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1306-2030-Pinballgamelist.Pdf VP Game List 1 24 (Stern 2009) 2 311 (Original 2012) 3 2001 (Gottlieb 1971) Abra Ca Dabra 4 4 Queens (Bally 1970) 5 6 ACDC (Stern 2012) (Gottlieb 1975) Adventures of Rocky AC-DC Helen (Stern AC-DC Pro (Stern and Bullwinkle and 7 8 9 2012)(VPM5 2012)(VPM5) Friends (Data East 1993) Agents 777 (Game Airborne (Capcom 10 11 12 Airport (Gottlieb 1969) Plan 1984) 1996) Al's Garage Band Goes Alien Poker (Williams 13 Ali (Stern 1980) 14 15 On World Tour (Alivin 1980) G. 1992) Amazon Hunt (Gottlieb 16 17 Antar (Playmatic 1979) 18 Apollo 13 (Sega 1995) 1983) Aquarius (Gottlieb Asteroid Annie and the 19 20 21 Atlantis (Midway 1989) 1970) Aliens (Gottlieb 1980) Attack From Mars Austin Powers (Stern 22 23 24 Avatar (Stern 2010) (Bally 1995) 2001) Back to the Future Bad Cats (Williams Bad Girls (Premier 25 26 27 (Data East 1990) 1989) 1988) Banzai Run (Williams Barbarella (Talleres del Barracora (Williams 28 29 30 1988) Llobregat 1967) 1981) Batman (Data East Batman DE (Data East 31 32 Batman (Stern 2008) 33 1991) 1991) Batman Forever (Sega Beat Time (Williams 34 35 Baywatch (Sega 1995) 36 1995) 1967) Big Bang Bar (Capcom Big Brave (Maresa Big Buck Hunter Pro 37 38 39 1996) 1974) (Stern 2009) Big Guns (Williams 40 Big Game (Stern 1980) 41 42 Big Hit (Gottlieb 1977) 1987) Big Shot (Gottlieb Black Hole (Gottlieb 43 44 Big Valley (Bally 1970) 45 1974) 1981) Black Knight (Williams Black Knight 2000 46 Black Jack (Bally 1976) 47 48 1980) (Williams 1989) Black Pyramid (Bally Black Rose (Bally Black Sabbath 70s 49 50 51 1984) 1992) (Original 2012) Black Sabbath 80s Blackout (Williams Blackwater 100 (Bally 52 53 54 (Original 2012) 1980) 1988) Blue Chip (Williams Blue Note (Gottlieb Bow And Arrow (Bally 55 56 57 1976) 1979) 1974) Bram Stoker's Dracula Brave Team (Inder Breakshot (Capcom 58 59 60 (Williams 1993) 1985) 1996) Bristol Hills! (Gottlieb Buckaroo (Gottlieb 61 62 Bronco (Gottlieb 1977) 63 1970) 1965) Cactus Canyon (Bally Canada Dry (Gottlieb 64 Bushido (Inder 1993) 65 66 1998) 1976) Capt. Fantastic and Canasta 86 (Inder 67 68 Capersville (Bally 1966) 69 The Brown Dirt Cowboy 1986) (Bally 1976) Car Hop (Gottlieb Cavaleiro Negro (Taito 70 71 Catacomb (Stern 1981) 72 1991) 1981) Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb Central Park (Gottlieb 73 Centaur (Bally 1981) 74 75 1977) 1966) Chance (Playmatic Charlies Angels Checkpoint (Data East 76 77 78 1978) (Gottlieb 1978) 1991) 79 Cheetah (Stern 1980) 80 Christmas Pinball 81 Circus (Zaccaria 1977) Close Encounters Of Cirqus Voltaire (Bally Class of 1812 (Gottlieb 82 83 84 The Third Kind 1997) 1991) (Gottlieb 1978) Concorde (Emagar 85 Clown (Inder 1988) 86 Comet (Williams 1985) 87 1975) 88 Congo (Williams 1995) 89 Corsario (Inder 1989) 90 Corvette (Bally 1994) Creature from the Cosmic Gunfight Cosmic Princess (Stern 91 92 93 Black Lagoon (Bally (Williams 1982) 1979) 1992) Crescendo (Gottlieb Cue Ball Wizard 94 95 CSI (Stern 2008) 96 1970) (Gottlieb 1992) Cyclone (Williams Cyclopes (Gameplan Daffy Duck (Original 97 98 99 1988) 1985) 2012) Deadly Weapon Def Leppard (Original 100 Dale Jr (Stern 2005) 101 102 (Gottlieb 1990) 2012) Defender (Williams Diablo Pinball (JP Diamond Lady (Premier 103 104 105 1982) Salas 2017) 1988) Dino Turbo (Geiger Dipsy Doodle (Williams 106 Diner (Williams 1990) 107 108 1990) 1970) Dirty Harry (Williams Disco Fever (Williams Doctor Who (Bally 109 110 111 1995) 1978) 1992) Dolly Parton (Bally 112 113 Domino (Gottlieb 1968) 114 Dracula (Stern 1979) 1978) Dracula (Williams 115 116 Dragon (Gottlieb 1978) 117 Dragon (Interflip 1977) 1993) Drop-A-Card (Gottlieb Duck Hunt (JP Salas Dungeons and Dragons 118 119 120 1971) 2017) (Bally 1987) Earth Wind Fire 121 Duotron (Gottlieb 1974) 122 123 Eight Ball (Bally 1977) (Zaccaria 1981) Eight Ball Deluxe (Bally El Dorado (Gottlieb Elvira and the Party 124 125 126 1980) 1975) Monsters (Bally 1989) 127 Elvis (Stern 2004) 128 Embryon (Bally 1980) 129 Escape (Royal 1987) Escape from the Lost Evel Knievel (Bally F-14 Tomcat (Williams 130 131 132 World (Bally 1987) 1977) 1987) Faeton (Juegos 133 Faces (Sonic 1976) 134 135 Far Out (Gottlieb 1974) Populares 1986) Fast Draw (Gottlieb 136 137 Fathom (Bally 1981) 138 Fire! (Williams 1987) 1975) FirePower (Williams Firepower II (Williams 139 Fireball (Bally 1976) 140 141 1980) 1983) Fish Tales (Williams 142 143 FJ (Hankin 1978) 144 Flash (Williams 1979) 1992) Flash Gordon (Bally Flight 2000 (Stern Flip A Card (Gottlieb 145 146 147 1981) 1980) 1970) Flipper Football Four Million B.C. (Bally 148 Flip Flop (Bally 1974) 149 150 (Capcom 1996) 1971) Full (Recreativos 151 Freedom (Bally 1976) 152 Freefall (stern 1981) 153 Franco 1977) Funhouse (Williams 154 155 Future Spa (Bally 1979) 156 Galaxy (Stern 1980) 1991) Gargamel Park (JP Geisha (Playmatic 157 158 Gator (Bally 1969) 159 Salas 2016) 1973) Ghostbusters (Original Ghostbusters Slimer 160 Genie (Gottlieb 1979) 161 162 2011) (JP Salas 2016) Gilligans Island Gladiators (Premier 163 Gigi (Gottlieb 1963) 164 165 (Midway 1991) 1993) Goldeneye (Sega Goin Nuts (Gottlieb 166 Godzilla (Sega 1998) 167 168 1996) 1983) Goldorak (Original Grand Lizard (Williams 169 170 Gorgar (Williams 1979) 171 2017) 1986) Grand Prix (Stern Grand Prix (Williams Grand Slam (Bally 172 173 174 2005) 1976) 1983) Grateful Dead (Original 175 176 Gridiron (Gottlieb 1977) 177 Groovy (Gottlieb 1970) 2012) Guns N' Roses (Data Hanna Barbera (JP 178 179 Gyruss (Original 2012) 180 East 1994) Salas 2017) Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Globetrotters Harley Davidson (Bally 181 182 183 (Bally 1978) (Bally 1979) 1991) Haunted House Hearts and Spades High Hand (Gottlieb 184 185 186 (Gottlieb 1982) (Gottlieb 1969) 1973) High Roller Casino Hi-Score Pool (Chicago High Speed (Williams 187 188 189 (Stern 2001) Coin 1971) 1986) Hit The Deck (Gottlieb 190 191 Honey (Williams 1972) 192 Hook (Data East 1992) 1978) Hot Doggin' (Bally Hot Shot (Gottlieb 193 194 Hot Hand (Stern 1979) 195 1980) 1973) Hurricane (Williams Impacto (Recreativos Independence Day 196 197 198 1991) Franco 1975) (Sega 1996) Indiana Jones Indianapolis 500 (Bally Jack Bot (Williams 199 200 201 (Williams 1993) 1995) 1995)(VPM5) Jack In The Box Jigglebox (Original 202 203 Jet Spin (Gottlieb 1977) 204 (Gottlieb 1973) 2012) Johnny Mnemonic Joker Poker (Gottlieb 205 206 207 Jokerz! (Williams 1988) (Williams 1995) 1978) Judge Dredd (Midway Judge Dredd Dozer Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 208 209 210 1993) (Bally 1993) 1973) Jungle Queen (Gottlieb Junk Yard (Williams 211 Jungle (Gottlieb 1972) 212 213 1977) 1996) Jurassic Park (Data King Kool (Gottlieb King Of Diamonds 214 215 216 East 1993) 1972) (Gottlieb 1967) King Pin (Gottlieb King Rock (Gottlieb Kings Of Steel (Bally 217 218 219 1973) 1972) 1984) 220 Kiss (Bally 1979) 221 Knockout (Bally 1975) 222 Krull (Gottlieb 1983) Lady Death (Geiger- Lap by Lap (Inder 223 Kuwait (Maresa 1973) 224 225 Automatenbau 1983) 1986) Laser Cue (Williams Laser War (Data East Last Action Hero (Data 226 227 228 1984) 1987) East 1993) Lawman (Gottlieb Lectronamo (Stern Lethal Weapon 3 (Data 229 230 231 1971) 1978) East 1992) Linkin Park (Original Lord of the Rings 232 Lightning (Stern 1981) 233 234 2013) (Stern 2003) Lost In Space (Sega Lucky Luke (JP Salas 235 236 Lost World (Bally 1977) 237 1998) 2017) Magnotron (Gottlieb 238 Lunelle (Taito 1982) 239 Magic (Stern 1979) 240 1974) Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Sega 241 Mars Trek (Sonic 1977) 242 Frankenstein (Sega 243 1995) 1995) Medieval Madness 244 Frontier (Bally 1980) 245 Mata Hari (Bally 1978) 246 Merlin (Williams 1997) Medieval Madness Medieval Madness - 247 Tom Tower (Williams 248 Tom Tower & Ninuzzu 249 Medusa (Bally 1981) 1997) (Williams 1997) Memory Lane (Stern 250 251 Metal Man (Inder 1992) 252 Metal Slug 1978) Metallica (Williams Metallica Premium 253 254 255 Meteor (Stern 1979) 1989) Monsters (Stern 2013) Mini Cycle (Gottlieb 256 MIBS (Gottlieb 1969) 257 258 Minions (Original 2017) 1970) Monopoly WOW (Stern Monster Bash (Williams 259 Monopoly (Stern 2001) 260 261 2001) 1998) Mortal Kombat II Mousin' Around! (Bally Mundial 90 (Inder 262 263 264 (Original 2016) 1989) 1990) Mustang (Gottlieb 265 266 Mustang (Stern 2014) 267 Mystic (Bally 1980) 1977) Nascar Race (Stern NBA Fastbreak (Bally NBA Fastbreak 268 269 270 2005) 1979) (Midway 1997) New York (Gottlieb NFL (Stern 2001) 271 272 NFL (Stern 2001) 49ers 273 1976) Bears NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 274 275 NFL (Stern 2001) Bills 276 Bengals Broncos NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 277 278 279 Browns Chargers Chiefs NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 280 NFL (Stern 2001) Colts 281 282 Cowboys Dolphins NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 283 284 285 Eagles Falcons Giants NFL (Stern 2001) 286 287 NFL (Stern 2001) Jets 288 NFL (Stern 2001) Lions Jaguars NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 289 290 291 Packers Panthers Patriots NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) NFL (Stern 2001) 292 293 294 Rams Ravens Steelers NFL (Stern 2001) Nitro Ground Shaker 295 296 Nine Ball (Stern 1980) 297 Vikings (Bally 1980) No Fear (Williams No Fear-Dangerous No Good Gofers 298 299 300 1995) Sports (Williams 1995) (Williams 1997) Old Chicago (Bally 301 Nova (Original 2012) 302 Odin Deluxe 303 1975) Old Coney Island Olympics (Gottlieb 304 305 306 Orbit (Gottlieb 1971) (Game Plan 1979) 1962) Out Of Sight (Gottlieb Outer Space (Gottlieb 307 308 309 OXO (Williams 1973) 1974) 1972) Paperboy (Original 310 311 Paragon (Bally 1979) 312 Party Zone (Bally 1991) 2017) Pinball Pool (Gottlieb Pink Panther (Gottlieb 313 314 Pinbot (Williams 1986) 315 1979) 1981) Pirates Of the 316 Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) 317 318
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