FINAL REPORT ON “MARKET MAPPING STUDY FOR BIOGAS COMPANIES” Submitted to: Submitted by: Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) Sustainable Energy and Technology National Rural and Renewable Energy Management (SETM) Programme (NRREP) Kamaladi, Kathmandu PO Box: 14364, Khumaltar Height Lalitpur Nepal Phone: +9771-5539390/5536843 Phone: +9771-4412078 Fax: 5539392 Email:
[email protected] Website: PO Box No: 7039 NOVEMBER, 2013 Market Mapping study for Biogas Companies Final Report PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sustainable Energy Technology and Management (SETM) express our sincere gratitude to Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)/NRREP for entrusting us to conduct the study on Market Mapping for Biogas Companies. SETM would also like to express our genuine acknowledgement to Prof. Dr. Govind Raj Pokharel, Executive Director of AEPC. Our special thanks and appreciation goes to Mr. Samir Thapa, Assistant Director of AEPC and Mr.Uttam Jha, National Advisor of NRREP, Suraj Regmi, Programme Officer of NRREP, Mr. Lava Thapa, Assistant Programme Officer of AEPC and other staff for their kind cooperation and valuable input. We would also like to acknowledge with thanks the co-operation and valuable input received from all the related Biogas Companies, DDC/DEEU/S, NBPA regional offices and local banks and micro finance institutes. This study is an outcome of numerous interactions with large number of professionals and individuals. All the surveyed Biogas User and Non User and key informants are highly acknowledged for their sincere responses and feedbacks. Without their valuable support and cooperation, the study could not have come to a logical conclusion. Last but not the least, SETM highly acknowledges and appreciates the untiring efforts of the Team Leader Govinda Prasad Devkota, Mr.