About the Collector
About the Collector Donn W. Sanford (940-2004), a writer, publisher, former news- man and serial entrepreneur, who, in 976, with his wife, Joyce, launched a Chicago-based association management firm that still bears his name (The Sanford Organization), found his twin pas- sions in letterpress printing and miniature books. He was active in both the Amalgamated Printer’s Association and the Miniature Book Society, serving as President and in various oth- er positions on both boards. In 99, he was honored by MBS with the Glasgow Cup Award, a special president’s award for a member whose love of miniature books inspired friendship among others. Collecting and enjoying his presses and books was his pleasure, but it was the friendships he found with like-minded collectors and printers that truly brought him joy. It was his sincere wish that his large collection of miniature books never be locked in a museum or library, but distributed, instead, for others to enjoy. one of 25 . ALBERT SCHLOSS’S BIJOU ALMANACS, 1839-1843. London: Nattali & Maurice, (969), 4to., quarter vellum, paper-covered boards, title gilt-stamped on spine, dust jacket. 9, (33) pages, with plates. $ 325.00 Limited to 50 numbered copies. Nos. -25 include a full set of impres- sions direct from the plates, of which this copy is such. Introduction by Iain Bain. Schloss’s Bijou Almanacs are among the finest of miniature books. This reprint uses the engraved plates, still surviving at the time of publication, for the five annual is- sues between 839 and 843. Each presented in original sheet form, all 64 pages included.
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