f g h a n i sS t i t a n S country carly Thursday asB.'s rebels ad- H the U.N. plan ,. YsYaqubi. killed himself Thursd4 3 worirkers vanced toward the capital,il. but he was dead, and one rad- leaming lea o f N ajibullah’s , escrscapc at- , - JChronolocj g y 1 ^ Kabul - ) stopped and then strippedd ofi power, a B H Icnl organization tempt. ter ■' i^,9 .rL ,o 4 .___senior government officialalsaid. , |E B vowed.’to continue ^ 'llicrc'wcre'cohTlicting^rey' irpodsiJn . L'„" eked I - ! AFGH;3HANISTAN His whereabouts werett a mystery. 'I ll| il' BEBTighting Ihc gov- ■ N^IBullah’s No whereabouts.. Wakil ■ . 1970 —Thcre-Wcrc unconfirmedi_reportSLahat_HE|^9| i cmmcni-and-ri* -wc: would not commcnt-difectly. t r^pri/: Afghan governrrrnment L hc had been anrstcd, andJ aanother that ^ I H vals unless a strict edcd he was being held by non- PAKISTAN i^vct proteteelion I ' overthrown by pro-So’•Soviet Marxist ' y ' hc had escaped thc country Islamic funda- mental me forccs. R ussia’s IT/ ------>pafty-Ami0dpnon*cof ' l E S ^ ------KlE.V^kn.i,trainc-(AP-)— T^ms— — : ------It^nmorimmcdiatclyIrclcarwho- mcnnjlist-govcnp^ni•snid-he-was’arrcsic'drA'piice : resistance begins. is of soldiers and i 200fnllM was running the govcmmimcnt. It ap. N a]lbullah ment jvas in- Presse Pn said thc leader had sue pcaied some generals andd ati le s to n e stalled. ly fled thc co u n ty , but offi dercd to clean up 1979 aWkmJ? . rcSci leader might bc in1 qli<4)cld under thc U.N. peace p nent established under a rilla groups. The Uniied SliStales, which Minister Abduldui Wakil said Najibullali (Oncc loyal troops began d with Serbs, who repreponed. It said the army i1ftiarched evacuated frorn fron a 50.000- ■ Tliursday, even as U.N. cnenvoy Cyrus oppose Bo.snia':ia's statehood. froifrom the neighboring Sert)ian1 lownl of square-m ilc, zonzone around th g !______I Vancc sought to negotiate: ppcacc in the Tlic bailiess escalatedc? after the Unit- U/iUzice and “took control o f ilichc whole reactor. •

I------Oil-lli)>-4irTtvyI-ii)-Sunijuijcvo,-Vancc— (y-recogni/cU-1 I told feuding ethnic groupsK iliai [wacc last week, wiih/ilh the federal army in- fcnilers. fcm Tanjug reponed. eluding soldic^,ic^, workers and I -"cannot be found at the endid of the bar- crcasingly suppjpponing armed Serb ir- Overnight C fighting was repcpnncd in drivers, sent loto clean up thc I rcl" of a gun.______^rcguIaR.______L i:iSSarajcyo;;jnif:ocn;-;abouiz30 a r 30:milesi Llarca-arauiiJ~l]1-Utcr.aiembhyI^ I In Helsinki, Finland, tilthe Confer- Af^ier talks(i vwiih Vancc, Gen. Mi- .sou.soulhcasl of the Bosnian capiipiial: and plant, I ence on Security and Coo|wpeniiion in luiin Kukanjac.ac. commander of fedcnil Mosiar. Mo inland from Croatia's s Adriat- A ,„cmo by)y th the science edi* I Europe accuscd Serbia andid the federal troops in Bosni:inia, denied his army was ic c iccoasl. „ ; lor o f Pravdala - a newspaper I anny of fomenting violenceice, and Ger- ihe aggressor. About 130.000 people hav lavc Hcd ,1,5c f,fonncr mouth- I’^anyTtTOirened-'ScrWit^»Wr*TKTttniv™ThirTimt^ i^ ^ lt’TMPlinir’a'^y^iir-' ihri "I™ ’" — psra-onra-DBromrnTOTsiffy steps" if it doesn’t halt the: bbloodshed. Bosnia, but in case o f attacks on its the fighting started. ^ -sayslolallyun/ unprotected sot- l»CTT.-.^rr^ny^»Fowign*»Mri>1rniMryMo;«^»>rCTop»-.j»tlKfc»»< '^■»T>ttf.nnav^»irffamn>iltiarv»i TmTP»PhhhF40e= = = « I pressed supj»n for a UU.S.-backed around." he toldold reporters. ' son some from Serbia ilsclf - h:i% yard.sorihcdamilamaged reactor, proj)^sal to suspend Scrt)ia';ia's member- In Belgrade,ie. Gen. Blagoje Adzic. lured lure several prcdominanlly I* rrals and olhcr lop ship in the security associatiaiion jf Ser- the head of ihehe anny, said after meel- towns tow near Bosnia’s border wiw ith 's™ ibi.a and thc Sorbian-dominlinaied ariny ing with a Muslim Mi Bosnian leader, bia, Tliey appear to bc carvinjine oul a 3 “Iapproached the ! „ d o not follow recommendaiititions of the ' Fikret Abdic.. thattl a ceasc-flrC hiid to swaih swa o f Bosnian icrriiory. as;ih tl ty did i-«,a'"’.i- Iregular 'S t uniforms APphOtO- I ' United Nations, the Europopcan Com- cornc before anyan political-solution in in in Croatia,( with the idea of linl>nkinnUD icial clothing' or S ib lin g s o f C ro a tiaan n soldier, : Ivan Flllpovic,, mournm his death in imunity and the CSCE itscl« lf aimed at Bosnia. willwiih Serbia, the largest of theE six> for^ P™'“ l‘“ion " 'against the ef- feels of radialiqntion, it sa id .. . Ramljani. RIlpovlcwi: w a s k l ) l ^ w h ile fig h tin g Inli Bosnia-Herzegovlna. ending < the violence. In the latestest fighting, the federal mer met Yugoslav republics.

Mikes sp i m m e d i ^ — -panic buuying d a nnger fromlMountEt ~ SOFIA. Bulgaria'iria' (AP) - ZAFFERERANA ETNEA. Sicily Civil Defense Ministeiiler Nicola 4 n j j * — Thousands-of'BuIgmIgarlons-lincd ------(AP) - Tlicnic flow of lava from Mouhf•■'Caprip 'C said although thc tow)wn was out ■;' up 10 buy sugar, ricc,icc, flour and Etna slowc(wed to a crawl Thursday half o f immediate danger,* thchc state ______vegelablc oil on ThuiITiursday after a mile fromom this farming village, and a cmcrgency c was not over. thc government announced ; govemmenlient mmister pronouncedniic sweeping pricc hikesikes thal take communityily out o f immediaie danger, about a 350 pounds of.expl to ______effect May 1. ______ThC’lava iva has flowed over earthen blast b tunnels into hardened^>ava4._Cm 1 •MTdm'rcpons saiciild energye and “ barriers, aiand destroyed two small feet fi abovc'grouijd in ah effoi cause"' heating prices willI riseri: 35 per- farmhousesses and dozens of fruit trees riioltcn ri lava to su’rfacc, c ool; solid- ccm. priccs on many,ny foods will sincc the: volcano vi erupted in Deccm- ify. il jump by as much as ^ 0 pcrccfit, ber. In thehe last 40 hours, however, it However, strong winds mund a sud- and thc costs of scrvicrviceswill in- has advanceneed only yards. den d snowfall delayed efforbns by the. creasc by up to 30 pertpcrccnt. "G od and thc Madonna were good U I S . military from pressingmg on w'lih Thc reports said PrePresident Eil- _ t o u s.^ uIt i wwc must also thank thc voN another a plan to diven thc: lava1 from ipT)fiTiI[rov’s“ Cabinc)inct”}iad“ d ? ~ “ candlogisfs’sfs’ and “ Ih y sdldlcTsT TTiby'' inhabited it aftiasT ’ ' cided to liberalize mosTiost priccs to ■ also helped)cd a lot.” said MayoY Alfio ' The soldiere'plah to use: helicoptersh ___ __ m eet cnn Hitinns eliiicfh aflap '" '— HcTCfe'rfle^ ' l o To'htlnuing e/fohTfo~~5"*onTo "a mctai*sH1 District No. 234. Gooding County, Co State of fdaho, will1 beb held ay 19. 1992, and t'he polhoils of sold election will bcbc open . bctw ecrecn thc hours of 12:00 noonwni and 8:00 p.m., on saidd day.c " _ S0’<-60’s J Only thothose qualified electors residingng In Trustee Zones 1, 3 &’< '4 may vote foror a carwlidalc in Ihcir respcctivactive district, and they mustt alsoa be. TOMB i i ^ C i ... listed with wi the County Recorder as voting in thc last prcsicsidentiol fS S B W wen Bp To c S W ) \election.in. The purpose of said elediortion.shall bc to elect one tnuruslcc to k SHE I serve for a period of three years fronrom thc date of the Trustee! Annualf .T O g M ] ^ i j meeting.ig. who resides within Trustee:c 2Zones 1 & 3, ond one tnunislce to - ____ _ serve for aperlod of.two years.who resresides.wlthln Zone 4 .______:.j. TmSee Zone No. 1 is considerdercd the central town zone, V TTnistce Zone No. 3 is that areairea Northwest of Bliss, and m TTmsicc Zone No. 4 Is that areairca'NorthcastofBllssr ' 3 of the area Is available for inspespcctlon during normal officee hours.I I 2 Gal. Potted!d R o ses •lu o rf Nominal! i JusUrrlwi nations of candidates must bc! filwillbc v iUY DIRECT FROM IMPC !. bccausc of physical disabilityty cor bllndn^. to go tb thc f PORTER AND SAVE! — , , ■ -wegelablesSi & llo w e i^ : may niakc written, a ^icalloriTnTo'the c Uerk ot tne uSrict ------_ - _balloWl.pl,the.kindlto-bc-Votcd-on-at-th ai.tiTViiiF«ni - SESTriMiii m A ; We will be ce l o s e d - n thc name of thc elector and the elector's present address. 'AAnita n Standal, Ocrk ...... - Easier Sunm d a y . ajmt . Ho, " BBoard o of Trusted' SfrUniOnS -nmDimu IomeFuml»i.l»*.'8iBee BliiBliss School District No. 2344 JZ a F u — : . .T«ioFiIlt*2102iidAn.f.».f.*733-0132 - ...... "BB li! l l s s .m o 8 3 3 1 4 - - ...... >o < iunlity,'valud niitl 'Hi ■ y a r o tp B * 250 W. Main?JP?32»8^ J H«5rvlcc youW 0lw dy»'iys w anted. ------^ l .- r . ■ I._____ / ______

V ' I ...... " UPK 5


Q rtS ;line-[-r n K l m i e s j N ^ A J l e pitionsol i i f m a g g[ i z i n ( ^ ( t e ForF( flfe la te s t scores, call: 6 3 2 6 r a t t l e : D u k e ’ss p r i s t i nn e i m a gge ISMITI tmptefristrncfloos.______~ IteAM odi^RreM could rejull'iiin rcirdactive'penaltles'2^ 'The NCAA w ou]dn‘i_cot^ ------^------and'subjeci'D■Dukc‘ lb ''san clid n rth al deny dci an investigallo'h into llic Present D U R H A M -D u k e's prisiirisiine image range from a leiier of reprimand to Duke Di officials said no rule■ules w ere • - was called into question ThThursday by forfeiture o f alall games, including the violated vie becausc Lautinur didn'idiili sign 1 ^ , 1 A I a taped diary Christian LafltnerLa( kept NCAA chamimpionship. the second a ac coniraci. for GQ magazine afler thethe university straight for thele Blue Devils. ' •"1 think lhat wc would look lool III the IW in a I determined the projectct wouldn’t "We check«:ked into all the rules," facts fa( o verall, bui 1 d o n 'tt ihihink wc /, violate NCAA rules. said M ike Cragg, C Duke’s sports would yvc distinguish beiwccnI an oral o r . Laettner and the univefversity said information director.d wHo said the writtenwr agreement." NCAAkA official . ■»>». they - "categorically (deny" a checks foundi nothingr wrong with the Rick Rj, Evrard said. "An aga-cmccniciit is an newspaper article thal saidaid the three-- agreement behsiween Ihe n)agazine and agrecmeni." agi H n r time All-American signeded a contract the star ccnter,cr, the college basketball - A sp o k e sw o m a n for GQ Gl said his senior year with G Q majmagazine. player o f ihe ycyear. Thursday lhat Duke and: GQG< were ..... ‘-‘I have never signed an;any. contract.. CoachMkece Krzyzewski, in Atlanta careful to follow the rules; . wilh GQ magazine.” Laettmittner said in a w here L aeiintner was lo accept the staiement issued by Duke,M:4| ' shocked and hurt by thele aallegations Duke's NCAA.A contact Chris Kennedy NC Pftplwnl* that the newspaper has wriit'riiicn.” coniacied Aliailaniic Coasi Conference Kaplan, I now editor al Philiihiliulclphia I TWtnFrtlMBgrtflf.^aOftm. PrapHlMI , 'The"“ Wifjstort-Salem;m •-Jpurnal~ com pliance o/io/Iicer David Thompson Magazine,Mi had a diirercnj wers He ’ ei<0BRj«Tta»™n»m .. .reported lhat L a e iin e r's's aagrecm eni and the NCAA.A for a ruling. said sai< Thursday he never discuss wilh wiih GQ during ihe 1991-'91-92 season The siatemtmeni said Duke "was ' DuDuke whether the agreemei w ith may have been a ^iolniionon of NCAA given an interfirprciation which did noi Lactincr Lai might violate NCAA i m ^ / / f rules. Those rules say’jly'a siudenl prohibit Laelt:itncr from preparing a Th? 1 Journal reporled lhal Kaplan >1»0Mn,CftlnMI3.buk«ukMial. Orft Al-Am«(1cs. Al- aihlete's eliglbilliy is jcopanpordizedifhe d ia ry fo r fuifuture post-cligibility said sai L a e tin c r sig n ed a si;slandard , - APpKM ■ S««/6«n* 1:00 p.m.. Chinntl.l3..r(aiWMl. Adanu II Lot Ang«lM his college eligibility. Any\n y violailon chcck dlrecilyy with’ Ihe NCAA. mamall one to all writers. magazine m ay!y subject Duke to NCAA, saisanctions.

Trio of CSI'hoopsters h -

______ipic- select 4-yearIT ^ o o l s 111 ...... 11 SrSi^SuEpSE: 5 aai=i=j=««^~>sl.-i-s-‘M«»on:>oMU.AUMhwtflioAvUSiX^ Boone was recruiiqciiq d by the eastern school after paiticipaiiilaiing in the national w om en's toumamcntIt in Tyler. T ex. , - The Associated Press ..p p b b le N ic ld . a. 6*11 Wyoming ttend Utah 'Stale product, will attei BARCELONA. Spain;iin - Wilh just U niversity on a voile;tlleyball scholarship , 100 days left before the Olympics., - next.faiL world track' officialsals and local, ' B oth CQaches Freded Trenkle ond Ben Olympic organizers remai;main locked in }1 other individu|ls Stroud'said several c a baitic over a limciableible that could - currently are being wooedwc by four-year J. ^kecp^MichncHJohnsoTPfro — ^ “s^hoois~OTO“wiii‘M not _ror,i,wo:gotd_rhednls___ I: 'in the near future. As the schedule standands now. the finals o f bollr lhe'200 and‘400and nteiers"' Lineup card goooofciK tsM ’s are sel for the eveningng of-A»g. 5. ^ £ ■ — fTitairBHTigain^K t^W hiteSpx--: - — Joliiison-i?Hhe-w^)r>d^fa^r-fasiesHiinn-al— (wihevenis. — C H TCTO O - A lineup Iin card foulu;^ Tlie Intemalional Amatad'bike race on'T rail^” _. Bishop Kelly teammates rewrcwrote the rccord Creek Road is sondwicwiched between tw o ...... ^ Tlie lAAF CouncilII dcJ e c id e d in.- book on the way to ihe girls> leamici title the 3-miIe run legs on the Sun Valley Bike November to move fiveve I fin a ls-. the* 1992 Angie Wyatt Invitatio Bruin Path. The transition areaan for cach leg is • * ; m en's 200 m eters andJ the th women's' Stadium Thursday. the parking 'lot on TrTrail Creek Cabin. 200 meters. 400 meiers.ers. 400*meier Bishop Kelly was expectedled to'dominalc ;ers - ami has « where a post-racee iawards parly is hurdles and 800 meiers the giris team compelition andm d did just lhal. such a move • plaimed.' renewed its call for sm : .The.^l!s-127-poinlsjicarly_do’_doublcd^ccfind_HU|Bi t few m o n t l i s . _____ L. 'P r iiM will bc’awordem led to Ihc top iniac...... J l - several lim es In the last fe\ place Kimberly’s 65 points. “ in f female athletes.5s. A ll e n tra n ts a re P* An. o f f ic ia l at Ihe tl lA A F * Butte County look the boyboy's leam litle . eligible for drawing pri;prizes as w ell. , headquarters in LonLondon said j wilh 93 polnis toO eclo's 80. The $15 enuy fee coCO' vew the p arty and Thursday lhal the fedeiL‘deration was ► O fth e 15 meet rccords whicl[)lch were broken a-souvenir long sleeveeve T-^shirt designed sticking to Its decision.in. O( fficials-of *. or tied, Bishop Kcllyts girls weiwere responsible b y local cartoonist Pete’ete Phillips.. Ihe Iniemalional Olyn^picipic Committee I for five and Bixby had a handhar in four o f 'For more'informationlion or an e ntry form . |° have indicated they woiwould vi'ppof' * them. ci^ntact the Elephant’sIt's Perch. P.O. Box the lA A F's position. Bixby, a junior, shaved two-tcnihs tw( a ______178,-Kctchum,.ID-83383340.-Entriesjnusl__ _ Such a change wouliould push Ihe j sccondoff thc-oldnrcon^tlnthc-200-meter-^ bW t T. _be4n.by noon on Fri....A A p r.2 4 .______^ nicn‘s-2(K)-meter l1iKij-b;iibiick by u-day—f . ___ dash with a winning limci: ddHTH.-Sh— - Competition beginsIS aia l 1a.m . ' . . JJ to A ug. 6. lA A F PiVisicsident Primo '• conlinued her record pacc by3y < anchoring the Nebiola lias defended suchsuci a move to ! • .Coflibincd froni stiistiff spd wire repirts „ and 1600 meter record breaking 400, 800 and help Johnson, saying a1 sinsim ilar change { relay teams. was made al the 1976976 Montreal • er added to the' Spphomore Tina Insinger j Olympics for -Cubarban Alberto J • susuccess by winning the 100100 m eiers in a ___ Jiianlorcna, ~______■rixohUvlng limi: fif-13.2.-^hfcShe-alsoJead olf—M urtaughIh’-gjustltrcum m lnst'figl'lght,-Bd9 Bs:outBrlan_ThQi•hompson of. Kimberly - . Please, see:eeTRACK/A9 atthefinlitilshoflheaoo.; S h u c k s , K lI ’n ata 70. T • • ■Paul-foiiowed:— -h e ik'ful-lo-be-through-wiih it,—------^ ^ — brothor-Pi heelsrpToduced some ridiculoiulousscdres'and— "lt"wassrsurvivai-out"therc;”-Lec-Tn Trevino------"rm -ju st thmikYu "Tlie wliiU was never llfyIfybUrTiiCcialwaifs t ------' tO-pomid Dick Hendrickson. , ------:—— DIzzy-'s-threer e e = h iL s h u to u t------jp■lumed j the first round otJhe_Ele PfiA Seniors* sold. said 6-fooi-7.280-p blowing sideways.—-Rodri)driguvcr 78 and more more sevenere. • you. for il.l'm a lucky man."

• st - A-0 "Times-News, TwinwinFalfs,Idaho Friday.Aprill7,17,1992 ~ - r m \BiicKsF] a r a o s e ]in on p] Meridlian slips Ipast ... . MIAMI (AP) - TheTh Miami Heat “ Pacers 119, Nets 113: ^ ...... w ilh 2 4 . andid George McCloud-with - got 23 points fromn n~crs and scrup”a”first*roi■ound "pairing ~ losing" streaicik ibxbcating Orlando - ^in-lp Tni^gs_at.Hanrrmoa_Park.-_bclied a high dri T h u rsd a y . field fence, II-O third-quarter spspurt that broke finale Sur5und,iy at Boslon. or ifM iamni i "widi CI«fvland.'Thc'Nctris73942) can Adams mamade 13 o f 21 shots, in- - - The Bniins, who-nex " open a closc game.le. : Rc-scrve Kevin wins andnd New Jersey loses Saturday»y m ake, th e p la y o ffs by dc:defeating Or- eluding five?e S-polntcrs, lo help Ihc" ext-play u -Tlie Bruinsrtook to advantage of ; double-header at Cenien Inwards added 202 0 point.-!, w h ile a t. ho mie e to Orlando, or if Atlantala lando on Saturday or witl/ith a loss by Bullets win1 theirtP final home gam e o f ennial Sat- an oops by Mcriileridian lo lead car*, u r d a y .f e l H p i 5 - 4 . . Brad Lohaus scorcd;d :23 for Milwau- joscs its final two games. Thetc M iam i o r A tla n ia . the season.n. The Bullets’ 14-27 ' . .Jy. b u t lost th e lc;lead with mistakes ____ T h e W arrio rs sc o re d ll kc c. H aw k s. piplay Chicago at home Friday>y Detlef Schrcmpf led1 Ihe Pacers rccord at home he was the second- Ihc game- of their own. . winning run in Ihe top of ' “ Miami, trying to) l>bccomc the first and finishlish al Cleveland on Sunday. with 26 poinis. followeded by Miller worst in thee historyh o f the franchise. ofthe lOth. -Tljc ballgamgame should have when Twin Falls missed:dadoublc.bcen,2-l..should 3Uld have been over play.-W ith:runners on1 ^firsr^ and jn ihc '.seventh,nth.’' Ingram .said, sccond. the Bruins got aa'^ force out -t},osc thingsgs just, happen. I —^Blue j:Jays rallyy in 9th innning to d( o ^ Yaankees o n a 'gro u n d er! b u t the ll relay thought it wasas ia good baseball throw IO first was latc. JoshJo Haws game." TORONTO (AP)*) - Joe Carter hit “ with six straight losses.i. The' Tigct? look third on the grouilunder and ^ sscd ball and siogic a run-scoring singlelc iin the ninth in- merican . League were 0-6 in Cleveland lasi scored on Ihc throw to Hi h^ti r P“‘ Meridian1 toptc in the first. ning and Roberto AloAlomar scored the With one out in Ihc b Twin Falls lied:d itii 1-1 in Ihe bol- - . winning run from tintlrst base on ccn- Royals; asa Keith Miller's two-base Ihc inning. Twin Falls g( '•'* Angels 3, Rangers 2 ining. G reg Slarlcy Icr fielder Roberto10 Kelly’s error error willvilli two ouls in the lOlh in- ■ ing run lo sccond o tn n l Jo h n of" «he in n ir ^ J; ARLINGTON, Texasas t . Gary >iacrinccd to sccond, Thursday as the Tortroronlo Blue Jays ning let:t Ihci only nin .scorc. Kansas ------Homer’s singlcttnd stoic l'. Gaciii’s sacrificc Hy cappppcd a three* - . look third on PicPierce’s single and ra llie d to b e a t th e: New Ni York Yan- City, )ffoff to ils worsl start ever al I- ■ But Andy Pierce hit a run ninth inning rally for•r thet Angels. AnJ,.' il from T ai G.ordon. k e c s 7-6. - • ‘ 9. was> viciimizcdV when Miller let drive into left field that1 ec n d e d II.C ' “ ' ' ‘'■’" “ " i 'r " [J Texas relief ace Jeff RussellR was V ). who cscapcd a Willie W ilson's fly ball to left field lid; and a Jol"; Ncmclh.leih. walked, stole Steve Farr (0-1). \ the victim of the uprisingIg afier Chad game on a running catc bases-Ioaded. one-ou-out jam in the skip offff hisli glove. Jamie Quirk, who vent to third on the Curtis led off-tlic inningJ ' a dou- • pick off of the runner onn sccond. ""I"' eighth, walked Devonk'on White to open had sinsingled off reliever' Jeff nclypincd caldicr s throwW bcforieb scoring on’ ; ' n, ble off Brian Bohanon, whow allowed The extra-inning game th e n in th . A lo m a r singled, sii advanc* Montgon"omery. (0-1) came around lo Idaho Ihis » ,sai:rincc Hyy by b; H om er in the just three hits. big school baseball in k ing White to sccond.id, and Carter sin- score, sp rin g . ihird. glcd. Kelly chargedd t:the ball and at- Dennisnis Eckersley piichcd the lOihih "This is kind of like:e-football Meridian tieded the i gam e in the ‘ icmpied to- throw' outo Alomar at for his fofounh save,------White Sox 5, Mariner — and baskctball.'Everybotody in’the fifth on“an“infi(infield error'^and'a' ‘ " " Ihird. but the ballall skipped into CHICAGO - Georgee a siatu is just aboul the sarame." said misplayed fiyballball that turned into Toronto's diigout. giving gi the Bliic Tigerss l] 3 , ln d i : t r i s 4 two-run homer ahd single to a Twin Falls Coach Bill InjIngram. a double. Jays their ninth victorforyin lOgamcs. CLEVI:VELAND - Rob Deer home--• two-run rally. Bell slngfciFed to start a .Brvin senior Kevin GUJib.son and )010l—461 ! Duane Ward (1-01-0) piichcd the ,wicc'icc.'giving him four in 'four.ir two-nm .second and hitlit his third • M eridian’s Brian Bagleycy piichcd “SS,.J0100 —373 ninth in relief of Jack : ^ the game lo a 2-2 tice th ro u g h Haws I?) anaind^imanu, sr Oa0lty(7);C»- . ' ckMoau. gomes,,!:, and Mickey Tellleion hit a homer off loser Rich Del•cLucia ( l- I ) APpIWO ’• ° tOR.Ho|X>ni3tl30)ilHiviEn(Himuh&2).71$ TtonuUJlUfiw 34 36-70 ^transitio90 to staiirting Asm U42 2 4 0 j^ 4 4 n o CoMlOl 5 MTnpMnpM 17.U-70 lAxn 374) 2 3M ^ ? * 5 3J44 Snwn 1, ^ e e ( 1 t Choge(UMui2j>24|tlStlaM<0flnr<0.|).815 Jormlrrwirrwi U-3&-70 WtSTWHCCNfJ 1 4 ] 3 0 1 on • lirirFU*!Flrt»- 17.13-70 SAN FRANCISCO-(AP)’) - Siart- NBA standings TMm PrtnRal CmiUJ 11110 AEifU|C!*r*20i2ian>3 cr~ Cu4r»y SSATTlf ' ' e ^ ‘ ieiho BrhU *"«C9egurtfflim 3714-7I PTJMttrtJ U « JIJ IW ttUtM.m3lXinnR>M>iM(i HJI oooo SMI» 40 4 11 RThtpJH 40 10 Padres. "I hcard’when we made n the -in-5 1-3 innings.gs. / Am ong the hits Ei-' " , « Jl.JH 8< M>iinw«irMi.inrwfi^rdUanibut Ctfrr«ii 1 020I 2 0 PIVMI' 3 12 0 Prfttcl 4 4 0 0 0 Uwflie 4 0 2 0 CatyPlr.Pirn 17J4-71 Asira U n .475 V &.»«•< 3001101 Uri«c 4010 2 0 0 0 CUiWH 4 111 Pnom U38-71 Hrdeal for Swift that he wuss a prctiy land surrendereded was\ an RBI double. C W » 31 <9 Wi . 1 I Lcw d JflOO a S ^ ^ 14.37-|1 - rr T ;iw i? ™ r rr f * A«iaipf’**” i ^guwy •“- ■'>good-hiiter.‘:'«ould^‘fidd=ht»=«»:>pmition^by^ift-.t{Whd4U »4ifth-ihaU>cokii.a4-l^^ ... WESTUWCOt««NC£ ~*~-wcw»r=^TO^wi rtOUVUGcMnSuav 2 0 0 0 and could pitch a liltle bil. W e sa w it lie. Jg SuMfvO^^ltMWW, to f s OOOO » |a i Twa^ 34 8 12 8 B. __ ....K I. ’ ^^^-»»«»^L-,gcUliDLAU ■ ... « Ite-— ^&Ufl^2rA).dwk>.hHS-«ll-hllbiil-ontMif—IwllgameAGilandand-saidr-^l-was-down-: ------HMBn U 12S II " raratgrniPtGou iron 041 ]jwl»mT(2l'Fmo^'(^^ fUmaiA 3MS-72 c. i obtained with a 1-0 count, u 0*nv« M >X 29u CtHB*ra«l«l»i«UMrjwiiHn loSi 38484v.“, .... fc’srKil.Sa'rriKWSMO^Sv’D^fe 8ceT«irWIT »37-72 '?•San Francisco’s wins, was < nt, and I didn'l want lo ’ Mil Z) a 2X a LAlMn-lne4,« Cicag) IP M fl£q 60 SO ~ — iiwMdiiMiamaiMtira Qui,i« HO;»W «r» t« W f-nrrX«K (21. G'i'n 11) JxcbUA ».)7-7z r,;pitcher- Mike Remlingcr --to the more on the pitch.ich. I canH-just lay it in , . ■ GoiMfi St» U 27 CU 34■; - , - — W>-sm» 2 Loe-s.r'$ «» 9 c r< ^ 8 EUnSLOl 5 13 8 ~ ' “ 4~0~0------im C»W»t>9» J4«-72 H' .Pnow.. SI 29 Ui 54 ______2ft-eunr»:(6l CtO>»nxr»»r>t(2) R*f»l(2l.P»trJ jn».r>».t3«j 12311101 OnuUOl Marihers. The Giants also> receivedi there," • SmM « H i75 10* I?) &rifn|«l >'n-tu«-./:ujt-.n«CU« 15J7-72 AL standings ^8pJn«Tl1} Beuen ____ 3__ 4__ - ■ r nn - - —" *-t h both teams. Kevin is going to d o w e ll- "1 w as ju s t "seeing sec the ball really; ______VUaMifM Il9.0i»n)91»------•------Bi-awt------} .S ! j " 'j \ " o ' ! .Tcdq-lOra CiMUnS 3 . 7r l 1 — S ’. — - Joio i«i.-( - 4121 Senioliors Championship fofor ihem and I ihink.wclve pickedpi up—well." Swift said.tid. " It's not easy, but CncagauMvutpm 0« « 3 7 il's nicc to gel thii PrX«M|MttCMnKI.Spm WMlOMUn' C»'C-4 f’ i.JSo lSS?i» JJw PAUI^^EACHaARO£K$.Flt tni icurd o> nt PU Stncn Swift allowed eight hils. slistruck out gel the guys firedred up. that's good for _ — SS'ffibiapf— tl xt «.7i87t>»»t»JlCi*«»ai> Cowti------« Sin Anaw. 834 p ffl 8 UUnilCtiCUL------threeth and walked none in brin■inging his,-.nK*...... I ^ I: 3 100 Jmtipn 1 0 0 0 DnyZvg*:*9>K ' J4.J5-89 . 2 000 JB«n»r» oooo ’IM U.18-(9 SJO«iT»*ilS*«a*.lIpm ~ 5 5j' : 5S® I n»*»in» 3 0100 0 0 5010 kJJ"; \ Ol!^ l$45-70 1 LA UPCMB CWM Sum. 1130 pn.ic 4010- , 2n OCO 021-8 lSo?HwiHMnrg 1806-72 | ----- 10 7-8 11, Csmwl-lOJ 5 11. moiieOOlEI- ■ BlUr«rtilB0(IDn.pp4.rv ' B»veja 3 0 0 0 r.C»T«8-IOSO 0 O99S,St>9«4 cco B30 eoo-1 U*Ti»«*W ! lJ.17-72 *round to 1leadHerititage—— H 3-10 44 l0.lOTi»e«» J »1.J7.0>ft B«* 14«-73 12.TmW334718.2368.23 67.' OlW»fd1.MftU»C#rO, lOmOmrflt . , nnS E-tF,m»«.i(2)ll2),Rr«rw>|1).C«i»sn[2) augn)3.T«i(>2 OP-S*i0^l.Si.Swfrroicol.lOft-Swb^to B«»OrtOf<«l 1817-73 £ 3 2 5 2.S*"Ft«aceS 40JM 3845-73 lm 5-12 M10. Rc« 9-18 22 23, S*<«s*4«i$-i934 Te«/i6m 8S2&-vaj«(i).Snrs«ii) U 38.17-73 HILTON HEAD ISLANlND. S.C. Love said. "WhtWhen , I start hitting' 1). ^ t-4 2 2 4. Sirei 4-9 2 210,i!m E0V ^ H 33- T»e«sO»M»t-0|«Be«s«lW.?i5Si«l\?*«C5pn ^ a 110130 lou.. H 0 4 0 .|1|Hft-XlW|2).W«11) _ tull»»0W'4"01|. l5-&»ta > Fta*|rT>itrTXnptm 374fr-73 {/^(AP) - Davis Love III was uU| p . d o w n good, m aybe I’ll shoot a real low 3 20. Cem 48 0{! e, KniM 0-1 04J0.A*»«35D. 0. Al S*434lK*n«a'M|»lU>rt;*» IP. H RER 03 SO S4«W ’ . 3847-73 0 7. Dtmn 010 0 0, OH 00 SO 0 TolU Ztffttaki 1746-71 anand all around ihc l^arbou:)u r T o w n scorc.'.'- .w(sw«n:0i. ^c*r « •y . 3747-74 r;, 530pm s s a !ii , ".w. ’7 7 1 3 0 S G olf Links on Tli,ursday. Still. it w as go-as~Ticd-iir68-arrhirhmnyrWadkinsTBrad— Uorm 5-1S rna J.7, M, **»« Olto>ni(l*»t00)ilKanuiC » n tn o a is o 1,1 1 2 1 0 1 . . li"7K*« FouWcuMtve R*oure^.UhM wC0738«■ • . ' • ’ s s r ..“ t ! '1 IOOO ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ Btrt 3748-7 . “It’s hard to describe mjny round rccord. KEWYOW (l-Wwrt) . liltTH 14 RauMQUQru , 1847-7 Wlwiil;oul using four letter wore>rds." said All four-like418.TtaTpaoi tt r h y , J r l«'rt-Mo«.Kosc.F«»lFnl ftn. S«ccr<] Cwt, BilEKMr< 2.434 7,Flmra8-I2].)IS,UaHlS.1(1S.18222i. Jimnrf 3 1 1 0 W« !ssri__j;sss-_i:<■Xoyc-tiyingJo.bccome-only-y-the-see— lyr-whcn-the-wimwind-was-wcakensh'd^ ------Scf.ontJ lO-l? t« 28. [IM 2-4 }Sl J9 36-7 ' Of'ond player lo win the Hcri;ji;agc IWO the greens softeriter. Tlic sea breeze ------J n ! CAllFORWA ' •rcXA!TtXAS WALVALlSCCKFEnaftt A»rr 17.U-7S Sllstraight years. "It was up andid down. 1 kicked up in thec aftcmaf oon, drying out Uyni 74 2-411. (ieMn 10-18 }->42J.e«>«8-l2 29.1 h!^'' S??? Ojo ihU ’ ttlhti 1 ’ $ 817. Pm x fr 19 S 5 24. BlntM|7-1<04K. 7-18 Uu><» 4 f 1 0 0m> 2 0 Hwamu 5 0 2 1 ISL, ______£ 3 S . --guess.that.would s ^ bcJi nice wuvuy-to pul—the:grccns-and:malmakinglhcmliaraer.-: ------Cmt^ 2 5 04 4. Du««r I 3 04 £ U*>JM15228. 1 Fvtp . OOOO M Utt V e i l J i ?1 ?1 Cvwrun * 0 2 0 ,WfFUr««, - ; W 21 S 105 SI 2(8 E « l ^ Ana«on02M0.M»ionIj1J-4j.l»lJ.lW f S 0«____VtoO. M 4-0-0 0 ' «rt 0 0 Prir«l» 4 0 0 0 i.WuAr^ . 45 2 8 H » 275 TiryHauU«U« 3837-7 ” • it. Twenty-seven:n o f the 120 players ------U j« c J ”■K^'c J I V . l » l ltl0 0 S«ili< <010 » a 9 97 W3M ot^o*.CJM1 3840-78 "I hil .some of the worst shotssh I've beltercd par. wiihvith 21 playing in the M n 9 a 27 99-1I8 .KMja ...20 0 (1 . fS l'? . i 1 lO&ViWd10 4 000 ------■ I —1.1 I M il 11 87 2a9 2&9 (MtOnOileu^Oi JM7-H---- 29 s t o 14-111 1 ^ 5 'O O ; Dwien 4 01010 flwTwt 4 U 0 NYHlvtin WU1I 79 291 299 iSuniRui »47-7 '‘ll'hit all yea'rriihd'nilirsliopr■TOiderr^momihg. 1 Part 8-14 (UJk 2 ^^Mc£toutf^4, Me Cr«!CrAnu OOOO GM9 3B 3 0 0 1 Pur»3> 30 10 Ph**S.lp<« a 3 tl 7S2S2 27) inDMn 3749-78 • Prvin2ASc(Tt 3848-76 1 2.Cc*wii«0-I.A««K«0-1|.fei*«»J»i>A->kn- (jti 0 0 MunanA 1 0 0 0 (fUewM “ ” ? r^ l1 93 287 207 ( S•U0I K .184»-7B ^ 0 0_P.Mif^ OOOO ■ Batten___ ------S!ZLE‘ ?!!!-ro !)*flph OOOO ilUlib ^ ...... ^...... » l t o ) ^ 12) Tett^ul»-lni^22.N22.Nt>J«ru, l*.Ylrt OK 00 TTotiu IOOO imtfcfd ”“3iir;r^]ss':aS Garey exttends^Nori rthside ...... Toe*...... asS- -Sx^sT0 0----- ' ...... “ Qutol««ir«m 3848-78 £-«*•,ID 0P-N»«Wi1.lf S o ^ w »W"Wr J4-4J-78 ORUWOOIlOe) Tcni« 8 2&-Weng)r (3), PXUi^(2).KllI.KHOI,L»r«l1t T*tn 001 m ICO-2 yCMM 4} 28 12 H ao 258 Ax)cwiHe»-«127.Siit»«-l03 316,wa»-n».3i6, SB-W-»[2),nAltn»2lSjCSI«-«41W«.|1) E-S»«ni(2lPayncn(3)«(3),P4!™f{5JDP-Cj» . lC^aeo. . ,. 38 29 15 >7 257 236 Wcrslllisltt . . . 1740^77 victory ' stitring in^rg^ack 10 4 S 20. Dc»* 4-12 04 e. C«nMnH284J8. 2 8 ‘ S-Mildw»to.SF-C«wiu« .n UrfUj,T|.«MO0-C4Bl-C4Ucnw4,Tiu>e iSlLcul 38J111 8J 279 M8 j«c*»1«W| 1740-77 0SM'2.4448.JT 0 Oftoe«»en « '. -. 9 5 2 2 0 1 lEdncnen McMl 18-19-77 Hr ■ray 210.2. OltDiOi 120. ISDO 21 A.Tun* 2 5 3-4.7.f«« 4? « 20221022IH. , T e r« -■ ‘ Frey 1 0 0 0 I I i.Wrnptf JS S!? “ »O « •f . 1849-n 9*^double-edged irack machinc« co n tin - ,R!ct OWrtW.10 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 SwJn* I7s7sa2ia»4 bjxiM 18-19-n i-l.FUi«l*nJI120-41X,2,An. . 3PoEi godb—OiriM J4 (A/dencnn2-4,SluM1J. 24. HarrwKMletlaBMnrvC “ S i “ flbMi - U U «n The 1‘92 poinis the Panlh ty n4-10X.HIotilump—I ; ______Bo>i^O-I,05flS'0.11»»»ht5UnS-9(AS-9(U«TaS8, taanntattfi M* 1840-78 ;iher*giris->SSS^^H,'?^.7i;: ,...... DehOTM ,J «w______• M-«o-^______accumac ^ai^d ■; exceeded by Oro«M«k) fr-fl, 3,.^tn»«n W . “ r “ .TLri»o-ivWi«JoaUi»-rtib3^/>S»iWW» -----WP^UIW.OWltil t-iv.. 2. La« l(M)», 3, K«om •S3 lAoSMOl 12). WufmjW 47 UonMwm.Al. 11 ’ UTnM-4im,UcK04R.Fril.K IbMmnraTnhMron InC‘■ s s s i r — *«wt - 1841-78 COcombined loiaPof'the seedc o n d an d iwirTnpi«juinn--'irKolrKwwn39-7)*78.H«m»tl • n iBm. Cohort 5).IVVurvm tVti ^ .T M M n o n MfadeiuannMgn>9n , H,Y,flron7.Pttita b u 'll fUinnu 3840^78 38-4,3,l»*3r-i:iOOO-00-1.P«kC4:43.6.i 0 •35 (Aiamt, W f^, I Sowi 7| ToU loiiMAixUbit- I-241A-50J78.. Iwe»»vyte«».5nUoa;F»*;Fnl,'iWig.S«W, Si Lowi, Ufriwa•KU3 jKkKWa 42-»-7a.._tn_ihird.place fcams------Smpjon C5 00;0;3; SimpiSimpton hunMi- 'l&WB^rg«n» m Wtnp*9«tMto*».W ...... ?--Thw>j»ta1(Hrtn------4048-78 On the boy’s side, Diciriin c h c a r -' '•IWm»»llO<,2.Ellal7,la17,S,3,-H«IMYl7.e,S00e Classic______iB S ! Qim ’■* • yjjiftiBy (KifWsna. utcnim. •, s s - - i - w r s 5 -----Ttem fowtr— Cswr 1«.' ftcHWW,-to -B w W r—- EASIEmCC»«nEW6X Bnwlb ( 0 I 0 Jk« 4 M 11 H9.T0H ICAO ISM C«mM CowMy 0«, ISOa *1, DWMtti W. • rsoo — 1. Tk>om 24.08,2, ---- ^------{Dma^ tlw >»*, Oiiate, CiMBnd, CWrr Snot pul — t. 6l>np«on C Sl-U. HtSonlo>fll30.10H, 12S.0,3200 - T. buvy Slmpton g^jn ■g_ I 4 j .M 2______5? *'*'2251s3JSJ^sa:2______yiC TPwccypgjee , X Dwnl • ? ? ? ? 8 3 ^ ______Oc tIWIEL— CntonUi S 1 1 0 w m Dmk NK0ubs^8«Onrt,-Cttr«^ ■ ■___ W L ta. OS UmtWaMv 3M2-88 nnirM^M CC 14^. z woodQ i«-ex, a.O K n 114-U-O^.Tilpit wHoacur S2 '' V.i!7.i-II Tom S4«4 S»>D«go 7 3 .?»■- • D>«W , »404-« . l^-I.JonMnt]3&-7.2.M*^C30 EASlBWCONreeCE - Crvmu 8 4 £00 I B>UC*nMr»|. OrMnAM D 2ft-«)l.iC00-1, PtWnoni C ^ i s . 3 , 2. . ■ ■ ntt3^ra,mM«Bjt1.C«it«2 MaiMm -■•...• lM »-«------“ 2*0,1-100— t: KliWand 0 ia.44.3, Simnv ' I ; STUASHor dl/lCciw WimtLn) 38C1-49 DEWEfMl 3.M»nkrCC U.1S.#00-l,W »nIR2i» ^ U Y ^ EEa«TBADE D - — :— \-i~.------(ATsmcomcNCs^ M ittm a tu .__ j „ __ .. _____ . M-38-« .. C6ieft._.. iHr>JM*r.MaLAM, •gol ' jS smh*. ------» W » — -EASTTENNIOMLUfck SIXIb-UMMftfZoinm— c« WESrtflHCOWEneCE nen M so AsrtA«i«An9*«iwR) ^ VbTnO«r 3 4 .» ^ AlwUfcra^ ceuntr M.O, J, RIcMtW 1 M.0.40C |lAC>;mHMSn.LAliUa CMM CheM ,. »JI_88. -JACXSCNS»SUl&-HM*MCncRtaei>l . epwk*sp. C1« f. 0. a. KkUvid Cl a u . 3. Ja< TDffliniOIHIIH CAUEljlES“ ' 0IMcr*niinw OmtLM M Vwra Wa tfH WmiTWi 1 0 0 0 0 .1 l|.535pm 38-14-70 UicruuwjuittWi.intnnHrapg«i0v C«C ^ S lto rty T n . JOO-«. (OrWtna C « 1-8593 ' ------«--- 7------7-- / r ■ —- '■' , • ■ If . :-- ^---- -PridayrApflUil-17r1992—Tmics-NmrTwinIn Fallsrldatio—A-97'Fi -- - I Idahc0 State lilands ^C eltics}g a i n c hlu n k o f]' l e a d w iith o u t BB i r d BOSTON (A P)- In the lt«last, tw o weeks. Lany- Deiroilit doach Chuck Daly said afier afu Wednesday^ Bird h iin ’t played, and the BcBoston Celtics haven't W e know we canca win „ight s 92-89 loss to Boston. "They’ley'vc got a great; I prized1 G em n lost. They’ve wiped out New YYork’s five-game lead .. without vu Larry. It JuJust takes 'osler.'. T hey’ve done it nil year. T’TI liey’vek plugged ecruit and i surged to the brink of a div:ivision title. /er they havcjiad to into it. TThe hey've got a l o t . , ------1 There have been seven .ststraight-wins, some ' -®everybody, picking iple who can play. - -'-TheTunes-NewsjT^::-— T£3 Z:r:Malad’s studeidentbody president.------^------sp-g sp arE ^ b y unlikely heroes Johohn Bagley and Kevin— fllgame anothernotcitch. And it "L ew;wis is an unbclievnblc offeiiffensive player.., While playlaying for his father. q j . Gamble. More predictably, Reggie Rc Lewis has led t un.stoppable'.“ ' . ; POCATELLO - IdIdaho State Coach TerryJ JJones. Justin scorcd' jcan ’t be Just onele or two thcjjffcnsc,..------—T ------Lewisvis-had-onIy.l3 points WcdncsInesday night, but, I University head basketiketball coach rT975 'p d ihhts ts in Tour.seasons. ~ j But Bird has been sidelined:d for all seven games 9guys, “ irh a s to~be» eeverybody 7 he andJ Pinckneyi teamed up for aI big'bij blcwk as Joe: ^ : Herb Williams aannounced During Jone;nes’ playing.carcer. y,|j wilh recurring back problems,s, and Dee Brown has rs drove for the potenifal tying/ing baskei in the < .. .LThursday_ihai.U5/i-rc-T oda/.Idaho—Malad!s rccord _____ on the bendich.* Dumars ord-was97-9.------■mis5edihe-la5rtourTVlth’ml! ifi■ “^ e know we can win wit/ithout Larry." Lewis ______—Reggie Re Lewis to n g sL^ot to make the team, led the way with 18 ; intent tojoin (he Bengal:gals. . _ guard positio lion," Williams said. -'.sai(.said. “It just lakes everybody pipicking up their game - ' — ’ '_ points..r..nine.'issists-and.'rtivcnjebound'Undjj, ______rsaiile player who will ; Jones led the Dragi•agons'io the "H e’s a versal another notch. Arid it can’t bc-ji-just one or two guys.—runneinemp could facc ihc Bulls oncinc iround earlier.------"Pvcc been tryinglo contribute enoi;nough to take the ;11 with the players wc jt j, ; Class A-3 slate braskctlicciball title in blend in well Jl has to bc everybody on the beb en ch " "Oi‘Our goal is to get Into a googood groove for the pressureire off Reggie. McHale andJ CCl h ief (Parish),:, I April. He joins Chrisris Roberts, a have. He canan shoot the three. It’s ( On April 3, the iCnicks b e aIt t.Atlanta by 21 points playolyoffs,” Boston coach Oiris FordFor said. "W e're in hc said!j ! "Now we have to stay focusccused on whal wd- p in the program lhal • 6-10 transfer fromI HHutchinson another step i and the Celtics, in Bird’s lastt game.g lost lo Indiana onec nowr and we have to lakc'c>c care of business, have loc0 do and now thal Is to win onem* more game." early signce we arc buildinjling.wiih young player:; by '.Junior Collcgc and ca by four. Thot lef^ New York onoi top of the Atlantic We'rc c ' r very fociiscd^andJijit!s great for our 1 fjhele.Gcltios finish sccond in iheIhe division, thcv______cm mature.” : Tomy Roberts, a 6-1010 ccentcr from and have them Division at 48-26 and Boston>n in second at 43-31. conficifidcnce. will pla;lay Deiroil in ihe firsi round,nii. Wednesday's., ; Murfreesboro, Tenn.,., Kto complete R oberts wps. w/ the th ird .s trin g Eac Each had eight gamfcs left. "Sl‘Sunday is still an imponantIt game. g; We have lo win a.ssiisurcd Boston of homccourt advantage adv in thal , Hutchinson', which c ; the Bengals’ recruitinglg cclass. ccnter at If Since then, ihe Celiics are 77-0 and New York is bc bu;businesslike." . .. _ ...... scries.-. . 1 in the JUCO poll 'at ■ i-S ! For the past two seas 2-5. They are, lied for the dlvjsiision lead at 50-31, bul Thlay cd in 14 g am es, e^rl eariiest it could meet the NBAJA champion Chicago 'T^T hey've got Parish and McH;cHalc and Pinckncy season1 nns professionals,” he added.d. "Tlicy all have • ; in the state of Idaho,"10, William^s_ave,raginB 2. 2.1 poitiis.and 1,8. „bu1Bulls would be in the Easiem CConferrnce final.-The- has> becomeb« a monsicr of-an offeiiffensivc rcboundcr," comcthi y'satd. "Sighlng'limn PollerI {of rebounds, ihrough forme al one lime or another";an ------I Bishop Kelly)' and Jusiirisiin Jones is a -Wg vvercHicHooking for someone I Sales To Dealers ; very positive step in lellcelling people „ h o runs thehc court well nnd can .' in the .vlate w e wan^ant in-,sfat_e catch the ballall, rebound and play players to help build our program, good defenseise. Chris can do all ! In the 1991-92 seascas6n.Jflncs._ihose things,!!s,!LsaidJSC.assi!iiani ______; 6-3, averaged 26.33 p o in ls. 10 coach Don EvEvans, who rccniited .. L rebounds and 8.1 assistsists per game. R o b e r ts .eev^aling v j him -Ty He shot 58 pcrccnt fronrom the field, watching himim m practiccs. “Chris l e ^ including 56 perccnt(11 on c 3-'point gives us addetded__sizc and depth we :enl at ihe free di'^n’t have lliilliis year. Hc will take ___ . ihm w iinc. ,, .- -___ M Hc is also a 4.0 stistudent and onihcperimelcleier." s e S PRICE!IES GOOD THRU FRIDiIDAY, APRIL 24,19922

Jeromessweeps J-f - C l u b * r'S Ji j -rS i _-L^ * e i M A UGER J \ v \

Oloinam. H5.5..300.Iiuiaies_T.I______------JEROME— Despilecolkollectii,gonly-f“ ™ ~Ji;‘i^4.2. Eotsefl J51J.Xflro«(.AF.i3.i,______fFIVil- 5.Cniv«r>DuNM0 S.BanDuN54 0 . Ihrcc individual eventII tlilies, the relay-i.J«1. Jeiome (UeCki'e. Husflrave, Olien, Vjavuo2 05 7.3,B<;«2l563 4, Wood BANANA CUP Jerome Tigcn; swepi iheiKam te: scoring S S S o t'"— 1, PoulainAF 280 2. Dtvdson wn lUTQMATIC nt ihc J Club Inviintional T ' 26 4. 4. PaAinj V 29 0 5. Higey Dur Black only, 2S/.22 I J .ITniekMec. jjljS gto a J 29.1. 3200- 1. Hilo sn 12304 ’royidegSupeiior 25 shot capacity l l jn a j 13349 O.HaKOJ AF 1345.1. - tjananaxnF------% p ■EACHf— ------The girls casily'defcated,lcd ninnenip liH l'lT ZJetsme |Mutgra>e. W,lu>. McCUj'O. reiloniraricBTrellatilllty; »,>.VulUuucri46.taJ02^Xh&^ IjVaWvue 4 30 7. 3. auhl4:34 0. «. itttafiCuraciLtoBiica: tr rrrm 159 lo 109. American Falls■alls was third nniw ood'stoi^tiO Tel Boyi Icam —■ 1. Jerome 159 2. Vaiiivue 109 3. on both sides. • American F«lls 6616 44, Wood Htver G5 i. BuW 5) 6. : 1 ^ - land. bar Patented Ruger ■ “I am amazed." saidI TiTigers girls 1600 - 1. Len J 4 45 0 i Wccmj WR W " raotarv ti maaazlnB. 10 " cOach Skip Andrews. "1 did dii not liavf. 4 « O 3. Kansea^ DuniDu 4 4B 0 4. Wniuno V 4 49 0. S. B«iiKn*e^AFS030 Snoipui—’ 1. ' any idea lhal wc would bebcable.odo-.S3,;,V!?-.”'K 2. CorOova J 42-1, 3, Bartnolwnaw J ' she the things that wc did tod, rtH 3B-0. 5. Thomown Our 36-6, 6. today against Tr*lejurr»-1.Bo 40-0.4.Kavi>n WR 39-9 '5< 0. LAMwnii«-2riono------4 4 f i 9 i » = hurdles and three o f the fouirourrelajs.'- inv2i-5\ 2, v/an sn 2W. 3,UmiJ iw n I0-B4, 5, Tonor Our 19-7, C. Federal arnerican Ea( •10.1 llOhuiaiet - 1. CNve» Duhl InJtnNoitli ■ ■ : % Jerome 2, Vair ' , . n o w Awican Fom and Snake R0 AF 98-3*. 3. J»«» V 97-UX.■1IX. 4. Nulun AF . UoretonOur 12.0 600- 600 1. W>3ordSn2005 2. WilW* • V SprinploatlBd Entires! - / ' 97-24. S. Ev»ni Buhl 0. Q.a/iiimfll V M-3(. Lons V 201.1. 3, Ijen J 203 2.4. nou Duhl207 5. S. WaUr J e stock ____ [ump — 1. Sami V U-10K 2, Pt AF 14>0:«. Sn«l put — I.. Sxaxlev J 33-11. 2, 5. KOmer V 53.7. 0,I. Da<«wnWn53Da 7 300r>ureie«— I. ___fiaiMi J 31-g 3..JalH V.32-7rarE'fin:Eifitu BJjUJI J.5 .—WAinsoflJ 4IJ. 2.0UL0ulUCkJ4li.3.He»Kinnau(41.C.. ___ p J , . ^ W.W J 27.7,8, Otmeod 6«r 27-7. Tnptc,nM K/rnp—1. Hala 4, Clv^r Oulil 433.3. 5.5, Daviei wn 44 7.8. EnrK» V 44.0. sn XMH. 2. OoMcr AF 33-2. 3. Mu««iueorne J 32-5^. A. M«Wy relay - I. &iakeS«a Rn.«3 420.ZVitW«3 49 3. OQ99 Q(99.. , Pmti AF ll-B. 5. Sam* V 3t-10. fl,B. Prejeonhi J 31-8'l. Joromo 3 55. 4. AmenimerKJan FeM 4 04 5. Ouhl 4 05. 400 • 1 OO nutiJkrt - 1, Anootton Ouf 17.1.2,2. M.Man»ravi74,3, relay — I, Jerome (Lon.(Lot Sctio>«i. BuDsou angnamj 44 6 W CHAMPPION Eown J 17.7, 4, Ch(y«f» DuW 17,9. 5,M.tetSHiae,fl,5, M. 2. 46.V 3.I. WtxxlWi Rner 46 3. 4. Amenean Fant EACH / Jtmtt J 19.1. 800 relay — 1, Jetomeno (Olsen,(C McClure, 48 6. 5, Snake Rrrtr!«r 51.7. 200 - 1. BliMf AF 23 2. 2. US each O e WJcoi. Jameii iMfl. Ouiiey 1530.3J0.3, vaasn^152. Dmohani J 23 2. 3,:, LonLol J nl 4. DrVJl AF 23 fl. 5. KiVnor ^ CLAYTrARGETS / 4, OoW 1.590. 100- 1, Uaoart V 13 3.3 2, St(rven»n V 23.9 fl. GarOner AF % WH 13.4. 3, own J 13 G. 4, PouUcn AFl37,S,Mc&ewAF 1 10J1.6.2, A. Hanjen ■vL \ Superior aiaerodynamic design WH 13.7. 6, Brillin wn 13.0 600 - 1. Cr»«lortf sn 10:42. 4, FylmorTn sn 10 47. 5, Mili’er Bu'hnr?2. 6. §m • 2J4.7. 2. S»iilWH2«4, 3, 0«kyLIOy Ltoyd J 2Jfl 8. 4, Knowlei Bur 11:20.0. 1i1600 rciar — 1. Jerome (Gourloy. _ _ _ _ _ for truer fliifliglit.Boxof9G, nT b GX: W»l|«r J 2 39.4. S: Uavitl J 2:43.6.^;C iC. Lloirt I £mtliUnl.3il3.0.2. Rr*>f Vallnrue 3.35. 6. __ ^J.43.o._40!UQlay-^LJuila».i.VflaJffloJaMoiuQflch__ Ll>'-''i3i?J**2?3M"Ja«S,3.5t_,------— -toaiU irt-I - - ■ — - = —

Continued from A7 Qiet — Dune County J>3. Decki 00,______— ------It»f!3-Tflmi5ZTfe-|«;iy-irT?ih®a^Ke^?:Wi!f ------llic victorious 800 relayyforBi.sliop f< 38. Fik>r 31. Munaugn X, Twin Falls '’eusHncE L L ^ L A I ■z iWeyO. I i»uiLiJS I TAHGETTIirTHROWER : Kelly. DoyaWvidufll — 4x32 ■* . .Coiich Joel Bate had praipraise tor his pmi vun - i 0 o Smin.! nn. 10-4. 2. OtUimoul. D. 4X12 - V w^ ______^ TRA PULOAOS gyJii'"™' .nrLS-:0.,trncJvifno-1.IKBnn(».W. .. L tS G O P E — — W ^ o a a . . : ______— iciinrns well avlhe olhers in or. OK. 20-7 3. Hjcng. V, IHOK. 4. vRIFUSGOPEr-RIFlE , r staiKJanJ • "Wc might have an advjdvantage m Payn*. d, i» .iis., Bjeuj-I.Oameti,& OC. 133-2. 2. Bushnill optics Bushnel ciiytafQois. U m m I 5. 3, Adarm. M. 129-5, 4. Traer W. inell optics numbers (of kids), but weve wanted to nt - 1, Dranehnswof, w. 1027.r. 2. Sponylowraodtl sponvleiview model A mrn60«ron0382.*4r36fi.'0K,------...... -1-Inch scop«. vannlntlint scope. • " • - see qualily A-4, A-3 runneiiners and got r tMdlet - 1. Mal. F, 15 6', 2. Pope, 0. WINCHIlESTER J just whut wc were lookinj(ing for," hc ^.^S^nemka, 15 0. 4. Carperiler, OK. 160, 800 asey. l :34 9.2, Filer, 1 -.38 4.9. Deck), suid. l5a5.™%i!l'Rryer.er. 1.-391 6 Shelpul - I. Oamea OC. ^ pj(. 4j—(J 4 ’AA’ TRRAP LOADS / "Ii’snice loscc'iln; liear r 1 9 9 a m n t.-ic KI Trsey. W. 40-5. 10000 rmclor* - 1, Sorenson. 0, 11.3! 2. iQ 9 9 _ _ _ ,. ^ 2^auge loads,l( ------fej have an’d how hard ih^y' pi p u sh ed us, Scoulen. OC, 11_. Huetlo.V, 11.0 4.KoMr V, 1.0. F v EACH lummm»rM.-20S7. 2, Thompeen.-K.------#7404-32-— .------#7404-12 I Box of 25. “ b o x - . - hcsald. 2 OOD, 3. Pea/sy, TF.2«93.4.H«irtre.0.2:11.1.TF,: 400 jn. DC.505-. 2.l*m.V, 51.Z 3. T. MM Bullc County was lead•ad by D a n a _ S ' i ; i ^ Tr«o*en»| — »t13^V0uencf.e*.S, 1320 0. -out the«ontribution ofthc-cn< onlirf l<»nm y*Quniri.*0*1 ^ ‘ . - "H e is one o f the bestit 4 400 meter IX, 2, C.Ctaflney,0,32-fl"!rtSuw, ' p i E ' ^^ncrwiW bfe«atc^uu,vr^vc_rc_noui__5t2j.^^«^Bj^ r - o'nc-mnn team. Il takes a lotIc o f fifth H»Sr!fe,17-fl.2.Pn«“ree.Bc! 18,0.3. WWei.w. IBB,4! nnd sixth'plnces'to winT’ he'Slie'sald. CMrSSTw.’Siii,?,'r?.1 S i”5"K'7'ir” :. V Another of the m eet’s; ououtstanding. o.«>-«. 4oom«ior»- performances was lurnern ed in by il. 2*. TiWi FaM. Vi42. 3. Mmnerh. W cndcll*s Cftris~Branchno!l!2w s.r»is_llK 'J-SS;S 17AMM0 “SmsHcS'the rn«t records in lfngfi'np--UK0n»l.0X.16-lK.2.______1,3.0. Oanney. 0. IS-10.4. Cooper. n I J o T T i ' Slngligis pistol a n n Avsllablsin pie !666nnd320Qm’etcrr{in;ur'""'"“ jsESS* hardsoslili. i l 9 9 SMUcallbeiS L .Q 9 9 -t-B rahchflow er siartcd-*by:i ——,• ..... — : -ta seieJrtjm l ritt— 'Boxof-.-v: K :27.7 clocking in the 3200. PQsKiskOCIl.' • T T EACH 50 rounds.Js; O facb ^ nppcd 14 scconds off the,c f four.year, Rlvar.1:S9.S. 3: Oil'll bid rccord of,10;41.5. 2.D44 . 200meMr«-l, nning 4:43.7 p rte followed thal by runnji 2. Baerd. K. fl:l8.7.3. Qtnn«r,.F, - In ihe -1600 to slicc neale a rly nine 8j 4e.4,HaMy.o,fl2t«M.8. «M9f?Uy-1,0i»h(»Kelly, ly. 4:29.1.3. Turin Falli, 4^6,0 4. -scconds off Ihc previousIS rrecord of ' 4;52.-^„ - I ...... -...... -T -.—^------r ______A r _ ; ------s ilT . . . -<*4^ - V ., - IfiEditoiDrial ™ ...... ■ pHeali1th andWVelfare paianel _ H repoort smackks of e^xcusises

1: I f y o u w ere looking loi for news, you So tell us somethinglg we don’t • didn't find it inin an: Idaho Department alalready know . ‘ of Health andI'Welfare V committee’s •The Amanda case gave'c Health1 and ♦report on thele death of Amanda VWelfare a powerful argumiument for the ; H o s te tle r a n di itits handling of other rcresources it says it needs,, butbi th e G o ld j Child abuse cases.ies. • c(committee report i ^ t it. .. iZ Anianda, the; 2-year-old2 Twin Falls Instead, the report’s “ain’lin’t it aw fu l” ;feirl who died of injuries in January aiand “wc all need do betbetter” tone ;Sftcr what policilice say was a sewtfe srsmacks of excuse/ jbeating or scries sc of beatings, When the lives of kids> arare at stake, ; galvanized attenti:ntion on child abuse. nino excuses are acceptable, I ; It also.promptipted Region 4 Health "I did not see any glariniring breaches l' Ipnd Welfare'e' Director Stcvon oof policies and proced:cdurcs” in . ! ■- ■ jiVo o d w o rtli-toJ^ppoint a; a cominittcc^ -A ^ manda^^s-casc-or-any-o/-othcrs-thc ------chaired.-by.JcTO;rome_County Sheriff ctcom m ittcc looked at. G oldd said.s; Larry Gold, to0 lookIi into Health and'”]- Swell; Health.and Wclfanfare followed W elfare’s practiictices relating to child i*'ils own rules, and a child is cdead. What welfijrc'. h;happens wJien someone rcalleally g o o fs? Three weeks ago in this c ______■*...... T h e c o m m itte etee's report concluded, is column wc —r- — among other thingings: callcd for an independent reviewrev of the case, and the G old committ-¥oung-Turks vs. OOld-Warhorses. k ------1 ------chances - slim and n o n e - against GcGeorge feed fears of ajoijong U.S. slide. ■ ■ Clinton’s campaignismfTissmart, sm Sii-phcfi H;iriaL-nL-n Clark Wolwt>rlh A!Allen Wilson______PcicrVothVotk • .______Bush. ______’ “Clinion shoulouIdn^(lvTv5m N oriega’s,’s. Each tim e C linton winsI a sirocco throughjh cevery primary. Bush shakescs 7. Playing die RaceiCard. Cai primaryval^aha^yelp.cisesifor-Vsomcbodj igress;«>grid!ock«nd«hock««“^«,wRq,nbUcans^}ficirNto f t ------;------in-thc-racc ------bouncingr-But-Wl-Whitfr-House-passivity-ond—— nvithracial-codewords-ani ______' Given1 hhis brutal negatives, anybod;o dy perks are equalll tttargets. Bush, Washington as simprc against . / ^ ^ proposinglg that C linton has an evenI slishot a t .. insider for 23 years,yes could get swept in the: Clinton, a Southerner whdwh< em phasizes racial! passed on to their customers in t Movie focuses»on o disability pa m the form o f B u sh -anand i could w n dow n the Octolctobcr: .. • bum s’ rush;. healing. Subtracting Jesseesse Jackson frpm the : higher priccs. 1 am a m ember o frthe the board ofthe stretch -- deservesd w hoops o f laughteiIter. ' 3 . ‘T im e like to bring to up in a 90-day torture‘test,. BBi ush's It’s am using to0 hihear Bush use the word Clinton’s pro*abonion-ri£i-rights position could 1 restaurants, farms and factoriesics would\ c an y a „ p js u r cc loI the m eat grinder is yet to comc. "chanRc” 22 timeimcs in one speech, as if he___ . ihcrc w iirbc an cxcellci ttgpreoiimug iLpresidcnoalBl:'dtatiijntrriu u u 'riiei!r;tfpniround Uiu WTnrcTtouiie Court intlam cs the abortiioiiioirbanlKTi • ■ “ y ^ illM i'firrnFnt^'Sthrs-™ -bouglil a tractor." " ...... Sunday, April 19, a t s r . . in A p ril-- and I ’m not - has to bc reelriskless or y c ^ . How canin EBilsh'hypc h im self as a 9. The Ross Perot WildVildCard. ; 8 p.m. aboQt ii.Tamtly People living below the pover '' _>vilh a child who has a I .vcny level snifTingillillegal substances. reform er with frefresh ideas? A t the least, Perot maynay knock T exas froTn • s a learning disability. • would carry an exemption card, Tlie movie stars Kirk ird. The do-it-- But thic e Fat : Lady ain ’t tuned up yet.yet. Sure, . 4.T heT w o-W-Way i Mud-Slinging Contest Bush’s sure-win column.nn. If Clinton w ins 10 • lirk Douglas a n d was yourself man who has a garden c filmed in cooponitionwin with the Intemational cn and saves Clinton'ss ham1 m ered.for personal foibbiblcs. ' Sure, Bush brajbrags he'd lold his campaign,I. states Mike Dukakis tookook in 1988, plus the i money would pay low ui.xes. PeoplePec living W hat o f B 1______‘VStny out n f thn g ______Hrtnn Dy»:l<»viri ^ y-antl thp ------Bush’s hi.stnrie gQ percetrt laslcaze■busincss■’^He4nust—— -dozemBukakis-losHjjnmiMinder 10 pointsrBush “ 'highTJinlTirliOB bating cxotic fotIoods, anving disnnprovi ------Mas-sachusfUs Generalrai Hospital R eading...... lyal rating? D o n ’tteU m c an_in______bc k idding.______• may plan a long fishingifitrip! tr ______:______Cadillacs and Vaeationing'in theIlie South Sca - incumbent Disabilities Labonitoiy.3iy. It should bc excellent, j^] mt president w h o 's been losiiiising . •...... Republicans5 hahave piles o f glop lo throw at 10. Personal Character'rter vs. Political islands would have no card and j I would encouragc anyc nd pay high oncthinlird o fth e Republican vote to a talk- Clinton. B ut BusiPush's fam ily ai^d associates Character. nyone who'ean'to w atch ,jytaxes, ., ^ show gabbbber is K ing K ong. O ra presiresident are open to scrutirutiny, including the S&L The biggie. So Clinton!tonis ‘‘integriiy" i s __ • There would be severe penaltiitallies for with a 49-^ : M ELODY ALLENNLENKNER I ?-41 lead (CNN) over a scantandal- shadow o ver Ncil'Icil Bush and business deals . doubted? Bush is shakycy forf( flipflops, lack of- . violating the regulations o f theic newn internal battered d : TwinFalls ...... challenger is invincible, . by-B ush’s brotliciUiers,. Top B ush campaign • conviction, foiled vision.'on. Whose baggage is ^ ' re\revcniic system; u No pred:sdiciion. B ut 10 reasons whyhy aides - as Buchar:hanan razzed in TV ads - arcc heavier? Unfortunately, the tax rate woi wouldbe high- Clinton hasha at least a 50-50 chancc: agagainst lobbyists connectlected to Japan, Detroit Cheer up, despairingg DiDems. R em em ber, : Junk incomc taxtax system 50 pcrcent or more - but joyfulljiilly, there would gush: autom akers andid thetl dreaded BCCI. In whatt Jack K ennedy was too) “gi“green,".Nixon too ; be no 1040 forms on April 15. The income ta.xing{system sy should be junked j- l . “A ice You ' Better O ff Than Youu WereV ' Kevin Phillips1 cacalls the "m other o f all dirtyf “tricky," Reagan a "warmarmonge^,” and Bush ; Mr. President and honorable o and replaced by a salesles ta.\ing system w ith ' Ic congressmen, FouryeareJB Ago?” cam paigns," BusiJush won’t go unmuddicd, “a wimp.” Too carlyjo0 callca the gravediggers, please placc this proposal on higi taxes collected by comfi)mpuicrized cash registers high priority on Ronaldd Reagan’s1 devastating 1980BO 5.“TbeRussiaisians Aren’t Coming.” for Bill Clinton. your agenda. • ' " .at stores, sales offices!S aiand scrvicc centers. 7.®' question wwill haunt B ush. So will BusJush’s T he C old W'ar’s ar’ end dcfangs the Red ' biLsinpc«;i»< - - 1—Corponitionsand-bus. ,;;,ALmHOLMES^.-^ _____ aDQjnilUoajicwJobsjnit:ic______.l__Scaoi^dpbjj,.Rc,Republicans, brandishcd.for...... Saady-GradyAs.a cohin}luimist-fbFrJinighH-i^.r::=: . . taxes. Under income taitaxing, th e iF t^ b ills arc 1Biriey economyf mayn bc trending upward! BtBut ...... 40 years. BusVs:i’s Desert Storm’triumph ' Riddcr Sew s Scrvicc. ' ; ^ ...... ■..;.Z37


Man who rushetled podium beliefs. ChChrist, loo, lost his patience weapons i com plex for the521st 2 Departmcntofof Defense, for die IVMore points of viewV yet you write a1 twtwo-colum n article ; ' and threw had something t( :w die money changers out Century, ( purpose o f “cn‘ensuring confidence in ^ m n n i^ the manan ddown nnd ; ; to say .o fth e temi:mple, Just.os Chrisi docs nott The tinte for a comprehchcn'sive ih e stockpile.”c.” That’s hardly a • Hneeded during elecdinon recommendingJ he be stopped b e fo re -■ i I read w ith shock thethestoiyofthe prcachvioi-iolence, neither does Rick. studyi of alHongFrangrwcs'cap o n ...... '“UasttfiabtBTcascason:— :------:------“ hegains'anymoreloresupport. " • Tlie following is m y rcspor man who rushed the: podiumpo at tlic ■ ' I believe2VC that Rick had something options ‘ is upon us. Enviroronmental Our commitnitmc.nt to,end testing- 'W ell, I, for one the P for Pun article that was one citizen, value very; P ress Club gathering5 in Las Vegas. to tell us.s. 1 wish wc could have cleanup, ^ weapons dismontlitlem ent w ould be undeiderstood around the *h dom of choicc. A • April 15 issue o f Tbc Times-.s-Ncm dearly my frecdon ------;You sec; Rick Springerger is a close ' heard whalhatitwasri-bclie\*c-that— and proliferadon control sccmtosc -- -world diat die:hcUnitcdStateSis- freedom lhal man;nany people on this : have taken a back seat tb c( friend o f ours. Rick is a peaceful R ickw antiinicd to tell us to stop this ^ continued serious aboutlit ama is control and W hat’s the matter, Randy/ IBrown? planet d o n 't have,ivc. A freedom w e all,'. 1 iman w ho loves to hike,ke, sail and destructiveive madness. I have prayed nuclcar' weapons productioiion. nuclear weapoiipons reductions; MAre you afraid to hear anotheher point in this couniry,, ppay a for through o ur ; cvada *T/»ct ------^ravoI.-Mttift-wofk«U-inJ•in4ho------:______al.lhe.iJcv; -l._SigmlIcanLchoQgiLScem!m aJoiK L -:___ l A U e J l i tDOE K Defense ___-o£Aiicw2-Areo£ you unttuUing4< ------Uftxes^md-some-of^B-of-usiJa>^or?>y— ------* * ' jnountnins w ith disadvadvantagcd youtli reason. I hihave participated in the •- -1' hampered b y bureaucraticcincrtia i . .WorkForceR(: Restructuring Plan coconsider other means o f corrcrrccting ■ putting our livescs oon the line in the ; from the inner citics.. HelielpedHi • Stations ofofth e Cross on Good and o corporate greed by thete DOE’S (Senate-2056,'6, Wirth, Colorado) thithe m any problems that, our• C'country armed forces, fthem tq find their strenj■ength; to find Friday onin at hot, lonely, desert road contractors. c would provideide r e f in in g , nc now faccs? Domestic'and Tonbreign I f Mr. Perot is w illing to run for ; Jout w ho they arc and1 wwhnt they can leading lo10 tthe site along with Citizens m ust pressure CCongress .' educational,, rerelocation, ecbriomic pr problems that have o hisioty < . president, then11 I saySI good for him : . . Jdo. H e loves this'canhth andi is a ' prayctful11 peoplep of all religions, now f to cut the weapons coromplex - and medicalI iasiassistance to w orkers • be becoming bigger and bigger?'• •• s and good for usIS too.tO' I hope he d o c s.: j;onscientious and respcsponsible races andd aogcs. I have been arresicd budget to reflect current chi;hangcs in and communitinities affected by die • ■ pe people like you who nttempi i 1 hope he gets on IhcI b allot in all 5 0 ; person. a n d ! have;ve attended Easter services the •! present world. shutting downvn of nuclear weapons pr prevent people like mc from t states. Then he! carcan go out and ' ' F or the past severalal yyears, Rick . nt sunrisec outo there in ihat desert, Six o f us from the Wood)d River facilities. cx exercising m y freedom o f chchoicc. cam paign and in thetl process inform ^' W been dcdicatcd to0 ststopping the W e all hopioped with all our hearts that Valicy, ^ including myself,, areai - T w o exccllciIlent bills, w ith letters W ould you attack anyone: vwho us a s to w hat hislis viewv s are and w hat' insanity of the nuclcarar weapons\ thcmadnesless would stop. heading h to W ashington, D.().C .,lo and personal1 lobbying,lc can m ake the comes along and agrees to acD . KBNT------— j ^ o n k e y principle is basicallybas that i f m essag e...... there is another way. I • There are some excellentnt bills in . Haflcjr , ' dodon’t know much about Perot•ot, but T w inF alls congress nowthat need our J. — inough people (ormonionkcys) believe^- lookJbrJiojliopc-tliis-EastcfJt-iR-hard ------£ flS^-D oonesl im d m ake a stand, then:n iat some point to find, butlut Rick has m ade it a liltlc “ The j: N iiclear te stin g JPIofali s b u r y BVGA!GARRY TRUI3EAU: ------JJfer:hangc...akindofsimuimulianeous together wccanmakeadifferenogrwc f r r m m i------^ ^ ------including Stallings and LoR U /NCOMmMX. ' KVKNOWrA ^hain reaction of thoughjght, Happy EnEaster from the Chisholm iRocco. It ux»stosfit*. says w e w ill not test a nude:lear • BuuejiNFfiOi NouNC&mr. 'JUSI ^ S . : He has spent a greatIt ddeal o f time weapon for a period of.onel e y e a r . maubu- \ Jjianning the events that [YSURSELY CHISHOLM hat have ' unless the form er Soviet UnJnionorits . Jiappcncd in Ncvqda this UI this week, even successorSl states continue to te st T h e '

y ■ ' . "“""V , ■ , Friday. ApriipriJ17.1992 , Timw-Navw, TwinTi^ Falls. Idaho A-1|i m m m W/

■ ' l ^ | i i i r^H Z ■ ; r « i k " 1 K'— ■ H m i i S » ' IS m ■ k ■ b v f B ' m u f n r - m ■ ^ j m i t m i TB Sr J-m a I T ' I ^ I ' ' 1


- ■

_ _ BB u U t - I n Dh i s h w a s l ilie i r_ L _ 1 7 Cu.• E i . R e f r i g e r a f o r ...... - 3 - L e v' ( e l W a s h

*A» 2 cu. ft. of extra * Super Scrul) II cycle fororpots |i and panH - - ihr * ™ I . c a p a c ity ...... •-D ura iO tub and door linerline with 10- . - , gfc--^ ~ n || 1 •• TThree ^ide-out wire ^ year warranty i r . - ! * B iuse agcnlHlisiwiiH^r— -* .l»tt?Tclwn*h uTMem ~ *E• Eaay-roU wheels * Hot wash option wW irBM | I *C• CoiUfrec Back i* n • / *> 0Optional Ice m aker I iiri illi

« ll II w y ^ u; ojstA ixaeii IBflVBESS^SijHl __ li

• li I) ...... '^M agicChChef* ^ rV ^ r M a g l c C b o r ff i K a ^ F K n ■ | | J I r c u u T t r iR e ^ g e r aa l l o r — “ ~ge?tJK -C apapacity°A t»!yo-fcpsrtra-C hai^rf”^ tmmcTxtix=T

- -BtgZOIb.-capactty- •' ~ Ijp-Tninl llnimtfl-^ i H f ^ L Q I J ^ M tfflutoi ______^ j ^ ^ H i —- S ^ R e t o e - ilMagicCtief’’ T

W f t A M '4 ^ ------^“r ivv-tintv 3/4 hii motor | s ^ & D r j -•■ A u tolomalic-Seif-cleaning n lint > *7 sy stotc mr _ ^ M aSc Cfef * _ : ^ ite Dura 10 wush hattket L H p

* 7 .0 CllCli. ft. ilryer drum ^ • F c r■mancnt m i press cyclc 3 0 " E l e c t r i e R an gg < e ■ . 'F l u fff f Icy cle I • Ch>ck with* tim er •fl •Clock wilwith lim iir j ■ • j p p m i B|H • Automutilatic oven timer La - J W W W l ^ — -1— — — — — ■ • Black g!aRBg!a o v e n d o o r ' , ' - ^ S m e T O ■ • Color-momatching storage ^ d r a w e r y 3 7 S

VKtegtcCheF T~

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Save ev(»n mnnr f t S l trad e-in yyi o u r o l d

^ 4 ^ . l1. l t f t . ^ id e» b y S i d e working ^ appliaance to us. W e3 pay] top /^ H Water/lcie\ FonntiI t a i n __dlftHars on goinnfl nseH nppliniances.— , . —■

/MWW '/ ' • '. -.

J t e r $ 5 0 S ■’^^Facto:t e r y B d M t e ^ I ' Do>mlownfn Twin Fails -. > 2MHt!aATe.re. K. 733-7111 J n 9 9^ | ® BBm m - - I r ! UBAscAsnrsc ^ -nttlD EmYESY E ^ nm ]](bmc. FurnisliiisIungH Sincc 1 9 4 6 ------r a ^ T h e5 cpialitv^ valueJe nr»

r \ ^ . lj / • m . . . ■ ■ lis i t ^ P : s : . f

I ^ R I D AIVY ' & SA XU l R D A Y - A P R I L aL . 7 S c I S S A V E 2 0 -- 3 0 % O N F ^ A S H I O NM S S c H O UUSEWARE i S

SAVE : 3 0 % SAVE 25-4<■o% MISSE: ES SLEEPW EAF^ R & O FF O RIG . rPRICE ROBESS ; ' piffltt M EN’S SELECc t e d s h o e s : 3 Ri-S. 24,110-4-^10,-Asso wortmentof ...... Oris. 42.95-75,00,-32,2]2 1 -5 6 :2 5 . Aiworted s lid eis s Irin ' '•" chnrm eu.se: sleepwear,.s plus cotton slet ilccpwear and drc.s.s, casual a n d s p o rt; sstyles. Men's Shoes. robe.s, a ll in spiingcolors. ; Mi.s.sess-m-m * I. S A V E 3 0 % S lccpw ear ata n d Uolxjs. M ISSES COO!3 R D I N A T E i s Kcji-.l l.dO-SO.OO. 2 3 .880-56.00. 0 Choose from _ Alf'rfJ D uim crriiuss^oKorc{i;uul.o{|jur/’imHHis— . mnkcrsrMissL'S .S-iS, .Mi;Ui.sscs Spdrt.swciir. w

SAVE 30% - S A V E 3 0 %

M ISSES SELEEC^TED CA REERR S A V E3 ; 3 % \ ENTIRE STbC; k b ' u c t e r SEPARATES FASHICON HANDBAGSi S BROW N* PLA1l Y W E A R 2()-26.60T.’liiekels. pjinis, lleA. 4 0 0 0 , 2i26.80. Variety of spring st5styles made of______Uej!. 12,00-.1476o , S .4 0 -2• 23.80. For newlmms. infainfan ts. — sMii.'v. lj|mis'c.«rnnd-morc:rc. i\.s.suriineiit vanes oyscein[ore. vinyl in a scitL-ieetlori or colors. Handbag:•ags. louuiern, ftirIH 4-(ix a n d1 boyst] 4-7. Kidsworld. ^ Misses S-Ki, Misses Sportoris\vc;ir,

S A V E 2 : 5 % S A V E 2 5 % S A V E 3 0 % E N T I R EE STO CK TRIFA•ARI GIRLS DRESSI5 E S ■ I IM ISSES CASL>UAL SEPARATEDE S E A R R I hNGS Ue|<. 20.011-46,011. 1 5 .0 0>•34.50. - Collection of Eastcaste r ‘ , 1ttcfi. Ifi.lK). 44.0(1. J 1 .2M) 0 . - 3 0 .S O . Itic h id u s lip it :iii(lul------Uei!, 10.00-41 40,011, 7 ..^0.,10.00, C hoosiDsepierecdorclip ;,styles for inf:uit,s,,toddler:rs .a n d /yrls 4-14 Llmif<»d t, H:^.i.'k‘Pi")ij<‘,'ins. iiiirl,tntirfn tiM A'«lsr*is)ili<>uiauaite S.“ S!SSSfflSK !iS® “ " ‘“ “ ■■“ “ ‘^"FTlSlilBrrTeWe “—- ...... " T ™ * ” — ------i "S AVE 30% " S W E 2 5 % ~SAVE'25% ^ < . \M ISSES LIND!> S E Y S P O R T W O M EiN r ’S RIVIERA" -■ - -- - ENTIREI STO CIJ K B O Y S 4 SEPARATES SUNGU-ASSES ------______. IDRESSWEAR : Ilies. I'W ), 1.1.99. Choos(ose from sporty knit tops ^u;wui Re6.'"l5.0()-1H Rcji, 13,()0-60,[I0, 1 1 ,2 5:-45.00. -. Select from all ourour A------1«,00, ll,2 .'i-l.'l„ 'iO . Circ.ilat styles from * -■T^crnic'p.'imiriirrrprfiTL.'rrm'^)Tspmi2’eonin<^^ CT^ye .^ c i e i p « nnd o ilie:r r ccollections. —-isnrtiiirstTicCTmTOTiiieHn y ji ii ri J i >6y.s'4^2fl7KiWvv6rri]rid...... 5s-m -l. Iniporicd. Misses;s Sportswear. Fashion i\ccejcssories. .

: . < - n>^««X1QCX^.tXJRK'nnC9^ . ------“S7w ir3Q?r^ S A V E ^2 5 - 4 0 % { IM ISSES SPRIIJNG DRESSES/ O F F O R=tlG. PR IC E . . . ' '•! -■ III l'M. SS.CIO.IKUIII, 6 0 - 7 7 .0 0 ; A v iirle ty o f s ty l e s l u l la i i i ^ les w o t v i E;N’S r skLEG TEDCOHOES i:in .solid L'dldrs o r p rim s: I'rfrom fnmous milkers. Orirti 3«.V)p^7(:7r>;oo, •s^^iialand - j ------.\—M isw s-I-If), .\fi,s.si;.s D ress.‘SSCS. sport shoes In this season's styles. Wonomen's Shoes. 4 ! ■ * S A V E 2 5 % •[ — . -■* “ S A V E 3 0 % EI n tire STOCI:K* REG. PRICESE ^ETITfSEPA n -sraE======^=^="====r COORDINATES£ S ■ “ • \_ J ------—«prin^jnekt;«sr«ktr(?frpnrnS| int5^nd-hlonTOsrPcritC!T4^M =-H. — . ( I’cU tf I’hico. (laller>’ China and Cr\’sun ,i; - S A V ^2 5 % ------M I E N ' S IHAGGAR”_S_On “S>l& ^30^-=^ i t : Z ^ Z Z Z Z Z-SAVE-25% 5 — S E P A RATES ^ FPETITE SPRINM l G ~ D R E S S E S ENTIREE STO CfK REG. PRICE Refi.35.00-15(50.00, 26;25- 112^>^Tnid•jiditionai-.style .. « : . .. . ■ lll!i;fr«S.III).]l().IMI.f,1.6(). i0-77.00...iW orted styles jn - ^ I L V E R i y ^ T E: HOLLOW I ARE:& « ______;_____ lek's in eotton/poIyestlTr iimitu! polyeste?/ ' < solid colors or priiH.s to cliehoose from, (^elites 4-14. wool blends, M STAINLESS FLJ-ATWARE I’clilc rincc. ftfen’s S eparates. K . Reii.H 15.00-47.=i.00,'1 1 ,2 5>-356.25. - From Gnelda", Vaniaziiki,V Gorlinm, Internrnational Silver. S A V E 3 0 % S A V E 22 5 - 4 0 % Godiili’erandG more, Silvercr. ; . ■ ■ VW O M E N ’ S W OORLD . M E N ’ S SELECTED < DRIf ^ E S S SHIRTSS & S I L K T I E S .spoRTsyyjgAs BE ______- ■ ------S< W E - 4 0 % — - ______Re>}. 25.00-35. H,Kcfl.24.()().72ilO. lf..NO-.S!iS.l)^-10_iseleei-from-jHoketS;- S^‘lectl(itlo ri o f s tr ip e d e ....------slitm-rtriiTTfH)' K REG JB R IC E_ ‘■'skirtfi.top.i’nn ri^n tjrfnI^prlI^4^^\’t^n'lT•lV;^4\v-24\v, n i K)^c^inrtiesrn'?n<^6neaT^ DOWN COMFODRTERSir*™ ^ I.'l.x-.lx. W omen's SVorld. Men’s Fumlshihings. • PILLOWSF R'Reg. 9().(1().1.(){)0.00. 54.0(11)0-6(K).00. Choose from ot sS A V E 3 0 % S A V E 22 5 % I o u r Sl,scleeIlon of e,\clusive style!es. Natural Bedding. ■ ■ VW OM EN’S WOIDRLD.DRESSES5 M E N ’ S EB U G L E B O Y * ______^______JU:4_9a.UUa40.0a,-68.60-lit 0 - ‘;«.00,-Great-seleetio.. o,f f-______Reg. 26.00-36.16.{M), 1 9 .5 0 .2 7 .0 0 . T he lat-latest .spring . CJIcjircer drcs.scs to clioosc: frfrom. W omen’s 14\v-24w. styles in wovere n sp o rt sliirt.*< a n d w alkingn g sh o rts . S A V E 3 0 % W'^W omen's World. Men’s Sport.sw(,kvear. ENTIREE STOCKK* REG. PRICE SOLID-COLORS SHEETS,i “^s V E 2 5 % S A V E 22 0 - 3 0 % COMFORTERSC 5, TOW ELS & JJUNIOR l S PORTt T S W E A R L E V r S F p R „ M E N ^ E NN I M EB A T H R U G S ^------* J ^ N S R« 37.50. Selected knit lops. Res, 5,00-20lj,00, 3..5()-14(4 0 .0 ^ Bedding and BathII ca;casiuil hotioms, dunini jcai.•ans and aeliv’ewear. Reg. 3H.(H)-46.<6.(M), 2 9 .9 9 . D urable, heavyiVyweight cotton Sliop, -Doe.s n ot in clu d e RiRi«lpKi:atin!n, Shcridati oro r JJu u n io r .sizes. Tliu C u b e. 540 Jcnns nndJ ifull-cut 545 jenns. Nwii’s’« 5: Sport.swenr. Royal Velvet, t ;—

sS A V E 2 5 % S A V E 22 5 % ■ sS A V E 3 0 % JJUNIOR l SPRIN


» to locatc buried highligh-tension Tmcs ih the undalion behind the MiTDeccm1)cr. Most o f those eases comecan from the Magic ______area, b u fre p a ir wort^prkcrs_\¥cre,ablc.toJix______— Early Literacy In-scrvcrmcC^^sc^^w the gas leak witheIhoul turning off the • - :iparAnn Reynolds y 8 ^ | ------VallcyDrug-Task-ForccrvwrwhcreNicholsTva,?------on spccial assignment clectiicity, hcsaid. said. The conccpl tw chwhes dut, “If you con :nt from O ciobcr lo = - -JanuorjvThe task forcc Ccderstrom likdyi'ly wiil be billed by the say it, you can read it andmd write il.” rce w as expcctcd to repay Twin FaIls"Cbunty f gas company for thethc two-hour repair joB^ Sludcnis read from 0o “Big“ Book" that ity for Nichols’ salary " during that period, but it ra - Tuckcrsaid. thc cniirc class con sec. it ran out o f money. TW, .jjL>.nChjJdrc‘n tcrwi ucb>aJca>or^>4hat>’'^ ^ ^ | UsBaM jBiiikiipIs™ ™ is a passive postimci”i" 1Reynolds soid. presented the drug cosesiscs to the grand jury “ Blaine CountyIty residents OK red lo have a financial - -"TigtyschooftnisiTOtKtRfflifaaHs ------_ _dfiJningsjoQ:thcL_Ihc)'hffy rtnn 't hnvy fp EcomcXoumyZreCr:: HAILEY - Ncww sschool board trustee interact wiih cach olhcr,”er,” she said. E U C ^ ^ ^ H Lh^W n^lSwWI W Wednesday that she zone boundaries wcwere overwhelmingly Olid Big Book are helpingling to fill that gap, had sent Nichols a noticeice thatI the money for______approved Wcdncsiicsday as 200 Blaine she said his paychcck would not bc in thc county County residents wcmvent lo the polls to vote. Thc ELIC method “doc!iocs d lot o f prcdic- budget if the.task forcec didn’tdii comc up wiih Only eight votes:s werew cast against tlic ting what words will1 bc and attaching som e cash. ncw zones. . meaning to those words,”s,” 1Reynolds said. Thc judge quotedlcd,ithe Code of District Superintcintcndcnt Phil Homer Washington is the onlonly Idaho school Professional Rcsponsibiliibilitics for attorneys attributed thc largiirge turnout to voter whose entire staff isi bc b eing trained in th at says, “A law yer• sh;shall not acquire a awareness. “ We Uicdried lo advertise and tell ELIC, funded through thc stale Education proprietory interest in a ccausc of action or ss — pcQpl«uwe-ng«}»^4)>^?*hetff?«uppoit,^ -iic-sgid = r !=r” ;= ^ i»rtmephrfanicff-.g gM - “It’s a Step in the rightight direction.” ...... “ • - • stale carly-literacyconsonsultantrflics to ~ ^ ^ H - — conducting fo ra client**—^ The rc-zoning oof f tnislcet districts was Jerome every Thursdaiday to the ^H ||| Becousc drug convictioictions could result in . done due to shifUI in population. H om er - school’s sloff:— :------^ restitution payments orr prproperty forfeitures ______says hc feels positiveive iabout two remaining ______The Jerome district:t plansp to .send a . , . SiOYARDffl^TWM«« ' that wolild go fo thydle drug, ta sk forcc, ______eiccuons. the distncTw :Twilffacc this spring. _ icochcr to lowa btaiTte Universiw this^ e^aldfng=Sutllvan p r s saenhnhfSIg e i BooT(T6a3fiiaing program at 311 The next is April'28128 when voters w illb e summer to Iwrh how to tfaiiTotfierI sta lf~ W a sH lnIrigton Slemehtafy^firet^t-f li^ e ii'w U h ^ go o d dJealoflnteracrtlon el — I ouicomiTDf thc grand jujryproceiedings;------ry I ' a s k e d 't o ’l i p p rpjiic!>XcLn_$2.6 millioiL.'. __ members: ...... ■ J-----...... and entnthusiasm. ______------^I-don-t-thmk-theiink-ink-is-as-pn’cisc-arir------^ ______sugglcm.pjii aLlox-oic_Qverridc,^Board-of------— - app.c^.” Nichqls_said.lidw IlicjaslLibrcc ______L trustee members willvill be clcctcd on M ay manager, not Nichols,>, is responsible for ; 19. deciding what restitutionon will> be requested 1 ■^from die court, hc said. - ^ " BuildingTiernii M ovie qquotatio] m sm ay haveta] ____ Nichols.said.hc-was nolnol allowcd-lo-raisc______mits hitall-time'^ ‘ his poy, and hc was ncvinever paid bonuses high in Jeromele (County based on how many drufdrug cases got inlo JEROME - Issuinging building pcirnits for verdict i court. His salary is set byby llthe county, not by Jerome County has hithil an all-time high, against vet, lawvyer chaarges the drug task forcc. Six applicationss fofor building permits “I think the intent of th'thc rules has been ; By Brad Bowlin the quototiations don't cany any mororc weight' lines ore “a drastic have been submittedi loto thc county Planning itic misstatement o f thc law,” met,” Nichols said after the prdcccdings. • Timcs-Ncws writer thon a COI:onvcrsation among jurors ol ^5______and Zoning Commissi'ission this wpgk, S incQ - ___ > about a Dunlapsaid. __ Public Defender Mikelike W ood, who is —;------boolrthcy yreadicccm ly. ------Januajy, 23 p ^ i t s ha ^ '^iiI5order rcstiiulion, Education Associationon (o f Region 4. Nichols said, and a judgec decidesdc when: dial Those receiving awiawards at a Prbud*to- m oney goes. Teach luncheon April)ril 25 at thc Canyon B laine oofficials ] Wood and other defense del lawyers Springs Inn includcdc ifour people from ' reject sim ailer uunits complaincd bccausc Nicholehols never lold die . ; TwinFalls, Hailey and]nd Burley E By Michacl Hoffobcr A lthougJgh the planning odministiistrato r, complained that he purchoscd the land and grand jury that Ihc task forciforcc planned to pay Fran Hcnrikscn o>f f Haileyt will rcccivc 1 Times-News correspondent Ralph Cisc)SCO, had ruled thot the propertcrty was invested in plansIS for1 the subdivision with confidential irifomionis whcwho testified before .the Friend o f Educationtion award. Hcnrikscn z o n ed R-1L-1 (ollowing one-acre lo ts o r thc understandinglg llthat it was_all.zpncd R-,1. thegnidju^. . is a volunteer with thc thi Hailey-Bcllevuc _ H^ILEY_..- Thc-Blaiilainc-County-lorgcr)rcl( closc 'inspection of thc coulounty’s “I never thoughtjht any port of Aat property . Again Hurlbuit-wontedd to know why. ‘ ' ...... — Earent Tcnchcr-Org:trganization;rMario“ C 'Commissioners overruled:d tthc county’s zoning manap revealed that approxirr:im atcly was R-2, ever,” hc told the commissioners, Nichols said hc didn't thirUiink lo tell Ihc jury Dudunakis will bc honelonort^ fo rh cr cfTorts p planning.and zoning adminninislrator this one-thirdI c o f thc lond ju st cost o f thithc Big "A s 0 londowpcr,r, >you shouldn’t have to go about thc pymcnts, “butut tlthc ju ^ , in their on b e h a lf o f th e teaccaching profession v, week, forcing cosily changcscs iin thc plat for Wood Rivivcr was zoned R-2 (twov o -a c rc all thc way throughu ^ the subdivision process^ investigative function,, fofound it on Ihcir . , through her advocacy.y -'^ • tf ______T>-- - n - the pitjposcd River Sage Subdubdivision along -minimumit). . ______before you con findind out what the zoning is.” ‘ ■own.” -______■ UiIJVli Ui A-lux EastFuik'Ruud:--.:L__;:------^ b o b Dt(•rcycr. owncr of the propo p c rty , . p iej School has been recognized re os an »leasesee H0USING/B2 ^ T i e a i eilee'DRUGS/B2 s l Outstanding Admini:inistrotor. Norcnc f Williams o f Twin Fallsills will be recognized _ _ _ for her courage in confonfronting_a_physicoL.. _____-Jerome-^X bun^ T S h e p i n i4 q^pockc e t b a c k C om piled fitnn Btaistaff and wire reports B y R R .W d M l worked in cxccss o f a nonnal 160-da>daywork thc Jerome CoiCounty Commissioners, possible p and giving timee offoi instead of" ’ Timcs-Ncws correspondentiht month. N Nineteen of thc employees: workedw confirmed the findiindings. ppoying overtime," soid Undeindcrshcriff Milo . • I in the shiihcrifTs-dcparimcnt, and onone w a s ~ 'T h e investigator?tots had rKommcndcd tliat" Alonzo. , JEROME - Jerome Cou'ounty employees employed sd in thc C oun^ Extension ofloflicc. the county use a diidiflcrcn^form for reporting Olhcr couniy employees:cs ’work 37 a n d ; _ ! will soon rcccivc paychccijccks for working : “Wc’rc re using the currcnt expensee fundf to “hours worked byy ecthployccs, especially for oone-half hours a week butIt arare paid for 40’ : without pay during thc pa past two years r .pay.for thc-ho^;ti if that runs shortort w e’l l , the sherifTs dcparpartment where employee^ hhours. ■ - gctffng lump sums ranging;ing from $130 to have to b "Obltuariels^^ borrow. ’Arid I think wc willwi run work on a 28-dayy workv month. • “Wc’rc working on rcvisiivising the hours,. ; nearly $3,000. short,” sa said Jerome County Commimission The new formn i:is being preparcd by thc bbut will probably end up keepingkcq them thc. - • Features B6-9 . ' A total o f $20,832 will11 bbc dished out at Choiiinan in Corf M ontgomoy. auditor, and it shoshould bc available for use someSi os they have been," Lien-ierman said. •' - - • the , end o f th c m o n thh toI 2 0 co u n ty A n invc Comics...... _B 10 lycsUgation by,the U S -D cpojpartmcnt-by-thc-end of-if-April,-Commissioner - A n hourly rate w ll b

-, F or r oobituary rate Inform atior - J J b J l u a i ------c a l l 7 m k s ll7^931r«xtenB lon 278 lljPealith notici ■ ^^H M -^T hey lived'iririn California during the G'allf,; al and six grij r o a t. Fay Walkerer Berry bew aannounced by die Payne Mortsrtuary -o n e hour before thithe funerol on i w ^r y e a rs gjurley. , . where ho wo'rkod in the grarra ndchlldren. ______------BURLEY—I-FBy-W alker Bcny.-79,---yi-^' . . Monday al the church.c h .. , .. •. s h ip y a r d si aiand- at a tank factory." 'T II h e funeral will be held ■ i a t 2 o f Durlcy* aicdied Thursday. April 16, _ ' D a v id L T ip p e tt Ho 5d to Shoshono in 1947, p.m).m. Monday. April 20, 199292, a t 1992, in Burley.ey. CiaIJIarence M. Birrer « • J and lived on the same farm since Den)emaray's Goodtng Chapel, ^ „ JEROME - Davi)avid Lawrence y I, with Arrangemcnumts arc pending and will RUPERT {^| - Clarcnce m ! Birrer thhe.Rev. e Ron Crandall officialialing. be announcccced by McCulloch's ^,'T l’ Tippett, 46, of Seattlelie aand formeriy o f '• >f Rupert; died Thursday, April ay, April 14^992, . ’ 2u'’vivors•rs include his wife of BurSurial will bo at the Elmw'w o o d Funeral Homet irin Burley. 199;992..at .St. .Alphonsus Jlegit -'’^^■ 91 Shoshono;; oneo son. Paul Peak of. CenCemetery in Gooding. Frieie n d s * •ledical Center in Boise. ______^njtfuneral will be heldh at 11. a.m, ____ M& 'n I I Seattle, WaWash.; two daughflersr—niayiiay-call-from-Mo-5 p.m -Surunday.; ------JaraesJ-Ea ■ _ J o a n n a - K imimpton of Stanley and andm d from 9 a.m . u n iirth e l’ iim' 2-pja— Saturday-aUtheJSldncteJimeraLHome [______rrie 0( ELBA - Jnmiames LeRoy Eames, 99. MorMonday at the Rupert Westt 1 LDS in Seattle, with additiIditional services Judith Mlason a : of Boise; five thehe funeral on Monday at It the of Salt Lake: CCily and formerly of StakiItake Cenier, 100 W. 36 S. Buriallal will following at the Tippett Tif Marine \ -.^H grandchildndren;'and one brother, (unejneral chapel, Momortals ma^ lay b e -Elba, died Ttiurliursday, April 16, 1992. bee ata the Rupert Cemetery. Frieriends Services Mard. Reme;:membrances are L, B o b P e a k of Longview, Wash, He mad nade to a (avoriio charily at the Hillcreslesi Manor in Sail Lake maylay call Sunday afternoonn and suggested to the childrlildren’s ttetlvities | \ •' J was precQdeded in dd^h by two Cily. . evervening at the Hansen Mortirtuory charity Club Challengen g e , 419 Hillside , . s o n s , h is pi parents fourbrothers Le<-eonard Pedrow - Arrangemctusn isjirc pending and will Chaj:hapel, 710 Sixth St. jn Rupertrt artd'.-Drive. Kodiak AK 9961'96i5.r ';.;;'.:: :.:;. ■ ,_and,,fiye_sislcs le r s ,- _ ------: ------^ p |. “ FILER-=’Leonard'Pedrow.“71 'The fuherleral will be held al 1 ciio, 1ler, died W ednesday, April IP' p.m. Saturdcrday, April 18. 1992. at 'fgl! 992, at tho Twin Falls Clini^■inic & ;r^~ W S W erv I vicesV L. j/’ the Shoshshone Flrsi Baptist u ‘ lospital (ollowing an exieniin d ed ■ Mnvnto «*t ' Ir" - fv /'j‘_Giiumh_wwith thP Rnv__Dfln_j..^ fRri"F-Mnrt,nfT.tt.in. Fnlhalls_Cemel^ fWhite Mnrlunriin' in Ooldea Kimball Smith,Smi o f Buriey, ThompsonT cofficiating. Burial will , f , Falls. 11 a.m.. today.to White Mortuary Twir•win Falls). I ' " Leonard was born March 1 1 u.m. SdlUiiluy,rrimepb-Payne- Ji -1-— - be at the ShoshoneS Cemetery, .g.,, Memorial Chapel, 22121 ^W. Main S t in Della E. Geer 915. in Adrian. Mo., to Ma.lar?on . ay call from 10 a.m, to 8 Cyrus ‘'Lynn” Staodleo,5, o f , Burley. r ' GOObING - Della E nd Essio Burris Pedrow. He g / and from 10 a.m, until _ t grew Betty Brannnn. of Burley. 1 p.m. Ham^lammett,- 3:30 p.m. today, Twin1 fFalls 90, ol Gooding, oicd V\ p and attended .schools Saturday at tho Bergin * ils in .'today, McCullociloch's Funeral Home'in Firstirst Assem bly o f G od, {WlA^hite Opal Durfce, of AA! lm o. 11 a.m . • ‘April 15, 1992, al he: Sher home r-i m S funeral5 Oha[ idrian. and as a young m a n , Burley, Mortlortuary in Twin Falls). Saturday, Almp LDS3S Ward^ Chapel, lapel in Shoshone. c a n c e r, loved to California wherere h e (Payne Mortuary in'BurlBurley). ■'•'Della was born Sept. v e d f o r £ number of ye«ears. Tommy P.. Butler,B of Kimberly, Kftthryn Ki Ann McLain Standlee ^ ''in Emmott, Idaho/.J Nicho|sdn lleoieonard, niarf.led Wilma Eveveiyn 1:30 p.m. todaylay, While Mortuary in Hanulammett. 3:30 pJn. today. Twin,“ t ;5f Am»IMai.orBuiB u rl^ , 2:30 p.m. _ Ihrough Iho eighih gradegra in Ola. FILER - Lloyd’Ll' V Nicholson. 99. Walti/alters on June 25. 1940. in1 HayI Twin Falls. Firstirst Assembly of God. (Wltrt,:,- Siiturday, McCulloch’^h*5 1Fimeml'Hom'e •'lOQho. and graduatedod from high ofWarrensbi>burg. Mo., and formerly Sprirprings. Neb, Tho couple wai lortuaiy in Twin Falls). in Burley. - Do«jdmi.ol.ofLiv=miorc,Calif.,2 ■^School in Wciscr, Idahoaho, Sho then of Filer, died,3d Wednesday, April 15. haviave celebrated 52 years Demaray's Wendell Catherine Palmiere r MI ousseau, o f ' ^ •attended and graduatelaied (rom St. -1992. in Wart'arrensburg, marrlarriage this Juno. FollowingS’ i Althera Honfy, o f Oakley, 10)a.m i . Burley,Mass oflhe ResurredidnR « will ' Mark's School of Nursiursing-in Salt He was bornbi Gel. 8, 1892, in wediredding, they lived in Califoi Satuaturday, Oakley LDS Chuturch, be celebrated at 3I p.ip.m. Saturday, ' •'L a k e C ity, U ta h , inI IS1920. Delia Osceola, owa,low the son of Thomas for)r fourfc years before moving bback Cari Clintonn iSiver, ofT w in Falls, (MetvfcCulloch’s Funeral Homele in Joseph Payne Memorinorial Chapel i^ ■tViarriod R alph W. Goer o er on March and Mary FolgerF< Nicholson. He loLe) Leonard's home town of Adrdrian, graveside servic Wnrrensburg r o f Poul;-Charles------• the nurses in Idaho. Mr. N icholsiolson was a member of and id Patrick Pedrow ofM osci:COW. , WillmsofGoodirKling; and KirIc Claibom of Kimbimberly. both o f R uert; ^ Anita Trombley of OaJdey;r, andon Ruth 'Tunle - Survivors includee t'two sons, the ChurchI ofof the Brethren in Twin ldah(Iaho; 10 grandchildren; andJ cone Released of Albion. 'tSi^^SdtiSM agermlan an and Bob Falls wherejre he served as a greai'eal-grandchild. Also surviviving Esther Fmhm,im, Jarvis Hazen, Michelle TheThomas, Patsy :Q eer of Twin Falls; onene daughter, deacon.• Sunday School are•e one sisier. Eva Kochh o( Thomqucst findd EricI Tnimbull, All of Twin1 Falls;F« George Released June Draubay of Rio VeVerdi, Ariz.; superintenderilent and moderator. Greereenwood. Mo.; and one brotf3ther. Gill o f Fairfield;:ld; Eduardo Gonzalez of Wendendell; Leonor Shirley TlThompson, Deborah Valdezdez and Donna :’One sist(?f, Geraldine HaHarshbarger SurvivorsI includein his wife, Ruth A ndindrew Pedrow also ^^f Rivera and son1 o:o f Gooding; Donnis SawyerrofHagerman; of Worwood, allill o f Burley; and Irene Hunsake»iker and Patrick ■'dl Carey,- Idahoho; nine Harriet Nicholholson o( Warrensburg. G reer e e n w o o d . M o, H e w a s and George Wal5(aison ofM ounuin Home. Nash, both ofiif Rupert grandchildren: .'andj 1VI great- Mo.; two daughters,da Mrs. Roy preceeceded in death by his parerents » Biitfaj • ...... (Arlene) McAj ^ A son was^_b(born tfi Wendy amjjack: Hj!^n^saker of^ ^ ___ 5DSD0K^mto^^H0.Sn D^^ti5^ihS6S33ni^;4 —h©ld-at 10:30 a.m. SaturUurday, April Marcelene, MMo.; one son, Vernon, be) h(held at 10 a,m, Saturday. A; ""'FunkofMuttnughugh. Jose Gardeaea o f Rupert. • 18. 1992, al the TwTwin Falls Nicholson of Wichita, Kan.: one’ 18.i. 1992. at Sunset Memorial Park-P L ^ ._Csm eii2iy wlih the Rev.)v. V' ernon L. Brolher] Dr. ■Roy Rc N icRolson of B w ? in TwTwin Falls,-with Pastor Jarr Bishop ofllciating, Frie•riends may Raton, Fla,:'l('10 grandchlldren;‘and''A mnand ar of the Filer Baptist Chui call from 1 to 7 p.m,Tl, loday at 16 great-grarrandchlldren. He was officicficlating. Friends may call fronEr Coalittionread>y tochalkengeroaddplan ------Demaray'sGobding-ChaiIh ap e l.------p r e c e d e d inn cdeath by.a daughier._.to..8-.8 p.m.. loday at.Reynolo ld s Vera Mae andnd two brothers, Funeiin e ra l C h a p el in Twjn Falls. ^ BOISE (AP)-I — A'coalition of Forest'csf'Conservation Council andid the raised the initial questjcstibns about the '■ *■__ Thp .fl ipornl cai;wiU-Jiaiiald-a;.a:30...... - .... ------4portflm«fh-enfAttS5=^tFwr5-^ts W i|l.file.suit.in.60.dav&..propej iMB«»EoiLalfiiigahfcnjnik Interment will follow at c:,.,-, ites. 67, of Twin Falls, did ie d if fhc agcncy proc.oceeds with plans to mentantal lawj when it assessedd th e Yellow Pine. Sunset Mem3'morial Park in Twin a d n e s d a y , April 1 5 . 1 992, a,, t t pave the So.uth FoFork of the Salmon impaci)act the project, would have/e on Falls, tterans Administration Medi5 jn Idoho Sportsmenen’s Coalition, the Houtoward' Buetigenbach o f Bo)o is e Buettgenbach said. Twin F a lls CDhurch h i of the Brethren, r _. k irber. Idaho, to Harry L. ai ^61 Filer Av£w e. W„ Twin Falls ID srtha Ora Daniels Stiles, I 83301 or to the Cumberland ew up and attended schools Presbyteriarian Church in :ilt Housi]ing------ildwell. and as a teen-agi Warrensburg, gef, w ojrked rl« for about a year in iIhe Continued from1 ^B commiimission chairman. “They mimake administrative decisionsions. B ut he said __ __ »g^5ic5tTfartrtg7:idah{S^ § tt i=D5pti5?zonb' unrrtcnaanons'l^ 'T n iacc-tflcrti•finfl!^thcv'^Till--faid-th-e= ;rG ibson~== tering the niililarylh 1942ri itoi'dlscrepScyrilie-'™!!'-'! • Jj® Blaine County Plar'lanning and Zoning sions.” . ’ ^ overrule, '"a'^LLS l - Bailee Rae serverved in tho Soulh PaclfLc. w ------GommissionTCComommended approval “ cynolds,'whoTvascountypIaninner "'The ^commissiois io n e rs ------^gave— “ —Gibson,.infantant-daughler-of Bryce woumlunded and received Iho Purp o f Drcycr’s prelimiminary plat for the dunnging the late 1970s when the zonining prelim inary plot apprecn notified. I - p.m, Sunday at Moffotfs ^ /Ivors also Include a brotheier- Jerome. Lincoln. Blaine.B Minidoka hadbeer Twin Fall? is one o f■ the six countics one o f the other owners had bo - a-C hapol - In ' Buhl~Tho'lio-|amliy~P''™ “ "'— ; iw. Jack (Katherine) Ericksoson and Cassia - ahd TeiTerry Schultz o fth e l«cn that asked for the permit,m it. - » suggests memorials bo10 givenc lo i0d in the Princeton fied, that would fulfill tl hAWr. mr.wlng 0» M'T)Umo, Idaho; a sisler-in-lavaw. South Centra^.D.District Health the Hempleman and BlassBln said they - l " T h o - Q id e u ii s.' G^lve^o p e ^ .,' biH' iKnyiris) bow m an“oi c ' DcpanniCiii liiiiinta iat4en-of^ifying-4h«-propetertr-w ottldTipt'Sfuti; luc7“u u v c r i u i i i ' lliu o. They settled on 5 niflii n Tnn 'f ^ iDifl'fi— ; providod at tho funeral chec h a p e l, '0 iQ:,many nieces and nephew:ws; will continue on theIh land after the OT, becausc that person Woulddbe 1 Plarining and Zoningng 'Commission ------(arm easuof Goijooding where Frank— I all his friends. He wa/a s counties buy it. a represeresentativc o f the others. ' decision. But fra le yy said so hc .would farmed (or 35I yy£ e a r s ® >E^m er E. Peak :eded in death by his wifeife. The landfill will1 occupyo 2QP acres AnI eaearly March public heatingI o< n _ i? c p an open mind onn thth< e issue,.^— ...... _ _ n _ _ Frank worked:Qd_fo,rjhe.,Livo5tock.. K S S ?- Wi 5=SHQSH0NE:=;Efm6Mif-C;^a^tr-Cofnm ission-irrirrQoodlngT-Jerorng— = = =of-the-3T300-acrfrpaf«>afcel. ------" ^ t h e - c oCMilJitiOirat-ui.<; T n u rm lt w a s ..... -•‘j'v c talkcd-witlj a llot'ofpcople'oui— o f r ------}-?5T-ol-nor-{h-Sho6hon€jnftr-died—antf'TwfrrFatlsr ______)oncfr-al(o-quo6tisUoned-whether q- postpone wicr—thor»-(noaF4jan6er»-Bf»-Butto)t-I-raal ------J Tuesday evening. AprilL14. .I'l 1992. -He-coachedid Ihe Gooding Girls will be held at 2 'p.m. Saturday landfill is compapatiblc with-the had nolnot been notified by certifieal; it should go i. • Elmer cam e to LincolnIn Ci o u n t y ___f rank. Is_$.i. ids,m ay.call„(rorriUa,.m.joj3-8 u area^and wiw as not n otified o f Commiimissioner-: Jim-Fraley-SQilaid—straight to court if pos;possiblcrFraicy— ■ » with his family at Ihe agege o( nino daughter andnd -her husband, p-fn.. to today and from 9 a.m. to '1 the public hearing, JbJbri’cs said. thursda'sday aftemoon ihat ihc appeacals soid. He said that thht t ipresentation ‘ — • « and ailehded Shosho’nee'sdhools. s Georgia and1 BobE Wills df Twin ' P-m .. :Salurday at Reynold!ds Helen Phipps of the Twin Falls hadorrivrrived. about the iindfill th atww asa given ot the 3ral C h a p e l in Twin Falls. Coumy Zoning Adn ; Ha married Erma Whitehilehead on Falls; three gregrandchildren, W es Funeral .dminiotration said Comnm m issioners M arvin Hempl

kZ- __ __ _ i ...... M aiglc_yalley/i t r / W e s t

/ Formil e r W a l l ey j man C ^ S o d i h jlg s c h o o)lsexpecc t f i i n d i iing shorft o g e B y T e i itll W illiam s — I $441,347 forthe 1991991-92 year. The , , ■ Times-News correspondent n new figure is lessi bccausebe last year / murd(l e r e d i n SSeattle } Elemnentary piincicipal decides^ the Gooding distdistrict had-an ...... GOODING - Early estimm a tes f o r ...... e m e r g e n c y Ic v yy • for.“increafiOd- f -. ' B y. Craig L in c o ln . ______left the rcstaistaurant. and although a the th 1992-93 school yearr show a tO Si ion in Boise ^ enrollment.' — n i f i c s ^ c w s w n lc r' fe w p a t rrons o foll6wed, he iSIOO.OOO isi d ro p in G o o d inIg g School ^ accept positio ...... I n tS ^ s t i r b e m gg lost Io becausc'liie ------= ------disappcarcdl:d bcforc'-policc-arrived— ------DDi istrict revenue. . fund balance is dowlow n and intcre'st N w _ WWinslow.' i who will leave at tl T W IN f a l l s '-AAformerTwin f Tippett grewgi up on a family Superintenl James Cobtbblc lo ld Tl“ T m « -N c rates are down signifijnificantly. Cobble endid of c thc'school-ycar. said-hc ' Falls man was shotI to death in a. farni in thec MagicN Valley. He was School Sc Board members Tuesi OOODINO'IG - Aflcr four years Icaviiaving to advance his career. ito ------^------Scaltlc-arca resiaurantant Tuesday in the son off realn esiale agent L.S. he expects a drop in federal In olhcr school busi)jusiness: • I / ■n m i? principalI oof Gibbons Elemen- conti:mtinue his education and to I from of 50 wimcsscsses, and his “Tip" Tippetpelt^nd ycma_LaCroix _ _ qf_abp_ut.520,000, of a drop i . • Board membej-stej-s a n d a d m in is - ™ S c h ool, o l, Rob W inslow is closeio s e rto h is fam ily; H e said h e hi - k ille r rcnioincd a t largrge e Thursday. Tippett. fundingfu: of more ihan S30,00€ - iraiors met Wcdnc^Incsday wjlh'the to-his-homctown-of -been:en offered a pri;icipal position ------David Lawrcncce Tippcttr46.—T -Htraticndinded'thc-Unlverslty^of ------irTlowr^ndingin ofal leasi'Si-rio:o(x)~ . elementary school staff.-'?-,sia'f , a small smi elementary school in tl was shot to death by a: man who Idaho and IdahoId Slate University. and an decreased interest rcvi Over a pizza dinner.ner. they discussed T c h c o l „trustees accepted Boiseoisc d istrict. had just asked for a job at During six( monthsn of active duty S2Q.OOO. $2 . ideas, concerns and' ar programs, W inslow's resignationrc Tuesday, ' "I want to thank you for tl Tippctt*s shipyard. AfiAfter a career in the Armyny Reserves, he met an ‘T here are no bright lights i .. Cobble said Ihe meetingme was lo > unanimous regrets, oppoiporlunity to work here, on the seas nshing,5. Tippett1 had Alaskan fishisherman and moved to he told lh(^ hoard. "But we»c're not '"Pressing “ ’ promote site-based iv c r e n o l . Board mcmbciibcr Manha Obcrle said Wins'inslow told the board. "I kno led mahagcmedt, jjpcirea a^sMpyard whwhere m arinr-Kodiak. Ala:klaska. where he fished alone ah in this dilemma. It’s c with employeess involved ’ in ' O ooding’s loss lo will be Boise’s youti)u took a risk. 1 had never been and fishing boats were:re ioverhauled, and operatedted crab boats until the .ill ,ill over the siaie/' ■' decisions, rhairman Claire'Major princiincipal. I had jiist taught schoc According to storic:Ties in Seattle early 1980s.LS. To compound the situation, • B oard m em bersrs agreed ai to donate >w can come back if he I will wil always be grateful th; newspapers. Tippettt was w; eating.ai During oloff seasons. Tippett said, sa the district faces increas' the use of theic high' school m ind. somimeone e gave me a chancc." Fremont Dock Restauraurant. near his would rcpi: p a i r fis h in g b o a ts , for fo: transportation, health carercbcncm s gymnasium for a concencon to benefit sifipyard. when a mantan approached operating ouout of the back of his and an salary schedule niises. , ’ the county fair andid rodeo.r Country him. Calling Tippettt b;by name, the pickup. In1 11987 he leased dock ■ "So wc’rc going to halavc less '•There is a possibility' | of an incre;creased rc(|uircmcnls to payay for singer Michael Martiiartin Murphy will ------man asked if any jobs'obs were open -spacc on-LalLake-Union, in.Seattle,...... rcrevenue and greater cxpenenditurcs override levy, but-righlbi now that is - neww studenls-moving> into the st;state.” perform at the gymym at-8 p.m. pn -- -- at his shipyard. TippettKtt said he had and.establislished Tippetl Marine unless un wc can analyze a wayy to m ake n o t be in g conside:idered.’’Cobble said, he said.sai T hursday. no openings, but toldId ihei stranger Service. significantsij ciKs," Cobble said.:d. T h e G o o d inlg g School District’s Federal Feti funding is down, CoGobble • Cobble said thehe Goodingi High ______to g o ahead and apply.ly ...... H e m u rrried r ii Mary Petach in ...... -. .-_Thc obvious cuts, h e p'rediclicted,will S 1.9 "million annuak a budget is explaiplained, because the govemmenent is School has received:d a g ran t from the . The man left, butt he relumed a 1987, and lastla August had a son. hebelnade in purchase of eququipment. receiving less;s fedcr^ and stale mand:indating new programs and, alat the Idaho Board of Educaljc a lio n fo r S 500 in few moments later andmd shot Tippet Biyce David/id Tippett. Tlie funeral supplies su and anything else theIhi school support as thc_re:result of national'and sameme.timc, is cutting back fun(inding matching funds to.suj'.supporLa project twice witU.a handgurgut^. The man- will be heldd S5 aturday in Seattle.- - cacan get along w ithoiii;'' state cutbacks in'discretionary in' funds forexr e xisting program s. to use graphing; calculatorsc; to More drastic measures.. hc-saidv1 for specific prognigrams. Cobble said, In In Gooding County, he ssaid, improve mathematicsics cducaiion.> The.. . might involve cuts in staff oroi school "Tlie (siatc) legislatorsleg pul in more $407,07,458 has been levied for}r the calculators can exchanhange information Buhl simnplifies adIdrfesses prognim s. money, but thIt al' won’l pick up their 1992-92-93 school year, comparedi 'with with each other or with computers.- ' jn area si;lurroundinjlg city 1Panel d €ecries se(jcrecy over \ releaises at ENN E L ; POCATELLO (AP) — AnVn'advisory panel fears willill be used by the govcmmenllent and ils corporate ovcr^■^iTmatcd the doses peophople could have - ..... - ByBertiliaLRcdfem ______TwiTM^qUslUs C ojjniy Com m issioners j. • -secrecy-.slill shroud^g-deluilailsx)f-the govemment-agcn•ents to-improve the^cthod>d ofc determining the rcccivcved. But Bouville said the highest,hig: calculated Irnt ' .'hn'frn^qijnMriltril lhal .^{il^lTssl^si^^‘ i'ii?sic;.''''^^^ -SiuU> u f i.iillaiiirn'jL'leasL's-a jie iu lJ l'liu U h -i'is k f tu iiiH tm!iiilial-uiid iili ladluautlvu cxpustisuni at INEL was less thania n - a - 2 (jiti"o r-rtie------naicd for impaclini areas surrounding g, Engineering Laboratoryy fears will erode relcaleases at INEL. c x p osure s i level following the Cheirhernobyl nuclear B U H L -’A’few streetct rnames were cities. Oncece the map with the new c o n fid e n ce in its validity. AmongA i the criticisms was Ihethe study's failure lo accideilenl in the former Soviet Union.lion. • changed at a'rcccm BuhlII C ity C ouncil a d d re ss sy sie.stem'is official, it will be "W e feel the public wivill not accept'dose cons>nsidcr a full range of variabiiables in determining All1 tthat considered. Bouville said,sail the estimate m eeting. sent to the cpicpunty for implemeniaiion. estim ates based on class!sified informaiion," theIC howI radioactivity was. disperseddi over the of aciic tu a l p u b lic e x p o s u re is probably pr< pretty ; • The ipove was madee inir the city’s In olhcr business:bu; ep id cm ilo g ist Jim R ultenberrsaid. s regitgion afler a release and the study's apparent,. occuralrale. impact zone to providede a‘uniform • Public workw direcior Cary Winn ' Ruttenher and his colleagagues on the advisory altertempt to minimize the scrio:riousness estimated ButIt Chuck Broscious of thele E n v ir o n m e n ta l addressing system andind to allow reported oron the'repairs to the c o m m ittee spent tw o d a y s thihis week ctiliquing the radiodialion exposures. - D efensnse Institute took immediatelie issuei with that em ergency personnel, utilities, utili postal ^ swimm ing; pool,p which arc almost Energy pep.inmenl’s 1991 c\e ^ ^ u a j i ^ ^ j ^ t ^ how " We- recommend a .mqre obj .,r^p.,..-.At^,ddtv6tv5Compttnii^ :.^iitj til inii; g " lh ri« rn rn h c = = p 6or.“A1r - ^ have been exposed to durining scores of releases ArAndre Bouville of the Nation;ional Cancer Institute no sigignificant health risks fromrom the Hanford Buhl recently held a publicpul hearing additional. $500S: will be needed to over the faciliiy’s four decadedes of operation'. saidlid the study likely underestimilimalcd the amount-of nucleaear rcscrvaiidn in eastern W Wa ashington were J------to-obtain-input-on-Kin Uic_^umbing—in—the ------l “^litrpancr'rns'icwm enrnf:ifthe'evaluatlon'cfforrxradladlmloti'rclcascd'duringTomc'oicofthcincidentrandTdisprDvDvcnbylatcrcvaluations:------...... assigncdtb'thcim pacf;cfarearA s a“'bathhou!ie."' result of the heanng., sosome names The pool3l will soon have a new i" w ere changed. • chlorinationion system in placc, I They included:____ a c c o r d in g' V to Winn. In the past, __ DOE^ sigrns pact to) improve5 INEL Wcaste hand]Jling •W ebber Avenue toOnOregon Trail ’ gaseous chlorl ^ e has been the method' •'— *------r T T O T affiTRa'ad 13UrCo6fiT^biid"” ol Clllurinat^utioii^’anU \Vmn siii'd'this' •—•pOCATELTOXTVrr— TflfffiyEtiCT^y^shT^qns'BfSTiiT'ri’(T'froiff'Ilie lunK larm'' crinrr'y'7am ^W alfni’’JccIcIcJcs lo (Jon t know“wliTcirorri)f tliese bpho'ns""'' , • Skyway Road lo Arnicrniory Road has been a daidangerous method. Department has agreed toI imii p ro v e w h e re 11 v a u ltsIts hold radioactive shutUl di o w n th e r e p r o c e s s in g pplant we’ll follow right now.lo w ." ' : ------jjhe-hgidiinfianrf-ntorngcjf e :ea-u5t^nf-^ *yruf"» f”nitlg ^flO'retjtiires^^Sc the Idaho located at the th fuel uraniijnium . from lanes lhat hoihomeowners council memlmbcrs he would like to sec “fia n d rad io a ctiv e w astes al ihi government to buildild fouri new siore considered dead-end drive\iveways. Du^U«-Bcauumiification-Committcc—_Naiion;iU;ngitiewin^at>omn niory.. ______tcpj:o.c.c.5.5ing_&it board sayinglg he wished to serve only Hum biotticis Auction House ■ Fuiniltnituie- u P i m I ^ Mi««ll3ncous-Twin Falls cooperative effon to buildjild a juvenile iis an adviser,er. Advciiscmcnt • Classilieds detention center becauscuse of a new The boartard dccided to hold a _ o ffe r to buy the bc'Teagufin:jfired Addison m eeting’May M >5 with couniy Mis. Cccil(Att!lki}&im-t/ouseho' A v en u e propcny. commissionerners to review the counter VteslcinWcat-TwinFalls A fter an executive: sessionsc ihe proposal fortlfth e Addison propeny. AdvalisOTcrt-Aonl 15 board told Jerome Cou!ouniy Com- "If the Joinoint Board can'i come up missioner Veronica Liermirman to make with someihjlhing firm. Twin Falls Whitcmoic Oxmn • Fuiniluic - lloust^usehold- lUIH• ' * ' ® IIW. II XI III,. a counter offer on the bidbid to buy the wants to movove ahead," Liermijn said, MisecUjncous* Twin Fallsi ■ ■ . property. The board didd notn disclose “W e're lookiaking at financing an 18- _ Advatlsancnt-Apti! 16 the potential buyer or theihe am o u n t o l txxJ Jacilu y ." ' the offer. L o m b a rdd-Conrad - ' i- f e i n z /1 1 TOW ■:.r.:.:~~TtTc:ib'oartl:h3ii~prevj-o3dpji5tjqiuK:;^jyiiiiatiJUnltc. chase"d the. Addison Aveniicniie-sitconly at'S l.2 milllillion. But Twin Falls — SATURDAY A P B ltl ^ r to Icam later that it was'as not zonejl Couniy Sherieriff Jim Munn said that • Bob gi Oicywy • Iwin ftlls -HouaholS Mo< properly for a juvenileilc detention size ceiiicr waw as no t adcqmite. AdvBiijcmcnt- Timcs-Ncws 4/ti - \ center. Sincc that limle. e. the i Youth If the boartard decides lo build a 12- THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 19f c - Center has been troubledd wiiliv lack of bed center. TwinT' Falls would add an EdwaidN.Spjiks-Twin Falls funds and talk by someIC counticsc of additional sixsix beds for exclusive use Household-Moving pulling out and leaving TwTwin Falls lo by Twin Fallsills, Munn said, . — ------run a deieniion center-itselfself:- Kurt Friedacdenauer, administrative At its Thursday meetinging in Jerome, director of the Youth Services Center Cai-teil Auto ffcpaiis - Siqp Vooli the board also rejected anoimother earlier in St. Anthohony, said it would be Twin Falls •Ewilnj Salo w c u T , mI E - C U T , A hNDRECYCCLE! Advolisemcnt-April 21 offer by Byrd Goloy. who^ho wished to cheaper for' scsome counties to pull out purchase the Addison>on • Avenue and Ici Twinin Falls build ihe facility, i — property in exchange foror ja parcel of ' Tlie smallerr ocounties would-do better Bolt Moving & ^loiage - H ^ o k lJ-Builey * ' • ^ - .... Adv^iliscmert • A ^l 22— land h e ow ned. . to pay for upkeepup of their juvcniler - r 5 ~ 6 ~ O J ------Golay offered to buildild the ccnicr gn a per night■til basis, he said. • SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 19i 9 « — ^ fo r th e group. Couniy conrommissipners 'will decide Wafkcf Pump. Ine.-Rinby The board decided thathat since any- whether to0 disbandc and give the Invcniojy-Vjchino Shop-foiWiiwiit- SPLITr LEVEL™ BL\DIDE Tiucte.Ollicc Equip.-Real Estati©te purchase and construciioilion contract project to TwTwin Fails or commit to AtJveilisciTBnlm • Wee^VIB S Tifns•^s-H m m would have to go out foifor bids, the ihe project at iits May meeting._ _ SATURDAY. APRIL 2 5 .1ife— 9 A MAJORR BREAKTrHROUGH I Ml &MisWlMai1in-Antiquesjes- ■ _ Judge dismisscises Hatch threatat indictment _ Hou^old ■ Gu^ ipcft IIN MULCHHING TECI;hiiology

_____ SALT LAKE CITY^ (AP2_—(. A Conrad Lloydiyd,41,ofSallL.ikcCity, 1355— federal judge has dismsm issed th'e is prohibited:d from any contact with lucillo Ytuatio • Aniii^ ■ Ui»ellancouslus-Jeiomc • AihulJSCTicnt-April^S indictment against a manan accusedt of Notch. R-UtUtah, or the senator’s E______threatening to kill Sen.. OrrinOi Hatch family and stuStafT. s a t u r o At, Ap r i l 2 5 ,11992 9 on condition the defendanjant abide by The deal al:also provides for up to a VolCO^ 1«. a pre-trial diversion ogreercement.' ' ycar'of supcipervision by ihc U.S. ^ a i m •)fficc. SB U s , ------t-hoiBcho'^oU- BRIM AUCTION Anything ILess Just W(H Cut It. BIDA^M ^L17,19£ "COBm RECTED D m EC V O h ^ • raUsft{ta>w74-m»f»^------_ — MAGICIWWLLEY—— TWIM------J-&JJ------L- •o u lh , 3 milos wosi, oneond 1/S milo ^ u l h (3691 Northh anda 2600 East). Aavalisanert-Afliiltg f i g f c . — B pSi . MOWER LAWMMOWEB ENTEBPBIBISK ^ackWastto-Olli^F^i^i^|ia - — SAirTiM En:¥p . llKtt^Elltto.- - P i Hwyy30& 93 Adaison Ave. b.E...... -ITOW Tdaison-DivAve^ET^ - ~ Advolis0nfir<-Apiil23 I W i n F a l l s SPECIAL SASADDLES-W ESTERIRNWEAR- w I i r F a l l s I W I n Fallalls ^FURNITURE - Ml;VIISCELLAHEDUS-C COLLECTABLES- r ' T - - : p RROLINE | BURLEY GURNEYEY’S ------O w n e r : WI M BS CECIL "ADELLE■ E '-'b r i m SALES;& i SERVICE SMALL ENGINE SMALL ENIINGINE ; Terais: Cashsh or Bankable Check D;D a r q f S a l e gGui“ .' 125 N.(I. Wood Way 517 Oakley 718 0nel(lelda : e t p h u i n i :3Salelnanageiied b y Masters A uctioii c i S m i c ^ - U K e t B u r l e y Rupert ^^Tj^us/fioj^AgfSofwcg^u ^ —— J r ------tl

.>> ' I . I

i - L . ___ —:------i B-4 ‘Tlfnes-Nows. Twin'in FFalls, ifiaho Friday. April 17.7.1992 i • r -Id a h o - t. ' 11 o f I[Collegee of Agriiculture5 dean p]>lanstosstep do\^wn next;year MOSCOW (AP) '-.The-.l dean of the Uni- BEM B g-'*:. presidentlent of th» uni- the past ye: year were a big influence in hisI de- • She said Braneanen has helped the schciol}| Zinser'said Bnincn decidccidcd to resign be- .ycysity o f Idaho's Colicollegc of Agriculture has M v c rsityy's 's Agricultural dsiontorc: resign as dean. „ look at “fresh wajways" to use the agriculturalll. fo re te n u re and p ro m o tioion n njcommcndaitons ' announced hc.will resigesign next year. I B C onsultirilting Council, Hc said iB^E^ id he was.concemcd.abou)0 ut how rcscarch and exteixtension system throughoutIt were considered. Shc'sirid;rid ircvicw.s for tenure. j||iBp~ . whichI Vc represents .90 ' higher educ 'A . Larry Brancn saixverse djscriminaiion.” " H • • the veteran sheriff wo laicd by the counciUs' eenis to me it just tics the courrouncil’s hands," ■ ' would face 10 years in prison,on. The sta[e Judicial.Councn c il h a s ,s c t M a y ‘27 us - A rcumed to bc qualified. MiVlike McNichols. a councilncil member fitim ------* ■’ ’the th dca'dlihe for filing applialications for thc.vacan-- . A n d ru s. Cunently there is one Lewiw[stqn. maintained Aiidrus's’ slatciiicnt: would cy creatcd eariier this mom)nth when Justice Larrji ^o rr iper starts U R ^ i n1 SilverS Valley, g woman on tlie Coun of Appeppeals a n d -tw .Q -o n Jh c _ n o t■ a'affcAt his dclibcratiai*'^ —Baylc-retigncd-to-bc«>m»;> Uisli-K'l L o u r i bcnchnZ iglu: women wc are serving as,' T" KELLOGG - Thehe formerf publishers of the: KelloggK Evening News ‘I d o n ’t h av e any p ro b len i1 w:with the governor ’ The applicants will thericn bc subjMted to an mam a g istrates. ... sayin'ing thal," McNichols said. "I :-..have launched a new:w weekly\ newspaper for Idahlaho's Silver Valley. c' . "I think wc’l(jitsf- evaluation by lawyers throroughout th^statc. and JStale Sen. Patricia McDciDcnnoti, D-Pocatello. try ti: The first edition of the Silver Valley Sun wa:was mailed Ihis week to if, to .send ihe names of the most mo: qualified peo- Ihe council witl hold its formal fc interviews wiih wh I- •. 6,400 Panhandle resid:sidenis. who has applied forthe counLin ioi the past,and may pic.. rregardless' Of ih e ir se x ." • , Tlie paper is beinging published by Gary and1 Cricl^ltC Corbcill, who "I sold the Kellogg Eveiivcning News in 1985 to theIhe ow'fters of the North I 5uit says comiimission acts; tunfairly Idaho Press and agreejrced to stay out of the newswspapcr business- in the Phojie c<:onyersaations -fivc-ycare:— ------SANDPOINTs / (AP) - A lalawsuil lering ihe slate worlworkmen's compen- .

^SffreuJcrs-'uniH^wIvefitocS^w ^e^iioSone •oiiliYli^Tuittn^li.n'iai'nig'ifcci itiiSriHusinlilti^v •milled the economyy wwill still not support two daidail'ies. '■ y abouboul c o m p e n s a tio n claim s fcfor in- cuscd in the lawsuilsuil of denying fair ircd'workers. and^ impanial headicarin):s* to injured ___ c o u g ar (dies a t FocateltIlo zoo ~ BaiSETAP) - FederalI proseciwoihcrs as Dan>an - P h illip s , had liis ' -Tlic -Tli lawsuit was filed-Wcdn»lnesd;iy workers, conspiringing to end the prac- tors on Thursday played ta|lapcd leli!^ "slash" house; f(for drugs, and thai a . y an ai attomey on behalf of al least ticc of the aiiomeyn c y w h o filecl Ihc POC.. 'ELLO-ThThe sccond of two cougars's ffound al/4iic Pocatello phone pl" calls planning an allc]legcd drug large shipmentIt uw as d u e . I000 0 ^*wcfe"T>la*tx;d id^foiothg^^^i-iiuikiineTTpCTa .'.’ Cougars. Zoo SuperviirvisoMlay England said theyicy were probably look- jwjury of nine women and thrc(rcc men in Nazarene Chunlurch" in a resideniial ^ ------^ ------ling.for-thcir-niother-lor-lo bring them food.------^ ------Boisc.-AssistantU;S:'Atton’B( )m cyK im "area of Nampa.” ''' “They would haveVC diedc in that tree," he said,d. because,i they had not LiLindquist planned to air a videotapevi Kun was suplupposedly leaving for ^ yet been taught to) hihunt. Both were dehydraioaied and weighed only of the arrests of Baldwin amin d M o n te th e O rction_coa.^oa:>l_laier on Dec. 20. ^ about h alf as much as they should have, he said.d. DlDuane Jack in the Nampa3a “sling” -but was leavinglg a; "bimbo” - anolher ^ oop p e ra tio n . fictitious man namedn: “Many” - be- ^ Baldwin and Jack are acc l^oise womailan may face frai iccuscd o f h in d fo r the nighiight. Lady said. ^8 aud charges conspiring „ lo break into a Nampa "I know he's;'s got the cash some- ^ BOISE - Califofniaftlia wants a Boise womanI 10 ic fac e w e lfa re fraud, Jjohome and sieal cocaine and ai cash where, bud," LaiLady lold Jack. “If this g1 W P S Erjury and forgeryry charges there if first-decJecree -murder charges from a drug dcaler.-Auihori3riiics-say thing doesn't p co down lonight. this ^ r— rr^a^unsrijcrtti-iaafi^ -tticy drdnprsnspccrS^^Ttfw ariir^uy^’mbvin?™ lllliBMIirtiai I:- At a magistrate cocoun hearing Wednesdayy ini Boise, authorities ^ovolvcd until shortly beforerc Ihc ar-.— ■•l-nred-a 'dcl:Jciailed'm ap'so'Ilrafr' ^ ■rests."' ------L^rved-Robin- Lcc-Ro’Row.-34rwith a “govembr's)r's'waftanT’’signed'by . drive right Ihere,'re," Jack said. "You’re ^ |;C alifom ia Gov. Pete M c Wilson and Idaho Gov. Ceci'ecil Andrus. Lindquist ori Thursday m r o m in g g o in g to c o v cr■ wlwhai I o w e y o u ? ” ^ ______M rs. Row face.s an an April 22 'arraignment in A played three Dmg Enforce^m c n t A d - “ I f ihcrc-’s.snrr ------jUthree-counis of-firsl-dc [•degree murder-for-allegedlytlly-starting-the-Feb.-lO • -mministrationtapcs-belwecn-Ji i -Jack-,-45.- -Ladyreplicd;:^— ff&d'Roastod'LiKofLimb^— » ;SJuplex fire that killed!cd her husband and two childr Idren. and am drug informant t)can Lady I of Police say.BakJaldwin and Jack were ^0 - ~ hsIiflUniSplrjchi^inSand t __ _ i* But if she is ever' releasedrci from the Idaho chatharges, she must reium Boise Bo on Dec. 19, llie day bebefore the—seen going inioIlo the building early • ^ -MiMSjucr- ...... T jo C alifom ia to face: chcharges there under the govciivemor's warrant. ■ early-moming eai bust. Dec. 20 and corr:oming out with drugs ^ ney GLized Bone-Iji Ham As pan of a deal lo get o u t fro m ^ w ithiS7,5k S' . , . §I “ ""I Fresh _Ri«sted-Turkey------•X ootenai Un under a S2.000 debt hc owe#ed Jack. Jack was arresi Jnited W ay to wi(r'ithhold dues “"I rested as he came oul. • WiihCfsnbcrySiun' ■ "* Lady Lai said he provided a Nar'ampa ad- Officers say BaliBaldwin fied. bul was ^ > COEUR d'ALENE>JE - The Kootenai Countyy IUnited Way chaplcr (jre dress supposedly where theIC alleged captured 90 miniiiniites later at a bus l^will withhold it.s annu;inual dues from the charitabi able organization's na- drug dnj dealer, identified by LadyLa an^ depot. • Jional officc, which hasha.s been accused of mismuna,inagemeni. ^ Chinese Pepper Sleak I ; Tlie board o f direci rectors of United Way ofr KootenaiK County on Stuffed Pork bin. ; ;Wedne.sday agreed thaiIhat it would not send S3,70C7(X) in annual dues and l ^ o n ’t pay 1993 duesuts unless United W ay of'Amcrilerica reorganizes. hickcn Drc.ist Hau-aiian _ ; CoinpUipiled firom w ire r e p o m Lonaon Broil I eS i m WIiSTifi.viljSjud.- = H l j ilKn;jiny\yhiirWiwSiua' f i NSENjEwatRs .s a F s^ v ia a m N iTNITURE»CUUPPS i SPORTS J • Eggs Bcncdirt S V * TRUCKLOy Cheese Dlinl/es HBBBfi )ADSALe L ^Viih BLscL Chim- Siuw TOD^lAY! ; _ ||[ i I Torteliini Ptimavera

Bay Shrimp Sabd I ^ ^^0 *' tel!sh FiuitSalSd Amb'rosij' ' Linguine Pasta Salad = = m k y : - - ______^ H I With iV« inj OmXi = ___ x-nch Cucumber Stlad = = 1 Truckload Orders^fow^^rBeing p Russian Bcel Sabd - = = Placed. Ordeer Metal Roofi>fing And ^ noked Salmon Mousse ____ ~ TliE Wllh Hop* ' •«?==: :E EASTER BUN! ^ I ^ IS COMING TO Sidjng WithhVOLCOAn ndSave | Red and Green ' Pepper Salad T H E BBLUE l l a k e s Mi?^LL... l i With 1 TVucklo;oad Purchasin;ng Power. ^ BringyourcJr child in for a photo and v . Assorted Fresh Fniils with the EasEaster Bunny. and Melons Eosfer Bunny Hours Arc 2 FO O T W IDE.:. 3 0 G A U G E i ApdU7- — ^AprilM-8------G :.Galyanized,-Ribbed.or-CLCorrugated,...... *J4:iiaJL 'J 1*7 p.m. Noon-5 p.m>.m. I ^ ' — i^BIm m m i - , 2 F O O T w i d e 30 : GAUGE S| ^ ^ AAn AssortmenI of ' c o mEPETTHEBUN> e : INIES! H ? ' FPainted...... 1.05 lin. ft. IS K . - H mnemade " Pics, Cakes and ' with'ith the Magic Valley Rabbil Fine Pastries . B l 3 FO O T W IDE :30 GAUCHE tl1 ^ ■ IBreeders Association., 4alvaniM-8itil)8d™„ I I Sl lin ft >§ ' Friday, ApnlAp 1 /m fie batuiday, AprpfiliBlh “ ------^ — ------~ p 3 FO O T W IDE 30S GAUGE S|^ Mall Hours - ______^toid-iy.Rjdayjqjjn J&gpjn J i gPainted, Ribbed...... NSZlih. ft. _ ^ ______e — Sahiiday-1{) a jn rto 6pjn:— - T Iip^Mall M >viii fae Easter Sunc ^^=^LenqtHsS UP to 4lHf i e e t . ______(Some }mc stores hav e ex ten d ed hours _ ^Saiiiie.ends-MayJ.5.___ = L = — CofrffViSitS(raroBfr® id-(W E«itr\efB m ny | ------^------■ComcCo to Blue Lakes Mallr- — l = G a e f l - MCl L 0 j ! : P e i t e s f e H bT uUEI LAKES MAIl I L ' TWIN FALLS '.139C» Highland Ave. E.. 733-5571 ^S .RESORT CASlNO-JAilACKPOr, NEVADA ■ ■ JEROME' SIS'SW.Maln '324-8161 ^ GOODIHO 1131JMaIn 934-S427 § ■ I':- ■ ^ ----- |Mjo-w«UTEfncnpj_icor8AiI8 ATJ}gPAau»-fROSOUND-^-Via BURLEY , 3031iOyerlstind______67B-8368 _

------, ...... \ _____ E ftlq a A t Twin PftUa.Jd aho B.S______— ^ W e s t r ~ I Norrthwest prepare] e s f o r wiJmt l jhtbediisastrouIS fire seie a s o i f ■ HE ^ A ^ MMonL (AP) - Smoke- “We're “W looking-for lhe heal itto come mal 'w eathcr 'palfipalfcms over North .jumpers, “hots!Jtshot" crews and oeriol' inain and stay.” America, tankers are being bc deployed to be Rick F Ochoa, a weather forbrecastcr Twenty-five additional ad smoke- ready for a forest-fire fi season that with witi the Boise fire cenlcr, saidid the sit- jumpers are beingng trainedt at lhe Mis­ some fear coulduld rival the year Yellow- uation uati in Oregon is o f particuljular con- soula.base, bringingsing the total assigned ’ stone bumed. . ' ccm.ccn Winter precipitation wass oc n ly 23 th e re to 85: Parts o f ninene states in the W est and perccnt pen o f nonnal, and snowpApack in Others are beinging assigned lo bases ■ Northijtest haviiave drought conditions, one one oreo is only 4 percent o f noilormal. ------in-ldaho,' Oregonin aiand Northcm Cali- increasing thehe danger, said Arnold .Neal Hilchcocl^ fire coordrdination fomia, Hitchcockksaid. sa: / _Hartig^oftheJhe Boise InteniKchcv Fire' ^c^ierl_mano£crJn_M^i»KL/pL l.h?I.^.An_addilionaLair_air tanker will bc dfri -C en ter'in Idaho.hS. ------.:uU;S.-Forcst-Servicc^i-Noi^ci ;s liem-Rc— pIoycd-at-Wcst-'Yc-'Ycllowslone.-Moiiii, ------In Montano,10, the state Drought Ad- gion; gioi covering Montona and ninonhcm and helicopters and crews are being visory Council:il ^was told this week that Idaho, Ida) said conditions ore siirimilar to dispatched to Dillon, Dill M ont., apd the mountainn :snowpack is a third 1988. 198 Grangevillc, Idaho,hO; " ; *p photo gone ■— fourr v,weeks ahead of sched- Thai T year, wildfires blackckened 6 Five 20-memberber “hotshot” tcdifla, L o s A n g e le s M ay o>rTom r 1 Bradley, right, talkalks with newly appointedId police| chief WIIIIeLWImiliarns..- , , million mill acres in the NorthwcAfcst and the firefighter version vc o f poli'ct ■ This year’ss {precipitation stands at West, Wc including 1.4 million acres ai in SWAT teams, arc being aciivaied - 73 perccnt off nnonml, down from 85 and and around Yellowstone NNational May 1, six weeks:ks iearly, in northern NewL^ o s A n g <;eles polk percent t\yo motnonlhs'ago. Park. Pori Idaho and westernm Montana. ; ieechief The Nationa )nal Weather Service's Hitchcockh and others attribiibute the The Montana Dc|Department o f Staid Charlotte Campmp told the council pre- warm, war dry weather to El Nino, N a Lands has begun;un organizing state xw % 4 ‘ cipitation.is cxjexpected to be only half weaweather phenomenon o ff Ihche west prison inmates ass a standby: fire crewj , ■ ■ 1 ___ o f nonnal. throhrough-midsummer.and .coacoast of South America whererc w arm -, and stale officialsIs plplan to meet in cari...... pledge!es t o c l e aa n u p d eepartme] l temperatures ahabove normal. ing ing ocean water influences up;ipper at- ly May with thc Nati Nalional Guard to> co- . , .J “We expectct no relief,” she' said, mosphere moj wind. The result is abnor- ordinate possibleruse use o f guardsmen. ! LOS ANGELES (AP)tf) — Philadel- But he alsoals pledged to improve de- wwas not clear. Gates previo'lously said — pHia^T^icc Commissionlioner W illie L. panment morale,mi soying too many o f hc h would step down this mon ------Williams,-taking over• a !Los Angeles tho dcpartnirtmcnt's ofTicers-had -^ e n - This week, he said hc-wo.°i...ir= -G u aiim anti-abil)O rtionla\WS stru ck ( Police Deportment wrocka a feder*- ment by the Supremireme Court later this • fidence and morale. civil rightsts activistsD and proponents.af rules, n moking it virtually impossible ir turned a law oftheof U.S. territory of aljill judge in March 1990, is onee co f sev- month, ; “I ftilly understand' anth U.S.,S. Circuit Court o f Ap- WoetVode rating that proclaimed a wom- which found abortioirtion decisioM ^o bei *■ ' tion that each and everyery one of you pabilitics,, hc h has the knovjedge to '■ CityC Council powers to hireire arid'fire peals said Roec vs.v Wade remained the an'sin's righl to on obortion.. proiccled by the con‘constitutmHtffright tcx . has for this city and this outstanding lead this departmentdc| in w ay sn o V ak e the th chief. • law o f the land,id, dcspitc'sevcral recent TlThe law would moke it a fellclony lo privacy and forbadeade ap y^tate restric-: .police department,” WillWiliams told a us very proiiroud,” Mayor Tom B r» le y Williams made il clear that It; G ates high court rulinjlings upholding state re- perfxrform any abortion exceptM Ihose tions in the first thro

CAMBRIDGE. Moss.ISS. (A P ) — A were, g;cncrally m well rcccivcd and ai he said at one po ' Japanese physicist who10 ssoys he naay W cdhcsdoylay. *‘February pl hc reduced the hove performed 0 succuccessful cold “There: iiis evidence that some- current ci when lhe water b fusion experiment prepresented his thing is gcgoing on,” said Michacl bboil. Nonetheless, the exc heat findings to thc Massachiichusetts liisti-' Steokcr. a imaterials research engi- persisted, p< he said...... - ^ is ^;aaf5 f^Tdmo16gy-CTt^m=Wcd ricsdayr^«=nccr^wHo^>^ftfl8^to»owed=jate3trastTris== w here hc found some belbelievers. progress, suits,”Si said Eugenc^Mall Osoko. V nivcrsity scicscientist Akito Takohashishi stopped short o f say- VMIT engineer who wrote a book on Tokohashi’s work hass trtriggered dc- ing hc hadad produced a nuclear fu- cold c( fusion. •__ bote in Japan sincc hc1C rreported rc- sion rcactioition. But Stan Luckhart, o resciscarchsci- ___ cently thaLthc-Cxpcnmeitiicni pfodiaccd— ^This.ma;nay..bc nucleur>nergy,.,bur.c;"'cnlisl.at‘Ml'1 's ,P|as_njaJuiSi ; 70 pcrccnt more power,cr, in thc fbrm 1 can not1 say.si So I call it new hy- ter, te rem ained skeptical. ofheai,thon‘it expendedded in clcctric- drogcn cncricr^,"hc said. ’ ------— ■ "1 'haven't seen-onyihi ity. F_usion is the forcc that powers made m me think there was i s a E R etail ! Scientists in the United Un States thc~ starss and hydrogen bom bs to Ihis, cold fusion,” he said. DEL 1000” —- S I “SUIMMIT” *350“ : ! ' have been skeptical ofo f coldi fusion through mcincrging atoms, rather than Hc soiil Takahashi- mustIt ido more I • S him ano) D erailleurs • S him ancno Rapid Fire Shifting cloim s sinCc being unab!lablc to dupli- splitting themthe os in nucleor fission, studies of how the heal mmay have I •' Sturdy Htglligh T ensile F ram e eight Cro-moly i cate thc results of o 1981989 Utah cx- which powcwcrs nuclcor weapons, cn- jj< been produced. Takahashilli said h e ' I .* C antileverer IB rakes N O W - ' fK"'> pcrimetii in which twovo researchers gines andI utilityut plonts. plplanned lo dcrthan lim s NOW claimed to produce fusioision energy nt Scientistssts have been searching for $ 1 9 9 9 9 Martin Flcischmnnn; wl 36d ^ $'$ 2 7 9 9 9 room temperattuv. ways to honlamcss fusion at room tem- Bu^thcjtcp-by-stepp d(details of his peratuit — so-called cold fusion — ducted thc 1989 Utah ex{ with B.'Stanley Pons, said cxpcnmcnt that Takohasihoshi present*. - as a cheap,ip, safe and virtually inex- T n ^ ed to dozens o f scicnti:sntists a t M IT haustibic sdsource o f energy. P‘ported Takohashi’s findings . But mim)my scientists believe that . “1 have, no reason to dodoubl that I whal he says is correct,' L a m o i l l e n i n only be' achieved at very w ______man-S' high_tgmpg:il^tUrc^which-requires—cl-chmann-said-from-his-homc "TTuiy. E iT g lan d .''it'is reall) glargcVmouiitsorch'cri^.'“TS \ > y r ^ - ; ' U oaylocatc ishi’s experim ent hos been lo what wc have becti di running forbr more than two months, along.’’ al • e a s t o f E l kko ( ^ ELKO. Ncv. (AP) —- The Elko County^sHcrTfrs ofTice:e said s Thuiv R etail 1 day it hos recoveredI a body ond I “ASCICENT” lEL” 3ur XCD C o m p o n en ts •750” made two arrests in thc disoppcar- I ^ • 21 S p ejdShimano ^ 200 GS » :h ! ance of o Lamoille man moi over the len ts H - H i . l e c h1 !Elevated Chainstay ■ w.eekend. ly Fram e NII O W . ^ - 1 , NOW Sheriff N eil Harris saiisaid the body ; ire Shifting * . Line Quality • ' $29999 Through3hout ^ •$ o f Ten y Tomcro, 23, wos found cor- m s A • J - ly . Wednesday along: o0 dirt road ' *469®* through thc Humboldt!dt M ountains about 35 m iles cost o f Elko.,Elk .. He soid hc held offf oion reporting the discovery until af\cr^cr thc arrests j______- ■ a S f r - J0M w ere made. Gaylen George Thompimpson, 18, o f ■ \ E ly wos being held with(ithout bail for ^ W m F investigation of murder:r wiih’\>i the use r l f f ^ ^ o f 0 deadly weapon. - Harris-said anotherr 118-ycar-oid,-— Joshua Rexraad of Elko,CO, w as arrest------cd in Los Vegas followiriwing a m inor MT.TEK traffic accident. Rexroadoad w as driv- JiBw Shipment Justtin h ! HELMET ing a stolen Carlin firere a sccuie, cusiiiiTiS r r — ^ ------County authorities couldild return him I to Elko. H e added thatI RcRcxrood w os . . 1 ^ ^ ^ TITM " ■ nm ied wHgtr m r wiiB unr st - not say what kind of weapcapon it was. Tomera w as Ifist seenen leaving an ^ ———Blko-bar-shoTtlv-after-midmidnight-Surw— W f f g i ------2l_’. day. His blbod^ovwi^piIjpickupjmck^ \ w as 'foim d later thot Ihy doj Wear the . SAT10-6* SUN 12-5 - South Foric Dom. Cl.O,SEDKSTER SUNDAY H arris said thc m an had been shot sevcnU'tuttfifrapparcntlyitly.in u rub^ I S 0 3 6 7 t bety, and the .killers triccried to throw % ( r f. s t -a U K A S I N C.^ deputies o ff thcir scentit byb; duipping ^^1 3309 0 Blue Lokcs Blvd. Twin T Falls • 734-7000 his body one place andid leoving1 his M a g i c V a l lilley i M all B ^ m \ - Z — tm ck in'onpther.------— . • t b ■ ------— i ______^____ 111— 1=

'' . ' i . S ' ' FeiilB P I BpiefI ly I- > ...... in theearts

Students’EE aster play

: talT esthest£itage today

TWIN FALLS.3 - Second-grade I students at Bickcl:1 Elementary1 School T > will present an; EasterE play, “The : Forgetful Easter RaiRabbit," at 9 o,m. and : again at 2:20 p .mII. . todayt in the school i i l ^ k ; auditorium, 607 Secoccond Avc. E.

; Admission is freercc to Ihe play, which ; lasts about 20 m innuics. u t Parents and ihc I public arc invited. 7 ; Autlior^artistt willV speak , ; to Idaho Write]ters’ League

- - ! T W I N - f a l l s5— - Tcddy-Kceton, ... • president and dircctcxtor of the Idaho Art • Archives and Rcscarcarch C.enter Inc., will speak to the Twin1 FallsF Chapter of ihe ; Idaho W riters’ LetLeague at 1:30 p.m.' I Saturday_in-Roomm 149 of the Aspen ; Building at the CoCollege of Southern I Id aho. ■ f p ! Keeton is u fourth-jth-geni.'ration Idahoan, _ i an author and an artiartist. She will discuss j the oral history prrojecrslie6j( is currc^lly a l liigli'SL-lm ui-g ro n p s------j and clubs arc involve(Ived in ihc project, and ( the Filer Library wilwill bc ihc repository 1 f o r the p ro je c t w h e n itil is cornpletcd.

I Also on the mceiccling agenda is a I discussion regardingng the chapter's plans M 1 lo host the Idaho WWr riters’ League state. ; conference in Septcr)tcmber. New writers — ! f nd guests are^ irinvited to attend oxm: rr-miXfN'm

; ■ For more informTm ation, cajl_p_ick. :______l-liagcnnan-at-536-2lS:^187,-Bcity.Conover-at— — - ; 543*5047 or Carolynin ILewis al 734-6115. MKEaALSaURYJkJRV/nvTVna-Nm

i CSI Symphonicl i e Band Left, Camille Whitneyay w orks on h er ; prepares springng concert ^ cardboal'd costume) fof r CSI’s pro d u ctio n o f WllIlam S h a k e seare*s ^ ^fts You Like lt.* 7 7 T “ - i’^'“TK F"C^re^yf" ' ^BcweTflowaSTwil(le«er has chosen to play — . Southern Idaho SyiSymphonic Band is ’“^cB?M Ing tiasicf' 'WIlh"a-'§pnWgWi fcbW Cff'- ’ = D L s i s 6 aras!«taM -m e ______o f band and w ind ensc:nscmb|c_music.______

. “ The concert is set:t fifor 4 p.m. Sunday in the Fine Arts Auditor;torium. A Sl donation to the CSI Miisic SciScholarship Fund w ill, 'be accepicd at thedoodoor. n t i n ^ g S h i ip e a i • '• T h e c o n c e r t w ill R ei /ill feature the CSI invei lakes re Clarinet Q uartet,t, a trombone jazz ensemble and six sele>e!ec’tio n s b y th e b a n d , - - -- — rBy Denistt-'^uimer-—- — :=^oui:th' ccommentary on spring andid n e w b irth and ______student and non-stud(udent musicians from ------In-thc-Collcgtt-of-SoiSouthom-IdahoVproductio takes aI :fresh approa------lovc,-approdch<:hcd from several angles,"" SteelSi said. “It ______the Wagic V ^ley^lu^ 1 0 range in age Irom ' William ,''hiikcspeare’s-<’s-A s You Like lt,-’-the charatr a c t e r s - ' addrcsses-brotollicrly-love^palcmaLJavc avc^trueJovc, ______15 lo 75. Band mcmtrmbcrs meet for seven ore not cariihoard, bul1 jujust5 about everything else is.is. T h e S h a k e sp e a re , h imasclf, sc and his lines." At firsifirst, Steel’s infatuation, cvci/cn lust." * ------^wccks in ihe-spring} arand fall and play.lwo,____ - — scencry ctinsisLs of.morclore.ilian 1,000 cardboard boboxes, students were skeplip li_ c al.^ _ ____ No one knovows a lot aboul Shakcspcariicarc’s plirsijnal ...... conccrts a year. An;\nyone interested in sliicked. lined, shaped:d iiinlo tubes, represeniin'g rorocks, "ThisTsUiffcrerrent?' sai3 freshman 'NTarkuk Eackcf, cxperi'iTiic'e'wiivHth lbvcr**He was apparerirfintlfhappily ...... •playing in the gro>roup may call Pete walls, trees and mounlaiiiiains. The aciors made theirir own sitting in a comerr ofc the stage weaving twine'ine ihrouj^i married,'* Steelel said, “bul there is some: questionqu oboijt Crawford at 733-9554354. • costumes — out of papciipcr. cardboard, burlap and balingbc * his cardboard cloak.ak. "I’ve never done anythingling like tliis who he wrote thetl sonnets to." At least the playwright’s tw ine. before, but it’s goiniling lo be really great” Otherher students birth date is wwell documented. Atid SteelSte< timed his ; Rural artist visiisits Twin FaUs Shakespeare in cardbcdboard was the brainchild oftheoi echo agreement, p ro d u c tio n .to c

—.-4—pavis-will^c-avaiv n iln M i* frn tn ______'"p.m f'W ednesday'i/ ’ " a t" B ~ enno's“ F r r ie ’*' =F©Ft=Hi E e e |T ttoreir"lT 0 f ;Jcwelry', '217 M ainin Avc. E., to greet , [aH=daniccrs k a iw r" ;visitdrs and to autogtograph his works of _ art. During appcaranranees,‘he blends his B ■ y D enise T u rn e r Times-News writer - - !tales o f life o n ‘0 1930?30s-cra homestead in * . TicketsT i j •iouthw esa^ Missou;iouri with exhibitions ------: M e m b e ;of figurines froth his[its pasrcollcctions as '!— DEGLO— Randy-West-grt nbers of the Fort j ' • , Hall Sh05 : w ell as new lim itedI editions.cd “up on Ihe Fort Hall Shoshoi ihoshoni Bannock ' Bannock Rcservalion in IdahiJiihij. ■■■ ■ ■' !'■>. tribe will/ill idancc at 7 p.m. Hen.Scratch, a 1992 promotion Mis I wife grew up on th e W e d n eesday s d at Burley ’figurine, will bc ava:ivailable only during Mountain N Lite Reservationjn iin ... -y-;' Junior HighHig School. They ;the in-slore promotionlion. The figurine was • CColorado. They mei a at t 'a w'ill alsoIso perform at 7 •inspired by Goldie,, wlwho hos been on the regional ft powwow; today, ihe p .m . A^pril p ri 29 at Robert _____ Jpavis.farm-Iongcr.Umiunany-oiher-hen.------joinJianda_i{L_siiare.j ' .thei . ; . Stuart JuniJunior High School hheritage wiih oiliers.’ in T w inn FlFalls. The Spring Davis has alw aysys >drawn his artistic Randy and Vanessa Wcsl ai ■ |H H Creek SSi ingers'bf “Fort ^inspiration from critcritters on his farm. members ri of a Native'Americarican H a l l Arill p r o v id e liv e .Their never-endingg aantics are dcpictcd dancc j troupe based at F Foi on d r u m mning in i and singing, 'on plates ond figurinerines. In honor of his Hall. f] Several years ago. the Tickcts,s, aavailable at the contribution to ruralII ffarm-life art, Davis moved n away from thei ■ -door, arcire priced.atj S4 for .■was in d u c ted in to ththe e A^cultural Hall reservations n to make thci:h e ir a adults,, S2 for children 6 ^ f Fame in Bonner:r JSprings, Kan., on home h in DecIo; but theth e y . - . t o 12 am n d : S8 f o r a fam ily., 'J u n e 2, 1984. Kansassas Gov. John Carlin reta n in e d a love of their eullut S e n i o r citizens and ^Iso issued a formrmdl proclamation and ai the danccs they Icornct d children:n uunder 5 will be T ■■•makihg”Juhe 2 Lowellv e il D oyis D ay in th e . . g gi ro w in g up. a d m itteId d free.fi ista tc . ______“We like to perform fo r schools," said Randy West,:, 3i 35, ; v a r ie ty , o3f NI a t iv e A ifieric an “ " J The ortist’s tour is beingb sponsored by a father of three. “Whc'h e n c o s t u m e:s s during photo ' i^chmid of Randoidolph, Mass., the i children arc «tudying Idahla h o shoots, ancand several ofthe Exclusive distributortor of Lowell Davis history, w hat’s.bctier.thath a n photographfiiphs in his portfolio ______- f f i g.irinii..nnrimllcclibll i h k i — - s h o w n imn didressed for iactibii, in the classroom?" atop his tricktrii tiding horse,* jTop Hat Tapperers to perform During shows, W estlandd 115 A p a c h c . TThe h summer 1S90 itiv * — is s i i^ in fLSun-Vallfc’^ S u u iH e costumes and' perform danccncc9__.S|^^^SSj^3 magazine; ffet e a tu re s n pic tu re o ft Th>» T n n Hn^ T^1p p/»l^c fr bi||igjH |g|H . W est on itsIts cover.c ; >011 Broadway, a danceice review, is set for 8 ttraditions. r Their M en's Grasirass ^9uS ^^S |5^g -them cm b er^f the!------_ ?p.mjApril24intheQ‘Q ’L ca iy Ju n io r H ig h dance, West explained, wa 11 tribetl perform.In,' —^Schoolauditorium.—______d«-dcrivcd-from-the-prncUce_Q;e_of ______...... Bjiji^X-nMJiext^week and'in} W ForrH airaancers;— srsmoshh^g grass dow n to moke a C o s tu m e s c a n y .8]specific meahlng9;r«nK Twin Fallsalls .the foDovyingj J Tickcts, prictd att S4S' for adults or S2 plplace to camp. The Men’e n ’s week', theyhey will hand out( ______;foiLchildi5 n J 2- a n d1 juunder, i ore available __ .Fancy dancc is fast-moving.J. cicolorful and filled with pier!enty hair, W esi continued,ed, represents the swiftnessiss of a hum.' pamphlets «:xplain[ng j their dances. Therhe_danccra_rc«ntlyi ______ o rts jrformance lour.'ncxt m bnth.‘4th .y ro c e e d s fro m life . honor of the young warrior)r vwho protects his family, likeli American costumes.s. 1In the.winter, he runs-catt;attle, but the Magic Valley;y pcrform ances-w ilhhcl^racR ^^'p^soii ■ ...... - ■ '• " ___ the^ porcupine hai^ protects the quill on’n'porcupine'.” DcDeer rest of the year,” hele works as a model. He5 hashi worn a the trip.

trTr.^TrHlTITl zzzzz3ir™” _____ I)______^ '•

V Frida/, AprilAp 17:1992 TImes-Nows.,TwiTwin Falls, Idaho / Enter!rtainmenlitcalendelar. m o daday 1 TWIN FALLS - Radio siallalion KRIC from her diaries is inii its sccond priming and . CJlenrlenn C. Janss Collection o f Ametlerivan sliows lasting appioniniaiiniaiely .1(1 minuies. 19/Sunday (98.3 , FM/103.9) wi|l air att 6 6:30 p.m .. may be purchased^ aia the Sun Valley Center Realit;alism. Tliis esliibiii.m will Iw sho«lown ill -Admissi.iii inlo .Slarlablab is ,S() denis per Amoco/Chicago Symphony: Ravtavel:-V#lies Gallcty. BURLmr-TitneMtchiachioe will play from ED ENf - -( Country Peelings will play from i Boisejise before hegiiiiiiiig a iiatioiiwidc tontour. person along with the:hc regulari cosi of 8:30 p.m. 10 12:30 a.m..a si( t George K's. gp,m.tomi< ' nobles ei sentimenlales; 'Ravel:: I.Une barque The gallery is is'c open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m .. Ilic Boise An Museum is l,>caled in Julia ailniission ...... The DisciJisc.vcry Cenier of :----- midnftht at Ihe Trophy Oub. . sur, I'ocean; and B ariok: Thehe W ooden Monday ihrough F OOODINO-TheBolBob Nora Band will TWIN< FAF llS - Radio station KRIC I t» Friday and 11 a.m. to 5 Davis» is Park near Capitol Boulevard. Mu'•tuseum Idaho. Tickcts ate siiUII on a lirsl ccmie/lirsi__ • Prince; at 8:30 p.m., Schickelc Mix;M at 9:30 p.m. Saturdays. For jili^ from '9 p.m. lo I a.m.a.i at the Lincoln (98.3/103.93.9 FM) will air 6 a.m.. Religious „ For more informaiion. call hourslurs are II) a.m. to 5 [i.iii. Tuesday iliioughilii serve hj»is and urc liniitcdlite.l to 211 |«eople per ( I p.m.. A Tale of Two Cities: att I10:15 p.m.. 726-9491. Music: at 7:! Frida)iday; and noon tiun Is S2 for adults,, $SI for Tlie cenier is open Irom ; ll:l5p.m..NighlSounds. American songs i I pity ai 8:30 p.m . unii>mill closing al The HaveaJopilapan Problem: at 9 a.m.. Sing for ts and reverence for the—.seniotniULCilizctis and-cullcgc^iudcjiu anduid.ljct—v/ednestfa)-through Frida=ridayr lli a.m.-io ------environment-willvill-prem ler'ToU ay nnd to chi ______/ _U K Jm ark______Joy-r4U-9JO;30 Bjn.,-Wiih-Kean-8nd-VoTcer3i— children 17 and under and liiususeuin p Saiurday: and fromromnoohio5p.il'' i ' o v Saturday in a sped . TWIN FALLS - The Magic Squares l.1 fu r. [ ! 23/Thursda“ J . Boise Chamber OreOrehesira and Idaho Dance For m Square Dance ClubI) wwill hold a plus Scholars:s: I Music by Josquin Desprez, ir more inlormallon or to urningc; g»foup ;k1uIis jikI s i for seniorsrsaiid aiv students age.'"' [ ,, . , Theaire. “Foreverver Yesterday (El A yer. ' lours.iars.call Ihe museum at .V5-X330. workthop from'7 lo 8:30:30 p.m.] and beginner H einrichh I Isaac. Thomas Tallis. JohnI BURLEY - Glen W est will11 play from siempre)“ by Ul IK. Clnldieii under 5 arc,rc atatlmillcd free. Fori { lu io n t from 8:30 lo ID10 |p.m. at Anderson S he p p a rdd, ,' Thomas Morley and WilliamI 8;30p.m.tol2:30a.m.aiGeorge8 U tah composer Henry BOISE BO - The Annual World's Lai more >nr..rinaIion. callII lb.the center al .U.l?* j 86 K s. _ Wolking will be! presentedpr at H p.m. boih Yard I ...... Campground. For moreore iinformation; call'-B ytdr-ot noon.noo Audiophile Audition: Best of OOODINO - Counlry and p ird Stile is set for today and Salurd;rday- at nights in Ihe Specialcial Events Cenier al Boise ihe; Bpise Sl»ie University parking lot. Junne O ny •1829-5911II • / the Y«ar,r, 1 IX; at 1 p.m„ Livcl At the artist a Michael Martin Murphey wi metal rock band I TWlNWUS-n«Dte Disabled American Concengeboebouw; Schubert: Symphony No. 4 aal 8 p.m. ai Gooding High Scho< eni s^ll-bencfit College uf Teclino nee olso features ihe Boise siudcrjdenis. For more informaiion. call I at K p,m. May 7 at 1 Vetenni A w lliio ' will11 holdhe a public dance inc.D .417;H7; Kyung-Wha Chung, violin: andI aare $15 for center stage and SIO. tft o M e n ,. ibe n..,se State Univcrsiiysiiy IPavilion. Ticlielv ’ • at 8:30 p.m. « Ihe DAVAV Hall on Harrison E lgv; .Violiiolin Conceno in b. Op. 6 l: at 4 e com plete version of 143I.-31. ..wiihlimiiedseating. pring" os Aaron Copland : ;ueSIH..SOandareoiisaIenale now at all Select- 1 • — - -Sireei and Shoup Avenuienue. A rchie-Tumer.-p.m.. Pipedr>edreams^Light'» Glittering M om;—;------TjckeU areavailablc otClaude: ______a-Seai oHileis..For.Iickcl.ilkei.ittforinaliun..call-., | _____ will provide the musterrRefreshmenu Rei will b e - a i Ss30 p!m..:m.. Music and Ihe Spoken Word; at—:- lh il e Blue Lakes-Mall.-Wood-Riv. — U pcom ing— slcrday~'is"a~lhjee-p¥rl ______3 U tn to — _ / leiveA 6 p.m .. Devotional De Archives: Elder S. Saddle S In Bellevue. Potpourri hot focuses on Native _ TWIN FALLS - The Magic .Sququares BOISE - Brav,.: a concc■onccn fcaluring folk TW IN FALLS - RadRadio nation KRIC Dilworthh Young:^ and it 7 p.m.. San1 Ferry.F Ridley's IGA Food & •f<; i»i American celebraiiiraiions of the earth, water ^Muar|uare Dance Club will hold a plus music by John S.rkis ofif Boulder.B< Colo., is (98.3/103.9 FM) will/ill air at 1 p.m.. Francisco:o Symphony Orehesira; -'Gooding -'C and Jerom e, W nva's» S o c ia l y worksl)rkshitp from 7 lo Hi.lO p.m. and iicgiegimicr set for 7:.1« m iD^td p.n Audiophile Audiiiom: InclementIm Weather Mendelssohilohn: Elijah. Op. 70. S I p.m. l.iday at the ' Shop In Gooding. Ross* W ester Accentuatingg thet Native American ‘csson.sons from «:3II lo M) p.m. April1 224 ai Sludeni Union Buililing, Tl Muilc; at 2 p.m.. L'Orc'Orchesire de Paris: g. The c»eni is free!' ' JeromeoAdTheI>utchGardening iderson Campground. For m.ire n For more inf.iriiiaiiuii. call .1 Rafael Oleg. vIolin^GI^Glaiunov: Violin ...... 'J l w S The ‘hemes of-Forever'cr Yesterday" wil! be a .scl all.1K5-l22.V For more Infonnation. call 9_34-” -^-3” aJl<;...feflturing.KU formation, call Jeanne Cray al «29-.V>l Concerlo In a. Op.. 82:s: and M ahler: ^ 20/Monday event is an SOS Fairgrounds Fuiid rcs,by.Keichum.arii«J 'omiaiion, call Jeanne Gray al K2i^-.V; I p.m.. Thiitle & Shamroi . with beginners at 8:30 p.m. at Ihc . e performance are SI2 for ''’’VP!’ Minnesoia O rchcsira: Menc r students and seniors and , HAGERMAN - Tlie Boh Nora Band p.m.. Echoes. in Legion Hall. For more c l"-,.'*' BOISE - "amic of My.ly BBesl Friends Are: information, Symphony No. 4 Italian; and F all Seleel-a-Seat outlets, P '“>;ay from' 9 p.m, to I a.m. A pril 2 lon, call Barbara Huichini at 829- gSymphony No. 6: ai 8:30 p.m.. Ihe Exisience of Racismism on■ the College J 3575, itron tickeis are SW. which iglcr’s. , Welle Concert Hour: Salieri: Les! e s S 2 s Opening night pairoi ndwill Campus - Wh,ii Can WeVe tDo." is a lecture': ______18/Sati|!u r d a v TW INr FiFALLS-Radio siation KRIC r includes special sealleaiing and a reception. For , TWHS^ FALLS - -pie Hoh Nora Rand — — ------(98;3/t03;9 — Overture; Caby.van.Rici_flulc;.l: i.-call.1«5.|77l,------iy-from .7-p.m.'io.|l.a.m. April 2.Va:i.al-tbe-.i;.?'' .'--,".'!''’^')- I Hr. Beriice Berry. i3;9 FM )-wilI'air at 1' p;m“ Thc cConceno: and Mozart: Symphony M rfn • information.-c: Ibc siniw will |>e held alIt K p.m.r today al Ihu ny No. 40 rn POCATELLOD - The Quill Consort, a ue LaJiCs Counlry Club. BURlEV-TlmeMachlachine will play from Record SheShelf: Jacques Ibert conducts his g. . K. 550: a i -9:30 p.m .. A ill p.,., Sluilem l.'iiii.n Haich nalku:all»mm. TicU-ls arc ------8;30p j n - i»42;3(U.mra»-Chambar—I~7vm7ri5Jinir*i6ry^«riesn J j Is S5f..rgeocml,ulnussi..„,S’11, %y for fucuily and. rale performance of music im ?y:.10 p.m. lo I :.tO a.m. April 24 an OOODINO - The Bob Nora Band will Orchestra:i: Milsukot. Uchida. piano: Mouirt: Reluctani n Rebels; and ai 10:15 p.n S2 for sl..deiits and are.rc aav..ilablc al all I a.m .at Ihe Lincoln Sym phonyny No. 26 in E-flai. K. ICia: p p.m..Ja7xset. and accompanied:d Italcs from the western 'IIhc ? ''Trophy Club. play from 9 p.m. to I o.r Charles Mingus Binhday Program ocictc ^clcci-a-Seaiiiuilciv Inn. Mozan:Pian>iano Conceno No. 20 in d. K. 466: European Middlelie Ages, will present a BOISE - The Hcau* Arts Soc ■•senls its IW2 aniiuiil Wine l-csliviil,al BOISE •-nicA m critaiiican Kadiu Conip.ni), JEROME - Parents WitWithoui Fanners will’ and Kemis:lis: Symphony in Waves: at 8:30 . Ongoing’ coneen loday at IdalIdaho Stale University ;iikI I’''-''"' jsie at Ricks: Kevin Call, viola; ' . will appear at Ihe: RcRenaiss;ince Fair .Saturday J J '-'’0 evening event u Iiikc piocccils sup.uppoic 'in llic Air" wiili Ciiirison>11 K.Keillor IS set fi>r-I sponsor;a public dance:e at 8:30 p.m. at the P-"’- ' llie: ItoiscIIo An Museum. J. ...pill, S.nui.lafal llie Ml.nfison oni' Cenier. llie The cost is-$4-ner Crysial.He*ile*r. soprano: ai 9:30 p,m.,~Tal«»—------^WENDELL -Joan_W i*c-ofif 1Hagerm an-.i'l lSU.' Jerom e E lk i Lodge. Thi Hie public is wcU'iinic from U io X |p.w. event is presented b>> thcth Boisr Sraic ■-penon. Music will be by>y JimJii Winkle. - . , MeMorgue; ot J0:I5 p.m.. The J a y will w 6e (he featured artist during,Ig April and TIk concert. sp7t» i:iiivei-il> i.ulro sliilio.itioii. i^.r more- JE R O M E -T he Buiionlions & Bows Square S ' f S r I uili iulia D.ivis Ori\c, lickcis arc SI5 .inloiinalicn.uill .'X.S..tW,,V6,1. ; 1 Duice O u b will holdsI itsIts regular dance at O ^'oflhcF: Frame. r • E.MainSl. E Goranson Hall inn IheiJ Fine Aris Iluilding. • list Barbara Admission is $.1 for the general public. SI ;s«n in advaiivc or al the il.mr. The: cevent BOISE - A guest rccitalital isvilli piamst iell., | the American Legion Hall.^all. Rounds begin at WENDELL - Gooding ariis udents and free lo I.SU '" ‘•'““links j skine laMiii,; auil liglil iclicsliminicms Nt;m(NiV>,iti IS vei lor 7:111311 ) 21/I\iesday April ^ ai West One Bank. 15 S. Idaho St. students, fxuliy. siaf rn. 10 5 jvm,. Tlie Saturday■ performance pe will ci>mc i;"''1 wine fdalal items, wiih r.ilif(inii;iiia anil ;„e.U |„t ;;cjfcMt adlllissiiinssiun..!>2 for sciii.its , Barbara Huichins at 829-SS9.S575. BURLEY Viewing hours are from 9:30 a.m. £ Y - Glen West will play from -■^SRtndayihmugh J i Friday.' during ihe First AnAnnual Rcnaissimce Fair NnriliwiMliwcsl wines, Re|>ie'eiiliiliu-s wiliI K-onIh aiul tree lc siu.lenK, l-.irir niiniiiic ...... SHOSHONE - Thehe Shoshone; High 8:30 p.m. to tol2:30a.m.aiGeorgeK’s. ■WENDELL - Roy Nluson^,>n. a local sponsored by iheic I ISU IlisKiry Club, tlic id III |Hiur wiiii.' ami .iiiswer i|iioMi t FALLS- Radio siaiion KRIC waicrcolorisi ^ sv'iinnspIay'fiTsrs-pamlliigs -ASlSU Pnigram Bci;Boanl ami the S-aic-tcuuiicil lur lir: '••’■'••“I c' BOISE - A siuilent recii “Kismet" at 7:45 p.m..m. in Ihe Lincoln (98.3/103.9 f recilal with pianist'' .9 FM) will air ai I p.m.. A Note to nisni, Ilic {■:iir«,ill Ih-1k-I.I >n. ' to |l);,ll) p.„,. A|)ril ,2^ al W,-i,.i :,.i,l:iui1 i flhM l..|UMl,-f. . ------B n nerttafjractiw l Oyiii.-Tir — ...... r m r peeinu "■^■■■Sl,elle> S. Idaho Sl. Viewing hours arc ai during Z lo V p.m. inin illie I’oikI .Sludcnl Uniciii 'I'.L'C.l'.L'iUll' IllllUllllJ. I I iT Jv‘lli.‘lUlMrl I 1,^.^, al 4.4r,VI (>.ni Sunday Tickeis are $3.50 for adi ccl. ('list i-. Vi/I (vt (K'tMin. All cseniii r adulu and $2.50 for - Part II:; aiat 2 and 8:30 p.m.. Devoiional: regular banking hour.s. M andajlay Ihrouuh Buildini! Ballroommi and will feature I.khI .mheMortisonCenlci Hciil.[c1il.1l It,ill • siudents and senior ciiizeilizens. They may bc Jack Marshirshalt: Saian's Snaps. Traps and Friday. c boollis. arlisK und craftspcrsmis anil a I"'-'"""'iniuni wine tasiiiiM. .Unuer lsit> Siiiiii-is an WomarsCU.ruswillpcrtoi>cftonii ai 7:,i() p n.,- wood-fired ceramics, w iih woe-orks by II) performers. Admissi.m..-.. . ____ TW IN FALLS - Radila d io s ia iio n K R lc ' P-"’’,'.m. Fibber McGee and Molly; at a Hisiorical be on view ihrouglijhMay ^ l7alllicHoiseAri ire iiilonnalinn arul iesciv;,lii.i. ilel.el.iiK. 'VeiliicMlas al the Morri'on-i^on Cciiicr IUm i.iI,’ KETCHUM - The Montana 1 I .■'•IS-K.VVt. Mail. (98.3/103.9 FM) will airaiirai 8 a.m.. Car Talk: l« :'5 p.m~1.. McPartland's I Piano Ja« : Ruby c,Socieiy's nationally acclaimci!led exhibil. Museum, recital wiih Caiule ' al 9 a.m .. Sound Money:ney: Globallncom c laill:15p.m..NighlSoundx. "Phoiographing Moniuna IK94-1t-iy jlj; The - . -This eshibilion[»'n lir. ■ I’ l.wcirls hj' .lliri 0 O u t t h e - V a l U y ,et r..i 7;.tn p.m. ?CBn!^l>ihit,. ^ of vaLPPHMaciqwamBiOw jua.lxgtf;Jtcdial:.-. ------—Elektramtl:57j».tnjSpccipedalrTTie-Pasrom------—*Slory; at 3 p.m.. Special:ial: The Healih Care • BURLEYEY - Dolores Rochford will play The exhibit features 47 phoholographs open lo all mediaJia by artists currently nday. /i xini luxe an dciii /oror T77ii-7>/iir'-.Vc»« ' ^ Debate; at 4 p.m.. All Thinrang.ComiJ«itd;« f„„8i30p.»ip.m. 10 12:30a.m, ai Cempc KS. . «;reproduced, from Camcron'k glassiss-piale and rcsuling in ihc stale," • Slaibb .Slail is a poitabic planet;>mnii o;>er;leraleil ciirerlaimiienl i-i/em/.ir,,ir, 11 mai7 il lo: 7Vic 5:05 p.m .. G arrison Keillor Kell s American TWIN PALLSF> - The Magic Stjuarc'. niiraie negatives. Her work record'■rds the early BOISE - Urhanin Scene. .* Selcciiiins from jiy voluniccis.ifThe y^iii ttisoiscrs CciilcHer of rime'.,Veil', llo\ .US. l»i7 .UII r.ilh. s.iw r Radio Company; at 7:05:05 p.m.. Echoes: ai Sauare Dane'ance Club will hold a plus duncc days (m ilic Western frnniier undJllicg 1 n m ili the Glenn C, JanssISS Colleciion uill Ih; im i,i llm,1^, and• tlic Boise Astronomical .Sik.'ocicly ur/irHij; (Mo oiiro//iVc i.I.’l.t’ i/7u(i/iV. U'. We 9:05 p.m.. River .City RollRolk: a> 10:05 p.m.. {?om 7:3030 lo 9:.'0 p.m. at Anderson of Ihe Immesicadcrs s^hieh changeIged Ihc face ibrough Maylay 10 ai the Hi.ise Art I is .me or Hie D.si'overv Ccnier's n ice h> UVihicsi/j_i'. Folk Sampler Amazing Gr Museum. ? Campground,and. Bring finger foods. Fcir more of ‘’I Ihc land forever. iKipulailular cOiihits. .Suirlab w III W iKiisiniinc on (irmji ru piim n in iIk I'rUh)Uh) SiKii.ll lor iliji p.m.. The Swing Era: Tcdd; cddyWilwn. infotmaiion..3n. call Jeanne Gray ui HZV-S'J 12. A hiHik on Cameron Ihat inulu;ludcs many ' Scenes qf ihe eiiy.ruy. Its stfecl'. aahitcciurc ".SiMinj«ing Consiellaiiinis." » eel. 7/ic lisiiiij! in t/ii- ca/ciiij.irca/ci is tm . Inn, 1 olof her pholograplis and verbaliiHim entries and people from llie oalionally reingni/cii ' Show .si„„ limes arc I. 1. .1 iiml J p.m.... wiihi c»ciitwjin'ihcii/'cfi tiu/jc/iihcpiiNiet ! -,

— ^ )’ips charte"’ _ ” I B f l i f r yy The Associated Press‘rcss Mere a re th e w eeeekly k charts for Ilie Elementary chil:hildren will pefformn iconcert----Carson-Cltyy didiscover a rich blend o f An-imericari and regional ThiThe p:ige;inl fealures four ;t{!0ago divisions, ranging I'rotn 3 toI nalion^-best-scllinging rccordcd tnusic ‘ “ history and IllsliijyTiture, 17.. PrizesP includc a color lelevilevision. modeling scholarshif BURLEY - 'Takeike Me Out to ihe Ball Game lips as ilicy appear in1 nenext week's issue . imc. bulmow Thcgranlsats are dclcmiincd compelilivcl.’ely. . andd gifij certillcales. A free senseminar will train girls for tl: the law n first. the of Billboard inagiizinazin e . __page:g c ^ l . ______HO T S IN G L E S _ — :— ::— BufJcjM>nd-Mini-Gli-Gassia-ele'momary-whool-c ^hildrra-w iii:=eouneil^-set^eadtirie^for^rariint-proposals—^— ;-Ti5nioNe-tnicreMcil-iii-conipetin;:ting-t«lijRn)nin(;i~Mlit^dirccicetor . - Copyright— 199:¥ ‘r2~B7lTboHd~J^^ it--wncett=for=the=^«r4oy=H=Htgh-.^School- , iiyirCH .(.lUU:: -^^SUUildMUllWtUUosili-nrni>ilrasi-l'}iHii i, - baseball team, to> raraise money to buy the: teamtc a lawn BOISE -• TlTlie Idaho HumaniTie.s'CouruS T a s SCI May plicalion'forms. Or write Cinderella.Cii 14.‘>() Conatil Avcve., .Systems. mower. The conccn, iday at Burley dcadlininine for spring grant proQ()s.'iisjils from indiWauals ert, set for 7:30 p.m. Monda irlcy.ld;ilio«.^.1l8. D c;idlinerle tor entries is May I. l."Junip'' KrisK Kross | High School, has a Ihc ...... and organizatiinations, bui the IHC staff ftcorommends submiiiing I theme: baseball. iiiiniim (M uri.' th.-in j s of proposals by mid-April, ------Li<»fllK>ibCl— P la iiii The children willII sing si and dance pop hits abc.bou, bassball, " “St. drafts of TeeijenT p'ageafit'will mdvt5v^(TO(wding I million singles soldso ld .) ' • I ------ond high-school teamam members will be special-gi1 guests for-the...... For the Vlast. ^t 20-years in-ldalio-the IHiHQhas been funding___ ^ 7,",Sav,.> thc -Ik jQODlNG^ Goodlng'Coulouniy~lr.pri)i?gin:iio,seiV iis in evening.. Three groupsups.will perform .jlicyjjrcj yjiigjecis. ir;ive(inB tfxiiibilaiI5jK lU £i:sjl.bllL_^ . S'aiiessa W illi;itn s (N w hotiTc'DTTlic M iss Tee'een Rodeo Idaho Pagean s (Merciir\’)—Gold • (boys), Bm i Friendsds (girls)( and H andy Hu.stlerslers (doggers), television .indnd public radio programming,Ig. scholarly research. ntesiimts from Idaho w ill compete.* con for the lille durini; tli,]_ , (Moreih;in.‘i()0 .()()OOsiimks'sold.),0 s . ! Neofl^lOOcWldrcnn wwill perform r" “------:------conferencesi anand nutncrt)us-oiher educatioional activities.. — ioSriig County Fair and Rodiodco. Aug. 19-22. Gonie.stanimi<“ ' ^ ^ . ‘‘Tears’ln lleavetaven“’I:iic Ciupton I The concert is bein{sing given in mem ory o f Sievteven Hartwell. With suppo:)pori from Ore-Ida Foods, thetl IHC also offers : age 12 to 16 and are: JudgedJi on horsemanship""" (Rciirise)-Gold a 10>year-old bascbacball all-star who recently’ dieddi In a car Ore-Ida Humsimanilies Grants for teacher.';rs. T hese'granls are ;,ppj.;,pearance and personality. • accident. awarded |n aam m o u n ts up to SI .(K)0 fo r leaijachers to improve or jj,,Ihree years ago. the Misss RRodeo Idaho Inc. execuliv Tickets cost S2. ■ , develop newV unilsUl and courKC&in the humtmanilies. ard created ihe M iss Teen Rodeo Ro< Idaho Pageant to buildZ 'IfW E RI?E N T M |i F or m oree iiinformuiion about IHC grants,g coniai;! the betleitier foundation of contesiaii;lanis to com pete in ih e Mis ' Idaho Humanitililies Council earns aiaward . council at 217 21' W. Sliile St.. Boi.se. Id;:daho K3702. Or call Rode.ideo Idaho and Miss. Rodeo:o / America pageanis. T he Mis I ______Rode'-deo Idaho PaReani will rem;emaiii in anijuneiion w ith ih BOISE - Tlie Idoh(laho Humanities C ouncil, bas(,as.di„Boi», Twin/TiTFalls C o u n i;^ a ir ancl'RT^ ------" is thcTecipieht off aran "exemplary'.award" grai iran, ft-om u,f O n d erellaIla Pageant will t a k e; jplace in June Cjcrrow ning of llie IW .I M issTsT een Rodeo Malio will he ih . National.Endowmeml:nt for Ihe H umanities. . .1- al nighi o f the rodeo, Aug. 222, 2 ; ...... ' ■ ^ I The council will1 rcrcccive S15.737 fo r its Idaldaho Exhibils .BURLEY-' - Anyone who ihinks the ghg|a.ss slipper might fli k:;,ICimbcrl,y_WjUiamsJiLjlie_ri e_riiigni'iig_M,iii_XecnJlodc' J e u ______Holbecomc-a-eontcstunl'ii rrtPxpjeclr£TlJfcnJWl«[tfrfjJrbe^t^c.diBnfHPlTOT ^iM ~H^W nho-State—pjtiiu:iiroT ^heinrsy’liri’rcTgmniimrGo(KliiV^ietiTrnn?'Ro^^^^ re o ...... niMting's fo r a projcctect that would enable smallI museumsm and Cinderella Sch' Scholarship Pageant, ...... Junioiiior Queen.and Miss-Deaf IdiiIdaho Teen. She is a siiideniI ;i historical societies throughoutthr the state to recei’reive traveling The pageanennt, a preliminary to thee n a tio n a l fin als in ji,,.; Idalio j( School for the Deaf:a f and Blind in Ciooding amm d exhibits and conducduct related lecture progra;rams in host Oklahoma City,Cit; is scl for June 12-14 ata Ihe Best Wesiem loding High School. • com m unities and scho<:hools. Burley Inn CoiConvention Center. Coniesiailanls will compete in p(,r~or more infomiation. coniaciact Denise Gill ;il W -K 102. The grant, one ofif 111 awarded for outslahdinging humanities personal interterview, sportswear, cvcninjing gown, lalent and . IJABl[p e K T | , - -. projects, is designedled to help A m ericans frotntn Concord to phoiogenic cuticategories, Compiled frofnstafr.reporiDtlS !

______I Contractot o r s a n d

H o m e oj wv n e r s Shakespp e a r e ------

Continued from B6 - -Inques. fofor example, a contrary, .sending .scr them on stage barefefool and You Like It" artare as follows: Tony Zinininniieritiaii and Ty Malliiiil. wh.ols having fun withith his role, “I anti-establiblishment type, who is in in' while face mime makeup. ■ Mannen, Joe)e Requa, Justin Assistant As director is Bari just ulsh 1 had a biggerger part.” said being portra>rayed by local junior high “We’ve selected a rowdyy ...from the dog "As You Ukei It” at-8.'i-8-p.m. Wednesday throughgh April 25 in the Fine ^ ...for shopping -- - Arts A uditorium .'A mimatinee performance is setlet for 2 p.m. April 25. /} ...for fun Tickets, priced at $4 forforgenerm adm ission and S3 for students o r senior Z ^ 3 Z f _ Z )U ..for the two of youJ citizens, may be reserve:rvedbycalling733-9554, ExiExt. 345 or 339. T ickets^ may also be purchasedised at the Fine Arts Box Office0 or at the door., ' " ~ Grarmd Opening ■ « lra for lusti?■44.95 pgr ninht*. pluj Iu s tax. . '' 1 Hgrbt fldmin ea to OTvres:------'Wffl Indudes a freese breakfast, cocktail,, swimmingsv ' O l d T o wn i AntiquesMall' ^ ~ 1 ils heateted outdoor pool 6t relerelaxing in • Saturo'day-t^ApxiLlBtL-I------^------_Jlnk__;______Q.ULir oversized whirlpool.>1______E3pplleiAi:two"idtfltrtnTToom.?~ ■ . -■= ¥ < Iwl ^vallabltble Friday, Saturday or Sunday nlq> e p ^ n tth ii^ vmenchecki^inE Z 3 ! Z i 5 8 9 W r WVashmmn, Iwin tS l ------Good till May 1,1992 (locatedid in 2naTtm « Around)

A ntiques ♦ Colrollcctiblcs Glassware «J■ jew elry___ Prlmttivcs • 1 7 ^ 1 H f S V - S r 1115KORTIICURT1S'ROAO«B(I •BOIS& IDAHO 83706 TELEPHONE; (2O0J37(31376-27W» : ...... Cooldikies • Coffee • Punch ^^^^TOLLFRSjjBO^ « . — ' ' T ______Z2HZ.. ■ B-e •nmes-Nows.lrt. Twin Falls. Idaho Friday, AApt pril17,1992

Studclent art ~ n M ([ountain1 Man tc0 .visit ! ^ e n d e U fv rjn n ByPenlsn lie T ta n e r " ------:idaho,for-20■-20'years.-His-Iovo-o(-th«C—^ - - 'IimM 'N•News e w rite r'?” . ~ ’. ^ “ ““ TiclietiflS''. mountainsle:nm s_Lhero_ will ideo-hil.last.ycar.-by releas—IS-- pany-has everj^reason 'totl be." said be‘'strong gro\ ^W 7:'. I ing “ Beaui growth in the market for"^ auty and the Beast" to thehe Bruce Thorp, an entertaiiainmeni ana- so-called "sell- ' ' Y , / , home*vide< sell-lhrough" tat>es. those deo market on Oct. 30, thehe lyst with Provident Natioiional Bank’in priced lor sale Ji I com panyy SIsaid. lale as o p ^ se d to rental. , ■« • l ^ . Philadelphia. ‘"B eauty‘’ should s be a Disney alsoIso idisclosed plans lo sell ^ In a stat( tatement, Disney said it ex-X- big-profit product." oiher videotca.s.sellcsfromSI2rf)9to. ca.s Court»«yofRUSSSSKEPWORTH pects "Bcs Jeauty" to sell better thanan Plans to release "Beauauty and the S24.99 ihiss yyear, including '‘Tlie ;' JuneHagganardt’s palm ing,'Pigs Siu ’‘Fantasia,"a," the classic Disney ani-jj. Bea.st'’ on video were aminnounced as Rc.scuers." ano ilummlng,’ Is one o fthe wwo o ^ s o n d is p la y ,a t t h e C o lleg e .mated mov anoihc^JsncyMimated ______" : ofSocrthern/(n /daho Student ShowTTl ... jovie lhal has sold a record-fd - pajlrof^a-pJanncd-add;r«ffronfli thrust movie. ~ ■ The show, an annual jurletrie d e x h ib itio n b ( w o r k s hby CSI 14.2millioilion video units, : a rt s tu d e n tss, , iopens Tuesday and co continues ihrough May 7 ata the Herrptt M useum1 iArt "Fantasia Gallery, Thee publicp ts invited to an c isia," first released in movie 1 o p e n in g r e c e p tio n f o r th e a r tis ts fro m 7 t o 9 p.m,m. TUes* theaters in 1940, was the single : d a y a t th e mnuseum u . Refreshments v s w ill b e p ro v id e d . R e g u lala r m u s e u h i h o u r s a r e frorom 9:30 biggest con:ontributor lo Disney's prof- T o d . a .m . to 8 p .mm. . Tuesday, 9:30 a.m . to n i a y ^ s 10 4:3 0 p .m . W e d n e s d a y ththrough t Friday and 1 to> t 4:30 >• h 'during its first business ■ p.m. Saturday tay. The museum Is closc)sed Sunday and Monday.ly. IF o r n ib re I n f o r m a tlb iv ...... quarter, whi#hich ended Dec. 31. Mike GreenI at 733-9554, ext. 344. ’'Beauty;y and th^-B east’' is the: V e c io g a f j ^ I hichesi-gro!

M a g i cc V a l l e y F e l l o w sihipHaU l [ s e r v e s a s p l a c e f o r m ee m b e r s o ( f r e c o v eery grou]ip s t o s o cc i a i i z e , ______By D enise'Him er Ann l< i'il J

^t w in ’ f a l l s '- ^ The Magic Val- Idy Fellowship HallIail a building cloihsd in anonymity. p l^ e d HraB For ei ;Thc siructurc. ncailear the comer of The Ma;vlagic Valley Fellowship Addison'and Second ■Bs^ room.tl in nd Avenue North, 11 hold a fund-raising car­ ^/'^V 'A ^C /76loose from y o u r i houses a private, non r h o m e ! nonprofit corpora- nival fromom 7 to 10 p.m . today at beautiful, non-yellowir ’c'nietnbcn'vf ving En ha n ce !r'80i“'Seconct'^vR-’Nr“"^ ^namefo^’^ ^ '\ sCep recovery groupsups. Such groups a f l tti.^ e v ennt t'will feature games.and___ prua&nand.nd»iw)peino.«he-DuWie:— - - TM W L'idiltmrm ______l>?rship,lists.anonymom ous______------Admissionion is free:------Enhance Vinyl LatexixFlat...... "W e bought the bubuilding in 1987. v> - and it is a placc of recovery,"i said H i, step recoververy, he began working '• building managerr Jackj Hanline.' H V hai^ to putmt his life together. He —------"Just about any timem e ry o u can find .-•--■w comeis to thithe hall at least twice a people silting aroundJn d drinking cof- week to see:e Ihis new friends, and he fee and talking wiwith their new attends mecti:ctings in the building sev- friends.” Emphasize “i . .r;z a H eral eveningsigs a week.

r-^^*?orKs*'hara^^to^B|^H -range of a hall member' «=--=se»^e"+ris==membefs«i =^i^^=i^Ha*4jpan»si{^ycsycanpfrom»l5--to*^5f^ff* “Most newly recovcovering people [ ■ ■ ! ^ male/femalele i ratio clocks in at about don’t know how to so M . ! • $25 E n try F ee Wleek ______S -O nielO=Minute-Round— e ^ • M ax i ______N.eiv>j(^ircrer.i>Liin.. xiimfln Entrants 120_? o 7 - , 1 ^ ” indcpundcnc biisiiisincNS persiiit. IIc/nIiu F o rarom plete details^ piifchases your newspapernc' from ‘I’lic ' 1‘imncs;i\'ews c; und resells it i ' ^iO&4^ 0 - ^ today! ''..... to you. W hen cuNtiiistomurs iliin't pay tlicircun.urrier. tlieircurrier . _ •S2.500crila! "One o f country c miere-artists^ — - iUU3.. ___ II _____ ------— dncsn’rciirtrj'iWoriTofiT; ’jin d 4 i!ipjnus!ci.pcem G u a ia nitoed tt prize money of S1,000. Tickets: . C enter Stag ll $10.00 P lease help y(iiirt".ifricrrearnhis/lierpronchy ci 1Ige $15.00 • General (limited seating) -Iiavin}'-y<«»f-(v.iyinenrrc:ttly-

or join oiii'tcinvcnicnt ctffitffiee -p a y p h n j, l-'ur BellevuezSrket£latlets=iddle a e i i ^ ------1___^GIcnnsJEcny.le - Woodriver Boot & Sadd A iifflHTnanTin nn th e h c:nelus n c ami vnnx'ciiiciue G o o d lagy_=_Eotooum______-Drug lg - Ridley’s IG A Food & Di - m ^ or-iJayin^-ai4lic.leasetiil|-<»ttf------Wava’s Specialty Shop elesJS^E p — —:~SESDir(5 ic-=-RldIey*s-rGA“Foo3'&’W ' Efi ------r h aSINOMACKIOT, NEVADA ( ’iiscniD'cr .S’crv itc Dcpai partnicntiit7.VMmi. I Twin Falh Ross’ W estern W ear Blue Lakes Mall : ; ------^ W e n d dla l : - Claudes Sports in ihe Bit U:-rThe'Dutch Garden - ' |)j •' T fian lc'

------~ k " ' ; ■” / ■■■

- / ■

Friday, Apiy ril1 7 ..l9 9 2 Times-News, TwinTwii Falls; Idaho

^ Count e r J a n i e ] try sinp T f i ^ e c '■t. e x p a n d ss i i i t o g o i ovietheim e s T By Tenell Williams day while we’re’re out here and add road . Ti[ncS-h(ews corrcsponcondeni . .. Dad, is cqliecting. and rcmmaking one now as wc .speak. .s{x I’m putting; C6 S some more new Performance sw tunes to the show,” clol^loihes to w ear on stage. litlle studs on a skinkin and I had fringe; 'JACKPOT - Aftere r IS years in V , - - s h e said. “I have a lot. o f neat oui Country singer Janie Fr )Utfits." pui on il and I’vee gluedgl some stones j mainstream countryf rmusic. Janie Fricke is On stage withith a harmonizing five- FncJrickc saiu. "In fact. I’m dccoi:oraiing on it." . i ' perfornling'through-Suni FrickeJ^heading oui.>u[.on.her own-- mday at man band, slenlender 5-fobi-9 Fricke __|_ Cactus Pete's In Jackpot ' wJith" gospel and moviovie theme al- ot, Ncv. plays guitar aniand mandolin as she Dinner shows arc at 8 p.m ___ bums. ,m.. with sings her hits,;. iincluding “ I’ll Need fn tF -'•seating at 6 p.m>Cocktail 111 shows Someone to Hoilold Me When 1 Cry.” (I The gospel rccord,J. due< out tJiis - 1 ^ . araat U p.m. For more Ipl iijfo^- “Do Me WithI LLove," " h Ain’t E ^ y ' ^froducing'iOurNewFeaja tu 3 rv _i_ Frickc's firsifirst work as a ___l i r e lion, call Cactus Pete’s 'a “1-80Q; . Bein_Easy.-:_l'I:"H e’s - A - Heartache.'- 0 - producer. Ih iiddltion to ’ 821-1103: _ ' MO her favorite ' :TelIM eALie.’ie." "Always Have. Al- I ■‘Amazing Grace” andid ssongs o f Ma- v M ______ways Will," “1“Let's Stop Talking . halia Jackson, Frickce sings.s 'Tears______VV LThcJialLDonlL-Gct______l l M s fi — -Iil-HcaveC wriltenTjiTijjrE ric Clapton, ^ -sale- through"teIcphone'ordirddr(800^ Y ^“! [IRSlL I To My Last Broken ;who has made ii a cunciTTcnt hit on pop __ ^ 238-6600)__ rather than_ _ .through. Hean,'l^'Don:i.i’l-W orry-'Bout Me, ' cliiirts'/'V " ...... rccord siorcs.i^ic s a id .' ’ Baby” and "She’;le ’sSingle'A gain." Frickc’s tour bus pulled in lOMMAIf . "Il's a beautiful scsong, written into Jack- One of her• nnewest songs is. "I „ INE r pot this week afler a 48-ho iiboul his litilc boy whovho fell out the lourdnve WantToGiowC/O ld With You.” J] __ _jvindow; _40./loflrs_oLa. from' Indiana. After her la: La-buiIJing,.]o •r“ n„?h°'" '•■>■= « real pipretty song," Frickc We are the only reiestaurant in Idahoho to serve i his death" Frickc said,lid. “Eric sings ----- here on Sunday, the isinger band will drive straight thr dedicate il to couples this about seeing himim in heaven; . JanloFrlckB that are havingg i anniversaries in the Lobsters in man}ly different cookingng styles. ; . 'AVould you.hqld_my_hiLhand.if I saw . _ B:Branches out . Texas for a show in Dallas (All lobsters are between i as Ihey anivc. U sually, Frick ich w eV c jiad e ^ r y I n20to24ozs. You’re wekxfiltxme to pick you,in heaven? Wouldid you} help me ca." "Stormirmy Weather” and 'T h e ba -yourow ni band, Randy Jackson, travel i>ws he're now s o f a r ." ...... nfobsterftomourt^k) siand if I saw you inI heheaven?’ And Way Wc Were."Wc From other m ovies, gpl 'cir.ionr"*'';"'''’'^"™ it’s taJking about him. a: and works as manager for hih isw ife’i lg commercial jingles I. as a daddy, if she uses "Smoke ", Gets In Your sh< and background L O B S T E R S I U N G i hc went to heaven, if he show. nd vocals for other 'h e saw his lit- Eyes.” "SlnjRinging In The R ain" and ______stars, the farm M Ssm m giri from Indiana ^ lie j>oyi would his.iittiiittle.boy help :‘DaysOfWi .This summer, after a wek’csi coast jq Iq jg- Wine And Roses." - 1977 and was named ^ ^^sSSeedstyistyles . ; him. It's a real strong sor toiir, Fricke will stop for IS8 days m “Best New Femi mKame' as Female Vocalcalist of the Year by y feet song for a gospel album,"alb * M other playilayed the piano. I learned j , , the Country Musiusic Association. Fricke said W ednesday in lOY o u r C hoice. iongs and sang them while pjj, I" “ At home in a 120-year;old farm- ,« / ______pfl her Croat Movie'ie-Themes _ phonc-intcrview-from-her-r-room-m-^j^syjpujj,-Of £j: hum'. Fn’ckc ' said shshe enjoyed p b y cd the } pfano. so iHIs album' Jackpot jgc thai she spends mosi ’■Dallas. Fricke enjoys iPOACHED C LOi^ ” $18.99 j ■ a fun project to d o.” ost o f the cooking blackencened catfish,. pasia recording 21 great oldId songs from year louring. dishofi and lowfaifat stir-fry meals. One classic movies such as "Casablan- The movievie album was released for "We’re going to rehearsese every- of her hobbies,. ata home and on the q j charbroilM lIi^TER DINNER.:r .$ 1 8 .9 9 i . Coivplete dinntmer Indudes rice 9 ____/ j Man’s (disregaiir d f o r j ^[DSriskjipsetsff r i e n d ___ _ ABBY: 1 neve -LOBSTERSFQI ever thought I sake, and for the other frien< )Rpam!#» I------treasure him as I do? I~am heheartbro- might encounter. ------TAO ai extrara loosrer 3 : 1 _ bill 1 am so angry I h_avevew i vent.ori ■ ken- \iiil explode! And you are absolutelyab righi-cs- FOFOR TW O...... $27.98 w ^ Abigail If ne had only confirmedi 1hc was pccially loday will■vith the advances that ^ fo have a very closc mamale friend of ^ VanBuren HIV-positive, he and hiss doctor have been madele i in treating HlV-in- str more than 30 years. We/e ihave no se* couldcou have monitpred his liimmune fection and its efi effects. Persons who FOFOR THREE.../...... 1...... — -ciels and have shared wowonderful cx- ' I sysisys'icm, and he would have: hhad ad- know they are atat irisk should be iiist~ 'IIlobster IO (any styleiregg rolls ptriences and trips togeth'ether. "Jim" is paid a visitit ito the doctor, w ho or- vanvancc wamitfg that^ie was inn serious ed so that they;y can benefit from fro^iImm -Cheffs Spedaltms', frie openly gay. For dccade;ides I begged immediately into tlie hos- trottrouble. Instead, h a wasted piprecious what help is avail/ailable. With proper FOFORFOUR,,;™ ^,^ (nnd even tried lo bribe)e) him1 to give ^ ^osls isjineupjfaiili'f;..-!^-^ ;------up cigarettes, but to no avail. j;^e pngu o ^ j arri Ine uociors "think" they cican pull quality (and ^an lanlily) o f life is far fron fandarfncft/cfren.W «fl^ j= ^ .picadcd p % jy jc ss' addiciliiciloii ” affd re- ' Abby.. J-am_furious - a with him! liim ihrouRh this 'Episode”:” - bul from hopeless, - - Ira J i^ lro m smokmg-in f in from o f m e .-W h e ira ll theIhc publidly“ ab d u t"A ID S "^n'hat-il-ihey-can-l^-This-is )^ soo unfair!— ------. _ lAit his .clothes and c:car smelled cam e out 10 Why. oh why w ould an inte 10 years ago. hc told m e . ■ Mosi ,ccn;sc,^crs do nor know the sfrongly of smoke, so hc he didn t kid he hadn’t hadhad contact with anybody jcrson who knows he is s rfle. i< cn?m focis about drugs.rs. AIDS, and how lo “ in ages." And Ai over the years, as •efuse to bcJcsted when it is lortant that people know thew J m ' unwanted,ed pregnancy. It’s all ^Abby, about a mont|)nt|) ago. Jim mutual friend;:nds became sick. I askfd us?______in Abby'n updatected, expanded book- suddenly gave up smokiniking! I asked him if hc hadlad bectU cM cdJbtA ID S.— -HEARTBROK I ccn atiould lum if it was on doctor's•'s

k • 12 OzTcans ^ — 1 ■ G iB nitiiu n i cr a t i i fns 1 1 E R S l■ . ' e oj-|* Sei i n i m % » ^ 'i';M^e3=wxTg3grvjcmu.z_ii $5.99 e TheTtm esA•S’News will be offering; a free : two-week summer W /O ut ? :r institute, Ju n e 15 th rotx )u u g h June 26 on t Coupon I n mass communicationss techniquestt and technolology for prom ising h ig hI sclschool '/ m students froirom the Magjc Valley, asIS well\ as for teachers inteiterested in the mass mediardia field. S2PI1'— 5 ______I T h e s e mlinar in is plaimed to give younjungpcxjple For 10 daysys fro m 8 a,m . to 12 no^.^n. a t t' T/ic* r PiPliESHi I COOKS WHISOLE BONE-IN who show a talentt and interest in thele mn edia Timcs-Neu's nnewsroom, students and tcjictejichcrs , • ' STRAWVBERRIES field a uniqueiue opportunity to leam abotibout the will attend setle m in a rs a n d w o rk s h o p s on nin e w s • ' I HA news industr5try from professional joumnm alists o f gathering, woi/ond paxessing and com puterlite r IMS the Associateated Press and The Timcs-N s-Npws. graphics. Ir^si]isights into photography, advitdvcrtising. I T e a c h c r; scar\ a cam up to two semestertcrch.'dits '^opinion writirting, and satellite technologya g y w ill bo ; of undcrgraduiduate/ graduate credit fron^n Idaho,k offered. We: aare excited about thihprograi'g ra m | 4 9 « ^ 9 1 9 * . State Universersity for ‘44 (undonjraduatc)ite)'58. Ix^caase studciIents will be involved in nnn ! B D T T P O mlORUM O l ttl.lB PINT (graduate). en rich m en t e: _ B u m m T i o experience that h;is definiteitecan:er ( ; D ir e c to rss ool f th e ____ impliaitions.5. ' . ' s e m in a r a rc: SiStephen JS W 5 Thesemin:inar is free, but participantssw^ihc wi 'z' ' I F Mi i q f H Iga H a i tg e n , TmufmcS'.Neu'S - respoasible foifor their own transportation.■>n. Criteria ! • • , p u b lis h e r.a nrtd d former...... H B A9 5 S — — for student paiwrticipation Include:------STRAWWBERRY • \ v m irroRPiiia a s s is ta n t p roofessor fe o f y -G P A o fS .O.0 o r h ig h e r 8 0 Z . _ PllIES journalism, OO! h io S ta te • H igh scho(5lxjI class standing next fall oro r M a y . - — - —,— Univorsicy^FH '-I ------M . 1 . .fc B arry, jo u muilism a li and advanced Englishish tcnicheri • RcGommcmrndation by school official:

l y - atTw inftllsJI s.H ig h S c h o o l a n d a d v ise r o61 f th e principal, EEnglish tcachcr, journalismm tite a c h e r -• — I BtmnNflVi,^ * PerionitLapiippUcatiorv-:C^ena,^yri.ter ^ t t t s t a r u l — Z ------— w riting skill:il|- •-' IR0ini4IR= = - . ■ ___ r =FiimiIW1SER= IDERED------^ TeachersI/wmU sh complete t/ic personnliinl'a/)]jIictiftonYorm-only—Af Applications are at-Ql|.'locai— ^ | | 9 9 /i/gh schools. C/iecfe ( with the /jrincipal'sI's (officc or English dcparnnene n t. T/ic class u/ill be limitedted to 15 : S U fGAR otiHJ 5»i0 J texhers. A/)/)I/cantsts ureu urged to complete the n*nt’ccssflrj forms as soon ass ppa ossible— 1 ...... ^ and send mabxateriaiito: . 2 LB. M ^ REG. OR PKO. J M m 7jf.Lu .i Barry, 827 Chasese ]Dr., Twin Falls, Id '83301. 8! Before May 29.^ 9 . ” UO HT 9 9 * Ifyoyou uowld /ilcc funhcr informrnnation, call: Karrcnnflt733r0931 i (cxt.245). ■at755-WSl-(cxcr266yorhrMaTy-LtrBflrry*ar733'066{i68fhom£!)-or-753='655i'fschcsc h o o D r— ^ — ------— , r' r —i------£------:------

■ 4

• • B-10 Tlmos-Nows.'us. Twin Falls. Idaho Ffiday.ly. AprilI 17,1992 jT T jy - Z Z Z I — v " ' [ . . . -7 C o m iCS c f

THE FAR SIDE — r i £ T - 6 o \ ' ------ULONDIE ~ p - I OP TH6 ')=> • / WHEN YOU rroWOHROwTTl : LET‘60 OF X ^ K E T l p ^ 2 a c v ■ r ^ m l l s p — ^ » - l d

T\ ~ 1 ^ ( OIPVOU6AT " Ij - SARflaP/~ - LtCOflfC£] » 5 5 5 ^B j ^ ^ ______CHlCKEN-ANOJJOj-GtLU-Mj-jWES-TUE-C* ^ Z ~ L _ I E Sj -' > H E f l ^ t KAME W4£ OUMPLlMgsy- FzS HATTTiACriONS F i ^ B P = r® > ^ J L ■! %=T=.

j S 2 >af. g . r a f l » l « <<•17 "r ]' ^A'i ■'} r — “For cfylnfl outut Icloudi Look a t this ptac«I...WeII,— . . Is ons lliila SaUiialanlc ritual that's coming to on'• en< " . 'I 'l * ...... w I /r -ru.W f T JSe0 ^ f^ U U T 7^ ? 0 0 0 0 \ ~ land!" . . I ^TiJN&YeM i 'lOL> ' 7. n VpUR ) ^«= = > ------1 I W OM ^ s a ' A / K P i . / % ; 0 -L HAVE owe I „ ^ _ ^ w e e p F M E N U , ^ IFTH05E... “ —^ ^ < = > Q ^ ^ o n E E IE { • = T f % w A HJPONBOF C * Tk T ------• THOSE... G _ L ■ ^ y ' '* - ' I ^ ^ i z jC >5 V > ^ ------!b ____

f TMAT'S i t / I FIM4L mE m M u v i i n n T iI" Hope ybu uEFT e o fAV^E B ^ ~ [ ^ H i ' I t i t t ] \ 4 - 1 7 . . . WAV/6 EVe/?YTH/A■yiua ) ; ■ I snoOfA FOR O M STUFF !§ E= ii. \ P A C l^D W ITTHm E e y { _____ ■ V » ______; ------, H T R IP ^ - I W'fWTlP^lp/^: K>mer^ Am^i^ du ‘ ...... I • ,._yl_i WWgC!OTSfUH&\ ■ & 3 — I ‘ ------Hy«-f£-w« \ T I wewT Tt? rr Ik | v NOW y V ^ 0 / 1 1 V k 0 - r A J ^ 3 — ' 1 I ~ ^ ______—-TF-_ — em tca tewpwiJB* »«Ji7 TL g I -.C'''*

^frgpr- c ywceesi tSTAKD IMPHIPLEMENTCD ANO TWXlOKBT ms sluff ms sciiSCltKHST TOMORWHSl A TWIS.' ^ NOT A J t , X V CIRCUiCUfASTANCES OIOn T fl{K$SiSW ON PlWiETS ANO WOUIf40y\.0 GWE HOitoSCOPE} r-;55K— I L s m \£LE PART I\jCn 1 ‘ ^We'PE UMIIWGIIW .TOT7fflAr!5Y| ’'tCi Jti IN HH FAVOR.' JUST STABA(l$.' HOW CoyL.0 T w se •. ■. sewSQ A' VJllL RW a' V OP fA'fw IHo»- nfe1A^W N-jVrNIC^ ------Wt CAN HJKKX PftlN r^2\~L_ J«5RQ>t>i.W !ltLJ;illD_. .CASE^klEGORvCAS- -COgKCTVtfi ____ w (w eTtiiw -tJo-i-?*"— iF-SOENCt « TO\S?' «tANSWER. J ANDAPOlK’j <£«> THU fOR ^eV£RYTHlNG ? y e .' JA

' l J 3 3 t h D ^ - f f ■

...... L 7 E £ v ^ | D ^ ' ’ Y v V W l __ _ ^ . . ~ l 4 ^ ------^ S - - ? — — I GI Weill"11 !The new neighbors’s* ^ Icarit get worl!rkifiientoput\^1 F°L>NI> THt T IN M, ntnenng hassfoppa V 7A N , p o fiO T H Y - ^ ^ ■ . . w ' I s jedl/ina full day! Tillheygettfeml > -. i » r WCf^ep WITCH HA HAD - 0 i j ^ w — a t night and wiAieehends I /V \ p .tC 'jC L fP I ------^^P^nallyIly! Idon’t undersrstanditiy fc ; ^ n /t, ■ I v w J i


— y 5^ .V 3 ^ ' -f y W^W — ------H k h DENNISTHI SI PHEMENACE T H E FAAMILY ft CIRCUS ------^ = = ^ = ’S MSOCV^FOBTH’^scor)rest------S------I r o u t : J;allers - voted Yes \ on trvi ______^ callers .voted.No—^__ ^ ’ i ': ■^'ll I r ■ This m onth’sl’s featured com ic sti C O V E ’ by Mark CCullum s t r i p : ‘W ALNUT C ’1 I A •! ‘ - , I f a r t r a r p s r h : This car al^ feaFeatunes - arvd tries cocertosdksin f * I can (t ! /InyoneelMse’d knoui m : an ad^nced anti-iti-thsft on the intersta i i stranpei ! b ^ r t h a n t _ _ ^ M ;eC53{n£3otona: Lto^talaiiy) pay 'youbituk' frecfiwnlliosc'.who tyS (Nov. 22-DCC.-2I): • ACROSS |7~ more atlcniionon Ito d ie t, nutrition, fiinexs. - Iy luke from you and give nolh 27Got8ona ■ 44iMor ic adjusim cni commands • 1 Tox. city L_ 'i~~|i~|i J |ii [ill |ii |ii M » m e « y (Mi lum. Focus on independence. .>istv k ere : 5 Scorch ^ soapbox .46 Edit M arch Z l-A pril 19): Full itll be saying. ‘T h is iis i.^ut ••Moonposiiionon highlights parincrship, le- aiivily, possibility of "new iove"L lo' cT -^“'S^'- Youtll • 9 In tho dlstanco 1— 1 lovc. Lco. what I wanted andund > have it and I’m puz- gal jigrccmcnl.:nl. relationship lhai “binds Aquarius person rcprcMjnied. ‘ : 13 Verbal *» 1 i-„»«,..*- ''1'^*^*" Y ou’ll attraittract dynamic, .creative, S potlight on public im- LEO (July 2.1-Aug. 22): EIc7 „r . 1 4 " — in tho \rr-\ iolSltt «(s“,? ^ u n . y ° “ logcthcr."T." /iduals. TaUrus involved. IS n I 32 Pull vtolontly____ |9 liming, surprise .wilLbe .featu : H oad” '* ~ 21 nj.n.which.to c*press.vlcws.~'-'I " ' " ' S c Sfi:{DccT'22-7an7r9):~Fiil|~~' S " ------^i-|5-!!i=-creanjr«~— ■ ■ l-MHindu-'queon 53' Arm^ - a r t f^luriinl statusIS 0also feulured. ®'"orthodox upproach iieccssary * s with promotion, direc- i W 0S...'1_ -(April 20-fviay 20): Study “J]ure lo bc pc.siiivc. Female fum I 37 Partridge'pereh SSlibX ^ r ...... -TAURUS.(/ • lake greiiier charge 'of j • 18 Qlvo Jor a wtillo R I ^ ------— Anu-mtssagc.igc._Eniphusis.on.dciidlinc._iEber uct in cccetitric rnaiincr. “ 3 8 C e rta in ------5 4 P e ri rs. You could be askedllo .1 7 Ann and May LP J ^ “ ~||iS itc b e t work mctfiods.ds, responsibility relating lo — VlROOTAliRr23:Scnr22): P P “ J l E ~ - beverage 55 Hate IhCTnedia - one wiiy '-or ~- •leutfaii ro ^Bueldhl4m~"Pc'ownership:^ “ fy,*rercU beyond previous Mr — — 7 -4 ^ 0 ^ = T < ^ 8 R ------Ip. em ploym ent, clcpendenls. • .19 mnuentlal man Older individuiduQl . declares, “You hove give full play to intellectuali “ < : be doing lots of.explam-. .!: . I . o fa k ln fl \ F ” “ — : ------— i 41 R o re n c e 's river ” t a p 7 “ “ ...... —won out overT.com c petitors!" Congralula- Scenario highlighls acccleralc • 22 "I cannot t r ^ tions! activity, charm , per3ua.sivcnej S ' AQUARIUS (Ju,(Jun. 20.Feb.'l8): Fociis • . tell _■■ _ _ _ ^I*” “ “ ■ ■ ^ 1C.SS, addi- on deadline, abilityiil|iy to organize. unlque 4 "TBJ i GEMINI (May (M 21-June 20): Lunar lions lo apparel, wardrobe. • 23 C aroons E i p.’ ii communication frofrom one who is «-' position highligillghts sensuality, crcaliviiy, ,. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Fj ; 26 U ke som o beol es enter picture, you wjl] '-______review o f soure'ircctm iltrM ..Yju'llc«iiJe highlights recovery of lost nni : s a . 5 - r personal magnack-on-tracki-RcKir!clidnS'i ~ ~ ~~ is» 10- ^ Actrn!nnlra:il ,, n that created heartache ■ “ or hem P P V p ? ^ - - p p i •.' manner. Libraa pplays role. y®'you wave “by-by" to Inhibitions ______f 33 W ear aw ay f SCORPIO -(Gel. 23-Nov. " 2 z iv Set. undeilbok “mission”,“m for alirulstip 4 ts M (June 21-July 22); Finally rea.sonsbutwereso. _ « Jii A doree of old f c r r L ! j ! e soon disillu sio n ^ . < !- :::— 114:— dim#—— — P . 35 Timetable abbr. G rt S "^^TT«Din£iriiiiln tne 14th century played " fi& B& lio& al Inicresting w hat jglia monsters have'in ! ; 36 Pops • r i ■all gam e callixl “coir." Tlie a ffltlE t 0 s'^‘^d -b all L . M . B o y d common with the Karakul sheep of _ • 37 W ent white a t n » I !■■■■■■ 7i~(iM IiiiiiiiiIledk I it a n d callcd it "t^nn'" IWS Trtbunt Ine. I ...... it . ^ / glu n ittan ^JtojMh^ofe-fot-ttrtheirtails:— ~ — ------0 4 / 1 7 / t t J T I rEvHmuSllyr^n=go?^b«Pto^Europras-^ ______«,39.Si!fflmen E t_ _ 5 7 -&MTtlQWlTOWrVW ~ was to bring into the marriage,c. And the I caifpiciufe the; lizard.Dz: But .whai docjl a r-S ublease------—DOWN------mm9 MountafrTchflTn | T I r H l T r ‘ Note,, please,pi the original Dutch T4CKf'recopt 58 Hi 'J t new deal specifies how much wiwealth has fnl-tailcd sheep look like? ■ •! i g U U A I could get Ionsonger drives. W hen ihey ,o • 41 Zodiac b e ast 593 B&rbood IlFrom —2 T I cvcnl-of ^vorce.-Clauses-differ,cT.-bm-lho-ob'l^y-JhoMgh-noi I f t l T l i I Police statistii -nl)ii::alUare‘-set-'up';io' •---* J- .....— poreonratibr.— 60H£ ~ 12 D iscuss freely.. U |. E isticianSsayn'womiurcdm-“ wlegal principles remain pretty muchn the demonslraic same,me. Or -so the playful ced 14 Pungent Dl 1 I, li^ f t I mils one out of'o f ev ery .10 violent crimes. ,»n < 43 T re sse s ed sam e, says a professorial lawyer.er. ' stargazers contend,nd. ! 44 Advance against 61 Mi . 2 0 "W ^ngrortheB I B No, of coursele 1 they d o n ’t idetutfy her. i I M o w Of G ray Robert—" .. .K Do-you'rcully want to kntmow how' . _ _ • 45 R anch anim al------« f S L U. **1^1 '.They mean... SkiSkip it. ' )aked soy. • Q.SiyiIjcrevou -«f-TV ------6 M z. Indian an 21 Get up ' ' H ‘Tofu" is made? All righl. soai you can b e right wilhout i 47. Brofldwtty.’8_ _ 62 Ta | & £ E |> - The typical1 piprenuptial.contract of 10- beo puree- a n d - W n g c o n w . I dlon'tgctlL..? o n ’ - » Tommy 63ITakecareof. Uj .7Shako —.(hurry (hi 24 M use o f comody .. Ul beans- a re - sro u n d - into-. a -p u i C f i E lS j , day Is merelyt a variation o f the ancient stra } 48 Native langusge I Usng pe time up) . 25 Ind. robes. H strained. Tlie soymilk is' heatedcd until il a : If you w erec to tell your hostess she '• Ticnt. E xcept the old deal cun »««i» \tw fn lt ntw^in ^ g ujr -i------t-5 4 ^ U m ------64 Xp aeriods 8 Ended ift a 28 Gives up ' ' ISullTMElillnTTM R E 2 fiH] agrecmci X a n ^ p ro v ______partkularrwfl^y.. wi - - 04/17X82' SIlpUIaledTioww ;much wealth the bride cokes. eak A ix right...... ______...... _ „ . ' ' ■ ' ______I ______-T-' .-.11^'""**”“ "’ ...... • - ...... ;

■ : ■; / ------

L ‘ ' •1 , Ffktaj-.'.Apd fi 17,1992 •nmosNows.T.s,TwinFaJIs; Idaho 8-11 > offer postal)I eoursesgj^^Bpyz^l’4 e a d s “ ^ — ' , 7 video rer W t ^ S ; TWIN FALLS - Coursirscs to pre- Courses offofTered at CSI .will in-. MavMi 'l^. A seconf* dags is sets< for 8 ‘ pare pMplefor- employrlyment with elude keyboartlarding, skillbuildtng and" to to 9 a.m. Thursdays, Aprilril 23 lo TteAjiociucdPnIP re s s the Unibase Data Entry systemsy with 10-key proficioks-arc-Fequircd-for-thc—^ ^ 2 * 2 ® ------Zirrhc-Fisher-lsr~Klng’—(Cojumbia------p .m . lu e s d a y s , ApiTI 2 l“ tl " i n g " o f - h a n d -a d d re sse d letters le that lO-key class,5, iand cost.of books for Tliraugh .p rtsia r) May 19, and again from.4 to now are kicked out of thee automatedi the keyboaidiirding and skillbullding 3."DeadAgain"(in” (P a ra m o u n t) W ednesdays, April 22 throug mail stream. Unibose employees c classes will b.m. M d UA) agoin from 6 to 7 p.m. Friday - ^ ^ 8 Unibose.- potential empio II be required to go to ago lymAs- 7."Deceived"(Tc’(Touchstone) pen 131. need a typing speed of 45, r lob to do assignmenis pen 8."Shattered"'(MGM-UA) (M . n skillbuildtng on their Other C Iccture sessions w m in u te ( 10.000 keystrokes will be 9.“RegardingHeiH enry” (P a ra m o u n t) . .. " " wc h hi e d u le d th e first w eek o f Ma a n d 0 10-key touch spceeed of 140 “™ ■^ay- lO."CurieySue“iue“ (Warner) strokes per minute. Unibast For more information, collill Kath- l l . “The Silencenee of the Lambs” ase employ- The likl ses!«ssion o f lectures is .set ces will bc paid a base Ieen Drown or Rosemary VauBUghnat (Orion) if, * “ 8 = “ f 10 begin th is “wc •■“ k ...... 733 . $5.81 per hour plus 52.07}7 pcr-hour-— ...... 733-9554. Ext. lOOorll?. . . ,l2."Billy Bathgath g a te " (T o u ch sto n e ) in federally mandated frirnnge bene- • Keyboardiirding Is planned for 6 lo fits. ------days."April" 20"th"r6ugli '

Zak, cdntor, muslU8t fight fo r th e forest Inn'Fem ' Qully.’ I V a l l e y l1 i ^ p i i i iI i n g s J

Lioness Club) plans Easter ^i g g h u n t ' compliment your Eastei rlinnfier, let us help you chooi I‘FerniiG uU y ’ makes1 HAGERMAN-Thee Hagerman Lioness. Club> will» hold an Easter 'm egg hunt for children agesog 3 through sixth gradei aat t 11 a.m. Saturday A TOlFiSiTSnsive-saection. at the Hogerman Park. MP z e s w ill b e given. delightful wines. Iw iiiKi ^ i b i i p c olitieah ■ • C ab ^ef*:'*“M erlof Chardonna Hospital scheiedules Easter diil i n n e r ; • Chalampagne • S yrah~ ' ' ‘B y Hal HinsoQ - • TWIN FALLS-M agiigic Valley Regional Medicalcal Center invites se- % [; ,The Washington PosP ost IReview niors to im Easter dinnerer between 11 a.m. and 1:30>0 p] .m . o r 4 :3 0 a n d 6 i Y f VhiteZinfandel. p.m. Sunday in the med:dical centcr cafeteria. The5 mealn will feature a I jJ jk ♦Snfaiandel • Pinot N bir ’, , "FemOuIly ;.. TheThi Last Rain-; boyfriend,J, PipsI (Christian Slater), choice of roast turkey or breaded veal, potatoes antand gravy, carrots or ^ .‘ forest” is an aniitjlimated feature green withtii'jemousy. j peas, small salad, sirawbvb erry sh o rtc ak e and so d a o3 r cofTeei fo r $3 .8 0 . ^ iavignon Blanc -•■ with'political agendi:nda ■—a didoc- But befc^fore any real lovey- M d ------g - M o n y - o d t Ilt31 V ll IvgC lIlCF i^ W H S e l — ^ “T ^ iteSttt with its being:mg a whopping threat to theth( forirst m ust be dealt . 'isSxidtime..' w ith . Unwnwittingly, the humans TWIN FALLS-Famimilies and Children Togetherler will meet at 7:30 /l \ l * Also check ourIT great selection ofimpoi ; TTie m e ssa g e herelere is a simple have unlea;leashed on ancient vol- p.m. Monday at the ChuIturch o f the Brethren, 461 Filer Fi Ave. W. Any- jL beer-jKTfefeet for the weekend ______.!Jg»>ic-=:.aii.cvil isJx}_being.done to conic demoinon called Hexxus fTim _ one interested in children?nJsj«elcom e; Rtr.more.infoiformationTcSn 733- ' |he'nawraiw 6n d e« rs( of the world, Cuny), whcvho once beforejricd to 4 8 0 5 . ' ' I . namely the rain forests for — and destroy Fen‘emGully until Magi was i l iVi* d e a lt w ith in simplistic, sin kid- able to traprap him in a tree. Now in parenting plaia n n e d ______^ j 1 120 M ain C-

, iThe naivete of this-ecoiogicalthi song tilled-d “Toxic Love”), he sets classes from 7 to 9 p.m.1. April 28 (first of six^MMb!sions) at Robert Stu- ilrforgiven b c ^ H^-tO-lflfceikelhis_reven£g nn-hts ______------art Juninr.Hlgh School.^^ coursc-entitled-Parents-of^ f- T e c n s -w ill-b c ^ f ------cjmw it’s so benigrlignly tnnoccnt >“»7 cncmi«Tiies. fcred in addition to the basicb Active Parenting coursurse. Free'child care ------aWdso-softly pedaletaledrltVa-gcn.------M o rallesjlessons.asidc.-the-anima*-~ ----- — - -will-be-provided-in.the-H-He8d.Start.Centcr,-29d.Fallsills Ave.-W. Pre-reg- - - n E i 2iiniB!IQHB^~CARLro marvelous job of mok- istratlon is cncouragcd. C oAirHliiljaiiamMafc Ien tertain in g concommercial for torsdoam Coll Doris Fuller at 733-9353 5 1 . ______m■BaOBOnP-vvEEKBEND H r ___ .WEEKEND.______f " chyironmenliaawaf®antncss.------'" 8 ihe fore;)re3i*8cem-likc-a’candy- , , $ 3 .0 0 ^ f f . , The film is set in a •den.. As dazzling os it . The TimeS'News weicilcomes news o f communiiyly events. Send ma- T iim may not have the , terial to The Times-Ne\'ews Valley Happenings. PO PC Box S48. Twin t ^ h e P b j n c e <" f-yadi]^-'—- filled w O F t i d e s S r isinging lizards, an .ii Vd'depih that the Disney' Falls. ID 8330S-0548. PlefisePt submit news at /e asrit a week in advance ! achieve — it’s flatter. - and include a phone num » mber .where you can be reachiched. ^ w a r i 1,3 a a jtjan.’a-i>aaw ar,g 3 « g»ig.-»: brighter and the aura of L K ' wh\cl^is being ^ 1 ien4?i_sjtil) th cre.:":r.'.-'-- z r — ft-?i5nio.kCi5eIcKing.=ire‘e j t -P L U S-^Mlsslillll= igsraswellTis-Alan‘Sil=------^ S'* chihelcalled a Levele w o re ,-a i3r-m ore_influ:______- I ,r-cipal-characier'ls“a ' A " I rock than Tin Pan Al- a .fairy, 'named Crysta :h is something of a . _ r------^athi9)rwhordespiic tssmg. You do get Torie ____ : • of her, fairy master,SSEEier, M agiJ-ui^j^ as-an- HELD OVER ^ an-omnivorous-stripcd ------(Grace 2a5nikje)r N IQ K aV Iging “if I’m Gonna Eat 7M,fl:20 If drifts; off into a pul y (It Might as Well Be ALSO SUN Her mind, as they sa BASIC nM: C I ■ idJlobia=WilliamSr=who= ^ =: = — tie r w o r k:— - ■' Jd.l . ; supplies thehc wigged-out.personal- According to foresi -^w icFrenic) U D O T = ^ r c ^ l c 8tnd,-lhc jiyfonhcB: Batty Koda, doing his • humans, fled, centuriilunes ago nnd-nispifsa "BaBatty Rap,” But beyond” ------—are thou^t to be extii :xtmcti-The hu^— jjja( the songingsdon’fstickm uchin n m n g g i b m m ans here aren't really rea seen as. your mind, ; malicious demons..pefilmmnki Tl Mosi of)f the characters are I ers -r director Billin Kioycr and blandly cont loven i 3nceived in that Mattel . 1 B e A ) I ^ screenwriter Jim CoCox - have assembly-linline way, though at NIQHaY7i00,»«) SlliM»li°1s il SAT/SUN1<0,3:00.5:C>.5a0,7a)0.9« : rather cleverly sideste:sttppedlhe is- times Ciyslasta docs resemble a car- / •,. sue o f human evil., OiOr al least in- toon Joan JeJctt..Shc’s got-a little ” '• dividual'irespohsibilit) « HodaeyBtiisier i'i'y- ' funk in her.ier. '.Tim Curry’s smog __ ^ fijedCreen^gyj *»«H fo5i.v: ' — - ^ . .^The—hum y^haij ia a c ici:! ^ ,.a ie ::in o n i i i n £sI^cnuIntI>CaHII3eIitp : j ; ■ ralKer Bopress a n tfbumbling, 6ii cs- ciously scarjary (periiaps too much.,._ \ i,« a o pccially .a| young suisun-burnished so for somele ys o u n g e r to d d le rs). ' j Sunday BrUti n c h E , • California’, blond named n Zak Williams’sis’s:b a t is b y f a r th e pic* & Easier 5 a ^ E N D S S O O NI l _____ ^ S*TM- q — )------^ t a s a g n a * y . ( SAT7Skun sat/sun * I _J\ '''l l ' ' i b h Uh ^ Fresh'<-Oarfjpn Vpgptahltac _ ■ - < ^ HlSS'ISfr— §EE= S ’*'- -’* ^ "^ — 0 0 l^ a y — j a m e s t — — ri' I ■ • nHiiyiiaB ed-^hiclreirbifinaier : ^ r o N ^ p g ^ — ^

H I " r n i v r i w 7:18;: ~ " J O H N B O O D M p P ^ H . B:30;.

o n ^ I u L l r A | H M ~ s a t V ;^rr^^F-o-o'p-**~i-pTJ N 'v F O'R t U SUN' 12:30; IM PIIBTE The Best N Nevada S tyLe B hertainmeJMEMT \ ; . v . ■ I S s I t e i ’sk o B iA ' n f S . JACKPOTT - . ^ 4-,1393.,1.702-^5M'3i2341 ^ ^ \ \ \ \lE \ ffiw ts 6:00^ P»ura.-. ._U Omum »/iKafeg!Saii*.sdyWM'7:f5;‘ ■ ‘• OTI------1 = - = = - ’ ------—^^ — ; i_ i _ ____ ■■ •■■ • ,______/

L B>t2 Timos-Nows.s.Twin T« Falls. Idaho Friday. ApApril 17.1992

m' T l H E E A S J E FR B U N N Y ^m I S C O M I N^ G T O y V — BLUELAKES B l S M A L L . . T ^ j j j ^ B r i n g your childilld lli for a photo andJ ’visit with the' Easterr Bunny'lE ’ E a ster B unny Ht•lours Are: April117,1 r - 7 p.m. & April■1118, Noon - 5 p.m. COME PET THE; BUNNIES!£ H 3 v 2 —_____w ith-the! ^M agio-Vall^ Rabblt-It-Breeders-Assoclatlor Q Fridj•iday, April 17lh & S aliiturday, April 18th , ‘ E “ F T ^ r Come visit with ann old Mend... the Easter BlBunny. f r o m ;.■ S3 — -Come to Blue ula k esM a ll------^— zM- Mall Hourj r s ______^ Monday-Friday^ 10 a.a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.1. to 6 p.m. Thehe Mall will be closedi Easter Sunday r g tSom e slores have exit BLUE

------" B * F c ? | n f c u. . °LLi2J H n to ,1 ^*-'^1 Hilli M ^ SS i p i r ToopperB H T

Chrome-Moly Ftoiome & Fork B b RM Rsg. $390.00 NowIW $349.95 P ______D i t r n 1 ^ ^ ^ F noMfloneyo Down, $23 p (Oj.OBncdonIS'i'.APItlor rM a ttre l n H g . ^ m r ~ ------~— -"SwftthHratkl----- f ie d ~ F ^a m e -P — ^^v^>..»....,»>..r..frZ].i[USpsiils.t.Sliiiuno.Za'ASXoi ® • C b ^ ^ H • Tome ChroriB-Moly ftonam eiforiB_feQs ""'""""'"'""'""'aA' liT at"V "" " ------; ■ « ■ ■ ■ “ ^Ri^-S3253D^w S iJ W lB — ^ - ______a j M i c e - X ' - '------: ^ f f f l | t — NoMorioney Down;$18piper mb:®■ i| H M - ^ (OAC.)(0 Bond s n tS K APR Arot lBmnll! B _ J jii l qUj you J : — f i E n i oductory.^ T H i g H t V • r b B p II yootur Authorized Lolocal Mgimose e x p e c t S l ^ B t i r & Scott USA lilloilountain Bike Dt) e m r « O f f e r ^ 4© r4lte=-C = - n » i i m !E i f t ^ ||n||M D -—mlattress ai ^ 111 iJnroS jS fl^ m f b K ^ '■ ^ e o n e l y u L U lm i s M £ o a i r s ^ " Y o u r Torotal S ki & Sportss si t o r e " ^ BluelakeiIkes Mall* 733-2000 Summer Hours: Mon-Fri.•ri. 10-7* Sat. 10-6 •Clos ;!="Sun.| Twins1 set $179 _ ------^ B B H H B^HBBBBBBBBHB i: IBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB size set $229 .j. y ^ J L i ?9E: THIS WEEK ONLY! C 0 ______^ ...... —------Queenn £Size Set V This Is no 5lri|tripped dow n seL.W e Pulltillt ItI ourselves, In our own (anfacloty. We know whafsi In IL We UlEost^^^ guarantee il; f(for iO y e ^ . You get overver 300 sleel . coil springs in the Queen mattress, sarsame as In gV j —and----- many brand-ni-name mattresses which* sells for $279 fcA . alone! Superl]:rl)ly quilted and tailored1 qualityqi • m UcWng. Lookk aroundI ahd qompaie (we(wcdlC)We S7 Selected ^ Lhink you'D finnndweTc20%to30%t)ck below the a outers. Cven1 ati socalled *sale* prices.:s. If1 you wish, - lush Toys ^ well haul awavay your old set. And set■X upui Die new one. Dellv^^Tre^rccmrs^Andthe ...... •\w uiln adnlB^aBfi^aTrrnot""*''-"^^ -the neKt-day,— •■•= s v uU sricd we: plWest. W • C1DQ2 i M L j p L We delefend it everyyday. i /

__JM ____ I ERVICE m lunJcnoMlPricaPioloclionGuaiBnlotiDtf T he B lue )' ...... >y/H OP r R j R N i T U RIE I H i i Lakes M all^^ BIuoL> L*kM Uall 'TDS Bluo L ilc n BlvdBI«LN. ' lon.-Fri. 9 ■Jn.*0 pjn. • S a t 9 un.-Lm .-epjn. -S Sun. WooihS p.m. J3 3 .1 4 3 t— ______) t | A ’ S p e c i a l BE a s t e r -D if f e r e jOT-B; irm s (*iriat5gement ~ ______^ ^ ( /n c I u dluda, c Roses, Tulips. ■ S a m e 5Sa v in g s t - '& morrm abcam )------— *r J - $■$ 1 8 9 3 w E D E U V E R Y > ; Sav^up tD$:$ 5 . 0 0 . A pcn n at T h ird i FREEt lyffTgrtrtsWuii-Vrt-vcnhazlc i'it ^ Eastester Lilies . ^ h a fitC lu-aaluu t-uitllllluillng I S «xt perm - a $5.00 value — — z m 5 ^ ...... ~ Z M $39.95. Includes luirtui and D on't forget Secretarics e a Week, a t ra,- Good-AFrih5»19, ------~ M o ther^5-&ay-«iv-g-WeaJing5— ^im ouiorhCiH s is-fllways f f i s S l i r ” 1 ^ A _inaimcni on-your notENSIONCUTS-^— - | -- - .L :7 33r7i>7200 • ■■ >~ v y y (r Pcniis from $29.95 to $] ^ k 2 til- — 3iylft-k>ng-l»air-ext

I k e s M a ll _ _ — niBDDIMEI■4733 ^ ' ------t^O-ApPOtNTh

B lu e L ak 733-i i 'l i ~ i . ' - -I.

m m ! . -j’ :— ^ ------~ r ......

Bibt e m M stocktmarkeet jumpj> s t o r e < ::ord33(66 amicd April expiratitions ^ • J.’X ^ By RidpbCato “ 'ih«the unwinding o f positions in /April Standard the Treasuisury bond market, whiph fell. fcl 22/32 But outside ofo fa a slight, positive bias lent to10 (MOC) orders tie‘d toI Mr,straicgies involving- - J -Kwght^RiddcrNcwsSis Scrvicc & PoorV IOO and Major Marvlarket futures as in on abbnbreviated. pre-holiday session,on. the Dow industricstrial average for much of ihcIC stock index futures, stockock index option.s, or- ; wellwc as the ApriL series off cicom m on stock Analystssts said that throughout the: daday there d a y . tra d e rs -saisaid volatilities failed to0 options on slock indexX futuresfu after 1 p.m.' ; I NEW YORK —- The7 Dow industrials opoptions, show ^ only passin’gtg noticei of neiys was somime risk to the cash markcket from m aterialize. Futu:uturcs traders suggested thatIt MDT. Regular tradingin^ ends at 2 p.m.. :; _ 1 fimied.n fwinls IbcliI close at 3366 .Thursday, , thelhi U .S . trqde deficit narrowrowed lo~$3;383 volatilitiesies tied tp the;expirations, partiarticularly, .new'Ncw York:k SlockS E xchange rules, putj| • Moreover. tlic_Exchanc extending iis winning ng streak to six scssionsT^IITjI I lionin February, the smallwlllesTrcading since as hedgei?CIS and in d e x a r b itr a g c n mo>novcd oui into ettect 11iursdiirsday for the first time, .servedd cancellations o f MOC ordeijrders after 3:45 p.m. * ' as Che April expiratiorlions of derivative equity March Mi 1983. Economists hadid fforecast a $5.3 of April1 Majorf M arket futures, whivhich this to avoid futures- or( options-rclatcd volutililyy Futures analysis saidJ Ihethi rule encouraged; insirumcnts provideded a; last-minuie boost to bilbillion-deficit. / w eek werere untraded part of Mondnday and at the close, hedgers and index arbilrbilragers to do their; stock priccs. But the trade data did rcinforiforce perceptions Wcdnesda;day and all of Tuesday due to a flood Thursday. NYSJYSE market m akers did not)t “lasl-minuic" position unwinding unw well ahead The market, appareiarently preoccupied with of a strengthening economy,:ly, as attested by emcrgenc)icy at the Chicago Board of TrTrade. accept any buyly orc sell "market on close” o f the close.

M a r keis c ______V “ I wid.'aopaow n.a. j i 2i:« '21.85 21.65 21.05 -OS and and( Ofl* 230-2C0 b ,2S lo mottly .501'qner; 2 Dow-JdiiesJ S ...... com Sap 21.75.75 21.93 . 03 b l).S( .50-75 hgner; ind«r 230 b 1.00 hlgnar, Fossil fuelsiis ;i 1*1 EiL taWi 300.). MWed.ttalat2l9 1-3 230-2002 b42 00 lo motBy 42.2S: 260270270 b KEW VOnKtAP) Ftn*l Oow^Jotv^rwisvgt.’loThtjndtT. .May ' • 254^4 2.54:.54X 2.52K 2.S3K Wad.'a open MU7.534. 7.! up79 41.7542 41.7! 00; 2-3 270-300 b 38.75-41,00; 1-3-3 J200 230 NEW YORK (AP) -Future*reiUadngontheNewYbrV UJ • ^ Apr. 1C, . ; Jul 3.S9K 2.59K 236a 2.56X -.OOK b 33 00-37.00. Sow*': grxJer 500 b moiSy tiajtiaady, MercanUeEiehangeThuitdiyuitdiy STOCKS Ofm Ilo« OoM' Ofl , Sap 2.56K 2.57 2 ^ k over 500 b Irm to 1.00 higher; 1-3 300 500Ib3450- b Ctten ' 3321.33 33MS0 <12.74 Hs^i in r S«IM Cf«. ; 30md 33K.1J 3M7.07 3* * , Dk 2.56 3M 'i 2.53 Livesto(ock ll35e0;we*500 b 37.00-39.00. • UOKT SWEET CRUDE iOTm im.67 i«to.soI 1374.4413: 130S.84 • 1.12 Mar 2.04 264 2,81kJlk 2.61k -OlX 0oai*-alwa.flW»31.S0.Ooar 19 lA M.12 2toaa : 1.000 bCiLrdeian per bbi. 38 200 69 210.13 ♦ 2.32 F O f agOi price report^ caik: •■ May 2.68'A 2.68% 2,66XS6X 2.66X -.OOK JEROME - Preducanxert Lfmiodi Marhaivtg CaaCam* and car***: 450 recafXi eem«u ot leerleeder May 1997 2028728 19 94 20 21 .34 CSStk nWM 1»34l1 1178 11: 01 1IB542 . 4C2 ' Jul 271 171 2,70' ''-'2.70 -.00^ AatoetallonlnJanxKroma report* me loOOMng prcet Irom cam* catU and ataugmar cow* and bus* lor the legiregular Jun 2006 2044344 20 06 20'38 .4 0 ; InOut 27,839,«00 k Wad.-* ulei 16,000 McatiMiaithaUTiUTue*dar.A;yead. -RJ Sep 20.10 2034334 20 00 20 32 -.32 OSSA ' 37,811.600 on dJbUoui jo l l/u? strripic JnstfiaStons. - S.OOObumMnun;dalwipartuaMDl Hoitt*Ml>»iiaet:95 00-l3500l>aad. IVJMetals Oct '2 010 2023323 2002 20 2 7 -.30 _ Uay 1J7X 1.3W 1J6J6X 1.37 .01 Started cafvei: 150» 00-3000) 00. Mer* 2001 20tS3ts 1999 20 22 - 28 Jul 142 1.42 1.4?U I.41K ..OOK Commercial ulirtycn»C«Ji«:47.00-54.50. ByTleyTh*A.MOW*dPrM Dec . 20 03 2020 ' S«p' ' ' t.4«ltje*iti|45) )20 IJM *28 M ostactiye i n s 45k l,46X .01/. CvBMcamerawi:3rt:3a.5O4C0e...... SeletSeWad worVj gold price*, Thwrtdjy, Jan 19 90 20IS)15 1990 20 09 .23 ►"es Bean D«: 1.53S^53K T^ll .O l/. HeJ^ee*t:6S00-63H>325 ^ HcngMono Kang late: 6337,05. oB M.70 Feb NEW YORK (AP>-Sa>».,ao.l. 2002 .22 Wad.'a tale* SOO Slau9nia meming tiling: S336 80. on I2.1S Mai 19 97 ..22 ' crunQootihttSmouaetrvoMS ^ v S a S * * ' ’ Wed.topenWl n.a*' HoMteiniltart:200U00w 500l».8000-90 00.600l0 LandLondon anemoon tiling: (336.70. oR $2.25 EicMnso HUM. tradng nttier«t>entfyalmor»m«.g: 6330.62. ofl 52 62 3JOO.OOO. m - 2 ^ P » * *ii: . Me$0ys*5 19 67 . 19 Df«MyS4 Jul 5 64 S64:i 561 562 CliOle*t>e«ei*:200loX) 10 400 K>* 66 00-101 00:400 lo hi«M m *te anemoon: $337.25. oH JO 95.5337137 75- i i j I9 60 .18 AreAOrM 231- H ^ « « «in: : URMdSIS . \ Aug seen sao s&54154 « sr* kUho pnccs csBoOtK) w««Wy by Opan SO atk*(a*kad " . ' —, Sep 19 65 -17 Amof TAT 2.641.600 42?, 0«OUt«jn»#n . Sep . 5.92 5.92 S89 725 00-675 00 pa». NVHNV Handy 6 Harman: S336 70. oil $2 25 FonMotof \ 2i3SJOO 4U .1 rw».U.S.Ownmomo^ ' 10 65 --I5 1 tte 5.0S 5.98X 5.955 5«X*-0U ^ . n. ■ NY Enjtflard *337.02. on « 20 Dec 19 76 1 9>76 76 ' 1974 I9 60 . 14 Enort . 2.2^31.300 SB*;-'X grexra. 100 pound*. U.S. No, 1 — JilK OOO^eOOHOOS05 6 0 5 2 -0 1 POCATEUO(AP)- > Man lu and tioraga chargM. Ouoin l-kdaftoFarmDureau * NY£NY Engelhard tabrieated' 5354 82. oR 52 37 1091 ..13 GvnEld 2.146JOO 7 9 . . 1 . N«kJ»h«»b.« tlar 6.13X 0.15'4 6.13 itloehrepomorThgitday.AprtlO. NYCNYCcmeigcUtpcilmoninckseTNj S33740.u 2.122,000 78 - » ewiortooApf\hf». 14, Producsn datmng more lecenl 0.i«$l40. E*t.tale* 103.374'Wed'*Ved'ttaie* 110,209 RWHw ' 2.1 Mayl 021 6 22/. 62U^IU<022X ---- S92: • g NY NYR RtMIc KalonM Oar* 4 pm. Tlu C37 00.0i<)5130 u kVed'topeflml3S4.C91 ComOK 2,2,120,200 17X - K P«»Wo 0 ^ / LIvtsTOCKAUCTK):TI0N —IdanoLrreXfUuctionM NEWNEW YORK (AP)-Future* Uadmg On tr« Con:omei 42.000 eal: C M par gal lOM :2.063.100 tax . H | 2 | « n | | Fan hek) WedrVednetday:U»al ThunThunday: OuPonI 52.040.900 501; . » V J I d l l Uay 55 60 50 50iSO 5540 ! 50 43 . 60 tins _ » < 6 « 47.00-54.00;I; neineayy leader* 72.00-74 00; l«ht CtMn Hl^ Loo Seen* ICJig. Jun - 5520 5595iOS 5495 ! 5579 . 79 QincOn# 43;-.- U laeden6S00 97 00,i00,itaO>erleedertgi.00-10S00; ’ OOUp 1 887 100 23 . » V«»«yGi»intunt Jul 55 00 55 ■7S 7S 5490I 5507 . 75 AmEipim 1. e»»la*rs70.0O-6OOO:heavyhoisieui' .tOOttoo troy bt: dolafl p«r iroy Ot. Aug 55 CO 50 25<2S 5545 I 50.17 - 70 ' ChryMr )1.831.000 i a n . . . 00 flude. twtoy «.90, mii»d gram; Potatoes s » » ; eoft)« . 10. Prcat ait ow*n daily leader tteert 60 00-7(»-7000:liottle»i»pringerl>e'ter»flf. AprApr 336 70 337,30 33670 3374040 .1,40 Sep 50 70 57.20■20 50 ! 70 5 732 . 70 I IDAHO FALLS (AP) - TTigrtday l poUrauiopncMior quote; baby da^caVcaKv«naquole;lallamb*noqM*. MayMay 3375050 .130 Oet 5770 57 ■6565 I5770 5832 . 70 , f A c f ■ ■ ^ tow * Vffm taaornwn Fan*-Oun«T■ey d>tlneti, utMy and commerculrculbuH54.00'7000;l>oavylAaltr JunJun ^ 33 7 70 336.50 337.40 338 3010 .1.30 NOV 5895 5895195 5690I 59 22 . 70 410 W« • " a * ounce irwMnu05 !5905 5927 . 65 A*)*ft»on» 441 * burt»f*t US t baledS lO-« methtihtacktper Umbtnoquola. Rermlemarti*:Alda*tetal)ovl*laaay Feb 346 SO ConAflf# 26'4 20H .H ' totomngorsinjramprtcM: 50 .1 30 Mar 57 00 57■00 00 I5700 5707 . 55 hundredM3.56. S«p( dtVvery, rum bag* per le. mi'«noFjomT>«rMrM (~ ' IL ' _.------— Opan~P*n-~HW-Loi«r-Saga— O^g.—•oa— Oa' ...... 35700-w m .w r r ju i------“ 52.Bor5zflo“Lfl0“ 51.50=63! 0 7 = ^ 3 0 = : — T" Fril InSI Btncerp 37K 37K T a ~ . POCATELLO!lOTAPJ-^fctoho-Fwrn Bui«au------r• huftdied«*sWnon»l»eA7.00-600:5l):50»i canon* ■ CATOE 34'4 . InMmwitalnUlnoramicporttorTlimday.AprJ 10, 't>ee't>ee " VM990» .160 . Ett talcs 23 343 WedDd I ttaiet 20.025 Fnt Sk . lUnk 34V per hundradoeqtil 60« 15 00-*18 00-1000. 40.000Ka.:anaperparb. FtoF« 363 00JO .160 --Wed-aopwi.ni94.7t9 O'andMngpoLun 32S 32S ■ '»«. , occa«n8lyhflhof;a0s »8 00-1^ .p.motlfyieOO- n 776060 77.95 77 55 77,87 •-iJ8 £Eil talettC.000-Wod'*»ale937.016 SOUR CRUDE KJ. H»lfU 37-/. 37-/. • POCATELLO.10 — Whila Ktieal 36f |up 6|i baney 4.7S^ 16.50. lew Inrar; 90% 12.00-14 OOiTnoi l4p«»conltpnrorc«ni W ly13 00.100» Jun 72165 65 73 25 72 62 73 20 . 08 kVed'topenintt09,3l2. kVi up3.33l 1.000 bbl.:doaan par bU. III! ].A00.jt*Wi.y'iT^'m TPxrc*tffjj flKrffmuoj;;jvoM-.-AsL.. ____ mLZS_caoa.j;&2&.ji3j}z.>^.ai..,.2ui i . s tw a M - ,- ______— ______17 DO ‘ T KeyCorp. • 31S S r — " I t ------S S ^ b t S mnnum 13 50-14.00. tome 13 00. oecaunnaffyea Oct 68165 65 69 20 66 62 69 12 .17 5,000 wjf ot: eann per troy ot. Lona,Ftwi 10»,0H • IS 0QDEN-W1- WMa wtteat 3.00 (tiaat^), (»n«y 4 90 higntr; 100 b tacks flon tue A 4 25-4 100 6940 089S 6937 . 25 Apr 14 percaM aprng 3 44 (up'3); II percvnl 5-4 50.moi1ly OeC 69 00 Apr 3065 3965 3965 356 7 ,-3 0 Ju" 1781 -.31 a n _ POflTlAWO-1 0 - WMa wtteal 4.42 (up 3);.baiV>y Jun 398 9 - 4 0 ’ Sep “ '*“"“"'’l7pi .31 ’•'”““"7 Pw torp I 22>i Wed'*tale* too*16 055 ■JuL Jul 404 5 405»i3WQ_400.4, 14X3^tiaw^1odffwr>*1 pff'ewnt 9prv^'------nrawGOTWFTJSDA^iAiio. ); 11 parcani vwnlor4,47(up4) 555IolS5Kai------Wed'icfeenwW.nSTTB------Sep 409 0 409 5 403 0 403 88 ^ 0 Ett.*ales53l. Wefl t» « — r PiemaiV " 51 .2H 4.70(wp4);1l , FOOthipp>nopoinlgUSlAWedneM4;MUymlOOB FEEOE»CATTl£: ______OeeDec 414 0 414 0 408 0 408 7 52^------CALOWELL-JL~ Whfla whoal c«l ftJS (up 51; bartay..-;;. 7 • - 4 0 Wed.-* open ini 367 — ------—Saiale*------52N ------taeM:Colorado round r*ds4.»-5i0;iKkMinneiota------44.000 U.:carttpw^' Jan------i------4104-«--^0-UNL£A0EOGA8OLft6 — a»f*otf<. ' •, 15 •- ->i S23(tl«»(Jy),ffy).. Nonn Dakota round 07 0 7 7950 7900* 7935 >30 MJI Mai 4190 4190 4140 41422 - 3 9 .4Z000gtt:oont*p*rgal SflWhtFSO 37>i tad>t non tita A Cokxado 3.004 00.0.kUho425-450. k May 77.15 'X PORTLAND.ID, COre. (AP) —Oda al 1230pm PDT '.15 77.55 7G97 77.37 .20 Uay Ua, 421,5 421.5 4175 41822 —3 7 May 59.80 01 20 I5980 61.15 .1 76 Slok^ySA 8>i Rtnwlt 50 n canons 100 count; Witcc«on*rt650-900; Aug _7S10110 7S70_7490 7555 .35 Ju| Jul____ 4240 4240 4210 4221,___ 1 .-3.7 Jun Ol.tO 0225.1 24 ------lot graiTM arrived al Portland lw*h

T>ent by 125 . 61-10 62 1 5 .1 54 . *y Wathmglm-B OOrCoiwido B OO-tOOO:OOrWahoaOO- Sep' ' 74155 55 75 10 7 4 » 74.90 ' . 30 SeoSit 4255 4255 42655 -3.7 Jut 61.60 02.60^MI i6165 02 45 .130 ' • Unly»fMIFoo« .....32;'..32;'....- - .. tfll.lfwOcotlM31 barge, per butM, eieepl oai*, com, 9 00. Oregon 7.00-7.50. nutaeti 50IB1, icarton* per o»1 Oct . 74,32.,32 74 95 74 31 74.75 .43 Oee Oee 437 5 4375 .433 5 4335 5S r»(KBhun1.(filV«rt; ' ' ' 5 -3 7 Aug 01 40 01 80ao i6095 01,70 -1-11 V4W 5S •70«cognl.Witeoor‘nl300;Wa»li»^rungionieoo- Nov 74.731.73 7S3S.74.70 75 32 >35 J aJan n ...... - - . 4»3.- 3 3.? S«> 5920 i 9i80 60 .|.S9iO- .59.95 -1,00 , WniOfwBmarp 4,K 4IK _ No.1»ol|»fl.l»nil««Mal 4 38" 17.00.Coloiado 12.00-14 oOiisaftoiO lecUiwheat 4.38 iaoO-1000: Wed.ttaletl.OSI1.031 Etl E: taiet 25.000 Wed'* taie*30.660 Od » 57.307.30 57.30 5755.—-.80 i Quaiatons li « Oroflon 1500-10 00 Wed.»openmllO110722. up94 Wtd Wl * opan nl 90,449, up 2,790 Nov 56 20 50 25 ! Etfwart 0 JooeJone* S Co No 2co>nOo c • j^oooba,:c»^g»ip a rt "______NEW Ijjjpgg--— -’T SSS^*«n» whatf c n a ^ ------Jun------47.95-95-4810-47 45 •-47.00 ------45— TMD ■a* Wed.’a open ini 69,600,J,.kp.l.324___-— .up.' :------— — - - t0pdp.ol«in 11___C£EH.iORKJAet=Suoar luiurat traflnIflnoonUiaNm. 95 46.05. 45.5a 45.35 M«- r . - . . . „ ------H 3“ ___ Jut..._...... 4195 ----- ^40 - (4Ma3tefl007l5 03 -- . N^MhALOAS;------"Ifa*-Cdw«)d(f-H8h—-~li~ iDi — Cl5.'''Oi^i*“ W (««« ° Wrt Conea. Suoar and Coeoa E«eun(angaTTui;------Aug------44 07TD7T44 20 "43.72 '4377 -.30 ' EngelEngewrd t«ei 53 905 oR 0 060, IV»>cai»d1*4262 54 lO.OOOmmbmahMrmaliinlailutla . A#». MC3!M 77« 77.SS 71 7787 -08 ’2pdpro1«« 2 Op«i Hgh in rr- - S«Se1 Cho- Oct,-,i« 406060 4765 40 40 40.47 -.38 Olt0»<*>norftor 1l2.0CO(bi.:oantaparli. Fab 43 75 43.75 43 65 43 65 -.15 Jul 1.290 1318)18 I1.265 t.300 . 26 Apf. Mloei 4J»S 43 25 43 32 - J l '3papn>1«mifhuiiaay ______S»P 1 370 1 372 1 'J__ Qg______a.81. ■■a.aa..e.73.'3...fl.8a., . J ------W ^ i o p ^l-'l-^'M ^ ' AluAnim-.CO J comi psLB Lunoon Uaial EicEitnJIlu ___oa______li30__L540-.l —■ 57B” i Uai 8.76 6.79f9 874 877 PORKDEILKS - CoppiCoepor-»l,iltOporpound,US dwnaiiont 3»n .'w CHCAOOIAP■ (AP) - Fiflutei IradMig on ma CMcago nt . Nov 1690 1.710MO I1 695 I 700 M»)f utrtf 4K5 J.1 May 675 6.76 8.789 6 74 - 01 40.000h«-ieanitperlperb. CoppiCopper-5 M95 per pound, fff Comai *pol:Thu Th Dec 1.905 1 910no I1890 t.OOO A(y. -SOW 33TJO y.336.70 337.40 .140 U60 Il»40 1.950 Hir coepo. MM 9680 s 98.85 -.60 ______^ .. EiL-aalai 15.433-Wad.’»jate» 13.68113...... JU______34.20-v> t . Tn 7T9^ ftT _ »i T,«» ------Eeo------I.C20-1.C25.-1as.-t,620—1-020— ^ ;------!------M— pUavTI-----M5T0 —-3-“ 543 00 - 344,to “ JO— Wed!fOpcnirtl1t.07a Aug 32.7575 33 05 32 50 32 55 . -.20 Tn Tn-I - 518615 Metau Woekcompotii* pncepeipeib Mar - 1 415 1.425125 t«t01 1415 — 2 Utt »UB4I.._ - 0X4- . 94# g OM . « MOObumWnMmum; dolar* par bgahaJ SUQAH14 Fab 42 52 42.75 42.10 42.52 GoW- 3.02)1 3.64 3 61X 3 03i-. ..02'« Sold ■ 5330,70 Ha/«y & Hannan (only da3 2tC0 .05 Wedtlal«uiTt - 5344 50-$340 00 (roy Q». H Y (eontijntiad). . Oct *• 1.000 1 000«0 1I 600 I’OOO My cruMot 2026 . 1994 I 2021 ..J4 3.43:4 3.4j;i 3.41 341 Ma/ 21.70 21.70 21.68I :21.69 - 05 NATIONALSTOCKVAiKYAF195.DI (API —Hogi: 1.400 f>talftiffi. Plain *343.10 N.Y. Merc tpolpei poy o:. 1 MIei 6.500 Thu. Ett. kalet 4.427. WedI t t taitale* 3.956 Ouolagoni tremr.S*ndM4C0. Sin WM-.Wk May 21.72 21.7S 2t.72t :21,73 — 05 trade aclwe;atcoinpacnpaiedwiinWedneusar.ttanowi ' nq-n q -noi quoted, n a -not ava>Ub>e ' W»d'*epen«l32.760.I. upSup502

k ^ n ! S t o c k[ listings* B»«»r 233Ct> gV-.<- * Curfn 20 1B31 !7 - 4 4 W i 144 23 602 664-.X. . IUC9 22 2310 6W4 UaH3nIUI178 It n s 23X-4 F»r».Rr*r M 30 2775 u2S.. S USTQ: 29 g23l8 10.. PW ______j z n r . : ------nKipn'ttTnr^5ntw^404;.*..., J.., ‘L ..4l.,.-.J6-3;-.llW .^v - 0 - 0 - ‘ "~ au o i.7 n ':^ '’'24^l1M 2?*-l’x'“ '..•*tv I 1663 > HBtp HOT 120 4 329 20X. 4 SCfcp5C6cp 272 I3.1J29 42\. >. USUUIjrntiJ i . 7221 21k. 6 ' Jefelfr OJ 82 3318 St.. A ww YWK |*P)-Ihu naonn prw,»rm lo OoM 26 lltv - 4 4 o n 1.62 14 1797 244. 44 Cttti 163 4142 IX la I M 28 '.357) 94 Ngrnl Nv 1 12 4252 37k-x »>ST.SPSTie 12S 25* S8 '27 . X UUUSSSSnl '1914 26 Edua 640 7-14 ; 09WJ I - to 140S 474. * DOE 132 II C86 2n. k 'k ' CtflVT 22 11 1892 39 . 4 lun* I 48- 16 7>1tl. X IV IV«i 464 13 4761 74.^. 4 SMSMI t t8 2321 64-'—2 UCMI I 17 11290 u26k. X EnMS 97 Ik FEBMilMOv.Oi».r BouC CO -. 2121 2M.4.x X [)«uCp160 l2l21Ce«41.11 CM 2» . 35 2642 5S« LatEft I .« • 21 71 26X-* - 0 - 0 - • SiiTfSUTf«1.4t4 • . 765 lli UrfiK 2 1 8 562 ti , . J -*-A- Dom 1.K 17 son' M.^-4r- i DiUGn 4 28U 91. k k Gco9^ .40 57 4226 734-11 L»r I 2 20 18 6179 71V-X CcoPM Co 1 16 15770 204. 4 SfrflSF»« ,tO( 23 3724 tn . .. tWK: » >IX tC4 534tu5l4.t.i Fna 32o‘320 27 1 7U - ,i I A/LAC U I] 1224 27r - Daufd 164 12 4» 2U.X.A A Dn«U IU 182S50 U , - k k Grace 140 ' 15 S623 374.14 LiTi«) I 28 23 10774 2$ -.4 0»£d O. IM 12 1447 t»^ SnuStriUt ll 18 2380 52u t>n|1I , 12742 104.^ FHirtPrtOjlo j 190411 1-16- . AW 40CB rov-k 70V- Df>i,Sii27i .i9]]an7Sv-2;v-2 DMn 2 11X01 Ut tt Ct»ift JO 18 867 34X. X ' ' lnM. I 292 12 458 5U-X CWICE264 CU 12 676 37k. X SCW45CW« 266 12 2W J94 IWrtj 14156 -n v -t ' Fk*a *J*J 13 254 31k--k- I a 2^ 8r«PI 4 70( 33 081 554 Ul OoUAJlJO ,, .,33M.C0i-k X - -.OUOiiJO ., Inn------29 ttM-UA-X->}-»<• 954.:it— I -Oh.— OM 220------I5-57S-S3 -.1.— SOtflSOtfrtM------H105S3-SJP=2%-----I/T53V3 v i ------c 5ra5-iin;=r;— r« ii) ~ l9lH1\ OroMn » - 12 5MI 17 0«Ed 196 »2II» » (. k k ClWfn 88 8 5756 17*-A Lom' I 9 44* C»E0K CM I t2 1354 14>. 4 SdMSd*Tt IJO 16 55*4 S94. ‘ UnlKBllJilSJj 30 10752 56.2i ' Fiewnn------‘ n ------Hi-14 M l 68 1fn27-mm OglCp1.40tP 1J2I29 3 « -4 4 . - Onm. I 7 1422 194. A LlCue I 40 IS 276S 3SX- X CrrfCo Cm SO 127- 6 - 4 SaXPSaV K 107 n u 41.. Utta<70 41 6221 »4. V flua U 5464 371- X . AW) 7.8248 lex-x lex- ftinn 44 . 74 un 18X.». kK .Optal . 7051 444.1kk CIS« ' 25 12471 la iKtM I 2 IS tS» 47 .IX OOfft. .120 250 1611 20 S«a;rS«*ri 2 16 574 t» . r. Lwfni:nl36 12 IIKS 35‘.- >. • Oartfdits 6 15 18C0 21k. k , *4«J 27# 9 U8J 134- 0 4 - X OkNIi 120 42t6 44k.k. *X Ooney J4 » 9024 152 .2 2------K-« - • U I m 1 - 9 104 I11X 0 Cta .1 ^ 3931 3CV-X SmStn 2 ■ t3 lom 44^14 USlfElEIH 9 261 45.- S CUA 14}1« 17 59 544 , ftr w » a,J«a 16X. 18X. ^ OrfUc .70 26 2t1t 38I .1 .1 lUt .40 ' 14 1918 M - Xk - H>*«n I .94 2724 23k-X r|U -0 ~ $r*riSr«ri2»44 19 254 49V- 4 Yirwi 3S 3 14 315 37*. OfftnFl 17 409 64- X ■ ' - 1 AUA> n 'e7'EU'lbl.11^.4 CIS 1 l9a«IS7t<24l<24 "DoMT J4 18 671 404. AA HmW, 28 706 58X. k UUid I 1 O SSS 30i. X FKJ p** .24 II 3642 21k-lk 9««9■ Varr, i1 545 I4X. ^ CCdig K43 ' 363 4\ , - Ala^ U 7eu i 2U. a . \ (XM 3 04 6 1111 WU . 4 DcxOi 260 14 7EOO 62V- XX H«q 104 13 804 29V- k liPie 1 106 24 1141 U64X-4 PPQm 164 . 33 80SSu6ZI.2k Ski4n9j4r* .44 66 256 174. .v - »M» - • HMtretat a 29 1637 26i- 4 AlcoSU 92 19 )SS BWS SIW &PSC01J8 11 125 274 Do«)ni .78 M 2CS7 29 - kX M M ' 802 9X-X UMra I 1 48 23 324 48 - i PSI 1 8 1161 I&4. 4 SMfi&TMC1.74* t8 25 74 - II Wxhmi«l 2 1] 1746 594. i 162 162 . 10 115 I9V-'» ' AlgP> ) » 12 m 12%- 42W >i CUSIi^ .48 «J4 1SN ISN Dwi .60 19 4C06 194-k k ■ ' lim in 15 5!29 374-X - - U-M - P k&« 44j 7 3630 204. X SnS<5nB*qt.77i 17 2665 66 -U ioan1 (0 13 39 26k- X ItMI IM 60 3 ABSjrt 1 «97Su5717 .IJ CPC 240 17 1CS3 87k 87X euPw*l.68 U 20409 SOI. XX HtroA 224 19 739 54X-X UDU I. 144 12 92 23( PacOE Pa: 1.78 12 37S6 3IX SoMSow 2 12 1325 a t. 4 W*M 1 : 21 -39 15W 54^ - H*Jv 5177 2 k - 4: Am 160 2il07Mu7E»u7E»>2 CPC ■« 9 44 - — X X fc*rf l.n 13 2110 m - xX HrMy '.98 17 I2» 41 . X klMt I • 127 617 8 1-X _Pactil2l8 Pac 15 I 573»-«lk.ll Scefi -» ...... - 64d224-l-.- -■■■■;- 1 Scr^Cft-36.______ll..3t6 . 324_ltoit-i^ ---- lS 5744 - 63.»-1X — Hc#|Cp-»- ____ im«. nn. ■ m txi ^ - -10— Owafl fl------30 3978-2!*-i1■1------MMH-.90 ------24-7«t9'81t=-*—-IUPC0~1 I ------“ t4“ 461'561 PaaCptiOPic 12 1X127 22k SomSo.««220 13 461$ 32.. 4 frwPjiV -4» 21 31 226w2v l«mar t73 It- ; , I Ai«4m . 60 4f 2441II 4Ik « cat IM IS 4421 u63 .W .W . - 6 - 6 .- . Htoi 120 25 I»l 494-14 IUamca' 28 ' 21 2449 164 PanEC P^ 80 15 2667 IO. k SaAiiSaw .to to 2079 J7k-U WiMWrt 2 248 U 463 3». 4 * kHfOlsieO ASird I.7S 12 2761II 48X4( C*M> ■ '12 206 3«-A- X EUC 2« tl71 131- XX HmeOt.12 55 6392 66X-2 IUMU 150 » 535 5(X PaCon PC n 396259 464-k SUjjHQ iO . 22 4970 19X-4 F>«r 47X. X IMcOort 37 > 8 966S 42X. 4 PipiC .48 28 17390'SSX-X . SiKc SiKo IJO '. 796.M4. X wr*rnfl . 24 19 1156 14,i fjMol 246 516 AmS# I .70 10 IU4 4W J4W k C«rM .80 32 2ZR 4I»-J|-X £rron»13Q. 18 114JJ7k-kk HoM 296 13 2936 43k. IUcDrO 140 T 113 61X-X Pin SH 27V- XX BP to 598 1916 .171 IUta) 1 a 667 37t. X M 4X 12 5243 26 . X HCSrtCO jt.72 15 S» 39 Wrrtq>} • '.! » —4X- ~ Lb X . CfiiiptlJp 109.51M-2K.1. k k Eum Z68 13 22311 S6X- XX tfTT JO 17 15 10 - X »MAn 1,44 9 1748 4Q\. X FMik2.IO PM .. 16 21220 78 - X- ' TRWTRW IJO 27 3654 u54%.34 1W.Oh I 1.12 19 3916. 2Ek.k kkrWQ ^ 1554 22x.^------—AMP—I S ------J328I0-eUi-eik»i-- CJatC-lSl lt9-«1-7».IlU* - F - f - rlTCp 1»4 t0 36« 65t-X IUM) 144 15 13*3 49.Uk PM>M PN .I.12. 64 2798 24X 1U ^ q 391 24- 4 Wrhl1 U 18 31 171- IA»E 40 '" h m ^ ,12102 4V^ 4>f^ X CniM 120 - 6 4228 2A-- X k rue .9 9C0 44 .IXX kWoP 166 - 17 2I2.2&4-X »Mk S) 102 _ 12 250 36X-X PTttrp Pr* 9 10 22X-X Ta^Tadn 32 njS 121- 4 -X-Y-Z- KPan AM*t JO 97 719 Ik 21k- -k CMMli - 311 KM W>.I.X X rPlQ)2.40 IS2IC6 MX. XX BW .(Ct 21 961 21k. X - I Umk 276. '26 13773 I44V-^- FV«U Prn 111* l7X*"t»^ t« y — :iVJ4}?-29V;i-I»ra 3 - JO 2910 77 . 2 N«y irs.>.- MmA. 1.12 17MS Bk-X i n - ChWM 20 ' 38 2HS 18k 18k .^am 18 M8.I-322 rrw J8 19 264 «4k.u iM|i< - I - 7 U47 49X< X P*V>*I36 PV nlJ4 IS 237 20 .X PlKvO Pte 24 1961 9X- X t«nit«ni a 12 t21t I9W X A _ 1 66t OWX, AftAhk 6 IM ; 8 -- k OwC« « • . 12 281 2Sk-X-X Fim ».78 13 13682 40 - »> NCO I 39 161$ 29 . X tU«l 320 18 S808 tt2k-k Pctmd Pck JO 9 1721 2SX.X likViIlkVl JO 1978 21k- \ / \ lmerican l J _ VI Amw • 1U22 &)' i CXrX 60 . ISlllultk.it X X FadHnUJO 12 14U8 66X-II »vrfU132 • 21 747 62 . k »UnAIW 13 136 3IX PwlOC Pen 120 418 tSX- X 1«i^T«iT*404* 235 21X-X ' 311 12S- k . . • ______teW-l2a____ lU I« jOWtlS « tl ___tfnt!______ItlUilJtLIl1-tt , ,,rtt3t„a2— -i2,!iai.2afcijs « ^ m»l-TSjntt>uHrc . lo.___. » I IS 28 1834 264.^ 4. Auno K 24 20a 77X>r7k. X o « r -10' 21 1236 34k-X-X ' FilCTK 120 18 4040 30kX ifWa 17 no SX. X ktM k 32? 14 8111 63X. k F>roclO Pra 220 21 6534 lOV-tX I tah« n 3t 4k Awxaii canSt»ErMne*iuu*i ----- lO.------jn ir - iiC T i------AirOI 1 10 7D4 32»-2»-X CBcag (6U IH- k-k fWUa 120 2626 37k. >X 8M 4 84 13 2C611 .8tx> X Uraai t 206 29 3495 47X.1 F««d PS. 2 II S21 26X To»a Ton 320 13 6177 60\. k PESttatJSOig. FTAO I9i19. 9 01 344-k; Anctl &iO 24 31U tOU«1)U«U C M 2(0 ]4k.. X X FMEfl a 23 630 3»-2x^ Mfl» 272 » 1C09 1I0X. X Uafw I 134 12 452 244. X F>S(0 P« 216 11 2935 27X T T»hcrM .72 10801 34X.I ATTFiCeiceti 101 S4k. X (Nhs, M 20 22 u37>. k, ABU a i\4SX. k Ctoa 168 41 i a 47k.* * k ■^ . . » " » » » - *4 MPip 168 22 7301 7SV- X »to5«218 li 9 13879 53X. X Pu9rt> Pug IJO 12 905 26X. 1 T TiPiciPk .40 . U 51 19k- X Ala t t 85J852 444-2-4 PPi»yAt.15At.15 17 10 »4. X------D-S»-8tX-fi-----Oi«hO-*-72Om ------l6-«a8-a'k— k— MMMM-604 • i - a — ------J7*.t6a-I5i------AVVOO-tr«------|»-I0.js»j;_ _ » — R tt— 40------a *o»-4jk.»— ------Oil-OilBC-«------^ 2 3 >61 114 Ttrttnt.li T w 11 1173 36X. X AS:£ 12 Sk. SPIPhi“ 1« « 14 4M 27k-», ” Artfrf) to »t(Bl1 H S i' Cdgp I 1M (4 «es w t- I ^ ' » » . . » - <^ ■JW1» ’ 12 3419 17k. X KIW ^ I|« ^ »Qir« ^ ______177 ^-l-M THWi ------AW— W------181488 ta»>. ~ S im :■ 13M11X TlrU Tlrtt 108 U 2034 36k-X I 216 48 S’.. Slrfl 17 1 4k; A>tn 1.40 71 KCS 48V-K - X Contti . 8 . »Q 13k-k- k rnakiJOa 30 915 41I.A^ jnnt JO 34 lOM ■ ^NLW ,60 244 8Xt X gu IJO "i 15 4fti 48xT1P" T9^Iffrnj 30 6762 3(V-k » • 641 u 34. -4 Ttff.1 40 Bit,V( IS8282 8 Corn- l7 4I^'-2(-X-X a«inHt24 22 3633 45 - k ( - K-K— NIMEt,44 ^ , I . 9806 131 RVQ0J6 Rtf 123 1047 7k. X TmvTranw 2 . 36 1400 431. k UhO) 1.1.11.. . 2 8 . T.O, - 2 501 82 3 16-l-lS: ' IMOE 2.10. 14 IIU 31K.11k. k: Ccn^»44 1»M3 2«>k. k OirOp JO 12 396 13X-X ( I Kiwi 1.76 13 639 St(. X N1S*« ^ 9413 10 •. k RRiltnii 1130 - 10 2766 4SX. k TmTi¥«a JO 1846 to*-k -BAtWIn;4t 26 17412 l3-16-)-'6 TMM. . 956 _54-_ . ' ...... Dfdl»ua ... IJ 200M l>i-lk. ..Coxft .. 14 11271.2D..-k.• k... 0mA:...... 105 . 489 . 26V-XI .. . .Xamt...... 482 *X-rk HariUi...... t 4313 .3k>X. FttF tt^ ...... SI ..IX .Ti«.taTia* 1« - 7 6226 2Dl-k fiarUQig .11 .7//. X UFooie . 8 . ■ 26 72:' DW i a I7 29W 41L* »: X . OanM IJO 12 tju -2m27k OrOin t « 7 t&O 96 . k4 I KCSn t iO 18 279 36k. I Nnf> ^ 180 18 9919 I8U X RRnMm X. I3 4694 32X-IX TiC'38kn'n — OrtTlJO •■- ■ 19 2I46J 'JB~I1------K nni.90...... It 1S05-2S»^-k-r),■HEfsQzua— - ii'3 7 9 - a d '- * —‘RnW Rn IJO------23'40l« '5 » .‘k’ ~T*inTrtu«"M ' 33 613 46 - k ' UrfiVt.« i ^116 1225 2lX 'USDol> 1 264rdll4-4*' B««iTr 2 » 7 37SS S]4>34. k! Ccmi 1.80 - 15 9173 u»i2x•2X OrHM 33 12- 90 14 . Xi K«l« 25 2t 46 17k-k- M ll U 1U15W>1-M F»*Bl RP( 36 23.2« S4X-IX TnwiTnvx ia . '2090 24X.I4 Samtl ■ JM ’OX- USCel •• 4 •• 11 22k- <■ DMA i JO llt in 4n n --! k CnStt . M 1663 19 ••>k' k' QrW 1.48 22 2668 66)^ k ( - -K J4 13 4899 19 . X W» FW . I 679 16 - X WiCiiMLCp , 3192 I29k-t CfCttjiU9OH 3783 11-16 Wr»d, , . 704 3V- X' /I • - - B»«p 2 0 ...... 11-327 CXi-;SXi-X' - C w a n 80.-' ••21 8443'rx ..X X -OftSorilJO I9'663'»4k^X f - -Kto9» I5 221S‘ 19 NM h a JO 17 2319 704-1 ' ftoU*t FU 24____ 17..37S-16X.A.. tICI,,ua,. 124------17..534 inux....cn£»._s ______-_l|l...4Wi---ViUlmBe IC 4|.41— ^^io-69-"»'^'-*^'- - ' . .Brga _____JJ, 201 ,l.Mi1,1-18.. Citiftl.-- .IO*U2 4 l..a*tk Omcs 113 533. IX. kk ^ . -W - k Ftowi 1244 SX- X IWCf > - 3 IX- A WnET 1,12 r 1,12 14 45 la -. K tT w n a rm s m !>■»♦.I-.- :— r : ' '

> .. I >...... • ' 'j

t e ' ■ • -'Xl / ■ C-2 Tlmea-Nows. Twin FallFans,Idaho Friday, April 1 7 ,19S1992

i^fiB usinesi5 ^ ------— ------Th '30 indusi/ials; tUily cloto;;H«Holi{lay H* aOmuntcipalbalbond»:Ftldoyd<»e . L6GAL NOTICE ,07 SPECIAL s 109 PRCPROFESSIOHAL ' • ' 3300 I I I, I I I 7,00 .. HOTKES - -SEf-SERVICES CLAS INVITATION TO BID ^ 1- .• - 3 2 5 0 j[t j [ U j r | | | | | n ^ ssira SiialKi.bkk-wlI' Ion rototilling. lawn mow* Reach so re tlias 53,OKO O resdeisadaif-vittliistittSMiS iiiM ecalll- l - a TU N E-733^^ SEdwrc iblemisrtotaprobtom ino«nyI anywhere In Ihe MV. 'I. , - Ji56 M an sh ared . M ental PenvarlivarFlne3264S31.^_ ■ oiSSi isple& span home and K „v«;±s;i‘ h S ilth Asaoa 5pn)*7am. Gotaspk E : i l wuraonwk^ s ^ yourIt errandsor run^ Local 25 Shothonfi Street llllliir III I. Can Judv. 733-3559. •-■ ■ ' ^ 5 0 20 6 13 20 27 3: to 17 24 O.')0 3 i7 i41421 2 2 8 6 1 3 2 0 2 7 3 101724 oninc>Crt!liCortOf~ Fub. Mar. ^ IApr. J.in, FobFob. Mar. . Apr. To«lno.Call734-74ra „GOUiOLAY BROTHERS ' en pubudy opened and ___ or imosthatmoasureupl ' ires index Money supplysu [M l] -I ------buid. remodel & ropair ^ ■' - Com m odity future: • . - koyconimbditios;Fti(iaycaycJoso In biilionjotdot dollars: Monday do»« iS 'S fb e foeofvod for imllmfltoIltiiBWoarB ur homo. lann. ranch or JU buiinoss.Coi^lote e purchaao or odtohavQoarlyiload-. ; “ , '■ ...... »w.of.«_coniRU»ltt8i .^ .d andtcapinoson^ce. ■■: i ll MT ff elore, recommend that HOtHousEsnriNo ■ ;'% II H f •B in e d an b ready fo^uM In Sp(M your ad as far in La«m(wns& plants watorod; 7 ------M^rdanCb with Iho at- anco as possible (bo- potsB fod, fod, lawn mowing, moil i5o“ t t H ■ ■ ,« 1 S .1 S S ched term a a n d coodl* f o ~12:002: pm Ihe day prior &nowinowBpepor retrieval, & h f ii^ S)n». ipedficatlona, and most me days) lo b e a s- mbaBc I )2>3 10 1 7 2 4 2 9 1623 306'l3* B SooSSwwMllcnB SOS Cl r 31 7 14212861320"73rOI724 •” )d olh being published of froo Jan Fob Mar. Apf, Jan.in. Fob.' Mor. Apr. IS S S S "” ■ D6 JWTtHcRWS flOA Qi ^M ltl^ll^ni for thli following day. Wo re- interior/1 ‘ sounce Cncjgo TiOun*. OerOd DufM.Dur »cM'sl IlKens and Comno<>lr Xnwi S SSS«SSIIffiS” s gS I XKnputorized law enforce- ^any IrK onveri^ this fbeEm CornpiMrt inontont «ystem cantbe ob> 'cause. LAW . KRT MegiwrM Ko r UWNAERAIKM J 1"! f f i i s a . ' s f f i . - ..taJnetIned ^ the County Com-. rely, ...... roduanices watering, improves I 1 BMiForHm li KSKffiS !IS El Ittlonera oftice In the The Tinrimes-Nows Customer >ft^ elteqVenoss& 1) 813iM He ssr*" si’u*,'ourlhouse. 425 Shoe- 'senrtorfeePeoaiiwont StntaDtrworr )ne Street North. ------______So IS s s S r sisI a utrtnMMFerRM EEach ad bidder m ust accom- itJnion1 Pacificc nets 17 ConwmnB 817 U iny his/her bkt wfth a bid . . imowlng, trlmmino and j 11 U M Hornet 818 Ui >nd worth five (5) pior- USE U BOLD '■ga^nden rntoilDlng. C d Rob .jsssa.'s™ ss int ot the total vaue of IMI \YOUR ADS! Brian at 7 3 ^ 4 6 6 0 or Ul flUEMttWata] 821 St o b d T l w bid bond m ust • " ’ ' ^1661.Prto>8 vanr. IB, s> provided from o roSable LISA'SrsB e EA U TY SALON: i $ 6 4 mlillion i inncome jrety company autho- ItII ireally d ra w s • Qualityilityyoudesorvoattho 1 » d to do business in tho > 7 :osyoucanaHord.CaH ATTENTION. .[ r SA L T LAKE CITY' (AP)W - Union the company;nyls annual meeting. . . . _ ate of Idaho and accept* ^ I soodals. 734-7039 uCciKtunvtiMMi...... able> le .to .th o County. Bid >; Pacific Corp. Chairmanin DrewI Lewis Lewis saidsai the Union Pacific . ^ PfOlOSlIlOBilonal lawn c aro & 1 iH .il bond! win be rdtum ed lo >nds Onlyly $.25 per word ------landscadscapo. satisfaction > says Ihc firm's fulureire should be Railroad ■'weathered "< the most W ^ untuiuuccossful bidders on Call guaramaranlood. 734-8841...... j solid w ith .1991 net inccincome of Sf>4 difficult opcr IhodE0 date of bid aw ard. t w . perating environment in a he nmes-News Q U AUTY im driveway & road • million after a spccialcial aficr-tax dccadc" laslast year while logging, Piicc»rJce« te bo F.O.B. TWn J W roldolrvorodln20yard ' -Zlt-TKlrial...... • i1 ^ 1 Ills County. 425 Shos- CuSjslomer Servlco f s > ; charge of $575 millionion for major record traffiffic levels - 7 pcrceni, ax UMHxna II ■ ! ds; 536-2511 or536. - - 7: ■■ I ■■■■■■■■■■■ . . . hono.in o -S treet North. Twin. _ ._DD ep t. for. ypur_. Srttona dial 1267. — - - ■t- restructuring. above the indindustry average, AlWkMorciCkt Falls,Ills. Idaho B3301. B O L [ m ^ LD C lassified a d canob10 BLA5TW0.'l painting , V. , -Lewis said the rcstnicinicturing'wiir The railroa I Marvilarvn Homploman road had camings of Sl 10 , vin F a ls ^ u n t y Com- ‘Oo4h«914 or 825-5329 > help streamline majorr s(segments of million forr theth year, but without the !ia Efl«ieyra?Agmn |: s r - I I . ffifcIssioner - ' 32-C>'fwithout the spccialal charge,c the—pcreent g ^in < over 1990. , ** ' I S F - - ' f f i ured, guaranteed, 6 ' corporation would have'c l(logged 1991 T ra in cariarloadings were up 4 : NCNOTICE O F PUBUC ^— s por wH Haul away ok) ; J I ' — ls.Anvtlmo73fr^. j-eflrflings of S639 millnillion. up 3 percent foror the year, despite the II } HEARING 109 pfPBOfESSIONAL J f f i l i i l ■ pcrccnt over ip90, thelie i com pany's "slu g g ish economy, ee while coal 301 ButMmOpnniMio PubliJbllo Notice is horeby ci H'S LAWN MOWING ; ''-j dven.«n. that tho Board of ______S fWICE c 4 Trimming. ;; repon said. UPC .split its stock two- liau lin g s incincreased 6 percent and XM -himwitna i p i i Countxjnty Com m issionon of AftonlifdobtoDlvwco&Cus- floasonasonoWo raios, depend- 'J ; forgone last year andnd raised its food produducts 4 percent. The W Cof^aMofgyi J ■ Twin»in Falls County, will ly KEVIN M. ROGERS . o b toI. Can j^ Phil 734.5m I • 'quarterly dividend 9 pcipcrcent lo 34 railroad prcdiedicts coal traffic should ‘ 307 f>WBUlS«WCW i ! cents per share. © PERSONAL CARE rise steadilyly throughi this decade as xnans TouchI Painting- i p0 AiM FaRrtlm,^ the p IWP0ring.736-1824_ .SEPSERVICES \ “Our outlook appearsars bright (in . ihe impact:l of( the Clean Air Act - • I t BAI c 0 rp"o7at’to h ^ s 'a nfiH-raT7epi^^eW n i ff“im ‘gto pilortJaosTifBSrrepol?* ic *lf*woffi >lnt Bliss School Distrkrt s o ,s : ‘ 'published this week. "IfIf ((the United W y o m in g : more attractive a vmoaut islons, suits, garnish- wooit.>k. EExpocionco & pa- !34 arid Joint Hamnnan montints & other collodion tionco.c e .I ^ ^ |o r day. Call , “ ! I l i S * “ s l I ' Stales) has a relatively:y f flat year in nationwide. I diool District #220. This actioiIon. Froo lolophono Sorb. 42 J GNP growth. we_M|[Lcx[ Union L e w is s^aid ai UPC is currently _____ m Com aaring Is being con:, -consiisultation-Appolntr ------«(Dd ooo to'a-voiual>6n - “ moiili \ (►•Puciflcf s earnings to mere.icrcase." ' Implementinging a variety of programs iil«Kftodiik>dVTWln- li3 “'CHO'CARE CHI Tor in Gooding County •paiu.Is- SFR . Lewis, former transin sp o rta tio n in which empmployees are encouraged " hk^ croatod a thorw WmtiUulbeny IV SERVICES ^ __-se_crctary under Presidendent Reagan, to "take thciheir work, in their own - ...... - - -ol ta>taxes due-th o so ta x in g ------^41 strtets. Artfcle 7. « ol , j openings. Mon-Frl, ' xuj}i:(;0jn(uit&ir..awj3^v ______iytdahi>"Oo»»tittfttofr ■"■—im y S i H i E t r *M’ in Salt Lake City on Friday for bo.sses." andates that taxes bo f. H ontlaY -Frlilav, j;!I;!)0 to S;30* S aturd^, care In my homo, agos ly, 8:00 io Noon" " sulform. Those living HiTTZlfOst4awi£ofvieanfiB>» sional lawn sorvico & Mon-PriliFri; ^ a ^oxpori- ______J_ - T d f e s s ; ^ ^ tootttattend this hearing. arvfn HomplomBn^______t KeyCof•rp-posts,r recordZI"- - 13Z3rdStistreet W estrP.O . Box(:548p==^ S r SItalniiah ’ Boartsand of County Commis- Twiwin Falls, ID 83303 sIoniM appy33rd - | M M P i k Lindaf f i . Wright, Clofk Ist-quarirterri^tirncrease PUBLUBUSH: r a d a y , April 17 FAX . and>d 24.2 1992. ^AU I i A L B A N Y . N .Y .. (AP) — The quarteirterly figures reflect the i- KeyCorp reported aI rccordrc 46.8 company’si ththree for tw o stock split. 208I734-5538 - — J 'e Love You! ^ ~l— piH'CTiiTrnWcasc'm'profiis W-+ct.-nriryr-rh-6=NE5r= = -|- - first thrce-months-of-of-thls-ycat^--York-bir?rcd cd—holding-company— “ I pushing .net incomcie lo S 5 7 .2 reponed asset;sets of S22.9 billion. ■ i million. K eyC orp’sp’s income before taxes H lacob & Ipti ; :And the .muhi-regicgional bank for the firstrst quarter of 1992 was • J Joshua lie i; holding company said s. new S86.6 millioilion, compared to S55.7 ,. “ }^;;~iicquisitmn£in-the Northvihwcst should - m illiqn for thetin first q u a rte r o f 1991. LlLine Ads; n^L O S T iPD U H D ------' furiiierenhanceltsgrowihwih poientiai; ''ThTsn-xl-ixceptionally'im proved ilTFfrday for rexrdayTpiifiM M m . ^ ^ ch ea rn in g s eam ings pcrficrfomiancc comes on top ■^DTCl/HlapW i {' • The January-Marcli )und: Fuzzy Lop rabbit, —ii——compurcdrio-S38;9 millnillion-in-nel—of - strijsim “ -•IM ONoon-Salurdayfolor Sunday's and Monday's; pipublication...... leulored. Falls a Washing- m m " income for the first quadcancrof 1991. positively imjimpacted KeyCorp and its Qj too^ ^a -nuivo ■ ■ The quarterly camingsngs translated shareholderlers during the first )und on April 16. grey I ^ into 74 cents a share: olof common quarter.'' saiisaid KeyCorp Chairman • f business days prior lo publication. CaiiaTimes-Us-N ew s ' ^ a slock, up 23.3 percentIt overo the 60 and Cliief ExecutiveEx Officer Victor Advertising Sales Represesentalive lor more inlormatiiatioo. TWIN FALLS g- [ cents for the sam e p eriod;od a year ago. Riley Jr. ANI\N1MAL SHELTER [ L • An,average o f 71.2 millionmil: shares. "W e believiieve th? addition of Puget ■■ I were outstanding for Iheie firstf quaner S o u n d Bancincorp and Ihc former H )u>]d & For Adoption ■ r o f 1992. com pared tot 64.264 million Security Pacific Pa branches will ■ U U U U M B o)ogs o j are listed in Tues- 1 [ sh a re s o u ts ta n d in g in the first , en h an ce fuiuJlurc earnings growth," Jay, Wednesday. Thurs- 1 [ q u a n c ro f 1991. , Riley said. lav & Stinday Times* • Senior DiscoilOunl-25% off regular open)e n ra te s 4ews. Located 139 6th • We W., afi.rnoon. —^ • Student D T ^ * J DIscomt 1/2 off regular rat >niy, k^on-Fri. Closed icurityeai:dy_ ! 9 2 _ -_ ^ _LMeinnri3l-lUlolices-1_2-liFieSi;1-d_at$8 3 I i h = ^ 'iTreeTds'-'losTSlSoun'fltem s'lo give away 3 1 nation. This Is a publlo 3 lines, 3 days - iorv4co announcem ent ol i p c o m e tboost hitss heights W anied to Buy;y ads, up to 30 days per insinsertlon. 3 rhe-nmw-Nowg.sl ______'S ee on S CARO OF i : ■ ^ALT LAKE CITY (Al(APj — Fir.-il- l)cen primaril>rily due to a combination mlerlorm lor oilr open rate\te , !THANKS ; Security Corp. reports netnet Jncome of o f higher hala'aUuices in e a rn in g a ssets,' WofdsolThanka ofS , !• ' $^8.47 million for the firstfirst quarter o f low er fundin]ling costs and increased . Thofao famly and OTandparonts ;• 19C . a rccord 31.4 perccirccnt increase noniiuerest incominc es." E cc le s .said. r ^Fasl¥sli Alls • . ilMcKlnseyJoOsborno . , over the same period lastIt yc year. For the ;]uarter.qu;i fully-diluicd net $2.75/line,1(10days,loritenisjicediiplo$10£1000 S'aHifould like to thank tho nany wonderful rolathfos, ' First s'ecurity spokcsrcsman Scott income perr sharesl w as-72 cents, an i?telvrfends, and neighbors lor ;■ Ulbrich said the increasesc i amounts to increase of 11111 cents from 1991. •G h ^ o o d . monetary, allts, r • S4.41 million, giving tfiec co company the N et interesrest income was $80.89 7 days rtgulaJlarpiiceffdayslrie. CannoUtBSused E !' ! h ig h e st q u arterly netct ' operatiiig niilljonj UpI 18.9 H percent, or $ 12,87 ...... ^ards, ^ phone calls ox- T wiih olher discounlsbrdi: real Esiale for sale ad onded to help us through I ' V r income in ii.s'histo^; “Ou‘Our eamings million, fromII :i:i year ago, Ulbrich said, ' ; ■ WteltefeujMsltiiricoiiseciitively, thhe e lloss ol our beautiful TheTimes-ni ■ News : are.n o w in their sixth 1 ccconsecuiivc The incrccrease was due lo ------' daug i : year of sustained growrowth," said "significantlyly higher”I consumer loan V e U also Bie to thank f tev. Ken Gould for the I Ild inve.stm enl s e c u r itie s Mil$Uore3cli3ii,5liHines or less or S2 lor eachich ad, 6 lines or ; S p e n c e r P., E ccles, Firstirst Security volumes and taaulilulaervlcoBKopro- & '* president and chief cxecuticutivc officer, balances combmbincd with lower interest more that m s SiiSu0sysoitwiltb'einclMeiieilinChatl' 5“'Idod: .“ Ihe em p lo y eo s ol .ClasslfKleds ; ' •'Forthc first quancrof 19S1992, this has rates. ; WhitVhlte M ortuary lor thoir mt ' comi«mtort and services pro- !■is now offeri P i n g • Betdetails.onspeciilstihycsilinsaJimes-NewsCi tetomer... -ffi r Potlatchil profits uup 65% ' leg_k>na!MedicaIConler;— - kmeBepresentatm. ■ - - 8 ?)r^art ^ Adrian, and Dr ) - Rising paperboard mmill, pushed net incomc Ooot}Q0(g0 MOor lor thoir com- ;■ LEWISTON (AP) • srt, sucport. and wondodul d e m a n d fo r hou.>fVLio-hccQmti^ronLl98iiQ: tn m whrn he tQok.i ------— ------Bl] y plrin'r)— 1 - ■ .....; '■ -^ONYM OOS^ ^ ^=:;==(Slnolfcilemi4o buy-oaly plu Bangener’s chicf of stafflaff. He was ov er duties asos

A : F r id a y . Ann‘17,19‘^2A Times-Nows.'ws. Twin Falls, Idahq C.-3 •

-i-^Employnmerit 113-2131 ^ ...... ■ - ^

113 CHLDCARE U 3 CHLOCAREt - i i i C H tD CARE 'M l3 CH ID CARE 202 ADULTORE 208 20 RESTAURANT/ 213 212 M ISC ELLANEOUS"' 21313 USCELLANEOUS 21313 1MSCELUNEOUS . : -SEAVICES SEBVICC8, SERVICES ■ . ’SERVICES,: • . , i LOUNGE OPPORTUNmES OPPORTUNmES 1OPPORTUNmES ? • IndMduala needed to ahare _ lovely home (ree.ln ex* ' Hivt plaet* to ge?Thln|'h ii5 ? ...... - • ^ A G A P E - * - *___ ^ _ ChOdoaralnfflyhornonoat.. :.COOK/A10:PM shift position. NM m doip e tie n ce d m illw ri^ - Malhtialh tutor needod; Algebra II------10 do? D ro p -^ wokomo . ^ M V R M C ag e i 2 and up. -^EPPEHMILL ----- cc CASINO ^avaflablo, ly o fr roialod ox- hoilelpora for repair of u se d forJ « i; 1 7 w oW. $7 an hour.' Custom M ds In tho Mag «M- rW iof-TkC-73^7 porionco roqulrod. No oc|iKiuimonl. W ages startmg 734-f Valloy Mall. We lako i ’ Needed: Potion to h e ^ cere NowhMngcodaasonreralor M P foF^elderiy w om an, d a y a. fun I c asin o in W ondovor, : phono7, calls ploaso. Sond allfl W.5f po'r hour. A pptka-- part-tiart-timo cleanup, train ------ogosand havoextondt ' rosumo to: Dntary. PO Box tioiIons ate being taken fuoi, 7:^ 1983. If* ;’ ing olilldeare Incom e. only. 8:30-5:30. Call 324- Nevada. I Intorvlows win b^ ” fuoi altondent, varleua re* } 4517. No calls before conducted i at Tho Canyon I -=S SSS.Jofofflo.lDKWW thrchrough.Uob Service. Twin ^ oM n flie s. ^ossfcle fuD^ - Sprlnos Inn, 1357 Blue ! DRIVERS •alls. ID. 736-3000. E O E timo time in Uure, a ^ in por­ boffttweleome. 423*4530 * iLakesBlvdN,room«1t9, I Drrvors,Or R4J Loosing has ox- son. Travokira O asis N. o l > ortS^SSSB. lor Hams they alurogn>* Sioor iar now ha t oponinsa lar In­ oukktMppftte.,7 ^ 0 9 3 1 . , t — ^Tho main route jvill bo. ti'om. .sloi Lpor6 Motolissookingmo^ i -. 11:00 am . Please call Bar f »rios, convenience foMS. tivatilivatod indhfidual te w ork • - fanta, -nowbom to 18 ‘ Portland, Or lo Soli Lako cor - Mi^a^or^ -Cly.UiandDenver,Co.AU ^ .fistlishing and hunting eqdlp-. .. aart-tlmepart- grave yard afilfl.------i ' 2or*im icuL iuB A L ::.. J —a ppllcants-m ust h a v e e monent, sundries, hardw are MustWustbeabletoworkwlth C^A,COLiconsowHha amind ooliilom a. individual minir c o w e d by the Idaho ChDd BqHxieneedmllkere | noodod, 21 Tiinlmum supervision a n d .. 11EUi- nT| C are Program . C all 737* 210.SAUS nmuhitroiior ondorsomont. munu st havo o x prelenco al malmnalmaJn neat and aocurale . ______cCompensalion Ranges theho m anagor or a ssista n t rocorecords. Seme light d e a n - ; Aogresalver Real Estate from fi 2 0 conts to .23 conts maTianagor level In these Ingng dutiosd are mveived. , — — Ci ^ panylooklog lor oxpo- . por p mile plus bonolit peck- salla io s to bo c o n sid e re d . vtuslonloywor^g Must with tho • Miltotffeegf^ed. riencedagenta. r A inquiries ago. a For more information -P.lcPlease send rosumo and. publi)ubllc. No phone-calla ------wBlbe^lyconfidonllai. and a Mssiblo employment rof.'Of. to: Box Holder. PO Box plaai>laaso. 1260 Blue L akea ‘ Mllkar w/2 yre rec en t exp., Plaaaesendrosumoto: | ' ' call c Dave at 1-600-523- 41!i150.Ktfchuffl.l063340. BWf)lvdN. ' must have refa., m u tt b e ' P.O. Box 2648, Twin Fals. _33089. -______BlUYIIT! Exporioncod drivers for 46 3^LW3i 0J T e ^ . Part*time, imme* American opon: „ 1 - Teacher. 1 * W e Will Hire o n d T rain Seven•verolMewPeopJe... dlate, UM In A /D .riee.T x. Temporary 1 Servlcea, Inc: - r HAHAQEMEKT ' Cook. 1 * Bus drhror/Custo- Supervision skills. S om e WENEEDWORKERS: W dlan.a Must meel oualiflca- WE OFFER: E v e r y N e e c i Jm o w M g e of alcohol drug . Factory, warobouso 4 _ n • Executive Snle^Poiillt'oiitlon ■ lions. Those individuals' » 401K Reliiemcnl PtoflrSfTiyio^i ------r ------■aeka FT maintenance ■ leSEW ofkwknd 4 imve- must also bo eblo to spoak. _ PO “^&M/Fmv. n • Monthly Donuj Proflfaioflfam manaflsr. Penon seeM ao- ■ road 4 wrlto In E nglish & • Major Medical Intutancutance poaltfonmuslhavetooa' • No fees. 7344452 sSpanish. Applicalkms 4 job • Comprehensive Tralniiraining . • proceialng rnelntenance , DRIVER WANTED ddoscriptions availablo al • Monogcmenl Oppotlut>ctlunily J !. experience with atrong 206 < --ICOICAU Dry Dl box, running 46 alatos, 11122 Washington S l.S .4 • Secuiity boiler o p e ra tlo n e knowt—------DEKTAL...... 1.lop.pay,CDL43yraover- 4406 Qardonor. Position YOU PROVIDE: edge. An engineering de* > ••_-dosos-3W82.-EOE.-^U- ...... •Sl/or>oD->l(cTorSuciSucceH------•-,■7------7 3 gree la preferred. A com- ACTMTY DIRECTOR c! « Hard work Experienced insulation , S3-0< - needed for aggressive long . r»l»ed. We^wlliyriilA ' J —— 931 -M tllW o^alary; bonu»-&- ^ • Nn E«neftener Required Of De»l>« _porson(s) noodod. Must „ HAIRSTYLISTl bBiMfita program Is oHarod. tenn care cen le r.‘Ac1ivlty - th av e good a p p ea ra n ce , Wo W( now have oponinga lor y^DU- No Sc* Diaciimlholion, we ax Sand resume lo: Box cortilicatlon preferred. . Oppottumiy Employer, If you feel)(eel youMeaiureup to . eommunlcatlon skills & In- y these Standard* ond Poj»e»« aB OeiDesire lo work wilh a ' S6B19, c/o T im ea N ew t, ExceOaniwaaeeabenefita. terested , In mgmt. MochanI- n Ro S w , . Cootac(JmieatC34^S601., 1 Winninn Team, Please sec Mr.. Hal Makoio or epplica- - POB ox648.TW hFaIh, ID- . cai background a plus. • *g guaranteed salary plus tion pnd Interview between 12:00;00 ende 7:00PJ.^; _ 63303. Ail re sp o n se s will CNA i and NAa needed for al ( &%commls*loo CHEvnoLEi.roKiii'OHTiAC»CMCTI«lM»CED - , ’ bekootccnWenttal. work history to:PO Box 29,' •paklvacaiton.hollday8and ‘ P< CON PAULOS ^JOISjUneolnjJjr^^ i BUYIIT! Uxal buslnesa la kioktng for CNApalloiiio|Mi,diy.anl C IHailey, 10 63333. Salary mon) m a a a le a m anager in direct avai^g ahIh|^IMI(7ie & rnogoliabie. Opaninga in • * companyc Insurance at _ TwrnFafla 4 BI& Countv. group 0i ralos Experlencedtrwckdrivor • roliromont, prolit sharing, poopio, i aelling product. . . needed immodlatory, etc.'^ — • advanced Italnltig ^ Wo offor compteto training, (CNAstNAe Skilled long PERfcUNENT ( POSITION. *“ WANTING TO SELL bonusea & commlaslon. Call 423-5555. . For moro inlormalion about ■ D ue (0 o u r expanding\ nnew n and uicd'car* - term care facility is InvHIng _ joining tho J.C. Penny Sa* ■ Cali 733*7184, MV W ator Intoroatod nurses a ld o sto jc Invcnttjry, W ILLS TO YOIrO T A it now talcing ELLIT! Journeyman and service Ion |o toam call 6 3 4 - 0 ^ ask ■ Coodilionina. come&jolnourtoamforon ^l^bora c noodod. Cali Inr fn Toni. ■ Siilcipcnm iipplicationiI fofor r uddilioniil ib le i L i theJobtrainIna& totake ) po.ltloni. advantBgeofCNA'&CPR Mechanlcnoodod.toolaro- u, K-Mait K-h is now hiring part-timo H tralniMl^oHorodsoon. J •E x ce lle n t IncomleOpportuniiy e O, quirod. Apply In.porson at cd>oekors.3hour6hifts.4-5 ■ . • I’leiuiunl W ork; AlmoiphcreAir • i ; m i ^T^sttronsff^ t day»porwo^lllntoros»od_ ^ J _

' phono ( a S W a a o * :^ ' ^ “ IfybuTn^tfTfclf^dW tffcdTndi^iinlW tj= needed for full-time posi- Person pe to workin door shop. LoiLooking for nonamokor, H would enjoy scllinfi qualiluality products,,»cc tlon.BachetorsorMa^rs ( Carpontry background pro- wwarohouso/drivor Individu- W _G irg or-airis-W ills-ttUW-W Il lLl^-TOYOTA^ ------DegreeinSpedai Educa- -lorrodrM-| u8tb o roliabro 4 ~ -Bi.-'Ploasocoll- a l M ondayr"^* -tlonorreietodfloId.Sond mature. t, Must have rolor- AiApril20.10am to 11 am. V 236 ShoKhonc St. w„TxvinFollei^yW„ ; • - e n cos. A ^ lv a i 151 Max- 7;733-7562 ' w e riA v e .^ h Falls. • w m ,Floor Halntenanoe Poa{«~ ^PTSI 46 stato carrior based ' Jy e Uoa Stpert^ ^fefTod. In || Boiso, looking for quali- IE t E T X I C l R - W K ’"goodrefenmcoe.Applyjn t ' COMPflRi HI all or com ctby 'The1 Tim es- bed oquipmonl. last pay, I f y o u a rre e unable to cal paraon only, at West . 00 r ^ bonofits. CajI 1-6O0- ’»li^<^-Centorr& «m ;' [ a O U R S . ^ ffinp, sim p fy T*xlG ^anT niiiDr T H is ’Tirigrer " ^.■3p.m.Mon.-.Fti_aLfi4a- ” - FlIorAve. Weal. Twin Falla. - I •» h c o u n ty hair IS now ac- copting applications for as- Part-time (Friday, SatiIturday & Sunday) aod1 fufull-time enU 7 4 ----- ■ form to-c-our-classifiedd-departm ent~s~so-that-w e— ■FREE-TRAINENQ;;Oonla!As--i J. ------a ls ta n t grounds foreman.-^ level "p^iU oni'im tnctVflidTcly 'ovailQTile wilTitlTno : previotie A f^ kania should bo tomil- ■ tiar wUh carponlry, painting, • cxpcricncc ncccasary. MMonthly earnings potentialtial for part-tim e ) c a n g e t yyour, t ad startedid w ith o u t delayi y . 1 ^ 4 ^ ^ 5 . VIA J o b j wolding, lown core, irrigo- making less, jt'a tion, plumbing, and basic employees in $300 to $41MOO. I f y o u 'r e p r e s e n tly n u Live a w orkin b e a u tif u l- |mechanics. Appllcania time to consider a cbang<|6C- ' i n • PPlease i c p rin t cleuSly i w ith dafl£Ti®ircn c i l T j r - p e n ------‘ McCailiRN n e e d e d fo r ■ cshoukf possosrorbo'oitol------Director of N urelns peal*- -.bio -.t lorCDLIIconso. Sond ■ ’ Trhere h are ajpproxiidm ately 23>characa c t e r s tion. Leadership suporvi* rosumo r to TF County Fair. sotyskflls a must. Excollont POf Box 257, Filor, 1D__ spgiera)”perH ner° — = = ■ = 3 ®! p ^ m g $ m K 3 -Rona»634*2112r-^-::::..-- ^ fflP JH lW illflfffjl ■ • * ?Please ! < pay accordiding to rate schededule w hich ] LPN TrT ^ n o d aulo bod'y ^ paint Adolighlful.spoclal noods porson.f Al toast jo yoar ox­ m - child wahts youi Enjoy tho porionco, c must havo own Bailed upon-carnings of ftfull-time employee* for Moreloreb,' iocludiog a ■ ■ - is printed below . rewards of In-homo caro, to t o ls. Apply In porson al worklna ono-cn-ono with a _RoboitAuto.Body^2.milQSf _____ digcrOionory incentive'e boBUH. For more inform® *LliAn..O n _o.u r ______'■____ ~ ^ T n your unm. Wo h a v T “W v onHw vM .______diacrclioDnry boBuses, pluiUl odiiiiJonal employee benefit!efits (uch as profit - ^ ; | = = p | ^ —a coso-m BliaerlD -and in - « / 3aserunm ya1ad in classific:c a t i o n — - WolPosJoblishodloWs-oIon— “ ntTarittg ond iasuraocc lilienefitii, eoataet tbe Ilumi[uman ReiourOea Elko. NV. 12 hour a h ltts. w/ ^ oxcol diontolo is sooking 'Department at Cactui Pete’ile’a, l-iiOO-442-3833, extensionion 6601.( ' Vory com potitivo w ag o s; a . rosponsiblo hair stylist. —You c an m a k e tho-diriori. -Cali-lWManoWoyby4/21------' #■ _ f o r ~ Tial a y s ; ------oncoIFormorolnlocall: lorin(otvk>w.543-6at3 <, Mickey - U'C please, iiichKlInt' Il)lank spares.) (Piinl one2 ccharactcr jjct spaci Universal 213 USCELLANEOUS Podlatiic Sorvicos, Inc. 206-737-0303OI' OPPORTUNITIES S a ^ m P = 1.800-563^)303 r - Applications now bolnn oc- Noodod Immodiatoiy: Part- Jc o p ied for cashior/cTork. timo rocopUonlst wkn oxpo- Apply « in porson at any of rkinco in dental otfico pro- nIho SlinkorStotioosinTwin coduros and computer, Falls. c ______t e l e s5 - P h o n e 73 3 .5 3 4 6 fo r a p - 7^ D ecor 4 m orol Now hiring IS pohlmont. De 30RDM IM 0 • JACKTO■ ^ m e v a d a ' ^ PARA PROFESSIONAL domos, no hidden costs. Alsoj booking partios. Cail ' A N E Q U A L O f PO’ORTUNITY EMPLOYER:r mJ\ /f / h a ^ ■ ■ ------p poBll|on availablo 4 423^164or4^S489. ^ ------— iJ.------B -cffldronrTraWngrnjvkkJdr*^ "availablo, o x ^ & n t pay In* contivos. CailToreaaat 934*S603_, Q roon A cres ~T»aiHoC^pr...... Progrossivo LTC is kMldng } A T A N a m e ______forafuWimoLPN. WHj ....-C om obinourtoam I-...... [DMAw l GREENACRES Address _ CARECDOER. 934-SaOt.______TMXCMLUM n t T I P S A N D C AiREEK i City/State/e/ZIp ______! ------— -----^------RRNFuU tim o& pan-Uno d a y ’ shift. RNpart*tlmo evening • iN C E M E N TT P O T E N TTIAL i Phone Nunlimber ADVAB at 640 Rler Avo. W est,. jte's is offering tw o classesSCS whichi will.'' - ' □ Bill m e (M(Magic Valley area1 only)o TwinFalls. • ■. . dents in dealing "21". Gracjtaduates will : : ^ -□-My.-check:koX money order is enclosedfor •>- . •: • • . - •. ■ PRN& LPN's noodod, ahifta c t j j u j j -and-wagpa.negotlablo.. . jportunity to apply for imriim m ediate p art-* ’ Pk>asecai53fr6e23r □ Bill m y Vi/iSA li or M aster Cfiaila rg e (Circle ore) ^^^^B l'tim cl^ositioiions during weekends andnd holidays,.1 ; ; RNREUEF ■ { Crec■edit CarfJ N u m b er______■ . ' CCharoo nurse noodod wook- w ilh fu tu re fifull-tim e positions availatlilable. ' .Expicpiration Date onddayshllt roliof. Must ^ havo oxcoPent suM rvisory f DEALER! mrnuaioNI coCOURSES & assossmoni skins. Apply ' Dl Harral's, 820 Spraguo. a These 5-wcckek courses will be taught,t at spacc S a ij; a ------. .■^BM . ID.ECjr ------^ R a i F S cc h e d u i e d —T ------inthc lynwc\'ood;M allin;T 5ym Fajjs begbeginning- ij ; ; ■____: 207 OFFICE/ April27,199)92. Tiie iwo'cTasses w illI be available CLERICAL N u m b eif r ot Days' ' Chargirge per line ' ' “ Monday throrough Friday from 1:00 to5:00p.m..to! , TRUCK DISPATCHER Mini- and again frorom 6:00 to 10:00 p.m . EmEnrollm ent ■. - : 1-3 days.., :...... ;...... v.,$2.(2.85T3erline - ’ mum 3 yrs experioneo dis­ patching trucka w / refrIg 5 ...... will be limltete d . • ■ 4-7 days.., 4.40 per line IrallorB. Salary basod upon 8-15 days.IS ..^ ...... ••• 7.50perline expor. Mal re so h s & re(e^. . ■ Cactus Pete's personionnel will interview appliplicantrfrom 12 nooii tp 8:00 ; p.m .'. ■ , _ . encoa to; Laraon Trucking, ...... r...... 31 3 :______1 6 - 3 0 ,^WS...... 13.50 per,line . _HMin:.Stew H anM > 0^-- .■—b!i4\ies-Apr41-2-l-- 2-l-&4VednesdayrApfll-22-i2T-at-Neil5en:€j^m panya n jt ------^------^Applications m ay be completed and ari inteterview scheduled at Neil:Jeilsen —;•------202 a PROFESSIONAL Company attlieLviLynwood Mall. 550 Blue LLakes Boulevard N orthhInTwinFaUs. Ir _____ ; ^ j x s /l i n e • ■a • • • . - : # l l n e i ^ ------(.2081733 aaSV For-fir-ftirthcr-lnfom iationjall>11 rarh tc Pqte's H iim aa.RalesnurcK - ■ ■

P o t s a ech t T Sunday insertion, a rnadst,-Rupert etore, oom- Department at 1-80Ci00442-3833, ext. 6601. _____ le s s ljnies; e s add $2 It ad ts S.ot!ormore1lnes •K _ ■ peililveealaiy,401K,vaca- -flonr heilih'lnauranoo-- • Sand resume to: 310 Oneida St., Rupert 83350. To ta l— I- -^Qar4Am - ,. ^ - l e f u s ^ —T— rp^^pfi;IT K lim rajy-w ii— ------...... Mall your.":-.; :USTOMER ------P;ih'BDi('548'- - ' order forrn to: Twin FaHs^ldaho ‘: mwr-wi— ~ ~ '■ h ^ J s ESERVICE Tv 209 RESTAURAKT/ i e i i LQ

...... ■ ' Cook c needed; Sporteman Equnl’O ^ortunity Emm p lo y c r M/F/HA^, “m an.Ca«W -^iM ---

. • ' . ■ I) . f ' . ■ C-4 Tlmos-Nows. Twinn Falls.Ft Idaho Fpday. April1717,1992 ______

Emjplojrnfm e h t - F i n aiic r ia l'ln struuction-R ealil E state/jS j - - -2213-805

I g p |jto jg g |6 H3“ IiSCaXME0U3~3 5«~HOHE8" "^5 ; 0 2 HOMES' 510- OUT-Of^AHEA 1704 c u s T o i i r * « i ’; - ; # OPPOBTUNrTIES} F O R S A U . V FORSALE HOMES' I 2 T rangil H o m e io l Americerica BESTDEALONUARKElCe T 'Jew home built with oM lash-N JUST UKE NEW IMS Ham r- n ic k iofiod qtiality. 3 bedroom, 2 m an home. Repalnteo In- Custom n e o d t la te modol PUUs s tot L ovely custom-bulM br|< CONGRETBDITCH ira n s p o rt RV vohlclhicio 2 OW sq.ft. homo vAhspispa- bath,2caroaraQe,wHhbi^rsy aide & out. New c a rp e t & ------lhrouBhout-lh»-wo»totstorn- -dou(Jntorjor^!&^yla. s._ counter lope. WolWnp dia-__ | T _ REPAIR ; • la to a a n d Canada. CotCon- bdrm s, 2 baths, llropmci tando to'downtoim. 3 bdmt. •yclaBp lei,-2Mwrtii^ ^ :tnc» Ron i-eoaa4fra283.B3. Ig. wlndowt, 20x20 livlrivlnfl New hom e la H aoerm an.r VA bath, 1200 a q It. W a reh o u a o p oiltion, Fl grotf lotrieiO * q> . To beM i5i00fi,p^.fi^ - H w 4-c«m e h q p p ln ^C ii R - ffaeiMiho wrongpumpl ~ ■ • £■ SS'fSfl& iS K it soon. Can 07-6402. 6#M lVBe^c«ntrili^ . ■goodbonofU.hoawllftini 602 UNFURMSHB) ' • f ■•Sanatlof^m /W10 Locatod In. Ruper - 513 ACREAGES AND fl^^m p./900 GPM,- “ — $4»i00.C»!l226.7t&« h, LOTS • HOUSES- ^ ISm Aovaiiabto.Cali ' jorS«)D.m.fQraoot. - ■ 214 EHPLOYUEHT ; 3bdrm,2bath,bwement. ^ WAKTCO • BY OWNER; $89,000. WotiVotv f 2 a cro a, 2 mis W ot Twin hNstoricbtidhgonriver. __ 'a iPECIAL8‘ used.219wVll, Falls on Hwy 30. paved Concordia WiV, l776/m o. _____ dortui, cJean counUy honnomo; «6.QQ(I.PtL4a-516S. .. Phone t-818-70f2257 or -_«eana(Mst.sa-762B U Sates, Id ^"^'8a"36M * ^ RotoUIIIng, trader mount»inted, S u p e r a re a . 5 bdrm , 21 ^ road, with Hve trout stream. ON SECLUDED ACHE: Jer- Wanled; Surnmtr pasture. ii J.rg.quantNyolbalqdhayT '’jSSi sardon;«maDlo(«.CanVeg Ver- bath, 1 acre. AH elec., no Have trucks wlndrowers. Jerom e. 324-2142. ome:L«Be4bdnnlnlown. : EXECUTtVEBRiCKHOHE-4 300palroloowaand15 I f aorne ten bales. cVpera...... -nonAdamt.423^. . -chain link fence, ihake: 2 PRIME 1 acre pa rc els In and harveatera available- - 1 8PRMKLERPIPE v) . ■'courtirynelghborhoodr- „bedroom,2 >tory.w/ba»fr.: 77 ;Cusl6m“Farnd^W8::. pg* - roof. S48.800.3 2 4 -^ 5 2 - - -mentindmanyafflanliiat.. Vi 2 s1 s s i • • Countryhome lor saloon 1/ (0 4^a^^shO TS^^^ Qu(red.CBllRayit733> J 'alloy acre.^bdrm,3baih.2409iiw ehain link lenoe. shake even whh the wheels on. Nanny needed. Sun Villg " J ® roof, f4B,BOO. 32f7352_ _ &336 or 733^202. WVvant to rant patlura for —• 2 yr old mare, Arabian, ^ area. Room, board + taiai OvdeUodsaY.67a.7149. 50___To ao ltlo .e ila lo . 262 BJuo_ 1 00 5 head of ( ^ k t h e K - -8eed^)^Vwab(iB(~ -JPR1NKI|RPIWREPAIR s i .. . _ ■ 7344m0r_734j078_JS La^OS 3. Cal 734-7948 -THREE ~ GREATACREAGE fafmzaf.Cel43g«67._ 2wlyr.okJAPHAreg.bsygoW- r ‘ : On site repair 2-6*, aonv . 216 EMPLOYMEKT C H O IC E Beautiful brickand Irame 615 ROOMttATES (ng. Exc. conlirmatlon and [WIN HOME ranch slyle home on 5 must have 30 or more p ^ . AIDSHNFO ACREAGES 705 FARM-. . d!!disposhion. Loves people. 3 bodrooms, taslofuly.doco-0- acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths WAHTED - gflll4«-77g9,______■ —— •lacrssSpBcausSbdmi, h a c k m e r y J W started, 768-2U3.____ — AMEHICAN Temporary ralod. Doublo car atiachod wllhovor2000Bq.lt.ootho M ” ^ bath, lamily homo, nonow garage with privatoyard. main Iloor plus basem ent. NeedroommBtetoehareZ 7^ vrDooBar^.kilolhan- 7^313 POULTTtYAND ServJcei.loc. stool skiing, hul troos. go R E A L T Y N 1068 gas atacKer, 5000 or- Nowly rodocoratod. priced Formal entry, famiy room. bdrmiut.cisan,quiet, re- : Wocanhojpyoowhhwur d o n a re a , lust 1.5 mUc 7 » 5 3 3 a ] aw athar, bolh exo oond. m RABBITS os right!! Call Jack or Mike Nowheatpumpandcaipei- sponsible, non-smoker. ] tot crfhSidto, toughto mis; tofflpormy.soasonal.PT.i from Twin. 432-8S18or423«29. . ..!^ 733-6184.92-116 (ng. Autom atic sprinM er. For rent 5 bdrm, 3 bath, $l25mo.indudetutilBtet. ^ asterbunnies.au i z FT omnptoymont noedfl.^ • .88 f c re i, Noat a s a pin country homo on 1/2 acre, W M ed: ASa Chalmera tr u - rU : - : • 734-6452 ' system. Pasture, storage e s. $6.3240206, __ bdrm, 2 balh bftek homo, ^ tor.WD,W045;oio; Oi4. . reg. Morgan, rolning, trail -22*^ ■ M/F/HjV-EOE-No teo r snods, bams, corrals and 5 D IS, D17 with or without wi llroplacos. (roil troos, gaS BRAWLEY sh a re s ol wator. Call Dor­ ^o” io^^(ico.'^i!^ * [ we8lem.^e8itro:3yrreg. y .. ’i" front loader. Also w anted g, 14 MEEPSCC.:.S don aroa. pasture and co Hagormsn:Cleani bdrm, 1 fl Buckskin mare well ctaned, J ------SIZ^BESUME------— othy form ore Information. OOvof77er8ip#r,77.B8oc .g i ------ral#r^il09-wo6t ol^Iwin.- J149.000.I92068 b £ h o n 2 acrea.1 m lW e f C PREPARATION ------M acre Contemporary ..REALTY S mr-fambs-foi-OTlor-® ------town. $300. yi.837-63Q 4_ Balanced liC orreet • - momhsoM.Can324-5683. mnfr - - • rrTT= bdrm. 2 balh homo, ol esra,K?:?ssr' -loreeshoeing 4 Trimming. ; AFFORDABLE RESUMUME do ck wiih torrllic viow I JONES HAUL 3240035.______h ■ J Dan Robbins 5 4 3 -K 8 1 _ 71515 SWINE i SEHVICe,736-1Bg7. ____ canyon, guost quarters ar twin move you 125612 International tractor. ^ Bv RovSJonon7P-g)W . Q oll Very e xclutlve. unkiuo 3-5 ANYWHERE fo fless than wHh cab. $5000, C an 886-. lapersal sa le : Rog. black ------'j 8. sh o p . N ear Jo ro m o Go « farrowing cratos with floors Ito to bodroom hom o on sm all renting a truck. N eed I 2289 or evenings an d ..f"and while Appaloosa stal- 41am . i ______Pfotossioool, confidential^[al C ourse, easy com m uto I s GEM S Uon.mareaandtoals.^l- -(Prjtgrid^Farm ), $225 ea.— . Twin or Joromo. • acrowo. CnII 423-4934, - _ STATEREALTY ------loadjftSCafi^aArfi.-— -■ -Wiwtfcflfttk 886-2911.------.RESUMES FREE ESTIMATES « ^ ...... • J ! 788-2813.______' . ' .324- .r: - . bv Hoy Slotton 733-2009.^ 734 LOCATED IN $79,900 buys this high In- Am#rte(nWay. _ Chafes 6 Slavo Hin. J,equlptnojI.^Oall Bernie ^TANDWG AT STUD: Royal ------g 8); * R13aDtfnftrattiM!M‘bfk*-'3- ' klaho Tractor Salvago is now ^ bodroom 1 and l'/2 biflhs,5, room, laundry room, patio « < } RJRWSHED ■ s : 4 porfor- g - 575:000Wtlbuy50%oquHyuity G A R D E N E R ’S selling now oquipmont lor GRAND OPENINQ — 1600 sOi fl. per-lloofrfull-ill- -andstoragolnoach unit.------APTSfl)UPLEXES------^ m m i ^ F o e :$ 3 0 0 L.F.Q. - -oWOWoTownoAnliqiioMan o : ------“ inSZO.OOO+Xwticemo-nw— dotlghtfPrlvaio-s-rooffli t. PLUSI BEDROOM HOME . ~8maHifadors:Ourlinoin:, oroobnv. 734.2616.;___ 13,300sqfl.lolw/chair!^n unllnlshod basement. Sat,4/16,10-5 Btiaulllully landscaped,d -W illcashflow lC allJann 0' ors, ireos, shrujs with a }d/whitapine anlkiuoSoil------4 ______ICRTGAGES a blo 3 bdrm. 2 bolh^om c J ____ w/ wood slove, thormc•ma lo^'oly covorod palio. Yard irs Hoosior w/som o gloss Irt. is fully fenced with chain 604 UtFURMSHED ^ CONTTIACTS. TRUSTT pan o & storm windows. In ntom^^^ c ^ ^$400or I ALPINE APTS®UPLEXES 50 Holstoin stoor calvoa. _2 wto--- uM latsd4Ioa{>& ap"b«olJ(«'Oftlj 1&2 bdrmep(s ^ 0 R S O jiS 'A J Hawker A _____ ~ -OAtlrTOtb'FHEE^ - iUKEJ S ! 0 0 6 0 0 te J fle r7 p m . 6 ^ 9 w/liroplaco. Just built iglas s t-8QO-345-4fla5«UE115 _ Byownor.837.9000. Irailer. fully ondosod, now 2 yoar old GE dlshw ashor, : , Augusll Vaulted ceilings bum Avow. 734-3707. * *l 135 whilo lacod s lo o rs & M M assey Fe;guson 135 g a s oailuint, nicol Tako nice usod whilevhHo. vory doan. $250 or archod windows, colfn; 2&3BEDROOM hoilofs, fancy, tractorwHh < bla d e,$4200.: xwtoHof. 324-^66. ' afr 506 JEROME HOMES Ilyouorotookingtora CaB67^0667. . • me lan s, sprinklor system , ai - T O W « g ^ e S O ^ b s J yoaroldWhitoWosting- S = cond. OIoBry s ^ o o l dist - business propofly or a *20DghtHo(tteinstoor8 NH Nl 268 14 X 18 baler. $500 ^ !!!!:.- 3 bdrm houso;^ flcm src^ ntlquo toam driving h jir^ _houslouso front load atack ...... I ; Watho f& d S S o o k u p — *1•15boavyHolrtoinstooir------e r o B o r ,3 2 g ^ 6 - .- ...... »Mlu)Lidrvorsol.$700. . - “ down. 324-4717 ovoninos. ’NH^OO^W nfbaleffrtoif ^ '} ------WSTRUCTIOH . * R u lto ri lo ra a S S S Iw .^ ^ ir' " T o S ^ ^ S T " SliSUiufihtsr m l t b u d s will- n wiilbo glad that you did! harmac 4 horso trailer,. i^manonana microwavo, 500 watt. ^ ALA L VERY NICE HOME! 3 bdrm, Wim cotton to b u y sa lltss t t Diesel Truok Drivint SAB 1 balh, gorsQO, 1150 sq. It.It, . . ■ : slant toad, walk-ln tack. Call 10[Opowor pc levels, oxcollont 3bodroom, 2bath, vofv fto>, 829-5417______324-86g»;______.cocfii»ndKlon! $100.324-3510. S chool Inc. Now classot REALTY largo lot. $4|.0M ^C all tor < ^ >t»ry U m t o ^ ^ ______$350/month, S200 dop. 1 ustom mado by Don :host “ 7 3 3 ^ 2 1 ------^ “ -Landwatch,^ lYTjeaso.73&j)760.- ' ' lost froezer, works groatl Mark Loe, 9344479 ^ *'BriBrown, a fork roper, 16 in. $100:MOO; washor 4 dryor. 4 yrs JUST UKE NEW this Hagor Realtors ' tor dub, traclort)uQs &trao- seat, basket woavo. oxcol- • dd.M. $325.837-9048.$ ^ 508 KWBERLY/ CkMin^^ioSolSSiL - KonTroun.934-5611 _ tor } show s. 2 Farm all F20 ^ m an homo. RopttintocTin tont condilten. 788-9427 . ^)rtablo Kitchon Aido dish- ’ sido & oul. Now carpot,, jA HAN:EN HOMES J o h n J. Tolk, Broker, GRI from$26S,ftno..7330740. J For F« sale: Australian electric tractors. < $250 oach . Far- n : - foncinQ. Can 352-4605. 1 , ^ 1 F 12^ W j . ^ S0 o r ^ orso 4 stock traitors, tootur- washvashor, ^ i ^ ^ l c ^ t o p , .countor lops. Walking dis I/. Rlor, I sm .t bdrm, stove, ro- r- ing Logan Coach 4 CirdoJ. dokix lanco to downtown. 3 bdrm.fjl!’ 3 bodroom, V /ibaih, on VA . Holsloln sprlngor hoifors for t acros, % linishod boso'-j; ‘bus733-3667 ros326-5241 (rig,$1SO->$75dop,uti]3 ( ^ H( Ffnanclng 4 trade In’s. ■VA bath. 1200 s q It. salo. Good soloctton. Tom | ! . mont. has sauna, hoi lubb . . oxcoptotect.3 2 6 ^ 7 7 ' J USED COMBINE PM T S firLlnda678-2286 daysor m13 BAZAARS E Hama. 324-2250. - •$5r.O0O.B3T-€4O2 — fM fflL ? “^ar g aragOi - BuyinQLBloMDdol a _ _ W ade-678-3342-ovos/------< ------QUIET-LIVING— sT BurfeyTraotor,Salvage - — ^a n d -c r a ft s ------^ loalin’g sh’o/fo r horsos orIr i 516 vACATfdfi ■;Cloan complox, 1 & 2 bdrm wkndfl______[ and calvos, lots of fruii troos,s, PROPERTY ^2646^ h Annual Arts 4 Crafts _c_or_^^o?3^71_ w radebumpor.pull.7wido,4 (ihAt lh4 $105,000. Call 423-4347 . Wantod;3poht(fiskknmodl-.. horso trailer lor 3 horso. or Showihow. J a c ^ - May 9lh 4 NK:E NEIGHBORHOOD cod for flnoooointmoni. 522 It. C atalina w/lrlr. Orig dijhwashor. laundry O'Quality Holittln dairy ro- 1 sen $3500. Call 3264497, lOth.UmltSdspaco.Con- 10th. I 502 HOICS placement hollora: 300- 2-fflW 2 e!;^ I Lovoly all Brick homo with i sails, many extras. Excol facjElios, no po ts E Wanted: Homo traitor, alumi- taact ct Rulh,I P.O. Box 123. cond. must soo to ooproci- 800 lbs. Homo ralsod. Tri- Jbox type o,k. ^ 0 0 3 5 War FORSALE . bodrooms. Yard Is foncod^08 509 -SHOSHONE HOMES 864 Quin;y 7 ^ 6 0 0 , « hum or FRP gooseneck, Rocli^ockaway Booch, OR r jht. ______- ., ato..$4.9 5 c ^ ,4 ^ 3 ^ * pie vacdnatod. Extra fdncy Wanted: w (Balsr. Hesston !}H and woll-landscapo'd. 4-6horeo.CaDm^. JZ12 ____ 1 $20,000 p lu s por yoar in- Maln^loOr-livIng oroo hasI f s REDUCED TO S47.500 606 HOBHEHOHES springing ‘ honors availablo 46004 orJCT348 « 348. CaB ^ : co(Tio. N E oxocuiivodu-___ firoplaco and lots of light.:all 12S0sqfl.3bdnn.1%bath.1. SISJ M O eiL fH O tE S ! also.BlalfFafms.1-612- 7 Western show dothing and . . . , lolt hats, many colors, nico 14 BULDING plox. doublo car garages,•in- 3 Soo this ono soon- ifs buit in 1983, diy sowor andd . • IFor RonI in Shoshone: 2 ^283-S777. ______V^e^FfonTioadorTa W I?|| pair of black kMUhof c h a ^ , ■ MATERIALS" I ...... ' 7 ; - • bodrooms, 2 boths.du- pricod to soil FASTI.Coll wator. Sollor vnll pay up lo0 101 X 45, OS is, $500 or bost bdm), 1 bath, double wMo; RfRed Angus rango buQs. Low backhoet to TOUnt on farm ^ ’ $13S.S00.734-1749. • UL- $1000 ol buyer closingg_ olfor. Call ovonino s 733- $325imo-^-i»'i637HTO. -b tizo.7-CaU 4 ^ 5 7 8 7 . ------s , 3 ' Ron734-0524,92-111 -binh weightrlast-oainingr- “ t W iaM om horse,Irallorr SOp'SJ0'S^x8.-x4VfiiBd"flJ*ia^-;-^- =i------g-bdfj^inaiauoalpull 0- -6026^-734-72227--^^:^ (Goodlng; 2 bdrm rvery n ic e r 'iJC2I 2««2E«t43^rrr WantodW Immediately For , ■ " " o i5 l‘5 W .7 lh S r )kKRs, $2.50 oa. 9344814 bsmmrTowgQB bills, nico 12x50 Billmoro, 2bdrm, fumbhod, fenced. No petal WiWantod: 20 hoad 500b blod( Cosh!c Kubota 4WD tractor - p ------Sittof ' 6. kiiehofi. 734-^54. now washor & dryor,' $350plus$125deposit. _bbakfysteofs. 678-5717 .. v ^■zrBRAW bEY: wHh orwDhounrontloader' tchon cablnots, matching . 3 bdrm in Jorom o. nico MAGIC VALLEY - -9wam- p coolor. 8 x 10 stor­ CoH9j4-4766.- • ■ W;Want to rent pasture lor e 12 IRRIGATION RV curb landscaping, sauna,ol. ' New hottio in H agorm an,I, HOME, oukit rtoighborhood. paid. Cal 7 3 4 ^ 7 7 e r send ^ ap*' lrgdbl2cBrgaragowith34- groal kn, 1610 sq fl. To boD in mobile heme park, inquiry to; PO B ox 1 0 5 . 7V7>Ahp Deiavd water oooied f buJl soon. Call 837-6402. _ $82.500.733^. YOUR ATTEtENTION I >1^ storage. 2074 Bittorrool. Twin F ^ . ID 83303. Vvacuum pump, will run w of ^ Glenns Feriy by Robert te 14 urAs.iM d approx 72 l C all lor Qppointmont 734-______EExeolh>nt 1986Skytino14x ;COMMERCIAL BUILOINQ j! H al. $1.25 B),.^l._c«llect. 5541 Stfl.'jnoo ^-70.-_3-bdrm.. 2. bath. ' at-t431 K kn^A d.2292. ^hootf.^. 324-2451^ J ALPINE 502 HOMES $18,900. Froo kKaldlviy. Uaed dairy equ^xnont: OW 4 ‘ r f PLEA\SE t l allalta M d ; many varto(-'' BROCKMAN'S M O B U “ fHerringbone alalia with */, REALTY FORSALE- ..... HOMES ies. $1.00 & up. Also i c t i o n o f “ 502 HOMES oncos required. Ca> Ray ai aM to. grain feeders, 800 V Large Select :734-3373^------' 1-64 and Hwy 93, Twin Fans,. geI:bulktank,4*Ahpvao- QRA^VALLEYi corn FORSALE 733«36 or 7330202. Q n d i t i o n e d , cai,ltollfSee 734-3167 W 324-4203. • uum pump wim 2* kjw line. • Used - Recon< .! ' l.flQO-473-3446 ' , Glonwood 14 x 70 ,2 bdmi, 2 :esfor-— - i —balh.— Great— shapol- - THREE J S cr t^.'CT80M7?^ I Appliance :: : BEAUTIFUL ~'^%05B7or733-1477.- ; EXECUTIVE H O I£ $12,900. Froo kKaldhrry. BROCKMAN-S MOBILE 704 CUSTOtl FARM "AllellaseQd:$ito,$1.30,a ^ M ^ C ^ 1496U336 pr; ^ It'oltto’BamHooie* HOMES .SERWraS , ^ ! otS38Fik>r Avonuo 1-84 and Hwy 93. Twin Falto. M ” -SALLE- ! .Ovora.OOOsqlt 734-3tg7w3244203. . R E A L T Y ITCNBUJNQ MAKaKa aeed Iw sale by grow- "With Tene r m s " • 3firoplaco« Titan 14x52 all electrlo. 7>M M e .er.NaN«r.vaiiety.CarJaRy.. • 3 lul M hrooms I • •3larsebedroonis Downiownflllioeaulttfor rMit0OMft,3eepMia , { ■ '«OakTw^i^d lloori and IINQ7 FORGET ITI Move Into i i dTsiJ wS : ^I S: i R W G E S TOailala-homfl^-bflflropm-g-/-* —- and THINKINQ'OF BUILOlNlow covennos, irench ooor^ - T34-7803rQreg Edion or Si — -!hls-all-como!flledrimma(19 sq. ft.'SpnnKllno system in . ■ KOTItgtfff, " ______. REFRICERAllATORS >19 caETeRVLors ' f 70a FER TiJZS) uaifi wiin ioveiy wirtdow1. double oarage. A GREAT f Renl/lsue/)}urchasa: 1500 All Used Appliance walk-ln closel and 1549! sq I shop w/Irg lot, axo lo- AHDTQPSOI. 4 ptoU in V ^ y ^ section ■,-Cuarantee.W e'rt’ OH . • □ ^ ’c ld u tn n c i Incrofll-Ing. l ■■ \ b&sanirflgsofl ^^Sm ^O ve-rstbcKecI A I . • Outsido ontronco lo bauo- •611-FARlBFOB "7 I ' mont(grootforaplofbu8} por plot. Call 734-0846 or RENT • If< ^^educe Our Used> d InveMI ory. . ; e rlo l all for $ 7 9 ,0 0 0 JUST :>(?(^Ml:3a3-3951dayer A • . « Londscapod. moturo Iroos,mo- ilreplace ^us woodburm[mxiDUSi ■ _ TO342528' - ...... ' n I ^ ^ — — sprlrtWof syatoffl— ------77:5«reea!lsffldef-euliiva- "s IU8) sprinklers & larqe corner. tlon,TFCCwaterpaldby • ’ • Extra largo two car gantQO DbATioH’iiPaikinplront and • 521s REAL^ATE ChefntcalAp^oatien ^ ^ j ______^wZouiomdifidw^tm .RMUCED^WHER^ !feclrstjpe«tiafp-appcarancer ------— WAKTED------■ - . • Monrcustom loauirnl - dlskorrollar’iiarrow. i? •$99.6Q0 X sm aubusine^'locj o w n ? ...... 'Rosponstole&p .financially ae- 8 -ShownbyaBpoiitfRont'—. ■reartithly-lBvelleM tM ‘j.cured.cMtelool^to . arasgisiiiJi ■ CanaftPT&l>m734

m VRis n f f i m i ED CA III IDue to the Hiluge Success ofo 0^ sale laiist weekend,’, we're overstctocked with tibrade-ins, ^€(Me^irFto;oday!-Great:PPiiitesiGreait-tA^ailue! Great:itG ars!:= ^=

i< i^i DATsiiiNiiii PICK-UP A L l i R n DODGE DAKOTA PI I C K - U P , _ ^ - • Slock # 6 2 « , Red, NcNew Paint, Tire & Wheels, - > Slock «568, White, Sharp, AuVulo,4door 9M LI o o c s’tl’l#38, Gray, 4 cyl., 5 Speed ‘Looks Good, N icelOldlruckWAS 01 $3,995 .WAS $6,995 ...... 1...... I g ^ W ^ W A S5 ! $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... % 9 9

1981 CHEVYY CI I T A T I O N I9 9 I DODGE COLT 18 FIFTH AVENUE Stock«834,4door,A•, Aulo., Air 1 Stock «6H .H ed . ' I QA MO C * . . stock «s:#820, Blue, Loaded ...... - WAS $3,995..5 ...... •1,9W W 2 A S ^ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... t § T r W ^ W A SS ! $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... 9S 1 9 7 9 A U D I 1985 DODGE CARJl A V A N J 1 9 FORD MUSTANG I ' Slock #735, G reen,, AlAulo., Qcan Car I stock *6255, Red- #N-105, Blue, Convertible WAS $2,.995..S ...... *J,240E|W A S $ 6 , 9 9 5 ...... SOLD S $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... 8 8 1984 CHEVYY C( A V A L I E R I990JGEO.M ETRO- U-Eim0UTH4UND _Slock.«334,.W hili:,4<,4door,Aulo.,Air...... ” I StodcKBOl #744, Black, Sharp, Black. A/C 1 1 “ r J WAS $3,995..5 ...... WAS $6,995: ...... t z z z z iSOLD 5 $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... *8,98 1 9 8 4 T E M P O0 G l 1988 NISSAM PICK ) 2 DODGE SHADOW, Stock#86URcd,2dr.dr., Auto,Cruise, Air, -* ■> i,Hnrdbody...... I - Q Q C . StockAS*#859, Rose - - I ® : : . , _■ :ia™ rci?'w «s"$: 1*^779 - WASS $11,995.....:...... i ..... k:.:--$Oll i 9 8 3 b O D i 5 EIEABKS- 1986 NEW YORKEIE R * _ , ^ 1 9 8 9 1CHEVY 3 /4 TON PICK Slock «N -29, W h itee, , 4 door, Aulo, Air ■ •S lo c k #723, B row n. 4 d o o r, ULoaded, Real Q c a n , ,A B B stock««#06, Red, 4X4, Loaded’ WAS $4,995^ ...... :... W A S $ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... ',5W K» WAS5 $< 1 1 , 9 9 5 ...... ';l* i% 7 8i i s m r n r n t m m m ] PODGE DAKOTA MCK------S to c k #6302, B rowTi/W n/' hite Stock #54, Blue, 5 Speed; Shoi WAS $3,995...S ...... $OlD ^W A S $ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... W A Si j$12,995....^_...... f i f 1 9 8 6 D O D GIE E A R I E S 1990 CMC S-15PI' i c i ^ u p ...... OFORD F-150 PICK-UP .Slock #763, M aroon,in, 2 door, 5 speed.N ice car > Sto ck #6243, W h ite, L o w M ik I n X x stock to«02.Tan.4X4. : Uwded WAS $3,995... %788 IW A S $ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... ) , w O O W AS S «$ 1 3 , 9 9 5 ...... '.... * ll,9 91 i 5 ?l! — -M84^CHEV¥!r x - i i w ^ J5Sm CJ-15PI• i c K i i p 0 NISSAN PICK*UP AAA -Slock#6311, Brownn ...... - - , Slock #6176, While,*SfiarpTF!55p5WrAM/FM , 'Q B B stock #75.»7! Silver. 4x4, Loaded — -WAS $4,995...I.; ...... ZSW lfilJW «..$a,995 ...... W A S1 $< 1 3 , 9 9 5 ...... *11,9919 5 q ' »A 6 2 6 U 1987 MAZDA RX-7 1 PLYMOUIHVOTAGER iL #216,-Blue,Crt‘fll Buy!- *------”T- S i 9 P i 5SS»9S®SSSS 5 0 ^ i I 9 8 6 H 0 N D A - 1990CHmCAVAI 2 DODG^DYHASTY ------■ ' - Slock«871,4doorW;Wagon, 5 Speed, Blue - ’ S to ck #779, R ed, S p o rty tl857. Maroon, ^ v e over SI ,001 WAS $3,995... ^ 9 9 |^ SW A S $ 8 , 9 9 5 ...... | , 4 5 0 ~ SS ! $ 1 4 , 9 9 5 ...... B8 ^1: T “ 198rF0BD7iy.w a g o n ' ' ...... -1986 CHEVY'1/21TOH PICK-UP^ I DODGE CARAVAN AAA White, Low Miles Stock #99, Red, 4x4, Sharp , A w j f Slock #82,m2 Maroon, Comfort. Roomy Ihnm ii ...... ____7 Passen^icnffr WAS $15,995...z i . . . : .... * 1 4 ^ , 1 ' 1988 CHEVY«r CELEBRITY 1991 NISSAN PICK ______i ' 9 9 0if ' lFORD F-250 PICK-UP' *StOTlF*8^-Ritf?Cikr^«ewi55^ ^ g : ~ WAS $5,995.^ _W AS.$S,9j>5„ ...... W A SL$.l i 5,9«5'Z!.'.’.II"Z ”' 1985 NISSANNSENTRA 1991 CHEVY;S-ip1 PICK-UPI . 9 TOYOTA 4RUNNER J i A A : , sto c k *7 9 7 ,5 B p o rd1, , AAir,.Wagon . -« Stock #97, Biue.jSporly I A S K J C ' stock tl91,>91 R c d ,V .6 ,4 x 4 ...... : I WAS $4,995... *3^88||W AS $8^99S^.:.:...... W A St $ 1 5 , 9 9 S : ...... * 1 4 ^IO.-: II il 1986 PLYMOI 1989 SUBARU GL SSUBURBAN, i l A A '.Stock »101, G o ld , 41 door,dc Aulo, Air «■ Stock #774, Blue, Aulo., A /C,C , P / 0 ...... , <6272, Criiy/Rcd, Lo.idi'd W a s $ 7 .995:..:..:;...... , ',4 8 8 ; $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ...... JW AS $4,995,...,L...... J3,488 I :.^^4^J8IB8 i: ir aM ajuBHIBISHI i PR E C ISE ^, =1987 DODGE D-25150PICK -U P==j^ B.CHEVYSUBURBAHJX )Stock#N-25,4door>5ir>f^peed. G axI Buy stock ffia-OolarUkeNi^i^ WAS $4^995... WAS $8;995~7:7.: W A Si '$ $ 1 s ; ^ 5

I986P0NTIA(IACGMHDA m ' ...... 1991 DODGE SHADMW ...... ■...... 1 9 9 1I 1HlfSilBISHrM ONTERC . Slock #884,4 door. AtAuto, Sharp •Sre^kKSaOrWhite, Clean, Aututo, 4 door #071. Blue i $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ...... 1 5 = WAS $4,995... z:soiDt=|W A S $ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... ',5 5 0 Z I * T ^ 1988 DODGEE ’t i O l T E ...... 1986 CHEVY 1 /2 1T O N P I ^ J D DODGE W -250 PICK-U m A m m . ” ’ ® ‘ ~ S lo ck #766, Great StarItdher Cor.Good Mileage 3 Slock «9S, W h ite ...... - #00. Red/Silver W A S $ 4 , 9 9 5 . .. ^3,788j|W A S $ 8 , 9 9 5 ...... SOLD i $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ...... :*lf,38( “ T988TI0DGE I m^D0DGED-50: I-FIFIHAVEHUE ------A A g ^ Slock #68, Blue Slock #181, Green, Flashy . Q O C stock H85«858, While ^WAS $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 ...... 1 5 ^ W A S $ 5 , 9 9 51 ...... !....;...... :...... J3,995 W I A S $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... 1 ” *1^99i 1 9 8 8 T O P A Z[GS C 1987 DODGE CARAA V A N ...... 1 2 JEEP CHEROKEE ’Slock #787, Red, Econ.gnom ical, 4 door, 3 stock »504Vhlle #219, Gray I ...... Great-Family C ar W iAS $5,995.:...... ;;....;..'*3,995 IWAS $8,995-..p.- ..... SOLD ; $ 1 8 , 9 9 5 ...... :.::*i M 4^98 .1988 PLYMOIDUTH RELIANT , 1991 TOYOTA PICKi k - u Ip j I JEEP CHEROKEE • . A l A • ^ Slock «539,5 S p e e di,L , L E ;4 d o o r______9 Stock «6257, Red #98. Red - I J j | T 5 ( i - $ J 3 A 9 . S ------' '~-WAS$e;995-£rI'STw’.TiH^ir^TJiSSTT.inTr.'mTi.i .u^ f.** 9 9 5 ||,W » M 9 , 9 9 5 ...;.:= 1988 DODGE DAKO I DTDGETARAWW” " 1986 DODGEE LI A N C E R . AAX Slock #714, Turbo, 5 speed,sj 4 door, Good C ar " Slock »2S3, Charcoal, 4X4, oniineowner, ^ #85, Blue *■ , S I ^ 5 ® " ^ ; r WAS $5,995... *3,995 I24,000 miles W A S $ 8 , 9> t 9 5 ...... ^ 9 9 5 i $ 1 8 , 9 9 5 ...... »I7>IS I CHEVY BLAZER 1989 DODGEE I c b i i r ...... , 1986 FORD BRONCCO Slock #866, Silver, GocSood Cor . i Stock,«W, Browri/Tah, 4x4,5SSpced ' SA OI Q E - ..-Stock «76#76. Black ' j f W W 9 W A S; $ 1 9 , 9 9 5 ...... 50 . W A S $ 5 , 9 9 5 . .. *3,995 iW A S $ 8 , 9 9 5 . ...:...... ‘ 1 7 ^ I PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 1989 DODGEE ( c d i f i T ...... r99linD0DGE DAKOO T A ^ 1 9 9 1 P stock «ql2. Blue; Long bed, 2 w heel driv e M E fI -SlW«96ff96rBlUC ------— - Stock #N-32, Red s m M JWASJ lS ? 9 5 ' . ; . ; ...... W A Si $ 1 8 , 9 9 5 ! ...... 88 - I ; 1988 DODGEED I -isopick-u^ 1 98 8 TOYOTA PICK ) TOYOTA 4RUNNER -AIA lSlock#42, White, Longong Box, fin t W indow 4 stock «257, White K O I n . Slock #6295,mz Red a U L U W A S1 $ 1 . 9 , 9 9 5 ...... {W A S $ 6 , 9 9 5 ...... *M 88||W A S $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... s J 1 7 ,5 8BO ( ■ I 2 DODGE CARAVAN ^1990D0DGE(EXOLT’...... 1989 EAGLE PREMII H E R ^ 1 9 9 2 1 . :Stock#7lO;Blue,Veryery Economical-— ------4 stock «879;Browti C A I n ' ~ Stock «26#268, W hite W A S $ 8 , 9 9 S t ...... a v L v w A ^}_$ $ 19,995...... 1 5 WAS $ 7 , 9 9 5 ...... :*M 88l| .„ ,'1 7 .9 9 l ! 1988 CHEVY S 1990 MERCURY TO 1 9 9 22 PLYMOUTH f VOYAGER #267, W hile ., .iSlock*J27,4door,5S|5Spc^,Bluo_ 9 stock «807, White, A ulo, A /C 7 % l l stock «26 S 0 _ _ _ ^WAS $iS,995 .... W A S $ 9 , 9 9 5 ...... , # . a v ^ w A s: $ $ ‘1 9 , 9 9 5 ______L i |8 ; * 5 i ------L : _ i 9 9 i : ( -I987H0NDAI I CHEROKEE LAREDO Slock « 6 « , S ilv er, 4i door.do Auto 9 ,Stock«62#6294, Maroon w ^5 S $ 2 2 , 9 9 5 ...... ^ ‘ 19.99! L_ WAS $6,995....; *4^988 9S !I i i u i M m i l l^ O M Iu r :i4 «9 d e w i fflHiiiiii IbSabJmlbPrloi-Sale. ■ ■ .j . ’ On Approve*roveJi Credit. IIj J ! , A’pr d 18,1991m.

r ~ Open

. .. Weekdalay-- ij_ii

Evening V ' i : 'til M R]?M, m r r r»:733^5n6~—

I------..-. — J—. ■ ■ ..V' ■' .

I. Twin Fans, Idaho Frid^ .AApflM7,1992 ^ ,i

' 'i. r , =• •/• r « ' 'I | g g I'

Tl MO NEEDf TO SHO}PANinA ^HEREEItSE! WITHIa u R j i u coriNVirMTORYCotmNi CARS& r ■ TRUCKS, ...... - DffH1AM MOITORS HAISJUSTITHEVEHIIICIEFOERYOU! I ||S 3 1 9 9 2 S U Z U 1 9 9 2 D O D | llR fC ^ m m s m O C U P “ “ I f l fniition. clothoth i rccllnin^ sriti, bjck windnv%^r(ri ly M lhoblslii - Im portedH I er Dodge st«k«D-3D-35. Dodjie Shadow Amrrita with-l!ih.ltpeeillranimlt- Slock *T-IT-149. 2 Wheel drive. 5 ipeed manualitual lranimiiilon.3.9 H M.OOOmilnbu» bumper lo bumprr wirrjnly ^ •105.4 ipee«l tr4n»miuion, 13 liter SOHCMPISC iion,121il2 liter 4 cylinder CFI rnRinr, Cu»limermer I’referred Croup a«le ratio,lio, 15 llief ■< cylinder EH rnRinr, high altitude emlt> I ^ cnRlnr. Cujloiutlomrr I’rererred rjckige 21A 21W,0*vn.wnrr'i Choice Prolrdion t lo n t^ .^ ic k Order Croup 21 A, Owner** ChoiChoicc Prolrdion I ONLY 3 OR ONLYv^6S8l8 OR ONLILY 748118 0> ONI 1 0 0 $ A f l J m ao^ _ i4 ( ^^WA-plu«’u<.-«nd llllrrUftiH *abjrl«^e.i.er- - -'5>lrl’rirr«6;« ■ ¥ ^ pluvtar^nd l^-URln.^ob|FC1nn In prior wte orjYT - -♦SalrTrhrt-fiTTiid lillr U'nil. tiibjrtf)Jrefloprfnr«lroj;r.- - *SiIe'PrI«rIcTSSJM prr/la't ana'IIIITU^lit tubjrci Ttt, title 4n<]J IrrlRht(rr iir includtd ia Ihc monlhlyr pjymenLp4 tDJ&n T4i. llllr jnilnd fiM ght aie inclSkrd In Ihr monlhly p y paymml. lOJB'i Tat, tillr' amand frrighi ate Included in the monthlyithiy payment-IUati. .1 -Ta«,Jill»at and Ireighl arr incftidri In the monthi)rnthly payment tO.74'^ ~ ArK.$4f dimrn.'WR. 72 tnonlhlj»i^>menl». no bjlloon>npjymrnti. p. ’ APR. S49dowaown. 72 monlhly piymrnit - no bjlloun | > H inpaymrnlt. APK.S44do»down. 72 monthly paymrnli - no ballooiilloonpaymrntk. APR,S49il19 iMwn, 72 monthly paymentt-no ballooalloon paymrnli.

^ 4 p . .. ------1 S s s I m i i 3 > . S J I 1993n D 0 D 6 E P O» W E R t 9 9> 9 2 P L Y M O l 1 9 9 2 D O D ^ 1 9} 9 2 S U Z U K I « ^ 5 0 3 | i E 4 ^ - . , Slock #20-4 I E ^ E K A I I P ^ s. Reclining bucket »ralt. 5 ipeed mjn n-47. llrcIlnlnR bucket teait, 5«perd r ______■ _ M J I b y'H M itsubishi ■fm pofledfcM D p d g e , lanua trantmi.. SM54. Reclining cloth trail, aulomalicnallc locking huhi, • Q | ;rr« q lln d frM ri eiiBlnr,.ANW'M Ci» 2.4 lltcr< cylinder Eri enRlne, AM/JN! Slock « |.» . DtrDench »cjl. S ipeffl minujl tt4n!i„ 2,4 ______Owner's ChnlreCh I’rotrction-______16 valve MPI enfiinc^pcgffranimimiislon, l^ (ulliize HI ------H — "ajrR jri ijiipii?;Jtlir, lull >irv>pJie, V.u»iomrr I’rrJ, l.i Cicieneil.Ctaup.21K______- “ E : I ONLYy$998{B OR ONLTt^998JBor ONIHLY ^99818 ONL' JB or

-7 :1 : M ? >“V --» 4 9 ' ■ H 'Silc Trier |. and lille. Unlu lubjrrt lo prior| u ir ai.c. *Salr i’rict:» 1'W M plui lat and lillr. Ull* .ubjrdIrct tot prior ia1eoj.e. 'SalePricr!(r S10.6SS plui tat and title, llnitt lubJect i ■ Tjv llllr jnJ frrlKUl frrl Jif IncIudrJ In Ihr mnnlhly, pjpjymrnt. 9.U^ Tj>. titir and fr* >Ject to priorulrcuLC. d rr»l||ht art included in the monlhly pjpayment. l0.9S'i Tat, title and liright ate IncluJrd in thr monthlyihiy payment. IO.Wi Tat, title anand freight are induikd In Ihe monlhlyithly paymrnL 10J7t ■ ArR.M9

______■ _ ( , 4: . |||||m||^> I r. ■ S T v O l B B B y

l y H I t SE— ------^^1 9 9 2 D 0 D G T 9 9 2 J E E F ~ rF 9 9 2 D O b>GE ( W 92 PODGE DAlA K O T A ^ 1 5 0 P I C K ! I D-1 UP lAWRANGLE!R MONACO9 C :k u p ■ : H Slock «r-i8i. DeluncDel tiolh «it, 5 ipred mtnuil Iri: ip CLil8 CAB PICK lran*miiloa Sttxk lJ-89. ReelReclining bucket irati, 5 ipted tranir;nimltslafl. 2.5 Slock «D-08,•08, Reclining teali. 4 ipeed automaiiclaiietrdntmitilon, , Stock t2T-2 ’ . 3.91l1rrMaRnumlum V-6 MI'I enplnr, ilidlnp iw r wim•Indow, body liter 4 cylinder f T-1S7.4 apeeci aulomalic Iranimliilon,.lon, 3.9 liler v-6 * 1' der MPI vtiBine, eilra capacity fuel tantank, conven- 3.0 liter V-6■6 ecflRine. Cuilomer Preferred Craupiup24J, 3 Owner’a Magnumet . . ildcmoldinsi.Vk;j, Work Advjntigr PjckjRc 2IC. Own)»vner'l Choice Hoiul tpjre tire, I engine »IIdingteaf window, Sportrt AdvantageAi tire, Cuflomer Prefened Package UD,3D, Owner'a Choice Prole'otedioii , PackaRtJ4lJ4D, Owner’a Choice Protcdlon Progra ■ i’tolc(tlon<^ Choice Pmleflioectlon •ogram...... -7 I ONLY M098{^ 8 OR only10981' 8 o r mT>1198y 18 OR ONHtM278is on I .91 ' i I >49, » f c J 2 1 9 9 d . - ^ 2 3 S i9 d ,..> 2 4 S9■r mo 2 i Z l H *SitrrriceS10,9SaIjsa plu> Un and t'itle. Unlit lubjecl lo p 0 prior Mir 0J,e. 'Sale Price' »I1SI1.9SS piui ta> and title, Unlli lubjrdrd totc prior ule ELa.c. \ 'Sale Price!e SI2.W plui ta> » d title; Unlii lubiectiectio li prior uic oxc. ■ . Tivliae.wn.7:m. 72 monthly paymenti- no balloon paj paymentt. A ^SI9dowlown. i 72 monthly paymentt > no balloon>cmpaym*nlfc p APR.»4»dmdown. 72 monthly paymentt- bo balloonloon |pajrmenti. • ■ j :■ I *'— t , J. ■ ■ ■ , ' Prices Etfectjvele ThiouiUi Saturday, April118,1992 If ......

A y • j ^ r

•WflNUIN t m g i mM h o V- J ’Fiiundngfwbwedlip * appfavcd citdlt 510 2i ZM Ave. S; >' Twin F^lls,.ldaK p'-i^3r

" 1 ■ : ■ ■ I ■ '■ i— ■ Friday.ly. April 17.1992 Ttmos-NowsJews, Twin Falls. Idaho D-1

M iscelkla n eo u s - 8 0 6 . 8 2 0 -

S06 CHLOREN'S M0 COUPIJrERS . 810 RREWOOO 811 W 5W W RE 811 FURNrrURE " I117 tfSCeilANEOUS 117 gl IISCEUJUE0U5- 111111 MUsiCAL/ -' v 820120 PETSAKD ITOB ______EZ B a w c i^ e a rt,^ ^ .c o r _ A W C A R PETS.______FO H S A lf FORSALE' . MSTRUUENTS ' SUPPUES______BobyobwtomSiw!!M ISO ~flon.t200;C»l83fl-od. I ^ o W r .3 2 4 - 5 8 5 8 . . ^ linos in i» A |e m US. OFA - ..soHwara.xolor.'prlnli jl 5ki0.tf»ir.bpTOJ»rfnW^ - W « t t « 3 poM 'dM immadl------8495.734^9 I frame, mallress a box: RoundF trip pla n e ticket on . hlM"ip"; ^pdolate, yellow------cam py, fMoDoara w/giasa 808 COUMUnIcATION n s s ; 111 FUBW URE i < Northw^;$l50.Roslrio- I Kepler: Savin 755, works ON rBMX24Eprinler.Uk6rK b o o n tte , 6 drawer poooa* ZwlSMiutlKSllorJpU ^ Devices Saerifcetog. 423-4343^ AND CABPEIS ; • . Jl°n«s»»»r.326-4644._ _b»;li^»oji,3j«035 g ,, -KQOOd.543^V9eve>. ' AKCiiKCmalaSchiopporke,'s ' Saddle King cuttlna saddle Wanted:w, Front loader a a orSaleldosk45onice Attn R u w h m & Fanm i '"**• »^l«ggg{onle«rililonli'’.'’V Seafy queen c o n ^ e bod, : 16K*aesL$550.CM536- ”kbackhoe lo mount on larm . chalra.Call736-3936Mk AKCIK C N o r w e ^ Elkhounds. 3 Motorola mobile radiM lo rL M v ______, 6w>6wksold4/18.Callafler nevef4»sed ^ 20g Book-■ 612 HEATINQft AIR l-2 2 9 ____ ' Iftractor. 324-30^ JS :::: Liz_M ox«r>j.M oiraf j j a - Schwinn A lrdyne,exerdse w i lHARP-FO-230 fax. used plolowkhanMnna. elder 'fceyboardreolormonlti ““ COWmOfWQ— " Wi n 't'e'd im m e d la ia lr^ fSr SH' Tandy prinieri mouia .Wy.W?.IWr7?^7827, ^ . spoakcr.ele. 1 Molon III! Like new oaK d resse r with . CashI Kubott4WOtrador JS ' S nouse^.loystick'soi condition: wood dining:I’S 'mirror,'»200- matching wfth or wlUtoul from kwtfer' ^ b a te sta tio n , roof din 20 PETS AND ■ Ffof< tlon^anioma,transfo(Tr games^^lfcr|750.7J q u e en size bed wlih mat- ‘ Sectional stainless steel aalso backhoe for a Kubola « 0 S i a a a : S IS : 5616.days or 788-94 » lress.|150:8llofl-whlte; S14 JE W E lfly ^ coolor, appro)! 6‘x8'-6Vi' trtractor. C a ^ 324-3035. SU PPU ES ^ Black 4 white. Reserve (Me AO In exeellm t oor - -com pressor 4 condensing- nowl C al 678-5313. ------tlenlPaldnew/>5509,-iD9. se ,- -««>•------re.. .cou^$75;oakdeskset,-,------^ANDFURS------forS2SOO.Call>33^eoo.^ 55 like new, $150. Call 734- . unit, $1200. Sire *33 elec Smo.oUlematoRoRwoitor. AKC)J-$300.lom^ larm tractors.prelorably. — hardldy wom, $2000.736- •r.»2m.»M.^r«,i34. J : tarantulae w/tanks;Scor- ■ $ 3 5 0 .^ -5 5 5 9 . . • -4516. eves. with front loaders. CASH. ------pionw g ; /tanlc:45^aq(^ Bassoasset X pupe, $25. Can al- SkirtingS for 1 4 x 7 0 mobile, “ aum w / accessories: 4 PI- lor 5 weekJavs. 734-1664.* BIS MUSICAL ra 615 LAWN & GARDEN cream, tike new, $350. All 61< rahnas. 733-2146 loavo q ihIRDSI q BIRDSI lor sale: KSTRiniENTS JS! Ams . DO S ears C raftsm an riding Amazon. Conuro, Cock- m o old fomaie Calm Terri- allols, allol somo cages. Call tractor, 12hp, 0/H valve, " Peavey Patriot b ass gular 4 ^er, ar very aOive;CebkstIil. 537-4537-6916.______elec start, 4 spd a rev, TIME TO CHANGE t PeaveyTNT130ampHior, tJg unntos.$10.324-4509 ' . hood Bghts, 38* twin Wade, , DISPLAYS? ,$3^or^basl offor. Call ih) used approx 10 hrs. Snow * horry hoadod Conuro 4 BUSIINESS;&SERMCE ___ blQwotaJtachment.'snow AI sT gIS ^ eaoe, $600,204-1216. ' _ -W HOI.^^265AshSl R w tolSw ^s. 733-3905: ^ ockaliols 4 parrol cagoS. I 7 a ^ ' ~ 5afl 423^304______^ a p ^ H j ------si? KC Carin T^erXtgrooi jrs:; Blue Spruce and Austrian Skylark VloHn m ade In,Peo- AK( »ckef Spaniel pups. pure-. - -Pine (7-10'lalihforsale.- - -TROYBE.T/BOLEHS .-.- plple'aRepU^olChlnl -Ea jred . while w /b u ll s p o ls .------.-Moved wilh mechanical - J EOWPMENT._._... ._pi M00A>eslolt em '. | ^ forming included, $200 BODY Rosidonllol • CommercialB |.• CL£AMNQ SERVICE Naed your house paintod Most gardens, $ 1 0 « 5 . ^a.436:J^allorlom. ;^o ladi. Can 726-1813. : WORKS dto. •HousoC(oaning*Win- insk)oftout?..W i^s7 irtwtorlorVHngvinyfirh^ dows* Wails'Residential I Exterior & interior pacing. J g ^ ^ p ^ i l l o d oktc. s ^ , ______BeflnliMnaCwtT^ Reasonable rates TZ ;;sv7aaaw aiwafln;n^ now for spring cjoying- TWM FALLS *PrDlesscnalCoD«lon W e specialize In p r o ^ U W N AERATION- Reoular operunos itow *-734-27B2or736-110S. Ropoir* Window rating avajl^oftThtn&Fri roducos watering, improves Froo Estimates ^ 1936V4Klmbof1yRd. foftnimolk)ciivor>oss& Froof^upAdolrvory ^ ^TO4^83.”’ ROSELAND'S PAINT » . Larty Hanovof PAPER HANOtN& IU W N S ^ ^ d 'S oosII- 3676 N. 1200 E. POOLER CUSTOM BtflLOERS OuaBy woric >ReasoruM> . malos. 423-4730. Brad. i i i Buhl. ID 63316 R&SGENERAL . rates •Rosidonlial or Com- |Lawn Sw eep Agri Fab. 38'. 208-543-8585 - nwrcial»W o)^ loo sman* _lZ5.j)aoda aaw.hopAiu_ CREATIVE METAL F^.d6p«i£BesoKii^ -Caa543-B9S8. F eral yourbutkOngnoodsI“ I , Omamantallronwlk, Big or sm all. W e do li at Free ostimalos. i GsH Rosetand, 'Massoy Ferguson S8 UW N •y’s West]ila n d M oo to rs ____ & ( ^ a ! I o l Magic Valo; MOWER, needs a litlle Oimar/Opsrator. work, now blad o to w o rsa f f l “ t h e WINDOW WELDER j Day orn lght 734-2649. 'ER ffl?SS!HSuSd«ondot .b la d e s. SSSO.or bost oH or^

' M - “ w w o a rtimtnfl------Mflwa e io BPPea '8iimTWf~ ' irfTERORiEJCTERK);’ ^ loader, W isconsin motor, ffl WoMakoffiwCalls”Is B4LConstrucUof» r 6 ^ CREEK PAIMriNG W/rippor, good shape. K L # Tho Window Woklorr * M slntsnance LANDSCAPVK3 ' H ouses, barns. &oulbulld- $3500. C all 736-0768 or B J . 739-11147a6*1141 Specializing in lawn mowing] h g s. AD w orks preparation 326 - ^ S S a r e S ■ WINDOWCLEAMNG donllal, Buildup rools, sin- gtophr.molal rool coolings. 7 Bl .. ASSOCUTEDCrara^AL,AL The name says it ani Wantod; AIDs Chalmerslrac- 91 - COKTRACTOR^P I grovol root rocovory. Looks ' Wo are good & roasonoblol tor. WD;WD45, DIO, D14, I ------r.-„ A M FniC A ,tH C :-- - f ______001736.2786______r e o a lrod in 24 hrs. Rool ^ H Bluoprintcopios. Construe' maintonanco program. -DISrOtTTWtlrtr-wilhout- Ironl loador. Also wanlod E ^ ^ — — U tioniobsitvanabkxobid. ■ •ftwfl" ) 6r^o& oing,sh^& ¥ E L L E • 6 0 0 0 S T E SSi. R«oS!TA"a;i. ' shingles. 52 colors to CMivor 77 or Super 77.68 or A u t o m a t i c , #12006-1. Power Sunro(uoof, Seat, N Froosofvicotoplanholdon Super 88.550 or 1600 wHh a 7344»LAH Lawncaro '• ' CARE < chooeolcom. Air, Tilt, C r u i s e . M u c h M ore!it Froo Estimole Lkwtsod. bondod S insured. or without Ironl loador. ' SUNWAYFARMERS, ALLCLEANJlPa 324-3035. ______' ANDUNDSCAPWO. . n 6 i ■>. CARPET ' , 736-8161. 18'round pool. $360;com- i 8 8 * 3 9 8 8 ' 'Lawnmowino -xnorclaLmotaLband^aw,- L _ _ . _ -TT • • ShriibTrtmmTna ^ROtoraUNS" $1400;tablo sow, $75;KI- T^li|3M ■ r- nollco walor sollonor, . CERTIRED $550; mapk) tabto, chairs & CARPETCLEANINOANCw® I improvimentc;; > , : ^ s S l a E BAR hutch. $550; kitchen tobk>, RESTORATION CaHStovoDiohi TLUNQ4LAWNW0RK 2chnir8.M0.734-8078. Spring Cleaning SpecliL:lsL jc b u il o e r s &'r e p aUR ir 734-4510. Powor raking j •Rosidontiol •Commorcioirciol . s e r v ic e 1973 Mercury Comot. $400 Shrub removal & trimming orboslotIor.423-64Q3 •IICUC Cortiliod'Fullv/In- In­ \ Nojobloosmall. KEN'S l AwNCAHE Fbrtlzing r surod *lnsuron£o worltfork Concroto. carpontry, • Mowing •Tiimmino Roforoncosavailobk).. 530 5 C ase backhoo, now on- Wolcomo*Firo4Watoa to r ml, •Foitizinfl FREE ESTIMATES! gino a clulch. good cond, flostoration 'DuPont Mas ng. Rofiabto&oxpononcod. 734-2005, Bob or RoUn $5500:61 G M C 2 lo n 16' tor Sorios Corlirio Can 734-2520. bod, good wood hauler. •Upholstoiy Cleaning-Pet>P«^ aOfvnraenonco. Qood cond, $1000: 73 1 9 8 7 OLDS 0 ) 1 9 & 9 BUICK: k ., 08orsi& Stains Removeoved Senior discounts. 324-2426.2 8 . . . , i Chovy V4 lon PU, runs, .MS STOM - — JOHN’SROTOnUJNG— ^ A M 7 y M :^ 3 s e t t e.-L- ^ . :.. .. ‘ O iialil/Servlce at R eason ~ RtauE-r — r-' “ “ "'BERVKfi' ~ )00,-MiIcs,.— — . obbP rkosI Only tho Wai> ___ . FULLSERVKE iLawns, i^ardons, lou a land- I N e v v l ■ •'P o w e r Wlnclo^vsrCrmSc ' ?, • LAWNCARE - , EntofS YouriW iol PETTERSON ‘ : s 'e a p i ^ wjl.ti 5'; trac to r si6x8^a(gshod, $^75^ ■ Canfofonappt.324*7120._^ CONSTRUCTIONyf Mow.Trfm.Aorato.TholchJ . * 4 1L i 8 8 > ^ 9 8 8 y " • Foniizo, Insoct iW o o d J'' ./ JohnPoWrnan:'.-?-,' •' t: -: : - ' Control ., 734-2043 • ‘ S ' r i ^ slorago shod. T1-I1 siding, $400. Call 733- i • ™ s s u » = . 2545, leave me&sngo, • .•g CommerdalorroSdonlial,al, THE LONN MOWER KAVEMANKATERINl? Anlkiuo daw lool lub: Newly * Br»nt734-6112 OualKy Lown Coro ' 734-1973 ro-enamolod; chrome claw Custom BBQ service. Spo - - Col now lor spring and------' summofsonncos. “ ' DfLifeSERVlCfe'' - Ifeel; Avallablo lor viewing . c IqIIzo in rotating spii J e l T he Bon M arche, balh tasty sauces. Your choicilOiC^ — . Csll 733-4427. ^ F e a tu re s; T ree s a h e d g es shop | area. For details call ------o n m R n r w ir w a m n[T r r o w SPRWQ SPECIAL Sluafl Arniio at, 734-4800, smol, any pbKO, any limo Irlmmdd/'ldpped or re- : ™ S o w 20%* P tirt? Repairs* . moved •Good cleanup* Bosl oHer. Btth6 ln$tyla: P Im “ TlldMPSON-S MOWING Chlkl's swing sol; 2 swings, gilder, slide, good shfl^o,' 1 9 8 5 FORD F C 1985 CADaLAL A C : ; 1;. you%^^S^EH •Wood^ - • ^j74^Caa;g^jl48. ______: ^ en.batfi.ceramJctilb.car-»- /iM OIK'EM- Double podostal oxocullve i JSjOMBUlMOp ^ - pef.RoasonaUoidopend-cf--- ' .r-.A ffordabb‘ RoIIablo------;-734:95 i • . M * The House DoctorIf 733-7532. «rtree removal, chalnsaw work. - ' Homooollng, repair, reno­o- , shnjb trimming or romoval, GRAND OPENING . OktoTownoAntiquoMan vations: bathroom s, kitch- houlr^ ol any kind. Yard • Inespettsivo Sot, 4/18.13-5 , ______.U ^qg^o^733-|^^ woriiorwhaovor. g c j p i a g CALL^iOWITOkMfll - F m e ^ a t o l 689N.W asl^on * M ~ TWKAY’S nEH M liaN ^ — , ; - 3■JD i riding lawn m ow or wilh* ^ Wo spodaii2o In remodeling rear bag, 6 hp. $250; ____ ^ Sh:rt|n.»>rfn/f.n,vico‘ 19.000 BTU.2^V, Soars I. Joans tauSorod a A C .np fronTrwo lk8r $ 2 S r SAYfT UARVHiUKAYSfrai31 MR.A’SCt£ANERS 36* brown scroen/slorin dr 483W^ngtona.N. g with right-sided handle, ______IN GLASS . $50; 2 wood lamps wilh _____ -1.9«4XHF.VYVY ______L ^ : . - -rt»pTR ul?lO N OC- <*Neworrofflodel. ; 733-2258 Factoiydosoouts. ~ "■■■■“ “ ■“ I S ------& . ..-.'rOocte > TREADMILLS; Retail • ^ w a s ?3V o v e s ; L oaderde

Times-Nows. Twinwin Falls, Idaho Friday, Aprtl'rtl 1 7 .1 9 9 2 ______■ •' / ______!:.i»iiscellela n eo u s 820-825 5 = T h e • ~ t a P E t n S D :se-Spe^ c m l s / 825 V/AffTEDTOBUYUy 825 WAHTB>TOBinr 825 WAKTEDTOBUV' s u p p l ie s •2 5 WAHIEIJTOBUY ------1979 280 ZXeoglnopart)art6 & 14-16 It tiborglasa V-botlom ^nODOG8;Sixk>oorSi etc. 934-5341 ato f fern.DOI boat StraBef. For rasorvDfriS .3jhM5 OMfi. 324-3216. Tot— ~ioavffTi»5sflflg: ■ " '~408qovoniiws. '______. 7344759. - : J rn r ^ ^Cal»334)094. - -•; 0ofd*rCo«l«,- : ^U'.stocKtrailbrJnfalrtd r Buying sp«*,chape,-bralded i l S i i u YOul bo pt*aunOy lurprb Ariy kind ol older, co v ^v . t e a B u t prtsed good condition. Somn^ ri* wMto^ ofi^^ l rolled: horsohair Hems, p i ^ e a of ” lLn athoweasylibta.p(aaloco a - ... pakii)Ju73344£2or-:.33- - /- a r m e d cowboys.-Cal 023— S S L - datiKldd ad. Tha cotto»t Is 4440 ask t e Doan. ■> .‘ „ F n ^ Black lab to gc ; 4310coaoct. 0 good low...ihs reiulli are hjsh.hig ^950-6 or earlier podal car, i ^ r * - ThaTidaMMod. 733-093 “ ^1 anlrl^an. PaInfod^?a7 ;,hunlahu ...... also196ffsofeaffiorpodJ uo.Cal!733«696. - 1 9 9 tnidor. 734^3622. • phaa«anti.^.S4552_____ >92 GMG EXTF R A C A B ^ - ;... froo OoMm Ham sion. <

' , • FREE Klt1en«: 4 Boblalli )»fk8..IWoitx)xtf#Jnod.( ■ ^ ^ s j -,:-'-iSdS9______- ^ “CHOOSE-i ^ S T E R E O , - ;Ffootofloodhomo:9n ^------^ - F R O M ^ _T1LT,._w«& . V kAa4^ t E R " S P O R T " #1N4EB32A6NC76 ..;.^00t0f8. J1000.324-52»5230 760632...... 1.1...... »77‘7 5 1 « 2 ‘. t y V -6 ^ ^ P o w e r, 1 9 9 2 P O N T Li a c h r e b i b !d TOOLSAND J > M a n y 0J1C2FZ23T4NL2121283...... ;.....;.A.,„L. — a-^-^MAWI>gBY- ——--J— - »13,5i ^^'^ABrnttj"«W -bffiKSTSth» m e m m m m s m ^ ...... ConclololCaa837-4513r -""#R12TX2469NB3i;nsi95:.— ~ i:tz^. Camboll Hasfldo alrlosile ss . c ' usod oncenco. 21 1992 iVISSA>lN R£g. CAB2 1-* t A tito M AC/D(? w elderirw w ? j5 #1N6ZD11Z2NE37:373644 ...... 2 . : ....:..... + > « ^ id a 8 . new cond. J2 5 0 oi oflof. 423-5270. ^ I Valvo Grinder. ColColl ’ l^E2FBKre=Eala E e s = " “ = ^ “ -'^a^??afteriT ebat< L-H-- j-T B I ^ T V T " _ '^HURiRRYIMIEENDS KHT!" '2 Nintendo. 6 super NES. 3 ys MONDAY NIC • Gamoboy & 5 Genesjt I • gamoa. yf(M 5.324-3350.t ■ ^ T j j .Boairtiful RCA color consolewto • L ^ M h 11 *] [^ groat, J75. Call 8ST1 H Nintendo: 4 gam o i, Qamimo o ^ ^ fj •'Genlo.'oxc cond. $175. _11_1-^34.&4S6 733i 3 - i 8 ^ _ _ t'-! Olrinr to * r o lQf TV worltp 'if I . ) Sbpor Nkitondo, oxc. condi- ; ■ ttai. *150.536-2067. •All priccs plus tax & tJtlitic, after rebate______'

r h e I B e s t M s y^ l A rc e ^ A t BOI]K t a i n1 A v e • X v £ T h e see S u p e r Lo v i n F O W ^ c e s /A re Good'T h m S a tuurday, Apriril 18 ONL1 S M C T a : ,Y • '733-188 2 5 I a ■ ■ .'

H g R i I : . . 83Maiibju bju_W agon_«06203.i.-1------8 4 G e l ebrity-W b r agon nsie. 64 .-2 8 2 CChevy S-10 *06223!2 3 - 2 ...... 9 0 N $■ N issan Pickup *133>3341-1 .■ ' i ' n 1299" ^ 3 9 9 n 5 9 9 | i' .ka^. t ~-g:r, __ir) ^ 5 6 9 9

. ' ...... 3 r j > 84 Pljnnout]ith V oyager msish'.-.•i-2 ~ ^ 7 9 S e d s a n D eV ille «06347- GM C Jim m y *06302S02-2 7 2 Iini tern atio n al »0649 i l " 33 9 9 9 3 4 9 1 -2 H ^ 1 1 9 9 ^ 4 9 9 ^ 8 9 9 |; I ^ S ic S M l ■

_____ I h ------8 8 - e i i e v y E '"S e rre tta «2403e-i Ige S h ad o w *24042-i w^?V;::r.fa^ I ' 8 5 C1C h'e^ B l^er »23oi 1013- 1 ” * ...... , ' 8 4I ' FSfdBrdrici^iiioii4002.;2” " : \ B - ■ ^ l $ c ^ 6 1>990— ------^---- ;—«:^ 8 9 9 ------■ ------^SAtESPRICE-fLULus-TAXTTrn:E^"$4(5rdroo DOC. FEE ■ ^------— ------

= = s » 7 « ' q 3t-1825" m m AINAVIE.E. S r L A » iff i - r . • M M l ______5 M i • g • • ' -^- ' ...... /-~ H y iTOBAI E l i "

I . _ ___ /. / _ ■ / Friday,ly, April 17.1992 Timos-Nows.Bws. Twin Fgijsjd atto D-’s Misceilaaneous-Rejj^creational i8 2 5 - l ! P 8

825 WAHreOTOBliy.ly. 825 W A ^ TO B uy «25 WAHTEDTOBUY 825 WA^TO.BUY 125 I WAHTEDTOBUy OC 001 ATVSAND 90903 BOATSAND. 00404 CAMPERS 008 1 , CXSHIFof VOUf uitd cor >8 MOTOR HOMBS- IIOTORCYCLES MARINE rrEMS pld cruiser, musi soo. CBlf •*-» -'0 U N S AND______L ome, 23', exc,. 33K mDes, IlghF —•bVPftead/gg-gtS:------M <-^68.5pm raltor.6 ------— BIFIES . . gl|wfalrr8l4.600rCelf~ - ’ - jofl, f u m h u f e S S)col- i S StevensDooUeBarreB4 -1( 2Suxukl4-wheeIera. Big T 3 -1 0 WANTED; GIrfs ten spd b M . racks, low mllee. O ne whn Tg :| leet Sholoun. Any condition • S S J s S VWanted: Wood burning cook ri Tipty Sholoun s h ^ , 84,50 t9 8 3 P Ion. In (ashlonable colorta) forX . 733-4356.ttove.733.tS40eves. '(r(ronl blade. 81600 end 19a3t6'tr|.hullSunrunniir 'r ^ ^ A C E ARROW, Class CoMtioythoo(fflutie,iong{ _ C jJljb .7 6 8 7 ■: - a n 11 year old glrl.-very V boat, 90 hp molor, tilt and P°'JorlOO.AA. W P.FED. A1, 27'. 27' roof air. gortorator,- 'i y W anted; Size 10 rhaiernHy W v anted; W ood fram e ther- f11800. Call after 5:00. Mpore. 886-2131 m‘|„0 poom books, mon's dresiresa Travel fraler, 30lo SS*, good o a pood cond in a qualityy _cto>ho«.Call734-1574 4 ^ ; q e 3 trfm.fish(indor,CB.EZk»d tr -E§l ilcrowavo. TV. sleeps 8,' nockllos with eowboi(boy condlllon & reasonably Tipty shotgun shots. S4.50 radial>dmi tires, e c o n o 'n ^ dto- W anled: Small usod ell for- _dtw^TO^lllcye^** ^79K W ___ 800floS.S43-'S315. ••• • ‘ - prieed.CaH73*-267l. '■ 19-Bay)inorCapfi.(ullbow- P«">or100.%A.RXP.FEO. selen01 engine. always.kopt in _ MOors. 686-2131______shed. Form ica countor tops - rd:rdf Usod air compressor. Cat: WANrTOBUY:Glassshow- . Pinta outdrfvo; now towing M . eepearanco lika now. 1 movod from remodollnj r Wantod: Jabie lop cream- ^ gasew^^^assshelves. ^*82 K a w a s ^ 1000 LTD, km covor,\ oxnUont condition, 8ni«i»mKi Wesson, modol 636, Hie,eoo!^S407"6.« • ling 733-8953 ask (Of RogerJ 01 S Wanted: M m tnffler; akm l-^ ^ Moaralof.734l69^. _mBee. 8995.67^0667 _ jobs. Sniatl plpcos, someome -can 733-1109.______^m^RPjoM eneck. 5 ■ 86500.76^4573. 35:)57, stainless revoivor, 6* 196696 CCl lass C 2 r,-p ;e]u d 0. _damafloOK.^.i>454. •w ant lo buy; Kitchen cabl- *85 XL 800 a $1000.'82 YZ 19 19 ft., Fiborlorm CominentaJ 52!)orroi, holster; Romtnglon >'46050 engine. e AC, sleeps - Wanted; 12 tl bed wfth grain _12S, WOO. 837-48(5 - h< ^ 00.30.06. scope, sling; 4-6, (a ^ Wanled: Hunting boK re- ~ -neta.CaBovBe 662-3464. - I f hardtop, ISOMorccruisor, J?' «, family flu>r plan, kad- :-'~PR E N C H “FRY-CUTTEfTER''«ldor«hoIaJI6(Itflon 1 • CaB678-5717. S U25oa.CoB76e-0131. ed, wantod. Hoavhir than ston Yamaha 60co or com panM EX500,k>wmik>s. tandom ta traitor. Both in good J,*19,W8l 0, will trad e for »tofB truck. 764-2568 eves. c u rv e o r long bow. E v es s — ~~ do0 38’Avion3< 5th-*heel,- _ 98W •do. ktadod 845.000. Front e n d loader lor Fore H onda 6 5 0 , Wind lam m or, ®’ W anted: 2 wheels to al l 989 SOOOtradof.a374fMO saddlebags, 8600.Call -£i iS S10 fi! 40- Teton 5thi»he«(l,* 328-5154 er 733-0731 ask 22 22 fl. Catalina w/lrir. Orig ~ ird loaded 855,000.' « Wanled: Lale modol Sih 830 REAIIAnkETS ® ROCKWOOD Wanted: S ca B.dieet(ioop (Of Harry. ______sails, s« many extras. Excol Molor Mo homos •ditfsols* 19 32- London Air. 5th 1 frwue.Caa 43^8778.^ wheel camper, tandem w cond. must seo to approd- sih ^eol. glide loaded lov Davtdson. 734-1586. > W anted to buy: Good used FLEA MARKET Kawa8aW175.ooodcood., “ lihwhod-swoouts'iflrs — axle,under20M988or 12row,(oUlngboelcuftiva- < >250 Call%3.7eB9 -Si!ale. 84950 (^1423-4481 AmVndorson's RV 733-6756 15,000. Good swamp cooler, rool roo? ^23-5900 o r te ■ f.4 3 8 ^ Of 43^5121. " ^ » A S - r - CLASSIC WOOD BOATS ____ t-800-2ai-6756 ppp„, 250 RV». ;. m ount: mallard hen ^ 3<2-7973. JJ 2 TwfciFaBs 902 Ropair-rostoro-rofinish jggg EBLES RV-Catper, W y. ducks; t o y monitor. 423- ■ W anled 10 Buy: Roiotlllar, - W2 BICYCLES j 69 Dodge Explorer 62.000 ^ on Jj^:ytt|eTykooutdoof C , ra fts m a n 8 hp. model i 37 yrs oitDor. 734-8311. mi. -J2oaJIZZ:W a _____^------“ __ ■ WW orw34sBr348rCBir e c M ^ C a O ’ HUNTBROTHERSFLEA — li. 21 It. Good shaper ■an.-.j 917.299660, working or En«erw5Noroo5ttTM 4.b00.CallJoekpol.mr 'JKKK2 606 Jayco Tont-Traikif, ^ - 7 5 8 ^ - ______NowNm Eagle Ultra podablo fish $4,C Good used ^ arm sewing not. Can 733^789 anvtroe. *• !in £ bicvdee. 734-3557 ||pfindor. usod o nco, paid 702-72755,2945 «k)r,Furnaco 84 J50. -W ANTED: 8iko rack fof mo- W M lod: Old poker chips;- vi 20 'Jayco Pop Up -...... • 8350 3mosago.takoi^ ^ ItasdaSunFlyorClassA, cSmw Guitar, flxor-upporo.k. Also »»3 3 BOATSAND ^_nndpav tor a J 733-1425. gg* ipor.toadodT5,S«. "“ISJSSr™ " > 3*. 454 GMC molor, 1992252 2 5 ' Ja y co 5lh wheel, d ) i d 's i ^ & chairs. CaI733^XJ16. ^ 734-2548 • MARINE riEMS Our 1992 Soaswiflboals with 41.1 7 3 3 « 9 6 . 1.000 miles, excellent K(e IS room, air. awnh'g, sto- OMC Cobra motors aro in conc)ndi1bn, 734-9145 1-1991 fCawasaki 650 SX jot ° , ^ . now 832.900. . . Allw6om: 734-1561. 8 etalnloss stool Can N ew>35' ’s f Mallard.-21bdrm. Shookey Shssl Uetal, . 1?aiumlnum,16hp 904 904 CAMpI rS ^ •Sport King, fully sell- „'«dodJJod 814,900. " . Paul, ID. Can 436-5055. EvInAxfo,Jusiso(vieod& ANOSHELLS " cont. 28'NuW a 5thwhfc«l, tfailef,$600.Call ______tion.i n t ^ ^ iSe^toi Honda Xn or simOa/y^stroko^ i H ^ o,k»dod 824.50b. 934-8387. days. 10 ( 117' ProwlOT 5lh whoel.-:------tmnb{kD.S34^^javB 10 (I., ovorshot-campor.- nnTr.UXEI 34-Travol Quoon, noods somo work. Mako ol- ; Jod 810,900. .-.V . . Hubs to fii 3V*' IH axk) shaft 2' aluminum Mirrorcrah, 6 no< (V milos, loadod w/all tho i m , * ======2I 17'7 Viking .'Pop Up to mount M&Wwhools. ^hp^hpJohnson.nteotniilof.ox- j£Llor. 42(^6315 or 734-7150 indy, porfoci condition. Can 324-2758 cfto'f Com cellenl.cond, 8800. Call 10- |0 ’V* overshot camper. Sells volTraJlor 87.900. Ml ATVSAND •» 7 3 » o e o o ;...... ga: 2 6 'Collins 5t^-wheel. ^ L^ngfof28turdych6#lsof gas/oloctrlc stovo/ovon, ro- »9.£ • MOTORCYCUS i?sZ-StarcraB.ShpJohnson. fng. ’rig lumaco. now cushions, Ied821.500: " ^ a w o r s In eicolfontcondi- 1 2 6 ’ HiLo.' loadod jign.canyaffoa? nico. 81000.734-5854. curtains, cur vory good condl- tion. 8800. Cal 733-40S8. , |h .900. : • . 4-16'boat trailor.homo- IMTERMOUNrAIN 3 5 'Avion 5th w heel, m ade, h e av y duty, would O^fi^H-wiai^^canipo^ MOTOR HOMES, iDIRECCTORySi981Ku8qvairn^^C^ m ake a groal utilliy or raft 88C NDELL, 538-2301 wook- - _<500.0,1934^10. £ -.'B Iraflof.8 1 9 5 .5 4 3 ^ 3 6 . ~ I9889flj Custom Toppor shell, ‘‘“1* — - • \ 196 Jod814.900. ' Looking lor sm al Wmqot^ ^ 2 family garage sale, 17 &» :^ayonlyl&4pm.306Rob- ul r K o n a s k ib o a t, 115 hp ' fits 2 10' Caribou-S.C., K). 18th, 8 am to ?. Baby MOVING SALE: 586 Fill- Evinrude outboard, slain- e x c;EPT1ONAL e 1908 28- Jod 813.900. traitelor250of$looor«ni Hloss prop, rom ovablo ski 1990^ R o ^ n g R slido-in whh ney. C la ss A, only I s 2-ATCa:1-Honda80&1. qvi 28-Alta 5th w hM . ultra j i ; sT tiijffia",!;: I sylon, storage covor, lacks lad for tuTl-sIzo shonbod ,000 milos. S av e thou- o.k>adod834,B00. Yamaha 125. Call 734- suilt-ln Ico chosl, 83500 or PU, ids undor now price. 250 RV’S j_724 0 f 7 3 4 - 2 m ^ ^ _ _ S IV e-O P E N SUNDAYS in. ? tgmjiu«|U g,t a-a'nTS"— 7 ism i ®*l'i3 Mst olfer. 726-4165. t h o t s S ‘RC Q 5^s” “^ ;BL£8 RV-Ca«|w.Wy ^aoo:& Q .^ly^ ttu«a uffiAh SM Ot: ^

■’'’^ '‘^'NewH^n^BsTalBflor’' f- 'Frl«-S>t,'737F«llrA»'W;- “-f'""pfeeeffl^ Dr.W parts. 326-5305. - 3 loliolniWdinlty.Inlant, ^ good condlllon, extras! _ PatHM»«de»iOr. Old lashloned lawnmower, ii Coleman canoe. $325. -gasg a s & eloc refer hydraulic days bed, eeiyB ftM *!7r>~^ »950.733'3209ansr6oni. QoII «■ 2l>mllyitoragiiililcliww •>, tirti, rimi, -couoh. Trocking chair, glass, dUhee, ” :«n 643-4908, lackracks. 432-5232. w Mn^llk.n.,,_,7io0. rl i«ani.mlK.&mudimorB toys, orlb, boy’s 8 girl'a ^ ^ 3 a a i i & ■ I aircraft, s ^ ^ old West,»•. 3 5 l ^ r i l n , I7lh & I8 lh? . . 0am.178OTareheeDr.TF.I | f l B I { - B aby furnliura i clolhaa, ona day only. Sat., April I —I at hryiBhttttafJottogr^B £ 3 lanJly^HMS^iTlllao ' olothlngriiiiamBlvel^oet, ■ _w j|lw yoo^m lio.rHBBBB Rillroid ties, sod. llowVrir BiafliraotsilelSalonly,' ...... starts ol all klndi.lfM s, L L_Pf>JF.Osllus734-8B4B 'o|i*^piokl6ga” Oa Qrfp. I

iS S f f i ITtolltil«((iriniiiotkn,ioo: IBTVEIV][TO R Y 1RED1JC1n o iv s A ] ______ABCAftarDaQlerlncantIv 8«ui«0B itulier, lirgt tin ; 1»»t«.»-7,NcolollKl,_'_ J| -^ui«ovtcw n^pioh>r.'Oill:: lAtE raitEgTEiLEABLY-WAHKKh V irJiiltrFri»»iir«.ST- ^ S o u b t ^ i k l n divino g e a r.. ‘n s s j Mazda 323 7 7 7 -1992 Mazda B-26!6004x4Extended s i 9 »M027 Was S8,498...... „.*7,7 TWhPslln* ISI f j g g l i e >n.096 Was $16.6.269... . 1 22.977 1992 M azda B-2200jlOLoiiilbeii l 9 9 2 M a z d a Siupercab4x4 u sio — «iMSjT-W«l«W£9T — M w w s m5.874..;.; s " m2,977- , - 1992 B-2000 Extendnded Cab $g ^ Q 7 7 1992Iupercab4x4 Mazda Su $19 .«2-004 W g>$II,B89. mI »92-031.Automaticlc Was $16.354 ...... - I 62.977 , 1992 Mazda B-2200£xExtciiiieiiCab'....sg’gi0 7 7 1992Uo(kswaeiten Jetta Carat $ 1 2 n ; — ««-093-IV» j -S I2 ,6 6 9 -. 7 -1 -4 — #92;02T-Way$l575;289....;;v...... I ^3,77t^ i - l992UolhswasenGc m ]992Uo[kswafl(senJetta $17 »92-oi6 Was $12,309',. l j o I Z T ,’?: «92-036 W asSI4;4 .8 6 4 ...... I d3,9^1, , I992UolksuiacenGc l99I Mazda Mliliata Convertible s f c 1992 M .«2^»7 Was $12.064...f...,: ..m x .9M78 Was $17.;7.735...... * | 06.977 , IITSUBISH i ^ M A X 1992 B-2600 4x2 ExI5(tra-Cab gQj% f r \ I992UolksuiaBeBen Cabriolet $ ic • ■ W a » $ l 3 .0 « . .. .: ...... J t d U ..H078 Was $18.1 "TheLowwestPiice43Ptgti i I992:t989MazdaB2600 K)4x4,*io5«; 4l • >' “985Foia,l»)*im™ i a.,,.».i(w.>l98^ChmletSerlnt.. lt,.iiusi l990PlmlllilSuDlIiiilaricfeVi»j*4949 6ldsm6lilletfe Calai?C » 4 i9 ; — MBffioilSrtOOrnijsril*19861^ii,licGniiidfllii!yisa' s r ------r-t989flod»Railam-teramijlSefonl'TmponjpojiKst-T"*: — ...... I988.C(icwCbrCorsica 4 Dr.. .im . I987flndl4000..„.it« i-l 990 Ppnllac Sunbird14 4 Dr.,C *toj7il . fi^arra, 1.M,'\AP8-

— H V R R Y i a — ^ 8 9 7 ^ 7 7 J 2 2 9 S_ M 0 . : : ^ H T ! ~ - “ ssyford RanjETSoMfcjETis7isr-l99irPoniIacSlEir3T7(J, ^ ’ ___l99LP(irdIempo.,M»Ii• 1990 Ford Ranser XLT. .IW, . l99IU.W.Jetta..1...cM-l989PlvmoulhUoyaEer aCCr. «ins] ! 19890IdsCgass,.iii»..|gl98ZChcviplctC-l04ii4..M . • 1990 E25;;»»:iW W l?assaT.' ...... - ■ 1991 Mazda B260KOOX-lraCab.,,™. 1991 Mazeizda B2e00X.|raCaI>4K4..iDuiDW i : • ' ■ V ~ -'^ “ lWPi!lillacOcOralidflm.di^ - - ...... 1 1l99IU.W .J«ta;.w- . ■ , sa*p«iw>?.topo^ff.r«0!l^!rrTa IJttAra" ,______l M W t t P M i ^ . ^ 1 1 tto w9th lU Piiisl8H^ilt(e«n<> 9 5 9 ^

______' • • V ■ - ! 1 . " ■ . -V . . . - - 1 - 1 — I ‘^■~’~0*4"TTfTOyNmrrW TrtTl / /

R ecreatitiopal-traniisportationI 9 0 8 -1 0 2 7 1

908 MOTOR HOUE^ ' 1002 AUTO PARTS lObe SEliSAHEAVY 1008 1 4X4 t r u c k s 1028 1 CHEVROLET ■ 1(KyboOCE : .---10-1044 HONDA ■ I REPAIRS EQUIPUEKT'^ -; - 1975 Chovy ihon box, *1 1965 D ^ C h a r s w hatch: 'OOAecordtedan,AC,AT, I ^ FAmASTJC2?Winflobao(bago 440 Chrysler ongiM • noedilods 1086 Frflightllnor cab over,r, 4x4,9* lilt wtih 40* Ground to d ^ w a M iW y , very to w . W Class A, down bod, oonorawra- ropair. Make oiler. Cal:tll 425C«tATA,13«peed, I. Hawg tires, runs good, to r, ro o d AC, Mlchollnsllns. asg.437ft. ___ _we(Ml,flowtIrM , oxcoiiont i .. i>09d« paint, $1500 or boi^ ^ B _oHer. Call733CT,_r_ vory good condition, WillWII Com ploto but a p a rt steleel o condllWl Call 543-4628 . 1973 CAD. DeVILLE" IraMordickor. boR -leavomwM QQ._ ^ i v{(l4l-ISUZU .IT crank 327, $800.400 4 boi 1978 Ford Bronco, AC, PS, 4barrAHollycaib.|760. -t 4 DR.r#3208S> WAS -5199 —- main, 400 crank, 350 aanKtnK 1971 sem i 2 0 ' ste e l potato0 runs great, $2500. 733- Cal 543-4271 waa. Sooal: {300 for all 3 . Turbo 40C(00 bod, $3250/ollor/irade. . 1B04or733.10l5evo». 1978 , Corvatte Pace ear, TOZCHEVY'CHEVEI/ETTE S 7 0 7 IWTCHMOUMrAlN autol 27,000 miles, I j sotup for race o r stre ettw Wi / _ Soo at 138 Walnut S I.T F . l 1980%tonChovy4wheel 49,^000 original m ilet. All K 4 DR., #32134;W AS$1991 9 9 5 ...... • MOTOR HOMES, 1041 R»B . J *787 convortor, $300. Stock 350 SydOaybrookdumpbox, drivo, good shapo, $2000. -o^Mudkwleelherin- ~ WENDELL, S3S-2301 wook- lujbo, $150. Call 733- 1979 FORD MUSTANANG s o > f 3 33- po m p s hoist. $1500:1968 } . Call 324-8537.______lerfor, trlo p t: B ^ I H u l In- ;1S 1050 JEEP - ' I 2 • days or by npF*. 536-2666666 , .* ^ 5 . nftorSOT.______ikle&(^,Tl2,500orbeei < I! 2 DR., #32153, WAS 51991 9 9 5 ; ...... *843 wookontteandovw — IH 12 yd dum p truck,, 1 1981 ToyolaSR S 4x4, exc. J}adgo 383 ongino &.trans-nsr. _$3500;-l975-4070elnglo-)- --coodilion.-$3600 or bosi ol- -_offor.-e73.043t4ak-lor -1080CJ-54X4 Jeep,aollA- l l1969 ! VOLVO 144 ■ LIKE N E W IZT Excollboiliboi r ts a lo n . $250. C all 733-33- axlo. now 13 spd ond tiros, , _ JoC734^70aflorSpm^ . : ClassA, low milos. losdod 4-BR,r-a32181, WAS 51951955 .....,.* 8 8 8 idod. ^TfraftorSom. ____$5500; 1740 Caso Uni- i 1979 Chevelte. 4 spd, 1 ^81973Couinnrsedaflwaoon,' ^ -•dbl bod. W as J2B.OOO, now ; l985ChovyS10,4whoel 1 Highporformanco3506loollool Ioador (Bobcal) now diosol lookaand nirtt g r e a t ( W . 1085Silverado ig crew cab, 1975CHEVYiW AUBlIBU - j o o a ■ $26,000. - , ' drh«. oxcoKHit shapo. C al Mm«;^eondUon.Odi \ I])' crank. $700.734-7051. molor, M 500. Ponabto wa-' Todd days 733-2954 or _32»g056.- .. - ]‘$4500;1977 l 2 W hoo(Joop m2/2 /V R ., #32189, WAS 51291 2 9 5 ...... * 0 9 S JAPANESE ENG. 4 lorpump, 4 cyl, 2'A'. has» oves. 73 & ^ 5 3 i1979 C hevy C a p ric a ,4 d r, 1974 Pinlo, 2J ru r» Jj5.cab.$1200.324^Z i . Sooni: safety shut down, $600.30* t 1982 V.W . RABBIT TRANS. 4x4 coo ciala . 1986 Chorokoo Larodo, loaded.goodb^r.jood _crm.t2A).73Z??^ _I 779 9 Jeep CJ-7, excoDeni con- I 4 INTERMOUKTAIN llalbod irailor, $1500; ' 4 DR., #32158, WAS 5299[9 9 5 1-8P07. J , . homo. gon&AC.mlcro-cro- Good paint, ozcollont Dayornight,7d5-5500or . • sharp, dependable, oco- mlloe, 1 owner.T-lo^. 5 108410 Ford Tempo, AT, AC. - J 1986 FOUD LTD - Wavo,S8995. shaoo. Call 934-5397 ___ ' ______32^9263. nomicaf, (4700 6r offer. _guisej i t»oof,jS4Bfe.- 4 DR,; #32125/WAS 53993995 ‘2568 ; Caii78a.kM».o«. ■____ lOei'liAmA ' 1^, 1981 ToyolaTorcol 2dr.,If-. LHl trucks: 4500 Ib AC, 5000 ? 1985 Mustang U . 4 tp d , 4 1984 FORD ESCORT Sooai: A/C.cruiso5spd.,&uporfo r b tow motor, 6500 b Yalo. 1989 ' Dodge Rtmoharser . INTERMOUNTAIN 4x4, loadod, like now, t1990 Pontlae 6 000 LE, AC, 1070 red RX7 w ilhout on- I22 DR., ' #32180, WAS 5399w95...‘2S81 transportation. Call allorir 8 f^Bii7.'W.fififl0 0, olnOjMneraily good cood, l « | MOTOR HOMES, 80,000 miles, must see, till, cruise, pow er windows _T; 1985 FORD ESCORT WENDELL, 535-2301 wook-jok. ______$9850. Call 324-7475- ’i ^ 1991 RS Cam aro w/Ioadod and k e ia ,c s n e tte , $6750. 1988 Ford MuMang convert- ~ii S 9 5 days or by 536-2666 C .II3 ;U 5 5 5 ,------'S 1082B26,ooodcond,AC, | 22 1DR., #32163, WAS 5399 ‘2676 ; options, must soil, tako 1007 TBUCKS 71989 Ford Bronco XLT, low _ wooKondsandom milos, loadod. liko now, bo- ciuise,e sunroof, best Offer. | l1983 < BUICK PARK A^ — ovorpmts. Call ovonings'fl® 1906 DOOGE POWER RAM CHRYSLH) ^ RV STORAGE. 141 Braekon*on 543-^1 • ______low book $10,900, Call ____^ 7 ? ^ 7 r___ I44 ]DR., #32116, WAS 53993^^"^‘2 7 S 8 , St. S. TF. 734^4050. — PU loadodi Like nowl! 734-0433.______T. $6400; 1966 Chrysler Now r 19B6 New Y orker Sth Ave- IW1044 HONDA ' IM1063 kERCURY | l1985 ^ SUBARU GL WELL aulLTI 22'Golden 1090 CMC Jimmy S-15, j ^ 1005 ANTIQUEAUTOS Yofkor, oxcol cond, $2500. ' 2 DR., #39587, WAS 5499J 9 9 5 ‘2889 Wost, molor homo, oon end — . . C all733-1970...... — . gypsy pkg, immaculate, !t“^iI^°M7S0^7S?5fe54*1 101miH^daClvlo.Zdoor m t5 3 Mercury Comoi, $400 k J ...... AC. Micholin’s, low milos.ilos. 1038 Ford PU, nood's com- ’ cusiom palnl.'now tiros,'7~ -_wbestot>ef.42a^ |151980 FORD F-150 '!!'■ 1972 Chovy % ton w/ullliiy m ust esll, $12.500.934- Id1037 DODGE £ $6995. plololy rostorod. Engine 1090 Cougar. V-6, loadod PICKUP, #42035, WAS $3995‘53 2 9 8 8 i'j® box4rack.robuilttrons4 .5493 or 934-4744. — IP I' turns iroo. Lots of oxlra wkhextrasi & ce ientcon- ll< Sooat; parts. $800.734-6163. 1071 Dodgo Challenger, 318 ^ 1 1984 BUICK SKYLARI J99fJ£ ChavySJIveffldo,4x4, «engine. 2drijanila),nlc« ’JIMIHoreUCIylciadUo* 5dJ(]on,’v e ry d M r).$ 9 8 0 0 . I 9 • IKTERMOUKTAIN 1950Chovrolot, 4door so- mis, excel cond, $6500. Ci I DR., #32143, WAS 5449h 9 L ‘ 2 9 9 7 ...... MOTOR HOMES, 1973 GMCStppsido. 15.000 'At ■ ton lon ^ o d . 5 7 ongino. ccar, $ ^ . Call 7 3 ^ 7 8 , ^ Can536-5145eves&wk- I t i . dan. runsre c^lndor, 3,73 roar axlo. Loadod, inc. ' eves. e d#v». 734-6700.------: ' «734^327 or73M 018.-...... orondl73MS28dav8.------IIS1983 CM C CK1500 WENOELL, S36-2301 wook- $ 1000. Call734-1557. “f- on robulh 350 4 trans. PS. . [ - days or by opp(; 536-2666 — PB. AT, $1400.366-2597, ■ buckot ^ soals, cap. running ’ICKUP, #41956, WAS’ s544 9 9 5 ‘ 3 5 8 3 .wookonds ond ovos ALLORiGWALI ovoninos 4 wookonds. boords, t bod linor, Parkor 196SChovylnpalaSS.2dr. utility box, bug shiold, a 1987 PLY. HORIZON 1975 3/4tonChovyPU,lot8 .Ji ___ V .8,2M ,bodtotsoa!s! *bo8utllullruck4agood \ DR., #39586, WAS 5499.w 9 5 . , . ‘ 3 7 7 6 ' o l(^ romo,$1500limi. ^ ___ . $4&)0orbosl oflor____ _buynt$16.000,543-6&)5.._ ------909-SNGV^ VEHICtfS------1987 FORD ESCORT « 1980 Ford 1 ton, oxcollont 1991 Ford F150 Lariat, 302.' § T D e J DRn #39589, WAS 5499: ..ANDEQUIPMEMT eys l i k ‘3973 5 spd, assumo paymonls. cond wiih now Hal bod, ° 1986 PLY. COLT ” $4300.734-0756.______°approx 14,000 mL ox-' . Roducod sprino p(ic»s11^ ^ J006_SEMIS_»_HEA¥]L_ -tendod-w arraniy. Call Pat A^GN., #32076,-WAS 55495 4 9 5 ‘3976 — ------, Ydmaho E K llk rtW5JT EQUPkCNT 1981 F o rd P U ,A T ,P 0 ,P S , },Isom 7 3 3 - 5 ^ . I2pm-lpm 1 9 » P ^ ^ n d y Ttall, AC. 2 tonks, now liras, 1982 CHEVY CK1500 Ilo brakes.bearings.shocks,U 1991-lzusu Troopor. 4 door, 110-llBM ichlgon poddlo 15,000 milos. Excollont O D S l i1 © © iX4, #42013, WAS 55995,?? ‘3978 whool' scrappor. Runsn s joinls 4 trans. K 995/odor. ‘ Call 734-6915-______®oondilion! Extondod war- 1986 ISUZU 4X 2 910. SPORTINQ GOODS» oood, $18.800.324-4249. ranlv. $12.995.543-8436. 1983F.150Ford,AC;PS, ^ >ICKUP, #49561, WAS 55995‘355! 9 8 7 r z 1972 Ford F-6000 with 42’^ 79 Joep CJ-7, oxcollonl con­ Connelly w ater ikis, brand PB,-4ipd.3S1V8.camp« ’J drop deck trailer. Exeellenl dition, soft top, good liros, 1984 SUBARU GL jr. _ccnditton 788,2113______shell, now llrei, overload ° VGN., #39588, WAS 5499 ^,.15500.324-3930 . ’ noedsenaino,$^ 1800. Cali 4995 ‘ 3 9 8 7 i^ S a lo : 1992 Schwinn Air- 1978 John Deoro 770 JA Paul at 726-9644,______S E P [ i dyne. $950 wiih pulie 1085 Silverado crawxab,- -rs; 1986 M ERC MERKUR '•? Grader $38700.. 1977f j '82 Toyota s n s , exc cond, ' m»tQfr»:676-747l._-~ Gallon T500M Grader 1104M MKO; 1077 2 wheel Jeep V I! DR., #32136, WAS 5599i"9" ...‘4286 ;j t]5aiKiint.Mj-ea4» ho 1^00.324:907^,. r f m h ri. $ 2 0 0 0 0 .1960-SI Iho )0 Suburban 4X4, every Cp- 1985 OLDS DELTA 88 911 TRAVEL t1fi54dumptruokdl466,, 10S6 Dodge D150, many , 6 7lion 1 DR., #32162, WAS 5599! TRAILIRB . 644S1&400. High lift lorUifIlifi new parts, vory roliable, " iW.,.‘4681 ;| — $8,800.-1974 Ford F75tt,5tt, ~ I9864UBARUGL r g <^ ngVY r> K p to O : t ^ 5 = r T J cDR,rJimS4j^AS^.-m?J l i s s e tslnod, r e v bath’, new up-p. gas, 4 IP w/ulll. box 3odM D50 jp o r t cab, 5 ipd, 111,000. l579ChtvyC60 AC, PS, PB, eiereo cai- u 1980 Chevy 1 ton dualfy ex- T, 1987 DODGE 600 SE :: e ton boom tnid( 65f(„366 sofle. $6850.734-5854. l« londed cab. lully loaded, jtt ^ 9 5 733-2138. gai, Allison automailo Mint cond, '74 Ford F100, 1 9 8 6 Fo r d BRoro n c o 4 x 4 ...... iDR„ #32117, WAS 5649i .‘4776 ; ^ trans,$2S,000,orbostofferi ; low miloi. 723 2nd Ave W. ''J * 5 9 5 0 i? l979Torry Sth wheel, lell- 4x4, RanoerXLT, AC, 4 Full SIZE !985 TOYOTA CAMR' „ 523-7676 evos. S29-6668 TwinFalls-______J • contttlnod, AC, itonri wln- — 1992 Dodge Dakota _i DR., .#39.583 WAS 55995?9"T ‘4 7 9 8 : ______dows.£ig4iflouch io live In^ l§.6i)x31.’6lirofl°J^' 4CC1' H ake over pmis. 324-1181 **“ ...... [978lSrrOYOTA ------' s m s lo r^ h to p u D IC a l jfl aflor 8 pm or all day Sun. «n( > r c o L T z * S 9 S a I . . 207* whool baao. runs ox- _1009.„VAN5&.BUSES______'ICKUP, #49560, WAS 55S55995*4883 “ ■ collont. $2500.423^ 272---8 ■ 4 El Camino,- V-8.-AC,- AT, 1961 Ifflporial 2 horw trailor, I986:M ERC.:C0UGAR n- |2)75LNT9000.P^8B71M PS. PB. cass, cusiom whls, 1874 1 o: F o rt 200 v«n, V-8. T^^isOZUTROib O P E R ...... tandom axlo, fully en- le' $5200-734-3406 ovos. cloan Cl unil lor tho age. A ^;*5950^ «DR., #32161, WAS 5699ft9b‘4984. : :c l080d. $1500 or bost oflor.or I0 sp d & 13 8pdw/Pondle, ^ Coll 423.5509.______14* Hendrickson loaf dumpip 90 Rangor supor cab V-6, good fl! town unit. $950. Call 988 CHEVY-CELEBRr & AT, AC, nico, $6895. Call J734-5194. i ______1 9 8 8 H o n d a CZi lV\ IC 4 D O O R ...... 1983 35'Carria0O Sth whool.-r truck, 810,500.: (2) 71 4 ...*6950 VGN., #C-685, WAS 5589^i895...*4987 ®'- 7 4 KW di/m p8. 3 5 0 0Z. , 734-5649______SalSaio or trado: 1976 Ford van, ' S lid o -o u l, toadodi Exc. convortod to campor, good • 987 V.W . JETTA $12.900.734-5460. . cholca$1S,50d;:3axlo6030 90 Rangor su p o r c ab V-6, « p. AT. AC, nico, $6895, Cal condition, « good tires, would 1989 Isuzu P ick: k u p ...... *6950 n DR:, #32129, WAS 5699S995 *4992 : . 1984 KBt 2 8 -5th whool, rool $ 1 4 .5 0 0 r i2 ^ 16*ton*tflilit 734-5649 ______■consider « tenllrlf.934-5859. air, microwave storoo, 989 DODGE D-50 -dockralr-brakoarpondlor»r-91-PonrXLTF-150;$10004 ______powi^acs^_^;s5i^iiirall. -S30504S5500;(2} 78KW 1015-AUDI 1986-|suztrTR0ioopER^v...w ,;;;:jn;;T^ € 9 5 0 ^ nICK0P,~#41926fW c AS‘56SJ6995‘S 4 S 8 - : - — convontlonals 400 C, 987 MIT. GALANT ^1981 A tJi 5000, b"rfr •• 19e4TaurUs 23',.w/sieroo,0, 111,500 & $16,500; 74 ■DR„ #39589, WAS 5699S995'...‘5 S S 7 storm windows, 2 drs. roarV Poto, rebuilt, $0,950;‘82 kon cam shaft, $700 or of- 1991.BRAVADAOOnly 10,000 miles...... J 5 9 S 0 ; ? bdrm , oxlra lrg rofrig, Irg'9 Poloi 4400 gal tank, 4 axleg 1■ for/trado? 788-2954. _ . 989 FORD TEMPO rango, ducted turnaco,.8- pup, 7700 gal, bottom toad•d 1966Toyota Landerulser'/^ .rn DR., #32155, WAS-5799S995 ‘6274 monitor panol, steblilier 1026 BUICK vapor rocovory. Dozora,». cab,-elect winch, wlrotffor 986 FORD F-150 lacks, sloops 6. Mint condl-JI* dum p tru c k s , b a ck h o o a , V towing, now clutch, runs 771978; Buick Century, good X4, #41913, WAS 57995.. tlwil$7SOO:M3-S385. _ lowboys 4 loaders avail- good. $1500 or bost olfor. B !l 55 ‘6882 iransportation, $800/oller. •1987 Kit Companion, 22 ',22 • ablo. Call 234-0889 or)f 734-3210.OXCOOI Sundays. ^ - ygQ CA - M990^RDTEM PO II- 237-0966. Hall Entorofis<^ 0011^33-2481. 1 9 8 6 N issan P’ICKUPk ...... dr wHh back bedroom, soll- It 1967 Seoul. 4 cylinder, 4 DR., #32135, WAS 57995995 ‘6893 ; ' cont, llko now. $9000 or” 35-onddum p. 1974, $2500;-):' spd.. 46.000 ml., $ . 1100 1027 CADILLAC 989. DODGE COLT bost olfor. Call 423-5609. 4 yd loader DD ongino,», Call 629-5417______] _ JL9gOJsJJjgu_PiCKCKUP.i»,.WAW.*--*-*.tA.JU i^GN.,.#41964,AVASJ893i195516932 _ _ ------is-KIfsolf^contalnotf-i/anorir, “ $9KI0:CIark'1'/& ya iQa‘d o r 1971 ln]ornatlonal4X4. V 8 /11974 9 7 Cadillac EFDorado, - . liko now. 543-6761 !. _ $7500. Day or night, 785^ alf radio, vory ctoan. $2395 $500. $ ‘ CalL 536-2067 01 991 FORD RANGER H. 5500or32i926.'1 . AIJo 2 6 M 990. brand now, or bmrtoHflr.CBlI .124-7977 934-58fl0 93 • - I ICKUP, #41995, WAS 58995*6981589 novoruBod.Bladlscounll-III- j • Manyoit1mal67g.7S35. 991 M IT. MIRAGE ! Coloman loni trailor, sloops DR., #39564, WAS 58995995 ‘ 6 9 8 8 . 6, sink, stovo, good condi-i; I THE ACES;S ON BRIDGEK. BOBBY WOLFF I . I991 NISSAN ■ tlon. $1000 fjriTi. 423-4935 1991 P ontiac Trar a n s p o k t V a n ...... *m 1 >W ,9S0 EICKUP, #41905, WAS 589S8995‘6 9 9 3 Domotic gas/oioctric rofrig foror I ' ' ' ' •R V .$3& . Call 6 7 8 ^ ? . ______\ o.Oui.y 13,000. M ii£s 990 GEO PRIZM — ■ “Give them a chance — . .• . 19 ■ Li(o now 26' AlJo Uavol trail- NORTH 4-lJ-A DR.> #32148, WAS 589959 9 5 ‘ 6 9 9 7 • ■ Lcr:$85Q0.-734-6a53. J{ you stint them now,, tomorrowtc ~ you’ll have fo pay ♦ A 975 4 2 * I 988 FORD BRONCO I Now carrying V64 Jj m n Q ^.-.^...... -TRAVEtaUPREME-—-^-:-A-JargefJ)iUJpc.s.-dacke - ______I j r . ? 5 ^ T 5 « 4 = •-•^A '9-2--,------r . - ~ tmikif traikirs. - Denis 'A.'ArMscmy- ■ X- 991 FORD ESCORT •Trade Ins woicomo ♦ 7 4 .1 o r d huk DR.; #32160, WAS 58995995 ‘ 7 7 8 7 Farmera Exchang* WEST EAST 1 * 9 8 2 F T J N D E R B IR D ...... -*2450 I •7330861. . - 987 CHEVY ASTRO ...... 4 8 . ♦ J - STARCRAFT AN, #41973, WAS 59995.’95 ‘ 7 7 9 1 V K J 10 9 8 5 33 V A Q72 ' 1 9 8 5 B uick RegGAL/ ...... ; . . TEMTTRAILERS ;..*3650 990 FORD TEMPO Highost quality, bost pricos. ♦ 5 ♦ J 10 4 3 1,' In team contests, whenlen both sides ' ♦ Q 9 3 2 ♦ AK J8 1 DR., #39550, WAS 58995995 ‘ 7 8 8 0 bid aggressively; bccaiis( 1 9 8 4 G ran P rixIX ...... iise of distri- ggiSOUTH ..*3950 991 M IT. MIRAGE bulion, the accepied philolilosonhy is lo ♦ t SuperI skSHAW, ONLY 52,000 M ills DR.,.#39562, WAS 59995W 5 ‘ 7 9 8 8 912 UTILITY ♦ K Q 10 6 3 bid “one more" tb avoli/old a cosily y. 9 9 1 F O R D . E S C O R T r TRA1L£RS. double game-swing. The]l e pro b lem Is ♦ K Q 8 7 6 1 9 8 5 B uick LeS/Sai b r e ...... ■ * 3 9 5 0 DR., #39557, WAS 59995995 ‘ 7 9 8 8 how to tell when enoughgh is enough. 4 1 'V 5*9' tow profile, tandom axto,, 4 10 6 5 ' „ON£OWN£R IW990 PONTIAC 60001 . hoa vyduty trlr, $700. Callll’ Look over-the results of i - 4|^^01aflw6^^_ °h o » 3 n ‘;i V.l„‘Sibia:B0thloth <1 DR., #32065, WAS 510,95w l ‘ 7 9 9 7 a sive deal played In thehe semifinal f -,,. 1 9 8 6 O lds 9 8 1 ECENCYec BROUCIMM . 988 HONDA ACCORE round of the NEC WorVorld Junior t ...*3950 m bidding; DR^ #32165, WAS 59995I?5“ ‘8757 - Team Championships^^ In the match Betweenrn thDU.S. I E»sl Souilih ' West North '1 )8d CHEVY 5-10 BLAZER and U.S. II team s, U.S, II caplurcd{ a ^ J ^ J 41^ 44 1 I 9 8 5 C hevy CapWRICE ...... «....' M , #41961, WAS 511,495« 5 ‘ 9 9 9 1 double game-swing. Theyeymadcfive 54 P a s s P ass Oniy 55,000 miiis 198)89 MERCURY COUGAR ; Pass_ Pass spades doubled in onee roi o m ’ and DR., #32149, WAS 511,9Sf,995‘9 9 9 7 scored a peaceful five hhe: e a rts in the „ , , )89 HONDA ACCORD , J lead: C lub d eu ce j other, for a net gain of 17 IMPS (850 O pening Ic; DR., #32103, WAS 512,995*9 s ‘ 1 0 , 8 7 6 1 plus 650). The closcd-roomom bidding; ' ' 3 9 i >89 HONDA ACCORD , 4 Chovy 5 h d o chremo alloyJJ _ The play ai' both cont'i • Z B S l . rims, 4 60 sorios 6 ply stow ~ ■niracls ivas_Eas, South1 Wcsl . North DR.,-#32159, WAS 512,495*9 5 ‘ 1 0 , 8 8 7 - boltodradinls, loss lhan^ routine. At five spades., thIt: e defend- 1 4 . 1 4 2 V 4 4 1 9 9 1 B uick S kylI'WRK ...... J..■9950 am FORD PROBE , : ’ 300 mitos on all, $450/oflor.. ers could win only two clubcl tricks: 4NT Pass 5 ♦ P a ss BLUf,.lT,OOOB. MJlES-- -- ...... 2 DDR., I #39554, WAS 512,995*9 5 * 1 0 , 9 8 1 1 sot car romps, $25. Homo> at five hearts, Norlh-SoiS outh could S ^ ■ P a ss P a s s ; P a ss ’■•AC,$50/olIor.214'tiros, ■ - win only two a'ccs. In part,irt, hlgh-lev- ' $1Qoa260Ak>xandor.TF, 1 9 9 1 P o n t ia c si.SU N BIRa...'..!..;*! ' DR., #C-684, WAS 511,995*95*10,982 ~ ‘ -e l bid d in g Ju d g m e n t w a ssaffectcdby al Opening: lealead: Spade king r t 3 s i r - | 71 AMCV-flmotorwflrans, ' •89.D0DGERAMCHARGER . . -AC,oxc.condlton$360.I E?ast’s choicc of opening; bids-b W hen '.' ^ — . COWERTIBIE,i, 00R___ :______^*12.986 • l e n g t h . ______► A-9-7-&-4-2------» -6 4 •______1 . - i:he-f€sult5^efe-almo3t^M H d cn riral------r— 1991-C>U>S^KiEtie n c y =E u t e ^ s 4 J15^950.s = ! — in-thc'Canada-Aiislralia. j >A92 a. semifinal . 6,000 MILES ►91 FORD F-150 , rftalch. Wlien East opened ► 74 [4; #42014, WAS 515,9955*13.987 .* __ ■ rnoryl. North-South~clecteCtCQ to ftp- I y . ^ ------t991-€ADiErac-SiSEWLU ...... , . . * 1 1 ••• - T Automnlle tnadTH3S0. C4’Z ]tenJagainst nvc hearts;; when.Eastw ' , ^ , _ -HHurry Sale J^ds Montimday.NightI SC6.$150.RobultTK350, Copened one club, South pus ------^— ------^4-000H,-VI,-W > ^ -« E D lEATHK INTBUOR-OR'------M )ushed on to anSW ErT’Twowo spades. A close ■ C4aC6,$335.W/robuili five f spades (there was no < - torquo convortor, tiSED 10 double). choice betweenen rebidding1 thc’slx- ~ Where nl Qualily S Value.Make0 111ll»DIfference;Ttie Dlck-DeyyDlllereiice'— - - J H - The double gam e-sw lhg: . . ENGINES; Dodao225,318 , lg Is a cost- card suit and takingtak the prefcrcncc 'm -- --•-•4 360. Ford 200,-302, 360 ly J: one,som elim es even rao: th e k now n sev

^ • , ' ' • - >- Friday. Aprilinl 17.1992 Timoi-Nows.TwirTwin Falls. Ictaho D-5. . ! Tranisj^rjirtation - lOTO-ODSHOBLE* \^ 10B4 SUBABU 1017 TOYOTA T h[£ IS ]E N 1 TORS l i : efr' ■ aa is , |250.*733!3?J8 Mo pm nome.73fr8714clBea _ 1066 SubaniKT Turbo apoft coupe, 45.00& lotal ml. vefy 107rPEU(^ ■• ctoaitj owiBr.734^126. _ 1060 VOLKSWAGEN ; « rewitisly v ST «ummar h a rt ~ and It Is P OwnedP nri! 0> n0« sale M asoni nnd Bd w t wtwm tfwy a n and M ■ or. lookt & rbQi good, i 3 0 ! •viryona w titfi yours wit ma\ S160p.734-26W^. battvDUBhtttapowwfiiHtSa — adskidwalM. ceCars! 1076 POHTUC 1 19B4 PonllBC Trans Amr ACC:o R i LOAOEDI Good cond. AUredtiuced In PPrice! ^ 14000.73^4565 19S4 red Horo, $2960.324- SPRO H G I .. ■ y , . 7113 Of423-4162...... 1969 rad Pontlao LeMani ^984RENAUULT 1984 Mi 'ELLIN' Le , 29.000 m llet, AC. PS. lERCURY m s I m n m ALLIANCEI TOPIPAZ - f«.r,S32.41690f324'6171,- /.Economical'.. A M k ^ '62 Phoenix, itrongdrlVAI ' I L E . /FrontWh. Dr. 5 6 1 1 CaiRIN ^ 0 0 ^ Every Vehiclee Marked With / Floor M o u n l e d ^ n i1 l 0 MUSt 's ELLMMO Sunbird. a DiscounI Transmission- ^ 0 ^ .Condlllonlno . 2 door, air. 7 3 4 - 7 1 ^ 8 - inted Price, 1488 foro5pmor543«118kk®' ■ No Negotiatioion Necessary, 1981 FORIID 1988 MElERCURY O nlylly at: . A miERICA 1077 PORSCHE THUNDERBIIIRD SABIBLE I ig75Per>ch8014,2.0fln- /JT-5259 J... / #0-4240 A i r . ' sin e , new portcha orange /Tu-lone / 1 0nwer ’ S i paint job. Beautiful car.i COHPim m i Must se e to appreciate..8 8 CHEVHOLET* POHTUC*IC* CMC TRUCKS •GM ✓ Aolomalic ^ 1 # 1M spoke maas.-A-sleat at FORI TH E at 324^90a^MlLU«tt|i^Jtroffli,ldiko>SSU»7M*6565 ' /'Air Condlllonlng I ' f . l S1975 FIRM. 3 6 6 ^ 6 6 1995 - '4 1972D0DG LYMOUTH------VAN SE 1983 PLY.lANT 3 rd Y e a rR W iLLLS (®TTOYOTA //fZ-52G7 ’ 'A' m M RELIi /Automaiic; v B S S /#T-5058- ' ■ A J /6.Cylinder...0 ( 1J Q /Automatic . M12D0 I n A R o w - 1 9 7 9 FORD / GreatGas-MileageDODGE I ^ LTD D 1 9 8 44 D DOOR M SALL E S E V' I E N T I I/'/^ulomatic a ^ a j i COLT 4 /A irCond: o Q Q C HURRY!lENDSTOMC I lORROW! /Power. • ^ 'A /f Steering & Brakes ; Z I e s $ 1a M i j A U 11992 < TOYOTA CAWlMRYS 1986GHEV\ /Power Sleering i_ OLDSI B cCAVALIER WACMN~ 19861LAIS n L j 2 0 0 (t O - DISCbUIJNT — ryv\Liibma'lic'- iGON CAL _ _// Power BrakK Q I f 3 g g g | |

sssssEissss^SB SSs liw^yoai "f9SrFlIR D o l ^ R T ^ TEMPO D ~ “T973T;0RHOME A irC o n d." MOTOR AUW1992 TOYOIA_EASISEOS______/-./.Ffont.W h.DLSQ.^1 yrGoIoi / Floor M o u n ted ^ r t t f 1Transmission ■ § " %B S 3*SeiuZ^ « 2 0 0) ( 0 DiscourI N T ^ 1 f i l l Gontalneil lE = i• E ven iel- ; 1989PLYM0UW W /Ai]x.Ge«aam lERCURY-^^ ...... y4 M odt HORIZONUTH 1985 MEPAZ ^ TOP • E veny S ty lee - ----^ v~^ A -//A-5218 A , ' /I/ Front Wheel O r iv e jf iQ ^ Q n vfroni Wheel DrS^I T O t t /ust . pick thez one you Wim n t ! y-lp H I I / FloorMounlecT 1987 PONTI/W Transmission 8 I VW ______GRANPRIX A U I1992 f TOYOTA CEU(u c ^ lAC 1988 ✓ t O m r X 7 JET /Low Miles > 0 DiscouriM t ^300( ^/Sharp ■ ■ U ^ lQ Q $ji i i g l | f | /-FloorMounted*^1 “ T 1985 OLDSI # w Transmission CHEVY' ^ DEIJA 88S 1 9 8 9 CTRUM ^ 8 ^ PI //Z -W 3 SPECT 1 9 9 2 H onda A c c o r d 4 DD bac-bags, jejTiote^ J v _ /FloorMounted^ ■ . A U 1 9 9»2 2 TOYOTA 4X 4 PK1CKUPS ' i1 l s r H c Q i lrreleasejjcpr;sc3rh.ga.texjl[i;ft[KU3ntTItccaag,Jol92 9 ; TOYOTA 4 RUNI ^£Lca, $aO fl S o n d a . i : NNERS ■ 'A/ Floor Mounted J m w f l / Economical a j )u Save WhenI You Buy A H( ..... - Transmission - w » % PM /FrontWh.Dr.a4288 J ' / Floor Mounted^fi And Save At RResale Time, Too!T< , 1 0 = : ^ : 1H9&7JIVIERCUI «300( Transml^lon ERCURY i xiirhe Average T'rade-Ini Is 4-YtYears COUGAR IRY 1987 MEWAGON Most people trade onn th e a v erag e o f fo u r years.!ars. ■ • the end of four years, thisIs is w h a t y o u r car w ill b c wi o rth ... -J f* D iSC O U ^ /TA • '•-■-‘77ov ove what you do fo,for m e”...... - ~ EN IMOIroR i1 S ; | — -r^M M hoViiono Si^Wait-*^4W}niallSh iili \rsTheEaslesfPlacelBin The World To Buy,vAC ar Toll£wJ;8£0-62W2 EiSE ^^[W £al ^_733|g0QL - — FdrYearS'&'Years ...... ; ...... i-ni — . . ::T • ^ Timw-WowTTS7TWnrai?ri3afio R S ij^ViprtI l'7 .1992 -I------'---: ------/ •■ • I

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~~y^FwsfifiMfBUYER'S m 4 m I REBATEE^ao o ! 9 9 2 I I •PLUS..i... FORD MOTOR C U R ^IY T R t A C E[R': l I WILL MAHiKEYOUR^SOC “'J I DowntP A Y M E N T ^ I THA!T'S m o me : I I lEocEHrmoFfmm C K E T j ^ ^ E» SALES TAX,\X,REIllSTIUTIOliFl : M LICENSE AUiUJHCLUOEDIHTHlm p R i c ^ ^ ^ ^ m l y • POWER BRAKES ■ • BRIC^rr RED • POWER STEERING[MG ■ *5SPEEDmNSMl!SMISSION • ■ .CONSOLE . ■ •FROKT WHEEL■DRIVE, DRI .TINTED Q U S S - ' I SaloDrico$9373wiih:rflh $900 down from Ford Motor C :: I lldSS'iJl&iIjs^^nanco chorflo $3060.40, ■ flllod With gas. Tax ttes?,ssarand R'RETAINSTREgml^ ii^^utatw r^,

m 1 m • FFor Y bars &. Ytm o n | ] ^ USYears The EatisM stPfac^Zir,torr/i&Wor/c/..] LTo B uy A Car1/1. ;i.:.i..:;_;: I 701 Main1 Ave. E. le IHeart of B«teautiful Dow 1 ] wntown Twinn Falls „ „ 733J3-7700..

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' e b v e r stoit o r y ^ e r nSard i tak<:es step bi)ack in tijIme By Connie Passala salacqua i„I , the movie, when heiress TV Data- :ss All the men were away.'. fighting1 in ^ Sylvja'ia's rich guardian, P.L Slorr Drr World War 11. Bcfofore Dol's (playccied by Roy Thinnes) is found . • ju si saw' a clip from the hangini nd boyfiSend went 10 war. hche asked her > ,, mpyic!'; squeals C ;ing from a tree, ii’,-; Dol whoho to take over tlic ;igency." Is Crystal Bernard. "I becomemes the chief invesjigatqr of the —...... ,.rio6kcd.likc a-Iad' ...Bernard say.s.that.-if.ihi)his-mbvic is- lady;-Usually |-fcci- crimere rT lie niiirdcr suspccl.s range' , ;;iikcagirl!“ ge successful, she may starr ini 0 series .. ^ 1 PP.L. s slightly dafi widow ' TTiis is Bernard's 'w o f Dol Bonner TV m o v ie s, a rd s first look at her- (playedcd by Polly Bergen) to a shad- , .«irjn,"Lady Ag:Against the Odds." owy co d- prospect that dearly please-scs hof. Not con man (played by Stevenin that she's dissatisfied doi ______J[«™ >ii!ULa.RcdRcdod.piecc.^in.a--Flynn)- ^Lij?&.scric.s_ Philip Marlowc-cs{ n )-w h o ;^ -b lack n iallln g '‘tirc“re workTTfiind you. lo< •esque Los Angeles widow.:w. to a hilariously .seamy gossip o v c doing : . 0X 1^ 43. ip ‘Wings.’” shc'says cnihususiastically. • "■ columnTinist (played by Dan ■ Bernard pinys D' in "Wcgetaloiofnitentionfr 5 Dol Bonner, who. Casiellaillaneta. who supplies ihe voice from NBC. w.-,-«Jong wiili her bes re bul not much from the best friend, Sylvia of Homem er on "The Simpsons"), lie p ress." ■RaTfniy Cpiaycd by Annabcth Gish), Most B ernard adds ilmt she e.sespecially opcr'rfteS a dctc st of the main characters arec enjoys the network atieni ele c tiv e ag en cy , exiremelnely wealthy, so the movie was niion after | '^■'BcrnuFd. who als IS starring for five .season.s 01on ""It's a '.i. also plays Helen filmedd in mansions.all around :. Chappcl in Ihe NBC d Living," a syndicated sho»low with a JBC Tliursduy-night BeverlyIy IH ^ ^ s ^ a n ^ e l^ r. Calif. ^ ^ Jia-^aw6rnMore==5i5W hu:

??!ll7iLBcmari___ B erna ------^""E verything' Was’jiisl nard_says.shc-got-the-role- just so lovely ihen! becauseic "NBC' is really good about PcoplcjusJdldn'lsp. 1 speak their minds: using it.sIts (scries) .slars in movies. . they hcld-thcir ion • Top: AnjTBbeth Gish, R longues. Facades Dol’s a reallyr strong character. and I Rob , • • wt^roput.up. Today'-ay's actors just put that’s one ' Estes, Crysiai Bernard•d (licir cards on (lie la one o f my traits. Certainly on : table right away. ‘Wings.’ I and Kevin Kllner (left tt( b Everyone in old mo ,s.’ I’m kind of strong and movies seemed so feisty and right) star In 'L a d y A g a moody and fabuloj md angry most ofihetime." ;alnst jI o u s . It’s really Dol, BerrjardB< says, is an unusual -* :-tiniurcsling. 1 did get: .• the Odds/airing ai 8 p.pjn.; ?et a reaj good feel- woman,l._ S h c :s . up-againsi a-lot.- — - r:;',‘f o n h p : c r a ’= = 'ii 'Was -MDT-Monday,-April 20“» ,o ir waY 50 years, ago, ..being a1-working w wojnanjn the ‘40?. yoiijcnow?::--..'-:.:-.--. - : K38ASah^KIFi;...... ------— gctting’no no re.spcct in the workplace. C ’s ^ H u n e ■ 1 = i^ T im e I Soap opera scene ...... '5 C a b le c h a r t..../...... _____7 ’ earns top M-F D aytim e ...... 3 ,...8 j -1 1 3 honors F r id a y e v e n in g ...... 1 i ; 2 -1 5 WASHINGTO^ [ON (AP) - wem.oTI S a t u r d a y ...... 1 ■]( 6 - 2 3 ABC’s Prime Timi The Miami Herald and ime Ljvt.canicd—rcporters- _ S u n d a y ...... *.'.'.’."*.’**24 ______u;;.- .....off.iop lionoriuin tt ;s:-[?£.‘J“ 5'LfcLcheLand._. _ _ 2 4 r3 1 ...... - nthe-24th-annual—Andris'Vii n scries on _ -. M onday evening 3 J2 - 3 5 .Robert F. Kennednedy Journalism poor pcbph ipTe without health insur- Tuesday evening ...... 3 6 Awards Monday,ay, w inning the ance. 3 6 -3 9 grand prize and la^r W ednesday evening. 4£4 0 - 4 3 a^pg first place in .The winn'inner in the radio category bolh ihe^clevlsionin andui intcmaiion- was Minm Thursday evening.... 44M -4 7 . . .alcategories. nncsota Public Radio , whose repo:porters. Stephen Smith. I I - . grand prize•ize w ent to the B illQ ilin a "^BC program and n n and John Schcrf, report. | id reponers Diane cd on probI ■ .. .Sawyer. Mark Luk. oblem s'of children who -ukasiewicz and were "crackck babies." •. .Eugenia Harvey f o f . Because of an FCC njllno Ilist, o r‘True Colors.” In the stuc '[’BSforout-oMown stationsci a report about ai'rtt itudent category, the staff 1' car- iliitudes toward of the >IoNorth Idaho College s cable operaiors5 a re , I blacks. It also wona in the television Sentinel won su^joct io_change______r-T-;5yndicafe oxclusWty^TgPnl?ndex“' ^ V V . ■ Prime Time Liv ICC wanlscnffliiuiiTon on a Live and John andofftheci: campus. , Ir broadcasters and/id/or ■ Robcnx n Campos won ■ The first p transmiiiar Slalions 10 Wackotout ;ir) Jhc iniemaiional it place in photo journal- 0. 3Ut-' lal category for ism was awarded av to Suzanne Vll.; "Bitter Harvest," a r report on the Krciier and 1 ro- • d "nie Boston Globe for ' le « their own inierests ' iw o f Haitian chiidnsidren to cut sugar n report comi >mparing institutions and your cable operalorDr for . . cane in the Dominican■can Republic. group homt • | ~ ' Fira plabe^in llie p mes for people with 3‘ le pnnt categtfry mental re tatfdation. ^ . j g S S S B i ^)lfio-- “ —

,2 'n'mes-Nows.Twfn^^aJl;foils,Idaho -Friday.April 1 7 ,1|js I- ' "

[■ Duvall!I spins kid^w I • SLAPSTICK S NAFUS: A n Fox hos.scheduled a spcci 1 bloopers and ouiiakcses episodec of “In Uying Color"?t! f favoritete tales ju^k , April 26. ^ DESIGNING DU}^fJrlPS DUFFY: L inda Bloodwonl r Tbofflason. co-cxccuiivhowtimc describe thcir anirilm atc d without Julia D uffy, who joinciined series, "Shcllcy Duvallvall’B Bedtime Stories," whicfich’ pre- last fall us lhe w hiny. snobbi^5bish m ic rc s T u esd ay w ithh ncncw cpi-sodes weekly throughgh‘ May _ AJIison .Suparb'iker. Bloodwonlonlt* ____ 26______Thomason said'Duffy “did lid a Featuring adaptationsions of popular-Kids’ tales, thee shows s . . ■ .spcciacular jo b in a very dinicu ficult urc n a rrated by, various>us celebrities and hosted by DDi uvall. ' rule.-lf it didn't work oul. it w: was who made a name foifor herself in kids’ TV win'ith th e . our fauli. not hers. She pedale laled aw a rd -w in n in g Showtinvtime scries "Fairie Tale Theatia tre” in that bike as hard as slie couk)uld. 1982. However, ihe network didn't fe« the chemistry was righl and aske j ihat .she bc released fronfrom her role." Said Duffy: "Sine;tcc Childrensns’ programming. 4 ------itcjJwracicLoCAlJuiPn.^3n was so pooHv

’W h o p a‘rolJrIfir6acIf« l.-iHirK=wS55 _____who,l_efufierJasi season.«)ti______rT';rriF^c"MT5rgiiLsf^ilmilita i g a T f ------BcttcM idlcr.:------1: BAD YEAR: How bad b.id was the broadcast TV businesness In Ihc first .story, aI lilllelin boy ncariy ruins'his motloiher’s lust year? So bad thal ai ll advenising revenues fell for•thc thi garden party until hee Icamlc s to control hi.s tempci*.Cl*. TTie first tim e .sincc 1971. wl . when cigarette ads were bannc<>ncd s c c o n d sto ry c o n c etns rn s another boy whose folk-Ik's a rc . . from Ihc airwaves. Total')lal TV ad revenues for thc year,r, asa c x irc tn e ly strange. r e in e d by the Tclevi.sio'ision Bureau o f Advertising, wen verc ...... Shelley Duvall's,-I’s^'Bedtime Stories," TunI es d a y billion. ofT S pea-ei:a-enl from 1990. That bruke dowt own , S h o w tim e. F or 2-to 6-ye)-year-oIds. • , into network rtvenucsi of IS9.5 billion (off 6 pcrceni), spospot . . ------(nalional. non-nelwork)li) rtrevenues of-552 billion (downvn-9- ^ ■------percent), local ,revcnuc.scs of0 S5-„billion (ofT .4 percent) iitk i!!^ - JliijoclC nInilU igh[lighl T h lirriji^y n p pA y- national syiidlcatloirreviTevi;nucs,-^vhich inciuues »-ox. ol (inning— ~ ______SJAbillion (upJS.pcrccniten t).--!:------• ___• with Spinal Tap guest-':st-voicing on an cpiiiodc oT-*f-’TTie _____" Simpsom ” then ihe preipremicrc.olLMichaelJiickionliri.'s.-In ______------'— W H A T 'S N B W 7 'RRoberta o l Baskin, who oncc worvon ibc Closet" music videodeo and concluding with Coloilor. Me prizes for for local station lion WJLA in W ashillB»n D .C.. .» as B a d d ’s acting debut onjn "Beverly" Hills, 90210.” For3T &gcs an investigative reporter.cr, has1 been named a Washington-ion- 12 a n d up. / based correspondent forbr CCBS News. She wiil rcponedl)xlly bc assigned to .severalI C£CBS News .broadcasts, including ling Ba-sed on a story by5y Roald I Dahl. “ITie Big Fricriendly “CBS Evening New.s withvilh Dan Railier." Otant” (Salurday, Disne;sney Channel) is the animatedcdltale • BYE BYE BROWN:N: Downtown1 Julie Brown, who of an orphan/and herr veryvi large friend. Fop 6- tot o l n - was dropped recently from fron her_rolc_as ho!it of.the.M TVj y ye.;«--olds._...... ------scrie-sr-aub MTV- (WSwce_kd.-iys, 6:3{^7 p.m.)_will con- tinue to work for thc musmusic (.‘hannel on special projecis.CIS. according to an MTV sp(spokeswoman. Brown, who w,xs#.xs N ew s a n c h o r P eter' Jennings,J a app ea rin g in hus sediC(!ond • imponed from Britain wit with much fanfare six years ago,Igo, sp e cia l a im ed at youngng viewers,- moderates Saturd;n fry 's also has been a contributi buiing reponer for the syndicatedited discii.ssion w ith childrenTen 1ages 8-14 on ABC ' ' ] "Inside Edition." “Clubub MTV" is now on hiatus andmd being revamped, withh a ncw format and host to be announced. On radio, BrcBrown will take over as host of of Seven years apo. thehe Soviet; Union's largest'nuJutjlcar ______: Westwood One's syndyndicated countdown series. cs. power station e^lodcHTcd, scaiicring radioa»;tjve mattaterial "American Dance Traxx."X," ieffective April 12. whose emotional and physicalphj fallout can bc Still bd felt SCHEDULING CHAHANOES: Craig T,.Nclson‘*s Joduy. In Friday's specialcial. Sovici citizens rcconstraclic | the ______t*Coacfa.” on hiatus, will n ill return to iis original 9;30 p.m. Q ^ e n is of o f April 26, 1986, Disco^a j c ry— — -Tuetdayitoi'April^nvldiirlUl rttth‘tpisode«';:r~':r::-i^a:

ONTAft When Sumsm D e y leaves “L A Law” afterter this season she'll star inn “Love1 Is H ell," a new CBS sii- !''• Joan Lund8n and RegisRet Philbin host W alt DIsi com from the "M urphyI Brown" Br creators, Diane English •Isney W o rid ’s E aster f t and Joe] Shukovsky. She’llle’ll play a newly divorced restau- r P i n d e ihis S u n d a y telccast; from(i ■ the Magic Kingdoms in I rani owner who dates anan "outspoken" newspaper colu'm- in Rorida. Annheim and thcs^iew ^ _ _ _ nist.” '______’ one 6ut.side Paris. Micke:ckey and Minnie Mouse, Wir — -ihe-PoofrandRogcrftabtrabbiT^o1rithc-fC!alvitlC3rj5i™ S? — CoinfriW from repoitsrts , C om piled f ro m w i ^ le^ ^ r t s Friday, April 17,1992I Timos-Nows,1 Twtn Falls, Idahow 3 Gossift

■ | C h €eers’ to0 phonyy brew!! Q : I ’v e been wofi(/ondcring if the beer ease of of “Wheel of Fortune." TV’s's a d v an c c o f his fin ale. It*;I's a guest they drink on “Ch'Cheers*' (NBC) is most po popular and one of its mostst pan — as. (lltingly. a late-,e-night TV ‘ I f no t, w h atlisit? is i lucrativ tive game shows, there arcc show host — one of jnlyon three A:-Accordinglg to a network opiions. IS. If a contestant can't use (hcle C a rs o n h a s d o n e ih ro uighouj g l his_ ...... s p o k e s m a n .iris n onon-alcohoJic n beer;— prizc-jin “and wants to iivoid payingg career (the others'were oo n sh o w s ______taxes on on it. he or she can forfeit il hosicd by Mary Tyler M(vioore and ^ I wiiliin th 1 three working days. Tlie con-I- Bob Newhan). He'll be prerelty mucli. 1^^^ _ ic.slani g 1 g e ls .n o ih in g , in retu rn ., buIt t : him self. th e .u m c.v a stly entntcrtaining : ■ does avo; ivoid a tax'bill that could sen--• - Cnrson' that has been a T\rvrrxture"’ CUI into cash winnings. Thee i foragcncnilion. • 1 0|option is lo sell the pri/c pri- vaicly to a thiriFparty, .is long as the i ' W aiH H HEIB L P I N G tant doesn't promoie ihf item ' HI SSPPH HANrI D : ' O n e c o mTiing il from the game show. • I o f Ihctc u n s u n g ntally. lo answer a qiiestion ' I • kl local I h e ro e s ’ that rcadoaders have asked from linie to I ’ H W ESestijfil duringl g r e c e n t ttmijbimiiaacu

i M ^ li u U uUSln'^ g credils). U'unng the *1 )u rcsi(Jeni _ J_gam e. cc • H |L \ V. /a '.' MaliW cO-Pic^ I a n I s_c a n." w in ll a.s_ I — yj-Larry-h-H ngm un:------' ^mucirasll IS they can, but are .illowcd to I w a s o u t nly S125.(XX) as a result of a I h e lp inn g g h o m c - m utual ag agreement between ihc pro- nagman ownersrs" '• ;0r/d ^ duciionI cccompany and liic hroadeast- 'i g h l ^ r s work. Anyihing in cxccss of k .' ■ , Anson Willmillams ingnclwo load sandbags lo protect I’hithat valu- lonaicd to charity. u: Made director's■s debutc in ‘85 able beachfront real estate;e; B y the lime ihc storms subsided, R h a g m a n ^ ...... ' Q5 P l e w se ttle! aa bet. I say Uiat . . H ' . 'f'e f ' , h e a r th a f J o h n n y C a n o n h;had a severe cold, heavily blistered b 0 become a full-time actor Ii; : ------"Happy.Dayj” was•s Ia spiimftfrom_J'"’ “ • _liands.andjiomc-vcry gratefiilfill heigh------:-V^6.Aniorican:St] 5 givta-up-His-Iaie-nighl TV hbors, ‘ ...... , Kysifwieaspinofffi w. Can thal be true?— G.L. ; \ “i^crican Gralfitj." \ 'hen 1 recently asked Carson • — —H!he—clothing—w6i " 7 ’' A-. Y 6u are! "H appj lirposr-TV'show'pluns.'he ««i '6 m —o n ------“Homefront” certainly bring nolly iin unsold 1971 j ed that afler hc leaves aficr n g s b a c k 71 pilot, bccamc a 1 memories. Arc they using > ^ segment of a "Lov ' 22 showj he intends lo take 5 y in lflg e -ovc. American gormenis and, if $o, where a ^ y le” broadcnsi in F ths devoting himself to "spe- a re Ihey n Fcbniary 1972. • finding them?— J J , TheVscfimcnt. titled:(i X" o v a a n d tJ.c f '™E>’gs," And he wasn't refenring " A: The cosiume designer , Happy bays.", fernfeatured Ron '“ T^VspccJccials. r .for, ihe popularP series. "Homefron) n t," d id •H dw aid, A nson Willitiillinm s. M arion iictualk use authentic *404 0 s g a r- '1 Ross'arid HaraJd Couiiould. But.-fol- n mcnis fiinhe pilot show. Holo w c v c r. lowing the huge succcs:ccss of George those costly originals beganin fallinji Lucas’ "Americann GC raffiti" in ' \ ' " ■ apart “ I during dry cleaning. TTT h e cos- 1973, ABC look anotmother look at v f /3 • ,l't I __ tu £ turners have now turned lo ooli ld c atJ- iKiii-linsold pilot andmd asked pro- logucs such as Sears, as w e ll iis ■ dliCcV G arry M arshallall foi r a seric.s. newsreel footage and filrr whiih-premiered in JanuaryJai 1974. Im s, f o r inspiration in creating new,w , m o re ll has been writtennjhat tl George - u u ra b lc costumcs:______------Lucarw as“irinucn"ci:nc"ca'by that ,« ■ ’ • uhsold pilot, and wasIS ththus inspired .IBB i M ' y ' i w ? |6 make “American'OnGraffiti," even Q: Any idea what happei)cned to ' casting Ron HowardJ in one of ihc______j i. my favorite TV sta rJo y &iJ e W itt,------__'kc|;-foJes, :iw hor:co£isrd-::^ni-’qT,r h r e c ^ — Ctw m pany” for ijuite a fcw.yeaears? — ' Q ; W e w e re w ondendering what ^ H.H.C. happen! if a coDtesiarslant on “The A: F or seven years a fte r ihhc e show ck JW ieel of Fortune" doesn’tdo< waiit, jg^ closed m 1984 she lived on heh e r sav- or taii't use his or herher prize. Can mgs and residuals and devole.le d her------they exchange the carsr o r pia n o f o r ...... lohnny Carson self to finding spirituality,y. N o w - — m o je y ? s h e 's back perform ing lit a iheatcr- Ih C arson willwi be seen on an episode rest • A; No. they can't HoHowever, m the of ••Cheer- restaurant near T oronto in the­e musi* crs" airing M.iy 7. in cal "Le.idcr of ihe Pack." 4 Tlmos-Nows. TwiniFalls,Idaho Fai Friday. April 1 7 .19i1992 ( Soap opera s

picture foror good. Paul lells Ava lhal was wa expcctcd. but still insistsits s'^cila -he loves Carly.Ca and'Ava calmly sug- is hiding1 som ething. N o ah tells tel Jack g c sts IhatI hihe make up his|mind. Ally that ih: Nikki is doing well, bubut.won- Lawrencc is siunncimed when John goes on a dj 1 dale wilh Cooper, and they ders dci how she is holding up enenttttmn- shows him'lhal theirir twol\ lockcis'fii (alk about ut having sex. Clay takes ally. all Drucillo is worried thatlol'Jill is pcrfcctly logcihcr. Vivi /ivian poiius out Dinah Lee:e on( a romantic outing, and out oui 10 gel her. Scoit informs ; to Lawrencc that it loo IS an agi- looks as if John Hannah tries tri to gei a job.playing -tali• taied Sheila ihat he won^t be;<;able to is really his brother. er. Forresi, but piano. Coopjopcr defends Ally 10 Slaige join joi her at the farmhouse « Lawrence rcfq ^to bc : on her > believe ii. John when shee puisij Ally down. Shana birbirilnlay. Victor asks Jact curity room at realizes Lar ^rry is.thc man for.hcr. but- understanding-wiih-Victoria, un( ia, w hite------the A la rn a i^ o i is c andnd watches on a meanwhile ilc. he plans his getaway she sht slays at the ranch, sincccc' Ryan moqil6rasT!.awrence ue and Vivian with his pipartner, Jeanne. Cooper jusjust broke up with her. Clyde c slowly open a mysic e objccis sicrious crate, freaks whenlen he hears Hannah play a fiercely fici when Michael tells-I: . L is a n n c . w a r n s C a rly i-him lK ; irly. that she is certain lullallla b y o n the Rtano. ____ p lalans to pul him on. the5__s_tand. : - "■•mnking-thingsrwors.irse' w hen'she ------' Laiaurcn is amazed at;how'w cruijl . decides to operatee ono a patient iB V flW E ffiifS nm iB lB I Sheilash( is and lung’es aLhct. against the restriclionsns placcd( on the :t- -Tl'c^ fight and orderlies have to pululCthe 1 trauma ccnter. Jesse is arrested for iN tA iiyiiliiH ^g> apart.apo Sheila vows one dajcili trying to sell drugs I Igs to Carrie. Trevor swapssv secrets wiih Opal get Lauren out of her life fofw Marlena. unaware ihaihai Ron's drug and Palmerier regarding the night of deal is going down, sho shows up on the W ill’s munurder. Hc lells them lhal H ... — »Pj-SJLdisfiu.i{isd,a5,A^,oi r'D crcfcairm nlnu^iriY ^^J

lhai tinaily'brings dowiown the Torres case. Hc tShen gives Mimi and Derek ^ ------fam ily, a n d M arlena anii and Roman— at—proof tharhr hc.-Opal and Palmer'air——Ridge ^ tells Heather h e ^ d p last— ore reunited. not guilty' ofo the crime. Livia asks f.ed!to hurt Brooke, but sht-vjtii t j u w t Brooke to bebc her maid of honor, and nlisten ‘ when hc tried to cxfxp h ]n . Brooke can’t believe Step! Brooke tclli:lli> h e r o f a n in te restin g :phan»e journalist she met named Edmund. would even suggest thai she gcgo bac?( ' . Edmund ttri r i e s 10 u n c o v e r d ir t on a n d ,w o rk Ihings o u t w ith RicUdge4- Cain turns himselfr in lo get Tina Dimitri, andnd visits his former love, *she ® found him in bed w{th anollicrar released from jail andI latlater establish- A ngcliquc.ic, whom hc attempts, woman, or so she thinLs. Ll.i.3 J « fk c e s an a libi. S arah te lls1 HiHank the iruth un.successfisfully, to turn against_c;ells . Margo hc received a calltil from • aboul,the holcsJn_hcr-a:r-alibi--Viki-is-DimitrirEdm dmund:suggcsts to Brooke Eric'Forrcsier." who convince}:ed Jiim ■ detennincd to save Asa,sa ;and Rciice's that they joiroin forces to cover Will’s ,:o /reli:a.sc Jake. M argo;iB^t^fi?pin marriage. Hank makes:cs a deal wilh jniirdcr. Ste|lephen gives Brooke the lake confessed lo the crim cj ______Tina and Cain: if the'hey htflp him .^Cniig/Gloria Macy off the hqbk. StepimrSc;H<;real- prove Alex is ifi^ murdcjrderer. hc will Craig had anmiivefo^killinga n W li.' . zcnh(Tiruth=iharRlclgtrTancnTOl;te^l------free them Ixjih. Viki is suspicioussi of I ploy to send Brooke runningng back • Jason and Lee. Ann.1. DI o ria n a n d / 0 Eric. Jake accuses Clark« yf, Jason go to Canton, OhiOhio, Dorian's G iE E H B E B ^ H ng the fomiula and triixs unsuc;ucc<;ss- hometown,’ where Blai hus been ll|||B |ia l|H ||^ ^ l fuii>ully lo get him to adnjii jt. ^MV,go snooping. Blair continui infoinfortns' Bill that she is leaviog in"“ '» Iry I" David ask. ruin the‘intruder.” Troy sks C.C. to let him work Rjjjlidgc asks, the hoicl^cTerli with Gina/Antonio says ”7ay] Sheila. Andrew’s fatlaIhY-S!"»n |„ ,f„ide„,al raylor's room number. The?..clqrk, ,c -CQrpenter, comes to itally lefl the gas on. but rcmccmcmbering Taylor’s im>|ructigtiojis. Hank. Maggie and Casii s he is covering for some- tellsells Ridge ihere is no one.l^hy,iltai more ciues about Alcn fakes beiiig ill. and Jodie namilamcal the hotel. ' • - Sarah as possible suspei r a stakeout with Cruz, s Kelly and lells her she n. discovers thot her siste Q. Is Tristan Roger?, RoH d h p t whom she thought died a rival for Cruz's affec- Scor^rpio on "G en^ Hospijal" _ J ____.were yqunser, might sti rren questions Sawyer rfed?ied? How old is he? D oes he 11Itv e in Cain and Tina make love, ’..but he.is evasive; how --thetie lU ;S r o r - A u s tn ilia '? ^ f e between Moggie and And :n learns Troy is virtually Dqj>tejver. _ - homeless anc and lives in 0 drainpipe' A.\ Rogers is 46. divorced:drflfld ...... '_ and_isn’t-n-p ^registered. stu_deiil^He..jiYcsX^jrim arily-in-theqiniicd-^i ■^■■r^felTs-Tr'oylfi "th'atTie' has a gifiTind'' lln'eti'gh Fie spcm fT m uch tim c.i: s h o u ld wwaste a it., . : . i A ‘s ativc Ausir.nlia. Rogers left.";.“CH" 1 Febrxiaiy but will probablyI ccomc Arthur rescucs Stacey!y oiiiJa Tnicker* Qck for an occasional appcoraniinoc. from the fire, and theyy realizen ihey are in serious danger. J o c k a n d Stacey .argue about hiss.obsession ol at C of a question? Write louiSMf AE.; Isabelle, pays nI visitvi to the Lauren Isi frusiraledfi lhal her plon Timeifncs-News. P.O. Box j Shadow and j)anishcs herhe from the for the bloodd testt did nol reveal whai Falls.sits. 83301 Ffictay, Apfil17. 19922 Timos-Nows. Twin Foils. Idaha,ha 5 :>:F eatures; s t p r y 3 a i o lbounces bs►ack " from!1 teen-age fafame ByLynoHogsetd TV Data

. TV viewers haveha\ knovfti Scoti Baio for a lonlong time. {Irsi - i | H as teen-ager Ohachi u c on "Happy Days." ilwn as collcgc Mil- ■ ^^nt.Charies on>n "Charles ■' in Charge." Now. hi is playing . —...... * Aorhcone my ovown age." a building supcrinTintcndcMl on "Baby Talk." . There's one thingthir that has remained constant.ml. though: ihc groups lo whomm Bj aio . now 31. appeals. "You I'ou know, 9 ^ H i ' really weird,"JitJic_says. j;but, my democrapliphic.has.nol ------! ^ c f i a n ^ since II started.su It’s kids 4-7, then womemen I»-34." I Baio has beenen in show business a long limc. tir and he j I admits that it haslas icauscd him to miss out onI a few iliiiigs, ; .'"You know whatlat 1 think ] missed?’’ he says,'s. "Doing Ihc JM college thing. I nlvalways wonder what lh.il woulduid have been like. I ih in H »niS5[US«aUhalJQuiJ-was.liickY_i-nnjm S^o^lsL o^

ige anyihing iot«jw rfcaly h ^inesi. c : r.ve haJ i — J— — _ a fairiy good lifiz- But dealing with/ith fame can be difllcult for anyly iren-agcr.1 ■ "Listen.- I gotft arrogant a: for a while," Baio impossible not io0 ." ." lyiary.Page Keller and Ryata K i s u p ' • Of course, it’ss a rare teen-ager, in or out oJf f «show Imsi. ( '“ P l o b o tlo m)m l ) s ta r In A B C ’s ‘B a b y trilk^The4 . . ntss. who doesn’tI’t ata some point dcvelopan attitUiliiude. half-hour showIOW a irs at 8:30 p .m . MDT^tr,lon;KKVl. • "Yeah, but I hadfiad the money to back il up."' sayssa Baio."I power. You're a cl never did dnigs. am a child, and ywi’re making $25,'is .o o b n w c d and I never bought anything I didn’td need or whaicvcr. and lo buy, but with tl nd you have people lulling youou hpw great h thal money comes a strangeIge sense of you are. And oncc; ICC you have lhat, ii',s so addictfVi ______^ Discbv(v e i y - ^ e s nreflects orrhiitispankrhMii t ^ ’ “Wc are all imir,mmigranls in a prop- a------______-cf/y called New W - cxpcrience thal has c^ei|eaidd Latin all the bearers ofo f a family of cui- -DBm a'acasfaates J j liires: Indiati. EuiEuropean, African. From the ancient IndiaJian'siies of ------; Oriental. Sometin.•times the burden is *Thc ^ Btiricd M irro r R cflcc- Macchu Picchu in Perujopa.colonial .JiglJt. somelitness it is heavy, bul we / ns on Spain and the New . ■ fonress in Fueno Rico 'iwcnd the mod- crn-^lay cities of.'ip ''•w,ould not exist without w the biogra- v "Jfld” * will premiere Sunday, ^paln, the . . . -phies, the ianguagtlage and the dreams ril 19. and air on five acclaimed novelist giycs.;s.Iifetoihe oVoijrancestors." conscisccutivc nights ihrough m onarchs and conquiiltQlladbrs. ihc • — CarlosIS fueniesF from •'The jrsday, April 23. from 10 to -. Indian civilizations and ihithe Wars for : Buried M irror RefReflections on Spain Pp.m. " Eastern Time. independence that have: sshaped the .andand the New World” • J Spanish-speaking w orld’ Mirrors, held preciousus Tjy early M irrorr: RefleciionsI oii'^pain aiid the . 'T h e arriv al o 1C American peoples, a^ee found in of Christopher New World,”Wl offers a coniprchcn- 1- ancieni burial caches th^uoughout’thc Columbus in the NeNew World and Ihe sive andmd uniquely Hispanic view of . resulting clash off European.E African L atin A Jl Americas. They are thou)ug|M to be American people. Programni synilw lsof the sun and a ______—and ,Indian culturcaircfi-led-to-. iry'sgrowing Hispiiriicf)pi}pulation in « M exico,:o, the Caribbean and other ■r icrmsofeconomic.poliilcalcal ^ d cut- ' In anticipation1 of o: the upcoming pans of)f thet Americas, Fucnies pro- I- lural changcs." said Ruth Otte,Oi presi;____ - quincentenary yeaiear of Columbus’ vides his own personal perspective i c dent and chief operitin^c dispovery o f Ameriilerica, “The Buried on th er richnessf\ and diversity of ; officer of ‘ u isto v e ry Channel: 6. ‘nmos-Nows, Twin■wlli Falla, Idaho Friday, Aprili7,17, 1992 'Nielsfett-tpage

’ " I 1991-'-92’s (op 2 0 pribie ti]t i m e s h ^ ^ •'.'ff NEW YORK(AP)>Thfi1cv?0pnn«tm*l»l«vr lev t OfiivwigVtnaWernn.-CBS. 17 3 • 1414 -< -COS SwM«rMi^Mo.4 u a s U t i I- wnMnMnthtmi-tlMii2»*«Mn.wiir>n«rmrKin4 7 ,'Cottfi.'*D(ABC, 172 - 1515 •( -6«r.ing Sh.S.,'CDS,'14 s 9* ■ i**.-ADC. t7.0 |<16 -f E«po*«i» ceS„)»t,:^r,J. • '4Mr«]B>n.-N0C. 16 9 1717 ■) •AO*lHt»nlWBWNBC l52 . . > 2.’no«nnt.’ABC.2a22 ' S'M«d#,Sh#Sht Wiel*.-COS. 16 9 1818 "i 'Th«Coi6rSho».'NDC t4 t '' I i-i*n>hrBtcMn-c8S.ie«• 1«e ll.'NFlMen*<*>«*»M^lFotnV*OCAOC, 17.5- , 13-noomFtr'Ftr Two.'AOC, t6 7. 30'i» -Am«lC4*runn>«nU]ni>IVK»c>'A0? |

I Nielseiin ratings 1for week’ssT V sh o ^ !^^S ' " I N^roRKiAP|.H«t>tavtntpnm»-arn«rttiA9(. s {XrlV>r/i«t*>«•* Vx>i9'NOC 119 IS6m*cA honi:NoniM I . Mani>Mbrv>«A.C IM■•tMnComt fcr«o*S>in9v' - 'CO^'n,. .:.Tep»lnt9ilrM«t.g>*w*.« wRhU g |t)-UnKf.t«St0MirtIi>it*-NOC l«t IS]m*oi ' Mmt 14 ()lr«wwnn» - AOCrt4 7-131 t.Mi' ■■■ ■' » Daatima Ctufr>e»i»h«> Pr»9im«.- 16 (^(»r44H3 7 l9Gm»c»>;ei» ■ ; mHruSon>ner>gm*ia#t«a#M Vm p«»nu«« o( m* isV ti e min^onhonxw it16 (i;(13j*no(XnFc>T>e-ABC, 13 7 n-6mor( 8 [24|'S»ait*-lit*'-'NBCM«>dJrMini*.-lS6 144 homtciom«. . ■ ; • . tWItMnUnt.OOOheuMMMMfl* . m*enMmM•• HIt f27(H*.e«. 911,'COS 15 6'U >t ; l.in-N&ueukmdChamthtm«»onih*.-CBS 22 7 9 [4) XnMr..-11$.- NOC. 15 S, 14 J m*«. hom.t ftomwn 10 (8)f«j«KouKouM.’AOC. 148. 11«m*cnh»nMt0m,-N0C.(3J 13 3 12V'r4w«>(»r hom».lOITlM • . ^ .•AOC. 18 1 l«Tm* en Uqt'» .'M8 13 :: : rs s — ■rrr^.'nri^nrrr ^ ■ ■ ^------Ti iarflyjlrfL lJAtr*ff*.^a^Tf ...... -2? I?

Ljr______^ ‘ " ''C ablele televislpn ) — H r h h ---- converersion g u i d e ------tryouna»ub»ub*cr^toKlnoVldoo- • ciU*. look fortforbiaefctWiontymbol* ' I . I . ', '- orboidchaf V J ;llll 11 I1 1 " ' ! ' 1 1'-'i' ^ ' ■ ■ T Ti ~ • . ; V ,. ------r ; j IOtnWen(ce«t{comwr^ ■ — . . , , . , miVT>TWInF«i^«»(ca« “ ttW^OOTiteSPN(2MwWKXltipert»> “ ^r=

■ ...... hoSSS^ZEE. MtAEnMrtttnwiCutiC “ DMe««rirOMrMl_ ' vi’ . B /K S L -S M lji^ «Pm«yHenw6hciShoctilnQ ■“ WMMrOtvnriI ' ^ ' • •wry______,r . I . . , VH1 . " ■ S-a==a7»5KBO-BoUXCBS) T7 ' KM-BalM(ABC)/h ^r“- “i; ___ .U rM tto iu S S ^ “ . ______• ItyoutnutubtaiMrft«r (0 anotfw n a csU* i^sfwn,. boliforwhttnaaontymtynbql$htt

« , j ...... ab KmK-kWiii(Ct• (C8S)------' ; • • ' CBKpvi.ipb« i*,{ abc -III I--(Z)K U eD -M L ^OiCWffM) y _ - “ ’ i: tDnn-iiditaF*

Friday, Apfil 17.199292 Timos-NoWs.TwinFoll:/. Idatilahb. 7 le programi s s ::::....:::: F or evening,>, wiw eekend p ro g ra m s s e e pa gies12-47 e: I

— m o r n i n g . • •______r a MOMOVIE (Mon-Tuo) .SHOW SECOND CHILDHOCD O D (W ^ I JOURNAUSTS’ ROUNDTABLE (TMC) MOVIE (Mon) . , 5:00ja CARTOONH EXPRESSE DIMUS:USSION (Fri) 1 7 :0 5 1 3 UTTL£ HOUSE ONTiJHE;; , I • SJABCNEWS r a VIEVIEWER CALL-IN (Mon-Thu) PRAIRIE - • - S HAIUARIA DE NADIE ; 7:15 0 FACES OF CULTURERE^Fri) 3 INE NEWS . SHOWW !TOP KID (Thu) HBOMOVIE(Fri.Tud.Thu)- (Mon) (TM d U 7:30 c a SESAME ST R K T ' ® ^MEpj-HLTO.TON «:05 P I IIT d R m I E ^ F JEANNIE ’ Q (12)TC.ENAGEMinANr K:EMAN TAPES: ^ M N J A S SPORTSCENTE^TER(Fri.Tuo.Thu) i'ERSATlONS WITH A KILLER ^ ^ COOKY-s'CARTOO N c i Q BASEBALLTOT CLUB (Fri- - - - ; @-MOVIEiFri.-rUo] ) MOVIE (Thu) ...... EUTTLE ‘gmwfZARD’Sl>'3 WORLD e;08 GQI AWAKEA ON THE WILD SIDE @ @ CUSSROOlOOM (Fri, Too- Q PAID PROGRAMiAM 6:10 1 0[“ j Jl u d ? GARLAND IN 0 BUGS BUNNYY&PALS & CONCEF :ERT:MUSICFR0MTHE «EYI ED’AO-OAY ...... MOVIESES(M on)...... - - iS S ? A « “’:“5^' f fl HITS, NEWS ANDANI WEATHER HBO COIMNVICTS ON THE STREET @ s s NEW WILDERNESS OD ItFIQURES © GROWING UP TOGETHE @ ABC NEWS (MorMon) M M MMOVIE O' (Mon) ?E% S CCNGRESSION/W A L HEARING ®=1?,QD A.M. A. WEATHER (Wod-Thu) • SHOW 30 QD WHAT EVERY BABY iNOWS ’______------QJ*COCINA-CniSCC ------SH aw ^)i ^ T H iS s YOUR UFE: W'ALTERa i (TM^MOVJE(Tuo»)) ^ {TMQMC BRENNAN(Mon) 5 :0 5 ® NBC NEWS3(Fri.Tuo.Thu) (F 6;2S^O«3 M 0 w f Wod (VRING' ■hu)- - - ...... IS-{B- a b c n e w s ------S IDAHO AT SUNRISE SHOW MOVIE (Fri) : ‘ , Wod) ' . S j JflGH 7:40 (T M m iO V IE (Tho) ’ ' m NBCI REPORT ’M K ' * ' * ' >C NEWS 7>i7:45 0 A.M. WEATHER', I JAMES BOND JR. '| h b o m 2 v!u d £j) L____ § B c l j c S e

Q4raRix?0AY : "“ H S in e s s d a[ y T . ~ § d SiNGERBAYfruo)c j ______a_®:m.AGDAy.{ily. {Fri,-Tu®-Thu)------S-DANQiNGERMOUSE------t P @ si 03 AG-IG-DAY(Mon) & PAIDID IPROGRAM rS ) PERRYMASON (NINO'S------S'A W A/AKE-ON H THE WtLaSIDE------“f lIl'TOOCtUB ------m) gNBCNBVSfMo.) ABCr. IB SPORTSCENTER ‘ C NEWS (Mon) J•ffi CARE BEARS . iVIE (Fri. Wod-Thu) c ra EUREEKA’SC A Sni’;,' r a O ir N E w s GARDULCEHOGAR(Frl- 6 g 5ASEBALL TONIC MOVIE *ri) - P ^ ELLERY •S-SPORTSCENTERi fHOGAES GENERACIONES (Too. | on) \ . ______O y O G IB E A R . ffi ® DELVECCHlonuo^ , ______PROGRAM- lO^IWUTE MOw7 (T uoT—- --“ rv . © everyd ay WORKM r lOVlEfWod) . ‘ g MR3.COLU«Bcj|p)ui tS 'M O V lE (Tho) M - - ,SHOW.30jJEWrrCHED f. ^ EEmABLANOO )RKOUT .(T M C l MOV>VIE(Thu) e a BEV S BESTOF EUROPE m i) TT W E S W CULTURE (Fri) 0 Q 1 LOOKING EAST (W U UAX MOVII -®-0Accas^-— — ------5 - J ™ S W o v ieS) [Fri,Tui>.Thul 6:45 0 FAC^ i n g u p t h F p j e c k WI FOCUS ------!------_ f I 3 NEWS- ) SHOW Prcfideomorning ^@ GOOOMORNINO(Fri.)^a:a;W ed- p CD g o o d m o r n in g p a DAYBREAK IRNING 7;00 b VIDE r a 2-FER TUESDAY (Tiw)’ . □ © ( S ABC NEW! © FRUGAL GOURMCT- in in g NEW S____ f8 t l MOVIE - E l ® NBC NEWS A ^ ^ O AGD ® TODAY • t t r a U.S. HOUSE OF ------.._fI1.HSlDUNENEWS-EWS . _ d MORNIIrER ROGERS------S 0 ( 1 2 ) ROCKY AND Ff i ) r - " ...... ^ . ® OUCKTALES r s ------ffl-MISTEfl * ffl AUGIEbOGQIESF T{IS MORNING ^ ’ ™ '“ “ ,c™™0„0„K0UT ^0. J & FRIENDS @ 111) th i: . J r a SPORTSCENTER ilE S'IS I I P AMERICAN ORIGIN, @ M ^ 'sGNMENT: E DISCOVERY (Mon) ' THOMAS A. EDISON ^(W( ‘ r a l a s sPAWTHERPARAOE ie ' O ■■ '-’■■■______1 ------— Q-SHELLEY DUVALL'S SINALS — S ASSIGNfNBRYANT— ...... WpA "N ^g'E"gr“°'' TALES AND LEGENDSC(Wod) S PINK 1PA BABY AND CHILD H r a ^ P E C T O R GADGELL'S TALL------ffi'KARYNJAIN 1 SH O P (Fri) m ______• © ® m o v ie •S (Thu) @ y o u rO.MQBNING B. AMERICA— — B -T h u ):-~ 3GET gLBARQAI • . ._ ^ g :^.D,M

7 * 7 “ “ '"'" ’^^^''"©FASHibV p S k . Iffl^GRCAf CHEf-S O FT^^M ^ 1,-Tuo.Thu) ® :A flOU N £ ^ T @ ABC NEVys (Mon) IE(Fri.Wdd) :■ r ^ l^on). ; IB CLOTHI^ b GREAT CHEFS 9 f| ' S j . u m oIVIE v i (Mon-Tua. Thu) ' (Wo 0 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls, I. MAXM0VIE(92_ _ ,..;.______, ______SHOW MOVIE Ills, Idaho • Friday. A ^ 17.1992 - • For avening, woGkondid programp s s e e p a g o s 12-47 ' M o n d a yr - F riday d ay tinm e 8 Q I GREAT CHEFS OFFSAN S- UNKNOWN fl n FRANCISCO (Thu) m INSTRUCIiio t S n a l ' ® -M j M b ^ R T H O A Y BIHTHD^DAYlW od, n •ID MOTOWORLO (Mon) , • ' !S'ST “’ -g0 h o r s e SHOW JUMPING (Tu U ^ f T T O BEAVER Q :7uo) ■ » W I bW ANDTHE ® * g ? r w !dI O PRCA RODEO (Wod) ; WONDERFUL TAR BABY 0 1 W IO PRCPROGRAM IQ MOUNTAIN MAN TRIATHLOi;ON SHOWPICWNO UEJHEfIE PIECES fB(11).DESI< - ...... ( T U o l-rr;------r a BODIES I B “1)0NALD I3UCK P R E S E Ts S - 0:55 SHOW MOVIE (Thu) 1 3 NOOZLES ~ ' • O UNDERR TTHE UMBRELLA TREE . OT 9:00 6 DtVORCE COURT i) OF DAVID THE GNOME f f l I^RICHT I M i§fSoV -M o^); VTE NIGHT WITH DAVID m i , "rKATHlH WORKS...... S Q MOVIE ® - A S ^ E WORLD TURNS T-’ O DAYWATCH. . 0 STEVE ISAACS (Fri-Wjn) ; ^ . 1 / 2 HOUR'UR COMEDY HOUR f f i 0 :@ ( S h o m e m STAND UP SPOTUGHT.(FrO: S i AFTERNGINOON JAM (Fri-Mon. f fl D: ._ u . Q @ DONAHUE . _ Wod-Thu) r a 2 fE R TUESDAY (Tuo)- SUPERMARKET W e P ! APPUED MATWEMATIIATICS(Frf. © T R A C E^ Y !ULLMAN m ^ m . U V t — Kl ©-JENNY-JONE8------niEGIS'4'KATHIELEE m & MOVIE(Mon) - CD JNSraUCTTONAL ID-MOVIE (Frl.(Fr Too-Tho) — m - ^OORAMMINQ(Tuo) S 'H O L A AMERICA 3U SE0F ------5IBO | o MOVIE (Wod) f f l EQUAL JUSTICE UNDINDERUW ^PRKE iS tA 5H0WM0V1E 6BLA FU ERZS t e r . 0 ( 1 3 ) PERFECT STRAN(ANGERS HBO MOVIE (F ™ gM mj^(Moo.l.u, m JOAN RIVERS HB0ST0RY6C JJSI! l a ^ H y RT TO HEART WITHWT HBO WORLD E ISMAXMOVIE(Tuo) ======r=rr=:WEWfeflE«>ft^

a ' S T c S ^ i c Q SHARON, LOIS & BRAIRAM'S lo ia O Q T H E JJUDGE U ^ ELEPHANT SHOW ------— O-COOKIN'-l ONCENTRATION _ •“ ■^ffl"®FUGmvE ■ D'INSTRUCTIONAL------.“ 7 - D ® m iste Q ] LOW CHOLESTEROL3u ----- a @ mxc ----- GOURMET------23 SQUARE0 KNOTS LANDING E ONE TELEVISION u nNKNOWN k i (Mon-Wod) : - • ! . . m CLASSICC CONCENTRATIONC f n f HOME (Mon) B FATHER KNOWS BEST ’ • 0 ( « ) FACTSTS OF UFE 3r e PASADO , I D AMERICAN ^un^r o W e n m i p a = m HEALTHY t 3") o f PAID PROGirKro'/w |.i^lilAYATHEBEE § D GREATCHEFSOFNEW- ______I0.111J FAMILY RLEANS(Fri.W«d)------1___ f f i BODYSHAFWPING ______c t : g r __ J B OUMBO’SC a-GREATCHEFS 0F.CHICAG6:b ... - .....*3o1a?IVORSoOUHT ' •SCIRCUS ------^ton) r o . . • . ■ rURESOFTHEUTTLE fife /(TMO) K O A U 3 GREAT CHEFS OF SAN ' lANClSCO (Tuo) m EASY DOES :______ffi-B IGPlCTUF i J GREAT CHCTS OF THg Wg^TIt______r a D » M - " ^ WEEK IN R( ------O ^ B m N o r n ------I R ^ (Moo) 5“ iilOVIE{Mon) T T " ^ H CORNER 0 3 DAY IN ROClOCK(Tuo-Thu) © s m WELCOME TO POOHACE O BD E/R J STAND UP SPOTUGHT (Fti) * r a FRED PENNER’S PUCI>EN Q CONGRESS j SHOP TIL YOU DROt» - . - B ) PASQUALE'S KITCHEN SSIONAL HEARING’ 1 MoviE(Fri.wod-Tiiu)''. ; EXPRESS MAXk E3 SISTER KATE Tuo) (TMC) ROOfOZ ,offi“s Sl'SAACS(Tuo-Thu) 11:45 HI 11:00 0 SUPERICRIOR COURT H B O l ------O MILLER 4 0 ICOMPANY ■ ...... ' m aIX x iMOVIE! (Thu) ; • ::THE m FAMILY TIESIES 11*50 n S (Wod) g rg] CHEMIS Q (ED INSTRUCTIONAL t • MISTRY(Fri) . p r oOGRAMMlNG(Thu) q i • WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS (V O ® liSTEN (TM tt MOVIE (Fri) ENUPI VOICES i n '-.,, •Vod) CELEBRATIONN COF EDUCATION A F T E 8 3 5 Q ANDY GRIFFITH (Wod (Mon) TERNOON " :; ■. s g s s a . , , «3HF0RMASTERYI ,Wod) B JOKER’S WILD • • - * * -BfrA-STAR------j— (Fri-Mofil CHILDREN WTT1EW0RLDTURNS • ORABNG • Q SONYA UV£[VB----- f l - f- f f i l SC1ENT7RC AMERICAN' ON ONE S O3NTlER3 N J (Fri) . . :

u) PROGRAMMINGJG(Mon.Wod) i ■ • S jsR e r e a d a n d ' ■: . O •GOING OUR WAY (Tho): - m GEOGRAPHY niRFUESfToo) ’ • • f f i ® YOUNG AND THE , PHY.OF UTAH (Tuo) . LZ -MU3ICAI.ENENCOUNTER (Thu) g Qa @ m ONE UFE TO UVE'E ID S ^, * f | DONArfUH^ ' BARNEY a F R IE D S )ERFUL WORLD 6 F ' M ® EB NEWS • O'NEWSHbUR CHALLENGE OF THE • UNKNC(NOWN (Mon-Tuo) • ' 6 r a MAURY POVICH ' ^ aT e r k nNOWS o BEST------:------C D.INSTRUCTIONAL ^ | ______:------fflrVOYAOE O FTH E MIMItFl ID (11)THEJUD( X3RAMMING (Wod) C o CHALLENGE OF THE HEADUNENEWS Friday. April 17.1992 TimoImos-Nows. Twin Polls. Idaho 9 M o n d aly y - Friday dayti'tiniG " Porovoniniming, wookond program s s o b pages p , 12-47



15 HBO MOVIE (Fri) • ' g ra m LovEcoNNi ® VIDWTRI — ----- D-®.LS-0PRAH-V«NFrtNFREY------^------©-NORTHEF4ERNWILDUFE(Morv------BHI )HIO •: m BARNEY & FRIENDS DS • Thu) - 3 ; - Q(12)BEETLEJUICE ES M*A*S‘HH ISI S m . VIDEO POWER EQ I^H O U R SELL IT! BUY IT! UR COMEDY HOUR ■ aA, 1 Times-News Classrired ■ >U) nf RINTINT)NK>9C0P3P a TOP 21 C

H ■ ...... ' ...... '■ " 'v l''r ’uli'n/. ’ ^ow T jl

Fridayf evening( prr o g r a m s


6:00 0 , MURDER.H. SHEJ WROTE While ______Daytimeie movies Jessica U in Toxas« « i to attend her “ “ coojio Ann’s woddliadding, tho b ri^ r o o m MOHORNING ______(1991, Comody) AtocBaldwMn. (In r r*m0fd0f»d.a$wajw as Ann's first fiance , ------Storoo) >5 years oariior. Q Q CROOK ANDm c( H A S E > 0 -Soundor ****(1972. Schoduiod: MchoOo1000 Wright. (In irsma) Cicaly Tyson. AFTERNOON S io ro ^ 5 ED *Tho Goy Falcon’ * * » 1941. Mystory) Georjjo Sandors GD Q @ (S] G0(11) NEWS 12.-00 Q ] @ ’Stn»t» of Lanarodo* - ^ Q (@ NATHAUE lAX -Cat Chaser* * * (1 9 6 9 . * * « (1949. Wostom) V^iilialiom »UE DUPREE- Sf.:o s ^ s o j F etor Wollor. COOKS FORFAMIlJMlUr AND FRIENDS ^ Holdon. ) ® *YouH Liko My Mother B PRIMENEWS I m ES *GoWenBoy * * * { 1(1939, ~ @ MARRIED.IED... w i t h ' ; ' • * * (1972. Susponso) Patty- . Drama) William Rokfam. - J ------CHILDREN Peggygylsdoprestodwhoh is — 1:00 ED^ThoVungtoBooK*"! ...... a*tighborhood Poi^ ■MC) *Tho Greatest Story Evor (1942. Advonturo) Sabo. Pooping Tom pocps at . Void-)ld- * * * (1965. Drama) Ma« voo ovoryonobuthor.^ (In StOfoo) a q 'IX HBO 'Loavo Yostortiay Boh:ohkid" . 0 ( 1 2 ) GROWING ^dow. i n i ’T ho Roekfli Man- * * ______**(1978.Drama)JohnRitllitter. ------:------pts9'»''C)>-cew««9-thSSSSSS”'*- JiSS ------MAX-*Casey^ Shadow *'*^ ------about how Oio baby t 954. Sdonco Fiction) Charfos S t f S E S " ' »bum, (.1978, Drama) Waltor Matthaihau. livos. SHOW *Not Without My Dai I MAX -C ast a Giani Shadow* a KJDSINCORPCIPORATED Wion '1 °“' *a(1966. Biography) Kirk * * * ( 1 9 9 1 . Drama) Sally^lokf”" F I cousin SamanthaI triestrio to teach tho i w n 1:30 (TMC) T ho Forbtddon Danco*Ol <9 Kids about thoclflssii * (1990. Drama) Laura Hofii« in g .( I : HBO T h o Forbidden Danco* * Shakospoaro a rock I 2:00 2 ) *Escapo From Fort B 390. Drama) Laura Hom'ng, t I Bravo* 1 ___ O ^ TROOP Chare ★ **ii(19S 3, Western) w'Miam a i .StiOW,;3yuU4oLOuua8io£aIl,,,-„

to WaiW af Many a c tiv r‘^“ /,o f§ M3. Adventure) Rosalind Russoll, mnjof looguo basobalo b a llp la y ^ * * * (1 9 5 7 , Drama) Rock Hudson.H ’ marched on to war in 0 *IcoCasiios* **(1979. IT in tho 1940s, .. n tama) s Lynri^HoDy Johnson______MAX *Valk)yolthoDoPs* ***» i ______------£D .CHALLENGEEThoConadian Th ------(1987, Drama) Patty Duko"“ Armod Forcos aorobarobotic team , tho SHOW -Isaac Utttoloaihors' kx (1964. Drama) Lou Jacobi. SHOW *Tho Hound of tho ' Snowbirds, porfonnsms maneuvorsi at a-IauAMAX T h o Undofoatod* * * * Baskorvillos* * * * (1959. MMystery) highspoods ondmairnaintains formations noTr Poter Cushing. «9, W estern) John Wayne. Ihat roquiro ovorlappic 3:15 (TMC) 'N ew rG ivoaS ocJjckoran I m MOVIE * * * T b i Ccmody) David* (1976. Drama) !? c S S S .J a ‘ E , “™’“> ‘ Bottoms. AnttwnyOui S) *Christmas in Connecticiit*- u - | f92. Comody) Dyan Cannon. . •4«)HB 0 The Forbidden Dah;ThoUMondBifeeginc^- 0 3 LA . U W M«hAa^olEpationeai.* ------0'*MuiTiorors Among Us: Tho ■ * * « (1S90.-^^turo) (PIrt ^ 1 ^ ------tostod by a dospondor■idoni clicnl orrostod nco Rction} Roborl Urich. | £ u t “^ a “y tS T * * * * “ ' ' - “ mED T h e G ay Falcon* * * « e, ors* ‘ CB ATRAPADA Una t M.J^stery)6oorgoSondors. Ina hislotia ( i, Um "! . Drama) Lou JacoicoM. ' •su^^so.dondelaon' K .'Full Fathom Fivo*-*» (1990, c, lamblcionyol “ OmjiTU) Michool Moriorty, 5:45 HBO-Trotty in Pink” * ? *Ir* * ------poder'so entromozdanclan con ol amor. n u r * I C) T hoM anyingM ifn*** 0S66, Dramo) MoHy RingwakJ,tkJ.(ln fTMC) MOVIE * * TT h h o Marrying ' dtoreo) • Man’ (199l. Comody)Jy) Aloe> Baldwin, I— ; • Wm Sasingof.' 6 :0 5 1 3 MOVIE * *r*-Oporation * - — PotUcoa|-(t959,Como.Jmody) Cary Grant. Tor»^unis, Daytime j ------8;30-CI-Qo)-WlCHTtY-£UY-eUSINESS------B sports REPORT Intonnation al in obout choosing M OR ^N IN G ail ...... -■«. 0 coltogo nnd how to0 papay for It, ------2:00 Q SENIOR PGA GOLF PiPGA . a @ ( S CURRANJENT AFFAIR a ^ Senttrs Championship. Soconc>nd O r i ^ ENTERTAINMINMENT a SPORTSCENTER(R) 'round rom Palm Booch Garttorton*r -TONIGHT County musi 3 SPORTSCENTER (R) 1Fla._(bvo) ■ ______; Tammy Wynotto oisctjsj ______S 8Q.GIRLS.HrGHSCHOOL : ______^^£Q-UP_C1£SE_£i------l_ 10, tho pop chi K6TaAt:t:i Iho 4077th that thoy ore out ol touch ' ------“tt — ^ 0 * I • - ^ now modical practic ®' Montreal % » » . . 0 (1 1 )W H E E L O F“ Ff O o r t u n e a 1 YACHTING America’s Cup f » o f > - ! ■ )fondor R nals. (Lwo) '' E IQ MICKEY MOUSEiE CLUBC (In

------I g *—Tim es'-Npw!;. TwinrFntrsnaaho— Fol t-naajTA^Ii?. T99219' I

n U D A Y E V E 1 . E N IN G > A PR IL 17, 1992► 2 1 ______6:00 I 6:30a I 7:00 [ 7:3Q I 8:00 I 8:30 ?:00 I 9:30 10:10:00110:30111:00111:1 - 3 0 I IbcHiaiihrtr WuK Wk.. W S _ WaSf ^im.«no> FiontrondwCodtBlw , UcUugNln {OBAIi*i>) ■Ir :|a tp b y 8 . Knowurs i Twif | 8 * ) i a W .Cog Wttlft. MfihBInt Ars«ritritH ' V Umotli______HfftCwmr tws , TentBhlShaw______|jtl*>r;*nnin ! U . . 1 r " tfflnPit»{oir(l»59)OiyGiint |li tfLwAngilwDodyri -BkIdII Ron* l=- towlci’iUMtWBil>d[Slglalngs • |vto« ^ lltoK |B,hi,Iflht Court Cur, yiilr UvtCoti SbdTii jTxyilliindBwH Movl«;-Uri>rttfTIiTWjS^ftn-tlSgO)______N(«« | « ____ Choofs DifkJuillci ]lfc|orU^B»rtJ,\ik itKtr. 9- IL Dnim BmlMtTt|lnvtrtgigwR«poiU |Rt»u> N^lg<^'i}l»i>lnyKnr Tlml;nwUichlnt |lnw tigillv«R »^ H Q Ibffixt- Cir.ju£r«y ol Dwjd- (1976) Trwhy Boca;^. ^ ^ Dirl»: * t i 'Tht Sewftlh D»wn‘ {19&») ■ B ^ H»WI [Enlwt«la~|J«*ltrShop ______H miws |c tw rs [BiiflttnSbop i Q Uovk;***-Opmflsnl|n9rfi;tt*“ThtEwokAdman^ ‘(19S<) Uovfa:***|-S«pWMn''(167(ICTlChriilapherRoew. •• [ Q GraPiInt |U‘A*»'H=nPMt* |< lUa~vfaT*i ‘■Ski N tr ^ (iw[1990)' lfevU~:'t)0i8ffeiii;dr(r996r'86p~' Uo^l **rD^ToMi-Tl^ m . i i w [ForUnt |]li>o~>W;**ThsP«>wn)oC8mtdcn*( n*(l96l) Uo»U:DrtMiliUthtn»‘ (1991)» 1)' Movl«: **.-Hghtef lhe Wintofrtof" m . (iaojUitofLtiBwBiirt-|HovW:.***.:ih»leftj,UB8Ttin^r;(l954)— luovk: “Borii mxI Htttthi- (1992)-(199 JolcOT— [flobHcwhirt-— ^ ^ I ^ llK h ln t |h F Q Movti: *»fThtStetyo Friday evenin ! ! £ g B Cotby |Bow? \i A dventure'(191;i9e4. Fantasy) Eric' blissliss gots olf to a bumpy start for two(w< Ik bookkoopor Walker, W awlcwick Davis. Tho^ nowlj I ; “ SN.. KkJiine.. U duy' . |u owlywods who buy a cumborsomono ______w uragoous littlolittt CToatwos from troiioi ■ f " P«)lb*<»:’Pw! ' ' itti doslgnod © FADE TO0 BLACK £ ...... yoars «) a ffl STANDUP UP SPOTUGHT m3 SSTAND UP SPOTUGHT - — B-CHAflUEOANIELSr-rer g movie -ki* * ) ( rm o Killing Mind' HBOBO MOVIE * » -Ski Patror{1990,)p. . / 5 HOMEFOUCSANO HIGHWi m sa) Stophahio Zimbolist. / Como Charjio O c ^ I s loads hisY bsr MATTERS olicowom w's iiplongQss / n m b ri / T j ______J concert totir across (ho couny oiangos 'P ursuit of a munlurdoror places hor own / Snowlowy Peaks Ski fi^trol face a groo()ody } rotums to hi« homolown Wof G p^r; lilolnJeopartVwly whon she tries to / dovol34. Musical) Bing romanmancos. _ :__m odia am oar campafgn agalt Errol.-A young sailor - — Q1 ONc STAGE Faron Young, (In:' — omcofrTb<)uila and Bonottiw nffnwd ian com os to tho rescueros ^ n a yacht is Storec -— totM^ratlnos.-nnStored)fOf»the I shipwrockod InIn tlthe South Seas. (T)D GT S | l l ) a ] MOVIE‘Murder: p eg) MACNQULEHREPan oariior M EVENT OF3F THE DAY ^ onos s S e v e n '(1990, Susponso) >RECIO Dos historias. Richat:hard Cronna. Susan Blakely. Nowow I S t^AMILYU9T.WAHTED ' d o s i S l » SQ o ol n b u sc a d o la VorKCfk City doiociivo Lt. Frank Janoki -■ yaiiaulting dignidadylaotriotra on busca dol podor y unccvicavers disturbing connoclions ' whon sho moots CorTs nowiipocu p oldinoro. . . duringring an investigation inlo tho doaih]lh . surf's up for Stave UrKol. «j|<«(R) MAX MOVIE iki *The Palormo ola(o>a former partnor. kiilod during a~. fnomWrt------ConnBCtfon‘ (19£ sly mass-m unJorJln Sttifrm^ I M y k i n o u v eonschorDOS.' B o iu s W .^ lRRogors, o a" now York \ QB WASHINGTON W EE iriN ~ ,G U B (S-MATLOCKAflo / o n drugs brings him REVIE•VIEWflnSloroq) p . — young m a a r .l« accusbdMYSTEHiES ol k E a c k tf fh te acestrol n ^ Italian diy and a ( S) □C ( S CD OINOSAURS Wh'cTiVn' ' 'disdotot ' confrantation witi < ostnin je d boyfrteikJ, hor son ■ with the poopio who •____ tRoI SirSIncloIre loom that thoir child andnd eofio comic bookthat mirrors ipr-wfof.ihe^oqonuy. (ln-«.-=Sil>yT»BifTwonrwitchedatbWirEarilrtc •murdor. (postponed from an 0 moroire olatodc thon Fran, (R) (In Storoo00) . (In Stareo) Q (In Sloroo) 7:05 SHOW MOVIIIVIE * ★ * *Tho Long. □ a(12)AMERiCA‘3M OSn Long Traitor,(19!1954, Como^)Ludiro QI W WORLD NEWS :wok Ball. Desi A n ti. A man accutod of soxuaily ai s2. Tho road to marilol QI ®^ ( D FIFTH CORNER (Soriorioo his stopdoughtar; throo suipo __ accused of shootino two DoSo Fr)day.Aprill7.1992 TimoImos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idoho 13 l ontcart; Jam aban ^ s s o n ^ wantod on dn^ and weapons (In Stereo) O 0 1 FATHER OOWUNQ MYS , Father OowlinB reluctantly diw — - S S S t t t S m a i a valuable diamond. (In!

I ( □ MOVIE T h o Ewbk

' i 1 S i f c ______ymphon/and'conductor Julius'' HOMEFOLKSAflD HIGHWAYAVS ...... - Piomiofo) Drama. InS lth i i i r ^ o r o u * . ' j8rfcfmiocrod,oporalfcond — Chariio Daniels toadi hfi bandn d o n a . ------v/bridofmtomaiionnlot — concdrt tour acroM tho cayntryitrysnd ------* nmnosia victim BichordhoS&raw?(Alax 62? rotoms to his hometown ot Gokioldston. FAcArthur] slrugglotI to discovori hit Q J Q ' C ISSTschodiiiiKj^ fvlow Virith formor hostago lorry tripi idontiiy. Also starstors Wm Dolanoy. l a k - . ■ * (If* Sloroo) D Wslto. 0 PORTS TONIGHT a (12) SIGHTINGSJS (1(Sorias a SPOf a ^ F R O N T IE R CODE Blb l u b V Prcmioro) An oxomlnallination ol 0 ( 1 2 )HH HUNTER Hunlor and McCotl Bf links botwoon a toxic waslo Tho cfftls in rural mocScal coreifo, : unoxplainablo oxpoiiorjrfoncos indodino ... discovorli locusing on tho Rocky Mountalitaln' V psychic phonomoriD,a.logondsflnd lo dumpingsig schdmo and o sorios ol UFO sighiings.-Tonlghllight; noor-doath murdors. OHDERTOWN A limtrolod U.S. oxporioncos. Host; Tim Whilo. (In ED BOHl f M ' S L O V E . Storoo) P manhollrBl Invostiootos Iho murdor ol a ID 700 CLUB bonk robbDbbor. (R) (In Storoo) P ny loses OVfE * * ★ » •Suponnon* NIGHT COURTHany 0 DRAGNET Altorrlor a chikJ is injured. ' 0 3 MOV: c u sto ^ ol Loon and bungkis8 achancot icSscovortho (1978,FaiFantasy) Christopher Roovo. Friday and Gannon ds 10 moot M d Tonne. 9 pntonis to bo child-boa■boolors. ManolKiiI Kkldor. Mild-monnofod roportor RODRIGUEZ Enuovisovistasnartistas ing th e kitchon ol Iho foiuro.* (R) Q ] NEWS 0 hispanos. TANDUPSPOTUGHT HIHTYSOMETHING Elliot hopos © ’YO! MTV RAPS (TMC) MOVIE * ni’Poyoir(1991, ’Pi BD THIS ® F U X ’^nw Bobo*: ■Whileilo Sands*: - • •• Drama) Koith Carrodir•odino, Kim Gfoist. a visit fromfroi Ws dad (Eddio Albon) will Ar) ox-cop worms hlswa^insldoahis \ olvo his personal probloms, »OVIE •Mighty Joo ,■ E ^ rs°

to o n -o g b ^ o r ovorsizod gorilla ES EVEmOFTHEDAY^ (R). nolvotoo e n ll- :OREI Asloop a t tho ond tho10 nightclubr ownor who cons (TMC) MOVIE * * *Walchen Q AUSTIN ENCOR (1990, Horror) Marc Singor. Ti Whool. (In Storoo)) . thorn intointo show businoss, TREET.WEEKir-irr— EBlNOIlOT^CIERO UNIVISION— ------— O g g ^ A LLSTRE ~l6:^& 'fl^E>0U riCS'(^(R f ^ cks-Guost: Coriono HBO MOVIEMO ★ » -Out ol Bounds* H •Smal) Siiong Stocks' Q % NEWS ,H Mutphy. portlolioio manogor.m Strong (1986. Drama)Di Anlhony Michaol Hall. ! Wright An Iowa farmboy is 0 ( 1 2 ) CURRENT AFFAIRR Q - . . .•Furids,.(In Storoo)) DC3 ■ Jonny Wi G J DOBIE GILUS Maynardjdw riloso BABY TALK mlilokonkonly suspoctod of murdering iho HI D us ca ba conuovorslol anido about an, Jamus’ wallot is stolortolon Irom Maggio's brathorour ond sister-in-law ho was ap.-^ftmonl duhng iho'ihoconlusion vijitinolfl,gln,Lo$ Angelos, (in Sttfloo) MOVIE * * 'Oroam Machine' S f’SSSffFlffioNIOLELES . causod by plumbingng pprobloms. (R) (In ^ H lbom a|n|fro^y^ost Africfric».(R) ------Stofco) 0 . Comody) Corey Haim, Evan irds. A whool-spinning coUogion's □ MAJOR LEAGU.iGUE PASEBALL Ids , r a FT — FASHION TELEVI•VISION (R) ' Ajlania Bravos at Los Angolos. oxdtomorniont ovor his droam coris vly cunallod whon ho discovors m JAZZ BACKSTAGE Dodgers. From Dodg(odgor Stadium, (Uvo) ^ sovoroly s to paint VIDEOAtomplnnn IhotninKunk‘8 macabro contents. (In Q ) CHEERS Norni a a p o s ti a (12) HIDDEN VIC CWf'8 apartmonl, but alighttonsuos o ico trios to reeovor Slorool uniomologisfs ollico t whon Cliff refuses to pay him.im. Guest: Ouos: lompsw ork ______SHOWIi^MOVIE’»^ris and Natasha- ______iqvpiflLiSCORCdJjug! ------RobortU richrO ------wiUi an oxolic bird,1, (fl(fl) (In Sioroo) (1M27C HBO MOVIE * * » ’Dovmtovtown* 1; IGUE BASEBALL Koliormorman. Tho Russian og'onis who B MAJOR LEAGU (1990. Comody) Anlhony Edv•dwards, .National gamo: Cindrindnnoti Hods ot San gavoRoiRocky and Bultwinklo Tits longle 1 mad scientist In this livo-oction Forost Whitaker. ;.FfanciscoClanls.Ali(. Aliomolo gamo: wilh o rn -MAX MOVIE * ★ ’Nightofttfthe Los Angolos . ndvonlornluro inspirod by tho popular j ■ i ^Ailania’Bravos al Lo.s Warrior* (1991, Drama) Lororrenzo , •Dodgers. (Live) cortoonon series.i (In Storoo) I-MONEYLINE(R)------Lamos. Anlhony G o ^.^ ^_ .! ____ :____ ;; q :-a l e r e d J jiicrCHCOCK- h ----- r — :'B IL lr--- scapod convict toKos @ MEWS-D“ ~ ; .PRESENTS An oscai ENGVALL& ROSIE O'DONI>NNELLBUI •| * : ;rolugo in a larmhouscouso occupiod by a ^ BOIBORDERTOWN Tho wild days of « irs yoolh.haunLhlm.whon------_—_____ Eogvall ond Roslo O'DonnoBoD perform I ; iwoman, attho.Com odyon'd Magic CliClub In JR UFE: CUFF ArchioSio Stanton com os to Bordoflown. :EQ THIS IS YOUR I Calilom iaJR liln Storoo) ■ ROBERTSON Comrrjmmonlofios and 0 ) (ln n Sloroo) S O ■ 10:35 0 W W WEALtHVI WITHOUT ^ •surpiiso guost sioxspus prolila tho lilo of 1 3 GREEN GHI ACRES Mr. Honoy gots i son. tlw misulistoken improssion thal Lisa's • !nctor Clill Bobortwn. O * ® E ) TONIGHTSHCHOW PGA GOLF PGA prognnnlonL 9 « 0 B SENIOR PG/I Schodulod: actors Don Johnihnson.and inship. Socond round G) 'BBEYOND F TOMORROW .Soniors Championsh! Amanda Plummer; musiciansn .• • . ^ L G ardons.R a.fR ):. Rotnvonvontlng Iho whool; now iroatment ------i:/rom Palm,Boach.Gai ------Christopher ParKsning, (IniS 8 teioo)...... D CHASE fercracf(■BCkaddictSTCpncofd jotrnow------: . Q CROOK AND Cl B ( ) CHEERS 9«m bocottomos ' fl olio WfighL (R) (In ^ t a i y ( 11 : ;Schodulod: Michollo' managor whon Rebocca Is>flrod.O. fl a ...... • ISlDtuo) . ______ra).OR«is' ' ______. )HMON---~^-~-'------ffl-LAu MOVlDA-Variedadw-y------■'-40i36 ® . u ;a s ^h = ------n ”"" — •'•tr'iiroiwoHM 11:00 0 MOVIE *sfB arbaflwToJr ::TABEnNACLECHO:H0IH: AN EASTER onifmrfjiivlslas. (R) ' ' Ouoon* (1Q8S, Adventuro)I LanaL ‘ GIFT OF MUSIC Kiri To Kanowo. tho 10K» Da CHARUE DANIELS:

i.00 2-NIGHT Hinton.ton. ' ID Eli PAID PROGRAM m m REVUEUE (R) ID CD Q QD PAID PROGRAM C l PATTY DUKE Cathy andnd IPatiy Q l AMERICA^ CCOAST TO COAST ID UP UF CLOSE CR) •> run (or sonlor d o ss prosldoninl. Soattio. Wash.;.;PoRland.Oro.; R [ 3 DICK DK VAN DYKE To prove that a ^ EQ @ INVESTIGATIVE REFREPORTS Vancouver. BritisIitish Columbia. (R) wito) cannotcaj always rocoonizo hor Suspioons surroundng ihoiroleollho roll ^ MUSICVIDEIDEOS husban.band on tho ^ o n o . Rob disguises)s imprisoned Nicodomo Scarfo^in if Q] WEEKEND.ID JAM . • his volcovole and calls Laura, - Philadelphia's organized crimeimo.(R) 6 3 PAID PROGI3GRAM o a eIR s EVENING AT THE IMPROVV (P n n 3 o l3 ) EQ INCONCERERT Guost host; Public H ost;P5t; Pal Paulson. Comics; Happy Q ) VIDEOTRIPS Aruba. dls«discovered Imago Ltd. kiadoridor J o h n n y ^ n . ■ Colo;o; GonoG Pompa; Anita Wiso; Jol! - by Columbus. Is known os 'iho‘the litilo Schodulctd; Ni.’vai.■vana. Rod H ^Chili ‘ . Jona.a . (F.)(I Uniiod Notions' bocaueo olI its Dutch. Peppers; interviewviow wilh Soundgiisdon; £ 0 NEWS NE ^ar»fsh ond Portuguoso hcrilaorilago. (R) a now>artist prolili-olilo of Nod's Atomic CD MOVIE Ml * * * 'W o 'ro > Jo l ED G ALUGHER: STUCKK IN THE Dustbin. (In Storeloroo) Orossirissing* (1934. Musical) Bing •60S Comody concert porformtirmanco. ESL A B IB U AAVIVIDA V Crosby,isby, Leon Errol. HBO COMEDYY HOUR-BillyH Connolly; £ 9 EVENT EV OF THE DAY y BARGAIN SHOP (Joinediod in Palo Bluo ScotusI'tush P o r ^ - Billy HBOO DEFD COMEOY JAM Foalurcd Progress Lolt in Progross) Connolly bringsts hhis wiity wisdom lo comlies; ics Tommy Chunn; Tony Woods; ...... ED MOVIE * * * -Lucy Gallaiallan r...... L.A., whoro hosh> shares his ihoughls on R obin»}in Montaguo; Jam os Slovons III.. (1955. Drama) Jano Wyman.m. CharltonC dogs, sm art bomtsmbs and moro. (Rl (In (In Sloroo)Slor 0 Heston. Storoo) □ (TMC}IIC) MOVIE ** -Rod Blooded : i — SHOW BOB NEWHART;.OEE3EEJHE _____ l.SH0W.SUPERi3R flA V E-0______Amonc:oncan.Gltll(l990.HotrDriAndrmv_iV______J ) RECORD Tho comic topo! his first- 12:06 EB FOCUSJS ON< BEAUTY Stovorvvons. Hoathor Thomas. . ovor cablo spocial a( iho Raymaymond 12:12 B (11) PER!ERSONALS (In Sloroo) 1:06S Q J J MOVIE * * ’Constantino ondid Thoaier in Pasadona. Colil..(R (R; )(ln 12:15 MAX MOVIE'IE * » ’N oSoaots- tho Cross’Cro (1962. Advonturo) Coinolt Sloroo) (1 9 9 1 .Drama)) AdamAc Coleman Wildo.ldo. Belinda Loo. . 4 ^ 5 ( S MOVIE ’Raidersorsol ( Howard, Amy LotLocano. 1:10t tJ 0 MOVIE * * * * - T h o L a d y ; ShaJimar (1978, Advontufo)3) RexR 12:30 B SPORTSITS UTENIGHT Vanish!lishos' (1938, Mystery] Margaret Hamson. Sylvia Miles. C3P DENNIS MILLERMIL Schodulod; TV Lockvreitvrood, Michaol Rodgravo, ' m INSIDE EDIT|0N^ wntorBobOdonkonkirk(’Goi a Lilo*). (tn 1:30B B p .

“ ‘~*'NicK ijxpos’iTi' W wnsga who rapo. rob and kill tho poop«oplo they < ^ iu ro s a bankn k r r o b b o r ...... O ' SBJ © 0] PAIDPROGRAM- aro supposed to proloct. (In1 SliSloroo) © P A I D PROGOGRAM @ DFDRAG RACING NHRA 1 1 :0 6 ® LOVE BOAT E S MUCHACHl:H1TAS (R) Gaiomjlomationols. From Gainesvillu. F[a.a. ------ri :30 B -AUSTIN ENCORE!! AsloepAs at------SHOW MOVIE'E-*«-RiJn-{1091:tI ------'(R):— tho Wheel. (In Sloroo) Oramo) Patrickk Dempsey.D Kelly C l G(GET SMART Whon Agent 99 is B NEWSNIGHT UPDATEE Preston, __ kidnapjlappod and roplacod wiih an exactc. B MOVIE *iir)t'B adR onat(maid* 12:35 Q © O7 ) IN CONCERT Guost duplicailicato by KAOS. Iho Chief wants' to (1974. Suspense) Kim Hunlor,ilor, Scotl host;.Public Imagnago Ltd. loador Johnny knoW'WiW'Why. * - Lydon. Schodulotulod; Nirvana. Rod Hoi ED ATRAPADA AT Una hisloria do ' B (12) STUDS Chili Poppers;. inton/iowwithint susponponso, dondo la ambicion y ol ’ ID m PAID PROGRAM Soundgarcjon;: a now-ortisir profile ol pooorior ^e$ onlremozctan con ol amor.' m SPORTSCENTER Nod's Atomic Du!Dustbin. (In Storoo) (R) o MOVtE * * u * D d '(1 9 8iSa. a. Drama) Q FRIDAY)AY NIGHT VIDEOS (In HBO T Martin Shoon, Barnard Hughojjhos! ■ Sloroo) adulioniliorous housewilo kills her hucbancmd IQ DONNA REED DonnaI proprepares 12:36 ffl SMARTn 1BUSINESS on ChriChristmas Evo. (R) (In Sioroo) OJ ^ 0 jars for a lund-raisor. 12:42 13(13) NIGI-IGHT GAMES 1:35 0 ( S NBC NEWS EB WORLD VISION . 12:45 S i m o v ieE i ■ ***](’Born 1:45 B NEWSROOM ------«|35-®^IGHTUNE-Q ------— ------JSOrCcmodyhKtd,------MAX-W^-%atefdflyH1950; X-M0VIEHHtadrGhfltlefIey=4— B @ CS ARSENIOHALLM L From Holliday. Williartiirti IHoldon, Passioi isions'(1990. Adult) Malu. Carlo 1991: rap group Marky Markk& & lho 1:00 0 MQVIE: * * ’War’.(198a. .Mucari. cari. Funky Bunch; comic Kovin PollPoliak; ------e model Cindy Crawlord. (fl) (In(In: Sloroo) ------□ a s a LATE NIGHT WITH‘H DAVIDC y f T w ^ i \!AR\/*S - -LErTWMANFfom.l990;.CoIiColumbus- __ — Zoo diroctor Jack Hanna; actor■clors Tom I r.S ^^1 Equipment /WESTORATiaN- J Hanks and Natasha Ridianlsoidson; v—' baseball players Scott Bradloyfloy and I •dvpct Cl Upholstery — ...... ) Mark Langston, (fl) (In Stureo) ------*000(100111390 . ( S INSIDE EDlVlON-0------— ^ ~ E ^ --Free m a t e s •Srnoke fc W ater 11:40(TMC)MOVIE * * * ’Nove 0 Sucker an Evon Break* (1941 S e r v i mn g the Entire D am age RestoraUon Comody) W.C. Piolds. Gloria J< . •BorxJcd&Injured«' ’ 1 2 :0 0 .B CLUB DANCE (R) (In . - M aigic g Valley! . a WORLDWIDE^PDATE a (12) PETER AND PAULL CriticizedCl by Iho church lin d attackedI by non-i 3 A84-3715 T ••• - or4420-2500 - k lor his leochktgs; Potor (flobori 2 4 - H o u r E i Foxwonh) follows him thoro. wl •Emergency Service Friday. April 17,1992 Timo:imos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho If15

. t i' 9 aiu ra s BIS / ------. . ■. ^,,1^. ' ' MORHING

SaM a Q ) m PAIDPROGRAU PAJ Saturday spoiorts highlights Q DAYBR&UC 0 URRYJONQMES ------CD POPEYE r a SPORTSCENT]•HTER(fl) I a.m . - ESPN , Equestrian corcompelition. The Cadillac e EUBEEKA-SO5CASTLE Florida Fl Open , . -J f flO AVENGERiERS Cathy and ..Stood pb n h e » ownwnarrcjtand *i a.ma. . - KMVT, Baseball, C ubslibs at Cardinals corrvKflhtt. O .J EQ,WEB(ENDUUUUSICUIX 11a.a .m . - K 38A S«IFI. S enior' G(Golf. PGA Senior ; S T J O H ^ C AUULfSUnahtfado f U Charlampionship micana y ranchcra. (R) a.m . - E SPN , High school b a a^:05Q Q NSCNENEWS(U>ftn ” 1^ basketball. Indiana B oys C ham pionship S^SflSUOKEpcEfioc Adams tatos .... upanniiodotoftdo!doflold shipment 12.3C3 0 p.m . - TNN, Aulo racing,g, NASCARt Miller Genuine3 ■ ' F I'onibaidts. DfDraliSOO ® NBC NEWS S J 5 Q UOVIE *r**Stagocoach * * 1 p.mI.m. - K38AS/KIFI, NBA baskgsketball. Lakers at Trail BIaz Day*'(l938.Wos»frstem) Jack Lodon. azers B • BoanofSlmwnn. , * 1 pI.m. .m - KKVI. Bowling, T um s: ClassicCl ^ 5:25 Q WEWS1 Rep.Reports Irom Moscow.

widi^rBunRoynoly»lds,{Rj'^ 'JeJiT Ne’ York/New Jersey 5 :3 5 ® NBC NEWS ______HSOM0VlE.*i.*WaiWaitoc*--(1989______fn- - E S P N . Auto racing. MIdglidgel-car racing competition>n— - - - HoTO)JuiianSonds.|ds. Loo Singof. ® -'9£,fL B I © _ PAIDAID PROGRAM 8 p .mm. . - TBS, Baseball, Bravessat al Dodgers ’ .. " ■ I *®1Q(11)QUUF-UPPETaABIES ).m. - ESPN, Off-road racing.ig. The Nissan 400 .

■' ' A teE^O p'g,^ S t h e 1 0 :315 5 ]p.m . - SHO, Kickboxing,, PKAPh World ChampionshipsJS POOH O '

MOVIE * * * » - S o n ' sogunda longua. KO*(1936. Drama)ClafkGablo. . 7 7:00: O PAID PROGRAM ' -^ngnchofryShnkfliakAND------SSnariis who was lost 'vTtho------FRIENDS a 0 ) GREAT OUTDOOlOORSI^st^S^^;^ S Stins. Bonkowtlu. (R) (11),aJ-MOTHERftOOSE ' ------G )-® ‘NEWWlO)£fDe r n e s s a ® o g r 1i • Q HEALTHWEEK In n b v aivo ^ Iwaith- caro programs in Florida tor uni ovsfl fiflhis to hoophoryoongkoo{ CS Q C jninsurod C S £ 0 U N D OF THE sc h o o l^ld ro n and small b u sn - • LOST G iihossos. @.MUSICVIDE03 - SLjS;®l'CAPTAINN AND'iOTHE----- “ 3 Q BIGs s S t o 'r y ■ ______©.WHArSJORS I isoti alter omocionanlos y las o)s< c asasm as © HEATlATHCUFF , 0 storo lujosos. (R) 1 NEW WILDERNESS I . m a x SESSIONS *A LobUdnoSossion-^ S I N E W S P Latino star* an?l thoir nu a’s strugglo with a steadily QI | FUNTSTONEKIDS rabbit population (hat is U i ) SPORTSMAN’S CHALLEf ------ctfmpadroso*plofOtho(hoonergyofLdlin ng grazing land. i ENGE * • (nusic- Foaturos JonyyGaroadfiho G, ® n o RT Hosi; Ron Franklin. GfAloful Dead, Unda Ro RTHWEST PASSAGE I I Ronstadi and c n in qLLESSIN.BARRERAS_._I_i l F WK.OTMETOPOOHCOIORNER i?.««!9.»:Swtafta. (fl) (•^St

. \ ■\ 3 n r i 6 i p | n ' I Saturday evening gridir f d o n p a g e 2 i - . .. . i _ I Indudng'ClvlsMExplabu s relationship with Laura. r«Jition.(R)...... S *S4lutoYow Shorts* and W t Eo'ffivffi*; * * * ‘W e'm Not S Q MOVIE *1 -Bravo Warrior' ^ Froshmon.’ F o o tu f0 8 a spspodal « Easior Drossing*(193o. (R) (TMC) MOVIE IE ★★m -Hoart Condtion* ma ATTITUDES . Winna Wfiito •: Q ) DEAF MOSAIC 1990. Comody i ' i S HONDO Bdy)BobHosWns.Donzol m^VhoololFonuno’)., ,• 7* Washington. ■ f f i I ? I WEEKEND JAM S CONGRESSIONAL HEAflINdid* ■ — m 8:05 0 NATlOfIONAL GEOGRAPHIC @ I . f f i WHAT EVEHV BABY « [Q CARRUSELLiu^xporlonciaststio JY KNOWS EXPLORER1 TaTanzania's •crater ol tho unac •An Anwrican Family Album''«fn* rain god*; McDccDonalds in the (ornwr HBO r 0 3 WORLD VISION ; MAX MOVIE ‘Hol Pursi IHOW MOVIE * * V •Ono. Two.-: » u r ^ ( 1 9 a 7 . B iO T Q YOl?[|+ hnW(1061,Comocfy)Jamos • Robert L o g ^ O COUKTRY •RYKITCHEN Brenda Loo Cagn■agnpy.Atlorw Francis. • : cartdMo* proparet pastaIta international. (R) (In 9:30 G ;10flp7 , S l o r i ^ 0 B l^y.StSTER SAM Sorn and^d j - ' „ _ Patti'aJti hoveI a Hollowoon advontiih) ‘ I ( S QD PIRATES O F when :7.-05Q WORLDCHAMPlOh fhon thoy go iricJt-or-trooting at tholi10^ i ; ™ S H ,p “ ER 0 mysn WRESTUNQ POWER HOU; lystorious neighbor's homo, • ’ • >! 7:30 Q HOLLYWOOD INSIO 3 GOINGOURWAYAsh/fmpboi30ll SIDER Oick O C 9 ( I )I cCARTOON ; MADNESS at P a Vm Oyko; Crystal Bernard.rd. n t Padre Island Nodanal Sohshoro(In. In O J0Y0FQARDENIN01<0 T r e n d ) . . g ) HOMETUUIMEHowloovaluatoa W«i* 0 ° s ” ** Corpxiff ptojiting tochnkjoo for tomato natoos. (In homo's condtiajtion ond estimate Its CEp IB | (11) ^ V ^ E R F S fflAtdCd07 1 S 'O Q'Q] CQ^BEET EETLEJUICE “ |q 7 i 2)^BMB13BY^WbRLD{ln &1] WESTERN TRADmON • Storoo) D (BJ B m o n ^ e e k fj)PAlDPRO(iOGRAu e f ' e Q r a o n PROSTARS Q L S . M BACKSTACTAGEATTHEZOO O C ffl MOTORWEEKTho199; 1 ( 3 c s SAVED BY THE BELlL l , 1993 Joop m JIMMY HOIHOUSTON OUTDOORS ? Qmnd Chorokoo: iho Saturn i um coopo; a © FRAQGLELEROCK m3 JOY J OF PAINTING (In ^ r o o ) 1968 Amorican MolorBAMXisports . g j MOTHERR NNATURE Q m U W (In Sloroo) |(12)TAZ44ANIA(lnStqreo) • ; IS, ED^Pr^SJw^ inWd^ijrounitodwIth _ | B3 STORTSCPjTERS

Ettft‘THEF=’'^B O ^A B T «Tr ivory. Vbicos: U o Frlodmon. E \)i^an ______@ BROKEN SILENCE ______.h a s a chance to I • - © U P SERVICE — » lull-fledgod_GevaiJvaandAviodor Hortro. __ - mdcidrarid goI to Hollywood (R) (In ©5 DAYTONA D B EACH , ffi QROWINOUPTOQETHP H E R How____ Storoo)______- languago dowkTp i: frpmTwt rirstwordtto MAXHOVIE i THISISVH-I COUNTRX ' ; • I ' ES CONGRESSIONAL HEA ) MOVIE * * * T h o y Won't • ■ HEARING C & “ o r l* tStlan. i Bolioviiliovo Mo- (1947, O ram a)fljbort • „ ? HBO FAMILY PUYHOUSE*SE’Homo 9:00 0 WBF BOIBODYSTARS Young, ; Swool HomotoM* Tho truo sts 9 story of a O EXPLORIN(IINGAMERICA:SIDE HBOV I JobloWmoihor oJ t h ^ who fc loWONOERFUL M 6i)z z 10 loses hor BY SIDE Novaduada's Lako Tohoo. (In (InStoroo) Sto ; 8:00 B DANCE PARTY USA (TMC) MOVIE * * * -Nd,y/av 6bui-ui SA • m rt BACK!SaOTHEFUTUHE D ‘ ’(1}87, 9 ^ Drama) Kovin Costnj)r;_Oonp rTERN TRADITION------Hockm ____ I'E^Sir I L f a wolooWrovolution. a 10:00I O0 m o v ie * * -Tho Vjjfio I : ’S S S f s s i C S Cb b u g s b u n n y Doad-ad- (1987, Horror) Roxan/j{i ' . - a (ED endless HARVES^ESTTbo fan geson. Rocky Duvall. • [< O S ) CB SAVSAVED BY THE BELL Q I I) WISHKID a D ^ ^ D ^ ■■ ’ f lf e ^ L D HOUSE tntorto torkir ■ 5 ) JOY OF FLOiORALfAINTlNOA Q E oStlonboglns with load pal i @ RAGE FOR DEM6 CRACVf i t r a n t ^ g assortod ______Anthon;hony Lewis oxaminos how tha ^ t W p.:------I rT S ^ ' PlumWnfl nocratic idool com pares with tho> AND JERRY-KJDS ( l n _ r o a l i 2lilies w ol ovoryday life^Topic»-TH ^ M tS B ------udo the rolo ol religion a n d thj m w c w p R oOWRESTUNG v ommo ^MBEWlNKEUDiNVso, tHBOOOT ol slnglo-lssuo UctlviarT. 3 GOOD ID EATING WEIVELL IN MIAMI Host: Q ) a Q @ C3 EQ, HAMMERUANVN . m^LEOEND OF PRINCE VAI VALIANT r a m j|A P T AMNPUNETANDTHE lN ONENEWSDAY • • ' ^ _ P U W m E R S te f?l»te$TnATEGiES (S RUNAWAY WITH THE hiCK:h ES.^ 0FLYBSH1NQING THE WORLD Host: A ND D FAMOUS » Khrystynd H a jd ln i |Q MOTHER GOOSE STOniDRIES a — John Bamrtt m Q TIME MACHINE‘Whi itomala. Antigua: Palgo Turco on Whon 0 DONALD DUDUCK PRESENTS theCariCaribboon island of fJovis-.(R) ' m .Ba»baIIW«nlloWa^Manyotlyoctlvo S ) Q I BKX3RARAPHY •C h w d ir ( j ) WE malor loaguo basoboll playon WELCOME T O M Y S T y o iO - ixv - Contomporatiosaisa n d relatives rocaD 'n ainsparent n s p GItu».’ (lh Sloroo) ' ' ■ ,. nw chod ofl to war in'iho 1B40I Winston ChurchUiwn during Brftaln's (T) HA ___ L_6B_PflEDAT0BaJWD^EY. HARRY AND THE 1 •==!:«?®H0W7H&WE3T'WASW ffi yoim tvrapscoum td sparWIng bkjo^roon bolongir>nglngs out ond noarty g o is GcornoDO @ DUET Ben's old gtrtfriond.S S i . irondiod Islands, is a firadla a l lwork. » (R) pays 0 surpriso visit; a n d hor pr irprosonco lond rich in naturaljral benuly, history ond O (12)(12) BILL 8i TED'S EXCELLENTr

Fiiday.April17.1992 Timosmos-Nows. TWin Foils, Idoho 1717 - f- a a t W W a y d l H SaiunlurcJay evening page- -J AOVENIUREsllisim ^ O ) o -HamlorKrKovinKIirwdirocU this Now ms ^ s aro on view for adoption ody Watloy; Vcita. VorkShakf lakospoaro Fottival produaioo EBt TELEMUSICAVidoosmusl. . _ - . inw ticfthcif » plays rho ttngic Danish o ------Q VIR_GMANJuJ3o gthoroloo(tho t ClubinPafri>a)m Beach Gardens. Fla. ■^tisanodN«xJoo»Se>Scarioift (ijyo) 12:012:00 Q MOVIE Troaetjorous • PniiiWphia'iorBaftaodtod crimo. (R) ( J ) FRUG;K!AL GOURMET Mushroom Crossing* Ci (1992. Suspense) Ur»d! (P a n a o iq ). xJsoy Jrinaadmoshrooms.stufled Wagnor, W Ang« Didunson. S J AMERICA C O A S n 5T TO COAST S r Sffisar»dmoshroomC3viar.(tn ^ a i INSIDE WINSTON CUP RACACiNQ Scar%Wash.;Port»>d Oro.; StDfoo) 0D F Fl « t Ui^on 400 from North Vaocouvw; British Cdum D (1 2 )CCAPTAIN A PLANET ANO M W hdsboro. N.C. (In Sloroo) G3 f r u g a l COURUE-MET GarSc to a st , THE PLAH£INETEERS m n PAID PROGRAM l:i''an gravy and driedi codfisheo. in a (T) MOVIE . c f ^ s a u e s /IE *-SttitoForco-{t975, O C HEALTHWEBdnnovatrvohchoatth- ■ Drama) RlichanJGore.CUfGonrujn. ^ caro ca programs Florida lor uninsi G) CHESPIRITO- n nsurod . - ^ ^ Q W G H« SSCHOOL BASKETBALL school sc children and small b u s mDSSO*. i [)iny Oanarw* Indana Sati>tato Championship. From (R >r Grey, Potnck Ir^anapoisJis. (Taped) C - . S * a w a :• Q @ ( S FLEXGOLD •? ' Q MICKaKEY MOUSE CLUB (In 05 SURVIVAL Potor Ustinov nonorraiM lO ^ tS .tl BONANZA Tenorinonsts (udnap Stereo) O 3 a sstudy ot tho luingaroo populationion in . aycotonjaJiangang him il ono oi------Q -F U P PPER E l Porter and tho boys------Au-Austraiia,-flmod by-Emmy-fthrana ^tthangod grvoacongnigrosswoman tho red earpol camoranwn cat Des and Jon BartiotL lOJO O GREATAjSeRiS ?ICAN troatmonttoito got govommont funds. a G (12) MOVIE * * * ‘Movo Ov8•vor. OUTDOORS Hunting forjroracosoat (PaflIoJ 22)) Oarfrig* Oa (1963. Comody) Doris Daj Con^CoolCompanysri’'sredam abon O @ MUUUSSOUNI: THE UNTOLD Ja m es Gamer. ------, , ^ ; « t m soutfem IBtfVJis. (^Storoo) STORYGeor 3 THlSW fEKlN BAS{ ieorgoC .Scoa stars in tho O □ SIDEKICKS Whon Rizzo noar titlorotooJaif a drama tracing the ItaSan dios die on 0 caso. ho has doubts aboi ® Q ® ® BD WE JOUt WEEKEND loader's poliocalcarecr. ^ o Co-stars Loo tho wisdom of his new arrangomononto* S P E C IA L -C a ^ O ^ . Ro)Reodtnom Grant as MusH ussoto's wilo Rachpia E ^ -ISrwSSrm-'m ______

D A NOVAK ida'oshisson-in-tawCount faoo^ Iho consoctuonces liko on oduliutt. . Ctano.AI9e!9e5oromiofo.(Partlof2) Q G) ) B E Y O N D ^ Tho uso ol ------Q-@-UE«ORIESrTHrrHENAND • BJ'HARDL NOW Behind tho mamago } LABOR IN SIBERIA tumodaiosam in developing a leprosy,' ago.oJ John a n d ____ffl-F T — FAFASHION TH.EVlStON (R)------voovocono; m use rodueos stress a r il' J5j«rje&ie Kennedy;-Gofi.5 « w a J ’ m SUPERil BMARKETSWEEP ' ' iDftoss; iUnc hioh-dolinltion ItrfovisJon, ' h 2jp.-UiJV;LukoondUurawra; tirst loves; 1 5 FITNESS3 S Q U E S T © ^ Ib u m o o t stickcfs. (R) © 1/2rfoURC0MED^Ua . B I MOVIEE**»*ThoWKtoToww' < ES ES TOP 21 COUNTDOWN 7 ' CD VICTORY GARDENN EExpanding a {1950. Dramama] Q onn Ford. Claudo GD ccrcnrual Ebrdor; southern, QD HOTELAhoW bartondortoafr om pansy and Rains, ho^ tyLp tnalj; planting cabbag< fn has antfactod AIDS; Potor finds ■ 1 a g o and g g BAILANIMOO Musica baSable. • him: eiocccJi seodlmos. O hw solf in tho middio of o romanttc' SHOWMOVII tnanglo. ' ^ ® NBA ItaiD E ST U F F - >VIE-* * < T h o Phdeand . ^ T - • - - thoPassbn’fn’ {1957.AdvomuT0)C0iV 6 E 0 ) TIME-UFE Q(12)LJTTL£SH0P(In(InStotco)a . , Gr3nt,FrankS ikSinatra. EB EB CONGRESSIONAL H IR IN G ...... Q 0 1 > a j niOERSINT> □ 11.0S Q MOVII i o ; v v ’ 1 )VIE *'Parad$o*{1982, HBCHBO UR. BEAN (R) (In S to w ) □3 C3 KIDS INCORPORATE!VTEO Tho Kids Drama) VWSo,So Aamos. Phoebo Cates. 12:30 | rea;i:Qtt»irla(*ol outdoor 30 B AUTORACIfllQNA^ oorsUlswhon 11J0BNHRAIRA TODAY Division Six • Grar ^ 90 00,0 camping trip Grand N attonoJ- Mtter 500 Classic«Jc. P raco rosults! fromfrc Boise, Idaho. (In FfW:/w ?.»!^ nsvillo Spoecftray.in____ ACE...... * Sieroo} ' Man^^v^g“o^^(R)(lnStO(^), Q ' ® PAJO PRC’ROGRAM ® O eip erad aef (1943. Wcste ostcm) Glonn Q NEWSMAMAKER SATURDAY . a Q STYLE (R) ______;» d ,fja n « 'sh .S c o i:______3 MR. BOGUS Q ^ . ^ . £ 3 FREEDOM FROM PAI>AW' 5 3 fiEAUTYiTHEBEACEACH Good S IG W rm NANCY-Stilch- S 5£f»ut:^pi>onL (R) 3 “ OVIE * * * -Tho HiodonbufQ Again Wanhjbkobo'SuggostiORs lor (197jl^^j^Dmm a) Georgo C. Scotl. ;yin S STAJ&UPSPOTUGHIGHI re<7c£ng scarvarvos, ir»dudlng making Bane 2.1 ED SJSTERKATESi$tcrKi;r Koto soon ^ m p t o a b lblousoand}adwL(Pari o i 2_____ Q I ______^•S^'ysJlCf-tbcksioaio-lot-orj 3 5? * £ ,5 A C E OF THE MONTH,H . „ : ______‘ . Carts^ s b a d 5000. From Carlsbad, Cafilmi. , a»n,n.5MtofUhdorwoodmcImovoimo 0{12)BUCKiCKYO-HAREANDTHE Hapt"apod) 'n c ao rrsijn House TOAD WARS!ts (In Storoo) EQ I MAXUOVlE****-E*od D d a n g e r BAY Jonah must ston *odus'(1960. ID WAGONN TRAIN T Slwjnnon is byWiy Ws prit*dplo8 of non-violoncn who J Ofoma) Paul No-*man, Evava ManoJ frsmod for murt = Sami. , turdof. S lars Ray Damon. hop nvosbgaiosin- the mysterious illnoss ^ ( 9 TEENWINVIN. LOSE OR DRAW (fn o U g . i 11:00 0 > CELEBRITY OUTDCTDOORS Storoo) D i I '-VirhQCoonof and Jerry'Douglasfish Do Q FUPPERI) FippormoyboscnttoF tor :rout m the Colorado RocJ« d u o s . (In . ogovem m oritn ______S:cfc3)..>,.-:______itfoscarohproiott(Pan------2 Final oiBhI.Jaa«iRob«rtis. . a •- : ■ 1 S 0(11)® MAJORi LELEAGUE ‘ ffl’cHILfflj-Vr WITH THE WIEZ(fl) © 1 fi BASEBALL Cn«ago Cubs«atSL a: S3 FUXThol Lovis C ardrjiv. From Busch ho Babo'; “Whito Sands*; E 3 F p scnStadium . ' *CityolJoy‘ 'TJThoPtoyof.*(R) machii J f R S f s r a Ir atve) Q . .... aditno; troated com! 01 a bor» ^ n L YOU DROP roplac j:S«=ar-® ^REAT

18 M.T.ci^t;e*s Twm FaJt.t. !dIdaho Friday, A p n ll7 .19922 ' satu^%im9^iai^0b?CF&ge'2V^iJi£;: SahituB iayiaftfeynoa

' HBO MOVIE **-S h o an ii* ' Kay*. W ftfrta/I/a Mayo. ------®«I.DJ GUNSMOIa'" (Uvo) a PARTY S i J sa CHINA BE •nays, Loland consJdors a comebac i 0 ON TU? m e n u Baby fa Bl^CHK,C,isoskodto Roxiloxannodoalswlihhordiaturbod • I 6 ( S ‘ C£) NBASHOWt ni e " ' " - ’ ilhor (Vineonl Gafdenia): Graco Is\» ‘\ .... f m NATURE T jin d o l tho 6 rs M S L , . - K»ontotask.n ,f FiMidolsoxptofodbySpoiils. D MOWE***,'ThoSugarta^ cooqoistador* soorefiing for e ■ ***FasiFiward- ™r! huntofs sooking foathor# andM r t’l « " al] John Scott Clough. ^,BcnJohnsoo^^ ^ n » . {R) (In Sloroo) (Part1 3 of< 8)0 (TMC) PICTURE HEARINGg ’” ' :■ ■ ■' )r E THIS *Tho Timos of I h o \ 0 1 BIQ VALLEY Two fluonJ Potor Bopdanov HOW SUPER DAVE (R) O transporting a man and a won TIC) HOWE ★♦'Toxasvilto-dsai E 990;- prisoflofi to jail, couso iho doathofthodoa S'sSX °m ! ord. ; ^ .w o m o n . • making or “Tho Last 3.-05M f l M s s s r CEI YACHTING Amorica's^ Ci C u p - Oofondor Finals. (Live) I a MY TWO DADS NIcok) hopo:» s- ■ ...... Animaiod. Wilhih EEastorjustoroondtho horda (D MOVIE *Tho Roscuiscuo (198S. cornor. two boar ir dads wiD bo distractod by thoir ‘ 3ar cub* cau jo trouble attracl ^ o n tu r o ) Koinn DUIon Marc^ PrK». whon thoy innoc< ira^nownolBhbor. (In Storoo)) PI ■' ipconiJy borrow nost □I (n 0 TO THE CONTRARY'Gun tho owners' know lo^o. Centre ai . r ^ S H aS s ATURDAY(R)r : \ 5 TODAY'S GOURMET Salmon • Its sorvod on spinach, stowod tkflii hiukttitSVakod bananas, I f M i?LD s o f COLLECTOR Hittor'sdV-Lalor.omidiWi^lianprplosi CARS Packard si I ARCADE orainst.fto war, Mussolini's so d spocdslor Lo Boron; f f l> SlSPORTS s son-in-law Elvis Prosloy'si 1971 IS Panlofa;howto HBOI> U , (Raul Julia) supports a pianntorom to ovo buy a collociiblo c 10 MOVIE ***'A itplanol*(1Wbo 0.; I Ja scsl dictator from powor,«or.(Par12 ffl Q ® m OW MOVIE ★ ♦•Johnrjy ' p IN THECOll^'pANYGFW= WHALES S S S f . Sngoroasly* (iee4, Comody) Mkhoeael - Consoryafo'nisl R om r Payno r ational from Aquoduct Koaton ^ c o w a y ln Ozon Iton, Joo Ptscopo. - • ;~.i?s>sra8g 'jrf y ig s

'FINSOAME hufuiUiKiiU'ungidrfirr-*—— — doadllno lor an Important ad ca iMmpQign m GETTHEPKp S e g r j , »a5tappteaching,tochaoInndl ndE«iot S NORTHWES'EST PASSAGE ^ S|( ______ED-HEFLECTlOf SISKELrtBERT-ThoBobo-- ; IS at 0:30* SCREEN: JAMES m GoodmanrKoDy McGnii8)f-CiK" : >lloy,tda Jam os EorJ Jonos ^ Patrick Sway20):*DMp ^ '- w* (Lany Rshbumo. Jeff • . . onddislinguishodi gJblum). a • ' . b'pEu6uUAiif(ii ^lmatod.(R) — ------CB-GREATCHEF£'P S OF THE WEST------RESTOfl 1 Grand Pnw ns stuffod vnih fads from her motor scooloriJi- a T H f f is s0. f From rooslod voal rack; qi l i s i i s ..(In - (B STREETJUSTI jfiwdchiJdbumodinaflasolino- ' STICEBoaodroaux Inducedpdrira;agonorotaliatfon fi H (B),c6UECTORSAl»5luink.n- is,a»4s M m snaW and nativo baskots, (Ir IpUN'oEDUKE AFRBGttT • (In ransons, (R) (Part 2 'J Tom Skilling features ID BONANZA: ^TH i ' S s T ’ O SPORTS CLOSE-UP (R) icular vtdoo Iwiogo a n d a look EPISODES Hoss voivolunioors to bring atihenoH VERY ordorloalawlosslot■ lown, Gono Evans Q BOR, tho . girast stars, O Wcyono oxploros the Islands ofif thothi C 1 M 0 V E * * - T h Paefic Northwost, studying tho Ho "Tho B,R.A,T Patrol* i 9 ( 1 l1 ) )C 1 0 nSHINQ THE W EST •: IBrianKoiih,Soah'' " ' BriiishCol oof ra* IndirfinaihoI.S'Sl ’ ■ )Br Columbia’s Fraser Rivor : -• — ©^MIL^DOUBt K^From- ■ - g J cHARLIETIOSE Sol(Jyn*{i948. Cormidy) Danriy"'fiy iftlorviowwithRoflOfi ORSE RACING Arkansas * • ier Payno. n loading Dorby.FroFrom Hoi Springs. Ark. (Sam o.

. Friday, April 17. 1992 Trmos-Ns-News.Twin Falls. Idaho ,19' , 'i , 'r ,I!J IVI r '/A aflJTiF 7 F 1 [6 -2 1 - S ^ r d a y - a fi f t t e m o o n S a tulurday rd eveninggrkd on pagtr

(TMC; MOVIE Hr*i(*ToonaooMMutant I ...... - .....—• itron ca n » r and hndt himsoll...... (T E 3 SALUTE YOUR SH(SHORTS Tony’s trapped insiinsido. (In Stcfoo) D Ninja Ni Turtles Ih'Tho Socnil ol thoho t 'glossos oro broken durinijring a mid ol tho Q @ ADAM SMITH -' Ooze*O (1991. Adventure) Palgo(Tureo. T j gifls' cabin. ( 3 NEWS David Wamor...... M © GOLDEN AGEGEOFROCK Q CAP^’iTALGANG •FROLL-RodCn'Soul-oul'pionoors □ @ SC 3 STAR SEARCH (In EVENING £ , Jam es Brown. Iho Miracl(8 t^ a w n ^__ ------S )-® -LLOVEJOY O Lovojoy bocomes------—foscood[0 Irom a vffockod ship Is d — ^------rlM A S------•- to Data; Picard attempts lo d iscacovor MAXMOVIE * * * TTho h o F a lls '(1991. • Involved in Ihofi schom os ol (orgof Jo uctkjn. Doeumontary) James Boxcoxon. * tho ^ cause of tho vossofs dostruci j 4:05 0 WCWSATUROA'lOAY NIGHT ED EARTHITH GUIDE (R) (In Storoo) O 4 JO ’0 , 1 3 ( 1 1 ) 0 ) CBS NEWS (In S /H E E• H HAW ) Mario Osmond; Q | {gl ENTERTAINMENT - Ronnie Milsjililsap; E ddo London. (In TONIGHT Actor Bob Hoskins offt)ffors a [ ' look at his new movie ’Passed Aam.rrorrTriaV------®~SOUL-< _j^.issj;o.ot£ioatfi.tltLSlPni?)-E!

ll==2=ir^»=. pcparosKsTiuBonTsTor;To^'frip'to"tHo T^lsIoiyJ'B'u•ffuHljiTiaJuSreBnrdh^ • 'Sovioltlnlon. 0 O'Brien. ®HEE HAW Mario Osmond; a (In I . Q PINNACLE Q AMERliERICA 4 THE COURTS Ronnie R Milsop; Edcfio London. (Ir Q ( S @ ABC NEW!EWS Q ES SABAClADOGIGANTE •. Sieieo) S] ------t S FRUGAL'GOURMFiMETMushroom HBO MOVIIIVIE"*'**HankyPohky ------C Q (12) COPS Pittsburgh officoro rs ------S ~ soup, marinated mushrochrooms, stutlod (1982. Comiomedy) Gono Wildor. Gilda. capture ^ ah arm ed suspect, aid a B mushrooms and hroom caviar. (In Radnor. conlused oldorly man and a m s i SlerbojlD ' « _ SHOW MOVlOVIE ★ ★ T h o ro M u slB o a burglary ^ suspect. (R) (In Storoo)0) D r t ; ® •w il d k in g d S ktwin V h at hoppons Pony* (19S6986, Drama) Elizabeth Taylor, IQ B AMATEUR HOUR (R) . lo creatures whon Ihoiriir n;natural habitat Robert Wagi/agner, ID U INDY 500: A RACE FOR .. isatiorodordostfoyod,d. 5:30 a @S^CLAUGHUN GROUP HEROES H Featured: Mauri Rose. i a (12).PERFECTSTnJiTRANGERS ^ IMAG& Q LOONEY TUNES . Larry jimlBalki book Balki-sBall' caioring O STORT)RTS SATURDAY EQ G @ MOVIE tk*4rK*ExcaIUsIlbuT a . sonflcolorihroopanioscosonthosamo Q @ NBNBCNEV/SE3 (19B1. H Fantasy) Nicol WRIiamsonon: [3 a WEWTCVTON'S APPLE DNA ond Nigel N Terry. sioo.ooo FORTUNEUNEHUNT* gonoticongiingineoring; an annual Rubo 0 fc SAFARIln India, villagers rarocouni Q ZOHROZorroandth)dthoAlcalcto, GoldbergI cocompetition; seahorses- O harrowing hi tales ol tiger attacks,. vwhik} n • temporarily blinded by1 wowoior from a f51 INCREIREDIBLE INVENTIONS govemmeni fl< wildlile ogondos ^ ^ M fW d ^ t o n won. (igtilight a du d . (R)------O T n j l lHOGGIN*SHEROES O ------™—oxporimontwith"woy5lo« provont*ntJhom :------— (In Slofoo) O idihanging 10.000; a ^ f1 3 RICK NELSON: A BBROTHER ^ ' o l i nI tflashor; a a baseball playor E B MOVIE-Christmas in •REMEMBERS Thcoughtigh hom o movies, mokes a stink;stir a broak dandng Connoctiail* C (1992, Comody) DyDyan ' ' eotlcor) loolago and familamily interviews, monkey, (R) Connon. S, Kris KrisloHofSon. ------David Nelson pays tributebutotohis------ID-ADVENfENTURES OF_THE.BUCK_____ |Q ) NEWS □ brother Rick, who diedd onor Now Yoor-s STALUON)N iA nativo rodiscavors his “ ES'DAYTONA G BEACH JAM NCNO. 2 ------— Evo.'1985.(R) (In Storooiroo) O horitagowittwith tho Black's help. (R) (In .With Slovo Isaacs. (R) d NICK NEWS: W55 (S(Sorios Storoo) 0 fS WEEKENDJAM Promiore) Nows and currcurrcnt ovonis (or CQ(11)M*/M*A’S‘H A gnjll general QD G MOVIE **-k -When He'ss Nr o ta tho youngof viewing oudiijudionco. visits his so\severely injured son ond Strangor* S' (1989, Drama) Annaboboth • 0 3 BIG PICTURE focosthohaI harsh realities of military lilo Gish. ^ John Torlosky. m CLOSE-UP THIS5 WlWEEK whon theI yoyoung man

20-. Timos-Nows. Twin Falls,Fall; Idaho Friday. April 17.1991992

- , 4 - ■ i SATURDAY EE' V E N fN G ' ...... A ' ^ 1 6 :O o 4 C T T 7:00 7:30 8:00 I i 8:30 9:00 I 3:30 flO:'c i ' U«tit Hiitlh LjwttflwWtaVilkShm Hy«lwYl:lntp.Uor»t Auitln(UlnatyUmitt jpnvlnri [(OflAItf

" bom7, elaj Stwiyrs |StrStr«n»n ______SUMlul |Uo»W:**An9«»wDo< I D « t9 « i'~ - - - 1 ‘~ Cod>3 Video - MovJ: * ** ~-Hidng With ftt lloon’ (l W) |Cotnleirfe StripS Uw -KolikBilirui" ;• "Oiffy____qiYrnmoo TtqulUindBwiBcw'tll |TrliliolRori«Cj'HtB Htw»"n " [M'A'S'h" a iq iMn ir Q . WUdAm. I s ip le w rSilJatyHahlThwder u B iw bta-{S poiU ^ AutaRilaRidng______Armriein B ^ PumpltUp lwt'(IMt)NialWlairecin.I . Evtnlng It fti Ifflprev Uovii:vii: * * *|-&ic»lHtf‘ (l891) Q @ EnlMttlnnwHTarighl:cw^ellew‘ & ll&9?) |MovI»: * * TI ■mifluini’'(1976).San'Eaoai Mavii;’yU; ■•Thi Ligind ol U d t Bcrdtn" (197^'l I Q ~ Hwli;-Th«,Wid>WilSNpBw ? I Billy SuwtOT |SltI s w g tn [Conrtth ______Hi>i^itit |u»ili>g |MoYlt:’Vo

H Ic^ • |ci UbvU: * * **HflMnH«Kr(l973) 1 |Entw 'AdYWi,dYint»f»«lnDlnosiiiaiy- . | j . ^ Q , StirTr«k:NixtG(ntr. ^ D

t a hdySQO |Ch.FUa |s.UoyI»: *** -Etfwird Sdiiwhwdi’r(l990) jl! .. U^tit'AnflHTflOT-tlflaO)890) .. |-Tr»ne«r2;0iihS' g ) © Mmrte;^***|-Eieilll)Ut'~ iky|«;**-Uicwdlte-(l9aB} |Bo«lng |B^ Uo>4i:-AiMriaf>IQdd>ewrr f |Con»bit)U>itiChurTill»n«hlp-- ^ Movj>;-ChfUtmnlnConfv iatu rd ay eveiiiii! g g ) ' Rkncto jSailch Sa ijg

“ SH (530) Movto • • IERS huntor.* NorrnKlator: Raymond Burr, Chris;hrislino Eborsolo. A young', IOE3AnalrpIanocrashat oxtraxtratorrostrial. soparatod Irom his •' ~HBO (SJW)Uovte:Hwlty- W n 'sso o fd iX 0 ( 1 2 ) CODE 10 Amoroft, {In Now York Cily'iily’s La Guardia airport; Iho lamil)imily and sinindod on Earth. fiMs..s.. ■ iondship wilh a handlcop'podyouth,ith. HM (iaO)UBvtt roscuoolaholiholicoptor pilol; aulo Irionc acddonts. (InSInStoroo) O InSin Storoo) • • , • . I s u w tsaqitovto porvailollho C l MOVIE; *♦♦★•Dovidand TMCra C ) MOVIE * * * -No Way O vfit* «lfri(in.-6weo)==n-8«hti»^U ■ luiiHhuiiin iriiliii Tnii '-,!..! . - 'I boeoi iWW«Htti-h«rtrt!or»'Bn"“ “ -'*^=TOiTio orsarrostnn odoltorous oHaitfaJrwilhanoighbor’s ' aftorftor ta k in g * ^ ^ in tho Ponugqn.-(l,>(In O (B) NEW EXPLORER? 1 Storoo) a wifo. . Storoitoroo) , • ; • ChronWos Dr. Mark Plolkin’iG.indyCaf_l ____ ID-SATURD/iIDAY.NIGHTTHUNDER_____7:1p0 E1 0 21/2 DADS Two fihgto... I r ; for mocfidrml plonis in tho Ai Schodulod: mkmidgoi car m ang Irom fathoiihors'. thoir fiwchik^ronand.a . ' Sloroo) 0 indlhoChlQf Vontura.-Calll.illl. i(Uvo) bachiacholor Mond doddo to m9Vo in * . L ® JEOPAROYl □ Sisgathoring I D DISNEYY CCHANNEL SALUTES togoiMothor. Q - . ” . g @ WILD AMERICA A port THE AMERICAICAN TEACHER q 7:300 CC3S 0 ( 1 1 ) 3 ! CLAYMATIONiN ------«hrew«nd'it«-«atin0 habilr^ivoxorclso IQMORK&I& MINDY Mindy's EAS'lASTER Wilshiro Pig hotchos a ploi>Ion fftriTjs.-iOffnwaia«agtwIS a bono probloms withith Ihor boss oro inionsifiod to9unso3tthoEaslor^nnyand un tfuluro;whars w hon Mork oneond Moarlh oxchongo bocoiccom o Iho first Eastor Pig. (In,. .. :?) minds. Sloroiloro^ O . . • . - drug oust; Missourt ofncars------i ------0 } WINGSi 71Tho vorsoiilo Ropubiic F- - □3 m I HEALTHCARE f o r ; ----- ' Intoxlcatod drivor, (R) (In5. Su atibara 84 ThundorjoL iENIORS -. - ______0 CH ECKE8E0.EUG.ln»m lc Royco E l SPORTS : S"1s a @ CS EQ BILLY Bill/Q?and From Long Boach. Calif. ED MOVIE: «*»*D* oarW i(o’ (1940,. Marytary must doddo wholhor to stay -- (9 GETSMARTMoxandi Y DUCK’S Comody) Willla'illiam Hokfon, Joan idgotJgothor or got a divorco ahor Billy . try to find ou t how KAOS is ( VDuck. t Cauinokl. A bbiu1usio 7 judgo blows a goislOls his groon card. (In Storoo) (Port l 2 . socrot intomailon. pooOy gaskehwhof^hin^Ht-toornfrthothic oft 2 2) ) - 0 ------^ 1 this trio ol o p p o n o n tinI a u jsonolo campaign Is Oa REUABLESOURCESI . ■ iroo) □ nono othor lhaiIhan his own sgn-in-Iow. A Q3 @I INCREDIBLE IDAHO. • MRKEt 8oquolto194T) 4 rs •Door Ruih.* iSS ) POWERSI THAT BE T ha senate'ator* i FAUSTS' ROUNDTABLE is1 caughtcai In a snowstorm on hl^'wayoyta VHO’STHE ’ EH JOURNAl a musl moko a DISCUSSION!)N(R) aI banquot:bar Coitlyn arningos a ' ' rotooothor------HBO MOVIEJE-.*'*.H."DIrtyP_ancing- ^bngorous g liaison, (In Storoo) D - aflor from a , (1987.Drnmo)na)JonnllorGroy.Potnck ~ Q3 ((12) HIDDEN VIDEO Arom anlklilo ----- :------30) (Pan 1 of • Swoyzo. A pntCauWlI Mountain rosort tiyst■yst Is iniorruplod by olions; o ghoilail circo 1963, sorsorvos a s iho backdrop fo; oppoippoars during a candlolight dinner.Dr. S3 FIRST LOOK A now ox this talo ol romomanco botwoon a ®m(lnStorao) ( l mochlno; troatod comi aGIRLS s a i Sophia shollorod loon-!On-ogor and a tlroolwiso IQII DRAGNETAwomanandhor-1 roplocomont; cars ol Ihor full through tho donco inslnjctcjcion (In Sloroo) son-lon-ln-low ogroo lo koop tho gypsy:r. now In food ehoppino. (R|icam rocflllan MAX MOVIEE hh»*-* ’Edward comrommunity undor conirol II Fndoyf wlUwi B3 SCRATCH “ ■-I ...... 0 . Sdssorhands’as* (1990. Fonlasy) Johnny givo:livo thorn somo illogal holp. ' 7:00 Q 'S T A T L E R BROS.3ISC0VERY & Dopp.V/inona>na Rydor. A docoasod 0]3 3 UI P SERVICE Mandroll; Butch Bakor; com!Michol invonior‘8 unfirnfinishbdcroation 8:00O i Q AMERICAN MUSICSHOP:p; ElB ottjn Sloroo) oflhoAlcyono boc o m o sth0 o conlor c ol suburban (SoaSeason Promioro) Dwight Yoakflm,m, ands, locatod anonlion In this romantic fablo from' hosUlosls Emmykju Harris, Polty Lovelfi;iiess, ' g s T i ‘a a 5 . ''D ^ondoxpound S ' Tim Burton. (In(InStoroo) RalplW ph Stordoy ond Kolly Willis. (Ii^ > Sylvo8torth(rCntTind'Spoo 21 GD Q ( 3 C S ES WHC BOSS? Tony nnd Angola mi ------dodslonobout thoir luturo tc whon ho rocoivos a job oflor collooo in Iowa. (In Storoo) (

^'^BOTHStOES a @ C S GOLDEN GIR (ooks a '^ n g l n g sonior* th porsonals column; Rosp cor oldboau. (R) (In Storoo) □ m COUSTEAU’S REDISC OF THE WORLD Joon-Micf Coustoau a n d tho crow of th Iravol to tho Channol Itlondi oH Iho CoTifomla coast, and on tho thoory lhat man musl :";;7Z:^DW«fln7«mOK:ni>l-arr6C(

• . I everiilfff.- J . . sSalyriiay , evening qrl(?QnDai) a g e 'S i

B O N E ni An ovorly praprotDCtivo Bonolti . ES WILDLO ABOUT WHEELS The Indy Saldana, A champion Europoarlan isupjolwhonhisvisitinsiting mother datos SOO; a Por:^ofstiio owner's concourto: 0 kickboxor I usos his mortial-artsts 1skills lo ...... C opt Midftiflht. until hoho foam* sho's - coUociionHI col vintago *droam curs.' (R) lai^o1 tho suoots of Los Angotestes.-(In - - boing purtuod by anI obsossivolyob 0 3 STANAND UP SPOTUGHT Storoo) joalou* boyfriond (Po«t’ostponod from an Q ) REFLIFLECTIONS ON THE SILVER SHOW ! MOVIE * * 'Amorteann oarllor dato) (In Stomo)00) □ SCREEN:N: JAM ES EARLJONES Kickboxor I r (1991. Advonturo) a uwn ENCE5EWELKSH0W V Jamos EarE atlJonos discusses his long Barron, I Koith Vitali. Two rival . *ThoEastor Show* SoniSongs indudo and distinglinguishod caroor with kJckboxors I bring thoir porsotulal •Eastor Ponxto,"Qivovo MoI Thai Old Profossorfor Richard Brown. (R) vondottas > lo tho ring on a coUisiXEO E S T E U R Rudy Zavala rovongo. ( (In Storoo) CS B @ m EDa PERI FECT— vs. Johnnymy Vasquoz. La pck>a (TMC) ( JO E BOB'S DRIVE-INI STRANGERSmryAnrAnno and BaDd pcogramadlada'on 12 rounds. (En Vivo) THEATER ' both dalo poopio w hoclosofy o d 8:40 SHOWW ICHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 9:05 9:C (TMC) MOVJE * 'BroaWastitin roMmUooach othor.■. (Ir(In Storoo) D REPORTT (I(R) (In Storoo) Bod* ( (1990. Comody) Marilyn Q WORLD NEWS ' S:00 a MOUOVIE * 'Nightmaro Sisters' Chambors, ( Michael Roso, A tni\nivol Q ( S CB'EMPTYNY NEST Dr. (1988. H{orror) or U nnoa Ouigloy. BrinkO' writer’s v visit to 0 romantic rotroaoat takos Woston‘8 now 13-yoar-flar-ddopprontico Stovons.Tl.. Throo fralomity brothers an ( unoxpoctod tum whon tho actross-ac is a mlnislof* son whoho hatosf search lof«or on oxordst ^ 0 can roverso tumod-ownor t falls for a handsoriomo • modicino: Carol catorsrs a woddng. (fl) tho spoilI th;that transformed their guosl. c (InStoroo) (InStofoo)O . girllriendsjs liInto vidous sho-demons, 9:30 9:3 B GRAND OLE OPRY UVJVE(fl) (2) NATIONAL GEOGJDGRAPHICON B OPRYRY BACKSTAGE (R) (In (InStoroo) ( . . . ; ASSIGNMENT Tho SlotStager Storoo) B CAPITAL GANG (R) Intoffcijtional Polar Expoxpodilkjn's {TJ 0 (li(IT) S ) TRIALS OF ROSIE ® ( MOVIE ★ -Hidors of Dostiritiny* flrueliftg 56-day trip to0 thoth North Polo; O’N E ia. RiRosio is tom bofwoon her (1933, ( Woslom) John Wayno.G,-Gabby . Iho marino lilo olJapan'i■an's Izu O c o a ^ feelings (or Potor and momorios ol her Hayes. 1- A govommonl agont trie!ries to Paric. • . own painfuliful p a st whon sho loams ho is help h a ^roup of ranchers regainin thoir ^ Q 'M A JO R LEAGUEJE EBASEBALL mamod. (In Storoo) D water v rtghts. ------3 ------Atlanta-Bntvw a t LosrAngotos Ar ------^------O T E T-MYSTEHYf M ' •Ins^oT M orso—~ ID I ‘5COTrROSS ------' , 4 OodgofB. From Dodgorlor JStadium, (Livo) v Lowis1 is accusod of covering up lor • ' ig I SPORTSCENTER n (18) MOVIE * *• * * • -R adng With , Morso; polklolico rocords oro jjilsilied; a E i l FAMILY CIRCUS EASTER:‘h f ^oMoor»-(l984.Dmmoima) Soan Penn. suspiciousus I(iro bum s Morso's houso. Animated.fi Tho older kids try to9 capturoc ^ El^nboih McGovom. In latoi 1942,iust lP art2 oii2) l2 ] a lha D Eastor Bunny whon Ihey foaioarho'D li » bolSfo ho's schodulod to d to loavo lor boot t S B I S CB £ 0 COMMISH find fl tho eggs they hid.lor PJ. V 'bcam p. a toon-agor fromJm tho1 wrong sido Tony d o ails ls' with a lough cop who is E I l ALFRED HITCHCOCK » oftho tracks lolls in loro3VO wth thonow... .• ovoriy nggfi :3TgR£SLEt£K^:»-UPl(LpassingI ththrough

m tho budgoL-(R) (In Storoo)------1 (1973. Advoniuro) Potor(tor Usnnov. Andy ' □ . firolightorsfl, w h o ^ ttle d tho inlornirno at Dovino.WaltOisnoy’s aanim r ated taki ot Q 'SP0R1 1 5RTS TONIGHT ^ Yollowstono Y Notional Park. (R) ‘ tho (ogondary Robin Hood,Hoo a Ely fox O ^ (3 (7 Sl^lSJqdj^is ___ ^ f RUGRATS __-Ji______------who champions tho tolmrtlmalsof-:., ottractodtoI to ondthor rocbvoring 10:0 B 'STA TLER 'B R O S; Barbata m - - Shofwood Fofost Iromn thoth tyrannical akaholic;:; WadoW goes tooxtromosin Mandrdl; ^ Butch Bakor; comic RoycoRo W ncoJohn. f trying to rourounito with Alex; Goorgio is E ^ (Q SUPERMAN Tho 0< 9 Doily Planors .joalousofJ(if John's now singing parinor, C ) { l i ) nowspfint warohouso hhai a s a (iro ond (InSiofoo)0) 0 . it C f J o payroH disappears.s- ______ID BASEE$EBALL TONIGHT □ | (E) AUSTIN CITY UMITSSTho 1 ED-ADVENTURERSJA Ar noxpon B3 m isTER te i EO Ed is afraid to got . Subdudes' S performance indodosIos slatoboardor; BMX biko;iko stuntman; troaiodlora>r a toothache. 'P 'F ush and Shovo';.rBlu Bop' ancmd ------ajw U carriof pitoL (R)’1 _ ' , - ,8D EVENING EV AT THE IMPflOV . 'Flight'f o( tho Cosmic Wppo* aroro - - - - fB MOVIE * * t -Lilcgileguard" (1976. Host: Chrisris Lommon,i Comics: Billy 'performed > by Bola Flock and theho Drama) Sam Elliott. Anneinno Archor. A Elmor. Davi(avid W ood; Wayno « Flocktonos. Fl InStoroo) . 32-yoar-old liloguard ddoc o o d o s to ■ Fodormon.n. B I NEWSNIGHT G *f ------nnd proslhotics. (R) C C ovor (Larry Fishbumo. Jelf ^ FREE TO LAUGH:H: /A COMEDY s'^^O U NINTDOWNTOTHEBALL T GokJblum). G ANO MUSIC SPECIALLFO F R (R) cCD B U K E 'S 7 Tho crow of theho AMNESTY INTERNATIOTIONAL Hosts .©STANDND UP SPOTUGHT Uborator U abandons tho ship alterter Rosoonno and Tom Amolmoldpromoio Q ) MOVIEME ***xThoSogaxland doing dc battle with the alien IkioL awaronoss of human rightsrigh abusos Express' (1S(1974.Comody)Goldio B C ( 1 2 ) COMIC STRIP UVE Fro-rom ------suflo.od-by womon.-Foat»oaturing------Hawn.-Bon«:m JohnsonrA young molhor------—LosU Angoloa. scheduled comics - porfonnancos by Richardlard Lowis. Jerry becomos a lugitivot pnd a lolk horo include in Will Dursl. Slovo Whito.U J u d y Soinfold. Pam Stono and1 2 ? during a crin:rimo sproo designed to Gold G ond Amazing Johnathan. (In(Ir 0:30 (S n ® OD EQ PERFECT provent horo r infarcti son's adoption. Storoo) Si STRANGERS Larry ondnd 1Balki soarch Stovon Spielpiolborg's first thoatrk:al (Q 0 AUTO RACING Nissan 400)OOH- tho dump for a Myposian ianw odding ’ (oaturo ' Road Race. From Las Vogas,.(To[Toped) nocklaco that Lany mistalistakonly throw HBO MOVIEVIE * * * -Class Aclion- > - 0 3 MOVIE -Adventures in Dinoslosaur a w a y jin Storoo) O (1991. Oramamo) Gono Hackman, Mary City*(1992. Ci Fantasy)OmriKatz,z, Q @ ( B NURSESS DDr. Riikin Elizaboih IA)Mastrantonio, An attornoy Tn . rocorvos on unaxpoeifld p jd oromoiion: dodkatodI to defending tho underdog ' - Q G DICK VAN DYKE Rob is putluutod Hanlcmal(ocattartlii^(^ B disMvery lhal matches wiuwits with his ostrangod when wl ho (inds that Laura ha* aI socrotS( oppns his oyos. (R) (In1 SStoroo) i q daughiordurduring a court battle with tho nost no ogg. f O GREEN ACRES OlivOliver carmanulaci(acturer sho/eprosonts. {In Q B ] 1 3 MOVIE ★★★x'Excalibiiibur ______ro,mombors hiswodcfing>g aanniversary. Storoo) .—,->.w-.bui«n-'f«6mHo-'f6caD h< D h<>w Io«»l«fl==^M ?^oVl/Ie-»*>AnooPrown'(199<>. IE ------“ •Niooln\ Torry,""*"— * 1 • ■ ■ has boon marriod. Advonturo))) OliviofC Grunor. Thorosa ED B TERRA X Tho Spanish 22 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls•alls, Idaho -Friday, April 17, 199:992

* , - ______i3 coh^sin'dors wrolirof a mystoriousmyt |Q PATTY DUDUKE Potty stands In for socroocrot information. ' . * % tribo in Iho mountains ol PenPoru. tho Iho ailing Cathyithy a t thoir danco party. Ba i STAND ( UP SPOTUGHT : . Y a n a .(R )...... - ...... --.Q I UFEFORCIRCE Mon a/lars his ...... - MAXlAX UOVIE * * t X)uf tor JusticQ:o:..,-,.- ..... S i MOVIE * * * - T h o ULogondof g i bohaviorandto<1 tochndogy to boat out (19911991, Drama) Stovon Soagol. WiUlailiam' Uzzio Bofdon’ {19re. Dramaima) his animal comc Elijobolh Montgomo7 , EddR R. andors. 'E S MOVIE *1***UndofCapricom- 12:355 QE @ ( 9 ENTERTAINMEMTJT-' 53 NEWS O (1949. Oromo)a) IngridI Borgman. TONIONIGHT Actor Bob Hoskint olfors-tS-O' m HEAOBANGER'S BALtALL ’ Jo se p h Cotton.»n. looktok at his now movio ‘P a sse d Away,ay.-r. ® TOP 21 COUNTDOWNVN 0 3 M OVIE'*i •V0lunt00fs’ (1985. whichhich takos a humorous a b ro a c h toto". 03 LA. U W Amio boamms s witht prido Comody) Tomm Hanks,I- John Candy. tho10 issuo is of doaih. (In Storoo). D " os ho tmnslorms Abby intoto anoi e g MOVIE **»*DioKillors*.(19-!6. 1:003 0 G MOVIE ★★•Swingio’;.. . Q ^osslvo (Svorco ottornoy. rt Uincasior. Edmond Sumrummof*(1965. Musical) Jom os ■ G J CHARYTININTERNACI"a'6 ,? n a l lacy. WiliWn Wellman Jr. I' IR) ED WORLD) VIVISION B1 NEWSNIGHTt UPDATE-: •; 10:20 0 (11) M‘A‘8 ‘H Mo).I- Houlihan'sH< HBO COMEDYDYHOUR'Rosoanno Oi (SI Q] NBCNEWS ■ . ftanco arrivos ol tho 4077ihth ando Arnold Uvo Frot-rom Trump CasUo* Q3 UO^'IE > **»* T h o Boast From- shocks Frank by asking himlim lot bo h is' Rosoanno's unconsorod,unc no-hokfs- 20,00D,000 Fathoms- (1953, Sdonco • bost man. barrod rofloctiorlions on hor whlrfwind Fictioiction) Paul Christian. Paulo , • . 10:30(33 NEWWKRPINCINt:INCINNATI o x ism co . (R)1) (I(In Storoo) P Raymaym ond • ' •• • Whon tho WKRP budget ax fallsfi on MAX MOVIE; ■**% Troneor* II: Tho Q3 (12)(i WILD, WILD WORLD OF . disc jockoy Phil Spindlo. hohogooson g Rotum of JackckOoth*(1991,Sdonco t ANIMNIMALS Tho bird ‘rook* that is saWaid-'- Iho air to pratost his layoff.f. (R)(R 0 Fiction) Tim ThoThomofson, Holon H unt toI hoUhoi court and delivor doaih < ' <. B EVANS & NOVAK (R)^) 11 « 5 ( I ) MOVIE/IE ***nThoRoad sontojntencos on follow rooks. a (s NEWS...... Womor(1981,,31, Advonturo) Mol Cp S V WHEN YOU‘RE READY TO 0 ( S ( I) SATURDAYKNIGHT Nl' Gibson, BfucoS»Sponai. ^IT LIVE HosL- Jorry Soinfold.I. (In Sloroo) 11:30 O PINNAC'{ACLE(R] mD PRAISE F THE LORO ' " O.ZOU L^ITT ® TWIUGHTHT ZONE Adam Grant Is Gp ) MOTOWORLO « (R) - • •• “ O 'D O N NA REED Maty sheshows on sontoncod lo>dooihinihooloctjic do KI3 MOVIE>< **i*Gono toToxas'. _ ------iniofosiln-a.youngblefn.------(1986986.-Biography}SamEinoH,;MI{hD< 0 1 SMITHSONIAN TREASIlASURESAn O ^ P A IDID F PROGRAM ^ock. k . . Z - . r iniofviow with Anno Morrow3wUndborgh I [ Q FERNWOCrOOD 2-NIGHT da F-TRoop F • F highlights this Emmy-winninglingopiso* ® CONGRESlESSIONALHEARING QQ } @ fi EVENING AT THE3MPRQVQv*': f ' onploring ways poopio havoivo 11:35 C l JAMESIES TAYLOR: GOING Host:ost: Chris lAmmon. Comics:'Billyf • , ; V conquorod dstonco. (Portt2 2 o c l2 ) HOME HighlighIighlsoftwodocadosof Eln^lmg/DavidWood;Wayno ' • : -- K ED SPORTS BEATSATURIURDAY his rocordings.[S. wiihV a blond ol old and Fodbio ilm a n , (fl) e g MISSING/REWARD 0 Q now malorial.I. Also,Al tho band mombors ^^Q E D PAIDPROGgaJjt^-o:--jn (TMC) MOVJE ★» -Nighimarm a r o 'd ^ e . rohoarso loranup^mlngtour.(fl) on Q B V

B ^ V I E “« r ’T3oarWifo‘'{-lWS J l K p ^ o s omody) William Holden. Joan * • S tIONAL Cauinaulfiolo. (b ' m o v ie'^ * *t* * '•^amillo- CORRESPONDINDENTS (fl) (TMC“MC)MOVIE * * »*T oonaao MuUlrtarn -.j_(1984..0rama)GrolaScacchicchl.fcoMn------il-C T .A M EERICAN R GUDIATORS------Ninja.inJa-Turtles ILTho SocroLof.thoI.; - RrtM:------® w il o a mMS s TV • O020 o:o’ (199t, Advonturo) Paige TOrcttcof:' '' SKOWCOMBAT KARATE:■E: THE I - - © MONSTERERS A doctor's poacoful OavidavidWamor. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPSPS IChuck ovoning is shatlilatiorodwhanafishorman 1:30J la^^FUTUREB WATCH(R) • . ‘* .’■'i Norris co-hosls Iho card ol>1 throothi world stumblos Inlo) hhhis homo cldiming that Q1 @ C (Sl NBCNEWS • chamftionship bouts ol kickbc:kboxing and olions havo oalo}alon his brain. (a i J RUNAWAY F WITH THE RICH- • a martial orts dbmonsirotionion vwiih Ernio m JEWISHI VOICEV( . ANDND FAMOUS Khrystyno HajD in'-. Royos Jr. JD SPORTSCISCENTER Guatcuatemala, Antigua; Paigo T w » o n ______10:50 C g-(n) MOVIE -k-k ‘Roi•Raidors c l -• i:_C J_M ISTEREtt ED Ed Is afraid Id got — — tho'0 CiCoribboan Island of Novls.”-(R n '' Shalim or (1978. Advonluro)rro)Rox I troQlodforaloolooihacho. . G3 ) SATURDAY £ NIGHT THUNDER?;:-V ""7' ■' Hom'son; Sylvia Milos. , .Q I KILUNGPI3 PRIESTS IS GOOD Scho SHOWSH MOVIE ‘Lovo a n d ■ (S MOVIE ****ThoRob<=lobo'(1953. S STAND UP SPOTUGHT Passion'(1987.Drttmo)Nicolas. assl < : Drama) Rkhord Burton. Joanoan E0'PAIDPRO(ROGRAM Warro'orron. Francosca Oollora. • I- ' v^ i ; Simmons. m SABADOCOGIGANTE(R) 2:00> Q B URRY KING WEEKEN0'(R;(«)■■' ______(B) SNEAK PREVIEWS •WS (In ____ HBO MOVIE: i* l r * * ’7hoGodlathor. O1 Cm ( S NBCNEWS . ' . ' 3-ALFRED HITCHCOCK— ----- r- ^l^AVELGUIDEUamaln a tracking Diono Koaton.1,' “ PRESRESENTS A couple passing througugh^i In Iho Colorado Rocklos. SHQW MOVIEIE **'Horoondlho osmismall lown falls victim to a con ( S DOCTOR WHO Tho hunthun for Iho Torror (1S08.i.^usponso) Si Chuck ^ o litth sogmoni of Iho Koy lojTimo Tin . Norris. Brynn Th 3 © MOVIE ***-Tho‘ : ornbroifs tho Doctor In gunrunirunning with 12:15 (TMC) SHOf^0R?RLM SHOWCASE CourtDurtnoys ol Curzon S tro o f (1947.- primltivo swamp dwollors. 12:25 [TJ FFIZZJ.Z Jack and Hugo aro Dromirom ^A nna Noaglo, Michael WHdin'Jing.. . . Q MOVIE * '* ‘Mo:hra*(iS• (1962,-— 7 — busy ponyingI whonwl thoy should bo EO D _03 J PAID PROGRAM Sdonco Rction) Fmnkio SaksSakai, Hiroshi paying allonUonion to business. 2:05; (IT[ J w EBSTER Goorgo (rios t o. t i Koizumi. ' ‘ - 12:30 B SPORTIRTS LATENIGHT livonDn upi his show by doing a nows - -□(12)M0VIE**ii*Ko|akD)ak:Tho. • Q Q J PAIDPD PROGRAM storyory onI poowoo hockoy and ends ilpilp-N Belarus R io '(1685. Drama)la) TollyT . I D JIMMY KOIHOUSTON OUTDOORS asslgr;slgnoo Id covor kids'sports. ’ SavoJas. Suranno Plosholto.Ito. (R) MAXIAX MOVIE * * ★ •DoBp o rn liL ^• ^ 'i.'> • ------Ol-QD-PAfO PROGRAM— * lAinrMoxiiflaih'M hiof. HDU»i.(lfi^Orama)j^c>(Ay;-Rou(kcouk ------GTAMERICAN'HUSCCE"*E . try (0 lind outihowKAOSisgathoring hO' Mimilimi Rogors. . ■ ; • - Wday.Aprill?. 1992 TimTlmos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho ' ‘2i 3 ' Ij j ..... - -1 .MORNING . ■ ■ ' — Suffidayspol ! _ : ’5i<)0lQ.jEM.: . orts highlights • ■ - - . - O DAYBREAKA'K - ^ @ MUSIC/10 AND THE SPOKEN - .10I0a.(n.-K 38A ^IFI. Senioror IGolf, PGA Senior Championship, 11; - - T ' (d : t o t h e c:ONTRARY*Gun o n •! ^ : - C0Mibl> (frrStonji n aVm' ^ KfiivjT.'W cDbnald's'^'sAirAmerlcan Game------I - : ~ 3 S 3 : n b c NEWS5 T ’: : ; r " ' ...... '■ ' : ' : : 3 2 l-c h a h l a nNDO d ( ...... "iii., ii:30 a .n i- KKVCGymnastlc!;tlc^. Worid C hT m ^n sh rp s’ •i :-i-'iififcswissFAMiiAMILY ROBINSON I :-::-iD-ouTDooR3 U.S. Freestyle Nationals IBICOUNTOUCiuctSlu I1.-30 a.m .-ESPN ,,Skllng.U .i "-© -159 ALLCRICREATURES GREAT -I'^^NP-SMAaJomJomoa*pond»a ' • , 12:10 p.m .-V yG N . Baseball,11, C ubs at Cardinals ; ; : - U-^fioKOnd in iho“ cif OV- I n • j B L a ) PAIDPRI PROGRAM 'I Pp;m.-KMVT.^Goil. Heritagege Classic J . ->ffl-pOPEY6 I p.m, K36A&KIFI|NBAbas ------S -UNDhRSEA'EAWUHLUUl------. ) ■ : - R O Q U E S COUS)USTEAUCamommon , 'I • ^capluro iho lifo)cydoolAntorctlca'8- eye I' p.m. P - KKVI. Worid Leaguele Football.F Montreal at Oriailando . atioo, (rom wintoring on , _ i I ■ tir summer ratum to thoir 'I p.m.-ESPN,Yachting. P Amem erica's Cup ' • r • !binh'pioco6 (or mating.mai ','. . ' Challenger/Defender finalai I : ::-^MusicviDE:^^SIDETHE5HESENIORPGA •LEVISION Schoduiod: i ) PHYSICIANS’ JOURIIRNSIT' ••rrQ U R { R ) oallhitytes.* " ' . UPDATE ' : -O-aEATHCUFFJFF f f] l EBUGS BUNNY & PALS ES CONGRESSIONAL.HEARING H .... ' '- : i O T r a PAIDPRiPROGRAM" ...... f f i3 '2 - Z 0 0 U F E " ~ ' ■ “ ------‘ -...... HBOMOVJE * • * 'AnimallalBohavtor- ' : • “ -&UOVIE *'*-i•★•UfoBoolnsat'aiSO-- - " rT O P 20 VIDEO COUNTDOWN (1989.-ComDdy) Karon AlltWoft.-Armond • - 3 « 3 8 . Comody)/) MMonty p o lic y . Ida f f] l 8SUNDAY BRUNCH . Assanto. - -Luoiao. . . 3 ,UV IN G W rm DIABETES •' (TMC) M O V IE ***-A va,\«lon'(1B90, m T E M A S Y DDEBATES E l S g3^ JAMESI KENNEDY » Drama) Armio Muoyor-Stolitohl, Aldan • -Comontorios dolOQctualidadypolitica. oc CD) WORLDV VISI9 N ...... Quinn, ^ ------— 54fiEH4NA-i-aV{U V e— FROIiHJIO------^-SHOV ■------Tt95-0-HAPPY^)AVawinNowJorsoy,lR)^ 7:15 WMAX MOVIE *■* ’CroBlurot tho ' O (B) SESAME STREEEETAftor , r ■ * -{InSibroo) arid F ^ o r (1971; Fantacy] Juik) rewriting •Cjndorolla'as •CindortoDy,**C ------;-^:(^:Cj(ii)auNUNDAY i m o r n in g '------— E g|o o J'ony.Bonnor.------J ------FtoBoarnjada thosiotyjoJoJoDy----^ ' . - : Schoduiod: populapulorilyoltho’Pottorns 7:30.0. a DENVER, THE LAST • Monster and the children,1 . i 0 .olJowishUlo'oxKoxhibil in Berlin: tho DINONOSAUR 0 ^ a @ PAIDPROGIKSRAM • 1 -percussion quinioinioiNoxus;... . OTI TRUCKS AND TRACT9 H 0 ONTHEUENUBabyby (ormulat- I - .pholoflraphorGofrSony EWs ond writor . POWIW ER Mud racing compotiilon (rofnm (fl) - ! Kafoh Kono. 0J ’ - FianWanklln, G a. (R) (In Storoo) . 3WILUAM3TV : ^ . a GROWING3YEARSAdoloscont Yf I^RQWING YEARS A^losconce:e IZJ SESAME STREET GrundgettaGr 'OlopfflonL...... -to aBdultho d u 6d.:.i.;-:^:i;;_:...... Mpocttanangtyroactloniin o fto r.. • • : S pa1d p h ^>GRAMfI ■ _ . ' S j] PPiUDPBOGRAU ■, PropostoroutDogeaUthsh s dowers ;-QMORNlNGNE3NEWS Q YYOURMONEYJRy which Gordon Intended toto Igivo Susan; - :q ® © EAS-jASTER SERVICE - CZJI l-tONQ AGO & FAR AWAY, E tao takas AScQ to tho Ebnibraiy..Q . From tho Prodousous Btood Church In ' izztlms Talo* Tho tto ^ ol o n . m SUNDAY TODAY 9fradAlJdeodshi(ii»iwofi(UwQJiDla_ [«lPf9WH5FI»ttrTI

■' ( ______I r 1, — ------

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CEl»'gglHEI — m HAT CJWELCOH6TOP•O POOH CORNER oWWondm d dum ps him: \MERICANMEDICAL - WALT DISNEY•Y WORLD- ■ ' l a RUGRATS * 0 1 AMI ; j o a n „ : _____ ------m-AM£HICAN«ECilEOlCAL------“ .-TEtEVK•VISION Scheduted: practical------HAPPY.EASTER PARADE Ji odulod;vidoodlnlc. modicinein o London and Rogis Philblnho!tost tho { TELEVISION Schodul ISA. along lEDICINEUPDATE. S MU!W SIC ANO THE SPOKEN porado down Main Strool US> BD INTERNAL MED: wilh Midujy Moose. RoflorRiRabbil ond , HIVlnloalonjnolfico5co p ra c tic o -in itia l ■ . WORDID ------Q ) FAfcFAMILY PRACTICE UPDATE othor8tars.(Lhro).a...... assossniOfiL . - ' VSEBALL' ♦★★•Bon Har' Rovorsitrsiblo subdormal contracoptivo 0(11)T H I8W E E K IN BAS 8:35 Q MOVIE 0 HIGH SCHOOL ALL-AMAMERICA (19S% Advonturo)1 Ch.Chariton Hosion. ip la n ts r a o iY S HOMES •------SLAM JAM From Athens, Ga3 a . (Toped) SENTS :i “~~"."V:00O-ADv"Ei5TUREJREMADilNEZI‘.'.“ 'HB6.W(WONDERFUC WIZARD OF p z ,------. tD'DONALD DUCK PRESE (InSlOTO • - 0 CLARISSA EXPLAINS5ITA I LL- Animotod.(R) • ' prospoctof. Q INSIDE WINSTO5T0N CUP RACING ' -SHOW^ ^ » V 1 E - * * i ( *Toonago Mutant.1. . Clarissa is mortifiod by tho pn ... ------Fifsl Union 400 Irom.tjm N orth------NinlaTuTunl«s.ll:.Tho.Socratol tho------hor.dad spoaWng at horjchcxipol'5______VWkosboro. N.C. (R)[R) |(In Storoo) O oze'I* (1(1991. Advonturo) Paigo Turco, caroor nIghL ------m-IABEHtJACLE.CJi-CHQiR______DoYidiV cho a ® MISTER ROGERSRO Folk ' WS 0)i'^ » O V lE * * ★ ’Moming Glory' singor Ella Jonklnss playspli songs hor (1933;); 0Dramo) Katharlno Hopbuin, Scott. Nancy Gatos. ;i lalhorlikodonhofuki'ujwlolo. (R)(ln Doij^lias Fairbanks Jr, Q ) COLOR COTE 2000 SPORTS . Sloroo) O ' * "■ i^AtL-AMERICAN m ?AM ' W r BSTUNG t m FAMILY PRACTICE UPIIPDATE ( I) PAID PROGRAM racoptivo Q GAMES O F '0202 O REIREMODEUNG& DECORATING Revorsiblo subdonnal contra< O ( S WALL STRETREETJOURNAL. ’ -TODAY Implanls.(R) MMING REPORT ” m PAI Q POU'nCAL PROGRAMI ------tS 'D O C T O R 'V m■fO O ' ThohUntlortho...... O Q( g E - LONO AGO & FAR AWAY------MAX MOVIE-'*r*-Droanl MiMachine*------, _ ------IcIihsoomonlorihoKioK oytoT im o • — rJazztim’timo Talo’ Tho story of on_____ — m. Evan_ - _ ombroiTstho Doclororlngunninningwith Ir , Inlofrada d a l fnondship botwoon two little pamilivo swamp dwolIwolloris. ■ - -giris ln.1ln.1919H ariom Jfl) (In Storoo) 11:00 1 B MACGYVER f ^ c GSyvo'r / and a Q(12)>10WT0GEIGETASECOND O pilot Wond hood for Central1 AAmerica to PAYCHECK HAWAIUUllAN STYLE 0 CQ ) THIS WEEK WITH DAVID rescue a botanist . ® UFESTYLESOFI OF THE RICH AND ,, BHINKliKLEY a O BASSMASTERS Tho FAMOUS R osoanno)mo ond Tom Arnold; ■ 0 NNEWSDAY P BASSMASTER 6P MogaBucucks tonnis star Monica) Solos;So singor O @(3'JAMESKENNEDY(Joinod Toumamonton Lako C ild(anam auga Sffiokoy Robinson, (F noor Chattanooga, Tonn. (InIn iStoroo) ...... □ MANIAC MANSIlisiOHUninjm. a 's" s e n io r PGA GOLF < ( D IQ (11) S HIGH SCH5H 00L intOQsnobinbrdoytcoYtojoIn'thooUto- - ...... PQA-So^ nion-C ham plonship. Final BASKETBAa McDonald's;sAII- dim a al tehool. (R)R) |(In Storoo) O roundd fnfrom tho PGA Notional G oll; - Amorican Gamo. From Mom(morial . Colisoum in Atlanta. (Lhw) O C Q SPORTS REPOI^SORTERS , I M - = ^ ^ 0 ‘1^*NEWT

re.. h:': | c . m olmcocotcWjnj-'howspi*;idortjpin '^ Rcl«rttV ■ J^ Jo Y OF'PAiinlNd pSniiS,g ■ w ot»' 0 Hawaiian coral rool.ol 0( nrnioV lE ★*»'Shaf*yftfAutuna- t^ ...... a f t e r n o o3 n N . ______^ !&i.DfOfna)BuftRoyt»ldi.ilds.Raehol , ------—------LEAGl t E *Wi1ly Wonka SanlAnionioRldorsorMofltroal An , 12:00 a MOVIE i chino a t Orlando Thundor. (Uvo) 'SliEWSDAV , >laioFoctory(1971. ^chj" 55 QEOUtKjaScottonnotTC BVfiWor.JackAltortson. g W k^tofhorbfain-ttomagodS r “‘ s S o50AY i Division Sl» raco Q ffi to ru n an IVmimito mil( • rosulls from Boiw0(50. Idaho. (R) (In iPUTERCHRONiCt.ES Q F/ :uro S is iandtmriahoH Anitna' ril— »-T— m HP and Atari. tho Eo 8 1 EASTER EGO MOBNIN PREVIEW . , findlh JSmntnd.Thollonilirotosl* : CLASS Staying mmdlul 0riS’o”o«^EO M ™ A =.s.o. mo am ro t given ciodj lor «io.r luitornomjmpgamo _ poppoppou tolls Iho stoty ol a moonsiow in wilh tho powor to grant wishosilo lc contnbulion to moluna Eoilor °w'h'Sp”i t opens with a minor su it Qom w /lg.*** ThoBobo' iishol W " ~ a) Richard Bunon. Joan g1 j Hh o u ®!

| | “ dohT e w is IFE TALES (R) « Pant’an th o r (19B4. Comody) Polor : ★★★ •M anW ithouto Sollo g n MOVIE ★ * * » -Alico i S 'S ''i1 S ’6wiTHKAN0^CY n 9 3 5 . Oromo) KaiharinooHopbum. Hi , ^{,95s.w<.Wostom) Kirk Douglas. 1:30 C Stitching Sensations; Using in Jecorative stilchos with simple E J0HNN™“ N«'-ES‘;SUnnholodo « % •n tho past 10 yoars ot his VCTRALL

cowobonfla dodos from CO 1C POUCY CONF.EREN(JE C 3 'nor OL Milan vs. Inlor. ^ mi r a to d . Ray Bolgor. o s storytone p.0UTD00R__Bof“j;?J:IE -* * * -‘Crisi» at Central------UncSAmoSsW insm^taloola^^ 09B______1 Drama) Joanne lamlarmor whoso farm Is savod by a , Chorlos Duming- ^ . iW ma{ EW ifoOURioET.Tho • SioDEUNG A MofCodos-£ IE ■***» ‘Easior Parade Q ) » ■ = S S i'slcoi) Judy Garland. Frod. firolfirolighiors'who battled tho Womo10 at • - (wa.Moilco Yoltowstono National Park. (R) , 3/CTE SIDEWNSTORQUP '■ g ® lN T E R N A I. MEDICINE UPD< i l w a . « f ” fSlNSIi: HIV inloclion in olfico practice —• ifinitial World Chomplonships..From Frc Pons, . r j c ING FirstHrsl Union 400 from Noith * HIV assossm oni (R) ' . , IStoilouompIS . 5 ' E " i o f f i ' « p , o .. s ; dOuI gf^'jTYTOW EM a )Nlck------...... —to eoftvort Fow'V * “ siHolonV ist______~^M jv®TERThai res In OS OF THE BRICKYARD coi ^ ~ T - g g iivola r^OenrtSarhlahliBhtrfrom------b n

'pEL^TTSKIN'Animatod. E JUILT WEEK IH BAS notif. S ^ f f i n i l s . B i SKIING U-S Frowty 3 cut FromW intor Park. Colo.ilo.aapodj ( SiSobyt^ tho Brother# Grtmm. (R) Including Inc a domonstration of the c Bravo UlUo strip tomnlquo. (In Sioreo) 1 0 MOVIE * * » T h o E m MOVIE * ★ * T h o Loft Hanand of T o asto r (1087, Fantasy)isy) Voices oldofi S o m a g - S f -(1955, Advonturo) Humphrciwoy - Lovitz. Tim Stack. DE MUSIC PROFILES ^ ------ra-^ICKNEWS:WS(RS(R) m'SlSIDE iS m MAC&MUTLEY cfiscusslons with Noil Young. § Q wa? t' disn ey .•Disney on Parade* Highlights froIrom tho ~ “ gS'OAYTONABEACHCHJAHN0.1 . dts.Brynn-Adamsond--— -‘C in Sn»TTOTHATON VH-1TOONEGU0SJuost; Slovio | q c ABD1IDIOLOGYi UPDATE Tho C S;tho UPDATE Eloclfonlc total ramaj'Joflrey Huntor^Siobhan eanhquokosol e: 1906 a n d 1989;t collapse ol a Ponnsylvonia coalBlmlne. i a ^ - HBOASSiTURESOf v irro RACING ASA'S AC » hallonao Sorios — Parts plus tTO MOVIE‘Christmas in SHOW MOVIE * * » -M ' f e ^no«icurt1092.Comodii>D)Dyan, . (IOW. Comody) JohninLarrocpjoRo. Li ^ sa F ro m fNashville Motor Raceway in c Cannon. Kris Knswlforspn.. 2 3 DAYTONA BEACH JAM N'n o ; 2 aSSM oiiE ***-P ",W JlASan»io i 92‘''TTmciy-Nows;Twin-Fallsrldah<

e Sunday evening grid on pa>age29 ^ . ounaav ani n e m o o n I ' ______&

C(r I! 5I*IA wjih.-ooroom sccp. mari/uffld '&flu4ysirar>§o^inio/o&)Ci| U® -*m iousi*lOGEASEVculont nuth.'oo.'oo.'Tii. stjScd mushrooms and pawnbroker. ------■ "flroup A ssepiocticcaJC0aIintDc£6n':" mush.'oo. w n caviw. (In SJ6r») □ ' Q ROAD TEST UAGAZIN{n e t W ^ ba&otto««rlyrne disessrlw^disc O NEVJEWSUAKER SUNDAY (R) Chovy Slazor 4i4 Sport Utifty •ntecsbrtt." S TWJ■WJUGHTZONEAnSiSald . Taurus SHO Sport Sedan. (In Q} PAHORAUADBDEPORTTVO Ei »o-. Boech9(w o ft dtcovorx th a ho can wi3 S 0 ( 1 1 ) 0 3 CBS NEWSV S ( l n ^ \ Copa. Cob^kato dafcChJovsCmzerti C n g fw wants Sioreo) P dsBnsLJueoanon.onJ^MTi. . O ARCIRCADE O THIS OLO HOUSEE Vinyl\ *. HBO STORYBOOK)K itusx^AI L S *A Q nIREPOWER a f Tho dciia ^ings ol siding IS chorcn; olfordablo'w:w ays to • Chief* Garden o(VV«e$'Animaied.A m CtelAn',rage ighter have been a fodesion existing kilchons. (R; bod-bound toy usesoshsiaagjaasota t • tradenarnark cf Frendi des»yi b r 30 ____ JT)JJEAOJ>F.THECLASS-l ’’ ' emefieocDiiiD^iai—1)------>-carrrn-fR )------^ g INSIDE BUSINESS UAxyoviE ***';* T h o G roaa»t © WEIVEEXINROCK 3 NBC NEWS O Story EvcrT (*r(19&1 9 ^ . Drama] IA>< SUCiUOtCING CESSATX)N: D MANIAC MANSION Freeod hosts a von Sfdow. O o rt^‘:ylA:Gun» I. CUNX:aCAL INVESTIGATORS' rotrospedivo iMk al lhe showM 's first , 2:30 0 DOUBLE IRCTROUBLE Ka:e v a . R0UND14DTABLE soason, (In Stereo) P ' Aasonbrmghomeai> a surprise drtrtcr (TUC)U'JUOVIE *«*i*Ea$*.Dr O SPORTSCENTER da»forthe«(atfwr.UTf.unaw aro that r>e ts Parade*ie* (1948.| WusijalJ Judy Gartand. C3 CLARISSA E X P U IN Si IT 11 ALL c o o o in a a guest ol hhts own Fred Asskssiirc Clarissa hatches a pJan to gotlot sick . a m HOUETtUEUEKcwtSdo 3:3SOI CAPTAINC PLANET AND THE whon sho is asked to bo in o ; routino, prov«ntrvo( mah'-cnancoma on PLANETlETEERS EQ 1/2 HOUR COMEDY HOIr a r I mocttaftcal syskKnsan s a n d n ^ a ^ 4:00 QI BEYOND B REALITY (R) ED MEDICAL PROGRAUUrUING O wiriNNERS in : Jcn Gordon. (R) (In 0 SISKEL& EBERT T>ioEoB a b o ' ...... E l GET THE PICTUI:TURE -S serw ) (John Goodman, KoDy McGilli:illi*);*Cfly I EQ CUWCALAOVA.)VANCES IN m GAlAJiE i PRO Vctoo games, 01 Jby* (PalrickSwayzo); 'Doc•oop. ENDOCBWOLOGY.llY.UETABOUSU Q g] (g) VK:T0RY GARDEN Covor* (Larry Rshbumo. JoHH ...... ANO HYPERTENSIONSON Diabeti: ExpantinKing a poronrual border; Goldblum). hypcrtDnsion: th y n9 ' stfpRS« guos: s’Jtrs-s proliopr tho kie ot HEAIEAD OF THE C U S S 0 Rubin..Poler Oulorbrtdgo. aesoe Waiter Bronnanian O GAJJA U E S OF *92 (R) n RACEDAY UPDATE (In!) £Storoo] HBO UOVIE **-Thi■The‘f-''*(19a2. Q § © ® ifoviE ****Fl9hiol a 0{11)ROGG1N-SHER•ROES Comody) a e h a fd Prycr.Piy: Jaduo S a r ^ivigator- > (1986. Fanasy) Joey Scheduled: hanging 10,000;; a Gieason. jr. Vcroraca CartwrishL Hawaiian Rasher; a baseballIpfaypr p 3 * 0 Q JUST THE TETEN OF u s V/endy O S 9 ufestylesoftherich m akes a stink; a break dandniang -.hopes her daio wflI passpaj tho Coacft s *ND FA>FAMOUS Rsscanno and Tom monkw. (R)

Iw piaTWi PiaUninSTilL^ILJlUS UU ------f=unds.-(ln SterBOhO-^------" A dow coto inspiredd byb) orto found in crow ofif t>! th e Eruerpriso in 0 trap. r o £ 0 ABC NEWS a tho bad(ya:d of an historichia houso'tn - Q BK>40 BROTHER JAKE Jako musl . O WORLD TODAY ------■— CoteniaJViffflamsbwg':u r g rO ------roacfluttlt t t s Wo in SrooWynaftDran...... - 0 - ® NEWS— ------a EARLYPRIUE: exdtngg & sum m er in Europe. (In Storoo) Q MOVIE * * * * O h .G o d r t i f l n . a (12) WONDERFUltFUL WORLD OF O Comody) Goofoo Bums. Johnin Dofi'wr, DBNEY'Tho livingigDeteffWrston D CD{H)V1) WILD KING DOU Each □ (12) STARTREK: THENINEXT _ . HiUcrnafraassthisAc: Acadcmy Award- ,snima!I o* owns a lemtory. somo a s Lslc, GENERATION A tmumatizod 1 wnning documonia/yv y fromf 1953 wtich as a few: n o r tho causo ol Iho vossol's dostrstri)ct|pn. : — — { g - « R . HORATK)JKNIBBLES Kf — “ '{1935.CcComiedy) Shiriey Tompie. Lionel (H)(lnStoreo)q ...... - Animeied. AHflegHba bclrlends a S-looi Barrymorinore. I D THAT'S MY OOG (In Stortoroo}'^ ta l rabbit (Anthony Sheppard)Sh( that can Q FIFTIFTEEN Dylan dcddos againsl m BASEBALL TONIGHT— only bo io c n by boSoviJovers, (R)______loavit^K) te h o d . Courtney'? play is a ------— 0 LOONEY TUNES ------S3 FAUILY DOUBLEBLE DARE success.5S. QD @ a ir POWER Tho Na'Jaz isi- ED®COU.EOYOh'O NTH ER O AO GD @3 1IN SEARCH 0 F _ / atiempi lo cnrsh Britain by air.jr. Mcfaaer —'------J ch irBynerii'luod ucos:cos now t^tfwit fl'om------Comrerci ------fledgrave joins hostW alt^ CCfbnWlK n ------the StoryviBo Com edy.2dy and Music Club Turin andmd !hO final restaig placo ol ' (R) inNowOricafts.(R)I) John theiM> IBaptist. (R) Q I NATURE OF THINGS J— Q CHOPPERS Igor:gor SkcrsVy, a . -- - @ HARARO LABOR IN SIBERIA (R) . Anadromous lish, such a s Iholo salmon. . . ; Russian immigraniti}^ti^Amoflca.sol'AS . Q BUGUGS BUNNY & PALS hatch inland, maiuro in tfio so;oa.and : tho problem ol vcrtoiJ)C3!t>fl.(R) ^ . S ) JUICJICEUAN Ihon return to Iheir placo of binsirthto SgCHlLUN-WITHTlHTHEWIEZ(R) Q UPSP SERVICE spaWh. aa BESTOFVIOEOEO REWIND 1986 ^ SOUOULOFVH-1 • S M*/t-S*H / QD INTEITERVENTIONAL m SPORTS . 0 3 ALLERGY DIARY\RY: BREATHING CHALLSLO iG ES: THE TREATUENT f f l FT — FASHION TELEVISVISION (R) f. FREELY CFOCCLELUDED SAPHENOUS VEIN m JOURNAL WATCH: THEIE ' . ED UOVIE ****-.* *Sparticu$' GRAFTT TELEVISION SERIES M9W. D ratiu) Kirk. Douglas.Do. Laurcnco E ) OONON LEWIS ED NATIONAL PRESS CLUEUB £B OTAITA CON ELAUOR Enlaces Education Secnjtaiy Lnmar AkAkixandcr. : t . jg PUBUCPOUCYICYCONFERENCE romanScoK o s entro hispanos. ES S IE M P R E ^ DOMINGO10 ; SHOWUOVIE -Dirty D andog*' 4:05 Q 'W'W ' OW UAIN EVENT. ,• SHOWMOVIE***^oGcGods Musl {i (1987, Drama) Jonnileiniler Grey. Patnck WRESTUTUNG Bo Crazy II* (1990, Comody))Nlxau. ^ 4:15 HBODUOVIE U ****ThoLast Lena Forugia. I'. TWO DAD5ADS A quack -- Emporor'or(1987,Biography)John -55:05 Q AMERICAN SPORTSS doctor tolstA chaolI ho has a terminal ' Looo. PotiPotor OTooto. CAVALCADE Tho USACW obOBtom S'; iUnos*. (In Stereo) O 4:30 Q HrHITCHHIKER A rock musician S tatos Midgel Championship; . . . . g . ngi jMuuALflo:■C0DHHEJz::n=rr;7=iDsntrtictiateiaun) wiiK.udfay ::=r^TNASCA8«opporWo*«5t^ 28 Times* ^ows, Twinin F,FaDs, Idaho Friday. April 17,7. 1992r 1 tS ■'iQBq no bhQ fininttV'v.tvo Y G bnu2 i nooD o m j r t B v ^ ^let A l P R IIa .iy , '■// ; [SUNDAV'»EVE^SI n g ^ , , , 1:00110:30 11:00 30 ~ | - 6 : 0 0 - l 6 : 3 u " n7:00 I 7:30 I 8:0U I 8;X--U) 9:00 I 9;30 |10:i loor Swwd fOffiU^"r Pt#c.W:*flttelyyJvw-HflaZjRebwUiiA ’ ____ ^ CowlMi/»lUdiIxbwwfY Em<»------Colina— BH Jy- „ - O ------Hll mnntn YcurUin G liU O U'*'S'H• s i r Cun»ntAff*trExW iFtftoy C T Tn»Celw»|P«toT"' ^ r»c • IlnCdoT" ikn\ti. |h o t ;; IfA-S-H [SttfTnli:HtrlG«fttt ' >fcfd>t.Sh» Wto* |Mo»1«:‘Th»SwiStOTr(189Z)IG*Dwgto. H w W »»*«>*" P oo” , IspQrtonlw. Bi»tb«ll*taHTflnlQM • Sno«mobL|lndy5M |g | ima?lmutBM«Ull:Ati:AtinttBf»m»tU«At^9«l»iDodgtTi ri.;***|-HoHdiYlnn-(194;i yhfiiaiz) |c«elConw^ Ewfii»gitthilfnpre'' U oA:l h»FiBoltfwBom«nE«ntfc«*('») jlt*(16SI)RoboftT8]|to.______■e-11968) a r t Eaftwoa. Htwtn |Ch»OT .|spw1i \ f mlE ^ UhOflwOn .. IVkWM W [llovl*: **-(WC kHIIk ’ 1' IMS) •HolQuhittaMnir |Sup«n«. |ju dfyOirtwdConcwt y ^ ‘£ u t» rP « * * 0 « WSH (SaO)Movb.. " AwnkiI lUsvU: ***Hoi Prtnci* [lloA:**|-S«lith-(l931)Eto)ElooByiw. U o v U tW C W!?L ) : I S T (4rt5)lbvte ” U lllovicThtHJlendMfPrtft Tl»HT»Ht«ri»»t< Sffitt. lio^: **i1mpUw*(im IUX~ (S:30}UHlt " Havto: u t * t “Ttp»‘ (1961|T.rcdiyH^ nfa:TikinQC*totBu»lnt»«*{i990) show" (5fl0)lto»lt ~ -T.«m ■ nU uartitotiii- 1»to

...... ^ ------■ - s S unday evienin

a ta acmirilK abandoned Ini.Inlani In tho ihoalor. (R) (In Q ' Phodnlx Intemattonal Racov nurw I ont Storoo) O larod: NELSALUTES ' g ^ I M ^iNEWS E O Il2?‘ Ids*: TOE^ERICANTEACHE:h e h p o ® ® / 6:30 O , MOTpRWEEKsEKTho (SorlosPromki Awn ^ r t>W s s ^ j '

SCHhtN: lONTCURTIS’AWOrTb;tbny ------— ■ b T s P ^ T S SUNDAY Curt* d sc u sso s his caroor and liloilo. i l (S NBCNEWS □ ■ dilficolldodilc ___ o-______...... S '^ A T E U R H O U R ------" : — - —him foracomSSS-;! r « B SILK STALKlt^GS “ “ EED. ra(11)M*A*9‘HAnoutbr E * * * * C a m iO o -m M , ' ‘OB KCIITMG WORLD OF SPEE i n t o ^ u s hopoIiHt ihrooltK Ota Scacchi, Colin Rfth. AND ANI BEAUTY U :»A irFor<» modical staR ol tho.4077th. abrobalic toom. tho Thundoroirts;s; rf(S Harmony* 0 MAJORJR LEAGUEI BASEBALL aon - l a MOVIE * * « ‘Poflocl jvosaiL osA ngolw df»f (1991, Drama) PolorScola =rem I>«l0QrStadium. (i^ p ) _ a'SKsSiSi - McGovin. SM IE...-,. . - C l LOONEY TUNES - nd TUNES Z WR l . ; u . ) » c U d o l killing an a»».jlhor @ ® TWENTIETH CE (OVIE * * * » -Holiday Inn- _ _ .wk vK hot CronHto oxamLrw#. sical) Bing^fosby.Frod . wbc — — “ IbatfnjitothorntbombtniiblngolT6kyo. J J S r r f e S p T o “ i.i.n.irnous B ) UVINQ-IIG-PLANET! A PORTRAIT NEWS •ARTH David Attonborouflh O a OF THE EAR H r K ^ m t o f u u c o uUNTRY k BIO PICTURE Cflktogt ffl! ^TANOWBPOTtlC jnts, Indoding tho Himaiayos M MILESTONES INi hME e S c in e S K iS! nmniost loaders ond a^ovofs. ;a’s UAXMOVIE IE * * * "■ ? > » V n d f (1951. fK e n » ED AMERICA' fOO ...... Death*f 0®75, Comody) W ;obortToyiof,DobonihKofT. - ^ N t ^ S T HOME V PEO S Throe Dlano Koaton. • chlklran livon up tbolr bolh routinoino; a UTV RAPS 'iing (TMC) MOVIE * » Trane IS ID UPSPOTUGHT mtrabbit with a human s loot; carolin .hotum clJacfcD olh‘ {ie9 flNALMEDiaNEUPDATC fish. (R) (In Storoo) P,,-- Fiction) Tim Tbomorjon,} tionlnolflcopfacslco-inltiol . B NEEvo a su u m o n L dub EVENING______ES BOOKNIKNOTES Author Paul an Hollandor. mariuit SO MINUTES (In 6:30 QRA£ACEDAY (In Sloroo) rw 6.-000} 19(11)0) SON f B AGAlNSTALLODDSSft- on □ o i a ( E C oroscuoioyoowtw^^ E o"S'jioVAFoliowiitWB four p a r a ^ to ro g owls; orimofitol hlim olhor;i „ = d r a “=i5S;:l known p a rti^ a n ts In an oxporiir lorore. (Postponod Irom on ox CaDlomla study about 1 olfoctivonowolunbloCNiX. ™ - . . S fPA’HKEB“L t a ilS C A N T - •• S T m S r O C Roc roscho^ los o u*ing Ufo»tylochanM«n!,.X ..n 0,«^PA, postponod boxing m au* with on” £ " ■ . HvaTwhon ho attends o n - ^ y ______rKm ctitrrs s; s a JX6KED FOffn;»OAlttn'iU-.—V to*l: T y k ir^a» ^ S aociiirt^is o^oira' '"^oioaTaftcJoW riorrottmjno-i Wity finds on Storoo) foollngi for Bocca; Coridi Ao 29‘ Friday, April 17.199232 Tfmos-flowB. TV/in Falls. Idaho ' S>unday^evBntng u n gildipoiiagegi0?C^:bmjg ii I S ufB tayw ftif e W M g i u g

ri.j An98loilo'a«lm»>MVihorftanoo. (In ' Toumanwnu n t on Lako Chickomauga couple's c Idygc lilostylo is doralloillodby':i • ...... - ...... rtoarChafCaftanoogj. Term, (fl) ((n • • -■ anwdfossparadffo/uninwlod.:t d-afld'I. _ ' p T S i S c ^ U I N D VY M Mork mistakes S to ro ^ . cxtromoly obnoxous— housog*iguosta.:: •. tno oxamlnof aisignododtogivehima il Q] Q(11(li) Q) MOVIE *ThoSoeror (InSloroo) ( _ »! ^3 ------— driving to tt to baa-rotnc:w xam atw n ot tho------(1992. Dfar»rama) Kirit Douglas. Bm ce------99^0 S B-SliXSTAI ytiiigff* davB. ■' ^ lo ltn oof.^romioro. f.^ A Capo Cod O I TRUCKIN'USTrhofruckiSk^tbT? ED.empireconqueilUEREDThe shopkoffpoirporjoopardizoshlspolitical SummerS show In Now Jersey. (R)(F (In f ■oBmol.dty" o f Ra ndW d Wl aschon^' aspirationsms whon his grandson's S / through the p u 'th n rrosfcosistancoot diagnosededdyslonia i prompts him to q 1 "S) (E) MASTERPIECE -Chrtelianinartyrt.'- ".’I ------rovoolapaipainful childhood momofy.of------■ ■ ■ 1THEATRE •ClarissQ- Clarissa’ihlnk*.-;. th ^ BEAUTY & THEE BEACHBE Good - • his owe. (In Sloroo) sho s has at last (ounda protectorloTtintfl------NATURE'Land ot tho Lovolaco I arrivos and attacks hoiior. (P M [xaminos changos'wrought by 3 2 o l 3 ) 0 ’ m CARDtOLOOY UPDATEUPl Tho sottlorsvntan tho prairios beyond tho BI SPORTS TONIGHT 1902 ACC convonbon.in. (R)(I MississippipplHivor.(R) (In Sloroo) (Pon < Q I NETWORK EARTH CO m o v ie *** ‘MorMonsieur 4 0 1 6 ) 0J B I (12) STAND BY YOUR MAfAN - Boaucairo*(t946.ConiGomody) Bob O V/ORL>RLDNEWS Whon V Lorroino Is firod. FtochdloIlo m ust Hope, Joan Caullioid/AiAssassins slalk O @ (3® MOVIE -Rovolvor* ontor c Iho working worid for ihoJ firstfi • a rnUih bartwrwffSnhs>sagrbodto (1992, Sus|kjsponso) Robort Urich, t tikno. (In Storoo) O Importomto-aiwblefluu'man lor King Assumptata i Som a. Promioro. A . . f I n CHANGED UVES LouifXVotPninco.BasB ased on a Booth parslyzodid a agonrs toarch lor tho CDI SPO R TSC E^ER TafWngton novel.'- '1 ' 1 assoitotwltw h o shot him loads to Iho @I HI HONEY, i'm HOME ■ — - ra BRmsHeouncsfen e s cTiscoRiryyofasocntoporoiran o m ( @ EVENING AT THE IMF«PR O V ‘ o i DON.QUlXbTE(Ps?(Parto2do2) IhroatonLng.[ng Inlomalional security. (In Host; I- Kolly CoRidd Comics: Jaclacklo ' HBO MR. BEAN Cofnicmic Rowan Sloroo) Flynn; Brad Upton; Bill McCarty.»y- , Atkin»on portrpyk « bUmMmbling.bungrmg Q COUSUSTEAU'S REDISCOVERY 0 I WINGSThoXB-70.asupoilorsonic lonw u ^ o Is invcxvbdI’iJi in numerousI OF THE W % « 'TTaps*(1981.op . CoustoautilU toam undorukosa nocturnal Q ( WEEK IN ROCK Drama) Tlmolf^ Hutlon,ton, Goorgo C. divtfollthotho island of PuIoRanian; m f RUGRATS Scott (In Storoo) I IriMnosia’Ela’s mullitudoofdivorso 'S '{ j PHYSICIANS'JOURNAL SHOW MOVIE ( loo n ao o Mutant f o l i o s ;>; tl' tho ondangorod orangutan. UPDATE L NinlaTumos lliTha SooSocrotortho 0(12)M/MARRIED.. WITH Gt ) MOVIE ★ iir* * 'S p a n acajs’ u t Ooz6*M99i;'Advonturo;luro)PoIgoTorco. Ci^DHENlEN K ollygotsajobathor ___ ((1960, Drama) Kiri( Douglas, Latjiuronco . OnvidlWomor, (InStofooprop) lavorilotheiIhemo p a n ; AIsoos tho worid Olivkjr. C ^EntttyAVocian^Tiin::>hocnhiKCDimudg^lirStnrBo)-Br-^------v^.f&i'TOOKNOTES^AintiV-Paui:utoisosnasiz

“ ^B O 'M O V ie prostitutoblosM'mtinio.nioonunlikoly (1989.Comk>mody)"Alan Thldo, Jay Comedy) C Elton Baritin, Jimmy Smiis.S< :• • . romnne6; (lnSl0f66)I “ • Undoiwoodjod. Aftor groduafing from high MAX » MOVIE **s> Im pulso'(1l(1990, ------7.-05 O - A V O N I B A/hon.Hotty.rosigns - ^ ------school, nninandroldlntontonl>ecominfl_,... i _S_Susponso) Thorosajlussoll,^ Jpfl from loochlng, Akio ropk'mlacoshorwiih « morohumaman goos against his Fahoy. F (In Storoo) ...... ; thoonorgoticAlittalrDInDimplo. (R) (In occanlric: croaior’scr wishes by otionding (TMC)MOVIE f * * a ’B ookofULovo' '• Storoo) ------coBofloHln-{lft-9toroo)------( (1991,TJomody) Chris Young7KiK b i m - T r ^ 7:30 Q BILL DANCE:OUTDOOi^S(R) 01 (Q SUPEFGERMAN Jimmy and Lois aro. Coogan. C (InSloroo) vjctimizodbid by a phony spood trap and 9:30 9:3 O TRUCKS AND TRACTOrOR ------1;. 3-MPVIE ★ * ------hold in o vI vanishing a room. - POWER F Mud rsdng compotilbrb n (rom ' - ■PmkCaciioc*(l989,GfI, Comody) Clint Q3 @ C/CAROUNE’S COMEDY Franklin. F Ga. (R) (In Sloroo) . Eastwood^BomadottoPi10 Potors, A porfcy- - Hf^UB HotllotCXoUnXhilnni(R);i==4 =^M NSIDE-BU3INESS(R>^ ™ - - baiHuniporwilha loitufn(Tunoincountorioitv -Q |-B U RRIED IE MIRROR.*fiolloction5 on------B1 -O O L F IN O BF^EAKTHROUtU G H S -■ bins|>ocomoslrivolvodvy}d with tho bounty Spain andid thot Now Work)' Columbus' FORf TH E‘903 hunlor sen t to caplun)« hor.h( (InSloroo) hopedtoditI discovor gold in iho Now a I (12) GET A UFE A dose ofof toxici O (12) IN UyiNQ COLX)LOR Blaino Worid. whilefhiloolhors wished to sproad wosto v from under tho houso turrjm s . ’ ond i^ to h a ib ^ tfo thoiroir dayse In Christianitylily abroad. Chris C into a gonius. (R) (In Storoiroo) O ' . t moyiH3------© -S O UJL L - -efW lM — ~ ------i— © -A L F R E D HITCHCOCK— ^ i I D ADVENTURES OF THE BLACK Q3 O BSK5TETRICS/GYNECOLOOY PRESENTS F A man is surprisedid to • !' STALUOKTborblsonionunoxpoctod UPDATE: EloctronicEl fetal monitoring — loam It that tho man he thought hhe o h a av : i-. _ . twist in Nieolo'«sbwch1(ch1or hor faihor. what it willriIltoll.(R)- t . - - mufdorod n Is still alivo------8:30 B CEL:ELEBR |W OUTDOORS mf MOVIE T h o Fall ofjf 1Iho ' Q -DRAGNEf'Juvonllomiles who claim M ariiCCor^ n n o r and Jerry Douglas lish Roman F Em pire'(1964. Dram a)!I) Sophia thoy want to bo'toll-sufliilufliciont lor irout inin liIho Colorado Rocklos. (R) Loron, L Stephon ^ d . Tho ogotiiotisticol • p ' burgldHzo a g tp ^ ^ s ioston). n (In Storoo)lO) adopted e son of Emporor Marcusu s 3ICINE UPDATE □ ( 1 2 ) HHERMAN'S E HEAD Alter Auroliusf grinds Ftomo and its po< , .^ W o c U o n In olficoI prapraclico — iniiiol H om ianisris robbod, tho company CEO under u his hool aftor his (aihor ris " ° ' assostm onL (R) , porsuadosOS himI tobuy a gun. c £ 3 . JIOAD TO W EWW H:h it e HOUSE (Posipqriod11^ from an oarlior ^ lo ) (In | ^ 0 MOVIE -Tboho rNuicrockor ' Sioreo) O m CUSSICROCK Prlnco‘ (1M0,Fontn»y)'sy) Voicos ol Q ] G REQEENACRESUsaaoalosa. @ { PRESCRlBINCriNFORMAIATION ’ Klofor Sutherland. Mood!egdn Follows, , v sur whon> shosh opens a boauiy porior, EB C JOHNNY CANALES Unaih h d r a d o ’ Animated. A young girlliri aand hor * ^ ROCKI:KUMENTARYAprofiloo| muslca n tolana-moxlcana y ranchchora. > nulcmcfcer doll tako port>ort in a Aoresmlth..I h ..' (I * 1 ' ' Christmas Evo battle bolwoonboi loy aD^fAMlU(lUY PRACTICE UPDATE A 9:3 SUPERSENSEA L . . solc^ers dnd tho'hilnionsons ol tho evil Rovorsibktiik) aubdermal n n traupiivq domonstxatiort'of d tho extraordinoinary , M oD soK inadnSteroo)M) Implants, (fl h o ^ ^ powers possessed by soms( o ■■ !. 8:00 W CQllNTgR3TBl>rBlKE(fl)______8H0WM_ffioV IE * * n ‘Madhouso‘ a ------fr«AS3MMTeR9-Th9^-fhff— — -<1990.-Como m e d y )^ h n t^ q u o B o ? — lOMtro^tLirwoowNSiDEf; . I- 8A^>^jERBP,Mog[^ogoBucks V KirsUoAlloylloy. A/i upwardly mobile Win V Dyko; Ciystal Bemard. (R)I) I", • 30 TifnoS'Nowsl'TwinFaliFalls, Idaho' Friday. April 1 7 .19£1902

f. I | i u 8 jfpago^bnu? S iurwtfliiaKgtiMBiu i j 2 ’SundasSB«feo*T0«*Wf®PfP^ Sor»*. From Eagl^ a EXCmNOWOHU>OFSP: SPEED 10:35 Q I S £ )) cCURRENT AFFAIR S S p B E A im U.S. Air ForceM EXTRA UOVlE.***»*Ea*t«qPg^:.l. Qorobatie tosm, thM'TbuQdO'tirerbirds; 11 rtJO O WINNERS 0. Musical) ^uctf,(^rtand. Frod.. Sloroo) drag Mo"** lUS AMERICAN ^ ' 0 . ,) a (S) FAMOUS ‘(■ATTT DUKE Poiiy ' 1 3 (11) DISASTERS Nowow York as ll w as------P -P A T during tho Spanishiishinlluon:oploguool a (S) OirTDOOR IDAHOD R(flock 191 B JIn Sloroo) TiDl dly*Of Romo.wa»,diot>00(i,i climblno in iho City ol Rockssnaiionoi na . O (3 MOVm:E * * » ’Poriy Mason '!? “ [!J,hiiMhthopasshrtirosisiancool ' iso: Rotum s’ (19B5. M; _ rowrvo; trapping aago grouso; siianmaiw.(R):; ,' ';'• •• ------Burr, Bartwra Halo a ^ W o ffl flEPORT RNALIAL O DEAL-A-ME/ gII rgemichaeus W o r t s3' " ' ...... tg{11)STARTRS , ™ E N e a ■ “ l l i EDITION IWortlslacodwilh MACHl O @ MORMON TABERNA1NACLE g e n e r a t io n W( 3M0ViE taking a moro.aciraclivo part In Ws son's K®”ma) " / Matihow ^ d o r ic k . D onzol: • RRrproparostolosto.. 0^«) n'^FO C U S O N BEAUTY lito; iho EnlorptiBd p(l2)M*A*8'HTho4077lhi7lh's . now propulsion fiv evacuation to o nonrby covo pc )B1LE RACING Formula Hoonbo nnothof hazard for Hawkoyo.SSSta. * m'°s°A°w“°°i . a problem Col. Pottor Is untwo•WOrOOf. fA JOHN OSTEEN p e C l S | J ^ B BASEBALL TONIGHTr sS P R I N G S P i a DICKVANDVKEAcrippk , e a n h « G ! ^ and a tpm ined anklo mako Ro A R P E X C L B hou » lato lor N s own wodding I E ) @ MOVIE:-***»'HHobdayo1j Inn- f vv ^ 3 RoomsIS P lus A 'il,^ (1942. Musical) Bing Crosby.by. FrodF i —

• 'fflWiNaPLANETrAPOR>ORTRAlT-"- . , p ~ — OF THE EARTH David Altonb.nborough , ' ( ^ 7 ;“ 6 n l y '’S5 9 9 ® visits Iho worWscDldost : .’iiv r- onvironmonts. Indudmg thoo HimalayasHi , M ( S f A N c w Immage n j In Carpql CleM tng. ffl «O^Su^Spocialal guosis;Qi U2. 73'3 4 -7 5 3 1 ,

laSBiraBBtHTOiSfijM ’Oflia jf r C hiirigv^ff” ^ '^ —~ u = = r 10:05 □ JUDY GARLAND IN CONCERT: MUSIC FROMMTHE Tl . I — MOVIES A o n o w m a n showhow Irom * ...... — I£fe4foaturjnpfavorit«9from■omiho------1 - GoictonagoofHollywoodmul I f O I I P - ,QAZINETho I ^ R M I Chovy Blazor 4x4 Sport UBlit;Jlillty;Ford • Taurus SHO Sport Sedan,i.(fl)(ln (fl I ■ S M I All Tliese^ -- - o ”S )^A R E YOU BEINGSJG SERVED?. iI ^ k IL,- j wmon a transportation strltorikoprovnnts— l - QuaJalUyf^rtth^rz the staHlrom goir>g homo,3. Ihoft storo ■ aDows them to stay ovomiflh :2^m . flR ltiijn^ a ^ THE WEST Cra^ickdownon I _ H K n i i l HlimiBt l hoirivon I B ^aQW I JJJJg ll W s*,»tISWallels, M M l M U m ulnCalllomlll i IMBM m I

WREXTRA' I■ ^ 1■^ y n | ida m jt F m S IrlliBBBIr H W W W PoilmilKe)Key Ring H .M s r a K’ollor plans to I • ------plcJ(-mo-up for tho company S"DONN»nEEDAJo«mxandMa7oro I ' W I « iAiW « o*»r*«d ' f o - „ loft alono vrtKin Donna aiftdJolltokoo n d . I I S i S i S S S S M R T S BEAT ■ S ^ C o r dCb ^«* b. ony o*r ofe, 0«« «id-» WEEKEND JAM 0<. *opivo<^>it* CHEERS Frarlor Isiconcomod cot I. uribtw^kMM. :n'T~ about the doplholUtiihsgt'soriolwhon ■ AAttHkhnU CppyHMtorotkw..^.--''!-'^ ono o (h o f|j£ rats dios.□ P - I AUograUo}^ fE3 ROAD TO THE WHITErilTEHOUSE , | o « IT n iii* » « p u Comwtod-$29>93. S WORLD VlsiON ^ Uwln M &nSfy Mun a I-. 0:0 (TMC) M O V IE * * * 'DDown o w ond Out I : s»rt Sp*i^ on* hour priorn Am dmmg. L— —]n£w^l)^jtiis^Ba6,J^Com ndym itl< . m L Tlri«..Nim». Twin Follj, Idaho, “ Friday. April 17.1692 Tl oc [ ^ 1 I 1- (il SQ Q f .OS JI.u h u ^ o v r I (ui-r ' !■■■ ! < « '■ ' I

- ...... M a n ila ^ EVENING Daytime mit o v ies ______.6:00 0 MURDER. SHEHE \WROTE ______* * * ( 1 9 8 0 . Comody) Gdcio> ' JoM ica’i nophow nnd hi IN IN G ______I houMsining In C«bo( Cc J?25!5 11:45 HBO *P.o«« Story: M ^tor r ...... - ■dtcovof-thobodyofap’ • ' MaiSor'*-*Y(1988.-Comody-.; 5 : » r n «MO"'Dr. 5 WkJaro's W ording------’j murdor victim onttw lM i **(1941,Dra!Sa»Low (Oramo) Brian McNamara. B CROOK ANO CHA:H ASE. Ayroi. 30 *Somoono to Watch Ovor Schodulod: Don WUBnmBams. (Ih Slofoo)- a f t e r n o o n ______0 (1 1 ) NEWS M o * * * * » (1987. Drama) Tom .IN AMERICA BoroMOogor. {In Storoo) g i g o M ' ; a m *Binh ol th6 Bluos' 12:12:00 BD 0 -Fmuloln Doktorr ■ •CooWnaWith Nicky flft k (1941. Musical) Bing Crosby. * * * (1969. Drama) SozyKor>ondall. M o u se '(In Storoo) •RomarkoWoMr.KlpM**** i:(1:00 fD 'CarmonJonos'* *■* * n n -WHEEL OF FORTl,RTUNE a 1. Comody) MichaolRodgmvo. ,(1954. Musical) Hony Botalonlollo. B 1>RIMENEWS 0 AX *InslantK anna'* * 1(TMC) •Slolla’ * * ( 1M 0.Drairoma) ...... a ( S m a r r ie d . . V 0. Comody) C ra g Shof(or. bottoMicSor. (In Sloroo) CHILDREN Bud summi “I K HOW •D ix (o * * * » (lW 3 . 1:301:: HBO ‘O oloning Yoor LiloB* coursgo to go on N s Hflfirst dato. (In 1*,8kS ] * * * ( 1 9 9 1 .Comody) Albert1 IPAINSJaion 5^^?^u*?^ystom* **» S3 T 12) g r o w i n g PA 4. Comody) Richard Droylujs. ■. s'A r-iiSS'S.. **.(..[1982. ______•_goii-invohfod.whon.M ik D"*Mon$IourBoBucairo*------— m . IRINCEVAUANT *(1946. Comody) Bob Hopo. C 'Ron Slionu Run Doop* Comedy) David Cassidy. *(1 9 5 8 . Drama) Clark Gablo. 22:00: 0 T h o Gnomo-Mobilo • *1 * * ' Sa^iSffiBLEAGUEiUEBASEBAU . * * *a ! *VaIontine Magic on Lovo ( 1967. Fantasy) Walter Brom^nan. TosmstoBoAnnouncd k T * * (1 S 8 0 . Comody) Jaflls © ‘Hofo's Island' * * » (1 91962. « CJ KID3JNC0RP0RSRAT^DrlioKiil isllatiofodwhonho’jcI’S compared to ' P««Q0. I (1933, !h‘0W *Give My RoflanJs to . ^^?D i?A hG r****» { Moiort. until ho loomsms Mozarts lilo 9=9? Breadsid Sireot' * * ( 1 9 ^ . Mus><=°') Drama) Jason Robards. story. • ifli'i ttaihlnp^ir. — ' ^ ^ Iror^HorfmParadiso' •WOCPER------^ 3:30 HBO ™ C ^pus Man' * »1(1987, (1 ly Poopio Go'Tho * * {1 9 8 9 . Drama) Phfllppo 3 ME3&^TS•U^MyP ***■* Comody) John Dyo. iooolthoJow s. Noirot. history 0! porsocutioo < S-®SSS3!ona-**.t(1933.------MAX-‘OaMooo!bbLBoyl**^ * « ______------nw m feaiw T O hortBdB J asohart------9;45-fD- itasy) Robort Armstrong. (1951, Musical) Doris Day. EU NATURALWORlORLDAnonAjring Fantts: 1. tho kangaroo Is 10K)0 fflm ‘Pirates of Tripoli-* SHOW T h o Rotum ol Joo symbol olAustnilio.th' - _ F o rrestor * * » (1976. Dramt atjothorpost to tej 4:30 0 ‘Zorro: Tho Legendl B. a ^ l r i? movieV*-**ti» r “ - p ' - * « H (1990, Advonturo) (Partu t 2 of . .D,™ .)0».,.c. nody) Emaio Estevez. {In Siorao) Conturioni* (1972. Dn m T h e LastTlmo I Saw 4) Duncan Rogohr. • Scott. Staw koQ ch. is* * * * (19S4. Drama) ‘5rfW fD ‘Horo Comos ttie Gro. N E W S O itboih Taylor. ~ * * * ( 1 9 5 1 . Musical) Bings Cl l ' SDAY IN ROCKK - - * - • HBO *Vl»Vorsa* * * 1 (1 9988,- 8 •: OW‘^oAntoinbtto* *** -PRIMB-TIMEMUMUSIC— J------SHOW - - 38, Dftffla)Nonha'Shoaror -^Comodrt-Jodgefloinhold r - LA,LAWDouflkuglas awaits ttio MAX ‘Just Ono of tho Guys' results of his AIDS> Wood bto lost; Groco . (TMw1 0 T h o Last of tho Finosr * * 90. Drama) Brian Donnohy. (19S5. Comedy). Joyce Hysor. fwarns a strippor abou (TMC) •Tho Buddy SystemI' ' •* * s ------ogoinsrthreetowywa- - u f f43--AaillMllUlll°«- l ------ima) Chnrlos Bronson. (1984, Comody) »cnardT3«5r a y ttir------V. manhancMd hor. p - Drama 0 E TheBoccanoor* *** !5:30 SHOW T h o Adventuross o0 l ^ 0 3 COSBY SHOWCiW Doniso rotums . H:?OEB . HuckioborryFinn'* * * ( 101939.: . from Africa with a husbandhus ond a ...... 158. Advonrtjro) Yul ^ n n o r. IX •SoomsUkoOWrtmos* - ...... ------Advonturo) Mic*oy Roonoy. stopdaughtor. (In StorStoroo) 0 max raTEVENTOFTHEHE DAY - - @ ATHAPADA UnaUnahistoriado ______' susponso. dondo InlaamWdonyol a ■ •- , podwseontromozdo'Zdan con ol amor...... le ^ *6:05 0 MOVIE***•**'T hoBum lt>g D aytim e sports ; B»Kr (1984. Drama)ia) FFarrah Fawcoll. ______a f t e r n o o n . [ Paul UMflt. MOFORNING 1 6:08 m DUFF ITLY BUSINESS • 8 : 3 0 ^ 0 ^ ® NIGHTLY E BASEBALLTO>JlGHT(R) ' 12:00 C J SPORTS REPORTETERS(R) 5:00 0 } 12:30 ffl SCHOLA8TIC8POI•ORTS . ■ Q i B A SEB A U TONIGHT (R) * ■ CUHRlRRENTAFFAIR.0 6;30|B AMERICA ;; Q @ S^ERTAUTAINMENT , grfjOO!t Q ) SPORTSCENTER (R) . 1:00 OJ-^ACHTING America'» 's Cup. ! TONIGHT Aciross Bx I O SPORTSCENTER (R) — ChaDongor/OoIondor RnaInals. 1- . discusses hor roio in VID MOTOWORLD(R) 1 : •Stay tH oN iflhf (InJ ) 'E -S E C R E T S OF s p e e d (R)____ 4 ia 'lS UP CLOSE ■;— ...... 0 (12) H ty S ’H B. I orgariTzo a prosonRJriPaa?fllnltfStdo------rth lamilio*. visitors mistako Lois for Ihoiiloirlost lESOFTHEBLACK 0 ( 1(11) 1 ] WHEEL OF FORTUNE Q j [ C" a« rS' MICKEY MOUSE CLUB (In oon. ■ •’ : STALUON Thoro3 is Inn utioxpoclod [Q MK ) NEWS a .... t . twist in Nicolo'ssoariioorchrorhorfnthor. Storoo)00) □ 'Tony plays SUPERMAN Noar Eastom (R) (In S torw ) 0J ' 1 3 SO ) WHO’S THE BOSS? Tt 32 Timos-Nows, Twiflrwin F a lla ,-Id ^ Friday.-Apfil-171-17,-1992 t

1 APRIL 20,1992 ------} VENING i l l ■ 1, I m o n d a y ^ ~ I 6:IK> I 6:3irI j 7:00 I 7:30 I ji:U U .[j

i FBKI«,-|ii.»ai«~ a<.: -si»i „ TrilMStoi «ffn*n : . I FtwhPr. Blflttwn M»m«;-Udy/J,Agitellh.pigi-{HW I""* B Igiim laaiah • -t • Ccwutu’i R»<»«c iBroUfi a-ftna-1°. |Diil|n.W. ».ilHinEg«ii«t ■ I _ l a Hw» |f a “ » - W y ; ^ ; . MoR»c« I Brid!! ^vM LW dw J - ' sheriodtHolw*IS |stwto(kHotmn Lowloy _ B ) @ pivMUWo^w I ^ • IUorii!--&t«*gIptUw" “ ■ UtvU;'Th»H»gnlBc«nlStv»T>Rld»r ~H« (sa)llo»i« ~ jlb n - Uo«4a: *i*8ffatton£^71990) llovW: •Clw My Heflirdi to Braid St SHOW jpailtovh Monday evehiling

of Iho " ild and a roconil/ Holmos' hol|holp 10 unravd tho mysiofy. lS'2K O' !viE**'fhoU stot f f i s r (1990. Dtama) itfnnohy. . Joo Panionano, Throo,Susp^ooidod TiOOo WI b IMEW t e KincSm nnlur*! Olnarcotics cops uncovor a wioosf)gproad :od . IS&LENOW: ortnor's nw»tho»lW o^^o^ sasfo'sxsri dooth. (In Slonw) -- q q ,^, y

^ ^"“ ■“mysToiTijQSiQfiSaiiW NsAonaiPSSa a ( k “» c n e i u l b tEHRER. ZSiffi I eW e E ^ ^ L ______NEWSHOUB q inaQuosttotavohlsiaio .______BunnollQOdsj on undofcovor o;oporation t^ a n a m c S m - 6om>iravryocht-on— STORIES Tho B sjasslrf i s r ° ^ S tho.Willamollo Rivor. (R) (In SuSloroo) ' 1 J S S S S d . i , In King Arthur-# Court* (1949. n ra (B BLOSSOM BIOS!3ssom . ' 0 clgorotio' ^°ffiiv°KlNGUVII IVE Fonmsy) E m o'lK SrS"^u“"(R(R)(ln a IS CB FRESHIIh p r i n c e o f , , os tho IMst of lOog Arthur’s ;lhov.inntaroll

■ .f„s;^erod“ rBROWN aecusod ol m o r ^ n g hy dolightod ottomoy gonoral. (m» * U . O , » offidonl IKSnnnnd.oroupolraco- : ■ 'SrUOVlE ***•!; hot and H S no-11943. Drama ar*r-iM =-c.n, laffrpy ” rI4 .1 -(1072, Wostom] U o V m oxDloros Ifldonoslan isianosIs iknown lo collooKpoilontojti SmlonloPovlors.A«molHown Wostomor8ostho*^<«ls^Islands,*, hnllsiolnodlxii.oowiMPor eoofching forknowlodgo aboboiilhor p y K o t t tor»noR uoMr. lUs musician “ “^ ^ * £ , ’5,® ich EnlorprisototrywdroscM Ins alivo on n6Qll6tfio'Hriuiwwn\8noo

' Iha rapidly d cgondS BASEBALL TONIGHT psychosurgory, (Pan 3 ol 5)5) P ■ ^ ! planoL (In Stofoo)» . a AVONLEA AV Peg Bowonconvincos5 Q NEWSNIGHT . B WORLD NEWSW S thoKif>King childron Ihat judgotncnl day iss D O BEST OF LOVE I Q @ ( S MOVIE>V lEtfldy Against ' oponn them.tf (In Sloroo) p CONNECTION BioOdds-{lS92.My, Mystory) Crystal O LUCY L l SHOW . . 0 ( 1 2 ) NIGHT COURT Darlan ...... Bomord. Annobothth CGish. PromiotD. In Qj) @ @ EVENING aA h EIUPROV - coRapsos whon ho rolums to work too ! l943LosAr>gc)(».as . a privato Hosi:i; PP a t Corloy. Comics; Jooy soon alter having an oporatioition. (Pan 1 ; doioctrvo'sroutinoc:ocasok3odtakosan Gutiomorroz: Glonn Sopor; Jerry Codoy; ol 2) unoxpoctod t«ist wrhbnwtx hor partnof s FranI Solomita.S< O MOVIE *-***-ThoMMan Who guardun is murdoronnor, C d o Porior's classic scoro blood-alcohol lovols; sound1 wwavos Q 700 CLUB hlghlighlights Ihis tale'ol two producers tCssipato toiic hjmos; a spaoacovohicki ' Q DRAGNET Frid:-nday and Gannon who takotaV thoir soarch (or a loading lor Mars; aulomatod broasltoxams. o: ' raco asainsi timo to :savo a man from ladyto to tho shores ol Europe! Q ] NEWS O killinghimsoll. E 3 EVEVENT OF THE DAY E 3 YOI MTV RAPS E) ® LOVEJOYISYlmornationalart Q] NOT1CIERONC UNIVISION E a CU SSIC ROCK Ihfovos lay sicgo to England'sE bvish HBO) MOVIEM * * ’Modem Probloms' QD ITS GARRY SHANDUhJNG'S • touni/yhousos. (1981.11. ComodTTChovy Chase. Paiti SHOW Gany musl choose b(botwoon ______£D_BUH1E0.M1RRC^RQR_*Rofloction5Qn D'Arfaflfbanvil(LAhapk!ss.iiif.-lraLSc______^his wealthy Irionds and tho Spain and tho Nowtw WofWV Tho Aaocs conlroUiroUor wiih numerous porsonal SchumaSors whon ho rocoivoivos'iwo boliovod that'Spaniaiiniard Homan Cortos problorrlom s is endowed wiih tolokinoiic ^ diniwr invitations. Guost: Jofloil was a lost Indian god,god powerssrs altor boing djusod with Gokiblum. Q PORTADA Sogrkjgmcntos onlocados nuctoarsarwasto, 110:30 0 INSIDE POLITICS (F(R) on los intorostrs bolo Hispanoamorica.H MAX: MOVIEM * * -Act ol Piracy- a ( S NEWS 8:tS £Q MOVIE r * * I h o Black (1 9 69 9 . .1Drama) Gary Busoy. Belinda 0 ( 1 2 ) CURRENT AFFAIRR P f/arblo*(l9S0. Dram.rama) Robert Bauor.it. Av boater's trip to Australia is O MOVIE **-Tho LacyFI'From Foxwonh. P a u b ProfPronbss, Alior viotontljntly interaiplod by a nnhlojs Yosiorday*(1985, Drama) WaWayno v/otking on an cmoticlotionally exhausting hijackotkor. Rogers. Bonnio B^olij^ ' child’murdcr caso.}. a hard-drinking SHOW l>|»‘^pitiTr;l'7|i* i "

------live It op when Winifrod leavoiVOS lore ------a:Ji)lT ) iJ utsiGNlNd ilontany ovorshool thoir (nlondod week. _WOMENAIUsoninvilinviios herself whon om byly <200 yoars. ^ DAY IN ROCK cteodea lotak®------(TMC)I::) MOVie-iinlKHaunUxJ— — ------SD-DAYS AND NIGHTS 0F_JF-MOLLY______Ouini on a huntingg trip.tri (R) (In Sieroo) Sum mmor* o (1988. Drama) Philip Anglim, DODD Molly is hositant aboullul □ AEcoKr■ Krigo, In’ 1816. young Mary occopling a job ollor in publisilishing.'P □ GOOF TROOP3P Sholloyloy and a handlul ol writers S 3 CHEERS A pricoloss VOS'osols c a ALFRED HITCHrCHCOCK convorgorgo on Lord Byron's Italian villa dosUoyod whon Sam. Woodydy and - PRESENTS Two old men laco boing lor a suisum m er of debauchery ihal Robocca calor a party at tho0 chairman( ovidod Irom Ihoir shishack when ihoy inspiresros hor 10 pen -Fninkonstoin.* (In . .ol tho boards mansion, P show no ovidonco> ol sell support. Storoo) HBO MOVIE **x-O utlorJirJoslico* HBO ADVENTURES)ES OF TINTIN O 9:30 Q) iMONEYtlNE(R) * ' (1991. Drama) Stovon Soagal,al,WilSam . 9:00 B MACGYVERER MacGyvor Q KOKOJAK- Forsytho, ; • bccomosJhopawainn-inJuSoviot schoffHi-:--,- fflrMMOVlE-*r*rXWotaa2/:HS»{er=r C = n rS H O W COMEDY CLUB NETETWORK lo sloal a valuable> C^Chinese ariifaci (19555. VWoslom) Vicior Mature. S o u n (R> . , (Pan lo l 2 ) ' Ban. ThiTho groalost Sioux chief in 110:35 d NIGHTUNE4E P ------'------“ BCflOOK-ANDCIJ CHASE------history^ryirlorcodto-brnalrhislong-limo------O-@^-T0NIQHT-SH0'lOWFrom------Schodulod: Don Willi;ViKiam's. (R) (In alliancotco wiih a caval7 major, 1991; actor Goorgo Sogal; SoSuper Slorc^ ID SPd oasoaso of uso mado Q NA'rJASHVILLE NOW Schodulod: Loo Romick. ’ computers tho toolII olol choice lor guostI hehost Wayno Newton. (R) (In 111:00 0 HOLLYWOOD INSIDIIDER Dick i ordinary pooplo. (InIn SSloroo) (Part 3 ol S lo r o ^ Von Dyke; Crystal B em atrl (H O I S CD (D{11) O RALPH EMERY: ON TH{ • - Q SPORTS TONIGNIGHT ® n B RECORD Oick Clark intorviowE . ' M NEWS O j g MADNESS BY JONATHAN country host Ralph Emory! vrhvho ; . Q BORDERTOWNm Whon Mario S . 1E ^ R Moderii ailompis 10 cure describes his unhappy childhohood, his I . iroaisaw oundod youyoung gang mentalal innossil ihroogh physical (omier darg depondoncy andd hI is ■ : ...... mombOf, sho b o c)mo8 ^ o a hosiago in Uoalmornont. induding prolronlal - -?irfOfJ'succoss.(fl)(InStorocroo) hor own homo. (R)) (In(Ir Stereo) Q lobotomismios, oloctroshock therapy ond • a Ofi) TECHNOPOUTlC§j

34 -Timos-Nows. Twinvin Falls,.Ida’h?’^I rid a V .’A p S r f ^ ------

1 39 3 3 ^ ______. • .. HM I onday^eyspinn ^ T

" o 'iS o W B I Z TODAY’(R) (R) ' . 0 0 tNSIDEEt■EOmONO— — V . |M< m ; UP.CLOSE-^R^.-'. *' Q COUSTEAU'S REDI&DISCOVERY 'ISM OeOP/I PAID PROGRAM ' . . (Q ' Q MOVIE ♦ ♦ ★ r r h o Ghost: OF THE WORLD‘Ifldonetlnetla; Q CLUBDANCE DA (R) (In Stsioe) Breakers' Brea (1040, Comedy) Bob Ho;lopt.;': . I Sumatra, ttto Hean ol IhohoSea'Tho S Q WORLDWDWIDEUPDATE- . Paulotia 5 “ ! G o d d ard . Cousioau team uiylortakottkotanoctumal .Q NATIOMANAL GEOGRAPHIC-..-. i :_ 1 - 1l a 0 ' WCK VANJJYKE Rob hM Wn ’•___1 . d(voofftbeisIandAiPuk>T^k)Banian; .. EXPLORER\ Botswana’s B< H ^ g owls: SvenWof even Mghfk^^ a Indonotla'i multitude otIdivorte dv ouavatlonof of Iho i> woricfs oldest Known . Aieran wiei pool sharit who proion^.hoh o : r I •ociotlet: tha ervtaneenKtwJorangulan. c wttpmiheBamei.' WlE 'Angel and the - Q l- EVB4INQATTOEIMPRCROV.;; I y (1Z)L0VEC0NNkTlK:T10N Badman*(t041.047. Wostom) John ' . - HoslHost: Pat Coriey. Comics: Jo e y . S AUTORACtNQToyoti•yota Adantic ■ Wayne. O dIRusseU. Ri Guticg■B3-QBI9roNECLEARANCE „ advlescolDmnlfrt Uptonon howh lo b e LJ8ht*. FromPln Phoenix Inlomaiionar ■ Q I MOVIE A -M *A Connecticut R a m a y . Ariz. VbnkM In King Arthur's Coun* (104040. ^ QB SHERLOCK HOLHOLMES E3 FERNWOI fo O D ^ C H T ^ ■ ■ . pRintasy)KS Bing Crosby. Rhonda- MYSTERIES *ThoRod-Hoi•Hoadod B ® LCVI3VEJOYIntomatk>nalort Loaouo* A London pownbR siogotoEnglantfslaVbh.. SH0W 3MUNUTE MOVIE ’Sossios i o o . r unswore an advortlumontont lorI an counliyhooJO!«e«. ■ ~'MinM » ‘.'A strugglng musician oots ihc oxduslve male dub, thonsn e n n ttt Q ) BURIEDID IMIRROR’Reflediens on chance ^ of a1i^lime.-ffl) (In Stereo) Holmo»' help to unravolllhomysloiy. Uu . Spain and tttoh a Newi Worid* The Aztocs fTMO MOVIE * ★ *810118* 0 0 9 0 . bdiovodthatSatSf^ardHeman Cortes Drama) K” Botto MkSer. John Goodmanan. y NORTHERN WILOUP}U P E Thosoa was a lo ft indin d a n g o d i mOSDiaNBCNEWSI lion, B grscoful twfanmor.rr. Is clumsy oh EQ MUSIC^VIDEOS VI 1 ^ ! IRESSIONAL HEARING I s CONGRE 3 ( ^ 0 CD 8 9 ^ p a id Q l ALLNIGKTER ffiU S L LUVESOELEXITD. A ) . p J q S p a id PROGRAM HBO MOVIEIE 1* * * *0 ofondlnj3 Yaur ,• m Q j BARGAIN SHOP (Jolnodin(Jdt . Ulo'1991,Co.Comedy) Albert Brooks. S g M^SCHOOL BASKETBALML______PWITOI) ____ ifirihrui smtn ^ y n o lo n sh ip . From ^

Gfoom*(185t,Mu»fcal)Blf) Bing C r o s l^ T '^ s lo tf’H'H O OloK K ^N ^^icg—r —rllS'm - GET SMART Max te astonlshoh o d ■ “ Jane W ymaa 12:30 0 - 0 D) RPAID PROGRAM Mto toam that tho Unitod Stales beioiliongs ... ES SHORTSUBJECTr Q SPORTSTSUTENIGHT ' ^5lo Iho direct doscandant of Cotumbnbus. MAX MOVIE ★ ★ Tarzan,u n .th o A p o Q j SPORTS)BoOorok. Q SU PER M . %(1081. Horror) Jam os Farentlno. ;tako Lois lor thoir test Richard Harrt*. ■ viiilon mlstak Melody Anderson. ' ' SHOW M O V IE ** Tho k EB ATRAPADA Una historia do . « U C H » C Man’ (1091,Comody) Aloe susponso.S | dondo la ambkdon y olIl . . «^^>iti»m ozdan ,con oi amoi Sli:

(0 (1 1 ) NIGHGHTWMra*^ ■ B U ^ S (in stereo) Molhe?.(10a8. Drama) Oiane Koatlaton, lNSIOEEDmON D - 12-.3a NEWS UaniNoosoft. I S m ARSENtOHOHALL 12:55 MAX MOVS5^'**'Arono*(1089. 4 4 m C B S NB i ^ ------SchodulegTrappor-aC^TaUraStpflrforms------S denea.Bction)J»jujLSattBifiokJ da ______. 1 ^ with tho Potso; octor DickHckVanDylw O i ^ a Christ Jm ^ E D -P A lD 55 HBO COMEDY HOUR •BlDy fTVmovto’RomodyforMirM urdoO: 1:00 Bf(DQ CcnnoDytPole Bluo Scottish Perso•son* actressg Bobo Nouwlrth (*CI(-Ch.«.T(ln (dom Storeo) O S n R E (fl) jg h ts . L0VE80AT • Q GUNSUCIMOKEA Scandinavian on io g uaKdng u Aspen tree. NioltenimuiloflroupOoaiSoarDaddloj; . child pilett Daniel and MchnolMd n A T T 1 ShanUln.(R} (In Stereo) f 1Son(Jong Soulh ■■ ■ Ftldoj.AprtMr.tMS> 1Tlmos44ow8.1>in Foils, [daho0 .3 .. m esdajay eveningI | p r o g r a m s


S:OOB UURDER.SII. SHE WROTE Whilo Daytimeie tnovies ------on»ca*ff«S»dV,8 V. w a s h WtofCffonco ------Fostor. QSOflt Michaol Kdogisggorty bocomos- MO.1 0 R N IN G ______(1937. Comody) Preston Ft invDlvDdwithawidortdow who Is undor tho — watchhil oya of vDlatolatilo In-laws. P 5.0010 fr 3 -Tho Man W ho Know Too -. A FTERNOON < Q CROOKANDCID CHASE luch* « * * * ( 1 9 3 4 ,S u s p o n s o ) S^odulod:JooOlffi. Dlffio. (In Storoo) ^oslio Banks. 12K)0 QD @8 -SkuPduggoty ) Q (11) NEWS rUC) f n *Captivo Gid’ '*» (1950. (1970, Advonturo) Burt Ro) ■ 8 S » SrAUAA14lh-contury ^dvontufo) Johnny Woissmyjlor. ______ffi _rrho-Happoning*-*r**-(1967;------* ; Italian rodpo for lasjgna;Atafy.Ann------last 5.45145 MAX"ChlAalowii Connoctton' Comody) Anthony Quinn. ------— pn^porofw oggiantEnt and (rosh noodio n (1990. Advonturo) Bruco Ly. (TMC) •Toxasvillo’ * * (1990. (11 . losagna. (In Sieroo) 0 f f l 0 ‘Frauloin Doktor Drama) Jolf Bridgos. (In SttStomo} O PRIMENEWS ( r * * (1069. Drama) Suzy KondaH.“• 12:30 HBO *Tho Deep’ * ** i * (1977. a @ MARRIED.ED... WITH mD - -Carmon Jonos* * * * (1954.I. Advonturo) Jacqudino BissIssoL • -^CHILDREN To nicoricoivo oxtra incomo. jjjjsilusical) Harry Bolofonto. 1:00 ED -Submarine Commimand* I tho Bundys agroo0 to houso a Fronch 6- is5 (TUC) r r •ForM oondM yG al* * * » (1951. Drama) Willia/liam loroign oxchansoJ studentsa (In Storoo) r* * (1 d 4 2 . Musical) Judy Holdon. 0 ft>orland. (trir MAX -Cyrano do Bonjoracac* * * * □ (12) GROWING NG PAINS Tho 7 .^) SHOW 8 *1 O m tho Racocoufso* (1990. Drama) Gerard Dopopardiou,. SoQvon go alongjwhonJasoo-s wf **! r* (1036. Drama) Gully Coolo. (Subtitled) mothordoddostogc0 got monied on a 7-15SHBO HI -Protty in Pink* *•*•* cruiso. but troubtosOS orisot whon Ja so n SHOW 'M ris ond Nalashdlha’ (1992. I8B6. Drama) Motty Ringwald. (In Storoo) o x p ro sm his disopf^proval. (Pan 1 of 7;MU Comody) Davo Thomos. (Ir )UAX Victory* * * * ( 1 9 8 1 , iid-tho Star 2) 2K» O ‘Ftainbow Brito ond dvonturo) Sylvostor Stallono. Stoalor- ★ * (1985. Faniaitasy) Voica 1 0 RIN TIN TIN1 K>9K-S COP Lou's a-03^ ED *A Connecticut Yankee in ...... -ropJacomoniisaby-;by-tho-book polico 'ki,,? oi Boltina. (In Storoo] Ing Arthur's CourT * * * (1949. BD *Ono P(rfico Plaza* ***« ' soraoani. dotorminoilinod to shopo up tho aniasy) Bing Crosby. (1986, Drama) Robert Comjnrad. ___ l_ . staoon. (tn Storoo) C rUC) -DickTfacy- * * * (1990. ID WOMEN'S PRC 2:15 Q *Man From Dol Riolio* * * » dvonturo) Warren Beatty. ’ Ouinn. • VOLLEYBALL Frorr 5 Q •Tomofiow'sGhiW * *» (1956. W oslom) Anthony a , (TMO -Swool Smoll of Sui»uiicoss* Puorto Rico. (Tapod) 1982. Drama) Stephanie ZimbalisL I * * » ( 1957;D ram a) Burtt Lancaslof.L CD KIDSINCORPCRPORATEORonoo', .. 9.J)0 MAXM ’If irs Tuesday. This Must .; . and S t ^ loorn a1 lo:losson in tho virtues g 2:30 £ 0 T h o Fleet's In- *-1* ★ * 0 Belgium* * * * * ( 1 9 6 9 . Lamour. . ofcturity. omQ<») Suzanne Ploshotto. (1942. Musical) Dorothy U HBO -Alrplanef * * * (It[1980, 0 F-TROOP OI'Rourko, Ro Agam and ' HOW 'UmitUp* * * ( 1 9 8 9 . Ponrtontor go undordor cover to nab a ritvrn Comody) R o ^ r t Hays.^ r.rirLg;m9p7;pTqnurtjiiaraarii^

...... Exomining W instononChui^ll's ( ^**k(1949, Westom) Mystory) Mark Harmon. (InIn Storoo) involvomont in D-Do;•Day and tho Yalta /rrUC) ijr *Colossu5: Tho Forbin 4:00 HBO ‘Protty In Pink* *** * ______confQfonce_(Part3ct3 o l.4 )-P ------^ n^'TMr*-{1969.-Sdonco ------{1986.-Drama) Molly RingwjwaW ,-:--, — Q ) TER RA X Gormorman odvonturors of ic&on) " Eric Braodon. (TMC) - U n a 's Holiday- * * (1 9 9 0 . tho 16th contiiry holpoddovolophoi; iiijoHOHBO ’Driving Miss Daisy’ ComwJy) FoBdW Waionnarian. ■ - • I t Colombia a n d Vonoztnozuola. *-** (1989, Comody-Oramo) 4:30 ID *Zorro: The Logond i S UOVIE ***★ 1’Lost Commar*d* jqissicaTondy. jjj (In Storoo) **«(ig90.Advonturo)(P<( P a r t s f t ) (1966. Drama) Anihcnthony Ouinn, Alain ii;OOS0 SHOW * ^ ad o w ol Iho Thin - Duncan Rogcrfir. Dolon. 'Man*lan* * * K (1941. Mystoiy) Williamn S:OOED *A High Wind in JaiJamalca-j Q ] NEWS □ owoB. . * * * ( 1 9 6 5 . Advonturo) AnthonyAl m DAY IN ROCK S O 'RowarC_A.*.(19fiO^ Ouinn, • ______SS 2-FEHTUESDA>DAY-DAY SUSPuspense) Michaol Pa^*«s, ...... MAX -Corvofto Summer* 1 ...... r- HD LATLAWVictOlictorslovotora ------iv iS5 MMAX *Tho Patonno Connection*■i* (1978. Comody) Mark Hamimill.. .. woman is' tostod whonwho ho defends her , •* M991rOnima) , Jam os Bolushi. 5:30 HBO”’ Chony 2000* *• Gfilfi*.Gl - p . BD COSBY SHOW3WThooandhls ~ I... trouble with thoir now '■ londlo^. G uosl stata r Anthony Ouinn. (In Storoo) O ES EVENT OF THErHEDAY Daytimene sports ES ATRAPADA UraUno histofia do susponso. dondo la nmbidon< y ol MOFlO R N IN G ______lA O Q LEGENDS OF THEK Tt-• - podorsoonWHTiozdjjzdonconolom or. ------BRICKYARD (R) 1:30 m K.t.D.S.(R) 5 (TMC) UOVIE'-**-* ) |D HORSE SHOW JUMPING 2:00 @ GLOBALSUPERCJICARD 5: (1990. Advonturo) W oridaOpon. (R) Chojllo Korsmo. WRESTUNG 6:0SQ UOVIE r-**A Kilter in tho , - 3K)0|D GERMAN SOCCERER Fomdy’ (1983. Dram:rama) Robert «F r T ^ R N O O N ______WEEKLY Milchum, Jam os Spodof.Spa ------“ 3:30 m NCAA TODAY ' 6K)9 © DUFF 12.-00Q) Q RUNNING World Cross 4:00 r a NBA TODAY 6:30 0 (ED NtGKTUfTLY BUSINESS CounMjntry Champk>nships..From 4:30 0 U PC LO SE REPORTSchodulodjlod: tho Money File. Botto>tton. (R) SM Q SPORTSCENTER\ ^ D @ GO CURRIRRENT AFFAIR P 12:30} Q0 ) WOUEN'S TENNIS 5:30 0 SCHAAP TALK (LivLive a @ ENTERTAIITAINMENT UAG.AGAZINE Phono-ln) r TONIGHT KoDy McG.teGillis discussos hor

!'______36 Trmos-Nows'. Twin•win FaPs, Idaho Friday. April!17, 17 1992 ______:

I ! ' ■ i' 8 i m G S f a i nIs 9 V 0 \'B\ ' . ^ 9 113Y !

T U E S D A Y Ei V E N I N G APRIL 21,1992^ ; [ i3 0 I ~ I 6:00 ] 6 ^8 17:00 1 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 | IO:'111:00110:3 0111:01) I U :^ ’ g l Cltoluiu BwlntM11 MicHiMihw Hovi FronflM Ut\KiiW ^toA m w lei Hwllijs (Off Ah:Ah) , ' Q @ llifftKt, C irA ltolir MHwM|He(nt‘to ^ Rowimi jCwch |& dvnWin ~ LowC)wC oa iHahtUnT ArMrioHd ros TonlfllitShw |um rTimun a W n««___ Enl««t»ln-g TownHdPtaiMloR LwtOnlw\m Ipittit* ~ NWS ------p P - llo»to:-**'-AWn>rln>i■lnft»ftttflr(t9S3)------liilorQigwjUt BiK ^ A B tfU BramilSin Wtgo ppa« a • ’~|~-Thr^Chiiiw It ■; C l Ct0.PilM 11‘A'S‘Hfi lowgnpWc Ifcirit: * *tfW * ' «-nHoAn9«to-[IKi) iHflMIIflhtCowllCy.Anif UvtCaru \Sndt iws j tf S w r ^ SetniellhiCrimi I R I H m FoftuwI R tuuilll Hunter InnHwHs«yiKw:PiniiliSBiirr' Hi ~ |hiw« ...... Spemelr. Isportim i 3 WoiMn’»\femrba ~ *mw.(Xp [ P i M ^ UilarUtgui8mBt«eb»ll:TtiaHoB«Aflfioune«d ’ I* • g ) Q Blogfit^iT-Chutchir• Ufly|«:>yAn»n,8omtbody- ~ T|j i m |Ev»rlny9v jBlognlognphy’Churehff •Siy-Swnebody' rn>n“(1968)*nlhonyOi^______f R lioYlt! **»1w >CctnCortLd-[ia66)AHhooyQuina " |> Movto: ***1htShOHeftt»R*h>frn»n‘ Iws |Ch«w»'~qMlnU(»idillDn0 KTil Cottiy Bw»7 |P«^»lnSliap ______• ■ Hwts PISH Ktotnc |>ld«y llavkr-Swwt 15“ [1990)KaftoUofiUMUR2 . Yotf Lttdm Tham;homuAEtlioo •AHflMlaRnnw n'(199l)______-ThsPirithw^Ulia o T HBO. (5aO)H8YW ~ Mo>ii;***fOrivinalluOii«y“(lr“(l989) ltovW:***X»m Action-(I Viitlor(l991) *SWni>*AI»* [saojihYii Uflit;‘Stiow fam sMll- a'-.... |MaYi«:-&orli»>itHitijhr(i&(1982) I ------fUT esday evenili n g —

Babe.-(In, d o s vidas; uno on busca do la rolo in tho movio 'Tho Bat cfignidad y la otro on busca del poc» d o ry Storoo).0 ' Iy^ i n q u v e »sinister Col. S ® TOVroWN HALL DISCUSSION : o ol ldnoro. 6 Q( 12iM ‘A*S‘H Tho tin MAX H O V lE^*^*j^^^ro^na‘ (1984.(li Flagg showf up ol tho1 4077ih40: again. •SoxEducoftatten*(Uvo» ^

^ “ ‘"-fiffi ■■ droctor Joe Donw. (In Storoo) ' East; a South Carolinarfimorwho (ar ° film(ormarojroliocpoctivool Nalional dire Ifc s p o o ls . (Port lo l 2) 7:151:15 HBO MOVIE * * * ★ ‘Driving)g Miss sufvivod a 1986 drought. I Palsy* (1969. Comody-Dmma) Jo;Joss'ica g „ % r p ’— lER^W UNG MYSTmES____ Dol ------r ------l a (11) WHEEL-OFFOn Toniv. Morgan Frooman. Four S MICKEY MOUSE: CLCLUB (In 'nm olsrunnlinning out (or o young priost ' Tor rilzod crimo lamily who Academy A a Awards. Induding Bostst Storoo) O (rom anorgai jrowing tysterious villain has boon Irai nod (or the murdor o( a Picture, Pic wont lo ihisrtalo oUbo gro d SUPERMAN A my«U rolationshlp'bolwoon an olBorty xivincos a • prosocutor (IT. (In Stereo) (Port 2 012) 0 roll called tho Drasmor convir Southern widow and hor black s ^ s lib o u s k i n a to poilo RICA'S C U P '»2 Soi IE *Swoott5*il09O. Oramo) ch«choutfour. Based upon Allrod Uhr)hry's Q SMITHSONIAN TRE Pulitzer Prize^w inr^ play. (In Sto imunlcation Kaifa MontarritanaAMoxlcon-Amorican - Pu! Exploros unusual commu d0(33O®OH0ME ttigotwiDfi( ;uthrio's rocords Into digilol Q( 3 Q ( 1 1 ) Q ) MOVIE *Murdoijorltl hor from govonvnontago’“ t t p b f f i T S g IS ^ a r t ^ numbers;; ThThomas Edison's (irst ^Now Hampshire; The Pamola Sm to abduct hor. Stow* (1991. Drama) Hdon Huntmt. n NASHVILLE NOW! ME ‘MlchlgJirs Child* (1892. C Cf had Alion. Basod on tho tnio stcstory o( . Morlo Martin. (In Storoo) 0 hlgh-school teachor who coora;rcodhor SCUE911 - r - Horror) diviNiwQ O'Abo, Morey Walkor.'A o I ( B 0 (11) f f l RESCi toen-ago lover inte killing hor hususband. Rebrpad^ts:at2-yoarmar-old savos hor woman b.ecomoslockodlnabanle e « tw minohomo;a ogalnstovillvil (orces whon hor- (In (Ir Steroo) siblings (torn their bomini D (E) NOVA Sateflite lochnolcology itteckonasWDIl; suyic^onsoIS about (ho (amili' carotakor's E skior Buffers oho o rt attac a n d oihor mopaing tools aro usoctod to a lilo-lhroateninB pregnoignancy,(R)(ln : tprovocorroct ar iOAIN SHOP vori(y vo whothor Mount Everest or>rK2is I /IE ‘MuslcisMagic' rooUylhe ro worM's taliost mountelnain. (R) -o"S'M »CNauiEH usk»l)AllcoFaye.R^ (In (>r S tero o IO Vn aging actress's career (2) Q 0 IS QD ROSEANNE i? i F uJU a JO U S E '" S d?.-! Ros’oanno ahd Jackie travol to"Kansas Ki - lol ffiraQm.' ^iVttTSSTRofffatlwrTgWlriBrwi koopoftoraSanFmnds DESPRECIODoshistorias. piplans to boat up Bedty's boss. (F nam os him bachelor o(tl Fiiday, April 17.199212 Tlmos-Nows, Twin Falls, Idahoho 37 1 ilUesilay eveninge EveijinggflcJonpp a g e 3 7

»m. (Part 2 of 2} I...... |j% RLOIIE»a Drama) JoH Bridget, CybaiSl l ^ S h f ^ . iw s ______| | | *CROOKANDCHASE S ------Tlw residents ol Aiionjfte, Tc B a ts UWIkW 40R D ER A e d ^ : Jo e Dime. ® (In Stm w proparo fot ihoir county's coi woman it murdetBdndboiocBthocan Q rg wntdnNalin ® FRONTUNEtboorigiftio/. Potor B o g d a n o v 's toquolloltoT ho . taka tho wimBtttti.W^faJtnFBJ tho^ BCCI banking scandal and why . Last Pictum Show.'Basodoilo n Lany invetiSgationkttBRd>cnat«y fraud; Stono U .S.M. ag en d o t w ore slow to respond. tac«sanoidadnru M cM urti/s novel. (In Storoo! sftary when he bring* a 9:50 Q DISNEY CHANNEL! • «JttaL(Rj(ln (J) Q LUTES I Q IS (S CIVILWARSAmann THE AMERICAN TEACHERER g ( his tor pubfidy bragging Q MAJOR L£AC( 10:00 0 EQUALIZER McCall:all comes to - BASEBALL A hor inrdefily; Charlie h a t an the aid ol Ns ox-wilo whon hi AUantBBnvefatSa, ^ 0 » 9 0 Packet. affafrwi Iher ; r with S y th o y t b e st friond;#.. ______husbandisttalkodbyavongngeful ex- FfomS«iDiego«ad’J** Murphy Jap**,mesa woman breaks tradtion Stafikim. (LrvB) con. nthesuoshorhusbandfor ------■ Q NASHVILLE NOW S dAedulod; « a(12>IM VlE«*♦★★•Wo-roNo *««»xe. (In Stereo) O - Ao9ol»*(1955.Conw SPORTS TONfGHT Boaaaf^tefUtthmS S X S & g gQ (S OATEUNESdwdulod: a doihing tftMO. 0hroo rei Dovir* ftland c o n c m om* about tho quality ol * O (ED LISTENING TO AMIMERICA tctodycom otoshe oducatlcation rocoivod tjy American Tho sta te of tho nation a s rep - S S S S S K 5x Sn sd owners who studortti Kttt who attend modical school Donald L Bariott and Jam es i wmgglinptopfoii thoir bu tin o tt owtidol S i m do tho U.S. (In Storoo) Q in Iho PhSadolphia Inquirer..(Part (( 2 of frofnagwetfyfoiatrw BORDEHTOWN Craddodt focos m 7M C LU S »aCzalion that h it old friand is not a NEWSNIGHT m MAJOR LEAGU10UEBA3EBJUX oSSSeroic man h e onco know. (R) (In - TwmftoBoAnooufx a BEST OF LOVE CONNECTION I Q D R A G N ^ Frida - S Urice UE to your leaders - 6ndCh»«olutianivhon ------a (12) NIGHT COURT Danan sBpVinto"" ihon sovoral C h a r g e s P id & I oOS s ]young toodofs. induding a 16- olpolicabtut^areioro brought against ■ yoar-old a com a aftor an amorous fonr)fmer okJ who has form ed an nJrban pjlfriond poys him a visit In ihIho rODCO0 Corps*C and a toon who usos hdSpitaJ.(Part2 o f2} EottffiwRROIiROR*nofloction»on muricto : to foster racial harmony h (Q AMERICAN ORIGINALSLS- ^ Spain and Iho NowwWortd*Tho W MamLH Host: Janw s Gamor. L THOMAS A. EDISON A profDiifilo of ono . . Spanish hkH w ^unutedgoldbDm IQ LUCOiCYSHOW " latfnAmoftcatDdocoloMratecaihockaU g ra of America's mosl prdrflc Invo:vontors, a e v e n in g attheiuprov croalor of such wonders as IhiIho fight instoadofdevDk^■ing Ihe empire. - fSitlfe'Ray Shartoy. Comic*: Jim _ _ _ Cdw t t ;

===JTOjp«mar»won«i3fWe?fri for powQt ran g e an d protooion. , mSdiS»!i(nnS'^^ ^ t i n a s Moarth's lonnit Inslrstnjctor. /2 HOUR COMEDY HOUR (R) rm giiovie**'R 0 ) @ BIOGRAPHY *Churcjrdiiir a t SYMBOLS Examining Winston ChurcNII'tn-s • Amori(aBiGkr(l990,i90.HWTP»JAKlrBw ------©-TMHtRTYSOMETHING H Wilh Iho------,, Stowni7Ho^Thoinipmas. A genetic* womenai - involyomont in D-Day and the"ib-Ydta------,v ongnooftMmslhatN ____i i _ ‘»^Japp9tf.by.«iAU i a FtyiiigTigort wore tho first Am. whotM umvi^enirereaiodastralnot tncodoa Americans to batDo tho Japanoso in CNncinoso V^OFTh^iS^' sWes. " i CHURCHSTR,rrR EET STATION f f i WO ?TiaER O UNIVISION RogorMaier.rinStDnK N EW S a eroo) HBO lloiliOVlE * * * •Class Action*...... —r - - - a f O 'ffl tD COiM A C H S is-r. iiMi” ■ m “YOI MTV RAPS------Drama) G one HacJtman. Maiy - - f f i CLASSICROOK“ ...... posjhuUmfroittHoycJavdon whon snow ESzabothnth Majtrantonlo. An attomoy : irapiihomtOQoffwjIni(Inacram pod dodicatod BD r r s GARRY SHANDUNGNG-S' ■ tod to dofondng th e u n d o ^ SHOW Pete, Grant. Loonard.N B 0 22-hour train . matchos)s witsv with h it estrangod L Nancy ^ I:' and Mom try to roscuo Gany fromfn a 0 ^ ^ daoghtor<» r during a court batUe with tho 23-foot-doop holo. ^ ra^A^OWTCHO*^COCK carm anut nufacturorshereprBtOfla.(in J2|^U10 |H CU .=3^R^ ; PHESBITSTwobomi ------Sj*(w >— ------—^ ^ — mwdormirdoaaotou to tako advantage UAXHOVloviE ★★ *Night of Iho ; ofth^tuaUon. • O (12) CURRENT AFFAIR O □ “ (1991. Drama) Loronzo 1 3 DOBIEGILUSDobiobolio QDQWOHENINJ^N JA2Z A profilo of Lomas,, Anthony>(r Goary. A rotirod ilioves Maynard and Thalia ora oui to killli him. ) .0 scatiing. a tinging iradriradtion martial artistani is forted to ro-ontor the 0 S j^ s tr o n g . (R) baro-knod B ) G.l. DIARY Tho Invasion■ olof Sicily wcWo boxing ring ahor a 1^ t h o AUios In 1943, . r •n io FJoeri tn* ' crookodpr 1 profflotor U dnaps Ns (^rlfriond m DAY IN ROCK otfiyLamour. . . andlramotrrw him for murdor. (In Storoo) amorowtand ,; SHOWHCMOVIE •Scones From a ------m DAYS AND NIGHTS OP MOLLY,M , -1 DODD l ^ l y Is iabdlod with twowo, . . _ . ..uninvited housoguottt. □ •uvAa-s SSsT? . BD^EERSAmorbusXmioT)TortaIII ^ la marital infidoliiies whlo and1 Evan Droko't dauahter rodi I ’EIbort'sBad shoppingig IorIc party tuppSos for ihoir ( •plaico Wonfand-WoifdParorarontt.* (In Storoo) 16th w odd itomlty K j^gm nivorsa/y. (In Storoo)* teavo ( ^ ^ 9:30 D MONEYUNEHO (R) 1 * 8:45QH0VIE***1 * *Tho Shoos or Q MOVtlIVIE * * » T h o Last of Iho R»honnon‘(t96a,Da . Drama) ...... FostGons* SCREEN: ANTHONV QUINN1 AActor ; Anthony O i ^ , Lwnmc ns*(1958.V/ostom)Jock Anthony1 Oulnn discusses tils lilg wwoOiivior.As Mahonoy.Cy. Gllbort Roland. A gunfiohtor. . c lifoond__ X. global tontlont reach a I • aroorwithintorvloworRlcfiordEd Brown. fiabroaWngpolnt.. IsnoorfyhilUae^jj^flodsihoman. j I- ; aRuuioncarcinaJIscNl ehoson to , hawashfro loodoroftho.:...... fQ GRESEENACHE3 ■ TS l W MOVIE-Boris ond Nalasasha*...... |1992, Comody) Dovo.Thomas, 1 Church.. . ffi^BESTiSTOFSATURDAYNIGHT . I ». Sally > ,

BSWlByVarlodadMy' T '| * W ^ r S 3 f o f vrhleii h o c re a " entrevlitas.as. (fl). I ; " 0 0 % TONIGHTSHOV^WFrom • luppoiodV Ifflpwotrablfl ablotocurily. (TMC) MOVtOViE ★ * 'Toxa*yillo*{1990. ■ V tiloJohn J-(fl)(ln • 38 Timos-Ntws. Twin FallFalls. Idaho Friday. April 1 7 .19S1992 ^ ‘ ■■ - n Evening grid on pageje 3C 7 Tuesday eyeninng IS EXPEOmONThoPIata.. boCoxjCovos Ihat an ordfnar^stonoha* ( B r iv er ex nagicbl power*. ro^loNESOME PINE SPESPECIAL tho AmazonI anand tho Orinoco oro 24® tjoum oy along Soulh______- 'Youssou N'Oouf ond his; bandbot S u p o r ------looturod in a Joi S S t ^ W TH M B COSTAS5 (I(In.,... Etoilo do Dokar porform pol;polyrhythmic Amorico’t rivorivors. ' ^ SEDITION 0 , ?sloroo) “ n A!ro-pop songs. (In Storoo)-00) C S INSIDE EC 14 f f l CBS NEWS itronslorms il:40(TMC)MOVJOVIE * * * •Sho Done 1:14 E (3 (1 1 ) CHEERS Carta troi 10 Q NEWS hortoll into whai th o thinksinks is Eddio't Him Wrong* (D FOCUS ON BEAUTY Idoolwomon. □ . Wosl.CaryGn - 0 1 f f i S 3 PAID PROGRA^AM 10:36 m 12:00 B CLUB ID AMERICAN MUSCLE (R) 10:38 EQ'STEVE ISAACSS B WORLDVi IQ GET SMART Mox and Ihe Chi'Ihiol 3V IE'* * ’Amazon IU 11:00 B 'W O R tO LEAGUEUE 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVI uy to rocovor o list ol CONTROL • FOOTBALL Frankfurt GalaSalaxyatNow • Women on Ihoiho Moon* (1987. Comody) S u y f YorWNew Jersey Knlghtt,ft, Altomatot Rosanna Arqoirquetto. Griifin Dunne. MTATRAPADA “3“ Uno historia do gamo: Soaom onto Surgogo ial D l 700 CLUELUB susponso, ® , d o n ^ ta ambicion y elll BirminQhamflro. (R) CD NBA TOD:ODAY pooor so ontromozclan con ol amoinor. a ON STAGE SU3voWaiWarinor. (R) (In (Q FERNWOWOOD2.NIGHT 0 1 BURIEDID IMIRROR •Rodoctions on (R) 3r. the Now Worid* Tho U3 W? S l ] HEAD OF THE CLASS Dr. a " ® ! HEBITAGE Roaaoadblocks to Spain and tho Samuols Is dolonninod that tho doijoboto - academic succoss and prO'progroms lor Spanish hiorot loom wirj its rematch in Russia. (Pt(Port 2 rotnlning latino sludonts.is. Latin America o SHOWBIZ TODAYf(R) |R insloodoldov 0 ^ (0 E) NBCNEWS a MOVIE * * * “ThoSilOSitvor ©MOVIESi T M S a S r B llathor ma) Anthony Ouinn.Vima , HBO HBi MOVIE * * * ★ ^ h e Godlai Chalico*(i955. Dramo)) PaPaul Nowman. (1%7: Drama; (1972. Dramo) Marlon Brando. Al^M’/' - Virginia Moyo. — -a(12)L0VEC0NNECTECTION ...... _ . . ^ © L mUSICVC .V 10E 03._.... :44a)-CBSNEWS ------PBOCRAM ' : « , ID © PAID PROGRANWM BD RAID PR* :45 B NEWSROOM CJ SPORTSCENTER\ . ED TELETIETIENDA : 5 0 a THREE STOOGES Q M O V IE -* * * it‘ANi|^ Night to SHOWSUPEIPERDAVE(R)0 Rom em bor(1958, Dramoama)Konnolh 12:05 0 (11)I) PERSONALSP (In Storoo) Moro. Honor Blackmon,^.1, 12:06 BJ N^^ (R) □ 0 PAHY DUKE Cathytt^'and i Patty 12:30 0 SPOIPORTS UTENIGHT ' turn 0 lovo poom into on a IBCENTER (R) ^ ^ A N A mystonous villain winnlMSong. ^ ■ | | 5 S § | Droomorconvuwosa W

'" " " '" - “ B J“ROFTHERN*WItOtJ courtship behavior of ducJducks occurs popularized t alor^ Iho coastal waters c ^^°RAM I , DAILY 7«),fl.-00 (Sa ______Docombor and Ja n u M :^ IK HACHITAS(R)a" ^ L SAT/SUN 1:00,3:00. ------MAX MOVIE1/iE - * * ’Dream Machine^------m AaNIGHTER imody) Coroy Hoim. Evan • • ^ SWTSOjMO ------S CHAIN UQUIDATtOlTION Uoir^od in OVIE ‘Mirror. Mirror------■ { B ” iS o V ir * * * -Ai HiiHigh Wind in SHOW MOV ** Jam8lco-(1965.AcJvontuimture) Anlhony (t990.Horroiirror) Rainbow Honrost. Quinn, Ula Kedrovo. Karon Black. - . TO CONGnESSIONAL >Alb PROGRAM ' U T E R WITH b o b COCTAS- H HBO MOVIE * * * T h“ o ■P - p S r ■ (1990, Drama) Dolph Lur Lundgron. Louis g,® ,N N ov/DVATION Tho olfocls o» leaid GossottJr. f W H I T E MAX MOVIE ★•Thoi ShrimpShi on the - ^ so n in g .- d„CI,»ch ■ BO T* r M E M Batbio" {1990, Comody)' S fATh 1 r ' f^1L¥:ALOOK M ari^Em m a Samms, f ■NtOP-THE------INSID&Behl3ehlnd-lh410 HALL (In ^ r o o ) k SAT/SUN 1 2 M 2 j« j6 a ) ,7:15,9J, 9 : 3 0 ^ “U n EWS Schodulod: actross Shar5haron Gloss (TV 12:44 f f l CB! othorl; singor 1 : 0 2 . ^ ° 5;r £ o s s f i r e (R) B movio‘Honor Thy Motho QD PAID PROGRAM ■ Chaka Khan; octor CnspirispinGlovor P f f l ffi CLOSE (R) ■ {•LiiUo Nolso8^. (in Sten VIE****MyFavorilo . H 1 1 ^ 5 ) LOVE BOAT - ...... - (1942, Como<^) Bob Hopo, H 11:30 H CHURCH STRE RogorMillor.(R)(lnSlw ie Carroll. K VAN DYKE Rob has som o H Q NEWSNIGHT UPD;IPDATE C3 P IW V explaining^glodowhonsonRilchio li

SIISSI r o c r , ‘IJ=e & ™ ‘e ,k °6v r m SCHOUSTICSPCifJJfrs f f l Host: RoyI'y £Shari(oy. Comics: Jim ■ AMERICA (R) j;jQtfSiilson:JoHDunhom. I (Q DONNA REED AloxAlo tooches Joil,^ E c o rd s; Ji - ...... - fl tosson in fiftonco. - ROAINRACK------B J NATURE OF CAN) iVIE **» ‘^ s k i Is Mage* f t ' Uovollotho Arctic Cirdi t e M teol) Alice Foyov Roy - A walrus and Iho. boiogov LsA TO rr«5«;Dp , ^ EB WORLD VISION!V.------n u o j i40«lEjfc(^»lE»ygh9.IV:Tt>o— o ) H («ni99<>rSirtpen»o)AnB5on^» S ? 5 S t h d WI0 ------k « w » r B i s s W TENIGHT' . Henry Thomss. ■ LEHERMANSchoduk GROWING PAINS Mike ■ Sonock. (in Sloroo) loho 39 Friday, April 17.1992» 2 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idoh r o o r r r W e d n e^ s a y e v e n iing i programn s

~iVENING ' ■

...... 6:00 0:M U R D E Ht, , S)SH E WROTE Whon- ...... Daytime.le movies,-____ JosticasuBorsabreibtokon arm. she — “ hifos a typist to moottoot hor doadiino. but MlO Oi R N IN G ______Comody) Bon Wheeler. - . sno must d« a r Iho0 womanWl of a m u r d e r ------MAX 'The Undofoatod- r * * ' (1969. Wostom) John Wayneno. D ^ R M l k AND.CD.CHASE .. *=■'5 ®ED ‘Diplomanlacs* *K (1933. s^oduIsd:Su»Boc wnody) BortWhoolor. ISHOW TotaDy Exposed-'* AFTERNOON s s r 31991. Adult) Tina Bockraih. . shoBfnh toup; lobstoi» to r with sizzling I ED @ -SkuDduggory* ★★ 12:00 ED 0 ^ 'T h o Udykillers3rs* Qingor-chfll otl; damimsinWBckboan s 970. Advonturo) BunRoynoMs. **«*(195S. Comedy) AIoHBO 'Downtown'(1990. Guinnosi. L E l PRIMENEWS5 pC Comc)mody) Anthony Edwards, (In ED -The Pirates of Blood RiR iver , Q @ MARRIED..:D._ WITH oroo) * * (1 9 6 2 . Advonturo) Konviiwin CHILDREN Al contorntonds with a hungry I ED "Submarine Command’ Mathews. rabbit alUKtaking upup< gardening to * > (1 9 5 1 .Drama) WiBiam (TMC) 'Blarno It on Hio* *r * * t- robx. (In Sloroo) □ )ldon. (1984. Comody) MichoolCalralne. a (12) GROWINGIG PAINSF Jason's MC) T oxas Across tho Rivor* 12:35 i SHOW ‘The Lost Emporcorof* - ______—mothormorrios^lPait * » (1966JVostom) Doan Martin. ,— ^ * * * * .(1 9 8 7 , Biography) JJc o h n ------: L D BIG BROTHER. "MAX ‘Brothorhood of Saian* Lono. (In Storoo)' roadjusiioliloinBrooJfooklyri altor an J V* » (1971. Horror) Strothor 1rf»E D 'Whoro Danger Uvos08* * * • I wciling sugunor inn ElEurope. (In Stofoo) 3.{J“girtin. (1950. Mystery) Robert Mitdii* u m , ■ ED ThoFfoorsIn'*** HBO 'Horloy* * b (1966. Dm)ramo) - Q KIOSINCORPOlPORATEDThoWds 942. Musical) Oofooiy Umour. Loo DiamofxJ PhDlips. tako matiots into thoirhoir own hands lo w -T h o Hound of the , 1:30MAX 'LudwMe* * * » ( 1(1954. l ‘ whon an Earth Dayy rarally is cancolod, “iskorvitlos* J ? ★ * * (1959.Mystery)I Drama) Doris Day. (In Storoo)10) tor Cushing. ZrfM S ThoWamors* *★»K (1955. 1^'F-OrROOPORouRourko and Agam's ® Q ’PamconthoWr ** Advonturo) Errol Flynn. >74, Suspense) Lynda Day laiostQot-rfehsdiomoimoi'nclodqsgottifto ^ ■Thfi —

S m — Wi»^KIt^ ilTrT197B7CTOtlIBT-B)CHm— ' — — store? Meredith. - Drama) flobort Mitehuichum. Peier Falk, .IC) ‘Toonage M uant Ninja 3:00 : f i j 'Murder, My Sw oer Dos II: Tho Socrot of tho Oozo* 5 ) NEWS P _ (1945.,Drama) Dick,PowolL_. Pi ___ ------* * » -| ------E'DAYIN ROCK H (199irAdvontUfo) Paigo------HBO Tucker Tho Man andJ Hish , ' •CO. {In Steroo) • ...... ffl T0P21C0UNTCMTDOWN M n lft'rc Dream' * * * ( 1 9 6 8 . Drama)a ) Joff QD LA. LAW Annla on n d Stuart f f l 'Fortunes of Captain - Bridges, (In Storoo) - - continuo thoir roughihrido ri< to tho altar:______wT * * » (1950. Advonturo) ;3:30 MAX -SJeoper* * * * i (ItQ 9 7 ^ _ ] ! M dioijl vlot 10 savun» EBohnylrom ------Com«ty)WooSy Allen.------! soxuol assault d)orgoi I 'Kentucky Komols* * * * SHOW 'Kltor’s Kiss' * * ( 11955."^' 9 „ ______£Q.cosay.sHov?_v^^Van^Iriosto 34. Musical) BortWhoetor. Mystory) Frank Siivora. . snonR>asihof parent! ,X 'Ahnie Hall' * * * * (1977, • 44rfW{TMC) 'The Marrying Man*in* * * ■no*) Wo^'AUon-.------tJrvnk at a party.-(ln S t (1991, Comody) Ak»c M d « inin. . (In • 0EVENTOFTHEI SS'IC) :T o K iD o P rie sr* * « Stereo) • I S ATRAPADA UnaIna historia do 68.' Drama) Christopher 44:30 ED 'Zorro: Tho Legend Bogifw*,B( ' nbert. (In Sloroo) ’ susponso. (tondo laaambldonyol sn .. niSmn *•*» (1990. Advonturo) (Partift4 ■ o t _ _ ...... ' pottef se e ntipnwzctarc la n c jiio l amor,------M o S r SO. Comedy) Dudloy Moore. s SHOW STAR CHILDJAspoiJodyoung t ‘^38^ S:OOED 'Ifl-m Luciy' * * ( 11946, 9 . man loams a hard tossontoss obout o w T ak e Mo Oul to Iho BaP / / M u sic ^ Vivian BlaJno. . . — kindness and compassa ssio n .(R ) no* * * » ( tS 4 9 , Musical) Frank /. HBO •thoNuloackorPrinco'o ' * * Dll a, / . (TMC) MOVIE * *•» » 1"Toonago Mutant i v o s n : i; . NinjaTortosll;.ThoSojSocrotoltho 11:050a •Bullitr***ii|1068, ma) Stove McOueon. J* ,,Oo20-(1991,Advonlurnturo) Palgo Torw. * * * (1990,Fantasy) Johnnyny David Wariidr, ED *Diplomania«‘ * s(i 933. Depp, (In Storao) y 6K >5Q MOVIE * *r * '-The Dolibofato ______; Stnin^or*{1986.0rom;■ama) Mark '* "■ ■ Harmon', hfbdoric Fofn•orrost . r “" ! , 6K )8£a MOVIE v id eEOS. o ; 6:30 Q NIGHTLYLY BUSINESSI Daytime I : REPORT e sports . \ P ® CURREfRENTAFFAIFTP : ■ S @ ENTERTAINhJNMENT M O)n RI N IN G ______AFTERNOON • TONIGHT Actor Tomm SSollock's now ------film *Folks*'casts him a commoditiosbrokofwh” SL “o p .™ u I h o w COMBW KARATE: THE IS12:00 m AMERICA’S C U P -921 V . - movo in wiih'Wffl. (In Sl RLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Chudt 1212:30 0 INSIOETHEPGATCtg f f l . Q ( 1 2 ) H ’A*S‘HHnw risco-hostsihocartlolthroo 11:00; Q ) YACHTING Amer1ca-s ( ______— thoir mocScal cohorts fir o s a p S tR#tJo‘proliivo- lonstmtion. (R) 4:4aom UPCLOSE " •I S - ffl’SKwiii-MSNSli ES. PROA RODEO Dodgo______-6-00©:SPORT8CENTERSi • SldN"F»dti«bo onal Circuit Rnals. From 5; ; : 1 rotrospocliTO look ol1 Iholh£ show's first 5 :M I D SURFING Pro Tour. Fre-rorn • . i . ; season, (R) (In Storoo)00) P ' atollo, Idaho. (H) . Huntington Booch. Calif. (R) r * 0 (11) WHEEL OF= FORTUNEFC P • I 40 Timos-N'iws, Twinn Fnlls.Fr Idaho Friday. April l/^ li1992 . : 1 > I WEDNESDAY1^ EVENING A PR IL 22,1 9 9 2

I 6:00 I 6:30 I 7:00' I 7:30 I 8:00 I 88:30 ) 9:00 ) 9:30 I loio 3 0 ------" B r TteCwB- Bcrinro-- UxHMMnr— jfa Ftamr -|crtl rwftindftila'ur|unMtY»dMy«»fW«~ W iM jsrti3«WtU Q um tonU ^ H iiirn ____ ' Tw^ghtShw |l«n»nn«iosn ftlfniSttngit*(19e6)>ftBlcHanrBft------___• » [movUi : "jg ” cro-Pito l i y ^|CowtMtfiR>dliwwfT|>fevl*!*rwniui ci yu(w(9r^»r^‘(lg7t^ htCourt|cur.AH»r UwCon. |s>«b~ I P ! H m Fectmt Bayili R< |Di»h M tu d t n Fifattiun tt [tOHaurs H m" k r. (>,nfl^Cu^ | g ~ Piot«1lng|ll.|«Uiliit~i9u»BM*bia;T«M»t9B«*nno«K»Brt lorMtl:HtEzp*Ct«l0BS HBO E i i f t ^a iillw>«:*i1iVhegyl*omr(l9eO) )ElenB«Mn. [Ct>p>Trtw|PmmdbO b “5«” ^ao)ifavii Uovte; ij I h l M m CoekSt* (18«1KQ ____ Mavtt; *itlo8«cta*(l99l)91) |Uwl«;*OmkfJiato*(lwip~ >Mioo

m VflLOUFECKRONICLHOLES Tho noctum orivol \eaa lagoons. Ranian; InctonosnwlaUmuStjdool ^splosporatD Gwon offort a prize to thc flreywhfilMotthoMoiicaQ Irst ono who finds her on aecoptaUiiblo m NEWS O divorso sodotiQotios:thoondongorod , ^ t( ffi WHO'STHEBOSSTl —------dato, Angola rofivo old momorios R DOWUNO MYSTERIES ® , Kissing Rock. Father Dowfingling ond Sistor Stovo KOVS w ^ B ^ . ^ D o o g ^ ? L i d Vinnloio toko a mountain hiHo to Kisi royo^.lo P a l i ^ ^ n g s t e r ^ ______no s t ^ H P y _i ot 2)^ Qa ...... discovoranab)abandoned InlantM^wao-____ trayo » TH&9ILV£fl------moihorlg.bainatlno euf^od.by.hoodlum«______bma! O la ; 0 tf mot:T O t o ^ d o a c ^ n t vkim . (In Slorcorooj SCREEN: ROBERT MITC^TCHUMTho . (InStoroo) D >ut his caroor © T E E N WlhWIN, LOSE OR DRAW |ln actor Is intorviowod about h □ MOVIE * * * •Cyrano*(1874.W. and lilo by Pnfossor Richchard QI Brown, IQ GCTSUAMART Max falls to a - AdwWvonturo) Jo so Forrer. Joan VanlArk. A ^ Frsnchman fights against in|ustiatica & EARTH TO KIDS;: A GUIDE< TO KAOSplottoh» hypnotize CONTROL A Fr ivhQo helping his friend a boauHuaful .. .. 'PRODUCTS FOR A HEALiALTHIER ■ooctfortho B l WINGS Tt F- ^woman through his poetiy. PU W E T Promoting rospoc n a DKacVAN DYKEApost‘hypn(jnotip ------JSriip*;------m-«iQhtcr>boo rtoons,(R) 0 ■ ■ production'aircaircfaJttousoaswing-wing . w^ o « s t l o n turns HOb bpsy o v o r•Mff—“ ^ domonstratioM and cartooi ftolwarsabollting. " ' DHOODAboy ^Igntotoosao*Rl< lamuy's thocfung tfos lo lh( : * * * 'Alexander's (1984. (19C Comody) Mchaol Coino, md* (1938, Musical) lyrono JostJoseph ^ k w o . A__bus]no8sman * In^HVILLENOWCIn 0 Fayo. Songs by Irving vacationing van in Rio do Janeiro m Q d D E B ROYAL» I » -KfSF succum bs te an alfalrwiih his bostst :? h in “cloria BoriinhlghliBhiight this tfllool tho riso Ola su « Sth^ddostoloovowhoi frtond's toorwige daughter. « r (or a sorios popular bandId andt tho romantic trwr automatically Uomot hor l( )nts of Itt founder. 8:001OO a AMERICAN MUSIC SHOP>P jnd load vocalist Dwight Ovrt Yoakom hosts Emm^ou HoHants, o “® SiAcSBliLmRl SPRECIODoBhlslortas.. PalM Pan Lovoloss, Ralph Stanley andId NDERYEABS do.vid«i;lJn«una en busca do la M s « r ^ ' » o . ™ E IE- homo whon dWilnil>l«ola otra on busca dol podor y Karen want* to movo bock FATM AN J a k e ls suspicious whenm hoI hoffive-kiboyWondpiwoioDosos 0 cfinoro. HBO MOVIE’IE ★ s ’WhoDvMososr jointjoins forcas with on ox-football hereoro- ;;v=55^.(,iaa0gCQiaod tumod-hlQh profilo.wp.to appiohora n d a i /ED' LorainoNowm IA: A a ,ipoIe«..o,r=h _ . about the lito ol Korschol, a wsrissfisss; O i MYSTERIES'LaiVddtifp ton wouldJjo pcophot. In ‘ POPULAR PO U TTIE PLANET HowIW ; roroJSoiuplowhoTnodoofIi’ofiwith ' tong-fofgotton 'ofBibncaloplM. raplrapid population growth affocts • morchondisowonhSlfiO.C60.000:0 young th ls p aro ^ o f Frlday.April17,1B92 TlTimos-Nows, Falls. Idaho) 41 E v e n in g grid o n p ia g e 41 gnW eiiiiesda]a y e v e n i n g •Groat Poriommco$: prestnifwtatton; (In nyng^regeureo«:(i«; (in Storoo) O - ' smuBB'ii■gling entorpriso b ased (n ROOM FOR TWO - - - SoulM ^ ‘ O a a ® '.{E n o COMEDY oTXijNEYUNE(R) - E3ie’s acadoniie sucouccossunnorvosJill □ QS dhoad :iALTIio satirist lampoons O MOVIE '* * * T h o R o d h w h ^ lh e y attend nighlight school SPECIAj “ m Wyoming* (1952, WoWr a m ) . makers in song and monologue. Mauroon O'Hara. Alex Nlcd,,i'T h o . ■ E » r o m anager ol a cattk) ctonrina3 hhouso (JF-ELDGoorgo-ond------f f i - OnPfe - IE searciiforthe’ loro.sho______IDEALMANHostsScotlBflio ------gota into a tol ol troubto bolon . r .BaFn«}iiiv?6omoo)ifoxplaining to do N6W.IDI ijkwn SorWn explore tho ' ' marrios tho shbriH. ' iny'scorlorarido. m SPORTSCENTER w h w ) ^ a ' tnco ot Madison Avonuo on tho ( Q GREEN ACRES fri*TwoMuloslof tWOSOXEoxos' porcoptions ol oodi olhor. "ino?)MOVIE **■ appearing: Rosoonno and Tom ■ e d RREPOWERThoovoIutilution ol the ■ Si8torSafo-(i970.W>.Wosiom)Clini - Also ape Id. Win Smilh. Mn Storoo) D Amorican tank lorce. Eastwood. ShMoy■ MacLoIno.Ms A two- ^ l d . \ fistodsunslingorandindowhlskoy sporI ^ onIght------m d ) QUANTUM LEAP Sam UVE xwUGng nun roluctandandylolnlorcosto U 05) EQ LAMOVlDAVoriodadostoiy ■ , -nidaflroupoHSlh-wh-cofliury Mexican leapsI inloIni tho nio ol on archaeology issof who Is searching lor on ontrovl8tas.(R ) ■' • ■ '■ rovolutfonarios. ' < profostc (TMC) MOVIE -fcu-PuppotNtto s to rll* 0 1 700 CLUB ofKientijnt tomb that is supposedly AoClollan. tclod by a doodly curso. {In (1990, Horror) Elizabolh Mao l a DflAGNETFodo■fiday nnd Gannon prolocto Collin Bomson. TTio maEdooious 'cttocKbutan.flpplicaricant to tho polico Storoo)>0) 0 suffoct thoir BORDEHTOWN Joanna marionottos aro back to rosui acadomy a n d discpvcx v o r thoi six m onths ID BO l a group of woy's tomporonco movomonl long-dcnd master and ovict a elhlslitoaromijslnoiing. Radwoy J family as lilo at tho saloon unbearable, parapsychologists Irom Ihofi •0 Q ) 0 REVUE makosli iho doos holp-uncovof.a bnd______------Q-BURIED MIRROIRO R‘Rolloclions o n ------yoi tho W O W B ^ E Q U A L ^ McCalt;al('catl 8-hi»------.Spoltvond ihb Noww VWorid- Emiliano distUorylory. (R (In Sloroo) 0 SHELLEY DUVALLS TALL old frionds into action whenn at llo v w I Ziipala spread thoB ncnotion ol E J SH shop omployeo becomes thoho torgotdf * Latin Amofica.- TALESES AND LEGENDS Tho ndaiy inlo of Cosoy btming lor Iho .ROS NOMINATION logenda ’ QN&ILLENOW®( Wlo Nino. HosMUfbyCtuiiCon ra O @ GD I —Bifl Pteturo*). wl*’ o ‘ • appoaianco by Amol S ^ eS n G AT THE IMPROV iHom Wopat. Comics; Dove n NEWSNIGHT . SchwaRonoggiir. .. s,^ Q m BEST OF LOVE • m STAND UP SPCSPOTLIGHT Andersiorson; Honry Cho; Pot Boullaid; Bockor; PotorJSai^lKo. CONNECTION JPICAL Rob Bo . _____CT (191NI9 HT COURT Da)M1'0SkS ^

; Ihat chfldron and thoiihoirlamiliosc^d^ m ’V2 V'd HOUB'COMEDrHOURIft)----- S 5 S a s o 3 SEX SYMBOLS IQ GREAT EXPECTATION now to m ake an ocolQcologicol dilforonco. 0 ^ on Iho novel by Chnrkis Dl^i k ^ s . A urod ts wrilo.a.romantic.doto_«cv,o. ------youfirw phan; dissatisfiedi awith his lot------j-SlBS-Warron onjoy'i------inspifoc r in lifo, rs"o'cslal)C whon a soc ntionso t onool______[oniasyflsy when ho oncounlors Nancy in ------bonolactor.onnbloshim.ton;irMlJro.whot— _ . . wStfi?^ntsunliriiiWho loams obout her - - awrilin ipoctations. ^M OVIE***** *Murdor. My ho thinks aro his ’gronloxp« husband's violentttofflpor. toi (InSloroo) cD M( Stars Anthony Call. AnthonyinyHopWns, • Sweet*)o r (1945. Drama) Dick Powell, iro Trovor. Tho search for a missingig Joan Simmons and John RhysR(i Davis. SEINF•INFELD Jerry and Clniro' A 1989 promioro. (R) (In StaStoroo) (Part V-; 6lainl?TOloFkiridaIda whon his ialhor is personson plunges dolectivo Philip 1owo Into a violent wob of 1 o f 3 ) P - — ...... -.■ihoi^ofeieyhUcdndondo associaiion. (R) — Mallow - I Q MORK & MINDY Morkfk i» ■' blackmAmailifndmurdor. ovorjoyod When ho moots5 on01 alion t-r ------I ^ P R t ^ H I Pf> EEARTHrOURj ------— ' S m c i S o i ^ is iO N ------Who twropparonlJy ^ so momorrtodan^—.•; ...... — g l o b a l ENVIRONiONMENTAn CS N( oarthl^.{Pnrt1of3) . oxamlnaOonolthoo^Q oanh's crilical . HBO0 h MOVIE ★*»'Swi;ch-Q99l.^ ^ “ onWronmoniai proojireblems andwafKfltao------CDirm eased womanizer Is rolusod ORCHESTRA UVEI-A Tribrtibulo t o , sdutiona, (R) |lnI Storoo)Stc docoaj IS Riccardo Muti’ Luciano Pav'avarottl. '• ' ■ © A L F R E D HITCl[TCHCOCK ontraniranco to hoavon unlil ho comploios oonhbound mission In Iho body olI qo F r^ o rica von Slade and Ihi ; PRESEMTSTwoonjongiftoers light ooch an eor Wostminslor Symphonic ChChoir join tho ■1 , . othof.aftJ o moOntoimtoin^to got n tunnol vwrnw ixMOVlE ** *No SocrDls*(l99t. orchestra in Riccardo Muli'iIll's lost V.; built on timoi ir , ly porformanco as music direcrector. (R) rk T h o M o u ijt^ fT Dramaima) Adam Coloman Howard, Amy ; ■ • MOVIE a n o . Tho discovrfryol.nn injured , , B l HUMAN ANIMAL Ro^onl biological -r Rood'OOeO.Dramiam a)Jom os'Stow art.- - -- LjJcani ing stranger loads throo toon-ogo dilforoncds'may account loilor ; , U sa Lu. An Amoriairican Army otficor young ^ gonoralizalionssuchftsmanoIos being U . alktriatos his CMnoeinoso oilios whon his girlss iniom on increasingly dangerous ^ no ol mental cal and mouse. (In mgro oggmssivo and fomallalos * \j' unltlso/dorodtodo> dosiroy villagos in gamo > • commurilcatino bouor. . lii W m d SpI p SS mOVIE ’Hong-Em High-Ih* m NEWS □ ELAMOREnlacos 0MB.«6 Woslorn) Clint Eastwood. Ingotor 0 3 YOI MTV RAPS •• • ffiXITACONEL. m CLASSIC ROCK 3 Wspanos. Slovoirvons. A rnnchor-tumod-doputy H ■ romoniicoft ontro Ni Ties oul his own agenda for jusiico0 0 3 IT S G A flR Y ^N DDUNG’S L I . 9 :O D B M A C O WVER E i MocGyvor canloJ nr aiudgo oncourogos him to roundid SHOW Leonard is romlndo'd o d o fa {! oncountors a briiliarilliantsdonlist whoso aliora Odin Vietnam tho men who In'od lo lynch him. ' cowardlyJict ho commlitod rl i latottpipjoeteouki'uW'Oithorbonorit ^ u p fto ilnloon malo. ray Iho human raco. 9:30 o0 (E) MOVIE ★ * * whon ho soos a lomior plol y • monkitidir destroy Guosl;GI]daRodior. CHASE- •!>"«;jsonanntz and Guildonstom Aro -.1 i BiCROOKANDi a d-(1990. Comody-Drama) Gory . 1W)frO-M0VIE-*%-*JThiThiinftorbQit_____ ...... -SchodulW:SuzyB Is entering iho henchnchmen wandor Elsinore casllo in ' ' : ID CYCUNO Paris to Ro>?loub«lx. From mounts through ti soardarch of tho molancholy Dane. A

r C6 ’ « "* ^ m o « N o w s.TTwinVoi'ls', w jdalio Friday. Aprilril 17.19921 * j -:dl '-I

W e ddnesday^eveV r UI n n g Evening grid on pag e 44 1

actor KadoemHordson ^SHOW MOVIE * * S o n s ^ Ploosui Schodulod:,nci ;tParAduIt)Ma;{JlM«fc-S4schaa Hoynat/nard-s ottonipl rAOirtorontVVIVVbrfcT): com icJotf ’ ’ (JM to help a suicidal man binds n d i him In Iho . . Cosario. (InI Storoo)Sti O Kohl f t,- - . 11:08 ffl ^VE B O A T...... _ * 12^535 C S ) HEADCrf'TH^CLWSAs WSNtQHT UPDATE poorjoor counsolor*. da**TOoml?of» wiwork DAY IN ROCK llrfJOO NEWS DAYS AND NIGHTS•3 COF MOLLY 0 ( « ) S T OrUDS D with f MDPROGRAM ..... Q iSTAS DODO Molly .accepts tho p< IA REED helps a -QS u J ao s t octor Jam bs W o«te. (In she’s boon oKored at tho pi idaiotoraschooldancn. storSWroo)(Part1o;2)_ V ^ . ^ '" h ^ t o r p — ^------RE OFCANADA'Conodo's— Z Za'MOVIE-**‘Bilty-7^ Q - ^ BJ CHEERSRoboccailsturious 1st Bl n a t u r e lorost lios 620 milos trom M0 997 7 3 . WbstorriJGroflofy Pock. Dof e : whon Som sponds a wooktjokondort • only (oMit tore >olo. A tn Evan Drako's yocht with an E3S1NBARRERAS f Q a ( 11)‘NIGHT GAMES woman. O • SWilS , Sli caso; Inglos como - i2:36 i I UAXMOVIE **i*Outloj l t e Justico- E stu d to o n .u 10! I h o - ... tngua. . - IKW I ------Xlfl^lrpm^wJ-Stovon.Soo AM ON Martin lovos a . . B^dBride* (1989, S usponso) Wko Fnnnrroil.- TOanisfirod stond-upcomomlcwhousosbit».ollh(M RobRobort Foxvwrtti. n l O d ^ f S NIGHT COURT Oi 1 hor a c t (R) (In Sloroo) 0 g whon ho tails to got olong

J ^ W a r L o v o r MED MIRROR -Ronoctions on 10:45 f f i MOVIE d Iho Now Wottd* Emiliarto ______i s i , r pproodthonoaon.of_— » ------J cyocnwsUtinAmorica._------dream home' - lltOOD MOVIE-**^homtho"-Wil “ “ dw no^i , comody, g MU|fc3fc VIDEOS------iBullolo Roam* (1980. Co TEMASAMY ' .Murray. Potor Boylo. >MEDYHOUR*Rodnoy B A M E R IC A N MUSIC oW s tho Really Big Show* Dwight Vbakam hostss Er s : h» i., s r s h Stanley and Rodnoy.runruns around LA. Hying to , Patty Lovoloss. Ralph St 0 five young comics to appear oa^y big show.* (R) (In Sloroo) a ■..« 1 ' S ™ - S ax MOV.3VIE *» T ro n co rsll;T h o ...... =Cl-©"PWDPHOGW )l Jack Doth’ {l99^1^^oii<» ______E AERpBltg Natiwt B rtng y o u r p ia n s by ,/ 12:05® PAPAID PROGRAM . , "“ lora free eSUfnata?/-- HKENlNGSKYExplorosair I S PATTY DUKE Aiwoollhyroralgn- wo C23 on heating and airilr )f tho Wasach Front. TS NIGHT WITH DAVID conditioning 5)!^emm s. miUMAN Schodulod: actress oLohtf: comic GoprgoCariln; Si hSWKrr"”""" s an Tori Amos. (In Sloroo) . S.AU.NIQHTER . : ) PERSONALS (In Storoo) :i<,j*6dl„ - • m BARQA1NRACK( JUICE MAN ^ / SPORTS LATENIGHT ★ * * lll‘mIW Luck,: (1946. no. Pony Como. 0 3 DENNINNIS MILLER Schodulod: Musical) Vivian Blaino. I Maria Conchiia Alonso. (In ^Ca CS CONQRESStONAlWAL H IR IN G actrossM i HBO TALES FROMTH >ORTSCENTER . JPERMAN Lois disguises 1 as a maid to got on Interview . . S S SSJ i I S K Julian "9™“" “ J«*Klll.WBOMiddlm l^lS'pROV TONJTE Guost B^ r iz eDE . pmrod Willard. Comic# Hugh Fink.. ' Heating & AirIr f l ;all, Donnis Wollborg. ,, .Condiuo^ng, WDPROGRAM ^ f m 1909. ' OVIE * * * 'Alexander's ^ ■ IWSmTBClilDwic .' E s10 Band* (1936. Musical) Tyrono _ K__ rftj'-a'— ...... „.-.^.^>;i0WGr^ E K A t o T ------■ ';5^22r^d^vcTErrrffln'a T a i i l - B ii? H A a . S ) HUC ,, vi - 8 0 CS ABSENI' daho 43 Friday. April 17.1992092 Timos-Nows. Tvirin'Falls, Ida Thursdayly evening pprograms

EVENING • Daytime mmovies______6:00 B MURDER,SHEWE WROTE A contostod divofco loitlomjom ont involves ' (1949. Mystery) William L u n ^I a an. r - ■ 'Insumncolnvosljflotof- DonnisDo Stanton MORNUNING , 11:45 MAX «Tho Comic* * * * in tho complox inquliy- intoinb tho m u r d o r ------_(1069. Drama) DidtAfen D y k o _ ol a woalttiv attom oy..D. (-EvoiyftinnYmfAlwiys------8 CROOK AND CHAS **.(■-=;i987. ask Wild Eaglo 10 kidnapnoptw ow om on 8:00 EDI * *Murdor, My Sw oof Foniasv)f Robert Urich. CO they con i/y to prdvoIVDlhO t . * * *•» , 1 (1945. Drama) OidtPowon. f ( f l *HoU Bolow Zero- * * * importanco ol Fort Counourago. u a v *Ci•Casey's Shadow* * * » (1954. ( Dramo) Alan U d d E ^ NATURE'S mKINGDOM Tho _ j l ^I. Drnrnq) Waltor Mflt^au. S { J -Cavo-ln- * * (1979.


tfr^ft^rteso ------(IMSTJUramajJosjicaLnngo. aS3M SHOW T here Must Bo a PoPony* sklos. (R) MC) *M radooltheH oart:A * * (1986, Drama) B zaboth m NBA«A9KETBAU(ALL Plr^olls — ^ito y sTTown w Sl0fyL.**».(J986,______J Toylor.______:------ToamstoBo'Announajflicodr(U vo)------E )a)ArtCamoy. ^ ------3:3sr30 Q ) ’Advonturo in Baltimoroiro* — —®.NEWS.a ------^------1 0 :0 0 ® - g-srhoVongoanco ofSho!------•—, * * ( 1949. Comody) Robort-Yoiitoung ______m DAY IN ROCK (1967. Fantasy) John \HBO -Shoena* * * (1984, QD LA.UWAmio'sdi'sttolonsoolon 5?h*aSl Advonturo) Tanya Roberts. accusod child molofilortorisdamogod i m ^iSSrdofonaBrkJloPath* ★* MAX | •Scavongofs* * (1988, whon tho diont and hisKisdaughior < (1936},, ^Mystoiy) Holon Brodonck. * ■ ' Advonturo)/ Konnoth David GilmIman. ThoToy***(1982. 4;04:00 (TMC) ‘Nover on Sunday* I __ . sa'ijOTBY'sHOWCIilClilf spends somo C om9 o5dy) Richard Pryor. ,* * * (l960rComady)Ale!lna.. (tuality limo alono wimih hhis now stop- • MAX'A■Arono* ★ * (l9 8 9 ,S a o n c o Morcouri. j granddaughtor. (In Storatoroo|_D ______picton)in)PaulSattorf«W.(lnSlofOO). I 5rf)0 s:t 8D *Llalo Miss M arkoT JHjr * * ______TO EVENT OF TH&O* HOVr’TM ’Apannwntt= ------■■ ‘,(i934rcomiia7^Mmfi), ...... S ATRAPADAllnaiahislofiado hi ir* (1960, Comody) . M j a x ‘Dream Wiehlno***{1f1991, L ...... J.susponBo,.dondolflomlombidon.y_el______-fT M C )-*:)-?Payoir-*«(1991.Drama) Comody) ( Corey, Holm. (In Sw«?P) w ______podof so Qntromo2Clamiaircon al amor. koiihCCarradino. i (In Storoo) 6:30 6:5 (TMC) ‘Boo^olLovo^ * *k% » « HBO ADVENTURES30FTINT1ND Ol i i .m Q3 *Brakor* **11,(1985, (1991. ( Comody) Chris Young..(In. (I SHOW MOVIE * * ★★★•Fofblddon * m) Cart Woathors. , Sierop)■ ' ■ ______Pandf(J056;Sc5oftcolCO Rction) Wolior D ■FollowMdOuIotiy * * * ...... ■ Pdgoon. Anno Fronds.' ' e f l S Q MOVIE * * «K-RiQht 'P to Kill?* - 1. .. (1S85, Dmma)Frodoricorie Porrost, i . — Karmln Murcolo. r 6:08 0 3 MICHAEL JACI'ACKSON VIDEOS Daytimei ssports '; 6:26 S IN THE CLOSEiSETPromiorooJa ______Michool Jackson's f now music lilm Irom Mic TOUR I olhum •Oangofous.'' (In Storoo). M O RRNlNG h ------11:00:t 0 YACHTING America'sI CupC I 6:30 O (SI NIGHTLY.Y EBUSINESS ------i REPORTSchoduIod: Ih m SPORTSCENTER (R) . — Challonger/Dolonder Rnols.Is. Q ( S m CUflREN ' a Wn : SPORTSCENTER (R) (Uvo) I O m ^TERTAINMINMENT S MOUNTAIN MAN 2KK) 2rf D PGA GOLF Groator 1 TONIGHTAvlsIlwilhKIh Kurt Russell on T f lVTHLQNFrom l ^ Vail, Colo; (R) . _ jGfoonsboro Open. First roundd I(rom • • location In Puorto Ricoico ilor tho filming ...... Greensboro. N.C. (Lwo) ' . olhisnowlilm’ThoWaWandorof.-dn ^ r E R N O O N ______Ji:3:15 ( S IOTH INNING .Storoo) a 4 :3 0 1 3 UP CLOSE 0 ( « ) M ‘A*8 *HAduk dum sy soldior ' SM Q SPORTSCENTER ------IHtrtho-4077U»'s spirits.rits..buLCol. PoRor. 12:00 Ib;thorouchbred D ' - -5:30. \ t Q LP8T BOVnJNG Fromim ■ j ' romains down in thoI dudum ps. • . DIGES- W intorPatk.Pla (Live)______!.P!Uf{isjg)l#U ^ J0 4B a ^sioEJttoMr ioa-eGA— -

li 44 Timos-Nows, Twinn FiFills, Idaho Friday. A p rill7 ,151992 J . '

s ------JJ, TIWRSDAY EV]VENING a»Rir23^H992- I 6:00 I 6:30~[~.7^7:0Q I 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:3t:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 110:00l[)0110:30111:00 111:30 O ^ C o e M n g Butlmti IfacHtiKlhaUhnr Outdoor WHwIHouu HYtwryl:lntp.lilcm ptowThtirt EuropoM (Ofl Alt) w iHjhMno. |Ar»*pioHia Q @ IfanM - Cw.Atlilf X«lu■Ctlutnbo md Iht Hurdw of t Radt Sttr'{ll•(IWl) PtlmilliTnUYt LovsCoft — TorfghlShdV^------lUBwiiiM' __ B - @ H m .— |Em«ftibv-|cwbyWby— [Plt Wixi^ Chwn— |vjiiiirigi— luL-Uii------^----- Iww r— Q UovU: **itd9httoKU7“(ltr(lM5) Uav>«: In Cold BlewT (1867);aobort Blato. ^ C i r .A « ^ lovtCon. |ShJ» C ra P ilt^ M'A'S'H Slnipiimptont |Dw«tl ~ 8«v»tly Hilt, >210 , |stirTr«li:H»itG«nw. HflhtCotnt Chttts-. SlltStslldngi..., . Q • Nww Fortuni TopObp(^„ SwtStartcs ' Humwfictar * Z'. ItetorqcH Rsdng___ [UojojiwridI _____ f i l (SaO) LPBTBontea Bothloting; Tommy Honlttn vs. lOmmuel Odunidum" Bwbin |Spprti«nt«r._._:-~ ^ ^ Hrtw'iKingdwn WoridVoriditWit ]Bml«Fi»tc«;wii^upon* |Nitur»7loii-slOngdoBi [WortditWw w ie td IftHBA . I • T O . K8ABi^ltaa:Ptiyoni-T«-TwrntUBtAwoifKwl [nb\KT b6»tlwtbtll;Pliyatls - Ttims te B« Annount [Choofi Jrwlry______g p ) Catby B w ? B*rgii«i»lnEh»>P ______|W«wi nSH Kktolne. Wttoy Dr«3ri» |lkv{«:**t-Robin Hoixr•(1973) (is: .[TiUtUflonds CwilEiptiEipoetitlons IciifWB. |Mov1o:“Wirlodt- HBO " Tinitn ~ Mavto: lhiToy'(18e?) flchard Pryof. |lTii— iHOW^ MaYto;****-FofbhM«nPH«PI«»fll9S6) MuilcBaniSeSi |UovU;** Thuilursday evening9 easod man returns from Iho 1 9 (11) W HEELOF FORTUNrUNE □ rotum; Rudy hobs JBIIn- for Dolrdro. (In Su Bailor in search o( o woy lo ramain m MICKEY MOUSE CIUB( "ar"'”’"'’"'® ,1s wilo's skid. (In Storoo) ^ , 0 ( 1 2 ) SIMPSOISONS Sooing tho b^nd^ 7 ;2 0 q '^ siofoo) _q„.______B (12) IN THE CLOSCT Promlororo

------BratrOtftBrTrartnvaston-? by tho Allies in 1943. Fathor Dowling m ______posing os a priost?0(t Itom attompting an 'U inla a suspects ti that a rnppor is pullingg y ® NEWS □ womon‘hat!ngta»ssinto-pr8etico,-- ■' ©:^WHO*S THE BOSS? A ragSgra oswssTndUbn ala-woddirignmnl £ ------his won (InStorStoroo) D . , . • _____ ihuhdcrswmiiUaMinoBwkjcklorcos ( _____ Storeo) □ 'M O V IE '* '* * ‘ Robin Hood*------tho night at 1 3 BOXING Tomm/Mdii»Wvir'Ton ------IQ:M( Angola aod Tony to spend tho 73, Adventure) P eter Ustinov, Andydy asocludod motol. (In Sloroo)K) ((Pan 2 of Kimmuol Odum,Tl. iSchodulod 10-round (1973. i hoavywoight bout«ut (rom Lodyard, Conn. Oovino^»rino, Walt Disnoy's animawd lolo olo( logondary Robin Hood, a sly lox ^BOMOVIE ★**ThoToy(1 a r " r ' b "I eenw,N,n,, LOSE or'OHAW”(ln* w h0 o m d i m p b n s tho animals of Comedy) Richard Pryor. JnckK Shonwcinwood Forest (rom tho tyronnbalI Glooson. - ... Sioreo) 0 VRT Max must provont Princeice John< MAX MOVIE ★★★H'ThoHuiI Hum for ( 3 GETSMAR1 1 DICKVANDYKEAbnlbdMr niuio}Soafi Mr. B i g .l ^ dosu05lroyir>g tho country’*------G 2 DU Rod Ociobor* (1990, Advonlui • hrinjH mmnn(yI IniQjQlnviaion comody ------Connofy,’A I«r Baldwin:------j y " 6:32 MICHAEL JACKSONON VIDEOS f f i ) ® WORLC?LD AT WAR,Hitler's. writer S Russia, swooping swiltly ^ |“h^ S a EL?j S:KSON VIDEOS 7:00 0 MOVlE-iftm-TTioGai^ u n tlo t‘ . lorces Invade Ru! 0(12)DREXELL‘SCUSS ^^& ndro~tow ------figTTTOmnwrCllnt Eastwood ixonWlsTiisToachlftg-loIJwhon-ho- Lecko. A dotorminod pollco oil >2000 Eyo lluid revools Droxon lovols; sound wavos • comesTws into a largo sum of morwy, (R) ■ • nttompts to survive a sotup3 whwhib blood-alcohol lovi • 0 voiy : dissipate toxic: lumos;lui a spaco vohlcb (In Sloroo)Stoi 0 , . — ------doliveting o key witrwts — p v SHOW MOVIE * * * --M u tic Box- . uncoppo.rntivo prostituto —lo.^*a lor Mars; automaimatod broasl exams, 7:55 SH( ^ MORE DANANGEROUS Michaol (1989,189, Drama) Je ssic a U ngo. Amiin lolbr-Siahl. A Chicago altomoy lS ''fflH V IL L E NOW.Schoc Muoibi Midnight's C hid-(1992, , comosmos to hor lather's tfcfdnso whonI hiho Shotgun Rod. (In Sieroo) iccusod of partidpating.in Nazi war-ar . ® la (11) ffi TOP COPS>PS Horror) Olivia DVD'Abo. Morey WalKor. A is occu nos locked in a bntllo crirnosmos during World W ar 11. (In Sloroo]00) Plainclothes oflicors copturoiro oa ropist; w om an bocomos 0 TEXAS CONNECTION Guy imsrocovor against ovil lorcoircos whon hor 6:00 O an olficor help# U.S. customs ifk; Susanna Clark; Richard Leigh.h. stolon cars; a fitjfto trooporr suspicions aboutout tho lamily camtakor's Clark;: rfo correct. (S it'il apprehends an ormod mon.ho S^Q flT fe) STREETSTOHIES:s hosiaao, (In Storeo) O S “lS S SN “s SHOP ® C ***'K ontucky -Animaliimals holp iroublod childron al an1 a @ MacneiulehrerIER EB MOVIE ** M oonshino'{1931938, Comody) Tho Ritz upsUWstalo Now York farm, (In Storoo) 0 NEWSHOUR a ' 1 m OUTDOOR IDAHO {71 Q ( 3 S MOVIE‘Co‘Columbo Brothers. Tonyy WManin. Tho Ritzos Q U i|.th»--roal.McCoy8-altor. . . _ Q . W ------ond the Mordof of a Rock StaiS ta r 1991...... raise tho iro-ol-th loy Coioman. cloiming to bo) thoth< blomous Halliold O Q Mystery) Potor Falk, Dabnoy i pos on old (lame will swoop hor :«Nsmalch family. hopes Tho dovor dotoctivo moots hi! my; Sam forms a sppport group. (In ! in 0 brilliant criminal Attomoywy \who has 6 3 ELDESPREPREClOOoshlsiorias, away; ;iapd dosvidas;unQOiQ onbuscadola Storeo - i TDurdoredhift^oWnmistrosi.ar 1 0 2 ) BKERLY H1LL§. M210, imo, (Iri"...... dignldadylaowoiro on busca dol podor y . Q ( t ' framed hor lover (or Bio cfimo Mo _ ol dinoro. Altortor 1(loaminfl that pop group Color M< e -1... • r hwjit r.fifs't Tin______Rfirifti)drf i< In town. Dnvid and his frten^ids [WTfpftinnootlhoiwOonnMooi Tho 5 F = lOWCIiH ll-(1 9 9 a Fantas O ® ( B COSBY SHOW Dthor with another man. (In Sloroo]0) runs into probloms propnringing his tax ^ Oumn, Tho spifilpifilolarocontly motho Friday, April 17.1992 Timos-Nows, Timi Twin Falls. Idaho 45 4 Evening giid on pagea ■4 5 T hursday ,eve v e n i n g

GENERATK\TION Worf and his brolhor O oftdthoir.lamily.honorwhon Q C NEWSNIGHt ' ® NEWS a ------a ® BESTOFLOVE Iho Klingon,on Ihigh counal occusos thoir E Q 700 CLUB )r oliToosofl. (In Storoo) □ COHNECTlOn Cl , IQ DRAGNETAsuspocjpocl trips • Harry HDERTOWN A gunmon tnos a iL (12) NIGHT COURT While H himsotf up by his ownI badboi habits whon O ..PP f'P J Is away. Iho replacomont judgo1 offerso roporu S100.000 to kill Craddaddock a s ho escorts Willio is Q small industrial nrm rop to tho steamship lhal will toko • Di has boon omborzlod. H addontoti o ’ G R E ^ f EXPECTATIONS PipPi RCE:THE arts, (fl) (In Sloroo) 0 ' C lltptn— ED m BRUTE FORCE SEBALL TONIGHT (Anihony Call) begins his'hOAniti HISTORY OF WEAPON!ONS AT WAR m BASEE London, whiio continuing to pursirsiio Tiodical ifoaKnont . . Q . SHELLELLEY DUVALLS TALL Lc Tho improvomont of mod ftND LEGENDS An oighth' EsToila; E; tho Idontlty ol Pip's socroW ll...... ------•• andfadlitioslorwoundotIdod soldiers, " TALES ANI bonofocior is revoatod. With Wmim IR -Rolloelions on g rad e r isiUansponodMckiniimo. ua w Anthony Q ) BURIED MIRROR‘I 0 moots Amorican horo Davy Thomson, Tl Joan Simmons and Ar Spain and thcrNow Wofl(/oftd'. Latin w horo ho m HopWns. (R) (In Sloroo) (Part 2 013)c iat dopondoncy. Crockolt1 (M(Mac Oavis) and H Amorica's post-coionial d anios him on advonturos. C 0 MY DINNER WITHTH iMICHAEL occompamc Q MORK SHINDY M o* dooicidos McLoan StovonsonStt olso slars. E Coniost highlights. his only chanco ol living is to go10 publici JNA Sitios f S ^ CCY Y SHOW I and EB FAMA Y FORTUNA , EVENING AT THE IMPROV about al his tool kJontity whon ho ai omocionanlos y tas casaasosmas E3 ® Mindy oro capturod by Kalnik. (P a rts Host: Jakoiko Stoinlold. C o m ic s:^ n n ^ lujosas. Joff Gorlin; Paul Foig; Colin & S ; O S a MOVtE A * *►K-In )!* Cold • Hirsch:Joff NATUBE'S KINGDOMiM Tho so 8ioo Q !IS g

rid ol a rich old mon jaiing Iho death of 0 drug « E NDABASKETBAL3ALL Playotis - invostigolit Ifl (tn Steroo) O^ b sessio n ’ (1990. Drama) Jofl Teams to Bo Annooncoineed. (Uvo) S'??'?:.!''),lOVIE * * ‘Sundown. Iho , Goldblum. ‘ Mirando Richardson,sn, ______PRtMEllM^MUSl lUSIC MAX MOV in Rotroal' (1909. Hoftor)------lOi-10JOQ_-1NSIDEPOLIT1CS.(R).!l)______S MOVIE * * -Aavoavonturoin ' 'V arnpiroin0 :afTodine. Morgan Britiany, A a 1 @ NEWS '•Battimoro-(1W9. Comcomody) Robon David Can 0 ( 1 2 ) CURRENT AFFAIR 0 C jlo. A ministor-s rehabiliiaiiiiaiod vampiro rocruiis a blood I ______Young. Shirioy Tompio. listtodovetopenDnilicial - .—- . I O MOTORCYCLE RACING3 AMAi . . daughidrkobpshorsotlsoil and hor lamily sp o o a lg tt 1 Diego, iho for tho blood-sucking Supercross Sorios. From S a n C inhotw atorbyoiringa viewsvk lhal oto substlulo ns ot his Woslorn solilomem, ( loom odom loflho 190(1900s donl2ons< ira '^ O B IE GILLIS Dobie ii ororrostod m O O D (lti Storoo:roo) ' , ■ EB DESDE HOLLYWC •MOVIE * * » ’Sconos Fiom a , ;whon ho goes to South Amortc;icaw ith ^ ------Entmvijlas y revision>n ddo las utiimai—------(TMC) MC his anthropology da ss. • Mall* (1991990, Comedy) Woody Allon, 1 policuias. 0 3 DAY In ROCK - HBOMR. BEANComItDmic Rowm S o lu Mia^idlor. An allluoni coupio i sto marital infidehiios while m DAYS AND NIGHTS O F•MOLLY « bumbling, bungling confess to lovo with ~ Alkinson portrays a bur :ng for poriy supplies for ihcir DOOD Molly begins lo fall in lo' lonor who is involvedtd in numofoos -. shopping' black dolocuvo Nathaniel Hawtwthomo, Storoo) O adding annivorsa;y, (In Siotoo) i misadvonluros. (In Stot MONEYLINE(R) p — ■ B:35 (TMC) HEART O)F F !THE DEAL Tho 9 : M & M l irtD CHEERSFrasiorgols-Colcold (oet OJAK______------omvol-oflwoinyaiwiouf»u9-6lfangef«------^ o u t his own impending nuptfijiraisrq ------yuppio to roihink lOVlE . **».*PJatsolthoSky- forces a contontod yup; , Wostom) Joll Chondlor. (TMC) MOVIE * » ‘P a y o r (191991. his onlifo lifo. Wilh hubone)ados,(R)Rub (1956. W£ I GroisL «y Malone, Tho planned Drama) Keith Carradino. Kim G r 9:00 Q PGA GOLF■ GnGroalof, Dorothy ^ E-O ------L Grooflsbofo Open. FirsFirst round Irom developm)pmont of land awarded to Iho' ' 10: sospartofauoatycausesa JW From qs Indians oi lln and - . . 'Gfoontboi’o. N.C. (R) ;t to erupt between a cavalry ,^ 1991 raclofs Richard Bonjamln a CROOK ANDCH,C h X s E conflict to / Paula Prentiss; Leonard WaxdiKdockand •’ Schodulod; Jimmy Dean;Do£ Donna-::..— scoutandand a commantJng ollicor / PORTSCENTER bird callors, (R) (In Sloroo) roo) E SPO troctod to Moodo. (R) (in Storoo) iREEN ACRES 1 0 (11) CHEERS Som is attra ■ CS 0 (11)60 humiUMAN FACTOR @ GRE ie r now ' PTo MOVlOVIE AWARDS NOMINATION both a lormor gitllriond and hoi (tnSioroo)a grown-up daughlor. □ TERYl 'Inspoctof H ostedd byb] Chris Connolly (MTVs ’Tho ; D CB OS MYSTEf cture*), with a spocial -10-10:36 Q ] M*A‘S*H ‘i Morse V* Sgt. Sibhan,an IMaitland holps Big Pictui iranco by Arnold 1010:38 STEVE ISAACS- , I Morso and Lewis Invotivostigalo iho fatal appoaron 10:50 0 M O V IE***-Tho HoHouso on !. stabbings ol two younj)ung woinon. (Pari nrzonoggor. (R) 19 AMOVIDAVariodadesy Groonappio Road* (1970. Mysystoty) Christopher Goorgo. Janot Loi.eigh. PRIMETIME UVE enlrowsliristas. (R) ; S 3 PBi 10:00 B1 NASHVILLEh NOW ' m INSIDE THE NBA Juled: Shotgun Rod. (R) (In . li:O 11 O B MOVIE*’Houso 11:1l:Tlio jIGHT Schodulo Socond Story’ (1987. Horror)r) Aryoi • UAWCtommons § 52^*121 s (S O (S) (I) O in) .G ro ss. Jonathan Stork. r: ' «Mks to convict a mmat an trying to buy g J f f l F l TEXASC0NNECT1ONGI Guy I — ------his way oul of a h ill ani - a n d - r u n ; ______^ NeV KnMS5TEP.P!^ErnMTR^7Z7ri (B) (In Storoo) y now husband; Bonnyil ^ m o ^ s o ■ 'Clarisso*ssa* Clanssa thinks she has ot )und a proloctof unul Lovelaco (S) EUROPEAN JOURhHNAL |: cuslody of Sam . (Inn SlStoroo) D Inst louni O SHOWBIZ TODAY (P) I 0 ( 1 2 ) STAR TREK::EK: THE NEXT nrrivos■5 oiond attacks hor, (Pail 3 ol 3)

- 46 Timos-Nows. Twinvin IFalls, Idaho Friday, April 17,17,1992 I ■ /

/ jfsd ay ei^ehing Evening grid on page 45 T h u r I

IN — - - - — «SoldbIum':ca;p«ntO(nWf.NomiAbiam.(tn' ‘ V C B S N E W S -- '...... - 'Q (iaitoWcoNNEcfiON - I NEVirSROOM ------0 3 PATTY DUKE Patty (into int Stow) NALS (In Storoo)------2 r ^ &l-LARRY L i KINO (R)------iroublo whon ih o ilarts on atlrot QI BD PAID PROGRAM bustnoss. NSIDE THE PGA TOUR (R) r-s I s n B SHOW MOVIE .' Q } Q WORLD AT WAR Hllloi lilOyiE ★★'PrincossKoto* torcos Invndo Russia, swooping(ngiwitoy (1M0.Df»m«)Nleklick Nolio, Timothy IQ MOV M988,Or), Drama) Juslino Ctarko. Lyndol toward Moscow. 3LATENIGHT------Rowe.— B ) NORTHERN WILDUFETlv iNTER d 'D RDRAGNET A A suspM t trips Is InuHligonl and sodablo, with a n - - 'IntrleAtosodal lilo and lortQuago N Gangsior Rick Sablo hlmsoK^[riUip by his own bad habits whon EQ ALLNK3HTER ' a robbory his gang asm alllralMndustrlal firm reports $100,000 - OD PAID PROGRAM f S ““' has boor>oon ombozzlod. I I S JEWELRY (Joined in Progrroaross) SD PAIDPROGRiSRAM Q ] @ MOVIE ★ ★ » T h o Phantom CQ CCmORESSIONAL HEARI IITASJR) of IhosO Op pora'(1962. Horrof) Horbort MAX MOVIE ★ * » -Tho Poriooil™- * * T h o Loyghlng lo„_.Hoathorhoi Soars. Woopon' (1691,' Drama) Jolff Poiicoman*(1973,l'S, Drama) Woltor £ 0 cOfCONGRESSIONALHEARIUQ Spoakman. John Dyo. Manhau, Bruco DoiDom. 2*05 (DD VWEBSTER Kathorioo and 11:05 m IQ (11) SILK STALKIN R U I SHOWCASE ^ wroo o |plan Aunt Charlotto's wodding.3- Sloroo) «g?aTE?5TiKlERWobstorasks n ®(BNBCNEWS . ^ ^oorgolfho'canbuya ^ m INSIDE EDITION Q KaihOfinoandGooi MOVIE * * * » T h o S o a A ro u n dd Q ( S S ) ARSENIOHALLI L BBgun. [1953, Documontfl7) Narrated byi 1 WITH BOB COSTAS Schodulod: R&B singor Soal.J.(ln. (Ii -D0UTERW Forbos. Storoo) 0 Ouosi: actor Jamoimos Woods. (In 2:14 Es 0 tCBSNEW S 11:06 0 ) LOVE BOAT 3 THREE STOOGES ------^11!15 HBO MOVIE * ^iWwtock; ^ M ! S i------S SIAXMOVlEj

SNATUHEOFCmDAPc J p S a r ^ “‘T3 I Into tolovisktn comody g boars-convorQO cn Monltoba’*la 't port of brings remonco Inl I I I N g I t ^ E IMPBOV— — V— ^-SAT/SUN^bY------J Moonshlno‘ (1938,Comody)Ty)ThoRltz Hos^_^^^lo 1 2 :30.2rf)D . M /tin; Paul Folg; Colin ; Brothore, Tony Martin. ‘ ------BJ-WORLD VISION-— rcLEARANCE 1 1 :U (T L NIGHTUNE 0 " S j ^ k n Y c i U T E NIGHT WITHm DAVID-[ B i VIOVIE'**^* * * ‘AStarlbBom'- ■ i m i JanotGaynor;Frodilc - ■ v W LEHERMAN Schodulod: oelooelor Jofl (1937, Drama) Jai ...... GokJNom; wpBTiOTNofm-Abi ; AbrBmr(lft “ h b q MOVIE * t S o ^ l o t J ^ Part lir (1090. Drama)Dn AJ P adrio...... ' - 11;«SH0l?!S'iIl5lE«0VlS5V1E-12.01 ★ ★ s-B ook of Lovo' . ¥ ' n i l PM* Dlfoetod by Jonathan HoaoHot A (TMC)M0VIE * ' •. manJindshlfnsotlconstanltynItyropoatlng n091.C om o^)6P^E<5LA8fSoJvur™MXTTSUNISOTT^Sayfl K — ^~i^B?§SoSsS?si^ fythingtoovoryoruilnnis ' 12K>5(T| PAID PROGRAMI ' ' proHEoa ovoryti ( B U T E NIOHT WITH DAVIDDAV ' bldto b b d asspspravdont. i O . - NBC NEWS LETTERMAN Schodulcd::ac»rJoll ac ' O ® (S NE Fridoy.Aprii17. 1992 Timos-Nows, Tim' Twin Falls, Idaho ■47 ____I

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